Mind Blowing Magazine-2022 Men's Edition-Chandler Moore

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IN EVERY ISSUE 09 08 07 06


FEATURES 10 GOD’S FAVOR Our quarterly picks in Arts & Entertainment. 13 THE GIRLFRIEND’S CORNER April Daniels shares her corner with her friend and brother, Dwayne, who shares his heart with the fellas. 16 MIRACLES STILL HAPPEN Tyrik and Richie, two barbers transformed by one God, share their testimony. 42 LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE A conversation with Elvin Ross, a modern Renaissance man within film, television, and theatre.





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Contents 68 54 TABLE OF





God's goodness is not contingent upon our behavior or background. He's able to turn a country boy into a Kingdom Rockstar.

HEATHER LINDSAY teaches us how to wait on God with grace.





Manna for the Mind by TARI COX, M.A. shares the experience of transitioning from religion to relationship with the ultimate father.

SHANIKA GRAHAMWHITE shares the joy of cooking and an easy savory dinner recipe.




QUIANNA LASHEA our fitness columnist dives into how to be SUMMERTIME FINE.

LEANNE DLAMINI our international contributor shares "The MANual: The Men's Guide to Self-Care."



MARQUITA MOORE highlights "The Many Faces of Strength."

TAMARA BRADSHAW, Design expert and fashion enthusiast shares the deets on how to organize your home.


RODNEY HOWELL shares fashion tips for men and wardrobe essentials every man should possess. + A SPECIAL CONVERSATION WITH ELVIN ROSS. Mindblowing Magazine | 5




CREATIVE COVER DIRECTOR / COVER FEATURE PHOTOGRAPHER Robin V. / www.robinvphotography.com EDITORIAL STYLIST Joyce Sheffield of On and Off the Runway / www.onandofftherunwayboutique.com ART & DESIGN & DIRECTOR Jazmine Rochelle / Art & Design Shamera Batts / Administration www.jazminerochelle.com


April Daniels / www.officialaprildaniels.com Tari Cox, M.A. / www.taricox.com Quianna Camper / www.qui2health.com Marquita Moore / www.howigrewtoday.com Shanika Graham-White / www.orchidsandsweettea.com/


Tamara Bradshaw LeAnne Dlamini Rodney Howell Dwayne "Bruce Wayne" Patton Omarr K. Rambert


Video Multi-Media Tony Pettiford of Clear Scope Media www.clearscopemedia.com

MARKETING / ADVERTISING Jazmine Rochelle / Shamera Batts www.jazminerochelle.com

EVENT PRODUCTION Mindblowing Magazine | 6

Wright Productions www.wrightprods.com


MEET OUR contributors In every issue, each woman and man here desires to cheer you on. They understand your struggles. Get your pain. Helps you know you’re not alone. Shares their authentic faith. And uplifts you to the heavens! They help you soar and become who God created you to be.

Toni Emehel

@toni.emehel Let Your Light Shine

Dwayne Patton

@dnaentgrp The Girlfriend's Corner

Heather Lindsay

April Daniels

Shanika Graham-White

Marquita Moore

Rodney Howell

Omarr K. Rambert

LeAnne Dlamini

Tari Cox, M.A.

@iamaprildaniels The Girlfriend’s Corner

@rodneyhowell3 Men's Fashion

@iamleanned Beauty

@orchdsnsweettea_ Shop, Prep, Dine

@weirdovision The Cover Story

@xarcito Manna for the Mind

@heatherllove Devotional

@howigrewtoday The Many Faces of Strength

Quianna Lashea @qui2health Summertime Fine

Tamara Bradshaw

@tamarabradshaw_home Design Mindblowing Magazine | 7


PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. MATTHEW 6:9-13

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DeaR ReaderS,

I love when the time comes around to celebrate our “Men of God”; this special men’s edition means so much to me. “Why?” you ask. Because it’s so important as women that we pour God’s unconditional love into all our men. Yes, they appear to be exceptionally strong at times, even when we expect them to be the most vulnerable. Men have a way of always keeping it together and not showing too much emotion, so we may not always show our appreciation. This issue is a beautiful dedication to our men and our way of saying “we love and appreciate you.” We also love how God continues to AMAZE us!! It seems He delights in giving us mind-blowing gifts that cause us to

praise Him. Presenting singer, songwriter, Grammy award-winning artist Chandler Moore as our cover feature! When I tell you tell you this article moved me to tears, please know I was blessed and helped in areas I didn’t even realize existed. I felt Chandler was somehow speaking to me personally as the powerful statement this article highlights, “Nothing Is


Wasted,” is a message I humbly live by: Romans 8:28. So powerful! Glory be to God! And if that’s not enough, our “Let Your Light Shine” article features composer and filmmaker Elvin Ross. In fact, all the testimonies in this edition have been shared by strong and powerful men who will enlighten your heart and feed your soul. I just want to express “a very special thank you to every contributor and man featured; your contributions will bless many and leave lifelong imprints on everyone who took the time to follow your journeys.” Believe me, I laughed and cried through each page turn, completely amazed by all the transparency and love shared. I hope and pray that through their stories, God will gently lead you to find the best love of all, that found in His Son, Jesus Christ. No matter what we are going through and the obstacles we face daily, He is still on the throne sitting at God’s right side, interceding for all of God’s children. May you find your heart inspired as you read, all to His glory!

StacySSorell-Moore EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

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The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:6, NIV

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with april daniels

Someone asked me, “How does God's voice sound when you hear Him talking to you?” While everyone at the table chimed in with a version of what they imagined, I said, “It’s strong yet gentle. Strong enough to command my attention but soft enough not to startle me.” It’s crazy how I remember the stories my great grandmother would share about hearing God's voice. For a long time I thought that was crazy talk, until one day I experienced it for myself. As the Editorial Director and creator of this column, my strategy has always been to hear the voice of God. Every feature, each contributor, every bit of content, and more begin with a lot of prayer to align with the heart behind MB Magazine. I knew for the “Men’s Edition” I wasn’t going to write as I normally do. I also knew I wanted our male readers to hear from a man who had something to say that would be authentic and powerful. As I started my normal process, God immediately laid my brother on my heart. A brother not by blood, but for the steadfast example of family he has shown my sons and me long after his brother, my late husband, transitioned. His integrity exemplifies enormous selflessness as he often pours into others. His heart connects with the needs of others not only through his words but also through his actions. Brother, I’m grateful for our family ties, your transparency, and your male perspective on every topic we find ourselves discussing in deep conversation, no matter how many times you say, my sister and I can’t advise one another, lol. I didn’t know the response I would get when I asked; all I knew was I was walking in obedience. Thank you for your “yes,” and I pray the blessings that come from this moment are more than you imagined, bringing abundant increase over your life ...

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LETTER to men like me by Dwayne ‘Bruce Wayne’ Patton

What was thought to be the typical FaceTime between my significant other and my sister, April Daniels turned out to be just what I didn’t know I needed. I was invited into the call to give thoughts on April's choice of a man to write in her place for “The Girlfriend’s Corner” column in MB Magazine’s “Men’s Edition.” I thought the idea was to pick my brain regarding someone April had in mind or someone she had already chosen. Well … that’s exactly what she did, sort of. April caught me completely off guard with her choice of guest writer for the men’s issue … me! I was flattered but noticeably hesitant in my response. To be honest, I was shocked! She continued explaining the job in detail and why she thought I'd be “a perfect fit” as the voice to speak to men in her place. I had to reprocess what was being asked of me, even in the midst of our ongoing conversation. Nevertheless, I accepted the task, feeling both surprised and honored at April's choice. However, it also reminded me of some ambitions I should have attempted by this point but have not. In order to understand my initial hesitancy at this request and even my own ambitions, you'll have to understand who I am and where I come from. Currently, I manage recording artists. As a “good manager,” you think of your clients and their best interests first. For me, from the time I wake up until I head back to bed, I focus on what more can be done for these artists and their brands. It's a selfless job, but I have no problem with it. Though that's not the only reason my aspirations have been put on the back burner. My frame of mind as a manager had once aligned well with my previous “career.” Prior to becoming a manager of entertainers, I spent my late teens and early adult years in the streets of Chicago hustling, or as the city's joint task force would put it, in "organized crime.'' It's a time of my life I'm not particularly proud of nor would I ever try to deny. The mindset I needed and formed in that era of life was fundamental to my survival and freedom, but it also mentally hindered the concept of me living a public life especially visually. Someone allowing themselves to be too, visible was often the first sign of their demise. Intentional or not didn't matter at the time. That time of my life

