The B.C. Ministry of Health and Doctors of B.C. will pro vide $118 million in “stabi lization funding” over four months to help primary-care providers in the province stay open, officials an nounced Wednesday.The funds will be distributed from Oct. 1 to Jan. 31, and will give the ministry and the doctors’ organization more time to finalize a new payment model that family doctors in the province have been demanding, Health Minister Adrian Dix said at a news confer ence “We’reWednesday.workingwith the Doctors of B.C. to enact transformational, longterm changes to the way primary care is delivered in our province,” Dix said. Doctors have raised the is sue of overhead costs for months, if not years. The investment in space, tools, and equipment is a growing expense, according to the Doctors of BC. Both family doctors who have their own practices and those working in walk-in clinics will re ceive funding, which the ministry says it expects to go to more than 70 per cent of family doctors work ing in the province. Dix said there would be no strings attached. “It reflects overhead but is essen tially a direct payment that will go through clinics to all those doctors,” Dix explained.
“This is very good and more than what we needed,” he said. The minister fur ther added that once the Qataris buy Pakistani assets, it will “boost our re “Theyserves”.are interested in airports, sea port terminals, LNG-fired power plants, solar energy, [and] shares in the stock markets,” he said...
President Volodymyr Zelen skyy had warned for days that Russian forces might attempt “something particularly cruel” this week. A rocket attack on a train sta tion in central Ukraine as the coun try marked its Independence Day has killed 22 people, President Volo dymyr Zelenskyy has said. The Ukrainian leader had warned for days that Russian forces might attempt “something particularly cruel” this week. The lethal attack hit the town of Chaplyne in the cen tral Dnipropetrovsk region, he told a meeting of the UN Security Council. Ukraine had been bracing for espe cially heavy attacks surrounding the national holiday that commemo rates Ukraine’s declaration of inde pendence from the Soviet Union in 1991, which this year fell on the six month point of the 2022 Russian in vasion. It comes as Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited the Ukrain ian capital Kyiv again, where he was presented with The Order of Liberty, Ukraine’s highest award which can be bestowed on foreign nationals...
firmed to Al Jazeera that the Qatari government has shown its “intention of investing in Pakistan”.
Russian rocket attack on train station in central Ukraine kills 22 people
Qatar to invest $3bn in Pakistan economy $118M in ‘stabilization funding’ on the way for family doctors in B.C., minister says The Qatar Investment Au thority (QIA) has an nounced it aims to spend $3bn on various commercial and investment sectors in Paki stan, which is currently facing a dire economic crisis, according to a statement released by Qa tar’s Amiri
www.miraclenews.comVolume 22- Issue 578 - August 26, 2022 -Muharrum 28,1443 H, $1 THE No province safe from rain-related devastation US warns of sanctions against Turkey over.. Some universities across Canada requiring masks CG of Pakistan Cel ebrates 75 years of Pak PTI Vancouver Canada protestes in front of the CG Celebrations of 75 years of Pakistan Ind. Day Learning Fiqh: Practical ‘TorturedStepsfor dowry, giving birth to girls’: Covid-19: Back-ToSchool Plans In Canada 07 0604 22 069 03 0604 BC, BiweeklyFirstCANADAMuslim&Bilingual
Some universities across Canada requiring masks despite provincial health orders
EDMONTON - Universities that require masks on campus are in the minority as the fall semes ter and the prospect of another wave of COVID-19 infections loom. Despite the lifting of provincial and ter ritorial mask requirements, some postsecondary institutions have decided to keep them for the safety of staff and students. ”At the moment, I think there is still risk of waves of significant illness, and caution makes sense to me,” said Dr. Lynora Saxinger, an infectious disease specialist with the University of Alberta, where masking is encouraged, but not required, in most settings.
Fourteen out of 83 universities surveyed by The Canadian Press through email, interviews and online notices say they will require students and employees to mask up in different settings on campus. Western University in London, Ont., and an affiliated school, Huron Univer sity College, were the only ones surveyed that have vaccine mandates.“While we can’t predict when the next wave of COVID-19 might come, we believe these measures will help us protect the in-person experience that Western is known for,” Western provost Florentine Strzelczyk said in a statement posted to Continue at page 5
Continue at page 5
2 Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,2022
Question: 387428 Iowe zakaah for
Answer Praise be to Allah. If you owe delayed zakaah of three thousand pounds, and the value of the currency has dropped, we do not think that you have to give anything more than that. As for taking the drop in currency into con sideration and making up the difference, this applies to debts owed to people, because peo ple would not tolerate these differences and would dispute the matter. This is according to the view of some of the scholars, and it is the basis for the answers given on our website. But most of them are of the view that the debt should be paid off in the same amount as was borrowed, not on the basis of its value, even if the value of the currency drops, so long as the currency is still valid and is not obsolete. It says in a statement of the Islamic Fiqh Council issued during its fifth conference in Kuwait, 1-6 Jumaada al-Oola 1409 AH/10-15 December 1988 CE: After studying the research presented by members and experts on the topic of changes in the value of currency, and listening to the discussions that took place, And after studying the statement of the Council no. 21 (9/3) issued during its third session, that paper currencies are fiat curren cies by means of which prices of items are worked out, and they are subject to the same shar‘i rulings as gold and silver, such as the rulings on riba, zakaah, salam transactions and other rulings, The following was determined: In principle, with regard to paying debts in a particular currency, it is to be done by giv ing back the same amount in the same cur rency, and not on the basis of value, because debts are to be paid in the same amount and currency [as the original loan]. So it is not permissible to connect a debt that is owed, regardless of the type of currency, to the val ue of the currency. And Allah knows best.” (Majallat al-Majma‘ issue no. 5, volume 3, p. The1609).scholars of the Permanent Committee for Ifta’ said: The borrower must pay the pounds that he borrowed when the lender asks for that, and the purchasing power [of the cur rency] makes no difference, whether it has increased or decreased.” (Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah 14/146).
To be continued in next Column The view that the drop in value should be taken into consideration with regard to people’s rights is a credible view. For an explanation thereof, please see the answer to question no. 220839. But it does not seem that this is required in the case of zakaah, expiation (kaf faarah) or other matters that are the rights of Allah, but if a person does that to be on the safe side, then this is good, especially since zakaah also has to do with the rights of the poor and needy. You do not have to pay the extra in a different currency, because no exchange is taking place, so there is no fear of falling into riba. (Source:
He owes delayed Zakaah
Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,20223
Is it permissible for me to pay in pounds the extra amount, to cover the drop in value of the pound, or must I give it in another currency, such as gold for example, so as to avoid falling into riba? Is it permissible to choose another commodity as a reference point to work out the amount, of which the increase in its price is less than the increase in the price of gold? What are the criteria for choosing another commodity in this case?
1. It spares the student of knowledge the confusion of not knowing what to do when faced with differing opinions on a given fiqh issue.
3. It facilitates the learning of religious rulings, principles and maxims in a systematic fashion.
On the authority of Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:Verily Allah has pardoned [or been lenient with] for me my ummah: their mistakes, their forgetfulness, and that which they have been forced to do under duress. A hasan hadeeth related by Ibn Majah, and al-Bayhaqee and others. Hadith 39, 40 Hadith an-Nawaw (Q&A) and the value of the currency has dropped. taking into account the drop in value? a few years in the past. The total amount of that zakaah when it became due was three thousand pounds, but there has been a drop in the value of the Egyptian pound during the last few years, as the price of a gram of gold was eighty pounds at the time when the zakaah came due, but now the price is nine hundred pounds. The prices of most items have also risen, but not to the same extent. For example, the price of a kilo of meat has risen from forty-to one hundred and fifty pounds only. Now I have paid the original amount of three thousand pounds, but I read a fatwa which said I must take into consid eration the drop in the value of currency, and pay an amount equivalent to the amount that was due when the zakaah became obligatory.
