La Maria

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FADE IN EXT. TWO STORY APARTMENT BUILDING -DAY ANGLE on the FRONT DOOR of the second floor corner unit. SEE the number 9 above the peek-hole. VOICE (O.C.) (in Spanish) Nine is the number of the Goddess. Nine is the number of the Goddess. PUSH IN on the number 9 on the door. VOICE (CONT'D) (in Spanish) Nine is the number of the Goddess. CUT TO: INT. APARTMENT #9 - DAY SEE a MAN curled into a ball on the carpet of the living room floor. A SECOND MAN kicks at him, and stabs him repeatedly with a KITCHEN KNIFE. O.C. HEAR VOICES screaming and shouting. SECOND MAN (stabbing) What you gonna do now, motherfucker?! What you gonna do now?! HEAR sirens in the background. CLOSE on the man's face, lying on the floor. Blood spurts from his lips. His eyes close. CUT TO:



The man's eyes opening. PULL BACK to SEE him sitting in a chair in the living room, smoking from a water pipe. He gazes at the screen of his computer. The clock on the desk reads 9:00 am. CLOSE on the COMPUTER SCREEN. A


Latin, late-fifties, is giving an interview. WOMAN Then a milky-green liquid began to flow from my breasts. My nipples started to stretch, then open wider. Roots, or something like vines shot out of them, like ropes. They plunged into the earth, all around me. O.C. HEAR a telephone ring. The man reaches over and answers it. MAN Hello? VOICE (O.C.) (New York accent) Hey René, what's up yo? RENE (MAN) Science... Why? What's up? VOICE Yo, science these nuts! I gotta know what's happening here, René. No bullshit. We have to deliver tonight. HEAR a DOORBELL ring. René REACTS, extinguishing his water pipe, fanning, and spraying air freshener into the air above him.



RENE Look, I gotta go. I'll call you back. VOICE Hey, motherfucker! René hangs up. The doorbell rings again. He runs to the door, and looks through the peek-hole. René's POV: SEE a MAN- middle aged, sunglasses, blazer, with a Dirty Harry Tshirt underneath. RENÉ (whispers) Damn it! He runs to the kitchen, hides the water pipe behind the refrigerator, then pulls a bottle of Visine from the pocket of his jeans. The doorbell rings again, followed by a KNOCKING. RENÉ (CONT'D) Just a second...! He squirts eye drops into his eyes, then throws the bottle behind the refrigerator. He runs back to the door and opens it. The man is still there. MAN What took you so long, Ramirez? RENÉ Oh, agent Callahan I... I didn't know it was you. I was on the phone. AGENT CALLAHAN (walking inside) Mind if I come in? (CONTINUED)


RENÉ No, come on in. AGENT CALLAHAN What's wrong with your eyes there Ramirez? René notices the Visine tears, running down his face. He wipes them away. RENÉ (breaking down) I was talking to my mother and... AGENT CALLAHAN And. RENÉ And she's sick, agent Callahan. AGENT CALLAHAN She's sick. RENÉ Yeah, real sick. AGENT CALLAHAN Sorry to here that, Ramirez. So what's wrong with her? RENÉ Her breasts, sir. AGENT CALLAHAN Her breasts? RENÉ Yes sir they're discharging some sort of milky-green liquid.



AGENT CALLAHAN You've got to be shittin' me. RENÉ No, then there was something about the nipplesAGENT CALLAHAN Whoa! Easy there, Ramirez. That's enough. Callahan pulls out a MINI MAGLIGHT, steps up to René, and shines it on René's eyeball. RENÉ I'm sorry sir. AGENT CALLAHAN (staring into eyeball) Pupil to the roof, Ramirez. RENÉ Sure, no problem, Mr. Callahan. Callahan puts his mini-maglight away and begins to look around the apartment. AGENT CALLAHAN So, I see you've painted the place since I was here last. RENÉ Yeah. I finished glazing the back wall of the bathroom after you left last night.



AGENT CALLAHAN Is that supposed to be some kind of joke, Ramirez? You trying to make me sound stupid? RENÉ No, sir. Callahan stops at the desk. He sniffs the ashtray, then notices the colorful screen saver on the computer. AGENT CALLAHAN Very psychedelic, Ramirez. You've been puffing the ganja lately? Maybe a little smack? Huh? Or a few toadstools, perhaps? Eh there, swami? RENÉ Sir? AGENT CALLAHAN (grabbing René) What, inmate Ramirez? RENÉ I don't know what you're talking about, agent Callahan. AGENT CALLAHAN Yes you do. RENÉ No sir, I swear. On la Maria, I swear it. Callahan gives René an empty urinalysis bottle.



AGENT CALLAHAN Spray it, Ramirez. Don't say it. Go on, Pissboy. And just be grateful the state doesn't take stool. René walks to the bathroom. RENÉ (O.C.) I'm very grateful, sir. CUT TO: René giving Callahan the full bottle, in the open front doorway of the apartment. AGENT CALLAHAN Alright, I guess this will satisfy the juggernaut, for the moment, Ramirez. RENÉ I sure hope so, Mr. Callahan. I've got nothing to hide. AGENT CALLAHAN Just remember, Ramirez, Big Brother is always watching you. Comprendo? RENÉ Si. Comprendo. EXT. APARTMENT #9 - DAY Callahan leaves. The door closes. CLOSE ON the number 9 above the peek-hole.


EXT. CITY STREET - DAY A white Hundai pulls up to the curb. A MAN- video camera to his face, and a WOMAN- 20s with a Fitchburg State University T-shirt on exit the vehicle. They run across the street towards the apartment building. The automatic parking gate rolls open for them. CUT TO: BLACK POV of man, THROUGH VIDEO CAMERA VIEWFINDER: SEE the woman, running up ahead of him. WOMAN (over shoulder) OK Marty, now I want you to get every minute of this. You hear me? MARTY (O.C.) I hear you. WOMAN No matter what, I want you to keep shooting. Watch the stairs. MARTY (O.C.) (tripping) Cock! Balls! WOMAN Hey! Watch the language, Marty, for crying out loud. Cock and balls is not gonna get us to Sundance now is it?



MARTY (O.C.) Sorry, Simone. SIMONE (WOMAN) Come on. She helps Marty up. They climb the stairs to the second floor. ANGLE on SIMONE through Marty's camera. She stands in front of the door of apartment #9. SIMONE (CONT'D) Alright, why don't you give me a close on the number nine here. MARTY (O.C.) OK, chief. CLOSE on the number 9. SIMONE (O.C.) Nine is the number of the Goddess, you know. MARTY (O.C.) The what? The door opens. SEE René's face. He has a telephone to his ear. RENÉ What the hell are you doing Simone? I could hear you guys all the way up here. And turn that thing off.


10. CONTINUED: (2)

SIMONE (walking inside) Keep rolling Marty. Don't be so paranoid, René. René closes the door behind them. He is wearing a red Che Guevara T-shirt. He continues to speak into the phone. Marty pans around the living room with the camera. RENÉ (O.C.) Listen to me, Gianluca. My parole agent is all over my ass right now. Plus I'm gonna be very busy here today. SIMONE I love this place. It's so eclectic, so Fu-boo-boo, you know what I mean Marty? MARTY (O.C.) Yeah, sure. RENÉ I know what we agreed to, Gianluca. I need the money too, alright? OK, if you want to wait it out here, be my guest. But that means you're gonna have to participate in the film then. SIMONE Oh! That's great, René. We could use more subjects.


11. CONTINUED: (3)

RENÉ (into telephone) Orle pues. Alright then, come on over. He hangs up. Simone flips through pages on a clipboard. She steps up to René's side then faces Marty's camera. SIMONE Well, here we are with Mr. René Ramirez, our Mazatec embassador of Sage. RENÉ Espérate... Cálmate, eh?

SIMONE What? RENÉ Wait. Just calm down, turn the camera off, and let's get organized first, alright? SIMONE No no no no. You wait a minute René. Keep rolling, Marty. Executive producer, René, you put up the money, and you shut your mouth. It's easy. RENÉ Por Dios, Simone. SIMONE Oh sure, poor me, huh René?



RENÉ No, I meantHEAR the doorbell RING. René answers the door. SEE a WOMANbeautiful, Mexican, Comandante Marcos T-shirt and army field jacket on. René greets her. He kisses her cheek. Speaking in Spanish: RENÉ (CONT'D) Hello Victoria of the magnificent sunrise. What passes with you? Victoria slaps René across the face. VICTORIA (WOMAN) Son of your whore mother, don't touch me. CLOSE on René through Marty's camera. He rubs his jaw. Victoria enters the room and drops her backpack on the couch. SIMONE Wow! Did you get that, Marty? MARTY (O.C.) I got it. Speaking Spanish: RENÉ What demons pass with you, woman? VICTORIA I have made calls to you all morning, cabrón. Where have you been? I Have the Maria at apartment, culero.


13. CONTINUED: (2)

RENÉ The Maria? I Thought it would be later this evening. Did you bring her with you, cabróna? VICTORIA No! I Left her at the apartment. RENÉ (in English) You left it?! SIMONE She left what, the salvie? RENÉ Hold on, Simone. VICTORIA So what, cabrón? Where's the wool, the shrimp, the light, you gelded bull? HEAR a KNOCK at the door. René runs to the peek-hole. RENÉ (in Spanish) Son of the dick! SIMONE What's the matter with you? VICTORIA René! RENÉ (in English) Everybody hide. It's my parole agent!


