The District

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a Screenplay

the District

INT. JEWELRY STORE - NIGHT The room is dark. An ELDERLY MAN walks down a row of display cases, checking the locks. HEAR a NOISE O.C. The man looks towards the glass windows at the front of the store. Streetlights illuminate the entranceway, casting shadows inside. The man approaches the front door. He looks out through the glass. ELDERLY MAN (in Farsi, subtitled) Yoseff? Is that you? A police car drives by. The street is empty. The man turns from the door, then walks to an office room at the back of the jewelry store. INSIDE THE OFFICE A desk. Low lamplight. Looking over his shoulder, the old man crosses the room. He crouches down behind the desk. CLOSE on the old man's HANDS, turning a combination lock. He opens the door of a floor safe then removes a black satchel-cloth. Sweat beads on his forehead. The old man's hands tremble. He opens the cloth. Green light shimmers and reflects on his face. He smiles and stands. PAN over the man's shoulder to SEE a SHADOWED FIGURE, standing in the doorway behind the old man. CLOSE on the old man's FACE. His expression fades. He turns around. No one is there. The office and the jewelry store beyond seem empty. The old man unfastens the top two buttons of his shirt. He is wearing a chest purse. He tucks the satchel into the purse, then buttons his shirt with shaking fingertips. The old man turns back around and closes the floor safe. From the shadows behind him... a black-clad figure POUNCES, shoving a PLASTIC BAG over the old man's head. The old man struggles. Desktop items CRASH to the floor. Blood pours from the old man's nose. The plastic bag flexes in and out of his sucking mouth to no avail. The black-clad assailant shows no mercy. He chokes the old man to death on top of the desk. He RIPS the old man's shirt open and snatches the chest purse free. CLOSE on the OLD MAN, lying on his back, on top of the desk. Lifeless eyes stare up through the plastic bag. In the background, his killer walks out of the room, disappearing into the darkness of the jewelry store. The old man's arm slips from his chest. THE SHOT GOES INTO SLOW MOTION. The arm falls, bouncing against the side of the desk.


2. CONTINUED: An EMERALD drops from the old man's hand. End over end it tumbles through the air. It hits the floor with a "BLING" sound. ROLL OPENING CREDITS CUT TO: THE SUN It rises over the skyline of downtown Los Angeles. HEAR the Islamic call to prayer. EXT. HILL STREET, THE JEWELRY DISTRICT - DAY SUPERIMPOSE - Sept. 10, 2013 Traffic is heavy. Police cars rush up the street. SIRENS wail. Above a worn-down storefront a sign reads, "Cohen Custom Jewelry". A TEENAGE BOY- army-green kung fu shirt and jeans, walks out of the building. He looks up the street towards the growing commotion. More police cars pass by. He slings a backpack over his shoulder then heads up the sidewalk. Two more TEENAGE BOYS- Gold chains and Laker gear, block his path. BOY #2 Shalom Bengie! We've gotta talk, motherfucker. BEN (TEENAGE BOY) Not now, Max. We're already late for school, alright? Ben continues up the sidewalk. Max, and Boy #3 follow him. MAX Yo, slow down, man. I'm serious. Jimmy and I've got a business proposition for ya'. JIMMY (BOY #3) Bling Bling, Bengie! I'm telling you, this shit can't miss, Baby. BEN I'm not interested... What the hell's going on up there? Half a block away, a POLICE BARRICADE is being set up in front of a jewelry store. All of the other store owners are coming out of their shops, to see what is happening.


3. CONTINUED: MAX Yo! Ben, listen to me. This shit is buttah, baby. I'm talking seven digits. And you, my friend, can be a part of it! JIMMY Bling Bling, Bengie! VOICE (O.C.) Shut up, Max. And get your ass to school. PUSH IN on two MEN, standing in front of their store-fronts. One, a heavy-set Ron Jeremy in velveteen sweats and gold rimmed shades. The other, a thin Bollywood merchant, DKNY, Gucci shades, and a turban. Two neon signs flash above their shops: "SAUL's House of Stuff" & "Krazy Kavi's Gold Exchange" BEN Hey, Saul. What's up, Kavi? SAUL Hi-ya, Ben. Looks like somebody killed old man Fahrok last night. No bullshit. KAVI There's bound to be trouble. MAX Ben! You're not listening to me. let's do some business here. SAUL Ben, do yourself a favor. Stay the hell away from these two schmucks You hear me? JIMMY (following Ben up street) Hey, fuck you, Saul! MAX Yeah, why don't you go shave your back, Saul! Ben continues up the sidewalk, towards the police barricade. He looks at the other side of the street. PUSH IN on a group of Koreans, gathered around a column of tricked-out EURO HONDA STREET RACERS, curbside. Behind them, an elderly Korean MAN and WOMAN step out of a jewelry store. The a sign above the store reads "House of Kim Fine Jewelry". Everyone is looking upstreet,at the police barricade.


4. CONTINUED: (2) Ben continues up the sidewalk, followed by Max and Jimmy. BEN See what I mean, Max? It's not even safe down here anymore, man. MAX So what? This is where the money's at. Yo, listen to me... BEN God, I hate L.A.! I'm telling you man, I'm getting the hell out of here after graduation. JIMMY Bengie, listen to the man. You want out? We've got the means to do so, Buddy. Word up. MAX Yo... Maybe we should cross to the other side of the street, fellas. All three boys stop. HEAR Armenian HIP HOP, blasting over car stereo systems. PUSH up the sidewalk, to a row of Slammeddown MERCEDEZ on chrome rims. A gang of young MEN - shaved heads, Khakis, wife-beaters, fine jewelry, shades, and tatoos, are gathered around their cars. Everyone is looking upstreet, at the commotion of the crime scene. BEN What's the matter, Max? Too much "Bling" for you? MAX No, I'm just saying... BEN (walking) Come on, we're late already. The cars are parked in front of a jewelry store with a sign that reads, "Aslanian Jewelry Market: Buy Sell Trade". The boys avoid eye contact with the group of men as they walk by. Two beautiful HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS walk out of the store, followed by an Elderly MAN and WOMAN. Ben and one of the girls make eye contact in passing. They smile at each other. One of the tattooed men notices. TATTOOED MAN (in Armenian) Mina! Get in the car. You're late. Ben and the boys continue up the sidewalk. (CONTINUED)

5. CONTINUED: (3) JIMMY Motherfucker, are you insane?! Yes.


MAX Jesus, look at this... They reach the police barricade. The crowd thickens around the perimeter. Paramedics work their way out of a jewelry store with a shrouded body on top of a stretcher. The sign above the store reads, "House of Fahrok: Diamonds, Gems, Precious Stones" A Muslim WOMAN WEEPS and SCREAMS. A young Persian MAN tries to comfort her. A middle-aged Persian MAN black suit, is being interviewed by two plain clothes DETECTIVES, beside the ambulance. BEN Come on, we're gonna miss the Metro. Ben works his way around the crowd and heads towards Pershing Square. Max and Jimmy follow him. EXT. POLICE CRIME SCENE - MORNING The ambulance drives away. The two detectives - one a large African American, the other a Latino, continue to question the Persian man on the sidewalk. PERSIAN MAN (breaking down) Mr. Ross, please. Can't we do this some other time? DETECTIVE ROSS Kehvan, I understand this is difficult for you. Detective Sanchez and IKEHVAN (PERSIAN MAN) No you don't understand! They killed my father! DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Mr. Fahrok, we just need to ask you few more questions. KEHVAN Questions?! You stand here asking questions, when you should be out there finding the ones who did this!


6. CONTINUED: The younger Persian man rushes at the detectives. The Muslim woman continues to WAIL. MUSLIM WOMAN (in farsi) Yoseff! no! YOSEFF (YOUNGER PERSIAN MAN) Leave my brother alone! DETECTIVE ROSS (restraining Yoseff) Alright, settle down! That's enough! KEHVAN Yoseff, stop! DETECTIVE SANCHEZ (to Kehvan) Put your hands down! Step back! Father!!!


Uniformed OFFICERS run to Detective Ross' aid. They subdue Yoseff, handcuffing him on his stomach. Sanchez and a female officer restrain Kehvan. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Stop, damnit! EXT. HOUSE OF KIM FINE JEWELRY - MORNING The elderly Korean man turns away from the spectacle on the street. He walks back inside the jewelry store. The group of young Korean men leave their street racers and follow the old man inside. The eldery Korean woman remains behind, wringing her hands together. INT. HOUSE OF KIM FINE JEWELRY - MORNING CHAOS. The young men argue, shouting at each other in Korean. One man- mid twenties, dominates the malcontent, pumping the others up. YOUNG KOREAN MAN We have to do something! That was two million dollars they took from us!


7. CONTINUED: ELDERLY MAN Mr. Fahrok is dead. There are police in front of his jewelry store... VOICE IN CROWD That is not our problem, Uncle! ELDERLY MAN We cannot go over there demanding our money back, not with this madness going on! YOUNG KOREAN MAN Uncle Inwook, we all put money into this! VOICE IN CROWD Where are the stones! INWOOK KIM (ELDERY MAN) (in Korean) Silence! I am the head of this house! This is my business! And I say we shall be patient! Silence falls over the room. Eyes search for alliances. Sweat rolls down foreheads and faces, in the crowd. INWOOK KIM (CONT'D) I have known Ibrahim Fahrok before any of you were born. He was a man of honor. His son is the same. I will speak to him tonight. VOICE (O.C.) That's good, father. And you should. The crowd parts. A well dressed MAN - late twenties walks to the front of the room. He stands beside the young man who was causing all of the trouble. INWOOK KIM Songan, this is not a game, son. SONG KIM (WELL DRESSED MAN) No it is not, father. Song embraces the young man next to him, then addresses the crowd. SONG KIM (CONT'D) But cousin Jung is right. We have to do something.





SONG KIM We all work very hard for the money we have. Too hard!


SONG KIM Too hard for it to be stolen like this. INWOOK KIM The Fahrok family would not steal! SONG KIM Maybe not. But we all know who would. JUNG KIM It was the Armenians! INWOOK KIM Stop it! Fahrok was a business man. Aslanian is a business man. I... I am a business man! Not hoodlum, not gangster, business man! EXT. ASLANIAN JEWELRY MARKET - MORNING A slammed-down Mercedez idles curbside. In the background, the chaos at the police crime scene continues. One of the tattooed men- good looking, late twenties, leans into the passenger side window of the car. CUTTING BACK and FORTH - INT. EXT. Of CAR: Mina- jeans and T shirt, is in the passenger seat. The other high school girl- red summer dress, is in the back. An adolescent boy- shaved head, tattooed sleeves, is behind the wheel. MINA (to man in window) So, what did you want to tell me, Otto? OTTO (TATTOOED MAN) It's a surprise. I tell you after school. GIRL IN BACK SEAT I love surprises.


9. CONTINUED: OTTO Who cares. I wasn't talking to you. Otto!


Otto kisses her forehead. He looks at the driver. OTTO Sivak, you take care of my sister, you hear me? Drive very carefully. I know.


OTTO No, you don't know. This place is a madhouse. I know.


OTTO And take 7th street. You'll never get past the police over there. I know.


Otto walks around to the driver's side window. OTTO What do you know, Sivak? How to get your ass kicked? He slaps and beats on Sivak's bald head like a conga drum. SIVAK Knock it off, Otto! Quit! OTTO (laughing) I love this kid! He kisses Sivak on top of the head. OTTO (CONT'D) Now get out of here. You're going to make Mina late for school. The Mercedez pulls away. Otto looks after them, then turns to the group of tattooed men on the sidewalk. His expression hardens. They part like the Red Sea. Otto marches toward the Aslanian Jewelry Market. The men follow him inside.


