Miltimes 9 29 16 issue

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Celebrating 35 Years of The Milwaukee Times Newspaper and


Milwaukee's Only “Blue Chip” Community Newspaper

Weekly Newspaper

“Journalistic Excellence, Service, Integrity and Objectivity Always”

Vol. 35 • No. 38 • Thurs., Sept. 29, 2016 - Wed., Oct. 6, 2016 • An NCON Publication Serving The Milwaukee Area • 65¢

Milwaukee Branch NAACP host 2016 Freedom Fund Dinner

Mayor Barrett submits austere and resourceful 2017 proposed budget to Milwaukee Common Council

Staff Photo

Mayor Tom Barrett Photo by Robert Bell

On Friday, September 23, 2016 the NAACP Milwaukee Branch hosted their annual Freedom Fund Dinner at the Pfister Hotel in downtown Milwaukee. The theme for this year's dinner was, "Our Lives Matter, Our Votes Count" and the keynote address was delivered by TV One Morning News host Roland Martin. Pictured at the event are (from left) NAACP state president Frank A. Humphrey; NAACP Milwaukee Branch president Fred Royal, Jr.; MillerCoors business transformation process leader and M.C. Denise Thomas; guest speaker Roland Martin; and U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI).

BDPA Milwaukee Chapter hosts high school computer competition and youth technology camp awards ceremony

Photo by Yvonne Kemp

On Thursday, September 22, 2016 BDPA Milwaukee Chapter celebrated the success of its High School Computer Competition and Youth Technology Camp participants with an awards recognition ceremony at MillerCoors. The Milwaukee chapter completed its 3rd year of operation by preparing nine students to participate and compete in the 2016 National BDPA High School Computer Competition in Atlanta, GA on August 10-13, 2017. BDPA's goal is to assist school in giving students a solid computer foundation. Awards went to area high school students that participated in the Youth Technology Camp. They are (from left, top row) Jalil Gibson, Alvin Cherry, Jeffery Simon, Noah Aitch, (from left, bottom row) Isaiah Jones, Nadia Chestnut, Jayla Hopkins, and Vendah Jones.

Despite “the triple whammy of increased pension obligations, rising health care costs and cuts in state aid” Mayor Tom Barrett submitted to the Milwaukee Common Council a proposed 2017-18 budget of $1.53 billion which includes just a 2.7 percent increase in taxes. According to Mayor Barrett, the average homeowner will experience an annual property tax increase of $26.40 and a municipal fee increase of $10.86. The additional funds will address some longstanding infrastructure, public health and safety needs. Those needs include replacement of lead used in pipes which supply drinking water to about half of all Milwaukee residences and businesses. In addition there are a number of houses which contain lead paint. Elevated lead levels below the fatal threshold in the human body can cause learning and behavioral disabilities, especially in children. The proposed 2017 budget allocates $11 million over two years and prioritizes replacement of pipes at 385 state licensed day-care centers. The budget also includes $4.3 million in funding to increase the 17,000 houses which have already been made lead paint safe. The cost to replace all 70,000 houses estimated to contain lead pipe will cost $770 million. The budget presentation also included the news that two major employers have committed to opening major manufacturing operations at the Century City Industrial Complex, located at the old A.O. Smith Automotive manufacturing center. During Governor Scott Walker’s first year in office, he terminated a multi-million dollar contract to build two new train sets for the Chicago-Milwaukee Amtrak cor-

ridor to be built by Spanish railroad manufacturer, Talgo. The decision cost Wisconsin taxpayers at least $40 million for the unused trains the title to which a court awarded to Talgo, meaning the state received virtually nothing for its investment. Recently Talgo won a contract to refurbish commuter rail cars for the City of Los Angeles and announced it would use its former Milwaukee manufacturing facility to refurbish the trains. Century City will also have another major new manufacturer after the Rev Group announced it will be assembling prototypes as it competes for a U.S. Postal Service contract to build the next generation of delivery vehicles. The proposed budget includes a 60 percent increase in funding a variety of programs to help homeowners struggling to avoid foreclosure. Milwaukee has also benefited from the sale of 369 renovated tax-foreclosed homes. Law enforcement agencies will receive a $127 million budget increase that is nearly double the amount it received in 2004; the first year that Mayor Barrett assumed office. Putting the $302 million law enforcement budget in perspective, Mayor Barrett said the amount was more than the entire $267 million Milwaukee property tax assessment. The increase calls for 165 new police officers, almost all of whom will replace officers who are expected to retire. Calling the recent surge of violence unacceptable, Mayor Barrett said that “courts and cops are not the only answer.” Healthy neighborhoods, youth development and violence prevention are proven crime reduction strategies that are less confrontational and potentially less discriminatory.

An NCON Communications Publication

News Briefs

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Wednesday, October 6, 2016

Milwaukee Public Library offers amnesty on overdue books The Milwaukee Public Library is offering an amnesty period from September 26 through October 9 to patrons of all ages who may have been blocked from checking out books and other materials due to fines and fees caused by overdue material in the past. During the amnesty period library staff will be available to assist patrons to reconnect to the resources the Milwaukee Library system has to offer. During the amnesty period any patron may come in and ask forgiveness for themselves or for their children even if they are unable to produce the missing book or material. Patrons interested in taking advantage of this program must appear in per-

son. Fees and fines owed to suburban Milwaukee County libraries are not eligible for the amnesty. For additional information about the program consult the Milwau-

kee Public Library website: fine_forgiveness_campaign_2016.php

Presidential Debate: Trump rooted for housing crisis By Urban Media News Staff During the first presidential debate between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and reality TV star Donald Trump, an issue which has been infrequently discussed during the campaign rose to the forefront – the housing crisis. Milwaukee was one of the hardest hit cities in the country when it came to housing during the Great Recession. More than six years after the recession Milwaukee homeowners were nearly 200 percent more likely to face foreclosure. At that time, upwards of 40 percent of homeowners were underwater on their mortgages, ranking Milwaukee one of the five hardest hit metro areas in the country. Millions of Americans ultimately lost their homes during the Great Recession, a crisis which came to the fore when Secretary Clinton charged that Donald Trump actually rooted for the housing crisis to occur in the first place. Said Clinton, Mr. Trump “was one of the people who rooted for the housing crisis. He said back in 2006, ‘Gee, I hope it does collapse because then I can go in and buy some and make some money'.” Mr. Trump’s response was revealing. “That’s called business.” No apology. No explanation that he was speaking only as an investor and not as a candidate for office. Even weeks before his potential election as President of the United States, Mr. Trump does not seem to grasp that fact that cheerleading for a

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at the first Presidential Debate on Monday, September 26, 2016. housing crisis which drove millions from their homes is a bad look. According to CNN, when asked about the prospect of a housing collapse in 2006, Mr. Trump stated, “I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy. You know if you’re in a good cash position, which I’m in a good cash position today, then people like me would go in and buy like crazy. If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you know you could make a lot of money.”

life. Secretary Clinton went on to discuss the corners cut by Mr. Trump throughout his career, including failing to pay contractors for work performed on his real estate ventures.

Throughout the campaign Mr. Trump has struggled to communicate that he understands the struggles facing ordinary Americans trying to make ends meet, provide a better life for their children, and retire with dignity. Simply put, Mr. Trump’s wealth makes it impossible for him to understand what working and middle class families experience on a daily basis.

Today, things are better in metro areas like Madison and Milwaukee when it comes to the availability of housing, but persistent joblessness and stagnant wages in primarily African American and Latino neighborhoods continues, making owning a home difficult for too many.

At another point in the debate, Secretary Clinton drove that point home when she noted that Trump began his career with the help of a $14 million loan from his father. Very few individuals have that type of head start in

An NCON Communications Publication

Pointing out that her father made drapes for a living and connecting it to the owner of a small drapery she met on the campaign trail who had been stiffed by Mr. Trump’s business she stated the obvious, she was glad her father had never done business with Trump or anyone like him.

Our communities need elected leaders who understand that owning a home is the difference between realizing the American dream or not, and prioritize expanding opportunity for our communities. We don't need someone who chalks up rooting for a housing crisis as “just business.”

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Early voting began in Milwaukee and Madison on September 26 Early voting began in Milwaukee and Madison on September 26, but the voter ID laws approved by the Republican-dominated state legislature will remain in effect, potentially causing confusion for some who wish to cast an early or absentee ballot. In order to vote, a resident must produce a proof of residence document. A driver’s license or state ID card which has a current address is sufficient. Those lacking one of those two documents can bring a utility bill, tax bill or pay stub. There are several

other documents which can be used. A full list of qualifying is available from the Wisconsin Ethics and Elections Commission. The internet website address for the complete list is http://www. voter-guides/proof-of-residence. Those wishing to register must also provide the last four digits of their Social Security number. Although potential voters do not need a photo ID card to register to vote, one must be provided to vote.

Beginning October 1 drivers will be fined for talking on telephones in highway work zones Beginning October 1, drivers passing through a construction zone in Wisconsin will be subject to a $40 citation for a first offense. Repeat offenders will be charged $100. The new law makes it illegal to talk on a hand-held mobile device while driving through a construction zone. Bluetooth and hands-free devices will remain legal to use. Emergency 911 calls will

also be exempt, according to Wisconsin Department of Transportation spokesperson David Hunt. “The logic here is that when you enter a work zone you have narrowing lanes and shifting lanes and you really need undivided attention,” he said. “We know mobile device use is a factor nationally in 1 in 4 crashes.”

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper Louvenia Johnson Luther Golden Nathan Conyers (1981-2008) (1981-2005) (1981- ) Lynda J. Jackson Conyers, Publisher Jacquelyn D. Heath, Editorial Page Editor

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper NCON Publications welcomes letters to the editor, as a response to subjects reported or analyzed in the newspaper or on other issues of interest to the community. All letters must be legible, and contain a signature and a phone number. Submissions must be received by Friday to be considered for the following Thursday’s publication.

