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CONTENTS 3 FAO continues to support the Dasheen Expansion Programme

17 Agricultu

5 SVG hosts the 22nd Eastern Caribbean Ministerial Meeting

19 OECS Mi

7 Technical Officers Given Capacity Boost in Drone Technology & Geospatial Mapping

21 USAID fa

9 Trinidadian Consultant Provides Assistance to Agro-Processors of SVG

23 Ministry o

11 The Beekeepers Association hosts a Bee Governance Training Workshop

25 Technica


12 EnGenDER project provides increased capacity for Tri Tri Fishers 13 Forestry’s Annual Summer Programme -”From Forest to Ocean Biodiversity Conservation”

15 Introducing The “Blue Gold” Crop


ural and Livestock Farmers to benefit from Two Major Projects

inisters of Agriculture joined to discuss the FAST Strategy Edition 3 - 2023 July - September

acilitates Phase 2 of the Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use Workshop

of Agriculture Discuss Plans for Sector Development

al Officers complete Training in Drone Technology & Geospatial g


FAO continues to Support the Dasheen Expansion Programme The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations hosted a 3-day Technical Corporation presentation training workshop from Tuesday 4th July – Thursday 6th July, 2023 on SVG’s Dasheen Upgrading Strategy Cost Production and Production Scheduling technical Cooperation at the Kingstown Methodist Church Hall. The quest to develop dasheen as a commodity is funded under the “Promoting Windward Island Food Production and Trade Corridor through National and Regional Value Chain Development” project.

According to the FAO’s National Correspondent, Dr. Coleen Phillips, the FAO has acknowledged the transformative steps taken by the Ministry of Agriculture to enhance the commodity’s production and marketability and is delighted to be a part of the endeavor.

Dr. Coleen Phillips, FAO’s National Correspondent

FAO consultant, Jai Rampersaud, stressed the importance of establishing a framework for the dasheen industry in SVG to eliminate issues such as supply, inconsistent prices, payment issues etc.

Mr. Jai Rampersaud, FAO Consultant


Minister of Agriculture, Hon Saboto Caesar, indicated that dasheen is a crucial driver for economic growth in SVG and support of various forms will be provided to farmers to ensure the full development of the sector. He announced that presently, SVG is exporting approximately $3 million worth of dasheen annually and that the current goal is to establish a $30 million dasheen sector by 2030.

Hon Saboto Caesar, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour

The Minister conveyed his aspirations of having a consolidated dasheen production and exportation platform with the windward islands. Minister Caesar emphasized the need to continue diversifying all aspects of SVG’s agriculture industry and establishing various value chains to aid in the agricultural sector’s exponential growth.


The 22nd Eastern Caribbean Ministerial Meeting on Fisheries and Sustainable Use of Living Marine Resources was hosted from Thursday 13th July 2023 to Friday 14th July 2023 at the Beachcombers Hotel Conference Room in Villa. The meeting sought to address issues relating to the state of Fisheries in the Caribbean Community, the impact of the Sargassum Seaweed invasion on sustainable livelihoods in the OECS, challenges of Sustainable use of Marine Living Resources for Sustainable Livelihoods and Food Security in the Region, Opportunities and challenges within The Blue Economy for the Caribbean, the effects of Climate Change and other Environmental Issues on Coastal Fisheries Management, Development and Cooperation in International arenas for Sustainable Use of Marine Living Resources were among other matters on the table for discussion among the representative.

Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development of St. Lucia, Hon Alfred Prospere, expressed delight to be a part of discussions related to challenges faced in the fisheries sector, the importance of livelihoods and food security. He mentioned the effects of climate change on marine resources as well as the need to ensure the safety of fishermen while at sea. The fisheries minister of St. Lucia urged delegates to ensure that the plan of action for the issues discussed would be executed and


L - R: Dr. Joji Morishita, Japan’s Pa of Foreign Affairs, Hon Alfred Prosp Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Securit Saboto Caesar, Minister of Agricultu Transformation, Industry and Labou

