2012 台灣國際藝術節 購票資訊 購票方式 ─ 兩廳院售票系統 www.artsticket.com.tw 購票專線:02-3393-9888 7-ELEVEN Ibon、萊爾富
購票優惠 ─ 2011/10/25-31:兩廳院之友預購8折 2011/11/1:單場與套票全面啟售 ★ 兩廳院之友9 折 ★ 學生8折(入場時需出示有效證件) ★ 台灣大哥大月租型用戶憑認證帳號購票享9 折 ★ 功學社會員憑會員證至兩廳院售票口購買音樂類演出購票享9 折 ★ 合作金庫信用卡卡友購票享9 折優惠
2012 TIFA套票優惠(不含實驗劇場及演奏廳節目) ─ ★ 一次任選5檔(含)以上不同節目,可享75折。 加贈好禮「羽茗創」五行養身飲(贈品價值400元,限量200組)。 ★ 一次任選8檔(含)以上不同節目,可享7折。 加贈好禮「在欉紅」果醬與軟糖三入禮盒(贈品價值680元,限量150組)。 ★ 凡購買2012 TIFA套票任一組,即可獲得SWATCH 2012年「台灣國際藝術節紀念錶 款」8折優惠券乙張,於國家音樂廳「好藝術空間」購買前述限量錶款。 優惠期間為2012/2/16-4/1(每張優惠券限購上述錶款乙只)。
★ NSO兩場節目亦列為NSO愛樂套票節目,愛樂套票已於2011年7月1日啟售,兩種套票 中僅能擇一選購。 ★ 套票購買後,不接受單場退換票。 ★ 高雄場次,不併入套票規則。
How to Book NTCH Ticketing Service Online: www.artsticket.com.tw Telphone: +886-2-3393-9888 Ticket Discounts 25-31 October, 2011, 20% discount for NTCH Dear Friends 1 November, 2011, public booking & subscriptions open in person and online ★ 10% discount for NTCH Dear Friends ★ 20% discount for students with valid ID ★ 10% discount for Taiwan Mobile postpaid subscribers ★ 10% discount for KHS members (only for music performances) ★ 10% discount for members of Taiwan Cooperative Bank credit card Package Special (Performances in Experimental Theater and Recital Hall are not included) ★25% discount for subscribers buy tickets for more than FIVE different performances ★30% discount for subscribers buy tickets for more than EIGHT different performances
Contents 8 台原偶戲團 & 伊斯坦堡皮影戲團 & 北京皮影劇團
Shadows of Love
Taiyuan Puppet Theatre Company, Istanbul Cengiz Ozak Shadow Company, Beijing Shadow Theatre Troup
跨國金獎製作 莎翁經典傳奇劇《暴風雨》
The Tempest (by William Shakespeare)
Taipei Dad, New York Mom
The coproduction of Chekhov International Theatre Festival (Moscow), Theatre Les Gemeaux (Paris), in cooperation with Cheek by Jowl (London)
Mr. Wing Theatre Company
La Réminiscence d'un fantôme
A Magic Flute by Peter Brook,
The Puppet & Its Double Theater
C.I.C.T. / Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, Paris
笈田ヨシ (Yoshi Oida)《禪問》
Hand Stories by Yeung Faï, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
Interrogations: Words of the Zen Masters by Yoshi Oida
The Adventures of Alvin Sputnik: Deep Sea Explorer by Tim Watts
The King and Queen of the Shang Dynasty Wu Ding & Fu Hao
Perth Theatre Company presents a Weeping Spoon Production
The Han Tang Yuefu Music and Dance Ensemble
Cleopatra and Her Fools Guo Guang Opera Company
《明天的這裡會有黎明嗎?》 Will There Really Be a "Morning"? Dance Forum Taipei & Cie Herve-Gil
52 兩廳院&卡菲舞團
New Creation by Mourad Merzouki, NTCH & Compagnie Käfig
Political Mother
Hofesh Shechter Company
Balkan Quartet: Avi Avital and His Friends
Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks
