Minnesota Opera 2018-2019 Annual Report

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2018–2019 SEASON IN REVIEW (1) Front Cover (photo?) MnOp logo ANNUAL REPORT 55th Anniversary Season July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 mnopera.org

La Traviata © Dan Norman

TABL E OF CONT E NTS Le tte r from MN Opera Leadershi p ....................................... 3 MN O pe ra Impact Framewo rk .............................................. 4 201 8–201 9 Seaso n Hi ghl i ghts .............................................. 6 Equ ity, Diversi ty, and Incl usi o n .......................................... 14 Fin an cials . . ........................................................................... 16 B oard of Directo rs ............................................................... 18 S e ason Con tri buto rs ............................................................ 19 S e ason S u bscri bers ............................................................ 26

The Italian Straw Hat © Cory Weaver

LETTER FROM MN OPERA LEADERSHIP Our 56th season was an exemplary success in pursuing our mission to change lives through the power of opera and our bold vision to sing every story. In this report, you will discover a multitude of accomplishments ranging from the first reprisal of our hit new work, Silent Night, to the acquisition of the Lab Theater, which will allow us to expand our North Loop Campus. We also created an opera centered around baseball for our 47th new work, and for our youth training program Project Opera, we commissioned The Song Poet, the first ever Hmong story represented in opera. In March 2019, we hosted five opera companies from around the country for the first of three annual gatherings focused on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at our respective organizations and throughout the industry. Finally, we are thrilled to share the creation of a new impact model that better represents and communicates the relationship between our work both on and off the stage and its impact within our community. The breadth of our work produces powerful outcomes represented in three major areas: engaging diverse audiences through worldclass productions; building the profession and developing the next generation of artists; and changing the lives of artists, students, and the community. As we look to the future, we envision a vibrant and sustainable opera company, focused on an open, innovative, and inclusive environment for artistic creation that represents our entire community. This ideal is the opera company of the future, and we can achieve this vision only through your generous support and that of the community we proudly serve. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this season’s success! Sincerely,

H. Bernt von Ohlen

Ryan Taylor

Board Chair

President and General Director

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IMPACT FRAMEWORK Our new impact framework represents the shared relationships among the resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impact for all our work onstage, in the industry, and in the community. Within this framework, we have documented core business programs, functions, and efforts that lead to measurable short-term outcomes with a goal of three long-term impacts.

ENGAGING DIVERSE AUDIENCES THROUGH WORLD-CLASS PRODUCTIONS Each season, we strive to produce approachable, relevant, and remarkable productions that are reflective of our diverse community and captivate audiences through the power of opera.

BUILDING THE PROFESSION AND DEVELOPING THE NEXT GENERATION OF ARTISTS We provide a creative home that supports artistic risk-taking, opportunities for continued learning and skill development at all levels, and the development of innovative practices that advance the art form.

CHANGING THE LIVES OF ARTISTS, STUDENTS, AND THE COMMUNITY Through active art making and social opportunities, we look to enhance the health and joy of our community, strengthen each individual’s sense of purpose, and broaden perspectives to create more empathetic citizens.

The Fix © Cory Weaver




Classic Operas Contemporary Operas New Works

Captivating Productions


Classical MPR Broadcasts Free Season Preview Concert Tempo (For patrons age 21-45) Student Matinees Ticket Subsidies for Community Organizations Education Scholarships Student and Youth Tickets $25 Starting Ticket Price



Opera Insights Behind the Curtain Taste of Opera MN Opera Center Tours Open Rehearsal Tempo Events Residencies Project Opera Music Out Loud Summer Camps Final Dress Rehearsals Day at the Opera coOPERAtion! Voices of Opera Opera Connections


Resident Artist Program Project Opera Technical Theater Laboratory/ Apprenticeship


Opera 360 Committee Partnerships Opera Performances Beyond the Mainstage


Gala Tempo Cast Parties Holiday Concert Annual Meeting Family Arts Blast

Opera that’s Accessible, Approachable, and Relevant


World-Class Productions with Diverse, Engaged Audiences

Creative and Artistic Excellence

Moving Audiences to Become Stewards of Opera

Research and Development

Training New Performers, Technical Staff, and Administrators

Developing Artists and Building the Profession

Artistic and Technical Growth

Personal Development

Community Engagement

Broadened Perspectives

Changing Lives

Social Connections mnopera.org | 5




Oct 6 – 14, 2018


at the Ordway


attended an opera at the Ordway

La Rondine © Cory Weaver



of seats filled


of audiences were new to MN Opera

OVER 600 ARTISTS helped create the season

Silent Night © Dan Norman

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Nov 10 – 18, 2018


Jan 26 – Feb 3, 2019


May 4 – 19, 2019

The Italian Straw Hat © Cory Weaver


Mar 16 – 24, 2019

The Fix © Cory Weaver

La Traviata © Dan Norman

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RESIDENT ARTIST PROGRAM Minnesota Opera’s nationally recognized Resident Artist Program nurtures the next generation of opera artists, providing them a critical bridge between conservatory training and a professional career. In the 2018–2019 Season, Minnesota Opera supported the careers of ten emerging opera professionals, including seven singers, two pianists/coaches, and one stage director. Participants received nine months of intensive professional development, including master classes, audition trainings, and opportunities to network with agents and other company leaders. In addition to participating in Minnesota Opera’s productions, these artists were an integral part of the company’s outreach and education efforts, serving as opera ambassadors throughout the community both in schools and at special events.


Resident Artists


filled by current or past Resident Artists in the mainstage season


from across the world apply to this program each season

2018–2019 Resident Artists © Brent Dundore

8 | MN Opera 2018 Annual Report

Resident Artists Lisa Marie Rogali and Christian Sanders in La Rondine. Photo © Cory Weaver.

Resident Artist Nicholas Davis in Silent Night. Photo © Dan Norman.

Cecilia Violetta López and Resident Artist Stephen Martin in La Traviata. Photo © Dan Norman.

Resident Artists Christian Thurston and Danielle Beckvermit in The Italian Straw Hat. Photo © Cory Weaver.

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OPERA EDUCATION Known for its work onstage and off, Minnesota Opera is a leader in the field of opera and is dedicated to engaging our community through educational opportunities. We believe in fostering creativity and encouraging members of our community to continue learning through an array of programs designed to reach people of all ages, locations, and backgrounds. From Stories Sing!, a singing storybook program for children, to Voices of Opera, an initiative engaging the creative minds of older adults, we offer a variety of opportunities to engage with opera. For more information, visit mnopera.org/learn.


children served


education contact hours this season


schools, libraries, and community centers reached


Opera Camp

attended a full opera performance


Technical Theater Program © Sigrid Redpath

10 | MN Opera 2018 Annual Report

Music Out Loud

in Creative Aging programs

Opera Connections © Andrea Lewandoski

Creative Aging © Lyngblomsten

NOOMA © Dan Norman

Voices of Opera © Theresa Murray

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OPERA ENGAGEMENT MN Opera believes that access and connections to opera, operatic experiences, and the inherent artistic processes can enrich, empower, and improve quality of life in the community. To effectively engage, we must listen and learn from our community to be a vital civic contributor and make meaningful, authentic, and lasting relationships.


in opera engagement events across the season


were broadcast on Classical MPR giving opera access to regional listeners

MORE THAN 300 TARGET EMPLOYEES attended Target Night at the Opera

Open Rehearsal for La Traviata Meet MN Opera event at the MN Opera Center


ARTS PARTNERSHIP The Arts Partnership is comprised of the four highly acclaimed organizations that perform regularly at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts – Minnesota Opera, the Ordway, The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, and Schubert Club. The Partnership strengthens its organizations in service to the community through growing collaboration and stewardship of its shared assets. This season, the partners successfully completed an annual fund campaign of more than $600,000. That funding not only supported the Ordway as a world-class performing arts facility, but also allowed two co-presentations offering access to enriching arts experiences to the community.

Sphinx Virtuosi © Nan Melville

Family Arts Blast © Jayme Halbritter



For the third consecutive season, the Arts Partnership was proud

The annual Family Arts Blast is a morning of free family fun at the

to present Sphinx Virtuosi, a chamber ensemble comprised of the

Ordway where children of all ages can get hands-on interaction with

nation’s top Black and Latino classical string soloists. The program

music, dance, theater, and more! This year, families enjoyed a wide

took place at the Ordway’s Concert Hall and included a post-show

range of creative activities happening throughout the building from

reception where audiences could meet and mingle with the artists.

trying an instrument, learning new dance moves, exploring technical theater with costumes and sound effects — and every 20 minutes a new show or©concert was held in the two performance spaces. Sphinx Virtuosi Nan Melville mnopera.org | 13

EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION We acknowledge that opera—the art form, the performers, the productions, and the music—in the minds of many, has traditionally been thought of as “for” some audiences and “not for” other audiences. Therefore, to sustain opera’s relevance and vibrance, we recognize that it is imperative to create a company that inspires hope and empowers all voices, and where our audience, our staff and board, as well as our performers and performances, span an even wider cross section of Minnesotans and visitors from outside our state.

82 DIVERSITY TRAINING SESSIONS spent with MN Opera staff

5 OPERA COMPANIES from around the country involved in a Diversity cohort work group

To work towards this vision, MN Opera’s Diversity Council, made up of staff members from every part of the organization, aims to foster a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture both inside and outside the opera house. Through the guidance of a Diversity Charter, both our staff and board have made it a top priority to diversify our organization and audience across three areas: racial and ethnic diversity, socio-economic diversity, and age diversity. By inviting people with a greater variety of opinions, viewpoints, and ideas into our spaces, we believe we can better cultivate and enrich our culture of creativity. “Working under a Diversity Charter allows us to have conversations about how we expand the voices at the creative table,” says MN Opera President and General Director Ryan Taylor. Our 2018–2019 Season saw an increase in the number of artists of color both on stage and behind the scenes, and we plan to build upon that in our upcoming seasons. Recently, we announced the

Cast Members of La Traviata © Brent Dundore

commission of our newest opera for Project Opera, our premier youth training program. Based on The Song Poet, a novel by Minnesota native and Hmong-American author Kao Kalia Yang, the opera recounts her family’s journey from Laos to the United States. “I believe this opera will push the boundaries of the form and the dreams of my people and new Americans everywhere who live and love the arts in a positive and necessary direction,” says Yang. The Song Poet will continue its development throughout the next two seasons, with a premiere date set for spring 2021. We’re excited to continue to make strides in this work. For the past two years, our staff and board have participated in a series of intercultural capacity

Kao Kalia Yang courtesy of the Artist

workshops and coachings. In March 2019, we had the honor of hosting a summit with representatives from opera companies from around the country to discuss how we can better incorporate the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion into our work as an industry. “There are so many practical and financial reasons to do this work. But above all else, it’s simply the right thing to do,” says Rocky Jones, MN Opera Communications Manager and Diversity Council Chair. “I’m hopeful that MN Opera will be a catalyst for positive change in our industry and for justice in our community.” To read our Diversity Charter and learn more about how we are putting our principles into practice, please visit mnopera.org/edi.

Opera 360 Diversity Work Group

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201 8 – 2 01 9 F INANC IALS 2019


ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents












Deferred production and prepaid expenses Investments Property and equipment, net Total assets



LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued expenses



Deferred revenue



Line of credit



Notes and capital lease payable









Total net assets



Total liabilities and net assets



Total liabilities

NET ASSETS Without donor restrictions With donor restrictions

16 | MN Opera 2019 Annual Report






Opera season/admissions



Contributions and grants






Net investment return







Change in value of trusts Total revenue, support, and gains

EXPENSES Program services



Administrative and general



Fundraising expenses













Total expenses


• • •

Program services


Administrative and general


Fundraising expenses



• • •

Program services


Administrative and general


Fundraising expenses


For complete year-end audit results, please visit mnopera.org/annual-report.

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2 01 8–2 01 9 BOAR D OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Chair | H. Bernt von Ohlen President and General Director | Ryan Taylor Vice Chair | Nadege Souvenir Secretary | Sharon Bloodworth Treasurer | John Junek DIRECTORS Vanessa Abbe Rebecca Bernhard Sharon Bloodworth Shari Boehnen Alberto Castillo Jane Confer Jay Debertin Terrance Dolan Sidney W. Emery Maureen Harms Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad Philip Isaacson J Jackson Diane Jacobson John C. Junek Christl Hutter Larson Mary Lazarus Robert Lee Natalie Volin Lehr Jeninne McGee Michael McNamara Fayneese Miller Leni Moore Kay Ness Jose Peris Bart Reed Mary H. Schrock Linda Roberts Singh David Smith 18 | MN Opera 2019 Annual Report

Nadege Souvenir Gregory Sullivan Norrie Thomas Missy Staples Thompson Wendy Unglaub H. Bernt von Ohlen Craig Walvatne William White Margaret Wurtele PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL Karen O. Bachman John A. Blanchard, III Rachelle D. Chase Burton Cohen Julia W. Dayton John Huss Ruth Huss James E. Johnson Lucy Rosenberry Jones Kevin H. Smith Mary W. Vaughan HONORARY DIRECTORS Dominick Argento* Philip Brunelle Liz Kochiras * in remembrance

2018–2019 Board of Directors © Brent Dundore

TEMPO LIAISON Kara Eliason Dorsey TEMPO BOARD OFFICERS Chair | Kara Eliason Dorsey Vice Chair | Katie Eiser Secretary | Emily Engel Treasurer | Julia M. Wilcox Audience Development Chair | Sarah Fowler Programming Co-chair | Liz Brenner Programming Co-chair | Aimee Tritt TEMPO BOARD MEMBERS Carrie Anderson Liz Brenner

Marjahn Golban Laura Green Chaffee Heber Gurrola Sarah Fowler Emily Engel Aimee Tritt Kara Eliason Dorsey Julia M. Wilcox Katie Eiser Alison Jarzyna Luke Olson Kate Smith KT Thompson

INDIVIDUA L GI VI N G It is with deep appreciation that Minnesota Opera recognizes individual donors who have made gifts to our Annual Fund, Fund-A-Dream, and Opera Innovate Now Campaign between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. Thank you for making this exceptional art come to life. BEL CANTO CIRCLE The following lists donors who have made leadership gifts of $10,000+. PLATINUM Anonymous (2) Julia W. Dayton Vicki and Chip Emery Ruth and John Huss Lucy Rosenberry Jones and James E. Johnson George and Margaret Sparks Margaret Wurtele Wayne Zink and Christopher Schout GOLD Patricia Beithon Alexandra O. Bjorklund* Mary and Gus Blanchard Darlene J. and Richard P. Carroll Family Fund of The Minneapolis Found Terrance and Susan Dolan Sara and Jock Donaldson Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad John and Kathleen Junek Jeninne McGee Kendrick B. Melrose Donor Advised Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Elizabeth Redleaf Paul and Mary Reyelts Jesse and Linda Singh Mary Vaughan SILVER Anonymous Allegro Fund of the Saint Paul Foundation Susan Calmenson and Vince Leo Ellie Crosby – The Longview Foundation Jay and Rebecca Debertin Mr. and Mrs. Philip Isaacson Kay Ness and Chris Wolohan Mahlon and Karen Schneider Missy Staples Thompson and Gar Hargens H. Bernt von Ohlen and W. Thomas Nichol BRONZE Anonymous Karen Bachman Stephen and Margaret Blake Project Opera’s The Gondoliers © Sigrid Redpath

