Miracle 442 june 9, 2017 r

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Bi-Weekly & Bilingual

Volume 17 Issue 442 - Ramadan 14, 1438 AH / June 9, 2017

10 I C N A




R el ief C anad a raises $ 3 0 K “ Teach a M an to F ish” . M F B stories

21 M usl im rights tramp l ed


und er transgend er



P ak A rmy responds to ‘unprovoked’ firing A s G reens, N D P gear up in B .C M I 5 to review hand l ing of L ond on B rid ge

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2 P O I N T O F V I E W CNN Exclusive: US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news behind Qatar crisis Ramadan 14. 1438


June 9, 2017

S investigators bel ieve R us- ment. A spoke swoman for the Q atari that Q atar’ s M inistry of I nterior is was more work t o be done . sian hacke rs breached Q a- embassy in W ashington said the in- worki ng with the F B I and the U nited U S and E urope an authorities have tar’ s state news agency and vestigation is ongoing and its resul ts K ingdom ’ s N ational C rime A gency compl ained for ye ars about fundi ng p l anted a fake news repo rt that con- woul d be rel eased publ icl y s oon. on the ongoing hacki ng investigation for ext remists from S audi A rabia tributed to a crisis among the U S ’ K reml in spoke sman D mitry P eskov of the Q atar N ews A gency . and other nations in the G ul f region. cl osest G ul f al l ies, accordi ng to U S di smissed what he cal l ed C N N ’ s “ The M inistry of I nterior wil l re- Fifteen of the 19 9/11 hijackers were officials briefed on the investigation. “ fake ” repor ting W edne sda y . veal the findings of the investigation S audi citiz ens. The F B I recentl y sent a team of in- “ I t’ s another l ie that was publ ished,” L ast y ear, dur ing a visit to S audi A ravestigators to D oha to hel p the Q atari he tol d repor ters. “ U nfortunatel y , when compl eted,” he tol d C N N . P artl y in reaction to the fal se news re- bia, Obama administration officials government investigate the al l eged hacki ng incide nt, Q atari and U S gov- our col l eagues from C N N again and p ort, Q atar’ s neighbors, l ed by S aud i raised the issue of S audi fundi ng to again publ ish references to unnamed A rabia and the U nited A rab E mirates, buil d mosque s in E urope and A frica ernment officials say. I ntel l igence gathered by the U S se- sources in unnamed agencies, etc, have cut off economic and political that are hel pi ng to spr ead an ul tracurity agencies indi cates that R ussian etc. These streams of information ties, causing a broad er crisis. conservative strain of I sl am. hacke rs were behind the intrusion have no connection with the real ity . The repo rt came at a time of escal at- U S intel l igence has l ong been confirst reported by the Qatari govern- I t’ s so far away from the real ity . F ake ing tension over accusations Q atar cerned with what they say is the R usment two weeks ago, US officials is a fake .” sian government’ s abil ity to pl ant was financing terrorism. say . Q atar hosts one of the l argest U S The Q atari government has said a O n Tuesda y , Trump tweeted criti- fake news in otherwise credi bl e mil itary ba ses in the region. M ay 23 news repo rt on its Q atar cism of Q atar that mirrors that of the streams, according to US officials. The al l eged invol vement of R ussian N ews A gency attributed fal se rehackers intensifies concerns by US marks to the nation’ s rul er that ap - S audi s and others in the region who That concern has surfaced in recent have l ong obj ected to Q atar’ s foreign months in congressional briefings by intel l igence and l aw enforcement pe ared friendl y to I ran and I srael and pol icy . H e di d not addr ess the fal se former F B I D irector J ames C omey . agencies that R ussia continues to C omey tol d l awmake rs that one reatry some of the same cybe r- hacki ng que stioned whether P reside nt D on- news repor t. “ S o good to see the S audi A rabia son he de cide d to bypa ss his J ustice measures on U S al l ies that intel - ald Trump would last in office. l igence agencies bel ieve it used to Q atari F oreign M inister S heikh M o- visit with the K ing and 50 countries D epa rtment bosses in announcing no hammed B in A bdul rahman al - Thani already paying off,” Trump said in charges in the pr obe of H il l ary C l inmeddl e in the 2016 e l ections. US officials say the Russian goal ap- told CNN the FBI has confirmed the a series of tweets. “ They said they ton’ s pr ivate email server was the p ears to be to cause rifts among the hack a nd t he pl anting of fake news. woul d take a hard l ine on fundi ng ex - concern about an appa rent fake pi ece U S and its al l ies. I n recent months, “ W hatever has been thrown as an ac- tremism, and al l reference was poi nt- of R ussian intel l igence. The intel l isusp ected R ussian cy ber activities, cusation is al l based on misinformagence suggested the R ussians had an incl ud ing the use of fak e news sto- tion and we think that the entire crisis ing to Q atar. P erhaps this wil l be the beginning of the end to the horror of email that indi cated former A ttorney ries, have turned up amid el ections in being based on misinformation,” the G eneral L oretta L ync h had assured terrorism! ” F rance, G ermany and other countries. I n his tweet, Trump voiced supp ort D emocrats she woul dn’ t l et the C l inI t’ s not ye t cl ear whether the U S has foreign minister tol d C N N ’ s B ecky tracke d the hacke rs in the Q atar in- A nde rson. “ B ecause it was started for the regional bl ocka de of Q atar ton pr obe l ead t o charges. cide nt to R ussian criminal organi- based on fabricated news, being and cited Q atar’ s fundi ng of terrorist The F B I came to bel ieve the email z ations or to the R ussian security wedge d and being inserted in our groups . The Q ataris have rej ected the was fake , but stil l feared the R ussians services bl amed for the U S el ection national news agency which was terror- fundi ng accusations. coul d rel ease it to unde rmine the J ushacks. One official noted that based hacke d a nd pr oved by t he F B I .” H ours after Trump’ s tweets, the U S tice D epa rtment’ s rol e in the pr obe. on pa st intel l igence, “ not much hap - S heikh S aif B in A hmed A l - Thani, S tate D ep artment said Q atar had By Evan Perez and Shimon Prokupecz pe ns in that country without the di rector of the Q atari G overnment made pr ogress on stemming the CNN bl essing of the government.” Communications Office, confirmed fundi ng of terrorists but that there The F B I and C I A de cl ined to comWa a n l a y s a l i l i n s a n i i l l a m a ’ s a ’ a a T h a t m a n c a n h a v e n o t h i n g b u t w h a t h e s t r i v e s f o r.

The Blessed Month of Ramadan By Mahmood Awan, Richmond, BC R amad an is the ninth month in the I sl amic ( l unar) cal end ar and the name is said to mean ‘ burning/ scorching heat’ in A rabic as it usual l y fal l s within a p articul arl y hot time of y ear in that p art of the worl d . I t was dur ing that month that the Q uran - the holy book of Islam - was first reveal ed to the pr ophe t M uhammad by A l l ah ( G od) . R amada n “ month of bl essing” marke d by pr aye r, fasting, and charity . M usl ims bel ieve that dur ing the month of R amada n, A l l ah revealed the first verses of the Quran, the hol y boo k of I sl am. F or more than a bil l ion M usl ims around the worl d , incl udi ng some 8 mil l ion in N orth A merica, R amad an focuses on self-sacrifice and devotion to A l l ah ( G od) . This is a month of fasting d uring the d ay l ight hours from d awn to sunset. This was stated as a rul ing of I sl am in 6 2 4 A D . F asting is one of the F ive P il l ars of I sl am, the mand atory acts that form the found ation of M usl im l ife. The other p il l ars are faith, p ray er, charity and the p il grimage to M ecca. F asting means abstaining from food , d rink , smok ing, bod il y d esires, swearing, gossip or other sinful acts, d uring d ay l ight hours. M eal s are served before d awn and after sunset. M usl ims p ractice sawm, or fasting, for the entire month of R amad an. This means that they may eat or d rink nothing, incl ud ing water, whil e the sun shines. F amil ies get up earl y for suhoor, a meal eaten before the sun rises. A fter the sun sets, the fast is brok en with a meal k nown as iftar. I ftar usual l y

begins with d ates and sweet d rink s that p rovid e a q uick energy boost. F asting serves many p urp oses. W hil e they are hungry and thirsty , M usl ims are reminded of the suffering of the p oor. F asting is al so an op p ortunity to p ractice sel f- control and to cl eanse the bod y and mind . A nd in this most sacred month, fasting hel p s M usl ims feel the p eace that comes from sp iritual d evotion as wel l as k inship with fel l ow bel ievers. The id ea is it hel p s worship p ers concentrate on d evotion and worship , ex p ress gratitud e and seek forgiveness. The Q uran states “ The month of R amad an is that in which was reveal ed the Q uran; a guid ance for mank ind , and cl ear p roofs of the guid ance, and the criterion ( of right and wrong) . A l l ah d esires for y ou ease; H e d esires not hard ship for y ou; and that y ou shoul d comp l ete the p eriod , and that y ou shoul d magnify A l l ah for having guid ed y ou, and that p erhap s y ou may be thank ful .” E very one who has gone through p uberty is ex p ected to tak e p art in fasting. There are ex cep tions such as the el d erl y , women who are breastfeed ing and those with d iabetes or other il l nesses, d isabil ities or med ical cond itions. Tarawih refers to p ray ers p erformed at night in R amad an. They are not comp ul sory , though many p ray them. M usl ims are al so encouraged to read the entire Q uran. A sense of generosity and gratitud e col ors these festivities. A l though charity and good d eed s are al way s imp ortant in I sl am, they have sp ecial significance at the end of Ramadan. A s the month d raws to a cl ose, M usl ims are obl igated to share their bl essings by feed ing the p oor and mak ing contributions to mosq ues. R amad an end s with the festival of E id al - F itr when the new moon is sighted . L iteral l y the “ F estival of B reak ing the F ast, ” E id al - F itr is one of the two

most imp ortant I sl amic cel ebrations ( the other occurs after the H aj j , or p il grimage to M ecca) . A t E id al - F itr people dress in their finest clothes, ad orn their homes with l ights and d ecorations, give treats to chil d ren, and enj oy visits with friend s and famil y . M usl ims wil l gather together at the mosq ue for a p ray er, before sp end ing the d ay with famil y or friend s and wishing one another ‘ E id M ubarak ’ , or ‘ B l essed E id ’ . Ramadan Mubarik to all Muslims and fellow Canadians. By: Gulshan Aalani The most p owerful bl essed night ‘ L ail tul Q ad ar’ , in the bl essed month

‘Night of Power- & Destiny’!

