Miracle 440 may 12, 2017 r

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Bi-Weekly & Bilingual

Volume 17 Issue 440 - Shabaan 15, 1438 AH / May 12, 2017


5 Jagrup Brar, Jinny

3 Army

Sims and 21 L et’ s tal k a bout I sl amophobi a. 21 E x p and ing Y outh P rogramming in C l ay ton

4 5


5 B.C. NDP leader

withdraws tweet ‘rejecting’ James Comey, FBI director, fired Christy Clark remains B.C. premier

12 16

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Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017

Peace hinges on Kashmir issue solution

he question is: Can durabl e pe ace and pr ospe rity for the pe opl e of P aki stan and I ndi a and neighbouring states be achieved without sol ving the K ashmir issue? K ashmiris l iving in R awal pi ndi I sl amabad and A z ad J ammu and K ashmir and el sewhere in the worl d say “ no” . “ There has to be a hypoc risy- free resol ution of the di sput e.” A fter P aki stan came into being on August 14, 1947, the issue has been l yi ng unresol ved with the U nited N ations de spi te many resol utions adopt ed unanimousl y , which empow ered K ashmiris to exe rcise their right. R el evant to this da y , in this context , is the ap pe al made by the pe opl e of J ammu and K ashmir to members of the British Parliament in 1989. The appe al , inter al ia, said that the wave of inde pe nde nce and right of sel f- de termination against col onial ism in various pa rts of the worl d had been honoured by the B ritish empi re and its pe opl e, who bel ieved in de mocracy and rul e of l aw and granted inde pe nde nce to the masses of the sub-continent in 1947 with an opt ion and l iberty to at l east 561s tates, either to j oin I ndi an re dom inion or P aki stan, or to re-



main inde pe nd ent. The state of J ammu and K ashmir wanted to exe rcise that right, but the I ndi an A rmed F orces committed nake d a ggression on the state. A memorandu m annexe d to the app eal highl ighted pe opl e’ s struggl e against the oppr essive and tyrannical Dogra rule and establ ishment of a de j ure revol utionary government in l iberated pa rt of the state on O ctober 24, 1947. The notable part thereof was the bitter fact that the fleeing Maharaja Hari Singh secretl y entered into “ an unhol y treaty” with the I ndi an government on October 27, 1947, and a pr ovisional treaty of accession was exe cuted on the basis of which the I nd ian A rmy troops were dr oppe d and pus hed into the state to fight against the Kashmiri freedom fighters. That so- cal l ed treaty pr ovide d that the pe opl e of J ammu and K ashmir woul d have the right of sel f- de termination as soon as normal l ife is restored. I ndi a has not fulfilled its commitment to the U N ye t. The da y of I ndi an army attack came to be kno wn as the B l ack Day in Kashmir and is observed as such by K ashmiris and ad vocates of human rights every where.

Some time ago, Delhi government trumpe ted the di sput ed territory was an integral pa rt of I ndi a, but soon came the rebuttal from J ammu and K ashmir C hief M inister O mar A bdul l ah who cl aimed on O ctober 7 that his state had accede d to I ndi a not merged with I ndi a. M r. A bdul l ah tol d the state assembl y in S rinagar that J and K “ cannot be pl aced at pa r with H yde rabad and J unagarh,” which were forceful l y occupi ed by I ndi a. H e said “ it is stil l a fact that J ammu and K ashmir’ s accession to I ndi a is unde r an agreement and it’ s not the merger.” F ormer chief minister F arooq A bdul l ah had adopt ed the same stance in his publ ic spe ech in S rinagar on J ul y 13, 204. That’ s how I ndi a’ s braz en l ie gets expos ed in occupi ed va l l ey a l so. P aki stan stand on the di sput e has al ways been pr incipl ed and in accorda nce with the U N Charter: there has to be a free and fair pl ebiscite in the occupi ed V al l ey unde r the auspi ces of the worl d body as envisaged in its resol utions of A ugust 13, 1948, and January 5, 1949. Before the situation gets worsened and is more da ngerous than ever before, the worl d community shoul d pe rsuade I ndi a to l earn

that the pe ace of the region hinges on qui ck end to repr ession in the di sput ed t erritory . A pe aceful resol ution of K ashmir di sput e in accorda nce with the U N resol utions and taki ng into account the aspi rations of the K ashmiri pe opl e woul d surel y create an atmosphe re conduc ive to dur abl e pe ace and stabil ity in S outh A sia where mil l ions are haunted by pove rty , hunger and disease. Do India and P aki stan need to l earn that di sput es are not al ways settl ed in battlefield but at the table al so? P aki stan’ s commitment to the cause of the oppr essed pe opl e is know n to the worl d, accordi ng to which it has al ways ext ende d its unswerving moral , di pl omatic and pol itical suppor t to K ashmiris struggl ing for right to sel fde termination acknow l edge d by the U N O . The oppr essed pe opl e are at the heart of the issue, and their fate and future are at stake . The U N R esol ution of J anuary 5, 1949, clearly states that “the que stion of the accession of the S tate of J ammu and K ashmir to I ndi a or P aki stan wil l be de cide d through the de mocratic method of a free and impa rtial pl ebiscite.”

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‘Stolen Valour’? By: Gulshan Aalani I t was very ups etting to hear conflicting reports about Defense Minister H arj it S aj j an facing cal l s for his resignation for overstating his rol e in O pe ration M edu sa, a ke y 206 campa ign against the Tal iban in A fghanistan. An emotional debate was touched off l ast week when S aj j an, in an A pr il 18 spe ech in I ndi a, d escribed himsel f as the “ architect of O pe ration M edus a,” one of the biggest battl es fought by C anadi an troops dur ing the A fghan war. I nterim C onservative L eade r R ona A mbrose accused S aj j an of “ stol en V al our” for taki ng credi t for the actions of another, and cal l ed on Trudeau to fire him for dishonoring himsel f and the mil itary . I ncl udi ng NDP leader Mulcair has also asked for his resignation. On the contrary, a former NDP MP C raig S cott is qu estioning about the treatment of pr isoners dur ing the A fghan war. E - pe tition cal l s on L iberal s to hol d inqui ry into A fghan torture al l egations. A mnesty I nternational and the B .C . C ivil L iberties A ssociation fought l ong, pr otracted battl es with the H arpe r government in an attempt to hal t the transfer of pr isoners to the A fghans. S cott has been l eadi ng the charge to

convince the L iberal government to hol d an inqui ry into the treatment of suspe cted Tal iban pr isoners, who human rights groups cl aim were tortured by Afghan officials. “ I was trained to a very high ethical standard: “If I had anything, I would have been obl igated to repor t it at that time” S aid S aj j an.. Though, I don’ t smel l any mal ice, in what D.M. Sajjan said-praising him out of exc itement and happi ness being in his cul ture- community in I ndi a feel ing pr oud to show his work resul ts. I n exc itement he onl y missed one word ‘One’ of the: He is praised by the Commander: ‘Best single’, confirmed, as he knew it. I f he has do ne anyt hing il l egal then de al with the L aw, but the harsh puni shment of ‘ R esign’ is not at al l appr opr iate. W e cannot make his ye ars of work go dow n the dr ain. If only I was allowed to say: “You are fired”, then I would fire and wipe out al l those l iars, de ceivers, and running P onz i schemes.

Meeting of Defence Ministers from Global Coalition against ISIS

Defence Minister Harjit S. Sajjan issued the fol l owing statement after yesterday’s meeting with Defence M inisters from the main force contributors to the G l obal C oal ition to Counter Daesh in Copenhagen, Denmark, and hol di ng meetings with his counterpa rts from N ew Z eal and, the U nited K ingdom , a nd A ustral ia. “ W orki ng hand in hand with our

pa rtners and al l ies, C anada ’ s engagement in I raq and the surroundi ng region is maki ng an impor tant contribution to defeating Daesh and halting the spread of terrorism. Our efforts are also playing a vital rol e in hel pi ng mil l ions of vul nerabl e pe opl e facing the threat of conflict, instability, and humanitarian crisis. “ Toda y’ s meetings were an impor tant oppor tunity to di scuss pr ogress and continue worki ng with C oal ition pa rtners toward di smantl ing and de feating Daesh. Our discussions focused on ide ntifyi ng ke y gaps and expl oring the futures of M osul and R aqqa and the chal l enges that l ie ahead after mil itary ope rations are compl ete. “ O n M arch 31, 2017, the G overnment of C anada announced that C anada ’ s contribution to the G l obal C oal ition against Daesh was being extended until J une 30, 2017. This three month ext ension pr ovide s us with the time we need to assess the changing dyna mics of the conflict and consult our allies to determine how we can best suppor t the C oal ition with C anadi an capa bil ities. “ O ur commitment to worki ng al ongside C oal ition forces remains steadf ast. C anadi an A rmed F orces members are contributing to impr oving security in I raq and the region by training, advi sing, and assisting I raqi S ecurity forces, enabl ing them to de fend their country and work to ensure a more stabl e and secure I raq into the future. A s C anada continues to expl ore pos sibl e future contributions, it is vital that we remain mindf ul of the evolving nature of the fight against Daesh and evaluate next steps following the l iberation of M osul .” F rom da y one this campa ign was about pe opl e, a nd i t was pow ered by pe opl e.

Thank you so much for being a part of this movement. F rom our 8 7 d iverse cand id ates to our 1 0 , 0 0 0 vol unteers, from the 2 6 , 0 0 0 of y ou who d onated to the hund red s of thousand s of y ou who voted – I tak e great p rid e in what we’ ve accomp l ished together. O ur camp aign connected with p eop l e and our message resonated – it hel p ed bring a new generation of camp aigners and el ect 1 5 new M L A s who wil l work for y ou in the l egisl ature. B ut there are stil l more votes to count – and a l ot more work to d o.R egard l ess of the outcome, we al way s have a vigorous review of our camp aign. I n the coming d ay s, we’ l l fol l ow up to col l ect y our feed back . N ow more than ever we need to come together and p l an the way forward . The resul ts are stil l uncertain but a better B C is stil l p ossibl e. Thank y ou for al l y ou’ ve d one, John John Horgan Leader BC’s New Democrats

P rinted i n C anada

Phone: 604-690-0400 Emails: miraclenews@telus.net info@miraclenews.com

Website: www.miraclenews.com

Contents E d itorial & I nt. N ews L ocal S p ecial F aith I mmigration P ol itics H eal th W omen L ifesty l e I nformation P ak istan S p orts U rd u

2 4 , 2 1 5 ,1 6 6 1 2 .1 4 , 1 8 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 -3 2


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Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017


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Army withdraws tweet ‘rejecting’ PM Office’s directives on Dawn story probe

P ak istan A rmy on W ed nesd ay “ withd rew” a tweet sent out by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director General on April 29 which said the Prime Minister Office’s directives on the Dawn story inquiry report were “rejected”. “The tweet on April 29, 2017 was not aimed at any government office or person,” an ISPR press release said Wednesday. “ R ecommenda tions, as contained in P ara 18 of the I nqui ry C ommittee R ep ort, dul y appr oved by the pr ime minister, have been implemented, which has settled the Dawn leaks issue,” it adde d. “ A ccordi ngl y , I S P R ’ s said Twitter pos t stands withdr awn and ha s become infructuous. “Pakistan Army reiterates its firm commitment and continued resol ve to upho l d the C onstitution of the I sl amic R epubl ic of P aki stan and s uppor t the de mocratic pr ocess.” F ol l owing the I S P R statement on W edn esda y , a doc ument purportedly issued by the Ministry of Interior said that: “ S ince action on ord ers of the P rime M inister has al ready been completed by the respective Ministries and Divisions, the issue of Dawn Leads [sic] stands settled.”

