BC Canada
Volume 11 Issue 288 Shabaan 13, 1432 AH / July 15, 2011 - $1
Bi-Weekly & Bilingual
Abbas vows to continue UN statehood bid
people and leaving more than 100 injured. The first blast erupted in the Jhaveri Bazaar at 6.54 p.m. local time, the second struck a minute later in a business district known as Opera House and the third hit the neighbourhood of Dadar less than 10 minutes later. Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram said the timing of the blasts suggests “this was a co-ordinated attack by terrorists.” He added that Mumbai has been placed on high alert. Reports from the scene described blood-covered bodies lying in the streets while survivors hugged and wept, while police questioned witnesses. Police were scrambling to determine the cause and find those responsible, with bomb squad investigators searching vehicles for explosives amid charred remains of motorcycles, shattered storefronts and a demolished bus stop. One eyewitness at Jhaveri Bazaar described two motorcycles exploding in flames and saw at least six bodies. “People were
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, has vowed to pursue the bid for statehood at the UN General Assembly in New York in September. The announcement comes after mediators of the Middle East Quartet failed to announce any progress in their meeting in Washington on Monday about how to revive stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Abbas called the Mideast Quartet’s silence “a negative indication” of “deep division between them”. “We will go to the United Nations and we hope the US wilil not use its veto, but that we will go with its agreement,” Abbas said, after a meeting on Tuesday in Athens with Karolos Papoulias, the Greek president. The Palestinian UN bid is for statehood on the lines that existed before the 1967 Six Day War, covering the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Israel, the US and some European governments oppose the plan and the Quartet had been expected to draw up a new initiative for peace talks that could persuade the Palestinians to drop the bid. Saeb Erekat, a Palestinian negotiator, told the AFP news agency that “there is no other option but to support the Palestinian plan” to seek statehood. “It is time for the international community to support the Palestinian plan to obtain membership for the state of Palestine on the 1967 borders because this approach will preserve the peace process and the two-state solution,” Erekat said. Peace talks between the Palestinian and Israeli sides have been in stalemate since September 2010, when Israel refused to renew a partial Israeli settlement freeze that had expired. Palestinians say they will not engage in dialogue amid Israeli construction on land they want for a future state. Monday’s dinner was likely to be the last meeting of the peacemaking group before the Palestinians seek full UN membership when the General Assembly convenes in September. The Quartet representatives - Ban Ki-moon, the UN chief; Catherine Ashton, the EU foreign policy chief; Tony Blair, the former British prime minister and Quartet envoy; Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state; and Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister - did not issue a public state-
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Vote in the HST referendum:By now, most BC voters have received HST Referendum Voting Package in their mailbox. Ballet packages must be received by Elections BC by July 22, 4:30 pm. Translations and further information are available on the Elections BC Website (www.elections.bc.ca)
At least 21 killed, dozens injured in Mumbai blasts India’s home minister says terrorists were likely behind three explosions that rocked Mumbai, killing at least 21
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