Bringing Harmony To All The Communities ...
Volume 16 Issue 428 - Safar 25, 1438 AH / November 25, 2016
he number of physical assaults against Muslims in the United States reached 9/11-era levels last year, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of new hate crimes statistics from the FBI. There were 91 reported aggravated or simple assaults motivated by anti-Muslim bias in 2015, just two shy of the 93 reported in 2001. Separately, the number of antiMuslim intimidation crimes – defined as threatening bodily harm — also rose in 2015, with 120 reported to the FBI. Again, this was the most anti-Muslim intimidation crimes reported in any year since 2001, when there were 296. Overall, the FBI reported 257 incidents of anti-Muslim hate crimes in 2015, a 67% increase from the previous year. These incidents included 301 individual crimes, 71% of which were crimes against people, as opposed to property. (Incidents can encompass more than one crime.) By contrast, crimes Continued on Pg 4
Miracle Media team is sad to hear of the passing of former MLA John Nuraney, a great Muslim community leader, family man, and politi10 civilians, three soldiers killed in Indian shelling cal role model. Our community will MUZAFFARABAD: Indian troops on Wednesday shelled civilian popu- miss him dearly. Miracle Media had lations almost all along the Line of Control in Azad Jammu and Kash- the opportunity to recognise his inmir after a daylong lull and hit a passenger bus, leaving 10 civilians volvement in many Miracle’s events dead and 21 others injured. Three army personnel also lost their lives .See details on Page 16 in an exchange of fire across the LoC, officials said. See details on Page 3
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Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
A Departure with Great Honour
aheel S harif is wel l know n for being a man of integrity and pr ofessional conduc t. H e is pr oudl y retiring after successful l y compl eting his tenure of three ye ar as C O A S ( C hief of the Army Staff) Pakistan. Chief’s words: A ccompl ishment of pe ace and stabil ity was “ no ordi nary task ” , he tol d a huge gathering of army sol di ers and R angers dur ing his farewell visits. “Our sacrifices and j oint national resol ve hel pe d us in offsetting all odds against [ the] country ,” said the general , who l ed his pe opl e from the front against the monster of terrorism with significant success. “We are ful l y pr epa red to respond to any chal l enge and no one can da re cast an evil eye on P aki stan,” G en R aheel said, P aki stan an unde cl ared war impos ed by I nd ia around the L oC . ki l l ing of innocent citiz ens is pa inful . Positive feedback: H e is very popul ar at home and abroad . The oppos ition l eade rs and the publ ic l ove the outgoing chief. The C hief of B ritish A rmed F orces, S ir N ichol as C arter, l avished pr aise on G eneral R aheel S harif, sayi ng that he was the best mil itary commande r in the worl d. C arter said, “ G eneral R aheel is respe cted everyw here in the worl d. ” W ith the start of his farewel l tour of the country , A rmy C hief R aheel Sharif confirmed he would become the first COAS in more than two de cade s to rel inqui sh the office on time – in his case N ovember 29. S harif wil l l eave as one of the country’ s most pop ul ar army chiefs, both among the civil ian popul ation and within the mil itary . G eneral S harif wil l be remembered as a man who has al ways been wil l ing to visit the battl e-
field; this kept on raising the moral e of sol di ers in troubl e. E veryone know s that the former C O A S A shfaq P arvez K aya ni’ s ext ension ende d up de l ayi ng pr omotions for his j uniors dow n the chain of command. That created resentment within the army’ s ranks . O pe ration Z arb- i- A z b and the K arachi ope ration are the two counter- terrorism l egacies that G en S harif wil l be remembered for his rol e in stabil ising the country’ s commercial hub - restoring the writ of the S tate. Former president Musharraf, a course mate of S habbir S harif ( brother of R aheel S harif) is al so a big adm irer of R aheel S harif. “ H e has been to the most da ngerous pl aces in the ( Z arb- e- A z b) battl e z one. M any others woul d not da re go near those pl aces fearing for their l ives,” M usharraf says . “ I t is R aheel S harif’ s strong character and compa ssion for his j uniors that sets him ap art from the rest of the pa ck. H e is not j ust a commande r but a l eade r — the one sol di ers happi l y obey and fol l ow in war,” the former pr eside nt says in an interview in K arachi. I n 2015, R aheel S harif’ s popu l arity grew out of the barracks and spr ead across P aki stan, maki ng him more popul ar than any pol itician incl udi ng P rime M inister N awaz S harif and P aki stan Tehreek - e- I nsaf ( P TI ) chief I mran K han. A mosque in I sl amabad was named after him l ast ye ar and his por traits coul d be spot ted on the back of trucks and auto ricks haws everyw here. B anners and bil l boards featuring his image stil l ador n the streets of al most every big city , pa rticul arl y K arachi, and many contesting the recent l ocal government el ections put his ph oto on their pub l icity m aterial to attract voters.
D ue to the ongoing adm inistrative pa ral ys is, rampa nt terrorism, insecurity , corrupt ion and a general di sappoi ntment with pol itics, pe opl e tend to be turning towards the army B eyond doubt , the outgoing C O A C is l oved by al most al l for having impr oved the security situation in the country in general and K arachi in pa rticul ar. H e is al so hail ed for l aunching an anticorrupt ion dr ive, mostl y focused against pol iticians. I t’ s worth mentioning here: W hen A fghan P reside nt A shraf Ghani made his first visit to Pakistan in 2014; he drove straight to the G eneral H eadqua rters ( G H Q ) in R awal pi ndi to meet R aheel S harif before seeing the civil ian l eade rship i n I sl amabad. In fact, the Raheel Sharifl spent a l ot of his time visiting capi tal s across the globe– from London and W ashington to B eij ing and Kabul – to meet monarchs, preside nts, pr ime ministers, foreign ministers and, his counterpa rts in other mil itaries in the best interest of P aki stan. A ny foreign di gnitary visiting I sl amabad pr eferred to have a meeting with R aheel S harif before l eaving. O ther reasons of popul arity: M il itary courts set up earl ier l ast ye ar over ridi ng the el ected adm inistrations through ape x committees at the fede ral and pr ovincial l evels; the sit-in helped the military turn tabl es on the government. A mix of mishandl ing of the pr otests, the government’ s stubborn resistance to negotiate with K han and Q adr i, and the wil l ingness of the l eade rs of the pr otests to go to any extreme – regardless of how viol ent and de stabil ising it became – allowed the military to regain centre stage. “ A s l ong as civil institutions remain weak, those with establ ished pos itions on issues of security and foreign
rel ations wil l continue to take adva ntage,” M usharaf adds . I n theory , no one can di sagree with the supr emacy of the constitution and the need for a de mocratic sys tem of government. “ A l l rul es and the constitution are for P ak istan, not the other way round. I bel ieve that P aki stan is more impor tant than any rul es,” M usharraf says empha tical l y . The army has to step forward and intervene when P aki stan is going unde r, and no constitutional fixes are avail abl e to change the inept civil ian l eade rship, he argues. The looming challenges: P aki stan faces threats on both its eastern and western borde rs. I ndi a’ s ope n aggression and pr oxy war against P aki stan are highl y di sturbing, G ood thing is R aheel S harif is going to pa ss on the command of an army he pr oudl y cal l s “ the best in the worl d” to his successor l eaving behind a l egacy of an utmost de di cated service. C ertainl y , continuity of general R aheel ’ s pol icies is essential , because that’ s the onl y way to root out terrorism. S ince army is a wel l - organised, coherent and an inde pe nde nt institution and woul d not accept if its chief gets appoi nted without merit and s eniority . I t is normal l y done by the pr ime minister on the advi ce of the outgoing army chief. E xe rcising his pr erogative, the pr ime minister wil l be choosing from amongst the recommende d four L t generals – namely - Lt Gen Javed Iqbal R amda y , L t G en Z ubair H aya t, L t G en I shfaq N ade em A hmad, and L t G en Q amar J aved B aj wa, The outgoing army chief wil l be remembered as one of the best army chiefs P aki stan ever had. H ope ful l y , the incoming army chief wil l not di sappoi nt either.
Wa a n l a y s a l i l i n s a n i i l l a m a ’ s a ’ a a T h a t m a n c a n h a v e n o t h i n g b u t w h a t h e s t r i v e s f o r.
‘Handshake’. By: Gulshan Alanai W ith a twink l ing of an ey e the U .S . ‘ P ol itical W heel ’ has turned the other way with a sp eed of a L ight. R emark abl e hand shak e between P resid ent O bama and the P resid ent el ect D onal d Trump p ortray s the ‘ G ood wil l ’ between y esterd ay ’ s enemies, and p ortray ing as if no hateful bl asp hemous things were ever uttered .Though, some cal l it a ‘ D evil ’ s hand shak e’ , or a hy p ocrisy . Y et there is a p ositive l esson to be l earned not to d wel l on evil negatives: C ontinuation of hatred increases enmity that could backfire and hurt the hatemongers by the D ivine wrath. The fol l owing word s sp ok en by two enemies sitting sid e by sid e face to face l ik e ‘ friend s’ , a good sign of social etiq uette but wil l their fol l owers ad op t the same etiq uette or continue the hatred p l anted by the l ead ers and ruin every thing l ik e terrorists- D aesh? “ U .S . P resid ent el ect D onal d Trump said : “ I t was a G reat H onor to meet P resid ent B arak O bama for transition tal k s at the W hite H ouse” . P resid ent O bama said : “ H e was
encouraged by their ex cel l ent and wid e- ranging conversation” . L asting over an hour. This al so p roves, any thing said in anger has no merits, as anger and hatred are incited by the evil sp irit, ‘ S atan’ I bl is- L ucifer most hateful of A l mighty G O D and H I S fol l owers, misguid ing the weak ones to fight, create divisions, reviving centuries ol d racism and bring chaos in the communities. C ivil rights group s in the U S are rep orting a surge in racist acts since Trump’s election - graffiti, vandalism, street harassment and intimid ation insp ired by Trump ’ s race- baiting tactics” . O bviousl y it is harmful and p roven usel ess to cop y the negatives from such hateful l ead ers ( or religious leaders) who flip flops all the time leaving the fire burning among the vul nerabl e fol l owers who cannot turn back so q uick l y and change but carry the hatred l ik e d ead l y d isease cancer. A good l esson to l earn, never to fol l ow any one’ s negative rhetoric but stand up on ‘ P earl s of W isd om’ : righteousness, eq ual ity , J ustice, p atient, and true faith in A l mighty G O D - C reator, who l ik es the truthful good S amaritans and not the evil cul p rit enticing hatred against H I S mank ind and H I S fol l owers. N o d oubt some of them are the p rogeny of P rop het A d am’ s ( R A )
son A bel - H abil the righteous one and others are the p rogeny of C ainQ abil hateful of his brother, and puffed up with arrogance that led him to murd er his brother. There is no d oubt maj ority are the righteous p eop l e the p rogeny of A bel , who has fear of A l l ah- C reatorG O D and woul d n’ t even hurt a F l y . I see such S amaritans in V ancouver who has stamp ed smil ing faces showing the most wond erful etiq uette of resp ect without a d rop of hatred against a M usl im W oman wearing her D ivinel y ord ained U niform of H ij ab. The true sol id arity is p roven by the group of 2 0 0 non- M usl ims, C hristians, and J ews, formed a circl e of p rotection, stand ing guard in a circl e around M usl im stud ents p ray ing in M ichigan. S ubhanA l l ah. A s U niversal M essenger seal of P rop hets, P rop het M uhammad ( S A W S ) said : even a S mil e is a charity . H owever, waging war against innocent M usl ims and non- M usl ims is the S atanic work , but waging war against ‘ I sl am’ the d ivine S crip tural rel igion of P rop het A braham ( A S ) , is simil ar to waging war against the A l mighty G O D that is consid ered the most heinous crime and a maj or sin. To l earn about true I sl am: TV. show Explore Islam-www. IslamNorth
Congratulations on an excellent job! By:Farooq Rai, Richmond W e want to take this oppor tunity to convey our appr eciation to you for organiz ing a very worthwhil e and wonde rful I qba l D ay cel ebration event on N ovember 20t h, 2016. Y our abl e and de voted team members de serve great credi t for their volunteer work and efforts. Kindly convey to al l of them our gratitude . I t is impor tant for our community members to recogniz e and acknowledge efforts of those volunteers who are worki ng hard in a very constructive, pos itive and unifyi ng manners for the good of al l . O ften, tirel ess time- consuming vol unteer work is tak en for granted . I was very p l eased to see members from many other organiz ations and community med ia group s l end sup p ort and encouragement for the success of this event. W e al so give our sincere thank s to al l organiz ations for their contribution and hard work . E veryone ought to ke ep in mind, that I t is not an easy j ob to de vote hours and hours of vol unteer work amids t busy l ife and other obl igations, ye t it is far more easier to poi nt out inadve rtent short comings. H owever, Continued on Pg 6
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Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
10 killed as Indian forces target passenger bus near LoC I ndi an troops resumed heavy shel l ing on W edne sda y after a da y- l ong l ul l and targeted a pa ssenger bus in A z ad J ammu and K ashmir’ s L awat area, ki l l ing nine pe opl e and inj uring 1 1 others. I ndi an troops al so fired at an ambulance which went into the area for evacuation, InterS ervices P ubl ic R el ations ( I S P R ) said. A total of 10 pe opl e have been ki l l ed toda y , and 18 others wounde d in I ndi an shel l ing. “ I ndi an troops hit a pa ssenger coaster with smal l and big arms in the town of L awat, ki l l ing nine pa ssengers and inj uring 1 1 others,” said J amil M ir, supe rintende nt of pol ice ( S P ) in N eel um V al l ey . “ F our bodi es and al l 1 1 inj ured pe rsons have arrived in D istrict H eadqua rters H ospi tal Athmuqam, but five bodies are still in the coaster,” SP Mir said. The coaster was on its way to Muzaffarabad. Lawat is located some 90 ki l ometres northeast of here in the uppe r bel t of val l ey that straddl es the restive L ine of C ontrol ( L oC ) . S P M ir said shel l ing in N eel um valley had begun at about 3:00am, but intensified in the morning. Officials from other areas had similar stories. Source:
SC stays implementation of SHC order to cancel wine shop licenses The S upr eme C ourt on W edne sda y issued stay orde r against the impl ementation of the S indh H igh C ourt’ s orde r regardi ng cancel l ation of l icenses of over 120 wine shops across the province. The petitioners filed an appeal against the S indh H igh C ourt’ s O ctober 27 orde r to shut dow n and revoke l icenses of al l l iquor shops op erating across the pr ovince of S indh. A three- member bench, heade d by J ustice S aqi bN isar, accept ed appe al s and returned the case to the S indh H igh C ourt for hearing it afresh and de cide the matter at the earl iest.. D uring the course of pr oceedi ngs, P aki stan H indu C ouncil P atron D r R amesh K umar V ank wani, who al so repr esents P aki stan a member of the N a-
tional A ssembl y , appe ared before the court and informed that the H indu rel igion forbids consumpt ion of al cohol . “ P ermitting sal e of al cohol for the sake of consumpt ion by the minority communities woul d be wrong,” R amesh K umar remarke d. J ustice S aqi bN isar said, “ This orde r shoul d not be pr esumed that the S upr eme C ourt had granted pe rmission for the sal e of al cohol .” H e further remarke d that the S upr eme C ourt bench was not de cidi ng the l egal status of the sal e of al cohol , addi ng that the court’ s interim orde r was not a final decision on the matter. The apex court also di rected pe titioners to appr oach S H C again. Source: Daily
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China to make extra $8.5 billion investments in Pakistan, says Ahsan Iqbal
The government has secured an additional $8.5 billion of investment from Beijing as part of the countries’ joint energy, transport and infrastructure plan, Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal said on Wednesday. That is on top of the $46-billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, which focuses on road building and energy infrastructure to end chronic power shortages in the country and to link China’s landlocked north-west with the deep-water port Gwadar on the Arabian Sea. Some $4.5 billion of the additional investment will be spent on upgrading tracks and signaling on Pakistan’s main railway line from Karachi to Peshawar and increase the speed on the line to 160 km per hour from the current 60-80 kph, Iqbal told Reuters in an interview. Another $4 billion will go toward an
LNG terminal and transmission line, he added. “This has now all been approved, so this is an additional $8.5 billion to the $46 billion we had already, so we are now close to $55 billion,” Iqbal said. The International Monetary Fund said in June that repayments and profit repatriation from large-scale investments such as CPEC could add to Pakistan’s medium- and long-term risks, predicting that the country’s gross external financing needs would rise to $15.1 billion in 2018/2019 from $11.4 billion in the current financial year. But Iqbal said those risks would be countered by the economic boost the investment would give to industries such as steel, construction and engineering, pushing future annual growth to above 6 percent. In July the IMF upped its forecast for growth in Pakistan to 5 percent from 4.7 percent in the fiscal year to June 2017, citing China’s investment plans “As the economy grows, our capacity to undertake the responsibilities of repayments also improves, what really matters is that all of that investment is going into productive sectors,” Iqbal said. Under CPEC, a number of new economic zones will be created along the corridor. Pakistan hopes that some industry will relocate from China, due to cheaper wages and production costs, Iqbal said. “Our preferred mode is joint ventures, because that will give a stake to both Pakistani and Chinese enterprises so now our government is actively promoting business-to-business links,” he said Source: Express tribune
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Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
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Fears grow in east Aleppo as government forces close in of the gunmen” in A l ep p o. O n S und ay , D a-
Syrian government forces and allied fighters ad vanced further into rebel - hel d A l ep p o on Monday, pressing an offensive in defiance of international concern for the fate of the city and its bel eaguered civil ians. “ A t l east 3 6 p eop l e were k il l ed in M ond ay ’ s bombing, ” rescue work er I brahim A bu L eith tol d A l J az eera. “ These are the most viol ent attacks we’ve seen in five years.” The recapture of the rebel - hel d east, which fel l from government control in 2 0 1 2 , woul d be the government’s most significant victory since the conflict began more than five years ago. The international community ap p eared unl ik el y to hal t the government’ s ad vance, d esp ite ex p ressing outrage over rising civil ian d eaths and the targeting of hosp ital s and rescue- work er facil ities in the east. G eert C ap p el aere, regional d irector for the U N ’ s chil d ren’ s agency , said more than 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 chil d ren were trap p ed . “ C hil d ren shoul d not be d y ing in hosp ital s because of bombs, and they shoul d not be d y ing in school s.” R ebel forces have stead il y l ost ground since M oscow, a k ey back er of P resid ent B ashar al - A ssad , intervened to bol ster his government l ast y ear. A ctivists and the U K - based S y rian O bservatory for H uman R ights said on M ond ay government forces back ed by Iranian and Russian troops and fighters from L ebanon’ s H ez bol l ah cap tured the eastern p art of the M asak an H anano neighbourhood . “ I t is the most imp ortant ad vance insid e the eastern neighbourhood s that the regime has mad e so far, ” said S y rian O bservatory d irector R ami A bd el R ahman. “ I f they tak e control of M asak an H anano, the regime wil l have line of fire control over several rebelhel d neighbourhood s and wil l be abl e to cut off the northern parts of rebel-held Aleppo from the rest of the op p osition- hel d d istricts.” A bd el R ahman said the ad vance had both strategic and symbolic significance, because Masakan Hanano was the first neighbourhood to fal l to rebel s in 2 0 1 2 . S y ria’ s A l - W atan d ail y , which is cl ose to the government, d escribed the neighbourhood as the “ biggest and most imp ortant stronghol d
mascus rebuffed a UN truce plan for Aleppo that woul d see the east of the city temp oraril y ad ministered by the op p osition, say ing it woul d “ reward terrorists” . O nce S y ria’ s economic p owerhouse, A l ep p o has been ravaged by the conflict that began with antigovernment p rotests in M arch 2 0 1 1 . B ut the new assaul t coul d sp ark a fresh humanitarian catastrop he, the U N ’ s S y ria envoy has warned , p romp ting an ex od us among the 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 p eop l e who remain in the east, trap p ed und er regime siege. G overnment forces have p ound ed east A l ep p o with air strikes, barrel bombs and artillery fire since l ast Tuesd ay , in a barrage that has k il l ed more than 3 7 5 p eop l e in A l ep p o city and its surround ing country sid e, accord ing to A bu Leith from the first responder group known as the “ W hite H el mets” that op erates in rebel - hel d areas. N o aid has entered the east since government forces surround ed it in J ul y , p romp ting severe food and fuel shortages in op p osition- hel d neighbourhood s as winter weather begins to set in. A E urop ean d ip l omat tol d the A F P news agency the fal l of east A l ep p o ap p eared to be a matter of time. “ N ow, it’ s j ust a q uestion of how l ong they can hol d on, ” the d ip l omat said , sp eak ing on cond ition of anony mity . “ There is nothing to eat, no more hosp ital s, and the bombard ment is non- stop . They are und er very strong p ressure.” B ack ers of the op p osition, incl ud ing W ashington, have shown l ittl e sign they wil l intervene, bey ond criticising D amascus and its al l ies over civil ian casual ties. U N humanitarian chief S tep hen O’Brien, briefing the UN Security Council on M ond ay about the situation in A l ep p o, said cond itions in the rebel - hel d sector of the city had gone from “ terribl e to terrify ing and are now barel y survivabl e by human beings.” “ L et me be cl ear, we are not j ust seeing a resump tion of viol ence in A l ep p o. This is not business as usual . W hat has been unl eashed on civil ians this p ast week is y et another l ow in an unrel enting, inhuman onsl aught, and it is as heartbreak ing as it is not inevitabl e, ” said O ’ B rien. “ These p arties to the conflict are - all of them - choosing to do this. I t is civil ians who p ay the p rice.” O n S und ay , U S P resid ent B arack O bama said he was “ not op timistic about the short- term p rosp ects in S y ria” . “ O nce R ussia and I ran mad e a d ecision to back A ssad in a brutal air camp aign ... it was very hard to see a way in which even a trained and committed mod erate op p osition coul d hol d its ground for l ong p eriod s of time, ” he said . Source: Al-Jazeera
Anti-Muslim Cont from Page 1 perpetrated against other religious groups more often involved property offenses, such as vandalism or theft. For example, 64% of antiJewish and 51% of anti-Catholic offenses in 2015 involved vandalism, compared with just 23% of anti-Muslim offenses. Most Americans say there is “a lot” of discrimination against Muslims in the United States today – roughly six-in-ten U.S. adults (59%) said this in a January 2016 Pew Research Center survey. About three-quarters of Americans (76%) also said discrimination against Muslims in the U.S. was increasing. The same survey found that almost half of American adults (49%) think at least “some” Muslims in the U.S. are antiAmerican, including 11% who think “most” or “almost all” are anti-American. Another survey from about the same time (December 2015) found that 46% of Americans thought Islam was more likely than other religions to encourage violence. FBI data for 2016 will not be released until next year, but there have
been anecdotal reports of a continued rise in anti-Muslim hate crimes this year. While not all incidents can be confirmed, the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights advocacy group that tracks hate crimes, reported more than 30 cases of anti-Muslim incidents in the five days following the presidential election alone. The FBI collects hate crime data from about 15,000 law enforcement agencies that voluntarily participate, which means the annual statistics likely undercount the number of hate crimes in a given year. Still, the report is a useful tool for comparing hate crimes over time and tracking the minimum number of these crimes that occurred in a given year. Source: PEW Research Centre
Iraq militias fight to cut ISIL supply route near Mosul
Iraqi Shia militias massed fighters to severe remaining I S I L suppl y routes to M osul , cl osing in on the road that l inks the S yr ian and I raqi pa rts of the group’ s sel f- de cl ared cal ipha te. F ive weeks into the U S - backe d offensive on Mosul, ISIL is fighting in the area of Tal A far, 60km to the west, against the P opul ar M obil isation F orces - a coal ition of mostl y I ranian- backe d S hia armed groups sanctioned by B aghda d. C utting the western road to Tal Afar would seal off M osul as the city is al read y surrounde d to the north, south, and east by I raqi government and K urdi sh P eshmerga forces. The government’ s U S - trained C ounter Terrorism S ervice unit breached I S I L ’ s de fences in east M osul at the end of O ctober and is fighting to expand a foothold it gained there. The road to Tal A far is no l onger safe, said a truck dr iver who used it two da ys ago to bring in fruit and vegetabl es from R aqqa , I S I L ’ s S yr ian stronghol d. H e said he saw three trucks burning on the road while fighting raged in the vicinity . “ This is the l ast time I dr ive on this road, it wil l be cut,” he tol d R euters news agency by tel ephone , ask ing not to be identified as ISIL punishes by de ath those caught communicating with the outside worl d. The S hia mil itias’ invol vement around S unni- maj ority M osul and their targeting of Tal A far have pr oved de epl y di visive. A l l eged exe cutions and abuses car-
ried out by fighters in territory taken from I S I L el sewhere have stoke d l ocal fears and, given cl ose ties to I ran, their adva nce has spa rke d warnings of a pos sibl e intervention from Tehran’ s regional rival Turke y . Turk ish P reside nt Tayyi p E rdoga n has said A nka ra wil l respond if the mil itias “ cause terror” in Tal A far. I raqi P rime M inister H aide r al A badi tried to al l ay fears of ethnic and sectarian ki l l ings in Tal A far, sayi ng any force sent to recapture it would reflect the city’s di versity . A M osul reside nt said air strike s have intensified on the western part of the city , which is di vide d by the Tigris river running through its centre. The strike s seemed to be targeting an indus trial area. I S I L is dug in among more than a mil l ion civil ians as a de fence tactic to hampe r the air strike s. They are moving around the city through tunnel s, dr iving suicide car bombs into ad vancing troops , and hitting them with snipe r and mortar fire.Nearly 69,000 people have been displaced because of the fighting, moving from vil l ages and towns around the city to government- hel d areas, accordi ng to U N estimates. The figure does not include the thousands of pe opl e rounde d up in vil l ages around M osul and forced to accompa ny I S I L fighters as human shields as they retreat towards the city’ s centre. Source: Al-Jazeera
Germany-Israel alarm as US white supremacists rise erman C hancel l or A ngel a M erk el ’ s gov-
ernment is concerned that white sup remacists in the U nited S tates are being embol d ened by the el ection of D onal d Trump and is watching d evel op ments cl osel y . The B erl in government d ecl ined to give an official reaction to a video circulating on the internet that showed members of the “ al t- right” movement, a group ing that incl ud es neo- N az is, white national ists, and anti- S emites, meeting on S aturd ay in W ashington a few bl ock s from the W hite House. But one senior official close to M erk el d escribed the vid eo - which shows a sp eak er shouting “ H ail Trump ” and some aud ience members mak ing the N az i sal ute - as “ rep ul sive and worry ing” . “ I d on’ t think this is Trump ’ s id eol ogy because he seems to be l argel y free of id eol ogy . B ut these p eop l e are rid ing on his coattail s. W e are watching this very closely,” the official tol d R euters news agency , req uesting anony mity . Y air L ap id , a member of the foreign affairs and defence committee in the I srael i K nesset, cal l ed the vid eo “ sick ening” and “ intol erabl e” . “ O ne of the greatest mistak es humanity ever mad e was a fail ure to recognise the d anger of fascism earl y enough and tack l e it head on, ” said L ap id . “ W e cannot l et history rep eat itsel f.” I n an interview with the N ew Y ork Times on Tuesd ay , the U S p resid ent- el ect was q uoted as say ing he wanted nothing to d o with al t- right. “ I cond emn them. I d isavow, and I cond emn, ” said Trump . A sp ok esman for the Trump - P ence transition team said on M ond ay that Trump “ continued to d enounce racism of any k ind ” , and was el ected to be “ a l ead er for every A merican” . H e d enounces the movement’ s critics as “ the most d esp icabl e creatures who ever wal k ed the p l anet” . “ H ail Trump , hail our p eop l e, hail victory ! ” S p encer shouts at one p oint as