SVG hosts the 22nd Eastern C

thanked the Government of Japan for their continued support. Parliamentary Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Dr. Joji Morishita, observed that the ideologies of the Blue Economy are gaining traction and expressed confidence in the abundance of opportunities for further cooperation with the Eastern Caribbean states. The Parliamentary Vice Minister pointed out that the drastic increase in global food prices spurred on by the Russian/Ukraine war has served as a ‘wakeup call’ to the risks

associated with reliance on imported food. “Sustainable use of resources for food makes more sense than the mere slogan of environmental protection.” He said. He declared that Japan will continue to coordinate efforts with Caribbean nations to promote the sustainable use of marine resources in the international community at various international arenas, including the International Whaling Commission (IWC), Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMO) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Ambassador & Development Commissioner in Agriculture, Fishery and Barbuda Issues, Antigua and Barbuda, Hon Daven Porter, greeted the attendees and presided over the meeting, outlining the significance of the topics on the agenda.

arliamentary Vice Minister pere, St. Lucia’s Minister of ty and Rural Development, Hon ure, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural ur

Hon Daven Porter, Ambassador & Development Commissioner in Agriculture, Fishery and Barbuda Issues, Antigua and Barbuda

Caribbean Ministerial Meeting Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour, Hon Saboto Caesar, said “In order to overcome these challenges, we need to dig deeper for answers and solutions and be as creative and as innovative within the current circumstances.” Minister Caesar indicated that the sustainable harvesting and harnessing of marine resources will be a major contributor to the CARICOM 25 by 25 initiative (25% reduction of food import bill by 2025). In addition, he announced that the

Food and Agricultural Systems Transformation (FAST) Strategy discussions had begun. The FAST Strategy is designed to establish competitive and sustainable food and agriculture production, processing and distribution practices to combat the rise in food prices and to ensure that citizens can affordable and healthy foods. Minister Caesar outlined a number of conservation policies implemented to protect the marine ecosystem of the SVG and its fishing resources, both on land and at sea. This includes a number of restrictions

on the size of lobsters that can be captured, bans on the use of hazardous agricultural pesticides and restrictions on the capturing of endangered marine species. In closing, the minister expressed gratitude to the Japanese Government for their support in building the fisheries centers and other fisheries-related infrastructure. Additionally, he conveyed his appreciation for their contribution to building the human resource capacity to boost production and productivity in SVG.

Representatives from Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, St. Lucia, Japan, Common Wealth of Dominica, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Organisation of the Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) were in attendance.


Technical Officers Given Capacity Boost in Drone Technology & Geospatial Mapping The Drone & Geospatial Project kicked off on Monday 17th July 2023 at the Frenches House Conference Room where representatives from the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Rural Transformation were in attendance. FAO National Correspondent, Dr. Coleen Phillips handed over drone equipment to the Ministry of Agriculture on behalf of the FAO. A training session commenced immediately to introduce participants to Uncrewed Aerial Systems for Environmental Management and provide an overview of the project.

L - R: Conroy Huggins, FAO, Dr. Coleen Phillips, FAO National Corespondent, Mrs. Nerissa Gittens-McMillian, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Renato Gumbs, Chief Agricultural Officer, Mrs. Deborah Daniel, Head of the Planning Unit, Ministry of Agriculture

The activity was facilitated by Dr. Roberto Sandoval, FAO Disaster Risk Management Specialist and Emergency Focal Point and FAO Caribbean Agriculture Drone Participatory Geospatial Initiative Lead Dr. Kim Baldwin of Marine Spatial Information Solutions. The training program aims to strengthen the knowledge and practical skills of the technical staff in the Ministry of Agriculture in the use of drones for environmental mapping, geospatial analysis and participatory data collection. The aim is to support agricultural, coastal, marine and disaster risk management applications in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.



Trinidadian Consultant Provides Assistance to Agro-Processors of SVG The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) is an intergovernmental mechanism for dialogue and political agreement created with a commitment to advance the gradual process of regional integration, and unity and carefully balancing political, economic, social and cultural diversity of Latin America and the Caribbean. Since its launch in December 2011, the thirty-three (33) member

states of CELAC have taken actions to address several issues of common interest, particularly food and nutrition security. In light of this, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) funded consultancy visits to CELAC small island states to extrapolate a model for agroprocessing industries, create strategic linkages between agro-processing platforms within CELAC and highlight

investment opportunities in agroprocessing CELAC member states. From Tuesday 18th July 2023 – Friday 21st July 2023, Agro Processing Specialist Consultant, Mahendra Ramdular, of Trinidad and Tobago visited St. Vincent and the Grenadines to engage stakeholders within the agro-processing industry and to assist with revolutionizing this sector through an extensive evaluation and analytical process.

