Bi-Weekly & Bilingual
Volume 17 Issue 441 - Shabaan 29, 1438 AH / May 26, 2017
12 Fundraising
for Namal Knowledge City 21 A l I hsaan W omen’ s V ocational C entre
22 F und raising for N isa
H omes W omen
to hear H ussain N awaz reservations B C L iberal s d enied maj ority G ovt. P M J ustin Trud eau V isits in S urrey
10 W hat I s Taraweeh P ray er?
Mr. Home Seller
W hat comes next ?
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Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
I N T .
President enTrump’s Mideast Contradictions and minorities. H e ske tched an gest, as President Barack Obama Iranians were re-electing a moder-
iven P reside nt Trump’ s ap p etite for spe ctacl e, S audi A rabia coul d not have been a more fitting opening for his first overseas trip. The pa l aces, the fancy robes of K ing S al man and his court, the sword da nce, even the creepy gl owing orb used to inaugurate S audi A rabia’ s new counterterrorism center, seemed j ust the right pr op s for a former tel evision cel ebrity . H is hosts went out of their way to ind ul ge his weakne ss for flattery and deal-making. Mr. Trump tried hard to make amends to the M usl im worl d he had spe nt many m onths insul ting. This was necessary and l ong overd ue. M r. Trump ’ s ind ictment of an entire religion had disfigured his camp aign and his p resid ency , und ermined A merica’ s l ong commitment to freed om of rel igion and gave fresh ammunition to the ex tremists M r. Trump cannot d efeat without the sup p ort of M usl im l ead ers. M uch of the rest of his message was more pr obl ematic. H e said nothing about the need to adva nce the cause of human rights in M usl im societies that di scriminate against wom-
unsettl ing pa th forward in which the U nited S tates and the S unni M usl ims woul d j oin in common cause against not onl y the ext remists but against I ran, a pos ition that coul d c ome back t o haunt him. The man who once compl ained that “Islam hates us” described it as “one of the world’s great faiths.” He said the fight against terrorism was not a “battle between different faiths,” as some of his advi sers had argued, but a struggle “between barbaric criminal s who seek to obl iterate human l ife and de cent pe opl e, al l in the name of rel igion.” H e urged M usl im l eade rs to dr ive extremists “out of your places of worship,” “out of your communities,” “out of your holy land” and “out of this earth.” But he provided no guidance as to how the war against extremism could be won, and showed no appreciation for the fact that Wahhabism, the fundamentalist Sunni orthodoxy that gives legitimacy to Saudi Arabia’s royal family, has inspired ISIS and most other regional terrorist groups. Nor did he sug-
often did, that Muslim countries are unlikely to wipe out extremism until they reform their economies and political systems so their people have ways to address their grievances, to participate in governing, to obtain an education and jobs. Mr. Trump chose instead to single out Iran, the leading Shiitemajority state and Saudi Arabia’s main enemy, as a threat because of its support for militias in Lebanon and Yemen and for its backing of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Many of Iran’s activities are indeed destabilizing; but Mr. Trump’s friend Vladimir Putin has been no less responsible for keeping Mr. Assad in power. In some ways Iran is an easy political target. Sunni Arabs feel threatened by Iran and are competing with Iran for regional influence. Israel detests Iran and so do many members of Congress. Yet to see Iran as implacably hostile is much too simple. Even as Mr. Trump reaffirmed America’s partnership with the conservative Saudi royals,
US leader’s visit to Saudi Arabia looks routine but is loaded with signals and subliminal messages that make it all but so. resident Donald Trump has chosen Saudi Arabia as the destination for his first foreign visit in office. While significant, Trump’s move might not spring out of his belief that Riyadh tops the list of Washington’s allies. The choice of Saudi Arabia might not even be Trump’s, but rather that of his actual top international ally, Israel. For a while now, Israeli officials -- including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- have been pushing the narrative that Tel Aviv secretly maintains relations with Gulf capitals. The Israelis argue that fear of their common enemy, Iran, has brought the Israelis and Gulf Arabs closer together. Israelis, and their friends in Washington, hope to build on their presumed secret relations with some Gulf capitals to sign peace treaties, like those Israel has with Egypt and Jordan. Trump’s son-in-law and top advisor on Arab-Israeli peace, Jared Kushner, has been quoted as saying that his approach to achieving peace between Arabs and Israelis is built on reversing the tactics that have been employed in peace talks so far but yielded little to no results. Kushner and his cohorts argue that ArabIsraeli peace talks have been based on an “inside-out” approach, which means to achieve peace between the Israelis and Palestinians first, then move on to establish treaties between Israel and the rest of the Arab countries. Kushner believes that his approach will be “from the outside-in,” that is, to sign peace treaties between Arab countries and Israel, then use the generated goodwill and new diplomatic relations to push
for Palestinian-Israeli peace. Needless to say, 36-year-old Kushner is a novice in international politics. There is a reason why Arab countries, especially those in the Gulf who have never been in an official state of war with Israel, have held out so far on peace until after the Palestinians sign first. Leverage In the Arab mind, Israel craves peace and normalization with its Arab neighbors, and signing deals is a prize for the Israelis and a concession from Arabs. Arabs have always used potentially normal relations with Israel as leverage and have promised the Israelis that, should they arrive at a peace treaty that the Palestinians think is fair, then the Arabs will reward Tel Aviv with an all-out peace arrangement. The reverse of the old approach means that, by signing peace deals with Tel Aviv before the Palestinians do, the Arabs will be throwing their Palestinian brethren under the bus. With Israel winning the “peace with all the Arabs” reward, it will have no incentive to cater for Palestinian demands, and it will thus leave Palestinians living under their current miserable conditions. Like Trump -- who presumably reads nothing and knows very little about history -- Kushner seems to be unaware of the past that dominates the dynamics of Arab-Israeli peace. Perhaps Kushner thinks that he has beaten everyone to coming up with what he thinks is an innovative idea that no one had thought of before. Along the lines of building Israeli-Gulf relations, and perhaps as a way of signaling that if Gulf countries -- first and foremost Saudi Arabia -- should sign peace treaties with Israel before the Palestinians do, Riyadh should expect royal treatment from
Washington. Trump making Riyadh the destination of his first foreign visit is only a preview of the good things that will happen to Arab Gulf states should they dance to Kushner’s tune, or so the planners of the visit think. And since Trump will be in Riyadh on May 22, when he will hold a meeting with King Salman, to be followed by a meeting with the heads of state of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the U.S. president will grasp the opportunity to take care of other business, such as signing some lucrative arms deals that can keep American arms factories, and thus American jobs, going. Also, while in Riyadh, President Trump will talk regional politics. Since the U.S. president, who has little to no vision on world issues, has delegated his foreign policy almost completely to the Israelis, he will tell his Saudi hosts that their dreams have come true, and that unlike former President Barack Obama, Washington is now changing position on Iran and putting it back up to the top of its list of enemies. So while President Trump will update GCC leaders on the war on Daesh in Iraq and Syria, he will also inform them that Iran is back on America’s black list, and that Washington will revive its effort to criminalize and put pressure on all of Iran’s allies -- first and foremost Lebanon’s Hezbollah -- to counter Iran’s activity in the region. Finally, there is a chance that Trump will also tell GCC leaders that Washington plans to go after Islamist parties around the world, even those that have no ties to Daesh or al-Qaeda. Muslim Brotherhood On his first public appearance during a Senate hearing for his approval as Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson said the Trump administration would endorse a
ate, Hassan Rouhani, as president and reaffirming their interest in engagement with the West. While Mr. Trump was explicitly not lecturing Sunni Arab leaders on human rights, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson responded to the Iranian election by advising Mr. Rouhani to restore the rights of Iranians to freedom of speech and organization. The Saudi human rights record is no better than Iran’s. Mr. Trump’s determination to forge an anti-Iran alliance with the Sunni Arab states and isolate Iran could drift into military confrontation. The nuclear agreement negotiated between Iran and the United States could unravel, causing a split with America’s European allies. These are consequences that Mr. Trump, in his enthusiasm for Saudi Arabia, seems to have thought little about. A version of this editorial appears in print on May 23, 2017, on Page A24 of the New York edition with the headline: Romance in Riyadh. Today’s Paper|Subscribe
Who chose Saudi for Trump’s first visit?
policy that would hunt down all terrorists and terrorist groups. Tillerson naturally referred to Daesh, al-Qaeda and Hezbollah. Unexpectedly, however, Tillerson added the Muslim Brotherhood to the terrorism mix, even though it is not on the U.S. List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO). For America to treat the Brotherhood as an FTO, which allows Washington to impose sanctions on the group and its members, a number of U.S. federal agencies have to complete a process that assesses the group’s activities and whether it can be considered terrorist. Without such classification, the Trump administration cannot combat the Brotherhood. Perhaps the Trump team will try to place it on America’s FTO list. But until that happens, Trump might try to make common cause with his Gulf hosts against the Brotherhood, which is considered terrorist by Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E., but not by Kuwait, Qatar or Oman. From Riyadh, Trump will fly to Israel, where he will visit the historic site of Masada, just to the south of the West Bank, in a territory that Israelis consider to have once been part of the historic Jewish kingdom of Judea. When Trump gives his speech there, he would have gone closest to where a U.S. president can go in the West Bank without visiting Palestinians, a clear signal that Trump supports the radical Israeli line of conquering the whole of the West Bank, and displacing Palestinians, as part of rebuilding the historic Israel. Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia looks routine, but it is loaded with signals and subliminal messages that make it all but so. By Hussain Abdul Hussain: The writer is a Washington-based political analyst. Source:Anadolu Agency.