STAFF Publisher/President Lynda J. Jackson Conyers Assistant Manager/ Marketing Director Ara V. Jackson Graphic Artists William Gooden Michelle Anibas

Founders Louvenia Johnson Nathan Conyers Luther Golden Website Manager Antonio Alexander Print Shop Manager Angel Reyes

The Milwaukee Times Weekly newspaper is published each Thursday at 1936 N. MLK Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Telephone: 414-263-5088 • Fax: 414-263-4445 Email: •

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Growing Spiritually In Jesus


Christian Times

Wednesday, October 6, 2016

Dr. Hugh Davis Jr., Th.D Pastor of Mount Carmel Baptist Church 1717 W. Meinecke Ave. Milwaukee WI. 53206

The undiscouraged perseverance of God

Paul had a magnificent confidence in the Divine Perseverance. Philippians 1:6 (KJV). Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: This verse lift us out of our own circumstanced circle, and into the grand sweep of the Divine Purpose which cannot fail, because God cannot fail. Our God knows no unfinished task, He completes what he begins. The good work of salvation in you will run its Divine Course. An excellent example of this proposition is found in the book of Genesis 32:1-32 we have here not only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Adam, but the God of Jacob as well. What a character Jacob was: A cheater, crooked, a schemer, con artist, you name it he could claim it, if it was negative, low down, and carnal it would probably fit Jacob, but we shouldn’t point a finger. God would not be deterred from relentlessly persevering after him. Note what God said of Jacob and the men of Israel: Isaiah 41:14 (KJV) Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the LORD, and

thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. You can’t get much lower than a worm. Thanks and glory be to God that He does not stop in His pursuit of us. God’s plan and purpose is not to use the rich and the high and mighty, the wise, the some bodies of this world, but regular folk like you and I. Not to say that He does not use those who are rich and lofty; for God can and does use anyone for any purpose that He sees fit; but so often times in life and in His Word He uses the down and out, the broken hearted, and the disenfranchised; and He has not changed, He is still the same God using the same people like you and me. Behind Jacob’s duplicity, meanness, and scheming was a desire and capacity for the spiritual. And for that reason God would not stop pursuing him, and for that same reason God will not stop pursuing us, what a mighty God we serve, He is AWESOME. The discriminating disciplines of the God Isaiah 28:24 (KJV) (28:24) Doth the plowman plow

all day to sow? doth he open and break the clods of his ground? The disciplines of life may be painful but they are never purposeless. All chastening considered in the light of the immediate present seems to be fraught not with pleasure, but with pain; but in the long run it yields a harvest of righteousness; Hebrews 12:1 (KJV) Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. If we desire the harvest we must welcome the discipline. In the book of Isaiah, chapter 28:23-29 as the backdrop, we find a parable of a farmer seeking answers concerning the disciplining of Israel by God. The application

Rebuilding Our Community Connecting the dots

It is easier to point to a particular problem after a negative event occurs that takes us all by surprise. But after some time and thought, we soon come to realize that some indicators or signs were missed early on. And if those indicators or signs could have been identified earlier, perhaps a meaningful solution could have been found. What makes it so challenging in finding a solution is not knowing what to



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look for, false assumptions, miscalculations, lack of cultural awareness, lack of vision or limited listening skills. Regardless of how we see or feel about it, what is occurring all across America these days with the easy access to guns, legal and illegal drugs is greatly impacting our way of life. And when you add this new normal to the mixture that includes poverty, unemployment, disabilities, mental illness, food deserts, PTSD, AIDS, racism, trauma lead in water pipes, cancer, and domestic violence, then

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here is not only for Israel but all who read it, for it speaks of God’s method of bringing about a desired future, not only for them, but for all of us who are called, and have been made just by the blood of Jesus. Here we see that there are three parts to farming, (1) one is plowing, (2) the planting, and (3) is the harvesting. As simplistic as it may sound, all three are necessary; in addition there must be planning and knowledge of how to farm in order to reap a bountiful harvest. The farmer must know what type of soil he is plowing; is rocky, sandy, is it a dirt clay mix, is it volcanic, is it hard or very soft, is nutrient enriched, or a poor soil? The farmer must be knowledgeable of the type of soil that is being cultivated in order to properly farm it. In the same manner, He who knows everything about us knows all about the soil of our heart, our strengths, weaknesses, fears, jealousies, pride, stubbornness, or whatever makes us who we are. The Lord carefully works the soil of our hearts all the while knowing exactly what we need to make us what

we are to become. Sometimes the breaking up of the soil of our heart may be uncomfortable and sometimes painful, but the Lord will not put more on us thing we can bear. Secondly, after the Lord plows the soil of our heart He then plants the seeds, all of the experiences or lack of them that are necessary for us to be what He has called us to be. The right seeds for the right soil, every detail is meticulously attended to. We are being woven into the tapestry that God has ordained for each and every one of us; many of those experiences will not be joyous one, and many of the experiences will be joyous, whatever it takes. There will be times of hopelessness, and times of exhilaration, times of victory and defeats as well, but all of it is necessary if we are to be what God has ordained us to be. We must never forget that we belong to the Lord and we don’t belong to ourselves, we are bought with a price: we are paid for by the blood of Jesus; paid in full at the cross.

By Dr. Andrew Calhoun, Ed.D. Special to the Milwaukee Times

what we are experiencing is just the beginning of more to come. In one way or another, many researchers and community leaders are aware that many of the ills of our society are linked together. Sometimes the links are clear, due to testing of what an individual has ingested, while others links can only be determined by looking through a social, economic or culture lens. In many situations the links are similar due to the outcomes and what happens. While other situations vary from one case to another, each case helps us to better understand what people are dealing with and how they are coping. I know that is easy to point a finger at this or that as an underlying cause to an event. Of course that would not help us to fully understand the situation or issues at hand. However, when an event occurs, it should give us clues and alert us of what we should be on the look-

out for. Each event may be isolated, but does not mean that it will not happen again. The event may be one of a kind, it may happen on your watch, but each event serves as a wakeup call to what just happen and if we are wise in our pursuit for answers we have to connect the dots and follow where they go. Dr. Andrew Calhoun, can be contacted at andrewiiicalhoun@, Twitter #AC53, and Facebook. You can hear Dr. Calhoun each Sunday at Grace Fellowship Church, 3879 N. Port Washington Rd. Milwaukee 414-265-5546. The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or NCON Communication, its staff or management. "Rebuilding Our Community" is a weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.

An NCON Communications Publication

Christian Times

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Wednesday, October 6, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

The Counseling Corner

By Rev. Judith T. Lester, B.Min. M.Th

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Week 1) October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We are joining forces with the American Cancer Society to help continue to raise awareness about breast cancer risk factors and that early detection does save lives! What are the key statistics about breast cancer? According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers. About 1 in 8 (12 percent) women in the US After increasing for more will develop invasive breast than 20 years, breast cancer cancer during their lifetime. incidence rates in women began decreasing in 2000, and The American Cancer So- dropped by about 7 percent ciety's estimates for breast from 2002 to 2003. This cancer in the United States large decrease was thought for 2016 are: to be because fewer women used hormone therapy after • About 246,660 new cases menopause after the results of invasive breast cancer will of the Women's Health Inibe diagnosed in women. tiative were published in 2002. This study linked using • About 61,000 new cases hormone therapy to an inof carcinoma in situ (CIS) creased risk of breast cancer will be diagnosed (CIS is and heart diseases. In recent non-invasive and is the ear- years, incidence rates have liest form of breast cancer). been stable in white women, but have increased slightly in • About 40,450 women will African American women. die from breast cancer.

en should be familiar with the known benefits, limitations, and potential harms associated with breast cancer screening. They should also be familiar with how their breasts normally look and feel and report any changes to a health care provider right away. *Resource: American Cancer Society (

The American Cancer Society notes that breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women. (Only lung cancer kills more women each year.) The chance that a woman will die from breast cancer is about 1 in 36 (about 3 percent). Death rates from breast cancer have been dropping since about 1989, with larger decreases in women younger than 50. These decreases are believed to be the result of finding breast cancer earlier through screening and increased awareness, as well as better treatments. The American Breast Cancer Society notes, however, when it comes to screening, all wom-

Next Week: Guidelines for Screening for Women At Average Risk The writer does not assume responsibility in any way for readers’ efforts to apply or utilize information or recommendations made in these articles, as they may not be necessarily appropriate for every situation to which they may refer. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or health care provider. You are encouraged to discuss with your doctor any questions or health concerns you may have. If you would like to contact Rev. Lester, write to her c/o P.O. Box 121, Brookfield, WI. 53008.

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Abundant Faith Church of Integrity 7830 West Good Hope Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53223

(414) 464-5001

ADULT LEARNING LAB Abiding Faith Fellowship Baptist Church

Weekly Schedule:

Pastor Anthony Oliphant Sr. 4600 West Burleigh Street Milwaukee, WI 53210

ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday School ………………… 9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship …… 10:30 am Tel: (414) 444-2822 Fax: (414) 444-2877

Another Chance M.B.C.

Pastor Robert Pyles

“Discover Your Abundant Faith”

Weekly Schedule

4441 West Fond Du Lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 527-9986 Phone

"Not Perfect, But Forgiven"

An NCON Communications Publication

Order of Services Sunday School......................................9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship....................11:00 am Wed. Prayer & Bible Study....................6:30 pm Thurs. Mass Choir Rehearsal...............7:00 pm Come Home to Antioch

Bethany Church of God in Christ 1930 North 13th Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 Office #: (414) 885-6010

Pastor Charles G. Green

Sunday School.............................9:30 am Sun. Worship Service..................10.45 am Wed. Bible Study.............……… 6:00 pm

Sunday Worship… 10:00 a.m. Tuesday……………6:15 p.m.

New Life New Beginnings Outreach Suite 205 3500 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 445-1072 Free Computer Classes ECDL License Software Registration Fee $25 Wed. 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Mon. & Wed. evening 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Weekly Open Enrollment

Pastor Donell Allen, Sr.

Sun. School………….….....9:00 a.m. Sun. Service…….……......10:15 a.m. Wed. Bible Study….............7:00 p.m. Fri. Drug Prevention…........6:00 p.m. Fri. Praise Team Rehearsal...7:30 p.m. Sat. Commty. Outreach........3:00 p.m.

"Bethany, the little church with a big heart; where everybody is somebody." - Pastor Allen

BETHEL Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 3281 N. 26th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Willie F. Dockery, Jr. “The Church on the Grow”

Weekly Schedule Sun. School ………….… 8:30 a.m. Sun Worship ………….. 10:00 a.m. Thursday Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ……………………. 7:00 p.m. 442-8970.

Pastor Robert Armstrong BETHESDA BAPTIST CHURCH “THE HOUSE OF MERCY” 2909 N. 20th Street. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Tel: 414-442-1323 Fax: 414-442-1334 E-Mail:

Order of Service: Morning Worship .....................8:00 AM Sun. Enrichment Hour ...........10:00 AM 3rd Sun. Communion Service..3:00 PM Mon. Prayer..............................6:30 PM Tues. Bible Class......................7:00 PM

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Christian Times

Wednesday, October 6, 2016


Calvary Hill Temple Apostolic Faith Church 8401 N. 60th Street (St. Martin’s) • Brown Deer, WI 53223 Phone: (414)442-0099 • Email:

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Phone: 414-372-1450

Order of Service Sun. Christian School/Manna…12:00 p.m.

