Miracle 425, oct 14 ,2016 r

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Bringing Harmony To All The Communities ...

Volume 16 Issue 425 - Muharrum 13, 1438 AH / October 14, 2016

New attack kills 14 worshippers at mosque


B C CANADA Bi-W eekly & Bilingual


Kashmir dispute can be solved at UN level At least 14 Afghan civilians have been killed in a bomb blast outside a mosque in northern Balkh province, a day after a deadly gun attack on Shia worshippers at a shrine in the capital, Kabul. Munir Ahmad Farhad, spokesman for the provincial governor in Balkh, said on Wednesday the attack targeted a group of Shia Muslims following ceremonies commemorating Ashoura, Continued on Pg 4

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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


Plebiscite, the only way out ! ortunately, the threat o Indo ak war seems to be ading away or now, how ever, the possibility o any kind o provocation continues to e ist posing a real danger to the regional peace. nless India stops commit ting atrocities against the ashmiri people, the region remains volatile. tubbornly, India has been at tempting to escalate tensions at the line o control Lo ust to divert world’s attention away rom the grave situation in Indian occupied ashmir. Faking surgical strike: Indian alse claim o the strike is ground less or lack o solid proo , and akistan had already re ected the Indian surgical strike claims and summoned Indian igh ommis sioner to oreign ffice to con demn such claims. akistan also condemned the unprovoked firing by the Indian orces across the Lo , whereby two o ak soldiers were martyred as a result. ccording to the ak oreign sec retary, India’s endeavours to iso late akistan internationally back fired as they were blown up into its ace. e erring to investigations into the ri attack, India miserably ailed avoided to share evidences with akistan. roblem is the ma ority o Indians oppose e ercising the right o sel determination by the kashmiris to gain independence. his is a clear e ample o mockery o the claimed democracy in India. act is a alse claim o love or ashmiris makes no sense at all. eyond doubt, ashmiris are entitled to the right

o sel determination in accordance with the resolutions, but the said resolutions have been shelved away maliciously or which India is mostly responsible. istory shows once a reedom movement gains momentum, its spread goes viral hence becomes out o control in avour the ree dom strugglers. his indicates that the ongoing atrocities against the ashmiris by the Indian occupa tion orces are only strengthening the reedom struggle. ne must remember, eventually, India has no choice but to surren der to the aspirations o the ash miri people. akistan must stand up or the ahsmiri people. leepy eyes to the plight o the troubled ashmiri people are not air at all. ccording to the headlines dur ing the first days o the atroci ties alone about . million pellets were used to in ure the protesters. he total population o occupied ammu and ashmir is over . million. It means roughly there was a pellet or every to ash miris. Indian government doesn’t seem to be in a mood o curtailing its brutality towards the reedom fighting masses. ashmiri uslims continue to su er heavily the surviving amilies are mourning the dead and nursing the critically in ured ones akistan’s permanent representa tive to the , r aleeha Lo dhi has termed what is happening in ashmir a ailure o the and its members, saying that the silence o the body has destroyed

Waan laysa lil insaniilla ma’ sa’aa

Miraculous Month of Muharram. Islamic New Year. By: Gulshan Aalani Known as the White month, and month of Light. As one of the major miracles happened in this month. That proves the facts of existence of the Creator-GOD. Only HE can Create and destroy. No human gods have any power like HIS power. Muharram is one of the 4 sacred months: Rajab, Dhul Qaddah, Dh. Hijjah, In which the wars and fights are prohibited except in self-defense or one is provoked and forced. Yet, it is Divine advise to avoid it altogether and hold peace: as these 4 months are of the great opportunity to avoid wars and go for ‘peace treaty’, as well known tradition of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). One of the most significance miracle happened in this auspicious Month on the Day of Ashura (means ten) The ‘Day of Salvation’, Exodus, & Freedom, in time of Prophet Moses (AS). With Allah’s help Prophet Moses (AS) managed to rescue Bani Israeltribe of Prophet Israel/Jacob (AS) the Israelite slaves from the claws of

generations o ashmiris. r Lodhi has slammed the or its ailure to give the ashmiri peo ple the right to sel determination, and it’s about time that someone acknowledges that the Indian occu pation and brutality needs to end. It is highly disappointing as the resolutions are o no ace value there has never been any attempt to en orce adherence to them. Thought provoking: ashmiris bury their martyrs in akistani ag and that only re ects their trust in us to recognise them as stakeholders. Funeral procession is not spared either: elatives and neighbours clutched the twelve year old unaid kram’s body as tear gas shells were fired by Indian police men at his uneral procession. Indian in icted atrocities in ash mir continue in the midst o all the appeals made to the international community and the nited ations. ut, India on the other hand has been quick to blame akistan or omenting unrest. International community must wake up as a horrible humanitar ian crisis is un olding in ashmir because the Indian military is busy artificially creating a shortage o ood, medicines, water and other basic amenities by disturbing the supply line to the valley. No outsiders are allowed to come in: he nited ations uman ights team has been denied access into Indian eld ashmir, and it is ob vious that they want to maintain the complete lockdown on the reedom, movement and rights o ashmiris out o direct attention o

the rest o the world. akistan has stepped up diplomatic activities at several levels. dvisor to the rime inister on oreign ffairs arta i has said that the resolution on ashmir passed by the akistani parliament would be sent out to the country’s missions around the world. Recommended: he previously passed reso lutions giving the right o sel determination to the inhabitants o ashmir must be recogni ed so that people o ashmir are able to decide their own uture to live a peace ul li e. Indeed, the international commu nity must wake up to oil Indian attempts to divert attention away rom ashmir. n independent and transparent inquiry into the grave human rights violations o the innocent ashmi ri people is crucial to neutrali e the possible con ict, so that a deadly regional war does not happen. In order to pursue the matter effectively, the current ak govern ment must appoint a ull time oreign minister o high calibre who can take a good care o the strategic interests o the country now or never. Indeed, that will help India learn and adopt a so ter tone and be riendlier with akistan. ter all both sides o the Indo ak border are inhabited by the civili ed human beings. Let’s give peace a chance through negotiated settlement –sooner the better.

the University Graduation. We also share the same Biblical Prophets and Messengers, from Prophets Adam(AS) to Noah (AS), Lot (AS), Isaac (AS), Jacob-Israel (AS), Jonah (AS) John the Baptist (AS), Moses (AS) Messiah Jesus (AS), his return, Angels Gabriel, Michael, and aware of the mischief of the Dajjal-Anti-Christ, evils Lucifer, Iblis, and demons-Jinn. This is the concept of true original Islam without any human intervention and fabrications. (Our heartiest condolences to all of us Muslims for the tragedy of martyrdom of H. Hussain (RA), his family and friends)

An inspirational story of a public school student!” By:Nima Malayeri. very unday I sit with children between the ages o about to . e discuss lessons rom our reli gion and I usually tell them many stories. Last week I told them o a soldier who was de ending his city and his religion but re used to kill a man a ter a duel because his op ponent spat in his ace on account o what he thought would be an im pending death blow. he lesson was to maintain your intention and air conduct even when you suffer per sonal in ury or harm and to not al low yoursel to become vindictive. I have an agreement with the chil dren that i they implement these lessons and share them with the class that we will share in some pri e once they all implement a les



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hat man can have nothing but what he strives or.

notorious King Pharaoh. Allah, also divided the Sea for them to stop the King’s Army following and drowned he evil Army of evil King. Quran: 20:80-: “O ye Children of Israel! WE delivered you from your enemy, and WE made c ovenant with you on the right side of Mt. Sinai--”.Q.:2:49-: “--And remember, --they set you hard tasks and punishments, slaughtered your sons and let your women folk live, there in was a tremendous trial from your Lord”. 50: -”--Remember, WE divided the Sea for you and saved you and drowned Pharaoh’s people within your very sight”. On this auspicious day of Ashura our brethren Jewish people celebrate it and fast one day. Prophet Muhammad SAWS advised Muslims to commemorate this great day thank Allah in gratitude for the deliverance of the Israelites, and for giving the victory to Prophet Moses (AS) who is also the Prophet of Muslims, and recommended fasting 2 days on the day of Ashura, plus 9th or 11th. This proves we are intertwined with each other in many ways, like the colorful Olympic Rings, as we have so much in common with Jews, Christians, and Bani Israel-12 tribes of Prophet IsraelJacob (AS) as we all follow the Holy Scriptures. Also share the same previous Books, that are the continuation of the Divine Revelations (like part 1,2,3,4,) revealed in parts, and ended in the Al-Quran the final closing Divine Revelation, as the last final year of


son each. his week one student told me they had to discuss the effects o Isis on the world in their class at public school and at the end o the class they all shared where they were rom. e mentioned he was rom akistan. ter the class one o the students decided to call him Isis. hat happened a ter that brought tears to my eyes. he student said when the child called him Isis he had the urge to call the boy many names, and he in ormed me o what some o these names were, but instead he said he remembered our lesson and held his tongue. he child that told me o his e perience is also very big and strong or his age. nother student told me that children ear him on account o that and he knows it. his child had the wit to respond in kind, he had the strength to physi cally escalate the matter and he had what many o us might think to be a ustified reason to retaliate. onetheless, he decided to e ercise restraint in his soul. his is an op tion many o us ail to understand is available and likely the best option in many cases. his is our religion. It brought tears to many o our eyes in the class and behaviour like this is what makes li e beauti ul. each your children these lessons and eel the serenity it brings to your heart. .s. I told the student he must report the child who called him Isis to the school as restraining yoursel is one thing but preventing others rom acing similar harm is also another thing.

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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


Pak High Commissioner Abdul Basit rubbishes Indian surgical strike claims

akistan’s igh ommissioner to ew elhi bdul asit in an interview with India oday re ected Indian claims o a ‘surgical strike’ across the Line o ontrol Lo on ednesday. s ar as the government o akistan is concerned, there was no surgical strike whatsoever, otherwise they would have responded immediately, he said. hen ‘video evi dence’ o the strike was brought up during the interview, asit rubbished the claim. here can’t be any video... e cause the surgical strike did not take place. o surgical strike across the Lo was conducted in the dark hours o ept , he reiterated.‘ losing all doors or cooperation’ esponding to a question about investigation into the ri attack, asit said, e would like to get out o this blame game, so why not get an international investigation into this incident ou did not leave any room or cooperation. hen you start blaming akistan and terming us as a terrorist state, you are closing all the doors or cooperation, the high commissioner said. I India believes akistan has done it then the best way orward would be to have an inter national probe. he high commissioner added that when both sides commence a dialogue process, resolution o is sues can be taken orward. hen we’re not talking to each

other, then this coopera tion is not possible, a sit said, adding that aki stan’s investigation into the athankot air base at tack was ongoing. ‘ ome orces trying to undermine akistan’ hen questioned about alochistan, the asit said, he people o a lochistan are as patriotic as people in other parts o akistan but we do have worries because there is a larger question o a oreign agenda o destabilising akistan, he said. ou would recall that earlier this year we arrested a man called ulbhushan adhav, and that corroborated what akistan has been saying all along. o to that e tent, we are worried... ome orces are trying to undermine akistan, he added.‘ aarc a collective loss’ he high commissioner termed postponement o the aarc summit a collective loss or all countries involved. e are confident that akistan will host the th summit i not this year, then sometime ne t year, asit said.