Wa a n l a y s a l i l i n s a n i i l l a m a ’ s a ’ a a T h a t m a n c a n h a v e n o t h i n g b u t w h a t h e s t r i v e s f o r. nol ogy . B ut sp eak ing of ed ucation to acceptance and the fear of Creator-GOD p robl ems in l ife, but have no id ea how p oor p eop l e mak es them scream with who has given us beautiful things but we to get the Divine help to save their lives. pain saying: when we don’t have food p refer to omit H I M from our l ives. W ith- Y oung highl y ed ucated women are either in stomach how can we stud y ? out H I M nothing can go right. cap tured and rap p ed or l ured into the evil This proves first of all we need to pro- “We human beings don’t realize how l ife sty l e by the highl y ed ucated p eop l e. vid e food and shel ter, to get ed ucation great G od is. H e has given us an ex - M ost gruesome story of incest reveal ed and j obs. traord inary brain and a sensitive l oving by the 11 yrs old girl, on Dr. Phil Show, “Education, H igh C ommissioner of P ak istan to C an- heart” . S ay s M al al a. another gruesome story on Dr. OZ. education” ! ada mentioned: “our religion Islam also Y et, the wond erful G ift of brain is often show, abd uction of 1 1 y r ol d girl and her emp hasis on necessity of ed ucation” . misused in M onk ey business of fraud s night mare. By: Gulshan Aalani True, ! 4 C . ago N ew M usl ims were of P onz i schemes, l y ing, and d eceiving A t that time onl y ed ucation d oesn’ t The favorite subj ect of ‘ ed ucation’ is taught about the imp ortance of ed ucathe innocent p eop l e, p utting their l ives help but strong Faith in GOD, the in the A ir and has gone viral after the strong wil l , strong voice to scream and insp iring sp eeches of A fghani y oung tion by P rop het ( S A W S ) and ad vised to and soul s in d anger.. travel as far as C hina to get ed ucation Her father’s advise: “---the very first k ick the abusers. l ad y M al al a Y ousafz ai who sp ok e so and k nowl ed ge. thing is to sp eak the truth” . “I believe it’s a woman’s right to deel oq uentl y at the time of her p resenThough, onl y the acad emic ed ucation is The l iars cl aiming to be M usl ims using cid e what she wants to wear and if a tation at the H ouse of C ommons on P arl iament H il l for p resentation of an not sufficient but the general knowledge the fake ID and killing in the name of woman can go to the beach and wear nothing, then why can’ t she al so wear honorary C anad ian C itiz enship to her of ethics and moral val ues goes hand in Islam but are anti-Islam-sinners. hand , without it nothing can change. M ost of the ed ucated p eop l e aren’ t even every thing? ” . S ay s M al al a. by P .M . Trud eau. Since centuries the Wars, fighting for aware of concep t of ‘ S in’ , d ue to their L et al l the y oung girl s and boy s l earn ‘ E d ucation’ is l oved by y oung, ol d , from M al al a to get up after the fal l , remil l ennial s ( G en.Y ) etc., as it is one of l and s and P ower are stil l going on by the ignorance of the One Creator-GOD. highl y ed ucated p eop l e; without sy mp aM ost of the y oung p eop l e are ed ucated j ect al l the evil , and get invol ved in the the most imp ortant p art of our l ives, to thy , emp athy or any concern for humany et they give up on l ife, committing suiwork of honesty . l ive successful l y in this worl d of techity , such q ual ities coul d come onl y by cid e for C y ber bul l y ing, and facing other
M iracl e M ed ia G roup I nc.©
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Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
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SC to hear Hussain Nawaz’s reservations regarding Panama Papers JIT
A three-member bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, headed by Justice Ejaz Afzal Khan, will conduct a hearing on reservations raised by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ’s son, Hussain Nawaz. The application submitted by the premier’s son raised reservations regarding two members of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) formed to probe Panamagate as per the apex court’s instructions. The plea says these two JIT members have links with former President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). It was pleaded that the request should be heard by the fivemember bench in the Panama case. Hussain Nawaz had asked the Supreme Court’s special bench to replace the two The JIT probing the prime minister’s family’s business dealPanama JIT members for transparent and unbiased inquiry. ings abroad had submitted an initial report before the SuThe hearing is scheduled for May 29. The contentious mem- preme Court on Monday. After reviewing the report, the bers of the JIT are Bilal Rasool and Amer Aziz.
contents of which were not made public, the three-member special bench of the apex court, formed to monitor the JIT’s proceedings, ordered Wajid Zia, head of the JIT, to take the stand. Justice Ijaz ul Ahsan, the head of the bench, warned Zia that the tasks assigned to the JIT should be completed within the 60-day time-frame provided to the team. “We will not allow extra time under any circumstances,” Justice Shiekh Azmat, a member of the bench, added. He had directed the FIA director to report any problems faced by the members of the JIT to the court. Justice Azmat also told Zia that the court “does not disagree with the report.” Advocate Faisal Chaudhry, representing the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf, asked the court to make the JIT’s report public. However, the bench said that the report will only be made public at a “suitable time” .Source: Dawn.com
The extremely vitiated discourse propagated by the broadcast media in India and Pakistan has been acting as a spoiler for efforts to improve relations between the two countries, which demands the provision of an alternative media platform that dilutes the negative effect of the traditional media. This came as a strong proposal in a recent meeting of experts and strategists from Pakistan and India held in Kathmandu as part of the Track-II initiative of Friedrich-EbertStiftung (FES), a German foundation. The participants of the meeting discussed at length the possibility of creating such a platform that would allow the free flow of information from both the countries about their people, cultures and aspirations that would not only help both nations view each other through a softer prism but also create a demand and an enabling environment for confidence-building and conflict-resolution measures whenever the states make a decision to pursue it. It was however, emphasised that the current situation of escalation of tensions between both the countries was not an appropriate moment to start it at a larger scale, but some “baby steps” could be taken using the digital medium to begin with. The participants agreed to make this alternative platform covering politically neutral and purely entertainment-based content. Manish Tewari, spokesperson for the Indian National Congress and former minister for information and broadcasting under India’s UPA government, while speaking on the occasion said that this proposed platform should not only create a common
many Pakistani actors household names in India because of the unprecedented popularity of those dramas.The participants were of the view that this kind of joint media platform could begin as a low key digital project on a subscriptionbased Netflix-like cyber site, which – if made a financially viable concern – could, in the longer run, generate interest among the media investors who could then replicate it in order to explore a common media market. This would, the participants agreed, bring a transformational change in the way both nations viewed each other, as well as create an almost irreversible environment where both the states could freely make appropriate policy choices towards peace and conflict resolution. Some participants, however, were of the view that any such initiative should be limited to the entertainment based on shared culture and heritage and must not touch the contentious political and strategic issues. They also pressed for the placement of journalists in each other’s countries and resuming the exchange of newspapers and publications. They were of the view that both the countries should, as a confidence-building measure, resume downlinking of the state TV channels, the Door Darshan and the PTV news and entertainment channels. The participants from both the countries included General (r) Ashok Mehta, Manvindar Singh, Manish Tewari, Shanthie Mariet D’Souza, Srinath Raghavan, Sushant Singh and Sanjay from India and Aziz A Khan, General (r) Hamid Khan, General (r) Masood Aslam, Benazir Shah, Ghareeda Farooqi and Amir Rana.
Experts from Pakistan, India propose creation of common media market
media market in Pakistan and India but in the whole of South Asia, whereby there was a free flow of information, a regulatory regime that allowed fast-track downlinking of each other’s television channels, free movement of books, and even a possibility of investment in each other’s private broadcast media, like FM radio space. “The potential of such an initiative is endless,” he said. Gen (r) Masood Aslam said that the possibility of revenue generation if media on either side starts seeing the revenue potential would possibly help in mitigating the somewhat corrosive discourse that had been dominating the traditional mainstream media for the last couple of years. It would automatically create an appetite for a common media market, he added. The Pakistani participants said that looking at the ratings that the Indian content brings, it was clear that there was a huge demand of Indian entertainment content in Pakistan. Similarly, the Indian participants informed that the Zindagi channel that aired popular Pakistani drama serials made
Nisar directs PTA to make SOPs for social media
I nterior M inister C haudhr y N isar on W edne sda y di rected the chairman of the P aki stan Tel ecommunication A uthority ( P TA ) to formul ate initial dr aft of S tanda rd O pe rating P roced ures ( S O P s) for regul ating the use of social medi a and tackl ing bl asphe mous and sacril egious content. C hairing a high l evel meeting here, he di rected P TA to consul t al l stake hol de rs incl udi ng service pr ovide rs, civil society , mainstream medi a and others, for setting guide l ines, dul y suppor ted by the l egal framework, to regul ate use of social media for constructive purposes and nation-building process. The minister said that initial dr aft of S tanda rd O pe rating P rocedur es ( S O P s) shoul d be pr epa red in a week’ s time for further conside ration. The meeting was attende d by sec-
retary interior, chairman P TA , advoc ate general , chairman National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA), Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad, senior official s of F ede ral I nvestigation A gency ( F I A ) and the ministry . The minister aske d spe ake r N ational A ssembl y to convene a meeting of repr esentatives of al l pol itical pa rties for evol ving consensus for put ting in pl ace a framework to ensure that social medi a pl atforms are used in a pos itive manner. He asked Foreign Office to get in touch with the O rganiz ation of I sl amic C ountries ( O I C ) S ecretary G eneral for convening a meeting at O I C l evel on issue of bl asphe mous content on social medi a as pe r commitment given to him by the secretary general dur ing his l ast visit to P aki stan.
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Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
& I N T .
BC Liberals denied majority as final election count leaves govt. in danger
With all the ballots from the May 9 election officially in, B.C. Premier Christy Clark has been d enied a maj ority government after the L iberal s’ hop e for recap turing one more seat evap orated on W ed nesd ay . A fter three d ay s of recounting bal l ots in two rid ings, and ad d ing in p reviousl y unop ened absentee bal l ots across the p rovince, E l ections B C ’ s resul ts showed no change in seat numbers for each of the three p arties in the M ay 9 election – 43 Liberal, 41 NDP and three Green. N ow, M s. C l ark must win the sup p ort of the G reen P arty caucus for a Throne S p eech and a bud get if she is to hang on to power. “With 43 BC Liberal cand id ates el ected as M L A s, and a p l ural ity in the l egisl ature, we have a resp onsibil ity to move forward and form a government, ” the P remier said in a statement. “Our priority is to protect our strong economy and to manage B.C.’s finances resp onsibl y , whil e l istening cl osel y to B ritish C ol umbians on how we ad d ress imp ortant social and environmental p riorities and how we can mak e B .C . p ol itics more resp onsive, transp arent, and accountabl e.” I f M s. C l ark fail s to strik e a d eal with the Greens, the NDP will be ready for a confrontation that aims to top p l e M s. C l ark ’ s government. That coul d send the p rovince back to the polls, but the New Democrats – who have not won an election in B.C. since 1996 – hope to negotiate an al l iance with the G reens that woul d al l ow them to form a government. G reen P arty L ead er A nd rew W eaver has been facing increasing p ressure from p rogressive ad vocacy group s to rej ect a pact with the Liberals in favour of the New Demo-
B.C. election results after final