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SIMONE Keep rolling, Marty. RENÉ God damn it. Turn that fucker off, Marty. Everyone get in the bedroom, hide! MARTY (O.C.) Too late. MARTY'S POV: CLOSE on the doorknob turning. HEAR people shuffling about, in the background. SALSA MUSIC begins to play. Marty PANS to SEE René and Victoria, dancing on the kitchen floor. CUT TO: SEVERAL SHOTS: A hand spinning victoria Twirling hair Agent Callahan in the open doorway, reacting Salsa footwork Agent Callahan pushes the stop button on the radio. AGENT CALLAHAN Alright that's enough, Ramirez. I didn't come all the way back over here to cha cha or Lambada with you, comprendo? We need to talk. RENÉ Excuse me, everybody.



ANGLE on Victoria and Simone, watching René. He performs a CHIP field sobriety test for agent Callahan, in the corner of the living room. VICTORIA Who is that man? SIMONE (whispers) That's René's parole agent. He's trying to send him back to prison. The man's very counter revolucione, you know what I mean? He oppresses la tierra. CUT TO: René and agent Callahan. RENÉ Sir, we were only shooting a salsa video. AGENT CALLAHAN You pushing dope again to finance another skin-flick, Ramirez? RENÉ No sir. AGENT CALLAHAN Stop holding out, Ramirez. I know you're trying to shoot an independent film here. But how are you planing to pay for all this, Ramirez?


16. CONTINUED: (2)

RENÉ Why did you want to see me Mr. Callahan? AGENT CALLAHAN It turned out that the state wanted that stool sample after all, Ramirez. RENÉ Oh come on. You've got to be shitting me. AGENT CALLAHAN Yeah. It's a joke, Ramirez. Look, I want to make this real clear. I know you're up to something, Ramirez, and I will nail your ass. So you might as well just come clean, here and now, and let me in on what's really going on. RENÉ What are you talking about, sir? AGENT CALLAHAN This new film of yours, Ramirez. I would make a very strong leading male. RENÉ What? AGENT CALLAHAN I want to play the lead in the movie.


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RENÉ But it's not even that kind of piece, sir. It's just a salsa video. AGENT CALLAHAN Alright, you want to keep bullshitting me? You want to play some hardball, Ramirez? That's fine with me. RENÉ Mr. Callahan, I'm sure you would make a very, very strong leadingAGENT CALLAHAN (to Marty's camera) O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low? Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils shrunk to this little measure? Fare thee well! Huh? You like that? You still want to see strong? SIMONE (O.C.) Keep rolling, Marty. MARTY (O.C.) I've got him. AGENT CALLAHAN I'll show you strong. Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war! That this foul deed shall smell above the earth with carrion men, groaning for burial!


18. CONTINUED: (4)

Victoria makes the sign of the cross over herself. Callahan turns to leave, then stops in the open doorway. AGENT CALLAHAN (CONT'D) Thank you all. Oh, and by the way, in case you didn't know, that man there is a convicted felon on parole. Have a nice day. And Ramirez? RENÉ Yes, Mr. Callahan? AGENT CALLAHAN Don't forget. RENÉ Big Brother's watching me, sir? AGENT CALLAHAN That's right, baby. Agent Callahan leaves. SIMONE That was so intense! I'm gonna use that. I don't know when, I don't know where, but I'm using that footage. RENÉ No one is using any of that. And could you please turn off the camera, Marty? Just let us get organized first, alright? SIMONE Keep rolling, Marty.


19. CONTINUED: (5)

VICTORIA (in Spanish) René, you can deal with all of this on your own time. I came here to get paid, cabrón. RENÉ (to everyone) OK, everybody just shut up for one second. Here's the deal. HEAR a KNOCK at the door. RENÉ (CONT'D) Nobody move. René answers the door. A MAN- 5' 2", fur coat, slicked-back hair stands in the open doorway. MAN (New York accent) So what's up, yo? Ain't you gonna ask me in? RENÉ Hey, Gianluca. Come on in. GIANLUCA (MAN) (walking inside) Yo! You really are making a movie here, aren't you? How you all doing? I'm Gianluca, but you can call me Luca. SIMONE Like Luca Brazzi?


20. CONTINUED: (6)

GIANLUCA Yeah, the same. So what's cracking, René? Our little package show up yet? RENÉ Alright, everybody listen up. We don't have very much time for this. I've gotta get the digital camera back to the rental company before 8 o'clock tonight. VICTORIA (in English) That is not my problem, René. RENÉ Look, you want your money, right? VICTORIA Yes. RENÉ Well, I can't give you your cut until Gianluca delivers la Maria to the buyer tonight. GIANLUCA So, where the hell is it? RENÉ That's what I'm saying, Gianluca. You can't deliver la Maria until Victoria brings it over here.


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SIMONE Oh, so just screw Simone, then? Where the hell does that leave us, René? RENÉ That means I can't pay for the rental on all of the damn camera equipment, until I get my cut from Gianluca this evening. SIMONE It will be too late by then, René! How are we supposed to film this?! RENÉ I say, that for the sake of expedience, we just shoot the bulk of the documentary now. We use everyone here for subjects, that way we can all take different dosage levels, and catch the whole thing on film at the same time. VICTORIA & GIANLUCA What?! SIMONE That works for me. RENÉ I have some liquid extract that I ordered over the internet last week. (MORE)


22. CONTINUED: (8) RENÉ (CONT'D) It might be a little stronger than the leaves Victoria brought back with her from Mexico, but it will work for now. GIANLUCA So if I agree to this, René, just what the fuck am I agreeing to? RENÉ You're agreeing to shooting the footage first, picking up Victoria's batch, we bring it here, wait for your connect to call, then everyone gets paid. Can we all live with that? Everyone agrees. RENÉ (CONT'D) OK. Let's get started then. CUT TO: MONTAGE: René opens a box and removes two small glass bottles of green liquid. RENÉ (V.O.) This is an extract made from las hojas de Maria, the leaves of Salvia Divinorum. Victoria produces a rosary, then kneels on the carpet in prayer.



RENÉ (V.O.) (CONT'D) The leaves contain Salvinorin A, the most powerful hallucinogen known to mankind. Everyone washes their mouths out with Listerine over the kitchen sink.

RENÉ (V.O.) It is 100 times more powerful than LSD-25. So it is essential that we all prepare ourselves, both physically and mentally for this experience. Simone stands on her head, propped up against the living room wall in meditation. René lays pillows all over the carpet. Victoria lights sage smudges. RENÉ (V.O.) (CONT'D) When we cross over to the other side of consciousness, we need to have a specific purpose and question to ask of Ska Maria Pastora, the Goddess of Sage. Everyone sits indian-style on the floor. They each hold a burning smudge. The smoke thickens and rises all around them. GIANLUCA Yo wait a minute yo. Before I take anything, I want some guarantees here.


24. CONTINUED: (2)

RENÉ What do you want me to guarantee, Gianluca? GIANLUCA That I don't get all fucked up, René, and end up like god damned Van Morrision, for starters! Can you guarantee that, asshole?! SIMONE Jim Morrison. GIANLUCA Whatever. VICTORIA (in Spanish) Your friend lacks eggs René. RENÉ (coughing from smoke) Alright alright, that's enough! Nobody's gonna end up like Jim Morrison. We're running out of time here. Start rolling, Marty. MARTY (O.C.) (coughing) I am rolling, asshole. SIMONE (coughing) Don't mind him, Marty. Keep rolling.


25. CONTINUED: (3)

RENÉ My God! Can everyone just shut the hell up for one second please?! This is supposed to be a life-changing, spiritual experience. I'm feeling no love here, whatsoever. You guys are so sour... This is bullshit. VICTORIA Oh, that's a good attitude to have, when searching for la Maria, René. GIANLUCA Yeah, that'll sure help us to relax. Thanks a lot, René. Nice attitude there, Pal. SIMONE You can be so selfish sometimes, René. RENÉ Well, I'm in the giving mood now, Simone. Here, take it! I'm tired of this shit. Keep it under your tongues for five minutes. CUT TO: Shots of René shoving a DROPPER of GREEN LIQUID into everyone's mouths, except for Marty. RENÉ (CONT'D) (in Spanish) Take the Maria, children of you ungrateful mothers! Take!


26. CONTINUED: (4)

René finishes by giving himself a dropperful of the green liquid. Everyone looks from one to another. No one can talk, due to their mouthfuls of Salvia. Eyes widen. People begin to MOAN and MUMBLE, fanning themselves with their hands. Gianluca wails, with a GURGLING sound. GIANLUCA (gurgling) It burns, asshole! They all begin to argue, MOANING and GURGLING a barrage of unintelligible gibberish. Marty PANS from person to person. HEAR a KNOCKING at the door. Everyone freezes. ANGLE on the front DOOR. It opens. Agent Callahan enters, wearing a toga over his sport coat. A garland of leaves adorns his head. AGENT CALLAHAN I doubt not of your wisdom. Let each man render me his bloody hand. Agent Callahan approaches Gianluca and shakes his hand. AGENT CALLAHAN (CONT'D) First, Marcus Brutus, will I shake with you. Callahan turns to René. AGENT CALLAHAN (CONT'D) Next, Caius Cassius, do I take your hand. SIMONE (gurgling) Keep rolling Marty Callahan corners Simone, then shakes her hand.


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AGENT CALLAHAN Now yours, Metellus. Everyone continues to moan and gurgle from the burning liquid beneath their tongues. René gestures wildly in the background for Marty to stop filming. Callahan turns to Victoria. She backs away from him. AGENT CALLAHAN (CONT'D) Mmmmmm... Though last, not least in love, yours good Trebonius! Victoria VOMITS, spewing the green liquid all over agent Callahan's toga. Gianluca SCREAMS, no longer able to support the burning in his mouth. René spits his mouthful of Salvia onto the floor. RENE (to Marty) Cut, goddamnit! AGENT CALLAHAN What the fuck is going on here, Ramirez?! O.C. Marty laughs hysterically. He trips and falls. His POV through the camera goes BLACK. CUT TO: Agent Callahan standing outside René's closed bathroom door. RENE (O.C.) Sir I swear, I wasn't doing anything.


