The Fearless Issue - Milan Harris

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MiLan harris LIFE IS BU T A DRE A M

Month 2020 | | 1

SLAYYY Hair is the ultimate, affordable, reimagined synthetic braiding hair for women of color. SLAYYY is luxurious, itch-free, pre-stretched, and pre-feathered, serving a softer, shinier and more natural look fit for a Queen, leaving you questioning whether SLAYYY is a human hair product.





Comes in 7 shades 2

Available at and select black-owned beauty retailers around the US.



60 ON THE COVER 24 MILAN HARRIS In this article, delve into Milan Harris' remarkable journey, where dreams have taken her on an incredible path. Discover how she's transformed her experiences into an empire, encouraging others to believe in themselves along the way.

+ KRISTINA BOWMAN SMITH shares tips to elevate your fall fashion.


overcoming fear, worry, and panic attacks with the power of faith.



Brown, makeup artist and esthetician, gives us seven expert tips for achieving a bold and captivating look.

Moore gives us tips on overcoming discouragement with a fearless mindset for your overall health.

56 SPIRIT HOW I GREW TODAY “FEARLESSLY IN LOVE” Marquita Moore guides us in fearless-

ly embracing self-love and understanding the divine love within us.


na Johnson & Phylea Carter are an innovative duo redefining interior design. Phylea shows how she has masterfully transformed her home into a captivating masterpiece

62 FASHION KRISTINA STYLED IT! “FALL INTO FASHION” Kristina Bowman Smith shares invalu-

able tips to elevate your fall fashion from basic to extraordinary.

DEVOTIONAL 50 I AM A KINGDOM RESPONDER Coach Christie McKinney-Evans emphasizes the importance of nurturing our relationship with God to cultivate strength and fearlessness.



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4 | Mindblowing Magazine



Sa’Rayah, a multi-talented artist, vocalist, actress, creative producer, and motivational speaker speaks about how God equips us with talent to reveal His intended purpose.


14 THE GIRLFRIEND'S CORNER IS MAKING ROOM Lindsay Rae Perry pens a heartfelt letter to the fatherless, releasing the burden of shame from her earthly Father and embracing God as her loving Heavenly Father. 16

FEATURES 08 GOD'S FAVOR Introducing Tiffany Walton, founder of Humnos, inspiring you to express your devotion through their clothing, bags, accessories, and books.

MIRACLES STILL HAPPEN Michelle Colbert's life is an incredible journey of triumph over domestic violence. She's a survivor who discovered her strength in the midst of unimaginable adversity.

20 LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE MB Mag recently sat down with Zewiditu Jewel, co-owner of Cloudy Donut Co. Beyond their delectable donuts, the brand serves as a catalyst for social impact and empowerment. MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE | 4

ED I TO R I A L EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Stacy Sorrell-Moore



April N. Daniels

Brandon N. Caddell





COLUMNISTS Tari Cox, MA | Marquita Moore |

CONTRIBUTORS Amanda Brown Phylea Carter Christina Johnson Brittany Moore Kristina Bowman-Smith

WRITERS Toni Emehel Deidre Dashay

MEDIA Uri Israel | Ryan K. Marsh |





In every issue our contributors desire to share their knowledge and or experiences through their authentic faith to remind you that you are not alone. or to help you get back to your amazing self. Either way, expect to get poured into so you may soar and be all that God created you to be.

TONI EMEHEL @toni.emehel Cover Feature


MICHELLE COLBERT @thecourageousone22 Miracles Still Happen Devotional

KRISTINA BOWMAN-SMITH @kristinabowmansmith Fashion



@howigrewtoday How I Grew Today

CHRISTINA JOHNSON & PHLYEA CARTER @designmyinvestment Design



@bmoore_fit B.Fit

@xarcito Manna for the Mind

DEIDRE DASHAY @deidredashay Let Your Light Shine




Dear Readers,

It is with immense gratitude and excitement that I present to you The Fearless Issue. To me, the essence of fearlessness lies in comprehending that when God stands with you, no force can stand against you. This profound concept resonates as both potent and reassuring. As we delve into this issue, I am excited to introduce our cover feature: the exquisite embodiment of fearlessness, Milan Harris. In absorbing her story, I found myself not only inspired but also awakened to the paramount importance of unwavering trust in God and an indomitable faith. Milan's unwavering commitment to standing on His word showcases a level of courage that many would find daunting. It serves as a reminder of the profound blessings that stem from embracing our faith. Furthermore, it was our distinct privilege to engage in a heartening conversation with Zewiditu Jewel, gracing our "Let Your Light Shine" feature. As one of the owners of Cloudy Donut Co., her journey and insights serve as a beacon of light. I'm excited for you to meet our exceptionally gifted features and contributors! Our devotional piece will not only resonate profoundly with you but also leave a lasting impact. These personal stories possess a unique power that is bound to ignite a strong motivation within you, encouraging a seamless integration of Jesus into every facet of your daily existence.

Stacy Sorrell-Moore EDITOR-IN-CHIEF



The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.



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In the tapestry of life, we often find ourselves weaving multiple roles and identities. For me, I am a Lover of Christ, a mom, a wife, a worship influencer, an author, and a singer. These labels, though they paint a vivid picture of who I am, merely scratch the surface of the underlying current that defines my essence – I am a vessel, a servant designed for God's purpose. As both the owner and creative director of Humnos, a contemporary Christian lifestyle brand, I've made it my mission to unite my passionate heart with my astute business acumen in service of the divine. There came a moment in my life when I grew weary of offering only a fraction of myself to God. I yearned to break free from the confines of self-doubt and the fear of judgment to no longer be limited by the suffocating box I had constructed around myself. My desire was simple: complete surrender to every assignment and purpose God had ordained for me. It was during this pivotal time that I distinctly heard God's call, urging me to step beyond the boundaries, inspire others to do the same, and empower them to embrace their unique gifts. His message was clear, "Step outside of the box and show others they can do it too. Encourage people to live their worship out loud with all the gifts I placed inside of you."

For all those seeking connection, Humnos is only a click away. Visit our website ( or follow us on Instagram (@ihumnos) to join a community that celebrates faith, fashion, worship, and each other. Keep an eye out for our Set Apart Girl Convos, returning this fall – a testament to our unwavering commitment to inspire and encourage. In a world that constantly tempts us with the allure of worldly success, remember to stay focused. Uphold the authenticity of your calling and never lose sight of your 'why.' For it is in this unwavering commitment to your divine assignment that you will discover true fulfillment.

Balance, as any working mom, spouse, and business owner knows, can be a precarious act. The juggling act of competing demands often leaves us searching for equilibrium in a world that constantly shifts beneath our feet. In our journey, we find that God's favor is the force that transforms our circumstances. It's a divine guarantee of His presence and the empowerment needed to fulfill our extraordinary purpose. We sometimes misconstrue favor as a mere convenience for our benefit, but in truth, it is the linchpin upon which Humnos hinges. Humnos, at its core, serves as a gentle reminder to live one's worship boldly. Our collection of apparel, handbags, accessories, and books boldly proclaim messages like "Saved + Savage," "Purpose Over Popularity," and "Not Your Average Church Girl." These aren't just fashion statements; they are declarations of faith and identity.