A L ibya n security spoke spe rson says another brother of the al l eged M anchester suicide bomber has been arrested, al ong with his father, in connection with M onda y night’ s attack at pop concert. B oth arrests happe ned in Tripol i. A hmed bin S al em, a spok espe rson for a Libyan anti-terror force, said the younger brother of S al man A bedi , H ashim, was de tained on Tuesda y . B in S al em gave no further details. However the Special Deterrent anti-terror force said in a statement on its F acebook pa ge that the arrest took pl ace as H ashim A bedi was receiving cash transferred from his brother S al man. The force’ s statement says: “The brother was aware of al l the de tail s of the terrorist attack,” and that he’ d cl aimed both he and S al man bel onged to I S I S .P rior to his own arrest, the accused bomber’ s father, R amada n A bedi , tol d The A ssociated P ress on W edne sda y , that another son, I smail , 2 3, was arrested in E ngl and on Tuesda y . S al man A bedi , 2, was a B ritish citiz en born to L ibya n pa rents and grew up around M anchester. H e d ied in the attack. A bedi attende d the l ocal S al ford U niversity for a time. N eighbours recal l ed him as a tal l , thin young man who often wore tradi tional I sl amic dr ess and di dn’ t tal k much.P ol ice on Tuesda y raide d his house, using a control l ed expl osion to bl ast do wn the doo r.A t a news conference W edne sda y , pol ice C hief Ian Hopkins said it’s clear “this is a network we are investigating.” H opki ns said pol ice are carryi ng out ext ensive searches across
crats und er L ead er J ohn H organ, but the bitter rival ry between the two p rogressive p arties d uring the camp aign might get in the way . M r. H organ tol d rep orters on W ed nesd ay he is op timistic his p arty wil l reach some k ind of agreement with the G reens that woul d al l ow him to command a majority of votes in the House. He floated the possibility of approaching Lieutenant-Governor Judith G uichon with an accord that coul d avoid the need for M s. C l ark ’ s government to be d efeated in the Legislature on a vote of confidence. British Col umbia has not had a minority government since 1952. In a province long dominated by two pol itical p arties, this el ection resul t rep resents a d ramatic change in the l and scap e with the rise of the G reen P arty . W ith j ust three seats, it has huge l everage in shap ing what comes nex t. E ven before the final results were announced, the Liberals and the New Democrats had dispatched teams of negotiators to meet with the G reens. M r. W eaver has set out three “deal breakers” that include granting the Greens official party status in the legislature, and adopting campaign finance reform and electoral reform. Those tal k s are set to continue. The G reens op p ose some central p l ank s in the L iberal agend a, incl ud ing the construction of the S ite C d am and the ex p ansion of the K ind er M organ oil pipeline, which could make a Liberal-Green alliance difficult. If Mr. Weaver wins an agreement on his terms, the nex t p rovincial el ection woul d be ex ecuted und er a p rop ortional rep resentation Security officials around the world are el ectoral sy stem. Source: Global News scrambling to harden so-called “soft tar-- plentiful and vulnerable civilian count Share of popular vote gets” gathering sites l ike night cl ubs, outdoor festivals and outside stadiums -- in the wake of the l atest de adl y bombing attack. M onda y’ s strike on a l arge arena concert by U .S . pop star A riana G rande in M anchester, U .K ., left at least 22 dead, including an 8-year-old girl . M anchester P ol ice C hief I an H opki ns identified the bomber as 22-year-old Salman A bedi , who authorities said di ed in the attack. B ritain raised its terror threat l evel to critical on Tuesda y , indi cating the next attack coul d come at any moment. M anchester now j oins P aris, B russel s, N ice, and B erl in on the l ist of maj or E urope an cities recently struck by traumatizing softtarget terrorism. I n C anada , l arge venues l ike the A ir C anada C entre in Toronto are now pr omising to even tighter security . A nd O ttawa is reassuring the publ ic that l aw enforcement is wel l pr epa red to pr otect the massive crowds expe cted at the C anada 150 of senior Democrats. Russia has always events pl anned on P arl iament H il l on J ul y d enied the al l egation. A l J az eera’ s K im- 1. “We take Canadian’s security very seriberl y H al k ett, rep orting from C ap itol H il l ously,” Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan told in Washington, DC, quoted Brennan as say- reporters on Tuesday. “We will continue to ing there was sufficient evidence to warrant do the pr ope r threat assessments, and our the many investigations tak ing p l ace right agencies are always working 24/7 on this.” now. R ep ubl icans on the committee p ushed W hil e ext ra l aye rs of security may feel l ike B rennan about whether there was evid ence a tangibl e di rect respons e to assuage a j itof col l usion between R ussia and the Trump tery public after a gut-wrenching soft-target camp aign. B rennan said the C I A focuses on attack, security expe rts warn more pr otecintelligence, not “evidence”, and he was not tions at airpor ts, stadi ums, government abl e to answer that q uestion. The testimony buil di ngs, city centres, and festival s wil l came the d ay after M ichael F l y nn, Trump ’ s only see ever-opportunistic terrorists shift former national security ad viser, invok ed his their efforts to the peripheries of those seconstitutional right against self-incrimina- curity perimeters. “Terrorists are morphing tion. The F B I is al so cond ucting a counter- their appr oaches because we’ ve morph ed our security ,” F ormer O ntario P rovincial intel l igence investigation into R ussia and the P ol ice C ommissioner C hris L ewis tol d C TV Trump camp aign. News on Tuesday. “That is going to conSource: Al-Jazeera tinue to happen.” “Trying to harden every-
Liberal: 40.36% NDP: 40.28 Green: 16.84
John Brennan: Russia interfered in US election process
Russia “brazenly interfered” in the 2016 US el ection p rocess d esp ite the head of its F S B security service being warned it woul d hurt US-Russia ties, according to John Brennan, the former C I A d irector. B rennan, whil e testify ing at a hearing of the U S H ouse of R ep resentatives I ntel l igence C ommittee on Tuesd ay , said it became cl ear l ast summer that R ussia was attemp ting to interfere in the election. “It should be clear to everyone R ussia braz enl y interfered in our 2 0 1 6 p resid ential el ection p rocess and that they und ertook these activities d esp ite our strong p rotests and ex p l icit warning that they d o not d o so, ” he said . B rennan said he bel ieved he was the first US official to raise the matter of el ection interference with the R ussians, citing a p hone conversation he had in A ugust l ast y ear with F S B head A l ex and er B ortnik ov. H e said he raised p ubl ished news med ia rep orts of R ussian attemp ts to med d l e in the election with the Russian official, who denied any invol vement by M oscow. B rennan said he briefed then P resid ent B arack O bama and other top officials, and that he discussed the matter with both Republican and Democratic U S congressional l ead ers in A ugust and S ep tember. U S intel l igence agencies concl ud ed in J anuary that R ussia tried to til t the N ovember p resid ential el ection campaign in Republican Donald Trump’s favour, incl ud ing hack ing into and l eak ing email s
Multiple arrests across Manchester in wake of suicide bombing
the city .H e de cl ined to comment on whether pol ice have found the make r of the expl osive de vice used in the attack at the M anchester A rena that ki l l ed 2 pe opl e, incl udi ng chil dren and a police officer, following an Ariana G rande concert. L ater in the da y , pol ice confirmed six men and one woman have been arrested in the U .K . in connection with the investigation. They are al l being hel d in custody for que stioning. P ol ice are tryi ng to establ ish if the bomber acted al one or whether there coul d be a risk of further attacks . B ritish pol ice and intel l igence agencies are worki ng to pi ece together A bedi ’ s al l egiances, as the country’s law-and-order chief said it’s “likely” he did not act alone. Home Secretary A mber R udd said earl ier that A bedi had been known to security forces “up to a point.” Officials are examining his trips to L ibya and pos sibl y S yr ia as they pi ece together his movements before the bombing and try to foil any new pot ential attacks . B efore he was arrested, R amada n A bedi said he spoke to his son five days ago, and that he was getting ready to visit S audi A rabia and sounded “normal.” Abedi’s father told The A ssociated P ress that A bedi ’ s brother I smail was arrested Tuesda y in the area. B ritain on Tuesda y raised its terrorism threat l evel to “critical” amid concerns Abedi may have accompl ices who are pl anning another attack. B ritish sol di ers have been de pl oye d in pl ace of police officers to guard high-profile sites such as B ucki ngham P al ace and P arl iament.
Hardening ‘soft targets’ won’t stop terror attacks: experts thing in our society is not going to work as a strategy in combating viol ent ext remism at these events,” said S tepha nie C arvin, an assistant pr ofessor at C arl eton U niversity specializing in security and terrorism. “We had the attacks on M onda y night which had a harde ned target, so the viol ent ext remists de cide d to go for a soft target that was j ust outside .” M eanwhil e, the chal l enges facing intel l igence agencies continue to grow. Terrorist organiz ations such as the I sl amic State have grown increasingly effective at turning adm irers in E urope and N orth A merica into attacke rs via the I nternet. The diversity and sheer number of would-be attacke rs mean agencies are di vidi ng their attention now more than ever. “There are no easy answers. There is no age profile. There is no race profile,” said Carvin. “It is real l y a chal l enge because there is no type you can refer to.” “If you see something, suspe ct something, know something, say something,” said Lewis. “The life you save might be the 19-year-old brother or cousin that has become radi cal iz ed, l et al one the innocent ki ds that were ki l l ed in an event like last night.” How that communitybased appr oach woul d take shape in C anada is ye t to be seen. The L iberal government pr omised to take steps to de vel op resources for countering viol ent ext remism in its 2015 el ection pl atform. C arvin argues such an initiative woul d be inherentl y val uabl e, but al so costl y and rife with l egal chal l enges. “I think when you put it all together it could be one of the most complex multi-level government pr ograms that the government has actually proposed,” she said. “What do you do with someone you think is going to conduc t a viol ent act, but you don’ t know when, you don’ t know where. M onitoring these pe opl e is ext remel y expe nsive and po tential l y r equi res a pol ice state. ” Source: CTV News
Shabaan 2 1438 May 26, 2017
From Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal MPs
Ramadan Mubarak Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau
John Aldag
Terry Beech
Randy Boissonnault
Sukh Dhaliwal
Hon. Hedy Fry
Pamela Goldsmith-Jones
Ken Hardie
Hon. Kent Hehr
Darshan Kang
Ron McKinnon
Joyce Murray
Joe Peschisolido
Hon. Carla Qualtrough
Dan Ruimy
Hon. Harjit Sajjan
Randeep Sarai
Jati Sidhu
Hon. Amarjeet Sohi
Hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould
Trudeau says he’ll work with provinces on Trans Mountain pipeline expansion
Prime Minister Visits Surrey on May 19th
P rime M inister J ustin Trude au says he’ l l work with B ritish C ol umbia and A l berta to move ahead with his government’ s agenda of creating j obs whil e transitioning toward a lower-carbon economy. Trude au was ask ed on F rida y about the pos sibil ity that B .C . coul d wind up with a government that op pos es the Trans M ountain pi pe l ine expa nsion. H e suggested that the province’s NDP and Greens, who oppose the project, are “wrong” in their position. “Canadians understand that we need to both pr otect the environment and buil d a better economy at the same time. A nyone pr opos ing a fal se choice around that is wrong,” he said a t an event in S urrey . The final count from the recent provincial el ection, incl udi ng absentee bal l ots, wil l be compl eted next week and the G reens are poi sed to hol d the bal ance of pow er if a minority government is confirmed.
A fter general and adva nce votes were tal lied May 9, the pro-pipeline Liberals held 43 seats, short of the 4 neede d for a majority, while the NDP won 41 seats and the G reens took three. B ut there are a handf ul of ridi ngs that were de cide d by fewer than 30 votes and there are 176,0 absentee bal l ots stil l to be counted. NDP Leader John Horgan has vowed to use “every tool in the toolbox” to stop the Trans M ountain expa nsion, but he hasn’ t been specific about what those tools are. A l berta P remier R achel N otl ey has said that no pr ovince has the pow er to stop K inde r M organ C anada ’ s expa nsion of the pi pe l ine that runs from the E dm onton area to B urnaby and which her government staunchl y suppor ts. Trude au d id not di rectl y answer a que stion about whether her statement was true, but he said he has a very pos itive rel ationship with the p rovinces and wil l work construc-
tivel y w ith them. The fede ral government appr oved the $7.4-billion expansion late last year, shortly after announcing a $1.5-billion ocean protection pl an. A l berta has obtained intervener status in court challenges of the project filed by municipalities and F irst N ations in southwest B .C . P ol itical scientist R ichard J ohnston of the U niversity of B ritish C ol umbia has said interpr ovincial pi pe l ines fal l unde r fede ral j urisdi ction, so there is l ittl e that B .C . coul d do t o stop t he pr oj ect. Trude au was at a S urrey recreation centre to pr omote his government’ s C anada C hil d Benefit. He met with parents and played with a l arge rainbow pa rachute with a group of rambunctious chil dr en. H e then met with pe opl e at a F il ipi no restaurant in S urrey before visiting A bbotsford’ s Gur Sikh Temple along with Defence Minister H arj it S aj j an.