called for me to avoid cameras and being seen in photos at all costs. That's what I did and unfortunately still do, continuing the practice of staying hidden as much as possible. Even though I'm 20+ years removed from that lifestyle and, for the record, no one is after me, my mindset is muscle memory for me at this point. For a moment, I'll have genuine intentions to launch YouTube Channel(s) and podcasts, as well as other visually driven promotional tools for my brand, yet have never brought myself to start any of them. As management, I constantly stress the importance of social media and overall visibility to an artist and their brand(s) yet refuse to commit to do so myself … until now! April extending me this honor still gives me a very uneasy feeling, a reluctance to put myself out there, but she has also acknowledged a gift she feels I have and believes in so much that she has allowed me to write this column on her behalf. This request has forced me to assess the mental space I have lived in and made a reality for far too long. After mentally preparing to move forward with writing this column, I thought extensively about my subject: "What would inspire men?” And I couldn't get past the fact of how this request has inspired me. I figured, I'll use my own story to remind not only myself but also others about the potential and purpose inside of you. It's a real story that includes a good guy with a checkered past by societal standards; yet his outdated mindset that hinders his progress can for sure speak to somebody, no matter the gender. Prayerfully, they will identify with seeing these things addressed and potentially overcome that thing that’s winning the war inside them. There's no substitute for truth and transparency, nor should you abbreviate who you authentically are. I admit, it won't be simple to deviate from bad habits that have been made into a way of life. But everyone reading this has my word … "I'm working on it!" And if what I have written speaks to you, you owe it to yourself to do the same. Furthermore, I'm certain men need to be reminded of their individual value(s) despite what they've gone through. So, let me say this next: many of us have something incredible to offer through our purposed talents, so don’t let another day go by where you sleep on who you were called to be. Know that your gifts are very much needed in this world and have the power to touch individuals in an exceptional way. Hopefully, this serves as a reminder, the same way April’s request did for me. After all, according to April, we're "a perfect fit" ... for what we are called to do! Mindblowing Magazine | 15

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MYAMMEE Her name says it all. Up and coming female Gospel Rap & Christian Hip-Hop artist Myammee hails from Miami, Florida, and is still best known for starring in the VH1 reality TV shows, like Flavor of Love. Since her days on reality TV, she has become a successful entrepreneur and an HIV/AIDS advocate in memory of her mother and twin brothers whom she lost to complications of the disease. But, now she wants to be known to push the envelope in Gospel music by enlightening the world. Her favorite thing to say is, “Who said who can't praise and worship God.“ On her journey, she realized how much God has been a major key to have in her life. Myammee wants the world to know how much God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit mean to her and how important a relationship with God is to a Christian. Also, she reminds people that the focus should be not on judging a Christian by their book cover but on their relationship with God and others. Being a Gospel Rapper, which she refers to as being a "Jesus Praiser," is the vehicle she wants to use to influence, inspire, encourage, and help build more God’fidence (confidence in God) in others. Creating the "Faith Soldier" mentality is also the goal she wants to accomplish within her music and through her Christian lifestyle brand, Endorsed by God. The goal of her music is to increase God’fidence and trust and to spread the message of God's unconditional love to the masses. Myammee has made a big impact in the Christian Hip-Hop genre already since pursuing her artistry full-time. The release of her first solo single, "Pray N Slay," in June 2021 helped land her the title of Miami's Best New Gospel Artist.

@_Myammee_ @_Myammee_ @_Myammee_ Myammee TV WWW.MYAMMEETV.COM

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Photographer : @sam_interrante Mindblowing Magazine | 18



is thoughts aren’t our thoughts, His ways aren’t our ways.” When standing in the eye of unforeseen

soothe despair, tragedy, some may find themselves clinging to this paraphrased version of Isaiah 55:8–9. They may also find themselves jubilantly professing these words as their heart rests on a fulfilled promise that finally came to pass, realizing that God hasn’t forgotten them, even if their minds deceived them into thinking so, just for a moment. The truth is, our ability to comprehend the supreme power of God to restore or redeem a situation can cast only a shadow of accuracy. And we have a finite ability to think of the possibilities of outcomes that He may craft using the unique details of our stories.

However, after over two decades of separation following a tragic incident that changed their lives forever, two men of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, came to further understand the veracity of this promise: His ways are so much higher and greater than we can ever hope to imagine. Ricardo “Richie Razors” Cruz and Tyrik “Joel” Jackson met in their early adolescent years in a group known as SFC (Skaters for Christ), a Bible study led by Tyrik himself. Specifically, Richie was intrigued by the skateboarding component of SFC and became acquainted with its members, but only for a brief period of time.

faced with a decision that would lead to the end of his time not only with SFC, but with many others for a while as well. “I said, ‘So you’ve got to make a decision. You’re going to hang with us or you’re not.’ And we ended up trading a skateboard for a bicycle that I wasn’t riding anymore. And we didn’t see him. So it’s kind of like he made his decision...” —Tyrik Richie became acquainted with another group after the cessation of his attendance at SFC. And a few weeks later, Tyrik stumbled across the tragic news that Richie was involved in a fatal shooting, costing the life of a young woman. “I was only 12 at the time … and this group was the complete opposite of Tyrik's group. And I came into that group and again, a point came where I did something to try to prove my worth to this group ... I went with them to resolve the problem that they were having. And unfortunately, someone was accidentally shot and killed. I had absolutely nothing to do with it.” —Richie Richie was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole at the age of 13. And in the early part of his sentence, he took every advantage to educate himself by way of courses and certificates, keeping in mind he would spend the remainder of his life there.

In his efforts to gain their acceptance, Richie stole a cutting-edge skateboard that they were admiring at a local skate shop. He was later confronted about his behavior after revealing the skateboard to others, including Tyrik.

Burdened with guilt from his and Richie’s last interaction that required Richie to make a choice, Tyrik pondered on the possibility that he could have saved him. Therefore, he channeled his regretful thoughts into using his mentorship skills for the future of adolescents and sharing the significance of choices.

“When we get back to my house, Richie pulls the skateboard out, and he’s like, ‘Look what I got.’ And I look at it, and I’m like, ‘Man, how did you get that?’ He said, ‘What you mean?’” —Tyrik

Both Richie and Tyrik turned their experiences into resilience and a greater means of service to others. And further for Tyrik, he discovered his passion for barbering during this segment of his life.

“And so it was like, I knew you guys wanted it, so I brought it to you. Now, who wants it?” —Richie After accepting an agreement offered by Tyrik to return the skateboard in exchange for a bicycle, Richie was faced with a decision that would lead to the end of his time not only the skateboard in exchange for a bicycle, Richie was

He was introduced to the barbershop atmosphere one evening after receiving the kind gesture of a man who offered him a ride home after his high school talent show. To express his gratitude, Tyrik paid weekly visits to the shop and assisted with cleaning, eventually receiving haircuts for his help. After exploring diverse hobbies, he

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posed to himself,

"Why don’t I just start cutting hair?” During these years, Tyrik also ceaselessly asked about Richie each time he encountered one of his family members, including Richie’s mother, “Cookie.” But there came a day when, rather than receiving the usual response confirming his message would be relayed, he was informed that Richie was finally free. “She goes, ‘No, honey, no. There was a Supreme Court thing, and they made a decision that it was wrong for kids to go to jail.’” —Tyrik In 2012, via Miller vs. Alabama, the Supreme Court ruled that it was cruel and unusual punishment to sentence anyone under the age of 18 to life without parole. Several years later, the state of Pennsylvania adopted this law, resulting in Richie’s release. “The judge was saying, ‘No, this is the youngest person in the country that has ever been sentenced to life in prison. We’ve never done that to anyone.’” —Richie Richie was released from prison in 2017. And though no longer behind bars, he faced multiple barriers that eventually worked out divinely for his favor. He was released with stipulations, such as being forbidden to return to Lancaster, where his family lived and where the crime occurred. He also wasn’t equipped with the necessary work and survival skills to rebuild his new life. Yet Richie maintained a positive state of mind, trusting God’s ways. “He wasn’t taking away my support system. He was giving me one.” —Richie These restrictions led him to pursue a livelihood with his now wife, Amanda, but also led to financial strain that ultimately led him to his career.