Connect with HUMNOS Website: IG: @ihumnos


G O D - G I V EN TA L EN T S 10 | | Month 2020



a’Rayah wears many hats in this beautiful journey called life. A professional vocalist, recording artist, actress, creative producer, and motivational speaker, she proudly embraces each role. By day, she is known as "mommy" to a wonderful nine-year-old named Nylah-Sa’Rae, who brings endless joy to her world. Sa’Rayah's journey with music began at the age of four, and her passion for singing has been a lifelong flame. Her first taste of validation came when, at the tender age of five, she stood before a congregation and sang her heart out within the sacred halls of a church. At the age of sixteen, she took a bold step into the professional music world. Recording her music, she embarked on a journey across the country, lending her voice to the gospel recording choir, New Direction.

Today, she proudly claims nearly nine years as a full-time professional, with doors of opportunity flung open after her memorable appearance on NBC’s The Voice. The balancing act of artistry and business is a challenge she navigates with grace. Being an artist often means donning multiple hats simultaneously, toggling between the roles of talent and business manager. She quickly learned the importance of separating these roles; without proper representation, respect can be elusive. Past experiences taught her that representing oneself as an artist can lead to trials and mishandling. Not everyone enjoys the luxury of trustworthy and affordable representation, but if you do, seize it. This separation ensures that as an artist, she can focus on her craft with a clear mind, earning a different level of respect. Every artist knows the sting of rejection, and Sa’Rayah is no exception. Auditioning fervently for roles or MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE | 11

opportunities she deeply desires only to hear the word "no" can be disheartening. Learning to let go of the outcome after giving her best is crucial. A robust support system reminds her that missing one opportunity doesn't mean missing her destiny. One of her biggest challenges has been parting ways with business partners due to divergent visions. Often, her talent was recognized, but her voice was stifled when major decisions loomed. The world of business sometimes demands artists to relinquish control and their overall vision in exchange for resources and funding. It's a tough decision that artists must make, guided by trust and clear expectations. Transparency from the outset is key, even within personal relationships. In business, especially when money is involved, clarity is paramount. To Sa’Rayah, God's favor means walking through doors that no one can close and experiencing divine protection from imminent harm. It's about being guided to the right place at the right time or being steered away from the wrong place at the right time. God's favor flows in response to obedience and often leads to blessings that defy logic, rooted in faith that transcends reason. She's turned down seemingly "good opportunities" that didn't align with her spiritual values, and every time, something greater than she had imagined appeared. This is God's favor, the harvest reaped from seeds sown on fertile ground. Sa’Rayah firmly believes that God equips us with talents that reveal His intended purpose for our lives. Her natural aptitude for singing and entertainment signifies her path. While she doesn't have all the steps figured out, she constantly seeks God's guidance to stay aligned with His plan for her. You are invited to follow her journey on all social media platforms under the handle @SaRayahOfficial and stay connected with her at Exciting news! She's been cast as the leading lady in the major theatrical cirque production, Teatro ZinZanni. This show celebrates its 25th anniversary and returns to her hometown, Chicago, in just a few weeks. She'll be portraying "Madame ZinZanni," and the opening night is on Thursday, October 5th, running through March 31st. Tickets are available at Subscribe to her email list at to stay updated on all the amazing things coming your way.


Connect with Sa'RAYAH Website: IG: @SaRayahOfficial

Month 2020 | | 13

Booked, Busy, & Broken;

a love letter to the fatherless BY LINDSAY RAE PERRY



My childhood relationship with my dad was like that between a drug dealer and dope fiend. Whenever I wanted to be in his presence, I had to page him. He would return my call with a location to meet. Most of our meetups were public locations—gambling houses, the racetrack, school—and he would often take me to work with him. I’ll never forget my first “unofficial job” as a nine year old: tutoring and administering GED practice tests to returning citizens. On our lunch break, he would take me to one of his gambling spots to play poker and run numbers. There were businessmen, pimps, prostitutes, bookies, and a single child—me— all at the same table. One day, my friend and I needed a ride home from school after missing the bus. Luckily, my dad lived across the street from the junior high we attended, and though I had never stepped foot in his home, I suggested that we run over and ask him for a ride. Every day, on my way to and from school, I would peep over to see if his maroon jeep was parked out front. During our time together, he would always make promises that he would invite me over “one day”. I always thought he was just too busy to do so.

This was the day rejection took root in my heart, forcing me to adopt a core belief of unworthiness that trickled into every area of my life. From the toxic relationships and jobs I would stay in to the unbridled ambition I had to prove my worth, I subconsciously believed that to receive love and acceptance, I had to overextend, overperform, and overplease. The rejection from my earthly father became parallel to my perception of my heavenly Father. My identity quickly became centered around what I could “Do”, as opposed to who God created me to “Be”. I became a “team no sleep” entrepreneur. First-class flights across the country, awards, international media interviews, and speaking engagements were my normal. Once the high from each achievement subsided, I would sit on the rooftop of my highrise building and contemplate suicide. There was a gaping hole in my heart, clouding my ability to see myself as worthy.

“I AM worthy, loved, AND enough.”” enough.

After knocking a few times, I heard a creaking sound to the right of the house. It was my dad opening what looked to be a bathroom window. He had shaving cream plastered all over his perplexed face. “Hi, Daddy!” I said enthusiastically, my heart was racing, lips were chapping, and my hands were leaking like a faucet. “This is it.” I thought, “I can finally cross the threshold of my father’s home.” He came around to answer the front door, but I noticed that the screen door remained closed. It was quite strange that he wouldn’t invite us in, after all, I was his child. His facial expression went from perplexed to ferocious. He began to scold me saying “ What are you doing here?”, “What if my wife would’ve answered the door?”, “Don’t ever come back here again!” And before I could respond— SLAM!!!! The door slammed right in my face.

Until one day, I had a come to Jesus moment, after collapsing in the middle of the street from a nervous breakdown, two miscarriages, and a devastating blow to my marriage. I realized that I was exhausted from publicly performing and privately perishing. I was running on empty and my journey with rejection, high-functioning depression, and anxiety had come to an end. It was time for me to surrender the projected shame from my earthly father, and allow for God to be my loving heavenly Father. My nervous breakdown, though I now call it a breakthrough, was God’s intentionality showing me my broken heart that only He could heal. I learned what it meant to be a daughter of God, and how there’s no amount of work that I could achieve to earn His unconditional love. I learned that His yoke is easy, and the burden is light. I no longer have to carry the load. I am Worthy, Loved, and Enough. He is My Father and I am His Daughter.


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Michelle Colbert’s life has been a remarkable journey of triumph over domestic violence, a survivor who found her strength in the face of unimaginable adversity. The story of her relationship spans over a decade, filled with cherished moments of companionship. However, on November 26, 2021, her life took a drastic turn. Michelle became the victim of brutal abuse—enduring beatings, strangulation, and degradation at the hands of someone she once believed was her life partner. From this abyss of darkness and pain emerged an unexpected and resilient spirit.

her in a fight for survival at the hands of the man she had spent over a decade with.

