Miracle 448 sep 1, 2017 r

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Bi-Weekly & Bilingual

Volume 17 Issue 448 - Dhul Hajjah 10, 1438 AH / September 1, 2017 $1 P ost cel ebrated 10 Aitsl ameen 15t h A nniversary

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3 N A adopt s resol ution

11 S audi A rabia’ s H aj j

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P eaceful V ancouverites S tormed city hal l , P aki stan D ay and P TI C ourt V ictory C el eb.

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Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017

e D i t o r i a l

Understanding the “essence of eid-ul-adha”

uring the annual H aj j in and the d ay s start at the sunset, so “Surely Abrahim was an example, righteous p ath. M ecca, M usl ims al l over there is usual l y one- d ay error d e- obedient to Allah, by nature up- Lesson/ message here is each one the gl obe commemorate p end ing on when the N ew M oon is right, and he was not of the poly- of us makes small sacrifices, givthe trial s and triump hs of P rop het first seen. theists. He was grateful for OUR ing up things that are fun or imI brahim ( A braham P B U H ) . H ow- A ccord ing to the F iq h C ouncil of bounties. We chose him and guided p ortant to us. A nd a true M usl im is ever, the misinformed p eop l e carry N orth A merica, E id ul - A d ha wil l him unto a right path. We gave him the one who submits comp l etel y to on with unwanted p ractices such as be cel ebrated on S ep tember 1 st good in this world, and in the next the wil l of A l l ah the A l mighty and attemp ting to p urchase the most ex - the ( based on astronomical cal cu- he will most surely be among the remains wil l ing to fol l ow H is compensive sacrificial animals in com- l ations) .S ome C anad ian M usl ims righteous.” (Qur’an 16:120-121) mand s comp l etel y and obed ientl y . petition with others just to show off fol l ow F iq h C ouncil , whil e some I nd eed , one of A brahim’ s main tri- I t is this strength of heart, p urity in fol l owed by unj ust d istribution of fol l ow S aud i A rabia. al s was to face the command of A l - faith, and wil l ingness in obed ience meat among the recip ients. L ik e others, for the C anad ian M us- lah to sacrifice his only son. Upon that A l l ah wants from us. Greed and sacrifice can’t go to- l ims, E id - ul - A d ha is an annual I s- hearing this command , he p rep ared D uring the H aj j , M usl ims refresh gether: The misinformed or the l amic observance of immense sig- to submit to A l l ah’ s wil l . W hen he memories of the trial s and trimost ignorant ones among the nificance. It is also known as the was al l p rep ared to d o it, A l l ah re- ump hs of P rop het A braham. The M usl im community tend to be ma- feast of sacrifice or festival of sac- vealed to him that his “sacrifice” H ence, the trad ition of sy mbol ic terial istic enough to k eep the best rifice as it commemorates Prophet had already been fulfilled. He had sacrifice began. p ortion ( goat thighs) for sel f or Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice shown that his l ove for A l l ah su- The non believers need to know: giving it away to the I N L A W S of his onl y son to A l l ah the A l mighty . p ersed ed al l others, as he was sin- D uring the cel ebration of E id - ul d aughters in many instances. F urthermore, E id is cel ebrated by cerel y p rep ared to l ay d own his A d ha, M usl ims commemorate and The Muslims should know: “It is the M usl ims throughout C anad a own l ife or the l ives of those d ear remember A braham’ s trial s by sacrificing an animal such as a sheep, neither their meat nor their blood around the 1 0 th to the 1 3 th d ay s of to him in ord er to submit to G od . that reaches Allah; it is your piety the I sl amic month of D hul H ij j a) . I t This sy mbol iz es obed ience to A l - camel , or a goat. that reaches Him.” is a time mark ed by sp ecial p ray ers l ah. A nd , the fair d istribution of A s this action is very often misun(Qur’an 22:37) and many M usl ims gather together meat of the sacrifice to others is an d erstood by the non bel ievers, it’ s M usl ims k eep d ebating when to for sp ecial p ray ers. M any M us- expression of generosity; it’s one our obl igation to ful l y ex p l ain the celebrate. ‘Different groups differ- l ims al so visit famil y and friend s, of the essential p il l ars of I sl am. essence of sacrifice. ent answers’ is the ongoing attitud e ex change greetings and gifts, and I n short, E id ul A d ha remind s us I mp ortantl y , after the sl aughter of mainly responsible for the “Mus- mak e d onations to the p oor and the of P rop het I brahim’ s read iness to the sacrificial animal, all meat of l ims’ d isunity . R id icul ousl y , a huge need y generousl y . obey G od right after having envi- sacrifice must be mixed up to be d ivid e among 1 .7 bil l ion M usl ims No doubt, Eid-ul-Adha offers the sioned that he was to sacrifice his distributed in three ways; self, relatives and the p oor. is a laughing matter for “the non- best op p ortunity for forgiveness onl y son. Muslim world against Muslims.” and comp assion. A l though, E id- al - A dha is not a na- I t is a sy mbol ic act of sharing with I n fact, the regional customs or P erforming the H aj j ap p l ies to al l tionwide publ ic hol ida y in C anada , p eop l e who are mal nourished and moon sightings may cause a vari- physically and financially able yet the devout Muslims take time off are bel ow p overty l ine. ation of the d ate for I sl amic hol i- M usl ims worl d wid e at l east once in from work in orde r to pe rform sacri- I nd eed , A l l ah l oves our p urity in d ay s, which start at sund own the l ifetime. S ome M usl ims from C an- fice after Eid prayer in the AM hours. faith and our uncond itional day before the date specified for ad a have gone for p erforming H aj j . The symbolism is in the “attitude obed ience of H I M . The Qur’an further describes of willingness” to make sacrifices the hol id ay . S ince, the I sl amic cal end ar is l unar Prophet Ibrahim as follows: in our l ives in ord er to stay on the Wa a n l a y s a l i l i n s a n i i l l a m a ’ s a ’ a a T h a t m a n c a n h a v e n o t h i n g b u t w h a t h e s t r i v e s f o r. at V ancouver C ity H al l , by ‘ W hite A rya ns- A rya S amaj i, some H in- sorry i t’ s not pos sibl e. N ational - S upr emacists’ group, a dus are B ani- M annaseh- M anu, and W e l ove our natural col or and to few N az i sym p athiz ers, few anti- B ani I srael , some of my F ather side obtain it we di dn’ t need to bake I mmigration- anti- I sl amic group. H indu ancestors were B ani I srael oursel ves sitting in the S un. Thank G O D without much phys i- pr acticing P aganism and bel ieved The comedi an R ita F ey sl ams and cal fight as physical fight is not ap- ‘ B aal ’ ( G opa l ) was god- B hagwan declares: “It is not our country, we pr opr iate, it viol ates the de cency of and worshipe d him ( R ef. B ibl e) . stol e it from the N ative A merihuman concern, which al so ruins These M usl ims haven’ t changed cans”. (Ouch). By: Gulshan Aalani the real cause and increases hatred their tribes or D N A but onl y the The reason anti- I sl amic group N o doubt any ki nd of R acism is in- on both side s, so the pe aceful pr o- rel igious titl e ‘ M usl im’ that is be- hates I sl am is due to the evil actol erabl e by righteous godl y pe opl e tests are more effective. stowed on them after accept ing the tions of terrorists the fake M uswho has every right to oppos e and E vide ntl y the racism, W hite S u- final Revelation of Creator-GOD. l ims, a nti- I sl am anti- S haria. spe aki ng up against any ki nd of pr emacism, I sl amophobi a, and Therefore, nobody can adopt this H op eful l y , they wil l change eventuwrong doi ngs of others. N eo N az i, is the centuries ol d t rag- titl e without accept ing I sl am, using al l y , l ik e the former W hite S up remTo pr otect and de fend innocents edi es, and increasing in this an era the fake I D woul d be a criminal act acists and neo N az i group ‘ L ife in troubl e is every righteous hu- of D aj j aal - anti- C hrist- anti- G O D . of steal ing the I D . after H ate’ work ing to reform other man’ s dut y , and G O D ’ s given H atred of G O D is the main reason C ertain W hite S up remacists have W . S up remacists. This p roves none rights: “Fight in the way of GOD”; of hatred of others, al so l ack of true tak en D N A test to p rove their ‘ R acial of these angry group s wil l remain meaning without hatred of the op - know l edge of intertwined ‘ O ne p urity ’ , unfortunatel y they d iscovered hateful , so hurting them p hy sical l y pos itions, with the right conduc t to community’, which is confirmed they are not 1 0 0 % W hite, but had A f- or k il l ing is the worst id ea. A s they stand up against al l evil s and j ust by t he ‘ D ivine word’ . rican or mid d l e E astern heritage. al l have p otential to change. be the ‘Human Rights Activists”. E veryone of us have the D N A that A l so another real ity must be ac- This remind s the historical fact of M ost amaz ingl y , the V ancouverites identifies our true tribal ID. cept ed by al l . N one of the W hite, the V il l agers out to k il l the P rop het counter pr otestors oppos ition- anti- M il l ions of M usl ims are the mix - B l ack, or B rown pe opl e chose ( S A W S ) throwing stones at him, R acism group pr oved they are in ture of ex- C hristians, ex- J ews, these col ors, but given by G O D , and the A ngel ask ed his p ermission maj ority as their ‘ action’ was based ex- B ani I srael 12 tribes of P rophe t so the compl aint shoul d be take n to to d estroy them but the P rop het on unity and sol ida rity and amaz - I srael - J acob ( A S ) , the K ashmiris, H I M . N o doubt some B rown and said: No, they are potential Musingl y about 40 pe opl e turned E thiopi ans are B ani I srael i, some B l ack pe opl e l ove to be W hite but l ims of tomorrow and ignored them. up at the Rally on 19th. August

‘Racism Rally’ & anti-Racism protest’!

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un

On August 28,


( of S urrey , original l y from J ohannesburg S outh A frica, husband of S r. M aria D a L uz Tayob and father of S r. S hireen Tayob, S r. Y asmin Tayob and S r. S oraya Thomas.) pa ssed away pe aceful l y in the compa ny of his famil y at S urrey M emorial H ospi tal . M asha- A l l ah. A l ong time member, D irector, E xe cutive M ember, Trustee L ife M ember and al l around vol unteer of The B C M usl im A ssociation. M ay A l l ah s.w.t. grant you and your famil y s abr (sabar) in this difficult time, and reward you with K hair both in this worl d a nd t he next . A meen.

On August 30.

A fter A sar pr aye r a number of M usl im community memers gathered at S urrey J ameh M asj id for D ua M aghfrat of B r S ika nda r Tayob. I n which many l ate Tayob friends shared their number of years affiliations with him and tol d his de di cations and work for C ommunity in B C M A and al so his pa rticipa tions in community i ssues at each forum. A t the end Q ar A bdul W ahab made D uaa for him and hi s famil y . Br. Musa Ismail: I de scribe him as a “Muslim with No Borders” because he was al ways wil l ing to pa rticipa te and supp ort al l musl im organiz ations and any function which was for the benefit of the Ummah.He was a great famil y friend and everyone l oved him youn g and ol d. M ay A l l ah S ubhan wa Taal a forgive his short comings and gr ant him J annah. A meen

Bringing THE




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Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017


Na adopts resolution rejecting ‘hostile and threatening’ statements made by trump

The N ational A ssembl y on W edne sda y pa ssed a resol ution rejecting the “hostile and threatening” statements made by U S P reside nt D onal d J . Trump and G en J ohn W . N ichol son — t he top U S commande r in A fghanistan. D uring the N A session, F oreign M inister K hawaj a A sif read out the resol ution, which was earl ier pa ssed unanimousl y by the l ower house.The resol ution categorical l y rej ected G en N icol son’ s cl aims regardi ng the exi stence of the Tal iban shura in P eshawar and Q uetta.The N A al so di sappr oved of the “unacceptable targeting of Pakistan” by Trump in his spe ech whil e he announced W ashington’ s new S outh A sia pol icy . The resol ution further rej ected Trump’ s cl aim that bil l ions of dol l ars in aid have been spe nt on P aki stan, stating that Pakistan’s economy has suffered a loss of more than $123 billion. The resolution also denounced the “disregard of the immense sacrifices” made by Pakistan in the war on terror.The l ower house conde mned W ashington’ s cal l for increased I ndi an invol vement in A fghanistan due to “[India’s] known support to terrorists and destabilising policies in the region”.The lower house saw the call for an Indian role in Afghanistan’s development as “detrimental to regional stability,” adding that it was premised on a “failure to unde rstand exi sting ground real ities and chal l enges in the region.”Reiterating Pakistan’s support for India-held K ashmir’ s ( I H K ) struggl e for sel f- de termination, the l ower house condemned the “oppression” of the people of IHK by the Indian state. Recognising the sacrifices of the armed forces of Pakistan in the fight against terrorism, the house

expr essed ful l suppor t for the counter- terrorism ope rations of the armed forces, R angers and other l aw enforcement agencies.“As a responsible nuclear weapons state, Pakistan has in pl ace a robust and credi bl e command and control system which has been universally recognised,” the resolution asserted.Calling Trump’s statement “hostile and threatening”, the National Assembly has also urged the Government of Pakistan to ‘consider’ the following steps: The pos tpone ment of di pl omatic visits between W ashington and I sl amabad S uspe nsion of coope ration with the U S , specifically the provision of ground and air lines of communication through P aki stan Draw and inform the US of a blueprint for the dignified return of al l A fghan refugees F ormul ate economic pol icies to d eal with any situation arising out of the absence of U S assistance C ommence a di pl omatic initiative, pa rticul arl y in friendl y countries in the region, to inform them of P aki stan’ s counter terrorism strategy and successes and the repe rcussions in the region of fail ed U S pol icies whil e reiterating P aki stan’ s de termination to strengthen control on borde rs with A fghanistan and de mand coope ration and simil ar action from A fghanistan and I S A F The N ational A ssembl y has al so expr essed concerns about increasing concentration of I S I S and other terrorist networks in A fghan pr ovinces borde ring P aki stan and de mand that A fghanistan, U S and its al l ies cl ose borde rs for l eade rs of terrorist groups carryi ng out acts of terrorism against P aki stan.A dr essing, the U S and A fghanistan, it says P aki stan seeks the el imination of al l safe havens being pr ovide d to Tehreek- i- Tal iban P aki stan, J amaatul A hrar and other terrorist organisations in A fghanistan from where terror attacks are carried out against P aki stan. The l ower house has al so cal l ed for the U S , N ato and A fghan govt to ensure that I ndi a is de nied use of A fghan territory t o attack P aki stan. The resol ution concl ude s with a reiteration of a commitment to constructivel y engage with the U S on the ful l spe ctrum of bil ateral rel ations based on the pr incipl e of recipr ocity a nd m utual respe ct. I t al so reiterates P aki stan’ s de sire for pe ace and stabil ity in A fghanistan and urges the government to continue its efforts to strengthen its rel ations with the A fghan government and support efforts for peace. Source: The Dawn News.com

Statistics minister rejects Sindh’s objections to census results

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ing a pr ess conference with the di rector general of I nterS ervices P ubl ic R el ations ( I S P R ) in this regard if the need for it arises. “Elections will take place according to the results of the new census” irrespective of when they happen, Michael said, adding that final results will be available by April Unit #219-7968, 128 St. 2018. He also clarified that provincial governments had been respons ibl e for appoi nting census teams and de put y (York Business Centre) Surrey. BC V3W 4E8 commissioners and commissioners were in- charge of teams in their di stricts. C: 604.817.3022 “The provincial government defines the rural and urban arO: 6 0 4 .5 0 3 .5 0 2 5 eas,” Michael said, dismissing any grounds for objections. “Punjab has reduced its share in National Finance CommisFax: 6 0 4 .5 0 3 .5 0 4 5 sion (NFC) award,” the minister recalled as he requested http://www.salimnotary.com/ pr ovinces to accept the resul ts. http://cwics.ca/ M aj or pol itical pa rties from S indh and the pr ovincial govwww.cwics.team ernment had earl ier rej ected the da ta gathered from the Emails:salim@salimnotary.com sixt h popul ation census, which was conduc ted after a gap &:cwics.team@yahoo.ca of 19 years. The Dawn News.com

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The fed eral government on W ed nesd ay rej ected S ind h’ s obj ections on the recentl y rel eased resul ts of the national , with M inister for S tatistics K amran M ichael ask ing critics to tak e their obj ections to the C ouncil of C ommon I nterest ( C C I ) . “When the chief minister of Sindh was present in the CCI meeting [that approved the provisional census results], why are objections being raised now?” Michael, who was accompa nied by C hief C ensus C ommissioner A sif B aj wa, aske d in a pr ess conference. H e cl aimed that the statistics gathered by civil ian and armed officials are the same. He also committed to address-