Fax: 414-372-0850 Website:

Tues. Prayer/Bible Class………10:00 a.m.

SCHEDULE OF SERVICES BLESSED DELIVERANCE Missionary Baptist Church Rev. J. Anthony Phillips

Wed. Broadcast 1560AM…10:45-11:15 a.m. Thur. Prayer/Bible Class…………6:30 p.m.

Sunday: Sun. School ................................... 8:15 a.m. Morn. Worship ................................ 9:30 a.m.

2215 North 23rd Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 344-9645 (Office) (414) (Fax)

Pastor/Founder - Jeanetta Perry, DD(P.A.W) Wednesday: Bible Study .................... 10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Weekly schedule: Sun. School .................... 8:45-9:45 a.m. Sun. Worship ........................ 10:00 a.m. Wen. Bible Study ......... 10 a.m. & 6 p.m.

Saturday: Early Morning Prayer ......................... 7:00 a.m.

CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Dr. Mary Jean Lewis-Jiles 2176 N. 39th Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Weekly schedule: Sun. Worship ......................... 10:45 a.m. Sunday School ........................ 9:00 a.m. Sat. Teacher’s Mtg., ................. 9:00 a.m. Wen. Prayer Service & Bible Class ....... ........................................... 6 - 8:00 p.m. Wed. A.M. Bible Class ............ 9- 10 a.m.

Ministers: Elder Jessie Reed, Elder Jimmie Sanders, Elder James Hartlep, Evangelist Dorothy Evans, and Mother Annie Mae Hartlep

Corinth Missionary Baptist Church 1874 N 24th Place Milwaukee, WI 53205 Phone: 414-933-1987 Fax: 414-933-3545 Rev. John Laura, Pastor

CHRIST TEMPLE C.O.G.I.C. Elder Travis D. Evans, Sr., Pastor 2778 N. 10th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 414-263-0500 church office www. ctemplecogic.og Opportunities to Worship Sunday School ……………9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship ..... 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship ..... 7:00 PM Wed. Evening Worship .... 6:45 PM


3649 N. Teutonia Ave. Elder Milwaukee, WI 53206 Stephen Hawkins, pastor. Weekly Schedule: Sun. School ......................... 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ..................... 11:00 a.m. Phone 445-1980. Do watch us grow. Come and grow with us.

Citadel Of Praise Church of God In Christ 2328 West Capitol Drive Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 299-0608 Deon Young, Pastor WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sun. Celebration of Worship…………….…………… 12:00 p.m. Wed. - WoW Pastoral Teaching ………………………...……………… 7:00 p.m.


Weekly Schedule Sunday School 0 9:00 A.M. Sun. Morn. Worship 10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Service 6:00 P.M. Wed. Bible Study 0 7:00 P.M. Transportation Available Wednesday - Mission -6 :00 pm Thursday Choir Rehearsal - 7:00 pm “A Church Empowering Lives with Gods Word”

2249 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Weekly Schedule Church Sun. School ................. 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ........ 7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Prayer Service ................. Wed. 6:00 p.m. Church phone: 414.445-1610

Fellowship of Love Missionary Baptist Church

CORNERSTONE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 2329 North 12th Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 Pastor Rev. William Jackson Missionary Arleathia Myers 414-243-2684 Weekly Schedule Sun. School ........................... 10:00 a.m. Sun. A.M. Worship ............... 11:00 a.m.

DAMASCUS Missionary Baptist Church 2447 N. 27th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53206 Dr. Ellis Wilkins, Pastor Weekly Schedule Sun. School ............................. 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ......................... 10:30 a.m. Baptist Training Union (BTU) ... 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship ..................... 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting & Bible Class ..... 6:00 p.m. Phone: 374-6650 or 263-9229.

Eternal Life Church of God in Christ

Rev. B. L. Cleveland, Pastor & Founder Mother E. L. Cleveland, First Lady 7901 N. 66th St. Milwaukee, WI 53223 Ph: (262)242-2878 • Fax: (262)242-0978 e-mail: Worship Services Sunday School..............9:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship...............…11:00 a.m. Tuesday Bible Study............................7:00 p.m. Thursday Bible Study & Evangelical Service ...................................................................7:00 p.m.

EVERGREEN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1138 West Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 265-0400 • (414) 265-0424

Rev. Judith T. Lester, Pastor

Worship Schedule Sun. Church School .................. 8:45 am Sun. Morning Worship ............... 10:00 am Wed. evening Prayer, Bible Study, & Spiritual Formation .................... 6:30 pm

For more info. visit:

Worship Services Temporarily Held at New Covenant Baptist Church 2315 North 38th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53210 Sunday Morning Worship 12:15 p.m.

God’s Will & Way Church of God in Christ

Friendship Progressive Baptist Church 2127 W. Garfield Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 Rev. Michael A. Cokes, Sr. and First Lady Tangie Cokes Order of Service Sun. Early Morn. Worship.............9:15 a.m. Sun. Worship Service...............10:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Study...................... 6:00 p.m. Come G.L.O.W. with us. Stay in touch by texting 71441 and the word theship. Our motto: “No more church as usual”

Pastor H.S. McClinton Genesis Missionary Baptist Church 231 W. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53224 Rev. A.L. Douglas Jr., Pastor ORDER OF SERVICE Sun. School .......................... 9:15 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ......... 10:45 a.m. Praising, Great Preaching, Teaching Other ministries to be announced. Church Telephone: 372-7675 Pastor Telephone: 372-7743


Weekly Services: Sun. School ............... 10:00 AM Sun. Service ...............11:15 AM (414)933-3280 (414)-933-3469 3100 West Lisbon Av. Milwaukee, WI 53208

Pastor Willie Genous & First Lady Evangelist Jo Genous

2900 N. 9th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 264-4866 Service Times Prayer M-F ………. 9:00-9:30 a.m. Sunday Sunday School …………… 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship ………. 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer ……………… 6:30-7:00 p.m. Bible Study ……… 7:00-8:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal ………… 8:00 p.m.

Where there is peace in the midst of the storm

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 905 West North Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 Church Phone: (414) 263-6113

Joseph H. Jackson, Jr. - Pastor Weekly Schedule Sunday School ....................... 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship .................. 10:45 a.m. Wen. Bible Study .................. 6:00 p.m.

God’s Glory Church Min.

7017 W. Medford Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53218 Office: (414) 630-0752 Email: Pastors Founders: Elder O.R. and Evang. A. McCoy

Weekly Schedule Sun. Worship……….....………Noon Wed. Bible Study…….......……6 p.m.

Prayer every Tuse. & Thur. @ Noon

God’s Glory Church Ministry 4679 No. 36th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223 (414)875-0660 Order of Services: Sun. School………… 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship……….11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study……6:00 p.m. Fri. Evening Evang....6:30 p.m.

Pastor/Founder Jeanetta Perry BA, DP (PAW)

Staff: James Hartley Angela Hartley Jeanitta Perry Dorothy Evans Jessie Reed Mother Annie Hartly Jammie Sonders

Grace Fellowship Church of Milwaukee “Helping God’s People To Find Their Place In A Complex World.” Worship Schedule Sun. Bible Study ...........10:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ................ 11:15 a.m. 3879 North Port Washington Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-265-5546 Rev. Andrew & Brenda Calhoun

Greater Faith Outreach Ministries, Inc. 1934 W. North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 414-562-5183 Bishop Bernard Dotson, Pastor Worship Schedule Sun. School ....................... 9:30 Sun. Morning Worship ...... 11:30 Sun. Evening Service ........ 7:30 Tues. Prayer Service ........... 7:30 Wed. - Bible Class ............... 7:30 Fri. - Family Night or Evangelistic Service .............................. 7:30 Sunday 1560AM ........... 1 until 2

Pray Line: 562-5183

a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

GREATER GALILEE Missionary Baptist Church “Where Jesus is Lord” Pastor Johnny C. White, Jr. 2432 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 Weekly Schedule: Sun. School ........................................ 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ...................... 10:30 a.m. Wed. Prayer & Bible Study ...................... ............................. 11:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. (414) 562-1110 - Church


2479 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53210-2947 Office Phone: (414) 871-LORD (5673) Kenneth E. Cutler, Sr., Pastor Worship Schedule Sun. School ........................................... 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ....................... 10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting ........................... 6:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Study ................................. 6:30 p.m.

An NCON Communications Publication

Christian Times

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Wednesday, October 6, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper


Healing Grace

God's Glory Church Ministry

5384 North 60th St. Milwaukee, WI 53218 (414) 463-5035 e-mail: web:

Superintendant Victor C. Davis, Sr.


Worship Services Sun. School ................................. 9:30 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ........... 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Tues. PM Prayer ......................... 6:00 p.m.

GREATER SPIRIT EVERINCREASING CHURCH (Service at New Prospect Church) 2407 W. Nash St. Milwaukee, WI 53206

Wed. Bible Study ...................... 6:30 p.m.

ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday Worship......................1:00 p.m. 1st & 5th Sun. P.M. Worship....6:00 p.m. Wed. Night Prayer....................6:30 p.m.

Fri Intercessory Prayer ............... 7:00 p.m. Fri. Deliverance Service ............ 7:30 p.m.

Your Community Church • Won’t You Join Us? Hallowed Missionary Baptist Church

(414) 355-4545 MAILING ADDRESS: 7631 W. Glenbrook Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53223

Sunday School.................9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship.............11:00 a.m. Wed. Open Bible Discussion.......... .............................................6:30 p.m. (414) 444-2620

Order of Service Sunday Morning Worship - 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday School.........................................10:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship...........................6:45 PM Tuesday Prayer....................................12:00 Noon Tuesday Prayer & Bible Band....................7:00 PM Tuesday Pastoral Teaching........................7:30 PM Friday Prayer.......................................12:00 Noon Friday Evangelistic Service........................7:00 PM

3800 N. Washington Road Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 265-5161

Word of Hope Telecast • Sunday 9AM • ION/PAX TV • Channel 55/Cable Channel 15 Word of Hope Broadcast JOY WJYI 1340am • Mon – Fri 3:15 PM-3:30 PM

Bishop C. H. McClelland


Word of Hope Ministries, Inc. Social Services, Health Care, ATODA, Employment Services, Family & Individual Counseling, Free Computer Training/ GED assistance, Prisoner Re-entry Services (414) 447-1965

“Holy Cathedral is A Ministry That Touches People”

“A Local Church With A Global Mission”

4245 N. 60th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216

Pastor Nathaniel Deans Sunday School .............. 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Sunday Service ........... 9:15 a.m. to Noon Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible class .................... ........……….. 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Thu. Bible Class ...... 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Come hear a Word from the Lord, it will change your direction.