EXT. POLICE CRIME SCENE - MORNING DETECTIVE ROSS (escorting Yoseff to storefront) Now, you're going to calm down, son. You hear me? A black MERCEDEZ SEDAN has been allowed to park inside the police barricade. A young Persian WOMAN helps the weeping Muslim woman into the back seat of the vehicle. Detective Sanchez and Kehvan stand beside the car. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Look, Kehvan. I'm sorry. Ross is gonna let your brother go. You guys take your mom home, and we'll talk some other time, OK.? KEHVAN Thank you, detective. AT THE STORE FRONT DETECTIVE ROSS (uncuffing Yoseff) I lost my father three years ago. I know what you're going through right now. YOSEFF They beat him... They beat him like an animal. AT THE CAR DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Oh, I just need to be sure on one more thing though, Kehvan. Yes?


DETECTIVE SANCHEZ So you're sure nothing was stolen then? This is very important. KEHVAN (breaking down) I don't think so... I... DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Don't worry about it. We'll talk later.


AT THE STORE FRONT DETECTIVE ROSS You have to be strong. Your mother needs you. Your brother needs you. We'll take care of this. I promise. All right.


DETECTIVE ROSS You're gonna be OK. YOSEFF Thank you. I.. I just want to go now. DETECTIVE ROSS All right, come on. INT. ASLANIAN JEWELRY MARKET - MORNING The elderly Armenian man stands behind the display counter. Otto and his men stand in a semi-circle in front of him. ASLAN ASLANIAN (ELDERLY MAN) We know nothing. OTTO Father, these people hate us. They don't want us here. ASLAN ASLANIAN Listen to me. Inwook Kim is good man. Ibraham Fahrok, a good man. This has nothing to do with us. OTTO Yes it does! The Koreans hate us. The Persians want to drive us out of here... YOUNG ARMENIAN MAN Uncle, we must protect ourselves! Otto SLAPS the young man across the face. OTTO Shut your mouth! You don't speak to him like that. ASLAN ASLANIAN Stop! I will hear no more of this. Otto, open the safe. Armen, you help me open shop today. (MORE) (CONTINUED)


ASLAN ASLANIAN (CONT'D) The rest of you, out. I have business to run.

The men comply. CUT TO: LAWRENCE FISHBURNE'S FACE PULL BACK to SEE Hollywood High School. The student mural of celebrities shimmers in the morning sunlight. Ben, Max, and Jimmy walk onto the campus grounds. The traffic of bodies thickens around them. EXT. SCHOOL COURTYARD - MORNING Ben stretches out on the grass. He goes into a Chinese splits. Max and Jimmy GROAN. JIMMY You, my friend, shall never bear children. BEN (stretching) Men don't bear anything, Jimmy. MAX Well you better bear witness to this business plan, buddy, if you ever want to get out of that ashram. JIMMY Your swami can't bless you with this kind of game, Bengie. Word up. BEN It's not an ashram. It's a Yoga center. Monkey Kung Fu and Yoga, all right? MAX Same thing. ListenHi Bengie!


A group of three RICH GIRLS- short skirts and Chanel purses, walk up. MAX (lovestruck) Hi Sarah.


13. CONTINUED: SARAH Oh, that's just fabulous, Bengie. Look at you! INT. SIVAK'S MERCEDEZ - MORNING MINA Come on, Sivak. Dianna and I won't say anything. DIANNA (GIRL IN RED DRESS) Sivak, tell us. Don't be so mean. SIVAK Cousin Otto would slit my throat. MINA Pleeeeease? No.


DIANNA If you tell us, I'll go out with you. You will?


DIANNA Only if you tell. MINA Is it jewelry? SIVAK Better than jewelry. You'll really go out with me, Dianna? They pull up to the curb in front of Hollywood High School. EXT. SCHOOL COURTYARD - MORNING SARAH You know, we're working on something very similar to that in my Pilates class, Bengie. Ben notices Sivak's car, parked in front of the school. He stands. BEN That's great, Sarah... SARAH It's called the Crucible. (CONTINUED)

14. CONTINUED: Ben walks away, towards the front of the school. Ben?


JIMMY Hey, Bengie! SARAH I'll call you this evening, OK?! MAX So, how have you been, Sarah? SARAH Shut up, Max. The girls walk off towards class. Jimmy LAUGHS. He pushes Max. INT. SIVAK'S MERCEDEZ - MORNING SIVAK Otto's found you a husband! Dianna SHRIEKS with delight. Mina's expression crumbles. She exits the vehicle. MINA Thanks for telling me, Sivak. DIANNA (exiting vehicle) Call me tonight, Sivak. EXT. HOLLYWOOD HIGH SCHOOL - MORNING Mina walks across the courtyard in a daze. Ben walks a path to intercept her. DIANNA Mina, wait! Slow down! Mina begins to run. Ben follows. Dianna sees him. She stops. Mina!


She shakes her head with disgust. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD - MORNING Ben catches up with Mina. He grabs her arm. She SCREAMS, then recognizes him. They stop running.


15. CONTINUED: MINA (crying) Oh, Ben! They embrace, behind the bleachers. BEN Mina, what's wrong? INT. SONG KIM'S HONDA STREET RACER - MORNING SONG KIM Aslanian bid on the emeralds, just like we did! Song Kim drives. Jung Kim is in the passenger's seat. Two more young Korean MEN are in the backseat. All of them wear dark sunglasses. JUNG KIM So Fahrok takes our offer, then gets killed?! Bullshit! YOUNG KOREAN MAN (in Korean) Are you sure they will be down there? SONG KIM (in Korean) That's not your problem. Just make sure you're ready. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD BLEACHERS - MORNING BEN This isn't the Middle Ages, Mina. What the fuck? MINA Ben, you don't understand. I turn 18 next month. BEN So what?! This is crazy! INT. BLACK MERCEDEZ - MORNING KEHVAN (driving) I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. The police aren't going do shit!


16. CONTINUED: YOSEFF (in passenger seat) Kehvan, please. We do not need this trouble! Let the police do their job. The young Persian woman rocks Kehvan's mother in her arms, in the back seat. They are both weeping. MOTHER (in Farsi) Bita, make them stop. BITA (YOUNG PERSIAN WOMAN) Stop, both of you. Look what you are doing to our mother! KEHVAN I'm going to Omar. The Koreans are going to want their deposit back. YOSEFF Then we give it back! KEHVAN We can't afford to give it back now! YOSEFF Kehvan, there will be trouble! INT. SIVAK'S MERCEDEZ - MORNING OTTO (in passenger seat) Good, I like trouble. So does Ivan. Don't you, Ivan? A tattooed HULK of a man fills the backseat. He CRACKS his neck. Da.


SIVAK (driving) I'm sorry. I worry about you , man. OTTO I know. That's why you are my favorite, Sivak. You were the only one who visited me in that hell hole. And you looked after Mina. A cell phone RINGS. Otto answers it.


17. CONTINUED: OTTO (CONT'D) My friend! How are you doing? Yes, I'm telling her tonight. What? Of course she'll do it. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD BLEACHERS - MORNING MINA Ben, I'd never do that to you. BEN Then tell them! I can't.


BEN The Hell you can't! MINA Do you love me? BEN I love you so much, Mina. You're driving me insane. I swear to God. He kisses her. MINA Then let's get out of here. Let's just run. EXT. POLICE CRIME SCENE - MORNING DETECTIVE SANCHEZ This whole thing stinks, man. It doesn't fit. Ross and Sanchez walk to their unmarked car. DETECTIVE ROSS That ain't all, bro... He removes a handkerchief from his pocket. He opens it. DETECTIVE ROSS (CONT'D) Look at this. God damn!


Ross holds up a large emerald. It sparkles in the sunlight. DETECTIVE ROSS Nothing was taken, right?


18. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Man, I hate this job sometimes. Let's go log it in. DETECTIVE ROSS (laughing) I'll drive. You want to hold it? DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Come on now. Don't tempt me, man. DETECTIVE ROSS (climbing into driver seat) Bling Bling, baby. The unmarked sedan pulls away from the curb, into traffic. EXT. ECHO PARK - DAY Sivak's Mercedez pulls up to the curb. The three men exit the vehicle. A group of Mexican GANG BANGERS are gathered around a picnic table. Otto approaches them. GANG BANGER #1 Big Otto, what's up Hommie? OTTO Crazy morning, Joker, believe me. How you doing, Hommie? They shake hands and embrace. JOKER (GANG BANGER #1) It's all good. So, who's big Swol over there? OTTO My cousin Ivan. So what do you have for me today? JOKER Oro, Hommie. 18 karat?


JOKER (opening a handkerchief) Come on now, Otto. You know how we put it down, Hommie. OTTO (examining rings and chains) (MORE) (CONTINUED)


OTTO (CONT'D) Very nice... Hey, Sivak! Go get my bag from the car.

Sivak gives Otto a thumbs-up. He leaves Ivan watching the street, and heads for the vehicle. The alarm CHIRPS twice. Sivak walks to the driver's side door. THE SHOT GOES INTO SLOW MOTION. Sivak reaches for the door handle. A Honda Street racer cruises up behind him. The backseat window lowers. Sivak opens his door. An Asian MAN leans out of the Honda's window with a 357 MAGNUM. BANG!!! Sivak's head EXPLODES, scattering across the roof of the Mercedez, bringing us back to real time. Tires SCREECH. PUSH IN on OTTO. He SCREAMS, drops the jewelry, and sprints to the Mercedez. Ivan follows. The Honda peels out, racing up the street. Sivak is dead. Otto jumps behind the wheel, screaming like a madman. Ivan jumps into the passenger's seat. Tires burn, as the Mercedez ROARS up the street in pursuit. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The Honda FISHTAILS into the intersection, despite the red traffic light. The Mercedez follows, nearly missing a FED EX truck. INT. SIVAK'S MERCEDEZ - DAY Otto pulls a Beretta 9mm from his waist. He points it out the window, at the Honda, weaving through traffic up ahead. OTTO Motherfucker!!!! Otto UNLOADS. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Rounds EXPLODE through the Honda's rear windshield, peppering the back of the vehicle with bullet holes. The Koreans return the favor, raining FIRE across the Mercedez's grill and hood. Cars SWERVE out of their path.


20. CONTINUED: Up ahead, the traffic light turns red. The Honda plunges into the intersection, missing death, by inches. Otto follows. A Volkswagen bug CLIPS the Mercedez's rear end, sending them into a spin. The Mercedez CRASHES onto the curb. INT. SIVAK'S MERCEDEZ - DAY Blood trickles down Otto's forehead. Ivan unfastens his seat belt. HEAR SIRENS, in the distance. OTTO Take the gun! Get out of here, run! Ivan conceals the pistol under his shirt. He jumps from the vehicle and sprints down the street. A crowd gathers around the Mercedez. BYSTANDER #1 Are you all right? Otto SCREAMS, like a savage, unable to stop. Tears stream down his face. Police cruisers SCREECH to a halt. Sirens BLARE. Officers surround Otto's vehicle with pistols drawn. Freeze!!!


EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD BLEACHERS - DAY Ben and Mina continue to kiss. The world spins around them. Mina!


The spell is broken. Dianna marches towards them. BEN (lowered voice) Meet me at Saul's Place, tonight. we'll figure a way out of this. DIANNA (approaching) Mina, come on! We're late. MINA (whispers) OK, I'll be there. Wait for me, no matter what happens. BEN I love you. MINA I love you.


21. CONTINUED: Dianna GRABS Mina by the arm. Her eyes shoot darts at Ben, as she pulls Mina away. DIANNA Are you crazy?! Have you lost your mind? Yes.


EXT. KOREA TOWN ALLEYWAY - DAY Ivan staggers, out of breath and sweating, to a trash dumpster. He crouches down behind it. He pulls a cell phone from his pocket and makes a call. IVAN (in Armenian) Put uncle on the phone, now! EXT. HOLLYWOOD HILLS - DAY The black Mercedez winds up a tree-lined street. It pulls into the driveway of a modest two-story House. Bita escorts her mother inside. INT. BLACK MERCEDEZ - DAY KEHVAN I'm going back to the shop. Take care of Bita and Mother. YOSEFF Do not bring Omar into this, brother. Please! KEHVAN I have no choice. Now, get out. Yoseff exits the vehicle. The Mercedez backs out of the driveway, then PEELS OUT down the street. Kehvan!