of Ramadaan in which the final Divine R evel ation Q uran was reveal ed to the final universal Messenger Muhammad S A W S , through A ngel G abriel . I t was reveal ed in one of the od d nights of the l ast ten nights: 2 1 , 2 3 , 2 5 , 27, 29. One cannot pick and choose one night that is not ind icated by the P rop het, who has d el ivered word to word of G O D who is the l egisl ator the giver of the p erfect, accurate ‘ L aw’ . W hen one comes across the night of the Q ad ar one can mak e d ua: “O Allah you are pardoning and you love to pardon, so pardon me”. Q uran 97-1-4 S. Al Qadar: “We have ind eed reveal ed this M essage in the night of P ower - - the night p ower is better than a thousand months: therein come d own the A ngel s - the S p irit by A l l ah’ s p ermission on every errand - - ” . R amad aan fasting too is p rescribed by the C reator and none has the right to forgive it, as none is above G O D nor H I S P rop het. Q uran 2 : 1 8 3 - 1 8 5 : - ” O y e who bel ieve! F asting is p rescribed to y ou as it was p rescribed to those before y ou, that y ou may l earn sel f restrain” . F asting was p rescribed to mank ind in the earl y monotheist rel igions and is

k nown to mank ind since ancient times. It is beneficial for mankind for the p hy sical , and sp iritual heal th that is proven Scientifically too. Fasting expiates sins, purifies the mind body and soul and k eep s the evil thoughts and and actions away from mank ind . I t al so p roves the accep tance and obed ience to C reator and H I S l aw as without fol l owing H I S l aw and command ments one p roves H I S rej ection. M oreover, none has the right to forgive R amad aan F asting nor 5 times p ray ers as it is not the man- mad e ord er but the D ivine ord er from A l l ahC reator and onl y H E has establ ished the l aw for the ex emp tion and forgiveness. .H I S l aw cannot be tamp ered with, as any k ind of the viol ation of H I S l aw woul d be the void of al l the other worship . To begin with one need s to accep t the authority of A l - K hal iq A l l ah- C reatorG O D as none is between H I M and the worship er. A p p ointing a mid d l eman is an insul t to H I M p roving H I S rej ection. Q uran 1 3 : 1 4 : - “ H I M al one is p ray er in truth. A ny others they cal l up on besid es H I M hear them no more- - - for the p ray er of those without faith is nothing but futil e” . A fter rej ecting A l l ah- C reator- G O D , 5 p il l ars of I sl am, and the A l - Q uran none of the other p ractices in the name of I sl am can be l egitimate. R ej ection of the 1 st. command of accep tance of the O ne C reator- G O D , H I S worship and the 5 p il l ars- found ation of I sl am one has nothing of I sl am, and one cannot q ual ify to use the titl e ‘ M usl im’ . I t woul d be using the fak e I D , mak ing mock ery of I sl am and und ermining the p ower of A l l ah- C reator. R esp ect and ccep tance of A l l ah- C reator is accep tance of oneness of G O D , oneness of H I S mank ind and the U niverse. That is real p l ural ism and secul arism. Ramadaan Mubarak





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Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017


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Pak Army responds to ‘unprovoked’ firing by Indian troops along LoC: ISPR

Indian border troops resorted to “unprovoked” firing along the L ine of C ontrol ( L oC ) l ate on W edne sda y , the I nter- S ervices P ubl ic R el ations ( I S P R ) said. “Indian troops resorted to unprovoked ceasefire violation al ong L oC in N akya l and K aya ni sectors with heavy weap ons and m ortars,” said t he I S P R statement. The statement made no mention of any c asual ties. “Pakistan army responded effectively on Indian posts to sil ent guns targeting civil ians,” read t he I S P R statement. The latest incident of cross-border firing comes days after two indi vidua l s were ki l l ed and six others inj ured when I ndian troops resorted to unprovoked firing along the LoC. Tense relations Incidents of cross-border firing have become a norm since the l ast months of 2016 as tensions simmer between P aki stan and India over the Kashmir issue. Exchanges of fire have been repor ted s por adi cal l y s ince the new ye ar began.

F ol l owing the U ri army base attack in S ept ember, I ndi an P rime M inister N arendr a M odi steppe d up a dr ive to ‘ isol ate’ P aki stan di pl omatical l y .I n the da ys fol l owing the attack, I ndi a cl aimed to have conduc ted a cross- borde r ‘ surgical strik e’ against ‘ l aunch pa ds of terror’ in A z ad J ammu and K ashmir — a cl aim P aki stan strongl y r ej ected. P aki stan maintains that I ndi a has been attempt ing to di vert the worl d’ s attention away from atrocities committed by government forces in I ndi a- hel d K ashmir. Tensions between the two countries soared recentl y as I ndi a appr oached the I nternational C ourt of J ustice ( I C J ) to secure consul ar access for I ndi an spy K ul bhushan J adha v, who has been sentenced to de ath by a F iel d G eneral C ourt M artial ( F G C M ) in P aki stan over his invol vement in espi onage and terrorism.I n a hearing of the case on M ay 18, a 10- member bench at The H ague restrained P aki stan from executing Jadhav, who India claims is a retired naval officer. Source: Dawn news

Student death sparks new anti-India demos in held Kashmir The death of a student killed by troops in held Kashmir sparked new antiIndia demonstrations on Wednesday. Hundreds of students and villagers joined a rally in the town of Shopian, south of Srinigar, during the funeral of Adil Farooq Magray. The teenager suffered a fatal wound to the chest late Tuesday when security forces opened fire to disperse protesters trying to disrupt an anti-militant operation in Shopian, witnesses said.

More than 100 students, men and women, have been killed around protests that have mounted in India-held Kashmir since July last year, when a leading rebel commander was killed. Rebel groups have since 1989 been fighting hundreds of thousands of Indian soldiers deployed in the region, demanding independence or a merger with Pakistan. Tens of thousands have been killed in the three decades of unrest. Source: Dawn news

No room for an extension, Supreme Court reminds Panama Papers JIT

The J oint I nvestigation Team ( J I T) pr obing the pr ime minister’ s famil y’ s business de al ings abroad submitted its second repor t before the S upr eme C ourt on W edne sda y . A fter reviewing the repor t, the threemember spe cial bench of the ape x court, formed to monitor the J I T’ s pr oceedi ngs, reiterated that the J I T wil l not be al l owed ext ra time to compl ete the task assigned to it. I n a pr evious hearing, J ustice I j az ul A hsan had warned A d di tional D irector G eneral W aj id Z ia, head of the J I T, that the tasks assigned to the investigative body shoul d be compl eted w ithin the 60- da y timeframe pr ovide d t o the team. “ W e wil l not al l ow ext ra time unde r any circumstances,” J ustice S hiekh A z mat, a member of the bench, had said. D uring W edne sda y’ s hearing, J ustice E j az A fz al K han, who heads the bench, observed that the first half of the JIT’s report contained a list of difficulties faced by the team. H e advi sed the J I T to submit a sepa rate appl ication l isting

the “problems, obstacles and difficulties” being faced in compl eting the assigned t ask. “ B ased on the appl ication, we wil l issue di rections to the attorney general ,” the j udge said, addi ng that he hope d the team woul d c ompl ete the task i n the al l otted t ime. The J I T tol d the court that investigations into the S harif famil y’ s business abroad were pr oceedi ng in the right di rection.D uring the hearing, the l awye r repr esenting H ussain N awaz , P rime M inister N awaz S harif’ s el de st son, aske d the bench to hear yet another petition filed on behalf of his cl ient as soon as pos sibl e. The application, filed before the apex court on Wednesda y , seeks the formation of a commission to investigate the ‘ l eaki ng’ of a C C TV image of H ussain’ s appe arance before the J I T. I t al so seeks the court to pr ohibit the J I T from recordi ng vide os of the pr oceedi ngs.The court aske d the J I T to file its response to Hussain Nawaz’s request and schedul ed a hearing for J une 12.H ussain has appe ared before the J I T for que stioning four times. S pe aki ng to the medi a after his l ast appe arance on S aturda y , H ussain said, “ There is no evide nce against us; no pr oof that can be brought forward. ” In his first appearance before the JIT, the premier’s elder son had refused to answer que stions put forth by the investigative body , sayi ng that the J I T’ s status was ‘ sub j udi ce’ as he had already filed a petition before the apex court seeking the removal two of its constituents.

The ape x court had, however, terminated his pl ea, and after each of the next two hearings, H ussain had tol d repor ters that he had answered al l que stions put forward by t he J I T. ‘Sharif family reserves right to boycott JIT’ P unj ab L aw M inister R ana S anaul l ah on W edne sda y said that the S harif famil y reserves the right to boyc ott the J I T, D awnN ews repor ted “ The members of the J I T do not enj oy the same pr ivil eges as the j udge s of the ape x court do,” he adde d whil e spe aki ng to repor ters in L ahore. A l though, the S C has constituted the J I T, the team members themsel ves are not the ape x court, he said addi ng that the obj ections raised by H ussain N awaz regardi ng two members of the J I T were not addr essed. “ The obj ections shoul d ha ve been responde d t o,” he said.

Source: Dawn news


Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017


& I N T .


As Greens, NDP gear up in B.C., choosing At least 12 killed in militant attack in a Speaker gets complicated Iran, Guards blame Saudi Arabia S uicide bombers and gunmen attacke d the

B ritish C ol umbia’ s N ew D emocrats say they’ re pr epa red to pu t forward a caucus member to serve as S pe ake r – a rol e that has tak en on a new pr ominence in the minority l egisl ature, where the pos ition wil l be freque ntl y cal l ed upon to break ties on confidence votes and legislation. Both the New D emocrats and G reens are de nyi ng an assertion from a former consul tant to the G reen P arty that the S pe ake r wil l be given a more pa rtisan rol e. G reen L eade r A ndr ew W eaver rej ected the ide a as “ nonsense.” The N D P and G reens are pr ep aring to vote dow n P remier C hristy C l ark’ s government as earl y as this month, after a pr ovincial el ection that l eft the B C L iberal s one seat short of a maj ority . The G reens agreed l ast week to suppor t a minority N D P government. H owever, the issue of a S pe ake r has emerged as a pot ential roadbl ock, since one must be ap poi nted before anyt hing can happe n in the l egisl ature. The L iberal s have al ready said none of their members pl ans to vol unteer, and l osing an N D P or G reen to the pos ition woul d l eave both side s essential l y tied with 43 seats. I n ad di tion, the sel ection of a de pu ty spe ake r coul d l eave the N D P and G reens commandi ng a minority of seats in some situations. The N ew D emocrats are conside ring changing the standi ng rul es of the l egisl ature to de al with that pr obl em. M ike F arnworth, who has pr eviousl y served as N D P house l eade r, acknow l edge d the j ob of S pe ake r woul d l ike l y fal l to a N ew D emocrat. “ N ormal l y , it is the governing pa rty that has to put forward a S pe ake r,” M r. F arnworth said. The S pe ake r’ s chair has been hel d by L iberal L inda R eid since 2013. W hil e the L iberal s have said their caucus members woul d not vol unteer to be S pe ake r unde r an N D P government, it’ s uncl ear whether M s. R eid intends to remain in the job until a confidence vote inevitably brings d own the current government. The L iberal P arty de cl ined to cl ear up that issue on M onda y . The S pe ake r, who receives a substantial increase in pa y , oversees de co-

rum dur ing de bates and shephe rds the pa ssage of bil l s. I t’ s tradi tional l y a non- pa rtisan rol e and the S pe ake r doe s not sit in caucus. A di ng to the uncertainty are assertions from N orman S pe ctor, a former de put y minister to ex- pr emier B il l B ennett and former chief of staff to ex-prime minister Brian M ul roney . M r. S pe ctor cl aimed on Twitter that there was a pl an in pl ace to change the rol e. “ The N D P pl an woul d stil l be to turn its S pe ake r into a pa rtisan member,” M r. S pe ctor said on Twitter on S unda y evening. S pe ake rs are currentl y conside red referees of the l egisl ature who onl y vote in the case of a tie. M r. F arnworth, who acknow l edge d he was not in the room as the pa rties negotiated the governance agreement, said there were no pl ans to change the S pe ake r. H e noted there is nothing to that effect in the 10- pa ge d ocument that l ays out his pa rty’ s agreement with the G reens. M r. W eaver of the G reens was more bl unt. “ That’ s nonsense,” M r. W eaver said in an interview. “ The S pe ake r has got a l ong tradi tional rol e. “ I t’ s not a pa rtisan pos ition. … N othing is changing.” M r. W eaver que stioned where M r. S pe ctor got his information, sayi ng he “ has nothing to do with the B C G reen P arty .” M r. W eaver has said the j ob wil l not be filled by a Green member. There’s also the issue of a de put y spe ake r. W hen pr opo sed l egisl ation goes through one of its l ater stages of review, it is overseen by a de put y spe ake r, assistant de put y spe ake r or other chair who votes in the event of a tie. A n N D P or G reen in that pos ition woul d give the L iberal s a pos sibl e 43- 42 maj ority , al l owing them to amend bil l s as they wished. H owever, M r. F arnworth said the pa rty is conside ring changing the stand ing orde rs that govern the business of the l egisl ature. I t coul d be a tempor ary orde r that onl y ap pl ies to a singl e session of the l egisl ature or a pe rmanent change. H e said it woul d be “ pr esumpt uous” to spe cul ate on what those changes might be. Source: Globe and Mail

