Bringing Harmony To All The Communities ...
Bi-Weekly & Bilingual
Volume 17 Issue 439 - Shabaan 2, 1438 AH / April 28, 2017
10 M iraj - un N abi ( saw) cel ebrations in Town..,
15 I sl amic
R el ief F und raised F or R ohingy a... 16 50k fundi ng for M asj id A L N oor S urrey ....
W ho wil l l ead the P anama L eak s...? Trump ord er on sanctuary city ... L oonie tak es a hit from softwood ...
P ol itical l eade rs...
E l ections S aga- F rom ond on, to V ancouver, . I sl amop hobia and C anad a...
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2 E D I T O R I A L Every Single Vote Matters Shabaan 2. 1438
April 28, 2017
ne man. one vote” is the most fairest method to choose l ead ers in any d emocratic society . V oting is p atriotic right to choose y our rep resentative government. A citiz en’ s vote is a secret bal l ot. V oting is the most imp ortant ex ercise a citiz en wil l d o as a resp onsibl e citiz en of a d emocratic nation. I n a functioning d emocracy , being abl e to vote al l ows citiz ens to ex p ress their p ol itical op inions by voting a p articul ar p ol icy or cand id ate that has y our best interest in mind . B y this, y ou can d ecid e y our very own future by op ting a cand id ate who might sp ecul ate y our own asp ects and p ossibl y those p eop l e who share the same op inion with y ou. V oting is a right of al l el igibl e voters in any country . I t is seen as the normal or ty p ical form of p ol itical activity and it remains the p rimary means of p ol itical p articip ation. The goal of any voting sy stem is to establ ish the intent of each ind ivid ual voter and transl ate those intents into a final tally or reality. A ccord ing to A braham L incol n; “ N o man is good enough to govern another man without that other’ s consent” This further ex p l ains that in a trul y d emocratic society , governments are instituted among qualified and responsible men who d erive their j ust p owers from the consent of the governed . A nother ex - A merican p resid ent, L y nd on J ohnson have this to say in sup p ort of A braham L incol n that “ The right to vote is the most basic right, without which al l others are meaningless”. Voting is the first d uty of d emocracy . G overnment is based on citiz ens votes for rep resentation. I n a d emocracy , y our vote is y our voice and the act of stand ing up for what y ou bel ieve. V oting hel p s to p reserve our way
of l ife. The el ections for the formation of the new B C l egisl ature are sl ated for May 9, 2017. Whereas both of the k ey contesting p arties ( V iz - the L iberal s B C or the N D P ) are l aboring overtime to woo the el ectorate for the formation of the nex t government at V ictoria, but which of them emerges victorious at the end is y et to be d etermined . N onethel ess, it is of the essence for every voter to cast his/her vote, for every singl e vote matters in the el ections. S o far as the l ocal M usl im p op ul ace is concerned , it is of crucial imp ortance for it to go to the d esignated p ol l ing stations of their resp ective areas to ex ercise it’ s hard - earned right of franchise that has been bestowed up on the p eop l e being the citiz ens of the country of its ad op tion. E very vote matters in the d emocratic set up of the government, where the p eop l e are its real architects. This is the p recise reason that the M iracl e newsp ap er is strenuousl y creating awareness in the I sl amic community for its p ositive and energetic p articip ation in the el ectoral p rocess, may that be at the F ed eral l evel or el se at the L ocal or P rovincial l evel s. I t is, however, regretted to p oint out that d esp ite the rep eated wak e up cal l s the l ocal M usl im U mmah d oes not d eem ap p rop riate to p ay heed to the wak e up al arms and l et the op p ortunity of send ing more of its rep resentatives in the p rovincial l egisl ature sl ip out of its hand s. C onseq uentl y , the rep resentation of this community at al l the l evel s of governance is d evastatingl y much bel ow its p rop ortion. This is ap p al l ingl y d ismay ing p icture in comp arison to the other ethnic communities around . N ow when the time for getting something substantial has p ractical l y run out
owing to the faul t of none other than the community itsel f, it is futil e to cry over the sp il t mil k . A l l than can ( and ought to) be d one at the moment is to work hard for the success of the M usl im cand id ates ( no matter which p arty they bel ong to or where l ie the roots of their origin) in the fray by consol id ating al l the M usl im votes in their resp ective areas and bringing the voters out of their homes for casting their votes at the p ol l ing boots. P utting together of every sol itary vote matters for winning the el ections in the same way as the l ittl e d rop s of water are req uired to contribute their might to mak e an ocean. The y outh vol unteers of both the sex es can accomp l ish this p rod uctive j ob convenientl y and effectively. Besides, it is equally imp erative for al l the organiz ations of the community op erating in this area to formul ate some tangibl e p l an and ed ucate the p eop l e for future on this issue of crucial imp ortance, as the cy cl e for the forthcoming general el ections at different levels continues to roll ahead on the footing of four y ears term und er the l aw. I f Y ou D on’ t V ote, D O N ’ T F or every one that comp l ains that they d on’ t l ik e how the government is running things now and for every one that think s the government is on the right track , tod ay is y our d ay — E l ection D ay . N obod y in this worl d has the right to comp l ain about how our government is work ing, how our rep resentatives are voting or how corrup t our state government is unl ess he or she has voted . V oting for our rep resentatives is the cornerstone of our d emocracy , and we d o have the p ower to change how government work s through our vote. V oting tak es very l ittl e time, and if
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y ou d id not vote for a cand id ate y ou shoul d not comp l ain, because y ou d id not even tak e the time to vote for those p eop l e who mak e the d ecisions. H owever, the sad fact of this worl d is that most p eop l e d o not vote. They d o not think it is worth the time; they d on’ t think their one vote wil l matter, and they think that there is nothing that can be done to fix the way p ol itics are now. Those p eop l e are wrong. W hil e change is never easy or fast it can be d one, and voters have p roven they can sp eak with one very l oud voice. The onl y thing someone can d o that is worse than not voting is voting bl ind l y . V oters need to mak e sure they are sending someone into office they think can d o the best j ob. R ead the newsp ap er tod ay , and get a grasp on the people running for office, and then go into the voting booth. B etter y et, tak e a minute right now to contemp l ate what issues are the most imp ortant to y ou and y our famil y , and then tak e a l ook at what the cand id ates bel ieve in. I f y ou d on’ t k now what y ou bel ieve in, d on’ t comp l ain when someone d oes it for y ou. I n short, go vote. These are the p eop l e that rep resent y ou in government and mak e d ecisions that directly affect your life. Do the job right, and mak e sure they are rep resentatives y ou bel ieve in.
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Premier’s statement on Trump administration softwood trade action P remier C hristy C l ark issued the fol l owing statement regard ing the U .S . D ep artment of C ommerce’ s p rel iminary countervail ing d uty d etermination to assess d uty rates of ap p rox imatel y 2 0 p er cent on C anad ian softwood lumber exports: “ M y message to B .C . forest work ers, their families, and producers is this: We are here for you. We will fight for y ou. A nd we wil l not give up . “ W e wil l continue to p ress our case and imp l ement our A ction P l an on softwood. We will: 1 . F ight the unfound ed cl aims of the U .S . l umber p rod uction l obby and the unwarranted and unfair d uties p l aced on C anad ian l umber p rod ucts; 2 . U se this p rel iminary p eriod for B .C . and Canada to reinforce our efforts to reach a fair d eal with the U nited S tates; 3 . W ork with U .S . home buil d ers and l umber retail ers to d emonstrate that C anad ian softwood l umber is a critical comp onent of continued U .S . economic growth; 4 . C ontinue to work with the fed eral government to ensure B .C . forest work ers are sup p orted in the event of j ob imp acts; and 5 . A ccel erate our p roven actions to d iversify our mark ets and p rod ucts to further red uce our rel iance on the
U nited S tates. “ The forest ind ustry buil t this p rovince, and it has a strong future ahead – having added 9,825 jobs in the sector since 2 0 1 1 . W e wil l onl y accep t a new agreement that works for B.C. We will fight, and we wil l win – as we have before.” “ The B C L iberal government has mad e strong p rogress on d iversify ing B .C .’ s lumber product exports. In 2015, 59 per cent of B ritish C ol umbia’ s softwood l umber ex p orts went to the U .S . – d own from 82 per cent in 2001 thanks to increased ex p orts to overseas mark ets incl ud ing C hina and I nd ia.” P remier C l ark wil l be meeting with members of C abinet to d iscuss these d evel op ments and d etermine further actions to stand up for B .C . work ers and our forest ind ustry .
Christy Clark And The BC Liberals Refuse To Commit To Replacing Pattullo Bridge
C hristy C l ark and the B C L iberal s j ust d on’ t care about the crumbl ing P attul l o B rid ge and what it means for commuters, S urrey W hal l ey N D P cand id ate B ruce R al ston said tod ay . I n C hristy C l ark ’ s resp onse to the M ay ors’ C ouncil ’ s el ection survey , she refused to commit to rep l acing the P attul l o B rid ge. The P attul l o has been falling apart for 16 years. It is 80 y ears ol d . P ieces have l iteral l y been crumbling off of it and there have been warnings that it is vul nerabl e to a strong wind . I ts narrow l anes are increasingl y d angerous, with an increase in traffic and head - on col l isions since tol l s were im-
p osed on the P ort M ann B rid ge. J ohn H organ has been cl ear that he wil l work with TransL ink to immed iatel y rep l ace the P attul l o B rid ge and fund 4 0 p er cent of the cost, and H organ wil l al so el iminate tol l s on the nearby P ort M ann and G ol d en E ars brid ges, which wil l hel p to take traffic pressure off the Pattullo. “We can’t afford to stall on replacing the Pattullo Bridge, or taking the tolls off the P ort M ann and G ol d en E ars brid ges, ” said S urrey W hal l ey N D P cand id ate B ruce R al ston. “Affordability is one of the key issues I k eep hearing about over and over again in W hal l ey . B ritish C ol umbians are being sq ueez ed every d ay by rising costs, incl ud ing the tol l s that onl y they have to p ay to get to work .” “ C hristy C l ark and the B C L iberal s stal l and und erfund , and they ignore the may ors’ plans for fixing our traffic problems. W e wil l work with may ors and the fed eral government to fix them,” Ralston said.
Letter 91 from Professor Tazim Kassam to US President
By:TAZIM R. KASSAM A ssociate P rofessor of R el igion S y racuse U niversity D ear P resid ent Trump , V ice P resid ent P ence, M embers of the Trump A d ministration and 1 1 5 th C ongress, To be human and humane is a high cal l ing. W hat has mad e A merica great is its humanistic sp irit of tol erance and fairness, its search for ind ivid ual hap p iness and the common good , its embrace of universal val ues that p romise a l ife of l iberty and security for al l p eop l e, its unend ing hop e and big- hearted ness. This ethos, so beautiful l y ex p ressed
in theC onstitution of the U nited S tates, has insp ired a d emocracy that has won the ad miration of countries al l over the worl d . H owever, unl ess each generation of A mericans— l ead ers and citiz ens al ik e— embod ies these val ues and l ives up to this higher cal l ing, the uniq ue d istinction and influence of this great nation wil l not end ure. A s a M usl im A merican, I hol d d ear the ethical p rincip l es and universal id eal s of good ness and charity shared by al l rel igions and articul ated in the Q ur’ an. I n Al-Fateha (“the Opening”), the first and most freq uentl y recited chap ter of the Qur’an (1:1-7), believers entreat God, ad d ressed as C omp assionate ( R ahman) and Merciful (Rahim): “Guide us upon the straight path” (1:6). The key phrase issirat al - mustaq eem, a straight, stead fast, and secure p ath to the common good anchored in ord inary d ail y cond uct. There is nothing p articul arl y comp l ex in this cal l for rectitud e. A d hering to val ues l ik e d ecency and honesty d oes not require subscription to a specific dogma. These p rincip l es are not the p urview of a p articul ar rel igion, race, gend er, or p ol itical orientation. The Qur’an affirms that G od bestows gifts up on every human being, “ man or woman, who d oes righteous deeds” (16:97). Righteous conduct transcends religious identity: “Indeed, those who have attained faith, the J ews, C hristians and S abians… whose d eed s are p ure, their reward is with their S ustainer” (2:62). A mericans have l ong embod ied this humanistic sp irit, showing that l ife is mad e p recious not by what we tak e but by what we give to each other. I n this fractious time so fraught with fal sehood s, we need l ead ers who p ractice these val ues and l ive l ives of integrity . A s el ected officials in whom we have placed our trust, which p ath wil l y ou tak e to fulfill this higher calling?
Phone: 604-690-0400 Emails: miraclenews@telus.net info@miraclenews.com
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Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
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TTP’s Ehsanullah Ehan admits role of RAW, NDS in terrorism inside Pakistan P aki stan A rmy on W edne sda y rel eased vide o statement of top militant figure and former Tehreek- e-Taliban Pakistan ( TTP ) spoke sman E hsanul l ah E han, who is in mil itary custody . A dm itting rol e of intel l igence agencies of A fghanistan and I ndi a for fomenting terror inside P aki stan, E hsan said after the O pe ration Z arb- e- A z b in tribal areas, the TTP l ead ership fled to Afghanistan where RAW and NDS provided them compl ete supp ort. The army on 17t h A pr il had announced that one of J amaat- ul - A hrar top l eade rs and former TTP spoke sman E hsanul l ah E hsan had surrende red himsel f to the security f orces. “ J amaat- ul - A hrar ( J uA ) commande r and former TTP spoke sman E hsanul l ah E hsan has surrende red,” D G IS P R Maj Gen Ghafoor told media persons during a briefing without sharing more de tail s. E hsan said that he bel ongs to Mohmand agency and joined proscribed TTP in 2008. He said that he al so served as the spoke spe rson of J amaat- ul A hrar. I n his statement, he further states that he has seen a l ot in nine ye ars with the TTP . These pe opl e misl ed the pe opl e in the name of I sl am espe cial l y t he yout h. The transcript of E hsanul l ah E hsan’ s vid eo confession M y name is L iaqa t A l i aka E hsanul l ah E hsan and I bel ong to M ohmand A gency . I j oined Tehreek- e- Tal iban P ak istan in early 2008. I was a college student at that time. I was spoke spe rson of TTP M ohmand back then and l ater on became central spoke spe rson of TTP and J amaat- ul - A hrar. I have seen a l ot of things dur ing these nine ye ars in TTP , they misl ead the pe opl e spe cial l y the yo uth in the name of I sl am. They themsel ves never observed what they pr eached and raised sl ogans. A group in TTP , ext orted innocent pe opl e and attacke d publ ic l ocations. They even targeted school s, col l eges and universities, but I sl am doe s not pr each
viol ence. W hen mil itary ope rations began in tribal area, the tussle for the leadership intensified. Everyone wanted to be the chief of the organiz ation. A sort of campa ign was l aunched for the top pos t after the de ath of H ake emul l ah. K han S aeed ‘ S aj na’ , O mar K hal id K hurasani and M aul vi F az l ul l ah were among the contende rs for the sl ot. S hura then de cide d to hol d a l ucky dr aw for the sel ection and M aul vi F az l ul l ah was sel ected to l ead the organiz ation. W hat shal l we expe ct from a pe rson who is sel ected through a dr aw and from a man whose character is not so good, who married the da ughter of his ameer ( chief ) forcibl y . A fter P aki stan Army launched operation in North Waziristan, we fled to A fghanistan, where we establ ished contacts with I ndi an intel l igence agencies. TTP l eade rs took money from I ndi a for every crime they committed and pus hed the TTP men to the frontlines to fight against Pakistan Army and went into hiding themsel veI spok e against taki ng I ndi an suppor t. W hen they started taki ng hel p from R A W , I tol d K horasani that
we’re supporting the kuffar and helping them kill our own pe opl e in our own country . H e responde d by sayi ng, even if I srael wants to suppor t me to de stabil ise P aki stan, I wil l not hesitate in taki ng their hel p. A t that poi nt, I concl ude d that the TTP l eade rs had some pe rsonal agenda s and they were using the organiz ation for their own interests. The mil itant outfits have special committees in Afghanistan through which they communicate and coordi nate with I ndi a’ s R A W . The I ndi ans have pr ovide d some spe cial doc uments for travel ing in A fghanistan, where these pa pe rs function l ike Pakistani identity cards. Without these, it was very difficult to travel unde r the current security situation there.A fghan and I ndi an forces used to hel p mil itants move around and assisted them in infiltrating inside Pakistan.Since Pakistani A rmy de stroye d several J amaat- ul - A hrar camps in P archa and L al pur a and ki l l ed many of their commandoe s in its ongoing operation, they’ve had to flee the area and abandon their stronghol d, which has shake n the moral e of their commande rs and l eade rs.I want to give message to those who want to come back from these camps . S top what you are doi ng and adopt the pa th of pe ace, and come back to a l ife of tranqui l ity .W hen these mil itants were de nied coverage in medi a they started using social medi a to target the yout h. They started misl eadi ng them and pr ovoki ng them using wrong interpr etations of I sl am. They spr ead pr opa ganda and statements that coul d turn young pe opl e onto their side .I want to tel l those young pe opl e that these pe opl e are fighting for their own interests and are being used by ext ernal forces. D ue to these reasons, I de cide d to turned away f rom them and s urrende red be fore army vol untaril y . Source:The news
Who will lead the Panama Leaks investigation team?