Sharon Bloodworth and Barrett Johnson Shari and David Boehnen Kenneth and Peggy Bonneville Susan S. Boren Jane M. and Ogden W. Confer William I. and Bianca M. Fine Charitable Trust Bill and Bonnie Frels Beverly N. Grossman Joseph and Bette Hirsch Jeannie Holmes Kimberly and George Hudachek Diane and Paul Jacobson Kyle Kossol and Tom Becker Christl and Andrew Larson Mary Ash and Barry Lazarus Robert L. Lee and Mary E. Schaffner Leni and David Moore Jr./Moore Family Fund for the Arts of The Minneapolis Foundation Barton and Kimberly Reed Mary H. and Christian G. Schrock Greg Sullivan and Annie Frazer Dr. Norrie Thomas William White

CAMERATA CIRCLE The following lists donors who have made gifts of $2,500 to $9,999. GOLD Vanessa Abbe Michael Birt Judith Garcia Galiana and Alberto Castillo Ralph D. Ebbott Maureen and Mike Harms Sharon Hawkins Miriam and Erwin Kelen Robert Kriel and Linda Krach Harvey Thomas McLain Natalie Volin Lehr Jose Peris and Diana Gulden Connie and Lew Remele Nadege J. Souvenir and Joshua A. Dorothy Wendy and Paul Unglaub Stephanie and Craig Walvatne SILVER Anonymous (2)

An Anonymous Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Martha and Bruce Atwater Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation William Biermaier and David Hanson Jan Conlin and Gene Goetz Ann Fankhanel Gail Fiskewold Dr. Richard Gregory Susanne Haas and Ross Formell Michele Harris and Peter Tanghe Janet N. Jones Patty and Warren Kelly Ilo and Margaret Leppik Fayneese Miller Karla Miller Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Moore Sandy and Bob Morris Richard and Nancy Nicholson Luis Pagan-Carlo and Joseph Sammartino Julie and Bruce Steiner Sarah and Rolf Peters Ken and Nina Rothchild Ryan Taylor Dr. Andrew J. Thomas Stephanie C. Van D’Elden Charles Allen Ward Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation BRONZE Anonymous Richard Allendorf Dan and Martha Goldberg Aronson Dr. Jerald Barnard Michelle Blaeser Will and Margee Bracken Laurie Carlson and William Voedisch Rachelle Dockman Chase Rusty and Burt Cohen Gisela Corbett and Peter Hyman Thomas and Mary Lou Detwiler Dr. Mary Anne Ebert and Paul Stembler Joyce and Hugh Edmondson Patricia R. Freeburg Woessner Freeman Family Foundation Mrs. Myrtle Grette Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison Linda and Jack Hoeschler Jean McGough Holten Dr. Arthur and Fran Horowitz Mr. J. David Jackson

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Derrill Pankow Suzanne and William Payne Mary and Robert Price Sarah Rockler Enrique and Clara Rotstein Leland T. Lynch and Terry Saario Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Christine Sagstetter Sampson Family Charitable Foundation Mary Savina Fred and Gloria Sewell Cherie and Robert Shreck Kevin and Lynn Smith Sharon and Thomas Stoffel Dana and Stephen Strand Ruth Stricker Dayton Carley, Bill, Kirsten, and Carolyn Stuber Jennifer and David Thomas Jean Thomson Neal Viemeister and Virginia Kirby John W. Windhorst Jr.

La Traviata Opening Night © Matt Lien Photography Hubert Joly Robert and Susan Josselson Lyndel and Blaine King Robert and Venetia Kudrle Kenyon S. Latham Eric and Celita Levinson David MacMillan and Judy Krow Betty Myers Sally and Thomas Patterson Mrs. William S. Phillips Margaret Smedes Poyner John and Sandra Roe Foundation Thomas D. and Nancy J. Rohde Andrea and James Rubenstein Janet and Bill Schaeder Frank and Lynda Sharbrough David Smith Jill and John Thompson Debra R. Ting Ellen M. Wells Nancy and Frederick Weyerhaeuser

PATRON CIRCLE The following lists donors who have made gifts of $250 to $2,499. GOLD Anonymous (3) Emin and Britny Aklik Jane and Jamie Andrews Ruth and Dale Bachman Carl and Joan Behr

Barbara S. Belk Rebecca Bernhard Ed and Mimi Bohrer Drs. Eli and Jan Briones Debra Brooks and James Meunier Joan and George Carlson Steve Coleman Barb and Jeff Couture Mike and Stacey Crosby – The Longview Foundation Jean Deatrick and Eldon Feist Cy and Paula DeCosse Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Charles M. Denny Jr. and Carol E. Denny Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Maureen and John Drewitz Joan Duddingston David Dudycha and Dorothy Vawter Laura and Tim Edman Salvatore Silvestri Franco Martha Gabbert Heidi and Howard Gilbert Bill and Paula Glade Marsha and Richard Gould Jennifer Gross Thomas and Mary Gross Bruce and Jean Grussing Rehael Fund – Roger Hale/Nor Hall of The Minneapolis Foundation Marion and Donald Hall Anne Marie and Larry Halvorson Nancy A. Harris

Don Helgeson and Sue Shepard Elfrieda Hintze Shirley Hogan Jill Irvine Crow H. H. Irvine* Clayton Jelinek Barbara Jenkins Dale A. Johnson Bryce and Paula Johnson Jane and Jim Kaufman Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Margaret V. Kinney Andrea M. Kircher William and Sarah Kling Constance and Daniel Kunin Gail Oliver and James LaFave Laurence and Jean LeJeune Bill Long Reid and Ann MacDonald Margery Martin and Dan Feidt Carolyn Mayo Barbara McBurney Laura McCarten Patricia N. and Samuel D. McCullough Kay Phillips and Jill Mortensen Thomas P. Murtha and Stefanie A. Lenway Lucia Newell and Steven Wiese Brandon and Melissa Novy Ruth and Ahmad Orandi Dede Ouren Kelly and Michael Palmer

SILVER Anonymous (2) Barbara Agard Thomas O. Allen Arlene and Tom Alm Katherine Anderson August J. Aquila and Emily Haliziw Dr. and Mrs. Orn Arnar Steve and Sharon Bachman Jo and Gordon Bailey Family Fund of the Catholic Community Foundation Rebecca D. Arons and Thomas J. Basting Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Judson Bemis, Jr. Gerald and Phyllis Benson Patricia and Martin Blumenreich Gerald Bradley Cheryl Brown Thomas and Joyce Bruckner Jimmy Burnett Katherine L. Castille Ann Marie and Jim Collins Susan and Richard Crockett Helen and John Crosson Stephen Davis and Murray Thomas Rondi Erickson and Sandy Lewis* Brian M. Finstad James and Barbara Gahlon William W. and Susan G. Gerberich Roger and Karen Hale Mark Halldorson Lowell Hanson Burton and Sandra Hoverson Ray Jacobsen Charlie Johnson Nancy Jones Beverly Kasper Michael and Sheue Keenan Mary L. Kenzie Foundation Carole and Joseph Killpatrick Robert and Barbara Kueppers

Anita Kunin Cynthia and Lawrence Lee Natalie Levin and Stephen Gilberstadt William and Gloria Levin Ben Lewandowski Jonathan and Lisa Lewis Steve and Agnes Matheson Kris and Bill McGrath Deb and Jon McTaggart Judith and James Mellinger Virginia Miller Steven J. Mittelholtz Virginia Dudley and William Myers Merritt C. Nequette and Nancy Hartung James A. Payne Carol Peterson Marge and Dwight Peterson Walter Pickhardt and Sandra Resnick Lawrence Redmond Scott and Courtney Rile Bryn Roberts and Marcy Jefferson Mallory Roberts and Jonathan Lilienthal Bob Rose Liane A. Rosel Christopher Ross Marian R. Rubenfeld and Frederick G. Langendorf Richard and Carol Seaberg Doris Jean Seely Madeline Simon Clifford C. and Virginia G. Sorensen Charitable Trust of The Saint Paul Foundation Jon Spoerri and Debra Christgau Brian Staufenbiel Warren Stortroen Craig and Janet Swan Julia Swanson-Balding and John Balding Robert and Shoshana Tancer Josephine Trubek Marcelo Valdes Kenneth and Kathryn Valentas Laurie Vinyon David L. Ward Elizabeth Wexler Michael Wigley Frank and Frances Wilkinson John M. Williams Barbara and James Willis BRONZE Anonymous (3) Mary Abbe Paul and Val Ackerman Carolyn M. Adams Rolf T. Anderson Kay C. Bach Susanne and Johan Bakken Jill and Thomas Barland

Naren Bauer Mark Bayuk Longine Beck Sharla and Mark Beithon Bender Vocal Studio Kenneth J. Berglund John and Cindy Beukema David Bjork and Jeff Bengston Judith and Paul Brandon Roger and Ronnie Brooks Henry and Emilie Buchwald Deborah Carlson Alan E. and Ruth Carp Wanda and David Cline Herbert Colwill Jeanne E. Corwin Mary Davidson Thomas Doran Noah Eisenberg Leah and Ian Evison Steven and Mimi Fisher Jinnet Fowles Carol and Mike Garbisch Greta Garmers Nancy and Clyde Gerber Mark Giga James and Jo Glasser James Glazier Laura Green Russell and Priscilla Hankins Laurie Hansen Stefan and Lonnie Helgeson Rosmarie and John Helling Cliffton and Sharon Hill Mark and Kathleen Humphrey

Mark and Jeanne Jacobson Deborah and Ronald Jans Alison Jarzyna Erika Kahler Ed and Martha Karels James and Kathleen Karges Barry and Cheryl Kempton Robert Kieft Janice Kimes Nathan Kulenkamp Beatrice H. Langford Sandra Larson Darby Lunceford and Todd Wright Holly MacDonald and John Orbison Stuart MacGibbon Dr. Joan E. Madden Kristin and Jim Matejcek Sean McAleer Ehren McGeehan Sam Meals Mary Ann and John Mecom Adele Mehta John L. Michel and H. Berit Midelfort Eldon and Anne Miller John W. Miller, Jr. James Miner Jodi and Michael Mooney Mina Fisher and Fritz Nelson Richard and Nancy Nelson Jay and Helen Newlin Patricia A. O’Gorman Ann Ormond Fennell Scott J. Pakudaitis Julia and Brian Palmer Allen Perriello

John and Margaret Perry Judith Pettit Anne and John Polta Nicole and Charles Prescott Kevin Puts Ann Richter Philip and Mary Rickey Robert E. Rocknem Ronald Roed Michael and Tamara Root Michael Ryan Irene and Mel Sahyun Julia Sand Terry Sandven Kate Saumur Joan Semmer Jerald and Leona Shannon Emily and Daniel Shapiro Rebecca and John Shockley Kathleen K. Simo Linnea Sodergren Donna and Kenneth Speake Dr. David M. Steinhaus Charlotte Taylor Joyce Thielen Thomas Bakken Marie J. Thomas Catherine Vesley John Vilandre Stephanie Wexler John and Sandra White J. Andrew and Gary S. Whitford Holey Wendy Wildung James Wire *in remembrance

The Fix Opening Night Dinner © Matt Lien Photography

ARIA CIRCLE The following lists donors who have made gifts of $1 to $249. GOLD Anonymous (2) Jerome and Joy Amel Rosalind Annen Roberta Armel Jerry Artz Suzanne Asher Doug Bekke Bonnie Benson Sharon Bigot David and Diane Blake Mitchell E. Blatt and Michele Lepsche Elizabeth Borg and David Stevens Larry Brandts Lorraine R. Brasket Allen Brookins-Brown Joan Broughton Neil Brozen Richard Brundage Philip and Ellen Bruner Stephen Bubul and Lee S. Lewis Nicholas Butler Barbara Camm Mark Campbell Renee Campion and David W. Walsh Donna Carlson Mark and Denise Carter Mary Chastek Beverly Christensen Colin Clifford George and Louise Clitty Denis Clohisy Barbara Cohen Jeanne and David Cornish Stephen and Joan Costello Thomas Cox Doug and Ruth Crane Adam Da Ros Stephanie Daily and James Hughes William Davis Karl Dedenbach and Marie-Christine Leisz Margaret DeLapp Eugene DiMagno Eugenia and Joseph Dixon Frank Donaldson A Brian Doran Kevin and Janet Duggins Dr. Donald A. Duncan Sheryl Ebert George Ehrenberg Nichelle and Christian Ehrnriter Ron Erhardt Kittie Fahey Craig Feathers and Amy Kolan John J. Flynn and Deborah Pile Gerald Foley Roger and Michele Frisch Barbara E. Gee

Leland and Beverly Gehrke Beth Gilbert Marcia Glick Randy Goetz Barbara Golden Edward and Eileen Gordon Donald Greenebaum Jan Grimes Brian and Jane Grivna Keralyn Groff Gregory Gross David Groth Andrew and Tina Grzeskowiak Heber Gurrola Matthew Haines and Jennifer Marshall Eric Halvorson Craig and Monica Hamer Charles Hample Craig Hankins Anne Hanley and George Skinner Brenda A Harris Stephen and Patricia Haynes Mary Beth Henderson Maurice Henschel Jonathan E. Hill Joseph and Nancy Holmberg Dana Holt Karen and Brian Hopps Gillian Horrocks Judith and Clayton Hovda Stephan Hubig Linda A. Hulbert and Kent Rissman Benjamin W. Hulse and Maureen C. Sheehan Ela Iwanczuk and Gerry Rothen Bernard Jacob Donald C. Jacobson David Jaime Allan and Margaret Johnson Paul Johnson and Joan Eckberg Robert Thomas T. Johnson Ellen Just Kristine Kaplan Jane Kasiske Kathryn Keefer Henry Keen Eric King Mitchel Kirshbaum Julie Klimp Kartra and Glenn Kohl Marek Kokoszka Elise Koonmen David and Jane Kostik Katharine Kragh Catherine A. Krisik Maureen Kucera-Walsh James Kunz John Kupris and Margaret Hamburger Dean and Kristen Lambert Jana L. Larson David Lawrence and David Portillo Sandra M. LeBlanc David and Darlene Lee