German FM blasts ‘Trumpification’ of Qatar-GCC dispute G erman F oreign M inister S igmar G abriel accused U S P reside nt D onal d Trump of stirring up conflicts in the Middle East and risking a new arms race as Q atar’ s neighbours cut ties with D oha. S audi A rabia and al l ies incl udi ng E gypt , the U nited A rab E mirates and B ahrain announced M onda y they were severing di pl omatic rel ations and cl osing air, sea and l and l inks with Q atar. The di sput e comes l ess than a month after Trump visited S audi A rabia and cal l ed for M usl im nations to unite against “ ext remism” . “ U S P reside nt Trump’ s recent giant mil itary contracts which G ul f monarchies raise the risk of a new spi ral in arms sal es,” G abriel warned in an interview with the H ande l sbl att da il y to appe ar on W edne sda y . “ This pol icy is compl etel y wrong and is certainl y not G ermany’ s pol icy ,” he adde d, in ext racts of his interview rel eased Tuesda y . “ I am very concerned with the dr amatic escal ation and the conseq uences for the whol e region.” Trump on Tuesday backed the regional efforts to isol ate Q atar, suppor ting S audi A rabia and its al l ies and suggesting the ke y U S al l y home to the l argest A merican airbase in the

M iddl e E ast - has been fundi ng ext remism. D uring his recent visit to S audi A rabia, Trump signed arms contracts worth $1 10bn with R iya dh. G abriel warned against compl etel y isol ating Q atar and said the move is an attack on the G ul f state’ s very exi stence. “ A pa rentl y , Q atar is to be isol ated more or l ess compl etel y and hit exi stential l y . S uch a ‘Trumpification’ of relations in a region al ready suscept ibl e to crises is pa rticul arl y da ngerous,” G abriel said. H e adde d the nucl ear de al agreed with I ran in 2015 had al l owed j ust such an escal ation to be avoid ed. “A toxic conflict between neighbours is that l ast thing we need,” G abriel warned. H e wil l meet his S audi counterpa rt A de l al J ubeir in B erl in on W edne sda y . S ource: A l - J az eera

I ranian pa rl iament and the M ausol eum of A ya tol l ah K homeini in Tehran on W edne sda y , ki l l ing at l east 12 pe op l e in a twin assaul t which I ran’ s R evol utionary G uards bl amed on r egional rival S audi A rabia. I sl amic S tate cl aimed respons ibil ity and rel eased a vide o pur por ting to show gunmen inside the pa rl iament buil di ng. I t al so threatened more attacks against I ran’ s maj ority S hi’ ite popul ation, seen by the hardl ine S unni mil itants as “ heretics.” S audi A rabia de nied any invol vement, but the assaul t further fuel s boil ing tensions between R iya dh and Tehran as they vie for control of the Gulf and influence in the wider I sl amic worl d. I t comes da ys after R iya dh and other S unni M usl im pow ers cut ties with Q atar, accusing it of backi ng Tehran and mil itant groups .They were the first attacks cl aimed by I sl amic S tate insid e the tightl y control l ed S hi’ ite M usl im country , one of the powers leading the fight against IS forces in nearby I raq and S y ria. Iranian police said they had arrested five suspe cts over the attacks and the country’ s supr eme l eade r, A y atol l ah A l i K hamenei, struck a defiant tone.“These fireworks have no effect on Iran. They will soon be eliminated ... They are too small to affect the will of the Iranian nation and its officials,” state TV q uoted him say ing. K hamenei ad d ed that I ran, which is hel p ing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad fight rebels including Islamic State fighters, had prevented worse attack s through its foreign p ol icy . The pow erful I sl amic R evol utionary G uard

C orps accused R iya dh of being behind the attacks and vow ed t o seek r evenge. “ This terrorist attack happe ned onl y a week after the meeting between the U .S . pr eside nt ( D onal d Trump) and the ( S audi ) backw ard l eade rs who suppor t terrorists. The fact that I sl amic S tate has cl aimed respons ibil ity pr oves that they were invol ved in the brutal attack,” a G uards statement said. The de put y head of the G uards , B rigadi er G eneral H ossein S al ami, was quot ed l ater by Tasnim news agency as sayi ng: “ W e wil l take revenge on terrorists and their suppor ters who martyr ed our pe opl e.” S audi F oreign M inister A de l A l - J ubeir, spe aki ng in B erl in, said he di d not know who was respons ibl e for the attacks and said there was no evide nce S audi ext remists were invol ved.T he U .S . S tate D epa rtment and U .N . S ecretary- G eneral A ntonio G uterres both conde mned t he attacks . Source: msn.com/en-us/news/world

MI5 to review handling of London Bridge attack, says Theresa May M I 5 wil l review its handl ing of the L ondon B ridge terror attack to l ook at whether l essons can be l earned, Theresa M ay has said, after it emerged that at l east one of the attacke rs were know n to the B ritish security services. The pr ime minister was repe atedl y challenged about how the Home Office, pol ice and intel l igence services de al t with the information rel ating to the attacke rs, after B oris J ohnson, her foreign secretary , said M I 5 had que stions to answer. O n the campa ign trail , M ay tried to focus her remarks on B rexi t and l eade rship, but she reveal ed that there woul d be a review into how the intel l igence agencies de al t with the L ondon B ridge attack after being pr essed over whether she shared J ohnson’ s concerns. S he al so de fende d the pe rformance of the intel l igence agencies in foil ing attacks at a time when the “ tempo is increasing” in a way not seen before, after the de vastating O ne of the attack ers, K huram B utt, 27, had been repor ted to the anti- terror hotl ine in 2015 A ske d about J ohnson’ s comments, M ay tol d S ky N ews: “ I absol utel y recognise pe opl e’ s concerns. M I 5 and the pol ice have al ready said they woul d be reviewing how they de al t with M anchester and I woul d expe ct them to do exa ctl y the same in rel ation to L ondon B ridge . “ W hat government needs to do, and what the government that comes in after Thursda y’ s el ection needs to be wil l ing to do, is to give more pow ers to the pol ice and security service when they need them, needs to de al with this issue of terrorism and ext remism onl ine and al so needs to be abl e to cal l out ext remism here in the U nited K ingdom .” S pe aki ng shortl y afterward s at a general el ection campa ign event with C onservative activists in L abour- hel d S toke S outh, she said the government now “ needs to ensure that M I 5 and the pol ice are abl e to get on with that investigation” into their own pr ocesses. “ W e need to l ook at how the terror threat is evol ving, the way that terrorism is breedi ng terrorism and the increased tempo of attacks . W e have had three horrific attacks and we have foiled five others. The tempo is there in a way we haven’ t seen before. “ W e wil l l ook at how the pr ocesses were fol l owed, what they di d. They wil l want to be l ooki ng at that because

they wil l want to l earn l essons for the future, if there are those l essons to be l earned.” S he adde d: “ The pol ice and security service have done a good j ob in foil ing a number of plots – just five in the last three months, and a significant number in the last few years as wel l .” M ay de cl ined to say whether the third attacke r was monitored or subj ect to an exc l usion ord er when he returned to the U K after being stoppe d in I tal y , and de cl ined an oppor tunity to apol ogise for any fail ures by the intel l igence agencies. A ske d about the C hannel 4 pr ogramme The J ihadi s N ext D oor, which featured B hutt, M ay said she had not seen it but was “ aware of it but it comes back to the poi nt I made earl ier which is that we need to make sure we are pr ope rl y cal l ing out ext remism in this country” . I n a spe ech on S unda y on the steps of D owning S treet, the pr ime minister set out a pl an for combating terror and warned that difficul t and embarrassing conversations woul d need to be hel d to de al with the growing threat. P ressed on whether she woul d hol d tough conversations with G ul f al l ies, such as S audi A rabia, over the fundi ng of terror, she repl ied : “ Tough conversations are required over this whole issue of financing of the terrorists and the financing of extremism.” S he adde d: “ W e need to have tough conversations with whoever we need to have those conversations with.” The issue of security has dom inated the l ast weeks of the el ection campa ign after the two attacks by I sl amic ext remist terrorists at a M anchester concert and L ondon B ridge overshadow ed the campa ign. M ay has tried to move the conversation on to B rexi t and her l eade rship but has come unde r repe ated pr essure over the l ast few da ys about having overseen cuts to police and armed officers during her time as home secretary . D uring a tour of marginal seats, incl udi ng four L abour- hel d targets, M ay insisted she was “ enj oyi ng the campa ign” de spi te the narrowing of her l ead in the pol l s against J eremy C orbyn’ s L abour. I n a spe ech to Tory activists in S toke - onTrent, she spoke of wanting to “ reignite the B ritish spi rit” as she l eads the country into B rexi t negotiations if she is re- el ected. S ource: G uardi an


Shabaan 2 1438 June 9, 2017


Ramadan Shaban 14. 29. 1438 May June26, 9, 2017



A bu H urairah ( M A P H ) rep orted : The P rop het ( S A W S ) said : “ W hoever p erforms Q iy am d uring L ail at- ul - Q ad r ( N ight of D ecree) , with F aith and being hop eful of A l l ah’ s reward , wil l have his former sins forgiven.” ( A l - B uk hari and M usl im)

Laylatul Qadr – Worship Plan to Maximise the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan

l l ah say s in the Q ur’ an: The N ight of D ecree is better than a thousand months. The angel s and the S p irit d escend therein by p ermission of their L ord for every matter. P eace it is until the emergence of dawn. [Qur’an: 97:3-5] The bl essed L ay l atul Q ad r can be found in any of the l ast 1 0 nights of R amad an, which are the most bl essed nights of the y ear. A s such, we shoul d increase our worship and d evotion d uring this p eriod . A isha rep orted : W ith the start of the l ast ten d ay s of R amad an, the P rop het used to tighten his waist bel t ( i.e. work hard er) and used to p ray the whol e night, and used to k eep his family awake for the prayers. [Bukhari] A bu H uray rah rel ates that the P rop het said : “ W hoever stand s ( in the vol untary night p ray er of) R amad an out of faith and in the hop e of reward , his p revious sins wil l be forgiven. A nd whoever sp end s the night of L ail at A l - Q ad r in p ray er out of faith and in the hop e of reward , his p revious sins will be forgiven.” [Sunan an-Nasa’i]. Subhan A l l ah! S uch immense reward s are to be gained d uring these bl essed 1 0 nights. How can we afford to miss out on them? W ho is to say that we wil l l ive to see the next Ramadan? We MUST make the best of these 1 0 nights. I f we cannot manage al l of the 1 0 nights, then as many as we can manage, p articul arl y on the od d - numbered nights: 21st, 25th, 27th and 29th. There is a say ing that a p erson who fail s to p l an, p l ans to fail . S o I have created a W orship