some members of the aud ience raise their arms in the N az i sal ute. The gathering on S aturd ay d rew p rotesters who bl ock ed traffic around the Ronald Reagan Building, a fed eral l y owned conference centre in d owntown W ashington for both p ubl ic and p rivate use. “ P resid ent- el ect Trump issued a statement H arris said . I n G ermany , which has sp ent the p ast 7 0 y ears atoning for its N az i p ast, using the “ H eil H itl er” sal ute and other N az i sy mbol s is il l egal and can resul t in a p rison sentence of up to six months. O ther E urop ean countries incl ud ing A ustria and F rance have simil ar l aws. A second G erman government official said Trump’s decision to bring B annon into the W hite H ouse showed he was “ not wil l ing to forgo the movement and mobil isation of anger and resentment” that swep t him to the p resid ency . G uy V erhofstad t, former B el gian p rime minister and a member of the E urop ean P arl iament, accused B annon on Tuesday of seeking to influence elections in F rance and G ermany nex t y ear with the l aunch of new B reitbart N ews websites in E urop e. D avid K ey es, foreign med ia sp ok esman for the I srael i P rime M inister “ S ocial med ia has created huge change. I t has empowered and amplified the voices on the fringes. There may be a need in the U nited S tates to consid er changes or l imits to free sp eech to ad d ress this.” Source: Al-Jazeera
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Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
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Canadians’ well-being trails economic growth, study finds
The gap between the country ’ s economic heal th and C anad ians’ wel l - being has wid ened over a two- d ecad e p eriod , accord ing to a rep ort rel eased Tuesd ay . O ver the p eriod stud ied in the rep ort - - 1 9 9 4 through 2 0 1 4 - - C anad ian gross d omestic p rod uct grew by 3 8 p er cent, said B ry an S mal e, a p rofessor at the U niversity of W aterl oo and the d irector of the C anad ian I nd ex of W el l being. “ B ut our wel l - being has onl y grown by about j ust und er 1 0 p er cent, and that gap between our wel l - being and economic p rogress is growing, ” S mal e tol d CBC News. “The trickle effect of that has been people are sacrificing important time in things l ik e l eisure and cul ture. They are not social iz ing with their friend s as much, they are not p rotecting as much of their income for vacation and val ued activities that d oes enhance their wel l - being, ” he said . The national wel l - being ind ex is based on 6 4 ind icators in eight categories, incl ud ing l iving stand ard s, time use, l eisure and cul ture, and community vital ity , among others. The ind ex d raws on about 2 0 0 d ata sources, p rimaril y from S tatistics C anad a. I n 2 0 0 7 , the gap between G D P and the wel l - being ind ex was 2 2 p ercentage p oints. B y 2 0 1 0 , the gap had risen to 2 4 .5 p ercentage p oints, and by 2 0 1 4 , it had j ump ed to 2 8 .1 . L iving stand ard s were hit hard by the 2 0 0 8 recession, with work becoming more p recarious, the rep ort said . I ncome ineq ual ity is growing whil e C anad ians are struggl ing with the cost of and access to q ual ity food and housing, d esp ite a 3 0 p er cent increase in med ian famil y incomes and a d ecrease in the number of p eop l e l iving in p overty . “ I am sure that somebod y that l ost his j ob in the oil p atch out of A l berta or his manufacturing j ob here in O ntario … they d on’ t p ick up the p ap er every q uarter and l ook at G D P and go: I t’ s imp roved . M y l ife is so much better, ” S mal e said . The wel l - being rep ort found that C anad ians are sp end ing
l ess time engaged in the arts, cul ture, and social l eisure. The rep ort al so said time sp ent vol unteering for cul ture and recreation organiz ations is d own al most 3 0 p er cent, C anad ians are are sp end ing fewer nights away on vacation. C anad ians are al so try ing to cop e with a time crunch, as they sp end l ess time with friend s and more time commuting. M eanwhil e, onl y 3 5 p er cent of C anad ians are getting enough sl eep , d own from 4 4 p er cent in 1 9 9 4 . S mal e said C anad ians are feel ing more time- stressed and more concerned about their l ives. “ W e are actual l y seeing, after y ears of p rogress, p eop l es’ rep orting of their overal l heal th and their mental heal th is starting to d ecl ine a l ittl e bit since the recession and that is worrisome, ” he said . The wel l - being ind ex found that ed ucation was the onl y ind icator that k ep t p ace with the gains of the economy d uring the two d ecad es stud ied . A bout nine out of 1 0 stud ents comp l ete high school , whil e the p ercentage of C anad ians with a university d egree grew from 1 7 p er cent in 1 9 9 4 to 2 8 p er cent in 2 0 1 4 . C ommunity invol vement al so showed signs of imp rovement, the rep ort said , with two- third s of C anad ians having a strong sense of community bel onging. P eop l e al so rep ort feel ing safer in their neighbourhood s amid a d rop in an ind ex measuring crime severity . Source: CBC News
P rotests against N aj ib R az ak continue in K ual a L umpur , where thousands of ‘ ye l l ow shirt’ anti- P M de monstrators gather. Thousands of anti- government pr otesters marched in M al ay sia’ s capi tal de mand ing the resignation of P rime M inister N aj ib R az ak over his al l eged invol vement in a mul ti- bil l ion dol l ar corrupt ion scanda l . C l ad in y el l ow shirts and unfaz ed by arrests of activists and op p osition l ead ers, p rotesters marched on S aturd ay from various sp ots toward s d owntown L ump ur amid tight security . Najib, who is attending an Asia-Pacific summit in L ima, P eru, has ke pt an iron grip since graft al l egations emerged two ye ars ago invol ving the inde bted 1M D B state fund that he founde d. 1M D B is at the center of investigations in the U S and several other countries. The U S J ustice D epa rtment said that at l east $3.5 bil l ion had been stol en from 1M D B by pe opl e cl ose to N aj ib and initiated action in J ul y to seiz e $1.3 bil l ion it said was take n from the fund t o buy a ssets in the U S . The U S government compl aints al so said that more than $70 mil l ion had l ande d in the accounts of “Malaysian Official 1.” They did not name the official, but appear to be referring to N aj ib. S ome were chanting “ S ave D emocracy” and “ B ersih, B ersih” - the name of the el ectoral reform group that organised the ral l y . The name means “ cl ean” in the M al ay l anguage. R E A D M O R E : H undr eds of M al ays ian pr otesters cal l for 1M D B arrest B ersih said on Twitter that pol ice raide d its office on Friday and detained its chairwoman Maria Chin and another official Mandeep S ingh.I t said at l east seven others incl udi ng several pol iticians were al so hel d. I t said po lice also confiscated laptops, mobile phones and ba nk s tatements. “ D espi te the authorities’ de spe rate measures to stop us, ( the ral l y) wil l go on,” the group tweeted.
Another Bersih official, Mandeep Singh, and 12 others incl udi ng several pol iticians were al so de tained, mostl y in connection with the ral l y a nd t o pr event rioting, t he pol ice said. “ The reason why pe opl e are on the streets is not j ust about aski ng him [ N aj ib] to resign, but it is al so about changing the sys tem,” A z mi S harom, a l aw pr ofessor at the U niversity of M al ays ia, t ol d A l J az eera. “ The rul ing pa rty can win l ess popul ar votes and ye t win the l arge maj ority in the house, so it’ s a serious sys tematic pr obl em that needs to be changed and this is why most of the pe opl e are out on streets toda y .” ‘ H eavy- hande d’ The pr otesters gathered around the I nde pe nde nt S qua re, the main venue that was l ocke d dow n by pol ice. A smal l er group of red- shirt pr o- government suppor ters hel d a counter- ral l y . N aj ib, who has de nied any wrongdoi ng, said he won’ t be cowed by t he ral l ies. I n a statement on his bl og, N aj ib cal l ed B ersih “ de ceitful ” and said the group has become a tool for oppos ition pa rties to unseat a de mocratical l y e l ected gove rnment. “ W e want to see M al ays ia more de vel ope d and not robbed of bil l ions of ringgit,” said W an A isyah Wan Ariffin, an opposition supporter. Source: Al Jazeera News And Agencies
Thousands demonstrate against scandal-hit Malaysia PM
Trump vows to withdraw from TPP deal, silent on NAFTA
D onal d Trump has unveil ed p l ans for his first 100 days in the White House, incl ud ing withd rawing from a massive Pacific Rim trade pact, cracking down on visa abuse and easing restrictions on the d evel op ment of shal e energy and coal . B ut the U .S . p resid ent- el ect was sil ent M ond ay on two of his most rep eated and controversial camp aign p romises – renegotiating the North American free- trad e agreement and buil d ing a wal l on the M ex ican bord er. A fter k eep ing a low public profile in the two weeks since his surp rise el ection win, M r. Trump announced the 1 0 0 - d ay agend a in a 2 ½ - minute vid eo M ond ay that focused on bringing j obs back to the U nited S tates. “ W hether it’ s p rod ucing steel , buil d ing cars or curing d isease, I want the nex t generation of p rod uction and innovation to hap p en right here on our great homel and , A merica, creating weal th and j obs for A merican work ers, ” M r. Trump said in the vid eo. H e al so ap p ears p oised to name another k ey member of his ad ministration. C N N is rep orting that retired general J ames ( M ad D og) M attis wil l be his d efence secretary . M r. M attis is a hard - nosed and outsp ok en M arine C orp s veteran, who fought in A fghanistan and I raq . H e has been critical of U .S . P resid ent B arack O bama for being too soft on I ran, the I sl amic S tate and the Tal iban in A fghanistan. M r. Trump say s in the vid eo that he’ l l p ul l the U nited S tates out of the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership and would negotiate unspecified trade d eal s to bring j obs and ind ustry back to the U nited S tates. E ven M r. O bama has acknowledged the death of the TPP – a massive d eal that woul d have l ink ed the U nited S tates, C anad a and M ex ico with nine other Pacific Rim countries. Unlike an earl ier l eak ed memo from M r. Trump ’ s transition team that caused a stir in C anad a, the p resid ent- el ect mak es no mention of reop ening N A F TA to win concessions from C anad a and M ex ico. M r. Trump l ik ewise say s nothing about d ep orting al iens or scrap p ing the l aw that ex tend s p rivate heal th- care coverage to uninsured Americans. The Affordable Care Act is a k ey p art of M r. O bama’ s l egacy , but has been a l ightning rod among R ep ubl icans, who say it imp oses unnecessary costs on emp l oy ers. I t ap p ears to be a recognition that M r. Trump ’ s simp l istic and angry camp aign rhetoric may be much more difficult to accomplish. It may also be difficult to obtain support from the U .S . C ongress, even one control l ed by R ep ubl icans. M eanwhil e, M r. Trump is working to staff key economic posts in his ad ministration, incl ud ing treasury secretary , commerce secretary and trad e envoy . The choices wil l hel p p ut some of M r. Trump ’ s other p romises into p ractice, incl ud ing rol l ing back regul ation of W al l S treet, crack ing d own on trad e and stimul ating the economy with tax cuts and infrastructure sp end ing. The most critical
is the treasury j ob. A s with a number of other ad ministration j obs, M r. Trump ap pears to be waffling between mainstream op tions and ul tra- conservatives and l oy al ists who back ed his run for p resid ent. The rep orted front- runner for the treasury j ob is S teven M nuchin, 5 3 , a weal thy Wall Street financier who runs private equity firm Dune Capital Management and is an investor in several H ol l y wood bl ock buster movies, incl ud ing A vatar, S uicid e S q uad and The A ccountant. M r. M nuchin, a d ivorced father of three, joined Mr. Trump’s campaign as finance chair when it was sp uttering earl ier this y ear. C ounting against M r. M nuchin, however, are his d eep W al l S treet roots. H e’ s the son of a l ong- time p artner of investment bank Goldman Sachs; he went to Y al e and eventual l y sp ent 1 6 y ears at G ol d man S achs. M r. Trump is al so ap p arentl y l ook ing at an even bigger W al l Street name – Jamie Dimon, 60, chief ex ecutive of J P M organ C hase, the l argest U .S . bank by assets. J eb H ensarl ing, 5 9 , a Tex as member of the H ouse of R ep resentatives for the p ast 1 3 y ears and an al l y of H ouse S p eak er P aul R y an, is al so rep orted l y und er consid eration. The House financial services committee chairman is a conservative stal wart and a vocal critic of the Dodd-Frank financialoverhaul l aw, which aimed to rein in some of the excesses of the financial crisis. M r. Trump and vice- p resid ent- el ect M ik e P ence met in recent d ay s with a number of other p otential cand id ates with business and financial backgrounds. They incl ud e bil l ionaire investor W il bur R oss, 7 8 , who is being consid ered for commerce secretary , and J onathan G ray , 4 6 , gl obal head of real estate at p rivate eq uity p owerhouse B l ack stone G roup , and D avid M cC ormick , p resid ent of the hed ge fund B rid gewater A ssociates. M r. Trump was back at his M anhattan p enthouse in the Trump Tower on M ond ay after sp end ing the week end at the Trump N ational G ol f C l ub in B ed minster, N .J . M r. Trump is ex p ected to head to P al m B each, F l a., l ate Tuesd ay or earl y W ed nesd ay with his famil y for the U .S . Thank sgiving hol id ay . “ I t’ s time to get together with famil y and have a brief break in the action, ” sp ok esman J ason M il l er tol d rep orters. Source: Globe and Mail
Congratulations on an excellent job! Letter Continued from pg 2
we must al l strive to change and impr ove in order to become more effective in facing challenges as we reflect on Allama’s motivational message. I t was very inspi ring to l isten to al l the spe ake rs incl ud ing those youngs ters who made val iant attempt s to recite A l l ama’ s verses ( something that is not so easy for a l ot us) and to tal k about A l l ama I qba l ’ s messages of encouragement and hope etc. I bel ieve that there are far more pos itive and good things happe ning in our community in British Columbia due to the effective efforts of various organiz ations, groups and indi vidua l s. W e are encouraged and opt imistic about our pr esent and future contribution to
C anadi an society and we shoul d not forget of the sacrifices of our pioneers. W e as C anadi ans of P aki stani origin must continue to strive in this di rection for the sake of our yout h, in orde r to pr eserve and pr omote our unique ide ntity and heritage. I don’ t need to go in to de tail s since my views in this matter are wel l - know n based on my book, P aki stan to C anada : A J ourney , and recent articl es. B ut we want you to know that we real l y enj oye d the variety of the pr ogram and invol vement of our yout h on such significant occasions. The highlight for us of course was the pa rticipa tion of girl s and boys in publ ic spe aki ng and pa inting.
Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
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Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
FAITH N arrated A bu H uraira: The P rop het said , “ F aith ( B el ief) consists of more than sixt y br anches ( i.e. pa rts) . A nd H aya ( This term “ H aya ” covers a l arge number of concept s which are to be taken together; amongst them are self respect, modesty, bashful ness, and scrupl e, etc.) is a pa rt of faith.” S ahih B ukha ri 2: B el ief 8
The Benefits of Belief in Taqdīr and Tawakkul By Mawlānā Ashraf Ali al-Thānawi Edited by IlmGate he belief that everything which happened, is happening and will happen is according to the knowledge, will and command of Allah Ta’ala is called Taqdeer. Belief in Taqdeer is compulsory. The advantages of belief in Taqdeer and Tawakkul (Trust in Allah) are as follows: *No matter what hardship or misfortune befalls one, it will be accepted without panic and the heart will remain strong in the face of such hardships. Strong belief in Taqdeer will indicate that Allah’s wish is in this occurrence and it cannot be opposed. The hardship will disappear only when so desired by Allah Ta’ala. Thus the man of Taqdeer accepts what comes his way with contented resignation. *One who has understood and accepted this conception of Taqdeer will not be overcome with frustration at the delay in the passing of the hardship. He will not become despondent and lose hope when the misfortune endures for any length of time. He will banish weakness. The adherent of Taqdeer will not adopt unlawful *ways and means of combating the difficulty, for he knows that the adversity has been brought about by Allah Ta’ala. He understands well that elimination of the hardship is not possible without the Will of Allah Ta’ala. He therefore realizes the futility of his efforts in trying to eliminate what Allah Ta’ala has willed. He will thus not unnecessarily court the displeasure of Allah by the adoption of unlawful measures. Why court Allah’s wrath when one’s purpose cannot be achieved even after having displeased Him? *The believer in Taqdeer and Tawakkul will not rely solely on material and mundane measures, but will resort to du’a as well. He believes that nothing can be gained without His Will. He thus derives greater hope and strength by supplicating to Allah Ta’ala. An additional benefit of engaging in du’a is the strengthening of one’s relationship with Allah Ta’ala. A strong bond of love with Allah Ta’ala is the basis of peace and all comfort. *The believer in Taqdeer will not attribute success, accomplishment and excellence to his efforts. He will attribute everything to the Will and Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala. He will thus be imbued with humility. Such a man will not be arrogant and haughty. The summary of what has been said above is: The believer in Taqdeer and Tawakkul will be grateful in times and occasions of success and
prosperity, and he will be patient when failure and adversity overtake him. This is the great advantage which Allah Ta’ala points to in the following verse: “…so that you do not lose hope over what you have lost nor do you become elated because of what you have gained.” (Surat Hadeed) The Islamic conception of Taqdeer should not be misconstrued and the essential and correct ways and means for worldly affairs should not be discarded on the pretext of resignation to Taqdeer. Discarding the lawful means and agencies which Allah Ta’ala has created for worldly affairs is weakness as well as erroneous. Such error and weakness have been criticized in the hadith. Hadhrat `Auf Bin Malik (R) narrates that once when Rasulullah sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam decided a dispute, the one against whom the verdict went, exclaimed: “Sufficient for me is Allah and He is a good Protector.” This exclamation was intended to convey that Allah’s pleasure was the cause of the setback which he suffered. Hearing this, Rasulullah sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam said, “Allah Ta’ala does not like weakness. Be alert!” Here Rasulullah sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam exhorted that one should harness the correct means for one’s case and activity. However, if despite instituting the correct measures, failure results, then one will be justified in saying: . This hadith appears in Abu Dawood. Ahadith on Taqdeer Hadhrat Jaabir (R) narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam said, “You can never be a Mu’min as long as you do not believe in Taqdeer — in its good and its bad — to such an extent that whatever is to happen will not be warded off and whatever is not to happen will not occur.” (Tirmidhi) Hadhrat Ibn Abbaas (R) narrates, “I was (once) behind Nabi sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam when he said to me: ‘O son! I shall inform you of a few things. Remember Allah and He will protect you. Remember Allah and you will find Him close to you. When you have to ask for something, ask of Allah Ta’ala. When you require aid, seek His Aid. Believe firmly that if all creation desires to benefit you in anything, they can never benefit you but that which Allah has decreed for you. If they all unite to harm you, they will not be able to harm you in anything, but that which Allah has decreed for you.” (Tirmidhi) Hadhrat Abu Dardaa (R) narrates that Allah Ta’ala has already predestined five things for all people, viz., age, sustenance, deeds, place of burial and final salvation or condemnation. (Ahmad, Bazzaaz, Kabeer, Awsat) Hadhrat Mu’aawiyah (R) narrates that Rasu-
Names Of A l l a h (SWT) & Mohammad (PBUH)
Last edition Names were
Al Qayyum name of Allah(swt) Al Mujeeb Mohammad(saw) name.
Yaa-Waajidu The Finder
lullah sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam said, “Do not advance to acquire something, thinking that you can acquire it by your efforts even though Allah Ta’ala has not predestined it for you nor retreat from something, thinking that you will be able to obviate it by your efforts even though Allah Ta’ala has predestined it for you.” (Kabeer and Awsat) Whatever Allah Ta’ala has predestined, will come to pass no matter what efforts are made by man to gain or ward it off. Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (R) narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam said, “Strive to acquire what is beneficial for you; seek the aid of Allah; do not lose courage and if a setback overtakes you, do not say: ‘If I had done this then it would have happened like this (i.e. not what had happened).’ Instead, say: ‘Allah has ordained this. Whatever He has willed, has happened.’” (Muslim) The above Ahadith have been extracted from Jam’ul Fawaaid. These Ahadith pertain largely to Taqdeer. The narrations which will appear hereunder pertain more to Tawakkul. Allah Ta’ala states in the Qur’an, “After you have consulted) and when you have firmly decided, then have trust on Allah (and proceed to do what you have decided to do). Verily, Allah Ta’ala loves those who place reliance (on Him).” (Surat Aale Imraan) What greater wealth does one require than the love of Allah? Those whose trust and [have] reliance [upon] Allah, have secured His love. There is no doubt in the success of such people. From this verse it is also manifest that along with Tawakkul should be Tadbeer (i.e. employment of the correct agencies, means and ways). Consultation which is mentioned in the ayah is in fact a way for deciding an affair. However, one should not repose reliance on Tadbeer. Even after having instituted the ways and means, reliance must be placed on Allah Ta’ala. Allah Ta’ala says in the Noble Qur’an, “They (the Sahabah) are such (sincere) people that when some persons said to them: ‘These people (i.e. the kuffaar of Makkah) have made (great) preparations for you (i.e. for fighting you) You should therefore fear them’, their (the Sahabah) Iman became stronger. Allah is sufficient and is best. Unto Him affairs are assigned. Thus these people (the Sahabah) returned loaded with the bounties of Allah. No grief overtook them and they remained following the Pleasure of Allah. Verify, Allah is most Munificent.” In these verses is a reference to a particular incident from which the Sahabah (R) benefited both materially as well as spiritually. Allah Ta’ala indicates here that both these benefits were the consequence of Tawakkul.
Allah Ta’ala orders Rasulullah sallallahu `alay `alayhi wa sallam in the Noble Qur’an to say, “Say (O Muhammad!) Nothing can overtake us, but that which Allah has ordained for us. He is our King. All Believers should assign their affairs to Allah. (Ask the kuffaar) What are you awaiting for us one goodness out of two, while we are awaiting with regards to you, that Allah inflicts you with a punishment, from His side, or at our hands. So await, we too are awaiting.” (Surat Taubah) Since Allah Ta’ala is the King, the servant should be pleased with whatever the King chooses. This should be the condition of all Muslims. Both prosperity and adversity are beneficial for Muslims. Times and conditions of hardship prove beneficial for Muslims in relation to the end result. In enduring the hardships, ranks increase and sins are forgiven. Thus, it matters not which condition a Muslim is in. Both, viz., prosperity and adversity, are advantageous for Believers. This shows that even if a Muslim is overtaken by difficulty and hardship, he is not reduced to despondency and frustration, for he considers the state of adversity also beneficial to him. If the benefits of adversity do not manifest in this world, then for a certainty, these will be manifested in the Aakhirah. The Aakhirah is our actual and original home and goodness and benefit there will be to our perpetual advantage. Allah Ta’ala says, “Whoever has trust on Allah, He is sufficient for him.” Hadhrat Anas (R) narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam said to a man, “Tie your camel and trust in Allah.” Thus, Tawakkul does not envisage the abandonment of the lawful means and agencies which Allah Ta’ala has created for the execution of activities. One has to trust in Allah and not repose confidence in the means and ways. “This too is included in Taqdeer.” (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah) According to this hadith, the benefit which will result from medicine, etc. is also dictated by Taqdeer. The sum total of this discussion is that Muslims should never become despondent and frustrated in difficult situations. Take lesson from what has been said in these verses and Ahadith and do not become weak in your Deen. Repose all your trust on Allah Ta’ala. Extracted from Hayat al-Muslimeen
Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver Islm. Date
Nov 25-Dec 9, 2016 Safar 25, Rabi ul Awaal 9, 1438 H Day Sunrise Fajar Sunr DhuhrAsarAsar Isha Date Fajar DhuhrZawal Asar (shafi) (hanfi) Maghrib Magrib Isha
2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA
Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
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12 LOCAL Over 60K raised for Cancer Education and Research Foundation in PCA event Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
O n N ovember 1 1, the C ancer E duc ation and R esearch F ounda tion arranged a F undr aising D inner for P aki stan’ s S hauka t K hanam M emorial Trust H ospi tal ( S K M TH ) at Taj C onvention P ark C entre in S urrey . The P aki stan C anada A ssociation( P C A ) facil itated the event and it was very successful with a l arge number of community m embers and di gnitaries. The p rogram M C s were M r. S hawk at K han and M r. A bubaka r K han. They di d a great j ob and motivated the aud ience to dona te for this nobl e cause. M r. H aroon K han, P reside nt of P C A , wel comed everyone and de scribed the pur pos e of this gathering. H e al so introduc ed the C ancer E duc ation and R esearch F ounda tion team who was visiting from L ahore and Toronto. D r.
Tariq A z am, D irector M ark eting and R esource D evel op ment was visiting from L ahore for this p urp ose and up d ated the p roj ects. Dr. Murtaza Ansari, Office Manager of Cancer E duc ation and R esearch F ounda tion in Toronto gave the P owerP oint pr esentation and explained facts and figures from various proj ects that have been compl eted, are unde r construction and pl anned in future. I mran K han’ s spe cial message was shown, in which he reque sted al l V ancouver communities to dona te generousl y f or this centre. C onsul G eneral of P aki stan D r. M uhammad Tariq said in his addr ess that these type s of centres need your suppor t. P C A al so invited l ocal former and current
pol iticians at this event. M r, W al l y O pa l , former A ttorney G eneral of B C was the guest of H onor. I n his addr ess, he encouraged everyone to dona te for this charity . M r. H erb D hal iwal , former L iberal P arty M inister al so attende d the event and said he was honored to be pa rt of this fundr aising. O ther spe ake rs incl ude d M P R ande ep S arai, M P K en H ardi e, former M P J inny S ims, M L A S ue H ammel l . M iracl e M edi a G roup’ s M r. N aseer P irz ada al so motivated the audi ence to increase in d onations and di g de ep in their poc ke ts and be p art of this C ancer E duc ation and R esearch F ounda tion. A fter a de l icious di nner, a fantastic l ive pe rformance by M s. S anam M arvi entertained the audience with her Folk and Sufi Kalam (songs).
E veryone enj oye d her sol o pe rformance which went late into the night as the flute, keyboard, Tabl a and D hol pl aye rs coordi nated very wel l with M s. M arvi. O ver 60K were raised dona tions incl udi ng money raised from ticke ts) for C ancer E duc ation and R esearch F ounda tion. B y N ov 23r d, $46,0 had been received and been transferred in C ancer E duc ation and R esearch F ounda tion. The rest of the pl edge d dona tions are stil l being col l ected. The M iracl e M edi a G roup reque sts everyone that if you pl edge in any fundraising, please pay off as early as pos sibl e.
Prime Minister Strongly Condemns Man killed in elevator accident ID’d as Unprovoked Firing By Indian Security Forces Aasim Ghazi, father of twin girls
Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has condemned in the strongest words the unprovoked firing by Indian security forces on a civilian bus killing nine innocent citizens and wounding several others, along Line of Control (LoC) near Neelum valley, Azad Kashmir today. Separately three Pakistani soldiers valiantly embraced martyrdom while responding to the Indian firing. The Prime Minister prayed for eternal peace of the departed souls and grant of courage to the loved ones of the Martyrs to bear this irreparable loss with fortitude. The Prime Minister said that the valiant soldiers of Armed Forces who embraced Martyrdom today are held in highest esteem. The whole nation will remember this sacrifice of our valiant soldiers who left no stone unturned while defending their beloved motherland. Despite our exercise of maximum restraint in
the wake of continuing naked Indian aggression along LoC resulting in the Martyrdom of innocent civilians including children and women, India has failed to comprehend the gravity of the situation. No responsible state can permit targeting innocent civilians in general and ambulances carrying the injured in particular. In fact, India is trying to divert the attention of the international community from the grave human rights violations and atrocities being committed by the Indian security forces in the Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. Pakistan will never abandon their Kashmiri brethren and will continue to support them in their just and legitimate freedom struggle for their right to self-determination in accordance with the UNSC Resolutions. From: Press Section High Commission for Pakistan, Ottawa
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By Shanifa Nasser, CBC News Family and friends gathered on Friday to bid farewell to Aasim Ghazi, a father of twin girls who was killed in an elevator accident at a downtown Toronto hotel this week. Ghazi moved to Canada in 2002 and the two lived in Montreal for 10 years after getting married in 2005, his wife said.The couple moved to Toronto only a year and half ago. According to his LinkedIn page, Ghazi worked as the director of food and beverages at the One King West Hotel and Residence at Yonge Street and King Street West. On Tuesday evening, police, firefighters and paramedics were called to the luxury condominium and hotel complex for an elevator accident. Ghazi suffered what police described as serious head injuries. Despite his coworkers’ attempts to revive him with a defibrillator and CPR administered by firefighters, Ghazi was pronounced dead at the scene.The Ministry of Labour is still investigating the incident.