C al l us for S up er V isa I nsurance

ex-PM Nawaz Sharif leaves for london to celebrate eidul azha The ousted PM is expected to stay in UK for 10 days. Maryam visits NA-120 constituency as part of Kulsoom’s election campaign. LAHORE – Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday departed for London today (Wednesday) to visit his ailing wife, while sources claimed that he will also celebrate Eidul Azha there. Begum Kulsoom Nawaz’s lymphoma treatment is yet to start as doctors wait for some essential scans and results. Doctors have said that Kulsoom’s ailment is curable and the “treatment shouldn’t be too complicated.” The chemotherapy treatment will start later this week or the following week, depending on approval of the doctors. Nawaz will reach London via flight EK-625 of a private airline, and is expected to stay there for ten days. Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) will also conduct a rally

in west London during his visit. He is likely to return after Eidul Azha. Maryam Nawaz disclosed last week that her mother Kulsoom was diagnosed with lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph nodes on the left side of her neck. The former first lady flew to London unexpectedly on August 17 for a medical checkup. She is PML-N’s candidate for NA-120. Maryam, who is running her mother’s campaign, also visited the constituency on Tuesday. Later in the day, she will inaugurate an election campaign office in the area. Maryam’s husband, MNA Capt (retd) Safdar, is accompanying her during her visit to the constituency. The NA-120 seat fell vacant following Nawaz’s disqualification by the Supreme Court in the Panama Papers case. The Dawn News.com


Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017

N a t i o N a l


UN: israel settlements big hurdle to two-state solution

A ntonio G uterres, U N secretary- general , has l ashed out at I srael ’ s il l egal settl ement activity, calling it a “major obstacle” to achieving a two- state sol ution and pe ace with the Palestinians. “There is no plan B to the two-state solution,” he said on Tuesda y after meeting P al estinian P rime M inister R ami H amda l l ah in the W est B ank city of Ramallah. “A two-state solution, end to occupa tion, creating condi tions to end the suffering of the Palestinian people are the onl y way to guarantee that pe ace is established,” Guterres added. His remarks came a da y after I srael i P rime M inister B enj amin N etany ahu vowed to never upr oot any W est B ank settl ement - j ust da ys after a W hite H ouse envoy was in the region tryi ng to restart peace talks with the Palestinians. “We have returned here for good,” Netanyahu said. “There will be no more uprooting of settl ements in the L and of I srael . S ettl ements will not be uprooted.” In response to N etanya hu’ s comments, G uterres tol d repor ters on Tuesda y that both I srael and the P al estinians shoul d refrain from taki ng any action that coul d unde rmine the pr ospe cts for a peaceful agreement. “We believe that settl ement activity is il l egal in the international l aw and it’ s an obstacl e for pe ace, we are obviousl y in a di sagreement of what was said,” Guterres told Al Jazeera’s Harry F awcett at the pr ess conference. F awcett, repor ting from R amal l ah, said that the P al estinian P rime M inister R ami H amda l l ah expr essed frustration that the U S pe ace team was tak ing too l ong to answer que stions on where it stands regardi ng I srael i settl ements and the two-state solution. “He said there was no cl ear commitment from the U S to end the settl ement activity , and as a resul t of it the activity continued and the P al estinians continued to lose land,” our correspondent adde d. H amda l l ah al so cal l ed on the U N to “protect the Palestinian people and Muslim holy sites” from repeated Israeli violations.

i N t

E arl ier on Tuesda y , two right- wing members of the I srael i pa rl iament entered the al - A qs a M osque compou nd in occupi ed E ast J erusal em after N etanya hu l ifted a two- ye ar ban pr ohibiting l egisl ators from visiting the site. “I discussed with the UN secretary-general the l atest de vel opm ents regardi ng the po l itical , economic and humanitarian situation in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza strip,” Hamdallah said. “The failure to oblige Israel to implement [UN] resolutions weakens the pos ition of the P al estinian pe opl e and the UN’s credibility and fuels conflict in the region,” he added. The prime minister went on to assert that the P al estinian l eade rship “supports the establishment of a Palestinian state - with E ast J erusal em as its capi tal through popul ar resistance and international action”. On Wednesday, Guterres, who met N etanya hu on M onda y , is expe cted to visit the I srael i- bl ock ade d, H amas- run G az a Strip. Senior Hamas official Ahmed Bahar on Tuesday said Guterres’ visit was “unwelcome” due to the fact that the UN official has “a double standard, where he stands with the offender against the victims”. Bahar al so criticised G uterres for l eaving visiting rights for P al estinian pr isoners in I srael i jails off his agenda. Source: Al-Jazeera

UK calls for UN meeting on Myanmar violence

The U K on Tuesda y urged the U N S ecurity C ouncil to convene to di scuss repor ts of mass civil ian casual ties after raids by M ya nmar security forces against R ohingya fighters. “UK requests #UNSC meeting on situation in B urma tomorrow. N eed to ad dress long-term issues in #Rakhine, urge restraint by all parties,” Matthew Rycroft, U K ambassador to the U N , wrote on Twitter. The meeting is expe cted to take pl ace on W edne sda y . U N S ecretary- G eneral A ntonio G uterres on M onda y urged M ya nmar to grant access to humanitarian agencies. “The secretary-general is deeply concerned at the repor ts of civil ians being ki l l ed dur ing security ope rations in M ya nmar’ s R akhine state,” Guterres’ office said. Deadly attacks on borde r pos ts broke out on F rida y that killed one soldier, 10 police officers, an immigration official and 77 alleged fighters of the A raka n R ohingya S al vation A rmy (ARSA), the Office of State Counsellor A ung S an S uu K yi said in a statement. M edi a repor ts emerged l ater that said security forces used di spr opor tionate force and di spl aced thousands of R ohingya M usl im vil l agers, de stroyi ng homes with mortars and machine guns. S atel l ite da ta accessed by a rights body and rel eased on Tuesda y showed widespread fires burning in at least 10 areas in M ya nmar’ s R akhi ne state. R eside nts and activists have accused sol di ers of shooting indi scriminatel y at unarmed R ohingya men, women and chil dr en and carryi ng out arson attacks . B angl ade sh borde r guards tol d R euters they had sent about 50 R ohingya back across the N af river that sepa rates the two countries since M onda y , de spi te an ap pe al by G uterres for D haka to al l ow R ohingya to seek safety . B orde r pa trol s were al so tryi ng to bl ock pe opl e from crossing the frontier. B angl ade sh is al ready host to more than 40, R ohingya refugees who have fled Buddhist-majority Myanmar since the early 1990s. Dhaka has asked the UN

liberals assess North Korea’s threat daily, says trudeau after shot over Japan

C anada is conduc ting da il y threat assessments of N orth K orea’ s pr ovocative missil e tests, incl udi ng its most recent bl ast over J apa n, J ustin Trude au said Tuesda y . B ut the pr ime minister steered cl ear of a di visive security issue that has l ong had dom estic political ramifications: the U.S. missile shiel d for N orth A merica, which successive governments have avoide d for more than a decade. Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister C hrys tia F reel and criticiz ed N orth K orea’ s l atest missil e test as a threat to worl d pe ace, and urged a di pl omatic sol ution to the escalating nuclear crisis. “These are things that enda nger not j ust regional stabil ity but world peace,” Trudeau said in French as he hosted J orda n’ s K ing A bd ul l ah in O ttawa. “This is an issue that is of concern to us dail y and we wil l continue da y by da y to continue what we need to do ke ep C anadi ans safe.” Trudeau said last week that Canada’s “long-standing” position on staying out of the U .S . missil e de fence pr ogram woul d not be changing any time soon. The issue has resurfaced since a N orth K orean l aunch in earl y J ul y raised the pos sibil ity the country had created an intercontinental bal l istic missil e capa bl e of reaching N orth A merica. “North Korea’s reckless violation of its neighbours’ territorial sovereignty and its di rect threat to J apa n’ s citiz ens have threatened both regional and international pe ace and security,” Freeland said in a statement Tuesda y . F reel and cal l ed on N orth K orea to “resume dialogue toward a political solution.” The latest in a series of missile tests came as S outh K orea and the U .S . conduc ted war games in the region. U .S . P reside nt D onal d Trump, who had a 40- minute conversation with J apa nese P rime M inister S hinz o A be, said al l opt ions are on the tabl e. L ast week, the H ouse of C ommons de fence committee hel d a rare summer sitting to di scuss N orth K orea and whether C anada shoul d conside r j oining the U .S . bal l istic missil e de fence shiel d. The issue has been a vol atil e one in C anadi an pol itics since the L iberal government of P aul M artin in 205 surpr ised the then- B ush adm inistration with its de cision to opt out of the P entagon’ s pr opos ed B M D pr ogram. M artin was l eadi ng a short- l ived minority government, and j oining the U .S . missil e shiel d was unpopul ar in Q uebec. C onservative P rime M inister S tephe n H arpe r al so steered cl ear of the issue when it arose dur ing his near- de cade in pow er. A t l east one current L iberal M P and

one former senator have said C anada shoul d conside r j oining the pr ogram. F en H amp son, di rector of the gl obal security pr ogram at the C entre for I nternational G overnance I nnovation, said the government shoul d unde rtake a careful anal ys is of the ide a, since N orth K orea’ s evol ving capa bil ities are testing ol d assumpt ions. A de cade ago, there was a “strong strategic rationale” for not j oining the U .S . pr ogram because it coul d be seen as “undermining deterrence or getting into an escalating arms race,” he said. That was then. “North Korea has exceeded every expe ctation in terms of its abil ity to both de vel op nucl ear weapons — they’ re obviousl y moving qui ckl y to miniaturiz e them — and de vel op ing intercontinental missil e capability.” Douglas Roche, a former Canadi an senator di sarmament ambassador , said there’ s no way C anada shoul d reconside r bal l istic missil e de fence because the technol ogy doe sn’ t work and it doe s nothing to encourage nucl ear armed states to cut back their arsenals. “It’s a stimulant to the nuclear arms race,” Roche said. “That’s the worst thing Canada could do in the current crisis.” R oche said the government needs to articul ate a cl earer appr oach to curbing nucl ear pr ol iferation than was l aid out by F reel and in her maj or spe ech on C anada ’ s foreign policy in June. “It was full of a lot of good things but it didn’t really seize the moment,” he said. “The pillars of global security are arms control and di sarmament, economic and social de vel opm ent, environmental protection and human rights.” Canada’s recentl y rel eased de fence pol icy acknow l edge s the threat pos ed by N orth K orea, but does not specifically deal with the question of whether C anada shoul d conside r j oining a U .S .- l ed bal l istic missil e de fence pr ogram. The pol icy said the government pl anned to di scuss with the U .S . ways to impr ove continental de fences against several threats, incl udi ng bal l istic missil es. Source: CBC News

I ranian P reside nt H assan R ouhani has accused the country’ s rival S audi A rabia of backi ng terrorists in Y emen’ s war, accord ing to state TV . S audi A rabia and I ran compete for influence in the Middle East, where they suppor t rival groups in Y emen, S yr ia, Iraq and Lebanon. “Saudi Arabia’s intervention in Y emen and their suppor t of terrorists in Y emen and S yr ia are main hurdl es to impr ove ties between Tehran and R iya dh. S audi A rabia shoul d stop backi ng terrorists,” Rouhani told state TV on Tuesday. In September 2014, Iran-allied Houthi fighters took control of Y emen’ s cap ital , S anaa, and pr oceede d to pus h southwards towards the country’ s second- biggest city , A de n. I n respons e to the H outhis’ adva nces, a S audi l ed c oal ition of A rab states l aunched a mil itary campa ign in 2015 to de feat the S hia fighters and restore Yemen’s government. I n his addr ess, R ouhani al so di scussed the 2015 nucl ear de al and said that I ran woul d honour it. H owever, he di smissed the ide a of inspe ctions at its mil itary sites, repor tedly floated by the US, saying they were not requi red unde r the de al with worl d pow ers. “Our commitments to the world are clear ... our rel ations with the I A E A ( I nternational Atomic Energy Association) are defined by rules, not by the US,” Rouhani said in the televised address. “I see it as unlikely that the I A E A wil l accept the reque st for inspe ctions, but even if they do, we will not.” He was respondi ng to news- medi a repor ts that

N ikki H al ey , U S ambassador to the U N , l ast week met I A E A chief Y uki ya A mano and di scussed accessing I ranian mil itary sites in orde r to ensure I ran’ s compl iance with the de al . The accord saw international sanctions eased in exc hange for stringent control s on I ran’ s nucl ear pr ogramme and cl oser I A E A inspe ctions. The inspe ctions are de signed to pr event nucl ear material being moved from nucl ear centres to other areas, incl udi ng mil itary bases. The I A E A has repe atedl y repor ted that I ran is in compl iance with the de al . R ouhani said I ran had the suppor t of E urope and other signatories, and adde d that U S P reside nt D onal d Trump woul d struggl e to muster suppor t for tearing it up. “The US is in the most difficult situation in its history for creating unity against us and I think it’ s not pos sibl e for it to do so now,” Rouhani said. Despite the pushback, the de al remains unde r threat. The U S has strongl y criticised recent I ranian missil e tests and impos ed new, non- nucl ear sanctions - pr ompt ing R ouhani to hint in mid- A ugust that I ran coul d easil y wal k away from the deal “within hours” if forced to do so. H al ey responde d that new U S sanctions against I ran rel ate to I ran’ s sup port for “worldwide terrorism” and other de stabil ising actions in the region. S he said Iran could not “use the nuclear deal to hold the world hostage”. Trump is due to notify C ongress in O ctober about whether I ran is adhe ring to the de al . Source: Al-Jazeera

rouhani: Saudis ‘should stop backing terrorists’ to pr essure M ya nmar over its treatment of the M usl im minority , insisting it cannot accept any more. Still, more than 8,700 have registered in B angl ade sh since F rida y , the UN said. The top UN human rights official, Z eid R a’ ad al - H ussein, cal l ed on M ya nmar on Tuesda y to ensure its security forces refrained from using di spr opor tionate force, addi ng that the pol itical l eade rship had a duty to protect all civilians “without discrimination”. “This turn of events is deplorabl e. I t was pr edi cted and coul d have been prevented,” he said. Myanmar’s National S ecurity A dvi ser Thaung Tun said at a news conference that M ya nmar had come unde r attack and had the ful l right to de fend itsel f. He added that “security personnel have been instructed to make sure that innocent civil ians are not harmed”. The region has seen simmering tensions between its B uddhi st and M usl im popul ations since communal viol ence broke out in 201. A U N repor t found human rights viol ations, incl udi ng crimes against humanity against R ohingya by security forces. The U N conside rs R ohingya one of the worl d’ s most pe rsecuted minorities. The gl obal body doc umented mass gang rape s, ki l l ings - incl udi ng of infants and chil dr en - brutal beatings and di sappe arances. Source: Al-Jazeera


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Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017