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AGENT CALLAHAN (speaking towards bathroom door) Hurry up Ramirez. I haven't got all day for this. Just give me the sample. The door cracks open. SEE René's hand appear, holding a small plastic bottle with a little spoon inside of it. CLOSE on the BOTTLE. It contains a stool sample. RENE (O.C.) Don't you think this is a little extreme sir? AGENT CALLAHAN (examining bottle) You wanted to play hardball, Ramirez, not me. René exits the bathroom, zipping up his pants.

Let's just hope for your sake, they don't find any dope in this shit. RENE It's clean sir. AGENT CALLAHAN We'll see. Agent Callahan walks to the front door then stops. He watches everyone in the kitchen gargling, and washing their mouths out with Listerine. He shakes his head.


29. CONTINUED: (7)

AGENT CALLAHAN (CONT'D) Oh, and Ramirez, don't forget... RENE I know sir. RENE AND AGENT CALLAHAN (together) Big Brother is always watching. Agent Callahan leaves. GIANLUCA Yo, René! This is bullshit, yo. That stuff was boo boo, man. All it did was burn. It doesn't even work! SIMONE Some documentary, René. How are we supposed to go to Sundance with this garbage? RENE Marty, would you stop rolling please. SIMONE Keep rolling, Marty. VICTORIA What the hell is wrong with you, René?! That was not la Maria, cabrón! RENE I'm paying for the goddamned video tapes. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

30. CONTINUED: (8) RENE (CONT'D) The shit costs money. Now would you please stop fucking rolling, Marty?! HEAR a cell phone RING. Gianluca steps away from the argument, into the hall, then answers it. GIANLUCA Yo, what's up yo? VOICE (O.C.) Hey Luca, where's our fucking money, you little bastard? GIANLUCA Oh, uh, Jimmy, how ya' doing, buddy? Yeah, I'm about to pick it up for you this evening. VOICE (O.C.) Is that right? Well let me tell you something you little putz. If we don't get our money by midnight tonight, I'm gonna sodomize your lying ass. You hear me? Then I'm gonna stab you to death. GIANLUCA Whoa Whoa, wait a minute Jimmy. You don't have to go there. Come on now. I'll get your money to you, tonight, I swear. VOICE (O.C.) Whatever. Just consider yourself warned. And don't try nothing stupid either. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

31. CONTINUED: (9) VOICE (O.C.) (CONT'D) Remember, Big brother's always watching your dumb ass. GIANLUCA What? The line goes dead. Gianluca stares at the phone, then runs back to the arguing group of people in the living room. RENE Look, we're wasting time here. There's nothing we can do without the leaves Victoria has at her aunt's apartment. GIANLUCA Yo, motherfucker we gots to get them leaves now! RENE What's the problem now? GIANLUCA My creditors are gonna come up here and blast everybody if I don't get their money by midnight, you feel me?! VICTORIA That's what I've been saying from the beginning, but you're all too busy with this stupid movie! SIMONE Listen bimbo. Don't you dare condescend my cine nouveaux!


32. CONTINUED: (10)

RENE Alright! Enough! I've had just about enough of this. I've burned six layers of skin off my tongue and mouth. I've given sweat, blood, breath, hair follicles, piss, and now stool, to the state of California. My parole agent is stalking me in a fucking toga, reciting lines from Julius Caesar. I'm two thousand dollars over budget on a film

that I

have yet to shoot one, single, frame, that I can use. And now I've got a bunch of loan sharks looking to kill my executive producer. SIMONE So what are you saying? RENE I say we go to Victorias, get la Maria, then come back here and finish this shit before midnight. GIANLUCA Good. VICTORIA Bueno. SIMONE So where does Vicky's aunt live anyway? VICTORIA Compton. (CONTINUED)

33. CONTINUED: (11)

Everyone GROANS. CUT TO: INT. METRO SUBWAY TRAIN - EVENING Marty's POV through video camera: A metro POLICE OFFICER works his way down the aisle, asking passengers to show him their tickets. MARTY (O.C.) Atta boy. RENE (O.C.) (in Spanish) Victoria, listen to me. Marty PANS to SEE Ren茅 and Victoria sitting next to each other, across the aisle. Gianluca sits in the seat in front of them. Speaking in Spanish: VICTORIA Do not say anything to me, you gelded bull. RENE What passes with you? Why have you changed like this. You know that I love you, Victoria. VICTORIA You don't love me, cabr贸n. You are the one who has changed.



RENE For the love of God, Victoria. Not one day passed while I was in prison, that I did not think of you, daughter, and of the great cause. VICTORIA The great cause? The great dick! While our people suffer and starve in Chiapas, you've been up here enjoying gringo-life, dreaming of Hollywood! Everything we have worked for has now converted into a circus! RENE Marty, turn the fucking camera off! SEE Marty's middle finger extend towards René. VOICE (O.C.) Tickets please. The metro officer stands in front of Gianluca. Everyone searches for their tickets. Gianluca digs through his pockets. He presents his ticket to the officer, dropping a scrap of paper to the floor. The officer checks the tickets then leaves. René picks up the scrap of paper from the floor. CLOSE on the PAPER in René's hand. RENE (reading) Big Brother Productions? (MORE) (CONTINUED)

35. CONTINUED: (2) RENE (CONT'D) 5161 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood. 5000 Dollars? Óye Luca, what's up what's this? GIANLUCA I told you, My creditors, asshole. CUT TO: THE COMPTON METRO STATION SIGN. PULL BACK to SEE a WHITE SEDAN with government plates, parked alongside the curb. Two MEN sit inside the vehicle. INT. WHITE SEDAN -EVENING Through the front windshield SEE René, Gianluca, Simone, Victoria, and Marty exit the train. They cross the street in front of the sedan. An ASTRO VAN cruises past them. The words "La Banda Pacheco" are painted across the side. The passenger blows a TRUMPET. The DRIVER of the van cat-calls and whistles at Victoria. MAN #1 (O.C.) Neither a borrower nor lender be, assholes. There they are, Mercutio. MAN #2 (O.C.) So what about Big Brother? MAN #1 (O.C.) Don't worry. He's on them. EXT. COMPTON CITY STREET - EVENING René and the crew walk down the sidewalk, through the barrio.



SIMONE Your aunt must have some pretty big balls, living down here. VICTORIA (in Spanish) Such is the life, white girl. SIMONE What? GIANLUCA Yo! Here come them motherfucking mariachis again. RENE Alright everybody, just be cool. And don't make any sudden moves. These guys could be Rancheros. The van rolls up alongside them. The trumpet player leans out of the passenger side window. He kisses and whistles at Simone. TRUMPET PLAYER Hey gordĂ­ta! You going my way, baby? VICTORIA (to Simone) Don't look at them. Just keep walking. GIANLUCA Hey Marty, you packing anything? MARTY (O.C.) I've got some Betacam-SP stock.


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The TUBA PLAYER now joins the trumpet player, leaning out of the side window of the van. TUBA PLAYER Hey mija, don't be shy. Show us your chicharrones! VICTORIA Simone, don't! Simone grabs a Digi-Beta VIDEO TAPE and HURLS it at the van. It smashes into the tuba player's face with a splatter of blood and plastic chips. RENE Run! Marty's POV: They all flee, hopping fences, running down alleyways, and cutting through run-down apartment buildings. The 12 man band of Pachecos pursue them on foot. Some carry their musical instruments. RenĂŠ and the crew barely escape, ducking into an APARTMENT COMPLEX, just in the nick of time. They hide in the bushes, as the Pachecos run past. GIANLUCA (out of breath) I don't believe this shit. VICTORIA The apartment of my aunt is on the second floor. RENE Quiet! Here they come again. Get down!


38. CONTINUED: (3)

HEAR accordion MUSIC, blaring over the van's stereo as it cruises past. The band of Pachecos are fanned out in front of the van, searching the street on foot. VICTORIA (whispers) Come on. This way. Victoria crawls along the hedge of bushes, against the wall, and into the apartment building. RenĂŠ and the crew follow her. They climb the stairs to apartment #13. Everyone is covered in dirt and scratches. SIMONE Did you get all that, Marty? MARTY (O.C.) Yeah, I got it. RENE (out of breath) In the name of the virgin Mary, mother of God, in the name of all things sacred, and in the name of human-fucking-decency, Marty turn the cock-sucking camera off!!! SIMONE Keep rolling, Marty. GIANLUCA Yo! I ain't got time for your blasphemies, motherfucker. Let's just get the leaves, and get the hell out of here!


39. CONTINUED: (4)

VICTORIA (whispering) Cรกllate! All of you, shut up! No one is supposed to be here. My aunt is in Guadalajara on vacation. The neighbors will call the police. Victoria unlocks the door then opens it. They all walk inside. INT. APARTMENT #13 - EVENING SEE rustic Mexican decor. A straw hat, a pair of crossed machetes, and pictures of the virgin of Guadalupe adorn the living room walls. Victoria runs to the back bedroom. RENE Come on Victoria, hurry. VICTORIA (O.C.) Hang on! SIMONE Wow! Look at this place. It's so arriba, so oh-lay. I love it. HEAR a cell phone RING. Everyone jumps with surprise, cursing at Gianluca. Gianluca answers it. He motions at Marty to stop filming him. GIANLUCA Hello? VOICE (O.C.) I sure hope you're not thinking of running out on us, Luca.