Delusion by Laurie Anderson
76 《吳蠻與原住民朋友》 Wu Man and Aboriginal Friends
Centennial Russia
80 NSO歌劇音樂會《修女安潔莉卡》 NSO Opera concert
Suor Angelica
兩廳院自2009年起開始舉辦「台灣國際藝術節」,三年來秉持超越國界文化藩籬的策展理念,提昇國內觀眾國 際藝術視野為目標,同時兼顧台灣表演藝術家與國外藝術家互相切磋與多面向交流的機會。 戲劇、音樂、舞蹈不僅是純粹的藝術形式,也是古典精神得以傳承,使新世代透過他們的創意得以表達真善美 的內涵。所以本屆藝術節同樣期許傳統與創新能互相交融,在傳統中見創新,在創新中發現傳統根基。兩廳院 以「傳承與開拓」為策展號召,再度揭開「台灣國際藝術節」的序幕。 2012年台灣國際藝術節將推出兩廳院年度製作,由法國編舞家穆哈‧莫蘇奇與台灣時尚新銳古又文共同合 作;兩位聲勢日正當中的當代藝術家,越過國界、文化與藝術領域的藩籬,讓舞蹈與時尚攜手合作,開拓前所 未見的舞蹈新語言。 「台灣國際藝術節」每年都會邀請國際一流演出團隊參與,並鼓勵台灣藝術家推出創作。今年也不例外,特別 網羅非常具指標性的台灣團隊,包括:漢唐樂府、國光劇團、人力飛行劇團、台原偶戲團、無獨有偶工作室劇 團、舞蹈空間等,推出新作,期能透過藝術節的演出,與國際藝術家交流或觀摩,為國內表演藝術的全球化盡 一份心力。 誠摯邀請關懷國際藝術時尚及國內藝文發展的觀眾蒞臨兩廳院,參與這場藝術盛宴!
Ever since its inception in 2009, the NTCH-organized Taiwan International Festival of Arts (TIFA) has stayed true to the philosophy of “crossing borders,” ”crossing cultures” and “crossover” with an eye to elevating the global perspectives of audiences in Taiwan, as well as providing a golden opportunity for performing artists at home and from abroad to dialogue with one another for multifaceted exchanges. Theater, music, and dance are more than pure art forms, but are vessels passing down the classic legacies. They offer a means of letting the new generation express their creativity and in communicating the sublime beauty of the arts. This year’s TIFA hopes to bring a balanced mixture of tradition and innovation—combining old with new and adding new in old. The NTCH calls upon “Heritage and Development” to raise the curtain to TIFA 2012. TIFA 2012 assembles French choreographer Mourad Merzouki and Taiwanese emerging fashion designer Johan Ku in the NTCH’s annual production. Both rising to fame in today’s art world, the dynamic duo will break boundaries and cultural barriers to bond dance and fashion in the development of a new dance language never seen before. Each year, TIFA invites world-class performing groups to Taiwan and encourages Taiwanese artists to launch new creations, and this year is no exception. We have specially recruited iconic groups including The Han Tang Yuefu Music and Dance Ensemble, Guo Guang Opera Company, Mr. Wing Theatre Company, Taiyuan Puppet Theatre Company, The Puppet & Its Double Theater, and Dance Forum Taipei to introduce new works. It is hoped that Taiwanese performers and artists from around the world can have a chance to observe and learn from each other, thereby contributing to the globalization of the performing arts in Taiwan. We extend warm welcome to those with an enthused affection for the arts, fashion and culture to come to the NTCH and indulge in this art-filled feast!