“Nothing that I was educated in was something that was available to me as someone who has a record. So I had to take the less desirable jobs.” —Richie After Richie passively labored day to day — with cleaning companies to moving companies, and all financially insufficient — Richie’s wife, Amanda, encouraged him not to return to work but instead to pursue barber school, given his talent acquired while in prison. “I got really good at it to the point where people were actually paying me to cut their hair with a razor and a come instead of going to the barbershop … She [Amanda] Mindblowing Magazine | 20

was like, ‘Well, as much as you cut your hair, maybe you should go to barber school and become a barber.’ And I was like, ‘Why not?’ —Richie With the help of his wife and three different schools in mind, Richie applied to Premiere Barber Institute in Norristown, Pennsylvania. He was accepted into this prestigious barber school where he’d find more than just an avenue to grow his gifts. After being informed that he would no longer have to delay his start day to the following semester, Richie received the help of Dan, Tyrik’s business partner. Arriving on the scene, Richie unknowingly greeted Tyrik, mistaking him for Dan. And as time had passed and familiarity was no longer an agent of memory for either of them, Dan would become the connecting piece for them both. “I honestly walked into that barber school and shook his hand and didn’t know who he was.” —Richie They awaited the reunion of a lifetime as Tyrik realized just who Richie actually was. Richie, assuming he was summoned by the institution’s owner to be expelled from school, was greeted by questions that only a person would know to ask if they knew him all along. “He’s like, ‘Is your name Richie?’ And I’m like, ‘Yes.’ And he’s like, Your mom’s name is Cookie? And I was like, ‘Whoa. That’s not on my application …’” —Richie “I thought I would never see him again. Ever.” —Tyrik The two shared an emotion-filled, unforgettable moment, in full astonishment of the miracle God had performed; they had both received a second chance. “I spent 26 years asking God for a second chance … one chance just to prove that I’m not that person.” \ —Richie Receiving the instruction of successful business owner Tyrik “Joel” Jackson at Premiere Barber Institute, Richie had his first barbershop established before he graduated. And today, Tyrik and Richie are both successful in the barber industry. “I traveled all over the world teaching the art of barbering and the business of barbering, and then ultimately fulfilled my dream in 2014 to open up a barber school, which eventually brought Richie back into my life.” —Tyrik

tyrik “God gave me a certain platform, and that platform He gave me is called the barbershop.” —Richie They delight in sharing their story of how God divinely reconnected them, often reliving the emotions while testifying of what He restored. Embodying a story of hope, trust, and a second chance, Tyrik and Richie look forward to continuing to share their miracle with the world. “Everything doesn’t happen the way you want it to happen, [but the key is] … accepting that it happens the way it’s supposed to happen.” —Richie

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WASTED from Country Boy to Kingd om RockStar by OMARR K. RAMBERT Photography by Robin V. Photography Styling by Joyce Sheffield

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He is exceptionally unique. A man of God, wise beyond his years. But still a country boy at heart, with the self-awareness to know that he has so much to learn. “Now I’m having to learn how to have eyes on me and still stay focused on what the assignment is.” Universal – he has that keen ability to relate to people of all walks of life: members of the old-school Pentecostal church, music industry titans, and the New Age millennials trying to find their place in the modern era of Christianity. “We know who we’re called to and we know what they look like.” Yet, it’s not just his personality; it’s the way he can navigate each space in a way that bridges the gap

between believers and non-believers. It represents a path forward in the church, the breaking down of boundaries, and the willingness to be obedient to God’s call. He’s a “Kingdom rock star,” says MAJOR., an R&B artist, and the interviewer for this cover story. “[He has] wondrously shown us Kingdom in a way that allows us all to finally say, ‘Yes, this is it.’” But that’s the thing … he’s not just a Kingdom rock star — he’s a Maverick.

It has been a busy few years for Chandler Moore. While the world shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Chandler’s time was filled with major transitions in his personal life: getting married to Hannah Poole and recently welcoming a beautiful baby girl into this world (becoming a father of three in the process). As his family has grown, so has his star power as a leading member of the genre-transcending worship music collective, Maverick City Music. But to understand how Maverick City has revolutionized worship music is to understand what makes Chandler, Chandler.

The son of a pastor, otherwise colloquially known as a “PK,” Chandler was born into and raised in the church — a small church in Charleston, South Carolina, to be exact. To say that the experience of being a PK has been easy would be an overstatement. “All my life, I’ve definitely had to fight.” The church was his birthright — a constant in his life from Day 1. Years later, that consistency is still there. “I think I missed my first Sunday, maybe in 2020, of not being in church on a Sunday.” Chandler’s father was also a musician, Mindblowing Magazine | 24

singer, igniting Chandler’s love for music at an early age. Chandler grew up being influenced by the distinct sound of the King of Gospel, James Cleveland, and by consistent trips to the Gospel Music Workshop of America where he was able to continue to foster his musical abilities and passion. But his father’s ability to brilliantly communicate has perhaps inspired Chandler the most. A self-proclaimed “lover of all things communication,” he grew up admiring his father’s ability to convey a message, which has directly contributed to the ease in which Chandler navigates diverse spaces.

Every Sunday was a “blender” for Chandler. While his Sunday mornings looked different than most as a PK, his church experience was also different than most traditional Black churches. His first true understanding of the Church came in his early years between the ages of five and seven when the Church (his father’s church, the collective Black Church, and the collective Pentecostal Church) began to experience an evolution in their style of worship and transition into being “non-denominational.” Chandler was born into the emergence and intersection of Black and White Gospel. He witnessed the shift from the old Church that was both literally and sonically Black — separated from other cultures — towards one that embodies a melting pot of backgrounds and sounds. His regular Black-church experience was a hybrid of worship styles that would come to inform the way in which Maverick City has ushered in a new chapter in worship music. This evolution, while gradual, did not necessarily coincide for Chandler with a sense of belonging within the Church, however.



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Sonically, Chandler was the kid who preferred to sit in a room with nothing but a piano and a pad and … create. For him, there was beauty in a lack of structure and the ability to simply see what happens after a session. For the old Church, no structure might have equaled chaos, and that was something many people were not so willing to accept. “That was too far for them. Growing up feeling rejected almost in that sense because it’s like, ‘Dang, I can’t even do that in my dad’s church.” But this is the reality of changing a culture. It’s often a slow process that can sometimes be frustrating because we want to see the results sooner, and the change only becomes the new norm when a critical mass of people holds the same belief or understanding. In other words, change requires time. And it took a while for Chandler to realize that the feeling he was experiencing was not particularly a matter of rejection, but rather a matter of timing. When the Church was evolving and Chandler was simply trying to create, the old Church did not have the capacity to understand nor the language to describe the transformation the Church was undergoing. Now Maverick City is reaping the benefits of the fact that the world has caught up to the change that 16-year-old Chandler was hoping to usher in while leading 67-year-olds in worship as the minister of music — an experience that undoubtedly has equipped him with a keen sense of leadership and pervasiveness. The groundwork was laid early, and it is now paying off.

The genesis of Maverick City lies in the early writing camps started by their co-founder, Tony Brown (with Jonathan Jay as the other co-founder). In the mid-to-late 2010's, people from different cultures and backgrounds, from Bethel Church to Hillsong, were coming together to sit in a room and create, just as young Chandler once did without the traditional


Maverick. It was like something clicked...one word gave language to my whole life,”

structure of the old Church. It was 2018 when Chandler first attended this melting pot of worship and never looked back. After a while, it was decided that some of those attending these camps (Chandler included) should also demo the songs being created. Not for the purpose of selling the records; not for the purpose of getting signed to a major record label. These demos were intended to test-drive the songs in an organic worship space to see how they simply … felt. By the end, the group quickly knew they had something special on their hands. They just weren’t sure what to call it. A 2 a.m. text message one morning from Tony to Chandler had an answer and gave Chandler the word he had been searching for since being that 16-year-old minister of music struggling with a Mindblowing Magazine | 27

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sense of belonging in his father’s church: Maverick.“It was like something clicked …. one word gave language to my whole life,” Chandler says. He describes a maverick as “unorthodox, one who goes against the grain, one who takes a different way.” A Google search will only add to the long list of words that explain what constitutes a maverick and how Maverick City has grown so prominent: non-conformist, free spirit, trendsetter, rebel, outsider, dissenter, disruptor. Indeed, Maverick City has disrupted the norms of worship music. You see, at the time this article is being written, Chandler and Maverick City have been the catalyst in which God has begun to break the conventions, strict religiosity, and all things the old Church felt were needed to define a connection with God. There was once a time when worship music was either Gospel or Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) — i.e., worship music was either Black or White. This was the background against which Chandler’s early struggles were set and against which acceptance was protracted. But the transition into nondenominational has allowed Maverick City to thrive in a way few artists before them have done by eliminating the feeling that believers must prioritize religion over relationship. A focus on the former can lead to tunnel vision, with potential saved souls being lost along the way. A focus on the latter allows one to communicate to people of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds, in a way that brings them closer to Kingdom — no matter what it may sound like. In essence, the constraints have been stripped away. For Chandler, this newfound freedom is refreshing after several years of limitations, but he also recognizes that following God’s calling is not always easy:

“When you are called and when you are assigned to something, the Lord rarely, if ever, puts you in a space where it would be accepted first. I think the way the Lord tests your faith and even your patience and what you’re called to is He’s going to put you in an environment that does not believe … the Lord places you in seasons and in environments and with friends, spaces, and family situations where your assignment is not believed in. Just so you can build the fortitude and even build the tough skin. You are not affirmed by men; you are affirmed by God.”