Fujitec Canada Inc. would not confirm that it is the company that services the elevators at One King West, but when contacted by CBC Toronto, the vice president of finance and administration had a prepared statement. In the statement, Fujitec Canada Inc said it “has been informed of a fatal accident in Toronto. Fujitec Canada has no information on the circumstances of the accident. Therefore we cannot comment at this time.” Elevator company convicted of previous safety violations In 2011, Fujitec was fined $500,000, the largest fine for a safety violation in the history of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority(TSSA), the provincial regulator responsible for enforcing elevator safety regulations. That fine was in connection with an elevator accident that happened in 2006 at 522 University Avenue in Toronto. In that accident, the elevator dropped several A 35-year-old man killed in an elevator acci- stories and five passengers were injured. dent at a downtown Toronto hotel suffered seri- Source:By Trevor Dunn, Chris Glover, CBC News Miracle Media offers its deepest condolences ous head injuries, according to Toronto police. to its regular contributor Ms. Alam Ara on the Hotel management for One King West Ho- tragic death of her nephew Mr. Asim Ghazi in tel and Residence, at Yonge and King Streets, Toronto.We pray to Almighty Allah(SWT) for provided no comment to CBC Toronto, but mercy, to forgive all his sins, reward him with the Ontario’s Ministry of Labour confirmed the best place in paradise and to give patience to the victim was an employee at the hotel. families. (Ameen)
Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
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14 ASIA/MIDDLE EAST Asia to narrow trade focus as protectionism rises Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
LIMA: Fast-growing Asia-Pacific economies will strike more trad e d eal s among themsel ves as op p osition grows in E urop e and the U S to gl obal iz ation, anal y sts say , warning the W est wil l l ose out as the d y namic region p owers ahead . The most high-profile victim of recent protectionist sentiments has been a major US-led trans-Pacific deal, which is as good as d ead after the shock A merican el ection victory of D onal d Trump this month. The Trans Pacific-Partnership (TPP), an agreement of 12 Pacific Rim economies, was the economic plank of Presid ent B arack O bama’ s “ p ivot” to A sia, and notabl y ex cl ud ed China as the US sought to combat Beijing’s rising influence. B ut it is j ust the l atest accord to run into troubl e amid growing p rotectionism in d evel op ed economies, where gl obal iz ation is increasingl y regard ed as a bogey man resp onsibl e for send ing j obs abroad and erod ing l iving stand ard s. A p rop osed d eal between the E urop ean U nion and the U S is now unl ik el y to be signed after Trump ’ s win, whil e a trad e accord between the E U and C anad a took seven y ears to comp l ete and was nearl y torp ed oed by resistance from a tiny B el gian region. G iven such p robl ems, much of A sia — where economies have general l y enj oy ed robust growth in recent y ears and are heavil y d ep end ent on ex p orts — wil l be l ook ing with trep id ation at p otential accord s with the W est, anal y sts say .“ The resul t of having the U S and E urop e turn inward is that A sia wil l focus on regional agreements, ” said D eborah E l ms, ex ecutive d irector of the A sian Trad e C enter in S ingap ore. “ The gl obal sy stem wil l not function if the U S bl ock s action and the E U remains sty mied .” The immediate effect will be to give China a free hand to p ush its own favored regional accord s, a heavy bl ow to O bama, who had hop ed the TP P woul d al l ow the U S to write the region’ s trad e rul es before B eij ing got there. At a meeting of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Co-
op eration ( A P E C ) group in P eru this week , C hinese P resid ent X i J inp ing took the op p ortunity to urge sup p ort for two p otential accord s it is back ing. These are an A P E C - wid e d eal , and a 1 6 - nation agreement whose members incl ud e S outheast A sian countries and I nd ia, but notabl y ex cl ud es the U S . I n real ity , my riad smal l - scal e trad e d eal s had al read y mushroomed in Asia in recent years as efforts to forge truly global accords through the World Trade Organization proved difficult. A ccord ing to a stud y carried out by A P E C and rel eased at this week ’ s meeting, 1 4 5 trad e d eal s ex isted between the group ’ s members as of D ecember l ast y ear, at l east 3 0 of which had been struck since 2 0 0 8 . The U S el ection of Trump — who rep eated l y rail ed against trad e accord s and d ubbed the TTP a “ terribl e d eal ” — combined with rising op p osition to free trad e el sewhere is l ik el y to accel erate that trend , ex p erts said . “If the US significantly alters its trade policies with Asia... this coul d catal y z e greater intra- A sian trad e l iberal iz ation initiatives,” said Rajiv Biswas, Asia-Pacific chief economist with I H S G l obal I nsight. R ising p rotectionism has al armed sup p orters of free trad e, who feel that it is being scap egoated in many d evel op ed nations as an increasingl y sq ueez ed mid d l e- and work ing- cl ass seek something to bl ame. M atthew G ood man, an ex p ert in A sian economics from the C enter for S trategic and I nternational S tud ies, said trad e had become “ a target of a l ot of anx ieties.” B ut he ad d ed that the p robl ems were in real ity not j ust about trad e but more broad l y about “ economic change, about social change, about other things that have d isl ocated p eop l e’ s l ives.” There have however been genuine concerns about the way maj or d eal s have been negotiated , such as that d etail s about the TP P were shroud ed in intense secrecy d uring tal k s. S til l , many observers bel ieve that E urop e and the U S are set to inflict damage on their own economies as they turn away from free trad e. “ The W est wil l certainl y l ose out, ” said E l ms of the A sian Trad e C enter.“ A merican comp anies wil l l ose comp etitiveness rel ative to their counterp arts in mark ets in A sia.” B ut those who may l ose the most are consumers, who have benefited from ever cheaper goods in recent years as free trade flourished. “ C onsumers have better choices, they get better q ual ity good s because of the comp etition sp ark ed by free trad e, ” an A sian d el egate at the A P E C summit tol d A F P .
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Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
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Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
John was a good man
John Nuraney, beloved former Burnaby MLA, dies
By Jenni Sheppard, CBC News F ormer B C L iberal M L A and bel oved member of the B urnaby community J ohn N uraney has d ied , his family have confirmed.Speaking to D ail y H ive, N uraney ’ s son N ick said his father p assed away on S und ay night after suffering ongoing heart issues. N uraney , who was in his 7 0 s, served as M L A for B urnaby - W il l ingd on from 2 0 0 1 to 2 0 0 9 , and was renowned as a friend l y face in the community . “ H e was charismatic, d ip l omatic, a real p eop l e p erson, ” said N ick . “ H e
real l y enj oy ed meeting new p eop l e, sp eak ing in front of p eop l e. H e was j ust a very social guy .” N uraney was born in K enya and began his career as an entrepr eneur in Z aire ( now the D emocratic R epubl ic of the C ongo) . I n 1974, he immigrated to C anada “ with not much,” said N ick. A fter that, N uraney got into the A & W restaurant business, before going into pol itics. “ H is l ife was ful l of achievements, ” said N ick . “ I think his greatest achievement was his flexibility to tak e on new chal l enges and tak e it to max imum.” H owever, said N ick , if we had been abl e to ask N uraney himsel f, he woul d und oubted l y have said his famil y was his greatest achievement.“ I t real l y woul d be his grand k id s, ” said N ick . “ H e l oved his grand k id s and sp ent a l ot of time with them and real l y enj oy ed being a grand father.” Christy Clark pays tribute P remier C hristy C l ark p aid tribute to his l ife and work . “ W hen I think of J ohn N uraney , one word comes to mind : gentl eman, ”
she said in a statement. “ N o matter the interaction, J ohn N uraney d eal t with p eop l e in a way that mad e them feel imp ortant and honoured .” N uraney was the ep itome of cl ass, grace and a man with p rincip l es, she said , and B ritish C ol umbia was l uck y to have wel comed him. “ J ohn arrived here with nothing, but y ou can’ t k eep a man of his tal ent d own, ” said C l ark . “ H e was a tirel ess entrep reneur, p hil anthrop ist, and champ ion of causes from the theatre to a school l unch p rogram for hungry k id s.” C l ark said her thoughts are esp ecial l y with N uraney ’ s famil y tod ay . “John was more than just a colleague – he was a mentor, and a friend,” she said. “Above all, John was a proud husband, dad, and grandfather. Through them his legacy of compassion will continue.” Miracle Media team is sad to hear of the passing of former MLA John Nuraney, a great Muslim community leader, family man, and political role model. Our community will miss him dearly. Miracle Media had the opportunity to recognise his involvement in many Miracle’s events.
to wear. I suggested him to wear By:Nusrat Hussain (Founding Editor of ‘The Miracle.’) S herwani, if he has one. H e gave a The news of the sad de mise of J ohn N urani took me back in the pa st of my several interactions with J ohn. I t seems l ike ye sterda y when I met John for the first time at his house in B urnaby in 201. I had gone to interview him for ‘ The M iracl e.’ H e was newl y el ected to the l egisl ature and ‘ The M iracl e’ was in its’ initial da ys of publ ication. H e made me sit in the l iving room whil e his wife G ul shan served us tea. J ohn candi dl y responde d to al l the que stions I aske d hi m. B efore the phot o session he innocentl y aske d me what dr ess
smil e and aske d to wait for a minute. A fter sometime J ohn appe ared cl ad in a bl ack S herwani with a J innah cap pl aced on his head. H e gave a broad smil e and inqui red about the l ook. I smil ed back with a thumb up. L ater, J ohn al ways remained a great adm irer of ‘ The M iracl e.’ H e attende d many functions arranged unde r the banner of ‘ The M iracl e.’ H e al so acted as the chief guest of some ceremonies arranged by ‘ The M iracl e.’ I can onl y say- ‘ Y ou wil l be de arl y missed J ohn, you were a good m an.’ G od bl ess him in P aradi se.
C h au d h r y N iaz A li K h an
haudhr y N iaz A l i K han ( born 180 – died 1976), founder of the Dar ul I sl am M ovement and the D ar ul I sl am Trust in S outh A sia and the D ar ul I sl am Trust I nstitutes in P athank ot, I nd ia and J auharabad , P ak istan, was a civil engineer, civil servant, l and owner, agricul tural ist and p hil anthrop ist. H e was a member of the A l l - I nd ia M usl im L eague and a sup p orter of the P ak istan M ovement, which l ed to the establ ishment of the M usl im state of P ak istan in 1 9 4 7 . The D ar ul I sl am Trust I nstitutes establ ished by C haudhr y N iaz A l i K han are exa mpl es of Muslim institutional efforts in India and P aki stan in the mid- 20t h C entury to re- establ ish a cul ture of l earning and schol arship in the I sl amic W orl d l eadi ng to intel l ectual enl ightenment and s ocial reform. C areer A s a civil engineer, he de signed the original tunnel l ayout inside the K hewra S al t M ines in P aki stan, the worl d’ s second l argest sal t mines. Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan was an expert equestrian and used to ride regularly, on occasions up to 40–50 kilometres a day. He was also a photography enthusiast and had accumulated a vast collection of cameras and used to devel-
op his own photographs. After graduating in 1900, Khan joined the British Indian Government and served in the Public Works Department, the Mines Department and the Irrigation Department as Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO). He was able to save much of his salary, which he invested in agricultural landholdings in Jamalpur. While serving in the Public Works Department in 1901, Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan oversaw the designing and construction of the 80 km long Pathankot-Dalhousie Road. While serving in the Mines Department, Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan designed the tunnel layout inside the Khewra Salt Mines, the world’s second largest salt mines. In 1935, Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan retired from government service and his career in civil engineering and returned to his vast estate in Jamalpur to manage his agricultural lands, which spanned 1,000 acres (4.0 km2). He built his residential complex known as “Qila Jamalpur” (Jamalpur Fort) at a cost of Rs. 100,000, a significant amount at the time. This structure stands to this day and Jamalpur today is also, alternatively, called “Qila Jamalpur”. Dar ul Islam Movement and Trust Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan was greatly inspired by Allama Muhammad Iqbal and his vision for Muslims. In 1936, on the advice of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan founded and established the Dar ul Islam Trust, and donated 66 acres (27 ha) of land from his vast 1,000-acre (4.0 km2) estate known as the “Jamalpur Fruit Farms” in Jamalpur (5 km west of Pathankot) in Gurdaspur District, Punjab State, India for the established of the first Dar ul Islam Trust Institute.The Dar ul Islam Trust’s objectives
included, inter alia, undertaking “...through all lawful means research on Islamic theology, culture and history and to publish and print works...” Monthly Dar ul Islam journal In 1940, the Dar ul Islam Movement began publishing an Urdu-language monthly journal called Monthly Dar ul Islam, from Pathankot, whose publisher and printer was Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan. The Dar ul Islam was a scholarly and literary journal whose purpose was to create enlightenment and awareness amongst the Muslims of British India and also to present the case for an independent state for Muslims in South Asia Pakistan
Niaz A. Khan with his youngest son, Khan Muhammad Azam, at the Tomb of Allama Iqbal in Hazuri Bagh, Lahore, 1952
Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan was a member of the All-India Muslim League, the political party led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah that was fighting for a separate homeland for Muslims in India. Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan’s belief in Iqbal’s dream for a separate homeland for Muslims in India and his support for the
idea of Pakistan led to increased distance between him and Maulana Maududi. Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan’s support for the creation of Pakistan became evident immediately after Pakistan’s independence on 14 August 1947 when Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan, leaving his home and vast Jamalpur estate behind in the new Republic of India, migrated with his family to the newly established Muslim state of Pakistan and established there the second Dar-ul-Islam Trust Institute in Jauharabad in Khushab District in central Punjab. Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan died in Jauharabad (37-A civil lines), Pakistan on 24 February 1976 and is buried in the front courtyard of the Dar ul Islam Trust Institute, Jauharabad, which he founded and which continues to disseminate religious education to this day. Recognition Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan was recognised with the following awards: Tamgha-e-Shujaat (Medal of Bravery) in 1931 – by the British Indian Government – for bravery in protecting an under-repair dam from an attacking tribal militia in the then North-West Frontier Province (now Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province) (one of the few civilian recipients of a military medal) Khan Sahib Title & Medal in 1935 – by the British Indian Government – for 30 years of exemplary public service. Pakistan Movement Gold Medal in 2001 – by the Pakistan Movement Workers Trust, Lahore (established by the Government of the Punjab (Pakistan)) – posthumously awarded in recognition of his contribution to the Pakistan Movement. Source: NAK
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Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
The Issue Of Smog In Lahore
By: Khalid Zaka, Surrey The recent smog has choked both Lahore and New Delhi. Both have recently been listed amongst the top 10 worst cities for smog in 2014, according to the Deutche Welle website. Many inhabitants of either side of the border are wondering, what is it? Why is it happening? This is not the typical fog or mist historically known during the winter season? What are the potential sources of this smog? What are the contributing factors from Indian or Pakistani, if any? The smog problem has raised serious concerns regarding human health, road hazards and sustainable development. Smog is a kind of air pollution, originally named for the mixture of smoke and fog in the air. Typical? smog results from large amounts of coal burning and is caused by a mixture of smoke and different gasses, e.g., sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide. The two primary pollutants in smog are ground-level ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM). Therefore, smog is especially harmful for senior citizens, children, and people with heart and lung conditions such as emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma. It can inflame breathing passages, decreasing the lungs’ working capacity, and causing shortness of breath and pain when inhaling deeply, wheezing, and coughing. It can also cause eye and nose irritation. It dries out the protective membranes of the nose and throat, and interferes with the body’s ability to fight infection; resulting in increasing the susceptibility to illness. The debate regarding the origin of the smog revolves around coal and stubble burnings. The people holding coal burning responsible think that since long the coal industry has used earth’s atmosphere like an open sewer
for its airborne pollution. Hazardous emissions resulting from coal burning not only fuel climate change, but also pose a serious threat to health and environment. The NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration of USA) pointed out the burning of crop stubbles in India may be a major reason for a smog blanket in both New Delhi and Lahore. NASA map, shown below, several places with thermal emissions primarily from Indian Punjab and some from Pakistani Punjab as well. Mr. Nauman Ashraf from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Pakistan? has a different opinion. He suggested, “Crop stubble burning may have been misinterpreted. This is nothing new in the region and has been happening for decades. But this recent spike is because farmers in East Punjab, who had originally been selling their wheat stalks for biomass plants, burnt their agri-waste this year after their requested price was turned down by the biomass plants.” Historically farmers in the Punjab used to harvest by hand, leaving no stubble in the
ground to be burned before sowing of the next crop. Because of the mechanised farming, the practice of farmers harvesting the crops by hand is on the decline as most people now use combines to cut crops, rendering the stubble useless. To get rid of the stubble, farmers are burning the fields to prepare them for the sowing of the next crop. The processes of industrialization and urbanization in India and Pakistan appear to be the main culprits causing public health crises as well as polluting the environment. Per Khaliq-uz-Zaman research published in European Journal of Sustainable Development Volume 1, No 1, 2012 “In Lahore about 3016 ha of agriculture vast area on the fringes of the city are being converted to urban use annually. Per Green Peace: “India’s breakneck pace of industrialization is causing a public health crisis with 80-120,000 premature deaths and 20 million new asthma cases a year due to air pollution from coal burning power plants”. The first study of the health impact of India’s dash for coal, conducted by a former World Bank head of pollution, suggests the coal fired power plants cost hospitals $3.3$4.6bn (£2.2-£3.1bn) a year — this figure is certain to rise as the coal industry struggles to keep up with demand for electricity. The Source Watch Organization website: http:// and_coal shows the list, given below, of inoperation and under construction coal fired power plants in the Indian Punjab.