P l an that we can use to max imise these blessed 10 nights of Ramadan. But first, there are a few p oints to consd er: 10 Points to Consider in the Worship Plan 1.Remain in I’tikaf: The best way of catching the bl essed night is to remain in I ’ tik af, which both men and women can d o. I f it is not p ossibl e for one to remain in I ’ tik af for the whol e of the 1 0 d ay s and nights, then one shoul d try to remain in I ’ tik af for as many d ay s and nights p ossibl e. I t is al so p ossibl e to mak e intention of Nawafil I’tikaf each and every time one enters the masj id to gain reward s for the time sp ent in the masj id . 2.Worship all the 10 nights: Try to worship the whol e of the 1 0 nights or as many d ay s y ou can manage as that is the best way to catch the unimaginabl e and incomp rehensibl e reward s of L ay l atul Q ad r. E ach and every good d eed from M aghrib until F aj r on L ay l atul Q ad r is reward ed a minimum of at l east 8 3 y ears’ of

worship . S ubhan A l l ah, that is l onger than most of us wil l l ive! 3.Best dua of the last 10 nights: A isha rep orted : I ask ed : “ O M essenger of A l l ah! I f I real iz e L ail at- ul - Q ad r ( N ight of Decree), what should I supplicate in it?” H e rep l ied , “ Y ou shoul d sup p l icate: A l l ahumma innak a ‘ afuwwun, tuhibbul - ‘ afwa, fa’ fu ‘ anni ( O A l l ah, Y ou are M ost F orgiving, and Y ou l ove forgiveness; so forgive me).” [At-Tirmidhi]. 4.Give charity: A ny good act such as charity d uring L ay l atul Q ad r is reward ed l ik e y ou have d one it for over 8 3 y ears. 5.Eat light: A s y ou wil l be stay ing up until F aj r, the more y ou eat, the hard er it wil l be for y ou to stay up and the l ess p rod uctive y ou wil l be! 6.Hydrate well: K eep some water with y ou at al l times. This wil l hel p y ou stay up , feel energised and refreshed and have a cl earer mind . 7.Complete all tasks beforehand:

M ak e arrangements to cl ear as many of y our p end ing task s as p ossibl e or mak e a p l an for tack l ing them l ater. This way , we are free to worship d uring the 1 0 nights without being d istracted by worl d l y task s. 8.Show exemplary character: The P rop het said : “ N othing wil l be heavier on the D ay of R esurrection in the S cal e of the bel iever than good manners. A l l ah hates one who utters foul or coarse l anguage.” [At- Tirmidhi]. So we must aim to be the best in character d uring these bl essed nights and continue to d o so for the rest of the y ear. W e must not argue, swear, back bite, sl and er or gossip . 9.No time wasting: We must make a firm intention that during these bl essed 1 0 nights, we wil l not tak e p art in id l e tal k , watch TV , p l ay comp uter games or sp end time on the social med ia. There are 3 5 5 d ay s in the y ear for al l that – if y ou real l y cannot resist. This is j ust 1 0 nights! There wil l be ind eed an utter l oss and regret for those of us who waste these bl essed 1 0 nights. 10.Making life changes: W e shoul d mak e the necessary changes to imp rove oursel ves as M usl ims and what better time to mak e such changes than d uring these bl essed 1 0 nights where we can change our l ives forever. W e must internal ize these changes and make a firm commitment to A l l ah , and may be that he wil l wipe off our sins until we become newborn babies, I n sha A l l ah.

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un

Br.Abdul Ghani (of Surrey, originally from Multan, Pakistan, husband of Sr. Saeeda Ghani) passed away on June 7, 2017.

JANAZAH AT: Surrey Jamea Masjid Satu, June 10, 2017 after Dhur Salalt 1:30pm The Miracle Media group offers its deepest condolences to late Abul Ghani’s all family members. May Allah (SWT) grant him the highest place in Jannah and grant patience to everyone. Ameen

“O Allah. I fasted for You and “I intend to keep fast tomorrow I believe in You and I break my fast in the month of Ramadan” with Your sustenance”


Ramadan Date Days June Date

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 *30

Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon

June 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 *25




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1:21 1:04 1:21 1:04 1:22 1:05 1:22 1:05 1:22 1:05 1:22 1:05 1:22 1:05 1:23 1:06 1:23 1:06 1:23 1:06 1:23 1:06 1:23 1:06 1:26 1:07 1:24 1:07 1:24 1:07 1:24 1:07 1:25 1:08 AH EID UL FITAR


6:42 6:42 6:43 6:43 6:43 6:44 6:44 6:44 6:45 6:45 6:45 6:46 6:46 6:46 6:46 6:46 6:46 2017



9:20 9:21 9:21 9:22 9:23 9:23 9:23 9:24 9:24 9:25 9:25 9:25 9:25 9:25 9:26 9:26 9:26

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May Allah bless everyone with peace and happiness in this Ramadan

Timetable Source BCMA

Note: Please follow your Masjid Ramadan Timetable


Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017

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Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017




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Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017


ICNA Relief Canada raises $30K for East Africa Famine Relief

I C N A R el ief C anad a ( I R C ) organiz ed F und raising I ftar & d inner to raise fund s for and for the international and d omestic rel ief p rograms incl ud ing the E ast A frica F amine R el ief. The A ugust event was hel d at the R iversid e S ignature B anq uet H al l in S urrey on J une 4 , . The formal p roceed ings of the p rogram started with a beautiful recitation, by B r F arooq A z am, of the hol y verses of S urah A l - B aq ara from the d ivine book , H ol y Q ur’ an fol l owed by a nasheed “ A l l ah is C al l ing y ou” , p rep ared by femal e chil d ren vol unteers l ed by M isbah M emon. L ater, B r. G hul am M ustafa, p ioneer of the I C N A R el ief C anad a R esource C enter/ F ood B ank in S urrey B C , briefed about the d omestic and international p rograms of I C N A R el ief C anad a and the services it is rend ering in 23 countries since 1997 to serve the cause of humanity . H e highl ighted that I C N A R el ief C anad a was successful in k eep ing the ad ministrative and overhead costs as l ow as 5 .5 3 % by engaging hund red s of d ed icated vol unteers. H e said that we ensure that every d ol l ar d onated to I R C reaches the d eserving p eop l e safel y and timel y with 1 0 0 % transp arency , accountabil ity and d ignity . H e al so outl ined the strategy of I C N A R el ief C anad a. •To assist and empower the people in need, local l y and international l y •Develop effective disaster and emergency resp onse d omestical l y & international l y •Donors’ Satisfaction & Trust •Develop highly responsive professional leadership, staff & volunteers •Effectively utilize the means of mass communication The p articip ants of the event received the aud ited A nnual R ep ort 2 0 1 6 highl ighting I C N A R el ief’ s revenue, p rogram d isbursements and ex p enses in the y ear 2 0 1 6 p ertaining to the fol l owing p rograms: Domestic Programs: •Syrian Refugee Sponsorship program •Muslim Family Services (MFS) •Food Banks in 10 cities across Canada •Maryam Home (Women’s Shelter) •Emergency Relief and Financial Help (ER)

•Seniors Support •Funeral Support •Matrimonial Services •Foster Parenting •Youth Leadership and Development P rogram ( Y L D P ) International Programs: •Disaster and Emergency Relief •Education for poor and needy •Medical Health Care Program •Water for Life during Drought •Global Zabiha Program •Skill Development program •Orphan Sponsorship Program •Helthcare •Women Empowerment Program The guest sp eak er S heik h A hmed S hahab highl ighted the imp ortance of hel p ing these brothers and sisters in need . H e shared stories of orp han, need y and d eserving E ast A fricans facing starvation and famine. H e q uoted that we shoul d p ut oursel ves in the shoes of those brothers and sisters who are going through hard ship to get the feel ing and motivation to hel p them. H e al so ad d ed that hel p ing these brothers and sisters is actual l y hel p ing our sel ves in the hereafter, inshaA l l ah, as this wil l p l ease A l l ah swt who p romises to mul tip l y the reward s of good d eed s in R amad an K areem. W hil e y ou’ l l get the tax - d ed uctibl e receip ts from I C N A R el ief, a fed eral l y registered charity organiz ation, and C anad ian government wil l match y our d onations for E ast A frica F amine R el ief, the reward s and bl essings A l l ah swt wil l bestow up on y ou in this hol y month of R amad an K areem wil l be innumerabl e and matchl ess. ICNA Relief Canada wants to thank all brothers and sisters who attended the event and those who had intention but couldn’t attend for any reason. We have raised close to $30,000 in the event on spot and donations are still pouring in, lots of brothers and sisters who could not come to the event and wanted to donate have called after the event. Donation for any of these causes can be made online at icnareliefcanad.ca/donate OR by calling the ICNA Relief Canada Resource Center/Food Bank Surrey BC at +1 (778) 578-3080, or can write to surreyfb@icnareliefcanada.ca. We are also thank all the volunteers including for their efforts, may Allah swt give you all the best of reward….aameen

Under New Management


Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017


Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017


Brutal revenge: Rare attack in Iran shows how country responds to terrorism

I ran vowed qui ck revenge after I S I S suicide bombers and gunmen stormed pa rl iament and the mausol eum of the country’ s revered spi ritual l eade r A ya tol l ah R uhol l ah K homeini, ki l l ing 13 pe opl e and inj uring 41. That revenge is l ike l y to be swift and brutal based on the respons e to pa st terror attacks in the country , and won’ t be tempe red by the fact that all five attackers were killed by security forces. A nd it might not even be entirel y aimed a t pr eventing future terrorist attacks . I ran’ s P owerful R evol utionary G uard stoppe d short of di rectl y bl aming S audi invol vement but cal l ed it “ meaningful ” that the attacks took pl ace a week after P reside nt D onal d Trump travel ed to R iya dh. The G uard statement said that S audi A rabia “constantly supports takfiri terrorists” and the I sl amic S tate’ s cl aim of respons ibil ity for the Tehran attacks “ reveal s [ S audi A rabia’s] hand in this barbaric action.”