he already mercurial political temperature is likely to rise ur ther as the akistan uslim League awa and the government it runs at the centre do not seem to be in a mood to hold out an olive branch to a uming akistan ehreek e Insa to ward off its upcoming protest plans. he I’s announcement to shut down the ederal capital and wage a protest movement on ctober may have sent shock waves in the L ’s ranks, yet the ruling party is unwilling to so ten up and reconcile with Imran han’s party ackground discussions with insiders in both the camps suggest that the two parties stand poles apart as ar as their political perspec tives are concerned. hile the I’s protest preparations are in ull swing, the L is no mood to budge either. ollowing a series o consultative meetings with party leaders rom the ederal capital and its un ab chapter, the L leadership remains firm on its decision not to use backdoor channels to avoid the looming con rontation. Instead, the party is bracing or protests on the set date. I leader, requesting not to be named, said the possibility o backdoor contacts between the I and L on the anamagate remained open till the ed eral cabinet approved the ommission o Inquiry ill on ugust . hat was the last nail in the coffin, the source commented. ter the cabinet quietly approved the bill that was initially not part o the meeting’s agenda and was included later, Imran han’s party looked or other options. It’s like we have been taken or a ride their government’s intentions are crystal clear they can’t be trusted anymore, the source com mented. ow we have burnt the boats and there is no way to retreat. n the other hand, the L insiders pass the buck on the I. L stalwart, requesting anonymity, said the ed eral government would not have introduced the ommission o

Inquiry ill , had the I conceded to ‘ ust one demand’ not to include rime inister awa hari ’s name in the o s. he ederal government, according to him, was compelled to have this bill approved by the ederal cabinet and moved it in parliament on account o the in e ible I stance on the o s. It is a documented act that a deadlock persisted because they the I wanted the o s to be person specific while we want ed the o s to be generic. ad the I agreed to ust this one demand, things could have been very different. L bigwig and Leader o the ouse in the enate a a a arul aq be lieved there is hardly any reason or the ruling party to reconcile with the I. his would only be possible i they stop issu ing threats and give up their highhanded methods. It’s the I that is responsible or plunging itsel into political isolation, he told he press ribune. arliament comprising all political parties but the I passed a unanimous resolution to condemn Indian orces’ brutalities in I . he I was one o those op position parties that insistently demanded convening o the oint session and when the occasion arrived, they boycotted it. ven their allies condemned this decision. his party is trapped in a sel created mess. hen asked about the reported escalation o tension between the L and the I a ter the arrival o the ommission o Inquiry ill , he said, his observation is not valid. his bill was moved a ter the I closed the doors o dialogue and negotiations due to its stubborn and in e ible stance. o counter the ederal government’s bill, the has moved its own bill the anama apers Inquiry ill in en ate. his is the way to counter political moves in parliament through wise manoeuvres instead o threatening to shut down a city that is your ederal capital. Published in The Express Tribun.

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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


& I N T .

$120M U.N. appeal crucial for Haiti recovery

$120 million U.N. appeal for Haiti is crucial to fund life-saving recovery programs in the impoverished nation reeling from the destruction of Hurricane Matthew, aid groups said Tuesday. United Nations SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki Moon this week announced the appeal aimed at aiding an estimated 1.4 million Haitians struggling to meet basic needs. He said the money would finance crucial aide for three months. Almost $70 million would be earmarked for water, sanitation and medical efforts. “Some towns and villages have been almost wiped off the map,” he said. “Crops and food reserves have been destroyed.... A massive response is required.” Matthew stormed through the tiny nation of 10 million people last week, killing hundreds and destroying infrastructure. The lack of clean drinking water has generated fears of a cholera outbreak in a country that has already seen 27,000 cholera cases this year. Haiti was still recovering from a 2010 earthquake that killed 200,000 — more than 55,000 people were still living in tents and makeshift homes — before Matthew roared through. “With the U.N. now making an appeal for $119 million, we’re seeing how serious the world is taking the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew,” said Mike Weickert, the head of the Haitian relief response for the aid group World Vision. “At this point, inaction could cost lives.” Save the Children also joined the U.N. in urging a quick response to the dis-


aster wrought by Matthew. “Right now our biggest concern is cholera. The number of cases is increasing with every new report,” said Unni Krishnan, a physician and director of the group’s emergency health unit in Haiti. “Flooding and contaminated water caused by the storm pose a huge threat to survivors including thousands of children.” Christy Delafield, spokesperson for the international aid group Mercy Corps in Haiti, said an infusion of U.N. cash could go a long way toward accelerating the recovery — if the money gets to the people quickly enough. Delafield says recovery involves two phases: immediate needs and long term reconstruction of lives. “First we need clean water, food, shelter, medicine” she said. “We need to get people back into their homes.” Phase two involves longer-term projects such as repairing infrastructure: Scores of bridges and roads remain blocked by massive debris or washed out. And planting, so that the perilous food shortage does not extend for years. “This year’s harvest is gone. Livestock is gone, farms are gone,” she said. “If we don’t get assistance to people in time to plant their crops this December and recover some form of income, the problems will become much more entrenched.” Ban said the U.N. is mobilizing across all fronts to support the Haitian people, their government and aid groups in pressing ahead with the recovery. He urged the the international community to show “solidarity and generosity.” “Needs are growing as more affected areas are reached,” Ban said. “Tensions are already mounting as people await help.” Delafield and Weickert said their organizations are trying to stimulate the Haitian economy by paying local people in cash to clear roads, cook food in shelters or do other repair and recovery work. “The best scenario is to employ Haitians to rebuild their lives and transform their own communities,” Delafield said. “That’s the most sustainable solution.” Source: USA Today

Scores dead after Aleppo pounded in aerial onslaught

Trump trails Clinton by 8 points after tape scandal, debate: poll

onald rump has allen ur ther behind illary linton and now trails her by points among likely voters, according to a new euters Ipsos opinion poll, with in epublicans saying his vulgar comments about groping women disqual i y him rom the presidency. he national tracking poll was launched a ter unday night’s second presidential debate, where rump was pressed to e plain his comments in a videotape about grabbing women’s genitalia. e described the remarks, which first sur aced on riday, as locker room banter and apologi ed to mericans. he poll released on uesday showed linton, the emocratic nominee, had increased her lead over rump, the epublican nominee, to percentage points on onday rom points last week. rump was under pres sure during unday’s debate to restore con fidence in his struggling campaign a ter do ens o lawmakers repudiated him. e hammered linton’s handling o classified in ormation while serving as secretary o state and re erred to her as the devil. t one point, he said he would ail linton i he were president. mong those who said they watched at least portions o the debate, percent said linton won while percent said rump won. he results ell along par tisan lines, however percent o emo crats elt linton won, while percent o epublicans elt that rump won. mong likely voters who watched the debate, percent said they supported linton while percent supported rump. In the ccess ollywood video rump boasted about making unwanted se ual advances toward women. hen you’re a star they let you do it, he is heard saying. ome percent o those polled said that lots o men occasionally engage in similar con versations, and percent, a plurality, said it was un air to udge someone on conver sations that they did not intend or anyone else to hear. ost o those polled said they believe rump is a se ist, but they were split on whether his comments disquali y him rom being president. ome percent o merican adults, including percent o registered epublicans, said rump’s com ments disqualified him, while percent

said they did not. mong epublicans, percent said they want rump to remain atop their party’s ticket, and percent said the epublican leadership should stand by him. he video doesn’t appear to have wors ened rump’s standing among women, who mostly had a low opinion o him already, according to euters Ipsos polling over the past months. hen asked to pick be tween the two candidates, about percent o women chose linton while percent selected rump roughly the same propor tion as measured in polls conducted be ore the weekend. rump, however, appears to be shedding support among evangelicals, who are usually a wellspring o support or epublican presidential candidates. on day’s poll showed that rump had only a point edge over linton among people who identified as evangelicals. hat’s down rom a point advantage or rump in uly. he euters Ipsos poll is conducted online in nglish in all states. he poll o , merican adults included , people who watched the debates, , peo ple who were considered likely voters due to their registration status, voting history and stated intention to vote in the election. mong the likely voters, the poll counted emocrats and epublicans. he poll has a credibility interval, a measure o accuracy, o percentage points or the en tire group, points or likely voters and the debate watchers, points or emocrats and points or epublicans. ational opinion polls have measured support or the candi dates in different ways this year, yet most agree that linton is leading and that her advantage has strengthened as the general election approaches. eal lear olitics, which tracks most ma or opinion polls, shows linton ahead o rump by an aver age o percentage points, and that her lead has grown since the middle o eptember ource Globe and ail

not clear what the aircra t were targeting. there. ro government orces have opened any stores totally disappeared. I can’t at least seven different ronts across the di find a trace o a mini market I used to buy vided city. Last week the yrian army said things rom, she told the ssociated ress it would reduce its air strikes to allow peo news agency, asking that her last name not ple in rebel held east leppo to leave. here be published because o security concerns. were a ew days o calm, but there was no he destruction is horrible, she said. he corridor or civilians to evacuate to other rubble has piled up and the roads are cut. rebel held areas, l a eera’s eina hodr ccording to bu Leith, people were said, reporting rom Ga iantep along the killed in ardous alone. e only have urkey yria border. nd while there has three doctors in our hospital and about eight been criticism rom the international com nurses. e couldn’t accept all the in ured at munity, said hodr, there has been little the same time, odar heikho, an emer action ood supplies are running low and he gency nurse in ardous, told l a eera. c medical services are overwhelmed . cording to global charity octors ithout latest strikes have shattered a relative lull orders, there are only ambulances le t in the area, where hospitals, underground came as ussia announced it would hold and regional or the , people who remain in the shelters, and buildings had been targeted or new peace talks with the rebel held sector. nly doctors are still weeks. he surge in attacks on ednesday powers this weekend. Source: Al-Jazeera Nations tally, by a gunman who entered the Karte Shakhi out.” Ashoura marks the 7th-century death of a grandAfghanistan Cont from Page 1 shrine and opened fire on a crowd of worshippers gathered son of the Prophet Muhammad, Imam Hussein. The day a major religious holiday. He said 36 people were also for Ashoura. ISIL said in a statement on Wednesday that is typically marked by processions that often include selfwounded in the explosion in the provincial capital, Mazar- the attacker detonated a suicide vest after firing all his am- flagellation by some worshippers. Government warnings of i-Sharif. “The death toll could rise because a number of munition, but security forces said they shot the man dead. possible attacks prompted a more subdued observation this the wounded people are in critical condition,” said Farhad, A Reuters video showed the suspected attacker’s body in- year. In Afghanistan, Shia Muslims make up an estimated adding the bomb appeared to have been detonated by re- tact, with no sign of an explosive vest. One survivor, Saleha, 15 percent of the population of about 30 million and most mote control. There was no immediate claim of responsi- said from her hospital bed that she was sheltering her infant are ethnic Hazaras. Groups such as the Taliban and Islamic bility for Wednesday’s blast. Islamic State of Iraq and the daughter when the gunman came upon them. “He ran out State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) view Shias as apostates Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) claimed responsibility for of bullets and while he was changing his gun’s magazine I and frequently attack their mosques and public gatherings. a similar attack on the Shia community in Kabul on Tues- begged him, saying my six-month old is innocent, please An ISIL attack on the ethnic minority on July 23 in Kabul day. At least 18 people were killed, according to a United don’t kill us. He shook his head saying ‘OK, OK’ and went killed 84 people and wounded 130 others. Source: Al-Jazeera

yria’s leppo city was the scene o mass carnage on ednesday with at least civil ians killed in air strikes on rebel held neigh bourhoods, a local rescue group said. irst responders said the divided city’s eastern sector was pounded by more than us sian and yrian government missile attacks throughout the day that also wounded more than people some in critical condition. p until this moment the ivil e ence is still working to pull people rom the rub ble, Ibrahim bu Leith, an leppo based spokesman or the rescue group also known as the hite elmets, told l a eera. ar lier in the day, air strikes on a busy market place in the ardous neighbourhood killed at least people. r arida, a gynaecologist whose clinic was in the market, said it was


Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


Ashura Procession Walk in Downtown,Vancouver

By: Waquar Hassan a e ussain ssociation o urrey , organi ed its nnual uhar ram rocession on unday ct , to commemorate the great sacrifice o

Imam ussain . and his compan ions. he purpose o the march was to spread the message o Imam ussain to the local communities.. he event started at the ancouver Li

brary and ended at the obson square. heme or the event niversality o Imam ussain message, and how his message speaks to everyone rom all walks o li e

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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


& I N T .