By:Abu Aaliyah Surkheel Sharif According to Imam Al-Nawawi (d.676 H/1277 CE), there are two opinions as to whether a lay person is obligated to follow a particular school of law (mathhab) or not. He stipulates: What the proof necessitates is that a lay man is not required to adhere to a specific mathhab. Instead, he seeks a fatwa from whomsoever he chooses or whomsoever he encounters [from the scholars] —on the condition that he not hunt for concessions (rukhas, sing: rukhsa). Perhaps those who forbade him from doing this did so because they weren’t convinced that he would not avoid chasing after concessions. Thus strictly following one mathhab in all that it orders or forbids is not obligated, but it is not forbidden either. Rather it is Havingpreferred.said this, the most effective way to learn fiqh, as our scholars point out, is for the student of knowledge to follow one specific mathhab from the four remaining orthodox Sunni mathhabs; namely, Hanafi, Mâliki, Shâfii, and Hanbali Mathhabs. There are many benefits and advantages in doing so:
4. One learns the actual rulings – i.e. one must know if the act, or the as pect of the act, is obligatory (wâjib), recommended (mustahab), offensive (makrûh), prohibited (harâm), or licit (mubâh).
Learning Fiqh: Practical Steps
6. Along with learning basic acts of wor ship (ibâdât), social dealings and busi ness transactions (muâmalât), one learns the rights and responsibilities (huqûq) owed by us to others: be they to Allah, the Prophet (saw), parents, relatives, other Muslims, non-Mus lims, the animal world, or the Earth itself. One should also study a text which outlines the major sins, as well as learn basic rulings of Quran recita tion (ahkâm al-tajwîd).
Does he have to Zive more,
Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA Day DateIsl. Dt. Sunr Zawal Dhuhr Asar MaghribFajar Isha Aug 26- Sep 8, 2022,Muharrum 28 Safar 11,1444H Dhur Asar Shafi / Hanfi ThusThusMonSunSatFriTueWedFriSatSunMonTueWedFri*302928123456789101112 Ask the Imam
2. It is preferred to study with a qualified teacher who has been authorized to teach by recognized scholars; starting with a primer or beginners text. 3. Commit to a step-by-step study of fiqh. Begin with the rules related to purifi cation (tahâra), Prayer (Salah), Zakah, and Fasting (Sawm); then move on to the rules concerning marriage, buying, selling, and other relevant areas of fiqh as your needs dictate.
4. It ensures that we will not be sinful when we chose to adopt a religious ruling (hukm), because in so doing we are following legitimate and authori tative rulings; not our own whimsical Shahconcoctions.WaliAllah Al-Dehlawi (d.1176 H/1762 CE) stated: The Ummah, or rather those in it whose [legal] views are worth considering, are agreed that these four codified Mathhabs may be followed. For in doing so lie certain apparent benefits, particularly in our time when peoples’ resolve is hugely deficient; souls are drunk with desires; and when each individual is infatuated with his own opinion. Acquiring Sound Knowledge of Fiqh: Prag matic Steps Now, let us consider some pragmatic steps for acquiring sound knowledge of fiqh:
5. Learning the proofs (adilla, sing: dalîl) underlying a ruling is commendable; it is not a requirement. The goal is not for us to all become fully-fledged jurists, but to present to God works of faith based on a valid Sharîah understand ing. This taqlîd – “following the legal opinion of a qualified scholar with out knowing the proofs” – is allowed in our religion by juristic consensus (ijmâh). Ibn Qudâmah Al-Maqdisi (d.620 H/1223 CE) remarks: “Taqlîd in the branches of the law (furû) is permitted by scholarly consensus.” [iii]
7. Lastly, we should never forget that the Fiqh School we follow is a means to an end; it is not an end in itself. Bigotry or tassub to any mathhab or scholar is prohibited. Al-Thahabi (d.748 H/1348 CE) said:You must not believe your mathhab is the best one or the one most pleasing to God. You have no proof for this; nor does the one who differs with you. The Imams, may God be pleased with them, were all upon great good. Those issues wherein they were correct, they will receive a dou ble reward; those in which they erred, they shall receive a single reward.
2. It trains the ego to submit to some higher authority, instead of the other way around.
1. One either builds on the mathhab they were raised on; cementing and en hancing one’s grasp of it. Or else one commits to learning a mathhab whose teachers and texts are practically and readily accessible.
Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728 H/1328 CE) stated: Rather, the names that are permissible to call oneself by – such as an ascription to an Imam [of fiqh] like hanafi, Mâliki, Shâfii, and Hanbali, or a [Sufi] Shaykh like Qâdiri or Adawi, or a tribe like Qaysi or Yemani, or a region like Syrian, Iraqi or Egyptian – then it is unlawful to test people using them, or form allegiances or enmity around them. Instead, the noblest people in God’s sight are those who have the most piety – whatever group they belong to.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If the currency has been abolished and changed to another, then the lender may ask for the debt to be paid with its value at that time or at the time when it was abolished. But if the currency is still val id, the lender is not entitled to anything ex cept the same currency, regardless of whether its value has increased or decreased… Such as if he lent him a saa‘ of wheat a few years ago, when a saa‘ was worth five riyals, then the price went down to two riyals, for exam ple. Can he tell him to give him the saa‘ plus three riyals? No, he has no right to anything except the saa‘, because anything that is bor rowed can only be repaid in the same form. The same applies to cash, so long as the cur rency has not been abolished.” (Liqa’ al-Baab al-Maftooh 72/9).
