Miracle 433, feb 3, 2017 r

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Volume 16 Issue 433 - Jamadi ul Awaal 5, 1438 AH / February 3, 2017

10 Hundreds gathered at B.C. s Mos ues Celebrates 19 BCMA 5 th Anniversary 23 nvestors Needed to Back Biotech s...

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Trump fires attorney general... Quebec sMos ue Shooting... Canadian eaders drop partisanship...

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Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017


New-“World Disorder,” a State of Fear and Anger


here is a growing p anic as P resid ent D onal d Trump is moving too fast too soon on his el ection p romises. H e cl osed the d oors on p eop l e from seven M usl im countries throwing the U nited S tates and the worl d into chaos never seen before; it’ s the worst k ind of racism the worl d has ever ex p erienced . H is ex ecutive ord er al so incl ud es ex treme vetting of travel l ers from P ak istan and A fghanistan. F ear is Trump ’ s ban on M usl ims wil l bring back fascism into the socal l ed civil iz ed age. F act is M uslims have already suffered the most because of terrorism against them. H ate mongers are encouraged to carry out terrorist- attack s on M usl ims. B urning of a M osq ue ( M asj id ) in D al l as shows how much hate has been generated against the U S M usl ims - G od forbid ! The anticip ated R egistry of the M usl im p op ul ation in the U S is al so a cause of big concern. I nitial p ubl ic reaction: S igning of ex ecutive ord ers has received mix ed signal s from A mericans and p eop l e from other countries. The terrorist attack in Quebec: C anad a has been consid ered a sanctuary for immigrants, but mosq ue massacre has sent a different alarming message to other immigrant communities. U nfortunatel y , an atmosp here of fear and animosity has tak en over, the mainstream p ol iticians and the mainstream med ia are not sure how to resp ond p ositivel y . . The M usl im worship houses are so vul nerabl e. C l imate of I sl amop hobia was tactful l y cul tivated a few y ears ago, which is overwhel mingl y on the rise now. I n ord er to get ahead economical l y , the countries strategical l y bypass the level playing field and get ind ul ged in foul p l ay instead . D ragging rel igion, arming the created rebel s is p art of the d irty game. H ence, things tend to get ugl ier and

end up in a mess for all to suffer. Only big fish prevails. Sincerity remains missing, so d o fairness and j ustice to common man. G reed is to bl ame for al l il l s. I sl amop hobia hel p s the d irty p l ay ers. S eemingl y , it’ s a case of motivated scenario for turning the whol e W orl d against I sl am and its worship ers. E x tremel y p ainful real ity ind eed ! S ix M usl im men in the mosq ue were k il l ed and a few got critical l y wound ed after a 2 7 - y ear- ol d white mal e ( university stud ent) went on a shooting sp ree. The stud ent, A l ex and re B issonnette, was k nown for l ik ing D onal d Trump and for p utting forward antiM usl im, racist and other highl y bigoted views on his F ace book p age. Thank s to G overnment of C anad a and Quebec as immediate action was initiated ; charges have al read y been l aid . I rony is Trump continues j ustify ing his ex ecutive ord er by cl aiming that this woul d ban al l ‘ rad ical I sl amic terrorists’ from entering the U .S . Trump misund erstand s I sl am, thus fail s to ful l y real iz e that there is no rad ical I sl am; I sl am teaches mod esty and mod eration stressing the ap p l ication of l ove for the H umank ind . Those who cross the l imits and ignore mod eration are said to have committed a maj or sin for which they are ful l y accountabl e. N o M usl im is al l owed to hurt others on the basis of creed , cul ture or col or. A good l ead er bel ieves in d iversity : R efugees get wel come j ack ets from the P rime M inister Trud eau, but in Trump ’ s A merica, they get hand cuffs. Amazing! I n his twitter message: J ustin Trud eau@ J ustinTrud eau: To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, C anad ians wil l wel come y ou, regard l ess of y our faith. D iversity is our strength # W el come to C anad a H ighl y commend abl e: Trud eau’ s offer to accommodate, in his coun-

try, the affected refugees and expected to be affected in the future by the U S travel ban has ind eed come as a breath of fresh air. W hatever is hap p ening in the U S tod ay is bey ond one’ s imagination. I f this is how the beginning is, the end coul d be even worse. N D P L ead er Thomas M ul cair al so d el ivered a d irect message to “ our M usl im brothers and sisters, ” many of whom are now feel ing unsafe in their p l ace of worship . “ W e mourn with y ou. W e p ray with y ou. A nd we p romise we wil l stand united and fight against the forces of hatred , bigotry and I sl amop hobia, ” M ul cair said . “ A nd against those who p ed d l e the p ol itics of fear and d ivision.” “ W e wil l never l et there be d ay l ight between a C hristian, a J ew, a S ik h, an atheist and a M usl im in this country ..” G reen P arty L ead er E l iz abeth M ay “ Tod ay we are al l M usl ims, ” M ay said . “ W e stand with y ou and we wil l never l et there be d ay l ight between a C hristian, a J ew, a S ik h, an atheist and a M usl im in this country . “ W e are C anad ians and we stand together in l ove.” C anad a’ s criminal cod e outl aws hate p rop agand a, and C anad a shoul d ban D onal d Trump from entering C anad a and sp read ing his hate- mongering. M r. Trump ’ s id eas are not simp l y “ outrageous, ” “ rid icul ous, ” or “ unaccep tabl e.” H e is a p urvey or of hate, racism, and d eep p rej ud ice. This goes bey ond ignorance and pandering, and takes us to a different l evel – the ugl iness to which E urop e d escend ed in the 1 9 2 0 s and 1 9 3 0 s, and which has unl eashed genocid al attack s in our own time ( www.thegl obeand mail .com/ op inion/ terror- trump - and - canad as- future/ articl e2 7 7 4 7 1 3 8 / ) Trump sp ent his camp aign sp itting al l over M usl ims.

F urthermore, amid anger over Trump ’ s immigration p ol icy , hund red s of B ritons are betting that the U .S . p resid ent wil l not l ast a y ear in office. British lawmakers will hold a d ebate on F eb. 2 0 on a p etition signed by more than 1 .6 mil l ion p eop l e cal l ing for the state visit to be called off to avoid embarrassing Queen Elizabeth. L ook at the ad vantage of being unwel come in the U .S .: A travel ban might p romote a d esire for self reliance in the relevant field. Also, it will help the affected countries acq uire sel f- d ep end ence in the fields of higher education and ind ustrial iz ation creating better op p ortunities. A n uncontrol l ed brain d rain woul d come to an end giving a boost to the l ocal economy of the resp ective country . A l though P resid ent D onal d Trump is an arrogant bil l ionaire, he has to p roceed with utmost caution. S oon his ad visors with p ol itical wisd om are ex p ected to ad vise him how to k eep al l nations on board for the W orl d wel fare without sid ing with any one in p articul ar. S urel y , his neutral ity wil l hel p him maintain the F irst W orl d O rd er. H arsh ex ecutive ord ers end anger the innocent p eace l oving p eop l e at home and abroad , of course. P eop l e may cal l him insane or stubborn, y et there is one commend abl e thing- - - his gestures and bod y l anguage is interesting. B ey ond d oubt, his actions reflect his thoughts almost with cl arity . G oing after the terrorists is a fantastic j ob but p unishing the victims is thought p rovok ing. R emoval of d oubl e stand ard s is absolutely necessary and so is defining terrorism. C rime and terrorism must be defined by the UNO. N ations are born in the hearts of p oets; they p rosp er and d ie in the hand s of p ol iticians- - ( I q bal , p oet of the E ast)

Wa a n l a y s a l i l i n s a n i i l l a m a ’ s a ’ a a T h a t m a n c a n h a v e n o t h i n g b u t w h a t h e s t r i v e s f o r.

‘In the shade of Allah & in the Light of Quran’. By: Gulshan Alanai A fter k nowing A l l ah- A l mighty our C reator, recogniz ing H I S authority , and H I S G uid ance l ik e L ight up on L ight that gives a sense of rel ief, as it is l ik e getting the new ey e sight with one can see cl ear and recogniz e any k ind of fal sehood and fraud s mad e in H I S name or using the fak e I D of I sl am for the man- mad e rel igion. A l l ah has rep eated l y remind ed us through al l the R evel ations, incl ud ing the final Revelation the Quran to worship H I M onl y , to obey H I M and H I S M essenger. This is not a R ock et S cience that cannot be und erstood by the normal humans. A ny d isp uted issues is to be referred to the Quran and the teaching of Universal M essenger M uhammad ( S A W ) . “ A nd if y ou have a d isp ute in any matter refer it to A l l ah and the messenger, if y ou are bel ievers in A l l ah and the l ast d ay ” . H aving these 2 U niversities in hand s one can barel y go wrong, or get confused about any rel igious or worl d l y issues. The P rop het said : “ A fter I am gone difference will arise among y ou, comp are whatever is rep orted to be mine with the B ook A l Quran, that which agrees therewith y ou may accep t as having come

from me, that which d isagrees, y ou wil l rej ect as a fabrication. S ome so- cal l ed rel igious and sp iritual l ead ers may attemp t to d eceive many by their contrad icting rel igion and its d ogmas but the M usl ims who have comp rehend ed the word of A l l ah and followed the Quran as explained by the final Prophet would never be deceived by them, or get trap p ed in rel igious fraud s. O ne of the maj or rel igious fraud s is to mak e the H ol y S crip ture obsol ete by the human god s say ing: no need to follow the Quran that is 14c. old usel ess book , but to fol l ow the mod ern human god s” . ( N aouz oobil l ah) . Quran 5: 3- “Yet, have they taken besid es H I M , god s that can create nothing but are themsel ves created , and have no control of hurt or good to themsel ves, nor can they control d eath nor l ife nor resurrection” Quran 25: 6- “--Blessed is HE who sent d own the C riterion to H I S servant that it may be an ad monition to al l creatures” . 5 : - 4 4 - “ I t was W E W ho reveal ed the L aw to M oses, there in was G uid ance and L ight” . 4 6 - - “ A nd in their footstep s W E sent Jesus the Son of Mary confirming the L aw that had come before him. W E sent him the G osp el - I nj eel , therein was G uid ance and L ight” . This p roves the true G uid ance and il l uminating L ight comes onl y from the H igher P ower A l mighty C reatorG O D , which the human god s are try ing to ex tinguish it and j eop ard iz e the human l ives. For free Quran: email: pardah52@hotmail.com or www. IslamNorthAmerica.com

President Elect Trumps Travel ban. By:The Hon. Rona Ambrose: Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition “ I mmigrants and R efugees from al l over the worl d have greatl y ad d ed to C anad a’ s success and p rosp erity , it is a p roud p art of our history and buil t this great country . I am rel ieved to hear al l C anad ian P assp ort hol d ers are being ex emp ted from the U nited S tates travel restrictions. C ountries l ik e C anad a and the U nited S tates need to shel ter I S I S p ersecuted group s from genocid e. Y az id is, A ssy rians, C hristians and M usl ims al ik e.” F or more information on how the U S travel ban may affect Canadians, please contact C itiz en and I mmigration C anad a: http : / / www.cic.gc.ca/ engl ish/ contacts/ cal l .asp

New Democrat statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day New Democrat Leader John Horgan issued the following statement in honour of International Holocaust Remembrance Day:

“ Tod ay is a sol emn d ay , a d ay where we remember the atrocities that were suffered by members of the J ewish community and other targeted communities d uring the H ol ocaust. “ W e must remember the women, men, and chil d ren who were murd ered for their race, their rel igion, and because of the communities they were connected to. W e must remember the horrors of genocid e and vow to never l et it hap p en again. “ A t a time when we see bigotry rising in our communities, we must be ever vigil ant. W e cannot al l ow op p ression and racism to thrive among us. “ W e cannot stand id l y by whil e p eop l e with hatred in their hearts sow d iscord and d ivision in our communities– p l anting the seed s of future viol ence. “ A s we remember the victims of the H ol ocaust, J ewish and non- J ewish, who were murd ered , and those who stil l suffer, we must vow to honour their suffering by teaching future generations about the imp ortance of tol erance, und erstand ing, and the courage to chal l enge those who woul d sp read hatred . “ W e wil l al way s remember.”

Bringing THE




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Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017


Palestinian president assured of Pakistan’s support

n separate meetings with the visiting Palestinian president, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and President Mamnoon Hussain reiterated Pakistan s continued support for the Palestinian cause. President Mehmoud Abbas, who is on a three-day visit to Pakistan, was given a warm reception when he arrived at the Prime Minister House on Tuesday. N ew embassy bui l di ng inaugurated i n D ipl omatic E ncl ave Prime Minster Nawaz Sharif welcomed President Abbas at the ceremony and the national anthems of both countries were also played on the occasion. The Palestinian preside nt was pr esented a guard of honour by a contingent of the armed forces. This is President s Abbas third trip to Pakistan after his earlier visits in 2 5 and 2 13. uring a oint press conference at the PM House, Prime Minister Sharif said that an enduring peace in the Middle East could not be achieved without a solution to the Palestine- srael dispute. “Pakistan will continue to support Palestine at all forums. e also look forward to the international community s efforts for a sustainable peace in the Middle East, he said. The PM said Palestine was a long-standing issue on the UN s agenda and needed a practical solution. “The establishment of a viable, independent and contiguous State of Palestine on the basis of internationally agreed

upon parameters, the pre-1 6 borders with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as the capital is the only sustainable guarantee for peace, he added. Both the leaders called upon the international community to impl ement U nited N ations Security Council s Resolution 2334, which demands that srael end its settlements in Palestinian territory. PM Sharif and President Abbas also inaugurated the new building of the Palestinian Embassy in the iplomatic Enclave and both leaders unveiled the pla ue of a new complex, which houses the chancery and ambassador s residence. Pakistan had donated the plot for the new building in 1 2 and contributed 1 million for the pro ect as well. ater, President Mamnoon Hussain hosted a ban uet in honour of his Palestinian counterpart, where he stressed the need for a ust solution to the Palestine and ashmir issues. The two leaders cal l ed upon the international community to urge I srael to halt the expansion of settlements on Palestinian territory and pl ay its rol e in resol ving the l ong- standi ng issue. President Mamnoon Hussain said Pakistan had consistently supported the Palestinian cause on all forums and said it woul d continue to ext end moral and di p l omatic suppor t to the Palestinian people in their struggle for an independent state, with the Al Quds Al Sharif as its capital. He lauded the bravery of the Palestinians in the face of human rights viol ations and the occupa tion by I srael . The pr eside nt said the people of both Palestine and ashmir were suffering at the hands of occupyi ng forces and stressed on the need for promoting bilateral trade between Pakistan and Palestine. The Palestinian president expressed concerns over the planned shifting of the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, saying the move would violate UNSC resolutions. H e said that he had di scussed bil ateral rel ations with “brother Nawaz Sharif , which he said were strengthening with time. H e adde d that the meeting was focused on issues of the region, especially the eradication of terrorism and extremism. President Abbas said thousands of Palestinian students study in Pakistani universities, which he said was encouraging and suggested the constitution of a j oint committee to work out ways for strengthening bilateral relations. Sour ce: T he D awn.com