Syria: UK wants ICC probe of alleged Russian war crimes

‘It’s every day’: Bus pass-ups on the rise in Metro Vancouver

he number o buses that report leaving people behind is on track to be its highest ever this year, meaning more commuters are acing alse starts in the morning. um bers provided by ransLink to ews show a more than per cent increase in bus pass ups in the past five years, a con sequence o surging ridership and delayed investments in in rastructure like the long promised roadway subway. hat can you do asked ric ellis, who was only one person away rom boarding a Line at roadway and ommercial rive. It’s every day. hey can’t put any more buses on this route. It’s back to back already. It’s clogged. very time a bus leaves some one behind, bus drivers press a button that logs the incident. In , bus drivers pressed that button , times. In , a ter the anada Line opened, that number actually dropped to , . ut in subse quent years that number increased again, to , in , and , in . s ransLink was pressed to reorgani e its routes or efficiency, bus pass ups dropped in , to , . ut that improvement was short lived last year, the number rose again to , , and this year it was at , in ugust putting it on track to be around the , mark by the end o the year. our o the five most crowded routes travel east and west through ancou ver the , which heads rom etrotown to the , which heads rom oyce tation to the , which heads rom rentwood own entre to and the Line, which goes along roadway rom ommercial rive to . s more people move to etro ancouver, more people are taking the bus. idership has umped . per cent across the system since last year, or about . million rides. ut the new people are ocking to routes that were already the busiest and best serviced in the city. or e ample, the ridership umped per cent in the last five years that’s . million rides this year that ransLink didn’t have to account or in . e have seen an increase in ridership. e do know there are some really busy bus routes out there. It can be rustrating or our passengers when they’re standing in the rain. e do have measures in place to help alleviate some congestion, ransLink’s enni er ore

land said. he agency is hoping to put more buses on those routes, planning or new buses by . ransLink has put so many buses on the Line route already it says the road itsel is at capacity. bus comes every three minutes. ltimately we are at a place where we do need more resources, said oreland. ransLink relies on other levels o government to get capital unding or its pro ects. roadway subway line was first promised in , when then pre mier Gordon ampbell promised it would reach as part o a billion invest ment in transit. e have the resources in place to set this plan in motion, ampbell said at the time. ampbell’s successor, remier hristy lark, demanded the re gion vote on a sales ta to und a shorter subway to rbutus treet. he re erendum was soundly de eated. he whole idea o voting or in rastructure was deeply awed, said the ’s transit critic avid by. I have no idea why the government thought it was a good idea to put this up to a re erendum. e need that transit, by said. In the meantime, people are trying to get to work and to school. hey’re taking cars or they’re ust not getting there. he new subway line is so ar behind we should already be having discussions on where we should be building transit a ter the roadway Line is built. ustin rudeau’s ederal Liberal government has promised unding or transit pro ects, but it’s hing ing on whether the province and municipal governments can match its contribution. short term compromise phase one und ing has meant purchasing new ky rain cars, operating a new ea us, and money to design the roadway subway, but not to build it. In the meantime, ransLink is scrambling to keep up with the demand, changing routes and resources our times a year. ome o the new buses should show up on the streets as early as spring o ne t year, and ransLink is even re us ing to retire old buses, hoping to lengthen those buses’ lives with more maintenance. eople ews spoke with at the bus stop were optimistic things could get better. I it can be improved, that’s good. hat’s great, said one rider. Source: CTV News

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ritish oreign ec retary oris ohnson has given his backing to rench calls or an International rimi nal ourt investiga tion into alleged us sian war crimes in the besieged yrian city o leppo. ohnson made the comments on uesday as the lower house o the rit ish parliament met or an emergency de bate on the situation in the rebel held east o the city. he minister said there was little doubt the targeting o civilian struc tures in leppo, such as hospitals, was intentional and, there ore, against interna tional law. ospitals have been targeted with such requency and precision that it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that this must be deliberate policy ... e do think there could be advantage in the I proce dures, ohnson said. I would remind this house that in recent history war criminals have been prosecuted decades a ter the o ences. ir strikes in leppo on uesday in the ustan and erdous neighbourhoods killed at least people, with the death toll likely to go up as rescuers work through the rubble. t least two o those killed were children and strikes were ongoing at the time o publication. In a statement re leased on uesday, the ussian mbassy in London denied targeting civilians and criticised the and other estern states or their conduct in the five year war, which has killed an estimated , people. ritain’s logic implies putting an end to fighting terrorists and their al lies ... ur logic is different fight on to destroy the ihadists sparing the civilians. yria is going through the hard process o de eating terrorists. ity that the ritish parliamentarians placed themselves on the wrong side o history this time, it said. ohnson’s comments came a ter on servative and ormer minister ndrew itchell compared ussia to a i Ger many be ore orld ar II. ussia is behaving like a rogue elephant, shredding international humanitarian law, abusing its veto powers on the ecurity ouncil, using the veto to protect itsel rom its own war crimes, itchell said. he ussians are not attacking military ormations, they are not engaging with militias and fighters, they are attacking hospitals and a terrified population. he ussians are doing to the precisely what Italy and Germany did to the League o ations in the s, and they are doing to leppo precisely what the a is did to Guernicaduring the panish ivil ar. itchell’s comments were lauded on both sides o the house,

with Labour s and onservatives sug gesting the implementation o a no y one, sanctions on the ussians, and ood drops to besieged areas. cottish ational arty rendan ’ ara oined other parliamentarians in condemning alleged ussian use o the controversial double tap tactic, which involves striking an area once, waiting or rescuers to arrive, and then attacking again. Labour’s shadow oreign secretary mily hornberry drew heckles rom some o her own s or in sisting talks with ussia should continue despite accusations o war crimes. horn berry condemned air strikes in the east o leppo, as well as rebel mortar attacks against government held territory, but said efforts to reach a ceasefire with the us sians should continue. In a multi layered, multi aceted civil war, the last thing we need is more parties bombing, horn berry said. he anger that people rightly eel here must not prevent us rom seeking to work with the ussian government to restore the erry Lavrov peace process. rustration at ussia’s role in the yrian civil war could open it up to urther sanc tions, with politicians across urope tak ing up a more belligerent position. n uesday, ussian resident ladimir u tin cancelled a trip to rance a ter its re quest or an I investigation. he an ger over ussia’s behaviour in yria has been bubbling under the sur ace in ritish and rench policy circles or a while. he recent ailed ceasefire in leppo has also driven many German policymakers in a more hostile position towards the rem lin, said le ander larkson, a lecturer in uropean studies at ing’s ollege Lon don. his certainly has led to a diplomat ic escalation that means it is less likely that sanctions over rimea or onbass will be dropped quickly. here is also the possi bility o a more aggressive regulatory approach towards ussian financial insti tutions known to be intertwined with the ussian security state. hough the u ropeans will probably not do much more than this, most importantly this diplomatic rustration means they will not stand in the way o urkish or G efforts to arm the rebels, larkson told l a eera. Source: Al-Jazeera

Be prepared for storm season

nvironment anada has posted a special weather statement or a series o power ul storms bringing heavy rain and strong winds approaching the outh oast in the coming days. ith all severe storms, emergency responders and util ity crews will be working hard to provide service. o ensure re sources are used appropriately only call or li e threatening emergencies. or non emergen cy related matters, please call . . . esidents o urrey can prepare or these storms and associated power outages with a ew simple steps ave cell phones charged nsure ashlights have batteries installed nsure adequate ood and water supplies

se candles with care I generators are used, ensure they are located outside and away rom windows and doors ove any loose items rom yards and secure properly tay off the roads and drive only when abso lutely required y taking a ew simple precautions we can help alleviate some o the risks associated with se vere storms and keep our community sa e. Mark Griffioen ,Assistant Chief Surrey Fire Service


Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016

FAITH Abu Bakarah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The year is twelve months of which four are sacred, the three consecutive months of Dhul-Qa’dah, Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram, and Rajab Mudar which comes between Jumadah and Sha’ban.” Reported by Al-Bukhari, 2958

Why is the family so important to Muslims?


he family f is the foundation of Islamic society. The peace and security offered by a stable family unit is greatly valued, and seen as essential for the spiritual growth of its members. A harmonious social order is created by the existence of extended families; children are treasured, and rarely leave home until the time they marry. What about Muslim women? Islam sees a woman, whether single or married, as an individual in her own right, with the right to own and dispose of her property and earnings. A marriage dowry is given by the groom to the bride for her own personal use, and she keeps her own family name rather than taking her husband’s. Both men and women are expected to dress in a way which is modest and dignified; the traditions of female dress found in some Muslim countries are often the expression of local customs. The Messenger of God said: The most perfect in faith amongst believers is he who is best in manner and kindest to his wife.’ Can a Muslim have more than one wife? The religion of Islam was revealed for all societies and all times and so accommodates widely differing social requirements. Circumstances may warrant the taking of another wife but the right is granted, according to the Quran, only on condition that the husband is scrupulously fair. Is Islamic marriage like Christian marriage? A Muslim marriage is not a ‘sacrament’, but a simple, legal agreement in which either partner is free to include conditions. Marriage customs thus vary widely from country to country. As a result, divorce is not common, although it is not forbidden as a last resort. According to Islam, no Muslim girl can be forced to marry against her will: her parents will simply suggest young men they think may be suitable. How do Muslims treat the elderly? In the Islamic world there are no old people’s homes. The strain of caring for one’s parents in this most difficult time of their

ves is considered an honor and blesslives ing, and an opportunity for great spiritual growth. God asks that we not only pray for our parents, but act with limitless compassion, remembering that when we were helpless children they preferred us to themselves. Mothers are particularly honored: the Prophet taught that ‘Paradise lies at the feet of mothers’. When they reach old age, Muslim parents are treated mercifully, with the same kindness and selflessness. In Islam, serving one’s parents is a duty second only to prayer, and it is their right to expect it. It is considered despicable to express any irritation when, through no fault of their own, the old become difficult. The Quran says: Your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him, and be kind to parents. If either or both of them reach old age with you, do not say ‘uff to them or chide them, but speak to them in terms of honor and kindness. Treat them with humility, and say, ‘My Lord! Have mercy on them, for they did care for me when I was little’. (17:23-4) How do Muslims view death? Like Jews and Christians, Muslims believe that the present life is only a trial preparation for the next realm of existence. Basic articles of faith include: the Day of Judgment, resurrection, Heaven and Hell. When a Muslim dies, he or she is washed, usually by a family member, wrapped in a clean white cloth, and buried with a simple prayer preferably the same day. Muslims consider this one of the final services they can do for their relatives, and an opportunity to remember their own brief existence here on earth. The Prophet taught that three things can continue to help a person even after death; charity which he had

Names Of A l l a h (SWT) & Mohammad (PBUH) Last edition Names were

given, knowledge which he had taught and prayers on their behalf by a righteous child. What does Islam say about war? Like Christianity, Islam permits fighting in self-defense, in defense of religion, or on the part of those who have been expelled forcibly from their homes. It lays down strict rules of combat which include prohibitions against harming civilians and against destroying crops, trees and livestock. As Muslims see it, injustice would be triumphant in the world if good men were not prepared to risk their lives in a righteous cause. The Quran says: Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors. (2:190) If they seek peace, then seek you peace. And trust in God for He is the One that heareth and knoweth all things. (8:61) War, therefore, is the last resort, and is subject to the rigorous conditions laid down by the sacred law. The term jihad literally means ‘struggle’, and Muslims believe that there are two kinds of jihad. The other ‘jihad’ is the inner struggle which everyone wages against egotistic desires, for the sake of attaining inner peace. What about food? Although much simpler than the dietary law followed by Jews and the early Christians, the code which Muslims observe forbids the consumption of pig meat or any kind of intoxicating drink. The Prophet taught that ‘your body has rights over you’, and the consumption of wholesome food and the leading of a healthy lifestyle are seen as religious obligations. The Prophet said: ‘Ask God for certainty [of faith] and well-being; for after certainty,

no one is given an n aanyy ggift better than h health!’ H How does Islam gguarantee human rrights? F Freedom of conscience is llaid down by the Quran itsself: ‘There is no compulsion iin rreligion’. (2:256) The life and property of all citizens iin an Islamic state are considered ssacred whether a person is Muslim or n not. Racism is incomprehensible to Muslims, for the Quran speaks of human equality in the following terms: O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored of you in God’s sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing, All Aware (4913) The Muslim World The Muslim population of the world is around one billion. 30% of Muslims live in the Indian subcontinent, 20% in SubSaharan Africa, 17% in Southeast Asia, 18% in the Arab World, 10% in the Soviet Union and China. Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan comprise 10% of the non-Arab Middle East. Although there are Muslim minorities in almost every area, including Latin America and Australia, they are most numerous in the Soviet Union, India, and central Africa. There are 5 million Muslims in the United States. O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored of you in God’s sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing, AllAware. (Quran, 49:13) Acknowledgments This page was incorporated from the book, Understanding Islam and the Muslims, prepared by The Islamic Affairs Department, The Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington DC., Consultants The Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge, UK, 1989.

Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver October 14-28, 2016 Muharram 13-27, 1438 H

Islm. Day Sunrise Fajar Sunr Dhuhr Isha DhuhrZawal Asar (shaf i) AsarAsar (hanfi)Maghrib Magrib Isha Date Date Fajar

Al Muh,yi name of Allah(swt) Safi Allah Mohammad(saw) name.

For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA


Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016






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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016






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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


200,000$ Raised for Abu Bakr Islamic Centre Surrey

bu akr Islamic entre held a undraising dinner on unday, ctober nd at the Grand a banquet hall. he response rom the com munity was overwhelming, alhamdulillah. he attendees were treated to an entertaining und raising program conducted by haykh hmed hehab rom oronto. he haykh displayed a rare talent o raising unds, while entertain ing and engaging the crowd estimated to be around people. any pri es such as a y son acuum, cell phones, Islamic rames, tab lets and laptops were given away. he grand pri e giveaway was a pair o tickets or mrah. ll the pri es were donated by sponsors. he much anticipated auction or the iswah o the a’abah was won by r. agaria who was de termined to take this pri ed possession home with him no matter what the cost. surprise announcement was made at this

event. haykh heryar ashir has been ap pointed as the Imam o bu akr Islamic en tre. he haykh stressed the importance o engaging the youth o our community in the mas id and is planning programs to achieve this goal. espite raising , , bu akr Islamic entre is still in debt or ust over million. he community is requested to donate generously to this noble cause and help payoff the house o llah. llah has promised to re turn a minimum ten old or every dollar spent in his path. aypal and credit card donations may be made through the website www.abubakr.ca For further information on this project, please contact Imran Yakub @ 604-618-7110. The management of Abu Bakr Islamic Centre wishes to thank all the participants, in particular the local Ulemaa, sponsors and volunteers of this event.

Shuhda-e-Karbala Conference at Jamia Masjid Aulia Allah By: Haroon Raza n ctober , Islamic ssociation o estern anada in association with amia as id ulia llah held huda e arbala on erence at amia as id ulia llah to remember the great sac ri ice o a rat Imam e ussain and his companions in arbala. he program was well attended by uslim community. rogram started with ilawat e uran ak by bdullah. hand ul o local naat hawans including rother Imran ipu and rother alis presented alam remembering a rat Imam e ussain and the events o arbala. Lead Imam and hateeb o amia as id ulia llah and also o the eve ning, lha aulana lama bdul Lati aumani spoke about a art Imam e ussain and his companions and the importance o remembering all those who gave ultimate sacri ice o their lives or een e Islam. nother keynote speaker anab hamas ilani ahib spoke about the events o arbala, especially the role o a rat ibi ainab dur ing the waqae arbala and how she

stood ast against a eed. he main speaker o the event Imam yed adiuddin oharwardy ahib spoke about the waqae arbala and about the li e o a rat Imam e us sain. r. oharwardy also spoke about the importance o love o hlul ayt in our lives and how we should trans er this love to our children. e asked all the attendees to pay special attention in telling their children about hlul ayt and their sacri ices during waqae arbala. t the end he described the whole arbala event to the children in details. e also highlighted the events a ter the martyrdom o Imam e us sain . he audience was over whelmed with emotions upon hearing about these events. t the end aulana oumani made a heart elt ua or all those who attended the program and o ered special prayers or huhda e arbala and the entire uslim mmah. rogram was con cluded with recitation o salam to huda arbala and to our beloved rophet uhammad .


Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016

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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016



Poppy appeal launched to assist military veterans

By: Charlene Lanyon ational oppy ppeal that was officially launched yesterday aims to raise unds or the general wel are o military vet erans. eturned oldiers and ervicemen ssociation president atu eni olavola said the unds collected rom the public would be used to financially assist some o its members in housing matters, medi cal treatment and age care needs. e try and make do with what we have, times are hard and we try and make ends meet and the demands rom the members are quite substantial, r olavola said. he largest amount we got rom the appeal was a little over , in one year and


compared to that, last year’s collection was little. his is a significant event because it brings to us memories o what we have gone through in the various wars we had served in. Launching the appeal in uva yesterday, e ence inister atu Inoke ubuabola said the poppy was significant as it symbol ised the courage and commitment shown by war veterans and peacekeeping soldiers. he launching o this poppy appeal today yesterday marks or i i our continued rec ognition o the priceless sacrifice made by the i ian sons and daughters who served in the i ian armed orces during the first and second world wars, the alayan campaign, hristmas Island operations and the many peacekeeping missions around the world, both past and present, where our i ian ser vicemen and women have own the i i ag high, r ubuabola said. e have also with us those who served as peacekeepers in various trouble spots all over the world, and we still have our sons and daughters in inai, Iraq, yria and various oth er trouble spots proudly ying the i i ag. he appeal ends on ovember to coincide with emembrance ay. Photo & News Source: www.fijitimes.com

Get Tietjens

By: Maikeli Seru “If I was Fiji Rugby Union, I will be chasing Gordon Tietjens hard,” says former New Zealand 7s captain Eric Rush. The inspirational skipper who now owns a chain of supermarkets in New Zealand was the chief guest of the Spinal Injury Association of Fiji gala dinner and auction at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva last night. Rush, the man Fijians love to hate during his playing days because of his prowess on the field against us, said Sir Tietjens, regarded as the best 7s coach in the world would be good for Fiji. He said the former NZ coach would be the best man for the position left vacant by Ben Ryan after the Olympic Games in Rio. “I don’t want to say this, but if he coaches Fiji, they will never lose mate. “Ben Ryan won the Olympics, but Tietjens is the best 7s coach. Tietjens ain’t going to sit back and do nothing. I know him too well. He will be bored in a month’s time. I guarantee he will be bored and he will be coaching someone and I know it’s not going to be New Zealand.“Gordon Tietjens did all the innovations in 7s coaching and he is the best.” Rush, a lawyer by profession, said Fiji should

also consider some Fijians who had played for New Zealand such as Joeli Vidiri, Waisiki Masirewa, Tomasi Cama and Amasio Raoma.“Masirewa is a good 7s coach. He coaches Waikato province team in New Zealand. He knows his stuff; he knows how to talk to players. I always thought that a Fijian should coach the Fiji 7s team, but Ben Ryan proved that wrong. Masirewa has got a bit of both. Tomasi Cama is tied down in New Zealand and Raoma is another good coach. Rush said Fijian players should ensure that they remain fit all the time to avoid being involved in spinal injuries while playing. “Rugby is a contact sport, but the best rule is not to play rugby, but we are not going to do that because we love rugby. “Fitness is the key because freak accidents happen in rugby,” he said. The inspirational star returns to New Zealand today. Source: fijitimes.com

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Escalation between Ankara and Baghdad as Erdogan slams Abadi

SIRAJ WAHAB | ARAB NEWS STAFF urkish resident ecep ayyip rdogan has re ected Iraqi rime inister aider l badi’s criticism o the presence o urkish troops in Iraq ahead o a planned operation to retake osul rom aesh. ho’s that he Iraqi prime minister irst you know your place, retorted rdogan. ou are not my interlocutor you are not my equal, rdogan told a meeting in Istan bul at which he addressed l badi. ou should know your limits. It is not important at all how you shout rom Iraq. ou should know that we will do what we have to do, said rdogan. urkey shares a , km border with yria and Iraq, and aces threats rom aesh in both. urkey is concerned however, that once aesh is evicted rom osul, the over whelmingly unni city will be taken over by Iran affiliated hiite militias. nkara maintains an estimated , troops in Iraq around o them in the ashiqa camp in northern Iraq. hey are training local fighters who will oin the battle to recapture osul, according to urkish media reports. he Iraqi premier’s spokesman, aad l a dithi, said rdogan was pouring oil on the fire with his remarks. urkey’s response has turned a law and security issue into a problem o a personal nature, he told . he differences between nkara and agh dad ared up a ter the urkish arliament e tended a government mandate by one year thereby allowing its troops to remain on both Iraqi and yrian soil. he hiite dominated Iraqi arliament la beled the urkish troops an occupying orce. urkish oreign inister evlut avusoglu is traveling to audi rabia on hursday or a meeting with the oreign ministers o the Gul ooperation ouncil G states in iyadh. onfirming the news to rab ews on ues day, audi oreign inistry spokesman sama ugali said oreign inister del l ubeir and avusoglu will hold a oint press con erence on hursday where they will address this issue o osul .

audi ournalist amal hashoggi told rab ews on uesday that the G meeting with urkey has assumed significance in the light o the new developments. audi rabia and urkey should be wor ried about Iran and the sectarian govern ment in aghdad, he said. hey ehran and aghdad have supported demographic changes elsewhere in Iraq. hey are chang ing history their intentions are bad and we know this rom what they have already done in unni areas. ccording to hashoggi, i Iran and the no torious hiite militia, l ashd l haabi, launch an attack o their own on osul, then that will lead to a mass unni e odus rom osul. e said a hiite presence in osul would make unnis an ious and ear ul. hashoggi is worried about something else. Iran may populate osul with people who are not indigenous to the area, he claimed. he Iranians have done this be ore they change demographics, and should not be al lowed to do so. e is strongly opposed to allowing what he sees as Iranian merican designs to suc ceed in osul. hat is the premise that the global ounter I IL oalition operates under in Iraq, and we e pect all o our partners to do the same, he said. e call on both governments to o cus on their common enemy aesh. ccording to the spokesman, it is imperative or all parties in the coming days and weeks to coordinate their steps in order to ensure a unity o effort in the fight against aesh. e continue to believe that this is a dip lomatic matter or the governments o Iraq and urkey to resolve and we support con tinued dialogue that will lead to a resolution o this matter, he said. It is important that all parties who sup port the Iraqi government’s efforts to de eat aesh do so in a manner that does not in ame sectarian tensions, he said, and added his is something that we have dis cussed as a coalition and also with the gov ernment o Iraq. Source: arabnews.com


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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


Shehla Rashid: The plain-spoken voice of Kashmir I G unya ews he daughter o rinagar, hehla ashid has become the earless and outspo ken voice or ashmir. ailing rom ashmir, the . hil student turned activist has taken the media by storm through her eloquent

speeches on various issues. he rose to prominence with the speech that she delivered to a gathering o pro testing students on campus. he was also the first ashmiri wom an to have won the awaharlal ehru niversity tudents’ nion elections.

hehla’s voice is echoing right now in Indian media as she is highly vocal about the atrocities by the occupied orces in Indian held ashmir. er stance on human rights’ violations inside ashmir has made her the true voice o ashmiri people.