According to officials of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), that person would be Wajid Zia, a grade 20 officer of the P ol ice S ervice of P aki stan. Z ia is currentl y serving as the add itional di rector general of the agency . O n Thursda y , the ape x court di rected the formation of a six- member p robe team. B y its orde rs, the team wil l be heade d by a senior officer of the FIA who should not be below the rank of additional director general. The other five members would be: i) A repr esentative of the N ational A ccountabil ity B ureau (N A B ) ii) A nominee of the S ecurity & E xc hange C ommission of P ak istan ( S E C P ) famil iar with money l aunde ring and white- col l ar crimes iii) A nominee of the S tate B ank of P aki stan ( S B P ) iv) A seasoned officer of the Inter-Services Intelligence ( I S I ) nominated by i ts di rector general v) An officer of the Military Intelligence (MI) handpicked by i ts d irector general There are three addi tional - di rector general s, incl udi ng Z ia, worki ng at the F I A headqua rters in I sl amabad. I n its 540page verdict the court requires the officer leading the team to possess “firsthand experience of investigation of white col l ar crime and rel ated matters.” I t is uncl ear if any of the three men meet the requi rement. B eside s Z ia, the other ad di tional di rector general is C apt ain ( r) A hmad L atif. B oth him and Zia joined the police service together in 1988. Latif is currentl y in charge of the agency’ s anti- corrupt ion wing, whil e Z ia overl ooks its immigration de p artment. B y some accounts, L atif coul d l and the coveted j ob of pr obing the
pr ime minister owing to his backgr ound. H e is a retired military officer who hails from Sindh. But these two facts coul d al so go against him. I f the government has its way , it woul d not want a J I T where the uniformed men are more in number and are l ed by a man not from the pr ime minister’ s home pr ovince. L atif, say those cl ose to him, has been vocal about not wanting the job. The retired officer is not keeping wel l due to his d iabetes and wants to steer cl ear of anyt hing too pr essing. A s for Z ia, he is original l y from the M urree Tehsil in R awal pi ndi . C oincide ntal l y , he is al so a bl ue- eye d boy of I nterior M inister C haudhr y N isar A l i K han. Z ia is know n to be
a religious man and an upright officer. Earlier, he served in the Ministry of Religious Affairs. “He is honest but weak,” one of his col l eagues, who aske d not to be named, tel l s G eo. TV . “ H e can’ t say no t o his supe riors.” L ike L atif, he, too has no expe rience investigating whitecol or crimes in P aki stan. I f Z ia l ands the stint, he woul d requi re the hel p of expe rts from within the agency . I t is al so important to mention Dr. Shafiq-ur-Rehman, the third additional director general and a grade 19 officer. He is the l east l ike l y to make the cut as he was rej ected, twice, by the C entral S el ection B oard ( C S B ) for pr omotion to grade 20. A bove al l three men is M uhammad A ml ish, the di rector general of the F I A . H e woul d be retiring on M ay 31. B ut before that, A ml ish wil l choose the man to l ead the court’ s J I T. I nterestingl y , the interior minister di rectl y oversees matters of the F I A . H owever, repor tedl y , N isar and A ml ish are not on tal ki ng terms. The rift de vel ope d in M ay 2016 dur ing a meeting at the I nterior M inistry . N isar berated the F I A chief using a medi a repor t about the l ack of changes within the agency . The argument soon turned heated as A ml ish offered to resign if the minister was not satisfied with his pe rformance. S ince then, the agency chief has remained uninvited or missing from meetings with the interior ministry . I nstead, Z ia is sent as the F I A rep resentative. O nl y time wil l tel l if A ml ish woul d consul t the pr ime minister secretariat and the interior ministry before choosing the l ead investigator or assert his own authority . Source: The Geo news
Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
& I N T .
Trump order on sanctuary city Loonie takes a hit from softwood funding blocked in court lumber duties over for d ep ortation und ocumented immigrants
W ithhol d fed eral fund s from so- cal l ed sanctuary cities, d eal ing another l egal bl ow to the ad ministration’s efforts to toughen immigration enforcement. U S D istrict J ud ge W il l iam O rrick in S an F rancisco issued the p rel iminary inj unction in two l awsuits on Tuesd ay - one brought by the city of S an F rancisco, the other by S anta C l ara C ounty - say ing the p resid ent has no authority to attach new cond itions to fed eral sp end ing. The inj unction wil l stay in p l ace whil e the l awsuits work their way through court. W hite H ouse chief of staff Reince Priebus said the ruling was the 9th C ircuit “ going bananas” , referring to the j ud icial district where the ruling was issued. The 9th Circuit C ourt of A p p eal s p reviousl y rul ed against P resid ent D onal d Trump ’ s ban on travel l ers from several M usl im countries. “ W e’ re tak ing action to ap p eal this, ” P riebus tol d rep orters of the sanctuary city d ecision. J ud ge O rrick said Trump cannot set new cond itions for the fed eral grants at stak e. A nd even if he coul d , the cond itions woul d have to be cl earl y rel ated to the fund s at issue and not coercive, the j ud ge said . “ F ed eral fund ing that bears no meaningful rel ationship to immigration enforcement cannot be threatened merel y because a j urisd iction chooses an immigration enforcement strategy of which the p resid ent d isap p roves, ” the j ud ge said . Trump ’ s J anuary ex ecutive ord er on immigration ord ered the D ep artment of H omel and S ecurity and j ustice d ep artment to bl ock cities who d o not coop erate with fed eral immigration enforcement from receiving fed eral fund s. H und red s of cities, counties and states have been categorised as sanctuary jurisdictions in unofficial tal l ies, incl ud ing the entire states of C al ifornia, C onnecticut, N ew M ex ico and C ol orad o. S up p orters of the sanctuary p ol icy argue that enl isting p ol ice coop eration in round ing up immigrants for removal und ermines communities’ trust in l ocal p ol ice, p articul arl y among L atinos. The Trump ad ministration contend s that l ocal authorities end anger p ubl ic safety when they d ecl ine to hand
arrested for crimes. S an F rancisco C ity A ttorney D ennis H errera p raised the rul ing on Tuesd ay and said the p resid ent was “ forced to back d own” . “ This is why we have courts - to hal t the overreach of a p resid ent and an attorney general who either d on’ t und erstand the C onstitution or chose to ignore it, ” H errera said in a statement. S anta C l ara C ounty C ounsel J ames W il l iams said the rul ing wil l al l ow cities and counties across the country to p rep are bud gets without the “ unconstitutional threat of fed eral d efund ing hanging over our head s” . S anta C l ara C ounty sued in F ebruary , say ing Trump ’ s ord er was unconstitutional . S an Francisco filed a similar lawsuit. The US Justice D ep artment threatened l ast week to cut some fund ing to C al ifornia as wel l as eight cities and counties across the U nited S tates. The d ep artment singl ed out C hicago and N ew Y ork as two cities “ crumbl ing und er the weight of il l egal immigration and viol ent crime, ” even though N ew Y ork C ity is ex p eriencing its l owest crime l evel s in d ecad es and ex p erts say C hicago’ s recent sp ik e in viol ent crime has l ittl e to d o with il l egal immigration. S anta C l ara C ounty receives about $ 1 .7 bn in fed eral and fed eral l y d ep end ent fund s annual l y , about 3 5 p ercent of its total revenues. The county argued it was owed mil l ions of d ol l ars of fed eral fund ing every d ay and that its bud getary p l anning p rocess had been thrown into d isarray by the ord er. The j ustice d ep artment said the counties had tak en an overl y broad interp retation of the president’s order, which it said would affect only j ustice d ep artment and homel and security fund s, a fraction of the grant money received by the counties. I n his rul ing, O rrick said the l anguage of the ord er mad e it cl ear it sought to withhol d fund s bey ond l aw enforcement. “ A nd if there was d oubt about the scop e of the ord er, the p resid ent and attorney general have erased it with their p ubl ic comments, ” O rrick wrote. The j ud ge cited comments from Trump cal l ing the ord er “ a weap on” to use against j urisd ictions that d isagree with his immigration p ol icies. “ F ed eral fund ing that bears no meaningful rel ationship to immigration enforcement cannot be threatened merel y because a j urisd iction chooses an immigration enforcement strategy of which the p resid ent d isap p roves, ” O rrick wrote. The sanctuary city ord er was among several immigration measures Trump has signed since taking office in January, including the currentl y bl ock ed ban on travel l ers from seven M usl im- maj ority countries and a d irective cal l ing for a wal l on the M ex ican bord er. Source: Al-Jazeera
A cry for help: Millions facing famine in Yemen
The U N has warned that 1 7 mil l ion Y emenis wil l be in famine unl ess the worl d send s urgent humanitarian hel p . A ntonio G uterres, the U N chief, issued a cal l to action on Tuesd ay at the aid conference hel d in G eneva where d onor countries p l ed ged al most $ 1 .1 bn. B ut U N say s the amount is hal f of what is need ed to combat what it is cal l ing “ the worl d ’ s l argest hunger crisis” . M ore than two mil l ion chil d ren are acutel y mal nourished in Y emen. A id work ers say al most hal f a mil l ion of them are suffering from severe acute malnutrition which is a l ife- threatening cond ition. G uterres said that on average, one chil d und er the age of five dies of preventable causes every 10 minutes. “ This means 5 0 chil d ren in Y emen wil l d ie d uring tod ay ’ s conference - and al l those d eaths coul d have been prevented,” he said. “Our financial situation is bad , ” said F atema A l i Y ahy a, mother of a mal nourished chil d . “ O nl y sometimes we get enough money to buy food . I f any of my seven
chil d ren fal l il l , I can’ t tak e them to the hosp ital because we d o not have money for med ication.” Y emen was al read y one of the p oorest countries in the region, and the ongoing conflict between the government forces and Houthi fighters has made matters worse. “ A s a resul t for the war, my husband isn’ t work ing any more, ” said U m S al em, resid ent of Y emen’ s Hodeida. “He can’t go to sea for fishing. All men are jobless. We are suffering from a shortage of food.” Malnutrition is affecting all vulnerable p arts of the Y emeni society , incl ud ing the d isabl ed and the el d erl y . “ I t’ s been a y ear and a hal f since we’re facing difficulties to get enough food for oursel ves and our famil ies. W e are getting a l ittl e bit of food j ust to survive and sometimes we j ust stay hungry , ” said Taha al - N ahari, a mal nourished H od eid ah resid ent. P eop l e are al so d y ing of p reventabl e d iseases because heal th services, which used to p rovid e d iagnosis and treatment, have col l ap sed in most p arts. S p eak ing to A l J az eera from S anaa, S habia M antoo, a sp ok esp erson for the U N ’ s refugee agency U N H C R , said there wil l be no end to the humanitarian crisis without a p ol itical sol ution in Y emen. “ The faul t and the cause of suffering is the conflict,” she said. “That is what is need ed to be resol ved in ord er to stop the humanitarian crisis.Source: Al-Jazeera
U .S . d uties on softwood l umber imp orts hel p ed d rive the C anad ian d ol l ar to its weak est l evel in more than a y ear on Tuesd ay , with the U .S . move expected to inflict job losses on rural communities in coming months. The l oonie end ed the trad ing session at 7 3 .7 2 cents U S - its l owest cl osing l evel since F ebruary 2 0 1 6 . “ I t’ s an absol ute d isaster for C anad a, ” said U nifor p resid ent J erry D ias, a union which rep resents 2 4 , 0 0 0 forestry work ers at 1 3 4 comp anies. The U .S . C ommerce D ep artment l evied countervail ing d uties ranging between 3.02 and 24.12 per cent on five large Canadian producers and 19.88 per cent for all other firms effective May 1. The duties will be retroactive 90 days for J.D. Irving and prod ucers other than C anfor, W est F raser, R esol ute F orest P rod ucts and Tol k o. A nti- d ump ing d uties to be announced J une 2 3 coul d raise the total to as much as 3 0 to 3 5 p er cent. D ias anticip ates that 2 5 , 0 0 0 j obs wil l eventual l y be hit, incl ud ing 1 0 , 0 0 0 d irect j obs and 1 5 , 0 0 0 ind irect ones tied to the sector. H e said the fed eral and p rovincial governments need to act to shore up comp anies and avoid a rep eat of the earl y 2 0 0 0 s, when it took more than a y ear for O ttawa to react with an aid p ack age. B ob M atters, chairman of the U nited S teel work ers union wood council , said the cumul ative imp act of d uties wil l be p articul arl y harsh on smal l famil y - owned op erations in C entral C anad a and N ew B runswick that d on’ t have the deep pockets of big international firms. “ I d o susp ect that come S ep tember, if in fact the second d uties are in the same range, there wil l certainl y be some d ramatic imp acts, ” he said in an interview. M atters said some smal l er p rod ucers that hung on during the last five-year battle may not be p rep ared to absorb another p rotracted fight. He urged the Canadian government impose a 20-per-cent tariff on logs exported to the U.S. While the tariffs will hit forestry, National Bank senior economist K rishen R angasamy said the imp act on the broad er C anad ian economy wil l be l imited . L umber accounted for onl y 1 .2 p er
cent of al l ex p orts and l ess than 0 .3 p er cent of al l C anad ian j obs l ast y ear. D esp ite the chal l enges, shares of several l umber p rod ucers hit 5 2 week highs on rel ief the d uties weren’ t as steep as some feared . S hares of W estern- based C anfor (TSX:CFP) closed up 7.9 per cent on the Toronto Stock Exchange, West Fraser (TSX:WFT) 8.8 per cent, Interfor (TSX:IFP) 4.3 per cent and Norbord (TSX:OSB) 3.2 per cent. Quebec-based producer Resolute (TSX:RFP) was up 2.7 per cent and Tembec (TSX:TMB) 0.33 per cent. Paul Quinn of R B C C ap ital M ark ets said he was surp rised by the ral l y but anticip ates a correction with l umber p rices l ik el y to fal l . “ Y ou’ re going to have shifts that are going to come off, you’re going to have mil l s that cl ose and y ou’ re going to have unemp l oy ment as a resul t, ” he said from V ancouver. E astern C anad ian l umber p rod ucer E A C O M say s it has been p rep aring for d uties by l owering costs in the hop e it can withstand the p ressure of retroactive d uties. “ W e’ re real l y committed to maintaining our operations but it’s difficult to say at this p oint what the imp acts wil l be d own the l ine, even this y ear or nex t, ” said sp ok eswoman C hristine L ed uc. A l though R esol ute was given a l ower d uty that gives it a comp etitive ad vantage over other O ntario and Q uebec p rod ucers, sp ok esman S eth K ursman say s it’ s too soon to sp ecul ate about layoffs or closures.Source: CTV News
Expecting Visitors? Plan Ahead
O ttawa, O N – W ith the number of visitors coming to C anad a on the rise, I mmigration, R efugees and C itiz enship C anad a is l aunching a camp aign to encourage those who need a visa to ap p l y earl y to avoid d isap p ointment. In 2016, Canada received 2,674,964 temporary resid ent ap p l ications – an increase of 1 5 p ercent from 2 0 1 5 , and the up ward trend is continuing in 2 0 1 7 . With a significant number of people wanting to visit C anad a in the coming months, p articul arl y for # C anad a 1 5 0 , ap p l y ing earl y is more imp ortant than ever. I mmigration, R efugees and C itiz enship C anad a is remind ing travel l ers to review C anad a’ s entry req uirements to hel p ensure they are p rep ared for their trip ahead of time. E x p ecting international visitors? H el p sp read the message by remind ing y our
friend s and famil y abroad to ap p l y as earl y as p ossibl e for a visa or el ectronic travel authoriz ation ( eTA ) , to hel p ensure a smooth and stress- free travel ex p erience. W hether they p l an to come to C anad a for tourism, business or stud ies, p l anning ahead and getting the right travel d ocuments is k ey . Q uote “ I t is our goal to ensure that C anad a remains a wel coming d estination for visitors. I f y ou k now of someone coming to C anad a for their hol id ay s, to attend a wed d ing or visit famil y , we encourage y ou to reach out to them. H el p raise awareness of the imp ortance of ap p l y ing earl y for any travel d ocuments, to avoid any l ast- minute p robl ems.” – The H onourabl e A hmed H ussen, M inister of I mmigration, R efugees and C itiz enship Q uick facts • Canadian citizens, including dual citiz ens, cannot ap p l y for an eTA or a visa and wil l need a val id C anadian passport to fly to Canada. • Permanent residents of Canada are al so not el igibl e to ap p l y for an eTA or a visa, and , as usual , must show their p ermanent resid ent card or a p ermanent resid ent travel d ocument when travel l ing to C anad a.