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JuD chief Hafiz Saeed, 37 others added to Exit Control List

The I nterior M inister has pl aced names of J amaat- udawa Ju Chief Hafiz Saeed Ahmed and 3 other individuals on the Exit Control ist EC . All 3 people who are put on EC are affiliated with Ju or ashkar-e-Taiba. The decision to place Hafiz Saeed on EC was taken two da y s after J uD chief and four others were put unde r house arrest. The I nterior M inistry has forwarde d a l etter to al l p rovincial governments and the F ede ral I nvestiga-

tion Agency, which included names of Hafiz Saeed and 3 other individuals placed on the EC . On Monday, the Ministry of I nterior pl aced F al ah- e- I nsaniat F ounda tion ( F I F ) and J amaat- U d- D awa ( J U D ) on the W atch L ist and l isted these organizations in the Second Schedule of the ATA 1 as amended . “Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, Abdullah Ubaid, afar bal, Abdur Rehman Abid and Qazi ashif Niaz are reportedly active members of the aforementioned organizations within the meaning of Section 11EEE 1 of the ATA 1 as amended . As such, they must be placed under preventive detention. Meanwhile, the Spokesman for M inistry of I nterior strongl y reacted to the statement of ndian Home Ministry. The spokesman said, “Pakistan does not need any certificate from ndia on the matter of Hafiz Saeed. All of them were said to be affiliated with Ju or ashkar-e-Taiba. On Monday, authorities had placed Hafiz Saeed under house arrest along with four other individuals, namely Abdullah Ubaid, afar bal, Abdur Rehman Abid and Qazi ashif Niaz. Sour ce : D aily times

Govt refuses to grant new ID cards to Shakil Afridi’s family

Authorities have refused to grant identity cards to the family of Shakeel Afridi, the ailed doctor who helped the C A hunt for Osama bin aden, his lawyer said, effectively denying them passports and voting rights. Afridi has been languishing in prison for more than five years after his fake vaccination programme helped the C A track and kill the al Qaeda l eade r. His lawyer Qamar Nadim told A P ednesday that officials are refusing to renew Afridi s wife s card, which expired in ecember, because her husband s card had lapsed in 2 14. He has also been denied a new card. Officials are similarly refusing to grant new cards to his two children, said Nadim, who has been denied access to his client for sion in court this week. The refusal to grant cards means more than two ye ars. Afridi s son and daughter are now facing problems getting “ hy are they punishing the entire family t s not ustice, admission to college, the doctor s brother Jamil said. it s cruelty, Nadim said, adding he will challenge the deci“So the family can t go abroad and the children are facing

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difficulties in continuing their education, he said. Afridi was ailed for 33 years in May 2 12 after he was convicted of ties to militants, a charge he has always denied. ast year a US threat to cut aid to the government saw a tribunal slice 1 years off his sentence but since then US pressure for his release has tapered off. US President onald Trump vowed during his election campaign in May last year that he would order Pakistan to free Afridi. “ m sure they would let them him out. Because we give a lot of aid to Pakistan, Trump told ox News at the time, adding that Pakistan “takes advantage like everybody else . The comments sparked a blistering rebuttal from the government as the interior minister brande d Trump “ignorant and stated the “government of Pakistan and not onald Trump would decide Afridi s fate. Sour ce: T he ex press T ribune


Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017


& I N T .


rump fires attorney general for defying uslim an US President onald Trump has sacked the country s acting attorney general after she took the rare step of defying the hite House by refusing to enforce his sweeping immigration ban. Attorney eneral Sally Yates had early on Monday ordered Justice epartment lawyers to stop defending Trump s executive order, resulting in her dismissal ust hours later. “The acting Attorney eneral, Sally Yates, has betrayed the epartment of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States, the hite House press secretary s office said in a statement. “Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration. Yates had agreed to serve in an acting capacity until Senator Jeff Sessions, Trump s pick, was confirmed by the Senate. The hite House said that ana Boente, US Attorney for the Eastern istrict of irginia, would now be acting US attorney general until Sessions is approved. Boente said in an interview with the ashington Post that he would enforce the immigration order. The decision came as Trump pressed into his second week in office defending his sweeping immigration ban in what has become a uickly escalating political crisis. Trump s order suspends the US refugee programme for 12 days and bars all immigration for citizens of ran, ra , ibya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for at least days. The intake of refugees from Syria - ravaged by a brutal war in which some estimates say 4 , people have been killed - has been suspended indefinitely. Trump has argued tougher vetting of immigrants is needed to protect the US from attacks but critics complain that his order unfairly singles out Muslims

and tramples on the nation s historic reputation as a welcoming place for immigrants. Reaction to the order was swift, with protests erupting at ma or airports and other ma or cities, including the capital ashington C, as customs officials struggled to put the ban into practise. Trump denied that his order was to blame for weekend chaos at the nation s airports, instead pointing to computer glitches, the demonstrations and even the “fake tears of a senior opposition senator, emocrat Charles Schumer. The president publicly shifted his focus on Tuesday, signing an executive action aimed at cutting regulations for small businesses and teasing plans to unveil his Supreme Court pick. But the immigration ban remained at the forefront of his first fortnight in the hite House - and officials were reported to be pondering more actions moving forward. According to a draft document obtained by The Associated Press news agency, Trump is now considering an executive order that would target some immigrants for deportation if they become dependent on government assistance........ Night Massacre, was a public relations disaster and is seen as a turning point in Nixon s administration. Sour ce: Al-J az eera

kraine erupts with new violence etween troops and pro ussia re els

Heavy artillery and rockets hit residential areas in eastern Ukraine Tuesday amid a new outburst of fighting between government troops and Russiabacked separatist rebels, leaving at least eight people dead and dozens in ured. Salvos of heavy-calibre artillery were heard throughout the night and late morning in Avdiivka, a town on the northern outskirts of the separatist stronghold of onetsk where residents have been without electricity for days. n onetsk, at least one civilian was killed by shrapnel. ighting around Avdiivka has cut water and power supplies for most of the town and it was left without heating in the dead of winter. Temperatures plunged to minus 1 C on Tuesday morning. The warring sides blamed each other for the spike in hostilities, the worst in months. The Ukrainian government was considering evacuating 12, residents from Avdiivka, Pavlo hebrivsky, head of the administration in charge of the government-controlled parts of the onetsk region, said on acebook. ith no signs of an immediate evacuation in sight, some residents went to a local bus station, hoping to get away from the heavy shelling. olodymyr Bassak, 6 , was waiting to catch a bus Tuesday morning to a city some 2 kilometres 125 miles north because of the lack of heat in his home. alery Tretyakov said he was having tea at home in onetsk when he heard a big explosion and the sound of shattered glass. He rushed into the bedroom and saw his wife bleeding from a shrapnel wound to her neck that proved fatal. The rebels onetsk News Agency also reported that four fighters died and seven were in ured overnight along with three civilians. Oleksandr Turchynov, chairman of the Ukrainian Security and efence Council, said on Tuesday that shelling around Avdiivka killed at least three government troops and in ured 24 more. Another seven soldiers were killed on Sunday and Monday, the government said. The press office of the Ukrainian military operation in the east reported an unspecified number of civilian casualties. t said the rebels turned down the government s offer for a ceasefire to allow the dead and wounded to be moved. mitry Peskov, spokesman for Russian President ladimir Putin, accused the Ukrainian government of provoking the hostilities



hours of isolation’

One in every four Palestinian children in aza still needs to receive psychosocial support to overcome the traumatic memories of violence witnessed during the 2 14 aza war, according to a new report released by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor and sheds light on the catastrophic conse uences of srael s blockade and wars on the aza Strip. The report, titled aza: 1 , hours of isolation, taking after the estimated duration of the 11-year long blockade, brings to attention detailed statistics on the humanitarian and economic toll of the siege and war. “ hile srael is only continuing its long history of isolating aza yet at an unprecedented length and severity since 2 6, the conse uences of the blockade continue to aggravate in unimaginable ways, said Ramy Abdu, chairman of Euro-Med Monitor. “The international community shoulders this isolation with silence and oblivion, Abdu told Al Jazeera. The findings show that 65 percent of aza residents suffer from poverty, 2 percent are food-insecure, and percent have grown dependent on international aid, while unemployment in the strip has hit an unprecedented 43 percent in the last uarter of 2 16. “Over two million people in aza continue to struggle with both growing rates of poverty, unemployment and food-insecurity and with diminishing uality of basic services, including electricity, water, education and healthcare, he added. The arm Abu Salim crossing, the portal through which aza imports and exports are transferred, was closed for 36 percent of the days in 2 16 in a trend that is typical of the blockade years. urther, as cited in the report, between January and ecember 2 16, 1, out of 3, Erez crossing permits for Palestinian businessmen were deliberately cancelled. “ t is harder than ever to start up a business or to develop an old one, the Euro-med Monitor stated, noting that srael s restrictions on aza exports and imports and on movement of traders continue to contribute significantly to the economic recession. ishing and agriculture are two other sectors significantly affected by the blockade. The number of fishermen between 2 and 2 16 dropped from approximately 1 , to 4, , with nearly 5 percent of them now dependent on interna-

tional aid. The three sraeli wars that hit the aza Strip during the blockade years further exacerbated the calamitous situation facing the population. Euro-Med estimates that one in every four Palestinian children in aza still needs to receive psychosocial support to overcome the traumatic memories of violence witnessed during the 2 14 aza war. And so far, less than half of the international funds pledged for aza reconstruction have been disbursed, with only 2,16 1 . percent houses rebuilt out of a total of 11, houses that were completely destroyed during the onslaught. “ ith a dense population long-sub ected to intense suffering, aza cannot stand too long on this brink of collapse, Hussaini warned. Haidar Eid, Palestinian professor and a leading member of the Boycott, ivestment, Sanctions movement, asserts that srael s siege on aza amounts to collective punishment and classifies as a crime against humanity. Jamal houdary, Palestinian MP and chairman of the Popular Committee Against Siege, says that the international community pays lip service against srael s siege, but concrete steps to end it are yet to take place. Concluding the report, the Euro-Med called on the international community to impose economic sanctions srael until it respects Palestinians human rights. “The international community should be able to separate between the collective punishment of the Palestinians by srael and the political conflict between Palestine and srael, Euro-Med underlined. MP houdary agrees, noting that the sraeli siege must be seen within the broader context of the occupation. “The building of settlements, land appropriations and the separation wall are other faces of srael s military occupation of Palestinians that need to be addressed as well, he said.

S ource: Al-J az eera

angladesh pushes on with to distract public attention from domestic issues. Peskov told reporters in Moscow the remlin has ohingya island plan “reliable information that Ukrainian volunteer Bangladesh is pushing ahead with a controversial battalions crossed the front line Monday night and tried to capture rebel-controlled territory. yiv is worried that onald Trump s administration could ease some sanctions on Russia the U.S. imposed for the annexation of Ukraine s Crimean Peninsula and support for the insurgency in the east. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said Tuesday that the escalation of hostilities proves the sanctions must be kept in place “to bring the aggressor to ustice. Peskov, in turn, said that yiv s “aggressive actions threaten to derail a 2 15 Ukraine peace deal brokered by rance and ermany. The agreement obliging the warring sides to hold fire and pull back heavy weaponry has been regularly violated. The U.S. State epartment voiced concern about the spike in fighting and on Tuesday reaffirmed ashington s support for the full implementation of the peace deal. The European Union also has expressed its worry over the renewed fighting and called on both sides to pull back immediately to allow for the urgent repair of critical infrastructure. An escalation in the east could be beneficial to both the separatists and the Ukrainian government, yiv-based independent political analyst adim arasyov said. Rebels in onetsk said an electricity substation was damaged in shelling, cutting power to the asyadko coal mine. The mine is notorious for poor safety standards a methane blast there killed 33 people in 2 15. .... The Associated P ress. S ource: T he S tar

plan to relocate tens of thousands of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar to a remote island, despite warnings it is uninhabitable and prone to flooding. The government has set up a committee made up of state officials in the coastal districts, ordering authorities to help identify and relocate undocumented Myanmar nationals to Thengar Char in the Bay of Bengal. “The committee will assist transferring both registered and unregistered refugees from Myanmar to Thengar Char near Hatiya island in Noakhali district, according to an order issued by the Cabinet ivision last week and posted online. The relocation plan prompted outrage from Rohingya community leaders, while a UN agency said forced relocation would be “very complex and controversial . Hatiya is on the estuary of the River Meghna and a nine-hour ourney away from camps where the Rohingya have taken shelter. Some 232, Rohingya Muslims - both registered and unregistered - were already living in Bangladesh before more than 65, stateless Rohingya fleeing violence in neighbouring Myanmar s western state of Rakhine began crossing into the country last October. Most of those who fled to Bangladesh live in s ualid conditions in refugee camps in Cox s Bazar district, which borders Rakhine state and is Bangladesh s biggest tourist resort. Bangladesh has also asked officials in the border districts to identify Myanmar nationals who have “illegally infiltrated the country. “ t has to be assured by taking preventive measures that

they refugees cannot spread out and mix with the locals, read the order which was dated January 26. “The identified refugees should be arrested or pushed back to the camps if they try to go out beyond the assigned boundary. Bangladesh first mooted the idea of relocating the refugees in 2 15, despite allegations that the island was not ready for human habitation. An official in the region criticised the idea, saying the 2,43 -hectare island was “only accessible during winter and a haven for pirates . The authorities were planting trees in a bid to shore up land against high tides and flooding, but those efforts were at least a decade away from completion, the official added. “ t completely inundates during the monsoon, the official told the A P news agency, speaking on condition of anonymity. “ t s a terrible idea to send someone to live there. There was no immediate comment from the Rohingya community leaders.

S ource: Al-J az eera


Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017

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Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017


& I N T .


