Women With Know How December 2013

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Executive Director Pearls For Creative Healing






Dear Readers,

Mimi Zelman Publisher

I can’t believe 2013 is now coming to an end! For me this year has just flown by! I’d like to take the time to thank all of my advertisers, without you, there would be no magazine, and our readers who have given me such wonderful encouragement to keep going forward! Without our readers there would be no magazine as well! Readers please support the wonderful women owned businesses that advertise in our magazine and tell them you saw them in Women With Know How. As 2014 comes to a start, remember to celebrate all the good things in your life, the people and places that have helped you along the way. Make decisions that you are comfortable with, let nobody put you down, and if you have a dream, don’t be afraid to act on it, it can come true!! Wishing you a very happy holiday season, Mimi


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16 Publisher/President Mimi L. Zelman mimi@womenwithknowhow.com Creative Director Juliana Lievano www.JulianaCreativeDesigns.com


Contributing Writers Terri Bennett Elyshia Brook For more advertising information call Mimi at 704-491-1207 or email her at: mimi@womenwithknowhow.com Copyright © 2013


10 Crowd Funding Tips You Can Use To Raise Money For Your Book

12 Do’s And Don’t’s For Surviving The Holidays




As Separated Parents

38Best Ways to Reduce Your Exposureto BPA

On the cover

Sandra Guynes

www.womanwithknowhow.com DECEMBER 2013


professional spotlight

Dawn Conner By

Mimi Zelman


How did you get started in this business? I moved from the Windy City to NC a few years ago, I did so to be closer to my son and his new family as he was active military and I could be away from the new grandson’s that became part of my life. I was a tad bored and very active in fashion so I decided to start hunting for the most wonderful vintage clothing and hats, etc…I had gathered so


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much and a space became available and I had the great idea to open a boutique of upscale vintage clothing in the sleepy town of Sanford….I loved the idea but it is rather unfortunate that the town was not ready to support new business and was not the most inviting for what I offered. So I moved to Charlotte to begin a new journey. What is your background-what were you doing before this business?

I have a background in the music industry, I always loved the style of the music icons that I have seen and met through time and developed avid interest in performing at one time recording original songs and going to SBSX in Austin to have them heard by the industry, well that did not work out so well so I brushed myself off and got into the wardrobe and production side of the industry. I worked for a local promoter for shows that required my talents when they blew into town; I have to say it was extremely rewarding and exciting work that I will treasure always. As time went on and Clear Channel began buying the local promoters out and taking music shows to a level of corporate thinking, I got out, this was not for me. I took another chapter and worked for a major mall developer who was not far from those living the rock star life, however the day to day 9 to 5 life was a real adjustment, and it lasted 10 years.. What is a good early story about your business? The thrill of seeking out clothing, learning all I could as I went along, opening a store and the first sale, client services and knowing that I was doing what I was meant to be doing. It is a journey, as I closed the store for a different direction

and never looked back. It is important for me to always be willing to change course and grow and trust my gut. What is unusual or unique about your business, in comparison to your competitors or similar businesses? That is in the eye of the beholder, there is so much talent and styling here and across the country and world, really do not know how to answer that as I have respect for all the talent. I will say that I think one should have a big personality and passion for fashion and styling, that I think is the uniqueness to what I offer, I like a client who feels the same and enjoys the journey as they will be pampered and given first class and one on one attention. Is there a customer experience you are most proud of? Yes, I think when I get the last minute call for clothing and a look and come through‌it is when I do my best work, I love the challenge and it has been rarely that I have not made something happen for the last minute client in need. Do you do any charity or non profit work? I really would like to get involved with styling and dressing women who have not had the advantages of making that a priority due to whatever the issues, every www.womanwithknowhow.com DECEMBER 2013


woman deserves to feel good about who challenge, being new to a city is anthey are. That is on the map for 2014. other, I think for the short amount of time I have been in Charlotte has been Who are some of your as successful as I could have hoped for, most notable clients? I find that if they know I am here and I like to keep that information private. what I can do that is the biggest to I recently returned from Paris after deal with. There is so much talent here styling a runway for a designer… in Charlotte I need to always do what What a thrill, I hope to return and I can to stand out with my service and work again with other designer’s as offer the extras needed. there is no place like Paris for Fashion Week, I hope to have many clients What would you most like who are notable that is the plan. the reader to know about your journey in business? No matter what, follow a dream, I am What is an interesting story about doing what I love and never want to a client interaction you had? give up, my heart is so filled with pasI had a client who contacted me within a week of her son’s wedding, sion, I never thought this new beginning would take the course it has, she was desperate and I might add it is amazing and wonderful to look rather firm on what she wanted to ahead and know that I am on course. look like for the special day. I asked her why she waited until a week be- So fulfilling, it is never too late to start, fore, she replied that she did not like re-Invent and experience what is in anything she had seen. I was able to your heart. ● find within a week the perfect attire for the day, she tried it on the day before Dawn Conner she left for the wedding and it fit like reachingforthestars@gmail.com\ it had been made for her, she was so 980-406-3803 happy, I was so relieved as there was no second choice available..whew, that was magic! What are some of your greatest challenges in your business? Being a young business is always a 6