MONTAGE: Kehvan talks on a cell phone while driving. Inwook Kim speaks into a telephone, inside his jewelry store. Song Kim walks through the door in SLOW MOTION. Aslan Aslanian and a room full of family members weep and mourn.


22. CONTINUED: Mina sits at her desk in a crowded classroom, looking out the window in thought. A TEACHER steps into the open doorway. He motions for her to follow him. Ben rides the subway alone. He stares through the window, into the blackness. Yoseff embraces his mother. He rocks her back and forth as they weep. A Police Helicopter circles, in SLOW MOTION, over the Mercedez and Police Cruisers below. Mina screams hysterically, in the back seat of a car. Ivan is driving. Officers handcuff Otto. They place him into the back seat of a patrol car. TIME LAPSE SHOT of the SUN setting behind the L.A. Skyline. Traffic zips by in fast motion on the freeways. EXT. COHEN CUSTOM JEWELRY - NIGHT Ben walks up to the front door of the building. He uses his key to get in. INSIDE Low lights. An Elderly MAN - white shirt and yammaka, removes the last few items of jewelry from the display cases. ELDERLY MAN You're late. BEN I'm sorry, Pop. It' been a hell of a day, alright? DAVID COHEN (ELDERY MAN) I waited for you. Shabbat starts at 6:00, I haven't even closed yet. BEN (grabbing Windex & rag) Look, Pop, I'm sorry, OK? Let me help you. DAVID COHEN Now you want to help. You know, you should show more interest, Ben. This place puts food in your mouth. In case you've forgotten. BEN How can I, Pop? (CONTINUED)

23. CONTINUED: DAVID COHEN What? Is there something wrong with this place? BEN That's not what I meant. DAVID COHEN Then what do you mean? You embarrassed? Ashamed? Is that it? BEN Here we go... DAVID COHEN No. No. I'd really like to know, Ben, because I've worked very hard. David walks to the safe, at the back of the store. He places the jewelry inside, then locks it. Ben closes his eyes. He grips his head between his hands. DAVID COHEN (CONT'D) Ben...? You don't even listen to me any more. If your mother could see you right now it would break her heart. BEN Alright! Just stop. Let's get out of here. You're gonna be late. DAVID COHEN Why are you ashamed! BEN Fuck!!! Does it always have to go there?! Does it always have to be about me, not wanting to be you?! DAVID COHEN Because you're ashamed of who you are! BEN You're wrong, old man. DAVID COHEN You run around like a Chinaman! You worship false gods. BEN You don't know anything about me!


24. CONTINUED: (2) DAVID COHEN You don't care about you own father! BEN I'm outta here... Ben walks out the door. DAVID COHEN (crying) That's right, go on... Shave your head! Run with the Krishnas! Chant with your Buddhas! OUTSIDE David's words trail off into the sounds of the street. Ben runs. He cuts down an alleyway then onto Hill Street. Korean Honda Street Racers idle curbside, in front of the House of Kim Fine Jewelry. INT. GIRL'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Mina and Dianna sit on a bed. Mina is crying. MINA I don't know what to do. I love him, Dianna. DIANNA How dare you? How dare you even speak about this when Otto is in jail! MINA I know. It's justDIANNA Shut up! Sivak was murdered today. They could send Otto back to prison! And all you can talk about is that loser! MINA You're so full of shit, Dianna. You never cared about Sivak! You just want my brother! DIANNA That's a lie!


25. CONTINUED: MINA You think I'm stupid? That's why you're so hot for me to do what he wants. I'm not getting married, Dianna. DIANNA Mina think! Use your head. Otto's found you a good Armenian man! MINA I don't care! DIANNA Mina, it's time you started thinking about the future. MINA Oh my God! The time... Mina jumps up, grabs her purse, and heads for the door. Dianne grabs Mina's arm. MINA (CONT'D) Let go of me! INT. POLICE INTERROGATION ROOM - NIGHT Detectives Ross and Sanchez observe Otto through a one-way mirror. He sits, handcuffed, at a table. Dried blood is caked to his forehead. He stares directly into the glass without moving. DETECTIVE ROSS No weapon. No second vehicle. Other than speculation, we can't tie him to any of this. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ He is on parole. We could violate his ass for police contact right now. DETECTIVE ROSS Then what? He's the only eye witness we really have . DETECTIVE SANCHEZ The man did five years up at Corcoran. He ran with the Southern Mexicans. He'll never talk to us, Ross.


26. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE ROSS So, maybe we let him go. See if we can draw the motherfuckers out into the open. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Too big of a gamble. DETECTIVE ROSS We've got a double homicide, Sanchez, one Arab jewelry store owner and one Armenian gold hustler. We've got Asian gunman running aroundDETECTIVE SANCHEZ It's like some kind of "racialwar"is about to pop off. DETECTIVE ROSS Come on, let's go talk to this fool. EXT. HOUSE OF FAHROK DIAMONDS GEMS PRECIOUS STONES - NIGHT Kehvan shows his ID To the two UNIFORMED OFFICERS, drinking coffee in the entranceway of the jewelry store. They let him in. INSIDE OFFICER #1 You realize you cannot remove anything from the premisses, Mr. Fahrok. KEHVAN I just need to copy down some phone numbers from my father's organizer. We have to notify the rest of the family. OFFICER #2 Where's it at? KEHVAN It's next to the... He sees the desk, and the yellow police tape around it. His mouth works like a fish, but no sound comes out. KEHVAN (CONT'D) (crying) Abu...Abu... He covers his face with his hands. (CONTINUED)

27. CONTINUED: OFFICER #2 You OK, man? KEHVAN I'm sorry, it's here, next to the register. Kehvan pulls a black book from beside the cash register. He opens his own address book and begins to write in Arabic. The officer watches him with suspicion, but cannot understand the text. BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP Kehvan's cell phone RINGS. Both officers look at him. INT. POLICE INTERROGATION ROOM - NIGHT OTTO I don't know what you're talking about. It happened too fast. DETECTIVE ROSS That's not what your homeboys at the park said. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ (reading from notepad) One black Honda Accord, on rims. An Asian gunman out the back window with a pistol. One shot to the head, close range. OTTO I told you, I didn't see the guy. I only saw the car take off. DETECTIVE ROSS What's the matter with you, man? Don't you give a fuck what happened to your cousin out there? OTTO Of course I do! DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Some motherfucker rolls up, scatters your boy's brains all over the street, and it's all good? OTTO Fuck you! I love Sivak! I love my family. And the only reason I'm here, is you motherfuckers are too stupid to figure out who did this!


28. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE ROSS We have our theories. EXT. HILL STREET - NIGHT Close on a neon SIGN. It reads, "Saul's House of Stuff". BELOW Saul and Kavi chain and lock up the gates of their shops. SAUL So what's up, Kavi? You getting down on the Lakers tonight? KAVI Are you crazy? They never cover the spread. I took the Clippers and the points, my friend. Ben runs up, out of breath. BEN Saul, I gotta talk to you, man. KAVI Bengi! How are you, my friend? Hi, Kavi.


SAUL What's the matter, kid? BEN You going to your place, Saul? SAUL Kavi and I got action on the game, kid. We're gonna go watch it at... He notices the pain on Ben's face. SAUL (CONT'D) Well, I guess I could watch it at the house. Come on. KAVI What? Saul! Where are you going? Ben and Saul walk up the street. SAUL I'll catch you next time, Kavi.


29. CONTINUED: KAVI You're afraid of my winning picks, aren't you?! SAUL (over shoulder) You couldn't pick you own ass, Kavi. KAVI Don't worry about my ass. Shave you're back! Ben and Saul continue up the street towards Pershing Square. ACROSS THE STREET Jung Kim, the Korean Gunman, and three other young MEN walk up the sidewalk. INT. HOUSE OF FAHROK - NIGHT Kehvan speaks into a cell phone. He nods to the officers as he heads for the door. KEHVAN Yes, Mr. Kim. I was just about to call you. Ben and Saul walk by, outside. KEHVAN (CONT'D) No no, of course not, Mr. Kim. Kehvan walks out the door. INT. HOUSE OF KIM FINE JEWELRY - NIGHT INWOOK KIM (into telephone) Then when will I get my money back? Song Kim paces the floor, watching his father. EXT. HILL STREET - NIGHT KEHVAN My father was killed last night, Mr. Kim. I haven't had a chance to transfer the funds yet. Kehvan's pace quickens. He passes Ben and Saul. The Black Mercedez is parked next to Pershing Square, up ahead.


ACROSS THE STREET The Koreans see Kehvan. Their pace quickens. EXT. PERSHING SQUARE METRO STATION - NIGHT Max and Jimmy step off the escalator. They head through the square, towards the Black Mercedez and the Hill Street intersection. JIMMY He must be helping Mr. Cohen close shop. MAX Well, he's gonna hear us out, man. Wether he wants to or not. AT THE INTERSECTION - NIGHT Kehvan crosses the street, heading for his car. He pulls his keys from his pocket. BEN (crossing street) I don't know what to do, Saul. SAUL You gotta stay true to yourself, buddy. Hey, how's it going Kehvan? Sorry to hear about... Saul sees the Koreans approaching. MAX (walking down steps) Hey Bengie! We gotta talk to you, man! JUNG KIM Where you going, Kehvan? The other Korean men walk up. SIRENS BARK. Three POLICE CARS SCREECH to a stop. OFFICERS jump from the vehicles with their pistols drawn. OFFICER #1 Get on the ground!!! Ben, Max , Saul, and Kehvan drop to the pavement. The Korean gunman grabs Jimmy. He shoves a 357 to Jimmy's temple. GUNMAN Fuck you!!! Jung Kim runs. (CONTINUED)




The gunman FIRES at the officers. Officer #2 drops. Jimmy dives to the ground. The officers UNLOAD. Rounds slam into the gunman's body. Max scuttles underneath the Black Mercedez on his stomach. He sees a black satchel cloth next to the front tire. The other young Korean men open FIRE on the officers, covering their escape through Pershing Square. Rounds IMPACT all over the street, with SPARKS, and flying chips of asphalt. Officers dive for cover. Kehvan, Saul, and Ben try to squeeze beneath the Mercedez on their stomachs. Max pockets the satchel. He scurries out from under the back of the car. He runs for the Police cruisers, his hands covering his head. MAX Don't shoot!!! Sirens WAIL. Gunfire ROARS. Police cars arrive by the dozen. A helicopter circles overhead, shining a spotlight on the mayhem in the streets. EXT. PERSHING SQUARE - NIGHT Jung Kim is well ahead of the other three young men. He runs for the escalators of the Metro station. BEHIND, AT THE FOUNTAIN A round SLAMS into the back of one of the young Korean men. He falls face-first into the water. The other two men turn their MAC-10 MACHINE PISTOLS on the advancing officers. They UNLOAD a hail of bullets, screaming at the top of their lungs. Officers drop. They fall back. EXT. PERSHING SQUARE METRO STATION - NIGHT Jung Kim slides down the entire length of the escalator's hand rail on his ass. The other two young men follow him down. A MOB of POLICE OFFICERS reach the top of the escalators. UNDERGROUND Jung Kim sprints down the corridor. He double-times down another flight of stairs. The Metro is about to depart. The last of the passengers board the train. Jung Kim runs through the open doors. The doors close. The young Korean men race down the stairs. HEAR officers SHOUTING behind them. The train pulls away.


INT. METRO TRAIN - NIGHT Jung Kim sinks into his seat. His chest heaves from his breathing. ON THE PLATFORM FREEZE!!!


OFFICER #12 Put your weapons down!!!! The young men point their pistols at the officers in a standoff. Civilians scatter for cover. MOB OF OFFICERS Put em down!!!! CLOSE ON the two YOUNG MEN. Sweat pours. Their faces harden. YOUNG MAN Fuck you!!!!! Gunfire ROARS.

