Miltimes 6 18 15 issue

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“Journalistic Excellence, Service, Integrity and Objectivity Always”

Vol. 34 • No. 25 • Thurs., June 18, 2015 - Wed., June 24, 2015 • An NCON Publication Serving The Milwaukee Area • 65¢ By: Brenda Sheppard-Nelson The 2014-2015 school year documents a great academic milestone for many graduates across the country. From California to New York and from Wisconsin to Texas, families have been celebrating the academic accomplishments of their children. As a single mother, I am blessed to be among this group of proud parents. There are countless stories about young African American males who come to strategic ends and then the point is revealed that they were raised in single-mother households. But you seldom hear about the single mothers, grandmothers or greatgrandmothers that are successful in the task. I have a story that has not been share enough. There are mothers who are not just successful with nurturing academic

Five Black college grads on the road to success minds; they are influencing the development of strong African American young men. This particular group of mothers did not achieve this accomplishment alone. They had the support of God, families, Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church, teachers, coaches, friends and the community. It is a story that must be repeated year after year. My son Nathan Nelson (December 2014 graduate of Grambling State University, wearing the tie) returned home in May 2015 to celebrate the graduations of four best friends; Antonio Davis (University of WisconsinOshkosh), Vincent Coleman (Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design), Lawrence Rabon (University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh) and Anthony Wright (University of Wisconsin - Madison). The pride I felt seeing five young

Photo By Brenda Sheppard Nelson

men reached a major life goal cannot be duplicated. I am so proud of them and I am thankful for all their supports. So, the next time you hear

how young African American males cannot be successful; remember the “5 Milwaukee Friends” who graduated from college…and who are products of Milwaukee Pub-

lic Schools and Messmer High School. Remember their story and believe it can happen again and again. Congratulations…You Make Us Proud!

Northcott Neighborhood House presents Miss Juneteenth Pageant 2015

Four poised and talented high school girls completed for the crown of Miss Juneteenth 2015 on Saturday, June 13, 2015 at the Wisconsin African American Women’s Center. Each contestant was judged on her personality, talent, evening wear, essays and interviewing questions. Hanette Kamanda (far right), a 16- year- old Rufus King High School student was crowned Miss Juneteenth 2015. The court was anchored by 1st runner-up Mariah Edwards, 2nd runner-up Mumina Ahmed, and 3rd runnerup Dortha Givahan. Each student was presented a bouquet of red roses and a college scholarship. Congratulations to all the contestants and their families. The pagent was sponsored by Northcott Neighborhood House, Inc. and kick-off celebration for Juneteenth is Friday, June 19, 2015.

Photo by Lynda Jackson Conyers

Christian Fellowship Church seeks to develop growing youth through Youth Empowerment Program Pastor Mary J. Lewis-Jiles of Christian Fellowship Community Church, 2176 N. 39th Street, on Tuesday evening, June 16, 2015, hosted a community meeting to develop strategies for the creation of a Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) at Christian Fellowship to aid youth as they develop into young adults. Ald. Russell W. Stamper, II, who represents the area, made a presentation directed towards several youth in the audience. Ald. Stamper is pictured here interacting with Chyna Jiles-Glenn who made suggestions regarding a YEP program. Pastor Jiles’ objectives were to receive input from residents of the area on ways to assist “youth in reaching positive goals through educational skills, creativity and community involvement.” A component of Pastor Jiles’ mission is reaching out to businesses, mentors, volunteers and retired school teachers and other community organizations to assist with this project in helping youth become entrepreneurs and productive citizens of this community.

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