GIANLUCA No no, of course not Jimmy. I'm putting everything together right now. You want your money, right? VOICE (O.C.) Did Chekhov have hairy balls? GIANLUCA Yeah, Jimmy. Sure he did. That's what I'm saying. I'm trying to get your money for you by tonight, like you said. VOICE (O.C.) I'm warning you Luca, we know where you're at, asshole. So keep your eyes on the prize, and get me my fucking money! The line goes dead. Victoria returns to the living room carrying a SEA BAG. She struggles under its weight. VICTORIA (in Spanish) Here she is. RENE Gracias a Dios. Come on, Gianluca help me get the bag on my shoulders. Victoria and Gianluca load the sea bag onto René's back. They all head for the door, René in the lead. He opens it. Agent Callahan stands in the open doorway. Everyone REACTS.


41. CONTINUED: (2)

AGENT CALLAHAN (walking inside) Well well well. What do we have here, Ramirez? RENÉ Agent Callahan, IAGENT CALLAHAN What's in the bag, Ramirez? RENÉ Uh... tea leaves sir. Agent Callahan pulls a 44 Magnum from under his jacket. AGENT CALLAHAN Bullshit. Up against the wall, Ramirez! The rest of you get back Where I can see you! René leans against the wall, spreading his arms and legs. Agent Callahan opens the flap of the sea bag on René's back. Behind him, in the background, Victoria removes one of the machetes from the wall. Agent Callahan takes a handful of Salvia leaves from the bag and smells them. AGENT CALLAHAN (CONT'D) Congratulations, Ramirez. You and your friends are going to jail. Agent Callahan reaches for his walkie-talkie when suddenly Victoria SLAMS the machete into the side of his neck, from behind him. BLOOD sprays. Everyone SCREAMS. Agent Callahan collapses to the floor, groping at the fatal wound. Simone picks up Agent Callahan's pistol. RENÉ Oh Jesus! (CONTINUED)

42. CONTINUED: (3)

AGENT CALLAHAN (choking on blood) Big...Brother... GIANLUCA (to Victoria) What the fuck have you done?! AGENT CALLAHAN (delirious) This day I breathed first... Time is come round. VICTORIA I'm not going to prison for any of you cabrónes! AGENT CALLAHAN And where I did begin, there... Arrgh! There I shall end. SIMONE Oh God! Somebody do something. He's dying!

AGENT CALLAHAN My life has run his compass. RENÉ (crying) Marty, turn the fucking camera off!!! CUT TO: BLACK


EXT. COMPTON CITY STREET - NIGHT Gianluca stands beside a WHITE SEDAN with government plates. He looks up and down the street with nervousness. He removes a set of keys from his pocket, then unlocks the trunk. PAN To SEE René, hiding in the bushes in front of the apartment building. He signals Gianluca to come over to him, waving his arms. Marty's POV through video camera: Gianluca runs over to the bushes. René and Gianluca carry a large object, wrapped in a bedsheet to the sedan. Struggling, they load it into the trunk. Victoria and Simone run to the car carrying the sea bag. They stuff it into the backseat, then climb inside. Marty climbs into the backseat behind them. René jumps into the driver's seat. Gianluca sits in the passenger seat. The sedan pulls away from the curb. INT. WHITE SEDAN - NIGHT CHAOS RENÉ I don't know what the fuck we're gonna do! We have to get out of Compton first. GIANLUCA Keep you eyes on road, René! You're gonna get us pulled over! VICTORIA (in Spanish) Take us to your apartment, René. RENÉ (in Spanish) Whore mother! Are you crazy?!



SIMONE Slow down, damn it! There's a checkpoint up ahead! RENÉ Fuck! EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT SEE a line of CARS, and orange pylons. POLICE CRUISERS block the road ahead. OFFICERS with flashlights, approach the cars one by one. The white sedan pulls up to the checkpoint. SEE René and the crew sitting inside. They all smile at the approaching officer. René rolls the windows down. RENÉ (nervously) How are you doing, officer. OFFICER #1 Good. Where you folks heading tonight? RENÉ We're on our way back home, sir. OFFICER #1 What's with the video camera? SIMONE We're shooting a documentary about the barrios of Los Angeles, sir. OFFICER #1 You been doing any drinking tonight?



RENÉ No, sir. OFFICER #1 You mind stepping out of the car, son? RENÉ Sure. No problem, sir. The officer takes René through a field sobriety test, on the side of the road. René passes the test. The officer walks him back to the car. He notices the car's license plates. OFFICER #1 Where do you work, son? RENÉ Lucid Post Productions, in North Hollywood, sir. OFFICER #1 This vehicle has government plates. RENÉ Oh, yeah. It's my dad's car. He works for the state. OFFICER #1 What does he do? RENÉ Parole agent. OFFICER #1 Mind if I take a look in the trunk?


46. CONTINUED: (2)

RENÉ (swallowing hard) Yeah, no problem, sir. Let me pop it for you. O.C. HEAR SHOUTS. The officer turns to SEE his fellow officers trying to subdue a DRUNK MAN in the middle of the street, two cars behind the sedan. He runs to their aid. René climbs into the driver's seat, shuts the door, then PEELS OUT, down the road. INT. WHITE SEDAN - NIGHT GIANLUCA Are you out of your mind! RENÉ He wanted to look in the trunk! SIMONE Oh God! Are they following us? VICTORIA No. Keep driving, René! HEAR a cell phone RING. Gianluca looks at the caller ID Screen. René turns onto the highway. GIANLUCA Everybody shut up! That's our money calling. Hello? Hey, mister Fong, How are you doing? What's that? Absolutely, Mr. Fong. That's what I was hoping we could do. Would tonight be alright for you? Sure, you can. I'll be at this number all night. Yes sir. (MORE)


47. CONTINUED: GIANLUCA (CONT'D) No no, thank you, Mr. Fong. Talk to you later, sir. RENÉ What the fuck is going on here, Luca? GIANLUCA What do mean, what the fuck is going on? We've got a dead cop in the trunk, René. That's what's going on. SIMONE No shit. RENÉ I'm talking about the phone calls, Luca. Who the fuck is Big Brother? GIANLUCA What are you talking about? RENÉ I'm talking about every other word out of my dead parole agent's mouth. I'm talking about The paper that fell out of your pocket on the train. What the fuck is going on?! GIANLUCA René, you don't want any part of this, buddy, believe me. René notices the recording light go out on Marty's camera, in the rear-view mirror.


48. CONTINUED: (2)

RENÉ Oh, so now you want to turn the fucking camera off?! VICTORIA Watch the road, cabrón! René turns back around. He throws the wheel. The car SWERVES, barely missing the bumper of the car in front of them. SIMONE Knock it off! All of you! We're gonna all end up dead or in prison, if you guys keep this shit up. Now let's just get back to René's place. Then we can figure out what the hell we're gonna do. Alright? VICTORIA That's the first thing anyone's said today that makes sense. I agree. MARTY (O.C.) (filming again) Works for me. GIANLUCA Yeah, sure. What other choice we got? RENÉ Orale. Alright then. We'll go to my place.


49. CONTINUED: (3)

René takes the Lankershim off-ramp. CUT TO: EXT. TWO STORY APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT The parking gate of René's apartment complex rolls open. The white sedan pulls in. It parks in the space marked 9. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT A second white sedan is parked under a tree. INT. SECOND WHITE SEDAN - NIGHT Through the windshield SEE René and the crew pull into the parking garage of the apartment building. MAN #2 (O.C.) A plague on both your houses. MAN #1 (O.C.) Easy, Mecrutio. It's not yet time, brother. CUT TO: Marty's POV: René and Victoria carry the large object wrapped in a bedsheet up the stairs to apartment #9. Gianluca and Simone follow them, carrying the sea bag. CLOSE on the number 9. INT. APARTMENT #9 - NIGHT René and Victoria enter the apartment, carrying their burden wrapped in bedsheets. They lug it into René's bedroom. Gianluca and Simone walk into the apartment. They drop the sea bag onto the living room floor. They sit down, winded and perspiring. Marty's POV: He walks down the hall towards the bedroom.


50. CONTINUED: The door is closed, except for a crack. He ZOOMS IN through the opening. SEE the BODY of agent Callahan on top of the bed. He is covered in gore. René and Victoria stand beside the bed, talking. Speaking in Spanish: VICTORIA My Love, he was going to take you to prison. I couldn't let such a thing pass! RENÉ Oh, Victoria. What demons have you made? He is dead. We have killed a cop. VICTORIA Do you hate me? RENÉ No, my Life, I don't hate you. It's justVICTORIA Do you still love me? René closes his eyes, squeezing his head between his hands. He looks down at the body of agent Callahan. Victoria caresses René's face. VICTORIA (CONT'D) Do you love me? RENÉ Yes. They kiss. LOVE SCENE SEQUENCE (beside the body of agent Callahan)


51. CONTINUED: (2)

MARTY (O.C.) Jesus Christ. Naked, René notices the crack in the door. RENÉ Marty?!!! Marty closes the door. CUT TO: RENE'S KITCHEN CLOCK 9:00 PM. PULL BACK to SEE René and the crew sitting in a circle, on the living room floor. A plate, piled high with Salvia leaves, sits between them. GIANLUCA Mr. Fong will be calling me back at eleven for the pick-up. SIMONE That gives us two hours then. GIANLUCA Us? Who the fuck is us? The photo shoot's over, honey. RENÉ That is cutting things damn close, Simone. VICTORIA Plus we still have to deal Julio Cesar in there.