ated that Dawn should be referred to the All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) for “disciplinary action” against the Editor Dawn and journalist Cyril Almeida. It also repeated that Rao Tehsin Ali, the principal information officer, had not displayed “the required level of professionalism” and “shown carelessness while dealing with the issue” and should be proceeded against under the Efficiency and Discipline Rules 1973. The document also reiterated that “Due to reasons referred in previous sections, the Committee recommends removal of Mr Tariq Fatemi from his current Portfolio.” The only ‘new’ part of the interior ministry’s ‘notification’ was an endorsement of the removal of Senator Pervaiz Rashid by the federal government.

ing the entire affair, the interior ministry repeated the “need to develop a code of conduct for print media, especially when dealing with issues relating to the security of Pakistan”. Continuing in line with the PM Office’s earlier diDetailing the government’s final position follow- rectives on the matter, the interior ministry reiter- Source: dawn.com/news

Iran warns will hit ‘militant safe havens’ inside Pakistan

The head of the I ranian armed forces warned I sl amabad on M onda y that Tehran woul d hit bases inside P aki stan if the government doe s not confront mil itants who carry out cross- borde r attacks . Ten I ranian borde r guards were ki l l ed by mil itants l ast month. I ran said J aish- al - A dl , a mil itant group, had shot the guards with long-range guns, fired from inside Pakistan. The borde r area has l ong been pl agued by unrest from both dr ug smuggl ing gangs and s epa ratist mil itants. “ W e cannot accept the continuation of this situation,” M aj or G eneral M ohammad B aqe ri, the head of the I ranian armed forces, was quot ed as sayi ng by state news agency I R N A . ”We expect the Pakistani officials to control the borders, arrest the terrorists and s hut dow n their bases.” “ I f the terrorist attacks continue, we wil l hit their safe havens and c el l s, w herever they a re,” he said. I ran’ s F oreign M inister M ohammad J avad Z arif visited P a-

ki stan l ast week and aske d P rime M inister N awaz S harif to impr ove borde r security . P aki stan assured I ran it woul d de pl oy a di tional troops al ong its borde r. I n 2014, I ran warned it woul d send troops to P aki stan to retrieve five Iranian border guards kidnapped by Jaish al Adl. P aki stan said at the time that such action woul d be a viol ation of international l aw and warned I ranian forces not to cross the borde r.I ran refrained from sendi ng troops when a l ocal cl eric steppe d i n and r esol ved t he situation. F our of the guards were rel eased a few months l ater, but one was ki l l ed by t he mil itants. J aish al A dl is a mil itant group that has carried out several attacks against I ranian security forces with the aim of highl ighting what they say is di scrimination against minority groups in I ran.The group cl aimed respons ibil ity for attacks that ki l l ed eight borde r guards in A pr il 2015 and 14 borde r guards in O ctober 2013. Source: dawn.com/news

ISLAMABAD: The multi-agency joint investigation team ( J I T) , constituted to pr obe al l egations against the p rime minister and his chil dr en stemming from the P anama P ape rs, hel d another meeting in the F ede ral J udi cial A cad emy here on Tuesda y .S ources said that the team exa mined the de tail ed j udge ment issued by the S upr eme C ourt in the P anama P ape rs case on A pr il 20. As per the verdict, the JIT comprises officials of the Federal I nvestigation A gency ( F I A ) , the S tate B ank of P aki stan ( S B P ) , the S ecurities and E xc hange C ommission of P aki stan ( S E C P ) , the N ational A ccountabil ity B ureau ( N A B ) , the I nter- S ervices I ntel l igence ( I S I ) and the M il itary I ntel l igence ( M I ) . It is headed by FIA Additional Director General Wajid Zia and A mer A z iz of the S B P , B il al R asool of the S E C P , I rfan

N aeem M angi of N A B , retired B rig M ohammad N auman S aeed of the I S I and B rig K amran K hurshid of the M I are its members. The court has orde red the government to al l ocate R s20 mil l ion to the J I T so that it can inde pe nde ntl y function and doe s not feel handi cappe d i n its worki ng. S ources said that the de pa rtments concerned woul d bear the expe nses of their repr esentatives incurred within the country . S ince the S upr eme C ourt has empow ered the J I T members to travel abroad t o col l ect evide nce, R s20m wil l be spe nt on their foreign tour, accordi ng to the sources. They said that since M r M angi was out of country , he di d not attend the meeting, but was l ike l y to pa rticipa te in the next meeting. Source: dawn.com/news

JIT examines SC verdict in Panama Papers case


Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017


& I N T .


CAIR: Dramatic surge in anti-Muslim incidents in 2016

The number of anti- I sl am bias incid ents in the U nited S tates saw a d ramatic rise l ast y ear, accord ing to a M usl im ad vocacy group . A rep ort p ubl ished by the C ouncil on A merican- I sl amic R el ations ( C A I R ) on Tuesd ay found 2 , 2 1 3 such incid ents in 2 0 1 6 , a 5 7 p ercent increase from 2 0 1 5 . I ncid ents increased 5 p ercent from 2 0 1 4 to 2 0 1 5 . “ The rep ort simp l y p unctuates what we already knew: that prejudice in America has seen a resurgence in the l ast coup l e of y ears, ” said C orey Saylor, director of the Department to Monitor and C ombat I sl amop hobia at C A I R and the p rimary author of the rep ort. W hil e the group had been seeing a rise in anti- M usl im incid ents p rior to Donald Trump’s rise in last year’s presidential p rimaries and N ovember el ection victory , it said the accel eration in bias incid ents was d ue in p art to Trump ’ s anti- immigrant rhetoric and focus on armed group s such as I S I L . C A I R ’ s accounting incl ud es a wid e variety of bias incid ents, from assaul ts and street harassment, to emp l oy ment d iscrimination, to what the group consid ers inap p rop riate targeting or q uestioning by the F B I . O ne case stud y mentioned was an incid ent in C al ifornia, where hund red s of l etters inciting mass viol ence were l eft on the wind shiel d s of cars p ark ed in M id town, S acramento, with a message to “ k id nap , rob, torture for information, and ex ecute al l M usl ims and L atinos. L eave no survivors.” The rep ort al so d etail s a rise in anti- M usl im hate crimes to 2 6 0 in 2 0 1 6 , up 4 4 p ercent from 1 8 0

a y ear earl ier. That incl ud es al l crimes record ed where C A I R saw evid ence of anti- M usl im bias, not j ust those where hate crime charges were brought, S ay l or said . E x amp l es mentioned in the rep ort incl ud e a case from K ansas, where fed eral authorities charged three mil itia members for consp iring to bomb a mosq ue. I n Tex as, a M usl im- owned restaurant was vand al ised with bacon twice in one week . I ncid ents d irected at mosq ues in 2 0 1 6 incl ud e arson at the The I sl amic C enter of F ort P ierce in F l orid a, in which the mosq ue was severel y d amaged . I n O k l ahama, a p ig carcass was dropped off in the parking lot of the the Isl amic C enter of L awton. O n the camp aign trail , Trump p l ed ged to create a register and sp ecial ID cards for Muslims, and he made statements such as “Islam hates us” After taking office, he attemp ted to ban immigrants and refugees from seven, then, after a revision, six M usl im- maj ority countries from entering the U S . The measure was bl ock ed by fed eral j ud ges but the Trump ad ministration is arguing in ongoing court p roceed ings that the ban was necessary for national security . C A I R said other cand id ates for the U S p resid ency al so contributed to an anti- M usl im narrative. F or ex amp l e, B en C arson, now housing secretary , said I sl am is not consistent with the U S constitution, and that M usl ims coul d embrace A merican d emocracy “ onl y if they ’ re schiz op hrenic” . Source: Al-Jazeera

UN Security Council wants details of deal creating Syria safe zones

R ussia wants the U nited N ations S ecurity C ouncil to end orse an agreement reached in the K az ak h cap ital of A stana l ast week to establ ish ‘ ’ d e- escal ation z ones’ ’ in S y ria, but several council members say they need more information before they can back the deal aimed at bolstering a ceasefire. The memorand um signed by R ussia, Turk ey and Iran came into effect on the weekend and calls for truce — renewabl e after six months — between government and op p osition forces in four d esignated safe z ones as wel l as the d el ivery of aid and med ical sup p l ies. O ne of the sites incl ud es I d l ib p rovince in northern S y ria, where d oz ens were k il l ed fol l owing a chemical weap ons attack in A p ril . R ussia d istributed a d raft resol ution on F rid ay ask ing for S ecurity C ouncil end orsement, but some members feel it’ s p remature. ‘ ’ The q uestion tod ay is d o we have al l el ements we need to und erstand the substance of the agreement and the way it is going to be imp l emented , ’ ’ said F rance’ s ambassador to the UN, François Delattre. ‘’The answer to this q uestion is ‘ not y et’ .’ ’ ‘ ’ W e want p eace and stabil ity and humanitarian access in S y ria, ’ ’ said S wed en’ s ambassad or to the U N , O l of S k oog. ‘ ’ W e hop e for more information before we have to go to a vote on the resol ution.’ ’ C ouncil members are ex p ected to meet behind cl osed d oors this week to d iscuss the terms of the d eal . The three guarantors have until J une 4 to establ ish

the bord ers of the safe z ones, whil e d etail s on who will oversee the ceasefires and the aid deliveries is not yet clear. ‘’There will need to be effective monitoring mechanisms as wel l as ful l and sustained humanitarian access, ’ ’ said a U N d ip l omat who ad d ed that imp l ementing the d eal woul d be ‘ ’ comp l icated .’ ’ The U S ex p ressed sk ep ticism about I ran’ s rol e as a ‘ ’ so- cal l ed ‘ guarantor’ ’ ’ of the d eal and tod ay , in a move that wil l l ik el y irk al l y Turk ey , the P entagon announced the U .S . wil l provide arms to Kurdish fighters in Syria, a decision the U .S . sees “ as necessary to ensure a cl ear victory ” in its p l anned assaul t on the I S I S stronghol d of R aq q a. O n W ed nesd ay , R ussian F oreign M inister S ergey L avrov wil l mak e the case for the A stana memorand um when he meets with his U .S . counterp art, S ecretary of S tate R ex Til l erson, in W ashington. S y ria has said it wil l abid e by the d eal as l ong as the rebel forces d o as wel l , whil e mak ing it cl ear it d oes not want the U N invol ved . “ There wil l be no international forces und er the command of the U nited N ations in the d e- escal ation z ones, ’ ’ S y rian F oreign M inister W al id al Moallem told a news conference in Damascus on M ond ay . ‘ ’ There wil l be no rol e of the U N or international p owers in these areas.” The nex t round of U N - brok ered S y ria p eace tal k s are set to tak e p l ace in G eneva nex t week , on M ay 1 6 . Source: CBC News