INT. POLICE INTERROGATION ROOM - NIGHT DETECTIVE ROSS Ok, one more thing. What do you make of this? He holds up an evidence bag in front of Otto's face. OTTO Emerald, Burma, maybe Colombia. Forty-five karat, very nice. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ How much would you say it's worth? OTTO Two hundred, easy. DETECTIVE ROSS Come on, now. You ain't got to be a genius to see it's worth more than two hundred dollars. OTTO Maybe you do have to be genius. Two hundred thousand, smart boy. Why? (MORE)



OTTO (CONT'D) You want me to make a nice setting for you? Hook you up like Lil' Wayne? Bling Bling? DETECTIVE ROSS Very funny. I like this guy. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Do you have any idea who might sell something like this in the district? OTTO Why do you ask me? You already know. It's Fahrok's. DETECTIVE ROSS How do you know? OTTO We bid on it. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Why didn't you buy it? OTTO Maybe he sell it. To whom?


OTTO I don't know. Isn't that supposed to be your job? So, am I under arrest or what? DETECTIVE ROSS No. Go on back to your family, man. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ (to officer in hallway) Hey Ramirez, get him out of here. Thank you.


Officer Ramirez escorts Otto out of the room. Detectives Ross and Sanchez exit the room and walk the opposite way, down the hall. A Uniformed OFFICER rushes at them. UNIFORMED OFFICER Sir! We've got officers down in Pershing Square! Fuck!



34. CONTINUED: (2)

Let's go!


They run down the corridor. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Mina runs. She reaches the bus stop just in time. She boards the bus. INT. METRO BUS - NIGHT Mina takes a seat next to the window. Street lights play across her face. The bus drives on. Through the window, she watches the shops, with their signs written in Armenian. She closes her eyes. EXT. PERSHING SQUARE - NIGHT Police officers are everywhere. Lights flash. Max and Jimmy are being interviewed by two officers on the street corner. Jimmy wears a shock-trauma blanket around his shoulders. JIMMY (to female officer) I could smell his fear. It was like a sweet funky smell. Saul, Kehvan, and Ben stand next to the Black Mercedez. Officers work behind them. They tape off the crime scene on the sidewalk. KEHVAN I don't know about you, but I'm getting out of here. SAUL (watching Max & Jimmy) The cops said they wanted to interview us. BEN I gotta go, Saul. Mina's meeting me at your place in Korea Town. Kehvan looks around, then slips into the driver's seat of the Mercedez. SAUL Don't do it, Kehvan. BEN (looking around) Shit.


35. CONTINUED: KEHVAN It doesn't matter. There are worse things. The engine ROARS to life. Kehvan drives. The Mercedez makes a U-turn then heads up the street. Officers SHOUT. They don't bother to chase after him. SAUL Ben...? Don't even think about it. I gotta.


Ben turns his back on Saul and the crime scene behind him. He walks across the street. He disappears into the shadows, then runs down Hill street. Damn it.


CHROME RIMS SPINNING EXT. MIDNIGHT BLUE MERCEDEZ - NIGHT The passenger's side window is down. CLOSE ON OTTO. Street lights illuminate his face. INT. MIDNIGHT BLUE MERCEDEZ - NIGHT Ivan drives. A young good-looking MAN - bald head, tattoos, is in the back seat. Otto continues to stare off into the distance. IVAN Don't worry, Otto. Everything is taken care of. We have green light on these guys from Joker's Hommies. Otto stares out at the night. IVAN (CONT'D) Everyone knows. There is nowhere they can go outside Korea Town. The South Siders have our back. OTTO I won't rest, Ivan. I will not let this go... YOUNG ARMENIAN MAN I'm with you, Otto. We just have to be smart, though.


36. CONTINUED: OTTO I will not sleep. I will not eat. I will not live again, until I wash my hands in their blood. IVAN Armen knows where they go. He has many friends. ARMEN (YOUNG ARMENIAN MAN) There's a club in Korea Town. I don't know the name. But I think we can find them there. OTTO OK. I need to see Mina first. The police will be all over us after this. ARMEN She's with my sister. INT. BLACK MERCEDEZ - NIGHT Kehvan drives. Headlights shine in the rearview mirror. Perspiration rolls down his face. Kehvan loosens his tie. He grinds his teeth. Through the windshield, SEE a NEON SIGN. It reads, "BEVERLY HILLS HOTEL". EXT. BEVERLY HILLS HOTEL - NIGHT The black Mercedes drives onto the grounds. INT. POLO LOUNGE - NIGHT Kehvan enters the room. Traffic at the bar is light. He looks around. Across the room, two well-dressed PERSIAN MEN - early 40s, play backgammon in their leather-backed chairs. BODYGUARDS stand behind them. Kehvan approaches. They notice him. KEHVAN Omar, Saeed, good evening. SAEED (rolling dice) Salam. OMAR Sit down, Kehvan. A WAITRESS pulls up a chair for Kehvan. He sits.


37. CONTINUED: OMAR (CONT'D) Thank you, Pam. She leaves. KEHVAN Omar, I come to you with many troubles. OMAR We know, Kehvan. I'm very sorry. SAEED How is your mother? KEHVAN She screams. She cannot stop crying. OMAR Kehvan, we need to talk. KEHVAN Yes, Omar. I wanted to ask youOMAR No. No more asking... Listen to me, Kehvan. You owe us a lot of money. KEHVAN (wiping sweat from eyes) I know, Omar. I will get your money for you. I just need your help. SAEED We've been very patient with you, Kehvan. KEHVAN Yes, I know. It's just the Armenians haveOMAR No! You be silent. We don't want any more excuses. We don't want any more jewelry. We want our money. SAEED And you will give us our money, two million dollars cash, tomorrow by noon. KEHVAN It might take a little more time, Omar. We have much merchandise, but it's not all ours. My father(CONTINUED)

38. CONTINUED: (2) OMAR Your father is dead... Kehvan, tomorrow at noon we come to look for you. KEHVAN I understand. I'll have your money. SAEED Good. Now leave us. Kehvan leaves. EXT. PERSHING SQUARE - NIGHT Detective Sanchez speaks with Saul. He writes on a pocket note pad. Detective Ross is speaking with Max and Jimmy. A PARAMEDIC takes Jimmy's blood pressure. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ (to Saul) Did Mr. Fahrok say anything to you before he left? SAUL No. He just took off. DETECTIVE ROSS (to Max) So, you were pinned down under the vehicle, then you ran towards the other officers. MAX Yeah. It was crazy, like Afghanistan. JIMMY It was just like Afghanistan. I see.


JIMMY Even the smell, the fear. Total Afghanistan, man. DETECTIVE ROSS (to paramedic) Alright, I think we're OK here. Do you boys have a ride home? MAX We took the Metro.


39. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE SANCHEZ (to Saul) You don't know where he might have been going? SAUL No. I mean, we see each other in passing. But that's about it. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Did you know his father? SAUL I don't believe we ever met. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ So you're not sure if you met him or not? No.


DETECTIVE SANCHEZ So you did meet him, then. SAUL No. I never knew him. I just know Kehvan. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Only in passing, though... Right.


DETECTIVE ROSS (to female officer) Hey, Martinez. Can you give these guys a ride home? MARTINEZ (FEMALE OFFICER) Sure. Come on. Max and Jimmy smile at each other. DETECTIVE ROSS You guys have my card. If you remember anything else, give me a call. MAX Thanks, Detective Ross. Max and Jimmy walk away.


40. CONTINUED: (2) PARAMEDIC Hey, buddy. Wait up... My blanket. Jimmy turns around and gives it back to the paramedic. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ (to Saul) OK. You have my card. If you think of anything, Saul, please give me a call. SAUL Sure, will do. Saul walks away. DETECTIVE ROSS (to Sanchez) So, what do you think? DETECTIVE SANCHEZ This whole thing stinks, man. DETECTIVE ROSS Is it a sweet kind of funky smell? DETECTIVE SANCHEZ What, like Afghanistan? They both LAUGH. A UNIFORMED OFFICER runs over to them. He wears rubber gloves, and carries a plastic bag full of papers and receipts. UNIFORMED OFFICER Sir, we recovered these from the jewelry store. I think you guys better take a look. Ross and Sanchez put on rubber gloves. They examine a few of the documents. DETECTIVE ROSS (to uniformed officer) Call central. Tell them I want an arrest warrant issued for Kehvan Fahrok. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Son of a bitch. INT. GIRL'S BEDROOM - NIGHT DIANNA I tried to stop her, Otto.


41. CONTINUED: OTTO It's a fucking abomination! Otto paces the room. Dianna is seated on the bed. Ivan speaks into a cell phone, in the hallway outside the room. Armen turns away from the window. ARMEN Dianna, you know better! How could you let her leave? DIANNA I told you. I tried. She punched me in the stomach, Armen. OTTO Armen, I will not allow this family to be torn apart! You hear me? Now, where is she?! ARMEN I know the kid. He's Mr. Cohen's son. Cohen Custom Jewelry. OTTO Where is she?! ARMEN Alright, Otto, just hang on. Let me see what I can do? Armen pulls his cell phone from his pocket. He steps out into the hall. Otto sits down on the bed next to Dianna. She hugs a pillow, watching Otto. She bites her lip. Otto buries his head in his hands. Dianna touches his shoulder. OTTO What are you doing? DIANNA (scratching Otto's back) Are you OK, cousin? Armen and Ivan talk on their cell phones, in the hallway. OTTO No, Dianna. I am not. DIANNA You make me so sad, Otto. My heart hurts for you. OTTO Well, my heart hurts for Sivak. My heart hurts for my sister, who has lost her mind. (CONTINUED)

42. CONTINUED: (2) DIANNA But what about you, Otto? I'm afraid for you. She caresses his face. Otto grabs her wrist. Don't.


DIANNA Ouch! Why are you so mean to me? OTTO (releasing her) You go too far. DIANNA I just worry about you. Ivan runs back into the room. IVAN I've found Kim. The Dancing Buddha, in Korea Town. It's where they all hang out. Otto kisses the gold cross on his necklace. He stands. All eyes watch him. OTTO Take me to them. MONTAGE: Mina steps off the bus in Korea Town. She looks around her environment. She runs up the street. Max and Jimmy ride in Officer Martinez's Police Cruiser. Jimmy sits in the front seat, lusting. Officer Martinez smiles. Max is in the back. He feels his pants pocket and remembers he has something inside it. Kehvan creeps down an alley behind the House of Fahrok Fine Jewelry. He enters the back door of the building, using his key. Detectives Ross and Sanchez speak to Yoseff and his mother in the living room of Kehvan's House. Uniformed OFFICERS search the premises. Otto duct tapes a PLASTIC SHANK to his forearm, in the passenger's seat of Ivan's Mercedez. Armen speaks on a cell phone in the back seat. Songan and Jung Kim ride in a Black Honda Euro Racer through Korea Town. They argue. (CONTINUED)

43. CONTINUED: Saul rides the subway. He stares off into the darkness of the tunnel. Sweat rolls down his face. Mina pounds on the warehouse door of a Korea Town Artist Loft. No one answers. She takes out a pen and piece of paper. She sticks a note in the corner of the door, then leaves. A group of YOUNG KOREAN MEN watch her. She runs. Ben BURSTS out the doors of a Metro Bus. He sprints up a Korea Town sidewalk. Kehvan opens the main safe in the back office of the jewelry store. He shines a flashlight inside. BLING BLING. He unloads all of the jewelry into a large black Duffel Bag. Jimmy waves to Officer Martinez as she drives away from Max's house. On the sidewalk, Max pulls the satchel cloth from his pocket. Jimmy walks over. Max opens the satchel. Green light shimmers on their stunned faces. Ben reads Mina's note, in front of Saul's Loft. He drops it, then sprints down the street. EXT. THE DANCING BUDDHA - NIGHT A nondescript five story building in Korea Town. No lights. Valets park cars in the dark. A black Honda Euro Racer pulls up. Jung and Songan Kim exit the vehicle. They walk up to the double doors of the entrance. They pass through the metal detectors. INSIDE A dim hallway. Song and Jung walk to the elevators. The doors are open. INT. ELEVATOR - NIGHT The floor indicator counts up to 5. SONG KIM This is not what I had in mind, cousin. JUNG KIM I can never do anything right by you. SONG KIM You went too far, Jung!