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by Mercedes Tabano

Crowd Funding Tips You Can Use To Raise Money For Your Book


ave you heard about the book Emoji Dick? It’s the story of Moby Dick written in emoticons. There are a lot of remarkable things about this book, like the fact it’s written in emoticons, had a team of writers/ emoticon translators, and that it sells for $40 softcover and $200 hardcover. However, the most interesting part of this book for other writers is that this book was crowd funded.

To accomplish this, make your book the hero of your story. Don’t talk about you; instead, talk a little about the plot of the book, what makes this book so fantastic, how much happiness it will bring to people. If the site allows it, you might even want to make a video of you talking about your book. Projects with videos are proven to get more funding than projects without videos.

Give Great Gifts Giving great gifts for each donor level is another way to secure funding. While Crowd funding is when lots of people some people don’t give gifts for the lowgive small amounts of money towards est donor levels, giving gifts for all levels a large project. It’s been used to fund books, movies, magazines, inventions, art will help you get more funding faster. projects, and more. It can also be used to Crowd funding sites allow you to limit the spots of each donor level. The main fund your book. Here is what you need advantage of this is that you will know to know about crowd funding. how many of each gift to have on hand. Write A Great Description The gifts should relate to your project. Some common gifts include acknowlHere’s where you can put your story ability to great use. Many people make the edgments in print, autographed books, mistake of asking for help on crowd fund- or even a special commeratative book. ing sites. No one wants to give ‘help’; they This can be hardcover, limited edition, want to make dreams come true and ben- full color, and more. For your largest donor (someone who gives thousands), efit the world, not just one person. 10

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you could offer a service. For example, you could teach a class about something relating to your book, or just a workshop on how to write. A graphic designer once did this very successfully by offering to teach an entire company graphic design in exchange for a $10,000 level donation.

ing money to reach your goal. If you get enough this time to make up the difference, then you get to keep all the money and send out the promised gifts as if the first campaign was a success.

Another popular crowd funding site to consider is Indiegogo. Instead of all or nothing, it allows you a Flexible Funding option. With flexible funding, you have a second chance to raise the miss-

Mercedes Tabano mercedestabanoii.com/ www.facebook.com/DynamicDimensionsMarketing” \t “_blank” https://www.facebook.com/ DynamicDimensionsMarketing LinkedIn: Mercedes Tabano II

Tell Your Network Build it and they will come doesn’t work for websites or books, and it doesn’t Choose The Right Website work for crowd funding, either. In order Kickstarter is the most famous site when to raise the money you need, sharing it comes to crowd funding. However, is with your network is essential. Family, it really the best? For the many people friends, even strangers who follow you who have found funding on kickstarter, on social media, can all contribute to your campaign. You never know who they would say yes, but some others will donate and who they know that would say no. While it is the most famight donate. Again, the key is not mous, Kickstarter also has some major drawbacks, the largest of which is its all to ask for help. Instead, you are giving them an opportunity to bring happiness or nothing policy. to thousands of people. On Kickstarter, they assume that if you can’t collect all the money you ask for, Crowd funding is becoming more common, yet relatively few authors are using that the project can’t be done. Therefore, if you come up short, they return all it. This gives you a prime opportunity to the donated money. While this makes stand out in a not overcrowded marketplace. With the right campaign, gifts, sense in some cases, in others it makes description, and network, you can be no sense at all. For example, if you ask for $1,000 and you make $999, then the well on your way to financing your pubcampaign is still considered a failure and lishing empire. ● all the money is returned.

www.womanwithknowhow.com DECEMBER 2013



By Rebecca K. Watts

Do’s And Don’t’s For Surviving The Holidays As Separated Parents


eaves have fallen from the trees, the days are getting shorter, the temperature is dropping, and emotions are hotter. It must be December – Thanksgiving has passed and now December holidays and the end of the year are staring us in the face. With the stress of the holidays added to the everyday stresses of life, the time between Thanksgiving and the end of the year can be especially difficult even for families that are not in the midst of domestic litigation. If you add the stress and emotion of something like a custody dispute, the stage is set for your children to have a December to remember – but to remember for the wrong reasons.