She awoke to the sound of loud footsteps echoing down the sidewalk outside her home. She had just been to a dinner party with her family and had just left in an Uber. The night took a horrific turn when her highly intoxicated ex-husband, consumed by anger and confusion, lashed out at her. The violence was sudden and brutal, leaving

Her trauma was overwhelming, with physical injuries, emotional scars, and the haunting specter of near-blindness due to the pressure in her eye. In the hospital, she could only recall being inside a terrifying machine, fearing the worst. Thanks to the timely intervention of a dedicated eye surgeon, her vision was spared.

Unable to defend herself, she endured a vicious assault that included kicking, hair-pulling, strangulation, and even being thrown down a flight of stairs, naked and vulnerable. Desperate and terrified, she pleaded for clothing as her assailant threatened her life. The barrage of 911 calls drew a swarm of police officers and even a police helicopter to her aid. Her attacker fled, but justice swiftly caught up with him.


The path to recovery was long and grueling. Therapy became her lifeline as she battled post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, fear, and sleepless nights, all while grappling with the grief of what she had endured. A stark contrast to the joyful marriage she had envisioned just six months earlier. Both emotionally and physically scarred, she persisted, meticulously navigating the legal process to ensure her abuser faced justice. This perseverance resulted in a sentence of seven years and three years on a separate charge. God’s grace shone upon Michelle's life as a supportive community rallied around her. With their encouragement, she embraced the healing process through counseling, prayer, baptism, and a deep connection with the Holy Spirit. Overcoming life's most formidable challenges, Michelle not only survived but thrived. Her unwavering determination drives her to extend a helping hand to others facing similar harrowing circumstances.

In her newfound connection with God, she discovered the beginnings of deliverance from the weight of her traumatic past. No longer bound by fear and pain, she made it her mission to share her story whenever possible, determined to help others find their way out of the darkest moments in life. In her journey, she learned that miracles are real, and her survival stands as a testament to the unyielding love of God. Michelle's journey goes beyond survival; she has become a beacon of hope and resilience. Engaging actively with domestic violence organizations, she tirelessly works to create a meaningful impact. Her ambitions stretch further—she plans to write a book and establish a nonprofit dedicated to supporting survivors and raising awareness. Michelle's gratitude for her second chance at life is matched only by her acknowledgment of the miracles that have shaped her path. In becoming a source of inspiration, she embodies the miraculous transformation she underwent.


Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light."

MATTHEW 11:28-30 Month 2020 | | 19


BY DEIDRE DASHAY 20 | | Month 2020


A sweet journey of purpose and empowerment

is unveiled after encountering the unique and inspiring Cloudy Donut Co. MB Mag had the opportunity to sit down with one of its owners, Zewiditu Jewel to learn about the company's origins, their passion for social impact, and their journey to empower people of color and creatives. Cloudy Donut stands as a symbol of perseverance, authenticity, and hope in an ever-changing world. A place where dreams crumb true. The Cloudy Donut Co., the first 100% Black-owned vegan donut shop, was founded by Derrick Faulcon in Baltimore in 2020. It was born from Derrick’s desire to seek a new venture with simplicity and scalability in the food and beverage industry. Derrick, who already owned the brunch restaurant, Home Maid, in Baltimore, sought to create a business that would provide an easier and more straightforward customer experience. Cloudy Donut is a handmade small-batch luxury donut shop that features over 40 flavors. However, similar to a sneaker drop, only 8 flavors are released each weekend. Some of their best-selling flavors are the Sweet Potato Cinnamon Roll and Piña Colada. Cloudy Donut Co. has become a special place that people can’t resist, sparking enthusiasm and generating an increasing demand, which is clear from the pending opening of their third location this fall. It’ll be located in the NoLita neighborhood, which is situated in Lower Manhattan. ` However, their path wasn't without challenges. The tragic murder of George Floyd and the subsequent resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement compelled the company to focus on creating a positive impact in their community. The opening of their second shop located in Brooklyn Heights, one of New York City's wealthiest neighborhoods, became an intentional decision to bring diversity and representation to places that have historically lacked it. The strategic choice of opening locations in affluent neighborhoods, such as Brooklyn Heights, challenges the traditional notion of Black-owned businesses solely serving predominantly black communities. By bringing black faces to white spaces, Cloudy Donut Co. aims to bridge the wealth gap and create more meaningful conversations about diversity and social impact. They seek to inspire others to follow suit and be fearless in pursuing their dreams and ambitions. Through their journey, Cloudy Donut has embraced empowerment as one of its core values. Zewiditu Jewel, Derek's partner, the company’s gem, and the ultimate taste-tester, describes the company as a platform for people to shine. They employ young people of color, offering them a chance to explore their creativity


and talents without requiring a culinary background. This approach fosters an environment of growth and learning, uplifting and inspiring individuals to realize their true potential and thus bringing forth Cloudy Donut’s motto of being the place where dreams crumb true. In addition to Cloudy Donut's success, it has launched the Brown Collective—a platform to create more spaces for culinary creatives of color. The Brown Collective, through artistic integration and conversation, enables creatives to collaborate, showcase their work, and share their stories with the world. This inclusive space fosters creativity and empowers a diverse range of artists to bring their unique perspectives and talents to the forefront. By providing a platform for these talented creatives, the Brown Collective aims to create a diverse and inclusive community of artists that foster a sense of unity among like-minded individuals. Derrick's vision and Zewiditu’s unwavering support have shaped a brand that extends beyond scrumptious donuts to become a driving force for social impact 22 | MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE

and empowerment. Their journey is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and purpose-driven entrepreneurship. The power of determination, creativity, community-building and the core value of authenticity and inclusivity is the heartbeat behind the company's commitment to uplifting people of color and creatives through its platform. The initiatives birthed from within its walls are a beacon of hope and change in the culinary world. Cloudy Donut Co. has become an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and artists alike. Their story exemplifies how a simple product like donuts can become a vehicle for transformative social impact and empower individuals to embrace their full potential. As they continue to grow, the Cloudy Donut Co. will undoubtedly serve as a guiding light, illuminating new avenues of creativity and empowerment that inspire others to follow suit and be fearless in pursuing their dreams and ambitions. Cloudy Donut Co. is proving that success and social justice can go hand in hand in the culinary world and beyond.

The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?

PSALMS 118:6 Month 2020 | | 23

L I F E I S B UT A D r e a m


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ow, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily… life is but a dream. Row, row, row your boat…’ It’s hard to read these words penned by Eliphalet Oram Lyte without reading them rhythmically, humming along in your spirit as you ponder this question: “What aspects of your life exist as a result of a dream?” Seriously, ask yourself that question. The reality is that, when we were growing up, adults used nursery rhymes like Row, Row, Row Your Boat to ignite dreams within us and to spark our imaginations so that we would aspire to live purposefully and constantly strive to be more.

dreams.This is vital because no one dreams of growing up to feel distrustful of themselves.