A Rally was organized against impending war threat between India and Pakistan

Casualties more than 106 civilians killed 13,000+ injured 1000 to sustain pellet injuries

Curfew since more than 3 months

Pakistan, Kashmir, and the world

or a world that has generally shown apathy towards the plight o ash miris, the recent uprising was a change rom that norm, even i a very little one, as there was some attention given to it by a ew oreign media houses. oreover, the nited ations igh ommissioner or uman ights also stressed on the need or an independent, impartial international mission in both ad ammu and ashmir and Indian occupied ammu and ashmir. owever, akistan’s diplomatic efforts at highlighting the ashmir dispute were not effective enough, and all that they achieved was worsen relations with India. his is not to internali e the blame or what essentially was Indian belligerence and its pandering to the ingoistic, warmongering sentiment within it. n the whole, Indian re usal to acknowledge ashmir as a talking point be tween the two countries and its open calls or ‘isolating’ akistan pushed relations to a point rom where rescuing them has become unlikely in the short run.

It is no secret that while the rime inis ter o akistan awa hari ’s speech at the nited ations General ssembly received praise back home it was met with lackluster response by the international body o na tions to whom it was addressed to. oreo ver, the prime minister’s envoys who were sent to the capitals o the world to high light akistan’s case o Indian atrocities in ashmir largely came back with the same response the perception in the international community o akistan’s role in provid ing sa e haven to terrorists with the names o amaat ud awa chie afi aeed and aish e ohamed leader asood har re quently coming up. his perception has militated against any action on the part o the international com munity on calls by akistan to resolve the ashmir dispute. It makes akistan’s case or the legitimate struggle o the ashmiri people appear hollow, and even insincere. midst all o this, the ashmiri struggle in the eyes o international community be

comes more about the ‘rivalry’ between akistan and India than the plight o the ashmiris themselves. s the world is made audience to the point scoring between a kistan and India, and the resulting chest thumping ingoism on both sides, ashmiris in the Indian occupied ashmir continue to suffer their ate o perpetual oppression. It is or humanitarian reasons that the ash mir dispute must be viewed rom the lens o the ashmiri struggle itsel , and in order to do this akistan would have to e tend dip lomatic support to it without appearing as a country that is only there to make political capital out o the situation. urthermore, akistan’s oreign policy has to become more holistic, and given sub stance by arsighted calculations. It is essen tial or akistan to have good relations with its neighbors and or that to happen it would have to address their concerns. t present relations with India are glaringly bad, with ghanistan being in the same camp. s ar as Iran is concerned there is

great room or improvement as akistan has struggled to effectively manoeuvre it sel through the audi Iran rivalry as well as Indian closeness to Iran ollowing the two countries deal over the Iranian port o habahar. hen it comes to ghanistan and India, improving relations with them would make the neighbourhood less ‘hos tile’ and go a long way in eliminating ter rorism, as only through cooperation can this transnational network o terrorists be com pletely destroyed. ith Iran, a great deal can be gained by making Iran a partner in the hina akistan conomic orridor. It is such an interconnected and mutually cooperative neighbourhood that can not only catapult akistan on the highway to prosperity, but also even open avenues or the peace ul resolution o the ashmir dis pute. he way orward is simple akistan has to appear strong and morally right i it wants the world to listen to it. Source:/dailytimes.com.pk


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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


Trudeau government revoking citizenship at much higher rate than Conservatives

Liberals say revocations target fraud, but government accused of hypocrisy following Maryam Monsef case By Evan Dyer, CBC News The Trudeau government used powers granted by the Harper government’s controversial citizenship law to make 184 revocation decisions without legal hearings between November 2015 and the end of August. About 90 per cent of the decisions resulted in a negative finding and the loss of a person’s citizenship. The numbers show that the Trudeau government has used the law far more aggressively than the Harper government itself. But in a Federal Court filing late Friday, the government said it would not grant a moratorium on revocation cases, and added that claims by some that the system was revoking

large numbers of citizenship are speculative. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau made the sanctity of citizenship an issue in last year’s federal election. “A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian,” Trudeau said in a leaders’ debate three weeks before storming to victory. He used it to dress down Stephen Harper for passing Bill C-24, a law that aimed to strip dual citizens of their Canadian passports if they were convicted of crimes of terrorism, treason or espionage against Canada, or took up arms against Canada. Ottawa will continue revoking citizenship of immigrants accused of misrepresentation McCallum: I’ll consider moratorium on stripping citizenship without a hearing Maryam Monsef case highlights ‘absurdity’ of Canadian law, refugee lawyers say

new report rom the on erence oard o anada has ound that im migration levels should increase to , per year by to strengthen anada’s economic growth. he report highlights the need or increased immigra tion in order to respond to challenges posed by anada’s aging population. It is pro ect ed that without significant policy changes, including a substantial increase in immigra tion, the costs required to support retirees could undermine the strength o anada’s economy in the coming decades. roposed cenarios he report proposed our scenarios or the uture o anada’s population growth. cross all scenarios, it is clear that immi gration is an essential component, and that improving the ertility rate . births per woman in is not enough to maintain the economy. In the report’s most optimistic scenario, it is pro ected that anada inviting up to , immigrants per year by will result

in the strongest economic growth. his scenario in which anada’s population increases to million by the year ‘results in a sharp increase in anada’s potential output over the long term,’ states the report. nder this scenario, the in crease in economic growth results in greater revenue or the provincial and ederal governments. he number o homeowners also increases, lead ing to greater spending on durable goods. nother scenario posed by the report pro ects that i immigration grows moderately, but shi ts to a younger demographic o new arrivals, the impact on anada’s economy and ertility rates could be significant. or e ample, i more men and women come to start careers and amilies in anada, the country may benefit rom their economic in put and the input o their children or uture generations.

As a ‘matter of principle,’ convicted terrorists are fellow citizens Immigrant communities rallied to the Liberal Party, concerned that Canadians born overseas would be reduced by C-24 to an insecure second-class status. Once elected, one of the Liberals’ first acts was to repeal the parts of C-24 that applied to those convicted of terrorism-related crimes, ensuring that they can keep their Canadian passports. But the Trudeau government left intact other parts of the law that allow the government to strip citizenship from other holders of Canadian passports for misrepresentation. While misrepresentation on immigration and citizenship applications has been illegal for decades, C-24 allowed the government to revoke citizenship on that basis without

legal hearings. The 184 revocation decisions of the first 10 months of the Trudeau government nearly match the total number of decisions over a 27-year period between 1988 and the last month of the Harper government in October 2015.

Canada Needs Immigration to Balance Aging Population

ore orking ge Immigrants eeded he report declares that although immigra tion may not entirely solve the challenges posed by anada’s aging population, nev ertheless new immigrants are essential in order to reduce the side effects. s anada’s population ages, more pressure is put on so cial wel are systems to support the elderly. In the meantime, more obs may become available as workers retire, and an in u o young amilies and workers is needed to fill these positions. Increasing the anadian population will ‘cushion the impact’ o economic conse quences o overall population aging, the

report states, adding that inviting more im migrants to enter the work orce will ‘boost anada’s labour orce and generate stronger long term economic growth’. conomic growth may be strengthened in the long term because inviting qualified, working age individuals rather than ocusing on increasing the ertility rate provides a aster and effective solution to a shrinking pool o workers. It also increases the ratio o workers to retirees, which eases pressure on social services. I population growth continues as estab lished without a significant effort to grow the population, it is pro ected that anada will be home to million people by . hat number, argues the report, is not su ficient to sustain a strong economy and sup port an aging population. he subsequent slowing in economic growth will impact revenue or governments, and consequently ob creation and social services.


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Muharrum 13, 1438H October 14, 2016


MIRACLE COMMUNITY ROUND UP For Zeba and Iqbal, their commitment to each other and to their family continues 50 years later. In August of 2016, they took their family on a trip of a lifetime to Cancun where special memories will endure through generations rooted in their union 50 years ago. They also celebrated with family


nce in a while, right in the middle of ordinary life, Love gives us a fairy tale. I’d like to tell you such a tale. It’s about my parents, Zeba and Iqbal Bhutta, who, by the blessings of Allah, recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. In the early 1960s in Lahore, Pakistan, Zeba, the youngest daughter of a well-established and respected family, started a successful career as an Urdu Literature professor in Government College. Educated with a Master’s degree in Geography and a Master’s degree in Urdu Literature from Punjab University, Zeba was a young professional academic with great prospects. At the same time, across the world, in Hong Kong, Iqbal had started a career with the British Government. As a graduate of the Forman Christian College, Iqbal left his hard working and ambitious family to seek opportunity abroad. In 1966, Zeba’s path and Iqbal’s path met to become one; they had an arranged marriage and soon after moved to Hong Kong. It was by all accounts a good life in Hong Kong: government service, a nice house with a pool, cars, a nanny, cooks, house staff, etc.

Regular trips to Lahore kept them connected to their families. They were excited to start young family and welcomed a daughter, Rana, and then a son, Asif.

Due to family circumstances, they moved back to Lahore in the early 1970s. In particular, Iqbal’s Mother’s health was weak and she had requested that her beloved son and family move back close to her. With understanding and agreement Iqbal and Zeba enjoyed the opportunity to move back home to Lahore to be with family. Many would consider leaving a successful career and life to be close to one’s elders as a huge sacrifice. Iqbal and Zeba, however, did not. Their sense of loyalty and caring for their families and elders was paramount. This type of understanding and humility is rare and it is a gift

Soon after their move back, all was well in Lahore. With hope for a good future, Iqbal and Zeba and their young family moved to Vancouver in the mid 1970s. Initially, it was difficult moving to a new city half way across the world where one’s Pakistani professional degrees did not merit North American opportunities. But with hard work, Iqbal found steady work with the Federal Government and Zeba had the hardest job, being the glue that held the family together as the homemaker. They were lucky that there was a small group of Pakistanis in Vancouver that helped provide social surroundings and continue, decades later, to be family friends.)

I remember from an early age that Dad loved going to the gym and that Mom loved reading and gardening. To this day, Dad wakes up early and goes to the YMCA daily for exercise and swimming. And Mom can be found with a cup of chai reading a good book ever ready to debate you on any topic and can teach you how to grow gorgeous hybrid tea roses and harvest amazing Roma tomatoes.

The values Zeba and Iqbal espoused to their children are now being passed down to their six grandchildren. Mashallah, their one grandson is in university playing varsity basketball and another is in university on the varsity swim team and their other four grandchildren are steadily gaining their ground. Zeba and Iqbal are not just great ‘parents’, but they are also great ‘in-laws’, providing unconditional love, support, and space when needed. It is with this genuine and caring attitude that they have welcomed their family together under one roof.