Holy Temple Firstborn MB Church, Inc. 4960 N. 18th Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 414-264-4002 (Office) Dr. Lezar & Lady Burnside Pastors

Dr. Betty S. Hayes, Pastor & Founder of Holy Mt. Carmel MBC 2127 W. Garfield Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 and Christ Gospel On The Rise Soul Saving Ministry, Harrell, AR. WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sun. Words To Grow By....................9 a.m. Sunday Worship........................10:45 a.m. RADIO MINISTRIES Sat. (Milwaukee) WGLB 1560 Sat. at 9:15 a.m. • Sun. at 8:25 a.m.

Sunday School...................8:00 a.m. Sun. Worship......................9:15 a.m. Tues. Bible Class................7:00 p.m.

(414) 344-5361 (Office) Prayer Line - (414) 446-713324 hr.

“Changing Lives with a Changeless Word”

Jesus Is The Way Ministries (C.O.G.I.C)

JEREMIAH Missionary Baptist Church

HOLY TEMPLE Missionary Baptist Church

Weekly Services Sun. School………………9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship……………10:00 a.m. Prayer and Bible Study…...…6:30 p.m.

2677 North 40th Street • Milwaukee, WI 53210 Church Office (414) 447-1967

Rev Aaron Morgan, Pastor

Weekly Schedule Sun. School........................9:30 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship............11:00 a.m. Wend. Bible Study & Prayer.............................6:00 p.m.

5202 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 Pastor/Teacher Rev. Kenneth Hughes

Lloyd Wright, Sr. Pastor, Author & Teacher 6151 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 628-2367

Holy Cathedral Church Of God In Christ

Heritage International Ministries C.O.G.I.C. Dr. Nathaniel J. Stampley, D. Min. Mother Carolyn R. Stampley, M.Ed. Eld. Darrell Grayson, Assistant Pastor 1036 W. Atkinson Ave. • Milw., WI 53206 Phone: 414-264-2727 E-mail: Web: Weekly Schedule Sunday School......................9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship....10:30 a.m. Monday - Friday Prayer...........6:00 a.m. Thursday Worship & Bible Studies....... ...............................................6:00 p.m.

Growing In Grace Fellowship Church

Founder's Elder O.R. and Evangelistn A. McCoy 15 Years of Ministry in God's Service 7017 West Medford Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53218 One block North of Hampton Ave. on 70th St. 414-875-0660 Order of Services: Sunday School…………………11:00 am Sunday Worship…………………12 noon Wednesday Bible Study…………6:00 pm Friday Evangelistic Service………6:30 pm

The King’s Temple The House of the Living God

2034 W. Center St. Milwaukee, WI 53206 Ph: (414) 265-5057 Fax: (414) 265-5029 Sunday School.............................10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship...........................11:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Daily Prayer..................10:00 a.m Tuesday Night Prayer.............6:00-7:00 p.m Thursday Intercessory Prayer - 7:00-7:30 p.m. Thursday Pastoral Teaching - 7:30-8:30 p.m.

Pastor Eugene Cowan, II Senior Servent Leader 4519 W. Villard Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 Phone: 461-8484 • Fax: 461-9797 Weekly Schedule Sunday School.......................9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship...................10:00 a.m. Tues. Bible Class ..................... 6:30 p.m. “Transforming lives though the Word of God”

JERUSALEM MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Donnie Sims 2505 West Cornell St. Milwaukee, WI 53209 442-4720 Sunday Service.......10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Night......7:00 p.m.

- Family AODA Treatment -

Pastor, Louis Fuller, Sr. Co-Pastor, Bea Fuller

- Transportation Available -

Pastor Jeffrey Coleman First Lady Brenda Coleman

“A Twenty-First Century Church”

Lamb of God Missionary Baptist Church

Classes/Services: Daily Living Skills House Management Service Housing Assistance Life Skills Training Parenting Class

3500 N. Sherman Blvd. Weekly Schedule

Sunday School.....................10:30 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship..........11:30 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Bible Class...........................6:30 p.m.

Spiritual Support Parent Assistance Education/Academic Skills Development Domestic Violence Services Mentoring Prison Ministry

Church 578-7425

Many Mansions Pentecostal Ministries, Inc.

Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church

8415 W. Bradley Road Milwaukee, WI 53224 414.355.0931, 414.355.7045(fax) (email) (website) Kairos International Christian Church (414) 374-KICC (5422) Sunday Community Ministry......................9:00 am Thursday Community Ministry...................7:00 pm Thur. S.E.T for Youth (Self Expression Thursday) ..................................................................7:00 pm

Pastors Terrence and Dr. Cheryl Moore


Rev. Christopher R. Boston, Pastor

Worship Schedule Sunday School .......................... 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ......................10:15 a.m. WOW-Word on Wednesday.... 6:30 p.m.

Gatherings held at Dr. Martin Luther King Elementary School 3275 N. Third Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 (enter parking lot on Ring Street)

Time to Worship, Opportunity to Serve

Miracle Temple of Deliverance

Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church 1345 West Burleigh Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Brandle C. Morrow, Sr., Interim Pastor Weekly Schedule Sunday School……………………9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service………..10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study………….6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service……….7:00 p.m.


Elder Betty Steward, Pastor 1000 W. Burleigh Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Order of Service: Sunday Ministry …………10:00 a.m. Worship Service ……… 11:30 a.m. Thursday Bible Study …… 7:00 p.m.

Phone (414) 562-7200 Fax: (414) 562-7850 E-mail:

An NCON Communications Publication

“Where We Preach the Word, Teach the Word, and Live the Word”

Life & Liberty Church 2009 W. Hampton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 Pastor Evangelist Erma Mosley (Located inside Solid Rock Church) Sunday School..................2:30 p.m. Sunday Worship................4:00 p.m. Tue.-Fri. Prayer..........12 p.m.-1 p.m. Wed. Praise & Choir Rehearsal....... ..........................................5:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Class...............6:00 p.m. All Are Welcome

Weekly Schedule: Sun. Early Worship 0 8:00 a.m. Sunday School 0 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Study 0 6:30 p.m.

Weekly Schedule:

Sunday School..........................9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship Service..............10.30 a.m. Wed. Bible Service.........………… 6 p.m. “We’re Stepping Into The Kingdom by Stepping Out on Faith” - 2 Corinthians 5:7

Founder: Pastor Nalls 3131 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone: 414-871-1103 E-mail: Weely Schedule: Sun. School……………......…9:30 a.m. Sun. Service……………...…11:30 a.m. Tues. Night Prayer & Study……………….…..……6:00 p.m. St. John 14:2 Vers.

Mount Hermon Baptist Church

Monumental Missionary Baptist Church

2407 W. North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 933-2443 Rev. Roy C. Watson, Pastor First Lady, Sharon Watson

Pastor Rodney Cunningham 7265 North Teutonia Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 228-6779 Phone

1809 W. Atkinson Ave. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Office: 414 871-8178 Fax: 414 871-8143 E-mail: Facebook: Mount Hermon-Baptist Church MOUNT CARMEL Missionary Baptist Church 1717 W. Meinecke Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Hugh Davis, Jr. ThM. ThD, Pastor Sunday School......................9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship.......................10:45 a.m. Sunday BTU..........................6:00 p.m. Monday Night Mission............6:00 p.m. Wed. Night Prayer and Bible Study .......................................6:00-8:00 p.m. Certified Marriage, Drug & Alcohol, and Pastoral Counselor Church: 264-2560 Pastor’s Study: 264-8001

Order of Services: Enhancement Hour Sun. ……… ………….......……………. 9:00 A.M. Sun. Worship …......….. 10:00 A.M. Wed. Prayer & Bible Study .......………………………. 6:30 P.M. Bobby L. Sinclair, Pastor

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Christian Times

Wednesday, October 6, 2016


New Creation Missionary Praise Church

New Covenant Baptist Church

2315 North 38th Street Milwaukee, WI 53210 Rev. F. L. Crouther, Pastor Phone: 873-1221 Fax: 873-8614

1404 W. Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 372-7544 (Church) (414) 510-5367 (Cell) Order of Service

MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. John K. Patterson, Pastor 5277 North 36th Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 Sunday School..........8:00-9:15 a.m. Sunday Service.................9:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Class……Noon & 6 p.m. Church phone 414.461-7755 Home phone 414.226-6075

Weekly Schedule

Sunday School.......................9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship........................11 a.m. Thurs Prayer Service.............6:30 p.m. Thurs Bible Study.................7:00 p.m. MOUNT ZION Missionary Baptist Church 2207 N. 2nd St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Phone 372-7811 Rev. Louis Sibley, III, Pastor Sunday School........................9:15 am Sunday Worship..........8 am, 10:45 am 1st Sunday Communion immediately following morning worship. Wed. Bible study and Prayer Meeting .......................................6:30 - 8:30 pm.

New Beginning Seed Faith M.B. Church 138 West North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53212

Bishop Clayton, Sr., and Lady Renee Duckworth

SUNDAY Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 11:30 AM Thursday

The Church were the heart is (II Chronicles 31:21)

Prayer Bible Study

Service Begins each Sunday at 1:00 P.M.

Food Pantry Food Bags* 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. *Please Call For Appointments Hot Meals 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. T.V. Ministry every 2nd Tue. of the month on Channel 96, 8-9 p.m.

Service……………………………7:00 p.m. (Last Wed. of the month)

“A Church With A True Gospel Praise” New Dawn Worship Center 3276 N. Palmer Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 PH: (414) 393-1290 FX: (414) 393-1234

Rev. Ann Smith, Founder & Pastor

Sunday Church School……………8:00 a.m. Children’s Church - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday……………………………9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship…………9:30 a.m. Wed. Family Night Sunday School Expository………………………………5:30 p.m. Wednesday Family Night Prayer & Praise…………………………………6:00 p.m. Wednesday Family Night Bible Classes………………………………6:45 p.m. Wednesday Night Worship

5:30 PM 6:30 PM

New Holy Ghost Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church “God so loved the world” - John 3:16 104 West Garfield Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 “Come as you are” Office: (414) 264-4852 Church: (414) 264-3352

6063 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 444-3106 Pastor Johnny L. Bonner, Jr. “Building On The Vision”

Order of Service Sunday School ……… 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship .. 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Service …. 7:30 p.m.

Ph.#: (414) 708-4884 Come and worship with us!!!