KUO Wei-fan Chairperson of the Board, National Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center
2012年是兩廳院的25周年慶。在過去跨越四分之一個世紀的歲月裡,兩廳院的舞台上,展現過許多國內外表演 團隊和藝術家的經典演出,也帶給無數觀賞者美好的記憶和經驗。而一年一度的「台灣國際藝術節」,自2009 年開辦以來,更是台灣表演藝術界的年度焦點,引發眾多藝術愛好者期盼和回味的盛事。 針對25周年慶,「2012台灣國際藝術節」以「傳承與開拓」為主題,安排演出國內外大師的佳作,也開啟新 的跨國、跨界製作,從中探討表演藝術創作者在面臨文化傳遞時,如何保護傳統的精髓,並拓展新時代的思 維。「2012台灣國際藝術節」從2月16日起至4月1日,為期46天,將網羅國內外19檔指標性節目,分別於兩廳 院四座表演場地呈現61場精彩演出;多元豐富的節目,除了讓觀眾有機會親炙各團隊的傑出作品,品味經典之 外,更可同步瞭解國際表演藝術的潮流和趨勢。 「2012台灣國際藝術節」國際製作包括劇場大師彼得.布魯克《魔笛》劇場版、英國重量級導演迪克蘭.唐 納倫重新詮釋莎士比亞經典《暴風雨》、國際樂壇聲勢如日中天的指揮哈丁與巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團、琵琶名 家吳蠻與原住民音樂的深度對話、在國際現代舞壇引領風潮的謝克特.侯非胥現代舞團《政治媽媽》、美國 音樂劇場前衛先鋒蘿瑞.安德森《妄想》、大陸旅歐知名偶師楊輝與洛桑劇院共製的《操偶師的故事》、澳 洲伯斯劇團深具環保意識的《深海歷險記》、舞蹈空間與法國艾維吉兒舞團的跨國製作《明天的這裡會黎明 嗎?》、日籍旅法名演員笈田ヨシ(Yoshi Oida)的獨角戲《禪問》、獨樹一幟的異域饗宴艾維.艾維塔曼陀林音 樂會等。 台灣重要表演團隊則將推出全新力作,包括NSO歌劇音樂會《修女安潔莉卡》,NSO節慶系列《百 年.風雲》,人力飛行劇團改編陳俊志原著小說的《台北爸爸.紐約媽媽》,漢唐樂府的雅樂巨獻《殷商 王.后》,國光劇團改編莎士比亞原著的《艷后和她的小丑們》,台原偶劇團《人間影》,無獨有偶劇團《降 靈會》等,都是特為藝術節量身打造的作品。兩廳院精心策劃的2012跨國製作,將由以街舞開創獨特舞蹈風格 的法國卡菲舞團編舞家穆哈.莫蘇奇,結合法國及台灣年輕舞者,與以柔軟雕塑服裝聞名的台灣設計師古又文 攜手合作,運用編織概念編創舞作,將會是一場令人期待的創新與驚喜。 一場好的演出,需要每一位觀眾的支持。兩廳院走過美好的四分之一個世紀,背後是無數支持者的心意與行 動。期待您來和我們一同品味「2012台灣國際藝術節」多元豐富的演出,用行動表達您的支持。
Year 2012 marks the 25th anniversary of the NTCH. Over the course of the past quarter of a century, the NTCH has staged numerous classic performances by artists around the globe, leaving wonderful memories to audience coming from far and wide. The Taiwan International Festival of Arts (TIFA) has quickly become an annual highlight in Taiwan’s performing art circle since its establishment in 2009, and an impressive event looked forward by art lovers. For its 25th birthday, TIFA 2012 chooses “Heritage and Development” as the theme for a series of masterworks by artists in and out of Taiwan, in addition to cross-border and crossover new productions. It is our intention for artists to re-examine how to preserve the essence of tradition in the process of handing down heritage, at the same time opening up new avenues of creativity. TIFA 2012 will run from February 16 until April 1 for a period of 46 days, rolling out 19 brilliant programs to present a total of 60 exciting shows in the NTCH’s four venues. The diversified programs allow the audience to get a taste of each performing group’s outstanding work. Aside from relishing the classics, we can also be abreast of the latest trends and directions in performing arts in the world. International productions in TIFA 2012 include the legendary Peter Brook’s theater version of A Magic Flute (France), award-winning director Declan Donnellan’s re-interpretation of Shakespeare's classic The Tempest (UK/ Russia), Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks under the direction of conducting prodigy Daniel Harding (Germany), pipa virtuoso Wu Man’s (US) musical dialogue with her Taiwanese aboriginal friends, Political