L - R: Mr. Mahendra Ramdular, Agro Processing Specialist Consultant and Hon Saboto Caesar, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour

During a press briefing held at the Minister of Agriculture, Hon Saboto Caesar expounded on the important role played by agro-processors with regard to food and nutrition security in SVG. He explained that the data gathered from this assessment would be useful in designing SVG’s 2024 budget, developing steps to achieve the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) 25 by 25 (25% reduction in the food import bill by 2025) and contributing to the quest to improve food and nutrition security.


The minister predicted that if nurtured correctly, the dasheen industry could grow to a worth of thirty million dollars and promised that the Government will continue to collaborate with major stakeholders to facilitate the expansion of the agroprocessing industry. According to Specialist Consultant, Mahendra Ramdular, there are a vast majority of root crops and fruits that are severely underutilized, particularly, dasheen. He pointed out that dasheen can be processed into various items for exportation

regionally and internationally. The specialist consultant identified other produce and fruits such as mangoes, plums, papayas, breadfruit and plantains that can be exported and will be well-received in any country. Mr. Ramdular emphasized that items such as jams, jellies, juices, pastas, chips and wraps among other products can be created through agro-processing which will aid in decreasing the food import bill, boost productivity and economic growth and promote sustainability within the Agricultural Sector.

Ramdular’s site visits included: Rainforest Seafoods, Vincy Fresh, the Arrow Root Factory under construction at Orange Hill, along with consultancy work with other agro-processors within the sector.

Consultancy visit with Mr. Stephen Seymour, Country Manager, Rainforest Seafood

Vincy Fresh Ltd Factory Operations

Consultancy Visit with Mr. Desmond Morgan, Manager of VincyFresh Ltd

Arrow Root Factory under construction at Orange Hill

Consultancy visit with Mr. Raymond Victory, Civil Engineer, Consultant at the Arrow Root Factory (Under Construction)


The Beekeepers Association hosts a Bee Governance Training Workshop The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Beekeepers Association is in the process of transitioning its leadership to a new executive. The current executive has been successfully functioning over the past 8-9 years.

Tuesday, July 18 and Wednesday, July 19, 2023. A total of twenty (20) persons attended each day’s session. The specific objective of the session was to provide management training in the area of group dynamics to farmer’s organizations in order to provide a new leadership structure that is sustainable for the growth of the SVG Beekeepers’ Association.

To ensure an efficient transition, the association convened a two-day Beekeepers’ Governance Training Workshop at the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College Division of Technical and Vocational Education Home Management Center in Kingstown on

Mrs. Christobelle Ashton, Facilitator

Christobelle Ashton who served as facilitator presented an overview of the manual of the Beekeepers’ Association, elaborating on the need for members to work together for the common good. She urged the trainees to be proactive with their knowledge and to be equipped to manage change to be effective leaders. At the end of the two days, President of the Beekeepers Association Beverly Reddock presented Ms. Ashton with a bottle of local honey as a token of appreciation for the wealth of knowledge she shared with the gathering.


Mrs. Christobelle Ashton, Facilitator presented with a bottle of local honey by President of the Beekeepers Association, Mrs. Beverly Reddock

EnGenDER project provides increased capacity for Tri Tri Fishers The Enabling Gender-Responsive Disaster Recovery Climate and Environmental Resilience (EnGenDER) project is jointly implemented by Economic Planning and the Gender Affairs division in the Ministry of National Mobilization in SVG. The project is aimed at improving climate and disaster resilience for key vulnerable populations, particularly youth and women/girls. It was revealed that Tri Tri Fishers are battling the combined ramifications of various environmental threats, as well as the eruption of the La Soufriere Volcano, which prompted the need to build the capacity of this group. This fishing group has received several forms of assistance since the project’s inception. As part of the project, a Handing Over Ceremony was held at the Kingstown Fisheries Centre where Twenty-One (21) freezers were distributed to groups of Tri Tri Fishers under the EnGenDER Project on Friday 28th July 2023. The EnGenDER Project seeks to further integrate gender equality and human-rights-based approaches into Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Climate Change (CC) adaptation and environmental management frameworks and interventions and identify and address some of the gaps to ensure equal access to DRR and climate change and environment solutions for men, women, boys and girls in nine Caribbean countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Suriname). The Project is jointly funded by the Canadian Government and the United Kingdom Government and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (Barbados) in collaboration with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), United Nations Women and the World Food Programme.