Hate incidents up since mos ue shooting ontreal police Montreal police have seen a spike in reported hate incidents since a shooting left six dead at a mos ue in Quebec City. Chief Philippe Pichet says Montreal s dedicated hate crime unit has received 14 calls since Sunday night, when a lone gunman opened fire during evening prayers at a mos ue in Quebec City. “That s a lot, Pichet told CT News. He said the department received 55 hate-related calls from May to ecember of last year. “ m very concerned, Pichet said of the spike in hate-related incidents. He encouraged members of the public to report any “specific hate crimes they witness, whether in person or on social media. “ e have to work all together to prevent that type of incident, Pichet said. The accused in the Quebec City shooting reportedly posted several anti-Muslim comments on social media over the last year. “ e have to be concerned for that phenomenon, Pichet said. He added that two individuals have already apologized for potentially hateful social media posts. Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard echoed Pichet s warning at a news conference later Tuesday, saying: “Badly chosen words hurt, sometimes for life, and we have to be careful of that. He said there is a “danger of normalizing racism and xenophobia, by dismissing it as freedom of speech. “People feel that they have a licence to do this, and we have to be extremely cognizant of it, he said. “ ords can be knives. Police have stepped up security around mos ues in Montreal and Quebec City following the attack, which also left five individuals critically in ured. Two patients are in critical but stable condition following a shooting at a mos ue in Quebec City on Sunday night, when six others were killed during an attack by a lone gunman. octors said Tuesday that two individuals remained in critical but stable condition at Hopital de l Enfant-Jesus, while two others were “doing fine and likely to be discharged soon. One individual has already been discharged. Alexandre Bissonnette, 2 , faces six counts of first-degree murder and five counts of attempted murder in connection with the incident, which took place shortly before p.m. at the Centre Culturel slami ue de Quebec, in the city s Sainte- oy neighbourhood. The attack unfolded during evening prayers. Bissonnette was arrested approximately one hour later. Community members say many of the slain worshippers were fathers, between the ages of 3 -6 . aval University professor haled Belkacemi, 6 butcher shop owner Azzeddine Soufiane, 5 pharmacy employee Aboubaker Thabti, 44 Abdelkrim Hassane, 41 Mamadou Tanou Barry, 42, and brahima Barry, 3 , were all killed. The victims bodies were transported from Montreal back to Quebec City on Tuesday afternoon, after

autopsies were completed. Officials say the bodies will be repatriated on ednesday. “ The families need to have the bodies as soon as possible to hold the funerals, Mohamed abidi, former president of the Centre Culturel slami ue de Quebec, told CT News. Souleymane Bah, head of the Quebec City uinean Muslim community, says all six victims will be honoured at a oint ceremony before separate funerals are held. abidi says most of those who worshipped at the mos ue will take their prayers a few kilometres down the road, to Mos uee Annour, until the CC Q can be rebuilt. evout Muslims attend mos ue multiple times a day, so the extra distance is expected to pose a bit of a logistical challenge. Bissonnette was arrested Sunday around p.m. at a bridge near the city s downtown core. Police say the suspect called 11 to turn himself in, saying he was armed and “wanting to collaborate. The incident sparked an outpouring of grief from politicians and ordinary Canadians across the country. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Couillard called it a “terrorist attack, and urged the country to rally around its Muslim-Canadian neighbours. “ iversity is our strength, Trudeau said. Bissonnette appeared in court Monday afternoon to face the charges against him. Bissonnette s neighbours and classmates described him as a person with few friends, who spent most of his time with his twin brother. They also told CT Montreal he was fre uently bullied. The 2 -year-old had been studying political science at aval University, after switching into the program from anthropology. Bissonnette s archived acebook page shows he was interested in a number of right-wing nationalist figures, including U.S. President onald Trump and rench politician Marine e Pen. e Pen came out against the shooting on Tuesday, calling it “deplorable. Bissonnette also followed Richard awkins and Christopher Hitchens, two philosophers who have strongly criticized all forms of religion. Belkhadir said after the incident that he doesn t blame police for their reaction. S ource: C T V News

Palestinians decry Israel’s settlement ill Palestinian lawmakers in srael and the occupied Palestinian territory have warned of dangerous conse uences if srael s parliament passes a bill to legalise land grabs in the est Bank. Speaking to Al Jazeera, Hanin oabi, a Palestinian lawmaker in srael s nesset, said the bill is “an act of annexation and part of srael s broader plans to “expand settlements and Judaize Jerusalem . oabi, a member of the predominantly Arab Joint ist electoral coalition, argued that srael s hardline Prime Minister Ben amin Netanyahu “is no longer worried about international criticism now that onald Trump has become US president. “Netanyahu wants there to be no rationale and no reason to negotiate with Palestinians, she said. ate on Monday, the nesset delayed the final committee and plenary votes on the bill until Tuesday morning, according to local media. f passed, the bill will “regulate settlement in Judea and Samaria t he est Bank and allow its continued establishment and development by permitting the confiscation of private Palestinian land, according to its text. t will apply to 16 settlements and outposts. More than half-a-million sraelis live in Jewish-only settlements across the occupied est Bank, including East Jerusalem, according to the sraeli rights group B Tselem. Although all settlements are

considered illegal under international law, there are more than a hundred outposts that were built without authorisation and are considered illegal by even the sraeli government. n practice, srael has confiscated Palestinian land since its military occupation of the est Bank, including Jerusalem, and the aza Strip started as a result of the 1 6 Middle East war. Though Prime Minister Netanyahu had previously opposed the bill, he has now declared his support for it. riting on Twitter on Sunday, he said the bill would “prevent recurrent attempts to harm the settlement enterprise . Mustafa Barghouti, a member of the Palestinian egislative Council, described the bill as “the last building block of a racist apartheid regime . “ t s very dangerous because it means legitimising any confiscation of pri

Canadian leaders drop partisanship to denounce ue ec mos ue attack Canadian political leaders stood in the House of Commons Monday united first in words then silence to denounce violence and appeal for unity in the wake of Sunday s Quebec City mos ue massacre. As the Canadian flag on the Peace Tower flew at half mast, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned the “despicable act of terror last night in Quebec City. Speaking first in rench then English, Trudeau said a “group of innocents six people dead and many others seriously wounded were “targeted for practicing their faith. “Make no mistake, this was a terrorist attack, said Trudeau. “ t was an attack on our most intrinsic and cherished values as Canadians values of openness, diversity, and freedom of religion. Terrorism is a loaded and specific criminal allegation that packs a legal, emotional and political wallop. “This was an act of extreme violence directed against a particular group with the clear intent to intimidate and harm that group and to strike fear in their hearts, said Public Safety Minister Ralph oodale. “ n the definition in broad terms of terrorism, they were trying to inflict terror. And that fits the definition. Yet in the face of the American administration s leap to suggest the Canadian attack ustified its extraordinary weekend immigration freeze and airport detention orders that affected travellers from seven predominately Muslim countries, oodale asserted “we don t have sufficient hard facts yet to be able to draw conclusions about motivation and the exact nature of this violent act. Trudeau s tough talk and calls for unity were echoed by four other opposition party leaders. They all spoke after Quebec provincial police announced only one of two persons arrested Sunday night was a suspect and the other merely designated a witness. U.S. President onald Trump called Trudeau mid-morning to express sympathy after the shooting made headline news internationally. Trudeau s office said only that “President Trump expressed his condolences to the

prime minister and people of Canada following the tragic shooting at the Centre Culturel slami ue de Qu bec . . . and offered to provide any assistance as needed, according to a PMO statement. t made no mention of any other sub ects the two leaders broached. Trudeau s government faces its most challenging days since the 2 15 election in the wake of the stunning attack, sweeping airport detentions south of the border, and loud calls for Canada to step up and denounce Trump s moves on immigration, security and trade. The country that thought it was exempt from a U.S. presidential ban that stranded tens of thousands of Muslim travellers around the world was not exempt from violence that targeted Muslims. On Monday, Trudeau tried to bridge what appeared to be a growing divide. Speaking directly to the more than 1 million Canadians of Muslim faith, Trudeau said, “ e are with you, 36 million hearts are breaking with yours. You enrich our shared country in immeasurable ways. This is your home. Conservative interim leader Rona Ambrose said the shooting has shocked the Quebec City region “one of the safest in Canada and the entire country. “This terrorist attack strikes at the very heart of one of the freedoms we cherish as Canadians, the right to practice one s faith, to worship without fear it is the freedom to worship as you choose with your fellow believers in your community in safety and without fear, she said. Sour ce: the star.com/ news

vate Palestinian land, he told Al Jazeera. “They ve been doing it in the past for a long time, but it means now settlements are the argument in and of themselves. Barghouti argued that the est Bank-based Palestinian Authority PA should refer srael to the nternational Criminal Court CC and end all security coordination with the sraeli army. n order to do that, he said atah, the party that dominates the PA, and Hamas, which de facto governs the besieged aza Strip, must establish a national unity agreement in order to present a unified strategy against sraeli settlement expansion. “ sraelis have determined they want the end of a Palestinian state as an idea, he said. “Any more delay will mean srael has a completely free hand to do what it wants, confiscating land and killing the possibility of statehood. Settlement expansion has been particularly rampant in recent weeks, particularly since the UN Security Council voted in favour of a resolution demanding the halt of settlement activity by srael in the est Bank last year, with the US abstaining per the administration of former President Barack Obama. After that vote, Trump, who was sworn in on January 2 , vowed to change things at the UN. n a plan to boost settlement expansion, sraeli authorities recently granted

final approvals for the construction of 153 settler homes in occupied East Jerusalem, with thousands more to follow. Under Netanyahu s reign, settlements expanded some 23 percent between 2 and 2 14. Though Trump has not made official statements about settlement growth, Palestinians in the est Bank are already seeing the effects of his presidency on the occupied territory. Nawan Berekdar, a Ramallah-based Palestinian activist from Nazareth, told Al Jazeera: “ don t think Trump will condemn the settlements. He has not announced his ob ection to the settlement pro ect. She added: “The law if passed enhances apartheid, these steps taken by srael, ruins their own reputation. f it passes, it will highlight its srael s real goal - to occupy the whole of Palestine. The hite House has also announced that the US is in the early stages of fulfilling Trump s pledge to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a move that has been opposed by Palestinian leadership and by Palestinians in srael and the est Bank. “The law, like many sraeli laws, defies the principles of democracy, Berekdar said. “ t would ruin srael s relationship with Europe, and even the US since it s settlement building illegal under international law. Sour ce: Al-J az eera


Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017



he Qur an is the word of the Everliving od it has been sent down to guide man for all times to come. No book can be like it. As you come to the Qur an, Allah speaks to you. To read the Qur an is to hear Him, even to converse with Him, and to walk in His ways. t is the encounter of life with the ife-giver. od - there is no god but He, the Everliving, the Self-subsisting by whom all subsist . He has sent down upon you the Book with the Truth ... as a guidance unto mankind ... Al mran 3: 2-3 or those who heard it for the first time from the lips of the Prophet, blessings and peace be on him, the Qur an was a living reality. They had absolutely no doubt that, through him, Allah was speaking to them. Their hearts and minds were therefore seized by it. Their eyes overflowed with tears and their bodies shivered. They found each word of it deeply relevant to their concerns and experiences, and integrated it fully into their lives. They were completely transformed by it both as individuals and as a corporate body - into a totally new, alive and life-giving entity. Those who grazed sheep, herded camels and traded petty merchandise became the leaders of mankind. Today we have the same Qur an with us. Millions of copies of it are in circulation. ay and night, it is ceaselessly recited. n homes, in mos ues, and from pulpits. oluminous exegetical works exist expounding its meaning. ords pour out incessantly to explain its teachings and to exhort us to live by it. Yet eyes remain dry, hearts remain unmoved, minds remain untouched, lives remain unchanged. gnominy and degradation appear to have become the lot of the followers of the Qur an. hy Because we no longer read the Qur an as a living reality. t is a sacred book, but it tells us something of the past only, concerning Muslims and afirs, Jews and Christians, the faithful and the hypocrites, who once upon a time used

nna illa i

Narrated Said bin Abdur Rahman bin Abza: on the authority of his father who said Ammar said so the above Statement . And Shu ba stroked lightly the earth with his hands and brought them close to his mouth blew off the dust and passed them over his face and then the backs of his hands. Ammar said, “Ablution meaning Tayammum here is sufficient for a Muslim if water is not available. : 335 of Sahih Bukhari.



to be . Can the Qur an, again, be a living, relevant force, as powerful for us now, 14 years away, as it was then This is the most crucial uestion that we must answer if we wish to shape our destiny afresh under the guidance of the Qur an. There appear, however, to be some difficulties. Not least of which has to do with the fact that the Qur an was revealed at a certain point in time. Since then we have traveled a long way, made gigantic leaps in technological know-how, and seen considerable social changes take place in human society. Moreover, most of the followers of the Qur an today do not know Arabic, and many who do have, little idea of the living language of the Qur an. They cannot be expected to absorb its idiom and metaphor, so essential to exploring and absorbing the depths of the Qur anic meaning. Yet its guidance, by its own claim, has an eternal relevance for all people, being the word of the Eternal od. or the truth of this claim, it seems to me, it must be possible for us to receive, experience, and understand the Qur an as its first recipients did, at least in some measure and to some degree. e seem to almost have a right to this possibility of receiving od s guidance in its fullness and with all its riches and oys. n other words, despite the historical incidence of the revelation in a particular language at a particular time and place, we should be capable of receiving the Qur an now because its message is eternal , capable of making its message as much a real part of our lives as it was for the first believers and with the same urgent and profound relevance for all our present concerns and experiences. But how do we do this To put it very forthrightly, only by entering the world of the Qur an as if Allah were speaking to us through it now and today, and by fulfilling the necessary conditions for such an encounter.

a inna ila

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irstly, then, we must realize what the Qur an as the word of od is and means to us, and bring all the reverence, love, longing, and will to act that this realization demands. Secondly, we must read it as it asks to be read, as Allah s Messenger instructed us, as he and his Companions read it. Thirdly, we must bring each word of the Qur an to bear upon our own realities and concerns by transcending the barriers of time, culture and change. or its first addressees, the Qur an was a contemporary event. ts language and style, its elo uence and rationale, its idiom and metaphor, its symbols and parables, its moments and events were all rooted in their own setting. These people were both witnesses to and, in a sense, participants in the whole act of revelation as it unfolded over a period of their own time. e do not have the same privilege yet, in some measure, the same ought to be true for us. By understanding and obeying the Qur an in our own setting, we will find it, as far as possible, as much a contemporary event for ourselves as it was then. or the essence of man has not changed it is immutable. Only man s externalities the forms, the modes, the technologies - have changed. The pagans of Mecca may be no more, nor the Jews of Yathrib, nor the Christians of Na ran, nor even the faithful and the unfaithful of the community at Madina but the same characters exist all around us. e are human beings exactly as the first recipients were, even though many find it extremely difficult to grapple with the deep implications of this very simple truth. Once you realize these truths and follow

them, once you come to the Qur an as the first believers did, it may reveal to you as it did to them, make partners of you as it did of them. And only then, instead of being a mere revered book, a sacred fossil, or a source of magic-like blessing, it will change into a mighty force, impinging, stirring, moving and guiding us to deeper and higher achievements, ust as it did before. The New orld that Awaits You As you come to the Qur an, you come to a new world. No other venture in your life can be so momentous and crucial, so blissful and rewarding, as your ourney to and through the Qur an. t is a ourney that will take you through the endless oys and riches of the words that your Creator and ord has sent to you and all mankind. Here you will find a world of untold treasures of knowledge and wisdom to guide you on the pathways of life, to mould your thoughts and actions. n it you will find deep insights to enrich you and steer you along the right course. rom it you will receive a radiant light to illumine the deeper reaches of your soul. Here you will encounter profound emotions, a warmth to melt your heart and bring tears running down your cheeks. t is crucial for you because, as you travel through the Qur an, at every step you will be summoned to choose, and to commit to Allah. To read the Qur an is nothing less than to live the Qur an willingly, sincerely, devotedly, and totally. The outcome of your entire life depends on how you heed the call given by od. The ourney is therefore decisive for your existence, for mankind, for the future of human civilization. A hundred new worlds lie in its verses. hole centuries are involved in its moments. now, then, that it is the Qur an, and only the Qur an, which can lead you on and on to success and glory in this-world and in the world-to-come. E x cerpted and adapted from the book “ W ay to the Quran” by K hurram M urad