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Don and Marlyce Lee Karen Sonia Lee Susan Leppke John and Rachel Levitt Nancy Lilienthal James Lindell Elizabeth Longhurst and Kim A. Chapman Juanita B. Luis Gerold Luss Jim Macknick and John Pemberton Liana Magee and Thomas E. Kleinschmit William Mahlum and Donna W. Allan Diane Malfeld Michael Martin Sally and Don Mason Tracy McCauley Susan McGowan Anne McInerney James McLaughlin Robert and Larae McPartlin Robert and Marlys Melius Robert E. Meyerson David J. Miller and Mary Dew John and Sibylle Miller Laurie Miller Andrew Mogendorff Karen Moline Jack and Jane Moran Maria Moscandrew William and Imelda Muggli Elizabeth Murray Richard and Janet Myers Imogene and Allan Nelson Kathryn E. Nettleman Kenneth and Mary Neustel Gerald and Rita Newton Paula Nordhem and James Calkins Coreen F. Nordling and John Paulson Andrew Odlyzko Robert and Tamara Olsen Craig Olson Dennis R. Olson Lila Olson Scott Olson Vivian Orey Donna and Marvin Ortquist Kathleen and Donald Park Pamela Parker JoAnn Pasternack Craig Peifer and Lawrence Lozano Sandra Penning Gregory and Sharon Peterson Patricia M. Peterson Ronald Peterson Laurie and Michael Petruconis Dale G. Pillsbury Ona and Wayne Pinsonneault Heather Polivka Mary Ann Polley Fred and Barbara Pollman Lorraine Potuzak Charlotte J. Prentice

22 | MN Opera 2019 Annual Report

Joel Puckett Edward and Betty Radcliffe Margaret Redmond and Steven J. Ring Sigrid Larson and Dave Redpath Sara E. Reed Charles O. Regal Herbert and Jane Reiman John Renwick Genevieve and John Ries Jim Rife and Theresa Salerno Patrick Riley and Natalie Roholt Annemarie Robertson Donna Rodel and Bernie Waibel Judith and William Rohde David and Kathleen Rothenberger Gregg H. Rotvold Thomas and Tricia Ryan Mark Rynda Stephen and Karen Sanger Joseph Schmidt Joyce Schmidt Daniel Schonebaum Paul L. Schroeder A. Truman and Beverly Schwartz Alan E. Shapiro Craig and Maureen Shaver Gail and Stephen Shea Robert Shearer and Joan Gustafson Eva Shipley Roy and Lana Sjoberg Janet L. Skoog Darryl Smith Annemarie and Jan Solon Glenn and Ardath Solsrud Sarah Sotos David and Sheila Southwick Nancy Sponaugle Biruta and Andris Spruds Renata Stachowicz Mr. Terrence Stark Oakley and Susan Surine Curtis L. Swenson Charles and Joan Tanger Susan Tasa John and Mary Taylor Ti Chang Taylor Irma Thies Jennifer Thill Valerie Thompson Kate Tobin Susan Travis David Trechter Victoria and Lindsay Vargas Edward and Virginia Vizard Randall Volk Tammie Weinfurtner Mick Wencil Paul and Carolynn Wiggin Julia Wilcox Barb Wildes Brad Williams Donald Williams and Pamela Neuenfeldt Ruth Wood

Sharon Woods Joy and Adrian Zabala SILVER Anonymous (2) Susan Abderholden Matthew Abernathy Harvey Abrams Jerome Abrams and Gayle Brentzman James J. Amato and Patricia A. Richard-Amato Carolyn Anderson Eleanor Arnason Kristin Backman Mark Bahn Thomas and Dawn Banken Thomas Barber Amy Barr-Saxena Cynthia Baxter Cornelia H. Beck John and Elizabeth Beck James Becker and Wayne Beauchemin Kevin Beckey John and Julie Beckmann William Beeman Barbara Belew Barbara Bencini Jill Bernard Bernice Berns Jillian Biancamano Heidi Bing Anna Bliss Jim Boddy Mary Bollinger Erin Borchert Philip Bradley Margaret Brandl Annetta Bray-Wagner Dennis Brennan Elizabeth Brenner Sosha M. Brink Lawson Brown Edward Brownell Jackson Bryce Richard Burquist and Robert Murphy Allan Campbell Peter Carlsen and Sylvia Frank Louise Carlson William and Nancy Child Denise A. Christiansen Lela Clark Dorothy Coffey Gary B. Cohen Susan Conlin Paul Coons Willa M. Cott-Meissel Barbara Cracraft Tom Craig Kent and Dee Ann Crossley Marie Currie Christiana and Aric Czarnowski Anne A. DeArden Lorin DeBonte

John Demma Carol C. Dittberner Angelica Dogan Karen Dorn Mary Theresa Downing Margaret E. Durham Jennifer Eckes and Christopher Stordalen Barbara Eiger Kristine Elias Marlys and Philip Engh Carol K. English Mike Erickson Natalie P. Evans Bob Everett Kathleen Fennema Kathryn Fernholz James Findlay Renate Fiora Matthew Flom Suzanne Frances Gerard and Shirley Gaynor Barbara Geiser Nicole Geneau Steve Gentile Theresa M. Gienapp Nancy J. Gilliland Pamela and Robert Goldman Rachel Goodell Judy Grimes Michelle Hackett Thomas J. Haley Jr. Shari A. Halling Albert and Janice Hammond Dennis and Diane Hansen Suzanne Hanson ev hanson-florin Karen Haugen Phebe Haugen Jack and Terri Hawthorne Herb Hayek Dana Hazel Mary Healy Thomas Helfter Helen Hillstrom Aaron Hinck Trudy L. Hoag Donna Hogenson Robert T. Holt Daniel Hopkins Steven and Mary Hornig Mark and Margaret Hottinger Todd A. Hughes Sarah L. Irwin Edward and Mary Jacobsen Cory Johnson Jean Johnson Neal and Sally Johnson Rose Jost Phyllis Kahn Arnold and Shirley Kaplan Irene Kato Tim and Beth Kennedy

Mary Kenning Judith Allen Kim Richard A. Kinde Varvara Kirchner Terry and Cecelia Kirihara Marie J. Kistler Donald W. Klass John Kline Larry Klueh Diana Konopka Thomas and Carol Kubic Dominika E. Kuzlak-Swanson John-Eric Langdale Xan Laurence Michael C. Leary Wayne and Ellen Leebaw Laurie Leidig Chris Leisz and Karl Dedenbach James Leith Stacie Lightner Thomas Lockhart George Logan Annette Lopez Elger Lorenzsonn Sharon Lovo Bradley Lucas Carol Lundquist Joan and Matthew Macheledt Adam Malamen Emily Manhart Diane Markel Christine Martin Jeffrey Masco Cari Mathias George and Anastasia Maxwell Betty and Matthew McConnell Polly L. McCormack MD and Keith Engel MD Jeffrey McCullough Orpha McDiarmid Family Fund Mary McDiarmid Charlene McEvoy David and Laurie Mech Robert and Roberta Megard Gale and Julie Mellum Peter A. Menge David Mertesdorf Katharine Miketic Igor and Dina Mikhailenko Julie Miller Jacqueline Moen and Steven Bailey Keith Montgomery Lorenzo Moog Maryanne Moren Linda Morey Marcia Morris Nicholas Mroczek Katherine Muller Daniel and Lynn Munson John and Sandra Murphy Monica Murray Clara Nellans Colleen and Gregg Nelson

Ingrid Nelson Kristie Nelson-Neuhaus Linda S. Neuman Margaret J. Nimmo Bridget O’Brien Jay Olson Stephanie Olson Nancy Orgeman Candyce Osterkamp Valerie Overby Patricia Panshin Chris Paola Muriel L. Parker Daniel Paskewitz Miriam Perriello Robert and Alice Peters Jane Peterson Kathleen M. Philipp Jan and Janet Phillips Tim and Mary Pieh John Pikala Joan L Piorkowski Mary Poggione William Pomputius Bertrand and Nancy Poritsky Alan Potter Julie and Leslie Prahl Andrew W. Reeher Arlene Renshaw Martha Rhode Jeanne and Brian Richards Elizabeth Ricketts Kathleen Riley Andrew D. Ritchie Jay C. Ritterson Professor Julia Robinson Rebecca Robinson William and Nancy Rodman Susan and Ron Roiger Don and Patricia Romanaggi Jeanine Ronning Diane Rosenwald Jennifer Russell Nickolas Sanches and Peter Eischens Jeffrey Sandeen Barbara Sanders Mary Schaffer Judith Schlukebier Marie Schmidt Ingrid Schroder Sylvia Schwarz Sylvia J. Schwendiman Christine Seidel Edward and Marguerite Senninger Jay A. Severance Kent G. Severson Christian Shafer Richard Shager Gretchen Shanight David Sime Charles K. Smith Jill Smith Susannah Smith

© Dan Norman

WWI Memorabilia at Silent Night © RJL Photography

David Soli Sheryl A. Sostarich John Stamp Carla Steen “John J. Stofko, Jr.” Karen Stuhlfeier Ralph and Grace Sulerud Glenn Taibl Lindsey C. Thomas and David J. Lauth Lucy Thrasher Susan M. Thurin Avis Tilden William A. Toscano Rachel Veenker Mary Ellen Vetter Cindy and Steven Vilks Daniel Vogel Heinz Wahner Sonja H. Walker Scott Walters William K. Wangensteen Lynnanne Warren Meg Waterman Constance Waterous Bernard and Deborah Weiss Kathleen Welander Hope Wellner

Deborah Wilbers Peter and Anne Wildenborg Andrea Wilkerson Douglas Wilkowske David and Rachelle Willey Marguerite P. Wilson Sue Wiltgen Jeff Wold Ann Wolverton Monique and Perry Wood David E. Wren Donna and Ben Wright Dennis Wu Szu-Ling Wu Nicole Wurdak Maryann Wycoff Priscilla Wyeth Mary Lynn Yakel David Yarusso Barbara Yawn Adriana Zabala Paul Zerby and Ann Browning Zerby Kirsten Zerhusen Steve Zimmermann BRONZE Anonymous Lorentz Aberg

Shai Adams Amanda Aherns Martha Marillene Allen Debbie Allert Fayette Ames Eric Anderson Jen Anderson Renner and Martha Anderson Jamie Andrews Azizollah Arabkhazaeli Clint Atterberry Marcia J. Aubineau Rick Ausland Jolene J. Bailey Lisa Bardon Jack Barnes Carol Barnett Janet Bartz Steven Batchelder Barbara Battiste Henry Beck Thomas Becker Sheri Bennefeld Kyra Benson Steven Benton John Berg Ramiro Besada

Oona Besse Irina Bezroukova Nick Bischof Katherine Bischoff Elizabeth Black Anne Black-Sinak Stuart Block Ian C. Bohn Kevin Borchers Terrie and John Brandt Tony Branfort heather Bray Dennis Breining Suzanne Brenner Cheryl Brinkley Eric Britt Alexis Broome Carolyn Brown Ann Brownlee Mary Brustad Catherine Burrows David A. Burton Kelly Buser Lisa Butcher Roseanne Byrne Gregory Campbell Caroline Carlson

Dennis Carothers Jeremy Carroll Kent Cassidy Alice Cederberg Ivan J. Chavez Manuel Chavez Susan Christensen Michelle Christianson Amy Columbus Ann Commers Patrick Connor Daniel E. Conrad C.M. Converse Jr. Benjamin Copenhaver Denise Cronin Joe M. Crosby Jeanette Cureton Cade Curtis Jeff Daehn Margaret Daly Teresa Daly Viola D’Ambrosio Frances Daniels John Davidson Catherine Davis Gina Dedrick Laurel B. Deloria Rita Dibble Dianne Dickinson Connie Dickson Alison Didier Lee Diekman Nancy Dimunation Lisa Ditlefsen Bridget M. Doane Kathleen Drecktrah Holli Dreisbach Margaret Duenow Dave and Nancy Duren Allen and Alice Durst Jennifer Y. Dusek Dennis Edgar Faezeh and Khalid Effendi Katherine and Richard Eiser Lisa Engbrecht Evy Engrav Maurice Enriquez-Sarano Bridget Essling Adam Evans Russell Evenmo Sonya Ewert Alexander Farino Brian R. Felland Ryan Feltman Susan Fisher Rihab and Roger FitzGerald Todd Folstad Edward C. Forbes William Ford Reza and Suzette Foroozan Yazdani Matt Forsgren Bob Fossum Dawn Foster-Hartnett

Anne C. Frankman Darren Fraser Amanda M. French Ann Friese Erika Friesen Charles J. Frisch Barbara Fritz Lisa Fulton James Gage Anna Gaichas Timothy Gallant David Galle Debora Galvez Carol Garcia Gretchen Garcia Bob Garnaas Sarah Garner Vincent Garry Gillian Gauntt Mary Ellen Gee Daniel T. Geiger Sean Gibbs Jeffrey Gigler Cathryn Gogolin Brian Goldenman Gene A. Gomes Veronica J. Gomez Roa BSc Graciela Gonzalez Alison Good Joann Greenwell Stephen Greenwood Ester Greyzdorf Patrick Groebner David Groettum Grace Gumlock Heather Haakenson Tess Habermann Louane Hann Loren Hansen Joseph Harvey Renee Hawthorne Elisabeth and John Heefner Ruthanne Heenan Clark Heindl Peter Heinrichs Jerry and Donna Hendel Beth M Henningsen Marcia and Vincent Henry Nickolas M. Herman Ann Higgins Patrick Higgins Stephen and Lynn Hilton Sandra K. Hirsch Beverly Hlavac James N. Holden Daniel Hollihan Mervyn and Margiolina Hough Kathryn Hoyer Maryanne V. Hruby Chiwei Hui Jim R. Hulbert Bruce Jacobs Kenneth and Ann Janda

Yin Jiang Dennis and Carole Johnson George and Emily Johnson Susan Johnson Virgil Johnson Kelly Joyce Ann Kaloides Julie Karlson James Kearin Garrison Keillor Kevin Kelley Molly P. Kelliher Kathryn A. Kiecker Robert Kill Mark King David Klaassen Jennifer Knilans Ann Koehler Monica Koezly Kristin Kooiker Michele Koomen Rebecca Kopka Anthony Kotnik Cody Kotnik Fehd Kourima Patrick Krasky Sonja Kroell Jeanne Krumpelmann Kimberly Kulhanek m kulka James W. LaFave Mona Lane Gerald Larson Mary Larson Whitney Larson and Joel Niemann Janice Leichter Sarah and Stuart Lenz mecque leonard Tian-Jun Li Joyce Lillquist Nancie Litin Thomas G. Lockhart Bruce Lomax Naomi Lyew Lynne Menturweck and Stephen Dombrosk Peter Mach Kimberley MacLennan Amy Mahnke Paul Malamen Maria Maldonado Tim Manych Gregg Massey Wanda Mau Laura J. Mauro Kaitlyn A. Maynard Betsy McCann Ruth Mccarthy Michael and Audrey McClellan Stephanie R. McDaniel Annie-Laurie McRee Tanya Melnik Jan E. Merkle