Forestry’s Annual Summer Programme -”From Forest to Ocean - Biodiversity Conservation” Numerous forest reserves in St. Vincent and the Grenadines serve as essential biological support systems for some of the densest and most varied assemblages of species on earth. The Forestry Services Unit within the Ministry of Agriculture has worked assiduously to not only protect and conserve forests but also the ecosystem of SVG. Recognizing that they cannot do this mission alone, the Forestry Department has launched an educational campaign to raise public awareness of the responsibility of the public in conservation and preservation.

Mr. Casmus McLeod, Forestry Supervisor speaking to children

Tree planting exercise


In light of this, this year’s Forestry Summer Programme was held under the theme, “From Forest to Ocean - Biodiversity Conservation” and the slogan, Re-image, Re-create, Restore”. The launching ceremony was held at the Emmanuel High School, Mesopotamia on Monday 24th July 2023. Forestry Supervisor, Casmus McLeod indicated that one of the major goals of the Forestry Unit’s Annual Summer Programme is to sensitize communities and children about the various areas of discipline via hands-on experience. The launch concluded with a tree-planting exercise on the Emmanuel High School grounds.

Introducing The “


“Blue Gold” Crop St. Vincent and the Grenadines is known for its rich volcanic soil- a catalyst for Agricultural plant production that sustains food security. Dasheen (taro), a root crop plant, is transitioning as a main crop in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Dasheen is known for growing in agro-ecological zones, and over the past few years there has been a rise in dasheen production across the country. Farmers throughout the country have now adopted two (2) new dasheen cultivars introduced by the Caribbean Agriculture Research and Development Institute (CARDI). The cultivars: Samoa (green petiole) and IND 512 (red petiole) are less susceptible to pests and diseases whilst providing higher yields than traditional varieties. Due to the involvement and advancement of dasheen production, on February 7th 2023 at a Dasheen Stakeholders meeting, the commodity was declared a main crop in St. Vincent and the Grenadines with the implementation of a Dasheen Expansion Programme. Dasheen is now an economic deal and a great value for food security. Globally, there is a rising demand for the crop. To foster the evolution, a series of awareness and information meetings were organized as part of the Dasheen Expansion Programme. Mr. Donawa Jackson, Agricultural Officer of the Extension and Advisory Services in the Ministry of Agriculture, facilitated the sessions.

Mr. Renato Gumbs, Chief Agricultural Officer

Business Program Manager of SVG Export & Trade, Ms. Rachel Outerbridge interacting with farmers

Mr. Donawa Jackson, Agricultural Extension Officer

On Wednesday 16th August, 2023, the first Awareness and Information meeting was hosted at the Richland Park Primary School where a turnout of approximately one hundred (100) farmers were present. Chief Agricultural Officer, Mr. Renato Gumbs commended the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture on their efficiency in the programme. Mr. Gumbs also highlighted the importance of implementing a production system for farmers. Mr. Donawa Jackson indicated that the objective of the meeting was to update farmers on the Regional and International Markets and the specific demands for dasheen. CEO of SVG Export & Trade, Keshawn Cupid engaged in the meeting virtually to communicate the criteria for export markets. Business Program Manager of SVG Export & Trade, Rachel Outerbridge was present and interacted with farmers. The Ministry of Agriculture’s aim is to create a structured Dasheen Production System that will reflect stability, reliability and availability to markets.


Agricultural and Livestock Farmers to benefit from Two Major Projects With SVG and the Republic of China on Taiwan celebrating 42 years of diplomatic relations as a backdrop, an implementation arrangement signing ceremony was held at the New Grounds Primary School grounds on Friday 25th August 2023. Agricultural stakeholders and other officials witnessed the signing of the “Improving Vegetable Cultivation Management and Post-Harvest Handling “ and the “Improving Livestock Rearing” projects. These projects are valued at approximately eleven million Eastern Caribbean Dollars and are jointly funded by the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines and the Government of the Republic of China on Taiwan. The signing was done by Her Excellency Fiona Huei-Chun Fan, Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Hon. Saboto Caesar, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour.