I R A N A TTA C K : I S I S cl aims respons ibil ity for pa ir of assaul ts in Tehran I S I S cl aimed respons ibil ity for a pa ir of W edne sda y attacks in Tehran in which suicide bombers and teams of gunmen stormed I ran’ s pa rl iament and the nearby shrine of A ya tol l ah R uhol l ah K homeini, ki l l ing at l east 12 a nd i nj uring doz ens of others. This is the first attack orchestrated by ISIS in the I sl amic R epubl ic, S I TE I ntel G roup repor ted. I t wasn’ t initial l y cl ear if the de ath count, repor ted by state broadc aster I R I B , incl ude d the attacke rs. I n a rare and stunning move, I S I S rel eased vide o from inside the pa rl iament buil d ing whil e the attack was unde r way . The vide o, circul ated onl ine, shows a gunman and a bl oody , l ifel ess body of a man l yi ng on the ground next to a de sk. A voice on the vide o pr aises G od and says in A rabic: “ D o you think we will leave? We will remain, God wil l ing.” A nother voice repe ats the same words . The two appe ared to be pa rroting a sl ogan used by I S spoke sman A bu M ohammad al - A dna ni, who was ki l l ed in S yr ia l ast ye ar.The pa rl iament assaul t ende d W edn esda y morning with al l four attacke rs there being ki l l ed . “ I ranian nation moves on, toda y the fumbling with firecrackers in #Tehran, won’t

affect the will of our nation,” Ayatollah K ahmenei wrote in a tweet. S tate D epa rtment spoke swoman H eather N auert said “ the de pr avity of terrorism has no pl ace in a pe aceful , c ivil iz ed w orl d.” O ne of the terrorists bl ew himsel f up inside the pa rl iament buil di ng, where a session had been in pr ogress, accordi ng to a statement carried by I ran state TV . I t quot ed l awmake r E l ias H az rati as sayi ng the attacke rs were armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles. A n A ssociated P ress repo rter saw several pol ice snip ers on the rooftops of buil di ngs around pa rl iament. S hops in the area were shuttered, and gunfire could be heard. Witnesses said the attacke rs were shooting from the fourth floor of the parliament building dow n at pe opl e in the streets bel ow. “ I was pa ssing by one of the streets. I thought that children were playing with fireworks , but I real iz ed pe op l e are hidi ng and l yi ng dow n on the streets,” E brahim G hanimi, who was around the pa rl iament buil d ing when the assail ants stormed in, tol d The A ssociated P ress. “ W ith the hel p of a taxi dr iver, I reached a nearby a l l ey .” P ol ice hel icopt ers circl ed over the pa rl iament buil di ng and al l mobil e phone l ines from inside were di sconnected. The semiofficial ISNA news agency said all entrance

and exi t gates at pa rl iament were cl osed and that l awmake rs and repor ters were orde red to remain in pl ace inside the chamber. S tate TV repor ted four attacke rs were invol ved i n the pa rl iament attack. Iran’s official state broadcaster said a security guard was ki l l ed and four pe opl e wound ed in the shrine attack. I t said one of the attacke rs at the shrine was ki l l ed by security guards and that a woman was arrested. I t de scribed the shrine attacke rs as “ terrorists” and said one carried out a suicide bombing, without pr ovidi ng further de tail s. I n addi tion to being l ethal , the attack on the shrine of K homeini is sym bol ical l y stunning. As Iran’s first Supreme Leader, Khomeini is a towering figure in the country and was its revolutionary leader in the 1979 ouster of the shah. Sourcer:The Associated Press

assaul t that I ran’ s R evol utionary G uards bl amed on regional rival S audi A rabia. I S I S cl aimed respons ibil ity and rel eased a vide o pur por ting to show gunmen inside the pa rl iament buil di ng. “ W e grieve and pr ay for the innocent victims of the terrorist attacks in I ran, and for the I ranian pe op l e, who are going through such chal l enging times,” Trump said in the statement. “ W e und erscore that states that spons or terrorism risk fal l ing victim to the

The U S has de signated I ran as a state spon sor of terrorism. I ran pr ovide s arms and fundi ng to some terrorist groups , incl udi ng the S hia group H ez bol l ah. I ran has al so been expa ndi ng its influence throughout the Middle East and has al igned itsel f with embattl ed S yr ian P reside nt B ashar al - A ssad , who has been accused of war crimes as he fights to maintain control over his country . Trump has take n a hard l ine on I ran and of-

tration cut with the country to curb its nucl ear pr ogram. The I S I S attacks there took pl ace at a pa rticul arl y charged time after S audi A rabia and other S unni pow ers cut ties with Q atar on M onda y , accusing it of backi ng Tehran and mil itant groups . I S I S has regul arl y threatened I ran, one of the powers leading the fight against the militants’ forces in neighboring I raq and, beyond that, S yr ia. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Trump on ISIS attack in Iran: ‘States that sponsor terrorism risk falling victim to the evil they promote’ .S . P reside nt Trump spe aks dur ing an da y , ki l l ing at l east 12 pe opl e in a twin evil they pr omote.” ten conde mns the de al the O bama adm inis-

(U event announcing the Air Traffic Control R eform I nitiative at the W hite H ouse in W ashingtonThomson R euters) P reside nt D onal d Trump rel eased a statement W edne sda y on the terrorist group I S I S ’ first attack in Iran, appearing to blame the country for “ fal l ing victim to the evil they pr omote.” S uicide bombers and gunmen attacke d the I ranian pa rl iament and the M ausol eum of A ya tol l ah K homeini in Tehran on W edne s-




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Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017



Saudi Arabia, Egypt lead Arab states cutting Qatar ties, Iran blames Trump


growing number of A rab nations have cut ties with Q atar. •The nations pointed to Doha’s al l eged terrorism ties and their own national security . •The coordinated move escalates a dispute over Q atar’ s suppor t of the M usl im B rotherhood, a nd a ds accusations that D oha backs the agenda of I ran. •Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Y emen, L ibya , B ahrain, and M al di ves severed their ties with Q atar on M onda y , accusing it of suppor ting terrorism and op ening up the worst rift in ye ars among some of the most pow erful states in the A rab worl d. •Iran — long at odds with Saudi Arabia and a behind- the- scenes target of the move — immedi atel y bl amed P reside nt D onal d Trump for setting the stage dur ing his recent trip t o R iya dh. •Gulf Arab states and Egypt have long resented Q atar’ s suppor t for I sl amists, espe cial l y the E gypt ian- based M usl im B rotherhood , which they regard as a da ngerous pol itical enemy . •The coordinated move, with the Maldives and L ibya ’ s eastern- based government j oining in l ater, created a dr amatic rift among the A rab nations, m any of which are in O P E C . •Announcing the closure of transport ties with Q atar, the three G ul f states gave Q atari visitors and reside nts two week s to l eave. Q atar was al so expe l l ed from the S audi - l ed coalition fighting in Yemen. •Oil giant Saudi Arabia accused Qatar of backi ng mil itant groups — some backe d by regional archrival I ran — and broadc asting their id eol ogy , an appa rent reference to Q atar’s influential state-owned satellite channel al J az eera. •“(Qatar) embraces multiple terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at di sturbing stabil ity in the region, incl udi ng the M usl im B rotherhood, I S I S ( I sl amic S tate) and al - Q aeda , and pr omotes the message and schemes of these groups through their medi a constant-

carrier F l yduba i said they woul d suspe nd al l flights to and from Doha from Tuesda y morning until further notice. •Qatar Airways said on its official website it had suspended all flights to S audi A rabia. •Qatar’s stock market inde x sank 7.5 pe rcent with some of the marke t’ s top bl ue chips harde st hit. •The measures are more severe than dur ing a when pr evious eight- month rift in 2014, S audi A rabia, B ahrain, and the U A E withdr ew their ambassador s from D oha, again al l eging Q atari suppor t for mil itant groups . A t that time, travel l inks were maintained and Q ataris were not expe l l ed. •The diplomatic broadside threatens the international pr estige of Q atar, which hosts a l arge U .S . mil itary base and is set to host the 20 W orl d C up . I t has for ye ars pr esented itsel f as a medi ator and pow er broke r for the region’ s many di sput es. •FIFA, international soccer’s governing body , said it remained in regul ar contact with Q atar, de cl ining to el aborate. •Kristian Ulrichsen, a Gulf expert at the U .S .- based B ake r I nstitute, said if Q atar’ s l and borde rs and airspa ce were cl osed for any l ength of time “ it woul d wreak havoc on the timel ine and de l ivery” of the W orl d C up. •“It seems that the Saudis and Emiratis feel embol de ned by the al ignment of their regional interests — toward I ran and I sl amism — with the Trump adm inistration,” U l richsen said. “ ( They) have de cide d to de al with Q atar’ s al ternative appr oach on the assump •Economic fallout tion that they wil l have the ( Trump) adm in•The economic fallout loomed immediately, istration’ s backi ng.” as A bu D habi’ s state- owned E thihad A ir- •Qatar used its media and political clout to ways , D ubai’ s E mirates A irl ine and budge t suppor t l ong- repr essed I sl amists dur ing the l y ,” S audi state news agency S P A said. •It accused Qatar of supporting what it de scribed as I ranian- backe d mil itants in its restive and l argel y S hi’ ite M usl im- popul ated e astern region of Q atif and i n B ahrain. •Qatar said it was facing a campaign aimed at weake ning it, de nyi ng it was interfering in the affairs of other countries. •The campaign of incitement is based on lies that had reached the l evel of compl ete fabrications,” the Q atari foreign ministry said in a statement. •Iran saw America pulling the strings. •“What is happening is the preliminary resul t of the sword da nce,” H amid A boutal ebi, deputy chief of staff of Iran’s President H assan R ouhani, tweeted in a reference to Trump’ s recent visit to S audi A rabia. •Trump and other U.S. officials participated in a tradi tional sword da nce dur ing the trip in which he cal l ed on M usl im countries to stand united against I sl amist ext remists and singl ed out I ran as a ke y source of fundi ng and s uppor t for mil itant groups . •U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told repor ters in S ydne y on M onda y that the spa t would not affect the fight against Islamist mil itants and that W ashington has encouraged i ts G ul f al l ies to resol ve their differences. •A split between Doha and its closest allies can have repe rcussions around the M iddl e East, where Gulf states have used their financial and political power to influence events in L ibya , E gypt , S yr ia, I raq a nd Y emen. •Qatar on Monday asked citizens to leave the U nited A rab E mirates within 14 d ays to compl y with by A bu D habi’ s severing of ties, the Q atari embassy in A bu D habi said on social medi a. Those who cannot travel di rectl y to D oha shoul d go through K uwait or O man, i t said.


1 pr o- de mocracy “ A rab S pr ing” upr isings in several A rab countries. •Muslim Brotherhood groups allied to Doha are now mostl y on the backf oot in the region, espe cial l y after a 2013 mil itary take over in E gypt ousted the el ected I sl amist pr eside nt. •The former army chief and now president, A bde l F attah al - S isi, al ong with the new government’ s al l ies in S audi A rabia and the U A E , bl ackl ist the B rotherhood as a terrorist organiz ation. •Egypt, the Arab world’s most populous nation, said on its state news agency that Q atar’ s pol icy “ threatens A rab national security and sows the seeds of strife and di vision within A rab societies accordi ng to a de l iberate pl an aimed at the unity and interests of the A rab nation.” •Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris has cal l ed on E gypt ian businessmen to withdr aw their investments and hal t business de al ings with the G ul f state, his spoke spe rson tol d •Oil prices rose after the moves against Qatar, which is the biggest suppl ier of l ique fied natural gas (LNG) and a major seller of conde nsate — a l ow- de nsity l iqui d fuel and refining product derived from natural gas. Source:.cnbc.com


Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017



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Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017


(Quality Education and Personal Excellence)

Iqra Debates

n M ay 2 5 th, I q ra stud ents p articipated in the first ever Iqra Islamic S chool ’ s G reat D ebates. R ep resentatives from I q ra’ s grad e six and seven cl asses d ebated p ertinent issues such as vid eo game ad d iction, real ity TV , voting, and the ap p rop riacy of animal testing. A fter week s of p rep aration, the stud ents arrived with a cache of arguments, statistics, and rebuttal s. The p articipants were confident, articulate, and resp ectful of their op p onents. A s such, the event was extraordinarily successful with benefits for both the p articip ants and the attend ees.