Mother by the trendsetting Hofesh Shechter Company (UK), Delusion by avant-garde theater pioneer Laurie Anderson (US), celebrated puppeteer Yeung Faï and Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne in a co-production of Hand Stories (Swiss), Perth Theatre Company’s The Adventures of Alvin Sputnik: Deep Sea Explorer teeming with eco-awareness (Australia), Will There Really Be a “Morning”? co-produced by French choreographer Myriam Herve-Gil and Dance Forum Taipei (France/ Taiwan), one-man show Interrogations: Words of the Zen Masters by renowned actor Yoshi Oida (Japan), and the exotic mandolin concert Balkan Quartet:Avi Avital and His Friends (Israel). On the other end, Taiwan's major performing art groups are also launching new productions, including the NSO opera concert Suor Angelica, NSO25’s Centennial Russia, Mr. Wing Theatre Company’s Taipei Dad, New York Mom adapted from Mickey CHEN’s novel of the same name, The Han Tang Yuefu Music and Dance Ensemble’s elegant The King and Queen of the Shang Dynasty - Wu Ding & Fu Hao, Guo Guang Opera Company’s Cleopatra and Her Fools adapted from a Shakespearian masterpiece, Taiyuan Puppet Theatre Company’s Shadows of Love, and The Puppet & Its Double Theater’s La Réminiscence d'un fantôme, all specially tailored made for the TIFA. As for NTCH’s crossborder production in 2012, Mourad Merzouki, founder/choreographer of Compagnie Käfig known for his unique street dance style, collaborates with Johan Ku, Taiwanese fashion designer famous for his sculpture-like knitwear, in a crossover dance work that borrows from the concept of knitting, simply bursting with exciting innovation and surprise. A good show needs the support from each and every audience. We express our heartfelt gratitude to the countless supporters who have been with the NTCH in person and in spirit through this fantastic quarter of a century. We sincerely welcome you to come and enjoy the varied programs at TIFA 2012. Hope to see you soon.
HUANG Pi-twan Artistic Director, National Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center
tifa.ntch.edu.tw 2012 Taiwan International Festival of Arts 2012台灣國際藝術節
2012 TIFA 免費講座訊息
當代劇場的奇幻旅程 ─ 《暴風雨》與《魔笛》 的劇場新美學
離散雙城•幻影之家 ─ 談《台北爸爸,紐約媽媽》
Sat. 15:00-16:30
台北藝術節藝術總監 國立台灣大學戲劇系客座助理教授
Sat. 15:00-16:30
誠品信義3樓 Forum (松高路11號)
誠品信義3樓 Forum (松高路11號)
張小虹 國立台灣大學外文系教授
德國【新】聲 ─ 巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團
Sat. 15:00-16:30
歐頭Otto 古典啟示錄Blogger
誠品信義3樓 Forum (松高路11號)
林芳宜 作曲家、樂評人
伸展台vs.劇場 ─ 舞蹈的時尚圖像
Sat. 15:00-16:30
黎美光 國立台灣藝術大學舞蹈系講師
誠品信義3樓 Forum (松高路11號)
謝東寧 資深劇場工作者
無可設限的繆斯 ─ 跨界先鋒蘿瑞•安德森
Sat. 15:00-16:30
黃心健 國立政治大學數位內容副教授 故事巢創意者
誠品信義3樓 Forum (松高路11號)
林芳宜 作曲家、樂評人
天上人間 ─ 談《修女安潔莉卡》
千載流情《殷商王•后》─ 殷墟不虛
Sat. 15:00-16:30
國立台北藝術大學音樂學博士 輔仁大學研究所助理教授
Sat. 15:00-16:30
以上講座均無須報名,免費入場,歡迎參加! 座位有限,敬請提早入座。
誠品信義3樓 Forum (松高路11號)
誠品信義3樓 Forum (松高路11號)
主辦單位: 台灣國際藝術節主要贊助:
平面設計│ 許銘文