4 Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,2022 Consulate General of Pakistan Celebrates 75 years of Pakistan’s Independence Day at Vancouver Club PtI Vancouver Canada protestes in front of the Consulate General of Pakistan, Vancouver For a informationbreakdowndetailedandmoreonallthese and programsmore , visit AL-IHSAN EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION where knowledge meets wisdom and application Al-Ihsan is a registered Canadian charity. We aim to provide authentic and quality Islamic knowledge for everyone, everywhere. We offer a wide range of educational and outreach programs and services for students, families, and communities all around BC. `Most of our programs are available online and onsite. OPENENROLLMENTSTAFSIR COMPREHENSIVE Four Months | Part-time | Online or Onsite | Starts Sept 13, 2022 Sura Baqara, Sura al-Nisaa, Surah Yusuf, Juz 30, and more Study the translation, tafsir, backgrounds, messages, commandments, and lessons from over 1000 verses: lessons and teachings pertaining to worships, purification, marriage, divorce, business, earning, and various halal & haram matters. PART-TIME ISLAMIC SCHOOL Weekday Classes | Weekend Classes | Flexible Enrollment Options Children aged 5-15 can gain a wealth of Islamic knowledge including Sirah, Hadith, Quran Translation, Arabic, and more. Weekday classes focus on the recitation of the Holy Quran with Tajwid, while weekend classes revolve around Islamic Studies, activities, and sports. Enroll your child(ren) in one of the two programs or both! Report On Page 5 Report On Page 5 L o CAL
5 Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,2022 o PINI o N/Co N t. N ew S Founder : Nusrat Hussain Editor in-Chief M. Naseer Pirzada Sub-Editors: Misbah & Sabeeh Advertising Ph: Emails:604-690-0400 Editorial Board : Mr.Shams Jillani, Mr Aslam Hayat, M.A.L. DesignGraphicMs.KhadijaNaumani,NadeemDesign:Teams Copyright ® 2001 Miracle Media Group Inc. All Rights Reserved Printed in Canada Contactwww.miraclenews.comWebsite:info@miraclenews.commiraclenewsg@gmail.commiraclenews@telus.netEmails:604-690-0400Phone:ContentsInfo Mailing and Office Address 9160-136A Street Surrey BC. V3V 7Z8 Canada Ph: 604-690-0400 Fax: 604-582-7809 Miracle Media Group Inc.© IM portA nt note: Letters to the editor and Articles do not reflect the opinion of the Miracle media group. We do not publish anonymous letters or the letters of the people who do not disclose their identity to ‘The Mira cle.’ A writer can use a pen name or request ‘The Miracle’ to withhold his / her identity. Please include your daytime telephone number for the confirmation of your letter. We regret the inconvenience. MIR A TLE THE HE MIR A LE
PtI Vancouver Canada protestes in front of the Consulate General of Pakistan, On Aug 23, PTI Vancouver Canada protested in front of the Consulate General of Pakistan, Vancouver in favor of Dr. Shahbaz Gill and strongly condemned the physical and mental violence inflicted on him. On this occasion, all the speakers mentioned the sharp tactics used by the government and institutions in Pakistan against the leaders and workers of PTI, including the filing of a terror ism case against the party chairman Imran Khan and the arrest of Jameel Farooqui and Violence is also included. The speakers expressed that these high-handed tactics of the government and institutions are making Pakistan laugh all over the world. Finally, a written resolution of condemnation was submitted to the Consulate General of Pakistan, Vancouver officer.Thank you PTI friends and supports for s howing up in great numbers and making this an impressive protest event. This was the first protest in response to a request from our cen tral command. We will get together again when needed or asked by our leader Imran Khan.
While Pakistan has committed to cutting its projected emissions by half by 2030, the country has yet to declare a net-zero goal. There is an urgent need for stricter meas ures to reduce air pollution, which includes accelerating the process of shifting to renewable energy sources. We lag far behind many countries in using solar and other sources of energy. The economic cost of climate change for Paki stan is higher than in many other countries. Being an agriculturedependent country significantly increases Pakistan’s vulnerability to climate change. Predictably, this heavy rainfall has caused agricul ture to suffer most. It is very early at the moment to assess the cu mulative economic losses in the ongoing calamity but with thou sands of acres of crop destroyed, agricultural production is bound to fall and thus negatively impact an economy already on the brink. According to official estimates, some 700,000 acres of crops have already been lost in Balochistan alone. The losses may be higher in the agricultural heartland of Sindh and parts of Punjab. The destruction of infrastructure will make economic recovery much harder. Heavy rains and flooding have damaged highways and dams. It would require billions of rupees to restore damaged road networks and other facilities. All this will be a huge burden on the economy. But more important is the rehabilitation of hundreds of thousands of people who have been uprooted by the floods. It re quires a focused effort from all the Unfortunately,stakeholders. this human catas trophe is lost in the ongoing po litical hullabaloo. Such an attitude manifests the hollowness of our power politics. Some critical mat ters of existential importance, such as climate change and population explosion, two interlinked issues, have, unfortunately, never been part of our political discourse. In the past, we have seen the na tion standing united in the time of a natural calamity as hap pened during the 2005 earth quake in Kashmir and the 2010 countrywide floods. But unfortu nately, today’s power politics has completely divided the coun try. While people are suffering, the leaders continue with their senseless wrangling. Courtesy by: Zahid Hussain The writer is an author and journalist. Laysa Lil Insana illa ma’ sa’aa That man can have nothing but what he strives for. LocalsFaith Int.NewsPak/Can.Ediorial/OpinionNews/M.East Politics Health SportsYouthWomen Pakistan/ Urdu
News Cont from Pg 1 News Cont from Pg 1 the university’s website.At Dalhousie Univer sity in Halifax, masks must be worn in classrooms and instructional spaces. They’re voluntary in all other indoor spaces such as hallways, libraries and learning commons. Dalhousie does not have a vac cine requirement.Dalhousie Student Union was not part of the decision-making, but it fully supports the mandate, said spokesperson Janet Bryson. The Stu dent Union Building is not an instructional space, so masking is not mandatory there... Source: of the total, $75 million will come from the Ministry of Health and $43 million will come from the General Practices Services Committee, which is a joint committee of the ministry and Doctors of B.C. In a letter to physicians issued shortly before the news conference Wednes day, Dr. Ramneek Dosanjh, the president of Doctors of B.C., estimated that the funds would work out to $27,000 per physician, on average, for the four months.The province says a total of 4,580 doctors will receive funding, 1,100 of them working in walk-in clinics. Opposition parties are accusing the government of drag ging its feet.Liberal leader Kevin Falcon ad dressed reporters outside the event. He called Wednesday’s announcement a “timid” step. “My strong suggestion to Adrian Dix and the NDP is they have to be bolder. Our system is in such a state of crisis that there are a number of other things we can do,” he added. The Liberals have called on the NDP govern ment to come up with an urgent 30-day plan and outlined several suggestions that could be done quickly. Addressing overhead costs was one of them. Still, Falcon and Green Party lead er Sonia Furstenau say more needs to be done.
By: Nayyar Sohail&Photos Courtesy by Sajid Hameed
On August 14, Mr. Janbaz Khan - Con sul General of Pakistan, Vancouver celebrated 75 years of Pakistan’s In dependence Day at Vancouver Club among community members with local MP, MLA, and Civic Election Candidates. It was arranged by The Pakistani soccer ball, which will be used for FIFA World was introduced. After a few speeches were delivered, delicious food from Karakoram restaurant was served. Photos courtesy by Naveed Waraich Consul General of Pakistan Celebrates 75 years of Pakistan’s Independence Day
NOTHING could be more sur real than watching political leaders engaged in a sordid game of thrones while a large part of the country is devastated by tor rential rains. Villages have been wiped out by flash floods. Hun dreds of people including young children have been swept away by the raging waters. There are hor rific scenes; the destruction across the country has left thousands of people homeless and without sus Thetenance.heart-wrenching image of folk singer Wahab Bugti holding his young child and standing over the wreckage of his mudhouse in the midst of a submerged field gives a glimpse of the miseries that the people of Balochistan — the province worst-hit by the calam ity — must endure. The numbers of children lost in the torrential waters and the homes destroyed have been reduced to statistics. The larger devastation — in terms of both human lives and property — is incalculable. This catastrophe is not limited to the country’s most impoverished region. There are similar stories of destruction across Sindh, southern Punjab and the northern areas. Ka rachi, Pakistan’s biggest city and the financial heartland, has not been spared either and presents a picture of ruin with sinkholes, and streets submerged in water. Bro ken infrastructure has worsened the plight of the people. Unfortunately, it is not over yet, with forecasts of a fresh spell of rain about to wreak havoc in the coming days. Pakistan is facing extraordinary amounts of rain this year — almost three times the average. While according to official figures, almost 800 peo ple have died across the country and hundreds of thousands have been displaced since the start of the early monsoon in July, the real cost of the damage is estimated to be much higher. People have lost their livelihoods with thousands of acres of crops destroyed. The tragedy is that a human ca tastrophe is being disregarded as politicians bicker amongst themselves. But most of the affected people have yet to receive help from the state. While the political parties are engaged in a bitter power strug gle in Islamabad, Wahab Bugti and hundreds of thousands of other victims like him are left to the mer cy of the harsh weather. The cal lousness of our ruling elite towards the suffering of ordinary mortals is Indeed, is not for the first time that the country is facing a natural calamity but the enormity of the current crisis is far more serious. It needs a coherent and coordinated national response to cope with the challenge. Regrettably, that effort is missing with no coordination between the federal and provin cial governments. Their focus is largely on settling political scores. The prevailing political uncertain ty and instability have aggravated the Whilesituation.wehave been forewarned of unusually heavy rains, the ad ministration has been sorely lack ing in preparedness. It is apparent that the authorities have never considered the effects of climate change on Pakistan seriously. The country is near the top of the list of countries most prone to the effects of extreme weather conditions caused by a changing climate. Over the past few years, we have witnessed extreme weather pat terns — from increasingly high temperatures in summer to heavy rains in some parts of the coun try, and drought in others. The projected temperature increase in Pakistan is higher than the global average. An increase in extreme temperatures has significantly al tered climate patterns affecting the timing and strength of the mon soon rainfall as witnessed this year. More concerning is the projected temperature increase in the north ern areas than other parts of the country. That has caused the faster melting of glaciers impacting the natural environment. It also causes the flooding of rivers with devas tating consequences.