Do have a rational discussion about division of time. If you do not have a custody order in place, you will have to come to some agreement about where the children are when and, without fail, both spouses will want the children on the same days. You cannot both have, for example, Christmas morning, so one of you has to decide to allow the other parent to have that day.

Don’t make a decision to keep the children past an agreed upon exchange time after you have come to an agreement. Every year, I get calls from at least one client when the other spouse has decided two days before Christmas not to honor the time-sharing plan they had come up with. There is no way to resolve the issue in court, so the parent who changed the Last winter, you and your spouse and your children were all living in one house, rules “wins” the schedule war that year, and together you decided which relative but it is a short-lived “victory” when the details come out at the next hearing and to visit when and what gifts to give the children. This winter you and your spouse the judge decides that the “winning” parare living in two separate homes and are ent no longer gets that particular holiday. trying to decide how to handle the holidays. Here are some December do’s and Do work together to plan gifts for the children. Divide the children’s wish lists don’ts to keep in mind if your goal is to so that you don’t both end up getting help your children have a good holiday. 12

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the same gifts for the children. Yes, duplicate gifts can be exchanged, but keep in mind the reaction of the child who opens a duplicate gift when deciding whether it is important for you to get that one particular item when you know your spouse has already purchased it. Don’t try to “one up” the other parent by buying bigger and better gifts for the children – especially if the bigger and better gifts are outside the price-range and scope of gifts that you traditionally gave to the children before separation.

Rebecca K. Watts Board Certified Specialist in Family Law Krusch and Sellers, P.A. 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 808 Charlotte, NC 28210 Phone: 704-556-0707 Fax: 704-553-7824 www.kruschlaw.com

Finally, do remember that the children did not choose to spend the holidays divided between two homes. Don’t be so determined to “win” that the result is that the children lose out on good holiday memories. ●


Do remember that from now on, the same two week time out of school has to stretch between two households and neither of you will see the children all of the time. If the back and forth is difficult for you, think about how it is for the children. Don’t forget that the extended family of your spouse is as important to your children as is your extended family. Last year, you found a way to visit both sets of grandparents, so find a way this year – don’t decide that this year, all of a sudden, it’s more important for the children to see your family.

www.womanwithknowhow.com DECEMBER 2013



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Holiday Brunch


What a Spread!

air-cured hams like Prosciutto di Parma and Prosciutto di San Daniele. As PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) products, they belong to a special group of high-quality European foods that can be made only in First, make it brunch, typically lighter specific geographical regions. and simpler to prepare than dinner. Buffet style is another smart choice Four dishes that add up to a no— just arrange the dishes on pretty stress brunch buffet: holiday linens and invite guests — A frittata with the deeply savory flavors of Prosciutto di Parma and to serve themselves. Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. It’s equally delicious warm or at Half of the work is done when you go with full-flavored imported Italian room temperature, whichever is cheeses like Parmigiano Reggiano, more convenient. Grana Padano and Montasio, and — Thumbprint biscuits featuring A holiday celebration at home should be as much fun for the hosts as for friends and family. With a little advance planning, the goal of effortless entertaining is suddenly within reach.


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melted Montasio cheese in the indentations on top — a clever touch for biscuits made with ready-made dough. — Another brilliant two-ingredient recipe consists of eggs baked in Prosciutto di San Daniele “cups.” They are crisp, creamy and irresistible. — Festive garnishes for a salad of deep green kale leaves, tossed with orange vinaigrette, include Grana Padano shards, pears and pine nuts. For more information on the PDO system and holiday recipes using these legendary cheeses and hams, visit www.legendsfromeurope.com. Think About Drinks One way to keep it simple is to settle on a house drink for your brunch buffet, such as a Poinsettia Cocktail made with one part cranberry juice and one part Grand Marnier to four parts prosecco. For the nonalcoholic version, combine the juice with sparkling water or lemon-lime soda. ●

Eggs Baked in Prosciutto di San Daniele Cups Yield: 12 portions 12 slices Prosciutto di San Daniele 12 large eggs Preheat oven to 400°F. • Fold one slice of Prosciutto di San Daniele in half crosswise to make a rectangle. Fit into a muffin cup. • Crack egg into lined cup. Repeat with remaining ham and eggs. • Bake 10 to 12 minutes to desired doneness.