W e pray to Almight y Allah ( S.W .T ) for H is property, deterioration of health, etc. mercy , to forgi v e all his sins and reward him There is one Hadith where the Prophet Jan 1 : Br. Jan Mohammad Salimpuri husband of Sr. Qadri Hasan and father of ith the e t lace i aradi e a aat l r- peace and blessings be upon him is uoted husband of Sr. urshed Bibi passed away Br. Syed Sa id Hassan, Br. Syed halid dous and to gi v e patience to the family , Ameen. to have said “ nna illahi wa inna ilayhi Ra i un when the lamp went off at night. Hasan and Br. Syed eeshan Hasan in Surrey. en d e reci e is A a Jan 2 ,Mrs. Sa adi Hayat Jan 1 :Mrs. Yasmeen Tarik A prevalent perception in our society is that Ayesha May Allah be pleased with her Anti of Mr. Naseer Pirzada ife of r. Tarik han of Co uitlam the words nna illahi wa inna ilayhi Ra i asked him, “O Messenger of Allah. s this passed away in Jhang , Pakistan passed way in Co uitlam, BC un are only recited at the time of someones also a calamity W e pray to Al mig hty Allah( S W T ) for death. However, this perception is not correct. Allahs Messenger replied, “Yes. hatever Jan 25: Mrs. hawar Jamal their mercy , to forg iv e all theirs sins Mother of Mr.Tarik Mian Toronto Mira- and reward them with the b est place in This ayah is to be said in cases where a per- hurts or causes difficulty to a Muslim is a cle s Editorial Borad member paradise and to g iv e patience to the all son has suffered any kind of loss, be it the calamity and on bearing it patiently, it carpassed way in ahore, Pakistan concerned families. ( Ameen) death of a person Muslim or non-Muslim ries Allahs promise of reward. Jan 2 , r Syed hurshid Hasan of ichmond, M iracle M edia or any living creature, loss of wealth or nsha Allah, shall post later, as i exceeded the number of posts in my limited hour.

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Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver sl a e

Feb 3-17, 2017 Jamadi ul Awaal 5-19, 1438 H Day Date Fajar

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For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA


Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017





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Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017






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Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017



in red in err ris a ac a

ix people have been killed and eight others were in ured after at least two gunmen opened fire in a Quebec City mos ue Sunday night. An SQ spokesperson confirmed that two suspects were arrested – one near the mosque, and another near Île d’Orléans, east of Quebec City. Police said nothing leads them to believe that other people were involved. The victims ranged in age from 35 to 60, police said. There were 39 people at the mosque who were not injured. As of 12:30 a.m., six people were in critical condition, Quebec City hospitals reported. The president of the mosque told the Montreal Gazette he received a call around 8 p.m. saying there had been a shooting. He said

Conservatives condemn murder of worshippers at Quebec City mosque By: Dav id Anderson, M ember of P arliament for C yp ress Hills— Grasslands and Official Opposition Critic for International Human Rights and Religious F reedom, released the following statement in response to the deadly attack on worshippers at the Sainte oy slamic Cultural Centre: “ e express our deepest sympathies to the families of those killed and in ured in the attack at the Quebec City slamic Centre. “This attack is an affront to the religious freedom of Canadians. Places of worship are meant to be havens for peaceful personal reflection and faith. Canadians of any religion, race and background must feel free to believe as they choose, change their belief and practice their belief peacefully and without the threat of coercion or violence. “ iolence against any religious group is an attack on the universal values that all Canadians cherish and protect. e must continue to do all we can to safeguard expression and the practice of faith in Canada and around the world.

The tragedy at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Center

By:Daud Ismail P resident, BC M uslim Association t is with great sadness and heavy hearts that the BC Muslim Association, on behalf of Muslim community in the Province British Columbia, offers deep condolences to our brothers and sisters in Quebec City. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of innocent victims of this tragic, senseless and horrifying attack inside a Quebec slamic Cultural Center on Sunday, January 2 th, 2 1 . The Association categorically condemns such acts of violence. Place of worship is a sacred sanctity and should always be maintained irrespective of one s faith. Safety, security and well-being of the community is our number one priority. e are asking the community to be more vigilant and report to local authorities for any suspicious activities, incidence or threats. The Muslims of British Columbia call upon the authorities to help protect all locations of worship from such violent and illegal acts. t is our belief that no group or individual in a free and ust society should live in fear because of their ethnicity, faith or religious beliefs. The BC Muslim Association stands in solidarity with Muslims during this time of sad-

people were at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec for regular evening prayers. “This is a terrible event,” Mohamed Yangui said. “We’re in a state of shock, I can’t find words to describe it.” Yangui said five people were killed and many others injured. He said men, women and children attend evening prayers. The mosque has about 5,000 members and is one of six in the Quebec City region. Last June, worshippers at the same mosque discovered the severed head of a pig left in front of one of the doors, wrapped in cellophane with bows and ribbon, and a card that said “bonne appétit.” Suspect in Quebec mosque attack charged Police have identified the suspect in Sunday’s

ness, and prays that the community is able to use the tenets of their faith to heal in the wake of this tragic incident. e offer our sympathies, condolences and prayers, and stand by to assist in any way we can.

ISCC and MAT Strongly Condemn Terrorists Attacks on the Quebec Mosque and Massacre of Muslim Worshipers

By:Imam S yed S oharwardy Calgary The slamic Supreme Council of Canada SCC and Muslims Against Terrorism MAT strongly condemn today s terrorists attack at the Quebec City mos ue and killings of 5 worshipers and in uring dozens of innocent people in the mos ue. This is terrorism and hate crime. The onald Trump s hate has crossed the border. f government of Canada will not take serious actions against the hatemongers it will damage the Canadian society , said mam Syed Soharwardy today. e stand in solidarity with the victims of today s attacks. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. e ask the police and the other law enforcement agencies to provide extra security to all mos ues across the country and bring hatemongers to ustice. SCC and MAT ask all Canadian Muslims to be vigilant and report any small or big incident or threat to police immediately. e re uest all Canadians of all faiths to show solidarity with the fellow Canadian Muslims at this time of threats and intimidation. Racism, discrimination and violence must not be tolerated at any cost. The attacks on individual Muslims and mos ues in fact help the terrorist organizations like aesh S S , AlQaedah and Taliban in their recruitment and radicalization. e must not let the terrorists succeed. t is critical that the government of Canada must make laws against slamophobia, anti-Semitism and the radicalization. SCC and MAT will be holding ATEHA memorial service for the victims of Quebec City mos ue at the enesis Centre, 555 alconridge Blvd., NE Calgary at 1:3 PM on riday, ebruary 3, 2 1 and later on the same day at 4 PM a rally against racism and terrorism at the Calgary City Hall will also be held. SCC and MAT re uest all Canadians of all faiths to hold rallies in all cities across Canada on riday, ebruary 3, 2 1 to show solidarity with the victims of Qu bec City mos ue.

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terror attack on a mosque in Quebec City. Court documents show Bissonnette, 27, faces six counts of first-degree murder in the attack and five of attempted murder. There are reports that Bissonnette is a Universite Laval student. Initially, police said two suspects were arrested. But on Monday, the Surete du Quebec said the second man was a witness. The second man arrested Sunday night but later released is speaking out about what happened. Mohamed Belkhadir, a 29-year-old engineering student, told La Presse that he was trying to provide first aide to shooting victims when police mistook him for a suspect. But he doesn’t hold it against police. Belkhadir, who had called 911 after hearing 15 to 20 seconds of gunfire, said he fled when he saw someone with a firearm. He thought it was the shooter; in fact, it was a police officer. “I understand, I respect, that they caught me,” he told La Presse. “They saw me flee, they thought I was suspicious, that’s normal. For them, someone who flees is a suspect.” THE VICTIMS The names of those killed are starting to emerge. Among them were a university pro-

Quebec City Masjid Attack



fessor, a butcher and a pharmacist. - Khaled Belkacemi, a professor at Universite Laval’s agricultural sciences and food department, was one of the victims, the university said, noting he was “devoted and beloved by his colleagues and students.” Belkacemi’s wife is also a professor at Laval. Justin Trudeau and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau place flowers at a makeshift memorial during a vigil in Quebec City on Monday night. A shooting Sunday at a mosque in the city left six people dead and eight others injured

Justin Trudeau and Sophie r goire Trudeau place flowers at a makeshift memorial during a vigil in Quebec City on Monday night. A shooting Sunday at a mos ue in the city left six people dead and eight others in ured

who resort to violence to fulfill their whims. e pray and continue to work and hope for By: S haraf S harafeldin peace and nonviolence.Muslims are the largE x ecutiv e D irector est number of victims of worldwide terrorM uslim Association of C anada ism and suffer between 2 and percent of Allah is the best Protector and the most terrorism-related fatalities. Merciful. Tonight we are dismayed by the Mass Shooting at Centre attack at the Centre Culturel slami ue de Qu bec on Sainte- oy St. where it has been Culturel Islamique de Quebec reported five congregants have been killed in Ste-Foy, Quebec City and many in ured. irst and foremost, we offer our prayers for the victims, and we ask Allah S T to give patience to their families By: John M organ, M LA and loved ones. Leader of the Official Opposition Today s shooting is not an isolated act of am writing to express solidarity with you hate-fueled violence towards Canadian and your community in these difficult times. Muslims. e have seen an escalation of at- Just a few short hours ago we were gathered tacks on our communities including our in- together to celebrate the successes of British stitutions from one end of the country to the Columbia s Muslim community. And there other with the growing epidemic of slamo- is much to celebrate. e are all richer for the phobia. This has no place in our country. contributions that Muslim people have made Today s barbaric attack re uires a height- to our province, our country, and our comened awareness and concern for the safety munities. and security of Muslims not only in Quebec Tragically, that celebration coincided with but across the country. news of the massacre in Quebec City. e Please rest assured that we have already be- could not helpthinking of those murdered gun the necessary actions to ensure that our in their place of worship while they knelt in schools and mas ids are protected. e are peaceful prayer. e were staggered by the communicating with principals, school staff, magnitude of loss suffered by their families, mas id management and law enforcement to their friends, and their community - a senseensure swift action is taken. e have asked less loss driven by hatred. all of our staff to maintain alertness. The massacre that happened last night in Quebec City cannot be separated from the Mass Shooting at Centre on the fundamental rights of the Culturel Islamique de Quebec attacks Muslim community happening now in the United States. in Ste-Foy, Quebec City am appalled by both the senseless violence By: Administration of M asj id Al-Hidaya in our country and the rise of the politics of Islamic S ociety of British C olumbia hatred and fear that deny refugees a safe harSBC s Unreserved slamic Position Against bour or deny people freedom of movement Terrorism and Hate Crimes: The slamic based on their country of birth. Centre of British Columbia SBC strongly Collectively, these attacks on the Muslim condemns the gross act of terror and mass community have left many fearful and dismurder in Quebec City, PQ. couraged. They have struck at the heart of e are deeply saddened by the loss of pre- our communities - stolen the sense of peace cious lives as a result of Sunday s mass and security all people seek and expect in shooting of regular Canadians going about Canada.But want you to know that you are their business of worship. not alone - and we will not abandon you. e e mourn the for six persons lost and their are all proud of the support your Associafamilies and loved ones. e pray for the tion and many British Columbians extended in ured for a speedy recovery. e stand in to the Syrian refugees who have made B.C. solidarity with all the community in Ste- oy their new home. Canadians welcome them, and feel their pain. and we welcome those who can no longer SBC oins all people of faith and good seek refuge and new lives in the U.S. conscience in standing against terrorism, ex- As the leader of B.C. s New emocrats, tremism, and hate. e live in an era where want you to know that we will stand with terrorists and evildoers across the globe you in your right to safety - your right to have taken far too many lives, and ruined practice your faith, and your right to oin tomany more under the false and twisted mis- gether as a community without fear of use of religion and social political views. violence.By oining together, in a spirit of Together we need to unite and stand against fellowship, we can make it through these hate, bigotry and intolerance in our commu- troubling times.And together we will build nities across Canada.No religion would con- a stronger country, a stronger province and done such behavior, therefore, people of all stronger communities - united in love and faiths must unite to stand against criminals compassion, not divided by hatred and fear.


Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017


H u nd r e d s g at h e r at B . C . ’s o ld e st mo sq u e mo u r ning Q u e b e c C it y massac r e

B y :S imon L ittle I n V ancouver, up to 2 0 0 p eop l e p ack ed outsid e the A l J amia M asj id mosq ue in heartbreak and sol id arity over the shooting in Q uebec C ity . V ancouver P ol ice C hief A d am P al mer ex p ressed shock and horror at the attack . H e say s whil e there’ s been no sign of a threat in ancouver, officers are working to make the community feel safe.“ I k now an incid ent l ik e this shak es every bod y to the core, and it’ s on every bod y ’ s mind s. A nd my p romise to y ou as the C hief of P ol ice is to continue to d o my best, and my of-

ficers will do our best to stay in touch with all of our p artners, and mak e sure that we maintain p ubl ic safety in this community , and mak e it a safe and caring p l ace for every bod y .” P al mer was j oined by more than a d oz en sp eak ers, incl ud ing M usl im l ead ers and V ancouver M ay or G regor R obertson. A mid cand l el ight and p ray ers, R obertson ad d ressed a d iverse crowd outsid e the A l J amia M aj id M osq ue, sharing his own horror at the massacre… and his commitment to tol erance in the city .“ That’ s who we are in V ancouver, we’ re many cul tures from al l over the worl d , that’ s our greatest strength.” “ W e d on’ t want to see the worl d go this way . W e can’ t l et the worl d go this way . W e can’ t l et hatred and racism intrud e in our l ives and affect each other this way. C ommunity l ead ers read the names of the d ead … and p raised the city for coming together in the face of the traged y . P al mer al so tol d the crowd the force was tak ing ex tra step s to mak e the community feel safe. S ol id arity in the face of creep ing intol erance was the overwhel ming message. “ I brahim A vari, 3 9 y ears ol d … .”