Ann Miller Sharon Misgen IvaNell Monson Mike Morrissey Charlotte Mossmann Janet M. Muellerleile Michael Muggli Vita Muggli and James C. Dick Andrea Munson Gordon and Barbara Murdock Theresa, Jim and Nicole Murray Alexandra Muschenheim Joan Naymark Ashley Nepp Shannon Newton David Nordli Machelle Norling Dan Norman Curtis M. Nowicki Brad S. Nyberg Aaron Nyquist Michael O’Halloran Patrick A. OKeefe Karen Olson Kathleen Olson Kirsten Olson Barb O’Neill Mary Onstad Jennifer Orton Tracie Pabst Joel Pace Manuel Palacios Lori M. Papineau Claude Parker Carla Parrington Eldora Pearson Julie Peirson Mike Pelican Maureen E. Peltier Michael L. Peluso Joseph Peris John Persick Susan Persons Cheryl Pestello Kjel Peterson and Robert Englund Lynn Peterson Robyn Peterson Lynda Petrie Hans Olaf Pfannkuch Nadia Phaetthanesuan Samantha Phillippe Marilyn Pierce Keith E. Pietsch Shelli Place Michelle Plocher Heather M. Polivka Krystn Polymeros David Portillo Peggy Prowe Shandra Prowell Sarah E. Quinn Robert S. Ragoonanan Adam Rappel

Ewa Ratajczak Evan Rattner Linda Raw Sonia Reardon john P. reed Marc Reigel Patricia F. Rhodus Matthew Richey Lori Ricke Liana M. Riley Peter Riola Heather Robertson Amanda N. Rodriguez Janice R. Roetzel Mary Rogers Debra Rohla Mike Ronan Steven Rosenberg Kelly D. Ross Gretchen Rothstein Lynn Roverud Esten A. Rye George Saad John Sakowski Mimi Salmon Alyson Sato Lori Savre Brad Scarp Jeanne Schleh Beth Schneider Jeffrey Schneider Deborah Schnur Mary and Robert Schommer Aaron Schram Brian T. Schroeder MD Teresa Schulte Daniel Schultz Melissa A. Schulz Greg Schumacher Sarah L. Schumacher Janine Schwab Penelope Scialla James Sears James and Jacquelin Sebastian Judy Seliga Punyko Lindsay Sessing Steve M. Severson Dan Sexton James Shadko Thomas W. Shaffer Svetlana Shavzin Marta D. Shore Jeri D. Shufelt Mauno Silpala David J. Silver Anne L. Simonet Morton and Sylvia Sipress Craig Skaaden Wendy Skjerven Elizabeth Slocum Eric Smedsrud Hilary Smedsrud Anne Smith

Patrick Smith Beverly Solberg Corinne Solsrud Heidi A. Spesard Noble Nancy St. John Sydney Steiger Jordan Stein Sharon M. Stenglein Sandra F. Stenzel Anna M. Stewart-Franzen Amy Stielow BethAnne N. Stolp Michael Stones Elena Stringer Sarah Suemnig Bridget Sullivan Mia Sullivan Elaina Sutula Clarence and Dawn Sweiven Leslie A. Swenson Barbara C. Szeborowski Mark Tabor Erika L. Taibl Jan H. Tanghe Ana Temim Megan Thorp Andrea Tonsfeldt Amanda S. Tripp Lawayn A. Trom Olga Trubetskoy Melissa Turcios Lynn K. Uthe Mary Van Hale Tammi Veale David Vigeland John Villerius Heidi A. Voss Michael S. Wagner Carol and Philip Walter Therese Weber Carl Weiberg Edward and Elizabeth Weir Evelyn Welsh Rahn Westby Dawn Westerberg James Westrum David L. Wettergren David Whitney Cheryl L. Wiitala Lea Wilcox Andy Wilkowske Lani Willis and Joel Spoonheim Timothy J. Wolfram Eric Won Hayward Wong Michael T. Wrenn Steve York Susan Youngdahl Fred Younger Srilata Zaheer Timothy Zavadil Loretta Zook-Stanley

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SUBSCRIBERS It is with deep appreciation that Minnesota Opera recognizes subscribers to our 2018-2019 season. Thank you for your commitment to the work that we produce. Jenifer Aabel Gary Aamodt and Celia Ellingson Mary Abbe Patrice Abbe Vanessa Abbe Christopher Abbene Daniel Abbene Susan Abderholden Brigetta Abel and Scott Burglechner Jerome Abrams and Gayle Brentzman Marjorie Abrams Sandra Abramson Naomi Acosta Carolyn M. Adams Cindy Adamson David Addis Jay Addy Sandra L. Adelmund Cheryl Adkinson Anastasia Adorable John Agacki Barbara Agard Tia Agate Tracey Ahern Amanda Aherns Michael Ahles JoAnn Akemannchein Emin and Britny Aklik Patti W. Albright Andrew Allen Laura Allen Martha Marillene Allen Sharon Allen Thomas O. Allen Richard Allendorf Kimberly Allmann Arlene and Tom Alm Anthony Alongi Elaine S. Alper Diane Alshouse Ginny Altman Vinothini Ambrose Jerome and Joy Amel Adam Ames Caroline Amplatz Fred M. Amram and Sandra Brick Connie Amundson-Hvidston Roland Amundson Tony Anastasia and Jim Miller Arthur Anczarski Daniel E. Andersen Edwin Andersen Carolyn Anderson

Carrie and Joshua Anderson Dean Anderson Eric Anderson Gary Anderson Jean Anderson Jeff Anderson Jenifer Anderson Katherine Anderson Kathleen Anderson Lois Anderson Lynn Anderson Michael Anderson Renner and Martha Anderson Sandra L. Anderson Virginia Anderson Warren and Rosemary Anderson Wayne Anderson Willow Anderson Jane Andreachi Diane Andrews Elizabeth Andrews Jamie Andrews and Jane Kolp-Andrews Milton Andrews John A. Ankeny PhD Rosalind Annen Howard Ansel Michael Anthony Genevieve Antonello Nina Archabal Roberta Armel Linda Armstrong Eleanor Arnason Christina Arndt Lindsay Arnett Thomas Aro Linda Aronson Martha and Dan Aronson Patrice Arseneault Elvira Arsenyeva Jerry L. Artz Frederick and Catherine Asher Suzanne Asher Carrington Ashton Tony S. Aspnes Annette Atkins and Thomas Joyce Marcia J. Aubineau Kathleen M. Aust David Ayers Raymond Ayotte Katherine Azar Anya Azrelyan Megan Babcock Douglas Bach

Kay C. Bach Karen Bachman Ruth and Dale Bachman Joanne Backer Paul Baepler Linda Baer Thomas and Ann Bagnoli Carol Bahl Donna and Jerold Bahls Mark Bahn Josephine and Gordon Bailey Thomas Bailey Laura Baker Thomas Bakken Gail and James Bakkom Gerard Balan Lori Baldwin Joy Ballou Thomas and Dawn Banken Darald Bantel Barbara Barany Barbara Barany Thomas Barber Rosanna Barker Thomas and Jill Barland Annie Barlow Robert Barnes Amy Barr-Saxena Margaret and E. Thomas Barrett Peter Barrett David Barrymore Joseph and Tina Barsky William and Kathleen Bart Anna Bartczak Shane Bartleson Janet Bartz Paul Bary Andrea Bassett John Bassett Naren Bauer Tim Bauernfeind Neil Baumgartner Cynthia Baxter Olga Baxtin Kenneth Bayliss Mark Bayuk Mary Beagan Gardell Bearl Carolyn Beatty Christopher Beaudet Laura Beaudoin Cornelia H. Beck Danielle Beck Longine P. Beck Lynne Beck Thomas Becker Sue Beckham Matthew Beckler Ann Beckman John and Julie Beckmann Gregory and Susan Beckwith Theodore Beeman William Beeman

Atta Behfar Benjamin Behler Carl and Joan Behr Bradley Beisel Patricia Beithon Anca Bejan Lori Belair Barbara K. Belew Chris Belich Robert Beller Elliott Belzer Waldyn Benbenek Barbara Bencini Megan Benedict Alicia Benning Bonita J. Benson Deborah Benson Eunice Benson Gerald and Phyllis G. Benson Kyra Benson Noreen Bentfield Bruce and Bonnie Berezovsky Eli Berg-Maas Bara J. Berg Katie Berg Pearl Bergad Judith Berge Kathi Bergenheier Barbara Berger Christine and Markus Berger Kathleen and Warren Berger Kimberly Berger Renee Bergeron Jerrold and Judith Bergfalk Jennifer Bergman Alexandra Bergmann Denise and Rawdon Bergquist Olga Berkovskaya James Berman Jeremy Berman Jill Bernard Rebecca J. Bernhard Bernice Berns Ron Berry Beth Bertelson Diane Bertsch Kelsey Beson Brian Bethune Anamaria Betterman Barbara Beukelman John and Cindy Beukema Irina Bezroukova Jillian Biancamano Kate Biederwolf Fran Bieganek Joshua Bielke Eileen Bielski John Bierbusse William J. Biermaier and David Hanson Kay Biga Sharon Bigot James E. Billings Jill Bills

Heidi Bing Beth Bird Michelle M Biros Michael Birt Nick Bischof Alexandra Bisping David Bjork and Jeff Bengtson Alexandra Bjorklund Ingrid E. Bjorklund Mary Bjorklund Joe Blade Michelle Blaeser Kathleen Blair David and Diane Blake Stephen and Margaret Blake John and Mary Blanchard Mitchell E. Blatt and Michele Lepsche Anna Bliss Linda Blodgett Sharon Bloodworth and Barrett Johnson Susan Bloyer Martin Blumenreich and Patricia Blumenreich Susan Boardman Terry Bock Jim Boddy Laura A. Boe Shari and David Boehnen Molly Boes George and Joan Bohlig Kevin A. Bohlig Michael W. Bohman Bernd and Margaret Bohnel Gail M. Bohr Mary and Edward Bohrer Mary Boire Matt Boisen Mary Bollinger Roger Bolz Pat Bonne Kenneth and Peggy Bonneville Charles Bonow Kevin Borchers Erin Borchert Phyllis Borchert Susan S. Boren King Dale Borgeson Dixie Boschee Jane Boss Joseph Bostrom Nancy Bostrom Robert Bothmann Muriel Botten Hafed Bouassida Anthony Boutelle Lynn Bowe and Charles E. Kuivinen Helen Bowlin Mary Kate Boylan Kathleen Boyle Joseph R. Bozic Abby Bracke Margaret Bracken

William and Margaret Bracken Allan Bradley Philip Bradley Diane Brady Marge Bramer Leslie and Donna Bramwell Shantel Branch-Fleming Jonathan Brandani Margaret Brandl Judith and Paul Brandon Janice Brandt Terrie and John Brandt Brian Brastad and Susan Pastika Barbara and William Brauer Ralph Brauer Kelly Braunig Annetta Bray-Wagner Lori Breit Daniel Breitkopf Mariya Brendel Dennis Brennan Sarah Brennecke Elizabeth Brenner Lisa Brenner Suzanne Brenner Kevin Brezler Terry Brice Thomas Brice Arnold and Judith Brier David and Dava Briggs J. Gerry Briggs Arthur and Judith Brindley Sosha M. Brink Jan and Eli Briones Jill Bristow Heather Britt Gwen Broich Barbara A. Brokopp Robert H. Brokopp Henry A. Bromelkamp Carrie Bronars Dianne Brooke Allen Brookins-Brown Debra Brooks and James Meunier Roger and Ronnie Brooks Valerie Brophy Joan Broughton Renee Brown Goodell Aaron Brown Carolyn Brown Cheryl Brown Diane Brown Julia Brown Lawson Brown Michael Brown Nancy Brown Paul R. Brown Steven Brown Nancy Browne Edward Brownell Duda Brozek Neil Brozen Christine K. Bruce

James W. Bruener Richard Brundage Philip and Ellen Bruner Carol Brunzell Joan Brustad Erik Bruun Rebecca Bryden Stephen Bubul and Lee S. Lewis Elizabeth Buchanan Henry and Emilie Buchwald Julie Bucknam Robert Buckvold Charles and Ute Buehler Dan Buivid Donald H. Bulfer Matt Bulisco Vicki Bunker John and Glenda Burgeson Tom Burke Jennifer Burks Nancy Burman Mary Burnett Christopher J. Burns Paul and Loretta Burns Richard Burquist and Robert Murphy Mary Busch Ryan Busch Elizabeth Buschor Noreen Busdicker Lawrence Bussey and David Handy Glenn Buttermann Howard Buttery Cynthia Buyck Roseanne Byrne C. S. McCrossan, Inc. Jesse Cabak Maggie Cadwell Charles G. Calhoun Nancy Callender Mavis Callovi Susan Calmenson and Vince Leo Louise Cameron Barbara Camm Allan Campbell Chris and Claire Campbell Virginia Campbell Jonathan Campos Faye Cantley Joseph and Stephanie Cardamone Charlotte Carey Peter Carlsen and Sylvia Frank Deanna Carlson Donna Carlson Emily Carlson George and Joan Carlson Janet Carlson Keith and Joan Carlson Laurie Carlson and William Voedisch Louise Carlson Peter Carlson William Carlson Alan and Ruth Carp Robert J. Carr

Richard and Darlene Carroll Clara Caruso Juan Casas Miguel Castaneda Gissell Castellon Alberto Castillo and Judith Garcia Galiana Amy Casuscelli Carmen Cecman Alice Cederberg Matt and Nicole Celichowski Danielle Chalifou Carolyn Chalmers Scott Chamberlain Sarah Chaney Clarence Chaplin Paul Chase Rachelle D. Chase and John Feldman Mary Chastek Devavani Chatterjea Penny Chatterton Robin Chen Susan Chermack William and Nancy Child John Chrisney Beverly Christensen Gordon Christensen Kathy Christensen Rachel Christensen Susan E. Christensen Jeffrey B. Christiansen Grant Christianson David Christopherson Thaddeus Cialek Theresa Cieminski Kerry Cipra Elisa Clark Lela Clark Malcolm and Jean Clark Mitzi Clark Sarah Clark Melissa Clarkson Robert Claybaugh Martha Cleaveland and Paul Tosto John G. Clemedtson Helen Cleveland Karen Clibourn Colin Clifford Mikel Clifford Julie Cline George and Louise Clitty Denis Clohisy Elizabeth Close Robert Clough Thomas Clough Kathryn E. Code Barbara Cohen Burton and Rusty Cohen Gary B. Cohen John Coleman Julie Coleman Steve Coleman and Karen L. Koentopf Ann Marie and Jim Collins

James P. Collins Richard Collman Sharon Columbus Brenda Colwill Herbert Colwill Jane and Ogden Confer Roger and Wallys Conhaim Maria Conley Susan Conlin Michael Connaughton and Marya Teutsch-Dwyer Sean Connolly Daniel Conrad Kay Constantine Virginia and Marc Conterato Nate Cooke Paul Coons Benjamin and Laura Cooper Mehroo J. Cooper Lynae Coppa Gisela Corbett and Peter Hyman Margaret Cords Lammers and Mark Lammers Razvan Cornea Iris Cornelius Alfonso Cornish Jeanne and David Cornish Clifton Corzatt Lorie Costello Martin J. Costello Stephen and Joan Costello Willa M. Cott-Meissel John and Jeanne Cound Kenneth Counselman Jeffrey and Barbara Couture Robert Cox Thomas Cox Mary Coyne Barbara Cracraft Julie Craig Katherine Cram Constance Crane and Douglas Rausch Lucia Crane Ruth and Doug Crane Catherine Crescioni Erika Crisman Jane Cromie Denise Cronin Eleanor Crosby Helga G. Cross Kent and Dee Ann Crossley John Crosson Thomas Crouch Richard and Barbara Crouter Bori Csillag Teri Cuddy Antoinette Cudney Mary T. Cummings Lisa Cunat Julie Cunningham Jeanette Cureton Christiana and Aric Czarnowski Zachary D’Angelo