Kale Salad with Grana Padano and Citrus Dressing Yield: 5 cups 1/2 pound kale 1 large Anjou or Bartlett pear, sliced 1/2 cup Grana Padano shards 1/4 cup pine nuts or sliced almonds, toasted 2 tablespoons orange juice 2 tablespoons white wine or balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper • Remove ribs from kale and cut into 1-inch ribbons; place in a large salad bowl. Add pear, cheese and nuts. • Whisk together orange juice, vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper. Pour over salad and toss.

www.womanwithknowhow.com DECEMBER 2013


Sandra Guynes Executive Director Pearls For Creative Healing by Mimi Zelman

Pearls for Creative Healing was the vision of founder Sandra Guynes, RN, MSN. As a nurse educator, artist and survivor of domestic violence, Sandra created Pearls to help survivors use art to find their voice. Sandra is a photographer, painter and mixed media artist who found that creativity was her saving grace after her own experience with domestic violence. 20

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Her experience as a nurse educator has trained her in program/curriculum development and holistic care. Pearls offers survivors a creative outlet for those who have been abused or victimized.

Tell us about you: I am the Founder and President of Pearls for Creative Healing; an organization ded-

icated to using art to help survivors of domestic violence. I facilitate Creativity and Healing Arts workshops for survivors of domestic abuse and those who have been affected as child observers. As an artist, nurse and advocate for domestic violence I’ve used my nursing career and Master of Science in Nursing Education to guide me in developing programs to help women heal through the arts.

say. When I left an abusive relationship in 2004 I realized that art was my only relief from the emotional pain that I felt following my abuse. It was in this time that I began to dance professionally and teach

How did you get started? It was an intuitive process to create art programs for healing. I’ve danced since I was in the womb and have always used arts to soothe my soul and express the very things I could not find the words to

www.womanwithknowhow.com DECEMBER 2013


dance. During my time teaching dance I found that so many women came to this particular art form seeking to build their self esteem and regain a feeling of lost beauty and self confidence. I knew then that my love for the arts was something I could use to bring women closer to their peace and allow them to find a place for self expression. Our programs at Pearls for Creative Healing focus on empowering women who have been silenced for so long and giving them a platform or a voice for their story.

journey in life? My career as a nurse has always been dedicated to helping women and children. In this delicate role I was witness to many women who were abused and had little or no resources for healing. I was trained as domestic violence advocate and how to identify signs of abuse in the women I worked with. Caring for women and their children has been a great gift that has been entrusted to me and I know that using my passion for the arts and my training as a nurse is how I’ve come to arrive at this particular road in my life.

How have your prior career experiences prepared you for your

What would you most like our readers to know about your journey in business? In life? I didn’t know I was on a journey at first. I was living each moment and enjoying the ride day to day. When you become an entrepreneur or a business entity you have to move from passion to purpose very quickly. What I found as I was riding along was that I am not a master of everything. I am grateful for the wisdom to seek help, find experts who can guide me and those I can outsource work to when needed. Keeping true to what your skills are and what you LOVE to do is what will help to keep the fire burning and push you along the journey Who would you describe as your


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mentor(s) and why? I truly have been blessed with so many wonderful mentors that this question is hard to answer. My life has been full of wonderful women sharing their Pearls of Wisdom with me and helping to guide me on my journey.

What’s on your bucket list and why? On my bucket list is to learn how to play the guitar in my garage, visit the 7 Wonder’s of the World and be able to capture it all with my camera. Any difficult times you’d care to share with our readers?? And if so what lesson have you learned? My journey is not unique. I have failed at many business ideas, felt discouraged along the way and found myself questioning what direction life can possibly want me to go in. What I have learned is that nothing, no failure or fall, has ever been without a lesson and if I have learned one thing in life it is to take EVERYTHING I’ve been through and use it to propel myself forward in the journey. It is never a step back instead it’s a moment to reflect, regroup and try again perhaps in a new or different way. The second lesson I’ve learned is that we must be gentle with ourselves. If

we fail to love ourselves completely mind, body and soul we can never truly be successful. I have neglected myself in the past, worked more than I should have, missed the important moments and completely stopped paying attention to what “Sandra” loves and needs. Success that lasts can only come when we have inner peace, self love and self preservation.

If you could do one thing differently in your life, what would that be? Everything I’ve done has brought me to where I am today. I don’t want a do over but I’d love a do longer so that I can keep painting this beautiful life I’ve been blessed with. What do you wish you knew 20 years ago? That all would be ok. I would marry the man of my dreams. That nothing is impossible. What is something people would be surprised to know about you? I once drove one of the vehicles in the presidential motorcade. I wish I could tell you more but “what happens in the motorcade, stays in the motorcade.” Let’s just say it was one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking experiences of my life, driving at very high speeds with the most powerful man in the free world.

www.womanwithknowhow.com DECEMBER 2013


What inspires you? I am truly inspired by art and nature. There are days when even the clouds can just take my breath away. What makes you laugh? My husband and my sister are tops on my list of laughs. They both get my jokes and we share the kind of humor that “you’d have to be there to understand.”

represents the link/network formed by the women of pearls.

Who Can Participate? Pearls is open to any woman who has been victimized, experienced a victimization of a friend or loved one or has a passion for domestic violence. Pearls is a place to connect, create, cleanse and be a champion for domestic violence.

