Miltimes 8 13 15 issue

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The New Bigger & Better Milwaukee Times Newspaper and


Milwaukee's Only “Blue Chip” Community Newspaper

Weekly Newspaper

“Journalistic Excellence, Service, Integrity and Objectivity Always”

Vol. 34 • No. 33 • Thurs., Aug. 13, 2015 - Wed., Aug. 19, 2015 • An NCON Publication Serving The Milwaukee Area • 65¢

Milwaukee Times awards the Louvenia Johnson Scholarships to this year’s college bound students

On Saturday, August 8, 2015 eleven high school seniors were awarded scholarships from the Louvenia Johnson Scholarship Foundation sponsored by the Milwaukee Times. To date, the Louvenia Johnson Foundation has presented over $500,000 to college bound students. Pictured left, front row are Asiane Jordan, Jamea Hoover, Richard Williams, Tamyra Cooper, Destiny Dallas, (second row) Milwaukee Times publisher Lynda Jackson Conyers, Micah Childs, Nyairah Abdullah, and Milwaukee Urban League President and CEO Ralph Hollmon. Not pictured, scholarship recipients Stephon Roby, Brittany Smith, Chiara Sanders and Trentyn Smith. Congratulations to the 2015 Louvenia Johnson Scholarship students……Mrs. Johnson’s legacy lives on……

Congratulations and good luck college bound freshmen!

Photo by Yvonne Kemp

North Division hosts 15th Annual back-to-school health fair

General Baptist State Convention 2015 hosts 90th Annual Session

With school season around the corner, Mayor Tom Barrett (bottom photo) kicked off the City of Milwaukee Health Department’s annual Back-to-School Health Fair on Friday, August 7, 2015, at North Division High School. Students accompanied by a parent or guardian received immunizations, blood lead testing, vision and dental screenings, and more. Free backpacks and school supplies were also given out. The 2015 health fair is presented by the City of Milwaukee Health Department and United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County in partnership with Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Children’s Community Health Plan, United Healthcare, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Molina Healthcare, MHS Health Wisconsin, and Milwaukee Urban League. Pictured at the event are (top photo) president of Molina Health Care Scott Johnson with local children and (bottom photo) Milwaukee Urban League president and CEO Ralph Hollmon and “Elmo,” from Sesame Street.

Photos by Yvonne Kemp

In This Issue:

New Feature Question of the Week:

Should choice, charter and parochial schools have the same academic standards as the Milwaukee Public School System? Yes/No?

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Member churches and delegates of The General Baptist State Convention of Wisconsin, Inc., hosted their 90th Annual Session on Monday, August 3 – Thursday, August 6, at 6:30 p.m. nightly at The Way of the Cross Missionary Baptist Church. “Working Together in Unity to Fulfill God’s Purpose” (II Corinthians 5:17-18) is the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. and affiliated churches five year theme. The State Youth Annual Session was held on Friday, July 31, 2015. Sister Talijah Williams, State Youth President, delivered her annual address. Sister Lenora Brown is the State Youth Director. Associate Ministers’ Night was held on Monday, August 3, 2015. Rev. Dr. John Miller, PhD, GBSC State Missionary delivered his annual address; Dr. Bonita F. Smith, GBSC Woman Auxiliary President, delivered her annual message on Tuesday, August 4, 2015; On Wednesday, August 5, 2015, Deacon Albert Brown, GBSC Laymen President spoke; and on Thursday night, Rev. Dr. Gary Levy, GBSC President delivered his Annual Message. The week-long convention culminated with a gala black tie affair at Cardinal Stritch University Bonaventure Conference Center in Glendale, WI. National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., President Rev. Dr. Jerry Young was the keynote speaker. Pictured above (from left) are: Rev. Dr. Gary and Dr. Dessie Levy; NBCUSA, Inc., President Rev. Dr. Jerry Young, National Baptist Convention, USA Inc. Midwest Region Vice President Dr. Roger Kirk; and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. To view additional photos and video of this event, go to and click on videos on the home page.

Social Security and your spouse great advice from AARP - Page 17

Getting Ready to go Back to School : College - Pages 12, 14, 16 & 17

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