SIMONE You have to deal Julius Caesar! I wasn't the one who hacked him up with a machete, sweetheart. RENÉ Look, like it or not, we are all in this together. GIANLUCA Yo, that's all fine with me, René. I'm just telling you. There's no way in hell I'm gonna take this Salvia shit, two hours before the deal goes down. Fuck that! RENÉ I understand Luca, but we're in a real pinch here. GIANLUCA No you don't understand, motherfucker! You have no idea how crazy these sons of bitches are that I'm dealing with. RENÉ Who, Big Brother? You want to talk about it now, Luca? GIANLUCA Screw you. SIMONE That's not my problem, René. We had a deal. And I'm not leaving here without finishing this film! (MORE) (CONTINUED)

53. CONTINUED: (2) SIMONE (CONT'D) Not after all the bullshit I've been through today! VICTORIA Well, we can't do all three things at once. RENÉ OK. We still have two hours before this Mr. Fong calls, right? GIANLUCA That's right. RENÉ And you have to pay off this Big Brother bullshit by midnight then, right? GIANLUCA The man's a genius. RENE Then let's do this. You just take a mild dose, Simone can take the medium, Victoria can take the strong, and I'll take the Dahli Lama. You'll be fine by the time Mr. Fong calls. I promise. GIANLUCA You ain't hearing me, René. I ain't taking shit. Simone pulls out agent Callahan's 44 MAGNUM and points it at Gianluca.


54. CONTINUED: (3)

SIMONE Well maybe you can hear this, you little bastard. VICTORIA Simone don't. You can't force it. It doesn't work this way. SIMONE Shut the hell up, machete girl. I'm the one calling the shots now. RENE Simone, calm down. Give me the gun. SIMONE Oh, I'll give you something all right. You getting this Marty? MARTY Every word, Simone. SIMONE Good. Because we're going to Sundance, motherfuckers, whether you like it or not! GIANLUCA You're insane. SIMONE You want insane? Here! Eat these! Now! Simone shoves a fistful of Salvia leaves into Gianluca's face. She presses the barrel of the pistol to his forehead.


55. CONTINUED: (4)

GIANLUCA (gagging) Crazy bitch! SIMONE Chew! Swallow, motherfucker! RENE Simone, stop! You're gonna' kill him! VICTORIA Simone, you're going to make him sick! SIMONE You just killed a man, Mother Theresa. Hello! And you're worried about me making him sick? VICTORIA That man would have taken us to prison, you ungrateful bitch! SIMONE You know what? I'm sick of that big moth of yours, Victoria. Maybe this'll shut you up. CLOSE on Victoria's FACE. A HAND slaps her across the cheek, then shoves a fistful of Salvia leaves into her mouth. PULL BACK to SEE René, prepared to pounce on Simone. Simone points the pistol at him. SIMONE (CONT'D) Don't even think about it René. Go on, you know what to do.


56. CONTINUED: (5)

RENE Simone please, for the love of God... SIMONE (laughing) God can't help you now, René. Start chewing, Dahli. René takes four leaves, and puts them into his mouth. SIMONE (CONT'D) More! Take another handful! René complies. Gianluca JUMPS, tackling Simone to the floor. He wrenches the pistol from her hand, then shoves a fistful of leaves into her mouth. GIANLUCA You want to fuck with me?! You eat em'! Go on, chew! Chew! Chew!!! RENE Luca, stop. That's enough! VICTORIA Gianluca, no! GIANLUCA (banging Simone's head on floor) Eat em', you fucking Bitch! Eat! Eat. Oh God. What's happening to me? CUT TO:


57. CONTINUED: (6)

Gianluca standing in RenĂŠ's kitchen, in front of the refrigerator. HEAR a cell phone RING. Gianluca answers it. GIANLUCA (CONT'D) Hello? CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT See a one story BUILDING, with the words "HERB PRODUCTS CO." painted across the top of it. CUT TO: CLOSE ON a pair of MAN LIPS, speaking into a telephone. MAN LIPS Yes, Mr. Brigotti. This is Mr. Fong. CUTTING BACK AND FORTH GIANLUCA Hey, Mr. Fong. How ya' doing? Any word yet? MAN LIPS Actually, that is why I called, Mr. Brigotti. It seems that I will unable to make the purchase we discussed. GIANLUCA But, Mr. Fong. I don't understand. You said it was a done deal.



MAN LIPS I'm sorry, Mr. Brigotti. Good luck to you. GIANLUCA Mr. Fong, please. You can't justThe line goes dead. GIANLUCA (CONT'D) Mr. Fong? FONG!!!!!! PUSH IN on the O of Gianluca's mouth, screaming. CUT TO: EXT. A DESERT - DAY SEE huge ROCK FORMATIONS, cacti, an endless expanse of desert. PUSH IN on the summit, of one of the mountains of rock. Victoria stands alone, looking around herself in amazement. VICTORIA (in Spanish) Oh, God. René?... Gianluca?! Simone?! CUT TO: INT. APARTMENT #9 - NIGHT VICTORIA Simone?! Simone, breathe! Simone coughs, choking on a Salvia leaf. René pulls Gianluca away. Gianluca shakes free of René, turning the pistol on him.



GIANLUCA Get back! RENE Luca, give me the gun. We can still get out of this.

GIANLUCA (breaking down) No we can't. Don't you see? I'm fucked! Marty draws nearer, to get a close up of Gianluca. GIANLUCA (CONT'D) Don't you come near me, Marty! I'll murder you!

Victoria helps Simone to her feet. SIMONE (coughing) Keep rolling, Marty. VICTORIA Stop it! Stop it! All of you! RENE Luca, listen me. I'm your friend. I want to help you, but you're gonna have to tell me who this Big Brother is. CUT TO: CLOSE ON Gianluca. (CONTINUED)

60. CONTINUED: (2)

GIANLUCA (crying) I'm afraid. PULL BACK to SEE Gianluca, standing on the roof of the ERNST & YOUNG BUILDING, downtown Los Angeles. The sun shines. The wind blows Gianluca's hair and clothes. He looks all around himself, panicking. The door to the roof is open. Gianluca notices. He dries his eyes, then walks through the doorway. INT. STAIRWELL - DAY Gianluca descends flight after flight of stairs. His face is a mask of confusion. CLOSE ON Gianluca's FEET descending, taking the steps two at a time, faster and faster. They stop. ANGLE on Gianluca. He looks down at his feet. He is barefoot now, standing on red iron STAIRS. EXT. ARCO PLAZA - NIGHT SEE Gianluca standing mid-way down the red iron SCULPTURE, in the middle of the ARCO PLAZA fountain. He descends the last ten steps, then wades across the water. Gianluca's POV: SKYSCRAPERS, shine in the night sky, above and around him. The city is empty, quiet. He climbs out of the fountain. GIANLUCA What is this? CUT TO: CLOSE ON a CAR DOOR opening. A man's SHOE steps out onto the asphalt.


EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Mecrutio, and MAN #1 exit the white sedan, parked across the street from René's apartment building. They stay in the shadows, under a tree. They both look up at the light in René's window. MECRUTIO What do you think, Polonius? POLONIUS (MAN #1) Tis' pity, but nearly fucking time. MECRUTIO And what of Big Brother? POLONIUS They have him inside. Are you ready? MECRUTIO Almost. Mecrutio reaches into his pocket and removes a PILLBOX. He opens it and takes out two pills, with black X's on them. POLONIUS But soft, what the hell are them shits? MECRUTIO Queen-fuckin-Mab, baby. Mecrutio pops the pills into his mouth and swallows. He begins to GRUNT and GROWL like a wild animal. POLONIUS Tis foul... What the fuck are they for? (CONTINUED)


MECRUTIO (sweating an growling) Cutting foreign throats! CUT TO: EXT. TIJUANA CITY STREET - DAY SEE René, standing on the sidewalk, amidst a crowd of people. He looks around himself with confusion. René's POV: The pedestrian traffic thickens. Up ahead, at the intersection, SEE agent Callahan. He looks back, smiling, his face covered in blood. He turns the corner. RENÉ No! The SHOT GOES INTO SLOW MOTION. René runs towards the intersection, fighting his way through the crowd. He trips and falls, sliding across the pavement. A PROSTITUTE, standing in front of a strip club, helps René to his feet. She laughs. René runs. He reaches the corner, then looks down the street after agent Callahan. Callahan is gone. There is only a MULE, painted to look like a zebra. A MAN stands next to it, laughing at René, bringing us back to real time. Speaking in Spanish: RENÉ (CONT'D) Why do you laugh? MAN Because you search for what cannot be touched, gelded bull. RENÉ Did you see a man, covered in blood, walking by here? (CONTINUED)


MAN (laughing) I have seen many men covered in blood walking by here. Would it please you to caress my Zebra? RENÉ No. No, thank you. In the background, SEE agent Callahan crossing the street, one block down. René notices. RENÉ (CONT'D) There! René runs. The SHOT GOES INTO SLOW MOTION. Agent Callahan disappears beyond the next corner. René sprints into traffic, running between cars, trucks, and taxis. ANOTHER ANGLE of the STREET. René rounds the corner, shoes sliding on the pavement, bringing us back to real time. RENÉ (CONT'D) Callahan! EXT. RANDY'S DOUGHNUTS - NIGHT Two of the uniformed OFFICERS from the sobriety checkpoint, stand in front of a PATROL CAR, talking. OFFICER #2 Callahan, David J. North Hollywood three says he hasn't checked back in since this afternoon. OFFICER #1 He's probably over at Whisker Biscuits, or the Crab Dropper. (MORE) (CONTINUED)


know how them Parole guys

are. OFFICER #2 Negative, Ryan. People from his unit already checked. Seems like they're taking it pretty serious over there. OFFICER #1 What's that got to do with us? OFFICER #2 Callahan's vehicle is still signed out. The last time he checked in, he was at the residence of one of his parolees. It's all here. I wrote everything down. He hands Officer #1 a note pad. OFFICER #1 Son of a bitch. OFFICER #2 What is it? OFFICER #1 That's the plate number of the vehicle that ran the checkpoint tonight. OFFICER #2 You're shitting me. OFFICER #1 No. That's it. What's the name of the parolee?