Why Participate? A battering or abuse occurs every 6 seconds in the United States. As an active participant or donor you will help to bring awareness to domestic violence in a unique and creative way… through use of the arts. “Art is a universal language by which we can create a voice, heal a heart and form a network of women survivors who can help empower other women who are About Pearls For Creative Healing: Pearls for Creative Healing is a nonprof- victims of abuse or similar situations.” it organization focused on using art to help end domestic violence. Art work- Local Statistics: 2011 – Charlotte Mecklenburg had 9004 filed domestic vioshops help by empowering survivors and providing an outlet for telling their lence reports. In 2010 – 2,843 restraining orders cases were filed. stories through expressive arts. Art creates a universal platform for survivors to tell their stories, share mes- Resources: sages of survival and create a platform NEED HELP NOW: Call the 24-hour National Domestic Violence Hotline: from which to end domestic violence 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) What do the Pearls symbolize? Take the Domestic Violence Quiz – The Pearls symbolize wisdom, beauty, Are you unsure if you are in a domestic femininity and strength. The strand If you could stand up and defend anything, what would it be? I will forever defend women’s rights and help fight to end violence against women. There are so few options for women who are not in crisis or in the shelter setting, my hopes are that one day we can bridge the gap and help all women transition from hurt to healed.


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violence situation take this quiz for more information.

Turning Point -Union County domestic violence shelter and services.

Children & Family Services Center – A single location in uptown Charlotte where nonprofit organizations offer comprehensive assistance to strengthen families.

NC Council for Women – a women’s advocacy agency within the North Carolina Department of Administration. North Carolina Coalition against Domestic Violence – community of agencies and individuals who serve domestic violence survivors and their children.

Crisis Assistance Ministry – provides assistance and advocacy for people in financial crisis, helping them move toward self-sufficiency Project Rainbow Net – domestic violence resource for the gay, lesbian bisexNational Domestic Violence ual and transgender people. Hotline – national hotline for victims of domestic violence eNOugh Violence - a movement to create a statewide domestic violence public National Teen Dating Abuse awareness campaign in North Carolina. Helpline – support and information to understand and find resources for National Network to End Domestic dating abuse. Violence – a social change organization dedicated to creating a social, political Mecklenburg County Community and economic environment in which Support Services Women’s violence against women no longer exists. Commission – employment services, training, domestic violence services, Women’s Law- state-by-state legal and advocacy. information and resources for domestic violence survivors. Cabarrus Victim Assistance NetworkCabarrus County domestic violence Attorneys – attorneys.com is an online shelter and services. resource for finding an attorney National Coalition against Domestic. My Sister’s House -Iredell County domestic violence shelter and services. Violence – coalition building at the local, state, regional and national levels.

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Futures without Violence – works to end violence around the world through legislation and education. V-Day- global movement to stop violence against women and girls. Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence – dedicated to reducing the costs and consequences of partner violence at work – and eliminating it altogether.

training and information on response to and prevention of domestic violence. National Violence against Women Prevention Center- helps to prevent violence against women by advancing knowledge about prevention research and fostering collaboration among advocates, practitioners, policy makers, and researchers. VAWNET – online resource for advocates working to end domestic violence, sexual assault, and other violence in the lives of women and their children.

Legal Resource Center on Violence against Women – offers assistance to victims of domestic violence dealing with interstate custody issues North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault – working to end sexual Domestic Abuse Intervention violence through education, advocacy Program – works towards the eliminaand legislation. tion of violence in the lives of women and their children. RAINN – national information center and hotline for survivors of sexual violence US Department of Justice Office on and their supporters. Violence Against Women – provides federal leadership to reduce violence National Sexual Violence Resource against women, and to administer justice Center – national information center for for and strengthen services to all victims survivors of sexual violence. ● of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. National Resource Center on Domestic Violence – provides support to all organizations and individuals working to end violence in the lives of victims and their children through technical assistance,


Connect And Grow With Women In Our Community

Sandra Guynes, President Pearls for Creative Healing, Charlotte, NC You can find out more about her community work and professional ventures at www.pearlscharlotte.org and www.hipchickphoto.com. 704-817-8793

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Throw the Perfect Holiday Pairing Party

From cookies and milk to the partridge in a pear tree, the holidays are filled with classic pairings. This year, gather family and friends together and ring in the season with a themed party that celebrates famous couplings. A themed party always calls for a little extra creativity to wow guests and ensure a great time is had by all. Since what you serve is always a key ingredient to a successful soiree, plan to have plenty of tasty appetizers and beverages available as soon as guests arrive. Try this recipe for Mini Steak Skewers with Smoked Paprika Aioli, a smoky flavor that pairs perfectly with Black Box Wine’s new Red Elegance. Juicy red fruit, ripe blueberry and the smoothness of sweet chocolate is a win-