The temple, founded in 1912, is the oldest Sikh p l ace of worship in N orth A merica, Trud eau said after sp eak ing a few word s in P unj abi. The pr ime minister tol d a l arge crowd gathered outside the templ e that C anadi ans need to remember the 1914 Komagata Maru incide nt in orde r to avoid pa st mistake s. The ship carryi ng 376 pe opl e from P unj ab was not al l owed to doc k in V ancouver’ s harbour. “They caught a glimpse of the Canadian d ream and we turned them away , ” he said . “Save for a few, the passengers were forced to turn around and go back to I nd ia. The conseq uences that awaited them there were tragic.” Trude au apol ogiz ed for the incide nt in the H ouse of C ommons l ast ye ar. The P rime M inister met with members of the F il ipi no community a t K ubye rtos L echon H ouse R estaurant in S urrey . Photos By:: Naseer Pirzada
Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
Narrated Abu Huraira(r.a): The M essenger of A l l ah ( saw) said:”... whoever fasts during Ramadan out of sincere faith and hopi ng to attain A l l ah’ s rewards , then al l his pa st sins wil l be forgiven.” ( I mam B ukha ri) .
Ramadan Generosity in Action
By: Imam Zaid Shakir
“If it were the case that a man became M usl im, not de siring anyt hing other than worl dl y gain, he woul d not reach the evening exc ept I sl am was more bel oved to him than the worl d and every thing on the face of the earth.” I mam M usl im al so rel ates, from S afwan bin Umayya, “The Messenger of Allah started giving me gifts whil e he was the most hated of pe opl e to me. H e continued to give to me until he became the most bel oved of pe opl e to me.” 1Ibn Shihab (al-Zuhri) mentions that in the aftermath of the B attl e of H unayn he gave S afwan one hundr ed sheep and goats, then another hundr ed, then yet another. In al-Maghazi, al-Waqidi mentions, “On that day the Prophet gave S afwan bin U mayya a val l ey filled with camels, sheep and goats. S afwan said, ‘ This l evel of generosity coul d onl y be pl easing to a pr ophe t.’ ” In the compilations of al-Bukhari and Musl im, it is rel ated by J ubayr bin M ut’ im that
in the aftermath of the B attl e of H unayn the de sert A rabs were tugging at the P rophe t aski ng him to di vide up some of the war booty amongst them. He said to them, “If I had sheep and goats equa l to the number of these thorny de sert shrubs [ scattered around us] I woul d di vide them amongst you. You would find me to be neither a miser, nor a l iar, nor a coward.” Imam al-Bukhari relates a hadith from S ahl bin S a’ d that a cl oak was given to the M essenger of A l l ah. H e wore it and he real l y neede d it. A man aske d him for it and he gave it to him. The Companions rebuked him saying, “He neede d it and you k now that he never refuses a request.” He said, “I only aske d for it so it coul d be my burial shroud.” A nd it turned out to be his burial shroud. A l l of his generosity was for A l l ah, be he M ighty and M aj estic, and seeki ng H is pl easure. E ither he woul d spe nd for the poor , or the needy , or in the way of A l l ah, or to win over to I sl am those whose faith woul d be
strengthened by hi s generosity . H is character was an embodi ment of this book ( the Q ur’ an) in that he was pl eased with what it de scribes as pl easurabl e, angered by what it de scribes as evoki ng anger. H e hastened to impl ement what it encourages and to avoid what it forbids . F or this reason his generosity and goodne ss was increased dur ing this month ( R amada n) , because of the pr esence of G abriel and his reviewing with him the Q ur’ an, which encourages nobil ity and generosity , with him. There can be no doubt that association [ with a nobl e, generous pe rson] breeds assimil ation. Imam Zaid Shakir is amongst the most respected and influential Islamic scholars in the West. As an American Muslim who came of age during the civil rights struggles, he has brought both sensitivity about race and poverty issues and scholarly discipline to his faith-based work. Source: New Islamic Directions
e often focus on the fasting and Tarawih p ray ers d uring R amad an. H owever, the bl essed month is al so a time when generosity is greatl y emp hasiz ed . O ne shoul d try to be ex ceed ingl y generous d uring this month. I n this section (pp. 305-310) Ibn Rajab examines the generosity of the P rop het . This ex amination is an encouragement for the bel ievers to be ex cessivel y generous d uring the bl essed month of R amad an. It is related in the two sound books (al-Bukhari and M usl im) on the authority of I bn ‘ A bbas, may Allah be pleased with him and his father: The M essenger of A l l ah was the most generous of pe opl e. H e was espe cial l y generous in R amada n when the A ngel G abriel woul d come and review the Q ur’ an with him. G abriel woul d to review the Q ur’ an with him every night dur ing the month of R amada n. V eril y , when G abriel woul d come and review the Q ur’ an with him in R amad an, the M essenger of A l l ah was more generous than the free-blowing wind. I mam A hmad record s this had ith with the ad d itional words at its end, “He was not asked for anything except that he gave it.” G enerosity is ex p ansive and abund ant giving. A l l ah is d escribed as generous. [ W e read ] in the compilation of Imam al-Tirmidhi, from the transmissions of S a’ d bin A bi W aq q as, that the P rop het said , “Allah is generous, He loves generosity; He is noble, H e l oves nobil ity .” H is comp il ation al so mentions, on the authority of Abu Dharr, on the authority of the Prophet narrating directly from his Lord: O my servants! If the first of you, the last of you; the l iving of you, the de ad of you; the intact of you, the de compos ed of you ; were to gather in a vast pl ain, and every indi vidua l were to ask of me his wil de st dr eam, and I were to grant everyone what he aske d, that woul d not de crease my dom inion as much as [ the water take n from] an ocean one of you were to pa ss by and di p a needl e into it and then ext ract it. That is because I am generous, ext ant, and gl orious. I do what I pl ease. M y giving is a word and my puni shment is a word. M y command to something when I de sire it is Ramadan Date but to say, “Be, and it is!” Days Fajr Sunrise Zawaal Dhur Asr Maghrib Isha Date May/June In a well-known narration, Fudail bin ‘Iyyad mentioned, “Every night Allah proclaims, ‘I am generous, *1 Sat 9:08 10:58 1:19 *27 2:43 1:02 6:34 5:14 I l ove generosity; I am nobl e, I l ove nobil ity .’ ” A l l ah 2 Sun 9:09 10:58 1:19 28 2:43 1:02 6:35 5:13 is the most generous of al l . H is generosity is ampl i3 Mon 9:10 10:59 1:19 29 2:43 1:02 6:36 5:13 fied during certain special times such as the month of 4 Tues 9:11 11:00 1:19 30 2:43 1:02 6:36 5:12 R amada n. [ I t is in the context of di scussing R amada n] 5 Wed 9:12 11:00 1:20 31 2:42 1:03 6:37 5:11 that he has reveal ed, W hen my servants ask about M e, 6 Thu 9:13 11:01 1:20 2:42 1:03 6:38 5:10 veril y I am cl ose by . I respond to the cal l of the sup Jul 1 7 Fri 9:14 11:01 plicant when he invokes me. (Qur’an 2:186) 1:20 2:42 1:03 6:38 5:10 2 In a hadith mentioned by Imam al-Tirmidhi and oth8 Sat 9:15 11:02 1:20 2:42 1:03 6:39 5:09 3 ers, the Prophet mentioned, “During it (Ramadan) a 9 Sun 9:16 11:02 1:20 2:42 1:03 6:39 5:08 4 cal l er cries out, ‘ Those de siring good come forward, 10 Mon 9:17 11:03 1:20 2:42 1:03 6:40 5:08 5 and those de siring evil stay away .’ A l l ah has those 11 Tues 9:18 11:03 1:21 2:42 1:04 6:40 5:07 6 H e l iberates from H el l , and that occurs every night 12 Wed 9:19 11:04 1:21 2:42 1:04 6:41 5:07 7 [ dur ing R amada n] .” I n that A l l ah has pr edi spos ed H is 13 Thu 9:19 11:04 1:21 2:42 1:04 6:41 5:07 8 P roph et upon the most pe rfect and nobl est character 14 Fri 9:20 11:05 1:21 2:42 1:04 6:42 5:06 9 traits, as is rel ated in a hadi th from A bu H urayr a, from 15 Sat 9:21 11:05 1:21 2:42 1:04 6:42 5:06 the Prophet that he said, “I have only been sent to per10 16 Sun 9:21 11:06 fect the nobl est of character.” I mam M al ik mentions 1:22 2:42 1:05 6:43 5:06 11 17 this in the M uwatta. The P rophe t was ind eed the most Mon 9:22 11:06 1:22 2:42 1:05 6:43 5:06 12 generous of al l pe opl e. 18 Tues 9:23 11:07 1:22 2:42 1:05 6:43 5:05 13 The P rop het p ossessed these p raiseworthy q ual ities 19 Wed 9:23 11:07 1:22 2:42 1:05 6:44 5:05 14 even before I sl am. O wing to this, K had ij a said to him, 20 Thu 9:23 11:07 1:22 2:42 1:05 6:44 5:05 15 when he initially received revelation, “I swear by Al21 Fri 9:24 11:08 1:23 2:42 1:06 6:44 5:05 16 l ah, H e wil l never d isgrace y ou! Y ou up hol d the sanc22 Sat 9:24 11:08 1:23 2:42 1:06 6:45 5:05 17 tity of bl ood rel ations, y ou honor the guest, y ou bear 23 Sun 9:25 11:08 1:23 2:42 1:06 6:45 5:05 18 the burd ens of others, y ou sp end on the d ep rived , and 24 Mon 9:25 11:08 1:23 2:42 1:06 6:45 5:05 y ou assist p eop l e in the face of cal amities.” A fter rev19 25 Tues 9:25 11:09 elation these qualities were greatly amplified in him . 1:23 2:43 1:06 6:46 5:06 20 26 It is related in the compilations of al-Bukhari and Wed 9:25 11:09 1:26 2:43 1:07 6:46 5:06 21 Muslim, from Anas, “The Messenger of Allah was 27 Thu 9:25 11:09 1:24 2:43 1:07 6:46 5:06 22 the nicest, bravest, and most generous of al l p eop l e.” 28 Fri 9:26 11:09 1:24 2:43 1:07 6:46 5:06 23 Anas also relates, “After Islam, the Messenger of Al29 Sat 9:26 11:09 1:24 2:43 1:07 6:46 5:07 24 l ah was never ask ed for any thing ex cep t he gave it. *30 Sun 9:26 11:09 1:25 2:44 1:08 6:46 5:07 *25 A man came to him and asked him for a valley filled *1 Shawwal 1438 AH EID UL FITAR 2017 Mon with l ivestock and he gave it to him. H e returned to his p eop l e and said . ‘ O P eop l e! B ecome M usl im, for M uhammad gives l ik e a man who d oes not fear p overty .” ’ Timetable Source BCMA Note: Please follow your Masjid Ramadan Timetable A nas further mentions,
“O Allah. I fasted for You and I believe in You and I break my fast with Your sustenance”
“I intend to keep fast tomorrow in the month of Ramadan”
May Allah bless everyone with peace and happiness in this Ramadan
Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
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Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
he Taraweeh P ray er is an emp hasised S unnah of the M essenger of A l l ah( p eace be up on him ) d uring the month of Ramadan.Both al-Bukhaari (1129) and M usl im ( 7 6 1 ) narrated from ‘ A isha ( may A l l ah be p l eased with her) that the M essenger of A l l ah ( p eace and bl essings of A l l ah be up on him) p ray ed one night in the mosq ue, and the p eop l e fol l owed him in p ray er. Then he p ray ed the nex t night, and many p eop l e came. Then they gathered on the third or fourth night, and the M essenger of A l l ah ( p eace and bl essings of A l l ah be up on him) d id not come out to them. The nex t morning he said: “I saw what you did, and nothing k ep t me from coming out to y ou ex cep t the fact that I feared that it woul d be mad e obl igatory for y ou.” A nd that was in R amad an These had ith show that p ray ing Taraweeh in congregation is p rescribed in the S unnah of the P rop het ( p eace be up on him) . U mar d uring his K hil afah restabl ished this S unnah of p ray er in congregation. It was narrated in al-Saheehayn from ‘Aisha ( may A l l ah be p l eased with her) that the M essenger of A l l ah ( p eace and bl essings of A l l ah be up on him) woul d forgo d oing something that he l ik ed to d o l est the p eop l e d o it and it become obl igatory up on them. ( N arrated by al-Bukhaari, 1060; Muslim, Salaat al-Musaafireen, 1174). Al-Bukhaari (2010) narrated that ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn ‘Abd al-Qaari said: I went out with ‘Umar ibn alK hattaab ( may A l l ah be p l eased with him) to the mosq ue one night in R amad an, and
the p eop l e were scattered , each man p ray ing by himsel f. S ome men woul d p ray and have group s of p eop l e behind them fol l owing them. ‘Umar said: “I think that if I unite all these p eop l e with one read er, it wil l be bet better. Then he resol ved to gather them behind U bay y ibn K a’ b. Al-Haafiz said: Ibn al-Teen and others said that ‘ U mar based this d ecision on the P rop h het’ s ap p roval of those who p ray ed with him on those nights. A l though he d isl ik ed that for them, that was based on the fear that it might be mad e obl igatory for them. W hen the P rop het ( p eace and bl essings of A l l ah be up on him) d ied , there was no l onger any fear of that hap p ening, and ‘ U mar thought, because of the p otential d ivision that might arise from p eop l e p ray ing sep aratel y , and because uniting them behind one read er is more motivating for many p eop l e. The maj ority agreed with ‘ U mar’ s d ecision. E nd q uote from Fath al-Baari. THE VIRTUES OF THE TARAWEEH PRAYER Abu Hurayrah said: Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said “He who prays during the night in R amad an with faith and seek ing his reward from A l l ah wil l have his p ast sins forgiven” ( A greed U p on) The M aj ority of schol ars say that by al l his p asts sins it means his minor sin not maj or sins if the p erson stand al l the nights of R amad an in p ray er and not j ust a few nights . The schol ars say in ord er for maj or sins to be forgiven a p erson is req uired to mak e sincere toba ( sincere rep entance) Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever stands with the Imam until he finishes, it is eq uival ent to sp end ing the whol e night in prayer.”Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 806; A bu Dawood, 1375; al-Nasaa’i, 1605; Ibn Maajah, 1327. Classed as saheeh by al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Khuzaymah (3/337), Ibn Hibbaan (3/340) and al-Albaani in Irwa’al-Ghaleel, 447.