Rev. L.C. Martin, Pastor

Rev. Dr. Terrell H. Cistrunk Pastor

New Outlook Church of God in Christ 2449 N. Martin Luther King Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 406-0258

Sunday School..........9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship......10:30 a.m. Weds. Bible Class.....6:30 p.m. NEWPORT MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH

Weekly Schedule:

NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Dr. Archie L. Ivy, Pastor/Teacher 2433 W. Roosevelt Drive Milwaukee, WI 53209 Phone (414) 871-0350 • Fax (414)871-4219 E-mail: Weekly Schedule Sun. Worship ………................. 9:30 a.m. Sun. School ............................... 8:00 a.m. Wed. Morning Prayer & Bible Study.……………..10.30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Mid-week Service (last Wen. of the month) ............. ......................................6:00 p.m. “Partnering with God, Practicing Biblical Principles, Strengthening Families”

New Greater Love Baptist Church

New Life New Beginnings World Ministry & Outreach C.O.G.I.C 2516 West Hopkins Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Evangelist Margaret Stone, Pastor

Sunday School…………………………….10:00 a.m. Worship Service…………………………..11:00 a.m. 3rd Tues. The Ecumenical Prayer………...6:30 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service……………………..10:45 a.m. Last (2) Wed. Freedom from Addiction Ministry…………………………11:15 a.m. Wed. Food Pantry……………………….12:00 noon Fri. Prayer, Miracle, Prophetic Word……..7:00 p.m. Every 1st Weekend Revival Service: Fri. - 7:00 p.m. • Sat. - 7:00 p.m. Sun. Evening - 6:00 p.m.

Dr. Mark A. Allen, Sr. Pastor NEW PARADISE Missionary Baptist Church 2353 West Fond Du Lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI. 53206 Tel: 414-265-0512 Fax:414-265-1910

Worship Services: Sunday School....................9 : 00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship.......11: 00 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeting..........6:30 p.m. Tues. Bible Class.................7:00 p.m. “Come Spend A Day In Paradise”

The Open Door Christian Worship Center Church, Inc.

Sun. School..........8 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship................9 a.m. Wed. Bible

Pastor Robb Taylor and First Lady Vanessa Taylor

Study....................6 p.m.

“Bringing Light Into The Community” - Philippians 4; 13-14


2237 N. 11 St. Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 265-5881 Order of Service Sunday School …………… 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship …………… 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study ……… 7:00 p.m. Vo i c e s o f N e w p o r t R e h e a r s a l ………………………………… 7:00 p.m. Rev. W.L. Smith, Sr. , Pastor

Pilgrim Baptist Worship Center

“Teaching, Preaching, and Reaching for Christ” Rev. Martin Childs, Jr., Pastor

Pastors: Apostle Kenneth Lock Sr. and Prophetess Michele Lock

3223 West Lloyd Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone:(414) 444-5727 Sun. A.M. Worship……………8:30 a.m. Sun. P.M. Worship……………12 noon Tues. Prayer/TNT Bible Study ………………………………6:30 p.m.

PARADISE SANCTUARY Missionary Baptist Church 2705 W. Clarke Street Milwaukee, WI 53210 Rev. David K. Blathers, Pastor

Sunday School.................9:30-10:45 am Sunday Worship.........11:00 am-1:15 pm Wed. Pastor Bible Information Session, Prayer and Testimony..................5-7 pm Sat. Choir Rehearsal and........................ Youth Bible Study..........11 am - 1:30 pm Church (414) 264-2266, Pastor (414) 449-2146

Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church 2028 W. Cherry St., Milwaukee, WI 53205 Rev. Maddie Turner, Sr., pastor

Sunday School...............9:05 a.m. S u n d a y Wo r s h i p . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 : 4 0 a . m . S u n . C h u r c h Training Union, 6 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service & Bible Study ...............................6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

3737 North Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 Church Phone: 414-873-1045 Church Fax: 414-873-4101 Website: E-mail:

“A New Testament Church” Sunday Worship …… 8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Sunday Church School: …………… 9:30 a.m. Mon. Bible Class ……..… 6:00 p.m. (Women) Tues. Bible Class ……......……… 12:00 noon Tues. Men’s Support Group …..….. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Class ……… 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service ……… 7:30 p.m. Thurs. Bible Study ………………… 1:00 p.m. Thurs. Prayer Service……………... 2:00 p.m. Fri. Youth Fellowship...............…. 6:000 p.m. Men’s Prayer Breakfast (2nd Sat.).....9:00 a.m.

Rev. George M. Ware Pastor

2975 N. Buffum St. Milwaukee, WI. 53212 P.O. Box 241772 Milwaukee, WI. 53224 Sunday Church School.........9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship.................10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study ......................7:00 p.m. Church Office #: (414) 265-7171

Church Telephone: 344-2400

Progressive Baptist Church “Equipping God’s People, Building God’s Church, Advancing God’s Kingdom” Pastor Walter J. Lanier 8324 W. Keefe Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53222 Phone: 414-462-9050 Prince of Peace Baptist Church 3701 North 35th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 444-6700 • (414) 444-6701 fax Steven R. McVicker, Pastor

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday School .....................................9:00 am Sunday Worship .................................10:00 am Tuesday Bible Class.............................6:00 pm Tuesday Prayer ....................................6:00 pm Thurs. Choir Rehearsal ........................5:00 pm Welcome to Peace

Senior Pastor Evangelist Barbara Williams Co-Pastor Elder Dexter Williams Power House Deliverance Church 4344 N. 27th St. Milwaukee, WI 53216 414-442-2234 Sunday School...............................9:30 Sunday Morning Service...............11:30 Tuesday Night Prayer Service........7:00 Wednesday Bible Study.................7:00 Friday Community Food Pantry........2-4

Transportation Available (414) 449-0122

a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

Worship Schedule: Sun. School.......................................9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship................10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study..........................Noon Wednesday Bible Study.....................6:45 p.m.


Redemption Fellowship Baptist Church Robert A. Angel, Senior Pastor 3500 N. 26th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Phone: (414) 875-1926 Website:

Robert A. Angel Senior Pastor

Weekly Schedule Sunday School.................................9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship...........10:00 am Sunday Broadcast JOY 1340 - 4:30 pm Wednesday Bible Class.............7-8:00 pm

An NCON Communications Publication

What's Happening

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Wednesday, October 6, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Senator Ron Johnson

By Jerome Smith, Sr. Community Activist

It’s election season, and that means you’re hearing lots of things on TV and in our local community – not all of it true. Instead of spreading more of it or trying to have a debate, I’d like to offer something different. The truth. My name is Jerome Smith, Sr. As someone actively working to improve my community, I know it sometimes seems like there are too few people who care. Whether it’s murders, drop-out rates, or drug addiction, the place we call home is one of the most challenging cities in America, and there isn’t a lot of sunshine. Yet, it is in the middle of these struggles that I’ve been able to gain an unexpected friend and partner in helping take on

opportunities for members of our community and teaching them skills they need to succeed, including team work, time management, financial management, spiritual fitness, stress management, and conflict resolution.

Friends, people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. My friend Senator Ron Johnson Ron Johnson cares about some of our community’s our state, our city, and our greatest challenges. That community. friend is U.S. Senator Ron He cares because he Johnson. wants people in WisconAfter several conver- sin to find jobs – no matsations, Ron Johnson, ter who they are. myself, and some of his I’m not someone who staff partnered together to construct a plan simply supports Demoaround this new idea. The crats or Republicans beJoseph Project is an ini- cause of their label. Rathtiative to connect people er, I support those who in our community with support our community, and Ron supports our good-paying jobs. community. Paid For By The initiative consists Ron Johnson of classes that break cyFor Senate, Inc. cles of poverty by finding

The Milwaukee Times is looking for you! If you are the owner of a small business, we'd like to hear from you. We want to feature you and your business in our NEW Small Business Spotlight. Please contact Ara at (414) 263-5088 to discuss the story and advertising package options.

FREE admission The Greater Milwaukee Foundation is once again offering Gifts to the Community, with a day of free access to signature lakefront destinations. Visit for hours and details.

Discovery World

Milwaukee Art Museum

Betty Brinn Children’s Museum

Port Exploreum & 1860 Light Station

Saturday, October 15th In partnership with:

An NCON Communications Publication

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, September 22, 2016


What's Happening?

Wednesday, October 6, 2016

Mt. Vernon Baptist Church celebrates 46 year anniversary

Photos by Yvonne Kemp

On Friday, September 23, 2016 Mt. Vernon Baptist Church celebrated their 46th Church Anniversary with a formal banquet at Davians, N56W16300, Menomonee Falls. The evening was filled with gospel elegance and fun filled fellowship. As part of the banquet, awards were presented to the church's auxiliaries (lower photo). First Lady Joyce Jackson (red dress) accepted an award on behalf of the adult choir; Sis. Annie Young (black dress with white lace) accepted an award for all the church nurses; Deacon Willie Anderson (blue vest) accepted an award for all the deacons; Sis. Janice Morrise (black dress) accepted and award for the youth choir; the Senior and Junior ushers were all given awards; a special award was given to Paulean Green (green dress) for her generosity; and awards went to the church comedians, Daniel Ivory and Ronald Morrise. Mt. Vernon's pastor is Pastor Willie Jackson (red vest).

Ladies for "Laughter for the Soul"

Photo by Patricia A. Milliner


On Sunday, September 18, 2016, Milwaukee Health Services, Inc. (MHSI), celebrated 27 years of service to Milwaukee's most underserved neighborhoods during their family friendly comedy show, "Laughter for the Soul: Chuckles for Your Health!" Pictured at the after-event are three of Milwaukee's loveliest ladies (from left) American Cancer Society health systems manager Jennifer Washington-McMurray, MHSI corporate communications specialist Pamela Clark, and Fox 6 Real Milwaukee co-host Cassandra McShepard. Weekly Newspaper • Printing & Publishing Co.

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“We Print, Not JUST Copy”

An NCON Communications Publication

Christian Times

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Wednesday, October 6, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper


Prayer House of Faith Pentecostal Church, Inc.

Rev. Dwain E. Berry -Pastor

4778 N. Hopkins St. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 466 - 3807 Alice O. Green, Founder Dr. Shane E. Rowe, Sr. & Pastor Lekeesha C. Rowe, Senior Pastors

Children’s Min. Sun...................11:30 a.m Sunday Worship.........................12 Noon Tuesday Prayer/Bible Class.....6:30 p.m.

Showers of Blessings Fellowship Church

Risen Savior Community Baptist Church 2201 N. Dr. MLKing Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212

Services: Sunday School Sunday Worship Wed. Prayer Meeting

9:00 am 11:00 pm 6:00 pm

Phone (414) 460-8107 SAINT GABRIEL’S C.O.G.I.C.