N a t i o N a l


New mortgage rules could depress housing demand by another 10%: tD

D emand for housing coul d be cut anyw here from five to 10 per cent because of tougher qualification rules being considered by Ottawa, accordi ng to a repor t by Toronto- D ominion B ank out M onda y . The repor t from B eata C aranci, chief economist with the bank and D iana P etramal a, al so an economist, takes aim at a proposal from the Office of the S upe rintende nt of F inancial I nstitutions. The fede ral banki ng regul ator is l ook ing to crack dow n on non- insured mortgages – impa cting pe opl e with at l east 20 pe r cent dow n – by maki ng those consumers qua l ify based on a rate 20 basis poi nts above what is on their contract. “Government policym ake rs are not done ye t with regul atory changes on the mortgage market,” the pair wrote in their 13- pa ge repor t, noting income testing is currentl y used for high- ratio mortgage loans backed by Ottawa. “In the year of impl ementation, we estimate that this new rul e coul d de pr ess de mand by 5% to 1 0% , and shave 2% to 4% off of our current forecast for the average price level in 2018,” the authors said, as the pr opos ed measures wil l act as another force that l imits pr ice growth in the future. Those consumers, who often have as little as five per cent down, must qualify based on the posted five-year rate of the Bank of Canada, which is currently 4.84 pe r cent. The economists suggest changes to tighten the rul es on non- insured mortgages will lead buyers to “come up with a bigger dow n pa ym ent, opt for a l ower pr iced home and scale back other debt,” and may even de l ay pur chases al l together. A s pa rt of the report “Navigating a Soft Landing”, the economists looked at the “unprecedented” number of policy changes over the past 18 months. O ther ke y changes impl emented by O ttawa incl ude d increasing the minimum dow n p aym ent on homes worth more than $50, 0 and reduc ing por tfol io insurance, a program that allowed financial institutions to securitiz e l oans they de emed risky , but not legally required to be insured. “Each successive regul ation change at the fed eral l evel has l eft a smal l er mark on home buy ing activity,” the economists wrote, noting the most recent changes from O ttawa dur ing that 18-month period may have only shaved two per cent off of demand. Previous changes, beyond the ones O S F I is currentl y conside ring which the real estate indus try

i N t

has aske d O ttawa to put on hol d, have been aimed at the insured marke t. The pr obl em is new l oans that requi re mortgage insurance are l ess than 20 pe r cent of al l new chartered bank mortgage originations, dow n from 40 per cent in 2008. Recent rule changes impa ct the insured marke t but it is increasingl y a smal l er pa rt of the overal l marke t. I t is pr ovincial changes that are having more of an impa ct on the housing marke t accordi ng to the TD economists, poi nting to a 15 pe r cent tax impl emented on foreign buye rs in the V ancouver and Toronto area marke ts by their respe ctive pr ovincial governments. V ancouver has bounced back somewhat, and whil e the pa ir dow npl aye d the impa ct of foreign buyers in Toronto, they said “domestic speculation” was a key factor. While buyers may be hopi ng rising interest rates coul d trigger a crash, those first-time buyers “may be holding their breath for a while” because pr ices are l ike l y onl y going to reset back to the l evel s of where they were before a ye ar of exor bitant gains, the repor t concl ude s. “Listings shot up in the GTA following the pol icy measures not because homeowners suddenly became incapable of affording their homes but because spe cul ative activity is being squeezed out,” they wrote. The economists said soft l andi ngs can hap pen and maintain Vancouver is the “posterchild” as, since 1990, the city has had five cyc l es where pr ices ran up anyw here from 15 to 20 pe r cent and corrected shortl y afterward by 10 to 14 pe r cent. I n the G TA , they expe ct the current pul l back in pr ices to be sharp and short with l evel s returning to where they were in mid- to- l ate 2016, noting average p rices are dow n about 13 pe r cent from their pe ak. They expe cted another six per cent in price declines in 2018 in Toronto. Source: Vancouver Sun

lebanese army raises flag after Daesh withdrawal

BEIRUT: The Lebanese Army on Tuesday raised the national flag on the highest hills of a barren area near the borde r with S yr ia, where D aesh mil itants were hol ed up before their withdr awal earl ier this week. The army command said in a statement that it had scoured the area for expl osives fol l owing the retreat of the mil itants. “The Lebanese flags were raised on the … highest pe aks in the area, whil e spe cial iz ed units in the E ngineers R egiment surveye d the area in search of l and mines, expl osive de vices, and suspi cious obj ects l eft by the terrorists.” The de p l oym ent came j ust after the army was moved to de ny repor ts cl aiming the resignation of the commande r of the mil itary ope ration in the area, criticiz ing the websites that publ ished t he news. L ebanon on Tuesda y witnessed heightened pol itical tensions rel ating to the mil itary op eration and recent confirmation that eight L ebanese sol di ers ki dn appe d by D aesh in 2014

had been ki l l ed. H ez bol l ah suppor ters accused the government of former P rime M inister Tammam S al am and the F uture M ovement of pr eventing the army from l aunching a mil itary ope ration to l iberate the ki dna pe d sol di ers. L ebanese P rime M inister S aad A l - H ariri said on his Twitter account that “Prime Minister S al am is higher than the reach of the prejudiced; we were, and still are, standing by him. Enough is enough.” The F uture M ovement pol itical movement denounced “the deceptive stance of Hezboll ah in the l ast pha se of the confrontation, which the L ebanese army fought with high professionalism against (Daesh).” The statement al so criticiz ed H ez bol l ah for securing the withdr awal of D aesh mil itants to Syria “without punishing the killers of the Lebanese soldiers.” B y doi ng this, accordi ng to the F uture Movement, “Hezbollah revealed to the Lebanese pe opl e that it is onl y concerned about

Housing minister eyes possible cut to annual rent increases

B .C .’ s housing minister is expl oring l essening the annual rent hike s l andl ords are al l owed to appl y to tenants in the pr ovince. S el ina R obinson said the current formul a, which caps annual al l owabl e rent increases to two per cent plus the rate of inflation, will be unde r review within her ministry as she tries to find ways to make life more affordable for renters. “I’m very curious about those numbers and how they were achieved,” she said in an interview. Due to inflation, the current maxi mum rent increase is four pe r cent in 2018. “I also feel as a new minister I need to unde rstand what al l the pi eces are, and I ’ m very curious where this formul a came from and what is the rationale,” said R obinson. U nde r the l aw, l andl ords may onl y increase rent once every 12 months, up to the maxi mum al l owabl e rate, and pr ovide three- month notice to tenants. The average rent for a one- bedr oom ap artment in V ancouver is $1,950 a month, which means the maximum rental increase is $78 this year. B .C .’ s Tenant R esource and A dvi sory C entre wants the pr ovince to l ower the increase to just the rate of inflation, said Andrew S aka moto, exe cutive di rector. That woul d mean the maxi mum rental increase woul d be two per cent this year, or $39 on a $1,950 monthly apartment in Vancouver. “Given our current rental crisis tenants are facing, I think it woul d be more real istic to be simply inflation,” said Sakamoto. Robinson said she’s worried about rental affordability, something her pa rty campa igned upon in the M ay pr ovincial el ection. The N D P pr omised to buil d 1 14,0 rental and co- op homes, and give renters an annual rental home credi t of $400. “I’m looking for things we can deliver ASAP, because I know it’s a crisis,” she said. The N D P ’ s pl atform al so pl edge d to end the ““fixed term lease” loophole, where l andl ords force tenants into one- ye ar l eases that al l ow them to raise rents at higher- thanal l owed rates every ye ar because they are technical l y entering a new l ease contract with the same tenant. R obinson said l egislation to fix that loophole is coming this fall, after former L iberal housing minister R ich C ol eman spe nt months compl aining it was a compl ex l egisl ative change that woul d take a great deal of time. “It wasn’t so compli-

cated,” said Robinson. Liberal critic Sam S ul l ivan said he’ s concerned to hear R obinson might be changing the maxi mum rent rate because the N D P di d not campa ign upon such a promise in the election. “My unde rstandi ng of these ki nds of things is you have to be very careful , economists on both the right and l eft are pr etty much unanimous that rent control s can have a very negative impa ct on rental pr ope rties ( and) the avail ability of rental properties,” he said. “It’s a very popul ar short- term thing to do. B ut the l ong- term resul t can often be qui te negative.” The real answer is to increase supply, because the government can’ t l egisl ate its way out of a suppl y and de mand issue, said S ul l ivan, a former mayor of V ancouver. The association repr esenting l andl ords in the pr ovince said it’ s suppor tive of R obinson closing the fixed term lease loophole, but that l owering the maxi mum rent increase rate wil l simpl y be another di sincentive to pr ope rty de vel ope rs conside ring buil di ng rental buil di ngs, who may then de cide to build condos instead. “The three biggest cost dr ivers for our indus try , our taxe s, util ities, and insurance, al l our cost are going up by a pe rcentage far greater than the four pe r cent maximum,” said David Hutniak, CEO of Landlord B.C. “We’re obviously not insensitive about the current di l emma of the housing and rental housing crisis, but the frustrating pa rt is we’ ve been tal ki ng about the need for suppl y for 20- 25 ye ars and nobody l istened to us. A nd we were pr edi cting the chal l enges we’ re seeing toda y . A nd this woul d be the wrong time to target that spe cific item.” Source: The Province

texas storm Harvey breaks historic rainfall record

MIAMI: Hurricane Harvey has set what day. The first was 49.32 inches measured at forecasters bel ieve is a new rainfal l record a rain gauge southeast of H ouston. for the continental United States, officials N H C spoke sman D ennis F el tgen said that said Tuesda y .H arvey , swirl ing for the pa st record is being treated pr el iminaril y as one few days off Texas and Louisiana — at for the entire continental U nited S tates. times as a hurricane and at times a tropi - He added that confirming the figure “will cal storm — has dumped 51.88 inches (132 take a lot of research,” as experts review centimeters) of rain in C eda r B ayou, a sal t water gauges and pa st historical records — water channel on the Texa s coast, the N a- a pr ocess l ike l y t o take several weeks . tional Weather Service said.“This reading is H arvey made l andf al l in Texa s on F rida y higher than the previous record of 48 inches as a C ategory F our hurricane. I t has since set during tropical cyclone Amelia of 1978 weake ned to a tropi cal storm but is stil l at Medina, Texas,” it added. unl eashing massive amounts of rain over I t was the second record repor ted in j ust one Texa s and L ouisiana. Source:arabnews.com its own interests, the interests of I ran and the S yr ian regime, regardl ess of the interests of the Lebanese people.” S amir G eagea, the exe cutive chairman of the L ebanese F orces, cl aimed in a statement that “Hezbollah could have reached the exchange deal after the complete expulsion of ISIS (Daesh) from Lebanese territory by the Lebanese army, not before that.”Lebanese Foreign M inister G ebran B assil stated that the terrorist pr oj ect in L ebanon has fail ed.B assil cal l ed for “a new approach to Syria and the region … Lebanon should be ready to defend its higher interests, starting with the return of S yr ian refugees to their homel and and encouraging that from now.” Source:arabnews.com


Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017

FaitH Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “Jibril kept recommending treating neighbours with ki ndne ss until I thought he woul d a ssign a share of inheritance.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

Post-Pilgrimage: Maintaining your Hajj High effects by replacing those experiences with something better. F or ex amp l e, if y ou see a non- mahram of the op p osite sex in ind ecent cl othing, immed iatel y l ook at something el se ( hal aal ) and try to mak e that the image that stick s in y our mind . I f y ou hear d irty music around y ou, recite or l isten to Q uran immed iatel y and l et that p ush the music out of y our memory . R emember that S hay taan uses y our senses as the gateway to corrup ting y our heart in a sl ow and grad ual way . C l ose those gates, be on guard and have y our sp iritual eraser read y .


By: Yacoob Manjoo aj j is now over and as the p il grims return home to their l oved ones, they tak e back with them a mul titud e of p recious memories from the j ourney , l essons they ’ l l hop e to ap p l y for the rest of their l ives, and an el evated sense of sp iritual ity .

Back to reality

B ut for many , those feel ings can q uick l y fad e once they arrive home, because the contrast between the l and s of H aj j and the ‘ normal ’ home environment is as strik ing as d ay against night. I t’ s al most as if M ad inah, M ak k ah, M ina, A rafah and M uz d al ifah are not in the real worl d . A way from the resp onsibil ities of famil y , work , and home l ife, H aj j is l ik e being in another gal ax y – one where every one is geared towards worshipping Allah; where there’ s no crud e ad vertising, music and images smacking you in the face every hour; and where the onl y worry each d ay is mak ing it to the masjid to get a spot for the five comp ul sory p ray ers. B ut once y ou arrive home, y ou return to the environments of hard ship , l az iness and sin. D esp ite al l the wond erful gains from the week s y ou’ ve j ust sp ent as a guest of A l l ah, maintaining a sp iritual high und er such circumstances is difficult – if not impossible. W hil e y ou k now that the real work of H aj j onl y starts once y ou get home – in that y ou need to l ive y our H aj j for the rest of y our l ife – the circumstances of normal l ife can soon erod e al l the ambitious p l ans y ou had for l iving the rest of y our d ay s as one of A l l ah’ s sp ecial p eop l e.

and y ears go by . B ut such an attitud e woul d be incorrect, because with the right intentions, sincere duas and dedicated efforts – it is ind eed p ossibl e to remain on a higher l evel – even if that l evel isn’ t q uite as grand as what y ou’ d hop ed for. So here are five points of advice which if foll owed , can insha A l l ah hel p y ou from sl ip p ing into d ecl ine, so that y ou can maintain your Hajj for life:


fol l ow up those sins and mistak es with im immed iate rep entance. I n this way , y ou can k eep y our sl ate as cl ean as p ossibl e I nsha A l l ah. E ven when y ou d on’ t recogniz e sins, mak e a habit of d ail y istighfar ( seek ing forgiveness from A l l ah) . I t is rep orted that the Prophet ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) made istighfar 1 0 0 times a d ay ! S o mak ing istighfar not onl y hel p s k eep y ou sp iritual l y cl ean, 1. Be realistic but al so gives y ou more p oints for fol l owing A ccord ing to had ith, the most bel oved d eed s a sunnah. in A l l ah’ s estimation are those that are con- 3. Keep pelting for life sistent – even if they are few. Y ou need not Remember the spiritual significance of peltmaintain the same l evel s of worship y ou had ing the j amaraat. A fter shay taan was humil ion y our H aj j j ourney , but if y ou can k eep ated on the d ay of A rafah, he’ s even more j ust a few smal l and manageabl e ones – and d etermined to corrup t y ou now that y ou’ re d o them sincerel y and consistentl y – y ou’ re back home. S o, j ust as y ou stoned S hay taan al read y a winner. in those d ay s, whenever y ou notice his whis2. Stay clean perings/temptations coming to you back After being totally purified on Arafah, your home, repeat that pelting in your mind: you cl ean soul recognises y our new sins and chased him away on M ina, and y ou can d o it mistak es much more easil y . B ut y ou won’ t again now too. stay that p ure forever – and A l l ah d oesn’ t 4. Protect and erase expect you to remain that way: all of man- Protect your senses from ‘spiritual filth’: Hanging on I n such circumstances, it’ s easy to l ose hop e k ind sins, but the best of those who sin are stay away from sights and sound s that – seeing H aj j as a temp orary high that, in those who rep ent and return to A l l ah. R ec- woul d corrup t y our heart, and if y ou d o see real ity , cannot be maintained as the months ogniz e that y ou wil l sl ip – but y ou shoul d or hear them, immed iatel y try to erase their

What is Udhiya?

I t’ s very , very sad to l eave M ak k ah – esp ecially after you’ve made your final tawwaf and l eft the G rand M osq ue. L ik e mil l ions of others before y ou, y ou d ream of going back for H aj j again. B ut to mak e this d esire a real ity , those feel ings need to move bey ond j ust nostal gia and emotional y earning. A l l ah p romises us that if we’ re grateful , H e wil l give us more: “And [remember] when your Lord procl aimed , ‘ I f y ou are grateful , I wil l surel y increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.” [Qur’an: Chapter 14, Verse 7] I f y ou show true gratitud e for the j ourney H e has j ust granted y ou, insha A l l ah y ou can earn an invitation to go again. A p p reciate what you had through your actions: by striving to l ive the best y ou can, as cl ose to A l l ah as y ou can. M ay A l l ah accep t y our H aj j from y ou, hel p y ou to maintain it until y ou reach the end of y our l ife, and tak e y ou there again – so that y ou may step up to even higher l evel s of sp iritual ity and cl oseness to H im. http://productivemuslim.com/

UDHiYa (QUrBaNi) 1 1 th, and 1 2 th . This is to commemorate the unpa ral l el ed sacrifice offered by the Prophet Sayyidna Ibrahim, A l ayhi S al am, when he, in pur suance to a command of A l l ah Ta’ al a conveye d to him in a dr eam, pr epa red himsel f to sl aughter his bel oved son, S ayyi dna I sma’ il , A l ayhi S al am, and actual l y intende d to do so, but A l l ah Ta’ al a the A l mighty , after testing his submission, sent dow n a sheep and saved his son from the l ogical fate of sl aughter. I t is from that incident that the sacrifice of an animal became an obl igatory dut y to be pe rformed by e very M usl im who has the means to do i t. On who is it obligatory?

d hiy a’ is an A rabic word meaning “blood sacrifice”, and ‘Qurbani’ is an U rd u and P ersian word d erived from the Arabic word “Qurban” which literal l y means an act p erformed to seek A l l ah Ta’ al a’ s p l easure. I t is technical l y used for the sacrifice of an animal slaughtered for the sak e of A l l ah Ta’ al a. The sacrifice of an animal has always been a recognised form of worship in many rel igions, but in the ‘ S hariah’ ( I sl amic sacred l aw) of The L ast and F inal M essenger of A l l ah Ta’ala (Peace be upon him) the sacrifice Q urbani is W aj ib ( obl igatory ) on every of an animal has been recognised as a form M usl im who is of sound mind - mature ( has of ibad ah ( worship ) d uring the three d ay s reached the age of p uberty ) , M uq eem ( i.e. of the month Z ul H ij j ah, namel y the 1 0 th,

Names Of A l l a h (SWT) & Mohammad (PBUH)

he is not a travel l er in terms of S haria) P ossesses the amount of 6 1 2 , 3 6 grams of sil ver or weal th eq uival ent to that val ue which is in ex cess of one› s basic need s and d ebts on any of the three d ay s of Q urbani. I t is not necessary that this amount be in one› s p ossession for a comp l ete l unar y ear. ( p l ease d o consul t y our l ocal I sl amic S chol ars for more d etail s and ex act val ue in y our l ocal currency ) What the Quran says:

Allah Ta’ala, The Most Wise says: «It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allâh, it is your piety that reaches Him. Indeed He has subjected them (animals) to you so that you may glorify Allah for guiding you, and give glad tidings to those who excel in good.» (Quran-22:37)


Sep 1-15, 2017 DhulHujja 10-24, 1438 H

Islm. Date Date Fajar

10 1 1 12

Last edition At-Tawwab name of Allah(swt) Names were Al Shafi Mohammad(saw) name. 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 2 23 24

The D istresser

5. Use gratitude to go back



Asar (Shafi) Asar (Hanfi) Magrib



Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017






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Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017

l o C a l

alameen Post celebrated its 15th anniversary at afghan Chopan Banquet Hall Surrey

A ugust 2- A l ameen P ost cel ebrated its 15t h A nniversary as she was the guest spe ake r where she was honored by A l ameenP ost as the recipi ent of V al or and L iberty A ward pr esented to her by M P S ukh D hal iwal and B C M A P reseide nt D aud I smail . Courageous Journalist: Rana Ayyub In Vancouver C ourageous A uthor, J ournal ist, R ana who has gone on a head on col l ision with I ndi a’ s B hartiya J anata P arty ( B J P ) and its l eade r, I ndi a’ s P rime M inister N arendr a

M odi was visiting V ancouver on her book t our. She is a among the 12 finalist to receive the pr estigious G l obal S hinning l ight award in S outh A frica in early 2018. R epor ter R ana A yub went unde rcover for nine months to record top officials speaking candidly about the 20 riots in G uj arat, which l eft at l east 20 M usl ims de ad. A l ameen P ost was honoured to be p art of her C anad ian tour, coord inating her visit to M ontreal , Toronto, C al gary and V ancouver. (By: Al A meen P ost)

Canadian Society of Fiji Muslims delivers Meals

C anadi an S ociety of F ij i M usl ims de l ivers over 150 people on August 18th M eal s on W heel F or the l ess fortunate to @Night Shift Ministry(By: Al Ameen Post)




Unit 203- 7750 -128th Street, Surrey



Hours of Operation on to S at 1 1 am - 1 0 p m

Tuesd ay C l osed S un &

H ol id ay s 12pm-9pm


Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017

S P e C i a l

B.C. Premier statement on eid al-adha


By John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia,

I C TO R I A – O n the hol y occasion of E id al - A dha , B .C . P remier J ohn H organ made the fol l owing statement on behal f of the N ew D emocrat G overnment C aucus. “On behalf of the New Democrat caucus, we ext end our whol e- hearted and warmest greetings to the M usl im community as the annual cel ebration of E id al - A dha . A l l B ritish C ol umbians who pr actice the I sl amic faith l ook forward to this hol y occasion, and we wish al l who cel ebrate a j oyous and reflective Eid Mubarak,” said Horgan. “The Muslim community works beside others offering assistance to people in need, now and throughout the y ear. That hel p is given to p eop l e of al l communities and faiths and is d eep l y ap p reciated . Y our service hel p s buil d stronger, more comp assionate communities. “The lessons of sacrifice and generosity Eid al-Adha embody are reflected in the many great contributions made to our pr ovince by

the M usl im community . This is a wonde rful time to acknow l edge E id al - A dha and al so to remember the impor tant contributions C anadi an M usl ims have made to society . “As Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha in a renewal of faith, we j oin with you in wishing for a most wonde rful and br ight future.

“Eid Mubarak.”


1438H Hajj and eid ul adha Mubrook

id Q urban is the big E id feast in M usl im U mmah al l ovrer the worl d. E id brings with itsel f a busy and enj oya bl e schedul e for every one. A s we cel ebrate this occasion, we shoul d remember those who have l ost their l oved ones in various terrorist attacks , natural and human di sasters throughout the worl d . This E id , p l ease continue to hel p the p oor and orp hans with y our generous d onations. I woul d l ike to ext end warm greetings to everyone on the Eid-ul-Adha of 1438 H. M ay A l l ah ( S W T) accept the auspi cious occasion of pi l grimages of those who made the bl essed j ourney this ye ar ( A meen) . A s we cel ebrate on this occasion of E id- ul - A dha , I woul d al so l ike to thank suppor ters and wel l wishers of The M iracl e for pr ovidi ng continuous suppor t through adve rtisements of their businesses, sharing their thoughts in writing with our reade rs, espe cial l y our regul ar and occasional contributors. M ay A l l ah bl ess al l of us with H is bl essings

with the beginning of the new I sl amic ye ar 1439 H. W e wel come feedba ck from our reade rs, so as always; feel free to comment on this issue. Y our concerns and suggestions are highl y appr eciated for impr oving our qua l ity i n future. A t the end, I reque st al l M usl im C anadi ans to be pr oud of their rel igious val ues and l ive here with pe ace and di gnity as M usl im ambassador s. P romote M usl im businesses and their pr oduc ts and make your contribution in benefiting the Canadian economy. U nited w e stand, di vide d w e fal l .

Jazakumullah khair M. Naseer Pirzada Editor in-Chief. Miracle Media Group

Saudi Arabia’s Hajj agencies ‘ready to serve over 2m pilgrims’

MINA: Agencies involved in Hajj preparations are ready to serve more than 2 mil l ion pilgrims, a senior Saudi official said. P il grims have arrived in pr epa ration for the “Day of Tarwiyah,” which falls today, said I nterior M inistry S p oke sman M aj . G en. M ansour A l - Turki . H e said the H aj j pl an woul d serve over 2 mil l ion pi l grims, incl udi ng 1,740 who have al ready arrived from abroad and another 20, from inside S audi A rabia, incl udi ng citiz ens and r eside nts. Al-Turki stressed the efforts made at the entrance to the hol y sites to de tect any viol ations of H aj j regul ations. H e said more than 40, pe opl e have been turned away for l acki ng H aj j pe rmits.

A total of 208,236 cars driven by those without the correct pe rmits were turned away , while another 3,296 vehicles were seized at the entrances to Makkah, officials said. H atim bin H assan Q adi , advi ser to the minister of Hajj, announced the completion of the first pha se of the pi l grim- receiving pl an through the entry poi nts in M akka h and M adi nah. He said 19,500 buses transported pilgrims from M adi nah to M akka h whil e another 38,000 buses transported pilgrims from other areas. P il grims wil l l ater be transpor ted to Mina by 9,000 buses. A hmad bin R ay an B aray an, general sup ervisor of p ubl ic rel ations and med ia at the S aud i R ed C rescent A uthority ( S R C A ) , said the facil ities incl ud e 1 3 3 ambul ance centers run

by 78 physicians and specialists and 2,500 ad ministrative emp l oy ees and technicians. H e said there are 25 teams assigned for advanced response that will support fieldambul ance teams, in addi tion to other ambul ance teams. There are four wel l - eq uip p ed air ambul ances whil e 5 0 0 mal e and femal e vol unteers wil l serve at the G rand M osq ue and A rafat sites. H eal th M inistry S poke sman M ishaal A l R abian announced the compl etion of the ministry’ s pr epa rations for the current H aj j season through the pr epa ration of 25 hospi tal s and 15 medi cal centers at the hol y sites. These are suppor ted by 10 smal l ambul ances worki ng as mobil e intensive- care units, which are capa bl e of reaching crowd -

BCMa President eiD-al-aDHa Message

B ismil l ah ar- R ahman ar- R ahim I n the name of A l l ah, the most G racious, the most M erciful Dear respected brothers, sisters, elders and children. A ssal amu’ A l aykum wa R ahamatul l ahi wa B araka tuhu O n behal f of The B C M usl im A ssociation, officials and staff, it is my pleasure to extend a very warm and j oyous E I D M U B A R A K to you a nd your l oved one s. Toda y we cel ebrate E id- ul - A dha fol l owing the best 10 da y s of the ye ar - the bl essed days of Zul Hijjah. We celebrate the significance and spirit of sacrifice preserved in the l ife and l egacy of P rop het I brahim ( A S ) . H is entire l ife from chil d hood to fatherhood was filled with numerous trials, tribulations and sacrifices. As a child, he was tested when seeki ng the C reator of the universe. H e was phys ical l y tortured when he chal l enged the bel iefs of the dom inant cul ture of his father. H is pa tience was again tested as a husband

and father, when he was instructed by A l l ah to l eave his wife and son in the scorching heat of the barren d esert of M ak k ah. H e faced the ul timate trial of his l ife in ol d age when he was command ed by A l l ah, in a d ream, to sacrifice his only son. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was the ultimate shining example of sacrifice for generations to fol l ow. There is a l esson for us al l and it’ s impe rative to reflect on our spirit of sacrifice for the betterment of I sl am, our community , our country and most impor tantl y oursel ves . This is the spirit of unselfishness and sacrifice that we need to re-establish in an era defined by greed, egoism, self-promotion and selfies! E very bel ieving M usl im crave to pe rform the pi l grimage at l east once in a l ifetime and come cl oser to A l l ah ( swt) and ask forgiveness and regret their shortcomings. W e make a genuine commitment to A l l ah that we sincerel y repe nt and pr omise to change

and l ive the rest of our l ives as a true bel iever, a true M usl im. A l l ah swt, in HIS infinite mercy, will grant our wish, In Sha Allah; BUT, some tend to forget that moment, that pr omise and commitment overtime and conseque ntl y , doubl e- de al ing, di shonesty , l yi ng again becomes normal . I t is expe cted that we are conscious of the pr omise and genuinel y change our l ife otherwise the j ourney is meaningl ess no matter how many times we pe rform the H aj j . I usual l y r emind t his to everyone . Toda y , viol ence and anti- M usl im sentiments are wide spr ead and our U mmah is faced with strange phi l osophy that is tryi ng to de stroy the funda mental message of I sl am. W e are pa ssing through chal l enging times. W e are confronted with de cept ive messages and we need to educ ate our society and everyone about the true message and gl ory da ys of I sl amic cul ture and civil iz ation. W e l ive in an age where security and safety is a maj or concern espe cial l y our sisters due to big-

ed a reas to attend t o the inj ured. He said the ministry prepared more than 285 spe cial rooms to receive cases of heat stress and sunstroke , whil e medi al teams carried out free- of- charge ope rations incl udi ng ope n heart pr ocedur es, cardi ac catheteriz ation, di al ys is and ot her medi cal services. C ivil D efense S poke sman C ol . A bdul l ah Al-Harthi said the first phase of the emergency pl an of the current H aj j season had been compl eted without any incide nt that could have adversely affected the safety of pi l grims. H e said the number of agencies invol ved in the emergency plan had increased from 19 to 32, with five mock incidents carried out to pr epa re them. Source:arabnews.com

otry and hatred mostly filtering from the S outh. I hope and pr ay that you and your famil ies have a wonde rful E id. O n this auspi cious occasion, l et’ s renew the l essons l earned from our bel oved P rophe t I brahim ( pbuh) and bring change in our lives and make a difference in the l ives of other pe opl e. M ay A l l ah swt bring us al l cl oser to I sl am and enabl e us to fulfill our responsibilities and make us a better M usl im. M ay H e bl ess and reward al l the volunteers and hard working officials of B C M usl im A ssociation and their famil ies for their dedication, loyalty and sacrifice…. A meen! “EID MUBARAK” Daud Ismail President, The B.C. Muslim Association


Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017

l o C a l

Peaceful Vancouverites Stormed city hall, washed out the racist and anti immigrant protestors.

W orl dw ide C oal ition A gainst I sl am ( W C A I ) and the C ul tural A ction P arty ( C A P ) P l anned a rally in Vancouver on August 19th at Vancouver C ity H al l . The organizers expressed “This will be our first ever rally in Vancouver, WCAI founder J oey D e wil l be maki ng the trip out to spe ak. B rad S al z berg from C ap wil l be there as wel l as sol di ers of odi n. I t shoul d be a great rally you don’t want to miss.” The rally was suppos ed to have spe ake rs from several anti- immigrant and a nti- M usl im groups . The group is not shy to state on their F acebook account: WCAI Canada on August 4 at 4:31pm Facebook posted “If you punch someone over their cowardl y ways or cul ture mistakes, always film it so everyone

will know they deserved it.” J oey D e L uca - pr eside nt of W C A I group and J esse W iel enga the vice- pr eside nt, pl anned t he event. O n W C A I C anada ’ s Twitter account the group states their aim is “standing against the barbarics of the ide ol ogy that is I sl am. S tands against gl obal ism. S tand s for C anadian culture preservation.” V ancouver- K ingsway M P D on D avies, cal l ed on the C ity to cancel pe rmission to the WCAI stating that “it’s clear the event’s organiz ers are motivated by what happe ned in Charlottesville, Va and they “intend on spreading hatred and inciting violence.” J ohn H organ in a statement on F rida y A ugust 18th said Hate has no place in our prov-

ince. W e rej ect al l forms of racism, di scrimination, intolerance and bigotry.” W hen the N ews broke out about the W A C I ral l y , an adhoc group pl anned a counter rally: Oppose the Racists in Metro Vancouver! H osted by S tand U p to R acism M etro V ancouver The ral l y by W C A I pr omoted as A nti I mmigration P rotest never real l y got started as V ancouverites stormed and washed out the anti immigrant pr otestors. A bout 20 pe opl e pl anned to attend the ral l y on F acebook but actual numbers were more than 40 by some estimates 50 compa red to about 10 who expr essed interest in the W C A I ral l y of which about 50 pl us or so showed up and were compl etel y

out shadow ed by t he oppos e ral l y . The crowd was very pa ssionate chanting “Racist Racist go away. Send him home, Bye Bye Hater.” Prime Minister Justin Trude au expr essed his exc itement on his twitter “Way to go, Vancouver. Diversity will always be our strength,” he wrote. F rom the M usl im community B r H aroon K han, S ister N our Y oussef and few others spoke out against racism and thanke d al l the those who showed up to show sol ida rity in suppor t of di versity a nd i ncl usion. V ancouver M ay or G regor R oberston p resent at the ral l y cond emned the far- right event say ing “hate and racism have no place in this city.” Lets build the love and the understating.” ( Photos & report by Al Ameen Post)

By: Arslan Butt

PaKiStaN teHriKe iNSaF, Vancouver: Pakistan Day and Pti Court Victory Celebration

By: Khalid Chohan A s an historic national achievements on 14 August 1947, and a remarkable Supreme C ourt case victory , P aki stan Tehrike I nsaf, V ancouver cel ebrated a victory event on 23r d A ugust at M umtaz V il l a S urrey .B eing event C o- hosts, K hal id C hohan and S aj id

H ameed W el comed al l the guests and briefl y de scribed pur pos e of the cel ebration and future p rograms. A bout 20 P TI members and s uppor ters attende d t he event. D uring the event, spe ake rs highl ighted the pur pos e of creation of P aki stan and share ide as to how we can make it strong and

pr ospe rous where al l the P aki stani can l ive with pe ace, j ustice and pr id e. A mong the spe ake rs, R ai A z iz ul l ah K han, P TI C E C member travel l ed from P aki stan to pa rticipa te in the event. S aif P unnu, K hal id Z aka , A shfaq J atol e, Z anka M al ik, M ohsin C heema, M rs N ayye r, A mna F arooq,

B isharat, P eerz ada and others pr esented their views. A t the end S pe cial P aki stani food pr epa red by S aj id H ameed was severed. C ake was cut at the end.K hurram R ai and R ehan A wan coordi nated the event and facil itated spe ake rs.

Peace-loving people in Vancouver demand end to US-led wars and occupations M obil iz ation A gainst W ar and O ccupa tion ( M A W O ) has been organiz ing for al most 14 ye ars, and a cornerstone of M A W O ’ s activities have been month after month, coming out in pr otest with an antiwar ral l y and pe tition campa ign. Throughout 16 ye ars of a new era of war and occupa tion, l ed by the U nited S tates, new fronts of war and mil itary intervention have been ope ned, sanctions impos ed, and covert attacks and U S - fomented civil wars had l aid havoc to countries in the M iddl e E ast and N orth A frica. M A W O has responde d each time with our de mands and sl ogans, banners and p icke t signs, pe titions and ne wsl etters. O n F rida y A ugust 2 5t h M A W O hel d a monthl y antiwar ral l y and pe tition campaign, with the central demands of “US/ Saudi Arabia Hands Off Yemen!” “US/Canada/NATO Hands Off Syria” and “US Out of Afghanistan!” The last month of colonial aggressions gave good reason for these de mands to be at the forefront.