The above table indicates that Indian Punjab is currently generating 2060 MW of electricity from coal. New coal plants capable of generating additional 1860 MW of electricity are under construction. In addition to this, coal plants with a potential of generating 2640 MW of electricity are at the planning and permitting stage. Available data (Wikipedia) suggest there is only one operational coal fired power plant in Pakistani Punjab with a total generating capacity of 40 MW. However, currently few other are planned or under construction, shown in the table blow.
Scientists Urge Trudeau To Stop Using Poor Environmental Assessments
By:Zi-Ann Lum The Huffington Post Canada Canada’s young scientists aren’t satisfied with the way the federal government reviews energy projects, saying the current process lacks high scientific standards. An open letter addressed to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday urged him to make a more concerted effort in rebuilding public trust in the environmental assessment process. “We are concerned that current environmental assessments and regulatory decision-making processes lack scientific rigour, with significant consequences for the health and environment of all Canadians.” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks to reporters at the EU-Canada summit, in Brussels, Belgium on Oct. 30. (Photo: Dursun Aydemir/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images) More than 1,300 researchers signed the letter urging Trudeau and six of his cabinet ministers to improve the current environmental assessment and regulatory processes in which all natural resource project proposals must undergo. “Hundreds of scholars have decried weak Canadian environmental assessments and regulatory reviews and cautioned about the risks involved in large-scale energy projects,” reads the letter.“We are concerned that current environmental assessments and regulatory decision-making processes lack scientific rigour.”It referenced incidents such as the Calgary floods of 2013 and B.C.’s Mount Polley mine spill as examples of “environmental and health tragedies” that followed inadequate reviews.
UC or P: Under construction or proposed 0P: In operation The available records and data indicate that there are multiple sources and factors regarding the origin of smog in Lahore and Delhi. These include emissions from coal fired power plants, mechanization of the agriculture, industrialization, fast urbanization, weak or nonexistent environmental protection regulations and lack of environmental awareness on either side of the border. Green Peace has very rightly cited that “By breaking free from coal, we can fight both air pollution and climate change. The shift to 100 percent clean, safe renewable energy will be a huge double win for the health of people and our planet”. The City of Lahore may have already been taking actions to understand the phenomenon of smog, measuring and quantifying its hazardous constituent’s limits, and taking
One of the actions the letter suggests the government to adopt is the release of a full, public disclosure of how science, facts, and evidence provided in the review process are actually weighed in final decisions. It’s this fifth recommendation that open letter co-author Aerin Jacob, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Victoria, stresses is crucial to “peeling back the curtain on how these major decisions are made.” Acknowledging how additional factors — such as indigenous knowledge — also play an important role, Jacob says full-disclosure releases of decisions behind major projects will give them more legitimacy. Right now it’s kind of a black box and we want to see how the decisions were made and what role science plays into that,” she told The Huffington Post Canada. Jacob said she has not heard from the Liberal government. The Prime Minister’s Office did not respond to a request for comment about the open letter. In January, the Liberal government launched a review of the country’s environmental laws to reverse changes made by the former Conservative government and “rebuild trust” in the assessment process. Scholars ‘deeply concerned’ More than 200 scholars urged the prime minister back in May to suspend construction of the contentious Site C hydroelectric dam in northern British Columbia. Royal Society of Canada president Maryse Lassonde told Trudeau her group is “deeply concerned” about major gaps and inadequacies in the environmental assessment and regulatory review process the Site C Project proposal underwent. “Past projects often neglected or ignored Aboriginal peoples and their concerns–with adverse and lingering consequences. Those days are supposed to be over,” wrote Lassonde at the time. The $9-billion dam project proposed to flood farmland in traditional First Nations territory to create an 83-kilometre reservoir. Despite protests and outcry from scientists, the indigenous community and its supporters, the project was quietly approved by the federal government in the summer.
measures to mitigate its hazardous impacts. Nevertheless, the Toronto Environmental Alliance has put forward the following points a city could incorporate in their infrastructure planning to further promote public and natural health. I.Fighting for better public transit and limits to urban sprawl. II.Promoting clean and green energy to replace polluting coal and nuclear plants. III.Working with the Low-Income Energy Network to ensure universal access to safe, affordable, environmentally-friendly energy. IV.Advocating for speedy implementation of the city’s smog and climate change plan. V.Promoting actions to prepare for climate change. VI.Engaging the provincial and federal governments in developing new smog and climate change policy.
Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
5 health conditions that are worse in the winter
Seasonal affective disorder, commonly known as SAD, is a type of depression that affects people in the winter months. Most of us feel energetic and cheerful when the sun is shining and subdued and less active in the winter months. But seasonal affective
that their lungs are vulnerable to any of a Arthritis wide range of irritants, including pollen, feathered and furred animals (particularly cats), aspirin and some other drugs, the droppings of house-dust mites, changes in temperature (for example, breathing in very cold air) and cigarette smoke. Some asthma attacks are triggered by non-environmental factors such as respiratory infections, stress, anxiety or exercise. peo disorder is more severe than this. Some peoInfluenza Arthritis literally means inflammation of a ple are unable to hold down a job in winter joint. The term comprises more than 100 con because of lethargy, tiredness and poor condifferent rheumatic diseases that cause centration; relationships often break down pain, swelling, inflammation, and impaired because the sufferer becomes irritable and movement in joints and connective tissue unloving. Some people cannot function at throughout the body. Most are chronic-once all in winter without treatment. you develop arthritis, you have it for life-and Asthma aggres your genes may add to your risk. But aggressive treatment can help you manage your arthritis and prevent pain, disability, and condi deformity. That’s why the sooner the condiac tion is diagnosed, the better. If you experiexperi Influenza-most of us are well enough acquainted with it to call it by its nickname, ence any joint or muscle pain, stiffness, or virus swelling that lasts more than a few weeks, flu-is caused by one of three strains of viruses. The first flu virus (Type A) was identified see your doctor. in the 1930s. We now know it as the most The most common type of arthritis is oscommon, as well as the most serious. Type teoarthritis (OA), which afflicts about 1 in B viruses generally produce a milder version 10, or 3,000,000 Canadians. The condition Asthma is a condition in which the lining of the flu than Type A. Type C rarely causes develops as protective cartilage-the rubbery of the airways supplying the lungs swells, illness in humans. cushioning material that covers the ends of restricting air flow and making it hard to The flu season usually runs from November bones at the joint-gradually wears away. The breathe. During an asthma attack the airto March, sometimes into April. Upwards joint’s inner bone surfaces eventually are ways become narrower; often sticky mucus of 35 million North Americans catch the flu exposed and rub together, causing pain and or phlegm is produced. Sufferers have hyeach year. Children are two to three times damage to the joint. persensitive airways, which are almost almore likely to get it than adults. ways red and slightly inflamed. This means
By: Nada Adam reat to be back ! L ife hap p ens to al l of us and though I have a l ot of wel l ness k nowl ed ge that d oes not mak e me immune from il l ness. The l ast 1 2 months have been sp ent l earning and imp l ementing H umoral M ed icine ( which is the genuine med icine) first-hand. A medicine very few people actual l y k now how to use safel y esp ecial l y nowad ay s. G rateful to A l l ah, for bl essing me with the guid ance of an ex p ert H umoral D octor overseas who guid ed me every step of the way to a ful l recovery . M y hop e is for my articl es to insp ire our communities to p ursue real heal th answers esp ecial l y for those p ray ing to G od for answers. A s most of y ou k now, I ’ ve been in the heal th/ wel l ness ind ustry for nearl y 2 d ecad es researching and l earning with a vast k nowl ed ge about many herbs, ail ments and recommend ed sup p l ementation. I ’ ve seen many ind ivid ual s caught by surp rise with bad news about their heal th, and so I ’ ve been comp el l ed to be ed ucated with the most up - to- d ate break throughs avail abl e in case one d ay , I need ed to have such resources. M ost p eop l e if given the choice I woul d hop e they woul d choose natural herbs over p harmaceutical d rugs, but unfortunatel y , most p eop l e using natural herbs are sel f- med icating at best ( which can be very d angerous) and ad d to that, k nowing next to nothing about the effects of herbs or which herb(s) to choose in the first place, without following a scientific process when choosing herbs to ensure p atients are util iz ing herbs suitabl e for them. Though I hesitated initially to share specifics about my p ersonal ex p erience, hel p ing others has al way s been a p riority over k eep ing my l ife p rivate. Two y ears ago, I d evel op ed ex cruciating breast p ain on the l eft sid e that affected my life minute by minute. There was
incred ibl e p ain every time I need ed to get out of bed and / or l ay d own for 3 week s straight d ay and night. W ithin a few d ay s, I say my d octor and was given a med ical l eave from work to al l eviate my stress as much as p ossibl e and wait for my ap p ointment at the hosp ital for breast ex am in S urrey . A month l ater, the surgeon d oing the p hy sical ex am d iscovered a l arge mass in the other breast with no p ain and she seemed more concerned with that mass then the l eft sid e with p ain. S he insisted on me having a mammogram and then biop sy but for both p roced ures I refused for their intrusion and d anger. S he d id n’ t seem p l eased with my answer but suggested I d o an ul trasound as a l ast resort. A month l ater, an ul trasound on both breasts was d one at which time, the technician informed me that my bod y l ik es to mak e a l ot of cy sts and one of those cy sts was 5 cm l arge ( the one the surgeon coul d feel ) . O f course mainstream med icine j ump ed on the op p ortunity to scare the p atient and q uick l y insist on d oing a biopsy, but, confidently, I refused. If this cyst was in fact a cancer tumor, the p uncturing of this tumor woul d mak e cancer rap id l y sp read into my bl ood stream. S ix months l ater, another ul trasound was tak en for both breasts and though there was no red uction in the size of the cysts; the good new news was they d id n’ t increase in siz e either. D uring this test, I heard one of the technicians mention the word “calcification” and I’m all too famil iar with that word from famil y members who had breast cancer… I real iz ed that I needed to find a specific treatment so I can avoid d evel op ing breast cancer… D esp eratel y wanting to avoid surgery , I contacted the ex p ert H umoral D octor I heard was amaz ing in B eirut, L ebanon that was p art of my gl obal community . H e is a worl d renowned H umoral D octor that even grand S heik h’ s seek his advice and treatment. I called his office overseas and had a med ical assessment over the phone. Thirty-five minutes later, he assessed my humoral temp erament and d iscussed the step s to be tak en to bring my temp eraments back into bal ance with the p rimary focus of el iminating my risk of d evel op ing cancer. H e al so recommend ed suitabl e herbal med icinal treatments in accord ance with my ex isting il l ness, temp erament, season etc. The nex t 8 months of my l ife revol ved around my treatment fol l owing his suggested d iet p l an, sel fcare p rotocol s, herbal med icines and teas, and other antid otes… .it was either mak e this
ol d winter weather is bad enough on its own, but unfortunatel y it al so aggravates these heal th cond itions By Best Health Psoriasis
This chronic skin disease isn’t easy to ignore: Its raised red patches covered with silvery scales itch (fittingly, “psoriasis” comes from the Greek for “itch”). Your self-image may suffer if it spreads. Psoriasis occurs when production of new skin cells outpaces the rate at which old ones are shed. As a result, live cells accumulate in raised areas covered with whitish flakes of immature skin cells (or plaques). Researchers say this rapid cell turnover relates to an inherited immune system disorder that can be activated by stress, cold weather, infection, or an abrasion.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Personal Testimonial for Humoral Medicine (Part 1) l ife change or have surgery that removes the sy mp tom ( cy sts) but offers no cure (as to why they are being made in the first place)… they wil l j ust come back again. W hen it was time for my nex t ul trasound , I was so eager and ex cited to see the imp rovement finally documented. There was a difference in my cysts that can be und eniabl y noted . U nfortunatel y , that is not what hap p ened . A fter informing the technician that I ’ ve been d oing natural treatment and can’ t wait to see the resul ts, instead of having a thorough ul trasound d one on both breasts l ik e the p revious 2 times, the outp atient hosp ital here in S urrey chose to l imit the ul trasound to a smal l area of one breast and chose not to incl ud e a singl e image from any of the cy sts, not even the l argest cy st that concerned the surgeon in p revious 2 visits. Their new cl aim… they were concerned about a new area with no cy sts that they wanted to investigate further. R eal l y , is this a j ok e! ? ! W hat about the ex isting cy sts, are they no l onger a risk ? O r p erhap s, the cy sts shrunk to the p oint where they no l onger think they ’ re a risk and d on’ t wish to incl ud e that imp rovement in my med ical rep ort? O r may be, mainstream med icine d oesn’ t want to have my med ical record s ind icating any imp rovement in any way ( noted from natural med icine) and as the R ad iol ogist stated in my rep ort, “ no notabl e imp rovement indicated” – this is the Canadian (corrupted) sy stem… A s I mentioned in so many of my articl es in the past, ‘when it comes to your health – buy er beware! ’ the ex isting med ical sy stem in N orth A merica is not real l y here to save y our l ives, but rather, they are here to mak e a l ot of money from y our il l ness by p erforming as many p roced ures and surgeries on y ou ( if y ou agree to it) and k eep y ou in this vicious cy cl e for as l ong as humanl y p ossibl e. The y ear p rior to starting this herbal treatment, I need ed to tak e a med ical l eave from work for a few months. M y heal th was very p oor from many stressful factors… some factors onl y need ed better sel f- care, but other factors were j ust unavoid abl e stressors that coul d not be changed . I coul d n’ t wal k up the stairs more than 6 - 8 step s without feel ing comp l etel y out of breath, ex hausted and have
chest p ains. I fel t so p hy sical l y ol d though I wasn’ t biol ogical l y ol d . I had mul tip l e heal th sy mp toms: high B l ood p ressure, chest p ains, und eractive thy roid , hormone imbal ance and sl eep p robl ems etc. for which I took a wid e variety of sup p l ements in my attemp t to sel fmed icate but in real ity , they were temp orary band aid sol utions to ex isting ail ments. The amaz ing thing about this treatment, for the first time in nearly 20 years, within 6 week s of starting the H erbal treatment, my Thy roid became normal and no l onger d id I need to tak e Thy roid d rugs or bovine thy roid sup p l ementation. M y bl ood p ressure stabil iz ed , chest p ain and heart p al p itations d isap p eared , anx iety and p anic attack s el iminated , d iscontinued using p rogesterone hormone p rescrip tion cream to red uce the stress hormone in my bod y and stop p ed d rink ing sl eep ing teas at night… I f that wasn’ t enough A l hamd ul il l ah, I stop p ed need ing 9 hours of sl eep , sl eep ing l ess 6 - 7 hours was enough and fel t more energiz ed on l ess. The beauty of fol l owing the natural / genuine med icine, it d oesn’ t mask y our sy mp tom, it treats the root cause of y our il l ness so that y our bod y actual l y heal s… isn’ t that what med icine is sup p osed to d o? ! U nfortunate, western medicine has developed a flawed sy stem where they onl y focus on treating sy mp toms and l eave the cause untreated’ s l ik e sail ing with a boat with a hol e in it and al l y ou use is a p iece of tap e to p l ug this hol e every d ay vs. using carp entry sk il l s to p ermanently fix the problem. I f y ou have any p ersonal heal th q uestions for y oursel f or for y our l oved ones, p l ease email me at: resul tscoaching@ and I wil l ask on y our behal f and incl ud e the D octor’ s rep l y to y our q uestion in subseq uent articl es but with an al ias name that y ou p rovid e in y our email . Continued in Next edition....
Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
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Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
My Reward !
Remembrance Day!
By: Shabnam Khan - Family Counsellor R ecentl y , we had R emembrance D ay hol ida y . W e al l val ue our sol di ers, our heroes and al l the pe opl e who sacrifice their comfort so we civil ians can l ive in pe ace and safety . W e remember our pa rents on their de ath anniversary , we remember our el de rs and friends who hel pe d us in our time of need. What about our parents? Our parents are alive, with us, and sacrifice something or the other on a da il y basis for us. There is no custom on one da y of the month that is ke pt for thanki ng them. W e have the weeke nd as hol ida y from our work but pa rents don’ t have any hol ida y from being pa rents. Tiny shoulders tiny burden Y es, most p art of resp onsibil ity fal l s on p arents and el d ers’ shoul d ers to maintain certain famil y stand ard s, val ues and up bringing of their chil d ren. The chil d ren, on the other hand , have certain d uties l ik e obey ing them, resp ecting them and und erstand ing their p arents. If parents say something they feel offended or accuse pa rents that you are al ways criticiz ing us, you think of us as stupi d and carel ess, but they never think that whatever pa rents
By: Asma Shums Mortgage Broker 2. W rite the I f you want success as bad as you want to V ision ~ breath, you wil l be successful . I ’ m sure W riting the everyone wants to breath so real l y what are vision is the the steps in becoming a real success story? 2nd step to P eopl e are ye arning and wanting success. becoming a W e al l want to make more money , or have real success are sayi ng are out of concern for their chil d. more than we al read y have right now. B ut story . I n a it I f a pa rent is repe atedl y sayi ng something how bad do we real l y want it? H ow doe s it nutshel l become a real success story ? j ust say s that then it may be something of impor tance. The steps to becoming a real success story your dr eams See-Saw There shoul d be a bal ance between say ing are not al ways simpl e as one may think. I f and vision wil l come to l ife. W riting the something to one’ s chil dr en al l the time and so, everyone woul d have a success story , vision is another word for setting goal s for everyone woul d be maki ng more money , or your sel f and seeing who you wil l become unde rstandi ng their feel ings too. everyone woul d be starting their own busi- and be and what your real l ive success story Love before getting angry ness, etc. B ut if you want it as bad as you wil l l ook l ike . Look at situation before criticizing want to breath success wil l not onl y come 3. B e wil l ing to F ail ~ S ome real success Encourage before lecturing but wil l change your l ife to ways that you stories are ful l of fail ure stories. O h ye s Guide before examining never saw before. There are 5 magical steps al l successful pe opl e fail ed at one time or Ascertain before judging that wil l hel p you t o become successful . another. R emember, j ust “ don’ t qui t” . C onRespect before demanding respect tinue to try over and over again until they Be strong before crying become a real success story . Help before demanding . 4 S urround your sel f with other real success Being kind before hating stories ~ This means continue to surround Think before saying o y ur sel f around l ike - minde d pe opl e. I f you Value someone before inspecting want to be a real success story , surround Be content before wishing too much o y ur sel f with other pe opl e who l ive, breath Make lemonade after getting lemons! and r p od u c e success. It is good to say good to some people 5. B e a pos itive think er ~ A l l pe opl e who are It is good to say truth to some people . 1 F ind o y ur u p r o p s e ~ F ind o y ur u p r o p s e a real success continued to bel ieve that they But it is fun to stay with a person to whom and true hap i p ness wil l come. W e were al l coul d do anyt hing pos sibl e because they one need not say anything. created with a thought in mind and with a bel ieved. E ven when the time is dow n and true pur pos e. F indi ng your pur pos e wil l hel p negative things happe ned, they stil l bel ieved For more information: you l ive l onger and grow stronger. W hat if that they woul d be success no matter what Wife: The doctor told me to go to Swit- we were sitting in a regul ar chair expe cting the resul ts were. it to ride you dow n the street l ike a car. I t I f you want to have a true successful story , zerland or some other place for a change woul dn’ t work that way , woul d it? That’ s j ust take the chal l enge and do it anyw ays . because it’ s not the pur pos e of the regul ar Y ou wil l be amaz ed with the resul ts and it of atmosphere. Where will we go??? chair . F ind your pur pos e and the success wil l be very r ewardi ng! ! you ye arn for wil l pus h yo u to becoming a For More Info: Husband: To another doctor. real success story . By: Kuldip K. Ardawa our d ed icated ind ivid ual d onors and famil ies but in the whol e communiA s we ap p roach the ‘ S eason of G iv iv- p ricel ess vol unteers. ties of S urrey and N orth D el ta. ing’ the S urrey and N orth D el ta The d emand in S urrey continues F or further d etail s p l ease visit our F ood B ank rel ies on this time of the to grow with the rising costs of website www.surrey food bank .org as year to fill its shelves. food and shel ter. M ore and more wel l as to mak e an onl ine d onation. E ach month the food bank p rovid es famil ies and ind ivid ual s are con- A l ternativel y heal thy nutritious wel l bal anced tinuing to struggl e to p ut food contact Kuldip K. Ardawa – food to al most 1 4 , 0 0 0 p eop l e each on the tabl e. The S urrey F ood C ommunity P artnership s M anager month. I t is with the generosity and B ank rel ies on the d ol l ars and on p artnership s@ surrey food bank . the comp assion of our community food raised d uring the month of org or 6 0 4 - 5 8 1 - 5 4 4 3 . that the food bank abl e to p rovid e D ecember to p rovid e food for O ur sincere ap p reciation to al l our the much need ed service. 4 2 % of months to come. d onors, vol unteers for their comseniors. which are chil d ren and seniors This is the ‘ S eason of G iving’ . P l ease p assion, thoughtful ness and generThe S urrey F ood B ank d oes not re re- sup p ort the S urrey F ood B ank with ous sup p ort. W ithout the d ed ication ceive any core government fund ing y our thoughtful ness and generous of the communities we at the food and rel ies on businesses, farming gifts of money and food . Together bank woul d not be abl e to p rovid e ind ustry , faith- based organiz ations, we are making a difference not only the much need ed service to those school s, food ind ustry as wel l as in the l ives of many ind ivid ual s and who are struggl ing.
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Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
C o u nt d o w n t o a ne w ar my c h ie f b e g ins
he countdow n to the appoi ntment of the next army chief has begun. E ven as Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) G en R aheel S harif on M onda y began his last week in office by embarking on a round of farewel l visits to mil itary formations, spe cul ation around who woul d succeed him reached fever pi tch. W ith G en S harif due to step dow n on N ov 29, it now fal l s to P rime M inister N awaz S harif to pi ck a top commande r of the armed forces for a record fourth time. A di tional l y , P M S harif woul d al so be naming a new chairman of the joint chiefs of staff committee — another top pos ition fal l ing vacant due to the impe nd ing retirement of G en R ashad M ehmood. A tweet from I nter- S ervices P ubl ic R el ations ( I S P R ) chief L t G en A sim B aj wa announcing that the army chief had begun making ritual farewell calls finally laid to rest al l spe cul ation about his future, which had pr ol iferated de spi te a commitment from the C O A S , made at the beginning of this ye ar, to retire on time. G en S harif initiated his pa rting meetings from the L ahore G arrison, where he told a gathering of officers and men from the army and R angers that he was l eaving the country “ more secure and stabl e” , with a “ sense of greater hope and di rection” and ready to thwart al l chal l enges. A ccordi ng to the pr ime minister’ s aide s, he has al ready made up his mind over who wil l succeed G en S harif, but has so far ke pt his cards cl ose to his chest. The mil itary’ s announcement of G en S harif’ s farewel l visits on M onda y pa ved the way for the government to announce a successor. Though the prime minister is the only person who definitel y know s who the next army chief wil l be, the word in pol itical circl es is that L t G en I shfaq N ade em, who is currentl y serving as M ul tan corps commande r, wil l be named the army chief. I n addi tion, L t G en Z ubair M e-
hmood is l ike l y to be appoi nted chairman of the joint chiefs of staff committee. Others in contention incl ude B ahawal pur C orps C ommande r L t G en J aved I qba l R amda y and I nspe ctor G eneral Training and E val uation L t G en Q amar B aj wa. A l l four general s are from the P M A ’ s 62nd l ong course, but have had different career trajectories. PM S harif’ s choice wil l be impor tant from the context that the new army chief woul d have to oversee the transition of the army from counterterrorism assignments to its conventional rol e of de fendi ng the borde rs. The formal pr ocess for nomination starts with the G eneral H eadqua rters sendi ng a l ist of the senior- most general s to the pr ime minister via the de fence ministry , but without maki ng any formal recommenda tions. The P M then hol ds informal consul tations with the outgoing army chief before announcing his de cision. I n a statement on M onda y , D efence M inister K hawaj a A sif was quot ed as sayi ng that the pr ime minister woul d soon hol d a consul tation with G en S harif. G en S harif’ s l egacy The general ’ s publ ic l ine on terrorism ende ared him to the terrorweary nation, which began to l ook up to him as a saviour, whether the issue was terrorism or corrupt ion. S o much was his cl out that in 2014, the pa rties pr otesting outside the P arl iament H ouse tried to get G en S harif to medi ate between them and the government. The army’ s medi a management acqui red a new di mension unde r G en S harif, pa rticul arl y through the use of social medi a pl atforms, with the hashtag #T hankY ouR aheel S harif dom inating F acebook and Twitter.A t times, he was pi ctured on the pu bl icity material of candi da tes in l ocal bodi es el ections and, embarrassingl y , he woul d occasional l y al so make it to pos ters put up by the banned groups . P ubl ic appr oval , however, came with a pr ice. The rhetoric
From the pen of the Founding Editor of ‘The Miracle.
that was used to buil d his publ ic image set the bar a l ittl e too high. F ears about the resurgence of terrorism, the unresol ved issues in K arachi and B al ochistan and a fail ure to cl ear P unj ab of terrorism nurseries are some of the issues that woul d not onl y continue to strain the general ’ s l egacy , but woul d al so be the pr incipa l chal l enges for his successor. The chief’ s anti- corrupt ion pur ge, for the first time ever, targeted senior officers. At l east four general s, incl udi ng two serving officers, were removed from service after being found guil ty . B ut the anti- corrupt ion fervor seemingl y l ost steam after the F rontier C orps scam, which cul minated in I nspe ctor G eneral A rms L t G en O baidul l ah K hattak and M aj G en E j az S hahid be ing sent home. W hil e there were hints that other corrup tion inqui ries were al so nearing compl etion, things eventual l y went qui et. O ne high poi nt of G en S harif’ s tenure was the l aunching of O pe ration Z arb- i- A z b in N orth W az iristan. A n equa l l y impor tant success l ay in measures take n to pr event the much- dr eade d mil itant backl ash that had been pr eventing pr evious commande rs from going into the restive agency . B ut und er his l ead ership , the mil itary ’ s med ia wing seemed to forget about the six agencies cl eared und er G en K ay ani and touted the N orth W az iristan op eration as a p anacea. These actions p rovid ed a resp ite and mark ed a visibl e d ecl ine in terrorist actions, though high-profile attacks like Army Public School, C harsad d a U niversity , S afoora G oth incid ents k ep t remind ing the p eop l e about the l ooming threat. C ounterterrorism remained a sore p oint in the civil - mil itary rel ationship . P ol itical and mil itary l ead ers in back ground d iscussions k ep t accusing the other sid e of not being forthcoming. O n a coup l e of occasions, I S P R p ubl icl y convey ed the mil itary ’ s d isap p ointment over the government’ s
inad eq uacies in d eal ing with terrorism and enforcing the N ational A ction P l an. I nternal l y , K arachi remains unsettl ed and B al ochistan continues to be in the throes of terrorism. The recent attacks on a shrine in H ub and a pol ice acade my in Q uetta serve as reminde rs about chal l enges that remain. The much touted ope ration in P unj ab al so remained a pi pe dr eam and there are stil l appr ehensions that the rel ief from terrorism coul d be tempor ary . D uring his tenure, the army was said to enj oy compl ete control over rel ations with neighbouring countries — I ndi a, A fghanistan, I ran and C hina — as wel l as the U S and was al so in charge of facil itating the A fghan pe ace pr ocess. This ap pr oach was heavil y criticised by the pol itical l eade rship, espe cial l y the oppos ition, who repe atedl y took issue with the P M L - N ’ s de ference to the mil itary in this ke y real m. The general , moreover, unde rtook an unpr ecede nted number of overseas visits, but the state of affairs around his departure suggest that he was not very successful in steering ties with most of our neighbours ( exc ept C hina) and t he U S to steadi er shores. Source: The dawn
Excerpt from the book
‘The Last Salute’
F l ight L ieutenant K az im A l i F l ight S afety meeting at the A ir H ead q uarters in C hak l al a. S q uad ron L ead er Q amar Z aman B hatti, the S A TC O and my boss ap p roved my l eave to tak e ad vantage of a free rid e on the C - 1 3 0 aircraft. I cal l ed my wife by p hone and ask ed her to get read y soon. S he was used to our scrambl ed d ep artures. W hen F l ight L ieutenant M ushtaq C haud hry , my course mate and cap tain of the aircraft, contacted the tower by rad io, the p l ane was a few hund red mil es away from S hore K ot. I ask ed him to wait for me as I had to p ick up my wife and chil d ren from home. K nowing wel l the l ocal transp ort cond itions, the V I P flight status of his aircraft and my efficiency, he warned me to be on time. H e had to p ick up the Rafiqui Base Commander with running engines without wasting any time. Rafiqui Air Base had two officers’ living q uarter areas. The col ony area, where I l ived was at a driving distance of fifteen to twenty minutes from the C ontrol Tower, where I was on d uty . A track of the P ak istan R ail way s ran between the road j oining the Technical area and the l iving q uarters of the B ase. I n case of a cl osed gate at the rail way crossing, one had to wait for ten to fifteen extra minutes. I got on the Motorola radio fitted ATC jeep having communication with the tower. A fter
F l ight L ieutenant M ushtaq C haud hry picking up my family from the officers’ mess I rushed back to catch the p l ane. S o far, I was within time until I reached the rail way track crossing to find the gate locked. It meant a minimum of ten minutes d el ay on my estimated time of arrival . O n the other hand , M ushtaq had no val id reason to hol d after Base Commander Rafiqui boarded the plane with engines running. M y ground p osition, when rel ay ed to M ushtaq by the tower l eft him with no choice. He switched off the two l eft engines, raising a technical issue of the aircraft. W hen after ten minutes I ap p roached the C - 1 3 0 on the tarmac, I saw the two l eft engines switched off and a Flight Engineer work ing on one engine whil e the other two engines on the right k ep t running. M ushtaq signal ed me through the wind screen of the cock p it to board from the rear ramp as the aircraft carried the V I P s. A s soon as I step p ed on the rear ramp , the unserviceabl e engines sud d enl y came back to l ife, and soon we were airborne. S everal one- star G eneral s on board the aircraft never k new the real reason for the d el ay on the ground . Mushtaq took premature release from the Air Aforce as a Squadron Leader and now is flying as a captain on the airbus of a national airline.