While Pakistan’s contribution to air pollution and greenhouse emis sions may be lower than most countries, we lag far behind when it comes to taking measures to re duce air pollution that still affects us. Almost complete reliance on fossil fuel for energy has made it ex tremely difficult to bring down the level of pollution. More worrisome is that not only are we still using coal-fired power stations but that we are constructing new ones too.
Note: The Miracle requests to all read ers to respect any published Islamic material including Allah’s name and Prophet Muham mad (SAW) and quranic verses. Please recycle those pages and avoid throw them in the garbage. Miracle Media is Member of : National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada Some universities across Canada requiring masks... $118M in ‘stabilization funding’ on the way for family doctors
politics times of
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the people of Ukraine ‘need peace’ as the con flict enters its seventh month.
The KP government declared a state of emer gency in Dera Ismail Khan, Upper and Lower Chitral and Upper Kohistan districts, while glacier melting in Gilgit-Baltistan wreaked havoc on Hoper Valley and Nagar Khas where flooding washed away small villages of Shaman and Tokerkot rendering around 50 families homeless. While taking stock of the deteriorating situation and reviewing relief measures in the flood-affected areas at two separate meetings, chaired by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the federal govern ment decided to hold a donors’ conference to apprise international institutions about the devastation caused by floods as well as the ongoing relief and rehabilitation efforts by the federal and provincial governments.
Why does the US still have forces in Syria?
Pakistan on Wednesday rejected India’s “pur ported closure” of the inquiry into accidental firing of a supersonic missile into the country on March 9, 2022, reiterating the demand for a joint probe into the incident., the Indian Air Force said the government had sacked three officers involved in the firing. “A Court of In quiry, set up to establish the facts of the case, including fixing responsibility for the inci dent, found that deviation from the Standard Operating Procedures by three officers led to the accidental firing of the missile,” it said in a statement. The BrahMos missile — a nucle ar-capable, land-attack cruise missile jointly developed by Russia and India — was fired earlier this year, prompting Pakistan to seek answers from New Delhi on the safety mecha nisms in place to prevent accidental launches.
As Canada’s population is set to become larger and older in the decades to come amid high immigration and low fertility, experts say these trends have huge implications for our housing and health care needs.A report from Statistics Canada released on Monday projects Canada’s population could reach 47.8 million in 2043 and 56.5 million by 2068 under a mediumgrowth scenario. Other population projection scenarios say Canada’s population could grow to anywhere between 44.9 million and 74.0 mil lion in 2068. But the StatCan report noted that this could have an impact on the availability of housing. Last June, a report from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation projected the hous ing stock in the country to increase by 2.3 million units over the next decade, but said Canada needs an additional 3.5 million afford able housing units by 2030. Source: US forces have targeted a base operated by Ira nian allies in eastern Syria after an attack near a US base last week. The United States’ air attacks on targets it says were associated with Iran’s Islamic Revolution ary Guard Corps (IRGC) in eastern Syria have put the spotlight once again on the continued presence of US forces in the country. In recent years, Washington has pulled back from its previously more extensive role in the country, but has stayed on in a limited capac ity in some areas, ostensibly to fight ISIL (ISIS) and limit Iran’s influence in the country. The eastern Syria raids announced on Wednesday appear to be part of the latter, with Central Command spokesperson Colonel Joe Buccino saying the strikes “were necessary to protect and defend US personnel”, and a response to an August 15 attack targeting US forces that was allegedly launched by Iranian-backed mi litias. When did the US militarily involve itself in Syria? Despite indicating its support for the Syrian opposition shortly after the beginning of the uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the US’s first major military involve ment in Syria was against ISIL. In September 2014, a US-led coalition launched air raids against ISIL in Syria, as part of a campaign it was already conducting in Iraq. Source:
On Ukraine’s Independence Day, UN urges end to ‘senseless’ war
Turkey’s business community confront ed growing US pressure on Wednesday to break off its growing ties with Rus sia or face potentially crippling sanc tions linked to the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine. Washington is becoming increasingly alarmed that the Russian government and businesses are using Turkey to evade Western financial and trade restrictions imposed in response to the six-month-old war. Turkish Pres ident Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Rus sian counterpart Vladimir Putin agreed to step up economic cooperation at a summit in the Black Sea resort of Sochi earlier this month. Official data shows the value of Turkish exports to Russia between May and July growing by near ly 50 per cent from last year’s figure. Turkey’s imports of Russian oil are bal looning and the two sides have agreed to transition to ruble payments for the natural gas exported by the Kremlintied giant Gazprom. Source:
FO rejects India’s ‘purported closure’ of inquiry into missile accidentally fired into Pakistan US warns of sanctions against Turkey over Russia ties
An Islamabad anti-terrorism court on Thurs day granted PTI chief Imran Khan interim bail in a case registered against him for his controversial remarks about a female judge during a rally in the capital last week. Judge Raja Jawad Abbas Hassan granted the bail till September 1 against a surety of Rs100,000. Imran’s bail plea was filed in the court today prior to his arrival, with the pe titioner contending that the terrorism case against the PTI chief was registered by police as an “act of revenge”. Security was tightened around the Federal Judicial Complex, where the hearing was held, with police and Fron tier Corps personnel deployed at the site, the correspondent in the capital said. Roads in the complex’s surroundings have also been blocked. The PTI, meanwhile, called on supporters to “come out on the streets and then head to Islamabad the next day” if Imran is tak en into custody. “Clear directions from the party given!” It also added a hashtag in Urdu, which says “Imran Khan is our red line”. Imran’s remarks Imran was booked under Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act (punishment for acts of terrorism) on Sunday for “threatening” a female judge and senior police officers at a public rally in Islamabad a day earlier.
Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,20226
UN chief Antonio Guterres has called for an end to the war in Ukraine as the coun try marks the 31st anniversary of independ ence from the collapsed Soviet Union and six months since Russian forces invaded. “The consequences of this senseless war are being felt far beyond Ukraine,” Guterres told the UN Security Council in New York on Wednesday. “On the 31st anniversary I wish to congratulate the Ukrainian people,” he said, adding that they “need peace, and they need peace now”. The United Nations chief took the floor ahead of a special meeting to discuss the conflict and briefed the council on his mission to Ukraine’s port of Odesa and Turkey earlier this month. During that trip, he witnessed the progress of a grain ex port deal between Kyiv and Moscow. The deal “is progressing well”, Guterres said, but he issued a stark warning about the need to get more fertiliser out of Ukraine and Rus sia to further calm commodity markets and lower prices for consumers.