44. CONTINUED: JUNG KIM It doesn't matter now! Now, there is only getting away. So stay cool. SONG KIM Yeah, right. The doors open. Hear Euro Dance MUSIC. Below, on the dance floor, an ocean of bodies pumps and surges in the fog. Lights and lasers play over their arms and faces. INT. THE DANCING BUDDHA - NIGHT Song and Jung Kim exit the elevator. Bling Bling. The club is filled with "Ballers" of every race and creed. Girls dance. Eyes wander. An East Indian MAN - early 40s, white suit, approaches. JUNG KIM (to man) Dr. Winkie, what's up, man? DR. WINKIE (MAN) Keeping the peace, and watching my ass. Hello Song. SONG KIM (to Dr. Winkie) Get us a room, alright? I need some space. DR. WINKIE I could put you in my shirt pocket, Song. Maybe keep you safe there. JUNG KIM Not tonight. We need a room, Dr, Winkie. Please. He offers Dr. Winkie a $100 bill. Dr. Winkie winks at him. He snatches the cash. Come.


EXT. THE DANCING BUDDHA - NIGHT Mina approaches the Security Checkpoint, in the shadows of the entranceway. Two Hulks with Headsets stand in her path. One is Black, the other is Samoan. Hi Sam.


SAM Mina! What's up, Baby-girl? (CONTINUED)

45. CONTINUED: They embrace. MINA Have you seen Bengie tonight? SAM No. Not tonight. Hey, Noodles, you seen Bengie? NOODLES (SAMOAN) Nope. He didn't even come to the studio either. MINA I was supposed to meet him. I'm late. Oh God! NOODLES I think he's hiding. The master's scandal is effecting everyone, especially Ben. What?


SAM People have been circulating photos of the Master, executing very humiliating Yoga Positions. NOODLES It's a tremendous loss of face, Mina. MINA So, he's not here? SAM Not unless he came early. Go take a look. MINA Thanks, Sam. She kisses Sam on the cheek, then runs through the metal detectors. EXT. CITY STREET KOREA TOWN - NIGHT Ivan's Mercedez pulls up to the curb. The back door opens. ON THE CORNER Three young ASIAN MEN - well dressed, speak on their cell phones. Armen exits the vehicle. He shakes hands with one of the men. (CONTINUED)

46. CONTINUED: ARMEN What's up, Li? How you living, player? LI Hey, Armen! What's up? Yo, I've got some tight 18 karat diamond cut ropes for you, man. ARMEN Cool, cool. Hey, Li. I need you to do me a favor. Sure.


ARMEN I need you to get us into the Buddha. LI What about my chains, man? ARMEN The Buddha, Li. Get me and my boys in the Buddha, OK? LI Alright. Alright... But only if you pay my cover, though. ARMEN My pleasure. Come on, let's roll. EXT. THE DANCING BUDDHA - NIGHT Ben runs up to the entrance of the building. SAM Ben! What's up, Buddy? Mina's here. She's looking for you. BEN Thanks, Sam. Ben runs through the metal detectors, into the building. NOODLES Ben! I know they did that shit in Photoshop, Bro! Si Fu would never twist no tantric horseshit like that! SAM Shut up. Here comes a customer.


47. CONTINUED: Ivan's Mercedez pulls up. INT.


Mina moves through the crowd. Her eyes dart around the room. Music plays. People dance. ACROSS THE ROOM Jung and Songan climb a staircase. Dr. Winkie leads them to a private sofa-lounge area, upstairs. NEAR THE ELEVATOR Ben moves into the sea of bodies. He searches for Mina. INT. ELEVATOR - NIGHT Ivan and Otto are grim. Li looks at them, then at Armen. LI So, we gonna pop some Crystal? Silence. UPSTAIRS Jung and Song sit on a sofa. They drink cocktails. SONG KIM I'm fucked. JUNG KIM Shut up, Song. Dr. Winkie is making a call for us. Just relax. SONG KIM I'm fucked. The cops aren't stupid, Jung! JUNG KIM What about me, then? Huh? I'm, fucked? That's so like you, motherfucker. SONG KIM We're fucked. JUNG KIM That's right. And don't forget that, because I'll leave your fucking ass here.


ON THE DANCE FLOOR Mina sees Ben. Ben sees Mina. They fly into each other's arms. Bodies dance. Ben and Mina kiss. The world spins around them in a blur. Lights flash. Colors play over their faces. AT THE ELEVATOR The doors open. Otto's face hardens. He moves into the crowd. Ivan and Armen follow him. LI Yo, Armen! Wait up, man! ON THE DANCE FLOOR Ben and Mina Kiss. BEN I love you. I love you. MINA Let's just run far from here and never look back. BEN Okay. I don't care about anything else, Mina. You and me, Baby. I'll eat glass. I'll chew glass... MINA (laughing) What? She kisses him. BEN (kissing) I love you. UPSTAIRS SONG KIM OK. OK. I'll calm down. JUNG KIM You're making me panic. I'm hyperventilating and shit. Dr. Winkie walks over. DR. WINKIE (to Jung) My friend says he will talk to you.


49. CONTINUED: JUNG KIM Where is he? DR. WINKIE On Willshire. He'll be here in ten minutes. Song downs his entire cocktail. DR. WINKIE (CONT'D) And how are you doing, Songan? SONG KIM How do I look like I'm doing? DR. WINKIE Like a man with many troubles. SONG KIM (to Jung) I've had enough of this shit. I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back. JUNG KIM (to Dr. Winkie) So, did he mention the price? Song Kim walks to the staircase. ON THE DANCE FLOOR Ben and Mina kiss. Otto sees them. He starts towards them. Armen sees Song Kim on the staircase. He pulls Otto back. ARMEN Wait! Not now. There he is! I see him.


ARMEN I'll get Mina out of here. OTTO Ivan, go get the car. ON THE STAIRCASE Song Kim lights a cigarette. He walks downstairs, into the sea of people.


IN THE CROWD Otto makes a B-line for Song Kim. He reaches under his sleeve, with a gloved hand, and grabs a hold of the shank. Armen steps up to Ben and Mina. He grabs Mina's arm and pulls her away from Ben. Let's go!


MINA What are you doing?! BEN Get your hands off her! People look at them. Song Kim looks at them. He doesn't see Otto pass beside him. THOCK! Otto STABS and STICKS Song in the kidneys, three times, before Song realizes what is happening to him. Song SCREAMS. OTTO Burn in hell. He lodges the plastic blade into Song Kim's neck. He turns and walks away. Women SCREAM. Song Kim collapses to the floor, gushing blood. UPSTAIRS DR. WINKIE Then you can cut your losses and... Jung isn't listening. He rises to his feet. JUNG KIM (looking at dance floor) Songan!!! He runs for the stairs. BELOW People scatter. They stampede towards the exits. Some are trampled under foot. HEAR SCREAMING. Mina, Ben, and Armen are knocked to the floor by the fleeing masses. BEN (standing) Mina! Come on!


51. CONTINUED: Mina takes Ben's hand. They run for the fire stairs. Armen runs after them. Panic spreads. BY THE ELEVATOR Otto walks. He allows the wave of bodies to push him on. He removes his gloves. The crowd in the Sala thickens. GIRL IN CROWD You're crushing me!!! A door BURSTS from its hinges. Otto is washed into the stairwell with the river of fleeing people. No one knows nor cares about anything, except escape. INT. ARTIST LOFT - NIGHT Brick walls. Hardwood floors. Saul sits on a red velvet couch. Across the room, the Laker game plays on a large screen TV. Max and Jimmy pace the floor in front of Saul. SAUL Just get to the point, fuck. I'm gonna miss the game. MAX Alright Saul, look. Jimmy and I have some stones we want to get rid of. SAUL What stones? What the hell are you talking about? JIMMY Some fat-ass Romancing the Stone stones, man. MAX Emeralds, Saul. Big ones. SAUL Big ones. Romancing the Stone stones... Let me see em'. JIMMY We ain't got em'. MAX What do you take us for, a couple of schmucks? I put them on ice.


52. CONTINUED: JIMMY We weren't gonna walk around the streets with all that Bling in our pockets, man. SAUL You did good. EXT. THE DANCING BUDDHA - NIGHT People pour into the streets. Ivan's Mercedez idles curbside. Otto walks towards it. He climbs into the passenger seat. INT. MIDNIGHT BLUE MERCEDEZ - NIGHT IVAN Where's Armen? OTTO He went after Mina! IVAN (climbing out) Go ahead, take the car. Get out of here! I'll handle it. Otto slides into the driver's seat. HEAR SIRENS in the distance. OTTO I'll meet you at Joker's! Otto drives off. Ivan runs back into the crowd. IN THE SIDE ALLEY The fire doors BURST open. People rush out of the building, falling over each other. Ben and Mina run through the doorway. Mina trips. She slides across the pavement. Mina! Mina!


People run around them. Armen and Ben face each other. Armen pulls a knife. No!


Ben doesn't hesitate. He RUSHES Armen, disarming him with mad Monkey Kung Fu skills. He whips Armen's ass.


53. CONTINUED: POW! Ivan punches Ben out of nowhere. They fight. Mina grabs a 40 ounce Old English bottle from the ground. It's half filled with urine. Ben's Monkey Kung Fu only goes so far. Ivan is overpowering him. MINA (CONT'D) Leave him alone! Mina CRACKS Ivan over the head with the bottle. It shatters. Urine and glass fly. Ivan drops to one knee, stunned. Ben and Mina run. They disappear into the night hand in hand. HEAR SIRENS. Ivan staggers to his feet. He runs behind Armen. They flee down the alley. INT. MIDNIGHT BLUE MERCEDEZ - NIGHT Otto races to the stop sign. The car stops with a small skid. Through Otto's driver's side window SEE police lights. Otto floors the gas. EXT. KOREA TOWN CITY STREET - NIGHT The Mercedez races down the street. Police cars pursue it. INT. MIDNIGHT BLUE MERCEDEZ - NIGHT Damn it!


He pulls over. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT A helicopter circles, shining a spotlight on the Mercedez below. Police cars block the vehicle's path in both directions. Lights blare. Officers inch towards the Mercedez, pistols pointing. ON THE STREET Otto exits the vehicle with his hands up. His keys are pinched between two fingers. OFFICER #8 Get on the ground! OTTO Hey, my friends! It's all good. I haven't done anything.


54. CONTINUED: OFFICER #10 Get down! Do it now! OTTO Sure, sure. No problem. See, I'm getting down. Otto complies. The officers RUSH Otto, tackling him to the ground. INT. SAUL'S LOFT - NIGHT MAX Look, Saul. I ain't showing you shit until I talk to Ben. Ben and Mina BURST through the door. Mina coughs. Ben's chest heaves. JIMMY Yo, Ben, your Shwarma's hella sensitive right now, bro. You felt us talking about you, huh? SAUL Ben! Mina! What the hell happened? Blood trickles down Ben's temple. He still holds Mina's hand. MINA My cousins are after us. BEN We've gotta get out of here. Mina and I are leaving L.A. JIMMY Where would you go? BEN San Francisco. SAUL Well, that's gonna take money, which you don't have. MINA I have jewelry. MAX Yo, don't even trip. I've got it covered. Believe me. SAUL With the Romancing the Stone stones? (CONTINUED)




JIMMY Oh, Mina. I'm telling you, Baby, you've never seen no Bling like this before. SAUL (to Ben) Your boys say they've got some Emeralds for sale. BEN What emeralds? You're full of shit, Max. MAX May you shave my balls from A to stinking B if I lie, Ben. BEN With a straight razor? MAX Yeah, whatever. Look, I ain't bullshitting. I don't know jewelry, so I can't tell you how many karats they have. But they're fucking big. Hear a telephone RING. BEN Well let's have a look, then. SAUL They ain't got em'. MAX We ain't got em'. BEN You ain't got em'? JIMMY A to stinking B, baby... Shut up.


The answering machine picks up. MINA (to Ben) What does that mean?