Like most North Americans, Zeba and Iqbal worked hard to provide their family with all the comforts of life. As individuals, they valued education and encouraged and supported their children though university and several professional schools. As a kid, I remember that on the weekends my sister and I would go to the Mosque to learn Arabic and when we came home Mom would teach us Urdu. She would order grammar and poetry books from Lahore and teach and examine us at home in Vancouver. As kids we soaked it up and never gave it a second thought. As an adult now I realize how committed my parents were about educating us and making sure we I never grew up with my grandparknew about our family history and culents (I only had the privilege of visitture and heritage. They devoted more time and effort to their children than they ing them in Pakistan), but I feel very blessed to be able to watch my childid to themselves. Apart from an education, my parents taught dren grow up with the love and wisus that in order to be happy and healthy, one dom of my parents on a daily basis in the same home. has to be active and have hobbies.

and friends at a reception at the UBC Lecky Boathouse in Richmond in late August. When I asked Mom and Dad what was the key to their marriage, they simply replied “love”. By their example love is being loyal to each other, sharing, caring, and respecting each other and sacrificing and helping one another in the best and hardest of times. Moreover, their love is a mindset that their commitment to each other is a gift they truly cherish. With Allah’s guidance and blessings they have nurtured their number one priority, their family. Mom and Dad, we are blessed and proud to have parents like you. I remember a time back in the early 1980s in Lahore when my beloved Grandfather, my Dear BabaGee (my Dad’s Father), was proudly talking about you both with me. On the veranda overlooking the garden, Dearest BabaGee recounted with honour and pride how he arranged your marriage. He said that the greatest thing that could happen to ‘Iqbal’ was to find a Lahori Gem like ‘Zeba’. You both are lucky to have found each other and you are perfect for each other. Mom and Dad, you continue to inspire us. May Allah continue to shower blessings on you and may you have many more years together to love. With Great Love,

your son Asif


Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


Top 10 very important organs in a Human Body

waste or toxins. The bladder is capable of holding around 300 ml to 500 ml of urine. Like all other organs, bladder is also capable of being diseased as it may happen when bacteria gets inside the bladder and multiplies and it may hatever we eat food some get dilead to cancer. The most common type of cangested and some gets thrown out. cer in this organ is transitional cell carcinoma. So the organ which throws out all Overactive bladder is also a common disorder the waste is the urinary bladder. It helps us where the bladder is constantly signalling to be in getting rid of the waste. It is the organ reemptied without a real reason . But on the same sponsible for removing urine from our body so side the organ is an important organ in keeping that the body does not get clogged by human the body clean and healthy.

Miracle’s Series



10.Urinary bladder


ASPIRE Dental Services Program Muslim Food Bank & Community Services

By:Fainuma Azad ASPIRE Dental Services Program Coordinator In re ugee populations resettled to the anada oral health needs deserve special consideration or many reasons. e ugees need special care because they arrive with oral abnormalities, the most common health problem in re ugee chil dren, and the second most common problem among re ugee adults. oor oral health amongst re ugees may be a re sult o a limited diet and lack o access to den tal health care in re ugee camps, and in some cases may also be a result o torture and lack o education, a lot o times dental care is not a priority to most amilies under circumstances that they come rom. s re ugees adopt a western diet, they may be come more susceptible to poor oral health, par ticularly i they do not have adequate access to anadian dental care or have not adopted a nadian oral hygiene guidelines or simply ust can’t afford treatment when they arrive. he uslim ood ank and ommunity er vices started the I ental ervices ro gram last year to respond to these needs with our sponsors and generous entists. hrough this program we provide ree ental amps at our acilities in urrey and ollow up treat ments at the offices o the volunteering en tists. ur aim is to provide dental care to all our clients that need good oral health including keeping teeth ree rom cavities and prevent

ing gum disease. oor oral health can affect your appearance and sel esteem, and has been linked to sleeping problems, as well as behav ioral and developmental problems in children. oor oral health can also affect your ability to chew and digest ood properly. Good nutrition is important to helping build strong teeth and gums that can resist disease and promote heal ing. s part o our I ommunity er vices program, we help our clients deal with challenges so that they can become progres sive and productive citi ens o this country. n aturday ctober , ur generous dentist did it again, our ental creening was done at the urrey acilities and the ollow up treatments are ongoing. pecial thanks and recognition to our dentists, r. ew i o ental, r. si e ani, r. arah akeri, stra ental entre, r. thar utt, Langley illage ental. I you need any help finding the right dentist, please contact these ental linics. ome acts ne o the first things you see when you look in the mirror and smile is your teeth. any patients come to us with crooked, stained, chipped, crowned or even missing teeth and seek help. hey simply don’t like what they see. nd, although it is a cosmetic issue or most, the underlying effects go much deeper. ten low sel esteem results rom a poor sel image, which can ultimately even cause depres sion and a decline in your overall health. nce gain pecial hanks to ll ponsors entists.

What to say (or not to say) to your overweight child

By Carrie Dennett s a parent, you care about your child’s health. Given the public health ocus on childhood obesity, it would be hard to not be concerned i your child is overweight. he question many par ents in this position are grappling with is hould I say something to my child about the weight or not esearch suggests you shouldn’t, because making comments to a child about weight whether those comments come as teas ing, criticism or help ul advice can be counterproductive. ather than leading to health ul behavioral changes, weight related comments rom amily members have been shown to contribute to negative body image. his can lead to weight gain, obesity and eating disorders in adolescence and into adulthood, which is e actly what parents don’t want to see happen. entioning a child’s weight or si e, or

commenting that the child should eat differ ently to control his or her weight even i the child is seriously obese can increase the risk o binge eating and unhealthy weight control methods such as meal skip ping, asting, purging or the use o diet pills or la atives. nd the side effects o weight related com ments don’t affect only children who are overweight. hen children o average weight are told they weigh too much, they are more likely to develop poor body im age, with all o its potential consequences. dolescence is a particularly vulnerable time, because kids’ bodies are undergoing rapid changes at the same time their aware ness o cultural standards o attractiveness is increasing. study published in the une issue o ating and eight isorders ound that women whose parents commented on their weight when they were growing up were more likely to be dissatisfied with their current weight, even i they were not overweight. n the ip side, talking to your children about health ul eating, without mentioning weight, may reduce the risk o unhealthy eating behaviors. his is something that all children and adults can benefit rom. ake these meaning ul conversations a step urther by cultivating habits as a amily that encourage both physical health and a health ul relationship with ood and eating.

e a healthy role model

oor diet quality and physical inactivity contribute to weight gain as well as chronic

disease no matter what someone weighs. arents are a child’s main role models or eating and activity behaviors, and research suggests that when parents make their own health ul ood and activity changes, it has a more beneficial impact on their children’s weight than direct intervention. arents in uence nutritional choices through shared meals, by deciding what oods will be available at home and by set ting the tone or this is how our amily eats. I you snack mindlessly in ront o the television, eat to soothe stress or rou tinely clean your plate even i you’re al ready ull, how can you e pect your child to behave differently Limit screen time and sedentary time ids need minutes o moderate to vig orous physical activity each day or good health. esearch suggests that i you want your kids to be more active, what you do is more important than what you say, in part because encouragement to be active can be perceived as nagging, especially i you yoursel are not active. Look or more ac tive pastimes the whole amily can en oy, even i it’s ust walking the dog or going to the park together. emember that shorter bursts o activity that add up to the daily goal are fine. lthough screen time recommendations are being revised to re ect the smartphone and tablet era, a good goal is to limit e tracurric ular screen time to less than hours per day. tart by turning off the during meals.

ultivate a healthy ood environment

ake nutritious oods readily available. eep resh ruits and vegetables at eye level in the re rigerator and store healthy snacks where your children can access them. isit armers markets with your kids and let them help choose ruits and veggies at the grocery store. Let them help with meal planning and prep when appropri ate, and get them e cited about all kinds o oods not ust dessert.

ncourage intuitive eating

ressuring children to eat and restricting their intake o snacks and desserts can in ter ere with their ability to regulate their own ood intake. Instructions to finish what’s on your plate or warnings to eat all your broccoli or no dessert can condi tion kids to distrust what their bodies are telling them, to eat when they aren’t hun gry and to hate broccoli. emember that children’s growth uctuates, and so will their appetite and eating. I you suspect that your child wants a snack simply because he or she is sad or bored, ask about it. estricting desirable oods can lead to ob session and overeating when these orbid den oods are available the last supper syndrome , o ten accompanied by shame and guilt, which can trigger emotional eat ing. ake desserts and other avorite treat oods available on occasion, and let your child choose them when they are available. ealth ul diets still have room or treats. Source: Washington Post


Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


MYC Celebrates Its First Degree Black Belts

ctober , was a very special day or the o the el e ense lass since une uslim outh entre. iblings, mar and and are now trainee instructors. aarah ahiman were presented their st he el e ense lass started in une egree lack elts in aekwondo at a tra by dam Ishmail with the help o his ditional aekwondo ea eremony. mar instructor, rs. . ysynuk, owner o on and aarah ahiman were the first students fire aekwondo in ichmond. dam is a na

tionally certified instructor and is now assist uslim haplain or the prisons, he saw ed by his sister, lia Ishmail, certified trainer. the need or a sa e haven or youth. he el e ense class is on aturdays at he uslim outh entre is located at am or boys and girls rom age . th treet in urrey. he was ounded in by the late he ’s weekly events can be ound on Imam sgar usain. uring his work as the the website www.muslimyouthcentre.ca

City of Surrey honours local youth aging out of care By:Pavan S. Bahia Enthusiastic response continues tradition of local youth leadership: Dhaliwal urrey, he call or applicants or the newly ormed urrey ewton outh oun cil is now closed, and the results are over whelming over applications, surpass ing every other constituency in anada. Inspired by the success o the rime in ister’s outh ouncil initiative, begun be cause o rime inister ustin rudeau’s assertion that young voices must be part o our decision making process, urrey ew ton ember o arliament ukh haliwal announced the call or submissions or a lo cal council at the end o ugust. hrough social media, word o mouth and

Thank You From Human Care BC Society I hereby acknowledge your I I towards I I I I G s many committed rothers and isters responded again to the call o uman are o ciety. ith your help we have served remote villages in a asthan, ewat, haratpur, eerut, armer and ehar with urbani. ome o the places are so poor ly equipped that we had to sup ply oil and spice or cooking this shows the importance o our presence there . ay llah swt accept the inten

tions or your past and present involvements, which definitely encourage us to reach the needy on an ongoing basis. lease meet any o our direc tors to learn about our LL, LL, GI L ’ G and building I and in the remote villages in India. e highly appreciate the coverage by iracle edia ews aper nd the generosity you rothers and isters have shown. ery truly yours Hassan Mallam Secretary

Human Care BC Society

consistent visits to various youth organi a tions and events across the riding, haliwal was able to reach out to an already engaged population o young people in the local area. uring last year’s election campaign, ur rey ewton had over young volunteers, so this type o response is not a surprise, says haliwal. outh are always contact ing me about their ideas, concerns, hopes and dreams or the community and anada as a whole, and the urrey ewton outh ouncil is a way to channel this energy. pplicants, who are between the ages and , were asked to fill out a quick ques tionnaire to indicate their volunteer e peri ence, what specific interests or topics they are passionate about, and how they thought

they could contribute to the council. taff at ukh haliwal’s constituency office have already begun to review the applica tions, and e pect to be conducting the first set o interviews in the coming weeks. e gardless o the results o this selection pro cess, however, there will be enough roles on sub committees and in support o various initiatives or everyone who applied, as sures haliwal. his isn’t a process that will ever e clude the youth who have shown interest in get ting involved, e plained haliwal. here is so much to do in support o urrey ewton, and we need all the support we can get.

A petition for Canadian peace leadership upport our e petition, hosted by ture o peace by establishing and Let’s institutionalize peace

Building a culture of peace Canadian Peace Initiative http://canadianpeaceinitiative.ca/

the ouse o ommons, calling or a ederal epartment o eace. ight now, a unique opportunity is open where you can directly ask anada to increase its capabili ties in peace leadership. he e petition is being hosted rom uly through ovember , . It has been sponsored by orys r esnewsky , and the concept has received support rom multiple parties. Given the escalation o violent con ict, nuclear threat, and law lessness across our shared globe today, there has never been greater urgency or a better window o op portunity to promote the ana dian eace Initiative I. I is committed to the establishment o a epartment o eace within the Government o anada. he epartment o eace would work towards building a new architec

supporting a culture o peace and assertive non violence in anada and the world. e are part o a growing inter national movement that includes citi ens rom some countries represented in the Global lliance or inistries In rastructures o eace. G I I am also seeking volunteers rom all across anada to assist with this petition campaign. ontact me to get involved. Some useful links: petition http canadianpeaceinitia tive.ca get involved sign the petition I http canadianpeaceinitiative.ca G I http gamip.org lease spread this message widely urquan Gehlen G yahoo.com o hair anadian eace Initiative irector Global lliance or inis tries In rastructures o eace

Arsalan’s Take-Off image wins People’s Choice award in The 2016 BC SPCA Annual Wildlife Photography contest. Last year, I visited the ei el ird anctu ary or the first time and since then have visited very o ten with my and year old daughters. e had never seen hummingbirds so up and close be ore and were there ore in awe a ter our first e perience. ue to their speed and rapid movements, initially, I ound it e tremely difficult to photograph hummingbirds but I kept going back and taking more pictures. very hummingbird picture I see online is either one in ight or eeding when the bird hovers sits or ew seconds at a time and that is what most o my recent images have been. owever, the

winning image or the competition that I was able to capture was that o a humming bird li ting off rom the bird eeder hence the title, ake ff . s you can see, one o its legs is still on the bird eeder ince I was using off camera ash on ull power that day, I couldn’t take rapid shots. ith a lot o patience, a bucket load o luck and a whiny year old tugging on my acket asking or a loonie to buy bird seeds, I was able to make this image o the hummingbird taking off rom the bird eeder Take-off by Arsalan Butt of Elxa Studios (www.elxa.ca):

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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


Try To Let Go!