O n M onda y A ugust 21, U S P reside nt Trump announced that the U S is escal ating their war dr ive and wil l send 40 more troops to Afghanistan, in addition to the at least 8,400 al ready there. W e al ready know what war and occupa tion has brought to A fghanistan. Today, after 16 years of US/NATO—led war and occupa tion, the pe opl e of A fghanistan face de struction, instabil ity , pove rty , unempl oym ent and a society pl agued by a foreign col onial occupa tion. I n Y emen, what has become dubbe d as the “forgotten war” is continuing with Saudil ed, U S - backe d airstrike s, and a l and, air and sea bl ocka d e pr eventing critical food, water, sanitary and medi cal suppl ies from entering the country . This has set the stage for the worl d’ s worst recorde d chol era outbreak. S ince A pr il 2017, over 540, pe opl e in Y emen have been infected with chol era, and an estimated 20 have di ed from the di sease. M eanwhil e in S yr ia, U S mil itary intervention is becoming increasingl y de adl y for the

S ry ian pe opl e. U S airstrike s in the S yr ian city of R aqqa have ki l l ed many civil ians, with estimates as high as 10 0 civil ians ki l l ed by US airstrikes in the last 48 hours. The A ugust 25t h antiwar ral l y cal l ed for an end to the wars in Y emen, S yr ia and A fghanistan, and an end to al l wars and occupa tions. A ntiwar activists appr oached pa ssersby with pe titions de mand ing C anada stop its $15 bil l ion arms de al with S audi A rabia for so-call “light” armoured vehicles. An in-

formation tabl e was busy with p eopl e stop pi ng to tal k to organiz ers, sign pe titions and get more information. M obil iz ation A gainst W ar and O ccupa tion encourages al l pe acel oving pe opl e to come out for the next antiwar ral l y and pe tition campa ign on S ept ember 2nd at 5pm , in front of the V ancouver A rt G al l ery at R obson at H owe S treet. F or more information and upc oming events visit www.mawovancouver.org, fol l ow on facebook or twitter @ M A W O V an


Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017

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Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017



Daesh fighters surrender lebanon-Syria border enclave BEIRUT: A convoy of Daesh fighters and their families surrendered their enclave on the Lebanon-Syria border area on Monday and left for eastern Syria after a week-long battle. Daesh had agreed a cease-fire on Sunday with the Lebanese army on one front and the Syrian army and Hezbollah on the other after losing much of its mountainous enclave straddling the border. Lebanese officials said the evacuation was a surrender. “We do not bargain. We are in the position of the victor and are imposing conditions,” said security chief Gen. Abbas Ibrahim.A total of 600 people, including both Daesh fighters and their family members, left in the convoy. The militants will travel across Syria under heavy security escort to Daesh lines near Al-Bukamal in the east, a Lebanese security source said. The Daesh fighters set fire to heavy equipment and weapons before they left their enclave. A Lebanese military source said there had

been no negotiation or coordination with Syrian forces or Hezbullah. “We heavily bombarded them and this is what accelerated the process of their surrender.” The deal also involved Daesh handing over the bodies of eight Lebanese soldiers it captured and killed when it overran the town of Arsal in 2014. DNA tests are being conducted to reveal the identity of each body. Some politicians asked why the terrorists were allowed to withdraw without being arrested. A military source told Arab News: “If the political decision had been in our hands, we would have waged this battle back in 2014, but they did not allow us to do so.” Gen. Ibrahim said: “Lebanon is a country that doesn’t take revenge; it rather complies with the international law. Whoever falls into the hands of Daesh will certainly be killed, as they are criminals and murderers. This is what happened with our hero soldiers.” Regarding the fate of photographer Samir Kassab and kidnapped bishops Boulos Yaziji and Youhana Ibrahim, Gen. Ibrahim said:

“They were included in the recent negotiations but Daesh confirmed that it did not kidnap them and does not know anything about them.” He said: “We are now reviewing their file from the beginning to determine the side that kidnapped them. I believe Daesh because it was collapsing and under pressure, therefore it cannot hide anything.” Former Lebanese President Michel Sleiman said: “How can the Lebanese state stand still for the second time, after the withdrawal of terrorist Abu Malek Al-Tali and his group, allowing Daesh terrorists to leave Lebanon to where they choose without trials, especially after confirming the death of our soldiers.” He claimed that their “withdrawal came implementing a bilateral agreement between Hezbollah and the Syrian regime,” which the

Lebanese military denies. Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil tweeted: “Our sorrow and mourning will not absolve us of the responsibility to reveal the truth and hold whoever killed our soldiers accountable. Only justice can bring comfort and peace to their souls.” MP Mohammed Safadi asked for “an explanation regarding the departure of Daesh to Deir Ezzor and the agreement regarding their withdrawal.” www.arabnews.com

M oreover, cornering P aki stan wil l serve onl y to force its government to al ign itsel f more ope nl y with groups such as the H aqqa ni network. This woul d strengthen insurgent groups’ control over border areas, effectively creating a buffer state between Afghanistan and P aki stan. A s fund ing from the U S d ecl ines, P ak istan wil l p robabl y al so d eep en its ties with C hina. I t has al read y sent its foreign minister to B eij ing to meet her C hinese counterp art. A fter the meeting, C hina p l ed ged total and

uncond itional sup p ort to P ak istan. I f the goal of the Trump d octrine is to create a stabl e gl obal back d rop against which A merica can p ursue its own interests, it is d oomed to fail . In fact, it is likely to have the opposite effect, unl eashing a d estabil iz ing genie that wil l be al most imp ossibl e to p ut back in its bottl e. • Shahid Javed Burki, former finance minister of Pakistan and vice president of the World Bank, is currently chairman of the Shahid Javed Burki Institute of Public Policy in Lahore.

By:Shahid Javed Burki O utl ining his adm inistration’ s strategy for future U S engagement in A fghanistan, D onal d Trump avoide d adm itting outright that he was authoriz ing an increase in the number of troops but the real ity is that the pr eside nt’ s pl an wil l de epe n A merican invol vement in a mil itary mission that has al ready l asted f or 16 ye ars. Trump , who camp aigned on the p romise to extricate the US from foreign conflicts, said his aim was ensure that A fghanistan never again becomes the source of a terrorist attack on the U S l ik e that of S ep tember 1 1 , 2 0 0 1 . B arack O bama and G eorge W . B ush sought the same goal . I n fact, though Trump attempt ed to por tray his strategy as a stark break from those of his immedi ate pr ede cessors, many of the steps he announced have been tried al ready . N everthel ess, there are key differences in Trump’s approach, which wil l have serious l ong- term conseque nces for A fghanistan. For starters, Trump has dropped the “nation-building” element of America’s Afghan strategy. Criticizing previous efforts to “rebuild countries” in America’s “own image,” rather than putting US security interests first, Trump asserted that the US will no l onger engage in expl icit state- buil di ng, aimed at hel pi ng A fghanistan to become a rel ativel y mode rn pol itical and economic entity . I t wil l , however, de mand that the Afghan government deal effectively with corrup tion, impr ove governance and make better use of the resources it receives from the international community . S econd , Trump brought P aki stan much more expl icitl y into his A fghan pol icy than B ush or O bama di d, arguing that the country will face significantly increased US pressure to crack dow n on the terrorist sanctuaries al ong its borde r, from which insurgents l aunch attacks on A fghan and N A TO forces. I f P aki stan fail s to do so, Trump de cl ared, it will “have much to lose.” Already, Trump

has de termined that P aki stan shoul d no l onger be pa id for pr ovidi ng val uabl e services to A merican, N A TO and A fghan forces, a nd ha s even bl ocke d a l arge pa ym ent to the country t hat was al ready due . F inal l y , Trump has invited I ndi a to pl ay a l arger rol e in A fghanistan, de spi te the risks I ndi a faces in a country that P aki stan views as a second front in its historic struggl e with its southern neighbor. Trump appr eciates what I ndi a has al ready done , but is urging it to do even more, using its vast earnings from expor ts to the U S to hel p rebuil d A fghanistan’ s economy . H e al so suggested that the U S wil l work with I ndi a to create an Indo-Pacific security zone. In any case, it seems that the po tential for U S - I ndi a security coope ration in the region, whil e onl y hinted at in Trump’ s spe ech, has al ready been di scussed by t he two governments. The impl ications of Trump’ s spe ech ext end beyond A merica’ s pol icy in A fghanistan. The addr ess al so sharpe ned the contours — al ready outl ined dur ing his M ay visit to S audi A rabia and his J ul y visit to P ol and — of what might be called the “Trump doctrine.” Trump, it seems, sees a worl d sp l it between the West and the “rest,” with conflict all but inevitabl e. I n S audi A rabia, Trump invited M usl im- maj ority countries to j oin the W est in el iminating ad herents of I sl amist rad ical ism. I n P ol and , he chal l enged the W est to d emonstrate its wil l to resist the imp act p hy sical and p hil osop hical of its ad versaries. Trump is not targeting onl y the M usl im worl d. H is spe ech on A fghanistan al so pointed to his efforts to contain China. While Trump seemed briefly to be more interested in securing the C hinese government’ s hel p in reining in N orth K orea, Trump seems eager, now that the N orth K orean nucl ear crisis has appa rentl y been returned to the back burner, to resume his adm inistration’ s focus on constraining the A sian giant. B ut the Trump doc trine seems no more capa bl e of l imiting C hina than it doe s of el iminating the terrorist threat to the W est. I n fact, in the l ong term, it wil l pr obabl y have the opposite effect. I f mil itary force has not succeede d in stabil iz ing A fghanistan in the pa st 16 ye ars, it is difficult to imagine how Trump thinks it will work now. W hat is neede d is pr ecisel y what Trump rejects: a serious and sustained effort to buil d the A fghan state and economy , in orde r to give hope to A fghanistan’ s young population (the median age is only 18.6). Y oung men wil l l ay dow n their weapons only if they have confidence in the future.


trump’s new afghan strategy is doomed to failure


Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017


liberal MP offered woman $100K to keep quiet about sexual harassment claim, father alleges By ALEX BALLINGALLOttawa Bureau The father of a 24 - y ear- ol d woman who worke d for C al gary L iberal M P D arshan Kang said Kang offered a series of payments to pr event her from sharing harassment al l egations with her pa rents. OTTAWA—A Liberal MP accused of sexually harassing a young female staffer offered to pay her $100,000 to stay quiet about her allegations, the woman’s father says. The father outlined his daughter’s allegations against Darshan Kang, an MP from Calgary, during an interview Monday with the Star. He spoke on condition that their names not be published. He said over a period of four to five years, Kang gave his daughter unwelcome hugs, held and stroked her hand during car rides, and once brought her in a taxi to an Ottawa apartment, where he allegedly offered her wine and pulled at her jacket to try to get her to take it off. The next day he followed her to her hotel and tried to get into her room to talk, the woman’s father alleged. He said that Kang subsequently offered her a series of payments, which escalated to a total of $100,000, to prevent her from sharing the allegations with her parents. Kang did not respond to multiple requests for comment on Monday. None of the allegations has been proven. The Star also contacted the alleged victim, who is 24 and worked in Kang’s constituency office in Calgary. She declined to speak on the record without consulting her lawyer. “She’s very, very upset,” her father said. “She has so much … on her brain and she cannot sleep at night.”

The Hill Times reported on Aug. 11 that Kang was being investigated by the House of Commons human resources officer, Pierre Parent, over alleged sexual harassment. Charles-Eric Lépine, chief of staff to Liberal government whip Pablo Rodriguez, confirmed that allegations have been made, but also declined to answer questions. “We were made aware of the allegations and referred them, as per the House of Commons process, to the chief human resources officer,” he said in an email on Monday. It is not clear if Lépine was referring to the allegation of sexual harassment, the alleged offers of money, or both. A spokesperson from Parent’s office also refused to confirm or deny any ongoing investigation when contacted by the Star. Speaking to reporters Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his government has created new processes to deal with misconduct and harassment allegations involving parliamentarians. “I can assure people that our whip’s office and the human resources of the Parliament of Canada are engaged, as they must be, in this process, and I have no further comment to make at this time on the independent process that is being undergone,” he said. Kang worked in real estate before he was elected to the Alberta legislature for the first time in 2008. The woman joined his staff when she was about 20, her father said. The woman stayed in her job after Kang successfully transitioned to federal politics by winning the riding of Calgary Skyview for the Liberals in the 2015 election. Her father called Kang “a good friend” and

D rivers in the L ower M ainl and soon wil l be pa yi ng l ess to get around as the B ritish C ol umbia government is el iminating tol l s on the P ort M ann and G ol de n E ars bridge s in time for the L abour D ay W eeke nd, P remier J ohn H organ announced t oda y . “We’re taking immediate action to make life more affordable and get people moving by scrap p ing unfair tol l s on the P ort M ann and Golden Ears bridges,” said Premier Horgan. “This is just one of many steps we’ll be taking in the coming week s and months to mak e l ife easier for families throughout British Columbia.” Toda y’ s announcement – which wil l take effect on Friday, Sept. 1 – delivers on the pr emier’ s commitment to put an end to the pr evious government’ s bridge tol l s. I t wil l save famil ies who regul arl y have to cross the F raser R iver an average $1,50 a ye ar. C ommercial dr ivers averaging one crossing a da y wil l save $4,50 a ye ar or more. E ach da y , appr oxi matel y 12, 0 vehicl es cross the P ort M ann B ridge , with another 40, vehicl es taki ng the G ol de n E ars B ridge . I n ad di tion to the costs borne by commuters, the tol l s increased congestion al ong other transpor tation corridor s. “Many people have been travelling out of their way to avoid tol l s because they simpl y cannot afford them,” said Premier Horgan. “Getting rid of tolls will shorten commute times and cl ear up other routes, so pe opl e can spend less time stuck in traffic and more time with their families.” Transpo rtation and I nfrastructure M inister C l aire Trevena says the government wil l con-

tinue to invest in the roads , bridge s and other transpor tation pr oj ects B ritish C ol umbians need to hel p pe opl e get around – without unfairl y hitting some famil ies and businesses with tol l s. “Unlike the previous government, we’re not going to pi t one region of the pr ovince against the other,” said Trevena. “We’re going to de l iver on the investments neede d to serve famil ies and grow our economy , across B.C. in a way that is fair for all families.” “We have worked very closely with TransL ink and the M ayor s’ C ouncil to de l iver an agreement on Golden Ears that offers relief for families,” said Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Selina Robinson. “The toll removal on the P ort M ann B ridge and the G ol de n E ars B ridge wil l make l ife more afforda bl e for dr ivers who cross these bridge s every day, and it will help improve traffic flow on other bridges.” C urrentl y , the tol l to cross the P ort M ann is $3.15 for cars, pi ckup trucks and S U V s, $6.30 for medi um- siz ed vehicl es, e.g., a car with a trailer or a motorhome, and $9.45 for commercial vehicl es. The tol l to cross the G ol de n E ars is $3.20 to $4.45 for cars, pi ckup trucks and S U V s, $6.35 to $7.5 for medi um- siz ed vehicl es, and $9.45 to $10.70 for commercial vehicles. B il l s for tol l s up to and incl udi ng Thursda y , A ug. 31, 2017, wil l stil l need to be pa id. The pr ocess for bil l pa ym ent wil l remain in pl ace dur ing the transition. The tol l ing for both bridge s wil l stop at midni ght on A ug. 31, 2017. Source:news.gov.bc.ca

Premier Horgan eliminating bridge tolls, making life more affordable

said they spoke several times a week by phone until his daughter came forward with her allegations. He also helped Kang during his election campaigns, he said. He said that he and his wife were puzzled when their daughter told them “two or three times” that she wanted to quit her job with Kang. They didn’t hear their daughter’s allegations until after she travelled to Ottawa on June 11 to work for a week on Parliament Hill. The woman’s father said that, one night during that week in Ottawa, Kang offered to take the young staffer to dinner in a taxi, but they wound up going to an apartment instead. Once inside, Kang allegedly held her hand “and said, ‘Oh your hand is very nice, your nail polish is real nice. From where did you get this nail polish?’” the woman’s father said. Kang then offered her wine and tried to remove her jacket, the father said. “He (started) pulling her jacket — ‘Take the jacket off, take the jacket off,’” he alleged. The next day, Kang followed her to her hotel from Parliament Hill and tried to “force open the door” of her room so they could talk, the woman’s father said. After returning home and speaking with her sister, the woman decided to inform her boss in Kang’s office of the alleged harassment, her father said. That’s when he finally learned his daughter’s story — including the repeated offers of money for her to stay quiet, which he said started at $5,000 and grew to a series of payments totalling $100,000 that began with a $30,000 upfront sum.

Days later, Hamilton Liberal MP Filomena Tassi flew to Calgary to interview his daughter and speak with them at their family home, he said. Tassi did not respond to an interview request from the Star on Monday. The woman’s father said he wants Kang to “publicly apologize” and resign from office. He said he will wait for any parliamentary probe to conclude before his family considers legal action. Trudeau has displayed a zero tolerance policy for harassment. In March 2015, when he was leader of the third-place Liberals, Trudeau booted two MPs from caucus over allegations of sexual misconduct from two female New Democrat MPs. Former fisheries minister Hunter Tootoo was also blocked from returning to caucus last year after he resigned from cabinet to enter treatment for alcoholism. It was later revealed that he was in a sexual relationship with a young female staffer.



Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017


Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017

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Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017




Illegal Drug Overdose Crisis in Youth

Dear parents and guardians: s yo u are l ike l y aware, B ritish C ol umbia is currentl y expe riencing an il l egal dr ug overdo se crisis. S ince J anuary 2016, more than 1,40 pe opl e have lost their lives. While youth aged 14-18 are not conside red high risk for an overd ose de ath, school - aged yout h are not untouched by tragedy , either di rectl y or through famil y and friends and med ia awareness. N ineteen youth between the ages of 14 and 18 years old were reported by the Coroner’s Office to have di ed from an il l icit dr ug overdos e since J anuary 2016. W e hope that with your hel p in spe aki ng to the you th in your l ife as they go into y earend cel ebrations and new activities in the summer months, we can avoid pr eventabl e tragedi es. W hat you need to know to ke ep your ki ds safeI strongl y encourage you to tal k about substance use with the yout h in your l ives. N onj ud gmental and suppor tive conversations about substance use and overdos e risks can save l ives. O bviousl y the best way to stay safe is to avoid dr ugs al together, but we know that many of our yout h wil l expe riment and so it is important to share that: • The greatest risk for overd ose d eath is when someone uses d rugs al one – because no one is there to call 9-1-1 if they overdose. • O p ioid s are a ty p e of med ication which incl ud es heroin, morp hine, fentany l , methad one and cod eine. F entany l is around 5 0 to 1 0 0 times more tox ic than morp hine, which mak es the risk of accid ental overd ose from il l egal fentany l very high. O ther op ioid comp ound s are being found now that are even more tox ic, such as carfentanil . A bout twothird s of overd oses occurring in B .C . are d ue to l ethal fentany l and comp ound s l ik e it. • A very high percentage of illegal, street opi oid dr ugs l ike heroin and fake O xyc ontin contain fentanyl – but y ou al so shoul d kn ow that fentanyl is being found in street dr ugs that are not sol d as opi oids , incl udi ng dr ugs

l ike cocaine, e cstasy ( M D M A ) and methamphe tamines. The de al er may not know fentanyl is in them. • Anyone who does not regularly use opioid substances is at very high- risk for overdos e if substances l ike fentanyl contaminate their dr ugs, because they have no tol erance buil t up for opi oids . P eopl e who have used dr ugs containing opi oids and then stoppe d for a time are al so at risk f or this reason. • Contrary to some reports, fentanyl has not been found i n marij uana. • You can talk to your older children about being the respons ibl e one at pa rties where dr ugs may be avail abl e – encourage them to call 9-1-1 in an emergency and assure them they wil l not face criminal conseque nces for overdos e- rel ated cal l s, pr ovide nal oxone if avail abl e and pe rform rescue breathing. Visit gov.bc.ca/overdose to learn more about red ucing harm and p reventing overd ose. I t can be a chal l enge to tal k to teens and young adul ts about dr ugs, but hel p and resources are avail abl e. R each out and start the conversation. Y ou are the most impor tant source of information for your chil dr en. B e non- j udge mental , respe ctful and ask teens what they know . Please take some time to go online and learn more about how to speak honestly with your kids about this important topic: • Articles about how to talk to kids, teens and a dul t chil dr en are avail abl e on HealthLinkBC at healthlinkbc.ca/substanceuse/parenting-articles. • Leslie McBain lost her only son Jordan to overdos e. L isten to her story a t yout u. be/pGv_jFhHnJQ. What you can do to help save a life I f you have a yo uth or adul t in your l ife who uses il l egal dr ugs regul arl y or occasional l y – or you use il l egal dr ugs your sel f – here are some important actions to take: • Carry a naloxone kit and learn how to properly use it. Visit www.gov.bc.ca/overdose to find where you can get a kit and training. • Be prepared to give rescue breaths in case


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are treatment and sup p ort op tions avail abl e. Visit www.gov.bc.ca/overdose or call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1 to speak to a health navigator about treatment opt ions and services in your area. Each of us can make a difference by starting a di al ogue with the yout h in our l ives. Together we can begin to turn the tide on this crisis happe ning in our communities. P.R.W. Kendall OBC, MBBS, MHSc, FRCPC Provincial Health Officer




someone overdoses; giving rescue breaths before hel p arrives can save a l ife and pr event brain da mage. • Anyone using drugs should do a small test amount first. Don’t mix drugs (including with al cohol ) . •Anyone using drugs should do so with someone who wil l check on them and cal l 9-1-1 in case of overdose, or use an overdose p revention site if there is one in the area. • Call 9-1-1 in a health emergency –a new G ood S amaritan l aw pr otects pe opl e from charges of pos session in the case of an overdos e and you w il l save a l ife. • If you think someone you love may be using, or at risk, be gin a non- j udge mental conversation about how to stay safe. K now that addi ction is a chronic heal th condi tion and r el aps es happe n. Help is available I f someone y ou k now is using d rugs, there


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Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017


losing sleep over back-to-school season? BC Children’s has tips to ease anxiety

ancouver – F ew D ays from toda y , chil dr en and yout h wil l say hel l o to a new school y ear. F or many it’ s an exc iting time, but the change in routine can give some ki ds back- to- school j itters. M eeting new teachers, worryi ng about where to sit at l unch, and wonde ring if they have cl asses with friends are common sources of anxi ety for stude nts of al l ages, al l the way f rom pr e- school to high school . “Children and youth can build up a lot of stress and anxi ety about having to get back into a routine and what to expe ct when the new school year begins,” said Dr. Susan B aer, p syc hiatrist in the M ood and A nxi ety D isord ers cl inic at B C C hil dr en’ s H ospi tal . “These feelings are normal, and there are steps p arents can take now to hel p ease the transition from summer break to the new school year.” D r. B aer recommends pa rents pl an ahead and grad ual l y ex pos e ki ds to their environment and ne w schedul e. Tips for parents and caregivers: •Get into a routine one to two weeks before school starts: plan nutritious meals and snacks as well as morning/bedtime habits •Talk to your child about what may be worrying them: try role-playing through situations they m ay f ace at school •P l an for transitions, incl ud ing getting to school and returning to school after vacations •Throughout the school year, encourage your chil d to share his or her fears by setting up a regul ar time to tal k •Help your child develop healthy coping and pr obl em- sol ving sk il l s •Be mindful of your own behaviour—model confidence and comfort when your child is anxi ous •Focus on the positive and celebrate small accompl ishments C onside r seeki ng more hel p if your chil d does the following: •Frequent attempts to remain at home or

with a caregiver •Refuses to attend school on certain days (field trips) •Refuses to eat in public •Refuses to use public bathrooms •Worries constantly •Continually seeks comfort and reassurance •Shows extreme shyness, avoiding social situations or events •Raises physical complaints with no medical expl anation ( stomach aches, heada ches, difficulty catching his or her breath) •Throws tantrums, cries or screams excessivel y •Begins to act in a way that is ‘out of character’ , if a sudde n and unexpe cted behavior change is observed Learn more: R esources for chil dr en, yout h, young adul ts and parents: •Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre: A pr ovincial resource centre that pr ovide s mental heal th and substance use information, resources, and pe er suppor t to chil dr en, yout h and t heir famil ies from across B C .

•Breathr Mindfulness App: an app designed to introduce the concept of mindfulness, offering a variety of mind ful ness p ractices, whil e al so teaching them interesting facts about the brain science behind those p ractices. •MindShift: An interactive app designed to hel p yout h l earn how to rel ax, de vel op more hel pf ul ways of thinki ng, and ide ntify active steps that wil l hel p them take charge of their anxi ety . •mindcheck.ca: An interactive website designed to hel p yout h and young adul ts age 13- 25 to check out how they’ re feel ing and qui ckl y connect to mental heal th resources and s uppor t. •Stresslr is a free web app that provides a fun and engaging way for children ages 9-11 to l earn about stress, unde rstand how they react to it, and de vel op heal thy strategies to cope with stress in their everyda y l ives. S tressl r can be used on any comput er, tabl et or iP hone, and wil l soon be avail abl e on A ndr oid de vices as wel l ! •AnxietyBC: Information on how anxiety can express itself and effective strategies to ad-

d ress it in chil d ren, y outh and y oung ad ul ts. •BC FRIENDS Online Parent Program: A n onl ine resource for pa rents of chil dr en in ki nde rgarten to grade 7. F R I E N D S is an anxi ety pr evention and resil iency buil di ng curricul um avail abl e for use in B C cl ass assrooms. •The Crisis Line Association of BC pro provide s 24 hours a da y , seven da ys a week l inka ge to regional crisis and information lines. Call 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784243) from anyw here in the pr ovince to be connected to the nearest avail abl e regional crisis l ine. A ccess the trained vol unteers who offer emotional support, crisis and sui suicide assessment/intervention, and resource information. •The Confident Parents: Thriving Kids pr ogram, de l ivered through the C anadi an M ental H eal th A ssociation’ s B .C . D ivision, hel ps pa rents addr ess behavioural pr obl ems in ki ds aged three to 12. The free pr ogram is de l ivered by tel ephone dur ing the da y , as wel l as evenings and weeke nds , to accommoda te busy w ork a nd s chool schedul es. •Healthy Families BC: A provincial onestop onl ine resource for heal th and wel l ness information. W hether you are l ooki ng for heal thy eating tips at home or di ning out, pr ograms and suppor ts for becoming more phys ical l y active or qui tting smoki ng, or information about heal thy l ifestyl e initiatives where you work, l ive and pl ay , H eal thy F amil ies B C is de di cated to hel pi ng B ritish C ol umbians make heal thier choices. B C C hil dr en’ s H ospi tal , an agency of the P rovincial H eal th S ervices A uthority pr ovide s expe rt care for the pr ovince’ s most seriousl y il l or inj ured chil dr en, yout h and young adul ts, incl udi ng newborns. C hil d and Y outh M ental H eal th pr ovide s a di verse range of spe cial iz ed and one- of- a- ki nd tertiary mental heal th and substance use services for chil dr en, adol escents and young adul ts across the pr ovince.

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Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017


Developing Faith-in-Myself Muscle!


Shabnam Khan – Family Counsellor

hen a storm roars through the forest, bl asting everyt hing in it’ s pa th, it’ s the tree that’ s de epl y rooted in the earth that doe sn’ t fal l over. F or pe opl e, it’ s the bounce back muscl e that grounds them and gives them the strength to stay standi ng when the wind of fear, anger or de spa ir threaten to k nock t hem dow n. W hen the F aith- in- M ys el f muscl e is strong, your sel f- esteem is high. Y ou bel ieve in your sel f. Y ou’ re ki nd to your sel f. Y our sel f- tal k suppor ts you and hel ps you t o achieve y our goal s. Y ou move forward even when you face obstacl es and c hal l enges. W hen you don’ t have faith in your sel f, it’ s al most impos sibl e to succeed or to be hap py . E ven when things are going wel l , you

don’ t feel you de serve your good fortune. Y ou are carried away by negative chatter in your mind, and it eventual l y pul l s you dow n. W hether you’ re aware of it or not, you have a conversation going on in your head. W ithout even moving your l ips , you tel l your sel f that you l ook beautiful or you don’ t, you di d a great j ob or you made some mistake s. W e al l tal k to ourselves and are deeply affected by what we say . O ur l ives are j ust a l iving, breathing manifestation of the conversation going on inside our heads . To buil d your F aith- in- M ys el f muscl e, you have to first become aware of your inner conversations. D o you tal k to y oursel f the way a l oving friend woul d? O r are you hard on your sel f – critical , impa tient, and even verbal l y abusive? W ithout awareness, you can’ t change. O nce you’ re aware of your sel f- tal k, you can then l earn how to stop the negative chatter whenever it rears its de structive head. I nstead of beating your sel f, you w il l l ove your sel f! For any inquiries please email at shabnam@skcounselling.ca


Muslim Food Bank Success Stories


By : Asma Ayyaz, Mortgage Broker I t is a very sacred emotion, to sacrifice, to give up something which is d ear to y ou, y ou l ik e it very much. I t req uires wil l ingness, think ing nobl e thoughts, courage and action. I t is q uite easy to tal k nobl e but d ifficul t to d o so. occaL ife is l ong j ounry e. I t req uires on many occa sions, many situations which req uires sacrifice p ersonal interest or need s for others. Parents for children, family W hen one marries, many changes tak es p l ace in l ife. O ne has to give up some, gain some things. A s soon as one marries, he and she both have to think about every thing, career, money , p ersonal habits, l ik es & d isl ik es every thing for two, by k eep ing the sp ouse and famil y in mind . S acrifice is a big heavy word but its meaning, its essence is in our l ife on each step we tak e in l ife, each big or smal l d ecisions we tak e. O nce we become p arents, l ife req uires more ad j ustments, many smal l and big sacrifices. P arents first think of the req uirements and betterments oftheir chil d ren first. P arents p ut thei rchil d rens need s first. I f they want to go out for themsel ves, they wil l think of their chil d ren first and this sacrifice they d o hap p il y wil l ingl y . That is the beauty of any act that it shoul d come from within, within our own free wil l . I t is al way s a great feel ing when one can d o something for others, hel p others or give up something.

S acrifice on a mental state W e shoul d be read y to sacrifice our bad habits, our character fl aws, sel fishness, meanness that is d ifficul t and that is why in-stead of giving up , sacrifice word is used . W hen any thing is d one with a good cause, good and emotional feel ings, with whol e hearted l y , any big or smal l act is not burdensome. it is d one wil l ingl y and smil ingl y . I f to d o something is a burd en, not d one with und erstand ing, it is burd ensome and d oes not serve its p urp ose. P arents give up their d reams, wishes, their choices and feel ings, work , time and what not onl y for better future of their chil d ren, famil y it is al so a k ind of sacrifice. They d o this for better future of their chil d ren. I n return at l east chil d ren can und erstand it and honour it by mak ing their l ife better and sacrifice the temp tation of their y oung age and mak e their future, mak e better and right choice about their friend s, stud y , work , career and l ife p artner. M ay be they d iffer from their p arents or may be they feel they are more right but at l east they shoul d d oubl e check their d ecisions, consid er the ex p erience of p arents and think . E ven if they tak e d ifferent d ecisions they can at l east resp ect and be p ol ite to their p arents. For any inquiries please email at :asmashums@gmail.com

“tragedy Upon tragedy”

A Syrian Woman Fights Cancer in da y from her famil y . D awud al so buried the “They worry for the children that were not rd eams and goal s, though they had seen far stress rel ated to the crippl ing cost of the can- able to join them here,” Mariam says. After too much in the da ys gone by . the Midst of a War haima A hmad, 5, l ived in a smal l S yr ian town with her husband D awud a nd their six chil dr en. S he l ived the mod est l ife of a l ower- middl e cl ass famil y and her da ys were occupi ed with taki ng care of her chil dr en. O ne rainy morning, S haima spoke to her husband about the pos sibil ity of having breast cancer. A l l her sym pt oms matched what she had heard of about this de bil itating di sease. O f course, she di dn’ t l et her chil d ren get wind of her fears because she di dn’ t want to cause them di stress. W hen S haima and D awud consul ted the cancer spe cial ist in a hospi tal two towns away from home, their worst fears were real iz ed. Two words rang al oud in S haima’ s head. B reast. C ancer. I n the weeks and months that fol l owed, S haima and D awud made countless trips to the hospital. At first, S haima wal ke d to the cancer ward side by side with D awud. A fter a few rounds of treatment, D awud ha d t o carry he r in a wheel chair. Though the doc tors were abl e to overcome the cancer, t hey were not abl e to control the side-effects associated with cancer treatment. S haima de vel ope d l ym phe de ma in her l eft arm. L ym phe de ma – often associated with breast cancer – is the swel l ing of the l ym pha tic vessels caused by the backup of fluids in tissues. S haima di d her best to hide the ex cruciating pa in that she l ived with every

cer treatment within himsel f. J ust when S haima thought her l ife coul d n’ t get any more tryi ng, her country pl unged into civil war. S haima dr agged her aching body to join her family in fleeing Syria. Life as a refugee is tough enough for pe opl e with no heal th issues but it’ s so much worse for those with a di sabil ity . R esearch done by the U nited N ations sup ports this notion when it states that “ refugees with di sabil ities are more l ike l y to be side l ined in every aspe ct of humanitarian assistance due to phys ical , environmental and societal barriers against accessing information, heal th and rehabil itation servicesand human rights protection.” The Ahmads spe nt months in neighboring J orda n dur ing which time S haima di d not have access to a doc tor. N ot al l of S haima and D awud’ s chil dr en were with them when they were flown into C anada in D ecember, 2016, as pa rt of the Canadian government’s efforts to give home to d ispl aced S yr ian refugees. O ne of their sons had fled to Iraq and the other to Turkey, each de eming the country they chose as a safer opt ion. W hen the M usl im F ood B ank & C ommunity S ervices caseworke r, M ariam, took up the A hmads ’ case three months after their arrival in C anada the one thing that struck her the most was the newl y- arrived coupl e’ s concern for the sons they’ d l eft behind.