That’s true. You are not affirmed by men, but that does not mean the affirmations won’t come. Especially when you are a part of a group that has consistently topped the Gospel and CCM categories on Billboard, recently Mindblowing Magazine | 30

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When you are called and when you are assigned to something, the Lord rarely, if ever, puts you in a space where it would be

accepted first. I think the way the Lord tests your faith and even

your patience and what you’re called to is He’s going to put you in an environment that does not believe … the Lord places you in seasons and in environments and with friends, spaces, and family situations where your assignment is not believed in. Just so you can build the fortitude and even build the tough skin. You are not affirmed by men; you are affirmed by God.”

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won the Grammy for Best Contemporary Christian Music Album for “Old Church Basement” with Elevation Worship, and accentuated that special moment by being the first Gospel/CCM artist to perform at the Grammy awards in 20 years with the performance of their No. 1 global hit “Jireh.” Unless you are the child of megastars like the Beckhams or cultural icons such as the Obamas, there is really no way to prepare yourself for the increased attention. As a PK from Charleston, South Carolina, Chandler has had to learn how to deal with the recognition on the spot. “The negative side of not doing it for attention is you’re not prepared for attention … I don’t know how to reconcile how to serve and not be seen.” In our interview, Chandler recalled Maverick City’s first tour date in Stockton, California, in which he was completely shocked by the reception he and the rest of the group received. People bombarding doors and following Chandler in the hallways of his hotel made it a night he won’t forget. It is also behavior usually exhibited at concerts of Michael Jackson-caliber artists, which is indicative of the way in which Maverick City has broken the worship music mold.

It’s easy to lose sight of the One who put you in position to receive such high praise, specifically when your own abilities are on display. Although all eyes have been on Chandler, he has remained focused, acknowledging that “purpose doesn’t change; assignments change.” It takes a special individual to remain unphased by a stadium filled with thousands of concertgoers in attendance to see them perform. That’s a skill usually reserved for veterans in their craft, and — more often than not — those experienced artists belong to music’s most popular genres: hip-hop, pop, R&B, country, etc. It also takes a person truly blessed with God’s favor to fill arenas

with people being brought closer to His Kingdom and still have the same mindset as a kid having an encounter with God in a small Southern church. Somehow Chandler and Maverick City have managed to fulfill both, all in an effort to follow the calling on their lives. Such is a testament to their character, both collectively and individually. Because Chandler is so grounded, he has also been able to develop personal and professional relationships with some of music’s most mainstream artists, namely Justin Bieber and Diddy.

Regarding Justin, Chandler attests that he’s one of the most saved people he has ever met. Diddy is a man filled with wisdom, passion, and a heart for the Lord. There’s

a lesson to be learned here. There was once a time when people would view mainstream artists as those who merely make secular music and do not have a relationship with God (otherwise, they would be Gospel or CCM artists). In other words, access to God was only obtainable within the walls of the church. Many of us grew up learning what it looked like to be a Christian, but not what it means to have a relationship with God. The benefit of time has allowed for a shift towards the latter and a dismissal of such a close-minded view. Now we are able to look at the person behind a song like “I Need a Girl” in Diddy’s instance and acknowledge that God is accessible to everyone — no matter their music preference or whether they are physically present in church every Sunday. “I’ve limited my relationship with God to such a church situation. I have learned that God is way more accessible than what I thought because of my own religious tendencies.” The old adage of “Don’t judge a book by its cover” exists for a reason; just because someone does not look or sound like a “believer” does not mean they do not believe. Sometimes these people may even have a stronger understanding of what it means to have a pure relationship with God than the traditional believers themselves. Maverick City endeavors to keep that principle within focus. Everyone is welcome, which is how they’ve managed to impact everyone from the college student (who listens to Maverick City as a way of fostering an environment of worship in a dorm room) to someone like Diddy (who begins any meeting, studio session, or gathering of people by playing Maverick City or Karen Clark Sheard to bring the “reverence of God” into every space). Either way, the mission remains the same — “making space for folk that would otherwise live in their own separate worlds,” all while bringing them closer to Kingdom.


don't judge a book by it's cover. Mindblowing Magazine | 35

" "

Either way, the mission remains the same ...

making space for folk that would otherwise live in their own separate worlds,” all while bringing them closer to Kingdom.

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A part of being a father is looking at the example set by your own — the areas where your father succeeded and those and those where he perhaps fell short. Chandler’s father provided him with a roadmap for how to manage the demands of the job and family, as full-time ministry overseeing several churches (and the church people that come with them) is no small feat. This positive example taught Chandler to be intentional in his time and that there really is no set template for how to be a family — but there are illustrations along the journey. Being married has given him the opportunity to look within. “It’s a mirror,” he says, allowing him to grow as not just a husband and father but also a child of God. Kirk Franklin once told Chandler that “marriage is the highest form of transformation to be like Christ.” In that selfreflection, Chandler has been able to pick up on the ways God is using his bond with Hannah to transform him.

But that’s the beauty of Chandler Moore. He’s mature enough to recognize that despite being one of the biggest voices in the worship music landscape, he is not perfect, and God will continue to use those imperfections for the greater good. I think that’s something we should all strive to acknowledge. Nothing is wasted. He and the rest of Maverick City have relied on this mantra to build arguably the greatest sense of community we have seen

within the modern Church, leaving behind a blueprint for everyone to follow: A How-To Guide on How to Belong.



It’s clear that this focus is important to Chandler. So is family. Being a husband and the father of three beautiful children, Chandler has had to find a balance between family time and the many hours spent as a member of Maverick City.


is the highest form of transformation to be like Christ.

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Son A


From Religion to Relationship and Fathering with the Father Written by Tari Cox, M.A.

Dominique Williams, age 29, not only excelled academically during his years at Boston College, earning both a bachelor’s degree in communications and master’s degree in education, but also found his passion playing football for four years during his undergraduate career. Specifically, he was captain of the team and had a tryout with the Cleveland Browns. As a man of athletic talent and social favor in town, Dominique’s well-rounded lifestyle as a young adult was quite the dream. Yet, those years also marked the time his life would change drastically. To Dominique, the “church scene” wasn’t a foreign concept. His childhood consisted of regular church attendance with his aunt and mother, including communion Sundays, attending youth group, and even being baptized at the tender age of 13. However, his experience of communion with Christ lay mostly in the customary idea of bread and grape juice; he now attests he was missing something that goes far beyond this sacrament. At age 23, Dominique began to sense the Lord nudging his heart to a place he had yet to experience with Him. Upon rededicating his life to Christ in 2018, Dominique began to see the Father in a novel way as he began to pursue relationship, rather than the routine of religion he had known for years. “Up until then, I knew God ... but I wasn’t ready to put away the worldly things… I knew religion, but not relationship,” says Dominique. Further, God used a precious milestone in his life to reveal Himself all the more. As Dominique began his adventure to know Father, he too, became a father. It was the birth of his son, Dominique Jr., now age 6, that sparked an even brighter flame in Dominique’s heart, pushing him into a deeper desire to walk in the ways of Jesus. He and his son’s mother had committed to a Christ-centered foundation in their son’s upbringing. “We said we were going to break generational curses.” And though he was raised with his father present and a village of supportive male figures in sight, a malefigure immersed in a relationship with Christ wasn’t in his scenery. However, it was something he would be one of the first to become. From childhood to college to fatherhood, Dominique’s testimony is molded with grace, discovery of identity in Christ and coming to know truth in various trials of many kinds, as noted by the Father (John 16:33). Through battles with anxiety, depression, and other insecurities, his unmet ambitions to play for the NFL, and his days walking in singleness, Dominique discovered his identity as a son of the King. During this season, he found restoration in Christ while using resources such as reading and writing to explore roots of the mental health challenges he endured. And through this refining process, Dominique’s ultimate heart’s desire grew and still remains steadfast, eager for God to continue to make Himself known through his life. Today Dominique considers himself in a season of learning and patience while his relationship with Christ remains at the core of who he is. Furthermore, the Christ-centered bond between him and his son serves as an inspiration to many. Mindblowing Magazine | 44

MANNA FOR THE MIND Vulnerably, Dominique displays the fullness of his relationship with the Father to Dominique Jr. beyond church Sundays. Dominique Jr. is given a front row seat to his father’s most intimate moments of tears, worshiping in the car, praying nightly, and walking and talking with the Lord. With his questions and curiosity, these special moments have been the ultimate example for Dominique Jr. to follow, leading him to pray and talk to God on his own. Other hobbies they share and enjoy include fishing, building, nature walks, sports, and other activities that facilitate walking with Christ on a daily basis. And through it all, Dominique finds that he learns more about the Father while fathering. “Every day I spend with my child is a new day that God uses him to teach me something about myself or Him.” Dominique is driven by knowing that generational curses are breaking, and as a Black male and single father, he destigmatizes the vulnerability of seeking devotion to Jesus Christ. While still in a season of learning, Dominique warmly offers several tips surrounding his singleness, mental health, and walking as a son to the Father:

Walk with Jesus – Learn to be a son to God, he says. “Once you gain an understanding of what it looks like to be a son, you will learn more of what it looks like to be a father.” Co-Parenting – As someone with a healthy co-parenting relationship, he advises, learn to love them like Jesus does. “Allow Him to purify your heart, and He will show you how to meet their needs as well.” Patience – Work on God’s timeline. “There’s no need to rush in your singleness. Remember, everything on Earth is temporary. You’re working towards eternity. When it arrives, you’ll understand why God made you wait.” Humility – God works wonders through humility. Therefore, fathers cannot be prideful. “Become comfortable asking for help. Seek a community of godly wisdom from other men of God through life groups, serving, etc.” Talk About “It” – “The enemy loves it when you’re isolated and vulnerable. Therefore, clothe yourself in the full armor of God as a primary tool to resist the mental tactics of the enemy,” he says. In addition to his heart for Christ and the Kingdom, Dominique is passionate about education. He aspires to become a principal and a superintendent. He was also named the first Black administrator in his school district and seeks to inspire the next generation’s Black and Brown educators. In this, he has founded The Dominique Williams Foundation, a scholarship for graduating students of color in Brockton, Massachusetts. Dominique Williams desires for more people to share their testimonies like his. He believes that people see themselves in the stories of others. As he continues to live out the heart of Christ, he stands on two Scriptures: “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set for the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” —1 Timothy 4:12

“As water reflects the face, so the heart of man reflects the man.” —Proverbs 27:19 To witness more of his journey and or more heart-warming, Christ-centered moments with this dynamic father and son duo, follow Dominique on Instagram at @neighbortonations. “No matter what, Jesus loves you.” — Dominique Jr

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The Fifth String of Film, Television, and Theater



NOLA native Elvin Ross is truly a product of his environment. On the heels of scoring his first Disney film, Sneakerella, and releasing his first directorial debut, Kunta Kinte Island, legendary film composer and producer Elvin Ross stepped off the set to share a few insightful moments with MB Magazine. He brought along not only his gracious smile, but also his depth. Humility. And wisdom. Those are the three words that perhaps best describe the industry genius who has scored music for Tyler Perry films, theatrical plays, and television productions for more than 26 years. Elvin’s mastery of his craft allows him to be that silent character you can’t see, yet like the “fifth string” on a banjo, his contributions to film and television magically add new dimensions of life and sound to every set. So, who is Elvin Ross? ELVIN ROSS: Elvin Ross is what we would call a Renaissance man. I like to have my hands in everything. I am a Christian. I am a man that lives by faith and by the voice of God. I am led by Him and want God’s glory to be on my life at all times … which curates my decision-making and how I maneuver through life. But my greatest pride and the thing I value most in life is raising two amazing boys, EJ and London Ross. On the professional side, I am a composer and filmmaker. I compose music for TV, film, and theater, and I have

produced a film here or there. Notably, a documentary called Kunta Kinte Island, which focuses on the old Fort James Island where Kunta Kinte was held captive for 15 days before being sent to the Americas. MB MAGAZINE: How did you come to discover your unique path? ELVIN ROSS: It was early on. I have always had lofty dreams to do things that were not necessarily tangible or within reach. I would often find myself (even times when I was with friends) listening to God saying, “Don't do that. Go that way.” Most times it was like, “Elvin, you don’t have to be a part of the peer pressure group where you just go along with the group. You have to stand out.” I heard that from God as an adolescent, not necessarily always understanding its meaning, but I did hear it early on. I was rooted in the church. What's interesting is that my mother was a church pianist. I played the drums while my mother played piano and sang. She also taught music in the school systems in New Orleans. So, I’ve always been around choral and classical type music, and my mother was the one who introduced me to a variation of different types of music as a child. I would listen to what my mother would do with choral music, and I would also try to mimic the musical sound of artists like The Hawkins. Mindblowing Magazine | 47


from going to school but from being in the Church.

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MB MAGAZINE: How would you describe the importance of music in film, television, and theater?

A metaphor used to describe the melodic gift of seamlessly infusing feeling and emotion into the aural landscape of sound through musical composition that amplifies the heart of the experience

ELVIN ROSS: Most times we have a spotting session, which is where the producers, directors, and executives come together and spot the different places in the movie that need music. Our focus is on What is the director trying to portray here? Did he or she get it [that portrayal] out of the actors? A lot of times it's not in the acting. It's what you feel or hear through the music. So, the impact musically is basically you have to hear and know what the heart is. Even in church, you have to know the heart of God, and that will then come out. So, it's the same thing. The impact for me is basically pleasing the heart of God and pleasing the heart of the director and producers. If you align them the same, it's the same results.

I studied music through high school. My environment was pretty eclectic in regard to the types of music I listened to. A lot of my friends listened to R&B or soul, whereas I was heavily into Gospel music and also core music for drumlines and marching bands. So, my environment was relatively rich with music. I developed an ear for melodics and different chord progressions. That allows me to think a little differently when I approach music. MB MAGAZINE: What role does your faith play in your musical creativity? ELVIN ROSS: Some of the greatest musicians on the planet are church musicians … those who grew up in church, who not necessarily learned how to play worship music or the hymns of the Church but are sensitive to it. When I say sensitivity, I'm speaking from a perspective that you can't play “Amazing Grace” the same way you

would play a secular song. The same way, you can't play a hymn the same way you would play a ballad. There is a different emotion that's evoked. Worship is just a different approach musically. So, what I have taken from my experiences is that even when you're looking at a movie and you are about to score a movie, you have to ask yourself, What is that emotion you're trying to evoke or that the director would like for you to evoke? What is that feeling they want you to create sonically without being heard? It's like the Holy Ghost. Your music is not supposed to be seen or heard. It's supposed to be felt. So, a lot of times feeling plays a big part of the approach in scoring for film, which is something I've not necessarily developed Mindblowing Magazine | 48

My oldest son, EJ, is attending Loyola Marymount this fall to study music. One of the things that's going to advance him is knowing the heart of music. He has the heart for it. He has the feel for it. And marrying that with the technical side of it, things that I didn't get because I did not go to school for this, will take him much further than I've gotten. Also, it will make him a stellar composer, stellar musician, and a stellar songwriter, because in order to be successful you have to really know how to reach the listener and reach them at the soul to be impactful. MB MAGAZINE: Have you experienced any disappointments in your work along your journey? ELVIN ROSS: Absolutely. Especially musically, where you can interpret something one way and feel the heart some way, but that's not always what the director may want. They may want the complete opposite. So, you can present a great body of work, and then they're like, Okay, that's wonderful, but not what we are looking for. That's a disappointment. Then there are times in life when you have your life struggles where you get disappointed and that can affect your work. I remember working on a show, If Loving You Is Wrong, and the storyline

in the show was a parallel to my life, and I was scoring it. Then I get a call from Tyler Perry one day and he's like, “What’s wrong with you? [laughing]. Why, this music sounds horrible! [more laughing] … What's going on?” The idea was that I was drawn into the show. I realized then that your personal struggles can oftentimes deter you or alter your performance musically. It happens. So, much like a doctor going into surgery, you don't want a drunk doctor or someone who is dealing with personal problems going in to operate on you. You need to be aware of where you are personally when you are scoring music.

of man, woman, boy, girl, young and old alike, through the many talented gifts God has given him. Elvin adds value to every set and advances the vision of those whom God has entrusted to steward his gifts. MB Magazine is grateful to share Elvin Ross with our readers as our “Let Your Light Shine” feature in this year’s Men’s Issue. Stay up-to-date on Elvin Ross’ latest projects by following him on Instagram @elvin_ross and Elvin Ross Studios™ on Facebook.

MB MAGAZINE: So when you listen to some of your earlier compositions, can you hear or sense where you were at the time you created it? ELVIN ROSS: Oh, absolutely. It’s dark. It’s ugly [with a jovial chuckle], and now it’s like, aaaahhhhh, a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Feeling kind of like a leprechaun! MB MAGAZINE: What are you most excited about in your life right now? ELVIN ROSS: God has been faithful. He simply said, If you hold your peace and let the Lord fight your battles, victory shall be yours. And with that, I celebrate scoring my first Disney film, Sneakerella, which is now being critically acclaimed 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. Critics have been very kind to me regarding my score. I'm dating a very lovely young lady who's been 100% on my side, supports me very greatly, and she gets it. She pours into me the proper way, and I'm very excited to be with her, and finally, I'm preparing to build my own film and TV studio. So I'm excited about that.