65. CONTINUED: (2)

OFFICER #2 It's at the bottom of the page. OFFICER #1 Jesus Christ. Come on, the address isn't far from here! Let's go! Officer #1 runs around to the driver's side of the patrol car. Officer #2 climbs into the passenger seat. The patrol car PEELS OUT, racing up the boulevard. LIGHTS flash. SIRENS wail. CUT TO: The SUN, big, red, setting on the horizon. Ocean waters sparkle with light. PULL BACK to SEE Simone, standing on a beach. She looks around herself with confusion. SIMONE Oh my god. Marty?! RenĂŠ?! Simone's POV: looking down the beach SEE NUDISTS, men, women, and children of all ages. Agent Callahan, bloody and nude is among them. Simone REACTS. Everyone on the beach stops. They all turn to face her. Suddenly, the crowd of nudists RUSH at Simone. They sprint across the sand. SIMONE (CONT'D) Marty!!! Simone runs. The nudists chase her up the beach in a flurry of sandy feet and jiggling butt cheeks. SIMONE (CONT'D) No! CUT TO:


EXT. VENICE BEACH - EVENING A MAN shakes a fistful of seashell NECKLACES in Simone's face. MAN No? Baby, these are genuine pookas. Come on now. Ain't you ever seen Last Tango in Paris? SIMONE Oh God! What's happening to me? MAN The opportunity of a lifetime, girlfriend. That's what's going on up in here. SIMONE (walking away) Look, I'm not interested. I gotta go. MAN (following Simone) Hold on, girl. Chill. Hook a big brother up. I got kids to feed. Simone stops. She turns around. The man smiles. SIMONE What did you say? MAN Big Brother. SIMONE Why? What do you mean?



MAN You just don't get it, do you? The man walks away, shaking his head. SIMONE Hey, wait! She tries to follow the man. Her path is blocked by a group of ROLLERBLADERS, skating by. Agent Callahan is among them. Simone REACTS. Callahan skates past. AGENT CALLAHAN Thou shalt see me at Philippi! INT. APARTMENT #9 - NIGHT GIANLUCA (pointing pistol) Shut up! I ain't gots to tell you nothing. I'm out'a here. I leave ya'll to your fate! Gianluca's cell phone RINGS. He backs his way to the living room door, still pointing the pistol at everyone. He pulls the phone from his hip and answers it. GIANLUCA (CONT'D) What! VOICE (O.C.) Don't you dare use that tone with me, you little sodomite! GIANLUCA Jesus, Jimmy! You guys are pressing me like a pair of fucking pants here! (MORE)


68. CONTINUED: GIANLUCA (CONT'D) I told you you'll get your money before midnight. NowVOICE (O.C.) Shut your cock-sucking lips, Luca! We will come upstairs, kick the door in, and disembowel your whore ass! René JUMPS at Gianluca, grabbing Gianluca's gun hand. Simone SCREAMS. René and Gianluca struggle for the pistol, rolling on the living room floor. Gianluca's keeps the cell phone cradled to his ear with his shoulder. GIANLUCA Fuck you! Give it to me! VOICE (O.C.) Oh, is that right? You testing me, Luca? You want some of this?! GIANLUCA Get off me! Let it go! RENE Luca, stop! VICTORIA Do not do this Gianluca! Stop! VOICE (O.C.) Yeah, you better listen to your sow-bellied mother there, Luca, and stop fucking around! GIANLUCA Fuck you!


69. CONTINUED: (2)

VOICE (O.C.) You feculent little turd! I'm gonna vaporize you and that vile, pestilent, little congregation of yours. RenĂŠ falls backwards, ripping the pistol from Gianluca's hands. The phone line goes dead. The Gun FIRES. Simone and Victoria SCREAM. CUT TO: EXT. A DESERT - EVENING Victoria wanders through the boulders and cacti, calling for her friends. She rounds the corner of one last boulder then SEES a run-down desert trailer park. Tents, trailers, and tumbleweed pepper the landscape. A group of MEN sit around a trash can fire, drinking. Victoria approaches with caution. Speaking in Spanish: MAN #1 To where do you go, little mother? MAN #2 And what do you search for? VICTORIA I do not know. I am lost. The men LAUGH MAN #3 We are all lost, daughter.



MAN #4 (pointing) Perhaps you will find yourself in the tent of the shaman. SEE a hill with a tee-pee on top of it. a white sedan is parked next to the tee-pee. VICTORIA I go. MAN #1 Go. Victoria walks up the hill. A MAN exits the tee-pee, and unlocks the door of the sedan. VICTORIA Sir? The man turns to look at Victoria. Victoria REACTS. The man is agent Callahan, caked in blood. He smiles. AGENT CALLAHAN (speaking Spanish) The shaman is occupied. It is better that you encounter the answer for yourself. Callahan climbs into the car. He drives away. Victoria runs towards the open flap of the tee-pee. INSIDE Victoria enters. She SCREAMS. SEE Gianluca on the floor, dead, with a machete wedged into his neck. He is dressed in tribal attire.


EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Mecrutio and Polonius remove weapons from the trunk of the white sedan. POLONIUS (loading shotgun) That insolent little assmonger. MECRUTIO Such disrespect must not go unchecked. POLONIUS Believe me, it won't. All will be punished. What the hell is that thing? Mecrutio pulls a weapon from the trunk. MECRUTIO A scimitar. POLONIUS Whoa, Whoa, wait a minute. That's too much. MECRUTIO What the fuck are you talking about? POLONIUS The goddamned scimitar, it's too much! MECRUTIO I shall smite them with it.



POLONIUS Give me that! You're not smiting nobody, not with a weedwhacker! MECRUTIO (drooling) You doubt the arms I bear, motherfucker? POLONIUS Look, I appreciate the gesture, Mecrutio. And I'm all for A Efects and epic theater. But I'm not gonna have you march up there, holding that fucking weedwhacker, like some sort of Brechtian AK-47! Mecrutio throws himself onto the street. He convulses and bucks, like a demon-posessed epileptic. POLONIUS (CONT'D) Stop that. Stop! Peace, peace, Mecrutio, peace! EXT. DOWNTOWN ALLEYWAY - NIGHT Gianluca walks, barefoot, down the alley. HEAR a man's voice CRY out in pain. Gianluca turns around. Gianluca's POV: Two MEN are stabbing a third MAN, who is lying on the pavement screaming. GIANLUCA Oh God. One of the men notices Gianluca and stops stabbing. The man steps into the light. It is Polonius. His knife-hand drips with blood. The second man continues to stab.



SECOND MAN (stabbing) I smite you! I smite you! POLONIUS Well well well... Hey Mecrutio, look who we have here. GIANLUCA Jesus Jimmy, I m sorry. I didn't mean to disturb yall like this. POLONIUS (stepping closer) Just call me Polonius. GIANLUCA What? I don't understand. POLONIUS You will. I suppose you've come down here to give us back our seed money then. GIANLUCA Plutonious, I swear, you're gonna get your money. POLONIUS You don't have it. Mecrutio stops stabbing. He wipes the sweat from his brow, then walks over to join Polonius and Gianluca. MECRUTIO (eyes ablaze) Does he bring the seed, or do we get to smite him?


74. CONTINUED: (2)

GIANLUCA Just wait a second, fellas, please. Let me explain. Polonius pulls a 357 MAGNUM from under his coat. He points it at Gianluca's face. He pulls the trigger. HEAR a CLICK. Gianluca SCREAMS. The pistol is empty. Polonius and Mecrutio laugh. Polonius begins to reload the 357. POLONIUS This must be your night of good fortune. Start talking. GIANLUCA Look, Plutonius, that money you guys fronted me for the musical... MECRUTIO Big Brother's seed! GIANLUCA Right, the seed money. IPOLONIUS You what? You enjoy buggering your benefactors, Luca? You like biting the hand that feeds your filthy little poop-shoot? Gianluca's POV: Behind Polonius and Mecrutio, the bloody man rises from the pavement. It is agent Callahan. MECRUTIO He didn't bring it. Callahan beckons for Gianluca to follow him, then turns and walks away.


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POLONIUS Tis pity. Polonius points the pistol at Gianluca's face. He pulls the trigger. The gun FIRES. CUT TO: POLICE LIGHTS FLASHING PULL BACK to SEE a police cruiser racing down the street. INT. POLICE CRUISER - NIGHT Officer #1 is driving. OFFICER #1 We're about five minutes away from the suspect's residence. OFFICER #2 Hey Frank, do you know what BBP stands for? OFFICER #1 Butt-pirates and bare-assed politicians, why? Hold on. Officer #1 throws the wheel. The car swerves onto Lankershim Blvd. OFFICER #2 I'm serious. There was a BBP decal on the bumper of Callahan's sedan. OFFICER #1 Who knows. Probably some sort of parole agent fraternity.