James Comey, FBI director, fired o d r

US President Donald Trump has abruptly fired FBI Director James Comey in the fallout over Comey’s probe of Democrat Hillary Clinton’s email s l ast y ear, say ing C omey was no l onger able to effectively lead the law enforcement agency . C omey had been l ead ing an F B I investigation into al l egations of R ussian med d l ing in the 2 0 1 6 U S p resid ential el ection and p ossibl e col l usion with Trump ’ s camp aign. H is d ismissal on Tuesd ay wil l l ik el y fuel concerns about the integrity of the p robe and renew cal l s for an ind ep end ent investigation. The F B I d irector had been embroil ed in a controversy surround ing his p robe into whether C l inton’ s use of a p rivate email server whil e U S secretary of state d uring President Barack Obama’s first term compromised national security . “ I t is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission, ” Trump said in a l etter to C omey rel eased by the W hite H ouse. Trump tol d C omey in the l etter he accep ted the recommend ation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions that he could no longer provide effective leadership. Comey’s term was to run through S ep tember 2 0 2 3 . The d ecision, announced by W hite H ouse p ress secretary S ean S p icer in a brief ap p earance before reporters, caught Washington off guard. “President Trump’s nearly four months in office have been controversial , but this is al most certainl y the most controversial d ecision y et, ” said A l J az eera’ s W ashington E d itor J ames B ay s, cal l ing the move “ a p ol itical bombshel l that wil l reverberate for a l ong time. “ I t d oesn’ t end here, because a new FBI director has to be confirmed by the Senate, where the R ep ubl icans hol d a very sl im maj ority .” C omey had said in J ul y the C l inton email case shoul d be cl osed without p rosecution, but then d ecl ared - 1 1 d ay s before the N ovember 8 election in which Clinton was the Democratic nominee - that he had reop ened the investigation because of a d iscovery of a new trove of C l intonrel ated email s. C l inton said l ast week that she p artl y bl ames C omey ’ s d ecision for her el ection loss. The White House released a memo by Deputy A ttorney G eneral R od R osenstein that p rovided the administration’s justification for firing Comey. “I cannot defend the Director’s handling of the concl usion of the investigation of S ecre-

tary C l inton’ s email s, and I d o not und erstand his refusal to accep t the nearl y universal j ud gment that he was mistak en, ” R osenstein wrote. Top US Democrat Chuck Schumer said firing Comey was “ a big mistak e” , and q uestioned the timing of the move. Democratic Senator Dick Durbin urged the W hite H ouse to cl arify whether the F B I investigation of R ussian interference in the p resid ential camp aign woul d continue now that Comey has been fired. “Any attempt to stop or und ermine this F B I investigation woul d raise grave constitutional issues,” Durbin said. “We await clarification by the White House as soon as p ossibl e as to whether this investigation wil l continue.” In a letter, Trump told Comey: “While I greatl y ap p reciate y ou informing me, on three sep arate occasions, that I am not und er investigation, I neverthel ess concur with the j ud gment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.” “The president’s decision to remove the FBI director only confirms the need and the urgency of such a committee, ” he said . O ther R ep ubl icans sup p orted Trump ’ s argument that the F B I need s a “ fresh start” . Senator Bernie Sanders, Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, said Trump’s decision to fire C omey “ raises serious q uestions about what his ad ministration is hid ing. “ P resid ent Trump has rep eated l y tak en step s to k il l inq uiries into R ussia’ s invol vement in the U S el ection. I t is cl ear that whomever P resid ent Trump hand p ick s to l ead the F B I wil l not be abl e to obj ectivel y carry out this investigation, ” he said in a statement. The W hite H ouse said the search for a new F B I d irector woul d begin immed iatel y . Source: Al-Jazeera

e i re e t or troops in Afghanistan N A TO is assessing a reque st from the al l iance’ s mil itary authorities to send more troops to A fghanistan and wil l make a de cision on the scal e and scope of the mission within weeks , S ecretary G eneral J ens S tol tenberg said on W edne sd ay . The reque st for what S tol tenberg said was “ about a few thousand” more troops reflects the West’s al arm about the worsening security situation in A fghanistan, territorial gains by Tal iban mil itants and mil itary and civil ian casual ties. “ W e are now assessing that reque st. W e wil l make de cisions on the scal e and scope of the mission within weeks but this is not about returning back to a combat ope ration in A fghanistan,” he said after meeting B ritish P rime M inister Theresa M ay . N A TO al ready has some 13,450 troops in A fghanistan, including about 6,900 U.S. military personnel, who are training the A fghan armed forces to eventual l y take over the country’ s de fence and security and S tol tenberg stressed that any new arrival s woul d not be in a combat rol e. “ I t wil l continue to be a train, assist and advi se ope ration,” he adde d. A de cision coul d be take n by N A TO de fence ministers in June, according to an alliance official. The N A TO l ead ers summit in B russel s on May 25 was probably too soon, the official said. A l most 16 ye ars after the U nited S tates tried to toppl e A fghanistan’ s Tal iban, who had harboured al - Q aeda mil itants behind attacks on N ew Y ork and W ashington, the West remains entangled in an effort to stabil ise a country facing resurgent rebel s. F acing publ ic fatigue at the l ong- running conflict, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has sought to pr ogressivel y reduc e its


pr esence in the country by buil di ng up the country’ s armed forces, notabl y creating an A fghan air force. H owever, l oss of territory to Tal iban and I sl amic mil itants, a rise in civil ian casual ties and a fal l in the number of A fghan security forces have l ed the U.S. administration under President Donald Trump to review A fghanistan pol icy . O ver the pa st 18 months, Tal iban insurgents have twice succeede d in seiz ing the northern town centre of K unduz for brief pe riods and the latest fighting underscores the challenge A fghan forces face to que l l the insurgency . A ccordi ng to the U nited N ations, 583,0 people fled their homes due to conflict in 2016, the highest number of di spl acements since records began in 208. U .S . national security advi ser H .R . M cM aster visited K abul in A pr il to assess the situation, da ys after the U .S . mil itary dr oppe d one of the l argest conventional weapons ever used in combat dur ing an ope ration against I sl amic S tate mil itants in eastern A fghanistan. “ I strongl y bel ieve that the best answer we have to terrorism, the best weapon against terrorism, is to train local forces to fight terrorism, to stabil iz e their own country ,” S tol tenberg said. Source: CBC News



Shabaan 2 1438 May 12, 2017






BC election 2017: Liberals, NDP battle in tight race, Greens win 3 seats

Christy Clark remains B.C. premier until all votes counted A bsentee bal l ots stil l to come, final count to take p l ace between M ay 2 and 24 A da y after a historic el ection that ende d with B .C .’ s first minority government since 1953, C hristy C l ark confirmed she woul d remain pr emier until at l east the final count of bal l ots by E l ections B C . I n a news conference, C l ark confirmed that B ritish C ol umbia L t.- G ov. J udi th G uichon aske d her to stay on as pr emier. C l ark al so appe ared to be doi ng her best to woo the G reen P arty suppor ters and its three members of the l egisl ature, incl udi ng l eade r A ndr ew W eaver.“ W e have a l ot in common,” she said. “ I ’ ve worke d with D r. W eaver in the pa st and he’ s a smart and thoughtful guy .” C l ark al so de fl ected que stions about her rol e in the L iberal P arty’ s l oss of seats.“ W hether it’ s a maj ority or minority

government that I l ead, we are going to work hard with other pa rties … and accept the message from the voters who cl earl y want us to do things di fferentl y .” W ith al l nonabsentee bal l ots counted, L iberal s were el ected in 43 of B .C .’ s 87 el ectoral di stricts, one short of the 4 seats neede d to form a maj ority . There were appr oxi matel y 51,0 absentee bal l ots in the 2013 el ection, and E l ections B C wil l make its final count of this ye ar’ s bal l ots between M ay 2 and 24. The N D P l eads in one ridi ng, C ourtenay- C omox, by j ust nine votes over the L iberal s.S houl d the L iberal s win that seat, the pa rty woul d have a maj ority — but if the seat stays with the N D P , the N ew D emocrats and G reen P arty coul d hypo thetical l y form a coal ition or governing arrangement that woul d make N D P L eade r J ohn H organ the pr emier.

B.C. NDP leader John Horgan refuses to concede defeat on election night by Carlito Pablo The B .C . N D P finished second in the seat count, but l eade r J ohn H organ tol d his suppor ters on el ection night that the fight is far from over. W ith absentee votes stil l to be tabul ated, and a recount in tightl y contested constituencies happe ning, H organ said in his spe ech in the earl y morning fol setl owing the M ay 9 el ection that nothing has been set tl ed ye t. I nitial count shows B .C . L iberal s with 43 seats; N ew D emocrats, 41; and the B .C . G reens, three.“ B ritish C ol umbians have waited 16 ye ars for a government that works for them, and we are going to have to ask you to wait a l ittl e bit l onger until al l the votes are counted and the final resul ts of this el ection are know n,” H organ said inside a hal l at the V ancouver C onvention C entre.W hil e the final resul ts are not ye t orcertain, H organ said that one thing is cl ear: “ A maj or

ity of B ritish C ol umbians voted for a new government and I bel ieve that’ s what they de serve” , generating appl ause and chants of ‘ N D P , N D P ’ , from the crowd. A total of 87 seats in the l egisl ature were in pl ay , and no pa rty achieved the magic number of 4 to form a maj ority government.W ith their three seats, B .C . G reens are l ike l y poi sed to de termine which pa rty wil l govern the pr ovince. “ I t’ s been a l ong night. I t’ s been a hard fought el ection campa ign,” the B .C . N D P l ead er said.A ccordi ng to H organ, there are stil l many votes to count “ before this el ection is over” . “ B ritish C ol umbians voted toda y to get big money out of pol itics,” he said to booming cheers. “ B ritish C ol umbians voted toda y for pr opor tional repr esentation…B ritish C ol umbians voted for action on cl imate change, and they voted for an economy that works for everyone .” H organ thanke d his famil y , suppor ters, and candi da tes, who he said refl ect the di versity of the pr ovince.H e al so commende d B .C . L iberal l eade r C hristy C l ark, whose pa rty won the most number of seats, based on the pr el iminary count, and B .C . G reen l eade r A ndr ew.“ I do not regret a moment,” H organ said, noting that he is pr oud to be a “ pa rt of a movement that wil l mke B .C . better in the da ys and weeks ahead” . “ L et’ s hang tight, and l et’ s get back to the pa rty ,” H organ tol d his suppor ters.

Jagrup Brar, Jinny Sims and Garry Begg upset Liberals in Surrey ridings

BC Liberal Party Supporters at Taj Conventional Park banquet hall

BC Democratic Party Supporters at India Banquet Hall Surrey

MLA Harry Bains Volunteers Team


Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017


‘Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “ I never saw the M essenger of A l l ah fast for a comp l ete month ex cep t for R amad an, and I never saw him d o more fasting in any month than he d id in S ha` ban” . ( A l - B uk hari and M usl im)

Qur’anic Guidance for Self Improvement


By: Mansoor Alam esp ect and honor al l human beings irresp ective of their rel igion, col or, race, sex , l anguage, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on [Al-Qur’an-17:70] *T al k straight, to the poi nt, without any ambiguity or deception [Al-Qur’an-33:70] * C hoose best word s to sp eak and say them in the best possible way [Al-Qur’an-17:53, 2:83] *A l ways spe ak the truth. S hun words that are deceitful and ostentatious [AlQur’an-22:30] *S ay with your mouth what is in your heart [Al-Qur’an-3:167] *S pe ak in a civil iz ed manner in a l anguage that is recogniz ed by the society and is commonly used [Al-Qur’an-4:5] *W hen you voice an opi nion, be j ust, even if it is against a relative [Al-Qur’an-6:152] *I f, unintentional l y , any misconduc t occurs by you, then correct your sel f expe di tiousl y [Al-Qur’an-3:134]. *Be moderate in thy pace [Al-Qur’an-31:19] *Walk with humility and sedateness [AlQur’an-25:63] *K eep your gaz es l owered de void of any lecherous leers and salacious stares [AlQur’an-24:30-31, 40:19]. *W hen you hear something mal icious about someone, keep a favorable view about him/ her until you attain ful l know l edge about the matter. C onside r others innocent until they are pr oven guil ty with sol id and truthful evidence [Al-Qur’an-24:12-13] *A scertain the truth of any news, l est you smite someone in ignorance and afterwards repent of what you did [Al-Qur’an-49:6] *T he bel ievers are but a singl e B rotherhood. L ive l ike members of one famil y , brothers and sisters unto one another [AlQur’an-49:10]. *W hen you meet each other, offer good wishes and bl essings for safety . O ne who


haban is the 8 th month in the I sl amic cal end ar and is consid ered one of the meritorious months for which we find p articul ar instructions in the S unnah of P rop het M uhammad . I t is rep orted that P rop het M uhammad , used to fast most of the month in S haban ex cep t the l ast few d ay s of the month. These fasts are supe rerogatory ( nafl ) . S haban is the month immedi atel y pr ecedi ng the month of R amada n. The P rophe t mentioned in a hadi th, “ R aj ab is the month of A l l ah, S haban is my month and R amada n is the month of the N ation” . 1. The bl essed compa nion U sama ibn Z aid , reports that he asked Prophet Muhammad : “ M essenger of A l l ah, I have seen you fasting in the month of S haban so freque ntl y that I have never seen you fasting in any other month.” P rophe t M uhammad , re-