FACEBOOK GURU / WHATS APP GURU By: Asma Shums Mortgage Broker Its n abbit any eople o heck he hone irst hing ter pening heir yes. e ee Lots Ghyan nowledge n acebook, whats app ,very nice we read it ...comment on it and pass it on. e read good articles, discuss it...watch programmes on t.v talk about it... e even try to apply it in our li e. o so re sult, sometimes we are benefitted , sometimes it backfires and goes on. nd o the story is still li e is complicated, hard difficult to deal with , nothing works . Li e is simple and straight orward es ... yes, many don’t agree...but it is act. e make it difficult by not doing what is right. e like to do what we like or want not what is mandatory or what it should be. It is our outlook towards it , our right decision at the wrong time or not on time. he balance be tween our desires and duties, our choices and chances , ur situations and our strength, our luck and love , its a vantage point. here is always a to do, must do and manda tory and optional checklist in li e. his world is created with some balance, some logic, it is not a car without driver or sel operating device. Learning and growing e learn constantly everyday , provided we do not shut us mentally or in our mind and heart. hen challanges come in ront o us we have to figure it out... laying a blame game or giving it up is like walking out o e amination hall and definitely ail. ut i we try and i we have done our home work ,preparation then there are more chances o passing. e may pass with distinc tion or average or good marks. his is the nut shell o amily li e.

e are children and parents hen we are children we do not listen in real sense to our par ents, choose a ca reer ust like that or try or some thing we are pas sionate about. It may happen that we may not be able to achieve what we want. In some cases parents try to achieve it through their children or give loose rope to children , thinking that let me not orce my children...result stress in bulk and and rustration in bonus. hen we enter the li e o being parents we en ter with the luggage o positive and negative e periences , our sel esteem , our strength and weakness , our skill and drawbacks. ost important thing is being positive, ready to work hard on relationships I we are supposed to go on a ourney we plan, we think o many things and do Lots o e tra work..... why not think ahead be ore becoming parents hy don’t we think and accept the new role little more seriously..as to what are my re sponsibility as a parent towards my children. very parent tries very hard to give good ood , clothing, things, acility to their children. hey give good thoughts and pay attention on making them good person too. very parent does love their children yet problems arise , li e becomes difficult, spoiled , so there defi nitely is a need or more alert and understand ing. o be continued..... For More Info: asmashums@gmail.com

By: Shabnam Khan - Family Counsellor re you being tormented by regret, a missed opportunity, a perceived mistake, a disap pointment, or past hurts aybe something aw ul was done to you or perhaps you did something horrible to someone else. y o cusing on bad events in the past, you’re only hurting yoursel more. eel that tightness in your neck and shoulders ear that nagging, negative voice in your head Imagine the relie i that was gone. Imagine how much better you’d eel i you’d get over what hap pened and move on with your li e 1. Name it. hat is it that’s pulling you down I there’s more than one thing, make a list as ast as you can. ver what regrets, disappointments and perceived mistakes are you beating yoursel up . ispute it. ake some time to give a reality check to each item named in step . or e ample I blew my chance to sell my screenplay and now I never will. ow could I have made such a stupid mistake might be more real istically stated as I missed a great chance to sell my script but that wasn’t the only possi ble opportunity to do so. I I took some spe cific actions now, I could create new, pos sibly better opportunities to sell by script. well written screenplay is always a hot com modity. It could be that I wasn’t really ready be ore but now I’m much more confident and there ore in a much stronger position to sell my script. esides, I’ve since revised the screenplay a ew more times so I know it’s

considerably better than what I had to offer earlier. 3. Let go. I you’ve been stuck on a past mistake, regret or disappointment iscard it. ip it up. urn it. orget it. I you find yoursel think ing about it, stop. each or a better, kinder thought shi t your attention elsewhere. I you have a little voice in your head that de lights in scolding you, you may even have to say stop it out loud ore importantly orgive yoursel and anyone else involved. here appropriate, make amends. ven more importantly make a plan o ac tion that will give you peace. his might mean abandoning an earlier plan and try ing something completely different or you may devise a new path to accomplish the same end. aybe you’ll decide to pack it in as a screenwriter and try your hand at photography instead. erhaps you’ll launch a new effort to sell that script. he key is to take action to make you eel better. eep ing things the way they are, stewing over something you can’t change, is not a healthy choice. 4. Act As If retend as i this burden in your past never e isted and you never made those mistake. Li e Is oo hort o Live ith egrets For more information: shabnam@skcounselling.ca

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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


From the pen of the Founding Editor of ‘The Miracle. Excerpt from the book ‘The Last Salute’


he late Flt. Lt. Asif Aziz Shah and Air Commodore Amjad Bashir, as Flight Cadets, were my barrack mates in Lower Topa and roommates in Risalpur. Asif shifted to the Under-Officers block after becoming the Wing Under Officer – the highest appointment held by a cadet. All three of us came from the city of Rawalpindi. After joining the Air Force, we came to know one another and formed an instant bond of friendship. Asif had an elder sister and was an only son. Uncle Shah, his father, was a Pathan, and his mother came from a cultured Urdu speaking family. Both parents were kind and friendly toward us. Uncle Shah was popular among us, as he would joke liberally and treated us like friends. We visited Uncle Shah even when Asif was not at home. Asif ’s mother always treated us like her children and served lavish food. We agreed that Asif was the most handsome and good-looking flight cadet on the course. Equally talented, he graduated with the Sword of Honor and the Best Pilot Trophy from the Academy in Risalpur. He later got posted to No. 18 Squadron of F-86s in Masroor, Karachi. Asif was a talented fighter pilot with an enormous potential of reaching the highest position in the Air Force. He once discussed with me quitting the Air Force. He wanted to provide a better lifestyle for his parents who had struggled hard in raising him. It was not possible with the limited salary of the Air Force. I reminded him of his potential of success within the Air Force. He was well aware of his talent but left the Air Force for a better life for his parents. He started with the Flying Club in Karachi to earn a Commercial Pilot License (CPL) needed for joining the National Air Carrier that richly paid its pilots. One morning in 1982 I received a call from his sister. She was crying and between her sobs told me that Asif was no more in this

world. The news was shocking. After recovering from the first shock of the devastating news, I told my wife to get ready, and we immediately rushed to his home in Defence Society of Karachi. There lay his dead body dressed in white, all clean in a single piece with a smile on his face – unlike most of the remains from an air crash. That day Asif had got airborne with exFlying Officer Mushahid, who had earlier served as our instructor on the T-37 aircraft in Risalpur Academy. Mushahid had also left the Air Force and was completing his hours for the Commercial Pilot’s License (CPL). Mushahid, for his confident handling of the controls, was considered a hot-rod pilot by his students. They were on a Banner-Tow mission in a Cessna -172 aircraft that, on her tail, had the advertising banner of a cold drink company. A tow mission carried a flag attached to the tail of the plane using a steel string. The flag attracted the attention of the public when flown over the city at a low height. During the flight over the city towing the big banner, they made a fly-pass over his home in Defense Society. He waved to his parents, wife bhabi Nasira and a two-year-old daughter, Nageen, who waved back to her Papa from the roof of her home. After completing the mission, they went to drop the banner. The banner was released from less than a hundred feet above the ground. Witnesses on the ground later revealed that they pulled straight up after dropping the flag. The aircraft immediately came down after a vertical climb of a few seconds. Both the bodies were found intact, but they died instantly on impact with the ground. Fighter pilots are trained to pull up hard because of the powerful jet engines that provide the thrust. The piston engine Cessna -172 was unable to sustain the hard pressure and stalled. Since there wasn’t enough height to recover, the aircraft hit the ground killing

both the pilots. With Asif, was buried the dream of providing a better life for his family. It is important to mention what happened to the parents after the death of Asif. During the some thirty-five years that they lived after his death, his parents were also looked after by our course mates. The responsibility of their care was taken up by Shabbir Latif, who was with us from the 12th Pre-Engineering course of the Air Force. Uncle Shah told me that whenever he was hospitalized, Shabbir always spent the night and installed his bed on the hospital floor next to him. It continued for more than thirty five years until their death. Some course mates of Asif; Wing Commander Maula, Colonel Afzaal Niaz, Squadron Leader Aziz-ullah-Qazi, and many others regularly visited Uncle Shah and Auntie whenever they were in Karachi. On one of my visits from Canada to Karachi, I went to see Auntie in the hospital. She was in the bed with tubes attached all over her body. I said Salam to her and introduced myself, but she didn’t respond as she was unconscious and unable to speak. The wife of Wing Commander Yawar a doctor by profession, stood there by her side. Shabbir Latif, Squadron Leader Qazi, Squadron Leader Saqib Khawaja and Wing Commander Yawar sat outside the room chatting with Uncle Shah. About an hour later, before leaving from the hospital, I again visited Auntie inside her room. This time, I whispered my name in her ear and offered my Salam to her. Unconscious, unable to speak, her eyes closed, a sweet smile confirming my Salam appeared on her face – she died few months after my visit. Uncle Shah later revealed that on recovery from unconsciousness she had enquired if I had visited her. Air vice Marshal Tubrez and his wife took great care of Uncle and Auntie. They regularly visited them with their children. It brought a smile to their faces when Tubraiz’s

Asif receiving Best Pilot Trophy from Air Chief Marshal Zulfiqar Ali Khan children called them Daada and Daadi and behaved like their grand children. Tubrez brought them to his home often. It went on for more than thirty years until their deaths. Same routine was followed by Sqn. Ldr. Qazi and his family. A month before his death, I received a call from Uncle Shah from Karachi. He sounded weak but spoke in his usual jolly style. Shabbir had organized the call. In fact, he called many other friends of Asif. What an irony of fate— Asif gave his life in making a move to another organization to provide a better life for his parents. He did not know that he had already secured their future by leaving his own loving and lasting impression on the company of his course mates. Our course richly preserved the tradition of a proud comradeship.