Dreams have an uncanny ability to take an individual from where they are without changing who they are. To understand the purpose of dreams is to also understand that dreams draw you closer to who God created you to be. Dreams are the keys that unlock the doors leading to a wholesome life of fulfillment. That is why MB Magazine has dedicated this year’s Fearless Issue to inspiring dreams.

D ream...

Industry influencer Milan Harris knows firsthand about the incredible journeys dreams can take us. She is the founder and CEO of Milano di Rouge, the Womaniare Club and Mamanaire Club creator, and the co-founder of College Boy Cheesesteaks. Milan has built an empire by encouraging others to believe in themselves and reach within to live life from their dreams. “Milano di Rouge means making dreams a reality,” explains Milan Harris. “Our mission at Milano di Rouge is to inspire dreamers to dream.” Now that’s powerful! Milano di Rouge has really tapped into something here. To fully understand the strength behind the Milano di Rouge brand, let’s look at the state of society today. Studies suggest that 85% of the world’s population is affected by low self-esteem. A person who struggles with low self-esteem may also experience diminished self-efficacy and decreased self-motivation. This, in turn, will impact an individual’s ability to trust themselves with their 26 | MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE

More importantly, God uses dreams to communicate His thoughts, His will and His way to us. The Bible tells us that God is the one who gives dreams. So, in retrospect, the ability to dream beyond the visions that the world gives you is a gift. Dreams are a gift that God gives us to navigate our way toward selfrealization. They open our eyes to see ourselves the way He sees us. That’s why visions are often referred to as dreams.

life is but a

Now, I know that’s a little deep, just a few paragraphs into this article, but I believe that you can handle it. After all, you are reading Mind Blowing Magazine. We designed this publication to give its readers eyeopening experiences through the text. Now how about that song… Row, row, row your boat, (go ahead and allow the tune to flow through you) gently down the stream (allow it to renew you and revive your soul). Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily... Pause. Take a moment to reach deep within yourself to rediscover what is at the heart of your dream. Do you feel that spark of inspiration? That’s exactly what happened when MB Magazine sat down with Milan Harris to reflect on the trajectory of her dreams and how they have played a vital role in the success she experiences today. Harris explains, “I started my relationship with God in 1999, when I was 10 years old. A few years ago, I found one of my notebooks from around that time when I was in the fourth grade. We were asked

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to write on, "What you want to do when you get older." I wrote, "I want to own my own magazine." I also wrote that I wanted to open a free health clinic called The Beauty of Knowing. Reading that now as an adult I'm like, ‘Fourth grade? What did I know about that?’ But I do remember that someone came to our school during that time and was educating us on the impact of different diseases. It started me thinking, 'It should be free for people to heal.' So, even then, I had these big dreams.” Harris continues, "I also remember spending a lot of time reading Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. I wasn't a teenager yet, but I would read and cut out different bits of advice from books to make little scrapbooks to give to my friends. Being able to do that made me so happy. That's why with Milano di Rouge, we have a free app that includes a blog, where we share advice and motivational messages to encourage people. That's a part of me that I love and that I always wanted to do." "…Life is but a dream." There you have it. Reminiscing on her earliest days of rowing through life as a new believer, Milan recalls the joy of manifesting her dreams by adding value to the lives of others. God began manifesting His purpose through her life at an early age! So, let’s look at this. Milan is 10 years old, reading Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. She's eating the meat and spitting out the bones as she carefully cuts out the best advice to share with her friends. Next, Milan takes the time to put the cutouts in a scrapbook and give them to people she wanted to see living their best lives. Remember, she accomplished all of this in fourth grade. What God started in Milan's purpose and direction at the age of 10, still flows through her today. Whereas many consumer product organizations spend billions of dollars on advertisements to convince consumers that they are inadequate, irrelevant, and useless, Milano di Rouge is committed to encouraging consumers to know they are worthy of their dreams. If life is truly but a dream, then categorically MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE | 31

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speaking, we all exist within a dream. The question is, whosee dream is it? God uses dreams to steer us onto the path that leads us toward living life more abundantly in His will. However, the devil comes quickly to steal, kill, and destroy your dreams. That’s why you must be fearless to follow your dreams. Keep reading; we’re still rowing the boat. MB MAGAZINE: What did being fearless

look like for you as a child?

Harris replies, "Not taking 'no' for an answer. I was always a leader, creating something from nothing. When I was in the 10th grade at BU Derby High School, I rallied and petitioned to create a dance team so that we could perform during Homecoming. Everyone else was scared to take the lead in presenting the idea to the principal. Especially, since we couldn’t dance [laughing]. But not me. I was like, 'We are going to figure it out and come up with a dance and make school history.' That’s exactly what we did.” MB MAGAZINE: Was it difficult to penetrate

barriers as a youth growing up in Philly?

"When you look back at it, I normalized a lot of things as a child. Like going to more funerals than weddings and going to more funerals than baby showers.” Harris explains. “I feel like my family was in a struggle, but we didn't know that we were in a struggle. I was introduced to God at a young age. I always knew that God is real. A lot of times people would ask me, 'How do you know that God is real?’ and I could not quite put it into words. I wasn’t really big on people questioning my faith. So, I would always say, ‘I just know.’" “A lot of the things that I encountered growing up were a struggle, but what stands out the most is watching people that you love be there one day and gone the next day because of gun violence. I feel like I normalized that. It wasn't until 2019, when I was in Los Angeles having a conversation with my hairstylist, 34 | MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE

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I’m not a product of my environment; I’m a product of my DECISIONS.

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that I realized growing up in the hood was not the same everywhere. I can definitely say that life in Philly made me who I am. It made me care about a lot of things. It made me more empathetic. It made me realize that Jesus is my bulletproof vest. That doesn't mean that bullets stop coming. It means that while the bullets are coming, He protects me. He is my shield. I am nothing without God. I know how He changed our [me, my mom, and my sister] lives. Once we got introduced to Him, we started to think differently, and we started to do differently.” MB MAGAZINE: How did your thought processes


HARRIS CONTINUES: "Once I became an adult

and started growing my business, I realized that (like me) there were other businesswomen out there who could benefit from mentoring relationships. So, I created the Womanaire Club as a hub for businesswomen to share ideas and resources. When I started the club in 2018, people would try and put me against other women in the industry. It’s easy to fall into that trap if you're gullible. I was never gullible. I was never weak-willed or easily influenced. So, I had to tell women, just because we're in the same industry, that doesn't mean that we have to be competitors. I don't even like competition. I'm like, we can learn so much more from each other. Truth is, your average friend who is outside of the industry does not understand what you're going through. "So, as businesswomen, we help each other. Especially because many of us women, particularly Black women, were new to business. Consequently, we were letting society control our narrative. Like we [Black women] never disliked each other. But as a people, if we allow the world to project its feelings of dislike through us, we begin to project feelings of dislike onto ourselves." MB MAGAZINE: How did your thought process

shift regarding motherhood?