623 W. Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 873-0933 Pastor James Grant, Sr. Co-Pastor, Kimani Grant

Rose Hill Missionary Baptist Church Rev. J.L. Holmes, Pastor 2024 N. Martin Luther King Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212 Sunday School.......................9 a.m. Sun. New Member Class........9 a.m. Sunday Worship...............10:45 a.m. Tue. Prayer Meeting - 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class..........6 p.m.

SCOTT CHRISTIAN YOUTH CENTER & OUTREACH C.O.G.I.C. 2741 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206

Pastor Annie Naomi Scott

Weekly Schedule Sun. S u n. Wed. Fri.

Church phone (414) 264-0360 Office (414) 264-3978 Transportation Available

Sc hool..........................9 : 3 0 S e r v i c e......................11: 0 0 Night Bible Class...........7: 00 N i g ht S er v i c e...........7: 0 0

a.m. a .m . p.m. p.m.

SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH 4801 West Capitol Drive Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 444-1200 • (414) 444-1212 fax

Charles E. Holmes, Pastor

Sun d ay S c ho o l.............................12 : 3 0 p.m. S u n d ay S er v i c e s........................... 2 : 3 0 p.m. We d nesd ay B i b le S tu d y.................7: 0 0 p.m. Fr i d ay Fellowship...........................7: 0 0 p.m. Emergency Food Pantry every Tuesday Hot Meal Program Mon., Wed., Fri. Clothing Bank 2 days • Spiritual Counseling available • 24-hour Dial-A-Prayer 263-1929 Crisis Hot Line for Runaways 263-6515 Future programs: computer classes, sewing classes

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday School .....................................9:00 am Sunday Worship .................................10:30 am Tuesday Bible Class.............................6:00 pm Thurs. Choir Rehearsal ........................6:00 pm

Come Home to Shiloh

Dr. Robert T. Wilson, Sr., Pastor St. John's United Baptist Church 2439 West Hopkins St. Milwaukee, WI 53206

Sunday Worship Service 3489 N. 76th Street

Rev. Lee A. Shaw, Pastor

10:00 - 11:30 A.M. (414) 502-7584

5375 North 37th St.• Milw., WI 53209 (414)795-6397

Wednesday Service 7100 W. Villard Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209

Sun. Sun. Tue. Wed.

7:00 - 8:30 P.M. Pastor Darry Tucker Prophetess Paula Tucker

Tel: 414-871-4673 Fax: 414-871-2373 email:st.johnsunitedmbc@ Order of Service Sun. School...............9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship...........10:15 a.m. Thurs. Prayer Meeting & Bible Class .........................6:30 p.m.

ORDER OF SERVICE School ………. 9:00-10:00 a.m. Worship … 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Bible Study …… 7:00-8:00 p.m. Nicotine Treatment ……… 6:00 p.m.

ST. TIMOTHY COMMUNITY Baptist Church 3701 N. Teutonia Milwaukee, WI 53208

ST. PETER MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 3057 N. 35th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216 Church: 414.442.6389 Home: 414.463.5535

Rev. Mose A. Fuller, Pastor Home: (414) 871-2933 Church: (414) 445-2958

ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday School..................9:00 am Sunday Worship..............10:30 am Tuesday Bible Class..........6:00 pm

Sunday Church School....9:30 A.M. Sunday Worship............10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study .........................................6:00 P.M.

True Heart Missionary Baptist Church

TRUE LOVE Missionary Baptist Church 210 W. Keefe Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 Phone: 414-264-6869 Rev. Garry Levy, Pastor


Rev. W.J. Walker, Pastor

Church Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Mid-Week Schedule Tue. Spiritual Development Ministry 6:00 P.M. Thursday Christian Ministries 6:00 P.M. Thursday Music Ministry 7:45 P.M. Victorious Child Care, Inc. Open Enrollment 1st - 2nd Shirt - 6:00 A.M. - Midnight Monday - Friday Ages: 6 weeks - 13 years old Office: (414) 562-0530 Tracy Rushing, Director

UNITY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH REV. NATHANIEL JOHNSON, JR. PASTOR 3835 WEST FOND DU LAC AVE. MILWAUKEE, WI 53216 Tel: (414) 445-9249 • Fax: (262)-670-6505 email: Worship Services: Sunday School...........................9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship...........................11.00 a.m. 4th Sun................................Communion 1st Sun....................................Baptizing Wed. Prayer Meeting/Bible Study.......6 p.m. “A Little Church With A Big Heart”

An NCON Communications Publication

a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.

Our Weekly Worship Schedule Church Sun. School ………… 8:30 a.m. Celebration of Worship ……..10:00 a.m. TIP for Growth (Prayer & Study) & AWANA (youth)……...........6:30 p.m.

ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 914 East Knapp Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 Rev. Dr. C. Steven Teague-Rector Sunday’s Worship at 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Music, Nursery Handicapped Accessible (414) 276-6277

Temple of Judah Church

Pastor David W. Stokes 8620 W. Fond du Lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53225 Inside Redeem Pentecostal Church Office Phone: (414) 326-4811 Weekly Services: Judah Cafe’........................... 10:00 am S u n d a y S c h o o l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 : 0 0 a m Sunday Service.....................12:15 am Vo i c e o f F a i t h B r o a d c a s t o n J O Y 1 3 4 0 AM....................Sundays @ 5:30 pm Tu e . M a n a & B i b l e S t u d y. . . . . 7 : 0 0 p m Prayer Manna Mon.-Fri...............6:00 am “A Christ Centered Ministry-Bringing people into the presence of God”

TRINITY Missionary Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. Harold Turner Sunday School...................9:00 Sunday A.M. Worship........10:30 Sun. P.M. Worship...............3:00 Tuesday: Prayer Meeting, Mission Bible Class....................6-8:00

a.m. a.m. p.m. Mtg., p.m.

Church: 873-3326 Home: 353-5958 2829 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206

The Upper Room Baptist Church

Unlimited Life in Jesus Christ Christian Church 623 W. Cherry St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 Inside the Boys and Girls Club Pastor Sudie B. Jones Services: Sunday School......................10:00 Sunday Service.....................11:00 Tue. Choir Rehearsal...............6:00 Tue. Prayer & Bible Study 6-7:30 Tue. Youth Meeting..............6-8:00 Wed. Recovery Services.....6-7:30 John 14:27

am am pm pm pm pm

Pastor: Willie F. Brooks Jr. 2200 W. Center Street Milwaukee WI 23209 414/265-5455 Worship Schedule: Sunday School ………9:30 a.m. Morn. Worship…..…11:30 a.m. Mon. Women Circle Min. …… Wed. Bible Study……7:30 p.m. Soar Men Min.……11:30 a.m.

Way of the Cross Missionary Baptist Church

2661-63 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Office: (414) 265-4850 / Fax: (414) 265-3817

Rev. Edward E. Thomas

2500 West Medford Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 53206 OFFICE: 414 -562 -1129 • FAX: 414-562-4713 EMAIL: WWW.TCBCHURCH.COM

Weekly Schedule Sun. Worship......10:30 a.m. Tus. Bible Study....6:00 p.m. Wed. Mission.........3-7 p.m. Wed. Fellowship...6:00 p.m.

Victory Missionary Baptist Church

Sunday’s Order of Service Sunday Church School 9:00 A.M. Sun. Baptist Training Union 10:00 A.M. Sun. Morning Worship 11:30 A.M.

Weekly Schedule: Sunday School..................9:15 Sun. Worship.....8:00 and 10:45 Wednesday Bible Study.........10 Wed. Bible/Prayer Service - 7:15

Union Hill Missionary Baptist Church 2190 N. 49th Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Church: (414) 444-4244 Office: (414) 444-8947 Fax: (414) 444-7924

Weekly Schedule: Sun. School …………… 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship…10:30 a.m. Tu e s . P r a y e r M t g & B i b l e Study…………………… 6:30 p.m.

TABERNACLE COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH "A preaching, teaching, healing community of faith.."Matt. 4:23

5418 W. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53210 (414) 393-WORD (9673) Sunday Morning Worship............10 am Tuesday Night Study......................7pm Ripton A. Stewart, Pastor

4300 West Villard Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 (414) 464-0390 Rev. Robert McFarland, Sr., Pastor

Order of Services Sunday School...............9:30 a.m. S u n d a y S e r v i c e . . . . . . . . . . . 11 : 0 0 a . m . Communion Services 1st Sunday......................7:00 p.m. Wed. night Prayer, Bible, Service & Mission..............................6-8 pm Mission mtg. every 2nd Wed.

1616 W. Atkinson Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Darryl Williams, Pastor

Phone: 562-8030

The Reverend Don Darius Butler,Pastor

Pastor Oscar Elim


African Methodist Episcopal Church

1401 West Hadley Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Office: (414) 265-2725 Rev. Kurt Boyd, Pastor Weekly Schedule Sunday School ………............................................... 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship…..................................10:30 a.m. Tuesday Noon Day Mission...................................................11:00 a.m. Evening Mission....................................................6:00 p.m. Tuesday Prayer Meeting.......................................6:30 p.m. Bible Study…........................................................7:00 p.m.

ZION HILL Missionary Baptist Church 1825 W. Hampton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 Rev. Russell Williamson, Pastor Sund ay S c ho ol......................8 : 3 0 a .m. Sunday Wor ship...................10 : 0 0 a.m. We d n e s d ay Pr aye r S e r v i c e a n d B i b l e Study: 10-11:30 a.m. and 7: 00-8: 00 p.m. Phone: (414) 263-1777

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Wednesday, October 6, 2016


COMMUNITY COLUMN Open house welcomes new families to college-prep programs at UWM By Angela McManaman “Open very carefully,” reads a small oval sign on April Holland’s office door. “There are students on the other side.” That’s an understatement. Every year, more than 3,700 Milwaukee middle- and highschool students will make their way into Holland’s office at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. They come for the TRIO & Pre-College programs, a suite of college-preparatory programs that help students facing obstacles to a college education. Holland oversees a staff of 27 full-time UWM employees and 24 college students as they help younger students navigate among poverty, disability, test-taking anxiety, while improving their math and writing skills through a series of courses, workshops, tutoring groups and cultural experiences. The goal: To nurture the academic skills of middle and high school students, even providing support to and through the college years. “But it’s not all about college prep,” Holland said. “We pour life skills into them.” All TRIO & Pre-College programs are free to qualified students, or offered at a minimum fee. Financial sup-

port comes from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, the federal government and donors. Milwaukee parents and children of all ages, every ZIP code and from any background are invited to an Oct. 12 TRIO & Pre-College open house to learn about the programs. The flexible open house kicks off in the UWM Union Fireside Lounge at 10 a.m., with program history, a student panel and refreshments. From 12:30-3 p.m., staff will give tours of TRIO & Pre-College offices starting in Mitchell Hall 194. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call Ms. Snow at (414) 229-5756. The TRIO & Pre-College story dates to 1964, when policymakers established programs to recruit and support low-income students of color at American universities as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty. Today, UWM is one of only three universities in the United States that offers all seven TRIO & Pre-College programs. They include Veterans Upward Bound, which works with veterans of any age who need academic support in university. Upward Bound Math/Science

April Holland (left) loves the mural outside her office at UWM’s TRIO & Pre-College programs. “Everyday I get to walk past our success stories,” said Holland, who directs the college-prep programs. Her newest colleague is Ka Shena Harris (right), who graduated from UWM in 2016 after several years in TRIO & Pre-College programs. (UWM Photo/Pete Amland) recruits UWM students to mentor eight-to 12th- graders in subjects that can be stumbling blocks on the road to college. The McNair Scholars program mentors college juniors and seniors with remarkable potential, preparing them for graduate school. As a junior at Hamilton High School in 2008, Ka Shena Harris participated in financial-aid workshops offered through the TRIO & Pre-College Talent Search

Endless High School Possibilities in MPS!