56. CONTINUED: (2) SAUL That means they're full of shit, Sweetheart. Don't listen to them. VOICE (ANSWERING MACHINE) Saul! You piece of human feces! Do you have any Idea who you're fucking with?! Everyone REACTS. SAUL (running for phone) Shit! VOICE Wednesday has come and gone, high roller. Where are my mother-fucking frog skins?! Saul GRABS at the answering machine. It falls off the table. VOICE (CONT'D) Maybe you're shaving your back. And that's why you're not picking up the phone, because you're too busy shaving your fat-ass motherfucking back! I want my frog skins, Saul! ISaul disconnects the machine. SAUL (winded) Telemarketers. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT A dark red building. A sign reads, "Club Marakesh". A TAXI pulls up to the entrance. Yoseff exits the vehicle. He walks across the red carpet to the double doors of the club. INSIDE Red lights. Smoke. Private tables. A band with a Turkish Singer performs on the small stage. a WAITER leads Yoseff to a booth at the back of the club. Kehvan rises to greet Yoseff. They embrace. Yoseff takes a seat. KEHVAN Thank you for coming, brother. YOESFF I had to. I couldn't say anything over the phone.


57. CONTINUED: KEHVAN Yoseff, I'm in trouble. YOESFF I know. The police have been to the house. What?!


YOESFF They believe you had something to do with father's murder. KEHVAN That's crazy! YOESFF I know. But they found papers, Kehvan, receipts... How could you do this? KEHVAN I can explain. YOESFF The whole business is an illusion! We have nothing! No merchandise. We owe money all over the district! KEHVAN I know. There's nothingYOESFF What are we going to do?! KEHVAN There's nothing we can do! There is no way to fix this, Yoseff! We must!


KEHVAN Yoseff... For me, there is no way out. You don't understand. But for you, our mother, and Bita, you can still get away. YOESFF We can negotiate. We canKEHVAN Yoseff! Listen to me. I believe Otto Aslanian killed our father.


58. CONTINUED: (2)



KEHVAN I can't prove it, but I know it's true. But-


KEHVAN Listen! Tomorrow I will meet with the Kurd. I know he will buy the merchandise we have. He won't be back until after the New Year. YOESFF The Kurd? Are you insane?! KEHVAN There is no other way. If the police or the Koreans don't find me by tomorrow, Omar and Saeed will. The Kurd is our only hope. YOESFF What do I do? KEHVAN Take my car. The jewels, everything we have is in the trunk. If things go well with the KurdYOESFF Brother you're speaking madness! KEHVAN If things go well with the Kurd, you meet us for the exchange. Take the money, get our mother and Bita, and go far from here. I will take care of Otto Aslanian. YOESFF And if things go wrong? KEHVAN Then I want you to promise me something. Kehvan takes Yoseff's hands. KEHVAN (CONT'D) If something should happen to me. If I should fail in this. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

59. CONTINUED: (3)

KEHVAN (CONT'D) I want you to swear to me, that our father's murder will not go unpunished. I swear.


Kehvan kisses his brother on the cheek. He gives Yoseff a set of car keys. KEHVAN (choking up) Now go. I'll call you before noon. Yoseff rises. He walks away. Kehvan downs his entire Martini. He wipes his eyes. INT. POLICE INTERROGATION ROOM - NIGHT Otto sits handcuffed at the table again. DETECTIVE ROSS Look, Otto. You've gotta give me something, here, man. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ If you cooperate, maybe we can get the DA to cut you a deal. OTTO I already told you. I don't know what you're talking about. DETECTIVE ROSS Otto, I have a room with six eyewitnesses who can identify the guy who murdered Song Kim. Once you go in there, my hands are tied. There'll be nothing I can do for you after that. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ And the judge is gonna give you "all day", homie. Believe that. DETECTIVE ROSS Life without parole, Otto. You better think about it, man. OTTO Detective Ross, I thank you for your concern. I'm very touched. DETECTIVE ROSS You're in some deep shit, Otto. I'm just trying to look out for you, man. (CONTINUED)

60. CONTINUED: OTTO I didn't do anything, Ross. So let's go see your eye-witnesses and finish this. I want to go home. DETECTIVE ROSS Alright man. Let's go. Detective Ross helps Otto to his feet. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Damn, big Otto. You sure have some coj贸nes on you, man. They lead Otto to a door marked "Private". Detective Sanchez opens it with a key. INT. RESIDENTIAL BATHROOM - NIGHT Dirty. Claw-foot tub, no shower curtain. Armen sits on the edge of the tub. Ivan cleans the split over Armen's eye with alcohol and cotton balls. ARMEN Ouch! Be careful, motherfucker. IVAN (laughing) You're very dramatic, cousin. You should become actor. ARMEN Fuck actors! And fuck you, too. Look at my face. I've been fucking maimed! The son-of-a-bitch mutilated me, you asshole! IVAN You have scratch. One little scratch, that's it. ARMEN I'm gonna kill him, Ivan. IVAN Oh... You're going to kill him now.


61. CONTINUED: ARMEN You're goddamned right. I'm gonna slice off his nuts, cut his tongue out, pluck his fucking eye-balls out, and make a nice shish-ka-bob out of everything. I'll give to Mina on a fucking silver platter! IVAN That's some heavy shit. ARMEN Well, that's the way it's going down. Ouch! Be careful, man! IVAN And have you ever cut the balls of your enemy before? ARMEN Yo, I always cut the balls of my enemy, alright? IVAN You're a very stern man, cousin. He applies another alcohol swab to Armen's face. Armen SHRIEKS like a banshee. ARMEN (tears) And his ass shall pay the forfeit of my face... INT. SAUL'S LOFT - NIGHT BEN (to Max) You gotta face it, man. No one in the district is gonna touch those stones. SAUL If, what they're saying is true in the first place. Why not?


MINA Because they're too hot. Whoever buys them would never be able to sell them, not here.


62. CONTINUED: MAX Well, somebody's gotta have the balls to step up. We could sell them for half price, they'd still make a ton. BEN A ton of what, Max? Do you even know how much they're worth? MAX A butt-load, alright? They're worth a butt-load. How am I supposed to know? JIMMY That's why we came looking for you guys. We don't know this stuff. MAX And we're willing to share. SAUL I might know some guys who'd be interested. BEN No. If you want to sell these emeralds, and they're everything you say they are, then there is only one man we can go to... The Kurd. Jesus.


MINA No, Ben. It's not worth it. BEN Yes it is. We're getting out of here, Mina. You and me, baby. So, where are they at, Max? Let's appraise them shits. MAX We dropped them off at the temple. Si Fu's got them. What?!


MAX Relax, they're wrapped up. He thinks he's holding a package for you. (CONTINUED)

63. CONTINUED: (2) MINA Then let's get out of here. My cousins are still looking for us. BEN We can take Saul's car. What car?


MAX What are you talking about, Saul? Don't worry, we're gonna cut you in too. Let's go. SAUL I ain't got a car anymore. It's been repossessed. JIMMY A to stinking B, baby. SAUL Shut your hole. I'll call Kavi. He'll give us a ride. Saul picks up the telephone. INT. POLICE VIEWING ROOM - NIGHT Detectives Ross and Sanchez stand next to a group of three young Asian MEN and two young WOMEN. A wall of one-way glass gives a view of the "line-up" room, on the other side. Detective Ross speaks into a telephone. DETECTIVE ROSS Send them in. A group of six MEN enter the "line-up" room, on the other side of the glass. Otto is among them. Detective Sanchez chuckles. All of the other men, except for Otto, are wearing white T-shirts and blue Police trousers. Otto's face is stone. DETECTIVE ROSS (CONT'D) (whispers) What the fuck, Sanchez? Come on now. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Alright ladies and gentlemen, take your time. If you want to get a closer look at any of the suspects, just give me their number, and I'll have them step forward.


64. CONTINUED: The group of witnesses speak amongst each other in Korean. They argue, then fall silent. Several of them shake their heads. WITNESS #1 None of them. He's not in there. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ What?! Are you sure? Look again. WITNESS #2 Detective, we're sure. He's not in there. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Look again! DETECTIVE ROSS Alright, thank you. Thank you for your cooperation. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Hey, wait a minute. Sanchez!


The witnesses watch them. DETECTIVE ROSS (CONT'D) Again, thank you all for your cooperation. You can go now. The witnesses walk out of the room. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ That was bullshit, man! DETECTIVE ROSS (pointing) No, that was bullshit, man! What's the matter with you? DETECTIVE SANCHEZ He did it, Ross! You know he did! DETECTIVE ROSS We don't know shit! I don't want to see anything like that again, you hear me, partner? Silence. Sanchez?



65. CONTINUED: (2) DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Alright man. Alright. DETECTIVE ROSS Now bring his ass back to the holding room. I'm gonna have some words with our boy Otto. INT. CLUB MARAKESH - NIGHT Kehvan speaks into a cell phone at his table. KEHVAN I wish to sell all of it. Cutting Back and Forth BEARDED MAN LIPS I will rape you, my friend, on both ends. You do realize that, don't you? KEHVAN I shall endure your insults, sir, as is the custom. Where do we meet? BEARDED MAN LIPS Palos Verdes. That's where I'll stick it to you. I'll call you in the morning with instructions. The line goes dead. Kehvan stares off into the distance. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Residential neighborhood. A MAN marches to the front door of a Two story house. With his shoulder, the man breaksINSIDE He strides across the plush foyer, into the living room. He pulls a 357 MAGNUM from his jacket. Dr. Winkie SCREAMS. JUNG KIM (MAN) Shut up, Winkie! I'm not fucking around! DR. WINKIE Don't kill me Jung! I'm far too young, Jung! JUNG KIM (pointing pistol) Shut your suck! I know you have a telephone number to reach the Kurd. Get it. (CONTINUED)

66. CONTINUED: DR. WINKIE You're a madman. Torture me first. JUNG KIM The phone number, Winkie. Let's go! Winkie frowns. DR. WINKIE Alright, alright, I'll get the number. Would you like some coffee, tea maybe? INT. POLICE INTERROGATION ROOM - NIGHT Otto stands in a bare concrete room. DETECTIVE ROSS Do you know why they didn't identify you, Otto? OTTO Because I didn't do anything. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Because they want you on the street, homie. DETECTIVE ROSS They want to run up in them guts, Otto. OTTO OK. I'll watch my guts. Can I return to my family now, Detective? DETECTIVE ROSS They're gonna put hands and feet all over your ass, Otto. We could always talk about this. OTTO Am I under arrest? DETECTIVE SANCHEZ It defies all human reason, Otto, but no, you're not. OTTO May I leave, then? DETECTIVE ROSS Martinez, get him out of here.


67. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Big brother is always watching you, Otto. OTTO I never had a big brother, just my sister, Mina. I watch her too, so I guess I understand. Thanks, guys. Officer Martinez escorts Otto down the hall. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT A blue Mini Cooper drives through traffic. INT. BLUE MINI COOPER - NIGHT In the back seat, Mina sits on Ben's lap. Max sits on Jimmy's lap. Saul is in the passenger seat and Kavi drives. Ben speaks into a cell phone. BEN Hello, Sheldon? Yeah I need you to do me a favor. I need a phone number from your dad's rolodex. KAVI (to Saul) This is a terrible idea. The Kurd is a most dangerous man. MINA That's why we need you, Kavi. MAX Don't worry Kavi. We're gonna cut you in for helping us out, alright? KAVI You don't understand the consequences of your actions! The Kurd is a barbarous merchant. SAUL It's not your ass on the moneyline, Kavi. Relax, we're just shaving points here. KAVI Shave your back! The mini Cooper swerves, weaving in and out of traffic. KAVI (CONT'D) Shave it before the Kurd does it for you...


INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Dr. Winkie Trembles. He speaks into a telephone. DR. WINKIE Yes, I know, sir. I hate to disturb you like this. But he insists on speaking to you now. PULL BACK to SEE Jung Kim, pointing a pistol at Dr. Winkie's head. Yes sir.


Winkie's hand shakes. He passes the telephone to Jung Kim. Hello?


