1 minute read
‘There are always surprising new discoveries’
by MIPMarkets
A HIGHLIGHT of the MIPDOC series of events at MIPTV, the MIPDOC Project Pitch is an unparalleled opportunity for documentary and factual producers to pitch projects with global appeal to an influential industry audience.
Following a widespread call for entries, five finalists have been selected by a jury of decision-makers from the factual business. The finalists now get to pitch their concepts in the Palais des Festivals — with one winning concept selected live on stage in a session moderated by ITV Studios senior vice-president, global content non scripted, Cecilie Olsen. “At ITV Studios we work with platforms and producers from all over the world, from ARD, RTL and Tencent in China; to Northern Pictures in Australia and Pernel in France,” Olsen said. “The fact that MIPDOC allows for all voices big and small, from different backgrounds, to be heard in front of an international audience of buyers and platforms, is a fantastic fit for us.”
Eligible projects include factual and documentary series or one-offs at the early stages of production and yet to be presented at a festival or market. In its shortlist for 2023, the jury looked for project innovation, strength of subject and universality. They targeted concepts with potential for multiplatform extension.

Jury members include Caroline Béhar, head of international co-productions and acquisitions at France Télévisions; Jack Oliver, head of co-productions at Sky; Lauren Billingsley, senior manager acquisitions, National Geographic; Yukari Harada, senior producer, NHK; and Kristina Hollstein, director of acquisitions and co-production, children and youth, at ZDF Studios in Germany. Hollstein said the Pitch has proved itself to be a highly relevant addition to the market “that gives projects international visibility”. She added: “I look for new approaches, storylines and access. The logline is important to me. You have to be able to pitch with a strong, short description.” Hollstein has been in the factual business for years, working with partners including National Geographic, Discovery, the BBC and France TV.
But she says there is still much to learn from the MIPDOC Project Pitch: “It is amazing to see how well thought out most of the entries are. We know many of the producers and talents pitching, but there are always surprising new discoveries,” she said.

Women At War – The Invisible Army, Foxtrot Films, UK
The Pink Panthers, Autentic, Germany
Let Me Go Home, Heroes Creative Studio, Ukraine
The Queer Traveler, Effervescence, France
The New Face Of War, Bonne Pioche TV, France