O nc e a C o mr ad e A lw ays a C o mr ad e
Sqn. Ldr. Nusrat Hussain (R) nh.guid ingstar@ gmail .com
O n the Tax i Track
ir F orce p ersonnel and their famil ies enj oy ed the p rivil ege of free rid es on the H ercul es C - 1 3 0 aircraft. Though they mainl y d el ivered eq uip ment and other necessary good s from one A ir F orce base to another, there was al way s enough sp ace to carry p assengers in its huge bel l y . Travel ing by C - 1 3 0 was no l ess than an ad venture. Travel ers, incl ud ing the women and chil d ren, sat on the fol d ing red canvas seats attached to l ight sil ver metal l ic bars. I nstead of the beautiful air hostesses in a commercial airl iner, one noted the stout l oad masters efficiently taking care of the technical issues inside the flying aircraft. Toilets were not avail abl e. This smal l inconvenience hel p ed save money . C ommercial airfare of four famil y members was more than the monthl y sal ary of a junior officer. The Pakistan Air Force C-130 flights did not follow a strict regular sched ul e l ik e a commercial airl ine. They op erated on as needed basis of the Air Force – though often. A ir F orce p ersonnel p osted far away from their native homes p l anned their hol id ay s with free C - 1 3 0 rid es. F ree rid e was graciously available for all men and officers of the A ir F orce. O nce, after sp end ing hol id ay s in I sl amabad with p arents, I book ed the free rid e with my wife and d aughter to return to my p l ace of d uty in K arachi. O n the d ay of d ep arture, we reported late to the Air Movement office resp onsibl e for issuing board ing p asses and hand l ing of l uggage. W hen I reached the counter, I saw from a l ounge wind ow that the aircraft had started its four turbop rop engines and was about to rol l out of the p ark ing bay . I k new
that F l ight L ieutenant K az im A l i A wan, my course mate, was the cap tain, he as wel l k new of my seat in his aircraft. I grabbed the board ing p asses, ask ed my wife to fol l ow and ran out of the A ir M ovement buil d ing. The maj estic C - 1 3 0 by then had started tax iing. I waved with one hand to stop the aircraft as signal ing for a cab to stop . I rol l ed my suitcase with the other hand . K az im, on seeing me from the cock p it and my wife running behind hol d ing our two- y ear- ol d d aughter M aheen, stop p ed the aircraft. The cock p it d oor op ened and the l ad d er l owered . W e hurried l y cl imbed in and I l ook ed at the smil ing face of K az im, wink ed him back and step p ed into the cabin toward s our seats in the p l ane. We did not create any flight safety hazard. H owever, we were sure to get l etters of d isp l easure had someone from the higher authorities seen our unusual board ing. These were the risk s we hap p il y took to serve our comrad es in arms. K az im retired as an A ir C ommod ore after command ing the C hak l al a A ir B ase.
Engine Malfunction
A ir B ase S hore K ot in the J hang D istrict about three hundred fifty kilometers from Islamabad, was renamed Rafiqui Air Base to honor Squadron Leader Sarfraz Ahmed Rafiqui. He was a decorated fighter pilot who received Hilal-e-Jurat – the second highest gallantry award and Sitara-e-Jurat – the third highest gal l antry mil itary award of P ak istan. H e fought bravel y d uring the 1 9 6 5 I nd ia- P ak istan W ar. J ammed guns d uring a mid air battl e brought him d own. H e embraced marty rd om around H al wara A ir B ase in I nd ia. In the year 1985, I was posted at the Rafiqui Air Base. One day I received the flight plan of a C - 1 3 0 inbound from K arachi head ing to I sl amabad . The aircraft carried B ase C ommand ers from al l the A ir B ases to attend a monthl y
22 ENTERTAINMENT Shaam-e-Iqbal celebrates by Canada Urdu Association in Afghan Chopan Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
O n N ov 2 0 , S haam- e- I q bal was cel ebrated at A fghan C hop an B anq uet H al l in S urrey . The G eneral S ecretary of C anad a U rd u A ssociation ( C U A ) , M rs. H uma S hoaib, started the p roceed ings by ex p l aining to the guests about C U A ’ s p rogress and achievements. B hargavi S ingh, a six y ear ol d girl , beautiful l y recited A l l ama I q bal ’ s p oem “ L ab P ey A ati H ey D ua” . B hargavi won the hearts of every one. L ater, M s. Saneeya Muneeb, Mr. Shahzad Nazir, Mr. Mohammed Rafiq and the C onsul G eneral of P ak istan, D r. M ohammed Tariq , sp ok e about Allama Iqbal shedding light on different aspects of his life and p oetry . M r. D arry l M cL ean gave a l ecture on I q bal p rovid ing in- d ep th k nowl ed ge to the guests. M r. M cL ean was p resented a cal l igrap hic p ainting of I q bal ’ s p oetry by the C onsul G eneral , D r. M ohammed Tariq . The p ainting was p rep ared by A amir M uneer. M r. A bd ul H afeez Q ad ri, the p resid ent of C U A recited a p oem on I q bal . A shar K az i p erformed l ive p ainting d uring the p rogramme. A n ex hibition of p aintings d ep icting I q bal with the top ic of “ A ik S her, A ik Tasveer” , took p l ace where various artists had d isp l ay ed their art work . A rtists who took p art were A y esha N asser, S aneey a M uneeb, B ushra Tariq , Z ahrah M ahmood , A shar K az i, M inahil K hal id , Z obita K hal id , H ad ia K hal id and Z ainab. E x cel l ent work was d one by al l the artists, some of those p ainting sol d in auction and p art of the p roceed s went to C U A fund s. C U A al so p resented them with tok ens of ap p reciation. M r. F arooq R ai p resented a beautiful p ainting worth $ 5 0 0 for auction for C U A d onation box , and al so p resented a p ainting to D r. M . Tarik for C onsul G eneral Office.Dinner was served and in the second half of the programme, the guests were entertained with mel od ious music p erformed by A shar K az i, M r. J amal R aj a and M r. A marj eet S ingh. A shar sang “ K hud i K o K ar B ul and I tna” beautiful l y . The songs, ghaz al s by J amal R aj a and the magical hand s of A marj eet S ingh on tabl a simp l y mesmeriz ed the guests. The p rogramme came to an end at 1 1 : 0 0 P M . The C anad a U rd u A ssociation thank s al l the sp onsors and vol unteers who put in their time and effort to make the programme a success. The B oard of D irectors of The C anad a U rd u A ssociation al so thank s al l its guests from the bottom of their hearts for their p resence at the S haam- e- I q bal . S p ecial thank s to M r. D arry l M cL ean who was the k ey note sp eak er. H e is the d irector, C entre for the C omp arative S tud y of M usl im S ocieties and C ul tures at the S imon F raser U niversity .
Feature Film MOOR Saturday, 26th Nov, 2016 Show Time: 4:45 Pm - 7:00pm
Pakistani Features Films
Feature Film MAH E MIR Sunday, 27th Nov, 2016 Show Time: 4:30 Pm - 7:00pm
Regular $15- Student $12 Tickets At SFU Woodwards, Goldcorp Centre of Arts Cinema, 3rd Floor, 149 W Hastings St, Vancouver MOOR Feature Presented By
Safar 25. 1438 November 25, 2016
Nicholls wary of Pakistan bowling revival in Hamilton
I t had been in H amil ton - j ust und er six y ears ago - that M isbah- ul - H aq ’ s cap taincy had really got off the ground. On a track that had started out with a l ittl e p ace and carry , P ak istan restricted N ew Z eal and to 2 7 5 , then p ut on 3 6 7 themsel ves. W ith the first innings having ended only just before tea on d ay three, the match ap p eared to be heading to a fifth day - even a draw on the card s, p erhap s. This woul d not d o for P ak istan’ s attack . S p inner A bd ur R ehman made the first second-innings incision, removing Tim M acintosh soon after tea. Then, in one session of searing reverseswing, W ahab R iaz and U mar G ul tore N ew Z eal and ap art, tail ing bal l s into p ad s, roughing batsmen up with short bal l s, and tak ing four wick ets for a singl e run at one stage. The q uick s shared 6 for 6 6 between them, and R ehman cl aimed three for himsel f, whil e N ew Z eal and l ost 1 0 wick ets for 7 4 in a 2 7 - over stretch that woul d go on to define the series. This was Misbah’s
first of what is currently 24 Test wins as cap tain. P ak istan may be missing both M isbah and R ehman on this trip to H amil ton, but the hosts are aware their op p osition remains d angerous. W ahab d id n’ t p l ay in C hristchurch, but with the S ed d on Park surface generally offering pace and bounce, as wel l as reverse swing, he may feature in the X I . Y asir S hah was muted in Christchurch, but will perhaps find the warmer cl imes of the N orth I sl and more to his l ik ing. N ew Z eal and batsman H enry N ichol l s said that even a victory as comp rehensive as theirs in C hristchurch, may not necessaril y breed another here. “ I managed to sp end a l ittl e bit of time in the mid d l e in C hristchurch, but the nature of H amil ton is that y ou’ re going to be faced with different challenges - especial l y with their strong seam attack , ” he said . “ Y asir’ s al so one of the best sp inners in the worl d , so when y ou’ re p l ay ing these top teams y ou’ re al way s being
chal l enged . I d on’ t think y ou’ re ever q uite d ominating them or any thing l ik e that.” R are is the series in which Y asir d oes not mak e an imp act, and it is he who has produced the definitive bowl ing p erformances in P ak istan’ s away tours over the p ast two y ears in S ri L ank a, B angl ad esh and E ngl and . “ I t wasn’ t l ong ago Y asir was the N o. 1 bowl er in the worl d , ” N ichol l s said . “ I ’ m sure P ak istan wil l be hop ing he’ l l bowl a few overs and be threatening. W e even saw in the second innings at H agl ey [ O val ] that he got a bit more turn and was a real threat.” F or Y asir to come into the game, however, P ak istan’ s batsmen wil l need to muster more runs than they had managed in C hristchurch. Their p rep aration for the tour had been hamp ered when
their sol e p ractice encounter had been washed out in N el son, but they have now had a taste for N ew Z eal and cond itions in their C hristchurch outing. “ The nature of when you play in different conditions is that the more y ou p l ay in them, y ou hop e to get better, ” N ichol l s said . “ W e’ re ex p ecting them to be at the top of their game. A nd it’ l l be the same for us - we’ l l be l ook ing to imp rove on our p erformance from H agl ey as wel l .” Source: Cricinfo
The N H L ’ s newest team is named the V egas G ol d en K nights. O wner B il l F ol ey and N H L C ommissioner G ary B ettman announced the L as V egas ex p ansion franchise’s official name and revealed its l ogo and col ours Tuesd ay night at a gal a ceremony for about 5 , 0 0 0 fans outsid e TM obil e A rena, where the G ol d en K nights wil l begin p l ay nex t season. The G ol d en K nights’ l ogo is a simp l e front view of a fighting helmet with a conspicuous “V” in the mid d l e. Their col ours are steel grey , gol d , red and bl ack . “ O ur l ogo and our name is real l y going to ex hibit the highest el ement of the warrior cl ass _ the k night, ” F ol ey tol d the crowd . “ The k night p rotects the unp rotected . The k night d efend s the real m. The k night never gives up , never gives in, al way s ad vances, never retreats. A nd that is what our team is going to be.” The N H L award ed its 3 1 st
franchise in J une to this gambl ing mecca in the M oj ave D esert. F ol ey is a bil l ionaire businessman who sol d the l eague on the potential of being the first major p ro sp orts franchise in the growing mark et whil e p l ay ing in a new $ 3 7 5 mil l ion arena al read y constructed on the south end of the S trip . The franchise mad e its name announcement near an outd oor rink where y oung hock ey p l ay ers braved the 5 8 - d egree nighttime temp eratures in V egas’ d esert basin. The ceremony end ured technical difficulties when a video presentation refused to run, p romp ting F ol ey and B ettman to k il l time. B ettman grinningl y encouraged the fans to boo him, say ing it’ s a true ind ication that L as V egas is a real N H L city . “ B el ieve me, we won’ t screw up the first game like we screwed up the vid eo, ” F ol ey said with a l augh. F ol ey p aid $ 5 0 0 mil l ion as an ex p ansion
fee to the other 3 0 ownership group s, and the W est P oint grad uate strongl y consid ered naming his team the B l ack K nights in honour of his A rmy roots. H e changed his mind d uring the l engthy p rocess of d evel op ing a brand and an id entity for his team, but F ol ey k ep t a mil itary touch in the name d esp ite some l ocal criticism for its l ack of a connection to L as V egas. F ol ey has said the team d id n’ t want to incl ud e an overt gambl ing reference in the name, but al so consid ered D esert K nights and S il ver K nights. F ans chanted F ol ey ’ s name when he step p ed to the p od ium to mak e the announcement. “ I ’ m very p roud of our name, and I ’ m very p roud of our l ogo, ” F ol ey said . The team has been enthusiastical l y received in southern Nevada, which is getting the first major p rofessional sp orts franchise in a mark et of nearl y 1 .4 mil l ion. F ol ey l ed a suc-
cessful d rive that l and ed several thousand d ep osits on season tick ets months before the NHL officially granted a team to the city . The G ol d en K nights immed iatel y began sel l ing team merchand ise at the announcement. Source: Sportsnet
New NHL team named Vegas Golden Knights
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