For the most part, I feel that God is saying, “You can be responsible with My ministry. Not necessarily saying you have to go out and preach, but if you can protect My ministry and cover Me as I cover you, I'll make your name great.” I feel that's what He's doing because He can trust me. Elvin Ross is truly the melodic fifth string of 21st century movies, theater, and television. His work has touched the lives of millions around the globe — on the silver screen, center stage, and digital media outlets. His gentle and humble spirit perfectly positions him to do what he does so well, and that is to touch the heart

Success the ELVIN ROSS Way

1. Don’t make quick decisions. 2. Take time to consider what the potential outcomes of your decisions will be. 3. Take time to think about the consequences of your decisions before you make them. 4. Never wear your feelings on your shoulders. 5. Don't burn bridges; put a gate on them.

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For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, 14 who purchased our freedom with His blood. Colossians 1:13-14 NLT

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Summer is in the air. There’s family barbecues, after work link-ups with your girlfriends, “bromances” at local sports bars, children riding bikes around the neighborhood, and one I look forward to a lot — baecations. So my question to you is this: when will you make time to workout with all the extra curricular activities going on?

During the summer I like to incorporate workouts that are short and sweet yet a bit intense to fit into your busy, fun-filled schedule! Let’s call it BALANCE! You’ll want to schedule your dates and workouts, pack your favorite leggings or shorts, and have a small meal, green juice, or smoothie ready… unless you have your mouth watering over the $7 appetizers you’ll order with your girls or guys! Easy enough? Yes?! Okay, great, let’s jump into a few quick pumps you can do.

OPTION ONE: Grab your fitness mat and a pair of light dumbbells and let’s get to work! After you’ve stretched, set your timer for 24 minutes. Each minute on the minute you’ll complete one exercise. Minute 1: Prisoner squat with alternate kick back Minute 2: Alternate reverse lunge with hammer curl Minute 3: Lying chest press with glute bridge hold Minute 4: Incline scissors Minute 5: Y jacks Minute 6: Rest Repeat for 24 minutes. Ultimately your goal is to complete each exercise for the full minute, but if you need to take a quick rest, by all means, listen to your body! OPTION TWO: Or, what if you’re on baecation and you want to make it a cute couple or partner workout? Well, make it a friendly competition by going rep for rep with each exercise within the minute. Look at it like this: your workout is complete, and you’ve spent quality time with your partner! 2 for 1!

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OPTIONS THREE: A brisk walk or jog. If you’re anything like me, you’ll take this time to catch up on your favorite podcast or the sermon you saved on YouTube to watch at a later time. This option offers a great way to do self reflections, clear your mind, prepare for a busy day, or simply burn off the extra calories from last night’s dinner date!


This brief summer inspiration is just me trying to get you to understand the importance of taking care of your temple. For the Scripture says, “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself …” (1 Corinthians 6:19, NLT). So, if we don’t belong to ourselves and the Holy Spirit lives in us, we have all the more reason to balance out a healthy lifestyle. Now, perhaps you’re wondering how to eat during this time. Whether it’s at home, a restaurant, a getaway, or a barbecue, we always have options. But “Which option will we take?” is the question. Not to bore you with nutrition, but food is not meant to not be eaten but is created to be eaten in proportion and enjoyed! It’s not always what you eat but how much you eat. If you’re out, scan your options and balance your plate: protein, complex carb, and veggies. I have this rule: eat as clean as possible for five consecutive days and then be flexible the other two. So since our schedules tend to be more flexible on the weekends, let’s use those two days to have our “cheat meals.” I wouldn’t give myself cheat days and then have to work like crazy throughout the week just to drop those weekend pounds, but enjoying a treat and/or a meal will give you a nice balance. So ladies and gents, don’t fret! We have solutions on how we’ll make this fitness journey a lifestyle! No more guilt eating. Just prepare and plan for your activities and meals as much as you can without driving yourself crazy. Rely on God’s strength, even to help you place your order or choose your meals. His Word says He cares about the flowers and sparrows, and oh, how much more He delights to care for you. - QUI2HEALTH // Healthy living is my lifestyle!

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the many faces OF STRENGTH as told by marquita moore

11:05 AM: “Strength has many faces,” I told my son last night. I’m mindful of how I speak to him about being strong, I’m careful to explain to him the varied ways strength can look and the many opportunities that present themselves for strength to be exercised. Sometimes being strong requires us to soften our grip. It takes strength to practice humility. The road to humbleness can be rough.

Compassion and forgiveness can take a lot of strength, too. It’s easier, though, when no judgment surrounds who deserves it and who doesn’t; we all deserve it. It takes strength to admit when we are wrong yet stand inside of a mistake or bad decision with our heads high. It takes strength to want to look at our wounds … and heal them. It takes strength to love when everything in us is urging us to turn our backs. It takes strength to let go and be in God’s flow.

It takes strength to serve and require or ask for nothing in return.

It takes strength to trust and live life by the ways of the Spirit and not the world.

There is strength in being gentle.

It takes strength to stand up and fight the invisible war constantly raging, which tries to rob us of peace and

It takes strength to love when everything in us is screaming not to love but to put up a wall of defense that keeps the challenges that will bring us to deeper love, out. It takes strength to love, even when loving requires us to walk away. Mindblowing Magazine | 54

happiness — our rightful position in God’s light.

It takes strength to allow others, those whom we trust and are walking in God’s truth, to sharpen us. Sharpening can come in the form of hard, real conversations, ones that challenge our perspectives or provide us with loving,

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT gentle correction. Conversations that provide the friction necessary to smooth out the rough places in our hearts and minds.

It takes strength to be kind and gentle in the face of hatred and anger.

It takes strength to say “no” when our automatic is “yes, no problem.”

James Baldwin said it takes strength to remember, it takes another kind of strength to forget, and it takes a hero to do both. Do both.

It requires strength to walk away from pleasing people and exchange it for dealing with others in a balanced way, through deep honesty, which lends itself to the good of all involved. This way won’t always be easy, but it’s the way that will yield what’s in the highest good for everyone. It takes strength to fall completely apart, to admit we are tired and scared, afraid and empty. It takes strength to wait, to surrender, to release our grasp on things that are temporary, and to cling to something certain: God. Having patience oftentimes takes more strength than rushing into a battle. It takes strength and courage to not respond, to remember who we are when we feel like our character has been assaulted, or when we have been triggered, realizing in that moment of offense that we are being tested by the dark, invisible force attempting to gain ground on the light inside us. It takes strength to pause, to breathe, to leave the routines of everyday life, and to relax in the power of Spirit. It takes strength to choose a path that may be different than what everyone else is traveling. It takes strength to know when to move forward. It takes strength to know when to lay down the defense and take up our offense.

To live humbly in that knowing takes strength.

It takes strength to tell our resentment — the years of pain and need for retaliation — that it has no place in our heart. It takes strength to let go of grudges and grievances. Again, it takes strength to love anyway. It takes strength not to condemn others, to place judgment aside, and to see the things that others do as their own path, their own steps to move them to greater and deeper love. It takes strength to learn the lessons with our heads held high and in gratefulness. It takes strength to acknowledge and live according to the truth that the Author of Love created us, and as His image and in His power we give His love to others. It takes strength to know that no matter how flawed we might be, we are still love at our core. It takes strength to realize when we are being resistant, and to let the resistance go. It takes strength to fall or stumble into the strategies and antics of darkness and then get back up again, grateful for the gift of the fall that revealed what is still there that can easily sway us away from the light. It takes strength to allow our human vessel to be cleansed of all things that prohibit us from feeling God’s love inhabit every space inside of us. It takes strength to realize it’s time to change and then do it.

It takes strength to allow ourselves to be transformed. It takes strength to make changes.

It takes strength to have those inner conversations with ourselves that hold no punches.

It takes strength to walk in authenticity — to be real, to be true to ourselves, always.

It takes strength to stay true to who you are, always.

It takes strength to be patient, to wait for the kinks to be worked out as we are being trained in love and growing into a deeper awareness of who we are. It takes strength to stay in a posture of trust when it seems everyone else’s dreams are coming to pass. And even when we see some of our ideas happening right before our eyes, it takes strength to wait for our appointed time.

It takes strength to stand in our humanness, admit our weaknesses, and let God’s perfect strength make us strong.

May it strengthen you today.