Her Excellency, Fiona Huei-Chun Fan, Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Her Excellency Fiona Huei-Chun Fan stated that this endeavor symbolizes the enduring collaboration between Taiwan and St. Vincent and Grenadines and holds the promise of not only transforming agriculture but also nurturing food security within the country. Her Excellency was of the belief that the collaboration and knowledge exchange would ensure higher crop yields, improved agricultural practices, a steady supply of meat and an enhanced standard of living for the citizens of SVG.


Hon Saboto Caesar, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour, Hon Saboto Caesar, thanked farmers for their assistance in developing agricultural policies. He pointed out that the projects will play an essential role in expanding production and productivity to promote the reduction of the food import bill and boost food and nutrition security. Minister Caesar committed to continue close collaboration with the Taiwan Technical Mission and expressed heartfelt gratitude to Taiwan’s Government and people for their long-term support.

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ato Gumbs, Chief Agricultural Officer

Given the recent expansion in the tourism , Chief Agricultural Officer, Mr. Renato Gumbs d the importance of proper post-harvest g to allow for greater quality and quantity of dities.

Mr. Gumbs also emphasized the significance of ivity competitiveness and further stated that the e will be comprehensive in nature, addressing facets of the agriculture sector.

y General of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, enville Williams, witnessed the event along with farmers from the Region 3 District.


OECS Ministers of Agriculture joined to discuss the FAST Strategy The recently crafted, Food and Agriculture Systems Transformation (FAST) Strategy, launched in Grenada, was created to establish more efficient and sustainable methods for food and agriculture production, processing, and distribution, to offset rising food costs. Ministers of Agriculture from the OECS sub-region attended a two-day summit which opened with a Council of Ministers meeting on Thursday, 31st August, 2023 followed by a panel discussion on 1st September 2023. The discussions were held at the NIS Conference Room, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour, Hon Saboto Caesar, said the issues discussed included reviving an arrangement for collective marketing. He further stated that several crops will be marketed under the proposed arrangement.



In March 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry, and Labor, in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Eastern and Southern Caribbean Mission and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), launched its training on nutrient management, the efficient use of fertilizers, and bio-fertilizers. Participants were able to obtain an appreciation for the fact that maintaining sufficient crop production is dependent on the right combination of different variables while maintaining an approach that is economical, environmentally conscious, and mindful of the various ecosystems that serve the public. Due to the workshop’s success, the Ministry of Agriculture, in collaboration with USAID, University of Florida, USDA and the Taiwan International Corporation and Development opted to facilitate phase 2 of the programme.

USAID facilitates Phase 2 of the Soil Improvement Initiative is currently being implemented in SVG. He also mentioned several other initiatives that are being implemented to bolster food security, such as the establishment of agri-food corridors, feasibility studies for crop insurance, etc.

Mr. Renato Gumbs, Chief Agricultural Officer

Chief Agricultural Officer, Mr. Renato Gumbs emphasized that the workshop’s major goal is to urge participants to include and stress importance of the application of science and technology in agriculture. He stated that soil quality is frequently overlooked when diagnosing crop under-performance issues, which is a limiting viewpoint as soil fertility has a significant impact on productivity.


Mr. Steven Fondriest, USAID Acting Regional Representative of the Eastern Caribbean

The USAID acting Regional Representative of the Eastern Caribbean, Mr. Steven Fondriest, stated that attempts have been made to transition from chemical agriculture towards a more organic approach to agriculture.

The Regional Representative of the Eastern Caribbean welcomed the budding partnership with the Taiwan Technical Mission to produce more impactful, deeper, long-term solutions to agricultural issues facing SVG. He concluded by praising SVG for preserving its position as a regional agricultural leader and enhancing food security over the last 20 years.