Don’t Forget
Shabaan 2 1438 April 28, 2017
Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
A bu H urayr ah ( may A l l ah be pl eased with him) , who said that the Messenger of Allah ( )ﷺsaid: When Allah decreed the Creation He pl edge d H imsel f by writing in H is book which is l aid dow n with Him: My mercy prevails over my wrath. It was related by Muslim ( al so by a l - B ukha ri, a n- N asa’ i and I bn M aj ah) . sunnah.com/qudsi40
The Call of Islam: Peace & Moderation, Not Intolerance and Extremism
By: Sadullah Khan sl am is sal aam ( p eace) and tasl eem ( submission to the D ivine) . I n I sl am P eace is the stand ard , it is the p rincip l e, and each p erson of faith has the moral obl igation to maintain p eace, without comp romising on j ustice and truth. I sl am invites to the subul as- sal aam ( p athway of p eace) ; p eace of mind , p eace of conscience, p eace in the famil y and society , p eace with one’ s C reator and H is creation. O ne of the attributes of the D ivine is A s- S al aam ( The S ource of P eace) and M usl im greeting universal l y , up on meeting and d ep arting, is as- sal amu ‘ al ay k um or “ p eace be unto y ou” . The final and ul timate reward for human end eavor is P arad ise, referred to in the Q ur’ an as D ar- us- S al aam ( A bod e of P eace) The B el ievers were intende d to be an ummah (community) that serves as a standard/ mode l for others; what the Q ur’ an de scribes .” ...A nd we have made y ou ( ummatan wasata) a median community / a people of moderation/ a balanced medium in order that you may be a testimony or mode l for humanity .” [Qur’an 2:143] It is the absence of the balance pr ovide d by wasatiyya h ( mode ration) that ext remism creeps in. W asatiyya h is an antidot e to ... ghul uww ( exc essiveness) , tanattu’ ( harshness) , tashaddud ( severity) , tatarruf ( ext remism) ... in al l its forms. Intolerance Whence? H ow is it then that some M usl ims are so intol erant of other faiths, invol ved in atrocious and heinous acts of viol ence and sensel ess ki l l ing? A re they obl ivious to the historic ex ampl e of how the P rophe t engaged those of di fferent F aiths? I t seems that some among
M usl ims seem to have l ost sound unde rstandi ng of the teachings of our F aith and are substituting the subl ime message of I sl am by a di scourse of anger and the rhetoric of rage. There is no command or teaching in I sl am that can be referenced as the di rect reason behind an ext reme act, and ki l l ing. Those who are pl anning and orchestrating any sensel ess ki l l ings are the worst repr esentatives of their rel igions and enemies of their communities. Those who are pe rpe trators acts of wanton viol ence in the name of I sl am are doi ng a most grievous di sservice to I sl am. O thers take pr ide in being M usl ims however un- M usl im their stance may be. Then there are those who cheer acts of viol ence because they too have de generated into a hateful pe opl e. Z eal ots are a pl ague upon r el igion. E xt remists, whether reactionary or radi cal are a bane to rel igion. R eactionary ext remists do not want any pl ural ism; they view the worl d in bl ack and white, good and evil terms. They are good and anyone who op pos es them is evil . F rom among the M usl ims these are pe opl e who ‘ exc ommunicate’ any M usl im who fail to share their interpr etations of the Q ur’ an and their unde rstand ing of the faith. They use takf ir ( de nouncing a M usl im as an unbel iever) and character assassination as a tool for marginal iz ing any criticism di rected at them. R adi cal ext remists di ffer onl y in that they wil l use viol ence to further their cause and that the end j ustifies the means. They see any act as accept abl e if it wil l further their ‘ cause.’ This is bl atantl y anti- I sl amic. I n I sl am the means must refl ect its nobl e ends . A ny means that doe s not em-
body the core truths and ethics of I sl am is not from I sl am and thus de nounced as aberration. I sl am is not a secret society of conspi rators who no one know s what they are pl anning. I sl am de cl ares op enl y its aims and obj ectives and these are recogniz ed by good pe opl e everyw here as pur e and congruent with their own wisdom and t radi tions. I sl am never al l ows a M usl im to ki l l the innocent and t he hel pl ess Labeling something Islamic does not make it justifiable. R eal iz e, that j ust because you are rel igious doe s not mean that you are right. D esiring to impl ement I sl amic val ues is al ways nobl e, but having a meaningful and effective strategy is inde ed most significant. F orcing other is never an accept abl e resort and certainl y not the first resort; especially since our deen/ way of l ife commands us not to use compul sion as a tool . J ust because something needs to be done doe s not mean that anyt hing that is done is oka y; and j ust because something is done in rel igious fervor doe s not in any way pr ove that it is I sl amical l y c orrect. According to the Qur’an [5:32]; Muslims have inherited the command from that pr escribed to the C hil dr en of I srael “ whoever take s a singl e l ife without j ustification is as if he has ki l l ed the entire humanity .” F urthermore we are reminde d, I f A l l ah had not repe l l ed some pe opl e through others, monasteries, churches, syna gogues, and mosque s; al l in which A l l ah’ s name is much cel ebrated, woul d have been de stroye d. A l l ah wil l certainl y hel p those who hel p H is cause and surel y , A l l ah is A l l - P owerful , A l l Mighty’ [Qur’an, 22:40]
By:Allama Tahir ul Qadri he l ecture. S haykh- ul - I sl am made the comment that the night of M i` raj was the happi est night for H ol y P rophe t ( saw) , as this was the night when H ol y P rophe t ( saw) met A l l ah. The M i` raj of H ol y P rop het ( saw) took pl ace in three pa rts, e ach correspondi ng to the tri- di mension pe rsona of H ol y P rophe t ( saw) . The first part of the journey was from M asj id al - H aram to M asj id al - A q sa as is mentioned in the first verse of Surah Bani Isra`il. This part of the J ourney was to be k nown as the I sra. This j ourney was rel ated to the outward p hy sical d imension of H ol y P rop het` s ( saw) bashariyyah [Humanity]. Holy Prophet (saw) came with a bod il y form to this earth so that he may give us i.e. Mankind, fayd [blessings] in the form of hidayah [guidance]. This mi`raj relating to the bashariy y ah was concl ud ed when Holy Prophet (saw) led the anbiyah [prophets] in p ray er and became their I mam. The second pa rt of the j ourney , which is know n as the M i` raj , was from M asj id al A qs a to S idr at al - M untaha. This j ourney was
in relation to the ruhanniyyah [spirituality] and nuraniyyah [the light] of Holy Prophet ( saw) . I t was here at the p oint of S id rat al M untahah that H ol y P rop het ( saw) became Sayyid al-Nur [Master of the Lights]; he became the l ead er of the whol e of A l im al Khalq [World of Creation] from the bashr [mankind] to the malaikah [angels]. The last and final part of the journey was from S idr at al - M untaha to Q aba Q awsain aw A dna h; this pa rt of the j ourney accordi ng to S haykh N iz amuddi n A wl iya h is cal l ed I ` raj . The I`raj is related to the haqiqah [reality] of the H ol y P rophe t ( saw) , which is know n onl y to A l l ah and his P rophe t ( saw) . I t was at this poi nt that the mi` raj of H ol y P rop het ( saw) in rel ation to the tri- di mensions was compl eted. H ere at qa ba qa wsain that H ol y P rophe t ( saw) met A l l ah and had seen him with not onl y with his eye s but al so with his heart. I n the remaining pa rts of the l ecture S haykhul - I sl am went through many subtl e poi nts rel ating to the night j ourney . F or exa mpl e, a tafsir of the verses of S urah Tin was given. This tafsir [commentary] was unique, as Shaykh-
ul-Islam was the first muffasir [Commentator of the Holy Qur`an] to relate these verses to M i` raj . In these verses Allah takes oaths by the tin [fig], zaytun [olive], tursinin [Mount Sinai] and the Balad al-ameen [The sanctified land]. The fig here relates to Sham [Syria], whilst the olive relates to the land of Falastene [Palestine], the M ount S inai is the mountain in which M usa (as) talked directly to Allah, and the sanctified l and is M akka h, from where the night j ourney started from. A l l these things that A l l ah has take n oaths from are al l rel ated t o the I sra. The j ourney started from M akka h, and on the way H ol y P rophe t ( saw) stoppe d at S yr ia, which is where I brahim ( as) was buried; he ( saw) then went to B ayt al - L ahm [ B ethl ehem], which was where Isa (as) is buried, in P al estine. A nd then H ol y P rophe t ( saw) visited M ount S inai, where M usa ( as) tal ke d to A l l ah and had received S hariah. A l l of these stops are significant as they signify that Holy Prophet ( saw) is the master of the whol e of manki nd, and t hat the S hariah of I brahim ( as) , M usa ( as) , and I sa ( as) is contained in the
I f we do not abide by these pr incipl es establ ished in the Q ur’ an, then we are unde rmining the very spi rit of our D een. W e must heed the Q ur’ anic warning against ext remism in rel igion. ... do not be ext reme in your religion [Qur’an 4:171] The Prophet further warned, M y intercession wil l not be avail ed two categories of my community; an oppr essive/unjust ruler and a rebellious extremist [Tibrani] I warn you regarding extremism, because communities before you were de stroyed due to extremism [Nisa’i] Injustice of the self-righteous Some deviant people/groups are committing acts in the name of I sl am which are contrary to the funda mental of our faith, whil e not enough seem courageous enough to ope nl y stand up to these bul l ies who are de nigrating the name and i mage of I sl am. R emember the words of P rophe t M uhammad (pbuh):”A Muslim (one who proclaims faith) is that pe rson from whose hands and tongue other M usl ims are safe; A M u’ min ( one who manifests faith) is that pe rson in whom humanity find safety and security regardi ng their l ives, pr ope rty and honor.” [Baihaqi] The Prophet (pbuh) further advised ...A l l ah is ki nd and l oves ki ndne ss in every matter, and ki ndne ss has been granted capa city which viol ence coul d never attain. [Sahih Muslim] M ay A l l ah pr otect the innocent from the inj ustices of the sel f- righteous. Shaykh Sadullah Khan is the Director of Impower Development International
The Mi`raj of Holy Prophet (saw)
Last edition Al Names were
Names Of A l l a h (SWT) & Mohammad (PBUH)
Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver Islm. Date
April 28- May 12, 2017 Shabaan 2-16, 1438 H Day Date Fajar
Fajar Sunrise
Sunr DhuhrAsarAsar DhuhrZawal Asar (shafi) (hanfi) Maghrib Magrib
Isha Isha
2 3 4
Al Awwal Mohammad(saw) name.
S hariah of H ol y P rophe t ( saw) , so if anyone wants to fol l ow the S hariah of any one of these pr ophe ts then they must accept the S hariah of H ol y P rophe t ( saw) , who is the l eade r of al l the pr ophe ts and messengers.A l l pr aise is to A l l ah; this gathering was a great success in which over a thousand pe opl e pa rticipa ted. M ay A l l ah give us more oppor tunities to take pa rt in such gatherings the future. A meen
5 6 7
8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA
Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
PARTNERSHIPS HEALTH CARE SOLUTIONS Dear friends and families of Surrey - Newton,
brenda.locke@bcliberals.com Campaign Office Address 101- 8056 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC Authorised by David Goldsmith, Financial Agent for the BC Liberal Party 1-800-567-2257
B.C. Liberals’ promise to not leave debt for our kidsversityis of‘misleading’ V ictoria and former chief econo-
A t nearl y every campa ign stop, B .C . L iberal L eade r C hristy C l ark tel l s her suppor ters her government wil l “ make sure we don’ t l eave our chil dr en with a de bt.” B ut a C B C F act C heck shows that, accord ing to economists, C l ark’ s comments are misl eadi ng. “ E ven if we are as charitabl e as pos sibl e to the unde rl yi ng assumpt ion the pr emier is maki ng, it is untrue,” said R ob G il l ez eau, associate p rofessor of economics at the U ni-
mist for the fede ral N D P l eade r. “The province has debt on the books. The fiscal pl an has de bt accumul ation on the books , so there is no way that statement is going to be true,” said G il l ez eau. R ob G il l ez eau “ There is no way” our chil dr en won’ t have to pay off B.C.’s debt, says economist Rob G il l ez eau, of the U niversity of V ictoria and the former chief economist for the fede ral N D P l ead er. B .C .’ s overal l pr ovincial de bt is forecast to hit $ 4 7 bil l ion by 20, accordi ng to publ ic accounts. There’ s another $30 bil l ion in de bt when you count C rown corpor ations such as B C H ydr o, and TI C orp. — what is know n as sel f- suppor ting de bt because they generate their own revenue. But that is not the debt Clark is talking about. “It’s obviously debt that the public will face regardless. Whether it’s directly under a corporation, it doesn’t really matter for purposes of whether the public has debt. It’s sheltered under a Crown corporation,” said Gillezeau,
Thank you for welcoming me to your doorsteps and into your living rooms. I have met so many great families and small business owners who continue to share ideas and much needed solutions for the community we work, live and play in. You have made it very clear that Surrey Newton needs to bridge services and supports to ensure families are safe, families and businesses are benefitting from low taxes, there are high paying jobs and a bright future for our children. Let’s work together to STANDS FOR: strengthen our community.
Your BC Liberal candidate for Surrey - Newton,
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SAFE India FAMILIES & 604-503-5030 COMMUNITY Office #101-8028-128 Street (Little Plaza) PARTNERSHIPS EDUCATION HEALTH CARE SOLUTIONS Dear friends and families of Surrey - Newton, Thank you for welcoming me to your doorsteps and into your living rooms. I have met so many great families and small business owners who continue to share ideas and much needed solutions for the community we work, live and play in. You have made it very clear that Surrey Newton needs to bridge services and supports to ensure families are safe, families and businesses are benefitting from low taxes, there are high paying jobs and a bright future for our children. Let’s work together to strengthen our community.