Ramadan 2017: Why is it so important for Muslims?
byAl Jazeera Staff Muslims also believe that the Quran was reR amad an is up on us once again. H ere is what vealed in Ramadan. hap p ens d uring the hol y month. During the holy month, Muslims would wake up early to eat a pre-dawn meal called suhoor, and they break their fast with a meal Ramadan is the holiest month for Muslims. referred to as iftar. Every year, Muslims around the world fast It is common for mosques to host large ifduring daylight hours, but what is it really tars, especially for the poor and needy. about? Ramadan is the ninth month in the Nightly prayers called Tarawih are also held Muslim lunar calendar. Healthy adult Mus- in mosques after iftar. lims fast in Ramadan from dawn until dusk. Different cultures have different traditions This includes abstaining from drinking, eat- during Ramadan, whether it is a special food ing, immoral acts and anger. Other acts of they must cook, or eating iftar with the exworship such as prayer, reading the Quran tended family. Islamic tenets, such as generosand charity are also encouraged during ity, inspired most of these traditions, such as Ramadan. sharing food and inviting guests over for iftar.
What is Ramadan?
Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
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Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
A Fundraising Dinner for Namal Knowledge City Mianwali held in Surrey
By: Abubakar Khan I woul d l ik e to ex tend my heartfel t congratul ations to our new board and trust of the Pakistan Canada Association A l J amia M asj id V ancouver for hosting a very successful fund raiser for F riend s of N amal K nowl ed ge C ity . A very nobl e cause found ed by P ak istans very own I mran K han and l ed by A l eema K han, a wel l k nown and resp ected hu-
manitarian and p rop onent for this great effort to bring knowledge, education and training to our most vul nerabl e y outh from across P ak istan. Hamza Abassi, film star and advocate for this great cause gave a thought p rovok ing ad d ress to the aud ience. M any of our community here attend ing have become members and found ing members and brick by brick P ak istanis in d ias-
p oras from around the worl d and within our great nation wil l hel p to up l ift our y outh to a better and brighter future. This is the first event to be held by our new board and trustees of the P ak istan C anad a A ssociation. I congratul ate and sal ute the efforts made to stage such an important event that mak e us p roud to be P ak istanis and C anad ians 2 5 thousand d ol l ars was raised , al ong with
1 1 thousand d ol l ars in membership s. The B oard woul d l ik e to thank every one that was in attend ance. Thank s to S hauk at K han, P resid ent of P ak istan C anad a A ssociation, E mcee, R amez A l am, our new board and trustees for an event wel l d one and a sp ecial thank y ou to Saif Pannun for his efforts in bringing the event to our community here.
Unit 203- 7750 -128th Street, Surrey
Hours of Operation
Mon to Sat 11am -10pm
Tuesd ay C l osed S un &
H ol id ay s 12pm-9pm
Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
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Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
Rouhani Reacts to Riyadh Summit: Stability in Mideast Impossible without Iran’s Help
On Monday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned the United States and its regional allies that stability in the Middle East cannot be achieved without Tehran’s help. Speaking at the first press conference since his reelection victory, the Iranian president also dismissed the weekend summit in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, which was attended by President Donald Trump and Muslim leaders from over 50 nations. “In my view, the summit in Saudi Arabia was a ceremonial gathering and had no political and practical value. Saudi Arabia has organized many similar exhibitions in the past.” But he emphasized that Tehran would not yet make a judgement about the Trump administration’s policy vis-à-vis Iran and the broader region and would wait until the new U.S. administration finds “stability and continuity” in its foreign policies. Describing the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq as mistakes, Rouhani said the United States “does not know our region” and has failed in deterring and pressuring Iran. “The Americans used different methods against Iran and have always failed and faced defeat,” he said,
adding that the only American success has been the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement under the Obama administration – which he described as a win-win situation for Tehran and Washington as well as the entire world. “If America chooses another path, it will undoubtedly fail again,” he cautioned. Comment: Rouhani’s remarks were a reaction to anti-Iran statements by American and Saudi leaders at the Riyadh summit. “From Lebanon to Iraq to Yemen, Iran funds, arms, and trains terrorists, militias, and other extremist groups that spread destruction and chaos across the region. For decades, Iran has fueled the fires of sectarian conflict and terror,” Trump told a large gathering of Muslim leaders from across the world. “Until the Iranian regime is willing to be a partner for peace, all nations of conscience must work together to isolate Iran, deny it funding for terrorism, and pray for the day when the Iranian people have the just and righteous government they deserve,” the American president added. There has been a growing concern in Tehran that the Trump administration is reinvigorating Washing-
ton’s relations with its traditional allies in the Middle East to push back against Iran’s expanding influence across the Middle East. Iranian leaders and media outlets have warned that Washington is working with Iran’s Arab rival states and Israel to establish an “Arab NATO” to contain and isolate Iran. The increasing presence and activities of the U.S. military in Syria and Iraq have only added to Tehran’s worries. Last week, the U.S. military for the first time targeted Iran-backed militia forces in Syria. On the campaign trail earlier this month, Rouhani pledged that he would work with the United States and other Western powers to remove the remaining sanctions against Iran in order to encourage foreign investment and stimulate economic growth. But that campaign promise faces two key challenges: First, while the Trump administration does not appear to be walking away from the nuclear accord, it has made it clear that it will increase economic and diplomatic pressure on Tehran in other areas - particularly regarding Iran’s missile program and support for regional terrorist and militant groups. The
second, and the most significant one, is that it is the powerful Revolutionary Guards, not the president in Iran, that devises and implements the country’s policies and actions in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and beyond under the supervision of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. And both Khamenei and the Guards have ruled out any rapprochement with Washington. In addition, relations between Tehran and Riyadh are at their nadir in decades. Iran and Saudi Arabia have been on the opposing sides of the regional conflicts for many years. But Iran’s increasing support for the Houthi rebels in Yemen has particularly troubled Saudi leaders. Riyadh severed diplomatic ties with Tehran last year after revolutionary mobs ransacked Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran to protest the execution of a Shiite leader in Saudi Arabia.