David Dahl Gregory Dahl Megan Dahlberg Louis Dahlquist Cory Daignault Beverly F. Dailey Stephanie Daily and James Hughes Samar Dajani-Brown Lisa Dalke Richard Dana Frances Daniels Kathleen Daniels Rosemary K Daniels Shari Danielson Katherine Dantzler-Olson Kamruz Darabi MD Kim Darke Gretchen Davidson Jane Davidson John Davidson Mary Davidson R. C. Davidson Anthony Davis Clarke Davis Dana Davis Fran Davis Martha Davis Peter W. Davis and Pamela Webster Sandra L. Davis Mr. Stephen Davis and Mr. Murray Thomas Patricia and Patrick Day Sarah and Brian Day Julia Dayton Philip de Sa e Silva Joanne Dean Melanie Dean Michael Dean Anne A. DeArden Jean Deatrick and Eldon Feist Jacob Deaver Jay and Rebecca Debertin Marlene Deboef Lorin DeBonte Susanne Decker Karl Dedenbach and Marie-Christine Leisz Gina Dedrick Alfred Dees Barbara DeGrote Amanda Deisher Lynne Dekker Pat A. Deleon Ellen Delmore Laurel B. Deloria Mary DeMaine Kathleen Deming Danielle R. Demko Alla Denisova Sarah Denkinger Anna Dennis Kara E. Dennis Tim Dennis

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© Dan Norman

Kathleen Dennison Charles Denny Jr Susan DeNuccio John and Mary deRosier Mary Lou Detwiler Patricia Devries Jane S. Diamond Rita Dibble Mark and Maylis Dickey Dianne Dickinson Alison Didier Kirsten K. Dierking Erik Dietrich Donald and Gail Diez Daniel Digre George DiLauro Maria Dillon Eugene DiMagno Muriel Dimock Nancy Dingel Becky Dinger Lois Dirksen Carol C. Dittberner Barry Divine Eugenia and Joseph Dixon Jennica and Keith Dixon Bridget M. Doane Jennifer Dobbie Liz Dodson Brian Doerscheln Angelica Dogan Elizabeth M. Doherty Terrance and Susan Dolan Kayla Doll Joe Dolson Clara Domisch Jennifer Donaldson Sara and Jock Donaldson Matthew Donner Lawrence Donovan Brian Doore A Brian Doran Andy Doran Karen Dorn Nathan Dorschner Sean Dorsey and Kara Eliason Dorsey Shari Dosland Christopher Dougall Byron Douglass Mary Theresa Downing Ron Draganowski Hillary Drake Kathleen and Douglas Drake Dale A. Dramstad Kathleen Drecktrah Maureen and John Drewitz Rita Drone Marcus Drotning Beth Drucker Hongyi Duan Nathaniel E. Dubin Cheryl DuBois Jeff Dubois

Joan R. Duddingston David Dudley David C. Dudycha and Dorothy E. Vawter Margaret Duenow Delano Dugarm Donald A. Duncan Richard Duncan and Elizabeth Goodpaster Barbara and Larry Dunker Anthony Dunlop Patricia Dunn Alan Dupre Tatjana Durand David Durant Dave and Nancy Duren Margaret E. Durham Allen and Alice Durst Doris Durst Linda and William Dyer Timothy Dykstal Maurice and Signe Dysken Ethel K. Dzubay Jennifer Eastman Dean Easton Chris and Deena Ebbert Ralph D. Ebbott Jeanne Ebel Sheryl Ebert Jennifer Ebner Emily Ecker Andrew Eckhardt John Eckhardt Judith Edin Laura and Tim Edman Hugh and Joyce Edmondson Frances Edstrom Ernest Edwards Jennifer Edwins Margaret Eggenberger Gregg Egnash Julia Ehrlich Joanne Ehrmantraut Desiree Einsweiler Marjorie L. Eisenach Katherine and Richard Eiser Cynthia Ekern Tracy Elftmann raisa elhadi Kristine Elias Kyle Eliason Steve W. Eliason Randyl Elkin Dan Ellerbrock M C. Ellis Keith Elstad Anne Elstrom-Park Sidney and Vicki Emery Herbert Engelmayer Andrew Engel Emily Engel Marlys and Philip Engh Christie Englund

Gary Engstrand Gail Engstrom Claude Erickson Joy Erickson Karen Erickson Kay Erickson Mike Erickson Rebecca Erickson Robert Erickson Rondi C. Erickson Scott R. Erickson Pamela and Tom Ernst Sonia Esch Geneva S. Eschweiler Nancy Eserkaln Hope Esparolini Anna Marie Ettel Sara Evanoff Adam Evans Ryan M. Evans Russell Evenmo Linda Evenson Mark Evenson Elizabeth Everitt Arne Everson Beverly Everson Cheri L. Evjen Kenneth Ewald John Ewing Jennifer Fackler Ann Fankhanel Mary J. Faricy Patricia Farnham John Farrell Lizabeth Fautsch Carolin Faytle Janice Feinberg David Feltl Kathleen J. Fennema Christine Fenske George A. Ferguson III Rachel C. Ferguson Kathryn Fernholz John Ferrara Steve Ferree Patricia Ferrieri David Fettig Donald and Patricia Fidler Karl Fiegenschuh Brian Fier Ashley R. Fike Elena Filimonova Dr. Bianca Fine Brian M. Finstad Barbara Firkus Mark Fischer Norma Fischer Lois Fisher David Fisk Gail L. Fiskewold Ken Fitzgerald Maura Fitzgerald Laura Fitzsimmons

Daniel Fleischhacker Niki Flick Lori Fligge Natalia Florea Judith Florine John J. Flynn and Deborah Pile Delores Fohlmeister Karen Folden Gerald Foley Judith Foley Kathryn Foley David Fondler Clinton Forry Linda Forsberg Karen J. Forslin Renee Forte Lonita Fortier Nancy and Richard Foss Silvia Fousters Sarah Fowler Jinnet Fowles damien fox Margaret Fox Steven Frampton Suzanne Frances Salvatore S. Franco Neil J. Franey Nicole Frank Andrew Franqueira Katie Franson Janette Frantes Ben Frayman Jane Frazee Emil Fredericksen Kris and Kristina Fredrick Patricia R. Freeburg Iris C. Freeman and Warren Woessner Jennifer and Stephen Frenz Harold Freshley Eric Freudenheim Marilyn Freund Tomas and Ellen Fridinger Diane D. Friebe Burton D. Frink Barbara Fritz Carrie Fritz Victoria Fritz Steve Froeschl Catherine Frohnert Leigh Frost Sarah Fuller-Gipp Susan J. Fuller Vincent Fusco David and Barbara Gaasedelen Joan and William Gacki James and Barbara Gahlon Margot K. Galt Dory Gardner Robert Gardner Michael Garland Greta Garmers Margot Garmers Melinda Garner

Paul and Judith Gaston Carla Gatto Steve Gatton Nancy Gauthier Amy Gaviglio Gerard and Shirley Gaynor Cecilie Gaziano Barbara E. Gee Jean Geissler Howard and Eunice Gelb Nicole Geneau Maria Genne Steve Gentile Gunda Georg Jennifer George Robert Geraghty Nancy and Clyde Gerber Susan and William Gerberich Sandy and Paul Germscheid Brooke Geyen Sam Gibbens Paul and Joan Gibson John Gidmark Theresa Gienapp Laura Giese Anne Gifford Joseph Gifford Michaela Gifford David and Terry Gilberstadt Sheril L. Gilberstadt Beth Gilbert Howard and Heidi Gilbert Herbert Giles Mary Gillespie Andrea Gillette Jim Gillis Grace Gilmer Manon Gimlett Sharon Giorgini Jennifer Gisler Daniel Gittsovich Patricia Gjerde Billie and Paula Glade Diana J. Glasgow David Glass James and Jo Glasser Mark Gleason and Kristi Wermager Mark Gleason Marcia Glick Jacob Glozman Ruth A. Gmeinder Danielle Goerke Mary Goetz Sarah Goff Marjahn Golban Patti Goldberg Barbara Golden Brian Goldenman Dorothy Goldie Pamela and Robert Goldman Igor Goldstein Susan Goll Roger Gomoll

Gay Gonnerman Graciela Gonzalez Sally Gonzalez Katharine Goodell Maura C. Goodin Malka L. Goodman Mary Gookins Mark and Diane Gorder Edward and Eileen Gordon Mark Gordon Sally Gordon Arlene Goter Larry Gottschalk Kathleen Gould Richard and Marsha Gould Eve Grabau Janet Graber Ellen D. Grace Thomas and Dixie Grace Michele Grady Myriam Grady Ryan Graff Kristin Grage Vanessa L. Grams Loriann Granados Nedra Granquist Charlotte L. Grantier Jeffrey Graves Charles M. Gray and Robin Cooper Kathleen Gray Mary and Edward Grayden Connie Green Stephanie N. Green Joann Greenwell Stephen Greenwood Dwain Greer Richard Gregory Kathie Grendzinski Myrtle Grette Ester Greyzdorf Patrick Griffin Kris Griggs Jan Grimes Judy L. Grimes Stacey Grimes Ida Grinberg Gerald and Corrine Grochowski David Groettum Gregory Gross Jennifer Gross Thomas and Mary Gross Jean Grossman Joan A. Growe Birgit Grund Andrew and Tina Grzeskowiak Margaret Guelker Ellen Guerin Arthur Guetter Katherine Guettler William and Aimee Guidera Karen Gulliver Rebecca Gummow Jill Gunderson-Gernes

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Jack S. Gunderson William and Karen Gurstelle Inna Gusovskaya Mary Gustafson Pamela Guthrie Richard Gutsche Yuliya Gvinter Stephanie Haack Helene Haapala David Haas Susanne Haas and Ross Formell Emily Habisch Michelle Hackett Laurie Hacking Chris Hadland Amy Hadow Tom F. Haeg Jocelyn Hafertepe Emily Hafner Tackaberry Patricia Haga Raydenne Hagan Marya Hage Rolf Hage William J. Hageman Thomas and Hagstrom Jerold and Kathleen Hahn Matthew Haines and Jennifer Marshall Thomas Haley Jr Donald and Marion Hall Patrick Hall James W. Halverson Anne Marie and Larry Halvorson Carolyn Hamilton Gitta Hammarberg Dorothy E. Hammer Sue Hammersmith Albert and Janice Hammond Charles Hample Jon Hampton Michael and Linda Hancher Russell and Priscilla Hankins Anne Hanley Susan J. Hanlon Kevin Hannon David Hannula Alex Hansen Dennis and Diane Hansen Laurie Hansen Loren Hansen ev hanson-florin Betty Hanson Cathy and Darell Hanson Cynthia Hanson Elizabeth Hanson Freya Hanson Jennifer M. Hanson Kasey Hanson Lowell Hanson Merle and Berna Hanson Ralph Hanson Suzanne Hanson Patricia Hapke Heather Harden

Sean Hardin Kristy L. Harms Maureen and Mike Harms Ryan Harms Christine J. Harnack Jeffrey Harnly Jane Harper Kathryn C. Harper John W. Harris Lorraine Harris Michele S. Harris and Peter Tanghe Nancy A. Harris Alfred and Ingrid Harrison Lorraine Hart Nolan Hart Mary Hartman Joseph Harvey Megan Hashizume Alla Haspel Phyllis Hassel Phebe Haugen Sharon Hawkins Joan Hawkinson Jack and Terri Hawthorne Laura Hayat Herb Hayek Stephen and Patricia Haynes Dana Hazel Zoe E. Hazenson Mary Healy Merrie Healy Gretchen Heath Alan Heaton Peggy Heaver Andrew Hedlund Dean K. Hedstrom Dale Heebl Elisabeth and John Heefner Peter Heege Ruthanne Heenan John Heer Sarah Hegge Marjorie Heideman Ian Heieie Lisa Heim Mary Beth Heimendinger Elaine Heisterkamp Polina Hektner Thomas Helfter Donald P. Helgeson and Sue Shepard Stefan and Lonnie Helgeson Goran Hellekant Charles Hellie John and Rosmarie Helling Barbara Helmken Ryan Hemauer Mary Beth Henderson Thomas C. Henderson Kristin Hendrick Martha Hendrickson Janet Henefield Carol Hengescht Mindy Henjum

Laura Henry Stephanie Henry Maurice Henschel Susan Hensel Carol Henseler Melanie Hensold Barbara J. Hentges Karen Herbert Marjorie Herdes Kathy and Mark Hering Michael Herrmann Lisa Hertzberg Al Hester Elsie Heyer Carla Heyl Dianne Hiatt Marilyn Hickok Mary K. Hicks Patrick Higgins Arthur and Joan Higinbotham Jane Hilary Paul Hile Cliffton and Sharon Hill Joanne Hill Jonathan E. Hill Phillip Hill Robert Hilliard Dewayne Hillman Heidemarie Hinckley Elfrieda Hintze Sandra K. Hirsch Beverly Hlavac Trudy L. Hoag Jamie Hochmuth Carey Hoeft Linda and John Hoeschler Julie Hoff Allison Hoffman Warren and Marian Hoffman Priscilla A. Hoffmann Karen Hofstad-Parkhill Donna Hogenson John Hogie Stuart Holland Judy Hollands Laila Hollenbeck Thomas Hollenhorst Daniel Hollihan Richard Holloway Julie Holman Joseph and Nancy Holmberg Laurie Holmberg Cheryl and Anthony Holmes Frances Holmes Miriam Holsinger Theodore and Lydia Holsten Dana Holt Randy Holt Paul Holte Jean M. Holten Valerie Holthus Kathryn Holum Darius Homayounpour

Sandy Homb Beth Honetschlager Marlijn Hoogendoorn Margaret Hoover Daniel Hopkins Gary Hopkins Jenny Hopkins Karen and Brian Hopps Steve Horan John Horlitz Steven and Mary Hornig Arthur and Fran Horowitz Brian Horrigan and Amy Levine Joe Horsecapture Julie Hostak Stephen Hoster Lisa Hostetler Virginia Houck Stephen Houtz John and Sally Hovanec Judith and Clayton Hovda Burton and Sandra Hoverson David Howe Mark Howell Kathryn Hoyer Theresa and Kuang Hu Wen Mei Huang Patricia and Robert Huberty Stephan Hubig Worth L. Hudspeth and Frank R. Albrecht Sheri Huerd Ellen Hughes Gail Hughes Margaret Hughes Todd A. Hughes Wes A. Huisinga Linda A. Hulbert and Kent Rissman Benjamin W. Hulse John Hulteen Denise Hunninghake John Hunt David Hunter Kim K. Hunter David Hurtt Thomas and Vicki Hurwitz Mary and Jeffrey Husband Paul Husby David Huskisson Ruth and John Huss Marilyn Hyatt Leanne Hyde Wendy and Matthew Hyre Sally Ihne Danelle Imbertson Jeffrey Indrelie Brian Ingalsbe Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad Diana S. Ingraham Gail Ireland Guillermo Irisarri Jill Irvine Crow Horace H. Irvine II