From eighth grade to endless possibility – the MPS Early High School Admissions Information Fair is Saturday, October 8! Come explore excellent programs in arts, languages, science, technology and more! MPS-EarlyAdmissions_MilwaukeeTimes_5.86x7.indd

program, established at UWM in 1965. “I was petrified of loans,” she remembered. “I didn’t want to take any out, and I felt like I couldn’t fund college in any way. “My TRIO & Pre-College advisor helped me understand the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) process. She told me about work-study and helped me find grants and scholarships. College readiness and financial-aid workshops pretty much helped me get into and through college. There was no one else to teach me about these things.” Last May, Harris became the first college graduate on both sides of her large family, earning a bachelor’s degree in sociology from UWM. Now she shares the knowledge as a mentoring coordinator for Talent Search. But her breakthrough moment came at Wayne State University on one of the diverse college tours that Holland organizes yearly. “We were having an action-packed day – campus

tours, workshops, lunch and then we visited the Wright Museum of African American History. It’s not everyday that a student like me got the chance to be outside Milwaukee, go to this kind of museum and see all this history. That is what this program does.” The college tours provide moments of reflection for students who are referred to TRIO & Pre-College by principals, counselors and parents. So do the art galleries, ethnic restaurants and historical landmarks students visit between campuses. “This program is also about developing soft skills: writing a senior essay, getting out of one’s comfort zone, experiencing different cultures through art and food,” explained Holland, who has escorted 2,500 high schoolers on college tours during her 17 years as director. For many, TRIO & Pre-College has made a remarkable difference. As of 2015, more than 5 million Americans earned a college degree through the TRIO programs, which serve 790,000 students yearly. Since 2006, 100 percent of UWM’s Upward Bound students have graduated from high school; nearly 20 percent of them have graduated from UWM. “Every student has a success story,” says Holland. “Our role is to give them the tools to write that dynamic story.” In addition to new students, the federally funded programs are seeking new donors and supporters. “We’re always seeking new partnerships and new students,” says Holland, who promises that she will open the TRIO & Pre-College doors widely but carefully on Oct. 12. There will be new families and big dreams on the other side.

MPS Early High School Admissions Information Fair Saturday, October 8 9:00 a.m. – Noon Milwaukee High School of the Arts 2300 West Highland Avenue MPS Early High School Admissions runs October 10 – November 11. Open house dates and enrollment at 1

9/20/16 12:46 PM

An NCON Communications Publication

Health & Fitness

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Wednesday, October 6, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council to President Obama: “Give our community a fighting chance”







April 8, 1928


July 28, 2008

Saturday, August 2:00 p.m.

2, 2008

on Funeral Home Leon L. Williams Street 2157 North 12th in 53205 Milwaukee, Wiscons 414.374.1812

purpose is to ed with the Good News. Our approved by God to be entrust “For we speak as messengers ians 2:4 (NLT) s of our hearts.” - I Thessalon motive the es examin alone please God, not people. He


“ A Time To Honor”


vored cigarettes in 2009. This ban came about because it appealed greatly to a younger audience. The report said, “Flavors make cigarettes and other tobacco products more appealing to youth. Studies have shown that 17 year old smokers are three times as likely to use flavored cigarettes as smokers over the age of 25.” Menthol does the exact same thing according to the AATCLC. A new study in the American Journal of Public Health found that 66 percent of all Black youth smokers ages 12-17 prefer Newport menthols, while 75 percent of all Black smokers ages 18-25 prefer Newport menthols. According to the AATCLC’s letter to President Obama this will save the lives of 45,000 Black people a year. The American Lung Association says that Black people are more likely to develop and die from lung cancer than Whites. The AATCLC’s letter to President Obama also had a social justice spin to it. It called out the tobacco industry for its predatory behavior against Black communities. “Furthermore, tobacco companies have historically and effectively targeted Black communities with highly

the manufacture, distribution, and marketing of tobacco products. The AATCLC strongly urges President Obama to cap off his presidential tenure by signing this bill. “What we are asking of you, President Obama, can be accomplished rapidly with the stroke of a pen. Your strong and decisive leadership can give our community a fighting chance against the concentrated, specialized Prevention and Tobacco number one killer of Black menthol cigarette marketing Control Act, which gives the people, tobacco.” campaigns. These campaigns FDA authority to regulate included manipulation of our leadership groups, targeted media advertising, and Fre We will match or beat Del e the free distribution of meni ve Printing & Publishing Co. any competitor’s price! Servicery tholated cigarettes to inner city children. To add insult to injury, numerous studies show that mentholated cigarettes are cheaper in poor, inner city Black communities.” This statement seems to be highly consistent with Of In Loving Memory Donald reports. Dave Goerlitz, forMadison mer model known as the Jackson “Winston Man” from R.J. Reynolds Tobacco advertisements, said in a New York Times article that when he asked an executive from the company if they smoked the executive had this to say: “Are you kidding?” he Welcome to our asked. “We reserve that right ar 7th Ye Pastors Appreciation for the poor, the young, the black and the stupid.” Apostles Kenneth & Demetra Lock According to the World Health Organization Theme: Messengers Approved by God (WHO), tobacco usage is the most avoidable risk factor for cancer deaths worldwide. With this new proposed ban on menthol cigarettes these numbers could drop drastically as Black people repreTI CK ET S sent the largest market for DS CAR SS BUS INE The Milwaukee Times mentholated products. Printing & Publishing Co. 1936 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive • Milwaukee, WI 53212 In 2009 President Obama Phone: 414-263-5088 • Fax: 414-263-4445 signed the Family Smoking EAD ENV ELO PES & LETT ERH

Leaders from the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council (AATCLC) wrote a letter to President Obama to ban the sale of all flavored tobacco products, including mentholated products. This crusade to wipe out the key ingredient in Kools and Newports protects Black smokers, younger ones especially. According to various studies, mentholated tobacco is heavily preferred by Black people. “This letter is not a citizen petition, but a personal plea from us to you to get your administration to provide substantive relief from the tobacco related suffering we are experiencing within our community. Though other pressing issues may be diverting our attention, our community’s addiction to nicotine continues to kill more Black people than AIDS, violence, car accidents, and non-tobacco related cancers combined,” the AATCLC writes. Dr. Phillip Gardner, AATCLC co-chairman, said that menthol targets our Black youth and keeps our elders from quitting this bad habit. “It has been well documented that mentholated cigarettes and other flavored tobacco products are responsible for the initiation of smoking among our youth, as well as the difficulty in quitting among established smokers.” This call-to-action also proposes for ban of sale on all flavored tobacco products found in popular items such as cigarillos, little cigars and e-cigarettes. The stages for this were set by the Food and Drug Administration’s ban on all fruit and candy fla-


Dr. Louise A. Mormon

has rendered meritous work in the church on a Local, State and National Level. We the Canaan Baptist Church consider it a privilege and honor to extend this most cordial invitation for you to share in the Day Celebration honoring this phenomenal woman. Sunday, October 9, 2016

Morning Service/Celebration - 10:30 a.m. Afternoon Program/Celebration - 3:00 p.m. Canaan Baptist Church

Dr. Louise A. Mormon

2975 North 11th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Rev. Dr. Fredrick E. Jones, Pastor

Woman of God

An NCON Communications Publication

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, September 22, 2016


How to tackle your grocery bill Food shopping can quickly take over your budget despite your best intentions. Perhaps it's due to impulse purchases, unplanned shopping trips, food going bad or a combination of all three. If you're looking for ways to save money while enjoying nutritious and delicious meals, consider these money-saving tactics. 1. Stick to your budget to save time and money. Look at your food budget before making a trip to the store. If you don't have one yet, figure out your overall budget including food costs with a simple budget work-

sheet. Knowing how much you want to spend and actually have spent can help you make informed decisions. 2. Plan out the week's meals with your budget in mind. If you make dishes that rely on the same staples, you can save money by using leftovers to create a new dish. But mix things up to avoid boredom. 4. Make your trip to the grocery store even easier with a shopping list. Sticking to a list can help

By Nathaniel Sillin Director of Visa’s financial education programs

avoid double purchases by using grocery apps that let you create and sync shopping lists. 5. Stack different discounts and deals to rack up savings. Once you enter the grocery store, it's time to put your plan into action. Plan for the occasional indulgence and let yourself make impulse purchases occasionally, but try to stick to the list. limit food waste and make it You can also often save easy to get in and out of the money at grocery stores by grocery store. If you share joining the store's loyalty food shopping duties with a program. Members get exspouse or partner, you can clusive discounts, and some

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Wealth Building

Wednesday, October 6, 2016

programs offer additional savings at partner stores. Check your membership account online or with the app before checking out, as some programs have electronic coupons that you need to "clip" to get the savings. One way to increase your grocery budget is to use one, or several, of the apps that give you cash back when you buy groceries. Sometimes you can even earn cash back on general purchases like a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk. Depending on the app and food, you may need to verify the purchase by scanning the barcode and sending a picture of your receipt. The store you choose can also significantly impact how much you'll spend. 6. Strategically plan your shopping route. Planning your grocery shopping after reviewing your local stores' weekly sales and coupons can help you determine what to buy where. Also take the time to explore your neighborhood stores, as one grocer may frequently have high-quality yet inexpensive produce while another might have a great butcher. No matter where you shop, be mindful of how the store's design can entice you to make purchases. The outside ring is often where you'll find the fewest processed foods, however you might notice that you need to walk to the back of the store to grab milk or eggs. The store hopes you'll be tempted by something you see along the way. Sticking to your list, refraining from walking through an aisle unless you need to and remembering that the eye-level products aren't necessarily the best bang for your buck can help you avoid these traps. 7. Stick to inexpensive foods. Consider choosing store-brand rather than name-brand products as they're often cheaper, but not necessarily lower quality. You may also want to consider changing what you buy. Filet mignon can be delicious, but so can cheaper cuts of meat and there's a lot of advice online for how to best prepare them. Staples, such as rice, beans and canned or frozen goods are also a low-cost way to supplement meals. Bottom line. Buying food is a necessity, but you don't have to overspend to keep a well-stocked fridge and pantry. By planning your meals and grocery trips, using the money-saving tactics above and carefully choosing where you shop, you can save time and money – and cook up something delicious.