having worke d with numerous refugee famil ies, M ariam is wel l - acqua inted with how di spe rsed refugee famil ies can be al l across the gl obe. O ftentimes, refugees have no ex tende d famil ies in the countries they’ re accepted into. Shaima’s family is no different. One thing that made a big difference in S haima’ s heal th was the medi cal bed that the M usl im F ood B ank was abl e to arrange for her. S ince the A hmads were starting their l ife in S urrey , B .C ., from scratch, they had no furniture in their new apa rtment. Through word of mouth, M ariam was abl e to secure a sofa set for the A hmads from her friend, C hristina. B oth S haima and D awud were touched by C hristina’ s gesture, so much so that they fel t l ike they have a famil y in C anada that suppor ts them. To show their gratitude , they invited C hristina over for di nner al ong with M ariam. M ariam is original l y P al estinian and interpr ets for the A hmads between E ngl ish and he r mother tongue, A rabic. F or C hristina, it was a l earning expe rience to spe nd time with this S yr ian famil y . S he had never met S yr ian pe op l e before. S he had onl y seen them on the news. W hen C hristina interacted with the A hmads , her views about S yr ian refugees total l y c hanged. “It’s not like what you see on TV. When you sit and t al k w ith them, i t’ s so easy r el ate to them,” Christina told Mariam. To Christina, the A hmads were more than j ust numbers. They were pe opl e j ust l ike her with the same

S haima and D awud have troubl e recounting the horrors of war they went through. Thewound s are too fresh to uncover. O ver the p ast six months of being their casework er, M ariam hasbeen careful not to enl iven their memories.“Whatever she volunteers to tell me, I l isten. I never inq uire more than what she willingly shares,” Mariam says about Shaima. A l l S haima and D awud want at this poi nt in l ife is to have a stabl e l ife with al l their chil dr en,i ncl udi ng the ones in I raq and Turke y . The M usl im F ood B ank is pl ayi ng their pa rt in bringing normal cy ba ck i nto the A hmads ’ l ives. These are real stories where our vol unteers have an imp act on members of our community hel pi ng them pr ogress in their l ives. I nshaA l l ah next week we wil l bring you another story . P l ease j oin us to have a pur pos e in your life to make a difference in the lives of your brothers and sisters byc oming to our events and registering as a vol unteer or dona ting to your organiz ation, the M usl imF ood B ank and C ommunity S ervices S ociety ( usual l y referred to as M usl im F ood B ank) at www.muslimfoodbank.com/donate. Our email is contact@ musl imfoodb ancom and telephone number is 1-866-824-2525.



Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017


Pakistan’s 10 most populous cities revealed

2017 Census in Pakistan he 2017 Census in Pakistan was a detailed enumeration of the Pakistani population which began on 15 March 2017 and ended on 25 May 2017. The census was conducted by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics for the first time after 19 years. Initial estimates put the population at 21–22 crore (210–220 million). Due to the dismissal of Nawaz Sharif from the office of Prime Minister, the provisional results were delayed. The provisional results were finally presented to the the Council of Common Interests on August 25, 2017, and then approved and released to the public. The results showed a total population of 207.8 million.

cil of Common Interests on 25 August 2017.According to the results, Provisional Results the total population in Pakistan was The provisional results of the 2017 207,774,520, representing a 57% inCensus were presented to the Coun- crease in 19 years.The provisional

Tribal Areas: 5,001,676 TOTAL:207,774,520 Males: 10,64,49,000 Females: 10,13,14,000 Top 10 most populated cities 1: Karachi :14.91 million people 2: Lahore: 11.126 million 3:Faisalabad: 3.2 million 4:Rawalpindi: 2.098 million 5:Gujranwala: 2.027 million 6:Peshawar: 1.97 million 7:Multan:1.872 million 8:Hyderabad: 1.733 million 9:Islamabad: 1.015 million 10:Quetta: 1.001 million

results exclude data from Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir, which is likely to be included in the final report in 2018.The transgender population stood at 10,418 (0.005% of the population).The urban population in Pakistan stood at 75,580,000 or 36.4% of the total population. Population in Provinces: Balochistan : 12,344,408 People Islamabad Capital Territory 2,006,572 People Khyber Pakthunkhwa: 30,523,371 People Punjab: 110,012,442 Sindh: 47,886,051

Source: Wikipedia & timesofislamabad.com

How people conceive welfare society?


By: Zafar Alam Sarwar Islamabad hen a housewife goes to any eastern or western ‘ cash and carry’ she returns home grumbl ing. W hen aske d if she has l ost some money she further l oses her tempe r, sayi ng a bunch of green coriande r has gone up 300 per cent to Rs.60. “God help us!” W hy the common man isn’ t happy with de mocracy?

The que stion is which social and economic sys tem they w ant for their wel fare. V isit to several pl aces and mosque s reveal ed middl e, l ower middl e and poor segments want a society based on pr incipl es l aid dow n in the Q uran. Most of them feel financially crippled by surging pr ices of ki tchen items as wel l as those of chil dr en books and s tationery . They raise some basic questions: Why a new homel and was created for M usl ims in the sub- continent, why feuda l ism and capi tal ism have not been repl aced by a wel fare sys tem when the new state was achieved after a l ong struggl e in the name of I sl am, and why the masses are expl oited. D isgusted pe opl e ps yc hol ogical l y get heart heartened when some pa rticipa nts of di scussion empha siz e the need for studyi ng the Q uran,

pa rticul arl y S urah A l - B aqa rah, for getting rid of miseries caused by socio- economic inj ustice, bribery , corrupt ion, hoardi ng, bl ackmarke ting, nepot ism and unempl oym ent etc. C ity ol ds say unde rstandi ng the Q uran wil l hel p evol ve a wel fare society as orda ined by A l mighty G od. The society thus organiz ed by humans must l ive unde r l aws that guide their everyda y l ife based on pr incipl es of righteousness and fair de al ing, cl eanl iness and sobriety , honesty and hel pf ul ness one to another—ye t shape d into concrete forms to suit and circumstances, and the varyi ng needs of average men and w omen. The food wil l have to be cl ean and whol esome. The pr erequi sites of a wel fare society we need include abolition of blood feuds; recognition of the rights and dut ies of heirs after de ath, not in a spi rit of formal ism but to hel p

the weak and the needy; and check on selfish act and wrong- doi ng of so- cal l ed ‘ pun chayats’; learning self-denial by fasting; the courage to fight in defence of the homeland. I n such a wel fare society charity and hel p to the poor is organized; gambling and riots are banned; orphans and the rights of women are pr otected. “In short, that’s the cure of any bad governance,” asserts the housewife. Info at Email: zasarwar@hotmail.com

By: Iftekhar Rahat , Karachi niversal l y , the F ede ral l aw and agency is conside red to be the supr eme and pr ovincial or state l egisl ation is subj ect to appr oval of the F ede ral institution. I t has been observed, recentl y and even in the pa st, that S indh G overnment, was by pa ssing F ede ral orde rs, not giving heed to their instructions, at times al so overrul ed the j udi ciary de cision, l ike renewal of R angers pr esence in S indh to maintain l aw and orde r and very recentl y tryi ng to remove I G S indh, Mr. A.D. Khawaja. No doubt 18th Amendments, pr ovide maxi mum autonomy to the provinces, they should avail the benefits, but shoul d avoid tak ing undue adva ntage or tak ing it for granted, have to be within certain framework/parameter.

S indh A ssembl y , p assed a bil l to repe al NAB Ordinance, 1999 amid protest from the oppo sition l awmake rs. P assing of the bil l means that N A B has l ost its right to take actions against any institution which comes unde r S indh government or any of its officers. Interestingly, the bill was tabled just a few da ys after N A B announced it woul d expa nd the scope of its investigation against al l eged corrupt ion and irregul arities in di fferent de pa rtments of S indh, pa rticul arl y in K arachi. O p p osition p arties, incl ud ing the M uttahid a Q aumi M ovement ( M Q M ) – P ak istan, P ak istan M usl im L eague– F unctional ( P M L F ) and P ak istan Tehreek - e- I nsaf ( P TI ) , had jointly filed a petition in SHC challenging the controversial N ational A ccountabil ity O rd inance (NAO) 1999 Repeal Bill, 2017 (now A ct) recentl y enacted by the P ak istan P eop l e’ s P arty ( P P P ) - l ed p rovincial government. I t appe ars that the S indh government and centre are on a col l ision course once again as G overnor S indh M ohammad Z ubair has refused to sign the N ational A ccountabil ity Ordinance 1999 Repeal Bill 2017 currently

pa ssed by t he government. Terming the l egisl ation unconstitutional and in contradi ction with the fede ral l aw, governor S indh stated that the bil l rel ates to subj ects that fal l in the concurrent l ist, meaning that both the pr ovince and the fede ration can l egisl ate on them. H owever since a fede ral l aw on the matter al ready exi sts, which the said bil l wants to repe al , the fede ral l aw shal l pr evail . M uhammad Z ubair has sent the bil l back to the S indh A ssembl y to reconside r and di scard since it is “repugnant to the provisions” of the N ational A ccountabil ity O rdi nance, 1999 and the Constitution. I n the opi nion of a l egal expe rt, unde r A rticl e 143 of the C onstitution, a pr ovincial government cannot repe al a l aw pa ssed by the N ational A ssembl y , that unde r A rticl e 147 of the C onstitution, the fede ral government can interfere if the S indh government pa sses a l aw against N A B . E ventual l y , the S indh H igh C ourt ( S H C ) orde red the N ational A ccountabil ity B ureau ( N A B ) to continue its inqu iries against pr ovincial assembl y m embers and bur eaucrats.

A ccordi ng to medi a sources, N A B is pr esentl y pr obing into corrupt ion charges against over 60 bureaucrats and pol iticians incl ud ing L aw M inister Z ia- ul - H assan L anj ar, M P A F aqi r D ad K hoso, S harmil a F arooqi , S harj eel M emon, former chief secretary S id di q M emon, A ij az C haudhr y , former member B oard of R evenue S haz ar S hamoon, S ecretary B ada r J ameel , A l i A hmed L ond, M anaging D irector W ater B oard H ashim R az a Z aidi , former educ ation minister P ir M az harul H aq, M N A M ir M unawar Tal pur , M P A A l i M arda n S hah, former adm inistrator K arachi R auf A kht er and former chairman I nter B oard A nwar Z ai. A s pe r my unde rstandi ng, S indh G overnment is tryi ng to chal l enge the writ of the F ede ral G overnment, with a cl ear intention of protecting their corrupt officials in the pr ovince pe rsistentl y . M oreover, this coul d al so set a pr eced ent for other pr ovinces too. H ence, it is suggested that some ki nd of a check and bal ance shoul d exi st, to pr event from going against the supr eme authority that is F ede ral l aw and a gency . Email: rahat1234@hotmail.com

By: Irfan Husain A L K I N G a tightrope is not for the fainthearted: sooner or later, a gust of wind can threaten your bal ance. E ver since the A mericans attacke d and occupi ed A fghanistan in 201, P aki stan has teetered on the edge of W ashington’ s tol erance for what it sees as our doubl e- faced pol icy of running with the hares and hunting with the hounds . Time and again, pol icym ake rs in I sl amabad and G H Q have been exho rted publ icl y and pr ivatel y to stop suppor ting and shel tering the A fghan Tal iban and the H aqqa ni network. S o much so that the mantra ‘ P aki stan must do more’ has become backgr ound noise in our rel ationship with the U S , and goes into one ear, and out the other. B ut now Trump has turned up the heat with his ‘ new’ pol icy on A fghanistan. H owever, ap art from his threats to P ak istan, Trump is tread ing the same p ath tak en by his p redecessors: more troops who, according to the US president, will now ‘fight to win’. As opposed to earlier American efforts designed to lose?

The real ity is that as l ong as we cannot seal off our border with Afghanistan completely, insurgents there of every stripe wil l continue to cross over to recupe rate and rearm. A ny body who has travel l ed in some of the borde r areas wil l know how tough the terrain is, and how difficult it is to close it completely. By the same toke n, A fghan and U S forces cannot p revent cross- borde r movement from the other side either. H istory tel l s us that when one side has a neighbouring l and where it can shel ter, the fight can go on for a very long time. Thus, N orth V ietnam pr ovide d sanctuary and arms to the V ietcong. C hina di d the same for N orth K orean forces dur ing the K orean W ar in the early 1950s. Russia is today providing U kr anian sepa ratists with bases and a rms. B y contrast, the Tamil Tigers were cornered with their backs to the sea by the S ri L ankan army in 2009 and crushed. Although the cost in civil ian l ives was appa l l ingl y high, the 25- ye ar civil war was over. A nd when it came to the crunch, nobody coul d hel p the Tamil Tigers, and they had nowhere to run

us? B asical l y , it becomes next to impos sibl e to de feat even a much weak er foe if there’ s a neighbour wil l ing to pr ovide sanctuary . F or ye ars, we were accused of doi ng j ust that, for instance, pr ovidi ng housing and security to the ‘ Q uetta S hura’ in the B al ochistan capi tal , despite official denials. E arl ier, as we de vel ope d nucl ear capa bil ity in the 1970s and 1980s, we escaped US sanctions pa rtl y because of the war against the S oviets in A fghanistan, but al so because we pa rried every que stion regardi ng our nucl ear ambitions by cl aiming we were engaged in pe aceful research. A l so, W ashington doe s not see I ndi a as a threat to Pakistan: on the contrary, it sees Paki stan as the aggressor in the region, sendi ng j ihadi s into I ndi a- hel d K ashmir and I ndi a to commit acts of terrorism, and shiel di ng pe ople like Masood Azhar and Hafiz Saeed. The truth is that P aki stan stand s isol ated, with onl y C hina and R ussia bail ing us out di pl omatical l y .

I n W ashington, pol iticians and pundi ts l ambast us regul arl y for the doubl e game we are pe rceived as pl ayi ng. I n the eye s of the publ ic there, once we accept ed bil l ions of dol l ars from W ashington, we agreed to hel p their country , a nd not their enemies. This might be a simpl istic expl anation for the pr essure from W ashington, but then A mericans are not very good at nuanced messaging. W e now have to somehow bal ance our security ne eds with A merica’ s. A l though Trump’ s invitation to I ndi a to hel p in Afghanistan will be a red flag to our general s, they now need to wake up and smel l the coffee. The security paradigm in our neighbourhood is shifting, and we must take a col d, ha rd l ook a t our regional pol icy . We cannot afford to antagonise America as it is too big, too pow erful , and unde r Trump, too unpr edi ctabl e, to turn our back on what has been a pr oduc tive rel ationship. D espi te brave words about sovereignty , we stil l have a begging bowl in our hands . Email: irfanhusain@gmail.com



An open confrontation.