“If we don’t stabilise the fertiliser market in 2022, there simply will not be enough food in 2023,” he said.,,,, Source:
ISLAMABAD / QUETTA/ PESHAWAR: As heavy monsoon rains and flooding contin ued to cause widespread damage to areas across the country, the Khyber Pakhtunkh wa government on Monday declared a state of emergency in four districts, relief goods were airdropped in Dera Ghazi Khan and Rajanpur districts of Punjab, dozens of fami lies were shifted to tents in Gilgit-Baltistan after their villages were destroyed and efforts still under way to restore the National High way link between Punjab and Balochistan.
No province safe from rain-related devastation
Former PM Imran Khan gets interim bail in terrorism case & violation of section 144.
In a statement today, Foreign Officer (FO) spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that it had seen India’s announcement of the findings regarding the incident and the decision to ter minate the services of three officers reportedly found responsible for the reckless incident. “As expected, the measures taken by India in the aftermath of the incident and the subsequent findings and punishments handed by the socalled internal Court of Inquiry are totally unsatisfactory, deficient, and inadequate.”
On the other hand, Khan has been granted bail in another case against violation of section 144. Additional sessions judge Tahir Abbas granted bail against a deposit of surety bonds worth Rs5,000.Imran Khan and several PTI leaders had been booked for violation of section 144 in Islamabad. The FIR had been registered at the Aabpara police station in Is lamabad.The 17 PTI leaders booked in the FIR included former federal ministers Asad Umar, Murad Saeed, Fawad Chaudhary and Senator Faisal Javed. Former interior minister Sheikh Rasheed was also among the leaders named in the FIR.The FIR had stated that Imran Khan and other PTI leaders had violated Section 144. It also said that at the behest of Imran Khan, roads were blocked by PTI leaders and their supporters.
Canada’s population could increase to 57M by 2068, posing challenges for housing, health care
By: Sam Cabral BBC News, Washington, Aug 9 When she left a bad marriage, Sania Khan said some members of her South Asian Muslim community made her feel like she had “failed at life”. Through TikTok, she found support and comfort in strangers - until her ex returned and mur dered her. This story contains details that may be up setting to some readers. Her bags were packed. She was ready to be free.The 21st of July was to be the day San ia Khan, 29, left Chicago, Illinois - and the trauma of a relationship gone wrong - to be gin a new solo chapter in her native Chatta nooga. Instead, that day, she returned home to Tennessee in a casket. Three days earlier, officers had found Khan unresponsive near the front door of the Chi cago condominium she had once shared with her estranged husband, Raheel Ahmad, 36. She had a gunshot wound to the back of her head and was pronounced dead at the scene. Upon arrival of the police, Ahmad had turned the gun on himself, taking his own life. According to police reports shared with the Chicago Sun-Times, the pair were “going through a divorce”, and Ahmad, who had gone to live in a different state while sep arated from Khan, had travelled some 700 miles back to their former home “to salvage the marriage”. The grisly murder-suicide was the tragic final chapter in the life of Khan, a young Pakistani-American photographer who had recently found recognition on the social-media platform TikTok as a voice for women fighting marriage trauma and di vorce stigma in the South Asian community. Her death has left her friends shaken, and has reverberated with her online followers and other South Asian women who say they have felt the pressure to stay in unhealthy re lationships for the sake of appearances.
By: Sanjeev Sharma , Aug 7
Do M e S t IC A BUS e/ P o LI t ICS
‘tortured for dowry, giving birth to girls’: Kin of Bijnor woman Mandeep Kaur who ended her life in New York Sania Khan: She tiktoked her divorce, then her husband killed her
“She said 29 is going to be her year and it’s going to be a new beginning,” said Bri Anna Williams, a university friend. “She was so excited.”To her friends, Khan was a joy to be around - authentic, positive and selfless almost to a fault. “She was someone who would give you the shirt off her back,” said Mehru Sheikh, 31, who called Khan her best friend. “Even when she was going through some really tough times in her life, she would be the first to call you and ask you how your day is going.... “We’re always telling women to protect themselves, but it’s important to also raise sons who respect women. That training starts at home and each household has to make that change.” more details at -62427084
Mandeep Kaur’s video about domestic abuse went viral after she killed herself. Her family in UP’s Bijnor have alleged that she was beat en up for dowry and giving birth to two girls. A 30-year-old Sikh woman died by suicide af ter suffering years of alleged domestic abuse by her husband in New York, US. Mandeep Kaur, 30, committed suicide on August 3 af ter she posted a video online in which she spoke about years of domestic abuse by her husband Ranjodhbeer Singh Sandhu. Her family in UP’s Bijnor district is now scared for her two daughters — aged 6 and 4 — and wants them taken away from their father, Ranjodhbeer Singh Sandhu, whose family is also from Bijnor. “We should get their custody. I will raise them like a moth er,” her younger sister, Kuldeep Kaur, told India Today. Mandeep’s sister said that her brother-in-law and his family used to har ass Mandeep a lot because she gave birth to two daughters. “I want her husband to get the strictest punishment possible. He should get the death sentence. I appeal to the In dian government to help us get justice,” she added. “Her husband had been torturing her for years, demanding a son. But she said she wouldn’t leave him as she couldn’t raise her two daughters. We understood,” said the fa ther of Mandeep Kaur. Mandeep Kaur’s family alleged that he de manded Rs 50 lakh to raise the daughters. “He told her he could barely repay the loan for his truck, so she should get the money for the daughters’ expenses,” said her father. Sandeep Singh, Kaur’s elder brother, alleged, “Even her in-laws kept calling her and de manding a male child. They got scared when we filed a case in New York, but she helped him get away after they begged her. They got into her mind.”