Sports Day

Tod ay ed ucation is an al l - round d evel op ment of the chil d . I n this resp ect, games and sports play a significant role. It is in this back d rop that I q ra S chool used to organiz e this y ear’ s sp orts d ay . S p orts D ay is an eagerl y awaited event in our school . I t is a time of great fun and j oy in the school as the d ay s p rior to the event as wel l as the d ay itsel f are mark ed by tournaments, matches and various comp etitions. This y ear we d ecid ed that our event shoul d be hel d at a B ol ivar P ark in S urrey . This mad e it more ex citing for the stud ents, because they were playing on a real sports field, which made the comp etition that much more intense. E ach y ear, we eq ual l y d ivid e our stud ents into four houses, and they rep resent their house for each comp etition. This gives the stud ents the chance to l earn to work with students of different ages, which has helped us buil d a strong community throughout our school . There were many events l ik e rel ay races, l ong j ump , F risbee d istance throw, egg and sp oon race, p l ank wal k , and the chick en race. A p art from teaching us good val ues such as, sp ortsmanship , p rop er sp irit of comp etition, teamwork , co- op eration, and discipline in the field, Iqra Sports Day

mak es school l ife l ivel y , interesting, enj oy abl e and memorabl e.

Ramadan activities

This y ear the K G to G rad e 4 ’ s took p art in R amad an activities. The K G ’ s and G rad e 1 stud ents mad e R amad an p l ace mats to tak e home. G rad es 2 to 4 l earned the imp ortance of charity , p ray er and good d eed s in the month of R amad an. S tud ents al so mad e tak e home p roj ects they can use in the month of R amad an, incl ud ing a travel p ray er mat, a good d eed s cal end ar and a charity jar to fill up and donate. They did a great j ob and enj oy ed the activities very much. Thank y ou to every one who mad e eral week s work ing on creating uniq ue and creative p rod ucts with the the activities a success! theme of R amad an to sel l , d etermining p rices, d evel op ing a “ D ragon’ s D en” sty l e investment p resentation for the school p rincip al , and p romotA s p art of B C ’ s new C areer E d ucation cur- ing their comp any ’ s p rod ucts by ad vertising to stud ents, p arents, and ricul um, the three G rad e 5 d ivisions at I q ra other members of the school community . I sl amic S chool , l ed by homeroom teachers, O n M ay 2 4 th, the grad e 5 stud ents successful l y sol d hand mad e p rod ucts M rs. G y ani Tail or, M s. S aniy a U raiz ee, and in the courty ard , creating a mark et baz aar sty l e atmosp here. They sol d M rs. S aman W aheed , p articip ated in the cre- p rod ucts such as, R amad an ad vent cal end ars, l anterns, gourmet d ates, ate y our own business p rogram p resented by cook ies, chocol ate covered strawberries, d rawings, R amad an card s, J A B C ’ s ( J unior A chievement of B ritish C o- treat bags, intricate henna d esigns, and more to stud ents in other cl asses, l umbia) P rogram M anagers, W afa B il al and teachers, and parents. The three classes raised over $700 in profit and E nvision F inancial s A ssistant V P , for C om- have decided to donate a portion of this amount to different charities mercial B ank ing K enneth D ’ S ena. This p ro- incl ud ing the B .C . C hil d ren’ s H osp ital , the M usl im F ood B ank , and the gram tak es on an inq uiry - based ap p roach to I C N A E d ucational R el ief fund . l earning and gives stud ents the freed om to A l humd ul il l ah the p rogram was a great success! S p ecial thank s to ex p ress their creative sid e by establ ishing JABC, students, teachers, staff, and parents. Students learned what it their own businesses. tak es to run a business and al so p rep are for real worl d situations. O ver the course of the p rogram, stud ents l earned al l about being entrep reneurs and creating their own start- up business incl ud - O n A p ril 2 6 th, 2 0 1 7 , the I q ra stud ents’ A cad emic events committee aring coming up with a comp any name and ranged a chal l enging Trivia G ame show. A l l the grad e 4 and 5 p articip ants l ogo, cal cul ating p rod uct ex p enses and answered a variety of q uestions with great fervour. The Y el l ow H ouse sal es, merchand ising, p romoting their p rod - contestants won the most p oints. The A cad emic committee al so arranged ucts, researching their target mark et, book - a cap tivating D ebate event on M ay 2 5 th, 2 0 1 7 . The contestants from k eep ing, l earning about good customer ser- grades 6 and 7 offered a series of convincing arguments for their respecvice and more. W ith this p rogram the grad e tive topics. One of the topics was: “Should the government fine those 5 stud ents p racticed p robl em sol ving and citizens who do not vote?” The culminating arguments left the audience creative think ing. S tud ents then sp ent sev- think ing about their rights and resp onsibil ities as C anad ian citiz ens.

Grade 5 Sale Day

Trivia Game show

14590 - 116A Ave, Surrey BC V3R 2V1 604-583-7530 website: www.iqraschool.com


email: info@iqraschool.com


Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017

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Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017

What’s so Great About Ghee? Part 1

By: Nada Adam



amad an

M ubarak to al l our brothers and sisters. M ay A l l ah accep t our good d eed s and strengthen our community ! This week we’ re covering a subj ect that affects every p erson’ s heal th - fats are in al most every thing we eat and l ik e it or not, these fats are accumul ative. L eft to be eaten unconsciousl y , their d amage becomes notabl y ap p arent with a wid e sp ectrum of sy mp toms caused by free radical causing inflammation. C ul tured G hee is mad e from y ogurt and is the best ty p e of ghee is med icine with many therapeutic benefits in accord ance with H umoral M ed icine. This ty p e of G hee seems to be difficult to find and buy here in Canad a however; there are some brand s avail abl e in the U S A . U ncul tured G hee mad e from butter is easil y found in many stores and it’ s a type of clarified butter that is stabl e at room temp erature and has been used by a variety of regions incl ud ing M id d l e- E ast and I nd ia and in H umoral med icine for mil l ennia. •Made up of medium-chain fatty acid s, ghee is both easy to d igest and beneficial for your heart •Compared to butter, ghee has a higher concentration of buty ric acid , known for its positive effects on immune function and inflammation and its H umoral Temp erament is H otM oist whereas, butter has 1 / 3 col d moist p rop erties ( that burns easil y when heated ) and 2 / 3 hot- moist p rop erties. •Ghee can be easily made at home using a simp l e method

G hee k eep s wel l on the counter for week s and in cool er weather, it soso lidifies much like coconut oil. Like butter, y ou can sp read ghee on bread , crack ers or toast, but y ou can al so sauté broccol i with it with far l ess chance of it burning. Practical Benefits of Using Ghee While there are nutritional benefits to use ghee rather than butter ( which I ’ l l get to in a bit) , there are several p racrac tical reasons as wel l : • Ghee has a higher smoke point. Regul ar butter begins to brown, smok e and scorch even at l ow temp eratures, which y ou may have d iscovered if y ou’ ve ever tried to fry eggs in butter. H owever, butter may be better for bak ing because it has a sweeter taste. G hee, on the other hand , d oesn’ t burn as quickly because the flammable mil k sol id s have been removed . The smok e p oint for ghee is 3 8 5 d egrees F , which mak es it better than butter when it comes to browning, searing or sauté ing. • Ghee has a longer shelf life. The p rocess used for mak ing ghee p revents it from sp oil ing as q uick l y , so it wil l l ast for around six months in the refrigerator or up to a y ear in the freez er. E sp ecial l y if it wil l be used sooner than six months, ghee stored at room temp erature remains sp read abl e. J ust mak e sure it’ s stored in an air- tight container to k eep it free of moisture. • Ghee is easier for lactose-sensitive p eop l e to d igest. F or the l actose- sensitive, ghee may be an op tion since the trace amounts of d airy are in a form d airy - sensitive p eop l e can tol erate. Not All Ghee is the same I t’ s imp ortant to note that ghee is onl y as good as the mil k used to mak e the original butter. G rass- fed butter is mad e from the mil k of cows that munched grass as op p osed to grains such as genetical l y engineered ( G E ) corn. C ows d on’ t d igest grains wel l . I n fact, grains al ter their gut bacteria in


way s that p romote d isease, besid es the fact they have a d etrimental effect on the nutritional comp osition of the meat and mil k . R aw mil k from organic, grass- fed cows contains better nutrients, and p oses a l ower risk of contamination from growth hormones, antibiotics and p athogens common to concentrated animal feed ing op erations ( C A F O s) , where most conventional d airy cows are raised . M il k , cream, butter and other d airy from cows contain the fat al ong with beta- carotene, which is where the y el l ow col or comes from. E ven whol e mil k is mostl y water, with j ust over 3 p ercent fat. G hee contains med ium- chain fatty acid s, which may be easier to d igest and better for y our heart comp ared to other saturated fatty acid s. G hee al so has a higher concentration of buty ric acid than butter — a ty p e of acid k nown for its p ositive effects on immune function and antiinflammatory activity. Some early evid ence al so suggests that buty ric acid is l ink ed to imp rovement in irritabl e bowel sy nd rome. H eal thy saturated fats in raw animal p rod ucts l ik e butter, cheese and whol e raw mil k are crucial for good heal th. F or d ecad es, saturated fats were treated l ik e the enemy , which is why “ l ow- fat” and “ z ero- fat” food s started showing up on store shel ves every where. U nfortunatel y , most are stil l there ( al though many consumers are

getting wise) . The p robl em is that scientists l ump ed al l fats together and cal l ed virtual l y al l of them unheal thy , when it’ s the artificial fats, like synthetic Trans F ats or H y d rogenated or p artial l y hy d rogenated S oy bean O il s that are harmful and can cause heart d isease and d iabetes. I n fact, what consumers have been tol d about saturated fats is the op p osite of the truth. I n ad d ition, grass- fed d airy introduces more beneficial omega-3s into y our sy stem to bal ance omega- 6 s comp ared to grain- fed d airy . S ee nex t p art 2 in M iracl e J une 2 3 rd ed ition Thank you for your continued support. If you have any comments or questions, please email your detailed question to anada@shaw.ca

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Ramadan 14, 1438 June 9, 2017



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Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017


It’s Your Choice!

By: Shabnam Khan -Family Counsellor from. There

Life Lessons!


top for a moment and think about y our l ife. H ow’ s y our heal th, y our rel ationship and y our sense of sp iritual serenity ? Y our ex p eriences tod ay are a resul t of y our p ast choices, p atterns and habits. A re y ou hap p y with the way y ou’ re l iving or have y ou fal l en into a l ess- than- heal thy habit that y ou j ust can’ t seem to cl imb out of?