Last edition Al Names were

conveys to you a message of safety and security and al so when a courteous greeting is offered to you, meet it with a greeting stil l more courteous or ( at l east) of equa l courtesy [Al-Qur’an-4:86] *W hen you enter your own home or the home of somebody el se, compl iment the inmates [Al-Qur’an-24:61] *T reat ki ndl y - Y our pa rents - R el atives - The orpha ns - A nd those who have been l eft al one in the society [Al-Qur’an-4:36] *T ake care of - The needy , - The di sabl ed - Those whose hard earned income is insufficient to meet their needs - A nd those businesses have stal l ed -And those who have lost their jobs. [AlQur’an-4:36] *T reat ki ndl y- Y our rel ated neighbors, and unrel ated neighbors - C ompa nions by y our side in publ ic gatherings, or publ ic transpor tation. Al-Qur’an-4:36] *B e generous to the needy wayf arer, the homel ess son of the street, and the one who reaches you in a destitute condition [AlQur’an-4:36] *B e nice to pe opl e who work unde r your care. [Al-Qur’an-4:36] *C oope rate with one another in good de eds and DO NOT cooperate with others in evil and bad matters [Al-Qur’an-5:2] *Y ou shoul d enj oin right conduc t on others but mend your own ways first. A ctions spe ak l oude r than words . Y ou must first pr actice good de eds your sel f, then pr each [Al-Qur’an-2:44] *C orrect your sel f and your famil ies first [before trying to correct others] [AlQur’an-66:6] *P ardon graceful l y if anyone among you who commits a bad de ed out of ignorance, and then repents and amends [AlQur’an-6:54, 3:134] *Divert and sublimate your anger and po-

tential l y virul ent emotions to creative energy , and become a source of tranqui l ity and comfort to people [Al-Qur’an-3:134] *C al l pe opl e to the W ay of your L ord with wisdom and beautiful exhor tation. Reason with them most decently [AlQur’an-16:125] *Leave to themselves those who DO NOT give any importance to the Divine code and have adopt ed and conside r it as mere pl ay and amusement [Al-Qur’an-6:70] *I n your col l ective l ife, make rooms for others [Al-Qur’an-58:11] *W hen invited to di ne, go at the appoi nted time. DO NOT arrive too early to wait for the pr epa ration of meal or l inger after eating to engage in bootl ess babbl e. S uch things may cause inconvenience to the host [AlQur’an-33:53] *F ul fil l your pr omises and commitments [Al-Qur’an-17:34] *Keep yourself clean, pure [AlQur’an-9:108, 4:43, 5:6]. *Dress up in agreeable attire and adorn your sel f with exqui site character from inside out [Al-Qur’an-7:26] *S eek your pr ovision onl y by fair ende avor [Al-Qur’an-29/17, 2/188] *U se of things that pr oduc e beauty and el egance is l awful . N one can pr ocl aim them

plied: “That (Shaban) is a month between R aj ab and R amada n which is negl ected by many pe opl e. A nd it is a month in which an account of the de ed s ( of human beings) is pr esented before the L ord of the universe, so, I wish that my de eds be pr esented at a time when I am in a state of fasting.” 2. U mmul M u’ mineen ‘ A ishah ( r) , says , “ P rophe t M uhammad , used to fast for most of S haban. I said to him, ‘ M essenger of A l l ah, is S haban your favorite month for fasting? ’ H e said, ‘ I n this month A l l ah pr escribes the l ist of the pe rsons dyi ng this ye ar. Therefore, I l ike that my d eath comes when I am in a state of fasting.’ “ These rep orts indi cate that fasting in the month of S haban, though not obl igatory but is very de serving and that P roph et M uhammad di d n ot l ike to miss it. The N ight of nisf ( mid) S haban

V arious I sl amic schol ars have recommend ed spe cial worshipi ng dur ing the night of 15t h of S haban. This is based on the say ing ( H adi th) of pr ophe t M uhammad , the meaning of which is that dur ing the night of 15t h of S haban, A l l ah wil l say “ is there any pe rson repe nting so that I forgive him, and any pe rson seeki ng pr ovision so that I pr ovide for him, and any pe rson with di stress so that I rel ieve him, and so on until da wn.” repor ted by I bn M aj ah. This is the night occurring between 14t h and 15t h da y of S haban. Tradi tions of P rophe t M uhammad , show that it is a meritorious night in which the pe opl e of the earth are attended by special Divine Mercy. O n the N ight of 15t h S haban, after M aghrib or I sha pr aye r it is tradi tional pr actice to read S urah Y asin and make spe cial suppl ications for good heal th, pr otection from ca-

Fasting in Shaban to honor Ramadan

Names Of A l l a h (SWT) & Mohammad (PBUH)


as unlawful. [Al-Qur’an 7:32] *A l ways converse in cl ear, straightforward and de cisive l anguage, which contains no ambiguity: [Al-Qur’am 33:70] *U se l anguage, which is recogniz ed by soso ciety and commonly used. [Al-Qur’an 4:5] *A void al l absurdi ties. O ne of the qua l i-i ties of the believers has been stated as [AlQur’an 23:3] “They avoid vain talk”. The word “ L aghwa” means vain as wel l as meanmean ingl ess. I n S urah A l - A n’ aam ( 6t h C hapt er of the Qur’an) it is said: (6:151) this includes al l sorts of immode sty — even an immode st tal k a s it arouses l ewd pa ssions. *When you go out, DO NOT allow your gaz e to become bol d and da ring. This has been orda ined both for men as wel l as women. Always ponder over things: see, hear, compr ehend and then make de cisions intel lectually. [Al-Qur’an 7:179] *W hen you hear a good thing, act upon it; and when you hear an absurd one ke ep your self away from it. [Al-Qur’an2:285] * W hen y ou meet each other, offer good wishes and bl essings for safety . Thus it is said: (4:86) “One who conveys to you a message of safety and security and al so when a courteous greeting is offered to y ou, meet it with a greeting stil l more courteous or ( at l east) of eq ual courtesy . W hen y ou enter y our own house or the house of somebod y el se, compliment the inmates. [Al-Qur’an 24:61] *E xt end ki nd and good behavior to your pa rents, ki nsfol k, orpha ns, neighbors, friends , travelers and those serving under you:[AlQur’an 4:36] *C o- ope rate with one another in good and virtuous matters consistent with the Divine Laws and DO NOT co-operate in evil and bad matters.”[ Al-Qur’an 5:2] *O bserve assembl y etique ttes whil e sitting in and leaving. [Al-Qur’an 58:11] Source: IslamiCity


of Allah(swt)

Al AkharMohammad(saw) name.

l amities and i ncreased I man. A ccord ing to trad ition this night has sp ecial bl essings that are d irected toward s the faithful . Therefore, as much as p ossibl e, this night shoul d be sp ent in worship and total submission to A l l ah A l mighty . A l so, fasting is recommend ed on the d ay immed iatel y fol l owing this N ight, i.e. the 1 5 th d ay of S haban. SOURCE: ISLAMICITY

Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver Islm. Date

May12, 26, 2017 Shaban 16-30, 1438 H Day Date Fajar

Fajar Sunrise

Sunr DhuhrAsarAsar DhuhrZawal Asar (Shafi) (Hanfi) Maghrib Magrib

Isha Isha

1 6 1 7 1 8 19 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 29 3 0 For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA


Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017


Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017





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Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017




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Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017



Climate change should be at forefront of reflection: Damlamian

By:FILIPE NAIGULEVU C L I M A TE change is obviousl y a big threat to the Pacific islands and that?s something that should be in the forefront of our reflection, says Herve Damlamian, a senior specialist oceanographic at the Pacific Community ( S P C ) . A nd whil e unde rstandi ng the impa cts of cl imate change is important, Mr Damlamian said it was al so crucial that pe opl e gained a better unde rstandi ng of cl imate variabil ity as the dr iver of coastal impa ct to suppor t sustainabl e de vel opm ent. “ S ustainabl e de vel opm ent is al so about better unde rstandi ng and pr eserving natural pr ocesses, through technical assessment based on rel iabl e da ta, ” he said whil e spe aki ng at the second session of the U niversity of F ij i’ s C O P 23 awareness seminar series ye sterda y . “ O ne of S P C ’ s rol e as a technical organisation is to provide scientifically sound information to suppor t de cision- mak ing pr ocess in countries, in turn suppor ting sustainabl e de vel op ment.” H e said cl imate change was addi ng onto the pr obl ems associated with beach mining, near chore d redgi ng among other issues. “ W e kn ow cl imate change coul d pot ential l y increase erosion impa ct but on the other hand, p eopl e unde rtake beach mining, near

shore dr edgi ng, adh oc coastal engineering sol ution and other simil ar pr actices that are weake ning our beaches and dr iving erosion. “ H ence, we real l y need to tackl e those issues first so we can become resilient to the impa cts of cl imate change.” H e adde d cl imate change coul d increase inunda tion and add to the current vul nerabil ity of beaches. “ A t the outset, we have to better pl an mitigation solution. To do so, we first need to better unde rstand l ocal haz ard and the risk community are facing and wil l face in the future due to cl imate change. “Based on scientific information, adequate mitigation sol ution can be de signed such as soft coastal pr otection opt ions, establ ishing buil di ng code s, managed retreat and in some cases wel l de signed coastal engineering sol ution.” The seminar was organised by the S chool of S cience and Technol ogy at the U niversity of F ij i in l ine with the university’ s monthl y awareness campa ign towards the C O P 23 meeting in N ovember. U niF ij i is expe cted to host its third seminar session al so l eadi ng up to the U nited N ations O cean C onference in col l aboration with the Pacific Islands Development Forum Secretariat (PIDF) on May 19.