I nternational M usl ims A cad emy of C anad a ( I M A C ) organiz ed a vigil for the victims of Q uebec M osq ue at F ij i I sl amic C entre S urrey on F eb 0 1 , . S o many communities members from mul ti faiths al ong with some F ed eral and P rovincial p ol iticians are here to share their cond ol ences with the M usl im C ommunity .

B C M A & I nternational M usl ims A cad emy of C anad a ( I M A C ) V ig il in su p p o r t V ic t ims o f Q u e b e c S h o o t ing and u p c o ming V ig ils in T o w n

P hotos C ourtesy b y C ommunity T imes C anada 5: 03 pm at A l - J amia M asj id V ancouver ( 65 W . 8t hA venue) and t hen moving to J ack P ool e P l az a in D owntown V ancouver at 6: 30 p m. This event wil l highl ight the yout h of toda y a nd t heir thoughts on the recent events home and a broad.

S u r r e y V igi ls The B C M usl im A ssociation hol d a vigil in suppor t of those who have been impa cted by the shooting at M osque in Q uebec C ity on S unda y , J anuary 29t h, at R ichmond J amea M asj id

R ally at Ja c k P ol


A second V igil / C al l to A ctionwil l be hel d on S aturda y F ebruary 4t h starting at

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Tears were shed as the names of the fal l en were read . B ut among the d iverse crowd which ranged from M usl im to J ew, I nd ian, W hite, and A sian, a sense of gratitud e and hop e at the way C anad ians had recoil ed from the attack . 1 5 y ear ol d A sad K han say s it mak es him feel safe in his mosq ue.“ I t’ s been real l y great j ust k nowing that p eop l e care about M usl ims, and that no matter what, nothing can stop us and hate wil l never win.” M any cited P resid ent Trump ’ s so- cal l ed M usl im ban and recent racist flyers as further reasons to come together. R az a M irani, G eneral S ecretary of theM osq ue, say s V ancouver’ s resp onse has hel p ed d ul l that anx iety .“ W hen y ou have an event l ik e this, it hits home. That k ind of hatred and that k ind of rage and somebod y feel ing entitl ed to be abl e to d o something l ik e that… it mak es y ou q uestion. B ut then again y ou come to an event l ik e this and it can win over hate. reassures y ou j ust in the beauty of this country .” t s been confirmed by Quebec Police that 2 -yearV igil attend ees ranged from k id s to grand p arents, ol d A l ex and re B issonnette has been charged with and rep resented at l east hal f a d oz en rel igions. six counts of first degree murder, and five counts The common refrain: in coming together — l ove of attemp ted murd er fol l owing S und ay ’ s shooting.

F ebruary 1 –K P U V igil A vigil wil l be hel d at K P U S urrey C ampus, 12666 2nd Avenue, in the Surrey Ceda r C ourty ard at 1 1: 15a m. “ W e stand with the M usl im community and we are stronger together.” F ebruary 1 – B ethany- N ewton U nited C hurch V igil I n respo nse to the events of this pa st week -

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end ( in the U S A and in Q uebec C ity ) that have been targeted at the M usl im community , B ethany - N ewton U nited C hurch, 1 4 8 5 3 – 6 0 th A ve. in S urrey , B .C ., is hosting a C andl el ight V igil on W ed., F eb. 1s t at : pm. as a way of standing in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in the M usl im community .W e wil l share in a time of music and pr aye r al ong with l ighting candl es and an oppor tunity for pe opl e to voice their worries and concerns. C hil dc are wil l be pr ovide d. A L L A R E W E L C O M E . F ebruary 3 – H ol l and P ark V igil A vigil pr aye r for the victims of Q uebec I sl amic C ul tural C enter wil l tak e pl ace on

riday, ebruary 3rd from 5: p.m. to : p .m. at H ol l and P ark in S urrey , B .C . The p urp ose of this event is to show sol id arity with the victims’ famil ies and to bring together generations of people from different faiths to p romote p eace and und erstand ing in a worl d faced with ex tremism and viol ence.


Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017

M sli


Ass cia i n

On Jan 2 , the BC Muslim Association organizing committee celebrated its 5 th Anniversary ala inner to commemorate the achievements, milestone and relive the history of the BCMA at Royal ing Palace in Surrey. A large number of Muslim and Non Muslim communities members, dignitaries from political parties, Consul eneral of Pakistan & Turkey, City councilors, Mayor, RCM, Social and many local associations participated. r. rfan Sheikh and Mr. Bilal Cheema were the master of ceremony and they shared their experiences with the BCMA. Mohammad mtiaz Asin presented the welcome address. Hafiz Hamadullah azi did the recitation of Holy Quran. Surrey Muslim School students Umar Ali and Araf aman presented National Anthem of Canada. Br. Sheikh invited BCMA first nations directors Mr. M. . han, Mr. arouk Elesseily and Mr. Usman Ali to address and shared theirs experiences. After that they were recognized by awards. Congratulatory messages from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Hon. Christy Clark Premier of BC and Mr. John Horgan, leader the opposition were given to BCMA executive. National efense Minister Hon. Har it Sa an, N P MP, Peter Julian, iberal MP Sukh haliwal, Mayor Richmond Malcom Brodie, N P M A Bruce Ralston, Harry Bains, N P Candidates election 2 1 Surrey Panorama Ms. Jinny Sims, and leetwood Mr Jagrup Brar, Mr. Tom ill Councilor, City of Surrey also addressed and admired the BCMA s 5 years achievements and

ele ra es

Anni ersar

congratulated all the seniors, current team and youth of BCMA and also thanked the Muslim community for their role in building BC. Mrs. arida Bano Ali presented the report of women chapters dedication and participation in BCMA throughout its 5 year. Mr. mad Ali presented a very informative and well researched visual history since 1 66. Qari Abdul ahab was the keynote speaker of this event. He said in his address that our beginning was nothing. There was no mos ue in early sixties, no facilities but today Allhumdulillah BCMA has built number of Mos ues and invites everyone to come worship in the house of Allah and worship Him alone. This work will never stop and it will only grow. nshAllah so many Madrassas and Masa ids will come in future and this BC Muslim Association will flourish and shine in this part of world as thousands of Muslims benefit from this association. President Mr. aud smail said, On this auspicious occasion wish to pay special tribute to the pioneers who formed this Association not only to preserve their slamic faith, their identity and to contribute to society but also to maintain slam as a way of life and to share the values with Canadians. Today, we are the largest Muslim organization in the province with 13 branchs & Chapter locations throughout the lower mainland and the interior of BC. e own and operate mos ues and slamic centers, two Elementary Schools from to rade . e employ 141 full part time employees and our curriculum includes three languages English,



rench and Arabic. Presently, we have burial locations. n addition we provide dawah work, youth, family and marriage counseling and halal meat certification program. Recently the BCMA upgraded its humanitarian effort by obtaining SAH status Sponsorship Agreement Holder with mmigration Canada to cater the plight of Syrian refugees. ote of Thanks was given by past President Mr. Sikander han. He thanked everyone for their participation. At the end a short u a was made by Mr. arouk Elesselly followed by dinner.


Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017

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Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017


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a r a c anges in

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B.C. government set to revamp MSP and possibly provincial property transfer tax By Richard ussman, CBC News B.C. Premier Christy Clark has promised to change Medical Services Plan premiums which she described as unfair before next May s provincial election. But Clark would not provide any specific details on how she plans to change the health tax, which brings in 2.4 billion to provincial coffers each year. “One of the proposals has been, et s take MSP and put it in the tax system, Clark said in a year-end interview with CBC. “ ell that ust raises everybody s taxes. MSP hikes will hit over 5 , B.C. families in the new year B.C. MSP premium changes: poor families pay less, middle income earners pay more “ t moves one tax from here over to here.

ell, don t think that is what people say when they want to get rid of MSP, said Clark. “They want us to trust them to be able to spend their money better than government can. And agree with that.“ would say there are a lot of taxes want to get rid of because think we should be figuring out how to get more money back into people s pockets. Changes coming in ebruary The MSP changes are expected to be announced in the 2 1 provincial budget next ebruary so they can be introduced three months before the election. Ma or changes in the MSP premium plan have been building for nearly a year as the province tinkered with changes to monthly payments. The premium has been described as unfair because someone who makes 51, a year pays the same amount in premiums a year as someone who makes 51 , a year. ast ebruary the province removed MSP payments for children and also provided discounts for those who make less than 43, as well as seniors who make less than 51, . The province also increased the rates for more than 5 , British Columbians. A senior, or senior couple, who earn more than 51, combined, or an individual or couple who make more than 43, have seen their bills rise by about 14 a month.

Those bills have arrived in peoples mail- r er a c anges ssi le Clark s government is also considering boxes this month. changes to who pays the province s property transfer tax. That tax has been described by some as a cash grab by the government, which adds additional costs to the purchase of homes. Asked whether she intended to get rid of the unpopular tax, she replied, “That s not part of the agenda at the moment. But she did open the door for changes down the road. Currently the government offers the irst Time Home Buyers Exemption that provides a discount to the tax for homes valued at less than 5 , . She said the government would like to reduce the number of home buyers who The B.C. N P has also vowed to make have to pay the property transfer tax. changes to MSP. eader John Horgan will “ f we were going to start thinking about next reveal his plans for the premiums following steps on that, we would probably do more on where we are, which is creeping up the numthe provincial budget in ebruary. Horgan says it is hard for British Columbi- bers of home buyers that don t have to pay ans to trust the iberals considering the the property transfer tax at all, said Clark. government has increased the rates by four Clark mentioned during a speech to the Surrey Board of Trade on eb. 1 , 2 15 that the per cent a year every year since 2 . “They are doing away with the couple rate tax could be reduced or eliminated some but not before and they are imposing an additional cost of time in the next few years the provincial debt is under control. couples without children, said Horgan. “ hen we get inundated with feel good n September, inance Minister Mike de Christy-Clark-is-doing-right-by-you ads that Jong provide forecasted the property transfer tax will bring 2.2 billion into the treayou are paying for, remember the 5 , other couples that are paying more as Christy sury this year, up from the 1.2 billion predicted in the budget introduced in ebruary. Clark pretends others are paying less.

New emocrat eader John Horgan announced changes to his shadow cabinet ahead of the coming legislative session, highlighting a strong team that will be working for all British Columbians, not ust the handful of wealthy donors who had been paying her second salary. “British Columbians are tired of Christy Clark ignoring their concerns while she puts her wealthy donors at the front of the line, said Horgan. “My team is ready to build a

better B.C. that puts people first. Horgan announced the changes during a caucus planning session in ancouver. Jodie ickens is going to lead the charge on our plan to provide universal, affordable, uality child care for every family who wants it as we work towards 1 -a-day child care, said Horgan, naming ickens, the M A for Co uitlam-Burke Mountain the new Opposition spokesperson for early childhood development and child care.Hor-

gan has tasked Co uitlam-Maillardville M A Selina Robinson with responsibility for mental health and addictions, in addition to her current role as spokesperson for seniors and local government. “At a time when Christy Clark has failed to do what is necessary to get a handle on the overdose crisis that people in our province are grappling with, Selina Robinson will fight for better services to treat those who have been left behind and ignored,


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said Horgan. Horgan also announced education spokesperson Rob leming would expand his role to include universities and colleges, agriculture and foods spokesperson ana Popham will add responsibility for small business, and North Coast M A Jennifer Rice will be the spokesperson for northern economic development, in addition to northern and rural health.



Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017

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Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017

M re A ericans s


he poll finds 31 per cent of Americans feel more safe because of the ban, compared with 26 per cent who say they feel less safe Americans are sharply divided over President onald Trump s order to temporarily block US entry for all refugees and citizens of seven Muslim countries, with more approving the measure than disapproving, according new opinion poll. The 3 to 31 January poll found that 4 per cent of American adults said they either “strongly or “somewhat agreed with Mr Trump s order, while 41 per cent “strongly or “somewhat disagreed and another 1 per cent said they don t know. State epartment dissent memo over Trump s immigration ban reaches signatures. An internal State epartment dissent memo, declaring that President Trump s temporary travel ban on citizens from seven Muslim ma ority countries would not make the country safer, has reached more than signatures.


By:K halid Z aka he media and the protestors apparently blame onald Trump T for his potential nationalistic stance America irst and consider him as a potential threat to the human rights, women rights and America s international status and role. The protesters are so dismayed that they even do not accept T as a legitimate American president. A situation has been formed where T is presented as the sole cause of economic and cultural problems of the America. Media and the protesters generally do not consider the fact that T s phenomenon is relatively new. They do not relate that the current problems in the American society are the result of neoliberal and globalization policies which are being executed since the Roland Reagan period. Neoliberalism according to Elizabeth and Arnoldo arcia “is a set of economic policies that have become widespread during the last 25 years or so. Around the world, neoliberalism has been imposed by powerful financial institutions like the nternational Monetary und M , the orld Bank and the nter- American evelopment Bank.... the capitalist crisis over the last 25 years, with its shrinking profit rates, inspired the corporate elite to revive economic liberalism. That s what makes it neo or new. Neoliberalism is not ust economics, it is a social and moral philosophy, in some aspects ualitatively different from liberalism. Thatcher s and Reagan s neoliberalism had sought to persuade that privatization of everything would produce a fair and efficient society unimpeded by vested interests or bureaucratic fiat. That narrative, of course, hid from public view what was really happening: a tremendous buildup of super-state bureaucracies, unaccountable supra-state institutions orld Trade Organization, Nafta, the European Central Bank , behemoth corporations, and a global financial sector heading for the rocks. Thatcher and Reagan made massive tax cuts for the rich and implemented the neoliberal agenda by crushing of trade unions, deregulation, privatisation, outsourcing and marketisation in public services. Through the M , the orld Bank, the Maastricht treaty



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Nine uestions those protesting against on onald Trump s immigration ban must answer D ougl as M urray n my own view it would help immensely if the people who are lambasting the Trump administration had at least given some thought to the following uestions and could go some way to giving answers to such uestions as: 1 o you accept that America like many seother countries in the world today has se curity problems o you recognise that despite the giggly charts on social media showing lawnmowers to be more of a threat to American life than terrorism, there are legitimate security concerns that reasonable Americans might hold 2 o you recognise that slamic terrorism is not a figment of a fevered imagination, but a real thing that exists and which causes a risk to human life in America and many other countries This isn t to say that other forms of terrorism don t exist they obviously do. But how might you address this one assuming you can t immediately solve global peace, poverty, unhappiness, lack of satisfactory sex, masculinity etc 3 f you do recognise the above fact then would you concede that large scale immigration from slamic countries into the US might bring a larger number of potential challenges than, say, large scale immigration from New ealand or celand 4 s everybody who wants to visit isney orld morally akin to Jews fleeing the Holocaust f not then what are the differences, and is it always wise to conflate the two