Philip and Ludmilla Isaacson Kathryn Isacksen Rebecca S. Iverson Elzbieta Iwanczuk-Rothen Jane Jablonski Barbara Jackman Teri Jackson Bernard Jacob Edward and Mary Jacobsen Phyllis and Verne Jacobsen Ray Jacobsen Diane and Paul Jacobson Donald C. Jacobson Freya E Jacobson Janith Jacobson Mark and Jeanne Jacobson Maynard E. Jacobson Virginia E. Jacobson Molly Jaffray Linda Jagerson Beverly Jagiello Kathleen Jaglo-Joseph Ann Jalonen Christy James Linda James Matthew James Kenneth and Ann Janda Ronald and Deborah Jans Paul W. Jansen Judy Jarman Alison Jarzyna Susan Jasko Heather Jax Susu Jeffrey Barbara Jenkins Joni Jensen Christina Jermihov Michelle Jesse Janet Johansen Steven A. John Amy Johns Alison Johnson Allan and Margaret Johnson Allison Johnson Amanda Johnson Bonnie Johnson Carla-Elaine Johnson Charles Johnson Christopher Johnson Corinne Johnson Deidre Johnson Dennis and Carole Johnson Holly Johnson Jack and Johnson Jane D. Johnson Jean A. Johnson Joel and Karen Johnson Karen Johnson Kathy Johnson Katrina Johnson Lawrence Johnson Linda E. Johnson and Bob Julian Mara Johnson

Neal and Sally Johnson Pamela Johnson Paula and Bryce Johnson Philip Johnson Randi Johnson Robert Johnson Robert Thomas T. Johnson Suzanne W. Johnson Jessica Johnston Eric and Elizabeth Jolly Tammylynne Jonas Michael Joncas Donald Jones Kim Jones Lucy R. Jones and James E. Johnson Maria Jones Nancy Jones Patricia Jones Barbara Jordan Judy Jordan Charles and Sally Jorgensen David and Dede Jorstad Diane Joseph Rebecca Judge and Anthony Becker John Juergens John and Kathleen Junek Ellen Just Miriam Juvette Steven Kaatz Sarah S. Kacer Tom Kachelmacher Arthur W. Kaemmer Stanley R. Kagin Lenore Kaibel Ann Kalb Elena Kallevig Ann Kaloides Isaac Kaminer Anne Kaminsky Fred Kaminsky Brian Kamman Dan Kammeyer Maureen Kane Kristine Kaplan Margaret Kaplan Patricia Karasov Phyllis Karasov Ed and Martha Karels Laurie Karnes Judy A. Karon Daphne Karpan Dimitra Karras Jane Kasiske Aileen Kasper Beverly Kasper Irene Kato Kenneth H. Kato Rita Katona Kenneth and Kauffman Linh Kauffman Aseem Kaul Sean Kavaney Lynda Kayser

Terrence Kayser James Keane and David Piezuto Kathleen Keating and Richard Haskett Henry Keen Judy A. Keena Michael and Sheue Keenan Cathy Kehrwald Sarah Keisling Sandra Keith Erwin and Miriam Kelen Allan Kellar Deborah Keller Jessi Keller Kevin Kelley Corinne Kelling Barbara Kelly Dianne L. Kelly John Kelly Neal R. Kelly Warren and Patricia Kelly Sally Kemna Barry and Cheryl Kempton Panayiota Kendeou Cathryn Kennedy Ellen and Michael Kennedy Marla Kennedy Sue Kennedy Tim and Beth Kennedy Gary Kenning Mary Kenning Claire Kestenbaum Zehra Keye Janet Keyes and Mark Hatherly Armineh Khachatoorian Dan Kidney Carol Kiecker Robert Kieft Lynn Kiely Michael W. Kienlen Marlene Kiester Terence Kilburn Pamela Kildahl Joseph and Carole Killpatrick Janet Kilton Beatrice Y. Kim Hyun J. Kim Judith A. Kim Janice Kimes Lori L. Kimmet-Mobley Allison Kincaid Daniel and Kerry Kincaid Richard A. Kinde Blaine and Lyndel King Dwayne King Hannah King Shannon P. King Jane Kingsbury John and Christine Kipp Andrea M. Kircher Varvara Kirchner Julie Kirsch Mitchel Kirshbaum Elizabeth Kiscaden

Donald W. Klass Arthur and Milly Klassen Arthur Klebanov Courtney Kleftis Karen Kletter Bill and Sally Kling Vaughn Klingenberg Bill Klish Cornelia Klitzke Larry Klueh Chris Kneen Alex Knodell Mary Jane Knowles Mary Ann Knox M.B. Knudsen Gary and Linda Knudtson Tamarind Knutson Ann Koehler Heidi Koehnle Krystal Kohler Kathy Kohrer Yoshie Koizumi Betty Kok Anna Kokayeff MD Marek Kokoszka Fred Kolb Geoffrey Kolb Kathryn Kolstad Janis Konke John Konzem Kristin Kooiker Elise Koonmen Karl Koopmann Edward and Susan Korleski Kay Korsgaard Terry Korupp Valerie Koski Kyle E. Kossol and Tom Becker David and Jane Kostik Erna and Keith Kostuch Theodore W. Kotsonas Tom E. Kovarik Timothy Kowalik David Kozamchak Kevin Krafty Katharine Kragh Audrey C. Kramer Steve Kramer Witold Krasniewski Jennifer A. Kraulik Barbara Krejcarek John Krenzke Nita Krevans Robert L. Kriel and Linda E. Krach Thomas Krivanek Kenneth Kroeker Sonja Kroell Jenifer Krol Joshua Kroll Wendy Kroll Joyce D. Krook Keren Kroul Benjamin and Anna Krueger

Dann F. Krueger Robert J. Krueger Alfred Krug Jeanne Krumpelmann Thomas and Carol Kubic Jenna L. Kubly Robert and Venetia Kudrle Robert and Barbara Kueppers Steven and Marie Kuker Jerome Kulick Kathleen Kullmann John Kulstad and Elizabeth J. Mayotte Wayne Kunert James Kunz John Kupris and Margaret Hamburger Dominika E. Kuzlak-Swanson Juliane Kvalbein Amy V. Kvalseth John Kvasnicka Donald Kyser Allison La Pointe Benjamin LaBelle Ryan LaBelle Jocelyn M. LaBerge Cinthya Lacayo Mary Lach Matthew J. LaCosse James W. LaFave Anne LaGrandeur Monet Laguna Stewart Laird Deb Lakin Karla Lalim Jacqueline Lallier Dean and Kristen Lambert Kyra Lammers Susan Lamoureux Paul Landgrebe Karen P. Landkamer Lisa Lang John-Eric Langdale Dirk G. Lange Eunice Lange Patricia Lange Jon Langemak Steven and Connie Langsdale Eric Lanser Michael Larionov John and Colles Larkin Larry LaRocque Christina Larsen Curtis Larsen Anthony-Paul Larson Christl and Andrew Larson Daniel Larson Helen Larson Jana L. Larson Mildred Larson Paul Larson Robert Larson Kenyon S. Latham Jr Rick A. Latterell Paula Latz

Dorothy Laumann Jack and Carol Lavold Carol Law Wayne Lawhead Robert J. Lawser Jr and Duane Bandel Sharon K. Lawyer Richard and Patricia Laybourn Mary and Barry Lazarus Rick Leach Mary Leahy Reva Lear Norma Lechtman AJ Lee Cynthia and Lawrence Lee Karen Sonia Lee Larry Lee Lisa Lee Robert L. Lee and Mary E. Schaffner Wayne and Ellen Leebaw Ross and Legrand Gary Legwold Laurie Leidig Hannelore Leipold Sarah Leismer Sheila Leiter James A. Leith Juliette Lelchuk Danika LeMay Karen Lenander Chuck Lenz Sarah and Stuart Lenz Elaine Leonard Jennifer leopold Ilo and Peggy Leppik Estela Lerma Frank Lerman and Carol Simon Helen Leslie Rex Levang Natalie Levin and Stephen Gilberstadt Eric and Celita Levinson John and Rachel Levitt Sharon Lewer Jonathan and Lisa Lewis Debra Leyden Lynn Liberman Astrid Liden Church and Daniel Church Mary Lies Saren Lightsong David Lightstone Joyce Lillquist Elaine Lilly and Joan Roca Kelvin Lim James Lindell Allen Lindquist Janet Lindquist Daniel W. Lindsey Connie Linnett Marilyn Linsalata Catherine Lipinsky Jenna Lipscomb Sanford Lipsky Walter Liszewski Nancie Litin

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Hinda Litman Rebecca Litman Brian Little John Littlefield Benjamin and Helen Liu Chao Liu Eve Lo Marlene Locascio Fiona Lockhart Steven Lockwood Janet L. Lodholz Elene Loecher James Loeffler Rodney Loeffler Cassidy Loesch Gerald Loewen George Logan Bill Long Elliot Long Richard Long Brenda and Keith Longman Anna Longo Tony Lopesio Elio Lopez Alfredo Lorente Jack Lorenz Bill Lough Blake R. Lovelady Dawn M. Loven Sharon Lovo Tatiana Lozano Lance Lubach Amy Lucas Connie Luck Diana Lee Lucker Teresa Ludwig Gloria Luedtke Abigail Lugo Enrique Lugo Janet Luick Juanita B. Luis Steven M. Lukas Linda Luksan Kristen and Kristofer Lund Margaret Lund Cindy Lundgren Paul Lundgren Carol Lundquist Nail Lutsky Patrick Lutter Thomas Lutz Liliya Lychkovska Janet Lynch Lynne Menturweck and Stephen Dombrosk Mike Lyon Lin Ma Ellen L. Maas Daniel Mabley Beth N. MacDonald Holly MacDonald and John Orbison Lori MacDonald Reid and Ann MacDonald

32 | MN Opera 2019 Annual Report

Marsha Macey Brenda Machacek Joan and Matthew Macheledt Kerry MacInnes Micah Mackert Thomas and Jeanne MacLeod David MacMillan and Judith Krow Tom MacNabb Sarah MacRunnels Joan E. Madden Bo Madsen Paul T. Magee Adam S. Maguire Zohreh Mahdavi Erin Maher William Mahlum and Donna W. Allan Dianne Mahoney Maren Mahowald Cassedy Mahrer Shirley Maier Jerome G. Malak Adam Malamen Maria Maldonado Martina Malek Diane Malfeld Elisabeth Malm Elizabeth Malone Jack and Barbara Maloney Patricia Maloney Samir Mangalick Emily Manhart Joanne Manz Teresa Manzella Patricia A. Mara Jill Maraist Carol March Craig and Ruth Marcott Nathan J. Marcusen Zachary Marean Susan Marek Ann Maresh Kate Margolis Jamie Mariette Malgorzata Marjanska Diane Markel Helen and Frederick Markwardt MaryAnn Marlow Jonathan Marquet Debra Marten Christine Martin Danielle Martin Greta Martin Holly Martin Joann Martin Lynn Martin Marie Martin Michael Martin Pixie Martin Rosemary M. Martin Thomas P. Martin Julie Martine William and Carole Martino Elaine Martinsen

Richard Martonik Julene Maruska Catherine Mason Sally and Don Mason Veronica Mason Gregg Massey Margaret Matejcek Steve Matheson John and Julie Mathews Cari Mathias Jeannie Mathies Anna Matthes Mary Ann Mattox Cara Mattson Mary Maurice Mary Maute Jamie Mavec and Ron Holevas Linda K. Maxson George and Anastasia Maxwell James May Jenny Mayaka Daniel M. Mayer Rachel Mayer Roy and Dorothy Ann Mayeske Jack Mayfield David Mayo Hilary Mayo Sean McAleer Rose McAlister Greg McAndrews Barbara McBurney Robert McCabe Laura McCarten Maureen McCarter Corrine McCarthy Ruth Mccarthy Tracy McCauley Patricia McCleese Michael and Audrey McClellan Timothy McClernon Tamara McConkey Betty and Matthew McConnell James McConville Polly L. McCormack MD and Keith Engel MD Wendy McCormick Jeffrey McCullough Samuel and Patty McCullough Gina and Sean McDermott James and Martha McDermott Mary McDiarmid Darcel McDonald Darin McDonald Karen McElrath Amy McEvoy Charlene McEvoy Jim McFadden Jan McGee Jeninne McGee Rosemarie McGiffin Kathleen McGonagle Anne McInerney Maryann McKenna

Harvey T. McLain James McLaughlin Lynette Mclaughlin Mary McLaurin Jeffrey McLean Debra Mclouth Michael McNamara Susan McNeeley Susan Mcneely Mary Mcnulty Robert and Larae McPartlin David McSorley Genevieve McSpaden David and Laurie Mech Mary Ann and John Mecom Jose Medina Palomo Nancy and Glen Meeden Roberta Megard Susan Mehle Adele Mehta Marilyn C. Meier Peter B. Meier Kathryn Meintsma Thomas Melcher Robert and Marlys Melius Velia R. Melrose Lester and Eileen Meltzer Katheryn Menaged Loni Mentone JoAnne Mercer John and Leslie Mercer Michelle Mercer Crystal Meriwether Dennis Merley Amy Marret Linda Merriam Theodore Merriam David Mertesdorf Patricia Merwin Joseph Merz Kenneth A. Meter David Methner Lynn M. Metzler Deborah Meyer Jack W. Meyer Robert E. Meyerson Nathan Miatech Linnea Michaelson Margaret A. Michaelson John L. Michel and H. Berit Midelfort Michele M. Micko David Middleton Katharine Miketic Igor and Dina Mikhailenko Phyllis Milbrandt Michelle M. Millenacker Ann Miller Constance Miller Elizabeth Miller Fayneese Miller John P. Miller Julie Miller Karla Miller

Laurie J. Miller Paul E. Miller Sarah Miller Scott Miller Sonny F. Miller Stephanie Miller Steven Miller Virginia Miller Suzanne Mills-Rittmann Leah Milojevic Keith Min James Miner Diana Mini and David Carroll Donald B. Minish Dylan Miracle Sharon Misgen Charles Mishek Elizabeth Mishler James Mitchell Luana Mitchell Patricia Mitchell Rebecca L. Mitchell Karen A. Mitka Martha Mockus Curtis Moe Warren Moe Robin Moede Jacqueline Moen and Steven Bailey Andrew Mogendorff Marta Mohr George Moilanen Eric Molho Karen Moline Anne Mollerus Sue Mollner Bradley H. Momsen and Richard H. Buchholz Mark J. Monfils Bjorn Monson IvaNell Monson Keith Montgomery Lorenzo Moog Jon Moon Jodi and Michael Mooney Alfred and Ann Moore Barbara Moore James Moore Leni and David Moore Naomi Moore Randy Moore Cesar Moran Craig Moran Jack and Jane Moran Carol Mordorski Maryanne Moren Linda Morey James Morgan Monica Morin Kelsey Mork Lynda and Fritz Morlock Jim Mornes Dawn Morningstar C. Robert and Sandra Morris