Asif with me on the day of my marriage

17th Death Anniversary of World FamousHumanitarian: Dr. Akhter Hameed Khan

A Tribute by Nasim Yousaf o rise in the world, the uslims need men like r. khter ameed han, who innovate and contribute to hu manity. ctober th marked the th death anni versary o obel ri e ominee r. khter ameed han, one o the great social sci entists o the th century. r. han was a sel ess statesman who dedicated his li e to serving humanity and changing the lives o the poor. In pursuit o this endeavor, r. han ounded two monumental pro ects the akistan later angladesh cademy or ural evelopment , omilla in and the rangi ilot ro ect , a rachi in . hrough these pro ects, r. han pioneered many innovative methods or poverty alleviation. angladesh inance inister, uhith, stated at a icro credit and evelopment on erence, r. khtar amid ameed han officially in itiated the saving and microcredit system at akistan cademy or ural evelopment he aily Itte aq, ugust , . he orld ank’s publication entitled nding overty in outh sia also describes r. khter ameed han as the riginator o the ural upport rogram pproach in outh sia. ccording to the publica tion, r. han inspired and motivated thousands o development pro essionals in

outh sia... and oth er parts o the world r. han’s methods around rural develop ment, microfinance, emale empowerment, and participatory de velopment led to a worldwide movement. long with r. han’s revolutionary pro ects, people were in spired by his upstand ing character and li e o simplicity. ith his upbringing, r. han could have easily led a wealthy and lu u rious li estyle, yet he chose to live plainly and work on behal o the common man. r. han requently interacted with power ul or well known individuals around the world, but did not ask or any avors. or instance, he did not misuse his close relationships with the resident o akistan oham mad yub han , rime inister haudhry ohammad li, rime inister ussain haheed uharawardy, or his power ul and well respected politician ather in law l lama ashriqi . In act, resident yub han offered r. han several highly de sired positions Governor o ast akistan, dvisor to the resident, and ice han


cellor o haka ni cell ver versity , but r. han dec declined all these offers. r. han’s upstanding cha character was evident, eve in the small occur even rences o everyday li e. ren or instance, in , r. han and I were in haka. r. han was to take a akistan Inte International irlines I ight rom the haka irport, but his h ig ight was canceled. hen I offered r. h han a ree room at the Intercontinental otel haka , he politely declined and in stead came back to where we were staying in haka. hen asked why he didn’t take the room, r. han e plained, he ight was canceled and the airline offered me a complimentary stay, but I did not take it as it would cause unnecessary e pense to I when I can stay here. ased on r. han’s upstanding actions, it is not surprising that resident yub once said, khter ameed han is the only man in akistan who has never come to me or anything. r. han was an inspirational figure who, through his works, brought akistan and angladesh world recognition. mong the

ow a days it is very common to discusses personal and community issues through the emails and or on acebook. lease try to solve all your matters either related with you or community on ace to ace in a very decent way and try to avoid the damage yoursel , your amilies and as well as all community. hanks. iracle edia

amous figures who have learned rom r. khter ameed han and applied his meth ods o poverty alleviation are hoaib ul tan han, ir a le asan bed, and obel eace ri e Laureate ro essor uhammad unus. heir success is indeed a magnifi cent tribute to han sahib. In akistan, his methods are widely applied through the ational ural upport rogramme, gha han ural upport rogramme, and other initiatives. r. han is revered as a national hero in outh sia. r. han’s li e and work provide a valuable lesson or others those who seek worldly possessions may be recogni ed in the short term, but those who serve humanity are re membered orever. For more information on Dr. Khan, visit the Facebook pages and YouTube channel dedicated to him. Nasim Yousaf, a nephew of Dr. Khan, is a researcher based in the USA. He has been featured in various American publications including Who’s Who in the World/America. He has written 15 books and digitized files of rare documents related to South Asian history. His articles have been published in many countries around the world and in peer-reviewed publications (Harvard Asia Quarterly, Pakistaniaat, World History Encyclopedia, and Education About Asia) in the US.


Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


Do You Know

We enjoyed on Oct 10th Public holiday, but at least we should not know what is Thanksgiving Day? hanksgiving ay in anada has been a holiday on the second onday o ctober since . It is a chance or people to give thanks or a good harvest and other ortunes in the past year. What Do People Do? Many people have a day off work on the second Monday of October. They often use the three-day Thanksgiving weekend to visit family or friends who live far away, or to receive them in their own homes. Many people also prepare a special meal to eat at some point during the long weekend. Traditionally, this included roast turkey and seasonal produce, such as pumpkin, corn ears and pecan nuts. Now, the meal may consist

and organizations are also closed. Public transport services may run to a reduced timetable or may not run at all. Background The native peoples of the Americas held ceremonies and festivals to celebrate the completion and bounty of the harvest long of other foods, particularly if the family is of before European explorers and settlers arrived in what is now Canada. Early Euronon-European descent. The Thanksgiving weekend is also a popular pean thanksgivings were held to give thanks for some special fortune. An early example time to take a short autumn vacation. This may be the last chance in a while for is the ceremony the explorer Martin some people to use cottages or holiday Frobisher held in 1578 after he had survived homes before winter sets in. Other popular the long journey in his quest to find a northactivities include outdoor breaks to admire ern passage from Europe to Asia. Many thanksgivings were held following the spectacular colors of the Canadian autumn, hiking, and fishing. Fans of the noteworthy events during the 18th century. teams in the Canadian Football League may Refugees fleeing the civil war in the Unitspend part of the weekend watching the ed States brought the custom of an annual thanksgiving festival to Canada. Thanksgiving Day Classic matches. From 1879, Thanksgiving Day was held evePublic Life Thanksgiving Day is a national public holi- ry year but the date varied and there was a day in Canada. Many people have the day special theme each year. off work and all schools and post offices are The theme was the “Blessings of an abundant closed. Many stores and other businesses harvest” for many years. However, Queen

October is Islamic History Month

Victoria’s golden and diamond jubilees and King Edward VII’s coronation formed the theme in later years. From the end of the First World War until 1930, both Armistice Day and Thanksgiving Day were celebrated on the Monday closest to November 11, the anniversary of the official end of hostilities in World War I. In 1931, Armistice Day was renamed Remembrance Day and Thanksgiving Day was moved to a Monday in October. Since 1957, Thanksgiving Day has always been held on the second Monday in October. Symbols Thanksgiving Day in Canada is linked to the European tradition of harvest festivals. A common image seen at this time of year is a cornucopia, or horn, filled with seasonal fruit and vegetables. The cornucopia, which means “Horn of Plenty” in Latin, was a symbol of bounty and plenty in ancient Greece. Turkeys, pumpkins, ears of corn and large displays of food are also used to symbolize Thanksgiving Day. www.timeanddate.com

Enjoy Mouth-watering Afghani Cuisine

Islamic istory onth anada is an educational and cultural pro ect origi nated, developed and sponsored by the anadian Islamic ongress. he ob ective o I is to motivate and inspire anadian uslims to annu ally share their history, heritage and culture with ellow anadians during one month, to be called the Islamic is tory onth anada I . his goal is to be achieved through community and public events such as e hibitions, lectures, celebrity tours, book airs, and other complementary activities. his will be a month in which anadian uslims celebrate and share our diverse

civili ation, including our contributions to the arts, sciences, medicine, architec ture, humanities, music, spirituality, and every area o human knowledge. It will become a permanent part o anada’s multicultural calendar with similar events across the country and will build bridges o understanding and apprecia tion between uslims and all other a n a d i a n s . oreover, I will enhance anada’s ties, both economically and culturally, with other uslim countries. he I dvisory oard includes senators, public igures, academics, inter aith activists and uslim commu nity leaders.

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Muharrum 13. 1438 October 14, 2016


Extra rest gives Blue Jays plenty of options for ALCS rotation sweep o the e as angers in the meri can League ivision eries provides the oronto lue ays with the gi t o time, something they plan to use when it comes to setting their rotation and resting in ured players. arcus troman would have start ed a Game against the L est champs i needed but that doesn’t mean he’ll nec essarily start riday’s merican League hampionship eries opener versus the leveland Indians. he lue ays can bring back aron anche on normal rest, . . app with one e tra day or arco strada on seven days o rest should they choose, and the internal discussions are already un derway. ortunately now we can control it more than most, general manager oss tkins said during a con erence call on day evening. I think what we’ll do is take our time, not too much, to make sure we’re not disrupting routines, to think through it e tensively and make sure we’re putting our best oot orward or not only this series, but

moving beyond, making sure we’re think ing o every angle. e haven’t decided yet. hile there is no imminent pressure to settle things, the lue ays do need to be mind ul o having their starters endure too long a gap between outings. troman last pitched in last uesday’s wild card game and he’d be on nine days o rest i he started Game o the L . Letting them linger too long could be costly. he sooner we decide, the sooner we can set up more structure or them, said tkins. hat concern applies to the roster as a whole, and while the rest is welcome in some corners everyday play ers ussell artin, osh onaldson, roy ulowit ki, ose autista and dwin n carnacion have all carried a heavy load, as have relievers oberto suna, ason Grilli and oe iagini there are concerns that the break may be disruptive or a team that’s won si straight games. or that reason, tkins said he wouldn’t have minded i the L started sooner. ter unday’s wild

, inning win, artin said he didn’t see any drawbacks to getting some e tra rest, in stead saying it could do the team some won ders. e came out o the day off between Games and to deliver his first hit o the L , a solo homer off olby Lewis in the first. onaldson noted that the potential or a break was a topic o discussion as the lue ays ew rom rlington to oronto or Game . lso in recovery mode are second baseman evon ravis right knee and re liever rancisco Liriano concussion , both o whom made progress onday, accord ing to tkins. ravis was nearly subbed off the lue ays roster be ore Game , a move that would have le t him ineligible or the ne t round, but onday he per ormed some load bearing e ercises. Liriano, meanwhile, made a vast improvement over unday, when he was sent home early a ter not eel ing well. he lue ays replaced him on the roster aturday with anny arnes but be cause he’s in L ’s concussion protocol, he

can return in time or Game o the L . e had an awesome day today, tkins said o Liriano. e came in and was able to do some physical activity with no symptoms which is a very positive sign. he lue ays went into last year’s L against the ansas ity oyals without a break a ter rallying rom a series deficit to beat the angers in five. hey then ell behind to the eventual orld eries champions be ore alling in si . his time, they’re on a very different route. Source: Sportsnet

Day-night Tests ‘look like the future’ - Misbah akistan captain isbah ul aq has said day night ests are likely to be the uture o cricket, ust the way wenty s have gained popularity over Is in the last ew years. isbah also e pressed reservations about the visibility o the pink ball, but said it would probably lead to a air competition between bat and ball . hen asked about the pink ball in particular, isbah’s main concern related to the timing o the est he said the players would have to read ust to the pink ball once the lights come on later in the day. isbah also did not hesitate to crack a oke, when asked i the pink ball needed more grass to survive on. akistan had recently moved to o. in the I est rankings a ter drawing in ngland, and rose to the top or the first time since the current ranking system was introduced

when India’s last est in the est Indies was washed out. ow o. again a ter In dia’s home series win against ew ealand, isbah said they would rather ocus on the upcoming series against est Indies than the rankings. hat’s not important or us, isbah said. he most important thing is to do well we are more attentive to our per ormance in this series. ou can’t take est Indies lightly because they are a young side and they have everything to prove and such a side is more motivated. e have done well in the last si years, did well on the ng land tour so the e pectations are high. a kistan would, however, be without ounis han or the first est as the batsman was advised days o rest to recover rom a bout o dengue ever. hat would probably mean a debut or an in orm abar am, who struck three straight centuries in the re

cent Is, and maybe a shu e in the batting order too. akistan had already moved har li to o. during the ngland tour a ter hoaib alik’s est retirement last year, and tried sad hafiq ahead o ou nis only or the ourth est, in which hafiq shone with a century. I think at the start it was tough, we had to do that in ngland and considering the conditions it was tough. ot only promoting har but also sad or o. , isbah said. nce we did that and it was success ul, we know can do that again. It was a chance to bring in the fi th bowler and bring in a youngster at o. . I think a window has opened. I think opening and batting at o. here is a good opportunity be ore the upcoming away ew ealand series, so it’s an advantage to do this be ore

a tough series and settle down on a structure and a balance. I think there could be no better time than this to make his est debut, isbah said o am. e has played ma ture innings and has developed well. e has played well not only here but also in ew ealand and looks a good prospect. e is lucky to get a chance at this time, un ortu nately because o ounis’ absence due to ill health, but I think this is the best time. a kistan will be playing their th est start ing hursday and isbah said it would be a source o motivation or the players to make the historic match memorable or them. Source: Cricinfo

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