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5 ould you recognise that ran is one of the world s leading state-sponsors of terror, and that, for example, an ranian-born American citizen in 2 11 was caught planning to carry out a terror attack in ashington against the Saudi Ambassador ould you recognise that aggravating though a temporary halt on all ranian nationals visiting the US might be, and many good people though it will undoubtedly stop, there is a reason that some countries cause a greater security concern than others Might citizens of a country whose leadership regularly chants eath to America present a larger number of uestions for border security than, say, citizens of enmark whose government rarely says the same hat would your vetting policy be to distinguish between different ranians seeking to enter the US 6 oes the whole world have the right to live in America This is a variant of the same uestion we Europeans should have been asking for years. f you do not think that the whole world has the right to live in the USA then who should be allowed to live there and who should not ho might be given priority f you believe in giving some people asylum, as do, who should be given priority Should asylum be forever Or should there be a time-limit such as up until such a time as your country of origin is deemed safe How do you deal with people who have been given asylum, whose reason for asylum is over i.e. their country has returned to peace but whose children have entered the school system for instance

Trump And The Protesters and the orld Trade Organisation, neoliberal policies were imposed generally without democratic consent of much of the world. Neoliberal policies of privatisation and marketisation of public services such as energy, water, trains, health, education, roads and prisons has enabled corporations to set up tollbooths in front of essential assets and charge rent, either to citizens or to government, for their use. overnments use neoliberal crises as both excuse and opportunity to cut taxes, privatise remaining public services, rip holes in the social safety net, deregulate corporations and re-regulate citizens. T in his inaugural speech has mentioned and highlighted the adverse effects of the globalization neoliberal policies. hile addressing the Americans, he said “Today s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another -- but we are transferring power from ashington, .C. and giving it back to you, the American People. or too long, a small group in our nation s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. ashington flourished -- but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered -- but the obs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories their triumphs have not been your triumphs and while they celebrated in our nation s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land. Nevertheless, at this point it is not clear if T is using “America irst as a rhetoric to please his voters or he really means it. n the coming days, it will be more clear whether T materially sides with the ones who are flourishing because of the prevalent policies or those who are being heavily impacted by these policies. T has proposed drastic reduction in corporate taxis with out giving any clear policy to help the struggling working class and rapidly shrinking middle class during his election campaign. The T s past, his class background and class interests repudiates what he mentioned during his speech. The demonstrations against T took place only in the big cities of the America, the rest is almost silent. One can argue that the big

cities contain a huge population of immigrants. One can also ague that a significant ma ority of the big urban centers are the beneficiaries of the neoliberal globalization policies and the technological advancements. This hints to another basic uestion does the demonstrations against T reflects a divide between the common Americans who are the victim of globalization neoliberalism and those who thrived because of the lobalization neoliberalism The neoliberal globalization policies along with technological advancements resulted in large scale unemployment and conse uently, white middle class and working class are economically in decline in America. Between 1 1 and 2 13, the number of people considered to be belonging to the middle class relative to the total population has declined by six percentage points. Per allup poll, in 2 only 33 of Americans called themselves working class by 2 15 the figure was 4 , almost half the population. Although this decline is generally depicted in racial and ethnic terms, which is in fact a distraction. The source of onald Trump win originates from the conflict of those who flourish in the global economy globalization neoliberalism and with those who do not. t is not only the middle class which is being impacted by the globalization policies there is a huge percentage of population comprised of unemployed workers, single parents and precariously employed people which are being adversely impacted by neoliberalism globalization. Apparently, T s nationalistic stance safeguards the common American s interest and directly conflicts with the neoliberal globalization agenda of the Elite and Establishment. uring the speech, he said “ rom this moment on, it s going to be America irst. Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families. e must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our obs. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength. n the absence of details of the T s policies of prosperity and strength, no one is sure how it will happen ill it happen Or is it ust a rhetoric s not known yet.

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s it wrong that the Trump administration says it wishes to favour Christian refu refugees over Muslim refugees This is a fascinating and difficult moral uestion. Many Christians refuse to accept that the plight of Christians even when they are the specific target of persecution should be given priority over anyone else. This is a noble example of Christian universalism, but is it wise or moral when you consider the limited numbers that can come in and if you accept that the entire persecuted world cannot arrive in America How do you identify the type of Muslims who America should indeed welcome And how do you distinguish them from the sort of Muslims who the country could well do without n other words, what would your vetting procedures be There are some people who have thought about this. But what is your policy f you think all of the above uestions are simply racist or bigoted then suppose the rest of us will ust have to accept that we re going to lose you to four years of shouting on the streets in vagina hats. But the rest of us should try to address these uestions. e re not going to be able to shout them away you know. hy iberals are rallying against him s it to bring T under pressure to continue the globalization neoliberal policies Before we postulate let us see what liberalism means iberalism, which uxemburg called by its more appropriate name “opportunism “is an integral component of capitalism. hen the citizens grow restive, it will soften and decry capitalism s excesses. But capitalism, uxemburg argued, is an enemy that can never be appeased. iberal reforms are used to stymie resistance and then later, when things grow uiet, are revoked on the inevitable road to capitalist slavery. The last century of labor struggles in the United States provides a case study for proof of uxemburg s observation. The protests against T appears to restrain him from going against the prevalent neoliberal policies and the interests of the Elite and Establishment. Per len reenwald Jan 11, 2 1 article “during the election campaign the Establishment, explicitly threw its weight behind Hillary Clinton s candidacy and sought to defeat onald Trump. n August, former acting C A irector Michael Morell announced his endorsement of Clinton in the New York Times and claimed that “Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian ederation. One wonders why establishment is preferring Clinton over Trump. t is said that Clinton was critical of Obama for restraining the C A s proxy war in Syria and was eager to expand that war, while Trump denounced it. Clinton clearly wanted a harder line than Obama took against the C A s long-standing foes in Moscow, while Trump wanted improved relations and greater cooperation. n general, Clinton defended and intended to extend the decades long international military order on which the C A and Pentagon s pre-eminence depends, while Trump through a still uncertain mix of instability and extremist conviction posed a threat to it. Chris Hedges in his article in Truthing dated January 15, 2 1 tried to find reasons why establishment is against T. He mentioned that the emocratic Party must maintain the fiction of liberalism ust as the Republican Party must maintain the fiction of conservatism. These two parties, however, belong to one party the corporate party. They will work in concert, as seen by the alliance between Republican leaders such as McCain and emocratic leaders such as Sen. Chuck Schumer, to get rid of Trump, silence all dissent, enrich the war industry and promote the farce they call democracy.


Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017

The Vape Debate: What You Need to Know ? Smoking

rying agent in asthma inhalers and add li uid nicotine if desired. That s it. 3 to 4 ingredients. n fact many n the standoff between vaping and creators of e-li uids identify themsmoking, many people believe it is selves as “chefs rather than chemthe uestion of the lesser of two evils. ists because what differentiates most However can you even compare li uids is the flavour. According to a report by U s eepartment of Health and published by Public Health electronic cigarettes are at least 5 percent safer than This brings us to a local company, tobacco cigarettes. The report also an o apes. n 2 14 an o apes recognizes their potential as a viable was created by three brothers out of approach to uitting smoking. Even a passion for vaping and a belief that the American Heart Association sug- they as a group of young professiongested in 2 14 that e-cigs are less als have a lot to offer our communihazardous than tobacco, and vaping ties. Over the last couple of years can actually help smokers uit: “E- they brought more and more people cigarettes either do not contain or onto the team and left previous obs have lower levels of several tobac- in fields like business consulting, acco-derived harmful and potentially counting and chemistry to put their harmful constituents compared with fullest into an o apes. an o apes has developed over cigarettes and smokeless tobacco 1 flavours in order to help people with any flavour palette find somehile cigarettes are made up of thou- thing they like to make their lives sands of chemicals, what is e-li uid better. n addition to being sold made out of Simply put, e-li uid online at www.v angov apes.com, is diluted food flavourings that may the li uids are also sold in most vape contain nicotine in different strengths stores locally and across Canada. including no nicotine . The pro- n addition to retail, an o apes cess as well is very simple add food also has a wholesale referral proflavouring to vegetable glycerin an gram and if you are an entrepreneur, organic compound found in vegeta- contact them for franchising opporbles and propylene glycol the car- tunities.

The Facts

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action of stepping out for a break in the day with a cigarette in your hand, ccording to the orld Health smoking appears to be as much an Organization, 1 billion peoaddiction to the habit as is to the ple around the world smoke chemical addictions. and 5 million people die each year from tobacco-related illnesses. Out of that, every year 6 , people die from second hand smoke. There This is where vaping comes in. is no doubt therefore, that smoking aping is the action of using so is bad. called “electronic cigarettes as both However with that in mind, why a nicotine delivery system as well as don t people stop Aren t there something that can possibly replace enough smoking cessation prodthe habit itself. Many smokers have ucts out there like nicotine gum and become reliant on the breaks they patches in order for them to get off take to smoke because they see it the addiction to nicotine, or is there as an occasion for them to relax for something else a 5 minute break. This association The answer is yes. Cigarettes have cannot be taken away with a simple over 4, chemicals in them, all denicotine fix on its own, so vaping has signed to specifically target key become for many people the replaceregions of your brain and body. rom ment. But is it really a better choice antidepressants MAO s to the





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Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017

By: Nada Adam he atwa from the m a m al Harariyy for whom it is licit in slam to practice medicine states: “There is Scholarly Consensus on the fact, that it is not licit to practice the medicine for the treatment of disease for the one who does not have experience and who is not one of the physicians. The Messenger of Allaah peace be upon him said what means, “ t is forbidden for the one who does not know the properties of the medicines and the conditions of the diseases in accordance to temporal variations to practice treating diseases by herbs and by other than that. Related by Abu awud in his Sunan. One ac uires this knowledge by Tala i proper transmission from the people of knowledge who know the Natures of iseases and Medicines: i.e. hotness, coldness, dryness and wetness and the temporal variations for the diseases and medicines. Therefore, it is forbidden to have only accreditation by reading books of medicine then treating the diseases without this knowledge transmitted to you by Tala i . oing too far in this without Certification though Tala i is an enormous sin, because this sub ects the human bodies to damage. The one, who commits this, must repent and the one who takes compensation or salary, for that, that money is not licit or lawful for him. n the same case, to sell the medicine to the patient for him to use, without having this experience, is forbidden, except in the case if he sells the medicine for showing it to the physician, to consult him- in this case it would be licit. Many people have practiced this medicine without knowledge, and caused bodily damages, therefore Al- ayl the name of one of the valleys in Hell- ire to the one, who practices this medicine



For Whom it is Licit in Islam to Practice Medicine? without having enough experience. medi Also, the one who does not know the medicine, nor its rules does not say: “ prescribe con a medicine depending on a physician s conphysi sultation by telephone, without the physician seeing or checking the ill person, the diagno physician may prescribe based on a diagnosis description given by phone however, if the physician personally checks the patient, his diagnosis to the disease could have been different and the prescribed medicine could be other than what was initially mentioned. bn Had ar said: “The physicians said what means, “Our books are a lethal poison, for the person s who is not a enuine Humoral Physician, s he depends on the books of medicine and treat people or treat himself accordingly, and this practice is like giving poison to others or himself. Certainly, it is possible for the same medicine to be beneficial for one person and may not be beneficial for another, or may harm someone and benefit another, depending on the variation of their state i.e. Humoral Temperament . End of atwa


The meaning of the hadeeth is: t is forbidden for the any person who does not know the properties of the medicines and the conditions of the diseases in accordance to temporal variations to practice treating any disease by herbs and by other than that. One ac uires such knowledge by tala i from people of knowledge who know the nature of the diseases and the nature of medicines: hotness, coldness, dryness and wetness and the temporal variations for the diseases and medicines. The religious saying indicates clearly states the specific criteria to be a physician is that he must know the natures of the diseases, because, certain illnesses are caused by an increase of hotness, or coldness, or dryness or wetness more than the normal limit and sometimes this is due to a composite of several non-moderate natures.

Therefore, religiously, the person who does not know the temperament of the patient and the temperaments of the

illnesses is NOT a Physician.

n addition, a physician is the one who knows the temperaments of the medicines in terms of hotness, coldness, wetness or dryness, because he needs to use these medicines by counteracting the temperament of the disease, if the illness is yellow bile hot dry temperament, it will need to use phlegmatic cold wet temperament remedies. However, many illness may be composed by two or more opposite temperaments, such as yellow bile hot dry temperament, mixed with phlegmatic cold wet temperament in this case, the physician composes what is appropriate of the remedies, where the illness is not purely yellow bile neither phlegmatic therefore it is essential to take in account the hotness and dryness of the yellow bile as well as the coldness and wetness of the phlegm by using for instance the remedies which are moderate in hotness, coldness, wetness and dryness. The saying of Al- mam al Harariyy about the temporal variations in accordance to the illnesses and the remedies means hot illnesses are reduced in the cold season and increase in hot season while cold illnesses are reduced in the summer hot season and is increased in the cold winter season. or instance, if the illness is cold-dry in temperament, such illness will be reduced in springtime, because springtime counters the cold-dry with its hot wet temperament. And, if the illness is cold-wet in temperament, it will be reduced in summertime, because summertime is hot-dry in temperament. According to this criterion the convergence between the nature of diseases and seasons is applied. Similarly the effectiveness of medicine is strengthened according to its temperament, if the temperament of the medicine for example is hot dry, its strength is increased in the hot dry season, and if the temperament of the medicine is cold wet, its strength is increased in the cold wet season. According to this criterion the convergence between the nature of medicines and seasons is applied.