NOBODY’S PERFECT. W e al l have at l east one pa ttern of behavior that doe sn’ t serve us. W e eat or dr ink or work too much. W e choose friends hip s that don’ t real l y honor us, and we react instead of respondi ng in chal l enging moments. Y et in most cases, we stil l manage to function. S ometimes our negative pa tterns have smal l costs – simpl y sl owing dow n our pr ogress- and at other times, the pr ice we pa y for our poor choices are de vastating. These choices can ruin our heal th, rel ationship, career or even our famil y l ife. You may be overeating to find comfort, dr inki ng too much to rel ieve stress, or spending too many hours at the office to avoid tension at home. Y ou have to become ful l y aware of the situation. The onl y way to do this is by being honest with your sel f. The ke y to maki ng l asting, pos itive change is unde rstandi ng where your negative pa ttern of behavior comes

are heal thy and unheal thy ways to meet the needs in our l ives. I f the de cisions are based on unheal thy habits, it moves us away from greater empow erment and ha pi ness. W e can comp l ain al l we want, but if we d on’ t tack l e what’ s causing us having these unheal thy choices, we can’ t ad d ress our d eep er fears and won’ t be abl e to mak e true commitment to having more bal ance in our l ives. W ithout a cl ear und erstand ing of our motives, we’ l l k eep try ing to break our bad habits from the outsid e in and then d isl ik e oursel ves each time we fail . This l eaves us feel ing even more hop el ess and creates a vicious cy cl e. The bottom l ine: if you want to achieve l asting pos itive change and become the pe rson you know you can, have heal thy choices in your l ife. I t may be time to wake up. I t may be time to gradua l l y change di rection to impl ement some heal thy c hoices in your l ifestyl e! For any inquiries please email at shabnam@skcounselling.ca


By : Asma Ayyaz, Mortgage Broker There is only so much we can do at the end of the day. es, at the end if the d ay we are human beings. O ur intentions, feel ings, efforts are huge to us because we want to d o a l ot of things in our l ifetime. O ur aims and thoughts can reach the sk y but they al so come with their own share of l imitations. There is a l imit on time, efforts, p eop l e, avail abil ity of resources, accessibil ity , which resul ts in onl y a smal l amount of work and actions being com comp l eted at the end of the d ay .

The heavy dut y of mol di ng the chil dr en and themsel ves as indi vidu al s fal l s on the shoul de rs of pa rents. M any times we see some chil dr en are so bright, so cl ever, inspi ring, and pr omising which resul ts in the same S mal l S teps . O ne at a time. pe opl e turning into bel ow average adu l ts. A t L et’ s aim to do smal l er things, steadi l y and the same time, chil dr en with l ittl e bright qua l isl owl y , rather than running and doi ng every - ties turn into successful adul ts. W hat must thing in haste. have happe ned? L et’ s channel iz e our thoughts into pos itive ac- The answer to that que stion varies and de pe nds tions for a brighter future for us and our fam- on each famil y . M any factors such as l uck, il y . A l l of us whether we are chil dr en, adul ts, upbr inging, oppor tunities, ambition, confl ict grandpa rents, we need to pr ioritiz e our l ife and management, misfortunes, financial stabil ity , l ive in the moment. H owever, the pr esent is not social environments, and more can be hel d rean inde pe nde nt time z one. I t’ s made up of ev- spons ibl e. B ut the one thing that pl ays a greateryt hing we have expe rienced in the ap st and er rol e than we can adm it is the rol e of pa rents. is a pr eque l to the future. L et’ s find a bal ance L et us aim to raise chil dr en to be great adul ts and hope to fil l our memories with the ones we with everyt hing in our pow er. l ove best. The resul ts is a pos itive pa st, pr esent, For any inquiries please email at and f uture. :asmashums@gmail.com

Muslim Food Bank Success Stories


“Teach a Man to Fish”

yr ian F amil y L earns their W ay A round their N ew H ometown in B ritish C ol umbia Z ain N adi r, his wife and four ki ds immigrated to C anada in J anuary , 2017. The N adi rs are among hundr eds of thousands of S yr ian refugees that had to flee the civil war in their country and take tempor ary shel ter in neighboring J orda n. They di d n’ t l ive in a refugee camp but their l iving condi tion was barel y any be tter. Thanks to the C anadi an government, the Nadirs were flown into Vancouver and assigned pe rmanent resid ent status. W ith no friends or famil y around, Z ain and his wife really felt alone in the first few weeks of being here. W hen the M usl im F ood B ank caseworke r K areem S iddi qui took up the Nadirs’ case, the first thing he did was take them to the l ocal mosq ue so they coul d get acqua inted with fel l ow A rabic- spe aki ng men and w omen. “The biggest trauma this family has suffered is sepa ration from their l oved ones,” K areem asserts. K areem k new Z ain not being

P arents are C apt ains.

fluent in English would not be able to find a j ob so qui ckl y after moving to C anada so he found him a p reoccupa tion. H e took Z ain and his entire famil y to the S urrey R ecreation C entre and hel pe d them register for access to the gym and t he swimming pool . A s pa rt of the spons orship pr ogram, the Nadirs were assigned a fixed monthly income. K areem met with Z ain and his wife and brok e dow n their expe nses by needs and wants. H e then wrote dow n a monthl y budge t to hel p t hem manage their money . K areem is not shy about setting bounda ries with his new cl ients on what he is wil l ing to help them with. “Within the first meeting itsel f, I l et my cl ients know that I am here to show them how to do things on their own,” K areem says . H e has never had an issue with Z ain in this regard though. “ W henever I give him new information, he impl ements it. I f I give him an addr ess to a pl ace, he doe sn’ t ask me for a ride . H e goes on his own,” K areem says . K areem bel ieves that it’ s better to be consistent in p rovid ing sup p ort to cl ients than to d o a lot at first at the cost of burning oneself out. “ A l ot of times p eop l e hel p new immigrants but then d isap p ear after some time. That’ s when cl ients l ose their trust, ” K areem ad d s. A s new refugees that arrived in the col d of winter, the Nadirs were given flu shots to ensure they don’ t fal l sick. U nfortunatel y , there was a complication when the flu shot

I have a q uestion = I definitely have more than one q uestion I ’ l l l ook into it = I forgot. P l ease wait til l I comp l ete it in the nex t 5 minutes without y ou k nowing. I wil l try my best = I wil l try my bare minimum until I l ose interest.

was being adm inistered to Z ain which l ed to a smal l bl ood c l ot and a great de al of pa in. H e was made to bel ieve by some of his acqua intances that his arm woul d never be functional again. K areem reassured Z ain that j ust because he is having medi cines for his pr obl em, it doe sn’ t mean there is something maj orl y w rong with his arm. “ Z ain and his wife’ s biggest chal l enge is l ack of emotional suppor t,” K areem says . A few weeks l ater, Z ain had to rush his wife to the hospi tal because she miscarried her baby . D ue to l anguage barrier, they were not abl e to unde rstand what the doc tor was sayi ng to them. “ I was real l y pl eased that he cal l ed me when he neede d hel p because no one el se was there for them,” K areem recal l s. “ O f al l the pe opl e they kne w, t hey c al l ed m e.” A fter interpr eting their conversation with the doc tor, K areem spoke to Z ain’ s wife and comforted her. S he was so moved by his suppor t that she cal l ed him afterwards to thank hi m. “ That to me is p ricel ess, ” K areem stresses. K areem say s he d oesn’ t need them to thank him but is glad that they appreciate his efforts. Though the N adi rs had a rocky start on their

I wil l be happy to di scuss it with you in the future = P l ease never tal k t o me about this again. N o worries = Y ou have done enough da mage. I am tryi ng to avoid giving you the oppor tunity t o do m ore.

new j ourney in C anada , they are sl owl y l earning their way around and starting to feel more l ike home. These are real stories where our vol unteers have an impa ct on members of our community hel pi ng them pr ogress in their l ives. I nshaA l l ah next week we wil l bring you another story . P l ease j oin us to have a pur pose in your life to make a difference in the l ives of your brothers and sisters by coming to our events and registering as a vol unteer or dona ting to your organiz ation, the M usl im F ood B ank and C ommunity S ervices S ociety ( usual l y referred to as M usl im F ood B ank) at www.musl imfoodba nk.c om/ dona te. O ur email is contact@ musl imfood bank.c om and t el ephone number is 1- 8682425.


Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017



I n the N ame of A l l ah, M ost G racious, A s incide nces of V oy eurism are on the rise. The musl im community of R ichmond have been activel y invol ved in ral l yi ng up suppor t to pr otect the bodi l y pr ivacy of young girl s in the use of S chool washrooms, C hange rooms and field trip overnight stays while at school . S ince “ gende r ide ntity” is adde d to the revised code of conduct without a definition, and the O ntario H uman R ights C ommission defines “gender Identity” as each pe rson’ s internal and indi vidua l expe rience of gende r. I t is their sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anyw here al ong the spe ctrum. A pe rson’ s gende r ide ntity may be the same, or different from their birthassigned s ex” . P arents want to know if R ichmond B oard of Education will adopt this definition, and if school s wil l al l ow a boy who feel s that he is a girl to wal k into the girl ’ s change room whil e their da ughters are changing. I f so, it wil l threaten the core M usl im val ues. one has to ke ep in mind that these young girl s who wear hijab and don’t take it off in the pr esence of other mal es wil l have great di fficulty, when washing up for prayer and are sudde nl y expos ed to a genetic mal e wal ki ng in unannounced. P arents of musl im chil dr en of the M usl im school in R ichmond showed up in throngs at the S chool board trustees meeting of J une 5t h, in R ichmond, They made a pr esentation before the trustees to pr otect their chil dr en’ s

safety when such a P ol icy is impl emented. They al so gathered about 365 signatures to pr otest this P ol icy and to safeguard their chil dr en. S everal women in H ij ab attende d with questions about the legal ramifications, l ack of mode sty and emotional stress on their chil dr en. These concerns were al so circul ating within the R ichmond mosque as the musl ims converged there for travi pr aye r dur ing this H ol y m onth of R amada n. I n F ebruary , the school B oard pa ssed a motion to de vel op a pol icy that recogniz es gende r di versity of the school di strict community . I t suppor ts an increased awareness and unde rstandi ng of sexua l orientation, gende r ide ntity and expr ession. This real l y transl ates into the pr omotion and suppor t of transgende r. Transgende r pe opl e are pe opl e, who have a gende r ide ntity or gende r expression that differs from their birth sex. The pol icy di ctates to the teachers that if such a stude nt, who feel s that he is a femal e trappe d in a mal e body de sires to use femal e bathroom, that the teacher shoul d al l ow him the use of such facil ities, no que stions aske d. A re our chil dr en going to be forced to cel ebrate or embrace the homosexual lifestyle? I t is against the musl im val ues and cul ture. The fear in doi ng this is that whil e giving rights to the transgende r popul ous,( which is minority of minority) they are wal ki ng over the constitutional rights of the maj ority , i.e. al l rel igious factions, M usl ims, C hristians, S ikhs , H indus etc.