OFFICER #2 What, like the masons? OFFICER #1 Yeah, exactly. A bunch of guys standing around in blindfolds, black socks, and skivvies, beating each other off. OFFICER #2 Jesus. OFFICER #1 I know. Enough to make you sick, isn't it? OFFICER #2 Frank, look out! Officer #1 slams on the breaks, honking his HORN. The patrol car SKIDS to a stop. In the headlights, through the windshield, SEE a MAN lying in the road, bucking and convulsing like a demon-posessed epileptic. EXT. TIJUANA CITY STREET - EVENING René runs up the street. At the corner, agent Callahan waves at René, then climbs into a taxicab. The cab pulls away from the curb, just as René reaches it. It drives up a hill. A van SCREECHES to a stop alongside the curb. René REACTS. It's the Pachecos. Speaking in Spanish: TUBA PLAYER Remember me, gelded bull? RENE Oh, come on.



René runs up the hill. O.C. HEAR WHISTLING, CATTLE CALLS, and RANCHERO CRIES. The Pachecos pour out of the van, instruments in hand. They pursue René on foot, spewing obscenities in Spanish. RENE (CONT'D) (over shoulder) Leave me in peace! TRUMPET PLAYER Your mother! The Pachecos chase René up the hill, winding through backstreets and alleys. René slips and falls. The Pachecos seize René's arms, legs, and shoulders, pinning him down onto his back. The accordion player plays furiously above René. RENE Release me! SAXOPHONE PLAYER Hold him tight, boys! GUITAR PLAYER (clutching René's ankle) Rip his mother, Chucho! CHUCHO (TUBA PLAYER) Here it comes! Chucho pulls his pants down. He straddles René and squats, bare-assed, above René's face. The accordion plays faster and faster. René struggles and SCREAMS. René'S POV: SEE a pock-marked pair of NALGAS (butt cheeks) descending. The ass stops, inches from René's face. RENE Oh God! (CONTINUED)

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HEAR a TUBA BLAST. INT. APARTMENT #9 - NIGHT René rolls onto his back, clutching the smoking 44 magnum. Plaster rains down from the bullet hole in the ceiling. O.C. HEAR the BLAST of a car horn, and the SCREECH of tires outside. SIMONE Give me a close on Rene holding the pistol, Marty. CLOSE on RENE. RENÉ (pointing pistol) Alright, that's it! I've had enough of this shit! VICTORIA Rene, what are you doing? RENÉ ¡Cállate! Shut up! Everybody shut up! GIANLUCA Yo, motherfucker what have you done?! You've buried us! RENÉ How?! Big Brother? Goddamnit, Luca you better start talking right now. Rene cocks the hammer of the pistol and points it at Gianluca.



VICTORIA (in Spanish) Rene, leave them! Let us flee from here! RENÉ (to Gianluca) Talk! GIANLUCA OK, OK I'll tell you everything! HEAR a KNOCK at the door. Everyone freezes. EXT. VENICE BEACH - EVENING A man shakes a necklace of shells in Simone's face. MAN No? Baby, these are genuine pookas. Come on now. Ain't you ever seen Last Tango in Paris? SIMONE Oh, God. What's happening to me? Pan across the people walking by. SEE Simone, 20 feet away, watching herself and the man, from behind the corner of sunglass stand. MAN (O.C.) The opportunity of a lifetime, girlfriend. That's what's going on up in here. SIMONE (hiding by corner) Oh God , what's happening to me?



She turns to run , then REACTS. Agent Callahan stands in her path, dripping with blood. AGENT CALLAHAN The opportunity of a lifetime, Simone. Callahan attempts to embrace Simone. Simone SCREAMS. She runs through the crowd, passing herself and the man, moving through the bodies in a blur. She runs past Callahan and the rollerbladers. She screams again. ANGLE on Simone's legs, running. PULL BACK to SEE Simone, still running. It is now night. The beach is dark and empty. Simone stops, out of breath. SIMONE (Crying) Please help me. VOICE (O.C.) Don't cry SIMONE turns around to SEE a LITTLE GIRL in a private school uniform. SIMONE Kelly? KELLY (LITTLE GIRL) Come on Simone, let's play. Kelly offers Simone her hand. SIMONE But you died. That man took you when we were-


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KELLY (laughing) Come on, silly! She takes Simone's hand. PULL BACK to SEE Simone and Kelly, moving through a crowd of people. THE SHOT GOES INTO SLOW MOTION. SEE Carnival rides, lights, a Ferris wheel. The girls skip, hand and hand, down the boardwalk. Simone and Kelly laugh with joy. Suddenly, a MAN GRABS Kelly. Kelly SCREAMS. He runs up the boardwalk, Kelly in his arms. Simone chases after them, screaming, bringing us back to real time. SIMONE Stop him! Somebody stop him! Simone trips and falls. The man with Kelly continues to run through the crowd. Simone rolls onto her back, clutching her elbow. SIMONE (CONT'D) (crying) Somebody stop him. SIMONE'S POV: 2 police officers walk past her. They do not help. CUT TO: POLICE OFFICER #2 What the hell is wrong with him?! PULL BACK TO SEE Mecrutio, convulsing on the pavement in front of the patrol car. Polonius crouches down and seizes Mecrutio by the shoulders, shaking him. POLONIUS Peace! Mecrutio, damnit! Peace!


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HE BACKHANDS Mecrutio across the face 8 times. The officers REACT. OFFICER #2 Hey! What the hell are you doing?! Mecrutio stops convulsing. His eyes pop open. POLONIUS I'm sorry officers. It's the only way to stop the attack sometimes. OFFICER #1 Can I see some ID Please? POLONIUS Sure. He hands officer #1 his wallet. The officer opens it, exposing a gold badge. OFFICER #1 Agent Osborne? You guys here about Callahan? POLONIUS Yes. This address was Callahan's 20 when he last checked in. MECRUTIO (wiping drool from lips) Inmate Ramirez is on his caseload. He lives upstairs, apartment nine. OFFICER #2 Hey, what the hell's that?


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MECRUTIO A scimitar. OFFICER #1 A what? POLONIUS It's a state issue scimitar. Sacramento's getting pretty cheap lately, with all the cutbacks and everything. OFFICER #2 Jesus. OFFICER #1 Well, we're going up to talk to this Ramirez. You guys coming along? Polonius and Mecrutio look at each other. EXT. DESERT TRAILER PARK-SUNSET Victoria runs out of the tee-pee. She races up the hill. EXT. TOP OF HILL-SUNSET Victoria stops. PULL BACK to SEE a Spanish MISSION CHURCH. A white sedan is parked in front of it. VICTORIA (in Spanish) Mother of God. Victoria walks towards the church.


INSIDE Candles burn, illuminating saints and the crucifix. SEE a great STATUE of the virgin Mary. Victoria looks around, with fear. She begins to walk down the aisle, towards the statue. EXT. APARTMENT #9-NIGHT Officers, #1, #2, Mecrutio, and Polonius, stand outside Rene's apartment door. They are armed with pistols, a shotgun, and a scimitar. OFFICER #1 (to Mecrutio) Look, I don't mean to be a dick or anything. But that scimitar's a bit much. OFFICER #2 It really looks unprofessional. POLONIUS OK, point taken. Somebody knock on the door. Mecrutio knocks on the door with the scimitar. EXT. DOWNTOWN ALLEY- NIGHT SEE Polonius point his pistol at Gianluca's face. The gun FIRES. Gianluca drops. PULL BACK to SEE Gianluca, 20 feet away, watching it all happen. GIANLUCA (whispers) Oh God! Gianluca looks behind himself. Agent Callahan disappears around the corner of the alleyway. (CONTINUED)

85. CONTINUED: Gianluca backs away, watching Mecrutio and Polonius. He turns, then runs after Callahan. EXT. DOWNTOWN CITY STREET- NIGHT Gianluca stops. He looks all around. His POV: Down the block, across the street, agent Callahan climbs the steps of a CATHEDRAL. He walks inside. ANOTHER ANGLE of the street. Gianluca runs. He climbs the stairs of the cathedral and walks inside. INSIDE Candles burn, illuminating saints and the crucifix. SEE a great STATUE of the virgin Mary. Gianluca looks around with fear. He begins to walk down the aisle, towards the statue. INT. APARTMENT #9- NIGHT GIANLUCA (whispers) Fuck! It's the cops! One of em' even has a batta-ram, Yo! Everyone scatters on tip-toes, looking for a hiding place. They pass Callahan's 44 around like a hot potato, whispering obscenities at each other. EXT. APARTMENT #9- NIGHT OFFICER #1 (whispers) One... Two...three! Officer #2 KICKS the door open. SEE Pandemonium. The officers storm into the apartment pointing their weapons from person to person.



OFFICERS 1 & 2 Get on the fucking ground! Put your hands where I can see em'! Face down! Do it now! SIMONE Keep rolling Marty! Rene, Gianluca, Victoria, Simone, and Marty lay down on their stomachs. EXT. TIJUANA CITY STREET-SUNSET SEE Chucho the tuba player sit on Rene's face, suffocating him. Rene struggles and thrashes against the Pachecos, then falls still. PULL BACK to SEE Rene, hiding behind a parked car across the street, watching it all happen. He makes the sign of the cross over himself. He runs up the hill. EXT. TOP OF HILL, TIJUANA- SUNSET Rene is out of breath. PULL BACK to SEE an old MEXICAN CHURCH across the street from Rene. Rene's POV: A taxicab pulls away. Agent Callahan climbs the steps to the church door. He walks inside. ANOTHER ANGLE of the hill. Rene runs. He races up the steps and into the church. INSIDE Candles burn, illuminating saints and the crucifix. SEE a great STATUE of the virgin Mary. Rene looks around with fear. He begins to walk down the aisle, towards the statue. INT. APARTMENT #9-NIGHT The officers continue to SCREAM orders. Gianluca SEES Callahan's 44 Magnum under the couch. Officer #2 puts a knee in Gianluca's back and cuffs him. Everyone is SCREAMING and SHOUTING. Officer #1 cuffs Rene.