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STYLE & GRACE With this issue slated as our Men’s Edition, I wanted to dedicate our Beauty feature solely to the men in our lives. Now I know when you hear the words “self-care,” you automatically associate it with a woman taking a bubble bath, sipping a glass of champagne, or getting a facial, but self-care is so much more than that. We always hear women speaking about “filling their cups” and that you can’t pour from an empty cup, but our brothers operate from the same space. Which is why it’s so important that men practice their own self-care to maintain and enhance their mental, emotional, and physical health. What Is Self-Care, and How Can I Do It, You Ask? Self-care is simply the act of taking time to focus on yourself. Whether it’s something you do once a day or once a week, set aside time to take care of you. In the words of Georges St-Pierre, the renowned mixed martial artist and former Ultimate Fighting Champion, “If you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good, you do good.” Rather than overwhelming yourself with ways to practice self-care, let’s focus on grooming. Grooming is an essential part of self-care. Not only does it improve how you look, but it also helps boost your self-esteem and confidence. I’ve put together a list of highly recommended products to help kickstart your journey:

Philips Shaver Series 7000 - Wet and Dry Electric Shaver Get a close shave, even on sensitive skin. The Philips Shaver Series 7000 is crafted for a close, sensitive shave. Enhanced with personal guidance — and co-developed with dermatologists — it helps men with the specific skin issues they face ... Because every skin is different.

The Legendary Barber Beard Oil (a Black-owned business)


3 in 1 Shampoo, Conditioner, and Body Wash

Get Stronger, Healthier Hair and Scalp

Cantu Men’s collection is specifically formulated for the needs of men with wavy, curly, and coarse hair. This all-in-one shampoo, conditioner, and body wash moisturizes dry scalp and skin. It’s infused with caffeine and hemp seed oil to help hair grow stronger, thicker, and healthier, and it increases scalp health as well.

hims - Everyday Moisturizer for Men

This non-greasy, daily moisturizer is formulated with dermatologist-recommended ingredients that moisturize skin. Designed for all skin types.

hims - The Blur Stick Camouflage everything, from blemishes to razor burn to dark eye circles, with this easy-to-use formula.

Skin Republic – For Me : Face Masks

Bevel Shave Kit (a Black-owned business) - The Complete Shave System Designed to help protect, cleanse, and nourish your skin every time you shave. Includes the Bevel Safety Razor, Shave Brush, Pre-Shave Oil, Shave Cream, Post-Shave Balm, and 40 Blades.

Self-Care for Men: How to Look Good and Feel Great A straightforward and illuminating guide by Garret Munce. Here you discover the self-care techniques you need — from skin care to stress relief — designed for modern men who want to live longer, look better, and feel calm, focused, and happy. Mindblowing Magazine | 57


Now’s the perfect time to start organizing your home. Coming home to an orderly space can help you feel more at peace. You can organize on a small or large scale, no matter your budget. Start with a small area if it feels overwhelming. The key is to focus on one area of your home at a time. Today I’ll focus on the kitchen. In most homes, the kitchen is the heart of the home. That’s surely true for me. When I cook, I find it’s a way to express my love. With that being said, I cook often … LOL! After a few years of doing so, I realized my kitchen was never really organized. Utensils were thrown in drawers and cookware tossed in cabinets. My pantry was in shambles and became storage for everything but food. This took away some of my joy for cooking. I knew it was time for me to reclaim my kitchen. First up was my spice drawer on the side of the stove. I purchased spice jars that came with labels and an acrylic spice drawer organizer from Amazon. I adhered all the labels on the jars, funneled all my spices into the new jars, and stacked them on the organizer in alphabetical order. NoW, all my spices are perfectly organized. The acrylic spice drawer organizer makes everything more visible and prevents me from having to shuffle through spices, which saves me time. Now I smile every time I open this drawer! Next up? My utensil drawer, located opposite of the one for spices. I purchased acrylic silverware trays and bins, also from Amazon, placed them in the drawer, and lined up my beautiful gold silverware in the trays. Organizing my utensil drawer was a small project, simple and fast. The last kitchen area I’ll discuss today is the amazing makeover of my walk-in pantry. I refer to it as THE PANTRY. Now for this I had to call in help. Yes, I brought in an expert: Li McGi, otherwise known as The

Organizing Genius. Yes, the same women who built and organized my closet, The Candy Shoppe. Mindblowing Magazine | 58

We were going for drama, honey. Lights, camera, action … THE PANTRY. Li and her team started by adding 3D wall panels and a complete LED lighting system. We wanted it to feel like you walked into a light show when opening the pantry door. And now, all my pantry foods have their own space. Bins, food jars, labels, acrylic stands, lazy Susans, and decor was purchased from The Container Store, Amazon, and The Home Edit. All my cooking oils were placed in beautiful oil jars. Cereal, pasta, rice, beans and more were arranged and labeled. Lazy Susan spinning turntables were used so you don’t have to reach back for items. Just spin and grab the item you need. Finishing touches included two beautiful hydrangea arrangements from CFA Design Group. I encourage everyone to organize at least one area in your home monthly. So much of your life will function better if you take the time to organize the place you live. Trust me when I say, IT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE.


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from my


I’m Rodney Howell, and I have the awesome opportunity to be the men’s style assistant for MB Magazine. I’ve encountered a diverse group of men, with a wide range of different styles. I’d like to share with you some fashion essentials and style tips. Fashion is a form of self expression … whether you like someone’s style or not. How important is fashion to men? The answer can vary from man to man, but fashion is very important. First impressions are lasting impressions. If an individual doesn’t know you, the first thing they do is look at your appearance. Yes, you are being judged on your appearance, like it or not. A job interview, your first date, applying for credit at a bank — oh, yes … fashion is very important. Just like cooking or shooting free throws, dressing well is a skill that can be learned. I’m a firm believer and say all the time, “Fashion you can buy, but style is something that one possesses.” Either you have it, or you don’t! Now, some men have a metro vibe, known for their interest in fashion and refined sense of taste, while others are just your average, everyday guy who can take fashion or leave it. Some men think that some trends or haute couture fashion for men are considered highly extravagant. Some fashion is just beyond one’s comprehension. Fashion is not always your average church suit and a tie … It’s just someone’s expression of their style. Like the Met Gala for instance; it’s a fashion event with a theme where the looks are opulent and ostentatious. It gives you Mindblowing Magazine | 60

STYLE & GRACE an opportunity to express your entire style, and tends to be over-the-top fashion. You never want to limit yourself when it comes to fashion. Whatever your style is, possess it, own it, and be confident in your swag. As a stylist, I’ve been asked many times, what are some must-haves in a man’s wardrobe? Let me share with you some men’s fashion essentials: 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑 𐆑

Navy blue, single-breasted suit Single-breasted, black suit Black leather jacket Blue or beige trench coat Dark blue jeans Khaki pants Black tie, blue tie, and black bowtie White shirt and white undershirt Black loafers Black and blue socks Black belt White low top sneakers All purpose hoodie A pair of sunglasses A classic watch And always a decent, clean pair of underwear


Solve 90% of your style problems by getting the right fit. Fit is the most important thing when it comes to great style. When clothes don’t fit properly, they throw off your body proportions because of excess Shine your shoes … It shows you pay attention to detail. Focus on classic styles first before you try trends. It’s okay to wear colors; however, if you’re not sure, stick to solid and neutral colors. Use apps like Pinterest for style examples. And always remember, don’t be afraid to have fun; they’re only clothes.

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Vegan Buffalo ChickpeaS+GRITS This Buffalo Chickpeas + Grits dish pays homage to a Southern classic — “shrimp + grits’’ minus the seafood. Made with all dairy-free and vegan ingredients, this dish adds the right amount of spice and velvetiness to your taste buds that creates the best lunch or dinner experience for the entire family. Comforting and hearty in just one bite.

Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Servings: 2


Buffalo Chickpeas: 1 (15 oz.) can chickpeas, drained + rinsed 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon dried parsley 1 teaspoon dried basil ½ teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 ½ cups vegan buffalo sauce, mild or spicy Roasted Tomatoes + Broccolini: 1 cup grape tomatoes, halved or whole Handful of broccolini, stems trimmed 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon black pepper


To Roast Tomatoes + Broccolini:

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and prepare a large baking sheet by lining it with parchment paper. Add the tomatoes and broccolini florets onto the baking sheet (in a single layer) and drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and black pepper, and bake for 15–20 minutes or until tomatoes and broccolini are charred, wilted, and tender. Remove and let cool slightly. To Make the Grits: Bring 3 cups of plant-based milk and 1 cup of veggie stock to a low boil in a large-size pot. Whisk in the grits and cook for 10–15 minutes until thickened and the liquid is gone. Stir in the salt, garlic powder, smoked paprika, butter, and dairy-free cheese shreds (if using), until melted and the grits become smooth and creamy.

everything simmer for 10 minutes or so — or until the sauce begins to thicken and “stick” to the chickpeas. Remove from heat.

DINE To serve, spread the grits onto a plate and top with roasted tomatoes, broccolini, and buffalo chickpeas. Sprinkle dried parsley (optional) atop and serve immediately. Enjoy!