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Your BC Liberal candidate for Surrey - Newton,
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Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
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Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
Miraj-un Nabi (saw)celebrations At Fiji Islamic Centre
O n A pr il 23, I nternational M usl im A cade my of C anada ( I M A C ) organiz ed an event at F ij i I sl amic C entre S urrey to remember the night of M iraj - un N abi( saw) . M r. A seem A kht ar K han of I M A C was the M C for this event. P rogram started with Til awat- e- Q uran- P ak recited fol l owed by beautiful N aat R asool M aqbool ( saw) by B r. A bdul R asool S al is, B r. I smail R aj put , B r. S herya ar K han. After Naat session, MC requested first Guest spe ake r S haykh N urj an M irahmadi to d el iver a spe ech on I sra wal - M iraj . H e quot ed many verses of Q uran al ong with H adi ths and de l ivered be autiful authentic incide nt of M iraj . S econd U rdu dyna mic spe ake r M aul ana A . L atif N aumani de l ivered a spi ritual B iya n and said that in orde r to unde rstand what hap pe ned on that night with our bel oved P rophe t M ohammad ( saw) , we shoul d careful l y read the first verse of Surah Isra’a 17.1”Exalted is H e who took H is S ervant by night from al M asj id al - H aram to al - M asj id al - A qs a.” . H e al so said it is A hel S unnah wal J amat’ s strong bel ief that M uhammad( saw) travel l ed from M asj id al - H araam to M asj id A qs a and then
“ I sra’ &
M asj id A qs a to seventh sky and then L a M aka n phys ical l y . L ast spe ake r P eer A fz al A hmed N aqs hbandi from B ul l ay S hah A cade my of C anada , said that the P rophe t pr esented “ Tashahhud” to A l l ah ( swt) and got S al at ( 5 P raye rs) from M iraj . Toda y this M iraj un N abi remind s everyone of us to pr ay 5 times a da y . H e al so quot ed few H adi ths about H z t M oses ( A S ) conversation and pr esence at M asj id ul A qs a. P eer A fz al al so narrated beautiful N aats and S ul tan B aou K al am in his beautiful voice. A fterwards , M r. A seem K han announced I M A C awards to these recipi ents. S pe cial A wards Maulana Naumani 20 yrs service award Shaykh Nurjan Peer Afzal Ahmed P articipa tion A wards Haji Subhan Ali Haji Mohammed Sabir Haji Kasim Ali 3 V ol unteer awards Mohammed Farouk 1 7 y rs service award as treasurer
Haji Ashaf Khan 10 yr s service award Br Shazad Shah A pr eciation award f or l eadi ng J umah sal ah A fter the di stribution of A wards ceremony he thanke d al l attende es at this event. The pr ogram ende d a fter D arrod o S al am, m ade D uaa A l l ama S haykh N urJ an for al l M usl im U mmah.
M i^ raj , The P roof of P rophe thood” AICP Celebrates Isra’ and Mi^raj (1438)
O n the occasion of I sra’ & M i^ raj , the A ssociation of I sl amic C haritabl e P roj ects in B ritish C ol umbia cel ebrated and revived the memory of the great miracl e with a great cel ebration at the C ol umbia Theatre N ew W estminster on S und ay , A p ril 2 3 . “ I sra’ & M i^ raj , The P roof of P rophe thood” was the banner unde r which this cel ebration was hel d this ye ar. A bl essed recitation from the honorabl e Q ur’ an was the best initiation for the festivities. Then A I C P C hants G roup pr aised t he P rophe t with moving I sl amic P raises ( M adi h chants) . The cel ebration incl ude d spe eches in A rabic and E ngl ish about this great miracl e. S pe eches empha siz ed the fact that A l l ah granted H is M essenger this great miracl e of I sra’ and M i^ raj to honor the M essenger sal l al l ahu ^ al ayhi wa sal l am by showing him the wonde rs of the uppe r worl d and to raise his rank and the fact that the bel ief of the M usl ims is that A l l ah exi sts without a pl ace. The fact that the P rophe t ascende d to the heaven doe s not mean that A l l ah is there. A l l ah created pl aces so H e doe s not need a ny . I t was al so a chance to cl ear that the P rophe t sal l al l ahu ^ al ay hi wa sal l am got cl ose to J ibril for as much as two cubits or l ess and not to A l l ah otherwise it woul d be bl asphe my , without doubt, because relating and attributing the distance and/ or the p l ace to the C reator is a viol ation of the basic bel ief of M usl ims. The bel ief of the M usl ims is that A l l ah exi sts without a pl ace The spe ake rs al so el aborated how the pur pos e of M i^ raj was to honor the M essenger of A l l ah sal l al l ahu ^ al ayhi wa sal l am by showing him the wonde rs of the uppe r worl d and to raise his rank and not to end up at a pl ace where A l l ah reside s, we seek r efuge with A l l ah from that. F rom al - M asj id al - A qs a the M i^ raj ( A scension) started; the P rophe t ascende d to the heaven on stairs, cal l ed al - mirqa t.
Those stairs are veiled from us. He then saw, in the first heaven, P rop het A d am who wel comed him and mad e sup p l ication for him for good things. Then the P rop het ascend ed to the second heaven in which he saw P rop hets ^ I sa and Y ahy a. The P rop het ascend ed to the third heaven where he found P rop het Y usuf. Then the P rop het ascend ed to the fourth heaven where he found Prophet Idris. In the fifth heaven, the Prophet encountered H arun, the brother of P rop het M usa. I n the six th heaven, he encountered P rop het M usa. E ach of these P rop hets received P rop het M uhammad with a warm wel come and mad e sup p l ication ( d u^ a’ ) for him for good things. The P rophe t then ascende d to the seventh heaven where our M essenger saw P rophe t I brahim. P rophe t I brahim is the best of the pr ophe ts after our P rophe t, M uhammad. P rophe t I brahim had his back against al - B ayt al - M a^ mur when the P rophe t saw him. To the inhabitants of the ski es, al - B ayt al M a^ mur is l ike the K a^ bah is to us, the inhabitants of the earth. E very da y 70, angel s go there, exi t from it and never return. O n the next da y , another 70, angel s woul d go, c ome out, a nd ne ver return and s o on. I n the seventh heaven, P rophe t M uhammad saw S idr at al M untaha, a n ext remel y be autiful tree. I n P aradi se, the P rophe t saw some of the bounties A l l ah pr epared for the inhabitants of Paradise. He saw the Hur ul-^In: non human nor j inn femal es whom A l l ah created. They are in P aradi se and w il l be married t o whom A l l ah wil l ed. The Prophet saw the wildan ul-mukhalladun: these are non human, j inn, nor angel s creations of A l l ah. They are a very beautiful creation of A l l ah whose appe arance is l ike spr inkl ed pe arl s. They are servants of the inhabitants of P aradi se. The P rophe t saw the Throne ( ^ A rsh) which is the ceil ing of P aradi se. The Throne is the l argest creation of A l l ah in siz e. A l l ah di d not create anyt hing bigger in siz e than it. The
seven heavens and the earth in compa rison to the K ursiyy are l ike a ring thrown in a de sert, and the K ursiyy in compa rison to the Throne is l ike a ring thrown in a de sert. The seven heavens and the earth in compa rison to the Throne are l ike a seed of mustard compa red to the ocean. A l l ah created the Throne as a sign of H is P ower and H e di d not create the Throne to sit on it. The Throne is the l argest creation of A l l ah in siz e. A l l ah ta^ al a the C reator of everyt hing doe s not need it, nor doe s H e need to sit on it. A l l ah exi sts without a pl ace because H e created the pl aces so H e doe s not need them. I mam ^ A l iyy may Allah raise his rank said: “Allah created the ^Arsh as an indi cation for H is P ower, and H e di d not take as a pl ace for H imsel f.” W e woul d l ik e to thank and ack nowl ed ge al l who came and j oined us on this bl essed and fragrant occasion commemorating the great M iracl e of our M aster M uhammad p eace be upon him. The enthusiasm was felt as the Hall filled beyond seating cap acity , with very l imited stand ing room avail abl e. W e at A I C P , ask A l l ah to grant the M usl ims sincerity , more beneficial knowledge, peace and prosperity. We ask Allah, the E x al ted , to bestow up on our M usl im C ommunity the bounty of entering P arad ise without p rior torture so we wil l have the great fortune of being with our M aster P rop het M uhammad sal l al l ahu ^ al ay hi wa sal l am in the hereafter ameen!
Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
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Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
BC Political Parties leaders
Andrew J.Weaver
Christy Clark
(Leader of the Liberal BC)
(Leader of the Green Party BC)
r. A ndr ew J . W eaver is a C anadi an scientist and pol itician repr esenting the ridi ng of O ak B ayG ordon H ead in the B ritish C ol umbia L egisl ative A ssembl y . W eaver is the l eade r of the G reen P arty of B ritish C ol umbia. W eaver was born in V ictoria, B ritish C ol umbia, and gradua ted from O ak B ay H igh S chool in 1979. He received a B.Sc in mathematics and physics from the University of Victoria in 1983, a Certificate of A dva nced S tudi es in M athematics ( M aster of A dva nced Study) from Cambridge University in 1984, and a PhD in A pl ied M athematics from the U niversity of B ritish C olumbia in 1987. After finishing his PhD, Weaver worked as a pos tdoc toral fel l ow in the S chool of M athematics at the University of New South Wales in Australia in 1988 and in the J oint I nstitute for the S tudy of the A tmosphe re and Ocean at the University of Washington in Seattle in 1989. Prior to joining the University of Victoria in 1992 he spent three y ears as an assistant pr ofessor in the de pa rtment of A tmosphe ric and O ceanic S ciences at M cG il l U niversity . W eaver is a L ansdow ne P rofessor and, pr ior to his el ection to the B C L egisl ature, was the C anada R esearch C hair in cl imate mode l l ing and anal ys is in the S chool of E arth and O cean S ciences at the U niversity of V ictoria, where he has worke d for 25 ye ars.W eaver has chaired or served as a member of numerous l ocal , national and international committees. F rom 20320 04 he was pr eside nt of the V ictoria C onfede ration of P arent A dvi sory C ouncil s I n 20420 05 he was pr eside nt of the U niversity of V ictoria F acul ty A ssociation and served as their chief negotiator in the 20 03 and 2 0 6 col l ective bargaining. W eaver has been engaged in publ ic outreach and science communication. H e sat on the C R D R oundt abl e on the E nvironment and has de l ivered numerous publ ic and school pr esentations and hosted many school field trips to his university laboratory over his career. H e continues to l ead the de vel opm ent of the V ancouver I sl and S chool B ased weather station pr oj ect. W eaver has authored or coauthored over 20 pe er- reviewed pa pe rs in cl imate, meteorol ogy , oceanography , earth science, pol icy , educ ation and anthropo l ogy j ournal s. H e was a l ead author in the U nited N ations I ntergovernmental P anel on C l imate Change 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th scientific assessments. He was the chief edi tor of the J ournal of C l imate from 2052009. Weaver joined the British Columbia Green Party in O ctober 2 012 as the p arty’ s de put y l eade r and candi d ate for the ridi ng of O ak B ay- G ordo n H ead. H e was el ected in the 2013 provincial election as the first Green Party MLA in British Columbia’s history. Since his running for office, W eaver has been a strong suppor ter of the de vel opm ent of the clean technology industry and a firm critic of the Liberal government’s liquefied natural gas strategy. Source : Wikipedia
Daniel Brooks
(Leader of the C onservative P arty BC)
aniel B rooks ( born July 6, 1975) is a Canadi an pol itician and smal l business owner in B ritish C ol umbia, C anada . H e is the l eade r of the B ritish C ol umbia C onservative P arty . H e served as l eade r from 2014 to F ebruary 2016, when he resigned at the pa rty’ s A nnual G eneral M eeting.H e was reel ected as l eade r of the C onservatives on S ept ember 17, 2016 at a l eade rship convention in P rince G eorge.H e was removed from the position on October 28, 2016, when the pa rty’ s exe cutive board rul ed that the pa rty meeting that ap pr oved his candi da cy for the l eade rship convention l acke d quor um. B efore taki ng up reside nce in northern B .C ., B rooks attende d the U niversity of A l berta in E dm onton, and subseque ntl y studi ed at the U niversity of W aterl oo and
hristina J oan “ C hristy ” C l ark , M L A ( born O ctober 29, 1965) is a Canadian politician who currentl y serves as the 3 5 th p remier of B ritish C ol umbia, C anad a. C l ark was sworn in as p remier on M arch 1 4 , 2 0 1 1 , after she won the l ead ership of the B ritish C ol umbia L iberal P arty in the 2 0 1 1 l ead ership el ection on F ebruary 2 6 , 2 0 1 1 . S he is the second woman to serve as p remier of B ritish C ol umbia, after Rita Johnston in 1991, however Clark is so far the only femal e p remier of B C to carry an el ection in her own right. C l ark served as a M ember of the L egisl ature from 1996 to 2005, serving as deputy premier from 2001 to 2005 during the first term of Gordon Campbell’s government. S he l eft p ol itics in 2 0 0 5 , and became the host of an afternoon rad io tal k showA t the time of her l ead ership victory , C l ark was not a member of the L egisl ative A ssembl y of B ritish C ol umbia. S he re- entered the l egisl ature after winning a by - el ection on M ay 1 1 , 2 0 1 1 , in V ancouver- P oint G rey , the seat l eft vacant by C amp bell.[3] Her government was re-elected in the 2013 p rovincial el ection, but C l ark was d efeated by D avid E by in her own rid ing of V ancouver- P oint G rey . S he was subseq uentl y reel ected to the l egisl ature in a by el ection in W estsid e- K el owna on J ul y 1 0 , 2 0 1 3 . C l ark was first elected to the legislature in the 1996 election, rep resenting the rid ing of P ort M ood y - B urnaby M ountain. During the next five years, she served as the Official O p p osition critic for the environment, chil d ren and famil ies and for the p ubl ic service. S he al so served as the camp aign co- chair for the B C L iberal s d uring the 2001 election, in which the party won 77 of 79 seats in the l egisl ature. C l ark was sworn in as p remier of B ritish C ol umbia on M arch 1 4 , 2 0 1 1 , and unveil ed a new smal l er cabinet on the same d ay . A t the time of her swearing in, she d id not hol d a seat in the l egisl ature. C l ark ran in former P remier G ord on C amp bel l ’ s rid ing of V ancouver- P oint G rey and d efeated N D P cand id ate David Eby by 595 votes. Her win marked the first time that a governing p arty won a by - el ection in 3 0 y ears. O n S ep tember 1 4 , 2 0 1 6 the B .C . L iberal P arty named ex ecutive d irector L aura M il l er to be the p arty ’ s campaign director for the May 9, 2017 provincial election. L aura M il l er is facing criminal charges in O ntario for al l eged l y d el eting email s in service with the D al ton M cG uinty p rovincial government. I n ad d ition to start of construction of brid ge rep l acement of M assey Tunnel in 2 0 1 7 , the P remier is ex p ected to al so camp aign about attempts to make more affordable housing by establishing tax es for M etro V ancouver p rop erty p urchases by foreigners and no- interest l oans from the government to first-time home buyers. Source : Wikipedia at the U niversity of N orthern B ritish C ol umbia in P rince George to obtain the final credits towards his degree. He took courses in history and tourism management, among others, and in 2 0 0 5 grad uated with a B achel or of A rts d egree in C l assical S tud ies. I n the 2 0 1 3 B C p rovincial el ection, B rook s ran as the B C C onservative P arty cand id ate in the N echak o L ak es rid ing, in which he received 1 2 .6 % of the vote. F rom S ep tember 1 2 , 2 0 1 3 to A p ril 1 2 , 2 0 1 4 , B rook s ran for the p arty l ead ership against R ick P eterson, which he won with a l arge maj ority ( 6 0 % ) .O n J anuary 4 , 2 0 1 6 , D an B rook s announced he woul d be step p ing d own at the p arty ’ s A nnual G eneral M eeting on F ebruary 2 0 , 2016 for family and financial reasons. O n S ept ember 17, 2016, B rooks was re- el ected as the B C C onservative P arty’ s l eade r at a l eade rship convention in P rince G eorge, winning on a second bal l ot with 52.1% over K onrad P imiske rn. H owever, the resul t was overturned by the exe cutive board a month l ater when it rul ed that the meeting that appr oved his candi da cy for the l eade rship c onvention l acke d quor um. Source: Wikipedia
John Horgan
(Leader of the NDP BC)