Cutting back and forth. BEARDED MAN LIPS Are you the little piggie that's been sniffing around my back door all night? JUNG KIM Yes. I have gems to sell. BEARDED MAN LIPS I will ride you bareback, from Balboa Island to the Pillars of Hercules, before I buy your jewels. If I buy them. Jung Kim's trigger finger trembles. Dr. Winkie's eyes widen. JUNG KIM I shall bear the insult, sir, as is the custom. Where do we meet? BEARDED MAN LIPS (smiling) Palos Verdes, my little pork shank. I'll call Winkie with the instructions. The line goes dead. Lightning FLASHES. Thunder RUMBLES. EXT. POLICE STATION - NIGHT Rain begins to fall. Otto exits the building. A red VW Jetta pulls up. Otto rushes to the vehicle.


INT. RED VW JETTA - NIGHT Dianna wears her red dress. DIANNA Cousin, are you alright?! Drive.


Dianna pulls into traffic. DIANNA Otto, I was so worried about you. Everyone's freaking out! OTTO Calm down. You're making me freak out. Where's Mina? DIANNA Forget about Mina. She's forgotten about you, Otto. OTTO Mina is my family. DIANNA I am your family! I'm the only family you have left. OTTO Shut your mouth! Stop the car. DIANNA Everyone knows what you've done, Otto! OTTO Stop the car! EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT The Mini Cooper skids to a stop at a traffic signal. INT. BLUE MINI COOPER - NIGHT BEN Everybody shut up. It's ringing. Cutting back and forth: BEARDED MAN LIPS What do you want?


70. CONTINUED: BEN Good evening, sir. This is Ben Cohen. BEARDED MAN LIPS Do I know you, Bend Colon? BEN Cohen Custom Jewelry, sir. You know my father. I have emeralds for you. BEARDED MAN LIPS Oh, I will customize your colon, Ben, before I buy them. If I buy them. BEN I will endure the insult, sir, as is the custom. INT. RED VW JETTA - NIGHT DIANNA I don't care! I don't care what you've done. I don't care where you've been. I just care about you, Otto. OTTO Alright. So where is Ivan and Armen? DIANNA Otto, listen to me. I loved Sivak. I love our family, but I love you more, asshole. OTTO What's that supposed to mean? Where the hell are we going?! DIANNA I'm getting you out of here. I have all your jewelry in the trunk. I stole some gems from my fatherOTTO I'm not going anywhere, Dianna. DIANNA They're going to kill you, Otto! If you stay here you are dead. The only thing you can hope for now is to get away.


EXT. MULLHOLAND DRIVE - DAWN The rain stops. The Jetta winds along the hillside road. It pulls over at a lookout point. The city of Los Angeles sparkles in the pre-dawn light. Dianna exits the vehicle. She looks out over the city. CLOSE ON Dianna. OTTO (O.C.) Dianna, I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm exhausted. He walks up beside her. They both stare out over the city. DIANNA I just want you to be safe. I want to be able to sleep at night again. OTTO I don't sleep much either. I have dreams, Dianna, very bad dreams. So do I.


SILENCE OTTO Maybe it is time to leave this foul place. Too many pagans here anyway. Dianna throws her arms around Otto's neck. She kisses him on both cheeks. DIANNA Thank you, cousin. Thank you. Come on, let's go! They climb into the Jetta and drive off. CUT TO: THE SUN It rises over the Los Angeles skyline. SUPERIMPOSE Sept. 11, 2013. HEAR the Islamic Call to Prayer. MONTAGE: American flags blow in the breeze. Detective Ross looks out of his office window. He rubs his face. Detective Sanchez sleeps in a chair.


72. CONTINUED: Flags fly from lamp posts, along a bridge over the LA River. Flag-bearing morning traffic drives by. Yoseff kneels on a prayer rug in his bedroom, facing the sun. A little GIRL waves a flag in her father's arms. A FIRE TRUCK drives past her house. Firemen wave. The Blue Mini Cooper pulls up to the gates of a THAI BUDDHIST TEMPLE. A flag blows from the back of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The bike passes a red VW Jetta. Inside the Jetta, Otto speaks on a cell phone. Dianna looks at him. She continues to drive. A flag sticker is on the door of a Patrol Car. It cruises down an East LA neighborhood street. Armen speaks on a cell phone inside Joker's house. Ivan loads a magazine with 9mm. Rounds. Flags fly from buildings and billboards. Jung Kim leads Dr. Winkie through his own kitchen at gunpoint. They enter a garage and climb inside a white Cadillac Escalade. The garage door opens. Dr Winkie drives. Flags fly from an overpass with a sign that reads, "United We Stand!" A taxi drives underneath it. Kehvan smokes a cigarette in the back seat of the cab. A 380 semi-automatic is tucked into his waistband. He adjusts it. The driver doesn't notice. EXT. BUDDHIST TEMPLE - MORNING Red building with magnificent gold trim. Two giant STATUES of Sentinels with swords, guard each side of the staircase. Ben runs across the temple grounds. AT THE MINI COOPER Everyone stretches. SAUL I gotta drop some science. Hey, Jimmy. Where are the restrooms at? KAVI Do not befoul this place of tranquility, Saul. It's not right.


73. CONTINUED: JIMMY They're next to the school building. Saul walks onto the grounds. ON THE TEMPLE STEPS The double doors open, revealing a massive golden Buddha. A robed MONK walks out into the morning sunlight. Ben climbs the stairs. He bows to the monk. BEN Good morning, Sifu. SIFU (MONK) Hello, Ben. It appears you haven't seen your bed last night. BEN No, I haven't. SIFU I have something for you. BEN Yes, Max and Jimmy told me. SIFU No, not that. The package doesn't matter, Ben. BEN But, Sifu, I really needSifu places the satchel in Ben's hand. SIFU It's what lies within, my friend. Embrace what is inside, Ben Cohen. There is no greater treasure than that. Sifu closes Ben's hand around the satchel. BEN Sifu, I won't be coming back. I have to leave. It has nothing to do with the scandal, though. SIFU You cannot escape your own shadow, Ben. Your destiny rests in the two hands you were given at birth. Ben tucks the satchel into his pocket. (CONTINUED)

74. CONTINUED: BEN Thank you, Sifu. He turns to leave then stops. BEN (CONT'D) Sifu, about the pictures... Yes, Ben?


BEN When I first saw them, I broke down in tears. I couldn't believe it was true. SIFU It is always uncomfortable when our perception of the universe changes, Ben. BEN But why, Sifu? Why like that? SIFU We each take part in the cosmic dance, Ben. But, everyone must make up their own steps. Ben nods. BEN Goodbye, Sifu. SIFU Go in peace, Ben. INT. POLICE SITUATION ROOM - MORNING A telephone RINGS. Sanchez jumps to his feet. Ross answers the phone. DETECTIVE ROSS Homicide... Yes, he is. Just a second. He puts the phone on hold. DETECTIVE ROSS (CONT'D) Sanchez, line three. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ (answering phone) Sanchez... What? No no, good, where are you at?!


75. CONTINUED: Sanchez scribbles on a note pad. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ (CONT'D) No, that's fine. I'll meet you there. Stay with them! He hangs up. What's up?


DETECTIVE SANCHEZ (walking out door) I've got a lead. DETECTIVE ROSS Wait up, man! He catches up with Sanchez in the hallway. DETECTIVE ROSS (CONT'D) Where are we going? DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Palos Verdes. EXT. BUDDHIST TEMPLE - MORNING Ben walks past the school building. Saul hangs up the receiver of a payphone. SAUL Did you get em'? BEN Yeah, come on. They walk out the temple gates. Mina rushes into Ben's arms. They kiss. Ben gives the satchel to Max. Everyone squeezes back into the Mini Cooper. JIMMY (inside car) A to stinking B, baby! The car races up the street. INT. EXCLUSIVE BATH HOUSE - DAY Steam. Grecian columns. CLOSE on the surface of an opulent bathing pool. A BACK, covered with hair, breaks the surface.


76. CONTINUED: HEAR Balalaikas, Bouzoukis and Ouds play. A nude MAN - 300 lbs., rises from the waters. We can only see his backside. The man walks across the marble towards five full figured women. The women wear tunics and garlands of flowers. INT. TAXI CAB - DAY The Bouzouki music continues to play. Kehvan perspires in the back seat. He flicks his cigarette out the window. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The cigarette hits the ground next to a parked white Mercedez. The cab drives up a hill. A sign reads, "Palos Verdes." INT. WHITE MERCEDEZ - DAY Two Persian MEN watch the taxi drive away. One of them places a cell phone to his ear. INT. POLO LOUNGE - DAY The Bouzouki music plays faster. Omar looks at his watch. Saeed speaks into a cell phone. He nods his head and snaps his fingers. Bodyguards gather. SAEED (to Omar) We've found him. Everyone walks towards the exit. CUT TO: THE NAKED MAN He stops in front of the five women. The Bouzouki music plays faster. Hup!


He drops into a squat, claps his hands, then springs back up. His arms and legs spread like a jumping jack. Two women strap pistols and holsters to each of the man's upper thighs. Water trickles down hairy butt-cheeks. EXT. PALOS VERDES - DAY Bouzouki music continues to play. The red VW Jetta drives up a hill to a Grecian temple-like building, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. A sign reads, "Pools of Dionysus, Swedish Baths." Otto removes a briefcase from the Jetta's trunk. Dianna tips the valet. They enter the building.


EXT. POOLS OF DIONYSUS PARKING LOT- DAY The blue Mini Cooper pulls onto the property and self parks. Saul, Kavi, Ben, Mina, Max, and Jimmy pour out of the vehicle like clowns. Ben removes his Kung Fu shirt. BEN Kavi, give me your shirt. Why?


BEN I can't present myself to the Kurd dressed like this. SAUL So, now you've become a salesman all of a sudden? Kavi gives Ben his collared shirt. Ben pulls a Yammaka from his backpack. He places the Yammaka on his head. Mina smiles. Holy shit.


JIMMY What happened to Hong Kong Bengie? BEN I'm Benjamin Cohen. Now, let's get this money, baby. Ben takes Mina's hand. Max and Jimmy produce Yammakas from their pockets. SAUL Let's get this over with. KAVI (shirtless) I'll stay with the car. Ben, Mina, Max, Jimmy, and Saul march towards the entrance of the Bath House. Their shadows cast fingers on the asphalt. CUT TO: THE NAKED MAN The women wrap a towel around his waist. The Bouzoukis play faster. A woman steps forward holding a jewelry case. SEVERAL SHOTS:


78. CONTINUED: They adorn the hairy man with gold rings, chains, and medallions. INT. POOLS OF DIONYSUS LOBBY - DAY Red carpets. Gaudy Grecian decor. A bare-chested MAN - moustache, red Fez, stands behind the reception counter. Otto and Dianna enter the lobby. They head towards the steam-filled doorway of the spa. Two GUARDS, in tunics, block their path. BARECHESTED MAN Where do you think you're going? DIANNA We're meeting someone in the Posidon room. BARECHESTED MAN No clothing is permitted beyond this point. He points to a line of red tape on the counter top. OTTO It will only take a moment, my friend. BARECHESTED MAN This is a Swedish Bath! OTTO Dionysus is Greek. BARECHESTED MAN And I'm Turkish. The lockers are to your right. He tosses two towels at them. Otto and Dianna walk to the locker rooms. AT THE FRONT DOORS Ben, Mina, and the gang enter the lobby. They head towards the spa. BARECHESTED MAN And where do you think you're going? CUT TO:


THE HAIRY MAN He walks with his five woman entourage, in slow motion. Flesh jiggles. Expressions harden. They enter a steam-filled corridor. A sign above it reads, "Posidon Room." CUT TO: KEHVAN He enters the lobby. Kehvan loosens his tie. BARECHESTED MAN And where do you thinkKEHVAN I know, my friend, Swedish... Kehvan heads for the locker rooms. INT. THE POSIDON ROOM - DAY Massive Grecian bath. Tile. Pillars. Benches. A garden exit with glass doors. The Kurd sits on a bench. He scratches his beard. His entourage walks towards him. CUT TO: IVAN AND ARMEN They walk away from the Bare-chested man's reception counter in slow motion. The bare-chested man throws two towels at the back of their heads. CUT TO: THE KURD His entourage of women set up shop. SEVERAL SHOTS: Hands set up a stand. A jewelry cloth, scale, and a monocle are placed on top of it. THE KURD Show me the fruit.