By Nasim Yousaf, (To be Continued from last edition) The Viceroy’s letters clearly confirm that Jinnah was elevated and recognized as the sole leader of the Muslims (instead of Alla ma Mashriqi) because he was someone the British felt would be loyal to them. This also explains why Jinnah enjoyed a free hand in India and was not imprisoned. Similarly, on the Hindu side, M.K. Gandhi was treated like a saint because he too sup ported the British rulers’ agenda. In reality, Gandhi’s support of non-violence in India and resistance of armed revolt - be it from Mashriqi, Bhagat Singh, or Subhas Chan dra Bose - protected British rule. Curiously, Gandhi only seemed to apply the principles of non-violence selectively. For example, he never condemned the rulers when Mashriqi was tortured, his son was killed, and hun dreds of Khaksars were brutally murdered at the hands of the rulers. Gandhi (and Jin nah) in fact supported Mashriqi’s arrest and suppression of the Khaksar Tehrik and nev er demanded Mashriqi’s release. With the British having their favored lead ers in place, all that was left was for each leader to follow the role assigned to him (particularly from 1940 onwards) as part of the British policy of divide and rule; Jinnah would advance the Two-Nation Theory and demand Pakistan, while Gandhi would op pose it. By supporting opposing viewpoints, both leaders furthered communalism, di vision and rivalry amongst Muslims and Hindus, which enabled them to remain as frontline leaders and the British to maintain their rule; even the body language from pho tos showing Jinnah and Gandhi with the rul ers suggest that they had a partnership. The British were savvy and knew how to play the political game to maintain their rule in India; they used the Indian leaders to fire the shots, while setting the agenda behind the scenes. Meanwhile, Allama Mashriqi continued fighting for a free and independent India. Recognizing the political games of the Brit ish, Mashriqi continued reaching out to Jin nah and Gandhi to form a united front and join hands with him. Mashriqi was opposed to any transfer of power, as he felt it would forever create an inferiority complex for the nation. He had written in his book, Qual-eFaisal, in 1935 (under the subtitle Khaksar Tehrik Ki Zarurat): “[Translation] You 350 million…if you wanted, you could blow them [with your breath] across Bombay…” Mashriqi gave Jinnah and Gandhi full as surance that they could topple British rule with the backing of his massive Khaksar army. But Jinnah and Gandhi did not want to stand with Mashriqi because they knew that if Mashriqi toppled British rule, then he would be the one to takeover India’s reign. Unlike Mashriqi, Jinnah and Gandhi did not have street power amongst the masses, so their only choice was to pursue a transfer of power; Jinnah and Gandhi had to work with the rulers or they would have been replaced by others (and there were plenty of others who could have taken over their spots). As time continued to pass, Jinnah’s constitu tional fight and Gandhi’s passive resistance failed to produce any results or bring the country any closer to independence. At the same time, Jinnah and Gandhi’s confron tational politics, which were publicized in the British controlled media, continued to spread hatred and further divide Muslims and Hindus. Mashriqi could see that their politics were delaying freedom and that the British strategy of Divide and Rule was working. In 1946, Mashriqi decided to move forward with a coup to overturn British rule and to ensure that there would be no further delays in obtaining freedom. Mashriqi dis tributed a pamphlet in India (on December 1, 1946) proclaiming: “[Translation] Idara-i-Aliya [Khaksar Headquarters] shall soon issue an order that in the entire India, four million Khaksars [sources quote a range of 4-5 mil lion members], side by side with hundreds of thousands rather millions of supporters shall march simultaneous ly…This moment shall dawn upon us very soon and that is why it is being ordered that a grand preparation for this historical day should commence immediately…so that British can clearly witness the day of India’s Suchfreedom…”abold proclamation created fear amongst the rulers. Thus, on February 20, 1947, Prime Minister Attlee announced that power would be transferred no later than June 1948. To Mashriqi, this was yet another political game and delaying tactic by the British. In a press statement, Mashriqi men tioned that Attlee’s declaration was a “bugle to start a horrific clash between Hindus and Muslims.” In other words, the rulers would instigate Muslim-Hindu riots and turmoil (by manipulating their favored Muslim and Hindu leaders or through other methods) and then use this as the reason to cancel the transfer of power. To stop any political maneuvering once and for all, on March 1, 1947, Mashriqi ordered 300,000 Khaksars to assemble in Delhi by June 30th, 1947. The plan was for the Khaksars to take over Viceroy Lodge and important Government offices and installa tions (including radio and print media). As soon as the Khaksars had completed their mission, Mashriqi planned to announce the end of British rule. These announcements further terrified the rulers because they knew that suppressing such a large num ber of well-disciplined Khaksars would be impossible. According to the British Home Department’s file, as quoted by Dr. Shan Muhammad in his book: “Government offi cials apprehended that if the Khaksars were victorious ‘English men, women and chil dren throughout India would be massacred. It would be more disastrous than the mu tiny [Royal Indian Navy mutiny in 1946], as it would be a revolution of Muslims throughout India’” (File No. 74/2/40, Pol. Section [I]). The new Viceroy of India, Lord Mountbatten, who had arrived in Delhi on March 22, 1947 (with the directive to trans fer power by June 1948), clearly foresaw the demise of British rule as a result of the im minent coup. Mountbatten fast-forwarded the partition plan so that it could be an nounced and accepted before the assembly of the Khaksars; he held hurried meetings with Indian leaders and, on May 18, 1947, rushed to England. Within days, he had the said plan approved by the rulers and returned to India in extreme haste on May 31, 1947. Meanwhile, Mashriqi continued to increase the push for a united overthrow of British rule. On May 14, 1947, in a public meeting in Patna, Mashriqi stated in front of 50,000 attendees: “The last remedy under the present circumstances is that one and all rise against this conspiracy as one man. Let there be a common Hindu-Muslim Revolution…” (To be continued in next edition.)
Before killing herself, Kaur posted a video in which she said, “The people responsible for my death are my husband and my in-laws. They didn’t let me live. He has been beating me all along for the last 8 years.” “I tolerated my husband’s torture for the past 8 years thinking that he will improve one day, but this never happened. He has used violence against me for the past 8 years. I tried my best. I am being abused daily and I can’t tol erate the torture anymore,” Mandeep can be heard saying in the video. She also accused her husband of infidelity and said, “Still, I ignored it and moved here (New York). But here he started beating me up, no matter if he was drunk or not. He continued to have his affairs.” In the video that was reportedly shot before her death, Mandeep said, “They’ll be answerable to God and Karma will han dle them. They’ve compelled me to die. I’m forced to leave my children and leave the world.”She got married on February 1, 2015. Source:
Are the history books telling the truth about Mashriqi, Jinnah, & Gandhi?
Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,20227
we Care Relief Canada hosted a food drive at their Surrey’s office
People may find that the following lifestyle measures can help them manage or pre vent stress-induced feelings of being over whelmed.
Stress management can help by:
Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,20228 why stress happens and how to manage it ?
• Nutrition: A healthful, balanced diet containing plenty of fruit and veg etables can help maintain the immune system at times of stress. A poor diet can lead to ill health and additional stress.
• Priority management: It may help to spend a little time organizing a daily to-do list and focusing on urgent or time sensitive tasks. People can then focus on what they have completed or accomplished for the day, rather than on the tasks they have yet to complete.
• learning alternative ways of coping Stress management therapy pursues one or more of these approaches. People can develop their stress manage ment techniques by using self-help books or online resources. Alternatively, they can attend a stress management course. A counselor or psychotherapist can con nect an individual who has stress with per sonal development courses or individual and group therapy sessions.