MILAN HARRIS: "Motherhood is definitely one

of the hardest jobs in the world. In 2020, before I had my son, I did a lot of research on motherhood because I wanted to be my best. I was researching

everything. Then, I was like, there are a lot of other women who can benefit from this research I am doing. So, I created Mamanaire Club. Mamanaire Club was created to educate people and to make motherhood fun again. My passion behind creating the club stems from realizing that a lot of times, when women have kids, they stop dreaming. They forget about their dreams. They forget about who they were before they had children, and they think that their “mom” is their ultimate title when it's not. I want to inspire moms to realize that now that you are a mom, it’s time to dream even more. You now have children who are looking up to you. The best reward that you can give them as a mother is to be happy and fulfilled. That’s the life of someone that follows their dreams. It also lets your children know that they can do it too [follow their dreams].” MB MAGAZINE: So, what are you dreaming about


MILAN HARRIS: Oh, I have a lot of dreams! I'm

big on educating others, and I love telling stories. I really do want to create a short film series. I feel like if we control the narrative, we can paint stories how we want to paint them. So, I want to share my journey in a short film series. People who come from where I came from and people who encountered what I encountered coming up often become statistics. All things considered, studies suggest that I should have been a statistic.” “I'm not a product of my environment; I'm a product of my decisions. I just want to motivate and inspire people to know it does not matter where we come from. It matters where we go. And it's never too late to change. So, I think that if people could see how the story can be, it will inspire them to know that they can always change the ending to their story.” MB MAGAZINE: It’s obvious that you operate in

the gift of encouragement. What encouraging words would you share with MB Magazine readers?

MILAN HARRIS: “Keep dreaming. Never stop

dreaming. Once you make one dream a reality, dream some more. Dream bigger. Dream better. Never stop dreaming.” MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE | 39


Month 2020 | | 41

In the end, our lives should reflect not

only our personal dreams but also should reflect the desires of God’s heart. God often reveals His heart to us through visions and dreams. Proverbs 19:21-23 reminds us that there are many plans [dreams] in a man’s heart, but it is God’s plan that will prevail. What is life if it is not the life that God planned for us? Nothing in the Bible suggests that God has plans to harm us. In fact, we know from the Book of Jeremiah that God’s plan is to help us prosper and give us a future of hope. That alone should give us confidence, boost our self-esteem, and increase our selfmotivation—knowing that God desires to give us the future we have hoped for. Proverbs 19 reminds us to be fearless, except in the things of God by encouraging us that the fear of God is life itself. Those who choose to operate with a fear of God shall live life to the fullest in a perpetual state of fulfillment. Now that’s worth putting in the effort to row, row, row your boat, willingly down the stream of a healthy fear of God to manifest God-given dreams! A heartfelt thank you to Milan Harris for sharing so deeply and earnestly on the power of realizing the abundant life to be gained by following one’s dreams. To become a Milano Dreamer or to download the free Milano di Rouge app, head to To stay connected to Milan Harris as she continues to manifest dreams, follow her on Instagram @iammilanrouge.


I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, much less assign a thought to it. My stomach was in knots from an unknown source. I labeled the feeling as “strange,” as if my existence was no longer mine. Trembling hands, shallow breaths, a racing heart, dizziness, and mild chest pain shortly accompanied these knots. In a matter of minutes, I faced an overwhelming rush of panic as tears streamed down my cheeks. Every inhale felt dangerously insufficient. Hyperventilating, I gripped for anything nearby as my mind scattered with confusion. After several minutes of strategic breathing and the comfort of a friend, my breathing returned to normal. The dizziness began to subside. My physiological state had returned to its proper functioning.Yet, my mental state remained confused. With no trigger to account for, I remained dazed. I had experienced a panic attack. According to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM), a panic attack is marked by “an abrupt surge of intense fear or discomfort” that reaches a peak in minutes. Panic attacks often occur without a trigger and are also accompanied by four or more symptoms including racing heart, trembling or shaking, dizziness, and depersonalization (feeling detached from one’s self) (Cackovic, Nazir, & Marwaha 2022).

God’s Ability to Communicate to Us Using Our Bodies by Tari Cox, M.A.


Textbook clear and in line with my already existing clinical knowledge, this was indeed my experience. Beyond the facts, curiosity continued to linger through the next day. Not at what happened, but why it happened. Having experienced only two panic attacks several years prior to this event, my curiosity led to a different approach.


I began to wonder if God was using my physiological response to communicate an unrest within me that I was unaware of. That unbeknownst to me, there was a molecular-sized disturbance in my soul that may have been hidden from my sight but not from His. That though knowing the multiple difficult circumstances I was enduring, there could be even the most atomic concern left unsurrendered to Him that He desired for me to give to Him consciously.

required in the process before being promoted to a “next” of any sort but also in the presence of God’s care for our anxieties.

Though not caused by God, I wondered if the panic attack served as an indicator of His desire to give me more peace than I had settled for at the time.

Only through humility will we discover what has yet to be revealed. We are not inherently humble. In fact, we are quite the opposite. Therefore, we must invite God in by praying for the removal of all prideful thoughts and any heroic mindset. We must know that approaching God for help requires us to relinquish every part of us that has falsely believed we are capable of helping ourselves.

While the facts remained, I was compelled to perform an audit to further explore.. This audit would not only assess the mountains but also the valleys I had already communicated to God. It required revisiting them with openness to the uncomfortable nuances within the worries, fears, and concerns that had gone overlooked and undermanaged.The nuances that seemed unreasonable and irrational yet were still pending a place to rest in the care of the Father. “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.” — 1 Peter 5:6-7 ESV We can observe much from Paul’s exhortation to the elders and young people in 1 Peter. However, the sequential order in this verse is also worth paying close attention to. It shows us that humility is not only

This verse became the framework I’d use to unpack the panic attack I experienced using the following strategy: ■

Pray for humility and invite the Holy Spirit into your experience.

A month prior to the panic attack, God instructed me to list every fear I had. It wasn’t until after the attack that I was compelled to revisit the list of fears to determine the “why.” We must know that God doesn’t just care about what we experience but why we experience what we experience. This may lead to an eruption of diverse emotions and various stressors onto your list. Know that the Lord is with you and remains close as they come. ■

Write a prayer of casting concerning your new discoveries.

For each fearful or distressing situation listed, write a prayer of casting them onto God. This may include specific language, noting your surrender of the listed fears. Ask the Lord to highlight to you in this experience that He is not just concerned but deeply cares.

“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is God doesn’t need us to gloss over wisdom.” what’s truly distressing and fearful — Proverbs 11:2 ESV to us in order to stand in His authority, as much as He needs us to know ■ Make a list of every fear you He’s with us in it. God doesn’t slap have. us on the wrist for becoming aware of what’s within us that He already As children of God, we must know knows exists. that we cannot combat what we do not first address. We must know that God will use what He designed to acknowledging fear does not equate communicate to us, even if that to agreeing with fear. In listing these means using our ways of being to fears, be empowered by the Holy do so. He does this because since Spirit and His comfort, externalizing the beginning of time, God has been them from your identity. Know that communicating in ways He knows while the listed fears are your expewill get our attention. And this isn’t rience, they do not belong to you. because we can’t hear Him, but because as a good Father, He wants to ■ Revisit the list of fears by listen. asking the Holy Spirit to reveal what you are afraid of actually taking place.