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ning combo with the savory steak that guests will surely adore. Simple tips for your festive fete While planning your themed gathering, make sure to highlight pairs that evoke the holiday spirit. Try some of these hosting tips to make your pairing party the event of the season: Couples in costume: Encourage couples to dress similarly and in classic holiday fashion. For example, some may show up in matching holiday sweaters or as a famous couple from a holiday movie. Cheese and wine: Nothing goes better together than cheese and wine. Make your spread complete with a variety of

fine cheeses and a flavorful wine, such as those from Black Box. One 3-liter box is the equivalent of four bottles. For more information, visit www. blackboxwines.com.

Aioli: 1/2 cup mayonnaise 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1 garlic clove, minced 2 tablespoons olive oil Kosher salt and ground black pepper, to taste

Dynamic duets: When planning your playlist, look for holiday standards that feature only duets or duos to highlight your special theme.

Skewers: 3/4 pound filet mignon, cut into 3/4-inch squares (should get 30-36) 1/2 small red pepper, cut into 3/4-inch squares (should get 20-22) Kosher salt and ground black pepper, to taste Olive oil, for greasing the pan or grill

Must-have mistletoe: Add a kiss of romance and fun to your event with • To make aioli, mix mayonnaise, lemon juice, festive mistletoe. Every couple will look paprika, garlic and olive oil in small bowl until forward to seeing this gorgeous greenery well blended. Season to taste with salt and perched across your doorway. pepper and set aside. This can be done up to 24 hours in advance. • To make skewers, thread one piece of steak Don’t forget dessert: A holiday party onto skewer, followed by a pepper, another would not be complete without the piece of steak, one more pepper, and one ultimate combination of holiday sweets: more piece of steak. You should have three cookies and milk. Set them out just as you squares of beef and 2 pepper squares on did in childhood days and watch as guests each skewer. Repeat until all beef and pepdig in to this perfect post-dinner treat. pers are used. Season generously with salt and pepper on all sides. Mini Steak Skewers with Smoked Paprika • Set grill pan over high heat, or preheat Aioli Pair with Black Box Red Elegance grill to medium-high. Rub oil onto surface Makes 10-12 skewers of pan or grates. Place skewers on pan or You’ll need 4-inch skewers to make this apgrill. If using pan, cook for about 8 minutes petizer. If you can’t find them, long toothpicks for medium steak, turning during cooking will be fine, as will larger skewers cut to size. so all sides have grill marks. If using grill, cook for 6-8 minutes for medium, keepBe sure to soak them for 15-20 minutes before ing lid closed as much as possible, turning cooking to avoid burning. Because this is holithroughout, until cooked to your liking. day time, it’s nice to use a higher quality meat Alternatively, you can broil skewers for 6-8 like filet mignon, but you can use whatever minutes, turning once halfway through. steak you like. • Serve with aioli on the side for dipping. ● www.womanwithknowhow.com DECEMBER 2013


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family How Technology Can Simplify Your Holiday Season



The advancements in technology have changed many things in our daily lives including how we celebrate the holidays. From making shopping easier to planning holiday getaways, the endless capabilities of smartphone devices have made the holidays easier and better than ever before, allowing you to save time and money all with the touch of a button.

Holly Jolly Entertaining With Ease Time spent with loved ones is what the holidays are all about. Here are some ways your smartphone can make these occasions even more joyous:

• Festive films and shows: Whether you want to entertain the kids while waiting to board the plane or just want to catch your favorite holiday From travel to shopping, here are some movie from the convenience of your of the ways to use technology to enphone, you can do so with ease with hance your yuletide celebrations and the Netflix app. Included with your resolve some of the stress-inducing Netflix membership, this easy app lets activities of the season. you download and stream thousands


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of your favorite television shows and movies to enjoy at any time you please.

easier. Make the shopping experience go even more smoothly by ensuring your phone has a strong, reliable signal. The zBoost SOHO cell phone signal booster kit increases signals up to 2500 square feet, making it perfect for your home or office. For more information, visit www.zBoost.com.