Carissa Morris David Morris Marcia Morris Dave Morrison David Morrison Victoria Morrison Dorothy Morrissey Jill L. Mortensen and Sharon K. Phillips Alexander and Miranda Morton Penelope Morton Linda Moser Katherine Moses Debra Mosnik Nina and Donn Mosser Pallabi Moulik Gupta Jessica Mount Nicholas Mroczek Mike Muehlbach Isolde Mueller Jerome Muggli Jocelyn Muggli Michael Muggli Vita Muggli and James C. Dick William and Imelda Muggli Joshua Mulheron Terrance Mullen Katherine Muller Molly Muniz Gordon and Barbara Murdock Fusako Muro Laura M. Murphy Elizabeth Murray Sarah G. Murray Susan Murray Thomas P. Murtha and Stefanie A. Lenway Joseph Musco Troy Musel Richard and Janet Myers William Myers and Virginia Dudley Mikal Nabors Sarah Nagle Ann Napp James Nash David Naughton Roxanne M. Nawara Donald and Patricia Neal Jeanne Neira Clara Nellans Ruth J. Nelsen Cheryl Nelson Theuninck Betty L. Nelson Conrad N. Nelson Elisabeth and Robert Nelson Fritz A. Nelson and Mina Fisher Ingrid Nelson JoAnn C. Nelson Kimberly Nelson Marlys Nelson Norma Nelson Richard and Nancy Nelson Stephanie L. Nelson Mark E. Nemec

Andrei Nemilentsau Ashley Nepp Merritt C. Nequette and Nancy Hartung LaVonne Nerge Earl Netwal Linda S. Neuman Elayne Neumann William Neumann Kenneth and Mary Neustel Janet Newberg Louis W. Newell Lucia Newell Jay and Helen Newlin Janyce Newman Sheryl and Steve Newman Gerald and Rita Newton Shannon Newton Catherine Nguyen Nancy and Richard Nicholson Eleanor H. Nickles Eric Nielsen David E. Nixon Caroline Noble Richard Noer Gerald M. Nolte Paula Nordhem and James Calkins Elizabeth and Neal Nordling Machelle Norling Eric Norman Lowell and Sonja Noteboom Brandon and Melissa Novy Kerry Noyes Christopher Nutting John Nyman Marjorie Nyquist Alvina O’Brien Bridget O’Brien Jane O’Brien Elizabeth O’Daniel Patricia A. O’Gorman Maria and David O’Hanley Ann and John O’Leary Denis O’Pray Gayle and Timothy Ober Carl Oberg Beth Obermeyer Fran Oberreit Brian Obert Sam Obetz Elin Odegaard Kathryn Ohland Mary Ohland Kym Ohna Meg Ojala Robert Olafson Pamela Olander Glad and Baiba Olinger Carolyn Oliver Kristi Ollila Dorothy Ollmann Gloria and Dave Olsen Jennifer Olsen Robert and Tamara Olsen

Sphinx Virtuosi © Stephanie Berger

Stephen and Kathleen Olsen Brian and Bonnie Olson Chris Olson Dennis Olson Eric Olson James Olson Jennifer Olson Jon H. Olson Kathleen Olson Lila Olson Lois Olson Luke Olson Mary and John Olson Mary Olson Matthew Olson Robert Olson Ruth A. Olson Scott Olson Susan M. Olson Stephanie and Dennis Ondik Ann T. O’Neill Jenneke Oosterhoff Carol Opheim Steven Opheim Tim Oppenheim Ahmad and Ruth Orandi Nancy Orgeman Jeff Orluck Ann Ormond Fennell Nicholas Ortiz Candyce Osterkamp Dustin Otis Jessica Ottman Christopher Otto Luke Otto Deloris Ouren Eve Overby Ronald Overlid Melissa Owen Kimberly Owens Henry J. Pabst Tracie Pabst Luis Pagan-Carlo and Joseph Sammartino Graydon Paige Antra Pakalns Arijs Pakalns Scott J. Pakudaitis Candace E. Palmer Ellen Palmer Kristin Palmer Rebecca Palmer Joy Palmquist Marcia and Jon Pankake Patricia Panshin Chris Paola Jane Papageorgiou Nancy Paquin Eric Paredes Kathleen and Donald Park Elizabeth Parker Josephine Parker Muriel L. Parker

Pamela Parker Polina Parker Robert L. Parks Helga E. Parnell Lowell Parsons Mary Parsons Judith Pascoe Daniel Paskewitz Lisa Pasquale Minnesha Passalacqua JoAnn Pasternack Jason Patalonis Amy Patton Antoine Pauthier Rebecca Pavlenko James A. Payne Mary Payne Suzanne and William Payne Anthony Payton Douglas Pearson Eldora Pearson Lois Pearson Richard and Diane Pearson Jerry Peck Mike Pelican Patrick Pelini Mark Pellerite Lana K. Pemberton William Pentelovitch Diana Peremislov Jose A. Peris and Diana Gulden Scott Perrault John and Margaret Perry Anthony Person Susan Persons Jane M. Persoon Katharine Peters Robert and Alice Peters Rolf and Sarah Peters Charles Petersen Drew Petersen Liane Petersen Rebecca L. Petersen Bethany Peterson Calvin Peterson Carol Peterson Douglas and Barbara Peterson Gloria Peterson Gregory and Sharon Peterson Jane Peterson Kjel Peterson and Robert Englund Marian Peterson Patricia M. Peterson Polly J. Peterson Robyn Peterson Ronald Peterson Susan Peterson John Petraborg Lynda Petrie Kris Petrini Nicole Pettit Hans Olaf Pfannkuch Kathleen M. Philipp

Jan and Janet Phillips William Phillips Paola Piantoni Joan Piche Walter Pickhardt and Sandra Resnick Linda J. Picone John Pikala Dale Pillsbury Ona and Wayne Pinsonneault Marcos and Barbara Pinto John and Joan Pirner Angelina Pisco Justin Pitman Nancy Plagens Juris Plesums Susan and David Plimpton Sylvia and David Pogoff Bruce Pohlig Heather M. Polivka Colleen Pollack Mary Ann Polley Fred and Barbara Pollman Christopher Polson Anne and John Polta Joseph and Karen Polta Peggy Polta Laurie Poluha Andrea Polzin Paty Pompei Eugenia Popa Laura Popkes Bertrand and Nancy Poritsky Dwight and Christina Porter Truman Porter Alan Potter Nina Potter Lorraine Potuzak Rebecca Povarchuk Leonard Powell Margaret Snedes Poyner Dale Pracht Ray Prather James Pratt and Ila June Brown-Pratt Susan Praus Judith Prentiss Charles and Nicole Prescott Martha Preston Susan and Chris Preston Martina Priadka Jan R. Price Mary Price Thomas Price Ryan Prins Yekaterina Probert Fagundes Karl Procaccini Peggy Prowe Lawrence W. Pry Eileen Quam Rebecca Quetone Joel Raaen Scott Rada Betty L. Radcliffe Anella Radtke

Jennifer Raeder-Devens Joel D. Rainville and Kyle Olson Sergei Rakhmanov Marcia Raley Philip Ramstad Sharon Randazzo David Ranheim Julianne Rantala Larry Rapp Carroll and Barbara Rasch Debra Raske Monica M. Rasmussen Linda Raw Cheryl Rawson Sunny Ray-Snyder Sarabeth Ray Dennis M. Ready Marco Real-D’Arbelles Elizabeth Redleaf Roslyn Redmon Sigrid Larson and Dave Redpath Anna Reed Barton and Kimberly Reed Jeremiah and Mary Ann Reedy Andrew W. Reeher Patricia and George Reese Tracey Reese Charles Reich Mike Reichardt Kyle Reicks and Jennifer Eukel Shirley Reider Jeanne and Richard Reierson Daniel Reiff Robert W. Reilly Herbert and Jane Reiman Lynette Reini-Grandell Derek Reise Elena Reisman Janice Reister Gary Reiter Cynthia and Paul Reitzel Constance and Lewis Remele Arlene Renshaw Ellen Rest Paul and Mary Reyelts Heather E. Reynolds Martha Rhode Paola Ricci Barbara Rice John Rice Farrel E. Rich Jeanne and Brian Richards Bart Richardson James Richardson and Dorothy J. Horns Ann Richter Kelly Rickard Elizabeth Ricketts Philip Rickey Suzanne Ridenour Jolene Rider Linda Ridlehuber Genevieve and John Ries Lisa Rietveld

James Riggs Tracy Rikess Kathleen Riley Thomas and Nancy Riley Katherine Rimnac Jane Rinehart Beth Ringsmuth Stolpman Ruth Rinker Katherine Riolo Cristina Rios Laurence and Edis Risser Andrew D. Ritchie Jay C. Ritterson Jean Rivard Charles and Virginia Roach Kathy Roach Anita Roberts Andrew Robertson Annemarie Robertson David and J. Susan Robertson David Robinson Julia Robinson Rebecca Robinson Ann M. Rock Robert E. Rocknem Donna Rodel and Bernie Waibel LaRae Roder Ronald Rodman William and Nancy Rodman Esteban Rodriguez Ronald Roed Annalee Roeglin Mary Rogers Patricia Rogin-Pearson Eva and Michael Rogness Judith and William Rohde Thomas and Nancy Rohde Nathaniel Roiger Don and Patricia Romanaggi Angela Romeo Mike Ronan Li Rong Michael and Tamara Root Fred Rose Richard and Diana Rose Robert W. Rose Diane Rosenwald Gordon and Margaret Rosine Christopher Ross Mary Paul Ross Teresa Rothausen Ken and Nina Rothchild Kathleen Rothrock Beatrice Rothweiler Clara and Enrique Rotstein Alan Rott Gregg H. Rotvold Gwen Rouleau William and Nancy Rouner Jolene Rowan Elizabeth A. Rowe Shellie Rowe Verna Rowe

Paul Rowekamp John and Bonnie Rowell Dora Royzman Andrea and James Rubenstein Patricia Ruble Dominik Ruch Nancy Rude William Rudelius Anna Ruderman Alejandro Ruiz Henry Runke Dagmar Runyon John Rupert Michael Ruppert Nancy Russ Robert Russek Hung Russell Rachel Russell Kali Russen Kurt Rusterholz Georgiana Ruzich Bridget Ryan Karen Ryan Mary Ryan Peggy Ryan Ron Rydell Esten A. Rye Mark Rynda Terry Saario PhD and Lee Lynch Mary Saboe Clair Saeger Linda and Allen Saeks Melville and Irene Sahyun John Sakowski Alexandra Sakurets Jeanmarie T. Sales Jeffrey Salisbury and Eugenia Trushina Kathleen Sallee Wendy Sallman Shirley Sampson Tom and Arlene Samsel Felipe Sanchez David Sand Julia Sand Karla Sand Margaret Sand Nancy Sand Karen Sandberg Jeffrey Sandeen Barbara Sanders Anna Sandor Jason Sands Erin Sanford Paula J. Santrach John and Janice Sargent Virginia Sathe Staci Sathre John M. Sauer Kate Saumur Georgie and James Saumweber Mary E. Savina Thomas Saylor David Schaaf

Bill and Janet Schaeder Mary Ellen Schaefer Nancy Schaefer Patricia Schaefer Jason Schafer Karen A. Schaffer Esther Schak Jennifer Schatz Sam Schaust Matthew Schaut Patricia Schemp Stelli Jill Schendel Mary Schertler Steven E. Schier Michael Schilling Mary Kay Schladweiler Richard Schlange Ann L. Schlangen Rebecca Schleder Jeanne Schleh Linda Schloff Judith Schlukebier Ellen Schmidt Erin Schmidt Gerry Schmidt Joseph Schmidt Joyce Schmidt Julie Ann Schmidt William Schmidt Aidan Schmitt Susanne Schmitz Beth Schneider David Schneider Lori Schneider Mahlon and Karen Schneider Candy Schnepf Fran Schoen Pat Schoenfeld Debra L. Schoenholz Kirsten Schoenleber Joan L. Schoepke Barbara Schommer Mary and Robert Schommer Daniel Schonebaum Cynthia Schou Julie Schramke Patricia Schreiber Mary and Christian Schrock Ingrid Schroder Duane and Pamela Schroeder elroy Schroeder Jean Schroepfer Virginia Schubert Maria I. Schuh Brittney Schuller Linda S. Schulte-Sasse Paul Schulte David Schultz Thomas J. Schuster Kari Schutz Grace Schwab Judy Schwartau A. Truman and Beverly Schwartz

Sylvia Schwarz Karen Schwebach Sylvia J. Schwendiman Carol and August Schwerdfeger Andrew Scoblionko Patricia Scott Joseph Scovronski Matthew Seaburg Emily Searle Christine Sears Helen Sears James and Jacquelin Sebastian Jan and Barbara Sebby William T. Seed Jr Tim Seeley Doris J. Seely Elena Sefansky Tom Sehman Margaret Seibel Patricia Seidl David Seitz Jr Ann and Ann Sele Michael Selon Joan Semmer Arijit Sen John and Kathryn Serier Kathryn Severance Beatrice C. Sexton Christian Shafer Meredith Shafer Thomas W. Shaffer Richard Shager Jerald and Leona Shannon Alan E. Shapiro Celia Shapland Frank and Lynda Sharbrough Renate M. Sharp Gale A. Sharpe Svetlana Shavzin Gail and Stephen Shea Robert Shearer and Joan Gustafson Richard M. Shelton Jared Shenk Ann Sherlock Harvey Sherman Morris and Judith Sherman Robert Sherman Richard D. Shields Shirley Shimota Eva Shipley Craig Shirley Emily Shively Rebecca and John Shockley Kevin Shores and Kevin Winge Cherie and Robert Shreck Marianne and Gordon Shumaker Alex Shurslep Christopher Sibilia Susan Sibilski Norman Siekman Wanda Sigurdson Haris Sih Barbara J. Silberg