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Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017




What comes next? A primer on how the B.C. election will be decided

Absentee ballots and judicial recounts ers who clearly want us to do things ceived 780 to 712 for the Liberals. to decide whether province ends up in differently.” However, this time the Liberal canminority or majority situation


By Justin McElroy, CBC News hristy Clark remains B.C. premier until all votes counted Absentee ballots still to come, final count to take place between May 22 and 24 B.C. Liberal Leader Christy Clark waves to the crowd following the B.C. election in Vancouver early on Wednesday, May 10, 2017. A day after a historic election that ended with B.C.’s first minority government since 1953, Christy Clark confirmed she would remain premier until at least the final count of ballots by Elections BC. In a news conference, Clark confirmed that British Columbia Lt.Gov. Judith Guichon asked her to stay on as premier. Clark also appeared to be doing her best to woo the Green Party supporters and its three members of the legislature, including leader Andrew Weaver. “We have a lot in common,” she said. “I’ve worked with Dr. Weaver in the past and he’s a smart and thoughtful guy.” Clark also deflected questions about her role in the Liberal Party’s loss of seats. “Whether it’s a majority or minority government that I lead, we are going to work hard with other parties … and accept the message from the vot-

With all non-absentee ballots counted, Liberals were elected in 43 of B.C.’s 87 electoral districts, one short of the 44 seats needed to form a majority. There were approximately 51,000 absentee ballots in the 2013 election, and Elections BC will make its final count of this year’s ballots between May 22 and 24. The NDP leads in one riding, Courtenay-Comox, by just nine votes over the Liberals. Should the Liberals win that seat, the party would have a majority — but if the seat stays with the NDP, the New Democrats and Green Party could hypothetically form a coalition or governing arrangement that would make NDP Leader John Horgan the premier. “The final election results are reported after the conclusion of final count,” said Watson. How might that final count play out? Elections BC doesn’t know yet how many absentee votes are to be counted in Courtenay-Comox, where NDP candidate Ronna-Rae Leonard has been declared winner — by a very narrow margin. Courtenay-Comox heading to recount with 9-vote spread There were 1,856 of them in Comox Valley in 2013, when the NDP re-

didate is Jim Benninger, the former Base Commander of CFB Comox. It stands to reason that many of those absentee votes will come from Benninger’s former co-workers who were on assignment during the campaign. Judicial recounts But even the final count, with absentee ballots included, may not mean the end of the election. If the results in a given riding are within 0.2 per cent, a recount is automatically triggered. That’s because there could easily be recounts in Courtenay-Comox — but also in Maple Ridge Mission, where the NDP are ahead by 120 votes, or Coquitlam-Burke Mountain, where the Liberals are ahead by 170. “It’s possible for a recount of ballots considered at initial count. That can be a full or partial recount. Candidates and official agents can request for that to happen,” said Watson, who added that any requests needed to happen within three days of general voting days. “For a judicial recount, it needs to be recounted after final count, where the difference between the first two candidates is less than 1/500th between the total ballots considered.” And that could take several more days. Political negotiations

While all of this is going on, B.C. Liberal Leader Christy Clark and NDP Leader John Horgan will negotiate with Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver on possible power-sharing scenarios. In fact, they already have. “At this stage, we don’t want to comment on anything. There’s going to be a lot of decisions to come in the days and weeks ahead,” said Matt Toner, the deputy Green Party leader, on Tuesday night. In fact, Green Party sources said Weaver had short and cordial conversations with both Clark and Horgan after a minority situation appeared likely, and told he’d be willing to work with them — though Weaver has said that the one issue anyone would have to agree to would be the abolition of corporate and union donations. Minority report: What happens if no B.C. party forms a majority election night? “Without any question. That’s a deal breaker. We’ve got to get this money out of politics,” said Weaver last week.




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Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017

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Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017


Border flare-up

By S. MUDASSIR ALI SHAH H E P ak- A fghan rel ationship, dogge d by pr ofound mistrust, has been a z ero- sum game over the past 16 years. Efforts to normalise the increasingl y rancorous ties have floundered on the rocks of scepticism and recriminations over cross- borde r terrorism.A l arge number of pe opl e — mostl y civil ians — were ki l l ed and wound ed in the l atest exc hange of heavy shelling across the Durand Line in the C haman town of B al ochistan. Though P aki stan had informed them in adva nce of census- taki ng activity in the area, A fghan forces resorted to unprovoked fire. There was no justification for the ugly incide nt as the enumerators and the pa ramil itary pe rsonnel escorting them pos ed no security threat to the triggerhappy A fghan borde r pol ice — a force that noticeabl y l acks pr ofessional ski l l s and is rarel y hel d accountabl e for de adl y errors.A s a conseque nce of the l atest escal ation, the borde r has once again been shut, bl ocki ng al l movement of pe opl e and suppl ies to the l andl ocke d country , incl udi ng for U S - l ed international troops . S everal homes were de stroye d in the gunbattl e, which pr ompt ed each side to accuse the other of pr ovidi ng safe havens to mil itants. S uch is the tenuous nature of the P akA fghan state of pl ay — the ski rmish came on the heel s of high- l evel visits by P ak istani pa rl iamentarians, mil itary commande rs and intel l igence agents to K abul . B oth side s put an opt imistic face on the meetings, hail ing their tal ks as pr oduc tive. B ut these statements soon turned out to be routine rhetorical flourishes, de void of substance and sincerity .



K abul ’ s argument that the census team and security pe rsonnel had straye d into its territory and were counting A fghan citiz ens cuts no ice with I sl amabad. Some Afghan officials, ignoring the fact that the pr obl ems originating in their country somehow spi l l over into P aki stan, went as far as to cl aim that terrorists were tryi ng to enter A fghanistan in the garb of enumerators. P aki stan may not be doi ng enough to de ny the A fghan Tal iban a safe haven on its soil , but A fghan P reside nt A shraf G hani must al so appr eciate the real ity that trust is a two- way street. H is intransigence has ups et pe ace pr opone nts. B oth sid es need to coope rate on battl ing mil itancy to pr event a recurrence of such tensions. I n the hope of pa ving the ground for a thaw, N ational A ssembl y S pe ake r A ya z S adi q ex¬ tende d G hani an invitation to visit I sl amabad. The pr eside nt’ s rej ection is a grim reminde r of the de ep- seated animosity between the neighbours. I n the main, his rej ectionist respons e stems from hard- to- meet condi tions. O ne of his terms concerns the immedi ate handove r of the pe rpe trators of attacks on the governor’s office in K anda har, the army base in B al kh, the A merican U niversity in K abul and the Sardar Daud Hospital. He has emphatical l y rul ed out any substantive pol itical engagement with P aki stan unl ess the el ements invol ved in the de vastating assaul ts are turned over to his adm inistration. To him, the arrest and surrende r of the attacke rs is chil d’ s pl ay . I n real ity , however, i t is no cake wal k. I ronical l y , P aki stan- rel ated statements from even lowly Afghan officials are in a simil ar vein. I n no mood for rap -

prochement, Afghan officialdom refuses to recognise the B ritish- era borde r — a wil d frontier whose management is a big heada che — as an international borde r. They are virtual l y hidi ng behind the fig leaf of the Durand Line being a tempor ary bounda ry . I f the current cl imate of hostil ity pe rsists, Pakistan would definitely think about fortifyi ng the borde r once again to el iminate a source of constant consternation. This can heighten bil ateral bitterness beside s spe l l ing hum¬ ¬ anitarian pr obl ems for many A fghans with rel atives and bus inesses on this side . A fter a series of de adl y attacks bl amed on Afghanistan-based fighters in February , P aki stan sl ammed shut al l borde r crossings with the l andl ocke d country for more than a month. P l ans to fence the borde r wil l di vide the communities straddling it and have a negative effect on trade and pe opl e- to- p eopl e contacts. A dr amatic turn of events in the pa st three weeks is de monstrative of the government’ s l oosening grip and the mount-

ing pr obl ems for ke y worl d pl aye rs to pr op it up. The de vel opm ents al so unde rscored the need for a di spa ssionate review of the seemingl y intractabl e war. M uch to G hani’ s frustration, the dom estic security environment remains wobbl y . H is de fence minister and chief of army staff, who were dismissed for the fatal security l aps e in M az ar- i- S harif, have now been rewarde d with ambassador ial sl ots. I n the ongoing war of attrition, his l eade rship has turned out to be a busted flush. G iven the A fghan Tal iban’ s resurgence and a spi ke in the mil itant I sl amic S tate group’ s viol ence, 2017 wil l be another tough ye ar for him. The A fghan army , riven by corrupt ion and de sertions, is unl ike l y to withstand the mil itant onsl aught. J ust l ike the security establ ishment, the G hani government has al so fail ed t o dr ain the swamp. The writer is a freel ance j ournal ist based in P eshawar. Source: The Dawn


Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017




Syria rejects UN monitors for ‘de-escalation’ deal By: HANI HAZAIMEH y rian F oreign M inister W al id A l - M oal l em said on M ond ay his country woul d rej ect any U N rol e in monitoring the imp l ementation of four “ d e- escal ation” z ones. “ W e d o not accep t a rol e for the U N or international forces to monitor the agreement, ” A l - M oal l em tol d rep orters in Damascus. R egime back ers R ussia and I ran and op p osition sup p orter Turk ey reached a d eal on Thursd ay on four “ d e- escal ation z ones” in S y ria where the regime and the op p osition wil l hal t hostil ities. The d eal say s those areas woul d be bord ered by “ security z ones” with check p oints and observation p osts “ ensured by the forces of the guarantors by consensus, ” but that “ third p arty ” monitors coul d al so be d ep l oy ed . A l - M oal l em said there coul d be a rol e “ as the R ussian guarantor has said , for mil itary p ol ice, ” but it was uncl ear if he was referring to S y rian or foreign units. A l - M oal l em said S y rian regime forces woul d resp ond “ d ecisivel y ” to any viol ation or attack by the op p osition. “ There are stil l l ogistical d etail s that will be discussed in Damascus, and we wil l see the ex tent of commitment to this agreement, ” he ad d ed . The R ussia- I ran- Turk ey d eal became effective over the weekend and brought a general red uction in viol ence across the country , but cl ashes continued , p articul arl y in central

S y ria. There are stil l q uestions about how it wil l be enforced . A l - M oal l em said the regime hop es the agreement wil l , as a start, sep arate armed op p osition group s from ex tremist group s such as the N usra F ront. “ I t is the d uty of these armed group s to force the N usra F ront and others to l eave their areas in ord er for this area to become an area of d e- escal ation, ” he said . A l - M oal l em warned neighboring J ord an not to send troop s to S y ria. He said Damascus does not want confrontation, but “ if J ord anian forces enter our l and without coord ination with S y ria, we wil l consid er them hostil e forces.” J ord an said it had no intention of send ing any J ord anian forces into



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S y ria. H owever, it said it wil l tak e al l measures to counter any threat to its security and stabil ity coming from S y ria. J ord an’ s former minister of state for media affairs and communication, N abil A l - S harif, tol d A rab N ews on Monday: “Since the beginning of the S y rian crisis, J ord an has been maintaining a stead y p ol itical stance, cal l ing for the unity of the S y rian territories and for a p ol itical sol ution to the six - y ear- l ong war in that country .” A s A l - S harif said d uring his meeting with med ia rep resentatives in l ate A p ril , K ing A bd al l ah cl earl y emp hasiz ed that no J ord anian sol d ier woul d be d ep l oy ed bey ond the bord er on any combat mission, refuting cl aims that J ord an was p l anning a mil itary intervention in S y ria in coop eration

ar with regional and international p arties. I n A p ril , S y rian P resid ent B ashar A s-s agen sad tol d R ussia’ s S p utnik news agency that his government was aware of J ord an’ s p l ans to d ep l oy troop s in S y ria in coord ination with the U S . J ord an’ s minister of state for med ia affairs, Mohammad Momani, said A ssad ’ s cl aim was “ far from real ity .” Momani added: “Jordan has been Terror a target of terrorist attack s. Terrorist group s active in S y ria — such as Daesh, Al-Qaeda and Jabhat AlN usrah — committed these attack s. J ord an has every right to ensure the safety of its l and s and its citiz ens. The k ingd om d oes not have to send any troop s into S y ria to ensure that that obj ective is secured . R ather, the government has been coord inating with active tribal group s insid e S y ria in that regard .” He continued: “The Syrian regime’s rep eated accusation of J ord an reflects its isolation from the rest of the worl d . There are several international and regional actors on the ground in S y ria, incl ud ing the R ussians, the I ranians and the L ebanese H ez bol l ah, l et al one the thousand s of terrorists affiliated with terrorist group s. I nstead of mak ing this il l ogical statement, it ( the S y rian regime) shoul d work with the international community to reach a reasonabl e sol ution to end the war that has k il l ed hund red s of thousand s and d isp l aced mil l ions.” — W ith inp ut from A P Source:arabnews.com


Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017

18 HEALTH Most Harmful Ingredient: Soybean Oil (Part 1 of 2) Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017

By: Nada Adam


or in combination, can be found in virtual l y al l pr ocessed foods such as, cooki es, cake s, promuffins, pastries, breads, cereals, even pro cessed m eats – hot dogs , s l iced m eats etc. As the negative health effects from transfats have been identified and recognized, the scramagricul tural and food indus try have scram arbl ed to come up with new al ternatives. P ar tial l y hydr ogenated soybe an oil has been identified as the main culprit, and for good reason. U nfortunatel y , saturated fats are stil l mistake nl y conside red unheal thy by many so- cal l ed heal th “ expe rts,” so rather than embracing trul y heal thful tropi cal fats l ike coconut oil , pa l m oil and animal fats which is mostl y grown outside the U S . The food indus try has instead turned to dom estic U S alternatives offered by companies like Monsanto that has de vel ope d new G M O soybe an that don’ t requi re hydr ogenation. Why Hydrogenate? C onsuming edi bl e oil s are necessary for good heal th and unfortunatel y , soybe an oil accounts for about 65 pe rcent of a typi cal famil y’ s consumpt ion. A l most hal f of these oil s consumed are hydr ogenated, because soybe an oil is too unstabl e otherwise, manufacturing needs to increase the oil ’ s burning poi nt for high heat food pr ocessing and they need t o pr ol ong its shel f l ife. R aw butter, for exa mpl e, is l ike l y to go rancid much faster than margarine; however, coconut oil or the original real G hee using clarified butter and NOT the Soybean version being used out there, if stored correctl y coul d l ast up to 1 ye ar unrefrigerated and its more natural and e ven heal thier than butter. H ydr ogenated oil 1 is made by forcing hy dr ogen gas into the oil at high pr essure. V irtual l y any oil can be hydr ogenated. M argarine is a good exa mpl e, i n which nearl y hal f of the fat content is trans- fat. The pr ocess that pr od uces pa rtial l y hydr ogenated oil al ters the chemical compos ition of essential fatty acids , such as reduc ing or removing l inol enic acid, transforming it into the far l ess reactive l inol eic acid, thereby greatl y pr eventing oxi da tive rancidi ty w hen used in cooki ng. In the late 1990’s, researchers began real iz ing this chemical al teration might actually have negative health effects and

istory in summary: Two of the most harmful ingredi ents in pr ocessed foods are high fructose corn syr up and soybe an oil , whether pa rtial l y hydr ogenated, organic, or made from newer soy bean varieties modi fied in such a way as to not require hydrogenation…i t’ s al l bad n ews. •Completely unnatural man-made fats made through the pa rtial hy dr ogenation pr ocess cause dys function and chaos in your body on a cel l ul ar l evel . S tudi es have l inke d trans- fats to heal th pr obl ems ranging from obesity , di abetes, heart di sease, cancer and infertil ity . •Besides the health hazards related to the trans- fats made by the p artial hydr ogenation pr ocess, soybe an oil is, in and of itsel f, N O T a heal thy oi l even if it says O rganic. •Add to this the fact that majority of soybeans grown in the U S are genetical l y modi fied, resulting in saturation of dangerous l evel s of the herbicide gl yphos ate which may have addi tional heal th conseque nces as there are no l ong term safety s tudi es. •When taken together, partially hydrogenated G M O soybe an oil becomes one of the absol ute worst type s of oil s you c an consume. •The genetically modified (GMO) variety planted on over 90 percent of US soy acres is R oundup R eady engineered to survive being dous ed with otherwise l ethal amounts of M onsanto’ s R oundup herbicide ( gl yp hosate) . G M O ( aka G enetical l y E ngineered – G E ) soybe ans have been found to contain residue levels as high as 17 mg/kg, and mal formations in frog and chick en embryos have occurred at just over 2 mg/kg. C heck the l abel s of your favourite foods and see if you will find two of the primary cul pr its to il l ness – hi gh fructose corn syr up ( H F C S ) , and pa rtial l y hydr ogenated soy bean oil . These two ingredi ents, either al one

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up to hal f a gram of trans- fat pe r serving can stil l l egal l y cl aim to have z ero trans- fat2. The trick is to reduc e the serving siz e to bring it bel ow this threshol d. A t times, this wil l resul t in unreasonabl y tiny serving siz es, so any time you check a l abel and a serving is something l ike 10 chips or one cooki e, it pr obabl y c ontains trans- fats. Health Dangers of Soybeans B eside s the heal th haz ards rel ated to the trans- fats created by the pa rtial hydr ogenation pr ocess, soybe an oil is, in and of itsel f, N O T a heal thy oil . A d to that the fact that the maj ority of soy grown in the U S is… ( to be continued ne xt issue) N ext articl e wil l be pa rt 2 of a much neede d articl e so that you and your l oved ones are crys tal cl ear on how our heal th is being hij acke d in very subtl e ways . M uch neede d awareness is the answer to a l ocal and gl obal heal th pr obl em. W e are the consumers and when we unite, we can have an incredi bl y strong influence to choose to buy or not buy…w hich wil l impa ct manufacturing where it hurts most – financially! Collectivel y we can boyc ott pr oduc ts that contain da ngerous ingredi ents, which wil l force the hand of certain indus tries to change their manufacturing pr actices in orde r to save marke t share or otherwise risk l osing a l ot of money . B ut real l y in the end, we woul d al l win by having a safer and heal thy pr oduc t made so that we, our chil dr en and famil ies consume heal thy f oods . Thank you for your continued support and interest in reading my articles. If you have any comments or questions, please email your detailed question to anada@shaw.ca

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have confirmed and verified this to the point of no di sput e. S tay away from “ ful l y hydr ogenated” and “ pa rtial l y hydr ogenated” oil s, they are al l harmful . Health Dangers Found in Partially Hydrogenated Oil The compl etel y unnatural man- made fats made by pa rtial hydr ogenation pr ocess cause dys function and chaos in your body on a cel l ul ar l evel , and studi es have l inke d trans-fats to: * C ancer, by interfering with enz ym es your body uses to fight cancer * C hronic heal th pr obl ems such as obesity , asthma, auto- immune di sease, cancer, and bone de generation. * Diabetes, by interfering with insul in recep tors in your cel l membranes * H eart di sease, by cl ogging your arteries espe cial l y among women with coronary heart di sease, eating trans- fats increased the risk of sudde n cardi ac arrest 3 t imes * Decreased immune function, by reduc ing your immune respons e * R epr oduc tive pr obl ems by interfering with enz ym es neede d t o pr oduc e sex hor mones *I ncrease bl ood l evel s of l ow de nsity l ipo protein (LDL), or “bad” cholesterol, while l owering l evel s of high de nsity l ipopr otein (HDL), or “good” cholesterol * I nterfering with body’ s absorpt ion and use of beneficial omega-3 fats A s usual , it took many ye ars before conventional heal th recommenda tions caught up and began warning about the use of transfats. Not surprisingly, as soon as the FDA requi red food manufacturers to l ist transfat content on the label — that took effect on J anuary 1, 206 — the indu stry began searching for other al ternatives to appe al to consumers who increasingl y began l ooki ng for the “ N o Trans F at” de signation. I t di d n’ t take l ong before M onsanto had tinke red pr oduc ing a genetical l y engineered soybe an that is l ow in l inol enic acid , w hich we’ l l get to in a moment. B eware that some food manufacturers have opt ed to simpl y fool buye rs — a tactic al lowed by the FDA as any product containing

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Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017


Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017



Goodness, Kindness and Smartness By : Asma Ayyaz, Mortgage Broker of us, what are the l imits

e l ik e to think about oursel ves as very good , cl ever, smart, intel l igent. W e have very high op inion about oursel ves and some p eop l e even think and fantasiz e themsel ves as very p erfect and heroic. A t the same time, we want to be ap p roved by others. A p p reciation O ur C onfide nce constantl y needs appr eciation. W hen others spe ak good about us, pr omise us, vouche for us, we feel satisfied and compl ete. W e are hungry for ap pr eciation, appr oval in form and ye t we want to do what we feel l ike without di sregard for what A l l ah real l y wants from us. A pr eciation to give and take is good, it hel ps ; but to l ive onl y on it, use it as oxyge n is not pr ope r. J oy W hen we buy something new, make or do something, our j oy is not compl ete unl ess somebody pr aises it. I f we buy an expe nsive car, unl ess someone pr aises us, our j oy is not total or complete [kaamil]. Similar is when we pur chase brande d items, be it cl othing or the l atest gadge ts. S el f- happi ness O ur happi ness shoul d not de pe nd on others or how they treat us. I f we make a de cision on a given matter in our l ife, it shoul d be after conside ring al l pr os and cons and what is requi red

as pe r the S hari’ ah and so forth. O nce de cide d we shoul d stick to it and put our trust in A l l ah. I f we buy something we shoul d rather enj oy a nd c herish those moments of happi ness. I f somebody criticises it or shows di spl easure, accept it as their opi nion but do not l et it l essen or intimida te your happi ness. H uman nature is real l y fascinating. P eer pr essure, fal se pr ide , accept ance of society , compl iance with the worl d, mix in the trend, need to fit etc, are al l things that make s us change our actions and be haviour. W hen we bl ast our ears with inappr opr iate music, when we wear tight cl othing, when we are inde cent, when we go to a pa rticul ar university and career j ust to pl ease pe opl e, we are inviting stress and tension in our l ives, not to mention the l ow sel f- esteem it carries. W e trade our contentment for a begging j ust to fit in. W e can indi vidua l l y make a di fference by do ing a right thing and l eadi ng by exa mpl e. I t de finitel y requi res courage and hard work. R ising above the tide is a bigger step than we give credi t for and i t is worth the effort. F or any inq uiries p l ease email at :asmashums@gmail.com


Mother’s Day: Islamic Prespective

other’s Day in Canada is observed each y ear on the second S und ay in M ay . I t is not an official public or statutory holiday. C anadi ans have famil y reunions on this da y to honour their mothers and cel ebrate motherhood. C anadi ans al so cel ebrate Father’s Day. The date of Father’s Day in C anada is on the third S unda y in J une. Yet, the Mother’s Day, as it’s known nowadays is a W estern habit. The Westerners specified a day and called it the Mother’s Day. On that day sons and daughters show gratefulness to their mothers and offer them pr esents. I t has become pa rt of imp ortant feasts in the W est, whereas we M usl ims have no other festival s exc ept the L esser and the G reater B airams. A ny other cel ebrations are de emed mere occasions or anniversaries; and this is appl ied to the Mother’s Day. The Mother’s Day implies paying more attention and exerting more effort in expressing gratitude to mothers. S o there is nothing wrong in that. H owever, there are two reservations worth men-

tioning; first, considering the Mother’s Day a feast; second, confining the task of showing dutiduti fulness to mothers to that specific day, giving imim pl ication that throughout the whol e ye ar, j ust onl y one da y is for showing l ove to p arents. I f such two anomal ous poi nts are addr essed, then there is nothing wrong in considering the Mother’s Day a chance to give more care to mothers. Thus, we may take the Mother’s Day as a chance to l ay more emp hasis on our d uty toward s our moth mothers, as I sl am enj oins us, because d utiful ness to p ar arents is a genuine I sl amic teaching. B ut M usl ims, in d oing that, shoul d never d eviate from the I sl amic teachings, they shoul d d o things in I sl amic man manners, not in W estern manners. H ence, they woul d not be imitating the non- I sl amic habits of the W est. H ence, viewed in j uristic pe rspe ctive, we can say that cel ebrating the M other’ s da y is controversial among the contempor ary schol ars. W hil e a group of them conside r it haram ( unl awful ) as a ki nd of bl ind imitation of the W estern non- I sl amic habits, which have no benefit for Muslims, another group see it hal al ( l awful ) on condi tion that showing gratitude and dut iful ness to pa rents shoul d not be confined to that day only. M oreover, the wel l know n erudi te schol ar S heikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi states: The A rab tend to bl indl y fol l ow the W estern in their celebration of the Mother’s Day, without tryi ng to unde rstand the wisdom behind inventing such an occasion. W hen the E urop ean found that chil d ren d o not d eal p rop erl y toward s their p arents nor give them their d ue right, they resorted to sp ecify ing an annual occasion for chil d ren to remed y the situation. B ut in I sl am, mothers are to be given d ue resp ect

Loss & Grief!