Walking a to.So Tightrope what do these different conflicts teach



Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017

By:Farooq Mumtaz Rai ith some exu berance, I heade d to J ack P ool e P l az a on the pl easant afternoon of A ugust 13, 2017, to attend the P aki stan F estival . M y wife, R ukh sana noticed that my wal ki ng styl e was di fferent than usual and she j oki ngl y poi nted out that I am marching l ike a sol di er. I am know n to have a poor pos ture and I must confess that I inde ed was feel ing l ike a foot sol di er who was wal ki ng with a pr ide whil e wearing his wel l pr essed f auj i vardi ( sol di er uniform) for a spe cial occasion. Y es, earl ier in the da y , I spe nt some ext ra time in pr epa ring for this exc iting ‘ march.’ I wore my College Tennis Color 1961-62, N W F P , on my spo rts j acke t with P A K I S TA N bol dl y pr inted on the back . O f course, I was feel ing nostal gic about my bel oved homel and and the fact that we are going to cel ebrate it’ s I nde pe nde nce D ay in an area which hol ds spe cial meanings for me. I am know n to wear caps and I wanted to wear something sym bol ic about P aki stan. I couldn’t find any cap with Pakistani connection ex cept the one my ol de r brother gave to me with L ahore’ s R oya l P al m G ol f & C ountry C l ub l ogo on it. I have many fond memories of L ahore where my ol de r brother reside s. I n L ahore, on many occasions when I made pe riodi c trips to P aki stan from C anada , my brother often took me to pl ay sp orts and attend musical events. M y brother L t. G en. ( retd .) M ohammad Tariq, ( S itara- e- J urat) happe ns to be the C apt ain of the R oya l P al m G ol f C l ub and al so is a spor t enthusiastic l ike me and together we have had some memorable contests as fierce competitors. M y friends are wel l famil iar with my pa ssion for spor ts and m usic. I put a C anada P aki stan combined pi n al ong with a B C l egisl ature pi n on my cap. M y wife, R ukh sana, of course, wore a green ka meez with a white churida r pyj ama. I t was a great feel ing to wal k in publ ic al ong side other green- and- white- attired fol ks towards the P l az a. I t was an ex hil arating expe rience and unique feel ings came up pa rticul arl y for me. Y ou see, it was a l ong time since I l ast visited dow ntown V ancouver. I was not abl e to attend pr evious P aki stan festival s hel d dow ntown. Therefore, attendi ng this ye ar’ s P aki stan I nde pe nde nce D ay spe cial occasion brought back l ot of fond and pl easant memories of several significant places in dow ntown where I have worke d and ind eed it made me somewhat emotional , which R ukhs ana was abl e to sense. I wal ke d pa st by 475 H owe S treet, the historic V ancouver S tock E xc hange ( V S E ) buil di ng. W ow, I have not been to this pa rticul ar spot for a few ye ars now. M y friends, it was 1964 when as an Article Stude nt, that I worke d with G unde rson, S toke s & W al ton C ompa ny in this very buil di ng whil e attendi ng U B C . M r. E niar G unde rson was the former F inance M inister in W . A . C . B ennett cabinet. A s I have mentioned in my book, Pakistan to Canada: A Journey, there were onl y very few P aki stani residi ng in the V ancouver L ower mainl and i n the 60s . I wal ke d around C anada P l ace which is now an iconic national l andm ark wel coming visitors to the W est C oast. C anada P l ace is a mul ti- use facil ity that incl ude s F l yO ver Canada, Pan Pacific Hotel, Port Metro V ancouver cruise ship terminal and W orl d Trade Centre office. This site holds special and memorabl e connection for me dur ing my l ong P ubl ic S ervice career with the G overnment of B ritish C ol umbia. I have served unde r 10 P remiers starting with W .A .C B ennett in the 60s . Then during the 80s and 90s two internation-


Beyond the Celebration of Special Days enthusiastical l y wel coming everyone . The who migrated f rom al l over the worl d.

ally significant and momentous events took pl ace in the P rovince of B ritish C ol umbia. In October 1987, the Commonwealth Heads of G overnment M eeting was hel d at C anad a P l ace in V ancouver. I was ap p ointed as a L iaison Officer of the Commonwealth Meeting. The worl d l ead ers of the C ommonweal th stayed at the Pan Pacific Hotel. I spent hectic and memorabl e d ay s d uring this once in a l ife time op p ortunity at C anad a P l ace and other various venues in d owntown V ancouver. In April 1993, Canada Place was also the site of the historic C l inton- Y el tsin S ummit. I was again honored to be a member of the P rime M inister of C anada ’ s A d vance Team for the S ummit. A number of rel ated events and the famous P ress C onference of P reside nt B il l C l inton and P reside nt B oris Y el tsin took pl ace at C anada P l ace where I saw an unpa ral l el ed gathering of international media due to the enormity and significance of the unfol di ng historic event. I have shared de tail s about such incredi bl e ex pe riences in my book. I conside r mys el f fortunate to al so have worke d at C anada P l ace dur ing the l ast pha se of my ext ensive G overnment S ervice career as the H ead of the M inistry resp onsibl e for M ul ticul tural ism and I mmigration for the p rovince of B ritish C ol umbia. This was a newl y created government ministry , which d id not exi st before and I was the first Assistant Deputy Minister appointed to this chal l enging brand new inaugural pos ition. I al so use to go to V ictoria freque ntl y by HeliJet and on a few occasions, I flew twice in one da y . The H el iJ et pa d is adj acent to the C anada P l ace. I t was a great expe rience to work at C anada P l ace and I earnestl y bel ieved that I was simpl y a l ucky pe rson to acqui re such awesome oppor tunities. I would see hundreds of tourists flocking to this remarka bl e and unique l ocation whil e they took phot os. W el l - know n pos t cards of this remarka bl e l ocation are ever so popu l ar. We were given some security briefing about such sites dur ing the l andm ark international events hel d a t C anada P l ace. J ack P ool e P l az a was buil t after my retirement and it has trul y transformed the area into an inviting and vibrant communal focal point. There, I was thrilled to see the “Welcome” sign of the Pakistan Festival. We as pr oud C anadi ans of P aki stani origin were cel ebrating P aki stan I nde pe nde nce D ay at an historic and significant Vancouver site surrounde d by spe ctacul ar natural beauty . W e as C anadi ans of P aki stani origin have come a l ong way s since from the da ys when I first arrived in Canada in 1964. It was so different and in many ways difficult living then compa ring to the changes and pr ogress of pr esent times. That da y , R ukhs ana and I came to the F estival with the minds et that we were real l y going to enjoy this significant day amongst our fel l ow C anad ians and that we woul d stay until the l ast song was pl aye d at the end of the day. I wanted to eat kulfi so badly upon arrival at the P l az a as it reminde d me of the time whil e I was growing up in P aki stan. I wanted to take in every enj oya bl e moment and to gaz e at the surroundi ng and buil d ings, reminiscing pa st times etched into my memories forever. I aske d R ukhs ana to pl ease get me two of my favorite pi sta ( pi stachio) kulfis while I tried to find a place to sit dow n. W e mingl ed and chatted with some youngs ters and sat at a tabl e with them for some time. W e had an interesting di scussion about our growing community and I agreed with them that I woul d share some things to inspi re newcomers. I n this regard there is a reason for mentioning some of my assignments at the C anada P l ace. I want al l of us as C anadi ans of P aki stani origin to feel rightful l y capa bl e and equa l in maki ng our adopt ed country of C anada the best pl ace in the worl d t o l ive in. I was hap py and with a sense of pr ide to wal k al l around the P l az a. I saw famil ies, chil dr en, youngs ters and el de rs. I saw green and white dr esses ador ned by many . I noticed members of other communities enj oy ing our festivities. There were l ong l ine- ups for our tasty cuisine. There was upbe at music

smil e on our faces was contagious among the large crowd. To top this off there was another unique ingredi ent that is pr icel ess and unequa l in comp arison to anyw here el se in the world; the spectacular setting, the beautiful scenery and the breathtaki ng views of B ritish C ol umbia’ s natural beauty . The water and mountains were the backdr op of the stage where col orful di spl ays and events rel ating to our homel and unfol de d throughout the da y . W e enj oye d the l ast musical event with usual fervour and exc itement. A fter the l ast song was sung, I thanke d some of the vol unteers and organiz ers for their tirel ess efforts and headed home with the very positive feel ings. G iven my pa st ties to dow ntown V ancouver from over a hal f century ago and then to see throngs of C anadi ans of P aki stani origin cel ebrating P aki stan I nde pe nde nce D ay certainl y gave me chil l s. I was al ways de spe ratel y on the l ookout for any thing “Pakistani” when I first arrived in British Columbia and was dismayed to find almost nothing. A nd now, to smel l the aroma of our homel and, through the cuisine of P aki stan that was so pr eval ent in the air at the heart of V ancouver was a memorabl e event for me. The green white col ors were in ful l di spl ay . The sound of the P aki stani and C anadi an anthems echoing l oudl y w as so sweet. I reflected on our lively conversations with some youngs ters earl ier at the tabl e when I was having my chicke n tikka s. They were interested in my pe rspe ctive of how things have changed since I came here to study at U B C in the earl y 60s . M r. I ntkha b A hmed of D il A pna P aki stan aske d me to share my thoughts about my feel ings regardi ng the event and from the pe rspe ctive of someone who has been here for a whil e. L et me take this oppor tunity to share some of my observations and t houghts here. I think it is great to have such festival s and events to cel ebrate our heritage and cul ture. W e shoul d continue with this since it has many benefits and I totally support such events. W e must convey our thanks to al l the organiz ers and vol unteers for their hard work and de di cation. H aving said this, I woul d very much l ike to see us embark on other important arenas for the long-term benefits of our pa rticul ar community . W e must real iz e that if our main focus and pr eoccupa tion remain on cel ebrating certain spe cial “days,” then we are being short-sighted. I am interested in highl ighting our unique ide ntity , heritage, val ues, tradi tions and other significant elements of our rich history. I am al l udi ng to the inspi rational message of our visionary l eade rs l ike A l l ama I qba l and Q uaid- e- A z am in this context . They aspi red us to do more for manki nd . There are other important and significant areas where we shoul d show the same exc itement and commitment as we do in pr epa ring and attendi ng events and festival s. W e are fortunate to l ive in C anada , where mul ticul tural ism is fostered and appr eciated. W e l ive in harmony and in pe ace amongst the fel l ow C anadi ans

There is necessity of maintaining our own unique ide ntity a nd he ritage. I n my book I wrote about the concep t of Multiculturalism. I stated that; “... Some of the criticism of M ul ticul tural ism in C anada is pa rtl y due to the erroneous por traya l of the intent and obj ectives of the whol e concept . O ur pr eoccupa tion with the ethnic di spl ay of fol k songs, da nce and food, for exa mpl e is onl y one el ement of a heritage. The chal l enge is to instil l attitudi nal and behavioral change for the better, where we can al l l ive in harmony . I t wil l onl y come with more meaningful engagement in unde rstandi ng and l earning our di verse pe opl e’ s history and cultural values.” Please also refer to a previous article “Pakistan to Canada: The Journey Continues,” in which I raised six poi nts for our community and organiz ations to conside r for pr iorities of C anadi ans of P aki stani origin. I highl ighted the critical need for a compr ehensive strategic action pl an for community de vel opm ent and the need for our active invol vement in the C anadi an pol itical pr ocess. I bel ieve that it is in our community’ s best interest to tackl e such urgent and somewhat negl ected pr essing issues sooner then l atter. W e are of course l iving in chal l enging times. O ur faith and ide ntity is al so unde r increased scrutiny and regrettabl y its por traya l is often biased and erroneous. There are other urgent reasons and needs for effective resources building for our rapi dl y gr owing community . I want to raise here three que stions for our community and organiz ations to ponde r and respond to: 1. B eside the commemoration of certain spe cial da ys , what el se shoul d we be doi ng for the good of our growing community i n B C ? 2 . W hat shoul d our p riorities and obj ectives be as C anad ians of P ak istani origin l iving in B C ? The interest of women, y oungsters shoul d be k ep t in mind for various val id reasons. 3 . H ow specifically can we accomplish our goal s and obj ectives? I n other words , after the anal ys is there ought to be a cl ear action pl an and timel ine to accompl ish agreed upon goal s and obj ectives. W e shoul d wel come such a di scussions and I know various suggestions have been al ready put forward in this regard. S ome friends know very wel l that I have been tryi ng to stimul ate interest in our community for sometime now regardi ng this critical issue. W e often have informal di scussions in this regard. I continue to remain opt imistic since I see some pr omising signs for a better future. I pa rticul arl y urge the younge r generation to take timel y initiatives in furthering community de vel opm ent work. I do recogniz e that in orde r to move forward, it woul d requi re coope ration and genuine commitment from al l stake hol de rs and pa rtners. N o doubt , with better unde rstand ing and col lective efforts, we can make a positive difference. I nshA l l ah, I shal l continue my j ourney with A l l ah’ s forgiveness, bl essings and guida nce. A meen.

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Dhul Hajjah 10. 1438 September 1, 2017



Eid ul Adha Recipes



Ingredients :




M utton L eg 4 t sp. o f V inegar 3 t sp. o f G inger G arl ic P aste ½ t sp. of W hite P epp er ½ t sp. of B l ack P eppe r ¼ t sp. of Turmeric P owde r 3 t sp. o f L emon J uice 1/2 cup of Yogurt ½ t sp. of C umin S eeds R oasted ½ c up of crushed B utton R ed C hil i ½ t sp. of crushed K asori M ethi ½ t sp. of C hinese S al t ½ c up of C ooki ng O il How to Cook Spicy Lamb Leg: M ake 4 to 5 de ep cuts on the l amb l eg so that it will absorb the flavors well. Take a flat pan to soak the lamb leg for marinating. F il l the pa n with water and then add sal t, vinegar, ginger garl ic pa ste, l emon j uice and mix it wel l . N ow soak the l amb l eg in that mixt ure and l eave it for 1 hour . Take a bowl and mix al l the spe cial mixt ure ingredi ents wel l .Then take the al ready marinated l amb l eg and pour al l the mixt ure on it and spr ead wel l al l over, so that the l amb absorbs the flavors fully.Marinate it for 2 hours. Then steam the l amb l eg in a steamer for an hour.W hen the l amb l eg is ful l y cook ed , tak e it out, cut into p ieces if req uired and then fry . O nce it turns gol d en brown, it’ s read y to be served .

Mutton/Beef (boti)-1 kilo (boneless) 1- cup Y ogurt 1 t bsp. of K hashkha sh P owde r 2 t bsp. of G inger pa ste 2 t bsp. of G arl ic pa ste 4 G reen C hil i ( choppe d) 1- cup O il 4- L emon 1 t bsp. of C rushed B l ack P eppe r 1 t bsp. of P apa ya P aste ( ka cha pa pi ta) R ed P eppe r P owde r 1 t bsp. of G hee S al t- to taste

How To Cook Dam Kay Boti Kabab : F irst of al l wash the meat pr ope rl y . S oon with a ki tchen hammer, strike the meat pi eces.Then take al l the spi ces and marinate the meat pr ope rl y and l eave it for 2 and hal f hours. O nce marinated wel l , take a cooki ng bowl and put the marinated meat, oil and cook it over slow flame. O nce the meat softens and the water is dr ied up, put off the flame. Then careful l y p l ace a smal l cup in the meat, p ut a burning coal in it and p ut some oil over the coal . C over up the p rep aration immed iatel y . A fter 10 to 15 minutes remove the coal fromthe meat and your di sh is ready t o serve. F or best garnish serve it with green chutni and pa ratha.

M ix and cook on a l ow heat til l the meat is tende r enough. A s pe r requi rement, conside r addi ng a cup of warm water, j ust before serving the mix in the l emon j uice and f ried oni on sl ices. Y our di sh is read y t o be served. F or best serving garnish it with choppe d coriande r l eaves.



1- 1/2 lb. of Mutton 1t sp of Turmeric pow de r 20 D ry R ed c hil l ies 3 t bsp. of C oriande r seeds 20 G arl ic C l oves 1/2 pint of Sour curd 4 O nions 1 r ipe L emon J uice 6 C arda moms 6 t bsp. of G hee 6 C l oves 2 s ticks of C innamon 1 s mal l bunch of C oriande r l eaves 4 i nch pi ece of G inger S al t to taste How to Cook Mutton Chilli Fry: W ash and cut up the meat into 2- inch cubes. S l ice the onions into thin l ong pi eces. F inel y s l ice ginger and ga rl ic sepa ratel y . H eat a tsp. of ghee on a tawa and roast the chil ies til l da rk i n col or. Then fry the coriande r seeds , garl ic and ginger sepa ratel y in the same way , using j ust 1 tsp of ghee for each ingredi ent. Then ke ep t hese fried s pi ces aside . N ow heat the remaining ghee and fry the onions in a l arge saucepa n, til l it turns gol de n brown and crisp. S oon dr ain it and ke ep them aside . N ow add the cl oves, card amoms and cinnamon to the ghee and fry them. P ut the mutton al ong with the turmeric pow de r and sal t. C over and c ook t il l the meat is hal f cooke d. I n orde r to pr event the meat from sticki ng to the bottom, pour a l ittl e water on the l id of the saucepa n. U se a saucepa n with a p l ate shape d l id. A d cord and remaining spi ces.

I ngredients: 1 kg M utton B onel ess( cut into 1 i nch cubes) 2 C up B asmati R ice 3 L arge S iz e P otato( cut into l arge pi eces) 2 O nions ( cut in cubes) 2 Tomatoes C hoppe d 1 C up P l ain Y ogurt 1 Teaspoon S al t 2 Teaspoon R ed C hil i P owde r 1 Tabl espo on Turmeric P owde r 1 Tabl espo on C umin S eeds 3 C innamon S ticks 1 Tabl espo on G arl ic P aste 1 Tabl espo on G inger P aste 7 P runes 4 G reen C arda mons 3 B ay L eaves 4 F resh G reen C hil ies 2 Tabl espo on C oriande r L eaves 2 Tabl espo on M int L eaves 1/2 Cup Cooking Oil 6 C up W ater M arinate mutton cubes in sal t.red chil i pow de r,gi nger and garl ic pa ste for 45 minutes. M eanwhil e heat oil in l arge cooki ng pa n add onions and fry until they are ol de n brown. Take out 1/4 of onions from oil and stir in into the yogur t. R ub this yogur t al l over the marinated mutton,c over and put in a col d pl acefor hal f an hour.

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