Miltimes 7 30 15 issue

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Milwaukee's Only “Blue Chip” Community Newspaper

Weekly Newspaper

“Journalistic Excellence, Service, Integrity and Objectivity Always”

Vol. 34 • No. 31 • Thurs., July 30, 2015 - Wed.,Aug. 5, 2015 • An NCON Publication Serving The Milwaukee Area • 65¢

Molina Health Care helps continue a legacy of service to the health of the community

Sharron Coffie, manager of the Heart and Vascular Service Line Program at Froedtert Memorial Hospital and President of the Milwaukee Chapter of the Black Nurses Association, receive a $1,000 check from Molina Healthcare of Wisconsin on July 23 toward the Brenda Dockery Scholarship Fund. Ms. Dockery (inset), who died last spring at age 60 from an extremely aggressive form of cancer, was a past president of the Milwaukee Chapter of the Black Nurses Association. She was also served as a nurse practitioner at Milwaukee Health Services, Inc., a federally qualified health clinic located at 2555 N. Martin Luther King Drive for five years. One of Ms. Dockery’s professors, who later worked with her to encourage low-income women to get breast cancer screenings, described Ms. Dockery in an obituary in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel as “accomplished, committed and passionate.” Presenting the check to Ms. Coffie on behalf of File Photo Molina Healthcare of Wisconsin are (from left) Babette Honore, associate vice president of community engagement and Kelly Macon, manager for provider services.

Meet 2016's Daughters of the King debutantes

Debate on Bucks' arena continues

Staff Photo

Photo by Yvonne Kemp

The Open Door Christian Worship Center Church hosted their Daughters for the King Cotillion on Friday, July 24, 2015. Their purpose is to empower the participants to work toward their dreams; to love and appreciate everything about themselves; to value life and that change only comes through the belief in oneself; to understand and know the purpose of their creation and Creator; to value family and education; how to handle difficult situations; and to use their gift and talents in the proper way. The founder/event coordinator, Apostle Michele Lock, along with her team look forward to a greater event in 2016! The first place winner for ages 5-11 was Miss Lyric Hines and the first place winner for ages 12-16 was Miss Cynthia Lock. The Miss Congeniality Award went to Miss Chakevia Grays. Congratulations to all of the 2015 Debutantes!!!

Panelists praised the work on the new arena financing package negotiated by the City of Milwaukee during a Legislative Town Hall Meeting organized by state Senator Lena Taylor on July 23 at Greater New Birth Church, 8237 W. Silver Spring Rd. Supervisor Michael Mayo praised the negotiating team from the city while criticizing the county negotiating team which he said consisted largely of one person. He did not mention Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele by name. “They got something back for the city of Milwaukee,” Supervisor Mayo said. “We’ve got a $10 million piece of property that we are just giving away. We are not getting nothing… a dollar… and that revenue will go toward transportation."

In This Issue: Bobbi Kristina Brown passes at 22 - Page 2

State Fair is around the

MATC recognizes YouthBuild Program participants - Page 11

corner but what else is happening? - Page 13

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