I sight here a recent cl ass action l aw suit filed by several school students against Supt. R ichard F aidl ey . The l awsuit charges that without any notice to stude nts or their pa rents, school officials “secretly opened” their sex-specific restrooms and locker rooms to stude nts of the oppos ite sex . In this case the male student notified school officials, who informed him that they now authoriz e stude nts who ide ntify themsel ves as the oppos ite sex to use whichever l ock er room they wish. R ather than pr otect the student’s privacy, officials told him he must “ tol erate” the pr esence of a femal e and make changing cl othes with stude nts of the oppo site sex a s “ natural ” as he can. M eanwhil e, M r.F aidl ey said, the di strict “ has maintained and continues to maintain that its pr esent pol icies and pr actices regard ing bath and l ocke r rooms accommoda te al l stude nts and are in compl iance with rel evant court rul ings.” I n another instance, “ M ary S mith” entered a girls restroom to find a male student washing his hands in the sink, and when she notified school officials they told her “the stude nt coul d now use restrooms or l ocke r rooms with her since he identifies as a girl.” S he was tol d t here were no other opt ions. As a consequence, “Macy Roe” is suffering from “ anxi ety and stress” because of the coed l ocke r room pr actice in the di strict. I nde pe nde nce L aw C entre C hief C ounsel R anda l l W enger is quot ed sayi ng, “ S chool s

shoul dn’ t be robbing stude nts of their l egal l y pr otected pe rsonal pr ivacy , “ The chil dr en joining with the original student who filed this suit shoul dn’ t be forced into emotional l y vul nerabl e situations l ike this when they are in the care of their school s. I t’ s a school ’ s dut y to pr otect and respe ct the bod il y pr ivacy and di gnity of al l stude nts. I n this case, school officials are clearly ignoring that dut y .” The A merican C ol l ege of P aedi atricians ( A C P eds ) urges edu cators and l egist l aters to rej ect al l pol icies that condi tion chil dr en to accept as normal a l ife of chemical and surgical impe rsonation of the op pos ite sex is normal and heal thy is actual l y C H IL D A B U S E . R ates of suicide are 20 times greater among adul ts who use cross- sex hormones and unde rgo sex r eassignment surgery . W hen are the pol icy make rs going to l earn to respect all ethnic values inclusively? Are they waiting for us to dr ag them to court for our rights?

By: Rukhsana Sharif Just wait until I get you home! When I was your age.... My father used to tell me... I used to walk to school in the snow! Be home early.


Father’s Day(June 18th): Islamic View

I n the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. Brother, thank you for your good question and interest to know more about Islam and its teachings. G eneral l y spe aki ng, a M usl im is requ ired to show ki ndne ss, l ove, a nd dut iful ness to his pa rents. ather’ s D ay is a social and famil y event that aims at cel ebrating fatherhood and honoring fathers. S uch social and cul tural events are not rej ected in I sl am as l ong as they d on’ t p romote un- I sl amic val ues. Dr. Wael Shihab, PhD in Islamic Studies, Al-Azhar University, and the Head of the Shari`ah Dept. of Onislam.net website, stated, D utiful ness to p arents, both mothers and fathers, is an I sl amic val ue and obed ience to A l l ah. O ne, therefore, shoul d show k ind ness toward s his p arents because A l l ah A l mighty say s: “ Y our L ord has d ecreed , that y ou worship none save H im, and ( that y ou show) k ind ness to p arents. I f one of them or both of them attain ol d age with thee, say not ‘ F ie’ unto them nor rep ul se them, but sp eak unto them a gracious word .” ( A l - I sra’ 1 7 : 2 3 ) I bn ` A bbas ( may A l l ah be pl eased with him) repor ted that the P rophe t ( pe ace and bl essings be upon him) was once aske d about the best de eds : “ The M essenger of A l l ah ( p eace and bl essings be upon him) says , ‘ H aving faith in A l l ah and H is M essenger, then honoring one’ s pa rents.” ( A l - B ukha ri and M usl im) I n fact, the core meaning of the pr ohibited bid` ah in I sl am is to introduc e or invent a de votional or ritual act of worship into rel igion with no backi ng fromS hari` ah. I t is not accept abl e, therefore, for anybody to invent a new form ofsal ah ( pr aye r) or fasting. ` I badda t ( acts of worship and rel igious ritual s) shoul d be founde d on correct S hari` ah pr oofs.

W orl d D ay s and events— such as the W orl d H ij ab D ay , M other’ s D ay , F ather’ s D ay , and O rp hans’ D ay — are mostl y based on cul tural and social consid erations. They are not meant to introd uce new rel igious ritual s or d evotional acts of worship . F ather’ s D ay is a cel ebration honoring fathers and cel ebrating fatherhood, pa ternal bonds , and the influence of fathers in society. Many countries cel ebrate it on the third S unda y of J une, though it is al so cel ebrated wide l y on other da ys by many other countries. F ather’ s D ay was created to compl ement M other’ s D ay , a cel ebration that honors mothers and m otherhood. G iven the above, F ather’ s D ay is a social event that aims at suppor ting universal val ues and moral s. I t’ s not I sl amical l y obj ectionabl e in itsel f as l ong as honoring fathers—or parents—is not confined to that Day. I t’ s not a sinful bid` ah as it’ s not meant to introduc e a new ritual or ` ibada h into rel igion. I t’ s a cul tural , social , and famil y D ay that aims at maintaining social and f amil y t ies. M ay A l l ah hel p y ou and accep t y our and our good d eed s! A l l ah A l mighty know s best. A l l A bout F ather’ s D ay F ather’ s D ay isn’ t j ust a da y for da ds to get more ties. I t’ s cel ebrated on the third S unda y of J une to honor da ds , grandf athers, step- da ds and al l men who act as a father figure. Like most holidays that go way back, the origin is hard to trace but most pe opl e wil l agree that S onora D odd pl aye d a big pa rt in starting the hol ida y . This ye ar F ather’ s D ay i s J une 21s t, 2015! A L ittl e F ather’ s D ay H istory Sonora Louise Smart Dodd first brought up the idea of a father’s day in 1909. She wanted a special day to honor her father, W il l iam S mart. W hen S onora’ s

mother di ed in chil dbi rth with her sixt h chil d, W il l iam was left to raise the newborn and five other children by himsel f on a farm in W ashington state. A s an adul t, Sonora realized how strong and unselfish her dad had been raising his ki ds as a singl e pa rent. F ather’ s D ay is a spe cial da y to say thanks to your D ad - and a l l the D ads ! S onora wanted F ather’ s D ay to be cel ebrated on the first Sunday in June, because it was close to her dad’s birthday. Instead, the first Father’s Day celebration took place on June 19, 1910 in Spokane, Washington. In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson made the third Sunday of June Father’s Day. It wasn’t until 1972 that P reside nt R ichard N ixon mad e F ather’ s D ay a national hol ida y - about 60 ye ars after M other’ s D ay had been made a national hol ida y . F avorite S ayi ngs by D ads Go ask your mother! Just wait until I get you home! When I was your age.... My father used to tell me... I used to walk to school in the snow! Be home early.


Ramadan 14. 1438 June 9, 2017


End of school year celebration at The Islamic Education School (TIES)

On May 27, The Islamic Education School (TIES) held its annual Graduation Celebration at the AICP Center in New Westminster. Celebration included a speech by school principal stressing on the importance of acquiring the pure knowledge of the Religion. It was followed by another speech by AICP Imam shaykh explaining the basic belief of the Muslim and on how to transfer this knowledge to our upcoming generations a an

The teachers then handed out the report cards to their students and congratulated them for a great effort throughout the year. Principal Imad Nouri passed on awards for outstanding students and gifts for all of the students. Recipients of TIES were : Muhammad Barahmeh, Salam Younes, Tasneem Younes , Manar ^Abree, Lubna Younes, Sana’ Jallab, Nisreen Bisher , Ru’a Abu Hasanein, Fatima and Layla Turk.

The Islamic Education School congratulates all its students and staff for a very fruitful year and thanks all for their hard work and effort. It pleases TIES to always present the pure and truthful Islamic Knowledge to our community, and it announces that its doors will open again on Saturday, September 9, 2017 for the New School Year 2017-2018. Please refer to our ad which will be published in August 19th Miracle Edition.

Pakistan defeat South Africa by 19 runs under Duckworth-Lewis method

H asan A l i took three wicke ts as P aki stan completed a stunning turnaround in the field to restrict South Africa to 219 for eight in their C hampi ons Trophy G roup B match at E dgba ston on W edne sda y before winning the match by 19 runs. Pakistan had managed 119/3 in 27 overs before rain washed out pl ay and forced a resul t unde r the D uckw orth- L ewis method. P aki stan had neede d 10 runs at that stage to tak e them over the finishing line as winners. D ebutant F akha r Z aman and B abar A z am were the top scorers for the P aki stan side , each contributing 31 runs api ece. M ohammad H afeez scored 26 off 53 balls to round off the top three. Just three days after conceding 319 for three against arch- rival s I ndi a in a crushing 124run ope ning de feat by the titl e- hol de rs at E dgba ston, P aki stan were a transformed side on their return to the B irmingham ground. Their spi nners di d the initial da mage as S outh A frica sl umpe d to 61 for three before pa ceman H asan, striki ng twice in two bal l s, fol l owed up on his way to figures of three for 24 in eight overs. S outh A frica were inde bted to D avid M il l er’ s

75 not out after their top- orde r sl ump. M il l er received good suppor t from C hris M orris ( 28) and K agiso R abada ( 26) in seventh and eight- wicke t stands of 47 a nd 48 r espe ctivel y . P aki stani pl aye rs cel ebrate after the wicke t of South Africa’s AB de Villiers.─Reuters. P aki stani pl aye rs cel ebrate after the wicke t of South Africa’s AB de Villiers.─Reuters. Such was Pakistan’s command in the field, they inflicted the first golden duck in the 221-match one- da y international career of S outh A frica capt ain A B de V il l iers. G iven total s of 30 0 are now general l y regarde d as ‘ pa r’ in O D I cricke t, P aki stan were cl earl y on top a t the innings break. H owever, the way they col l aps ed to 164 al l out against I ndi a meant the P roteas were stil l in this game. S outh A frica came into W edne sday’s match as firm favourites. N ot onl y are they top of the O D I raki ngs compa red to P aki stan’ s eighth, but they beat S ri Lanka by 96 runs in their tournament opener at the O val l ast week. B ut none of that counted for very much after de Villiers won the toss in this day/night fix-

ture.M ohammad A mir and J unaid K han, in for the inj ured W ahab R iaz , formed an al l l eft- arm newbal l attack. B ut it was the sp in duo of I mad W asim and M ohammad H afeez who di d the earl y da mage. L eft- armer I mad struck second bal l when H asim A ml a ( 16) , going across his stumps, was lbw. Offspi nner H afeez then had Q uinton de K ock ( 3) l bw on the sweep. The two spi nners combined when de Villiers departed first ball by sl icing I mad to H afeez at backw ard poi nt.H asan, as I mad had do ne, struck second bal l when F af du P l essis ( 26 ) pl aye d on. L efthande r M il l er twice dr ove H afeez for sixe s over l ong- on.B ut H asan took two wicke ts in two bal l s to reduc e S outh A frica to 1 18 for six in the 29th over with a couple of brilliant deliveries from around t he wicke t. The first straightened to find the outside edge of J P D uminy , wel l caught by di ving sl ip B abar A z am, whil e the next , on a simil ar l ine, knocked over Wayne Parnell’s off-stump to

raucous cheers from the l arge P aki stan contingent in the crowd.M il l er survived the hattrick at the start of H asan’ s next over.O n 47 he was given out l bw to A mir but successful l y reviewed the de cision.J unaid then bowl ed M orris ( 2) onl y to be de nied by a no- bal l cal l . M il l er brought up the 20 by dr iving J unaid for six and ende d the innings by hitting H asan for four, one of j ust nine S outh A frica managed in total .That was M il l er’ s l one four in a 104bal l innings that al so incl ude d t hree sixe s. Source: dawn.news

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