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Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
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Head Office: ICNA Relief Canada, 1-6120 Montevideo Rd, Mississauga, ON, L5N 3W5 | Tel: (905) 997-8777 | E-mail: info@icnareliefcanada.ca
Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
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Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
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18 HEALTH Most Harmful Ingredient: Soybean Oil (Part 2 of 2) By: Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
Nada Adam
eal th D a n gers of S oybe ans B eside s the heal th haz ards rel ated to the trans-fats created by the partial hydrogenation pr ocess, soybe an oil is, in and of itsel f, N O T a heal thy oil . A d to that the fact that the maj ority of soy grown in the U S is genetical l y engineered, which may have ad di tional heal th conseque nces. W hen take n together, pa rtial l y hyd rogenated G E soyb ean oil becomes one of the absol ute worst type s of oil s you c an consume. Y ears ago, tropi cal oil s, such as pa l m and coconut oil , were commonl y used in A merican food pr oduc tion. H owever, these are obviousl y not grown in the U S , ( not incl udi ng H awaii) our cl imate isn’ t tropi cal enough. Spurred on by financial incentives, the indus try de vised a pl an to shift the marke t from tropical oils to something more “home grown.” A s a resul t, a movement was pr oduc ed to de moniz e and vil ify tropi cal oil s in orde r to repl ace them with dom estical l y grown oil s such as corn and s oy . Soybean oil is primarily omega-6 fat and though we do need some, it is rare for any one to be deficient now-a-days as it is pervasive in our di et. N orth A merican di et generally consumes way TOO much omega-6 in relation to omega-3 fat, from the consumption of the omega-6 in processed foods. Omega-6 fats are even consumed by nearly every animal food and many plants, so deficiencies are very r are. Soybean oil is omega-6 fat that is highly pr ocessed and therefore da maged, which compounds the pr obl em of getting so much of it in your di et. The omega-6 found in soybean oil promotes chronic inflammation in your body, which is an unde rl yi ng issue for virtual l y a l l chronic di seases. W hat A bout O rganic S oybe an O il ? Even if you were fortunate enough to find organic soybe an oil , there are stil l several significant concerns that make it far from attractive from a heal th standpoi nt. Soy in and
of itself, organically grown or not, contains a number of problematic components that health, such as: can wreak havoc with your health •Goitrogens are found in all unfermented subsoy whether it’ s organic or not, are sub stances that bl ock the synt hesis of thyr oid metabohormones and interfere with iodi ne metabo l ism, thereby interfering with your thyr oid function. ( W hich coul d l ead t o infertil ity) Iso•Isoflavones: genistein and daidzein – Iso flavones are a type of phytoestrogen, which is a pl ant compound resembl ing human estrogen, which is why some recommend using soy therape utical l y to treat sym pt oms of menopa use. I bel ieve the evide nce is highl y controversial and doubt it works . Typi cal l y , most of us are expos ed to too much estrogen compounds and have a l ower testosterone l evel than ide al , so it real l y is impor tant to l imit expos ure to feminiz ing phy toestrogens. Even more importantly, there’s evidence it may disturb endocrine function, cause infertility, and promote breast cancer, which is definitely a significant concern. •Phytic acid -- Phytates (phytic acid) bind to metal ions, pr eventing the absorpt ion of certain mineral s, incl udi ng cal cium, magnesium, iron, and zinc -- all of which are co-factors for optimal biochemistry in your body . This is pa rticul arl y pr obl ematic for vegetarians, because eating meat reduces the mineral-blocking effects of these phyt ates. The soybe an has one of the highest phyt ate l evel s of any grain or l egume, and the phyt ates in soy are highl y resistant to normal phytate-reducing techniques such as l ong, sl ow cooki ng. O nl y a l ong pe riod of fermentation will significantly reduce the phyt ate content of soybe ans. •Natural toxins known as “anti-nutrients” -Soy also contains other anti-nutritional factors such as saponi ns, soya toxi n, pr otease inhibitors, and oxa l ates. S ome of these factors interfere with the enz ym es you need to digest protein. While a small amount of antinutrients woul d not l ike l y cause a pr obl em, the amount of soy that many A mericans are now eating is ext remel y hi gh. •Hemagglutinin is a clot-promoting substance that causes your red bl ood cel l s to cl ump together. These cl umpe d cel l s are unabl e to pr ope rl y absorb and di stribute oxy -
gen to your tissues. W orst of A l l — G enetical l y E ngineered S oybe an O il cause infertil ity? The genetical l y engineered ( G E ) variety planted on over 90 percent of US soy acres is R oundup R eady — engineered to survive being dous ed with otherwise l ethal amounts of M onsanto’ s R oundup herbicide . The l ogic behind R oundup R eady crops such as soy is that you can d ecrease the cost of pr oduction by killing off everything except the actual soy pl ant. H owever, animal studi es reveal there may be significant adverse health effects from these G E soybe ans, incl udi ng pr ogressivel y increased rates of infertil ity with each pa ssing generation. By the third generation, virtually all the hamsters in one feeding study were found to be infertile. Second-generation hamsters raised on G E soy al so had a five-fold higher infant mortality rate. Another Hazard of GMO Soybeans: G l yphos ate The stack of heal th risks ke eps growing, and here’s another one: Research has shown that soybe an oil from R oundup R eady soy is l oade d with gl yphos ate, the main ingredi ent in Roundup — the broad-spectrum herbicide made by M onsanto. W hat is al arming…gl yphos ate is easil y one of the worl d’ s most overl ooke d poi sons. R esearch publ ished in 20 10 showed this chemical , which works by inhibiting an enz ym e cal l ed E P S P synt hase that is necessary for pl ants to grow, causes birth de fects in frogs and chicke n embryos at far l ower l evel s than used in agricul tural and garde n appl ications.6 The mal formations pr imaril y affected the: Skull, Face, Midline and developi ng brain and S pi nal cord When applied to crops, glyphosate becomes systemic throughout the plant, so it cannot be washed off. A nd once you eat this crop, the gl yphos ate ends up inside your gut where it can al ter your di gestion and enter your bl ood stream. S epa rate research has also uncovered the following effects from glyphosate: Endocrine disruption, DNA Damage, Developmental Toxicity, Reproduc tive Toxi city , C ancer and N eurotoxi city A void A l l H armful F ats by E l iminating P rocessed F oods
I f you want to avoid da ngerous fats of al l ki nds , your best bet is to el iminate pr ocessed foods from your di et. •U se organic butter ( p referabl y mad e from raw mil k ) instead of margarines and vegetabl e oil sp read s. B utter is a heal thy whol e food that has received an unwarranted bad rap . •Use coconut oil for cooking. It is far superior to any other cooki ng oil and is l oade d with health benefits. •Be sure to eat raw fats, such as those from avocados , raw da iry pr oduc ts, ol ive oil , ol ives, organic pa stured eggs, and raw nuts, espe cial l y macada mia nuts which are rel ativel y l ow in pr otein. Avoid ready-made processed food as much as pos sibl e though it’ s convenient, it’ s real l y a waste of money and contains very l ittl e nutrition. I nstead make time to pr epa re natural whol e food meal s and avoid pr ocessed j unk food. R emember, virtual l y al l pr ocessed foods wil l contain either H F C S ( pr obabl y made from genetical l y engineered corn) and/or soybean oil — either in the form of pa rtial l y hydr ogenated soybe an oil , which is l ike l y m ade from G E soybe ans, l oade d w ith gl yphos ate. They’ re A L L bad news, if you val ue your heal th. L et’ s col l ectivel y boy cott p rod ucts that contain d angerous ingred ients, even if they are mad e overseas… this wil l force the hand of certain ind ustries to change their manufacturing p ractices in ord er to save mark et share or otherwise risk l osing a l ot of money . P l ease share these articl es with pe opl e you know and l et’ s spr ead the word and bring awareness to the corpor ate l ies and manipul ation that are impa cting the heal th of so many pe opl e toda y incl udi ng your s and your famil y’ s heal th. Thank you for your continued support and interest in reading my articles. If you have any comments or questions, please email your detailed question to anada@shaw.ca
Opening Soon
Social Roundup:
The M iracl e M ed ia woul d l ik e to congratul ate on the j oy ous occasion of the wed d ing Mr. and Mrs. Muhammad Haseen of their son’ s Muhammad Adeel with Amna Sabir
DEWAN E KHASS PAKISTANI & INDIAN CUISINE DEWAN - E - KHASS ( V al ima R ecep tion hel d at Tsawwassen on M
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Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
Mother’s Day? That’s Last Week News! By : Asma Ayyaz, Mortgage Broker l ife which wil l be good
e just celebrated Mother’s Day but we al ready moved on from it. Y es, we do have feel ings de ep inside but outside everyt hing is back to normal . E xa ctl y , that is the pr obl em. I t is easy to take out time and effort for one da y or l imited time but to pa y attention every da y is a bit di fficul t. O n the second thought, why d o we have to make effort, careful attempt s? W hy can’ t we make easy and natural way of being nice, l oving, ki nd to al l as easy a s breathing? Characterization A ny human being is d ifferent in situations, time and with d ifferent p eop l e. O ur character shoul d be good at any time. This means our p rincip l es, thoughts, actions, bel iefs and op inions. A ny p erson regard l ess of age or p osition shoul d have the id ea and und erstand ing of his or her sense of d uty , resp onsibil ity and contribution to onesel f, famil y , and society . A chil d al so shoul d be trained to d ifferentiate between right and wrong. W hen p arents j ust say or l ecture the chil d that he or she shoul d stud y it is not enough. The Art of Parenting P arenting is not a burde n. I t is the chance honoured to the father or mother to be a pa rt of
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for famil y , society and worl d at l arge. A n ide a can change, not one l ife but many l ives. A seed is nourished then turns into a tree. The pa rents are those who nourish their children with akhlaq al-hasanah [ good manners] . N owad ays everyone is tal ki ng about inner engineering. This pr ocess starts even before birth and continues with birth. I t starts with pa rents, when they are aware of the respons ibil ities and impa ct of the rol e of pa rents, then they wil l be abl e to infl ict in their chil dr en. The second chance comes when chil dr en become adul ts. Upbringing The upbr inging of chil dr en, environment of our home shoul d be consisting of truthful ness, getting along easily, stress-free and simple and open-minded. Honesty should replace hypocrisy , encouragement and unde rstandi ng shoul d repl ace criticism and rigidi ty of one’ s opi nion. Then everyda y shal l be cel ebrated as M other’ s Day, Father’s Day, and Children’s Day. For any inquiries please email at :asmashums@gmail.com
Unreachable Tension | Incoming Love Outgoing Hatred | Inbox Smile & Laughter Outbox Tears | Hold Anger Send Smile | OK - Help
“Where are the mirrors I used to know”
By:Nafisa Siddiqui
I look in the mirror And what do I see A strange looking person That cannot be me read this poe m, one that de scribed ol d age, horrified with the wordings of the poetry I ran towards the mirror, the same pol ished sil ver l ooki ng gl ass that I l ooke d at every da y , but never noticed the sl ow changes creep ing to the side s of my eye s and around my l ips . The first thing that came out of my mouth was “Oh my God look at me, is this me?”. Disbelievingly staring at my unrecognizable reflection I questioned myself “Look at me how much I have changed, but how come I never noticed my eye s and di scol oring ski n? W here have those beautiful dr eamy eye s gone? I aske d my self. I shook my head, “Wait a minute don’t be so pe ssimistic some good al so comes with age l ik e wisd om, senior citiz en d iscounts and amaz ing grand chil d ren who al way s mak e me hap p y even with thinning gray hair, wrink l es and puffy eyes”. I would have noticed that before but I was so busy with the struggl es of l ife, never getting time to tak e a l ong l ook in the mirror. “Anyways it’s not too late” I said to myself,I think this is the time I shoul d seriousl y l ook for some of the anti aging p rod ucts that avail abl e every where at mal l s and beauty sal ons. I de cide d to go to the mal l and get some nice anti aging cosmetics to impr ove my l ooks . There were l oads of beauty pr oduc ts but very expe nsive. E ach unique brand pr omising that their product will take off ten, twenty or maybe even thirty years off your face. That’s a good sol ution for women who al ways want to l ook younge r isn’ t it? . N owada ys men are so conscious about their looks , and shelves are filled with spe cial pr oduc t for them as wel l . L ast week I went to sal oon and noticed that many men were waiting for their eye brow and facial appoi ntments, w hat a change! C onfused about what to buy , I de cide d to do some research before spe ndi ng handf ul s of money. These are my findings from books about how to get rid of wrinkl es and websites that are l oade d with information and adve rtisement. C osmetics indus try is tril l ion dol l ar industry. Anti-aging products grow from $281.6 bil l ion and indus trial ists are exp ecting a boost of 31. 3 bil l ion in 20 accordi ng to B usiness W ire. These compa nies are targeting the
consumers di rectl y , there are al ways some miracl e pr od ucts that pr omise cl ear younge r l ook ing ski n .W ho is not worried about thinning hair due to aging? S o my fel l ow seniors, they pr omise you thick, l ustrous, vol uminous hair and ful l l ashes by us ing their pr oduc ts. The heartbreaki ng pa rt for the senior women is that according to the FDA anti wrinkle creams cannot reverse the aging. it can’t repair DNA and rosacea.The FDA asked five famous cosmetic companies in the last five months to stop maki ng medi cal cl aims for wrinkl e creams. A ccordi ng to some research studi es done in orde r to ide ntify the most commonl y used ingredients, the potential benefits to the skin were di sapp ointing. S til l we choose those pr oduc ts thinki ng that they might work. I t seems that when it comes to beauty and general appe arance there’ s no l imit to how much a women can sp end . A stud y hel d by S towaway and P oshl y states that women in A merica use more p rod uct than we ever woul d have guessed . S urvey ing over 4000 female makeup-wearers the poll found that on average , these consumers own about forty p ieces of mak eup p er p erson. A pa rt from anti aging and beauty cosmetics pr oduc ts pe opl es spe nd 10.1 bil l ion on d ermatol ogist appoi ntment visits not j ust seniors, according to the survey 18./.of them are at ages 20 to 39. 20% of these visits are for “cosmetic de rmatol ogy .” This shows how much we are obsessed with our face ,off course who doesn’t want to l ook beautiful and younge r? M ost of us do. These compa nies pl ay with y our emotions. A side from the emotional aspe cts of al l this, we fel t that there must be some things that can be imp roved. A common problem of aging is “puffy eyes “ special products for puffy eyes are quite expe nsive, some de rmatol ogists suggest that it’ s not necessary to use a pr oduc t that cl aims to be specifically for the eye, any product loaded with antioxidants, emollients, skin-restoring agents, skin-brightening agents, and skinsoothing ingredi ents wil l work wel l around the eye area which are pr esent in al l wel l formu-
Essential Steps!