By: Shabnam Khan -Family Counsellor tween resignarief is a somewhat compl icated and misunde rstood emotion. Y et, grief is something that, unfortunatel y , we must al l expe rience at some time or other. W e wil l al l inevitabl y ex pe rience l oss. W hether it is a l oss through de ath, di vorce or some other l oss, the stages of grieving are somewhat the same. There are five stages of grief. If we get stuck in one stage or the other, the pr ocess of grieving is not compl ete, and cannot be compl ete. Thus there wil l be no heal ing. A person most likely goes through five stages to be wel l again, to heal . N ot everyone goes through the stages at the same time. It is different for each person. You cannot force a pe rson through the stages, they have to go at their own pa ce, and you may go one step forward then take two steps backw ard, but this is al l pa rt of the pr ocess, and indi vidua l to each pe rson. The following five stages must be completed for healing to occur: 1-Denial-”this can’t be happening to me”, l ooki ng for the former spous e in famil iar pl aces, or if it is de ath, setting the tabl e for the pe rson or acting as if they are stil l in l iving there. N o cry ing. N ot accept ing or even acknow l edgi ng the l oss. 2- A nger- ” why me? ” feel ings of wanting to fight back or get even with spouse of di vorce, for de ath, anger at the d eceased , bl aming them for l eaving. 3- B argaining- bargaining often take s pl ace before the l oss. A ttempt ing to make de al s with the spous e who is l eaving, or attempt ing to make de al s with G od to stop or change the l oss. B egging, wishing and pr ayi ng for them to come back. 4-Depression-overwhelming feelings of hope l essness, frustration, bitterness, sel f- pi ty , m ourning l oss of pe rson as wel l as the hope s, dr eams and pl ans for the future. F eel ing l ack of control , feel ing numb. P erhaps feel ing suicida l . 5-Acceptance-there is a difference be-

tion and accept ance. Y ou have to accept the l oss, not j ust try to bear it qui etl y . R eal iz ation that it take s two to make or break a marriage. R eal iz ation that the pe rson is gone ( in de ath) that it is not their faul t; they di dn’ t l eave you on pur pos e. ( even in cases of suicide , often the de ceased pe rson, was not in their right frame of mind) F indi ng the good that can come out of the pain of loss, finding com-

and l ove every time, not onl y one d ay a y ear. F or ex amp l e, when one goes out, he k isses one’ s mother’ s hand seek ing her p l easure and bl essing. A M usl im must not al l ow any gap between him and his mother, he must offer her presents every time. This indi cates that M usl ims can di spe nse with such an occasion, the Mother’s Day. Unlike the case in the W est, where it’ s a vogue for some chil dr en to show indifference to their mothers’ feelings, and, what’ s more, it is so common to see some parents being dragged to infirmaries ( as their ki ds have no time for them) , dut iful ness to pa rents in I sl am, al ongside with worshippi ng A l l ah, i s a sacred dut y . In this concern, Almighty Allah says: (And W e have commende d unto man ki ndne ss toward pa rents. H is mother beareth him with rel uctance, and bringeth him forth with rel uctance, and the bearing of him and the weaning of him is thirty months, til l , when he attaineth ful l strength and reacheth

forty years, he saith: My Lord! Arouse me that I may give thank s for the favor wherewith Thou hast favored me and my p arents, and that I may d o right accep tabl e unto Thee. A nd be gracious unto me I n the matter of my seed. Lo! I have turned unto Thee repentant, and lo! I am of those who surrender (unto Thee).) (Al-Ahqaf 46: 15) Reflecting on the aforementioned Qur’anic verse, we find it stressing both parents’ right, but reviewing the fol l owing verses we find them paying special care to the mother and tackling the hardships she suffers in p regnancy , fosterage and rearing chil d ren. I n this verse, A l mighty A l l ah informs man of the de bt he owes his mother since he was a fetus, pa ssing by the pr ocess of chil dbi rth, infancy , chil dhoo d until he comes of age. A chil d normal l y forgets the hards hip which his mother unde rwent dur ing pr egnancy . H ence A l mighty A l l ah dr aws his attention to such hards hips , l ayi ng empha sis on her great status in I sl am.

fort and heal ing. O ur goal s turn toward pe rsonal growth. S tay with fond memories of pe rson. G et hel p. Y ou wil l survive. Y ou wil l heal , even if you cannot bel ieve that now, j ust know that it is true. To feel pa in after l oss is normal . I t pr oves that we are al ive, human. B ut we can’ t stop l iving. W e have to become stronger, while not shutting off our feel ings for the hope of one da y being healed and finding love and/or happiness again. H el pi ng others through something we have expe rienced is a wonde rful way to facil itate our heal ing and bring good out of something tragic. For any inquiries please email at shabnam@skcounselling.ca


Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017


Let’s talk about Islamophobia

By: Shahnaz Rahman and Dr. Babra Rana ( Pakistani Canadian Women’s Society) M usl im C anad ians are ex p eriencing d iscrimination at an al l time high- I t is j ust recentl y that 6 innocent C anad ian M uslims were horrifically murdered whil e p ray ing at a M osq ue in the suburbs of Q uebec C ity . W e have been ex p osed to images of p rotestors hol d ing anti M usl im sl ogans as worship p ers entered at a Toronto M osq ue. S ome M usl im women have rep orted that they are targeted for wearing the H ij ab. I n l ight of this growing hostil ity toward s M usl ims and a rise in I sl amop hobia, P ak istani C anad ian W omen S ociety hosted an event for C anad ian M usl ims to engage in an interactive d ial ogue entitl ed “ L ets Tal k A bout I sl amop hobia’ . The event took p l ace on A p ril 2 3 rd in S urrey at the C ity C entre L ibrary . A p p rox imatel y 7 0 p articip ants incl ud ing men, women and y outh attend ed the event. M r. H asan A l am, an emp l oy ment l awy er p rovid ed a brief overview of the issue and the current snap shot of I sl amop hobia in C anad a. A fter this p resentations p articip ants were d ivid ed into smal l group s and each group was assigned a mod erator to guid e the d iscussion.M en, women and y outh al l activel y p articip ated in the d iscussion and shared their insights. K ey p oints of d iscussion were record ed and l ater rep orted by the mod erators of each group .

H ere is a summary of some of the shared responses: Question: How has Islamophobia affected Muslim communities? - There has been an increase in I sl amop hobia p ost U S el ections. - There are growing misconcep tions about I sl am based on the negative med ia p ortray al . - N egative actions of a few are used to further general iz e against M usl im -The potential effect on kids and youth: Parents expressed concerns about chil d ren’ s future amid st the growing hostil e antimusl im sentiments. - S ome fol k s chal l enged the term “ I sl amop hobia” and fel t that the term had mental heal th connotations and stressed that racism and d iscrimination is not an il l ness; I t is a choice. - I sl amop hobia contributes to West’s war financing: An industry of war, weap ons and p ol itical agend a behind isl amop hobia Question: Is Islamophobia currentl y resp ond ed to in an op en and effective way? - O ur current resp onse to I sl amophobia is ineffective - W e need to have more inter faith conversations - M ed ia bias need s to be chal l enged - W e need to better ed ucate oursel ves and our chil d ren - W e need to d efuse hate with cal m and informed resp onses - W e need to stay united and not allow disagreements/conflicts amongst oursel ves to d ivid e us. - E ncourage our chil d ren to

sp eak up about these issues W hat sup p ort d o y ou need to chal l enge I sl amop hobia. - M usl im community need s to be more l egal l y and p ol itical l y engaged - B ecome more p roactive than reactive - B reak the isol ation and engage with our neighbors and other group s - S up p ort the y outh to get invol ved in social j ustice issues - W ork cl osel y with R C M P and government bod ies - W e need to have more events l ik e the one P C W S organiz ed to d iscuss these issues more op enl y . R esources to counter I sl amop hobia S ome useful resources were shared The forum emp owered p articip ants to op enl y engage in strategies to counter I sl amop hobia. This is the first step and a lot more need s to be d one- P C W S will continue to flag the issues in med ia and in conversations with the p ol iticians. W e are grateful to al l our vol unteers who hel p ed mak e this event p ossibl e. A sp ecial thank s to R az a M irani, H asan A l am, I rfan S heik h, L ail a R ana, N id a and K urban M ad hani for giving their p recious time in mod erating this val uabl e d iscussion. I f y ou have ad d itional thoughts or comments around this issue please email: shahnazrahman0 1 @ hotmail .com or babrarana@ hotmail .com

Expanding Youth Programming in Clayton


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We’ve Got Your Covered! S urrey , B C – I n respons e to the needs of yout h in the fast growing area of C l ay ton, reside nts and pa rtners have come together to create a pos itive and suppor tive pl ace for young pe opl e to go after school and in the earl y evening. The new C l ayt on H eights A ctivity Team ( C H A T) was l aunched toda y dur ing a P ubl ic S afety Town C entre event at the C l overda l e R ecreation C entre. C H A T wil l connect and suppo rt young pe opl e, ages 13 to 18, by building their confidence, life ski l l s, empl oya bil ity , heal th and sense of bel onging. “ E nsuring that yout h who don’ t typi cal l y pa rticipa te in tradi tional pr ogramming have pos itive activities avail abl e to them du ring the critical afterschool and evening hours is a pr iority for the C ity of S urrey ,” said M ayor L inda H epne r. “ A ke y initiative in the C ity’ s P ubl ic S afety S trategy , the C l ayt on H eights A ctivity Team is an oppor tunity for us to col l ectivel y suppor t our yout h and hel p them make pos itive l ife choices.” The C H A T vision was de vel ope d through the pa ssionate pe rseverance and genuine care

of J en Templ e, A sset M anager for H il l crest V il l age S hoppi ng C entre. Templ e was instrumental in the pr ogram’ s creation, which is a unique pa rtnership between the C ity’ s P arks , Recreation and Culture department, Pacific C ommunity R esources S ociety ( P C R S ) and the l ocal business community . “ This new initiative is a way for the businesses in our area to give back to yo ung pe opl e and reduc e issues in the community . W e want to suppor t our young pe opl e to give them a sense of bel onging and pur pos e by buil di ng rel ationships and connections in their community - I t take s a vil l age,” said J en Templ e. “ C reating op p ortunities for p ositive mentoring and social interaction among y outh hel p s to improve confidence, resiliency and connection to famil y and community , ” said M ichel l e Shaw, Director of Youth and Addiction Services, Pacific Community Resources Society. Toda y’ s P ubl ic S afety Town C entre event is the l atest in a series of community outreach sessions in S urrey . U pc oming events wil l be hel d i n the N ewton area.