Cackovic, C., Nazir, S., & Marwaha, R. (2022) Panic Disorder. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/books/NBK430973/


46 | | Month 2020


For interior designer Phylea Carter, the opportunity to create a stylish and comfortable haven for her family was a dream come true. Drawing inspiration from her eclectic tastes and a passion for vibrant hues, Phylea transformed her home into a visual masterpiece. Join us as we explore her design journey. As you step into the Carter's living room, the first thing that catches your eye is the seating area with opulent emerald green sofas. These statement pieces blend sophistication and comfort effortlessly, providing a cozy retreat for the family to unwind. The rich jewel-tone upholstery adds depth and character to the space while complementing the surrounding elements. A set of vibrant Louis-style chairs infuse the space with an element of playfulness. These eye-catching pieces inject a burst of color and whimsy into the room, creating a delightful contrast against the green sofas. Each chair showcases a unique fabric pattern, ranging from bold florals to abstract geometrics, reflecting Phylea Carter's fearless approach to design. Suspended from the ceiling, an exquisite black African-inspired chandelier serves as the centerpiece of the common area. Handcrafted with intricate wooden pieces and adorned with tribal motifs, this striking lighting fixture adds an air of cultural intrigue to the space. Casting soft ambient light, it creates an inviting ambiance for family gatherings and intimate conversations. No space is complete without art. Phylea selected oversized abstract gold artwork to adorn the walls of her home. The commanding piece serves as a focal point, captivating the attention of anyone who enters the space. The juxtaposition of the grand-scale golden frame against the vibrant hues of the furniture and walls creates captivating visual interest. To ground the vibrant color palette and tie the room together, Phylea opted for a bold black and white rug. This monochromatic piece MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE | 47

with intricate patterns brings an eclectic spark and structure to the space. The contrasting colors serve as a foundation for the other design elements, allowing them to shine while maintaining harmony and balance. Passionately crafting a home that seamlessly blends style and functionality was a labor of love Phylea did for her family. She has created an oasis of elegance and comfort for her family. Her fearless approach to design showcases the power of embracing unique and bold choices, resulting in a home that reflects her distinctive taste and inspires others seeking to embark on their own design adventures.


Month 2020 | | 49


Kingdom Responder



ach one of us has a different routine when we awake in the morning before leaving home. Some of us first grab our phones to see the latest social media posts, check our text messages, and maybe watch the news before getting dressed. Do you ever check the weather to see what you will wear for the day? Should you take an umbrella, a coat, or maybe just a light jacket? You may even check your Bible app or read your Bible for the Scripture of the day.

the doctor, and the nurse are properly dressed, and they respond fearlessly and confidently each time.

In this season, we have all witnessed an increase in first responders in the world. Every day, we witness the need for first responders who will respond quickly to the latest disaster. When a first responder shows up on an assignment, they are fearless and confident in getting the job done! A first responder is always improving their skills to make sure they respond correctly because lives are on the line.

What is your daily routine that will help you to be fearless and confident as a Kingdom Responder?

As a Kingdom Responder, every day, we are studying to shew thyself approved unto God, 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV. How do we become skilled in this world and our sphere of influence? I am glad you asked, by Building A Relationship with HIM & Prayer every day. Each morning while getting dressed go through each garment of Ephesians 6:11 (AMPC): Put on God’s whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil. Remember, the 911 dispatcher, the firefighter, the police officer, the paramedic, 50 | MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE

When we spend time building our relationship with Him and Prayer, we become stronger and stronger every day. How do you respond when the storms of life happen unexpectedly? Which part of you shows up? Is it your Spirit, Soul, Mind…? Think back, who have you been building daily with?

Hebrews 10:35 (AMP) Do not, therefore, fling away your [fearless] confidence, for it has a glorious and great reward. Father, thank you for giving me everything I need that pertains to life and godliness. I welcome the Holy Spirit today to lead, teach, and guide me in every way. I daily put on the whole armor of God; The Belt of Truth · The Breastplate of Righteousness · The Gospel of Peace · The Shield of Faith · The Helmet of Salvation · The Sword of the Spirit · Prayer, to be fearless and confident as a Kingdom Responder. – 2 Peter 1:3-4; John 14:26; Ephesians 6:11-18 In Jesus Name, Amen! Coach Christie McKinney-Evans


Month 2020 | | 51

52 | | Month 2020

EMpowerED BY fear BY B . FI T When we think of what it means to be fearless, we don’t typically associate it with fitness. However, the concepts of fear, fearlessness and fitness when brought together, can profoundly influence how you approach your fitness journey. Let's break-down each concept to further understand how they impact our physical and mental well-being. Fear by definition is “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous”. So, fear is your body’s natural response to protect you from harm. Hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol will be released into the bloodstream to activate your “flight or fight response” which allows you to quickly react to the situation: flight (escape from the situation) or fight (confront the threat). This same process can occur from non-life threatening stressors and lead to anxiety, high blood pressure, chronic stress, obesity, etc. if left unchecked. While fear can be a natural reaction for survival. Fitness activities such as cardio and weight training, can help manage stressors and help our hypothalamus and pituitary gland release endorphins into our brains which are a natural mood booster and pain-killer. In addition, being fearless is simply having the courage to move past your fears, anxiety, and other stressors that may hinder you from cultivating a healthy lifestyle. Because fitness is more than just the physical changes and benefits you can see through strength training, flexibility, and cardiovascular exercises. You can experience increased energy levels, self-esteem, and cognitive function through

regular physical activity, which all contribute to your mental well-being and overall quality of life. As a fitness coach, I have clients who fear being in the gym. This can be the anxiety of starting a new program or working through past or current injuries. Each of these examples can be labeled as a physical limitation because you must physically go to the gym and complete the exercises programmed by your trainer. But you must also have mental strength and discipline to put your health first and complete moderate to vigorous physical activity at least 3 days per week. Furthermore, creating a fearless mindset through fitness can lead to less stress, depression, and anxiety. It can also look like simply becoming fearless when your coach adds ten extra pounds to the bar. With fearlessness and fitness, you don’t approach the bar with self-doubt, instead you embody the confidence that you have worked consistently to be able to hit a new personal record. Conquering the doubts or fears in our mind that deter us from becoming physically active is our biggest flex. Throughout your fitness journey, you may hit plateaus or have setbacks. But your fearless mindset will carry you forward and contribute to your personal growth and overall well-being. If you’re ready to push past negative thoughts that say you can’t reach your fitness goals, give this 15-minute full-body workout a try. You don’t need any equipment to participate. Complete each exercise for 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest for four total rounds of each exercise. MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE | 53



4 3 2 1

The first movement is lunges. Alternate each leg for 40 seconds of work, rest for 20 seconds, and repeat for four total rounds. Lunges challenge your stability, strength, and flexibility by working your hips, quads, hamstrings, calves and glutes. The leg in front is your working leg. So as you move through the movement be sure to keep a tripod foot (big toe, pinky toe, and heel). Dig your toes and heel into the ground as you lower yourself and as you bring yourself back up to your starting position.