He reaffirmed USAID’s commitment to strengthen food systems in the Caribbean region to make them more inclusive, sustainable and to improve the wellbeing of the citizens. Mr. Fondriest informed the gathering that a three-year activity of the Caribbean Agricultural Production

Mr. Kevin Lin, Taiwan Technical Mission Leader

Phase 2 training explored soil fertility as a component of the overall soil productivity that deals with available nutrient status and the soil’s ability to give nutrients, both from its stores and through external application for crop production. The three-day workshop commenced from the 19th – 21st of September 2023. The training was primarily designed to improve the technical capabilities of technical officers, supervisors, managers, practicing agriculturists and farmers in soil fertility and fertilizer efficiency, thereby, improving their ability to select the specific technology that best meets the needs of plant health and nutrition.

Fertility and Fertilizer Use Workshop

To kick off the training, an opening ceremony was held at the Murray Heights Hotel on the 19th of September 2023, McKies Hill, Kingstown and chaired by Cornelius Richards. Brief remarks were delivered by stakeholders in the agricultural sector.

Taiwan Technical Mission Leader, Mr. Kevin Lin commended the Minister of Agriculture on his efforts to revolutionize the agricultural sector and expressed elation with working along with the USAID to provide assistance of various forms to the country. Mrs. Nerissa Gittens-McMillian, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mrs. Nerissa Gittens-McMillian expressed gratitude to the USAID for their time and dedication to improving the capacity of the technical officers and hoped for further collaboration in the future.

Mr. Cornelius Richards, Chairman

Mr. Luke Ney, USDA Director

USDA Director, Mr. Luke Ney, asked participants to approach the training as a platform for information exchange to help the instructors and facilitators have a better grasp of the situation faced by producers.


Ministry of Agriculture Discuss Plans for Sector Development The Ministry of Agriculture conducted a series of consultations aimed at developing a report on the agricultural sector’s performance over the period 2012-2023 to allow for the creation of a comprehensive plan for the development of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry sectors over the next 5 years. These consultations engaged all stakeholders inclusive of National Fisheries Organizations, National Development Foundation, Agriculture Input Warehouse, Fisheries Centres and Fisheries Cooperatives in the development of the plan. The plan will identify new opportunities in the sectors that would serve to enhance food and nutrition security, promote strategies for building resilience, support production and trade in agricultural goods, promote inclusiveness and equitable access to resources to reduce the vulnerability of marginalized groups as well as sustainability within agricultural production systems, and ultimately contribute to the socio-economic development agenda for St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Dr. Govind Seepersad is the consultant contracted by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) to develop the plan Consultations took place on 19th and 20th September 2023 at the Fisheries Conference Room

Consultations took place on the 21st of September 2023 at the Paget Farm Community Centre in Bequia



Technical Officers complete Training in Drone Technology & Geospatial Mapping

Karomo Browne, UAS Pilot Coordinator

After participating in twelve (12) weeks of intensive training, members of staff from within the Ministry of Agriculture were awarded certificates of completion, some as Drone Pilots and others as Drone Data Analyst. This was done during a closing ceremony for the Drone & Geospatial Project Training which was held at Frenches House on Wednesday 27th September, 2023.

Deborah Daniel, UAS Coordinator, Data Manager

According to Uncrewed Aircraft System (UAS) Pilot Coordinator, Karomo Browne, the workshop facilitated fifteen (15) mapping missions which consisted of eighty (80) flights.

UAS Coordinator, Data Manager, Deborah Daniel emphasized the significance of drone technology in enhancing data collection and structure, as well as enabling the success of various upcoming projects.

These flights were conducted in six (6) different locations: Montreal Gardens, the South Coast Marine Conservation Area, Green zHill, Mt Wayne, Dorchester Hill and Arnos Vale. Participants captured approximately four thousand (4,000) images and developed eighteen (18) maps, twentysex (26) videos and twelve thousand, three hundred and sixty (12,360) panorama shots throughout the training. The total area mapped was 3,840 acres.

She revealed that the data gathered can be employed for comparative purposes as well as for planning in the Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries sectors.

L - R: Sheldon Dasouza, UAS Data Analyst, Jeremy Searles, UAS Pilot


Participants presented their findings based on three (3) major components: Fisheries (identification and assessment of land-based sources of pollution), Agricultural Mapping (identification of agricultural holdings) and Geospatial Information Systems (GIS).

Dwayne Mckenzie, UAS Pilot

Cornelius Little, UAS

Drone Equipment

This training was jointly implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and the Ministry of Agriculture.

S Data analyst


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