The mam s uote of “ bn Had ar said: The physicians said: “ utubuna Sumoomun Qaatilah

hich means: “Our Books are a ethal Poison, “ ethal Poison for the individuals who practice this medicine who are not a true physician, but rather they depend solely on the books of medicine and treats people or treats themselves with such information. These individuals are similar to giving poison to others or to themselves. ndeed it is possible, that the same medicine may be beneficial with one person and may not be beneficial with another, or may harm someone and benefit another, for the variation of their state. The saying of Al- mam al Harariyy means, in the books of medicine: the remedies have temperaments which benefit a person suffering from a certain illness, and harm another who is suffering from the same illness in accordance to the temperament of the medicament, the illness and the season. or example: The books of medicine contain names of specific herbs that benefit headaches some of these herbs are hot-dry temperament, others are cold wet, and other than that. f someone who s not a true physician reads in these books of medicine that, laurel for example benefits headaches and uses it for himself or for others who suffer from headaches. He may cause damage to himself, if his headache is a yellow bile type, because the temperament of aurel is hot-dry yellow bile and it benefits Phlegmatic headache type. The damage is further increased if laurel is taken in hot-dry temperament i.e. summer season by a person who has a hotdry yellow bile type of headache. Therefore, the one who reads the books of medicine depending on his own comprehension without Tala i proper religious transmission and without study is similar to the person who swallows poison or gives someone else poison to swallow so take caution!! If y ou hav e any q uestions reg arding y our T emperament, tex t D r. K haled at 6 0 4 .3 1 4 .6 7 59 or co ect ith r haled i a i o Li ed

Investors Needed to Back Biotech’s Prostate Cancer Drug Development

E v ent series allows inv estors to learn about startup seek ing a total of $ 5 million to fund drug, including p lanned tests in p rostate cancer p atients. n an effort to raise funds to further develop its novel anticancer drug, a Richmond biotech startup is hosting a series of free nvestor nformation Evenings to give the public a chance to learn about their company and its current Offering Memorandum. Biopep Solutions nc. is a privately owned late-preclinical stage biotechnology company whose lead candidate drug, BPS- 1, has shown promising results in testing as an effective and non-toxic method of treating prostate cancer. The first of three nvestor nformation Evenings took place on riday January 2 th at the Surrey City Centre Public ibrary with the next two nvestor nformation Evenings scheduled for ebruary 3rd and ebruary 1 th in Surrey and Richmond respectively. On the evening of the 2 th, Biopep Solutions senior management spoke to a crowd of about thirty potential investors to present their company and answer uestions. hile being served an exceptional dinner catered by Afghan Chopan s Richmond location, the audience keenly listened to the company s directors as they explained Biopep Solutions campaign. r. Yalcin lsever, the company s C O, described how far the company has come in developing BPS- 1, accounting for the 6. Million dollars worth of research grants and private investments that the company has used to fund its work to date. The audience was attentive as r. lsever spoke about how the 5 million they are currently seeking prior to the March 1st, 2 1 deadline would further contribute to

advance their anticancer drug up to and including the human clinical trial testing stage of drug development. The proceeds raised will specifically be used to move the drug closer to becoming a next-generation treatment option for prostate cancer patients by advancing it through the re uirements of Health Canada and the A. “ e plan to utilize the funds to substantially advance our drug development efforts in accordance to Health Canada and A regulation. The potential impact in the field of prostate cancer is immense, r. lsever said. “The Offering Memorandum in particular would also benefit our investors as they could be eligible to apply for a BC tax credit and an RRSP tax deduction sub ect to their contribution limits, he added. Biopep Solutions status as a certified Eligible Business Corporation by the provincial government means it is authorized to accept e uity capital directly from investors without having to set up a enture Capital Corporation. This status also allows Biopep Solutions investors to apply to receive a 3 BC tax credit from the BC overnment under the Small Business enture Capital Act, as well as an RRSP tax deduction should the investor be willing to set up a self-directed RRSP account.

The main focus of riday s session with investors explored the competitive advantage of the company s lead drug, BPS- 1, which is a heterogeneous biologic extract being tested as a treatment for metastatic, castration resistant prostate cancer mCRPC . The company is currently nearing completion of pre-clinical non-human testing which has included collaborations with scientists at the University of British Columbia. Their preliminary research on BPS1 s ability to treat prostate cancer suggest that the drug s multiple active components begin a series of biochemical processes that interfere with the formation of cancer cells. The company s head of Regulatory Affairs and rug evelopment, r. ary Yalloway explains that unlike currently approved single target therapies, BPS- 1 has a “multivalent mechanism that acts by blocking more than one target that contributes to the development of cancer. Biopep Solutions work with a number of reputable institutions in developing its product was also highlighted, including research at the University of British Columbia, and collaborative work with the ancouver Prostate Center and the BC Cancer Agency among other international groups. The company anticipates earning approval

for a Clinical Trial Application CTA from Health Canada along with an nvestigational New rug Application N from the American A to proceed with human clinical testing. Clinical trial protocols are currently being finalized at the BC Cancer Agency in ancouver as well as at the Emory inship Oncology Unit in Atlanta, eorgia. The company is inviting the public to learn more about the company and its future plans by attending its next two nvestor nformation Evenings on ebruary 3rd and ebruary 1 th. Additional information on the company can be found at the Biopep Solutions website www.biopeps.com while nvestor nformation Evenings details including locations, times and registration can be found at www.b iopepinv estorev ening .ev entb rite.ca the events are free and a complimentary dinner will be served but registration is re uired .


Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017

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Clothes are a blessing and a favour from Allah*.

ith them, we are able to cover whatever that needs to be covered. ith them, we are protected from cold or the harsh sun. magine our lives without clothes! t would be horrible, wouldn t it Islam does not reject people wearing pretty clothes. Some people have the misconception that Islam does not allow any goodlooking attire. The Prophet (s.a.w*.) addressed the companions once, saying: “He who has an atom’s weight of arrogance will not be admitted into Jannah*.” One of the companions then stood up and said, “O Prophet of Allah, I love to wear fine thobes*. I love elegant shoes as well. Is this a part of arrogance?” The Prophet (s.a.w.) answered, “No. Allah is beautiful. And Allah loves beauty.” So, this shows that the Prophet (s.a.w.) approved of people wearing splendid clothes. There is

nothing wrong with delightful fashion in Islam. As long as we do not forget that our internal beauty is far superior to the external beauty. As long as we follow the guidelines set by Allah & His Messenger (s.a.w.). And as long as that we are not arrogant. However, why do we see people follow fash fashion blindly nowadays? There are a number of reasons as to why this is so. The first probable reason is peer pressure. What is peer pressure? Peer pressure is when someone feels that he will be looked down upon by his friends when he does not maintain a certain stand standard of dress (or own similar material items or do certain actions) when he is with them. Every member of the group attempts to comply with the expectations of the group, putting a bit of pressure on each of them to dress similarly or possess alike things or act the same way. The influence made by every person of the group is usually too great for him to refuse. Secondly, often you will find that some peo-

ple are blindly-following fashion because they love celebrities. They love to imitate their beloved actors, sports stars, TV personalities, bloggers or singers by wearing comparable or identical clothes or shoes to their celebrities’ clothes or shoes. Here’s another reason why people blindly-follow fashion. It is because they could have a defect. They probably have a weakness in their personalities or they are not confident enough to just be themselves. They try to hide their shortcomings by wearing the latest trends so that they can try to divert attention away from their faults. They reckon that other people will not notice their flaws if they were to concentrate on their ‘cool’ fashion instead. A proper Muslim does not get overly-impressed or obsessed with fashion. A proper Muslim does not follow fashion blindly. A proper Muslim wears good, clean clothes. A proper Muslim wears decent clothes that do not attract perverts or lewd people. A proper Muslim wears clothes that can preserve his identity and modesty. He or she does not wear outfits that expose his or her Awrah*. Have you ever noticed that it is quite easy to be able to see if a practising Muslim woman is present around us? It is mainly due to her Hijab covering her hair. Her hijab not only quickly identifies her as a believing woman or a God-fearing or a Godloving or a modest woman. It also enables her to be in total control of who can see her and who can’t, what they can see, and what they can’t. As one travels around the world, one would be able to easily spot an exemplary, always elegant, always appropriately-

dressed and confident Muslim woman. A role model for all women in any society. Her overall speech, dress and actions actually exude decorum everywhere she goes. A proper Muslim woman behaves honourably, speaks with dignity and wears clothes that protect her identity as a true practising Muslimah. Even if she is in the streets of New York or jungles of Africa or shops of China, we should be able to tell straightaway if she is a Muslim. Undeniably, she will usually be well-treated and well-respected by well-bred individuals around her. What an honour indeed. Alhamdulillah*! This article has been mostly transcribed from a video by Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem (details below). However, I would like to mention that it has been extended and edited. https://storiesformuslimkids.


Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017


5 Ways To Show Emotional Support For Someone In Pain

By C ureJoy t can be hard to watch a friend or relative experience pain. Maybe they had a messy breakup or a scary operation. Or perhaps they lost their ob or made a mistake. Regardless of the situation, being their rock will help them bounce back. Here are five ways you can show emotional support when someone is hurting. 1. isten istening is the most important step. After all, the other person probably has a lot on their mind! Simply talking about it will help them process the situation. At the same time, it ll help them sort out their thoughts. So try to listen without interrupting or changing the topic. t doesn t even matter if you don t know the “right words to say. They ll feel better knowing that you care enough to listen. 2. Pay Attention This is right up there with listening. f someone needs to vent, keep all eyes on them. Put away your phone and turn off the television. ook at the person when they speak. Not only is this respectful, but it shows that you are willing to help.

3. Ask Questions Asking uestions about someone s issue will show that you re actually listening. This can be anything from “ hat will you do next to “ s there a way can help t will get the conversation going and show that you empathize for their pain. 4. on t Judge Their eelings Everyone handles pain in different ways. Respect the other person s feelings and thoughts, especially in the beginning. eep in mind that they re in a vulnerable emotional state. They re most likely shocked or hurt. Acknowledge that they are feeling what they are feeling, even if you can t relate or understand. Try not to criticize, too. 5. Show And Care Support doesn t stop at a conversation. t s true what they say actions speak louder than words! et someone know you care by doing things in person. Are they healing after surgery Stop by and cook a meal. id they ust go through a breakup Bring them to yoga class. These actions will strengthen your bond and prove that you re happy to oin their healing ourney.Be patient with your loved one. They might not be themselves right now and that s O . Your love and care will help them more than you know.

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The key is to still be practical, but also to be passionate. You were not meant to live this life doing ust what is re uired to survive, you were meant to live life valuing your dreams. on t be afraid of failure, because failure is a learning experience that will strengthen you and prepare you to do better in the future. ould you rather sit around and live in the regret of not knowing what would ve happened if you had tried or would you rather lead an exciting life by taking on risks and challenges that will ultimately lead you towards reaching your dreams. t s never late to start iving Your reams!

- Hon. John McCallum, MP



Self-respect is crucial to self-care because it protects you from settling for less when you deserve the best. This is toxic to how you view yourself and how you allow others to treat you, your values and your boundaries. f you allow others to trample over your expec expectations constantly, you re debasing your worth and your self-esteem. You might be afraid that if you have high standards for yourself, peo people might perceive you as a high-maintenance person and even abandon you in the process. n fact, it s probably a good thing that they do that and reveal that earlier during your impor important ourney. At the end of the day, your opin opinion of yourself and what you deserve is all that truly matters to you in your life. Having high standards for yourself, your career and relationships protects you in the long-run. Think of some things that fall below your standards as bad experiences. You re not getting what you need and want out of it, but the person on the other side is. t s not worth the time and your energy if someone else is benefiting from the positive return. ife is too short to waste your energy by allocating resources into goals that are not truly your own. Caring for ourselves means remaining authentic and recognizing our true passion. on t be pressured into picking a certain career path ust because society says it s the right one for you, don t always settle for obs ust because they ll pay the rent, don t pursue a ma or ust because of its financial rewards unless it s something that really interests you. Sometimes, you will have to do what you have to do in order to survive - but be sure you re still looking for ways to improve yourself and progress to something better and something that represents your true self. Setting aside time to pursue your dreams is important because these are things no one can take away from you. You own the right to all your dreams and the ability to make them come true. At the end, it s all about you - about your uni ueness - about your dreams!

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Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017


From the pen of the Founding Editor of ‘The Miracle.








E j e c t e d - G e ar u p L and ing ! S n q .Ldr. Nusrat Hussain ( R) nh.guidingstar@ gmail.com t was a beautiful afternoon in spring of 1 , CA O Cloud and visibility O ideal for flying weather with light and variable wind and more than kilometers visibility prevailed at the reen Air ield status of Pakistan Air orce Base Masroor. Sipping a hot cup of tea, stood behind the hot seat of the uty Air Traffic Controller ATCO in the control tower. Abdali Section, a formation of 4 -6 aircraft of No. 23 s uadron was inbound from Air Base Samungli. The formation was led by ing Commander lyas Baig who was the Commanding Officer of No. 23 s uadron. My course mate lying Officer Adnan Mazhar was No. 2 in the formation, light ieutenant Tahir Afzal was No. 3 and another course mate of mine lying Officer Mazhar Baig operated as No. 4. No. 23 s uadron of Abdalis was inbound to Masroor for Air to ground firing over the Sonmiani firing range. They had flown about 6 kilometers away from Samungli Air Base near Quetta in the Baluchistan province of Pakistan. The formation of four came normal on initials, after pitching out


and turning base the controller issued landing clearance to the leader and number two. t was busy traffic time a few aircraft had earlier landed and cleared the runway ahead of the Abdali Section. Abdali eader after landing was about to clear the runway when No.2 in the formation touched down with gear up raising lot of dust on the concrete surface. hen the aircraft reached about 3 feet down the runway heard a big bang and saw a parachute popping out of the landing aircraft and a pilot dangling under a fully blossomed parachute. Standing from behind the hot seat, recognized the dangling figure about one hundred and fifty feet above the runway and probably fifteen hundred to two thousand feet away from my position in the tower. shouted him to be Adnan. had seen Adnan in the flight plan of the formation, but at that time wasn t sure if he was No. 2 in the formation. However, his hanging figure made me think about him. The pilot forgot to lower his gear and the mobile officer missed the visual check of the gear of the landing aircraft. Adnan till today had no clue that what



had gone wrong. According to him, “ could only see rising dust all around and rumbling noise of metal touching the concrete runway surface. irst thing that came to his mind was the reliability of the Martin Baker e ection seat. He immediately pulled the e ection handle to get out of that dangerous looking cockpit. light ieutenant Tahir Afzal No.3 was turning finals and lying Officer Mazhar No. 4 in the formation had checked the base leg when they saw a parachute popping out from the landed aircraft. They were ordered to go round as the landing runway was blocked. Mazhar, No. 4 in the formation told me that he was flying into Masroor for the first time and had never landed before at aisal Air Base that was a few miles away from Masroor. However, Tahir, No.3 in the formation was an experienced pilot who carried him to the diversion airfield of aisal Air Base. The aircraft that landed without gear remained intact and was soon towed off the runway after the engineering staff lowered the landing gear. Many other aircraft were diverted to aisal on that evening. The professional per-

rom eft: Tahir Afzal, Rehmat, Mazhar, Rehman, Moha ir, and Abbas Petiwala telling a tale.