80. CONTINUED: A woman opens a briefcase. It's full of money. INT. POOLS OF DIONYSUS LOBBY - DAY Jung Kim and Dr. Winkie stand in front of the bare-chested man. BARECHESTED MAN This is a Swedish Bath! INT. THE POSIDON ROOM - DAY Dianna and Otto enter the room through one of the four portals. They wear only towels. The five women approach them. THE KURD Just a little foreplay, my friends. The women frisk Otto and Dianna. DIANNA Hey! Watch your fingers! THE KURD They don't mean to tickle your fancy, it justOTTO -another one of your nasty little customs. How you been, fat boy? The Kurd LAUGHS. INT. CO-ED LOCKER ROOMS - DAY A labyrinth of lockers and naked bodies. HIGH ANGLE on the four rows of lockers. Ben, Mina, and the crew undress. In the next row, Kehvan wraps a towel around himself. In the third row, Dr. Winkie tries to help Jung Kim undress. Jung SLAPS him. In the fourth row, Ivan and Armen place their clothing inside lockers. INT. THE POSIDON ROOM - DAY THE KURD You look like shit, Otto. DIANNA He's been through a hell of a lot. OTTO (holding briefcase) Look, I need to sell this jewelry, my friend.


AT THEIR LOCKERS IVAN Alright, let's go find Otto. ARMEN Wait. Slow down. He inches towards Ivan, holding the waistband of his towel. IVAN What the hell is wrong with you? Ivan faces Armen. His massive frame Blocks Armen's view. Ben, Mina, and the crew walk by behind them. ARMEN I cheeked my 380. INT. UNMARKED SEDAN - DAY Sanchez drives. DETECTIVE ROSS So what did your source say again? DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Just that some kids are trying to sell a few stones. DETECTIVE ROSS And what's this guy's name? DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Shhhh... I got to keep that on the QT, Bro. Confidentiality. DETECTIVE ROSS What kind of dollar figure are we speaking on, here? DETECTIVE SANCHEZ A whole lot of frog skins, my brother. INT. THE POSIDON ROOM - DAY THE KURD (inspecting jewelry) I'm ready to pull out, myself. Don't expect any favours, Otto. OTTO Go ahead and rape me, my friend. I'll take what you'll pay.


82. CONTINUED: DIANNA If it's not enough, sir, I can bring you more tomorrow. OTTO I just want to get out of here, man. THE KURD Tomorrow? We could all be dead tomorrow. Ben, Mina, Max, Jimmy, and Saul enter the room, wearing towels. PUSH IN on OTTO. Mina!


He marches towards her. Otto, no!


Kehvan enters the room. He sees Otto approaching. Kehvan pulls a pistol from the small of his back. Everyone REACTS. They run for cover. Towels drop. KEHVAN You murdered my father!!! Kehvan UNLOADS a hail of bullets. Rounds SLAM into Dianna's chest. She drops. A round pierces Otto's tricep. He dives for the cover of a tile column. OTTO Cousin!!! You killed her!!! You killed her!!! Armen and Ivan enter the room. Dianna!!!


He pulls the 380 from his ass and points it at Kehvan. Kehvan runs. BULLETS fly. Tile chips fly. Kehvan dives behind a tile column. Armen SCREAMS. His pistol clicks empty. Ivan Pulls a 9mm. from a thigh holster, beneath his towel. Otto runs to them, bloody and naked. KEHVAN (back against column) Murderer! OTTO (to Ivan) Give me the pistol! (CONTINUED)

83. CONTINUED: (2) Jung Kim and Dr. Winkie enter the Posidon Room. Jung Kim's eyes widen. He pulls a 357 from his briefcase. He FIRES. Ivan's head EXPLODES. Otto dives for the cover of another pillar. MINA (behind distant pillar) Otto! Armen SCREAMS his battle cry. He runs straight for Jung Kim. Jung FIRES. He misses. Armen tackles Jung to the ground. Winkie flees. The 357 slides across the tile. Armen and Jung lock up on the floor. The melee escalates into a butt-naked Greco-Roman frenzy. The Kurd and his entourage flee out the glass garden doors. Jung gets ahold of the 357. He shoots Armen in the head. Drop it!!!


DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Drop the weapon, motherfucker! Jung Kim stands, naked and bloody. He drops the pistol. BEHIND A PILLAR Max and Jimmy run out the garden exit. Kehvan peeks from behind his column. HEAR a GUNSHOT. Jung kim drops. Omar, Saeed, and five henchmen enter the room. They carry MP5 machine guns. They open FIRE. Ross and Sanchez dive for the cover of a column. A rounds SLAMS into Ross' shoulder and asscheek. Kehvan runs for the garden exit. Kehvan!


The henchmen open FIRE. Ben covers Mina with his body, behind their column. Tile chips rain down on them. OTTO (to Ben) Get her out of here!!! Kehvan drops, full of bullet holes. Ben and Mina run. Otto snatches Kehvan's pistol from the floor and covers their escape. A henchman drops. Sanchez and Ross return fire. Omar Drops. Saeed and the henchman UNLOAD at Ross and Sanchez's column. Otto runs out the garden door. EXT. CLIFF SIDE GARDEN - DAY A naked Indian run.


84. CONTINUED: The Kurd and his entourage lead the way. He clutches a briefcase. BEHIND THEM Max and Jimmy pursue, naked, except for the yammakas. JIMMY Wait! Please! MAX Sir, we just want to do business with you! Ben and Mina run behind them. Otto brings up the rear, bleeding and limping. EXT. CLIFFSIDE HELIPAD - DAY A Helicopter idles on the tarmac. The Kurd runs towards it. One of the women turns around and FIRES a pistol at Max and Jimmy. A round clips Max in the Thigh. He drops. Jimmy rushes to Max's side. JIMMY Oh Jesus, Max! MAX Wait! Listen to me you motherfuckers! I have some goddamned gems to sell you!!! The Kurd stops. He turns. Ben and Mina arrive, panting. The Kurd's entourage covers them with their pistols. THE KURD What do you have? MAX (hyperventilating) Emeralds! You fat piece of shit! The Kurd LAUGHS. Max hands the satchel to Ben. Ben and Mina approach the Kurd. His entourage lets them pass. THE KURD You friend is a very persistent man. BEN Sir, I have four emeralds from Sri Lanka. 45 Karat each.


85. CONTINUED: MINA They're flawless. INT. THE POSIDON ROOM - DAY Saeed and the henchmen walk past Jung Kim's body. They continue to FIRE at Sanchez and Ross' column. Tile chips fly. Behind them, on the floor, Jung Kim Grasps the fallen henchman's MP5. He FIRES. Saeed and the henchmen drop. Dying, Saeed shoots Jung Kim. AT THE HELIPAD THE KURD I'm in a rush. Five-hundred thousand, cash. It's all I have. Take it or leave it. Done.


She takes the satchel from Ben and gives it to the Kurd. She snatches the briefcase from the Kurd. She opens it, sees the cash, then passes it to Ben. THE KURD Nice doing business with you. BEN Same to you. The Kurd and his entourage fly away in the helicopter. Saul joins Ben and Mina on the tarmac. They all embrace. Mina!


He points a pistol at them. He sways like a sheet in a shit storm. Max and Jimmy scoot under a shrubbery. In the distance, a man dressed in white walks up the dirt road. MINA Otto, put the gun down! You're hurt! OTTO Step away from him, Mina!


86. CONTINUED: MINA Otto, I love him! Otto's eyes roll back. He swoons. Otto lowers the pistol. He sobs. OTTO I'm so fucking tired. Mina walks towards him. MINA Lets get out of here, brother. Come with us. The man in white walks up behind Otto. The man is Yoseff. He pulls a pistol. Mina screams. YOESFF You killed my father!!! Yoseff shoots Otto in the neck. Freeze!


Yoseff turns. Sanchez Drops Yoseff with three rounds. Ross collapses from his ass wound. Otto!!!


OTTO Oh, fuck, Mina... He drops, choking on blood. DETECTIVE ROSS Sanchez! Go call for backup, man. Sanchez shoots Ross in the chest. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Yo, Saul! Why don't you bring me that briefcase full of frog skins there. Ben looks at Saul. Sanchez Fires two rounds into Otto's chest.


87. CONTINUED: (2) Mina SCREAMS. She jumps back. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ (CONT'D) (to Ben) Maybe you didn't hear me speaking, motherfucker! You ain't got my stones, then you better be giving up my frog skins! UNDER THE SHRUBBERY Max's chest heaves. Sweat Pours. Jimmy sees a pistol laying beside Yoseff's body. ON THE TARMAC BEN You killed Mr. Fahrok. DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Not me, homie. I ain't got that kind of debt. Mina and Saul look at each other. Saul?


EARILER SCENE SAUL What car? It's been repossessed. CUT TO: DETECTIVE SANCHEZ DETECTIVE SANCHEZ Give me the case! SAUL Just give it to him, Bengie! It ain't worth it! BEN What the hell is this, Saul?! Mina pulls at the briefcase.


88. CONTINUED: MINA Ben, just do what he says! CUT TO: A SHADOWED FIGURE He breaths heavily, behind a door in a dimly lit jewelry store. Ibrahm Fahrok walks into his office in the background. The shadowed figure is Saul. CUT TO: SANCHEZ He cocks the hammer of his pistol. Sanchez shoots Ben right through the briefcase, clutched to his chest. Ben Drops. SAUL You son of a bitch!!! He rushes at Sanchez. Sanchez BLASTS Saul with three rounds in the chest. Sanchez walks towards Ben. Mina shields Ben's body with her own. Sanchez aims his pistol at Mina's face. BLAM!!! Sanchez drops. Jimmy stands behind him, holding a smoking gun. ON THE GROUND Ben coughs. Mina SCREAMS. Ben tosses the briefcase off of his chest. Mina sees that Ben is indeed alive. Naked, covered in dirt and blood, but alive. She kisses his face. Jimmy picks up the briefcase. The tip of a 9mm slug pokes though the back of the briefcase. HEAR SIRENS in the distance.



Holy shit!


MAX (crawling with elbows) We gotta' get out of here! The sirens grow louder.

HILLSIDE DIRT ROAD - EVENING Ben and Jimmy run with Max's arms around their shoulders. Max's feet drag behind them. Mina carries the briefcase. She runs ahead of them. They reach an asphalt road. The sirens are getting closer. BEN Which way?! MINA I don't know! MAX Oh shit. Oh shit. A blue Mini Cooper pulls up. A shirtless Kavi jumps out. KAVI Get in! Quickly! Everyone struggles into the vehicle. Kavi drives off. EXT. HELIPAD - EVENING Detective Ross COUGHS. He tears his shirt open, revealing a bullet-proof vest. He struggles to his feet, screaming. Blood pours from his shoulder and ass-cheek. Ross sees a plastic evidence bag next to Sanchez's body. INT. BLUE MINI COOPER - EVENING Kavi turns onto the coast highway. Sirens WAIL.


90. CONTINUED: A column of police cars approaches from the opposite direction. KAVI Be cool... Be cool... Everyone tenses. EXT. HELIPAD - EVENING Ross holds up the evidence bag. It contains an Emerald. He swoons, then places the bag in his pocket. INT. BLUE MINI COOPER - EVENING The police cars race past them, sirens blaring. Everyone exhales. Max clutches his bloody leg. Ben takes Mina's hand. He stares into the distance. No one speaks. EXT. CLIFFSIDE GARDEN PATH - EVENING Detective Ross limps back towards the Pools of Dionysus. Uniformed OFFICERS Run towards him with their pistols drawn. Martinez is among them. OFFICER MARTINEZ Detective Ross, what happened?! Ross pulls the evidence bag from his pocket. He sways. Ross tosses the bag to Martinez. She fumbles it. THE SHOT GOES INTO SLOW MOTION. The emerald falls. End over end it tumbles through the air. It hits the ground with a "BLING" sound. ROLL END CREDITS FADE OUT.

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