• Merry-making invitations: Send out invitations to your ugly sweater party or caroling bash with unique, perfectly decorated invites with the Evite app. This helpful tool also allows you to manage guest lists and RSVP to other • Lists you’ll love: When it comes to events in a snap. keeping track of presents, there’s no need for pen and paper. The Christ• Good tidings and great tunes: The mas Gift List app allows you to create holidays would not be complete a budget for each recipient and then without the sounds and songs of the track gifts as they are purchased. season filling the air. From kids’ school parties to a holiday feast with family and friends, you can create your own • One cool countdown: Follow the @ ChristmasCount on your Twitter app personal holiday playlists to fit every for jolly updates on your favorite event and mood. This unlimited acholiday. Besides keeping you aware of cess to music at your fingertips is a how many days you have left to shop, gift in itself. it also includes trivia and giveaways to keep you in the spirit. Holiday Shopping Simplified So many gifts to purchase and so little time. Try these handy helpers to get all • See Santa save: Ever wondered if you the gifts you need and still have time to could get a gift at a better price? The RedLaser app allows you to search for stop and enjoy the eggnog: a specific product and find its price at • Guesswork-free gifts: Some apps, such all retailers within the area. It’s “In-store pickup” function allows you to puras the Pickie’s Best Gift Giver tool, use chase the gift directly from your phone the Facebook likes and preferences of for easy pickup and to ensure availabilyour gift recipients to create a list of ity during those last-minute scrambles. suitable items they would love. It also combines all of these recommended items in a convenient, click-through Taking The Stress Out Of Travel If your holiday plans require traveling catalog to make purchasing gifts

www.womanwithknowhow.com DECEMBER 2013


with the family, the proper planning tools are essential. Try these holiday helpers that make traveling a breeze:

• A cheerful stay: Whether you didn’t plan far enough ahead, or your mother’s house is overflowing with relatives, a peaceful hotel room is at • Joyful journeys: Need a break from hand with the Hotel Tonight app. By the family? Want to explore the best specializing in last-minute deals proattractions in grandpa’s hometown? vided by area hotels, you end up with The Tripomatic app allows you to a luxurious room at a lower price. customize your own travel itinerary by entering the dates and location Festive Holiday Apps For Kids of your stay. Along with top attrac- Let the little ones in on all the mertions for your vacation spot, the app riment with these great apps dealso pulls up an easy download of signed just for them. Just download city guides so you can find the best onto your device and let your child diner, historic monument or shop- play away while embracing the holiping venue in town. day spirit. • Travels by road: If your holiday • Gingerbread Crazy Chef — Cookie travels require a car ride, give the Maker With ingredients for dough RoadNinja app a try. Restaurants, and plenty of fun ways to decorate, gas stations and other points of kids learn to make their own gingerinterest are posted for each highbread cookies with this creative app. way exit on your route. Make sure you can access such helpful apps • Jolly Jingle This musical app teachby ensuring you have the proper es the words to popular holiday signal in your car. The zBoost zForce songs, encouraging kids to join in Cell Phone Signal Booster improves on the fun by singing along. signal strength for voice and data to help you enjoy the journey. • Toca Hair Salon — Christmas Gift Let the kids take Santa to the salon for • Plans and planes: Keep all of your a special haircut or dye job. Kids will travel plans in one spot with the have a blast giving Santa a makeover TripIt itinerary app. By linking to your just in time for his big night. ● email account, it sorts and places confirmation emails and other travel Illustration by Tom McFarland documents into the app. 36

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going green

by Terri Bennett

Best Ways to Reduce Your Exposure to BPA


hat are the chances you are buying and bringing BPA right into your own home? Probably pretty good and there is reason to be concerned. BPA is linked to everything from developmental problems to infertility. Do Your Part and reduce your exposure today.

Many baby bottles and pacifiers used to be made with BPA. Now, many manufacturers have changed this but it’s still important to look for baby products labeled BPA-free. And, be careful how you handle certain store receipts. BPA shows up on receipts printed on thermal paper. If you can make an outline with your nail..it probably has BPA on it.

BPA can be found in plastic food containers. Any time you buy foods or liquids in plastic check the bottom. Avoid And don’t forget about those reusable plastic marked number 7 because it water bottles. You want those to be usually contains BPA. BPA-Free too. bottom line? Reducing BPA exposure is an important way to Another way BPA gets into your house create a healthier home for you and is in canned goods. The chemical your family. Do Your Part to make sure is used in the liner of the cans and it doesn’t contaminate your food, your can actually leach from the liner into body, or our planet. ● the food itself. Seek out cans labeled “BPA-free” or choose food items packTerri Bennett aged in safer materials. Glass and ceramics are safer materials. Use them to heat up foods in the microwave to avoid any risk of BPA leaching into your foods. 38

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A veteran TV meteorologist, eco-expert and author of Do Your Part: A practical guide for everyday green living available at: DoYourPart.com. Send questions to terri@doyourpart.com



Kitchen Must-Haves

Every chef knows a properly outfitted kitchen is a must in order to create culinary masterpieces. This year, make sure the special food lover in your life has everything he or she needs to stir their passion for food and drink. Expand their culinary library with a book that serves up helpful food tips and original recipes. Let them prepare their favorite recipes with a set of ergonomic and innovative knives. Perk up their mornings with a coffee maker that quickly brews a customized cup at the touch of a button. Or, help them serve up delightful dishes by keeping their pantry stocked with superior quality olive oil. This guide will help you find unique gifts for every kitchen connoisseur on your list.