Nusrat and Adnan


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sonnel of the Pakistan Air orce comprising the engineering branch and the air traffic controllers got the runway cleared and made it available for all flying activity within an hour of the accident. Tahir Afzal later crashed in a midair accident of mirages. ncident of that unfortunate crash is mentioned in another chapter of The ast Salute. Adnan left the Air orce earlier and is settled in the USA. Mazhar lives in Toronto with his family.

as e r e n r d ced e



Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017


Growing Trend Of Intolerance And Extremism

By:K halid Z aka: ntolerance and extremism are fast engulfing the historic pluralism and sectarian harmony of the Pakistani society. t is inculcating a culture of silence which become a tool in the hands of the Elite and their masters to maintain status- uo. To eradicate a problem, it is necessary to ascertain the potential causes of the problem. ew postulate and uestion the origin of Pakistan and its constitution as the root cause Some portray the current situation contrary to the vision of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah ew others looking for the answers to the uestions such as: s it related to Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan oes poverty, ine uality, and economic deprivation is the source of extremism Are extremist tendencies being common in all segments of society, irrespective of their socio-economic status hich segments of society are breeding extremism Are these tendencies an outcome of the unipolar orld The uestion regarding the origin of Pakistan does not seem valid and logical because many newborn countries in the orld are the outcome of retreating colonial powers and Pakistan is not the only one The most important is to identify the conflicts responsible for the extremism, silence and statusuo and to look for policies and measures which instil harmony and oneness irrespective of the cast, creed and religion. One cannot move the wheel of history backward. The Quid-e-Azam Muhammed Ali Jinnah manifested his vision of Pakistan in his inaugural address dated August 11, 1 4 , to the constituent assembly of Pakistan. He stated “You are free you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mos ues or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State.

The first blow to the Quaid s vision was the acceptance of the Ob ectives Resolution which was adopted by the constituent assembly of Pakistan on March 12, 1 4 . Then Prime Minister, ia uat Ali han, had presented it in the assembly on March , 1 4 . The non-Muslim members of the constituent assembly vigorously opposed it, and all of them voted against it. Birat Chandra Mandal on March 12, 1 4 said that Jinnah had “une uivocally said that Pakistan will be a secular state. The most learned and expressive speech in favour of the Resolution came from the foreign minister, Sir afrulla han, an Ahmadi by faith. The fatal blow to Jinnah s vision of Pakistan was delivered in 1 56, when yielding to the demands of religious hardliners, the country was officially declared an slamic Republic. Some argue that the irreversible slide toward extremism truly began when Prime Minister ulfi ar Bhutto adopted measures in the 1 3 constitution. Per r Raza han October 2 , 2 13 in the initial years of Pakistan, there was never a strong demand from the public to establish a theocratic state, therefore, neither in the 1 56 Constitution nor in the 1 62 Constitution, were there any elaborate or special provisions for establishing an slamic state and society in Pakistan. However, in the 1 3 Constitution, a special section of slamic provisions was incorporated. Notably, these so-called slamic provisions are not included in the operational part of the 1 3 Constitution but are only mentioned in the irective Principles of Policy part, which in other words means that they are not binding provisions of the Constitution. This shows that the ruling elite even then was not ready to establish a theocratic state but only wanted to give an impression that they were uite sincere with the idea of putting in place a true slamic dispensation.

Some analysts believe that the then Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan and the alliance of United States US and Pakistani Establishment PE to fight back communism by creating and sponsoring Jihadi was a principal contributing factor in spawning extremism. That war grossly changed political, cultural and law and order situation in the country. US through PE provided monitory, military and public support to wage Jihad against the Communism. To fulfill the re uirements of the Jihad and to have freehand, the elected government of Pakistan Peoples Party was toppled down by ia-ulHa an army eneral. emocratically elected Prime Minister ulfi ar Ali Bhutto was hanged and ia ul Ha military rule continued for 11 brutal years with the support of US. t is worth mentioning that US who considers himself as a defendant and champion of the liberal democracy, has supported a military dictator for 11 years. Similarly, Bush Junior s hite House provided strong support to military eneral Musharraf in Pakistan. Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the US have a history of right-right alliances. Since the Afghan-Soviet war, Pakistan s religious right and centre-right parties have en oyed a close relationship with Riyadh, which is trying to take influence on the country mainly through religion. Traditionally, these also maintain a close relationship with the PE. Since the time of the ihad against the Soviet Union, the security agencies have recruited, trained, and financed ihadist and created ideologically motivated warriors, whom they continued to use for security and foreign policy agendas. These militant nonstate actors and armed militias were openly declared strategic assets and the state continued to back them till the time they turned their guns on their creators. On educational front a right-wing party R P was provided full support by the

army dictator eneral ia ul Ha to clean the educational institutes from the progressive enlightened faculty members and organizations. Many progressive and enlightened faculty members were forced to leave their obs and the remaining were put under great pressure from the R P. eneral ia ul Ha policies of arresting, torturing and penalizing the political opponents and right wing party take over of the educational institutes laid down the foundation of a culture of intolerance, silence, status uo and promotion of a typical mind set which feels duty bound to serve ihad re uirements. The lower segments of population from under developed areas of Pakistan are the main target of the extremist narratives. Poverty, lack of educational facilities and development in these areas plays a vital role in culminating intolerant and extremist mindset. Onus is on the state of Pakistan which failed to provide basic necessities and left youth of these areas on the mercy of middle eastern funded madrasas. Half of Pakistan s population is illiterate and 24 percent live below the poverty line. They do not understand and unable to differentiate between the slamic parties and house of Saud from the slam. They do not realise that the monarchies in the ulf do not represent the people of their own country, let alone Muslims all over the world.

Pakistani wonder girl Sania Syedain world’s youngest Certified Ethical Hacker


akistan is blessed with thousands of talented and extremely intellectual talent, signalling towards a bright future for the country. e don t have to travel too far back in time to realise the amazing accomplishments of its young talent. n fact the last few years have been surprisingly outstanding for its achievers, and it s clear that the new generation is pioneering the future success of Pakistan. One such example of outstanding achievers, are the Syedain siblings, hailing from uranwala. They have done Pakistan proud by

becoming the youngest Microsoft Certified Professionals in the world. After Rooma, nam Ali and Subhan, Sania Syedain has now become the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional MCP and Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist MCTS . She passed the practical exam held at Birmingham University at the age of five years and ten months in 2 14. Sania was born on th ecember 2 to hulam syedain. Her three brothers and sisters have also set records as Microsoft Certified professionals. Sania is thankful to Almighty Allah for achieving her basic target of becoming a Youngest Microsoft Certified Professional. Now education and technology is her mission but to become elite in Robotics Engineer is her passion. Her sister Rooma became the world s youngest Microsoft Certified professional. Rooma gained and achieved many of the Microsoft certified modules, including the Microsoft Certified nformation technology professional, Microsoft Certified Tech-

nology Specialists and Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate, along with 15 months experience in the networking field. Sania s brother, nam Ali Syedain, had taken another leap forward to beat his sister Rooma s record as the world s youngest Microsoft Professional of the world. He is the world target record holder, a Microsoft certified nformation technology professional, also becoming a Microsoft certified technology specialist and Microsoft certified Solutions Associate. nam Ali Syedain is looking towards a future learning hardware programming and manufacturing, along with desiring to build Pakistan s first space ship and building the world s greatest super computer. However the youngest of the Syedain siblings could not be left behind and had to achieve newer heights by beating his brother and sister to become the world s youngest Microsoft Certified Professional at the age of . Subhan passed the certification on the first attempt while studying in Class 1, going on to become a Microsoft record-holder

Court s decision in Panama eaks case. However, he added that the alleged corruption of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will not be accepted. mran han said that country s biggest problem is the corruption of politicians, adding that hyber Pakhtunkhwa police was free from political pressure. He said that instead of finding new gas reserves in the country, the government was importing gas from Qatar. feel bad about Nawaz s children mran han said that he was feeling bad about the children of Nawaz Sharif as the corruption was done by him but his children were being held accountable.

“Nawaz Sharif has been tremendously unfair to his children. He stole money himself and now his children were facing the court. feel bad about them , he added. He said that the next prime minister would think twice before getting involved in corruption after the uneasy state of current prime minister. PT chairman said that the country s fate would be decided in Panama eaks case. mran han also criticized the government development pro ects, saying that the government was bent on purchasing expensive N from Qatar. “Qatari prince sending letter to Supreme Court is Sharif s business partner , he alleged.

an nformation Technology Professional and Solutions Associate. Their achievements have led to both national and international interest, and the 4 youngsters have attained much-earned respect and acknowledgement. Their efforts have also been recognised and have been rewarded by Pakistan s Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has awarded them, scholarships for their entire educational ourney, helping to achieve the goal they have set themselves. Syedain siblings however realise that becoming record holders of this calibre, they have honoured their country, and allowed Pakistan s hidden talent to be recognised all over the world. They have vowed to help better shape the future of Pakistan, hoping that each child is able to fulfil their full potential and take the country forward into a brighter future. Syedain family is happy over their children s performance and believe they would one day serve the country in computer technology.

Imran claims to ‘fIX’ country if Trump bans Pakistani Visas

Pakistan Tehreek-e- nsaf PT chairman mran han on Sunday said he hopes that US administration under President onald Trump bans visas for Pakistanis, saying that they will fix the country if that indeed happens.Addressing a rally in Sahiwal, mran han said that the innocent people of the United States elected onald Trump as their president. “Since he s been elected, we have been listening that probably the US won t give visas to Pakistanis anymore. pray that happens. Then e will fix our own country , he added. ill accept SC decision in Panama eaks case He said that they will accept Supreme


Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017



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Jamadi Ul Awaal 5, 1438 February 3, 2017


Azhar Ali likely to lose ODI captaincy after 4-1 thumping successor to Misbah Azhar is the Test vice- limited-overs formats has been building for

Azhar Ali is likely to be removed as Pakistan s O captain after his side lost the series in Australia 4-1. Pakistan were beaten in the final O in Adelaide, slumping to the same score line they had suffered in England last year, and the PCB is keen to use it as an opportunity to replace Azhar with the T2 captain, Sarfraz Ahmed. The move, ESPNcricinfo understands, could be the precursor to eventually appointing a single captain for all formats, though any such decision will have to wait until the Test captain Misbah-ul-Ha takes a call on his future. eadership issues were discussed in a meeting in ahore during the fourth O of this series by PCB chairman Shaharyar han, chief selector nzamam-ul-Ha , and Mushta Ahmed, the head coach at the National Cricket Academy. They are thought to be united in their belief that Sarfraz should take over the O captaincy but will wait until Misbah retires to name a new Test captain. They differ as to whether Pakistan should move ahead with a single captain, but if they do go down that route it could mean that Azhar is overlooked as the Test

captain and, in Misbah s absence, led Pakistan recently in a Test against New ealand in Hamilton. t could also mean the end of an experiment begun after the 2 15 orld Cup, when, for the first time, Pakistan had three different captains - Shahid Afridi was then the T2 captain. f Azhar is axed, it will end a difficult tenure that began right after the 2 15 orld Cup. He was not in the s uad for that tournament and had, in fact, not featured in an O since January 2 13. hat he did have going for him was a secure position in the Test side, and good form in ist A cricket: in the domestic Pentangular Cup that season he was the leading scorer with 3 2 runs at an average of 6 .4 and strike rate of 6.2 . n the President s old Cup, he scored 234 runs at a strike rate of 6. . Under Azhar s leadership, Pakistan s slipped to a record-low ninth in the O rankings. They have since risen one place to at least be in the running for direct ualification to the 2 1 orld Cup, but they only scraped into this year s Champions Trophy. Much of their decline in the

some time, but it has become much starker under Azhar. Pakistan have won only five out of ten bilateral series under Azhar, two of them against imbabwe, and one each against reland, Sri anka and est ndies. n all, Pakistan won 12 and lost 1 games. The PCB has been thinking of removing Azhar for some time. n September last year, following a 4-1 thumping in England, Shaharyar had asked Azhar to consider stepping down. Azhar decided to stay on, however, and led Pakistan to a 3- whitewash of est ndies in the UAE. That win left the PCB no choice but to retain him for the Australia tour. A day before the first Test in Brisbane, however, Shaharyar again raised concerns, telling ESPNcricinfo that Azhar s place in the O side was on shaky ground and that they were considering replacing him. Azhar s individual performances have not been poor in that time - he has scored 1152 runs at 3 .1 . He has expanded his limited-overs game, evident in the improvement of his strike rate. n his first 14 O s between 2 11 and 2 13, his strike rate was

64. 4 - during his captaincy that umped to . . However, that improvement might not be enough to save his place as captain, or even in the side. ast year, Pakistan Super eague franchise ahore Qalanders also removed Azhar from the captaincy. hat the PCB will be weighing up is the potential impact such a move could have on his position in the Test side. He was Pakistan s most prolific batsman last year, scoring a hundred in England, a triple hundred in ubai and then crowning it off with a double at the MC in the Boxing ay Test he scored more runs in a three-Test series in Australia than any Pakistan batsman before him. Sour ce: C ricinfo

Mohamed Sanu, only Muslim player in Super Bowl, says he ‘can’t think about’ Donald Trump travel ban

Muslim N player Mohamed Sanu declined to opine on President onald Trump s travel ban of seven predominately Muslim countries when uizzed on the matter at Super Bowl Opening Night. The Atlanta alcons and New England Patriots have arrived in Houston for American football s 51st showpiece event this weekend, but there is no escaping the political landscape in the country as Trump continues to make waves after assuming office earlier this month. ast week he enforced an order that barred refugees and citizens from ran, ra , Syria, Somalia, Yemen, ibya and Sudan from entering America, a situation that has sparked protests across the States, including at eorge Bush ntercontinental Airport, where the two franchises arrived over Sun-

day and Monday. Sanu spent time growing up in Sierra eone, not a country on that list, but the fact the prominent Atlanta alcons receiver is the only practising Muslim who will play at NR Stadium this weekend meant he garnered plenty of interest during the first round of media availability on Monday night. “That s a very tough situation, the 2 -year-old said of the immigration ban. “ ust pray that us as a country and a world can ust be united as one. t s really hard for me to talk about this now, it would take a lot of time, so ust want to focus on the game and ust talk about football. “ m not really here to talk about that right now, m more focused on the game. At another time, maybe, but not right now. “ m ust going to go out there and play for my team-mates, my




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brothers, my family and everybody else that m representing. can t really think about that now, ve ust got to focus on the game and give all can for my team-mates. Sanu revealed his mother is due to arrive from Sierra eone on ednesday, though stressed his concerns about her arrival were more based on long-haul plane travel than anything else. And as the uestions continued to arrive about the biggest issue in America, Sanu reiterated that he did not see this maor stage as a platform to offer his religious and political viewpoint. “My name s Mohamed, a lot of people know m Muslim, but m here because of my football talents, not because m Muslim, he added. “ m here to talk about football so if you guys are going to continue to ask me about my reli-

gious beliefs then m going to continue to tell you the same thing. “ m here to talk about football. respect all of you guys, have tremendous love for all of you guys, but m here to talk about football and playing against the Patriots. Sour ce: T elegr aph

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