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Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017


Teen girls with stones are the new threat in India’s Kashmir conflict

By: Annie Gowen he first stone was heavy in her hand before she let it fly. It arced through the smok y air and hit the kha ki l eg of a sol di er. S he barel y stoppe d to watch the man grimace before she pi cke d up a nother. I n I ndi a’ s restive K ashmir territory , the weapon of choice among sepa ratist yout hs targeting I ndi an security forces is a stone — or a brick, if they can get one. I nd ian sol di ers have sl ingshots — as wel l as conventional weapons and pe l l et guns that have ki l l ed a nd m aimed s cores. L ast month, a round of fresh viol ence broke out in the val l ey . A doz en pe opl e were ki l l ed in cl ashes with I ndi an security forces, spa rk ing da ys of stude nt pr otests across K ashmir. L arge numbers of girl s in heads carves and



school uniforms have been j oining mal e pr otesters for the first time in recent memory. “ A l ot of these boys have been ki l l ed,” said N isha Z ahoor, 18, a senior who took up “stone pelting” during a standoff with pa ramil itary forces in a marke t squa re l ast month. “ N ow girl s wil l go out and pr otest for freedo m.” Officials, hoping to avoid a repeat of five months of viol ence that pa ral yz ed the region l ast ye ar, have appe al ed for cal m. The state’ s leader, Mehbooba Mufti, flew to New Delhi recentl y to urge P rime M inister N arendr a M odi to hol d tal ks with sepa ratists. A new femal e pol ice battal ion has been establ ished to de al with the school girl s and other publ ic safety i ssues. M ufti’ s government on W edne sda y al so

instituted a month- l ong ban on social networki ng sites W hatsA p, F acebook, Twitter and others to sl ow the spr ead of incend iary viral vide os among young pe opl e — incl ud ing one in which the army strappe d a man to the hood of a j eep a s a human shiel d. “I can’t say how difficult it will be, but we’re very confident it will be contained,” said S .N . S hrivastava, the spe cial di rector general of the J ammu and K ashmir Z one of the C entral R eserve P ol ice F orce. Y et some see the pr esence of the girl s in pr otests as a sign that the security situation in the val l ey i s spi ral ing out of control . F ormer chief minister O mar A bdul l ah op l ice vehicl e. H er l eft arm cradl ed a bastweeted l ast week that stude nt pr otests are ek tbal l whil e her l eft hand c l utched a brick. the “ new worry” and pos ted a phot o of a girl in her school uniform ki cki ng the side of a Source:washingtonpost.com

NDU delegation calls on High Commissioner Tariq Azim H e said that the vol ume of trad e hoped that there will be significant

delegation of National Defence University (NDU), currentl y on foreign study tour to C anada , cal l ed on H igh C ommissioner Tariq A z im K han at the P aki stan H igh C ommission The H igh C ommissioner warml y wel comed the d el egation and said that our top p riority is to strengthen P ak istan- C anad a rel ations and to create p ositive image in the mind s of C anad ians about our country . H e informed that d uring the l ast one year there has been significant imp rovement in our bil ateral p ol itical rel ations.

between the two countries has been d oubl ed in the l ast y ear and reached to $ 1 .4 bil l ion. H owever, stil l there is a l ot to d o in this regard and we are reaching out to the C anad ians for util ising the ex isting true p otential between the two countries, he ad d ed . H e informed the d el egation that C anad ian investors and businessmen are now l ook ing toward s A sian mark ets and P ak istan p rovid es an op p ortunity to them to reap the d ivid end s of the economic op p ortunities in the country . The H igh C ommissioner

increase in bil ateral trad e d uring the nex t few y ears, d ue to C anad ians shift in trad e p ol icies of l ook ing toward s A sia. The H igh C ommissioner whil e concl ud ing the d iscussion said that ex change of such visits of NDU provides officers with tremend ous ex p osure and great l earning ex p erience of the foreign governments and he hop ed that the officers can replicate the p ositive things in the p ubl ic sector, whil e serving the C ountry .


Working together for Pakistan cause By: Zafar Alam Sarwar

( Islamabad Pakistan) l de rs who as growing chil dr en either took part in or saw others fight for Paki stan unde r Q uaid- i- A z am M ohammad A l i J innah’ s l eade rship say they’ re now val iantl y countering terrorists by backi ng the armed forces for survival with di gnity and honour. W hat was the ide al for which our el de rs struggl ed after March 23, 1940? W hy that ide al hasn’ t been achieved so far? W hat ki nd of state the Q uaid had in mind for an over overal l impr ovement in standa rds of l iving. W hy socio- economic j ustice is stil l fore foremost in our minds ? The Q uaid had never wanted a state rul ed by l andl ords and capi talists who flourish at the expense of masses by a vicious and wicke d sys tem which make s them selfish. What prevailed before August 14, 1947 has not yet come to an end, the elde rs argue. The Q uaid had rightl y p ointed out that greed and selfishness make such elements subordinate to the interests of others in ord er to fatten themsel ves. There were mil l ions and mil l ions of p eop l e who hard l y got one meal a d ay then. So, the Quaid couldn’t help saying: “If that’s the id ea of P ak istan I won’ t have it.” U nfortunatel y , the situation hasn’ t ye t changed for the better, so pe opl e hit by food pr ice hike and overbil l ed el ectricity are in search of P aki stan mil l ions had dr eamed- - and that was an expl oitation- free state with a government of the pe op l e, for the pe opl e and by t he pe opl e, s ay t he city e l de rs.

B y the way , mutton is sel l ing at R s.8 6 0 p er k il o and beef at R s.4 8 0 p er k il o, which the common man can’ t think of buy ing for chil d ren. H ow to evol ve a p eaceful and p rosp erous entity ? The task may l ook gigantic, but that’ s certainl y not bey ond accomp l ishment p rovid ed we get united with iron d etermination to transl ate the d ream. “ F or that, as true M usl ims, we’ l l have to z eal ousl y guard and pr eserve our unity . A l so, we’ l l have to think of oursel ves as P aki stanis first, not Punjabis, Sindhis, Balochs and Pakht uns and so on. A nd as such we must feel , behave and act in the col l ective interest,” say the el de rs. N ecessity is the mother of invention and l aw d emand s we must d o something without l oss of time to save the country from enemies and mak e it a wel fare state where p eop l e d o not d ie of hunger and p overty and d isease. That’ s p ossibl e onl y when we stop seeki ng monetary hel p from others, surrende r to the wil l of G od and mental l y de cide to serve the cause of motherl and. The people have realized they are the final arbiters of their destiny: adoption of any impe rial ist economic theory and pr actice won’ t hel p achieve the goal of creating a happy and contented P aki stan. -Email:zasarwar@hotmail.com

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Shaban 15. 1438 May 12, 2017


Hope occasion can give team additional motivation - Misbah


Pakistan captain Misbah-ul-Haq hopes his and Younis Khan’s impending retirement from international cricket can spur the team in its pursuit of a maiden Test series win against West Indies in the Caribbean. Both batsmen will make their last international appearance in the third Test at Roseau, and with the series tied 1-1, Misbah aims to remain focused on the demands of his role as a senior batsman amid the emotions that come with the occasion. Pakistan have drawn three of the previous seven Test series between the two countries in the West Indies, including their last two series in 2011 and 2005. “That has given us [Younis and Misbah] additional motivation and I hope that is the case with the team also,” he said. “Looking forward to it as a normal game and focusing on our jobs. As batsmen, contributions from Younis and me would be very important. Sometimes emotions can come into these sort of occa-

51- win season and a second- round ap pe arance in the pos t- season wasn’ t good enough for M asai U j iri. A nd now the Toronto R apt ors need a “ cul ture reset,” the team pr eside nt said, after a pos t- season that ende d in a second- round sweep and saw them l ooki ng a “ l ittl e wide - eye d” against

sions but we will try our best to focus on our jobs.” Pakistan began the Test series well, beating the hosts by seven wickets in the first Test in Jamaica but a dramatic second-innings collapse in Barbados - Pakistan were bowled out for 81 in a chase of 188 - allowed West Indies to draw level. West Indies captain Jason Holder, stressed his side needed get over the Barbados win and play the perfect game of cricket, and highlighted that fielding remained an area West Indies needed to improve on quickly. “What’s happening in Barbados has gone already,” Holder said. “It’s important to put it behind us. We don’t have to forget the good things we have done there but we have to improve on a few areas - fielding is one, especially taking our chances and once we forget the last match as quickly as possible and move on to this, it’s better for us. “We are in a situation where we have played some good cricket in the series so

far. We haven’t been perfect so we are striving to play a perfect cricket game. Once we can do that, or get to 99% of that, then we will be the better side in this game.” Looking back on the legacy he will leave behind as captain, Misbah stated that he had tried to show a young team the importance of being more disciplined and determined. Misbah took over as captain in the aftermath of the 2010 spot-fixing scandal and was proud of the manner in which the team had grown in the Test format. Under his leadership, the side briefly held the No.1 ranking in Tests last year, before poor results on the tours of New Zealand and Australia pushed them down the table. “It was a tough time, a lot of players at the time were retiring also,” Misbah said. “We had different issues with the match-fixing, etc, it was a pretty young team at the time and the way we emerged as an international team, espe-

cially in Test cricket, that was wonderful. No doubt, we are not performing like that in the last couple of series but still this team has potential. We know the way, we know the path and we have to follow that. As a senior, I have tried to show this young side the need to be more disciplined, determined and once you do that and work hard, you can achieve anything. That is what is really pleasing about this team, you are looking forward that this team can go along well.” Source: Cricinfo

L eB ron J ames and the C l evel and C aval iers. U j iri wil l spe nd the coming weeks eval uating al l facets of the franchise, but what he know s right now is that the R apt ors’ styl e of play, which got them to playoffs in four consecutive seasons, isn’ t worki ng anym ore and needs to change. A nd he hope s that change comes with K yl e L owry on board. “ I t’ s our j ob to try and get K yl e to come back and do it the best way that we pos sibl y can,” U j iri said. “ W e want him back, he has been a huge pa rt of the success here.” The three- time al l - star poi nt guard wil l opt out of the final season of his contract and become a free agent on J ul y 1, and gave no hints Tuesda y as to his pl ans. S pe aki ng to repor ters a da y after the R apt ors cl eaned out their l ocke rs, U j iri cal l ed the C l evel and series di sappoi nting, sayi ng “ I sometimes feel l ike that wasn’ t our team that we saw out there.” “ W e are going to hol d everybody accountable because we need to. We need to figure

it out.” U j iri, who’ d j ust come from a l ong morning meeting with coach Dwane Casey, pi npoi nted the team’ s one- on- one pl ayi ng styl e. . “ L ast ye ar 56 ( wins) , this ye ar 51. S o they shoul d hol d hands and sing hurrah and ki ss, and we win 30 games? W hat the hel l is that doi ng for any body ? N othing. Z ero,” he said. “ S ome poi nt guards are l ike that, tough- minde d poi nt guards . Toughminde d coaches are l ike that.” The R apt ors have four free agents in L owry , S erge I baka , P .J . Tucke r and P atrick P atterson, and - - l ike a domino effect -- many of the big decisions in the next few weeks de pe nds on who stays and who goes. U j iri said he’ l l l ay out numerous scenarios for the team’ s ownership. H e said the owners are “ 10 0 pe r cent” O K with spe ndi ng the money requi red. A nd he’ s not oppos ed to rebuil di ng, if necessary . “ W e have to find a way to motivate people, we have to find a way to motivate fans, we have to find a way to play hard on the court, and

we have to find a way to find the right talent, to make sure that we’ re creating a sense of hope in this organiz ation,” U j iri said. “ A nd no, we’ re not afraid of that at al l . B ecause it might be the right way to go, you never know .” The cul ture shift wil l see him aim the magnifyi ng gl ass at virtual l y every pa rt of the organiz ation. “ W e have done things here for four ye ars and we have had a l evel of success but how do you take it to another l evel is what I ’ m tal ki ng about. W e have to di g de ep into every thing we do. A nd I ’ m tal ki ng scouting, I ’ m tal ki ng our medi cal de pa rtment, I ’ m tal ki ng everyt hing,” he said. “ I think we are on a good scal e in the N B A , but how do you get better? W e can’ t j ust pi npoi nt coaching. W e can’ t j ust pi npoi nt not maki ng shots. O ur attitude , our l eade rship, everyt hing. The way we work together. “ I think those things we need to re- visit and then get on with it.” Source: Sportsnet

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