ohn H organ is the l ead er of the B ritish C ol umbia N ew D emocratic P arty and M L A for the constituency of J uan d e F ucain the C anad ian p rovince of B ritish C ol umbia. H e was born and raised in V ictoria, B ritish C olumbia. At 18 months’ old Horgan’s father died, leaving his mother to raise him al ong with his three sibl ings. H e work ed mul tip l e j obs to save money for university , incl ud ing at a p ul p mil l in O cean F al l s. H e earned his B A at Trent U niversity (Ontario) in 1983 and married Ellie in 1984; the couple had two sons. H e waited tabl es at the K eg in V ictoria before head ing to A ustral ia where he earned his master’ s d egree in history at Sydney University in 1986. Returning to Canada he went to O ttawa and work ed as a l egisl ative assistant to J im M anl y , and l ater to L y nn H unter. H organ returned to V ictoria in 1991 and became Ministerial Assistant to Dave Zirnhelt. In 1993 he was named Analyst, Policy Coordination Branch, Ministry of Government Services, and in 1996, Director at the C abinet P ol icy and C ommunications S ecretariat, M inistry of F inance and C orp orate R el ations. H is p ositions from 1991 through 1998 saw him assume increasing responsibil ities within government, incl ud ing l ead negotiator on the C ol umbian B asin Trust and as a p articip ant on teams for the Columbia River Treaty and Land Use Plans. In 1998 he work ed as a D irector in the C rown C orp orations S ecretariat before going on to work at C ol umbia P ower as D irector of Corporate Affairs, focusing on getting Keenleyside and Brilliant dams repowered. In 1999 he was appointed Chief of Staff in the Office of Premier Dan Miller. His last job in government was at the l evel of A ssociate D ep uty M inister work ing in the M inistry of F inance on energy p roj ects. F ol l owing the change of government in 2 0 0 1 , H organ went on to form I d ea W ork s to d o government l iaison work with other former government staff. Horgan was first elected to the Legislative A ssembl y in the 2 0 0 5 el ection. I n J une 2 0 0 6 , he was appointed the Official Opposition Critic for the Ministry of E nergy and M ines in N ew D emocrat l ead er C arol e J ames’ shadow cabinet, having previously served as the Official O p p osition C ritic for the M inistry of E d ucation. I n J anuary 2 0 1 1 , he announced his cand id acy for l ead ership of the N D P in the 2 0 1 1 l ead ership el ection, al though he was ul timatel y not sel ected . F ol l owing the L ead ership el ection, he was ap pointed the Official Opposition Critic for Energy, and Opp osition H ouse L ead erH e was rep l aced by B ruce R al ston as O p p osition H ouse L ead er fol l owing his entry into the 2 0 1 4 L ead ership el ection. O n M arch 1 7 , 2 0 1 4 , he announced his cand id acy in the 2 0 1 4 l ead ership el ection with the sl ogan “ R eal L ead ership . F or A l l B C ” . D uring the camp aign he has tal k ed at l ength about the necessity of bal ancing the need for j obs and resource d evel op ment, whil e p rotecting B C ’ s natural environment. H organ was accl aimed to the p osition on May 1, 2014 and was officially inaugurated as party leader on M ay 5 , 2 0 1 4 . Source : Wikipedia
Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
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Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
Elections Saga-From London, UK to Vancouver, BC
By: Maheen Nusrat t seems l ik e el ections are afoot every where. I l and ed in V ancouver on 1 5 th of A p ril , onl y to real iz e that I wil l be l uck y enough to catch the p rovincial el ection and actual l y vote in ad vanced p ol l s. I had barel y had time to recover from my j et l ag when P rime M inister Theresa M ay , who became a d efaul t P M after D avid C ameron’ s resignation fol l owing the B rex it referend um, announced a snap el ection to be held in UK on June 8th of this year. S he is hop ing to gain l egitimacy as a P M by becoming el ected by the wil l of the p eop l e. At first I thought the elections were on May 4 th and that real l y up set me, as I woul d not be there to vote in the el ections, however I soon came to real ise that the M ay 4 th el ections are the l ocal el ections. I t seems that since I have moved to the U K , I have been voting every y ear. L ast y ear, I had an op p ortunity to vote in the now historic B rex it E l ections. To the d isap p ointment and shock of many L ond oners, incl ud ing my sel f B ritain voted itsel f out of the E .U . The aftermath of this d ecision l ed to a d rastic fal l in the val ue of the p ound , need l ess to say , my E urop e ad ventures meant a greater hit to my wal l et, but worse than that was the cl imate of hatred , I sl amop hobia and racism. C ountl ess ep isod es of racial l y motivated viol ent attack s such as acid attack s and k nife crimes were on the rise. The irony is that these incid ents were not l imited to p eop l e of E urop ean d escent; it became op en season for al l immigrants irresp ective of race, col our
and rel igion. G iven the current cl imate of I sl amop hobia, it was onl y a matter of time before physical attacks affected the Muslim community of U K . B eing a visibl y M usl im woman, I fel t my sel f being constantl y on high al ert and becoming ex tra vigil ant and aware of my surround ings. This increased vigil ance was d esp ite the fact that L ond on is a very metrop ol itan, p rogressive and rel ativel y safe city . I t al so isn’ t a city that voted O ut, however d esp ite that, p eop l e in L ond on were not immune from the racism that seemed to have swep t the nation. I want to ex p l ain that d esp ite not being a B ritish citiz en, I was al l owed to vote in the B rex it el ections and can vote in el ections hel d at al l l evel s of G overnment as being p art of the C ommon weal th and being a resid ent in the U K . This is ind eed a great p rivil ege as p eop l e of E urop ean d escent and with E urop ean p assp orts were not granted a voice in the B rex it el ections. B rex it brought with it a nightmare of a task to initiate the p rocess of l eaving the E .U . C hancel l or A ngel a M erk el had tak en a hard stance against defiant Britain and made it very clear that B ritain wil l not be abl e to reap the same benefits of being part of the membership of E .U . whil st not being a member. Y ou can’ t p ossibl y have y our cak e and eat it too and I for one agree that B ritain shoul d n’ t be al l owed sp ecial p rivil eges. The announcement of the snap el ection resul ted in the p ound gaining val ue and al most coming back up to its p re- B rex it val ue. The reason for this was simp l e; a vote against the C onservative G overnment woul d mean a vote against Brexit. This was confirmed by the statement mad e by E urop ean p arl iament president Antonio Tajani: “If the UK wanted to stay , every bod y woul d be in favour. I woul d be very hap p y .” P M M ay has al so announced
that there wil l be no tel evised d ebate. L ack of access to information often resul ts is l ower voter turn- out; and fortune tend s to favour the p arties on the right when voter turnout is l owa cal cul ated risk that coul d mak e or break May’s career on June 8th. This is also why going out and voting on May 9th in the BC p rovincial E l ections is al so crucial , if B ritish C ol umbians want in the P rovincial A ssembl y . N ow, on the other hand , I have the op p ortunity to be p art of the B C p rovincial el ections after 4 y ears. I n the l ast el ection, I was here and work ing d uring the el ections and therefore had a very good grasp on the issues facing the p rovince. I wil l ad mit to being a bit out of touch; however the right to vote is something I tak e very seriousl y and am so gl ad that I wil l get to ex ercise it whil st here. This el ections; I am l ik e any other average B C resid ent, and wil l have to ap p roach the el ections through research. I t seems B ritish C ol umbians have had enough of P remier C hristy C l ark , who continues to mak e p romises and continues to break them. W ith the announcement by U S p resid ent Trump of a 20% tariff slapped onto Canadians lumber, this has now become an el ection issue, which al l p arties wil l be forced to ad d ress. The renewal of the agreements reached can have d rastic imp acts on the B C ’ s economy . M any p l aces in B C are becoming increasingly unaffordable, with Vancouver leading in being unaffordable. Housing prices are at an al l - time high, wages have not increased at the same rate as increases in M S P p remiums, H y d ro, and I C B C p remiums. These are j ust some of the issues facing ord inary B ritish C ol umbians, which imp act the overal l q ual ity of l ife. Tuition fees have constantl y been rising every y ear, mak ing p ost- second ary ed ucation out of the reach of mid d l e cl ass famil ies.
A l l the p arties have rel eased their p l atforms which can be accessed on their websites. The B C L iberal s are mak ing p romises to cut tax es, invest in school s, hosp ital s, transit and roads, and aiming for 9 consecutive balanced bud gets, whil e the B C N D P are p romising to remove MSP fees, build affordable housing, remove tol l s on P ort M ann and G ol d en E ars brid ge, el iminate interest on stud ent l oans and freez e B C H y d ro and I C B C rates. P ol itical p und its are p red icting a l arger than ex p ected imp act of the G reen p arty in this el ection and are definitely going to bring an added excitement to the B C el ection. A s M usl ims l iving in B C , we have to recogniz e the imp ortance of voting in any el ection. A s can be seen from the p l atform of every p arty , matters being p resented are those that imp act the l ives of each and every one of us. L earning about p arty p l atforms and the issues within your constituency is the first step to becoming an informed voter. G oing to community d ebates, and tuning in to med ia broad casted d ebates is another step to becoming more informed . B ut, if y ou want to see real change and imp act, I highl y encourage every one to vol unteer time d uring this el ection either with the p arty of their choice, or with E l ections B C . C anad a is our home now and what hap p ens in our el ections is j ust as imp ortant to us, and the onl y way we can ensure our voices are rep resented is by going out on Election day on May 9th or on Advanced polls days on 29th and 30th April.
By: Sikandar Hayat A l A meen P ost newspa pe r and S urrey D el ta B ranch of the B C M A hosted A l l C andi da tes M eeting for the upc oming pr ovincial el ections. R idi ngs invited at the event incl ude d S urrey- N ewton, S urrey- G reen Timbers, and D el ta- N orth. B r. S ika nda r H aya t was the M C and B r. S ika nda r K han was the M ode rator of the event. The N D P had al l 3 candi da tes pr esent from the 3 ridings invited: Harry Bains, Ravi K ahl on, a nd R achna S ingh. B C L iberal s had onl y B renda L ocke pa rticip ating, but had to l eave earl y because of
some p revious engagement. S he said that B C is the onl y p rovince in C anad a with a A A A cred it rating and that shows that B C is very wel l managed and is in good hand s. B C G reen P arty had two cand id ates who p articipated in the meeting: Saira Aujla and Jacq uie M il l er. B C G reen P arty cand id ates d ecl ared to p rovid e free d ay care to al l chil d ren. B al pr eet B al is an inde pe nde nt candi da te in the S urrey- N ewton area. H e bel ieves in coope ration amongst al l the el ected M L A s. H e showed a l ot of enthusiasm and wil l to serve the pe opl e of his constituency . N D P candi da tes pr omised to have consul -
tations with the local community to find out their pr eferences on the ( manda tory) sex educ ation in el ementary school . N D P al so made pr omises of cancel ing tol l s on the two bridge s, getting rid of M S P p remiums, increasing the fundi ng for school s and school pl aygr ounds , and establ ishing $10a- da y da yc are pr ogram across B C . N D P criticiz ed the B C L iberal ’ s government for continuousl y increasing the rates for B C H ydr o, I C B C , a nd M S P . A l l candi da tes agreed that M usl im hol ida ys shoul d be introduc ed in publ ic school s and that A rabic as a second l anguage shoul d be
avail abl e in P rincess M argaret S econda ry S chool and any other school where there is a sufficient population of Muslims. Miracle Note: Miracle Media congratulate Al Ameen Post and BCMA to held the BC Provincial Candidates(Surrey) Debates in Surrey Jameh Masjid. However, the candidates and their supporters attendance were more than our Muslim community attendants, which left very bad impact on all candidates. Please wakeup and come forward to show your numbers if you want your voice will be raised in Parliament.
AlAmeen Post and Surrey Delta Branch of the BCMA hosted All Candidates Meeting
BRUCE KEHLER (CANEX) “WHITE MAN WITH BROWN HEART”.Passed Away nity work . H e was famous for his generous W e never heard an il l word sp ok en of him. H e was
By: Khalid Zaka Community Media Secretary P ak istani C anad ian C ul tural A ssociation ( P C C A ) was shock ed to hear the news of sud d en d eath of M r. B ruce K ehl er C E O of C anex B uil d ing S up p l ies L td . O f C hil l iwack , W hol e P ak istani community l iving in V ancouver mainl and is d ismay ed and shak en of his d eath. H e was born on April 19, 1952. He celebrated his 65th birthday on April 19, 2017. H e was not onl y a successful businessman but was al so publ icl y very active in commu-
dona tions, hel pi ng the pe opl e in necessity and because of this he was acknow l edge d as a “ W H I TE M A N W I TH B R O W N H E A R T” . M r. B ruce funde d several charity pr oj ects in P aki stan and ot her countries. M r. B ruce was a pr oud father of three da ughters, that made him the voice of unde r pr ivil eged woman. H e hel pe d and worke d beyond the barriers of contour, race, rel igion or faith. H e was a through humanist and he pr oved it through his de di cated c ommunity w ork.
k ind , comp assionate, and a true gentl eman. S ad l y , there are few p eop l e l ik e that in the W orl d tod ay . H e wil l al way s be remembered for his d ed icated communal work . H e trul y had remained a l ifel ong and a tirel ess activist for hel p ing communities, friend s, and associates. P C C A ex tend s sy mp athy to B ruce’ s famil y and want to l et them k now how much we share their p ain at this sad time. M ay G od bl ess him rest and p eace and courage to his famil y to bear with this l oss.
Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
Islamic Relief Fundraised For The Rohingya Peoples
By: Haroon Khan The organiz ing committee of the I sl amic R el ief F undr aiser hel d on A pr il 17, for the pe opl es of R ohingya are humbl ed and grateful by the capa city turnout and generous dona tions total l ing $109,000 dollars. A s p art of a four city western tour incl ud ing, C al gary , E d monton, F ort M cmurray , and V ancouver, nearl y hal f a M il l ion d ol l ars was raised for I sl amic R el ief by the generous contributions of our d onors. The p urp ose of the fund raising is for I sl amic R el ief’ s critical l y need ed mobil e heal th cl inic p roj ect in the d ensel y p op ul ated N orthern R ak hine S tate to d el iver immed iate and urgent heal th care for the vil l ages and the many men, women, chil d ren and el d erl y facing p ersecution, viol ence and genocide. Islamic Relief field staff will be del ivering l ife saving heal thcare to R ohingy a refugees in the most remote p arts of the state. H aroon K han and S umaya h Tufail co- emceed the event at the invitation of I sl amic R el ief C anada , B C C hairpe rson S ister F atima B enhatta This most memorabl e evening touched every ones hearts and mobil iz ed the di versity of our greater I sl amic community with nearl y every M asj id and repr esentative ethnic groups united as one for such an impor tant cause incl udi ng M A C , P ak istan C anada A ssociation - A l J amia M asj id V ancouver, C M O B C , B C M usl im A ssociation, C anada A rab F ede ration, I sl am U nravel l ed, our many M asj ids , rel igious, interfaith, rel ief organiz ations and pe opl e l ike you. W e woul d al so l ike to acknow l edge our interfaith community and many churches who attende d and don ated s o generousl y . The readi ng of a message of suppor t from C anada ’ s P rime M inister J ustin Trude au de l ivered by M ember of P arl iament R ande ep S arai who was introduc ed by B il al C heema who al so spoke on the human rights situation facing the R ohingya pe opl e. A n addr ess by noted I sl amic S chol ar, founde r of A l I hsan E duc ational F ounda tion and the I sl am U nravel l ed initiative M ufti A asim R ashid de l ving into the pl ight of the R ohingya and how I sl amaph obia pl ay s into the ethnic and rel igious hatred t hat is behind t his unfol di ng tragedy . A ke yn ote addr ess by the accl aimed j ournal ist
and broadc aster from A l J az eera, M ehdi H asan was trul y capt ivating. M ehdi H asan enl ightened the assembl ed audi ence with his el oque nce, and cl arity of why M usl ims must take hol d of the narrative of how we are repr esented and misrepor ted. W ith humor and grace he exhor ted our audi ence to step up and take a greater rol e in our communities, the pl aces we work and l ive in to show the true face and nature of our faith and pe opl es. B rother Tarek R amada n with his great pr esence and spe aki ng made an emotional appe al to the assembl age to make the very generous dona tions that were de l ivered on t his spe cial night. W e woul d l ike to thank B rother M usa I smail , who was the steady hand behind the scenes and on stage to ensure the event moved in a timel y manner and stayed on message to benefit our Rohingya brothers and sisters in this time of crisis. A pr esentation by H asan S ye d, a M usl im stude nt running across C anada to raise awareness for water concerns facing our first nations people in C anada . Tradi tional da nce by our yout h to cel ebrate the achievement of exc eedi ng our goal of raising $10, t his evening. O ur organiz ing committee who have been work ing tirel essl y to de l iver this event by the grace of Allah SWT includes: Fatima Benhatta, Zara Rachel , Tariq Tya b, M ohammed A z im, E j az D ean, A bubaka r K han, S umaya h Tufail , M usa I smail , A brar E sop, A shraf M ohammed, B il al C heema, Tarek R amada n, L ouay K awasme, M ohamed D arwish, A hmed K hal il , H aroon K han W e grateful l y acknow l edge our medi a pa rtners and suppor ters incl udi ng, A l A meen P ost, M iracl e N ewspa pe r, Z ee TV , D reamz radi o, C anada Times, and the many news outl ets and social medi a indi vidua l s and groups that continue to shine a l ight on this and other matters impor tant to al l of our communities. B rother Z aid and his team from Toronto and their members around the worl d who al ong with S ister F atima B enhatta have made I sl amic R el ief an essential organiz ation de l ivering care and rel ief where it is most neede d. W e wil l continue to answer the cal l .
Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
Who are the 371 candidates running in the B.C. election?
CBC breaks down the backgrounds of the people running for the Liberals, NDP and Greens By Justin McElroy, CBC News
B.C. Votes 2017: a l ook a t the issues in your ridi ng W here in B .C . have the pa rty l eade rs been campa igning? A snaps hot at the hal fway poi nt Poll Tracker: The l atest p ol l ing numbers and seat p roj ections Fact Check: We find the truth behind the politicians’ promises B.C. Votes 2017: All the latest news from the campaign trail L ast week, the de adl ine for registering as a candi da te in the 2017 B .C . el ection came and went, with 371 pe opl e put ting their name forward. The B.C. Liberals and NDP nominated a full slate of 87 candidates, the Green Party nominated 83 — only missing out on S ke ena, S tiki ne, P eace R iver N orth and P eace R iver South. Fifteen minor parties are running 79 candidates and 35 pe op l e are going it al one. To dream the impossible dream: the major ambitions of B .C .’ s ‘ minor’ pa rties W ho’ s running in the 2017 B .C . el ection? B ut what’ s equa l l y interesting is how candi da tes break down by different demographics and professions — and what the differences are between various parties.
O n gende r, N D P make history For the first time in B.C. history, over half the candidates from a maj or pa rty a re women. The NDP has female candidates in 44 of the province’s 87 rid ings, comp ared to 3 6 for the B .C . L iberal s, and 3 3 of the Green Party’s 83 candidates. All three increased their number of femal e cand id ates by at l east 2 0 p er cent comp ared to 2 0 1 3 . O n di versity , G reens l ag behind N D P and L iberal s A s the share of B ritish C ol umbia’ s non- white p op ul ation has risen, so too have the number of visibl e minority cand id ates. Except for the Green Party: of their 83 candidates, just five are not white, compa red to 20 L iberal candi da tes and 26 N D P candi da tes ” They don’ t have strong inroads with ethnic minority communities to da te,” said pol itical scientist H amish Tel ford l ast week in de scribing the pa rty’ s chal l enges for an el ectoral breakt hrough. “It’s certainly going to affect their ground game. They don’t have the same type of ope ration and they don’ t have the inroads ... to mobil iz e voters there.” Twenty- two of the 1 14 candi da tes running as inde pe nd ents or for minor pa rties are not white maki ng 73 visibl e minority candidates in total (19.7 per cent).
Zaad- Ul- Hujjaj Foundation held their first fundraising dinner
O n A p ril 1 6 th 2 0 1 7 , the Z aad - U l - H uj j aj F ound ation hel d their first annual fundraising dinner at the Afghan Chopan. With over 1 2 0 guests in attend ance, they were abl e to raise $ 2 2 , 0 0 0 toward s send ing three p eop l e to H aj j this y ear and one p erson for R amad an U mrah. The three p eop l e for H aj j wil l go via M aul ana N omani’ s agency , in the comp any of S ul aiman F awz i, at the cost of $8,000 each, and the one person to go for Ramadan Umrah wil l go via G al ax y Travel s with the comp any of M ufti A sim at the cost of $ 2 4 5 0 . The p rogram began with the recitation of the Quran by Hafiz HamadUllah, after which the Host and Keynote speaker, Hafiz Abubakar Khan, introduced the foundation. The Zaad- Ul- Hujjaj Foundation is a not for profit organization aimed
at p rovid ing some und erp rivil eged M usl ims and newl y reverted M usl ims with an al l incl usive trip to p erform H aj j and U mrah. I t al so aims to p rovid e the facil ities for the p erformance of H aj j al - B ad l al ong with ed ucating M usl ims on the imp ortance of p erforming Hajj, which Maulana Zafir Abid spoke about at the event. H e was fol l owed by the newl y reverted M usl im, Z ay an H ak im, who spoke about his journey to Islam and who will be the first reverted M usl im to be sent to H aj j through Z aad - U l - H uj j aj , al ong with two other M usl ims. The evening concl ud ed with M aul ana Nomani’s excellent fundraising and a wonderful Du’aa by Hafiz S al hud een Z ubair. Z aad - U l - H uj j aj is continuing to raise fund s in order to fulfill the remaining cost. Special thanks to brother F ar-
ruk h A l am for sp onsoring one p ersons p erformance of H aj j , and to every one el se who d onated both their time and money toward s p rovid ing the best gift on earth from one M usl im to another.
Meraj-Un-Nabi Conference at Jamia Masjid Aulia Allah Surrey
By: Mr. Haroon Raza O n A p ril 1 5 , I sl amic A ssociation of W estern C anad a in association with J amia M asj id A ul ia A l l ah hel d a heart- warming gathering, in the cel ebration and commemoration of the H ol y P rop het’ s ( saw) N ight J ourney ( A l - I sra and A l - M eraj ) . This ex traord inary j ourney took p l ace d uring the M ak k an P eriod and in it there are many l essons to be l earnt by the U mmah. The p rogram was wel l attend ed by the M usl im community . The p rogram began with the recitation of the H ol y Q uran. F amous l ocal and national N aat K hawans incl ud ing B rother I mran Tip u, B rother I shfaq , B rother S hery ar, B rother A bid A ttari and B rother S al is p resented beautiful N aats in the honour of H ol y P rop het ( saw) . L ead I mam and K hateeb of J amia M asj id A ul ia A l l ah and al so M C of the evening, A l haj M aul ana A l ama A bd ul L atif N aumani sp ok e about the imp ortance of M eraj and how our bel oved P rop het M uhammad , p eace and L ove be up on him, ascend ed to the seven heavens. H is ascension took p l ace from J e-
rusal em, where he was carried into the heavens on a flying horse named Al-Buraq. This miracul ous night j ourney is one of the most imp ortant events in I sl amic history because it not onl y establ ished d ail y p ray er in the M usl im way of l ife, but al so tested the F aith of M uhammad ’ s comp anions. M iraj tel l s us that human beings can rise up from the d ep ths of the l owest p its to the heights of the d ivine. The aud ience was overwhel med with emotions up on hearing about these events. A nother p rominent and famous sp eak er, S hamas J il ani S ahib gave a heartfel t sp eech about the W aq ae of M eraj . There is no d oubt that the I sra’ and M eraj ( the P rop het’ s N ight J ourney and A scent into heaven) are two great signs of A l l aah which p oint to the truthful ness of the H is M essenger M uhammad ( p eace and bl essings of A l l aah be up on him) , and the greatness of his status before A l l aah. They are al so signs of the great p ower of A l l aah, and of H is ex al ted p osition above H is creation. The main sp eak er of the event I mam S y ed B ad iud d in S oharward y S ahib sp ok e about
the I sra’ and M eraj in d etail . The I sra’ and M eraj of H ol y P rop het ( saw) took p l ace in three p arts, each corresp ond ing to the tri- d imension p ersona of H ol y P rop het ( saw) . The first part of the journey was from Masjid alH aram to M asj id al - A q sa as is mentioned in the first verse of Surah Bani Isra`il. This part of the J ourney was to be k nown as the I sra. This j ourney was rel ated to the outward p hy sical d imension of H ol y P rop het` s ( saw) bashariyyah [Humanity]. Holy Prophet ( saw) came with a bod il y form to this earth so that he may give us i.e. M ank ind , fay d [blessings] in the form of hidayah [guidance]. This Meraj relating to the bashariyyah was concl ud ed when H ol y P rop het ( saw) l ed the Anbiyah [Prophets] in prayer and became their I mam. The second p art of the j ourney , which is k nown as the M eraj , was from M asj id al A q sa to S id rat al - M untaha. This j ourney was in relation to the ruhanniyyah [spirituality] and nuraniyyah [the light] of Holy Prophet ( saw) . I t was here at the p oint of S id rat
al - M untahah that H ol y P rop het ( saw) became Sayyid al-Nur [Master of the Lights]; he became the l ead er of the whol e of A l im al-Khalq [World of Creation] from the bashr [mankind] to the Malaikah [angels]. The last and final part of the journey was from S id rat al - M untaha to Q aba Q awsain; this p art of the j ourney is cal l ed I ` raj . The I`raj is related to the haqiqah [reality] of the H ol y P rop het ( saw) , which is k nown onl y to A l l ah and his P rop het ( saw) . I t was at this p oint that the M eraj of H ol y P rop het ( saw) in rel ation to the tri- d imensions was comp l eted . H ere at Q aba Q awsain that H ol y P rop het ( saw) met A l l ah and had seen him with not onl y with his ey es but al so with his heart. A t the end M aul ana N oumani mad e a heartfel t D ua for al l those who attend ed the p rogram and offered special prayers for the entire M usl im U mmah. P rogram was concl ud ed with recitation of S al am to our bel oved P rop het M uhammad ( S A ) .
Federal funding of approximately 50k for Masjid AL Noor Surrey M P for S urrey C entre R an- thinke r behind this initiative de ep S arai announcing fed eral fundi ng of appr oxi matel y 50k for C ommunity groups of which ( M osque ) M asj id A L N oor is one successul institute. The fundi ng wil l be di rected towards Y outh j obs at M asj id A L N oor for the dur ation of summer 2017. B r. B il al C heema was the original
and organiz ed a meeting of al l M asj id and M usl im institutions in the l ower M ainl and with M P S arai to share information on avail abl e government fundi ng. A l humdul il l ah, our institutions are starting to benefit as well. Photos: By Community Times Ca.
Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
18 HEALTH Let’s Compare the Famous Herbal Medicinal Schools…Part 2 of 2 Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
By: Nada Adam
* E vid ence that the 4 temp ers are the incl usive p rincip l e regard ing the d iagnosis of the cause of the d isease in the 3 school s* Ayurveda is concerned with the acq uaintance of the di ssequi l ibrium among the dos has namel y the tempe raments. B y k nowing what is exc eed ing and l acki ng the normal l imit, to ide ntify the cause of the d isease, by their used mechanism of di agnosis. C hinese medi cine is concerned with the acqua intance of the di sequi l ibrium between the Y in and Y ang by know ing what is ex ceedi ng and l acki ng the normal l imit, to ide ntify the cause of the di sease through their used m echanism of di agnosis. Unani medicine is concerned with the acqua intance of the di sequi l ibrium in the humors by know ing what is exc eedi ng and l acki ng the normal l imit, to ide ntify the cause of the di sease through their used mechanism of di agnosis. N ow this has become cl ear that it has been substantiated by comp arison, that each of the 3 school s is focused regardi ng di agnosis upo n the equi l ibrium and di sequi l ibrium, namel y the mode ration and non- mode ration in the ratios of the 4 tempe rs ( hotness, c ol d ness, w etness, a nd dr yn ess) . *E vide nce that the 4 tempe rs are the incl usive principle regarding the classification of herbs and f oods in the 3 s chool s* Ayurveda specifies four tempers for herbs and foods which are the col d, hot, dr y or wet tempers. As it specifies six main tastes which lead to identify the tempers of herbs: sweetness, sourness, sal tiness, acridi ty , bit-
terness and c ontraction. Chinese medicine specifies four tempers for herbs and foods which are de scribed as cooling or warmer temper and humidifier or dry temper. As it specifies five basic tastes which lead to identify the tempers of herbs: sal tiness, bitterness, sourness, sweetness and pi qua ncy . U nani medi cine specifies four tempers for coldherbs and foods which are: hotness, cold ness, wetness and dryness. As it specifies nine basic tastes that l ead to ide ntify the tempers of herbs: sweetness, fattiness, saltiness, bitterness, pi qua ncy , astringency , contraction, s ourness, pe ttiness. I t has become cl ear that it has been substantiated by compa rison, that each of the three schools classifies herbs and foods according to the principle of four tempers: hotness, col dne ss, w etness, a nd dr yne ss. *E vide nce that the 4 tempe rs are conside red the common pr incip l e in the basic treatment accordi ng to the 3 s chool s* Ayurveda treats di seases which are caused by the increase of pi ttha, or vata, or ka pha or by the increase or de crease of their combination, with foods and herbs which have a counteractive tempe r to the cause of the di sease. The hot herbs which increase pi ttha are given to the col d di sease ( vata or ka p ha) ; the col d herbs which increase vata or ka pha are given to the hot di sease ( pi ttha) ; the wet herbs which increase ka pha are given to the dr y di sease ( pi ttha or vata) ; the dr y herbs which increase the pi ttha or vata are given to the wet di sease ( ka pha ) . C hinese medi cine treats the di seases caused by an increase or de crease of Y in or Y ang by re- establ ishing the equi l ibrium between them through foods and herbs which have a counteractive tempe r to the cause of the di sease. The hot herbs which increase the Y ang are given to col d di sease ( Y in) ; the col d herbs which increase the Y in are giv-
en to the hot di sease ( Y ang) ; the wet herbs which increase the Y in are given to the dr y d isease ( Y ang) ; the d ry herbs which increase the Y ang are given to the wet d isease ( Y in) . U nani medi cine treats the d iseases which are caused by an increase or de crease of the 4 tempe raments by re- establ ishing the mode ration between them through foods and herbs which have a counteractive tempe r to the cause of the di sease. The hot herbs ( rel ated to bl ood humor) are given to the col d di sease ( rel ated to bl ack bil e humor) ; the col d herbs ( rel ated to bl ack bil e humor) are given to the hot di sease ( rel ated to bl ood humor) ; the hot herbs ( rel ated to ye l l ow bil e humor) are given to the col d di sease ( phl egmatic) ; the col d herbs ( phl egmatic) are given to the hot di sease ( rel ated to ye l l ow bil e humor) ; the wet herbs ( rel ated to bl ood humor) are given to the dr y di sease ( rel ated to bl ack bil e humor) ; the dr y herbs ( rel ated to bl ack bil e humor) are given to the wet di sease ( rel ated to bl ood humor) ; the wet herbs ( phl egmatic) are given to the dr y di sease ( rel ated to ye l l ow bil e humor) ; the dr y herbs ( rel ated to ye l l ow bil e humor) are given to the wet di sease ( phl egmatic) . This compa rison has made cl ear that each of the 3 school s treats the various di seases and the di sequi l ibrium in the various tempe raments, on basis of the 4 tempe rs ( hotness, col dne ss, wetness, dr yne ss) , which is wel l - know n by humoral medi cine, using the appr opr iate herbs accordi ng to the counteractive therapy . *S imil arity between the 3 school s in spe cifyi ng 5 pow ers* A noted simil arity is that each of the three schools specifies five powers which control the phys iol ogical function of organs. Ayurveda specifies five main powers for phys iol ogical function of the internal and external organs; each organ has its specific pow ers which make it work, if these pow ers di minish then dys function wil l occur.
