Bringing Harmony To All The Communities ... BC CANADA Bi-Weekly & Bilingual
Volume 14 Issue 381-Jamadiul Awaal 16, 1436 AH / February 6, 2015- $1
Loonie could fall as low as 69 US cents, forecaster warns
The Canadian dollar will sink as low as 69 U.S. cents with little to drive the economy after oil’s collapse, according to Macquarie Group Ltd, joining a growing list of forecasters lowering their projections. Macquarie forecast Monday the currency would reach a bottom near 69 U.S. cents. Royal Bank of Canada and Credit Suisse Group AG last week lowered their forecasts to 75 cents. HSBC Holdings Plc is calling for a 74 cent Canadian dollar. Morgan Stanley sees the loonie dropping to 71 U.S. cents by next year. “There’s going to need to be even more Canadian dollar weakness than people expect because of the significant loss of competitiveness,” Evan Brown, an analyst with Morgan Stanley, said by phone from New York. With consumer debt loads at a record high, manufacturing hobbled by the surge in the loonie to parity with its U.S. peer in the past decade and energy producers cutting investment and jobs, there are few growth
Continued on pg 5
Muslim groups ‘troubled’ by PM Stephen Harper’s mosque remark drew a link between radicalization and mosques.
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair decries prime minister’s comment as a form of Islamaphobia
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Your Message for Miracle’s 14th Anniversary on Feb 20, 2015 ‘The Miracle’ newspaper is the first and only Muslim biweekly & bilingual (English & Urdu) newspaper of Vancouver and the Lower Mainland area, which has been serving the BC Community now for 14 years. The Miracle’s motto is to:
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this occasion, wh ll as Miracle’s readers. lished a special supplement at iticians, religious scholars as we pol s, cial offi nt me ern For many years, ‘The Miracle’ pub gov es, readers, muniti the 14th Anniversary to all of our letters, suggestions from all com , for ges ge ssa ssa me me er r cov you we us d tion sen edi to In this like to request you or. Please send your n this year. ‘The Miracle’ would lished on Feb 20, 2015 in full col pub be l wil tion edi cial We will be continuing the traditio Spe ry rsa Annive y sent in 2014. The Miracle 14th Thanks similar to ones you had graciousl acle Media Group Inc. ed lish pub is it ure Naseer. Pirzada (ME) \ The Mir ens M. to 5 201 13, ry rua Feb by t fon s@t message in color Cell: 604-690-0400 \ miraclenew