By: Shabnam Khan -Family Counsellor have to be big e often focus on buil d ing rel ationship s with others that we forget the essential first step: being friend s of oursel ves. That is the crucial first step if we are to have good rel ationship s with others. H ow can we have good rel ationship s with others if we d on’ t even have good rel ationship with oursel ves? 1 . F orgive y oursel f Y ou may have mad e those mistak es in the p ast, but is there any thing y ou can d o about them? I d on’ t think so, ex cep t l earning from them. I t’ s true that y ou are not p erfect, but neither is every bod y el se. I t’ s normal to mak e mistak es, so d o y oursel f a favor by giving y oursel f forgiveness. 2 . A ccep t things y ou can’ t change There are some things y ou cannot change, such as y our back ground and y our p ast. S o l earn to accep t them. Y ou wil l feel much rel ieved if y ou treat things y ou can’t change the way they deserve: just accep t them, smil e, and move on. 3 . F ocus on y our strengths I nstead of focusing on y our weak nesses, focus on y our strengths. Y ou al way s have some strength which give y ou a uniq ue combination nobod y el se have. R ecogniz e y our strengths and buil d y our l ife around them. 4 . W rite y our success stories O ne reason we may not l ik e oursel ves is we are too focused on what we d on’ t have that we forget about what we have. S o mak e a l ist of y our achievements; write y our success stories. They d o not
things; there are a l ot of smal l but imp ortant achievements in our l ife. F or ex amp l e, if y ou have some good friend s, that’ s al read y an achievement. I f y ou have a good famil y , that is al so an achievement. 5 . S top comp aring y oursel f with others Y ou are uniq ue. Y ou can never be l ik e other p eop l e, and neither can other p eop l e be l ik e y ou. The way y ou measure y our success is not d etermined by other p eop l e and what they achieve. I nstead , it is d etermined by y our own l ife p urp ose. Y ou have every thing y ou need to achieve y our l ife p urp ose, so it’ s usel ess to comp are y oursel f with others. 6 . A l way s be true to y oursel f Y ou d on’ t l ik e other p eop l e l y ing to y ou; simil arl y , y ou won’ t l ik e y oursel f if y ou k now that y ou l ie to y oursel f. W hether y ou real iz e it or not, that gives y our mind a reason not to l ik e y oursel f. That’ s why it’ s imp ortant to al way s be true to y oursel f. I n whatever y ou d o, be honest and fol l ow y our conscience. R emember this quote by Abraham Lincoln: I desire so to conduct the affairs of this ad ministration that if at the end … I have l ost every other friend on earth, I shal l at l east have one friend l eft, and that friend shal l be d own insid e of me. For any inquiries please email at shabnam@skcounselling.ca
l ated m oisturiz er or serum. The most impor tant thing is to choose the pr oduc t wisel y and one which shoul d contain following ingredients: Vitamin E ( tocophe ro, an antioxi da nt that is pr esent in the ski n and found in various foods , such as vegetabl es, seeds and meat) , L y cope ne, gr een tea coffee Berry, Resveratrol, Grape Seed, G enistein, a nd C o enz ym e Q 10. W hen you are shoppi ng for anti aging creams and serums or any cosmetics it’ s impor tant to use pr oduc ts that wil l hel p your ski n and not da mage it, the F ood and Drug Administration cautions that you shoul d avoid sk in creams, beauty pr oduc ts ,a ntisept ic soaps , and l otions that contain mercury . E spe cial l y one that’s marketed as “anti-aging” or “skin l ightening” ? C heck the l abel if the words “mercurous chloride,” “calomel,” “mercuric,” “mercurio,” or “mercury” are l isted on the l abel , mercury’ s in it—a nd you shoul d stop using the pr oduc t immedi atel y . According to DrBrooke Rutledge Seckel, a M.D assistant clinical professor of Surgery H arvard M edi cal S chool , sun bl ock can save you from aging, in his book “Save Your Face” he recommends a good sun bl ock with antioxi da nts l ike A . C . and E are good pr otectors for aging ski n. A nti oxi da nt vitamins and mineral s and anti oxi da nt foods pr event or reverse some of the free radi cal d amage to the facial ski n. G rape fruit, soy ext ract, vitamin c, l ow fat yogurt, fish, and brightly colored vegetabl es are the best foods to pr otect ski n from aging. H e al so recommend ed to de crease intake of high amounts of animal fat products like meat and dairy refined sugar. Drink generous amounts of water, do not smoke , exe rsise regul arl y and try to remove as much stress as pos sibl e because stress is number one enemy . C oupl e of things we can do easil y to avoid damage to skin : 1. S tay out of sun or use good sun screen wear sungl asses to avoid squi nt which eventual l y form smal l wrinkl es around eye s. 2. E xe rcise regul arl y 3. U se good anti aging moisturiz er with S P F . 4. E at right more anti oxi da nt fruits col ored vegetabl es and dr ink generous amount
of water. 5. Massage your face gently using finger tips and thumbs that wil l increase circul ation. 6. L ive with l ess stress .S tress is your no.1 enemy . H ome remedi es are al so works wel l with out coasting a fortune or side effect ,using al l natural organic ingredi ents mostl y avail abl e in your ki tchen. For dark circle around eyes ,puffiness and face 1 .S oak some al mond in raw mil k overnight. I n the morning remove ski n and grind it in thick pa ste. U se the pa ste onto ski n and unde r eye s, l eave for thirty minutes then wash with l uke warm water. Y ou can do it regul arl y . M assaging al mond oil onto the same areas is good t oo. 2. M ix a few dr ops of honey with a few dr ops of ol ive oil and gl yc erin. M assage the mixt ure into your ski n twice da il y . This wil l el iminate de ad cel l s and hel p tighten sagged s ki n 3. M ix a pi nch of grated ginger with a tabl espoon of honey . E at this mixt ure every morning.Y ou can al so dr ink ginger tea twice da il y . 4. M ash two ripe bananas into a thick pa ste. A pl y the pa ste on the wrinkl ed areas. L eave it on for at l east a hal f an hour and then wash it off with lukewarm water. F ol l ow it with some ski n moisturiz er. A l ternativel y , you can use a mixt ure of one mashed banana and avocado, al ong with a l ittl e honey . S l ather it on your ski n, l eave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off. P apa ya is good because of vitamin A contents and pa pa in enz ym e that di gests de ad cel l s. P apa ya masks are good for eye s and C ucumber pa ste is al so good to reduc e under eye puffiness. M ake sure you are not al l ergic to any ingredi ents l isted a bove. References “Save your face “ by Brooke Rutledge Sackel,M.D “Best skin for life” by Paula Begoun E nvironmental W orki ng G roup (EWG), FDA. http://www.safecosmatics.org Home remedies and the “Doctors book of home remedi es” “Natural Cures “ by James F.Balch ,M.D ,Mark Stengler,ND
Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
Al Ihsaan Women’s Vocational Centre of Bangladesh Fundraising Dinner
By:Towfeak Hosein, President Alhumdulillah by the Grace of the All Mighty Allah(SWT), He permitted us to hold another fundraising event for Al Ihsaan Women’s Vocational Centre of Bangladesh on May 20th at Paradise Banquet Hall, Delta . And by His Mercy (SWT) we were able to raise generous amount.
We thank Allah(SWT) for his Mercy upon us and we thank each and every person who donated and those who intended to donate but were not able to do so. May Allah(SWT) grant all of you the very best in this world and the Hereafter. A special thanks goes out to our dear Sheikh Ahmad Shehab for sacrificing his time and family to be with
us and motivating us and reminding us of our duties to Allah(SWT). May Allah(SWT) elevate Sheikh Ahmad to the highest ranks of Jannah. We at Al Ihsaan, look forward to your continued support to make this successful project even more successful and self sustaining in the years to come. If you missed out on donating, remember, its never too late.
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Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
Three Years of Celebratting Resilience, 40K Has been Raised for Nisa Homes Women
A Fundraising Dinner in Honour of the Women of Nisa Homes was held on May 21 at Fleetwood community Center, Surrey. The purpose of the program was to listen to the stories of women who have stayed at Nisa Homes and to learn more about what Nisa Homes is and does. There was a slide show to explain the purpose and mission of the Al Nisa homes. According to the slides , Nisa Homes is the first and only transitional home for Immigrant, Refugee and Muslim women who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. It is a safe haven for women experiencing domestic violence, poverty, homelessness or seeking asylum. This home is a centre of empowerment where the vulnerable are given hope, where the broken are
rebuilt and the helpless are given their dignity. Nisa Homes is the first and only transitional home for Muslim women and children in Canada. It is to provide shelter and services to women experiencing trauma including fleeing domestic violence, resettling in Canada as refugees, experiencing poverty or homelessness.Women from Nisa homes told their stories and experience at Nisa homes. The audience heard their stories and were very impressed about their struggle and achievements. Sister Yasmeen explained the mission and requested people to come forward to help this noble cause so they can continue providing safety and shelter to women and children experiencing domestic abuse and homelessness. Nisa homes provide
confidential, anonymous and secure locations. They have easy access to bus routes, shopping, schools, and parks. There is a full security system, computer and internet access, private and shared rooms, children’s play areas, and laundry facilities. Nisa Homes Surrey, provides shared accommodations for up to 9 women and children. Sheikh Ahmed Shehab from Toronto was the chief guest of the program who helped to raise the fund for Nisa Homes. More than 200 people attended this function included Surrey- North MP Randeep Saari and BCMA Masjid AlSalaam Imam Yahya Momla and about $40,000 included pledge s were raised during this program. At the end delicious dinner was served.