The second movement is jumping jacks. If you’re not ready to jump, you can alternate stepping one leg out at a time as you bring your arms up above your head. Complete this exercise for 40 seconds of work with 20 seconds rest. Repeat until you have completed a total of four rounds. Jumping jacks is a great cardio based exercise that doesn’t require any equipment. Cardio helps reduce stress, strengthen your heart, can help regulate blood pressure and reduce other health risks.

The third movement is a plank. You will hold a plank on your forearms, keeping the spine neutral and ensuring that your wrists, elbows, and shoulders are stacked on top of each other. Hold this position for 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest. Repeat for four total rounds. When holding a plank your entire core is working to hold that position. Your core (abs) muscles are stabilizing muscles that keep your spine and pelvis stable. So adding isometric exercises such as planks to your workouts, will help you strengthen your core muscles and stability.

The last movement is a squat with a rotational twist. First, you do a deep squat. As you come up, you will rotate your right elbow to your left knee. You will squat again, and as you come up, you will alternate by rotating your left elbow to your right knee. You will continue to squat and rotate for 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest. Repeat for four total rounds.

The 15 FULL-BODY WORKOUT is a great routine to do in the comfort of your home. You can always complete this workout again and add 1-2 rounds to each exercise if you want to increase the difficulty. Remember always to align your workouts with your fitness goals and approach them with a fearless mindset. Every day is a great day to have a blessed day


Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.




The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is get on the scale to see how much weight I've lost, or I look at my stomach to see if it's flatter than when I went to sleep. I'm tired of yo-yo dieting and trying to figure out what I should or shouldn't be eating.

I have found myself in the middle of the strategy. Living from a spirit that encourages fear and limitations,and not the Spirit of God, which is alive in me, and wants me to live powerfully, lovingly, and with a mind that is sound and sure about His creation.

I'm tired of worrying about my hair and if it's thinning or if I will develop scarred alopecia like my mother did. I'm tired.


Any time I get frustrated with life or feel down, these body image issues and thoughts come up and grab me in a chokehold. This tells me that it is a strategy that darkness uses to distract me and keep me disconnected from The Light. 56 | MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE

I had a friend who is more like a mother figure correct me one day. I said, “I have had such a bad relationship with food.” I have repeatedly said this in the past, so it feels like a spiel when I say it. And I said it as if I had crossed to the other side of this ocean of struggle.


She said, “You don’t have a bad relationship with food. You have a bad relationship with your body, with how you see yourself.” The part of me that felt like I should have gotten over it tried to tell her all the ways she was wrong. But when I got off the phone with her, 30 seconds later, I sent her a humble text. It read, “You are right. My bad relationship is with how I see myself. I fight with it all the time. And I surrender to it like I'm afraid to accept me as I am. Why can’t I just love myself without fear, recklessly abandoning the old words and thoughts I have said and thought about my body? Why can’t I replace them with an unfathomable amount of acceptance? What would be the harm? What would there be to fear? What would my life be like if I could fearlessly encourage and love myself like I love my child? How would I experience myself? How would my life change?" That day I changed. That conversation was the catalyst for me to see deeply how I saw myself. When we begin to reflect and understand deeply how much God loves us, and accepts us as we are, these questions get answered. I reflected on the amount of time I spent not loving myself fearlessly and completely. I struggled with my self-image for years. I thought it was over, but here I was still wrestling. I had to look at every shallow thought and belief that I held about,and against myself, and challenge them to a duel so they could be slayed by the Light of truth. I had to see what was in the way of me falling head over heels in love with myself. My capacity to see myself and believe in how God sees me had to increase. And it goes without saying, but let me say it; this is not from an egoic natural point of view but from a supernatural spiritual knowing of my Father (God) and the belief in every word He says about me– not just me—us. I wanted to examine why I agreed more with what society and others said about me, rather than what God says. Why the noise of my flesh was louder than the purity and truth of His voice inside of me—His voice that said how beautiful I am, as I am, and how perfect it is not to desire to be perfect but to have a heart eager to grow and to walk confidently in the authority,

power, and body He has given me. The power we want to experience from God works when we accept our differences and uniqueness; when we become ok with who and how we were created. Learning how to love yourself through your wounds, trauma, misunderstandings, generational issues, blatant racism, systemic racism, sexism, colorism, and all the “isms” is hard enough. The decks are stacked all around, making it that much harder for us to love ourselves. This is why we must be so solid in the love we hold for ourselves. When we awaken to God’s deep, profound, unwavering, real love for us, and we learn to keep our eyes on that, all the reasons that make us feel unlovable start to dissipate, and we begin to see ourselves fearlessly through the eyes and the love of God. Now when I wake, I first thank God for my life and health, and for still having a purpose for me on this Earth. I ask that my capacity to hold everything He has for me increases every day. I also ask that the condition of my heart (soul) be searched instead of me searching my physical body for flaws. When I address what my spirit needs, my physical needs get in step. I naturally make choices in my food and routine that align with what is highest for me, without stress, burden, and fear. I learned to be unafraid of the love I carry for myself. Fearlessly embracing me. Any other way of living is contrary to the Spirit of God that dwells within me. If we live by fear, we live by a spirit not given to us by the Creator. So, I ask you, "What would be the harm? What would there be to fear if you could fearlessly encourage and love yourself? What would your life be like? How would you experience yourself? How would your life change?" This is

I hope it helps you grow, in some way.


the bold & Beautiful BY AMANDA BROWN

58 | | Month 2020

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What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when I say purple smokey eye? Or blue eyeshadow? How many times have you picked up that beautiful bright colored eyeshadow palette and said to yourself. “I could never pull these colors off”? Most people hear blue eyeshadow and automatically think, “No ma’am, it’s giving 80’s jazzercise.” Especially if browns, golds, and neutrals are your go-to. The thought of a bold colored eyeshadow or a bold lip may have you shaking your head at first but for this fearless issue, that stops today. I’m challenging all our readers to pick up your brushes and go for a bold look. It’s time! While I love me a good natural look, there are so many colors out there that compliment our skin tones and eye colors while crossing culture lines that were once considered “the norm.” Gone are the days where makeup was used just to enhance our beauty or cover our insecurities. Today, makeup is seen as an art form and an expression of creativity. Artists are spending hours studying color theory and

contours of the face to create looks that defy nature and confuse the natural eye. Our faces have become canvases and our makeup is the outlet with which we express our vision of beauty. You would be surprised at how brown eyes pop with a shade of blue or purple on the lid or how hazel or green eyes shine when paired with a shimmered orange smokey eye. Or how hooded eyes can be instantly lifted with the right crease color and shade of shimmer on the lid. There’s a world of creativity out there that is calling out to the dreamers of the world to paint. And the tools to get there are at our literal fingertips! Never be afraid to experiment with color, whether that be a bold lip or a colorful eye. You can always tone it now with a neutral toned lip color for bold eyes or the other way around. And don’t worry, I won’t leave you to experiment with pinks, purples and greens on your own. Here are 7 tips and some of my absolute fave products when going for a bold look to guide you. MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE | 59