An NCON Communications Publication

Arts and Entertainment

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Skylight Music Theatre presents Milwaukee premiere of 'Violet'

Award-winning musical explores the true meaning of beauty


Wednesday, October 6, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper


Skylight Music Theatre the only way we can move opens its 2016-17 season forward is to share our with the Milwaukee prestories. Violet is not just miere of the award-wina black story or a white Saturday, October 1, 2016 ning musical Violet. story or a young woman’s 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Featuring a score by acstory, it is a personal and (*4-6 p.m. *Prime Time) claimed Tony Award-winhuman story about race, ning composer Jeanine gender, beauty and faith,” MINISTER JAMES NELSON, SR./ FOUNDER Tesori and book and he said. “We are excited God’s Love, Grace & Mercy lyrics by Brian Crawley, to bring this phenomenal Outreach Ministry this powerful and tender musical to our city and 3179 N. Richards Street, musical runs Friday, Sepour audiences.” Milwaukee, WI 53212 tember 30 through SunThe music director for day, October 16, 2016, in Violet will be Anne Van the Cabot Theatre at the Cast members (from left) La- Deusen, who has played EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Broadway Theatre Center in the pit for numerous past PLEASE JOIN US! mar Jefferson (Flick), Alex Skylight productions and (158 N. Broadway). After an accident leaves Mace (Monty), and Allie Bab- music directed throughout Live D.J.! FREE FOOD! Praise Dancing! Violet with a disfiguring fa- ich (Violet). the area. Gospel Singing! Games, Remarks, cial scar, she travels by bus This production of ViNetworking….. through the 1964 segregatViolet’s journey olet reunites Pannell with ed South to meet a televanAs Violet travels by bus two of the cast members • Book bags w/supplies for children gelist who she believes can from North Carolina to from Crowns (2016), Cynthia • Fish Fry, Hot Dogs, Side dishes, heal her. Along the way, she Oklahoma to meet a faith Cobb, who plays the Music Beverages meets an African American healer, she encounters Hall singer and the role of • Special Guest: Gospel singers, Serita soldier whose love helps her strangers who react to her Almeta, and Raven Dockery, Campbell, Cynthia Hunt, IDC, Gospel Prince, discover the true meaning of horrific scar as well as those who plays Lula. Tony Neal. Sijo Mdgee, Praise & Worship beauty. who see beyond it. Along the Adam Stoner, a MilwauStage director Milwaukee's way, she befriends two sol- kee-based visual artist, will Tabetha Jordan, Sister Sarah Ellis-Holy own Sheri Williams Pannell diers, Flick, who is black, and be Violet’s scenic designer. Redeemer Praise Dancers…many more! said she sees Violet’s journey Monty, who is white. He is one of the many dis• Sponsored by: Atty Hupy, Karl Rajani, as both a physical and spiri“This show tackles our tinguished artists to graduate Rep. Leon Young, Atty Chuck Hausmann, tual one. prejudices and fears about from Skylight Music TheMinister James Nelson/ Founder, God’s “It’s about transformation our differences,” said Pan- atre’s props apprenticeship Love, Grace & Mercy Outreach Ministry. that comes from a place deep nell. “Both Violet and Flick program who have contininside,” said Pannell, who know what it is like to be ued on to careers in the arts. Bring a side dish. directed last season’s pro- judged based on appearance. duction of Crowns. “Violet’s Their story, and the show as journey ultimately taps into a whole, demonstrates how the power of unconditional love and miracles often manlove and becomes a musical ifest in unexpected ways.” about hope. You walk out Skylight debuts feeling better not only about Allie Babich, who plays who you are, but about hu- Violet, and Lamar Jefferson, manity.” who plays Flick, will make From off-Broadway their Skylight debuts. Babich, to Broadway a recent graduate from UniOriginally produced versity of Minnesota/GuthOff-Broadway in 1997, Vio- rie Theater BFA Actor Trainlet won the New York Dra- ing Program, performed ma Critics’ Circle Award at First Stage through high for Best Musical and the school. Jefferson, now based Lucille Lortel Award for in Minneapolis, was an acting Outstanding Musical. The intern at the Milwaukee Repshow moved to Broadway in ertory Theater and has per2014 and received four Tony formed at the Guthrie TheScore by Jeanine Tesori, Book and Lyrics by Brian Crawley Award nominations, includ- ater. Alex Mace, who plays ing a Best Actress nomina- Monty, was last seen at Skytion for Sutton Foster, who light as Berger in Hair (2014) played Violet. Her acclaimed and was also in the national With a Broadway score infused with country, folk, rhythm & blues and gospel, this award-winning performance became a ca- tour of Hair. reer-redefining role for the Also making their Skylight musical follows Violet as she travels through the 1964 segregated South. On the journey, she actress who had first made debuts are the two actresses uncovers the true meaning of beauty and the uplifting power of love. a name for herself in musi- who will alternate playing the cals such as Anything Goes and role of young Violet, Kylee Featuring returning favorites from the 2016 hit “Crowns” Thoroughly Modern Millie. Hennes and Ella Kleefisch. Tony Award-Winning ‘Violet’ kicks off Composer Jeanine Tesori, 2016-17 Season who won the 2015 Tony for Violet marks the kick-off Fun Home and wrote the mu- to the new season at Skylight, sic for Shrek the Musical, Thor- and according to Interim ArCynthia Cobb Sheri Williams Pannell Raven Dockery oughly Modern Millie and Car- tistic Director Ray Jivoff, this (Director) oline, or Change, has created show captures the essence a heartfelt score of soaring of the season idea: “When Broadway anthems fueled by words fail, music speaks.” country, gospel, blues, folk “When I saw Violet two and honky-tonk rock. The years ago, I was not only Use code TIMES for 30% off A&B Level seats for shows with a  New York Times said the music struck by the brilliant muHurry, limited availability! for Violet “can stand along sic, but how perfect this stowith her best work,” and “is ry-driven, intimate ensemble Some restrictions apply. also perhaps her warmest piece would be for Skylight,” 30 1 2 Not valid on previously September 30 - October 16 2:00 7:30 7:30 and most accessible.” said Jivoff. purchased tickets. 5 7 8 9 Violet is inspired by the “In light of the social un2:00 7:30 7:30 2:00,7:30  May not be used in combination with other offers. 12 13 14 15 16 short story, “The Ugliest Pil- rest going on right now in 2:00   7:30 7:30  7:30 7:30 grim,” by Doris Betts and was our town, it is particularly adapted by Crawley, author timely that this musical deals of the musical A Little Prin- with racial and social issues. I cess. am reminded that as a society, 158 N. Broadway in the Historic Third Ward

Milwaukee Premiere of Four-Time Tony Award-Nominated Musical!

September 30 - October 16 Violet is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.

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Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, September 22, 2016

INFORMATIONAL PROJECT MEETING For Qualified Small Business Enterprises Historic Garfield Redevelopment at 4th & North Ave. By J. Jeffers & Maures Development Seeking S/W/M/EBE firms. 71 Units Historic and New Construction $16 million. Starting January 2017. The team is embracing RPP and WHEDA hiring requirements. Learn more about available bidding opportunities. Info Meeting: October 7th @ 8:30am at Milwaukee Urban League, 435 W. North Avenue Questions? Contact Tom Heinrich, Greenfire Management Services, 414-290-9419

September 28, 2016 OFFICIAL NOTICE 7139 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF A MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM Milwaukee County, owner and operator of General Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee, WI, is seeking proposals from experienced firms for the development and administration of a marketing and communications program for General Mitchell International Airport (MKE) and Lawrence J. Timmerman Airport (LJT). Sealed proposals will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. CDT on October 12, 2016, in the office of the Milwaukee County Clerk, Room 105, Courthouse, 901 N. 9th St., Milwaukee, WI 53233. Documents are posted on the airport’s website, or may be obtained by contacting Pat Rowe, at prowe@

Now Hiring!! Full-time childcare teacher–Registry Level 7 or above and Part-time assistant teacher – Registry Level 4 or above. Must be qualified (Entry level classes). Experience preferred. Excellent working conditions.


Pastoral Vacancy Announcement Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church, a National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. church, located in the central city near downtown Milwaukee, WI is seeking a called by God, licensed/ordained pastor. Pastoral candidate must adhere to the following scriptural guidelines: (1Timothy3: 1-7; Titus 1: 6-9). All interested applicants must request an application packet via email or by calling the church office 414-2645230. Completed application packets should be mailed to: Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church Attention: Johnny Perkins P.O. Box 91504 Milwaukee, WI 53209 Applications must be postmarked no later than October 31, 2016. Applications received after the deadline, incomplete packets, or applications that do not meet the position qualifications will not be considered.

Happy Birthday Salutes! Wishing You All The Best! September 1st Khanais Cooper September 2nd Enetitha Gibson September 3rd Camika Smith September 5th Delores Gordon September 6th Cyril Fumbanks, Jr. Montrell Fumbanks, Jr. Glenn Martin September 7th Ginnie Martin

Mt. Zion Child Development Center 2207 N. 2nd Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 372-6052

The Classifieds

Wednesday, October 6, 2016

September 9th Dara Atandere Scott Edna Gilmore September 10th Cory Fumbanks September 11th Dianna Ingram September 13th Sidney Fumbanks, Jr. Jana Hubbard Jeremiah E. Willis September 17th Quamae Fumbanks Marquis Davis September 22nd Pastor David K. Blathers, Sr.

September 23rd Jaelyn Fumbanks September 25th Akyela Scott September 29th Cynthia Holland Lamarr Franklin September 30th Ellia Fumbanks Jimmy V. Johnson October 2nd Deesire Keller Leon Hobbs, Jr. October 16th Jharrell Frazier

Do you have a friend, family member, or colleague who has just celebrated or is about to celebrate a birthday? Stop by our office with their name on Monday to get them in that week’s edition of Happy Birthday Salutes! Visit us at 1936 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, call us at (414) 263-5088 or e-mail them to An NCON Communications Publication

Pick'n Save

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Wednesday, October 6, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

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