To Sauté Chickpeas: In a medium skillet over medium-high heat, add olive oil. Once heated, add chickpeas along with salt, black pepper, smoked paprika, garlic powder, oregano, parsley, basil, and red pepper flakes, stirring until chickpeas are coated. Once the chickpeas begin to become golden brown, add buffalo sauce, stirring to combine. Reduce the heat to low and let Mindblowing Magazine | 63

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G od



One of the hardest things for us to do is wait on the Lord. Especially when we don’t see results right away in our waiting. I’ve seen this challenge going around where parents put sweets in front of their small kids and then tell them they can have it … but first they must wait patiently. Then the parent tells their little one, “I’ll be right back but don’t touch the sweets while I’m gone.” Eagerly eyeing the treats placed in front of them, the kids enthusiastically nod their head, agreeing they won’t eat any while their parent walks away. And the entire time the little one is being recorded to see if they can keep their promise. And when the parent comes back in the room, they give their little one the sweets as a reward for their patience. Oh, the joy on their little faces when they are rewarded for their waiting! This scenario is not so different from the joy we experience when the Lord rewards us for waiting patiently on Him and His timing. But there are some kids who cannot control their urge to take a bite of the sweets placed in front of them. So, they sneak a few pieces while their parent is in the other room — thinking that they would never know. So now they’ve sampled their reward before it was supposed to be given to them. Which makes receiving the sweets at the end of the challenge far less satisfying because they’ve already tasted its goodness. Are you allowing the urges of your flesh to take control and spoil the reward God has waiting for you on the other side of your obedience? Romans 8:6–7 tells us, “So letting your sinful nature


control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.” Maybe you’re sick and tired of waiting on the Lord because you feel like it’s Him taking too long to come through on His promises. You might say, “For Heather, it didn’t take all that.” Because you’re scrolling online and you see that she got the man, the house, the baby, and the instagram following to match, and it doesn't seem like she went through long-suffering at all. It may be that this person has all the things you desire, but ask yourself: Am I striving after the success of the world, or do I want what God has for me? Many of us grow weary and frustrated in our season of waiting because what we hope for we do not yet see. So, we start to question God and His direction because our understanding is limited to what we can see. You go to church, you pray, you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and still no reward in sight. Then because you are so discouraged by the process, you no longer are patiently waiting on the Lord. You believe that sampling before God has permitted you to will cause no harm. But when you give in to the desires of your flesh out of frustration, you are telling the Lord: “Although I love you, Lord, I don’t trust You with this.” Our faith as believers in Christ tells us that even when we don’t understand, even when we do not see, we will trust in the Lord. For we know that “at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).

Today, I encourage you to stop focusing so intently on the reward, but to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:1–3).

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SALVATION Father, I admit that I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe He died for my sins and You raised Him to life. I turn from my former life and believe that inviting Jesus Christ into my heart and my life now that I am now born again. I want to trust Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do Your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer for the first time, scan the code for a special messae from our family. Mindblowing Magazine | 66

For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom with His blood. COLLOSIANS 1:13-14, nlt

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LOVE ABOUT HIM One inspiring quote by a famous author reads, “A life lived in love will never be dull,” and we couldn’t agree more at MB Magazine. Your personal journey of “two in love” will take you to roads that can lead to a deeper love for one another, filled with unimaginable highs as well as challenging lows. But there’s nothing more beautiful than the two of you locking arms to defeat the obstacles that were designed to make you stronger together. Whether you’re currently walking through valleys, mountain tops, or sunsets, we believe it’s necessary to speak life, not only to each other but especially to your man — to encourage and celebrate your love, especially the victories. We are honored to provide a platform in our Men’s Edition that speaks directly to a man: his presence, his commitment, and the dedication he operates in daily. When she is covered well, even through adversity, there’s an art and beauty found when a woman can share with her man, “What I Love About Him …”

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MR. marvin r.


Oh, how I love HIM! Let me count the ways. Since the day we swiped right, my husband has been the right one for me! One of the greatest gifts of his humanity is that he is real, authentic, consistent, and loving. This man of God loves me WELL! Better at times at loving me than I am at loving myself. He loves me through God's love, and it shows. He has been intentional about our love affair since the day we started dating, and his consistency in that intentionality has not wavered. He is not only an incredible husband, but a very present and loving father to our son, John Lucas, as well. He takes his responsibility as a father very passionately, and it shows in the love he is willing to express to our son. He is patient, kind, thoughtful, compassionate, and fun. I enjoy watching them laugh together, play together, and pray together. My husband is a consistent covering for our family, and he has not hesitated to instill that in our prince. I love that he is so supportive of me. There isn't an idea or vision I have that he does not support or give his full and attentive listening ear. He gives me the space to continue to learn about myself and grow as a wife and mother. I am grateful to do life with this incredible

soul. An amazing father and husband has to come from the makings of an amazing son, and that he is. Marvin is such a beautiful son. He has always been very intentional about family care and the well-being of his parents, and it is simply admirable. As of late, he has been a gentle and present support for his mother as she navigates the loss of her soulmate after 53 good, loving years — Marvin’s incredible God gift of a father, the Late Rev. Dr. Marvin R. King Sr. — whom we lost in late March of this year. My husband did not hesitate to be more intentional about his father’s last months and days, and I love him even more for how he gave back to his dad all his dad had instilled in him — unwavering support and genuine love. Marvin Jr. has an incredible heart. He is my best friend and the funniest yet most intelligent guy I know. He is a numbers geek, and I love that for our checkbook! The King to my Dom, he is truly my gift, and our connection was no doubt a match from GOD’S KINGDOM! We love, appreciate, and honor you for the gift you are.

— Dominique King, wife of Marvin King Jr. Mindblowing Magazine | 71


THOMAS What I Love about my husband of 20 years, the father of my four children, my prayer partner, and “tell me what I need to hear even if I don’t want to” best friend is that he’s all these things and more. From the very beginning of our relationship, my husband (whom I married less than six months after we met) has always strived to be better. He wanted to be a better man, a better husband, and a better father than anything he had ever witnessed in his 23 years of life, which was his age when we married. And over these past 20 years, he has exceeded those expectations and still strives to be more, do more, love more, and grow more, and by the grace of God, he has done and is doing just that. Over his 20+ years in the military, he has advanced from an E-1 to an E-8 and has mentored and inspired many along the way by wanting the best — not just for himself but for those around him. Through the pandemic, he found a passion project, which turned into a launch of a small clothing business by the name of Twelve Tribes/Black Habits. What the

business represents to him and for him is the strength of the Black man, Black people, and Black families to transform their way of thinking to truly live the life predestined to them by God. I love this man, and I just want others to see the light that shines so bright in him and can’t be hidden any longer. To my husband: I thank you for your love, laughter, patience, and the many, many, many sacrifices you’ve made for our family and so many others. May God continue to Bless, Keep, and Grow you into whom He desires for you to be.

— Your Loving Wife (til the wheels fall off) JANAY THOMAS

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BRADFORD "You know someone is truly special when the most beautiful thing they have on is a kind soul." —Matshona Dhliwayo Meet Napoleon A. Bradford; I have known him since first grade — 39 years — so I have many reasons to honor and recognize him publicly. I will narrow it down to the following things I love about my husband: •

When the choice to be an absent father was easy, Napoleon raised his five children regardless of where he lived over the last 25 years.

When the choice to be a classroom teacher was simply signing on the dotted line, Napoleon raised the bar and truly embarked on his passion project of being a professional school counselor and has impacted over 9,725 students across three states within the span of the last 20 years.

When he had the choice to walk away from our marriage, Napoleon intentionally sought therapy for himself and thus made the decision to restore our marriage after 17 years.

When the opportunity was presented for Napoleon to join the Army National Guard just a couple of years shy of the mandatory cut-off — to minister to 850+ soldiers and their families who had no chaplain assigned to care for their spiritual well-being — Napoleon answered the call to serve #ForGodandCountry.

I could list many other reasons as to why my husband should be honored and recognized, but kindness is the common thread. Napoleon considers others before himself on a daily basis. He finds resources to support humanity in any situation brought to his attention, regardless of race, ethnicity, or belief system. Napoleon deserves honor for his ability to overcome his own personal struggles and become a better human as he continues to evolve as a husband and father. Napoleon deserves recognition because he is an unsung hero who always champions others, having mastered monumental feats in his own life. He has a brilliant mind that makes connections and creates systems of change that are impactful and sustainable for a better world. I love this man who is truly a special person inside and out. I love his charismatic personality, his spontaneity, and his mission: to ensure we all experience more abundant lives.

—Karen H. Bradford, His Wife Mindblowing Magazine | 75

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The Many Faces of Strength by Marquita Moore

pages 54-55

The Many Face of Strength - Marquita Moore

pages 54-55

A Second Change - Two Barbers, One God

pages 18-21

God's Favor - MYAMMEE

pages 16-17

Mind Blowing Magazine-2022 Men's Edition-Chandler Moore

pages 13-15


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