Always use a primer on your eyes. A good

primer like the MAC Pro Long-wear Paint Pots (1) or Milk Makeup Hydro Grip Primer (2) will ensure that your eyeshadow shows up true to color and stays on all day without creasing. You can also use your foundation or concealer instead of a primer, just be careful to use a small amount and blend it evenly all over your lid to avoid creasing from excess product. 2

Challenge yourself a bit and pull inspiration from color theory. To do so, you’re going to need

a color wheel (3). These are great to have around for any fashionista for things like color blocking outfits and simply deciding what colors compliment other colors well. With a color wheel on hand, you’ll be sure to create looks that make sense and won’t give recital vibes.

3 3

Try something iridescent! ColourPop chrome

liquid eye shadows (4) give that chromed out liquid glass effect and add a splash of color with minimal effort. They’re also great if you don’t want to go for straight color because they’re designed to give that disco ball color change effect. Danessa Myricks Multichrome gels (5) are another great chrome eyeshadow to add to your kit! Just spread them evenly over your lid and once they’re dry, you’re good to go! 4

Layer your colors! If you’re going for a purple

look use a straightforward palette like Sephora’s 5 eyeshadow palette in No.3 (6). Use the deep mauve in your crease and outer corner with the true purple on your lid. On the inner corner of the eye, use the lighter purple. This technique will have you looking like you blend like a true pro! The colors create a gradient effect that will make even a novice look like a master. Pair your bold eyes with a natural lip color like MAC Whirl (7) to let your eyes take the lead.


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4. 5


If you’re not afraid to go all the way, go bold all over! This means you’ll have a dark or

colored eye with a colored lip and colored blush with a deep contour. On paper, this sounds like a bit much, but celebrities often opt for this look for a formal evening out or red carpet event (8). A look like this one is sure to give that sultry, high-end vibe that everyone loves. A great bold blush is Rosy Glow blush by Dior in Berry (9) or Mahogany (10). 6

Blend, Blend, Blend! The key to using color is

to blend out any harsh or hard lines. You want to create a seamless fade. Makeup should never come to an obvious stark ending point unless you’re creating a cut crease look. You want to make sure you’re using a fluffy brush like the Mac 224 (11) or any brush that has a tapered end with a slight fluff to blend out your colors. Use a bigger fluffy brush like the Sonia Kashuk fluffy angled brush (12) to blend contour lines and blush.

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All skills require some practice and getting used to before one can be really good at it. This includes applying makeup to our own faces. The more you practice and experiment with color and blending techniques, the better at it you will become. You can always tell when someone has applied their makeup skillfully using proper techniques versus those who had no rhyme or reason when applying. If you need help, head over to YouTube and search “mandamakeup” for more tips and techniques on applying makeup.

8 12


Take your time, practice makes perfect!



Bold makeup sends a message. It lets everyone in the room know that you’re here and unafraid to be seen. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve been out and about and some kind stranger has stopped me to compliment my eyeshadow or lip color or even just to say, “your makeup looks nice.” It’s a conversation starter and often can be an icebreaker among strangers, or simply a confidence-builder for yourself. So, I encourage you to get fearless! Whether you’re going for a night out or to run errands. Say it loud and proud with a bold look! For more tips and tricks on makeup and skincare, follow @ Brownbeautydaily on Instagram and visit www. MINDBLOWING MAGAZINE | 61

fall into fashioN Kristina Styled It!

Fall fashion season is just around the corner. Are you prepared? Let’s get ahead of the game with some tips that will take your basic fall looks to the next level.




KNOW YOUR BODY TYPE! Opt for staples


INCORPORATE WARDROBE STAPLES: These are pieces that never

be a combination of different styles or a specific one that reflects your personality. Your personal style will set you apart from the rest.

that accentuate your body. If you are unsure of your body type, there are various ways to determine your body type, with plenty of handy guides available on the internet.

go out of style. This can include blazers, a classic white button-up, a pair of denim jeans, or a timeless pair of boots.





MIX & MATCH: Don’t be afraid


ACCESSORIZE: Accessories can

BUILD AND LAYER: A little layering never hurt

anyone. The key to a perfectly layered look is to play around with multiple lengths. Add a cropped top to a pair of high-waisted slacks, scrunch your sleeves or pant legs, add tall boots to break up excess fabric. These adjustments will elongate the body and prevent a bulky layered look.

to mix & match different pieces to create a unique look. Experiment with different textures, fabrics, and patterns to create a cohesive outfit.

make or break your look. Invest in fashion forward accessories such as a statement necklace, vintage costume earrings, a classic watch, a pair of sunglasses that compliment your face shape or even a fun hat that is guaranteed to draw attention.



Own your look! Be confident in what you are wearing. Wear what makes you feel good and don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things that you haven’t done or seen before.


TH E LOOK This look is layered to perfection in street style chic. Denim on denim, best known as “the Canadian tuxedo” will remain on trend for fall 2023. This viral corset denim jumpsuit from was paired over a Barry Long Sleeve Button Down Top in White by Frank & Eileen ($278 With Molten Lava (181555 TCX) vibrating so brightly in the fall 2023 color palette, there was no hesitation when choosing it as the color to break up the blue denim. These vintage over the knee boots by The Wild Pair were scrunched to create a baggy vibe that perfectly complements the scrunched denim jumpsuit. Once again, mini bags are crossing over into a new season. Get sassy with the Monogram Mini Bucket Bag in red ( $60). Are you ready to stop traffic with the All Ears cap in red ($59 shopcaribbeancowgirl. com)? If you’re still a little apprehensive, go incognito with a trendy pair of shades by Dollger Eyewear ($13 To add balance, this look was accessorized with top quality vintage gold accessories from the chain belt down to the earrings. To finish off this masterpiece, this Long TRF Denim Trench in light blue ($119 zara. com) was chosen to knock this look out of the park. HAIR: Malika Goins | @beautywithmalika MUA: Moriah Mierre | @beatbymo PHOTOGRAPHER: Quatiece Salter | @lxvemedia WARDROBE STYLIST: Kristina Smith | @kristinabowmansmith STYLE ASSISTANT: Leah Humes | @leahlux__


Lord, I admit I am a sinner. I need and want Your forgiveness. I accept Your death as the penalty for my sin, and recognize that Your mercy and grace is a gift You offer to me because of Your great love, not based on anything I have done. Cleanse me and make me Your child. By faith I receive You into my heart as the Son of God and as Savior and Lord of my life. From now on, help me live for You, with You in control. In Your precious name, Amen "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9) .

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