The first ever Voices of Muslim Women Film Festival at KPU Surrey By: Aisha Amijee, The first ever Voices of Muslim Women F il m F estival was a huge success. I t was night of insp iration, where M usl im W omen in B C created a p l atform for other M usl im W omen aged 15-72 shared their digital stories. Digital Stories, are short 2-5 minute films that tel l a p ersonal story often about a social j ustice or community issue. These women and girls: Mina Haidaoui, K amil ia H aid aoui, A mal J aved , A sma J aved , J aed a M al awiy a, A wan M al awiy a, N id ha Y aq ub, S harina M ohammed , Y usraa Tad j , N aveen Z afar, R amsha S heik h, S airah M ohammed , S eemi G haz i, A ey sha M ohammed , A z eez a J ehan, H osna S hend and i and
F ad heel ah H ussain courageousl y shared their stories. The top ics ranged from bod y image to I sl amop hobia. A isha A mij ee, the p rogram instructor and coord inator op ened up the event, introd ucing S eemi G haz i, a V M W p articip ant and p rofessor at U B C . S he sang O C anad a in A rabic and set the tone for a night of cel ebrating our unap ol ogetic C anad ian M usl im I d entity . Between the film screenings, there were p erformances by S umiS p eak s and J aed a M al awiy a. The night concl ud ed in presenting the first ever Voices of M usl im W omen A ward s; which went to Y asmine Y oussef, C hamp ion of W omen A ward , N aveen Z afar, Y oung Woman of Distinction Award, Qamrul
M ohammed , L ife L ong A chievement A ward , I trath S y ed , S ocial J ustice and C ommunity A ctivism A ward and N assim E l bard ouh, E d uacation and L ead ership A ward . The event was hosted by the M usl im F ood B ank in p artnership with F reed E d ucation C o., V isual M ed ia W ork shop at K P U , K wantl en S tud ents’ A ssociation, B ombay C ol l ection, Bombay Couture and Astra Dental. If you attended this year’s event, please do send your comments and suggestions for next year to aisha.amijee@kpu.ca. Also, contact us if you would like to be placed on the VMW 2018 class waitlist.
Muslim Food Bank Success Stories!
e introduc e to you ‘ the M usl im Food Bank Success Stories’ – stories about how our caseworke rs strive to suppor t our cl ients as a resul t of which they attain success in various aspe cts of their lives. In these stories you will find that not onl y do the cl ients who come from varyi ng backgr ounds and l evel s of need get the assistance they were were seeki ng but the caseworke rs are al so l eft with a feel ing of fulfilment that one can’t put a value to. W e hope that these stories wil l encourage pe opl e to become a pa rt of the M usl im F ood B ank famil y , whether that’ s by becoming our cl ient or by vol unteering with us. To pr otect our cl ient’ s pr ivacy , we wil l use ps eudonym s. K nowl edge I s P ower H ow a M other of F our W ent from B eing B roke to B eing a B readw inner I magine it’ s the end of the month and you do n’ t have the money to pa y the next month’ s rent. This was the pl ight of a woman who was di sadva ntaged ye t resil ient. Sara Ahmed, a 40-year-old mother of four l ives with her husband, A kr am. S he assumed the rol e of the head of the househol d many ye ars ago when her husband became di sabl ed. S he is not onl y a homemake r but
is al so taske d with managing the famil y’ s finances. Though her husband receives financial suppor t as pa rt of the B .C . di sabil ity assistance pr ogram, her famil y fel l on hard times a few months ago when she was unabl e to p ay her rent or put food on the tabl e for her four ki ds . S ara’ s ki ds are al one in this struggl e. S ome estimates suggest that one in five kids in British Columbia live bel ow the pove rty l ine. W ith no ex tend ed famil y around to fal l back on, S ara was l eft with very few op tions. S he went to the l ocal mosq ue to seek hel p and was given financial aid that provided urgent relief. A fter some time, d ue to l imited resources the mosq ue had to turn S ara away . That’ s when she came to the M usl im F ood B ank . When Sara Ahmed first visited the Muslim F ood B ank to register as a cl ient, the intake worker categorized her as high-priority so her case was given to senior case-worker H iba A l i. H iba has worke d through numerous cases dealing with low-income families before. In her first encounter with Hiba, Sara didn’t beat around the bush. She said, “I need money! ” H iba aske d her if she worke d but S ara responde d sayi ng she woul d but she feared l osing the onl y source of income her famil y ha d—t he di sabil ity a ssistance.
H iba thought that di nging someone for worki ng is counterintuitive and woul d di sscourage di sabil ity assistance recipi ents from worki ng. W hen she took the time to research what S ara was real l y entitl ed to, she found out that a famil y with one adul t receiving di sabil ity assistance can have a ye arl y income of up to $12 ,0 a ye ar without any de duc tions. F or S ara it was a turning po int to l earn from H iba that she coul d maintain her di sabil ity income in addi tion to earning money to meet her family’s financial needs. After assessing S ara’ s ski l l l evel , H iba connected her with an empl oye r who hired S ara as a care aide . H iba received a cal l from S ara recentl y . S ara said, “Thank you for everything. I am pray-
ing for y ou and y our famil y .” H iba say s she feel s grateful for having the op p ortunity to help Sara in her path towards self-sufficiency through sup p ort, ed ucation and network ing. These are real stories where our vol unteers have an impa ct on members of our community hel pi ng them pr ogress in their l ives. I nshaA l l ah next week we wil l bring you another story . P l ease j oin us to have a pur pos e in your life to make a difference in the lives of your brothers and sisters by coming to our events and registering as a vol unteer or dona ting to your organiz ation, the M usl im F ood B ank and C ommunity S ervices S ociety ( usual l y referred to as M usl im F ood B ank) . O ur email is contact@ musl imfood bank.c om and t el ephone number is 1-866-824-2525.
Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
BC Muslim Schools Intra Soccer Tournament @ Newton Athletic Park
Alamdho-lillah this was our second y ear for the tournament, the weather was great, cl oud y with p eriod s of sun, consid ering we had thund er showers M ond ay evening, we were very l uck y . F or 2 0 1 7 we had four school s p artak ing in the tournament, namely: School: N umber of teams Az-Zahraa Islamic Academy 4 B C M usl im S chool 8 I q ra I sl amic S chool , and 8 S urrey M usl im S chool s 7 The teams were d ived into 2 divisions: Division 2 - Grades four and five for boys and girls Division 1 - Grades six and seven for boy s and girl s W e wil l have a sep arate trop hy ( four) for each d ivision winner and an annual trop hy for the overal l winner. The annual trop hy is d ecid ed based on overal l p oints so each school has a fair chance of winning. W e wil l al so hel d a smal l I sl amic and general k nowl ed ge q uiz at our cl osing ceremony , the q uestions were submitted by the four school s p rincip al s. I n ad d ition to al l these, the
R C M P community outreach was there for most of the d ay unit incl ud ing the bicy cl e sq uad . R C M P were p resent at the fields so the kids and interact with the R C M P unit. The B C A mbul ance S ervice were al so p resent at the site. The organiz ing committee is grateful for the coop eration from the stud ents, the p rincip al s and the governing authority ( s) l ik e the B C M A , I q ra and A z ia board s and our brothers and sisters from the community for their coop eration. The id ea is to create a heal thy rival ry and comp etition between our school s p l us get our y outh more invol ved into sp orts. The trop hy winners for this year is as follows: Girls Division # 1 - Surrey Muslim School Girls Division # 2 - Surrey Muslim School Boys Division # 1 - Iqra Islamic School, the winner was decided on penalty kicks Boys Division # 2 - Iqra Islamic School The champions for this year
was: Iqra Islamic School O ther p rominent members of the community were p resent for ex amp l e the p resid ent of BCMA Br Daud Ali who presented the A nnual Trop hy . B r A l i M ihrig, the C hairman of I q ra p resented the d ivisiona1 boy s winners. W e encourage and invite al l members of our community to p l ay an active rol e in p romoting and sup p orting this event. O ur k id s are our future. Trop hy R ecip ients Az-Zahraa Islamic Academy Quiz Winner :Selma Dzumhur I q ra I sl amic S chool Quiz Question Winner: - Yusra Hasib Division 2 Boys Trophy - Rayan Huda Division 1 Boys Trophy Y ahia M al ik and A l i H ood a S urrey M usl im S chool Q uiz Q uestion W inner - Zahra Hofioni Division 2 Girls - Jihan Daar Division 1Girls-Meriem Sibachir B C M usl im S chool Quiz Winner: Uroosa Siddiqui P articip ation Trop hy R ecip ient - Farhan Sadiq
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Shaban 29. 1438 May 26, 2017
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Col (R) Abdul Jabbar scales Mount Everest successfully ISLAMABAD: Col (R) Abdul Jab- C ol ( retd ) A bd ul J abbar B hatti has S abir, H assan S ad p ara and S amina bar B hatti has mad e P ak istan and P ak istan A rmy p roud with his brave ex p ed ition of the W orl d ’ s highest mountain, M ount E verest in N ep al . C ol ( R ) A bd ul J abbar has successful l y scal ed the K ing of mountains, M ount E verest.
become the fourth P ak istani to successful l y scal e M ount E verest. C ol ( retd ) B hatti achieved this remarkable feat at 14:30 local time on Sunday. He is the first Pakistani from P unj ab to scal e M ount E verest. The other three P ak istanis N az ir
B aig to cl imb M ount E verest bel ong to the Gilgit-Baltistan region. N az ir S abir cl imbed M ount E verest in 2000, becoming the first P ak istani to d o so. H assan S ad ap ara who p assed away in 2 0 1 6 cl imbed the worl d ’ s highest p eak 2 0 1 1 . .
Maulana Tariq Jamil Visits at Pakistan High Commission Office Ottawa
P aki stan’ s renowned rel igious schol ar M aul ana Tariq J amil , who is currentl y visiting C anada , met with the H igh C ommissioner Tariq A z im K han here toda y at the H igh C ommission. H e
exc hanged views about the pr ogress P aki stani community is maki ng in C anadi an society . H e al so met with the officers and staff of the H igh C ommission and empha siz ed on them to
de l iver their respons ibil ities honestl y and serve the community M aul ana Tariq J amil offered spe cial pr aye rs for the well-being of the C ountry .
Madina Restaurant RAMADAN IFTAR BUFFET 19 .00 More than 21 Items
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Human Care BC Society A Registered Charitable Society
7867 124 A STREET, SURREY, B.C. V3W 8P1 www.humancarebcsociety.com
•YOUR $1 a day will support an orphan’s l ivel ihood •$20 will buy basic groceries for a family for a month; •$1,800 will provide a water well for numerous thirsty villagers --get a Water Well for eesal e thawab of your l ate rel atives or for you ow n S ada qa e Z aariya PLEASE SPEED YOUR CONTRIBUTION BY MAIL
BR. ADAM BUKSH: 604.596.7865 BR. HASSAN MALLAM:604.572. 8123 BR. IRSHAD MOHAMMED: 604.593.5915 BR. IMRAN ALI : 604.597.7721
Ph:778-379-7869 Contact: Molana Shoeb Falahi, Cell: 778.838.2786
4940Joyce Street, Vancouver
BR. IFRAN HAROON: 604.597.0003 BR. ABDUL JALIL:-604.597.0321 BR. DAUD BUKSH: 604.590.6332 BR. USMAN SHARIF:604.603.3364
Your contribution will be transferred to the needy within 5 days, in Sha Allah GIVE YOUR ZAKAH, LILLAH, SADAQA or DONATIONS TO HELP ALLEVIATE THE PAIN AND SUFFERINGS OF THE ORPHANS IN RAJASTHAN, INDIA.
Bullay Shah Academy of Canada URDU
Dil Apna Pakistan
language channel is rocking on the SHAW Multicultural digital channel 116 in BC, and on the web, YouTube,FB,Google,Tweeter,Tumbler, and all over the net. Keep watching Dil Apna Pakistan.
For Info. Call: Intikhab Ahmed 1-778-228-2714
RAMADAN MUBARAK Pir Afzal Ahmed Naqshbandi
Friday Prayer at 01:40pm
We invite brothers and sisters on last Saturday of each month for a Holy (Darse Quran) at Unit 102-8268 Scott Road, Surrey
Ph: 604-592-9416& Cell:604-760-0096
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