OFFICER #1 Shut the fuck up! Give me your other hand! Polonius enters the apartment, followed by Mecrutio. Gianluca REACTS. GIANLUCA Oh Jesus! Oh God , no! Polonius smiles. EXT. OCEAN BOARDWALK- NIGHT Simone jumps to her feet. She runs through the crowd, chasing after the man who snatched-up Kelly. SIMONE Help! Somebody help me! Stop him! The man vanishes, swallowed up by the crowd. Simone continues to run. Tears stream down her face. She reaches the beach-front. Simone looks around herself. The man and Kelly are gone. She falls to her knees, burying her face in her hands. CLOSE on Simone. HEAR a car door SLAM, then a car driving away. Simone removes her hands from her face and REACTS. PULL BACK to SEE Simone, kneeling in front of a CLIFF-SIDE CHURCH. A cab drives away. Agent Callahan climbs the last four steps, then enters the church. Simone rises. She walks up the stairs and into the church as well. INSIDE Candles burn, illuminating saints and the crucifix. SEE a great STATUE of the virgin Mary.


88. CONTINUED: Simone looks around with fear. She begins to walk down the aisle, towards the statue. INT. APARTMENT #9-NIGHT Polonius takes aim with his shotgun. He BLASTS Both officers #1 and #2. Their bodies fly into the kitchen with a splatter of gore. VICTORIA No! MECRUTIO Oooooh! Polonius, you bringer of death, you. You smote their asses! SIMONE (crying) Cut Marty. MARTY Shut thy hole! INT. CHURCH- NIGHT Victoria stands before the statue of the virgin Mary. VOICE (O.C.) Hello Victoria Victoria spins around. Agent Callahan, dressed as a priest, stands before her. VICTORIA You. AGENT CALLAHAN Yes.



VICTORIA Who are you? AGENT CALLAHAN Who are you? VICTORIA I don't know. I don't know anymore. AGENT CALLAHAN Yes you do, because I do. And I am you. VICTORIA Stop it! What is this place? Why are we here? AGENT CALLAHAN This is a place where your awareness has popped into during the whole of your life. VICTORIA Awareness? AGENT CALLAHAN From your earliest childhood years right up until today, you have gone from that world of time there, and jumped through the curtain into this world here. INT. APARTMENT #9-NIGHT Mecrutio gathers up the dead officers pistols. Marty rises and continues filming, Polonius places the barrel of his shotgun to the back of Gianluca's head.



GIANLUCA Please! You'll get your money, I swear! Polonius looks into Marty's camera and smiles. POLONIUS Oh my offence is rank, it smells to heaven! MECRUTIO (kicking Rene) Oh wretched state! Oh bosom black as death! INT. CHURCH- NIGHT Gianluca stands before the statue of Mary. Callahan, dressed as a priest, walks around Gianluca in circles. AGENT CALLAHAN In this world absolutely no time has passed since you were here last. This is home. GIANLUCA This ain't my home. This is some kind of bad dream. AGENT CALLAHAN That world of people and cultures and history, it's nothing more than a fragmentary moment in eternity, Gianluca. GIANLUCA Bullshit!



AGENT CALLAHAN And you, the you seeing this, knowing this, is exactly the same you everywhere. We are all undeniably one, Gianluca, and the one is you. GIANLUCA (clapping hands over ears) Stop! AGENT CALLAHAN We are all exactly the same. I am all. But even the mere fragmentary I

that holds

together this cosmos that you find yourself inhabiting, in all its unimaginable complexity and immensity, it's still only a fragment of the all. INT. APARTMENT #9-NIGHT Mecrutio, drags Victoria into the kitchen by her hair. MECRUTIO And now for the rape of Poserpina! SIMONE Marty! Marty continues to film.



POLONIUS (to Simone) Didn't you hear the man? Shut thy hole! Polonius kicks Simone in the face. RENE No! INT. CHURCH- NIGHT AGENT CALLAHAN Yes. He walks circles around Rene. AGENT CALLAHAN (CONT'D) Knowing all this and more, is just a matter of remembering exactly who you are. RENE I don't understand. AGENT CALLAHAN Yes you do. You just don't remember. RENE Why? AGENT CALLAHAN The key to this unfolding drama that you call life, is a great forgetting of your true nature. RENE That doesn't make sense.



AGENT CALLAHAN As human beings you reach a point in awareness where you can begin to open up your memory of your true nature. RENE Then what is my true nature? INT. APARTMENT #9 - NIGHT Polonius SHOOTS Gianluca in the leg. Gianluca SCREAMS. Mecrutio RIPS at Victoria's clothes. Rene tries to rise. Marty kicks Rene in the face. SIMONE (coughing on blood) Marty, why? INT. CHURCH- NIGHT AGENT CALLAHAN Because, this is exactly what human beings are, a moment of awareness. He walks circles around Simone. AGENT CALLAHAN (CONT'D) The plunge into human history is exactly this process. SIMONE This isn't real. AGENT CALLAHAN You know that you have done this many times in this lifetime.



SIMONE No I haven't. AGENT CALLAHAN Everyone else has as well. SIMONE No. I don't believe you. AGENT CALLAHAN And the remembering time becomes either obliterated behind an impenetrable amnesiac blanket... SIMONE No. AGENT CALLAHAN ...or relegated to the realm of dimly remembered childhood nightmare, or psychotic break. INT. APARTMENT #9 - NIGHT Victoria kicks Mecrutio in the testicles. She runs toward the bedroom. MECRUTIO Ballocks! Whore! Mecrutio pulls the pistol from the back of his pants. He FIRES. INT. CHURCH- NIGHT VICTORIA But I am scared.



AGENT CALLAHAN You needn't be. La Maria is the agent of your delivery, your guide, perhaps your Goddess in biological disguise. VICTORIA I don't believe you. This isn't real. It's all a hallucination! INT. APARTMENT #9-NIGHT Victoria SCREAMS. Blood splatters. She falls into the bathroom, with a gunshot wound to her hip. RENE No! He tries to rise again. Polonius CRACKS him in the head with the butt of his shotgun. INT. CHURCH- NIGHT AGENT CALLAHAN La Maria is not about hallucinations, although it can be, nor is it about finding answers to your questions. GIANLUCA Then what the hell is all this? AGENT CALLAHAN La Maria is about reality, or more accurately, realities... CUT TO:


SEVERAL SHOTS: Simone walks with Kelly on the boardwalk. Rene and Victoria kiss. Gianluca talks on his cell phone in Callahan's sedan. AGENT CALLAHAN


La Maria is a nexus of realities. Each one leads to this very same place. Marty and Simone run up the stairs into apartment #9 with the camera. The Pachecos chase Rene and the crew through Compton. Simone shoves a handful of Salvia leaves into Victoria's mouth, in Rene's apartment. AGENT CALLAHAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) It is your task, to materialize from this Salvia reality... Victoria slams the machete into Callahan's neck in her aunt's apartment. AGENT CALLAHAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) As one of the actual people... Faces scream: Rene, Victoria, Simone, Gianluca. AGENT CALLAHAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) Living in one of the infinite number of different realities.


INT. APARTMENT #9-NIGHT THE SHOT GOES INTO SLOW MOTION. Marty drops the camera. Rene tries to roll away. Marty grabs a KITCHEN KNIFE from the sink. POLONIUS (O.C.) He is yours, Big Brother! Marty stabs at Rene, bringing us back to real time. MARTY What you gonna do now, motherfucker?! What you gonna do now?! CUT TO: Rene popping straight up in his chair, in front of his computer. He GASPS for air, looking around himself in a panic. CUT TO: A circle of people sitting Indian style on Rene's living room floor: Marty, Simone, Victoria, Gianluca, Polonius, Mecrutio, Officer's #1 and #2. They all wear psychedelic Tshirts. Sage smudges burn. Rene is in the center of the circle, SCREAMING. POLONIUS (gently shaking Rene) You're OK. You're going to be OK. Rene looks at everyone with bewilderment. RENE No!



VICTORIA Rene, calm down, relax. You're alright. SIMONE What did you see? RENE (hyperventilating) I saw the truth beyond this illusion. GIANLUCA What illusion? RENE I know all of your thoughts and feelings, because we're all the same being. MECRUTIO Easy, Rene. Take your time, buddy. RENE We're all connected, one mind, a creative force, God, or whatever you want to label it. We are it! It is all! All is it! We are all! It's a cosmic joke!!! OFFICER #1 It's OK, you're fine. You just smoked some salvia. RENE No! That's not it! What is it really?!


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Agent Callahan, covered in blood, walks out of the bedroom into the living room. AGENT CALLAHAN Do you really want to know what it really is, Ramirez? Rene SCREAMS CUT TO: Rene popping straight up in his chair, in front of his computer. He GASPS for air. The old woman on the computer screen continues her interview. OLD WOMAN And then I came back to reality. I was still in my room in Huatulco. Rene looks around the room in a panic. His POV: The clock reads 9:20 am. The water pipe is on the sink, next to a stack of books and other items: George Orwell's 1984, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, La Banda Pachecos Greatest Hits CD, a Dirty Harry video tape, a Mr. Fong's Chinese take out menu. INTERVIEWER (O.C.) Well thank you so much, Victoria, for sharing your experience with us. Rene looks back at the old woman on the computer screen and REACTS. The woman is Victoria, 30 years older. VICTORIA The pleasure has been mine. Rene throws his head back, laughing hysterically.


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