C hinese medi cine expr esses the pow ers through Qi which have five main functions in the body; each organ of the Q i has its own specific power; when the Qi flow is imbalanced because of the emotional and phys ical sym pt oms, t his l eads to di sease. U nani medi cine specifies five main powers of phys iol ogical function to the internal and ext ernal organs. E ach organ has its own specific powers which make it work, if these pow ers de crease or increase this wil l cause dys function. * H umoral M ed icine is the S ource for H erbal M ed icine* The convergence that appe ars in this compa rison between the main pr incipl es of the 3 schools of Herbal Medicine: A y urved a, C hinese and U nani med icines ind icates they are simil ar and focused on 1 base and F und ament i.e. the 4 Temp ers. The 4 Tempers are the origin which Humoral Medicine is built upon.
Humoral Medicine is therefore the source from which the 3 schools of Herbal Medicine took some of their Fundaments. Therefore, Humoral Medicine is the reference of Herbal Medicine. If you have any health questions or to learn more about Humoral Medicine please visit www.linkedin.com/in/dr-khaled-hijazi-drhani-albatal-494a8a121 or call Dr. Khaled directly on What’sApp +961 3 519 784 (Mobile) – it’s a free call!
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Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
Daddy Disney land: Mummy Devil land
By : Asma Ayyaz, Mortgage Broker his is the imp ression many chil d ren have in their mind . The resp onsibil ity of d iscip l ine , d o’ s and d ont’ s fal l s on the shoul d ers of mother. S he is the one who is behind every one to d o the homework , househol d work , say ing and try ing d esp eratel y to mak e us d o what is good for us. O n the other hand , d ad d y comes home , mom treats him l ik e a k ing, he can even shout at her , or insul t her for no reason at al l , no rul es ap p l y to him, on the contrary he can ord er us to d o any thing. This is general message smal l chil d ren get from our behaviour. D ad d y brings chocal ates , d oes not shout al l the time , d oes not bother us constantl y . W hen we are al l having d inner , if chil d refuses to eat some vegetabl e mom forces to eat , d ad say s l eave it , l et him be. S cene two, when chil d ren ask p ermission to go out l ate or some p icnic , or outing overnight moms say y our father wil l not give p ermission. H e wil l not al l ow it. I n both the cases, we give confusing mix signal s. W ho al l ows what ? ? ? I nstead we shoul d mak e cl ear the rul es set in the house cl earl y , and j ointl y . I t is nothing what d ad l ik es or d oes not mind , or mom d oes not mind but d ad mind s.
Life Transitions!
Joint Venture W hen our chil d ren are our j oint effort , why d o we not mak e rul es j ointl y d iscussing about it. I f one of the p arents have said something which actual l y is right , the other p arent shoul d sup p ort the d ecision of first one whether p ersonal l y y ou l ik e it or not. Express your feelings effectively W hen we buy very ex p ensive , l atest mobil e, or any thing to our k id s , it is because we l ove them and we want them to have what we coul d n’ t , or we give because we can , whatever is our reason to give them they are stil l not grateful , or so we think .W e think that whatever we give them or d o for them , they d o not val ue or feel grateful .W e p rice the things but we forget to teach our chil d ren val ue of that thing . when we give them i.g mobil e we al way s remind them to be careful , not to l oose it etc etc . we fail to convey our feel ings of care for them that this mobil e is the C onnection , infact onl y d irect connection to them with us when they are out sid e , l ate or far or when we want to k now about them. I f we tel l them that d ear chil d this mobil e is the onl y way to contact y ou and ask y our wel l being so p l ease tak e care in hand l ing .
By: Shabnam Khan -Family Counsellor Be open and flex-
he val ue of good friend s is hard to over- emp hasiz e. I t suggests that p eop l e with friend s to rel y on d uring stressful times ex p erience heal thier, more successful and l ive l onger. A good friend ship lessens the negative effects of high stress l evel . I t is very sup p ortive toward s a meaningful rel ationship at home and work . Tak e time to tak e good care of y oursel f. E at a bal anced d iet, ex ercise and get p l enty of rest. Tak e time to rel ax with friend s and famil y . A high rate of change often means ex tra stress and strain on y our bod y . I t’ s important to pay attention to what your body/ mind/soul needs. B uil d y our sel f- esteem. A l way s remember, y ou are a uniq ue ind ivid ual with sp ecial tal ents and interests. I t’ s hel p ful to mak e a l ist of what y ou l ik e most about y oursel f. E ncouraging others to feel good about themsel ves is a wond erful way to feel good about oursel ves. Y ou wil l al way s cheer others if y ou p ass a sincere comp l iment to p eop l e y ou care about.
ibl e. M ost p eop l e are eager to settl e into comfortabl e routines. R emember that y our p resent routine coul d be onl y temp orary . S omething may hap p en at any time that can force y ou to change y our routine. Y ou may not be abl e to p red ict change, but k nowing that change can hap p en at any time hel p s y ou accep t and ad j ust when it d oes occur. M ost l ife transitions are sl ow p rocesses that tak e time. C oncentrate on the good things in l ife. D on’ t d wel l on negative thoughts. A p ositive attitud e hel p s y ou feel good about y oursel f and the l ife y ou l ive, and goes a l ong way toward s imp roving y our heal th. Tak e control of y our l ife. W hat can y ou d o now to help you through a difficult transition in your future. Practice finding the good in each of our l ife’ s transitions. I t’ s not what y ou d o to resp ond , but how y ou choose to resp ond ! !
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Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
Douglas College Hosts an Unlearn Islamophobia Event By: Hannah Mondiwa, Student Engagement Communications Coordinator at Douglas College I n l ight of the recent mass shooting at the I sl amic C ul tural C entre of Q uebec C ity , as wel l as the recent travel ban in the U nited S tates, the D ougl as C ol l ege community fel t strongl y about showing sol id arity to the M usl im community . S ociol ogy p rofessor L isa S mith, in col l aboration with the D ougl as S tud ent U nion, and various group s from around camp us got together to see how they coul d work together to create an event to stand with those impacted, and to offer condolences and support directly to the community most affected. The ‘ U nl earn I sl amop hobia’ event which was hel d at the N ew W estminster camp us of D ougl as C ol l ege on M arch 1 6 , 2 0 1 7 , gave D ougl as C ol l ege stud ents and staff the chance to express their support and learn more about I sl am. The 4 hour event brought together a d iverse group of p l anners, and activities incl ud ing a p ostcard writing station where p eop l e coul d write messages to
the mosq ue in Q uebec C ity , a banner with messages of l ove, hop e, and sup p ort to the D ougl as C ol l ege M usl im community . O n the main screen p assersby coul d watch TE D tal k s on I sl am, as wel l as music vid eos and sp ok en from an array of M usl im artists and musicians. C ommunity D evel op er N aveen Z afar, who p l ay ed an instrumental p art in the p l anning p rocess, was p resent to ed ucate and engage with the students and staff, and facilitated a trivia game on I sl am to further d rive d ial ogue. C op ies of a p oem by D ougl as C ol l ege stud ent N usay bah M egarief on some of the real ities faced by the M usl im worl d , were al so shared . I t is our hop e that through the conversations we had on this d ay , and the p l ed ging to l earn the truth and ad d ress misconcep tions, that we al l l earned something. W e al so hop e that the messages of comp assion that we shared wil l l ead to us feel ing more connected to each other, and becoming bol d er in the face of p rej ud ice.
Islamophobia and Canada By: Khalid wave of I sl amop hobia is spr eadi ng across E urope and the U nited S tates of A merica, fuel l ing incide nts across E urope and N orth A merica. C anada has not been in the news and many pe opl e across the G l obe think that it is a country free of I sl amophobi a. H owever, things have started changing in C anada . M ost recentl y , there have been coupl e fatal incide nces l inke d to I sl amophobi a in the E astern C anada. The one major occurred on January 29, 2017 in which six pe opl e were repor ted de ad after a mass shooting at a mosqu e in Q uebec C ity’ s S ainte- F oy ne ighbourhood. H istorical l y , C anadi an society has l argl ey been a repr esentative of mul ticul tural ism, but things started changing after the events of S ept ember E l eventh, the eight ye ars’ rul ing of the C onservative P arty of C anada , poor economic condi tions across N orth A merica, the rise of far right in E urope and adve nt of D onal d Trump as the pr eside nt of the U nited S tates of A merica. The med ia has pl aye d an impor tant rol e in the pr op agation and buil di ng of I sl amophobi c thinki ng. I n an articl e publ ished in A l terN et, da ted J ul y 24, 2013, A l ex H ende rson has mentioned that: “The media tried to pa int terrorism as a l argel y or exc l usivel y I sl amic p henomenon. I sl am is inherentl y viol ent, C hristianity is inherentl y p eaceful , and there is no such thing as a C hristian terrorist or a white mal e terrorist. B ut the facts d on’ t bear that out. W hen white mal es of the far right carry out viol ent attack s, neocons and R ep ubl icans ty p ical l y d escribe them as l one- wol f ex tremists rather than p eop l e who are p art of terrorist network s or wel l - organiz ed terrorist movements. I n fact, most of the terrorist activity occurring in the U nited S tates in recent y ears has not come from M usl ims, but from a combination of rad ical C hristianists, white sup remacists and far- right mil itia group s.” I n C anada , the di scussion of M otion- 103 became a main vehicl e to reveal the hidde n di vide amongst the C anadi ans on the p henomenon of I sl amophobi a. I t p rovide d an oppor tunity to the mainstream pol itical pa rties and pu bl ic to expr ess their opi nion and attitude ope nl y regardi ng the phe nomenon of I sl amophobi a. I t not onl y spa rke d heated
de bate across the country , but al so spa wned rp otests in several cities across C anada . L iberal P arty M P I qr a K hal id from M ississauga, O ntario tabl ed M otion 103 on D ecember 5t h, 2016, but it was di scussed and pa ssed in the aftermath of the Q uebec C ity mosque shooting dur ing the M onth of M arch 2017. The M otion 103 cal l s on government to conde mn I sl amophobi a and al l forms of sys temic racism and rel igious di scrimination. The text of the motion al so asks the government to recogniz e the need to que l l the increasing publ ic cl imate of hate and fear, reque st the heritage committee study how the government coul d de vel op a government- wide appr oach to reduc e or el iminate sys temic racism and rel igious di scrimination incl udi ng I sl amophobi a, col l ect da ta to context ual iz e hate crime repor ts and to conduc t needs assessments for impa cted communities, and present findings within 240 c al enda r da ys . I qr a K hal id, de scribed her expe rience as a “ young, brown, M usl im, C anadi an woman. When I moved to Canada in the 1990s, a young girl tryi ng to make this nation my home, some ki ds in school woul d ye l l as they pus hed me, ‘ G o home, you M usl im’ — but I was home. I am among thousands of M usl ims who have been victimiz ed because of hate and fear,” she said. “ I am a pr oud C anadi an among hundr eds and thousands of others who wil l not tol erate hate based on rel igion or ski n col our. I rise toda y with my fel l ow C anadi ans to rej ect and conde mn I sl amophobi a.” The motion was pa ssed with 201 in favour and 91 against it. All NDP and nearly all L iberal M P s suppor ted the motion. M ost of the C onservative M P s voted against, with l eade rship candi da te M ichael C hong and S imcoe N orth M P B ruce S tanton voting in favour. M ississauga L iberal M P G agan S ika nd and B arrie C onservative M P A l ex N uttal l both abstained. S ome C onservative M P s said it could stifle free speech. C B C news rep orted on F eb 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 that more than a d oz en p eop l e gathered outsid e a mosq ue in the heart of d owntown Toronto with l oud sp eak ers and banners in hand , shouting sl ogans about banning I sl am as M usl ims gathered to p ray insid e. The p rotest hap p ened F rid ay outsid e M asj id Toronto on D und as S treet W est near the U niversity A venue. A pr otester carryi ng a sign with a l ist of women’ s names — victims of al l eged honour ki l l ings — tol d C B C Toronto she was
pr otesting I sl am because when M usl im immigrants come to C anada “ they don’ t want to fol l ow the l aw of the country .” A nother woman gathered at the dow ntown mosque to chal l enge M - 103, tol d C B C that “ I sl amophobi a is not hate, I sl am is hate.” The D ail y W ire, founde d by former B reitbart edi tor- at- l arge B en S hapi ro, cal l ed the motion a “ dr aconian” measure that woul d conside r “ any and al l ” instances of I sl amophobi a as hate crimes. J ihad W atch, L ifeS iteN ews and The R ebel ran stories claiming the motion would be a “first step” toward i mpos ing I sl amic l aw, or S haria. The Toronto S un compa red I sl amophobi a with “ fake news” and “ al ternative facts” and said it was a “ catch- al l phr ase to sil ence anyone critical of the rel igion.” The G ateway P undi t attacke d K hal id, who was born in P aki stan, a s a “ radi cal M usl im immigrant.” V id N itki n and Tariq K han, co- chairs of M usl im J ewish D ial ogue of Toronto, wrote that “ L ike al l rel igious groups , M usl ims are al ready pr otected und er our C harter of R ights and F reedom s and criminal l aw. They do not need a sepa rate l aw which is suppor ted by groups that have cl ose ties to the M usl im B rotherhood and in essence are tryi ng to put in pl ace a form of sharia bl asphe my l aw,” . S ome have warned that C anada is moving towards criminal iz ing I sl amophobi a or even to the impl ementation of I sl amic l aw, i n C anada . B arbara K ay , a col umnist for the N ational P ost and contributor to The R ebel M edi a, said she worries about M - 103’ s pot ential impa ct on freedom of expr ession and spe cial pr otections for a singl e rel igious group. K ay said anti- hate spe ech l aws have tradi tional l y targeted human beings, not ide as. S he que stioned the need to singl e out I sl amopho bia, and argued there are more hate crimes against J ews than M usl ims in C anada . C anada P rime M inister J ustin Trude au whil e answering a que stion on M otion M - 103, dur ing a town hal l meeting in Y el l owkni fe said “ funda mental rights and freedom s are enshrined in C anada ’ s C harter of R ights and F reedom s, but that indi vidua l rights must be bal anced with others in our society . D etermining the pa rameters is an ongoing di scussion in a dyna mic, successful society l ike ours” , he said. Trude au said the motion aims to addr ess the fact there is a community that is “ pa rticul arl y vul nerabl e these da ys to intol erance and d iscrimination” . “ Y ou’ re not al l owed to cal l ‘ F ire! ’ in a crowd ed movie thea-
tre and cal l that free sp eech” , Trud eau said . A l though heated de bate and pr otests are going on regardi ng the phe nomena of I sl amophobi a but there is stil l no consensus on the unde rstandi ng and meaning of the term I sl amophobi a. There are various viewpoi nts and perspectives how to define the phenomenon of the Islamophobia. The definition, causes and characteristics of I sl amophobi a are stil l being de bated. There are three famous schol arl y books about ‘ I sl amopho bia’ by renowned acade mics; Todd G reen, C hris A l l en and D eepa K umar. Todd G reen is A ssociate P rofessor of R el igion at L uther C ol l ege in D ecorah, I owa, and author of the 2015 book ‘The Fear of Islam: An Introduc tion to I sl amophobi a in the W est. C hris A l l en is a R esearch F el l ow in the I nstitute of A pl ied S ocial S tudi es, U niversity of B irmingham, U K , and author of the 201 book ‘ I sl amophobi a’ . D eepa K umar is associate pr ofessor of medi a studi es and M id dl e E ast studi es at R utgers U niversity , and author of the 20 12 book ‘ I sl amophobi a and the P ol itics of E mpi re’ . A l l these schol ars in their books have attempted to define the phe nomena of I sl amophobi a from their own pe rspe ctives, vi sion and e mpa thies. Dr. Deepa Kumar’s analysis of the phenomena of Islamophobia is more coherent and allied to the ground realities of the day. Her analyse not only traces back the roots and history of Islamophobia but also shows how it is being utilised in the interest of the Empire. Dr. Deepa describes ‘Islamophobia’ as ‘anti-Muslim racism, the Muslim enemy, and anti-Muslim prejudice’ consciously constructed and deployed by the ruling elites. She also acknowledges that: “There is some debate on whether the term ‘Islamophobia’ is adequate to denote the phenomenon of cultural racism against Muslims.” Per Dr. Kumar “the roots of Islamophobia are to be found in a conflict between empires and economic interests, not a clash of civilizations”.