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A Better Brew www.keurig.com $179.00 Create the perfect cup of coffee every time with the Keurig K-Cup Platinum Brewing System. This single cup brewer allows you to choose between five different cup sizes to brew your favorite coffee, tea, hot cocoa or specialty beverage with the simple touch of a button. With a sleek design and availability in three colors, your favorite foodie will love adding it to their kitchen or office.

A Great Find for Foodies www.snacksthebook.com $19.99 Should you take a bath with your strawberries or blow dry your chicken? Clever culinary insights are offered in small bites in “Snacks: Adventures in Food, Aisle by Aisle,” a book by food adventurer Marcy Smothers. The perfect gift for the foodies on your list, the book takes the reader on a grocery store journey, revealing Smothers’ knowledge, quirky fun facts, and great passion for exploring food. It’s packed with helpful tips, original recipes and tantalizing tidbits. A Sharp Gift www.cutco.com $241.00 Whether you’re a master cook or you aspire to be one, everyone needs a good set of high-quality kitchen knives. CUTCO Cutlery’s Kitchen Classics Set is the perfect

foundation to build on for any home cook. The Petite Chef Knife, Trimmer and 2 3/4-inch Paring Knife will have you chopping, slicing and dicing like your favorite food celebrity. American made and carrying a Forever Guarantee, they’ll quickly become kitchen favorites. In the Kitchen, the Little Things Matter www.facebook.com/ olivarioliveoil $6.00 to $12.00 Great dishes start with the finest ingredients, such as the superior quality of Olivari olive oil. The people at Olivari believe it’s the little things that help make great olive oil. From harvesting olives so they never touch the ground to staying eco-friendly by making sure nothing goes to waste. This holiday, give the thoughtful cook in your life a gift that embodies care, quality and excellence. ● Photo courtesy of Getty Images

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Sparkle for the Holiday Season


The holiday season is filled with a whirlwind of parties and special events. Be prepared to head out the door and look your best all evening long with these beauty tips. Add some sparkle. Bold accessories can transform your look entirely, allowing you to wear that little black dress to more than one party. For a timeless silhouette, pair a sleek strapless dress with oversized earrings that sparkle. A little black dress is the perfect look for a statement necklace. Just don’t pair large earrings with an oversized necklace. Pick one or the other and you’ll be ready to dazzle.

make holiday events special but they can quickly stain teeth. Keep your smile ready for the annual family picture and party perfect using ARM & HAMMER™ Whitening Booster, which is clinically proven to whiten teeth in just one week. Simply apply over your toothpaste and brush as normal. With 3X more whitening agent than a leading whitening strip, your smile will be ready for any occasion. Learn more at www. armandhammer.com.

Keep locks classic. This year’s blockbuster movies caught the attention of celebrities and fashionistas with their glamorous hairstyles. Get the look, without appearing too retro, by using styling gel to work short hair into sculpted Add a little glamour. Planning to atfinger waves. Those with longer hair tend a special soiree? Up your beauty routine with a darker evening look. Pair should sweep it up into a loose knot a daring red lipstick with a thin stroke of and add a thin headband. dark eyeliner. Keep your eyelashes dark Give your nails some shine. Beautiand the rest of your look minimal to ful bracelets and rings will draw attendraw all eyes in the room. tion to your hands. Keep them looking beautiful with a fresh manicure and the Whiten and brighten. Festive coffee drinks, red wine and fruity cocktails right shade of polish. A perfect mani42

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cure will also set off the one holiday accessory everyone must have – a cute clutch. Bring beauty tools along. When you pack your clutch for a night of celebrating, make sure to include the necessities. Stay shine-free and party picture ready with pressed powder. Also include a small toothbrush and a travel sized toothpaste, such as ARM & HAMMER™ Advance White with Stain Defense.

Slip in a concealer, color for your lips and a small comb for quick touch-ups and you’re ready to go out and celebrate the season. Holiday photos and family gatherings may not always call for a glitzy look but you still need to look your best. Look great all season by taking care of yourself. Stay hydrated and use plenty of moisturizer to give your skin a healthy glow. Keep your hair looking its best by using a great conditioner weekly throughout the party season. Follow these tips and you will be ready for any event this holiday season. ●

Baking soda gently removes plaque and surface stains with a deep cleaning action, while the Stain Defense™ technology Photo courtesy of Getty Images helps prevent new stains from setting.


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