Judy Silk David J. Silver Andrea Simenstad Martha Simenstad Juliana and Bernie Simmons Madeline Simon Richelle Simon Andrew Simons Sharon Sinclair Linda and Jesse Singh Dorothy Sinha Cheryl Sinning Roxane Sipe Maija Sipola Morton and Sylvia Sipress Deborah Sittko M K. Sitzmann Roy and Lana Sjoberg Maryellen Skan Fred Skarich Evan Skillman Michael Skluzacek Rhonda Skoby Janet L. Skoog Glenn Skoy Elizabeth Slocum Samantha Sloggy Emily D. Slowinski Kelly Smeltzer Karen A. Smigielski Charles K. Smith Darryl Smith David and Vivien Smith David F. Smith Janet C. Smith Jean M. Smith Jill Smith Karen K. Smith Michele Smith Susannah Smith Thomas Smith Ursel Smith Terry Smorch Karen Snegosky Roger Snyder Linnea Sodergren Conrad Soderholm and Mary Tingerthal Julie Sofge Halina Solachava-Chamutouskaya Annemarie Solon Glenn and Ardath Solsrud Linda Soranno and Howard Bolter Roger Sorbel Bob Sorg Susan and Joseph Sorrentino Carolyn Soule Peter Soulen David and Sheila Southwick Nadege J. Souvenir and Joshua A. Dorothy Gaile Sovell Kenyon Karen and Terry Spaeth George Sparks

Carole Spenser Paul Spiegel Jon Spoerri and Debra Christgau Nancy Sponaugle Jean Spong Emily Spott Biruta and Andris Spruds Peggy E. Spurgeon Nancy St. John Renata Stachowicz John Stahlmann Brooke Stalheim John Stamp Theresa Stander Jill Stanton Marla Stanton Missy Staples Thompson and Gar Hargens Phyllis Stapp Terrence Stark Dennis Staton Julie Stauffer Daria Stec Daniel Steen Elizabeth Steffensen Arne Stefferud Michael Steffes Delano Stein Jim D. Stein Bruce Steiner Robert Steller Benita Stelmachers Kim Stelson Linda Stenson Steve Stenson Sandra F. Stenzel Jacquelyn Stephens Mindy Stephens John Stephenson Timothy H. Stepnes Matthew R. Stevens Sandra Stevenson Andreas Stewart-Finkenstaedt Michael N. Stiffman Donald and Leslie Stiles Linda Stinson Allison Stoehr Tiffany Stoeke Sharon and Thomas Stoffel Barbara Stoll Arthur Stone Craig Stone Michael Stones Tristan Stopp Dorothy Storeygard Jenae Stoterau Roxanne Stouffer Cruz Stephen Strand Timothy Strand Patricia Stratton Joseph and Pamela Strauss Mathew Streater Karen Street

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Stephen Streng Virginia and Edward Stringer David W. Strong James Stuart William Stuckey and Kelly Baker Karen Stuhlfeier Anne E. Stukas Erin Suek Ralph and Grace Sulerud Greg Sullivan and Annie Frazer Rhea Sullivan Russell G. Sundquist Krystyne Supplee Oakley and Susan Surine Lee Suro Patricia Surratt Everett V. Sutton Terri Svec Amy Swalley Lisa Swan Charles and Susan Swanson Eric Swanson and Curt D. Nelson Richard and Barbara Swanson William Swanson Julia Sweeney Maryann Sweeney and John Dyer Deborah Swendroski Curtis L. Swenson Jerry Swenson Leslie A. Swenson Clarice Swisher David D. Sylvester Donald Sysyn Charles and Marlys Taflin Glenn Taibl Judy Takkunen David Talarico Erika and Dan Tallman Neely J. Tamminga Charles and Joan Tanger John Tantzen Manuel Taranco Rafael Tarrago Susan Tasa Heather R. Taucher Carol Tauer Judith Taves Allan Taylor Charlotte Taylor Ryan Taylor Ti Chang Taylor Thomas Telander Kathryn Terry Karla Tessier Jeff Thaler Heather Thayer Anthony Thein Beth Theobald Roger Thiede Joyce Thielen Marisa Thom Andrew and Carolyn Thomas Jennifer and David Thomas MN Opera Gala © Darin Kamnetz

Joan M. Thomas Katharine E. Thomas Lindsey C. Thomas and David J. Lauth Margaret J. Thomas Marie J. Thomas Norrie Thomas Skye I. Thomas Robert and Barbara Thomasson Alicia Thompson Brad Thompson Caroline B. Thompson Dylan Thompson John and Jill Thompson Valerie Thompson James Thomson Jean Thomson Barbara Thorndike-Gensmer Gayle Thorsen Susan M. Thurin Kathryn Thurston Phillip Tichenor Alexis Tichy Kristina Tiedje Chelsea Tiffany Julie Tillotson Ludmila Timm Patricia Timpane Debra R. Ting Carmen Tipler Dan Toft Jon Tollefson Zan Tomko Eric Torgerson Amy Torgrimson Diane L. Toscano James and Sharon Toscano Jeff Towey Holly C. Trampe Paul Traugh Kristin Traughber Susan Travis David Trechter Rick and Debbie Treece Amanda S. Tripp Aimee Tritt Susan Troselius Elliott Troup David Trudeau Jane Truhlar Susan Truman Nancy Tscharner Mark Tsypin Kathleen Tucci Alyssa Tuma Cariann Turbeville Melissa Turcios Roberta Turner Eryn Tvete Melanie Tvete Jennifer Tworzyanski Paul Udris and Sylvie Orenga Dana Uhrig-Fox Cindy Uldrich

Hendrika Umbanhowar Wendy Underwood Wendy and Paul Unglaub Roger Upson Jose Uriarte Brian and Sharon Utley Laurence Uzureau Patricia Vaillancourt Kenneth and Kathryn Valentas Mark Valgemae Oriol and Maureen Valls Stephanie C. Van D’Elden David Van de Loo John and Deanna Van De North Betsy Van Hecke Dawn C. Van Tassel Kimberly Van Wyhe PaFoua Vang Xiong Robert Vannelli Thomas VanRiper Pirkko Vanska Andrejs Vape Jeffrey Varboncoeur Peter Vars Mary W. Vaughan Robin E. Veal John Veda Joanne Veenhuis Anastasia Verdoljak Tiella Verdure James Verkuilen Paul Verret Catherine Vesley Mary Ellen Vetter Nick Vetter Rita Vetter Paul Vick John Vickers Neal Viemeister and Virginia Kirby Aija K. Vikmanis Ann Viksnins John Vilandre Cindy and Steven Vilks Laurie L. Vinyon Galina Vishnevska Edward and Virginia Vizard Edison Vizuete Daniel Vogel Christina Vogland Karen Volk Randall Volk Susan A. Von Mosch Bernt von Ohlen and Thomas Nichol Rhonda Vopava Geyette Beth Wacek Claudia Wagner Heinz Wahner Phyllis Walker Taylor Wall Mark Waller Alexandra Walmer Jessica Walter Craig and Stephanie Walvatne

Mark Wanderman Robert and Jean Wardin Daryl Ware Marianne Wargelin Lynnanne Warren JoEllen Waterman Constance Waterous Elizabeth Watkins Kim Watson Mark Watzke Diane and Charles Weaver Anne Weber Cynthia Weber David Weber Janet C. Weber Therese Weber Amy Weed Katharine Weiblen Charles Weinhold Edward and Elizabeth Weir Gerald and Susan Weisberg Thomas Weist Mary Weitz Kathleen Welander Gene Welch Bryony Wellman Hope Wellner Kathy Wellsandt Evelyn Welsh Kathy Welte Mick Wencil Richard Wente Cynthia Werner Bambi Wessel Troy Wesson Rahn Westby Richard and Sandra Westby Mike Westerberg Greg Westerman Gilbert Westreich Rebecca Wetterling Gregory and Ellen Weyandt Nancy and Frederick Weyerhaeuser Deborah Wheeler Jeanette Whelpley Thomas Whitcomb Donald and Joyce White James M. White John and Sandy White William White J. Andrew and Gary S. Whitford Holey Cathy Wick Dorinda L. Wider Joan Wieczorek Carole Wiederhorn Karl Wielgus Jeff Wiemiller and Joe Anderson Allison Wietecki Paul and Carolynn Wiggin Michael R. Wigley Deborah Wilbers Julia Wilcox Leslie Wilcox

Matt Wilkening Leighton J. Wilkie Crystal Wilkinson Douglas Wilkowske Laura Willenbring Rosemary Willett David and Rachelle Willey Donald Williams and Pamela Neuenfeldt John M. Williams Teresa Williams and Chuck Jakway Lynn Williamson Ronn Williamson James and Barbara Willis Lani Willis and Joel Spoonheim Mele Willis Leigh Wilson-Mattson Barbara S. Wilson Carole Wilson Gina Wilson Judith Wilson Marguerite P. Wilson Martha Wilson Michael Wilson Sue Wiltgen Kathleen and Glen Winchell Carol Windham John Windhorst Jr Holly Windle Anthony S. Winer Patricia A. Winget Benjamin Winkler Hunter Winner James Wire Karen Wirth Susan and Curt Wischmeier Valerie Wise Laura Withrow Jean and Ray Witter Richard and Margaret Woellner Maureen and Christian Woeltge Jon K. Wogensen Jeff Wold Jennifer Wolf Marie Wolf Lisa Wolff Marina and Chris Wolff Mary Wolff Susanne Wollman Christine Wolohan Kenneth Wood and Marlene Nordstrom Monique and Perry Wood Ruth Wood Keith Woods Sharon Woods Judith Woodward Julie Worwa Nathan Wradislavsky David E. Wren Donna and Ben Wright Annette Wrobbel Dennis Wu John Wurm Margaret Wurtele

Priscilla Wyeth Zheng Xing My Yang David Yarusso Barbara Yawn Heather Yee Suzanne Yerg Barbara Yerich Dean Yohnk Mary and Steve York Steve York Leah V. Yotter Yali You Jane U. Young Debara Zahn Suzanne Zander Annette Zastrow Julie Zdenek Paul Zerby and Ann Browning Zerby Xin Zhant Heather Zierhut Rhonda Zillmer David Zimmer Cheryl Zimmerman Steve Zimmermann Wayne Zink and Christopher Schout Chester Zolondek Paul Zorn and Janet Petri Eric Zumbach Lauren Zwicky Felix Zwiebel

LEGACY CIRCLE The following lists donors who, through their foresight and generosity, have included the Opera in their wills or estate plans. Anonymous (5) Norton Hintz* and Mary Abbe Paul and Val Ackerman Thomas Allen Cordelia Anderson and John Humleker Dr. and Mrs. Rolf Andreassen* Mary A. Andres Karen Bachman Thomas and Ann Bagnoli Randolph G. Baier* Mrs. Harvey O. Beek* Patricia Beithon Barbara and Sandi Bemis* Dr. Lee A. Borah, Jr.* Susan S. Boren C.T. Bundy II Margaret M. Carasik Joan and George Carlson Robin J. Carpenter* Darlene J. and Richard P. Carroll Julia and Dan Cross Julia W. Dayton Charles M. Denny Jr. and Carol E. Denny George* and Susan Doty Rudolph Driscoll* Anne P. Ducharme Rondi Erickson and Sandy Lewis Ester Fesler Daniel E. Freeman Dr. Paul Froeschl Katy Gaynor Nettie Grabscheid* Robert* and Ellen Green Dr. Ieva M. Grundmanis* Michelle Hackett Russell and Priscilla Hankins Julia Hanna* Frederick J. Hey, Jr.* Elfrieda Hintze Jean McGough Holten Charles J. Hudgins* Ruth Jones* Charles and Sally Jorgensen Robert and Susan Josselson Charlotte* and Markle Karlen Mary H. Keithahn Warren and Patty Kelly Margaret Kilroe Trust* Lyndel and Blaine King Gretchen Klein* Sally Kling

Gisela Knoblauch* Liz and Jim Krezowski Robert Kriel and Linda Krach Robert and Venetia Kudrle Helen L. Kuehn* Robert “Jim” J. Lawser, Jr. Jean Lemberg* Joyce and Jerry Lillquist Dawn M. Loven David Mayo Barbara and Thomas* McBurney Mary McDiarmid Mildred McGonagle* Mary Bigelow McMillan* Sheila McNally* Mrs. Walter Meyers* John L. Michel and H. Berit Midelfort Susan Molder* Edith Mueller* Kay Ness Richard and Joan Newmark Scott J. Pakudaitis Derrill Pankow Mrs. William S. Phillips Phyllis Price Brian and Trish Huberty Prokosch Richard G.* and Liane A. Rosel Ken and Nina Rothchild Mary Savina Josef Schermann Mary H. and Christian G. Schrock Frank and Lynda Sharbrough Robert Shearer and Joan Gustafson Drew Stewart Gregory Swinehart and Mitra Walter Anthony Thein Stephanie C. Van D’Elden Mary Vaughan H. Bernt von Ohlen and W. Thomas Nichol Jean C. Wirsig* Richard Zgodava* William White Philip Oxman and Harvey Zuckman *in remembrance

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NAM ED ENDOWMEN T FUNDS The following endowment funds, created by visionary and generous donors, continue the work of Minnesota Opera for future generations. Barbara White Bemis Fund for Artistic Enhancement To enhance the quality of performances by providing funds to engage singers who have received awards through the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions. Daniel E. Freeman Endowment Fund To support Minnesota Opera’s education programs. Dolly Fiterman Fund for New Production Opera Design To support the creation of new productions by providing funds to engage designers and create new sets. Founders Endowment Fund To support new and innovate opera performances that honor the spirit, energy, and creativity of the founders in the beginning days of the Center Opera. Joan Jacobs Rubenfeld Memorial Fund To support the attendance of high school students at MN Opera performances. Minnesota Opera Center Preservation Fund To support Opera Center building improvements. The Preservation Fund recognizes the legacies of Judson Bemis and Kevin Smith, who through their leadership created the Opera Center. Valerie and Paul Ackerman Endowment Fund To support the attendance of youth at Minnesota Opera performances. Virginia L. Stringer Endowment of the Minnesota Opera Resident Artist Program To support the Resident Artist Program. William Randolph Hearst Endowment for Education and Outreach Programs To support Minnesota Opera’s education and outreach programs. Color Guard at Silent Night © RJL Photography

MINNE S OTA OP ER A GR ATEF U LLY AC K N OW LE D G E S I TS M A J O R IN ST IT U T IO N A L SU P P O RT ERS $100,000+ This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation THE ANDREW W.





Rahr Foundation

Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation

MAHADH Fund of the HRK Foundation

$5,000–$9,999 The Aaron Copland Fund for Music Inc. Boss Foundation Curtis L. Carlson Family Foundation Dellwood Foundation Ernst & Young Faegre Baker Daniels Anna M. Heilmaier Charitable Foundation Hutter Family Foundation

Hardenbergh Foundation

Mayo Clinic Peravid Foundation Rahr Corporation RBC Wealth Management Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner P.A. St. Paul Cultural STAR Travelers Foundation Twin Cities Opera Guild Xcel Energy

Family Arts Blast © Jayme Halbritter

$2,500–$4,999 Anonymous Amphion Foundation Kitselman Foundation Margaret Rivers Fund The Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation Tennant Foundation

$250–$2,499 Anonymous Enterprise Holdings Foundation Great River Energy McVay Foundation Onan Family Foundation Romanaggi Foundation USI Insurance Services







For more information about making a corporate or foundation contribution to Minnesota Opera, please contact Diana Konopka at dkonopka@mnopera.org or 612-342-9565.

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La Rondine © Cory Weaver

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