Shabaan 2. 1438 April 28, 2017
From the Pen of the Founding Editor of the Miracle
Panama Papers- Issue of the Dead
By: Sqn. Ldr. Nus Nusrat Hussain (R) n A pr il 2016, M ossack F onseca, a P anama- based law firm l eake d more than 1 1 mil l ion doc uments showing l inks bebe tween many pol iticians, businessmen and cel ebrities around the worl d. The pa pe rs al so incl ude d the names of the three chil d ren of N awaz S haif, the P rime M inister of P aki stan. H is three chil dr en owned pr ope rties abroad worth mil l ions of dol l ars through the off shore companies. These assets were not reflected in any wealth statement of the famil y of P rime M inister, N awaz S harif. In the presence of a vibrant electronic and social media in Pakistan, Panama Papers became the talk of the town. M ost of the pol itical pa rties and pol itical anal ys ts took a hard stance against N awaz S harif and gril l ed him and his famil y on the daily talk shows aired on different TV channel s of P ak istan. Nawaz Sharif and his regime, were rated higher in corruption than the earlier corrupt government of the People’s Party heade d by A sif A l i Z arda ri. P eopl e de mande d to know the source of the income behind the pur chase of these L ondon pr ope rties. The opposition believed that the properties were purchased during the early nineties from money received in kick backs from foreign companies constructing the motor ways in Pakistan. I n this regard they al so referred to senior l eade rs of the P M L ( N ) , incl udi ng C haud hry N isar and S iddi q ue U l - F arooq who had confirmed in their TV interviews that the London flats were purchased in the nineties and that the N awaz famil y was stil l pa yi ng the mortgage on the pr ope rties. N awaz S harif broke sil ence by spe aki ng to the nation on TV and by addr essing the P arl iament. I n his two written spe eches he clarified his position claiming that the business in P aki stan by his father was pow erful l y grabbed and his father was forced to l eave
the country during the reign of Zulfiqar Ali B hutto in the seventies. H is father l ate Mian Muhammed Sharif moved to Dubai, with no money in his pocket and there he established a steel mill. The P rime M inister stated in his two written spe eches that the pr ope rties in L ondon were bought after the sal e of the same steel mil l establ ished by his l ate father M ian M ohammed S harif. H e al so said that al l the pa pe rs and money trail in the pur chase of these pr ope rties is avail abl e and wil l be pr ovide d in front of an appr opr iate investigating authority . His speech contributed in bringing the name of his dead father to the scandal. This was in ad d ition to the al read y incl ud ed names of his three chil d ren, M ariam N awaz , H ussain N awaz and H assan N awaz . A s such, the three generations of N awaz S harif became characters of a corrup tion scand al that was ex p osed by the I nternational C onsortium of J ournal ists ( I C J ) and had nothing to d o with the p ol itical op p onents in P ak istan. It was mainly due to the efforts of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf party (PTI) led by Imran Khan that finally the government of Nawaz Sharif was brought before the Supreme court of Pakistan. A n earl ier constituted bench of the S upr eme C ourt coul d not arrive at a de cision because of the schedul ed retirement on D ecember 10, 2016 of C hief J ustice Z aheer J amal i. L ater, a larger five-judge bench headed by Justice A sif K hosa was formed to commence afresh with hearings on da il y basis starting from J anuary 4, 2017. The bench incl ude d the names of J ustice E j az A fz al , J ustice G ul z ar A hmed, J ustice S heikh A z mat S aeed and J ustice I j az - ul - A hsan as its members. The l awye rs of N awaz S harif pr esented a l etter from a Q atari P rince S haikh H amad bin J assim bin H amad bin A bdul l ah bin J assim bin M uhammed A l Thani in the court. A ccordi ng to the submitted l etter the P rince stated, “ M y father had l ongstandi ng business rel ations with M ian M uhammed S harif, which were coordi nated through my el de st l ate brother. O ur famil ies enj oye d and continue to enj oy pe rsonal rel ations.” The l et-
ter adde d further that accordi ng to his ( The P rince) unde rstandi ng an amount of twel ve mil l ion D irhams was contributed by the l ate father of N awaz S harif to the l ate father of the P rince. The money pr ovide d by the l ate M ian S harif was invested in the real estate business of the famil y of the Q atari P rince. The pr op erties in L ondon were pur chased from the pr oceeds of the real estate business. The l etter al so stated that M ian M uhammed S harif had de sired that returns from his investment shoul d be transferred to his grands on H ussain N awaz . I n 206, the accounts in rel ation to the investment were settl ed, when the L ondon pr ope rties were transferred to H ussain N awaz by the A l - Thani famil y . That l etter was the onl y pr oof N awaz S harif pr ovid ed to the court in suppor t of the pur chase of L ondon pr ope rties. H is cl aims made dur ing his two spe eches about al l the doc uments showing a money trail were pr oved bogus. W hen que stioned by the court, the counsel s of N awaz S harif termed those spe eches as pol itical spe eches. A fter the l ast da y of hearing, the court judgement was made public after fifty seven da ys of pr eserving the j udge ment. The verdi ct was spl it 3- 2 in favour of N awaz S harif and his famil y . This meant that the P rime Minister is safe and will not be disqualified. The five-judge bench was not satisfied with regards to the money trail pr ovide d by the S harif famil y and orde red the formation of a J oint I nvestigation Team ( J I T) to further investigate the abroad business de al ings of the S harif famil y . I t woul d be interesting to mention some di ssenting remarks by J ustice K hosa here. H e said, “ I n the above mentioned sorry and unfortunate state of affairs a conclusion has appe ared to me to be unavoida bl e and inescapa bl e that in the matter of expl aining the weal th and assets responde nt N o. 1 [ N awaz Sharif] has not been honest to the nation, to the nation’ s repr esentatives in the N ational A ssembl y a nd e ven to this C ourt.” Khosa added, “I may, therefore, be justified in raising an adve rse inference in the matter. The fortune amassed by responde nt N o. 1
[ N awaz S harif] is indeed huge and no pl ausibl e or satisfactory ex p l anation has been ad vanced in that regard. H onoré de B al z ac may after al l be right when he had said that behind every great fortune for which one is at a l oss to account, t here is a crime. “Justice Khosa added further, “There may be many definitions of the word ‘honest’ but deliberate withholding or suppression of truth is not one of them and the same is in fact an antithesis of honesty. I am, therefore, constrained to declare that respondent No. 1 [Nawaz Sharif] has not been honest to the nation, to the representatives of the nation in the National Assembly and to this Court in the matter of explaining possession and acquisition of the relevant four properties in London.” J ustice A sif K hosa remak ed , “ E ven a l ay man can ap p reciate, and one d oes not have to be a l awman to concl ud e, that what had been tol d to the nation, the N ational A ssembl y or even this C ourt about how the rel evant p rop erties in L ond on had been acq uired was not the truth. A p ed estrian in P ak istan C howk , D era G haz i K han ( a counterp art of L ord D enning’ s man on the C l ap ham omnibus) may not have any difficulty in reaching that conclusion.” The father of N awaz S harif, the el de st brother and the father of the P rince both are de ad now and cannot appe ar before any court of l aw in this worl d. J ustice I j az - ul - A hsan was right when he remarke d that court woul d give such a verdi ct that wil l be remembered for centuries. I am not sure if the honorabl e j udge had pi nned his hope for a century in the future. I n his unde rstandi ng pr obabl y he meant that one da y , the de ad woul d be abl e to return to l ife and appe ar before a court in this worl d. A fa- L a- Ta- Tafakka roon W H Y D O N ’ T Y O U TH I N K
bY: Zafar Alam Sarwar (Pakistan) nec W hich one is necessary first: getting united or becoming a nation? H ow much impor tant and how urgentl y neede d is achieving both the obj ectives si simul taneousl y? A nd w hat we have to do now ? These are que stions in the minds of common pe opl e of R awal pi ndi and I sl amabad. A l ive to socio- rel igious scenario in tribal areas and its impa ct on economic l ife are the poor who conside r bread one of their basic pr obl ems. F indi ng onl y one answer to these que stions is not a difficult exercise. Just look into the hol y Q ura’ n, study the socio- economic,
pol itical and rel igious l ife of P rophe t M uhammad ( pe ace be upon him) for guida nce to overcome toda y’ s internal and ext ernal pr obl ems and, in the l ight of al l that, gl ance over the arduous struggl e for freedom through unity f rom the foreign rul e. D uring the pr ocess of unity M usl ims realised the significance of legal and constitutional pr otection and uninterrupt ed and pe aceful use of their pol itical , economic, social and cul tural rights. A nd that real isation l ed them to de mand an inde pe nde nt and sovereign homel and c al l ed P aki stan. It was that thinking and effort for freedom which united us. A nd the newl y - born sp irit of unity strengthened our faith in being a nation. D iscip l ine became the p art and p arcel of our national character because of these two q ual ities. M en and women who are in their 70s whis-
oursel ves afresh to strengthen our homel and economical l y and from the de fence poi nt of view by taki ng in our minds some words of the father of the nation, which l ive on tod ay . F or instance, he said “ P ak istan is the embod iment of the unity of the M usl im nation and so it must remain. W e are al l P ak istanis- - - not B al och, P athan, S ind hi, P unj abi and so on- - - and as P ak istanis we must feel , behave and act.” H e al erted the pe opl e against any fol l y which coul d undo what they had achieved. “ D o you want to buil d P aki stan? W el l , then, for that pur pos e there’ s one essential condi tion, and it is compl ete unity and sol ida rity among you.” F ol l owing and p ractising such humane and great pr incipl es broade ns the base of unity of a country achieved on the basis of I sl am
which stands for j ustice, equa l ity , fair- pl ay , tol eration and even generosity to non- M usl ims who, the Q uaid said, “ are l ike brothers to us as the citiz ens of the state.” There’ s no ‘ j abar’ ( comp ul sion) in I sl am, it bel ieves in p eace and harmony . S o, miscreants d isguised as Tal iban in the name of I sl am had to be subd ued , writ of the government maintained and a l esson taught to the internal mischievous group s fund ed by some ex ternal forces who wanted to create d isunity , d isord er, d isturbance and d isrup tion. The armed forces, as the Q uaid said, have to stand guard over the de vel opm ent and maintenance of I sl amic de mocracy , social j ustice and equa l ity of manhood in the native soil . S o, aske d by the government, the army is meeting the chal l enge successful l y . Email:zasarwar@hotmail.com
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Pacers, Yasir spur Pakistan to victory
P ak istan took a giant strid e toward s winning their first-ever Test series in the Caribbean, after an efficient bowling performance hel p ed ease to seven- wick et win in K ingston. A fter Y asir S hah’ s six - for in the second innings l eft P ak istan chasing 3 2 , M isbah- ul - H aq , who wal k ed in at the fal l of Y ounis K han’ s wick et with the sid e need ing eight, hit two successive six es to comp l ete the formal ities. P ak istan, embol d ened by p ushing W est I nd ies to a tight corner l ast evening, sp ent the morning session cl osing in. They picked up six wickets for 59 as West Indies, resuming 93 for 4, were bowled out for 1 5 2 . M isbah was in no mood to ex p eriment, getting his two best bowl ers M ohammad A mir and Y asir S hah - into the attack straight away . A t p erhap s no stage of the Test d id a wick et l ook as imminent as it did in the first 10 overs. Amir tormented nightwatchman D evend ra B ishoo with an unwavering line outside off stump. Or per-
hap s it was the other way round , as B ishoo k ep t missing, somehow managing to k eep his outsid e ed ge from mak ing contact with the bal l . L esser bowl ers - or ind eed , A mir with lower levels of confidence - may have been frustrated , but A mir k ep t p l ugging away , and was d ul y reward ed . V ishaul S ingh had j ust cut a rare p oor A mir d el ivery away for four, but the bowl er’ s comeback was d estructive. H e went sl ightl y wid e of the crease to the l eft- hand er, the bal l shap ing in sharp l y from the moment it p itched , destination: top of off. Singh, who had seen A mir move the bal l the other way al l morning, shoul d ered arms, and was every bit as much a sp ectator as every one el se when the off stump cartwheeled. Yasir was menacing from the other end, getting sharp turn off what was beginning to l ook l ik e a stand ard day-five pitch, but it was Mohamamd Abbas who struck the nex t d amaging bl ows with two wickets off three balls. Bishoo
was the first to go, flashing at a short and wid e d el ivery with Y ounis K han p ouching it in the sl ip s. Two bal l s l ater, S hane D owrich p l ay ed across a straight bal l that struck his p ad s in front of mid d l e stump . W ahab, who has had a sl ightl y d isap p ointing Test with the bal l , then got into the act, removing J ason H ol d er, W est I nd ies’ highest scorer in the first innings. Yasir came in to clean up the l ower ord er, j ust l ik e he had the top ord er, removing A l z arri J osep h and S hannon G abriel within four bal l s of each other to tak e six wick ets this Test match, bol stering his ever- burgeoning cred ential s as a l ethal second - innings bowl er. This was the fifth time two Pakistan bowlers had taken six wick ets in a Test innings of a Test, and the first since 2002. The chase of 32 was one perhaps not even Pakistan could stuff up , but they can’ t be accused of not try ing to mak e things interesting. A hmed S hehz ad tentativel y p ushed at the G abriel d el ivery outside off stump for a simple catch to the wick etk eep er in the third over. Three bal l s
l ater, A z har A l i was mak ing the wal k back , having mad e a mess of try ing to l eave a bal l from J osep h, onl y to somehow end up d ragging it onto his stump s. A fter l unch, Y ounis fel l try ing to work B ishoo to the l eg sid e with the sid e two bound aries away . B ut M isbah need ed j ust three bal l s to p ut W est I nd ies out of their misery . Thirty six for three may not l ook too cl inical , but, as is so often the case, their bowl ers had l eft the batsmen amp l e room for error. Source: Cricinfo
Muslim Teen Set To Become First To Box Competitively in United States Wearing Hijab
A maiya Z afar wil l earn her pl ace in boxi ng’ s history books S aturda y . W hen the 16- ye ar- ol d from M innesota enters the ring next weeke nd, there wil l be no champ ionship titl e to win, no grand arena to comp ete in, and no l ife- changing pa yc heck. B ut Z afar, a M usl im stude nt, has al ready won her fight. Her successful campaigning will see her become the first person to compete in a sanctioned A merican boxi ng event wearing a hij ab after U S A B oxi ng, the national governing body , l ifted its ban on the cl othing. A ccordi ng to N B C N ews, the rul e
change will formally come into effect in June but U S A B oxi ng has granted Z afar a waiver so she can appe ar in her schedul ed bout at R ichard G reen E l ementary S chool in M inneapol is. I n N ovember 2016, Zafar was disqualified from the Sugar Bert B oxi ng N ational C hampi onships due to a uniform code viol ation. The teenager had worn her hij ab unde r her headge ar as wel l as a shirt and l eggings unde r her shorts and top. U S A B oxi ng tol d The W ashington P ost that Z afar’ s appa rel was “ cl earl y a safety issue.” S pe aki ng to N B C this week, she
said: “Boxing is about to get a whole lot better because they’ re being incl usive of a whol e group of pe opl e who coul dn’ t compe te before.” Z afar added: “The rule wasn’t there to discriminate against me, but it was and they weren’t fixing it. I appreciate the work [USA Boxing] put in to change it.” B ut Z afar al so has a new chal l enge facing her. The I nternational B oxi ng A ssociation stil l has a ban on hij abs, meaning she woul d be unabl e to compe te at the Tokyo O l ym pi cs in 20. Source: Yahoo News
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