1 minute read

Doing well, but could do better

A MENTORING session is taking place on Wednesday at MIPTV where executives with expertise and experience in diversity and inclusion will mentor delegates in a roundtable format. The premise of the session: “A diverse and inclusive workplace boosts productivity and innovation. The TV industry is better than some, but it still has a way to go.”

Those attending will break into groups to hear presentations and seek advice and insight from five experts on the subject.

Topics to be discussed include Lack Of Access For Minorities

In The Entertainment Industry, with Hanan Lancaster, executive producer, In the Zone Films; and Equality For More Diversity

In The Workplace with Bouchra Réjani, founder and CEO, WeMake Productions.

Other mentors include Dixi Stewart, managing director, SandStone Global; Adrian Smith, co-founder, producer and presenter, The Three Drinkers; and Fathima Beckmann, senior vice-president global inclusion at Paramount.

Joining Forces To Accelerate Diversity & Inclusion

… on Wednesday, April 19, from 11.15 to 12.15 in the MIP

Women’s Mentoring Breakfast

... with MédiaClub’Elles on Wednesday, April 19, in the Lerins from 09.00 to 10.15 and salaries. So they are paid less and work in worse conditions despite being as capable — and sometimes more capable — than their male counterpart.”

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