Stress is a nat ural feeling of not being able to cope with specific demands and events. However, stress can become a chronic condition if a person does not take steps to manage it. These demands can come from work, re lationships, financial pressures, and other situations, but anything that poses a real or perceived challenge or threat to a person’s well-being can cause stress. Stress can be a motivator, and it can even be essential to survival. The body’s fight-orflight mechanism tells a person when and how to respond to danger. However, when the body becomes triggered too easily, or there are too many stressors at one time, it can undermine a person’s mental and phys ical health and become harmful. Stress is the body’s natural defense against predators and danger. It causes the body to flood with hormones that prepare its sys tems to evade or confront danger. People commonly refer to this as the fight-or-flight Whenmechanism.humans face a challenge or threat, they have a partly physical response. The body activates resources that help people either stay and confront the challenge or get to safety as fast as possible. The body produces larger quantities of the chemicals cortisol, epinephrine, and nor Theseepinephrine.trigger the following physical reactions: • increased blood pressure • heightened muscle preparedness • sweating
Contact: Br.Taufiq-( 604)786 2894 ,Br.Ayaz Begg- (604) 202-2607. Reported by: Ms. Sadia
By:Mohmed Wahab Alhamdulillah with the help of Al lah, Shaykh Oves and Shaykh Anees of Darul Qur’an Institute of Islamic Studies once again organized its annual summer camp to the Okanagan Valley. We organized this camping trip for our students. We drove 5 hours to wards the BC interior and on the way we made stops along the highways next to beautiful rivers where students enjoyed getting their feet wet and enjoyed the magnificent scenery! Once we reached our campsite that was nestled between a hill and a river, the students were taught to set up their campsites, setup tents and then we had burgers and hot dogs for lunch. Afterwards, the students would go for a cool swim in the lake. We ended the days with BBQ chicken for dinner and s’mores before praying Isha and sleep ing! In the mornings after praying Fajr eve ryone had breakfast enjoying eggs made to order, tea, hot chocolate, pancakes, and Nutella sandwiches. Afterwards the students went hiking, rock climbing, gokarting, playing mini-golf, climbing high ropes and other fun activities. We also went boating on a large party boat and had a delicious lunch of burgers and hot dogs on the boat followed by swimming in the lake and finally some fishing! After lunch we would have amazing games of baseball, football, volleyball, cricket, go swimming in the lake and water balloon fights! By evening, the students ended their day with dinner, s’mores, ice cream and praying Isha. On the final morning after praying Fajr and having breakfast, the students packed up, cleaned their campsites and prepared for their journey home. Alhamdulillah, the students had an amazing time! Dur ing the days of camping the students prayed all 5 daily Salah, listened to short speeches and remembered Allah. During the entire trip, the students remained oc cupied and busy enjoying the outdoors. Shaykh Oves, Shaykh Anees and the staff of Darul Qur’an Institute believe that we are fortunate to live in Canada that is full of natural beauty and we should enjoy it by exploring the great outdoors while re membering and thanking Allah. As Allah mentions in the Holy Qur’an: Say: “Travel through the earth and see how Allah did originate creation; so will Allah produce a later creation: for Allah has power over all things. (Surah Al-‘Ankabut, 20) We do this to remind ourselves that learning Islam is not just about study ing books, but also includes new expe riences, sharing and learning new ideas, remembering Allah and His beloved Prophet peace be upon him, strengthen ing bonds between students and teachers in a fun and relaxing environment, and to create happy memories that will last a lifetime. May Allah reward the community for their Duaas and support and the follow ing volunteers for joining us and their assistance: Br Tahir Sattar & Br Saad Shaikh
• Thesealertnessfactors all improve a person’s ability to respond to a potentially hazardous or challenging situation. Norepinephrine and epinephrine also cause a faster heart rate. Environmental factors that trigger this re action are called stressors. Examples in clude noises, aggressive behavior, a speed ing car, scary moments in movies, or even going out on a first date. Feelings of stress tend to increase in tandem with the number of stressors.
Mustafa Raja emerges runner up in tennis Canada National Junior open Series, U16 15 year old Mustafa Raja emerged runner up in the Tennis Canada Stanley Park National Junior Open Series 2022 in the 16 & Under category. Tournament was held at the outdoor Stanley Park courts in Van couver, between 18 to 22 July 2022. It was a draw of 64 where top players from all over Canada could participate. Mustafa played well to reach the finals without drop ping a set. Mustafa is now closer to qualify ing for the U16 Nationals to be held in On tario in MustafaAugust.isone of the top ranking players in BC and Canada in his age category. Musta fa trains at the Tennis Centre in Surrey and studies at the Sullivan Heights School.
• Exercise: A study of animal studies found that exercise can reduce memo ry impairment in subjects with stress, although studies on humans are neces sary to confirm this.
Developing coping strategies before stress becomes chronic or severe can help an indi vidual manage new situations and maintain their physical and mental health. People who are already experiencing over whelming stress should seek medical assistance.
• Acknowledging the signs: A person can be so anxious about the problem causing the stress that they do not no tice the effects on their body. It is im portant to be mindful of any changes. Noticing signs and symptoms is the first step to taking action. People who experi ence work stress due to long hours may need to “take a step back.” It may be time for them to review their working practices or talk to a supervisor about finding ways to reduce the load. Most people have an activity that helps them relax, such as reading a book, going for a walk, listening to music, or spending time with a friend, loved one, or pet. Join ing a choir or a gym also helps some people relax. Stress management techniques
• Reducing the intake of alcohol, drugs, and caffeine: These substances will not help prevent stress, and they can make it worse.
• Breathing and relaxation: Meditation, massage, and yoga can help. Breath ing and relaxation technique can slow down the heart rate and promote relax ation. Deep breathing is also a central part of mindfulness meditation.
• removing or changing the source of stress • altering how a person views a stressful event • lowering the effects that stress might have on the body
Darul Qur’an Institute of Islamic Studies organized its annual summer camp to the okanagan Valley.
H e AL t H AND e V e N t S R e P o R t S
• Time: People should set aside some time to organize their schedules, relax, and pursue their own interests.
Treatment Treatment includes self-help and, when an underlying condition is causing stress, cer tain Therapiesmedications.thatmay help a person relax in clude aromatherapy and reflexology. Some insurance providers cover this type of treatment. However, it is important for peo ple to check coverage with their provider before pursuing this treatment. Knowing the details about a potential treatment can help prevent it from adding to any ongoing stress.
On Aug 21, We Care Relief Canada hosted a food drive at their Surrey office to support the medical treatment of for a severely ill sister in Fiji.The menu was Chicken Pulao withTomato Chutney. The entire community, not just those from Fiji, backed the initiative. The event’s tickets were all sold out, and many attendees also purchased food on-site. Following their initial purchase, several consumers came back to repurchase and referred their friends and families. Br. Taufiq and Br.Aiyaz Begg ,two of the organization’s directors, led a large group of volunteers who helped with cooking and preparation.We Care Relief Canada is a registered non-profit organisation that was founded in April 2021 and provides aid to Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Fiji, and several African nations providing them with the bare necessities of life, such as food through regular food deliveries, community meals, water through hand pumps, solar-powered submersible pumps, boreholes, water tanks, self-sufficiency through the establishment of small businesses, electricity through solar panels, distribution of wheelchairs, livestock, cots, mosquito nets, beddings, clothes, stainless steel utensil kits, medicine, fans with re chargeable batteries, baby diapers and formula, slippers arrange weddings and funerals, assist in the treatment of seriously ill patients, build houses and refugees tents, renovate school buildings, provide uniforms, build and renovate mosques, distribute Quran, Juzz, Qaida, and reading stools, plantation of Olives and Eucalyptus. We also respond to crises including floods, droughts, and post-war needs.Please donate at Online interec
• Talking: Sharing feelings and con cerns with family, friends, and work colleagues may help a person “let off steam” and reduce feelings of isolation. Other people may be able to suggest unexpected, workable solutions to the stressor.
Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,2022 L o CAL9 Darul Qur’an Institute of Islamic Studies organized its annual summer camp to the okanaganCelebratedValley. at Amin Khan’s residence in Surrey Khalid Hassan’s team did Flag Hoisting & Celebrations in Richmond’s Muncipility we Care Relief Canada hosted a food drive at their Surrey’s office Independence Day of Pakistan Celebrated in BC, Car Rally starts from Holland Park Report On Page 8Report On Page 8
SOLD PROERTIES IN 2022 604 -518 - 3782 (Realtor)(Realtor) 604 - 839 - 7863 PRECA2Z Team Adeeb Shums Ayyaz Shums $1265,000 $760,000$905,000$1,860,000$530,000 $1,375,000$1,425,000$638,000$950,000$1601,000 $1,300,000 $975,000$999,000 $630,000 3368 Princeton Avenue Coquitlam BC V53E 0G2 102-6438 195A Street Cloverdale BC V3S 0W3 106-9009 Cornerstone Mews Burnaby BC V5A 0B9 325 W 22nd Street Maple Ridge BC V2W 1Z9 205-2485 Atkins Ave, Port Coquitlam BC V3C 1Z1 14492 60 Avenue, Surrey BC V3S 1R3 5345 Lutz Road Avenue, Surdis Promontory, BC V3S 1R3 42-20155 84 Avenue Langley BC V2Y 2B8 B322 8218 207A Street Langley BC V2Y 0Y1 #39 7947 209th Street Langley BC V2Y 2C8 24760 Kimola Drive Maple Ridge BC V2W 0A6 313-3085 Primrose Lane Coquitlam BC V3B 7S3 2706 689 Abbott Street Vancouver West V6B 164-13860J2Lincoln Drive PortCoquitlamBC V3B 7G6 32-10090 137A Street Surrey BC V3T 5M6 5981 142 Street Surrey BC V3X 1C5 r2697852 r2639808 r2700560 pre SoLD r2630916 r2709026r2713027r2705968 pr2701806rivateSaler2695209r2701806r2701806r2654492 $515,000 r2650506$1,125,000 $995,000 9012 Darwin Street Chilliwack BC V2P6W8 45649 Storey Avenue Sardis BC V2R4E6 r26259804 $950,000r2659948 10-7875 122 Street Surrey BC V3W0Y8 109-7505 138 Street Surrey BC V3W0W6 r2665662 r2663934 $1601,000 14492 60 Avenue, Surrey BC V3S 1R3 802-689 Abbott Street Vancouver West, BC V6B 0J2 $575,000$1700,000$705,000 $1950,000$610,000 $561,000 3-9989 240A Street Maple Ridge BC V2W 1Z9 1105-9188 University Crescent Burnaby BC V5A 0A5 204-22318 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge BC V2X2T4 r2622264 rr26415612643510 r2617618SoLDSoLDSoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SSoLDoLDSoLDSoLDSoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLDr2635245 r2637347SoLD SoLD SoLD SSSoLDoLDoLDSoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD $501,000 217 Irwin Street Nanaimo BC V9R4X4 13356 236 Street Maple Ridge BC V4R 0E4 896465 r2639808 Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,202210
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This 2018 built 3 level townhouse features a spacious living space with DOUBLE GARAGE SIDE BY SIDE PARKING plus TWO MORE parking outside. 3 Bedrooms and 2 Washrooms on Top level, with a 4th bedroom and full sized bathroom on the lower level. Easy access to Fraser HWY, Groceries, Parks and Schools. Washrooms with One Bedroom Suite and Possibility of 2 Basement of 2 Bedrooms Approx. $4500 Rental spice kitchen, huge deck with a
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12 Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,2022 $1,125,000$950,000 $576,000 $595,000 $995,000 1,911,111$994,500 10-7875 122 Street Surrey BC V3W 0Y8 9012 Darwin Street Chilliwack BC V2P 6W8 109-7505 138 Street Surrey BC V3W 0W6 1106 7088 18th Avenue Surrey BC V3N 0A2 12127 Cherrywood Drive Maple Ridge BC V2X 9K5 12276 74 Avenue Surrey BC V3W 5S3 45649 Storey Avenue Sardis BC V2R4E6 44849Cumberland Ave Sardis BC V2R 3H7 27045 108 Avenue Maple Ridge BC V2W1V9 SOLD PROERTIES IN 2022 rr262598042665662 r2659948 r2687827 r2663934 r2681202 604 -518 - 3782 (Realtor)(Realtor) 604 - 839 - 7863 PRECA2Z Team Adeeb Shums $1601,000 $1,300,000 $1,300,000 205-2485 Atkins Ave, Port Coquitlam BC V3C 1Z1 14492 60 Avenue, Surrey BC V3S 1R3 5345 Lutz Road Avenue, Surdis Promontory, BC V3S 1R3 12276 74 Avenue Surrey BC V3W 5S3 r2639808 r2654492 r2685580 r2691812 $515,000 r2650506$3,861,000 $1,300,000 $1,911,111 $1,240,000$1,300,0001855 Palmerston Avenue West Vancouver BC V7V 2V3 5345 Lutz Road Avenue, Surdis Promontory, BC V3S 1R3 27045 108 Avenue Maple Ridge BC V2W 1V9 r2675226 r2654492 r2687827 rr26855802687657SSoLDoLDSoLDSoLD SSoLDoLDSoLDSoLD SSoLDoLDSoLDSoLD SSoLDoLDSoLDSoLD
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14 Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,2022
Covid-19: Back-To-School Plans In Canada
British Columbia The first day for kids in B.C. has been pushed back to the second week of Sep tember, giving teachers and staff two days to prepare for the new school year. Students will be sorted into learning groups of no more than 60 people, including teachers and educational assistants. Learning groups will remain together throughout the se mester. The province’s back-to-school plan includes enhanced health and safety meas ures, including a health policy for students and staff. The province will also provide every student with two masks when they return to school, although masks are not mandatory for elementary school students in B.C.For more information, visit B.C.’s back-to-school plan...
Changes To The Upcoming School Year In Canada Due To Coronavirus We’ve broken down what back-to-school could look like in your province when they reopen in September. Keep in mind that lo cal boards and individual school protocols and open dates will vary by region. The be low information is accurate at the time of publishing, and parents are encouraged to check their children’s school for the most up-to-date and accurate information for their own situations.
After the long summer break, many par ents consider back-to-school as “the most wonderful time of the year.” However, the upcoming 2021-2022 school year is un like any other. Parents and kids are unsure of how the school year will play out. Are kids heading back into the classroom, will there be digital learning – or a combination of Mydohboth?is all about learning. With that in mind, we rounded up some resources to keep you informed on back-to-school and the changes parents, and kids across Cana da might expect.
15 Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,2022
L o CAL16 Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,2022 PCCA Celebrates Pakistan’s Diamond Jubilee at Holland Park, Surrey Surrey Delta womens branch presents Seniors Appreciation Program at S.J.Masjid Yad e Shuhada-e-Karbala organized at Masjid Anwar e Madina, Surrey Fatima Zahra Helping Hand (FZHH) distributes Food to needy persons in town Report On Page 17 Report On Page 17 Report On Page 17 Report On Page 17 Report On Page 17
The program started with a Dua by Br Izaz Azad. It was an informative program with great insights on Wills, Representation Agreements, Power of Attorney, and estate planning by a prominent and well-known lawyer in our community, Br Shafique Mohammed and his associate, Fe Mu noz-Job from Dominion Law Group. Our BCMA president, Br Asad Gondal, spoke on Funeral arrangements and procedures. There were lots of ques tions and answers and our seniors gained valuable knowledge from this program.
Muharram 28,1444 August 26 ,2022 L o CAL e V e N t S R e P o R t S & A R t ICL e S
On Monday, a first information report (FIR) was registered against PTI chairman Imran Khan and other top party lead ers for holding a gathering despite a ban.Source:
An Islamabad district and sessions court on Wednesday granted interim bails to six PTI leaders in a case pertaining to the violation of Section 144 (ban on public gatherings ex ceeding four persons) in the capital during the party’s rally on August 20. PTI leaders Saifullah Niazi, Ali Awan, Raja Khurram, Faisal Javed, Sadaqat Abbasi, and Shahzad Waseem approached the court earlier today. During the hearing today, the appli cants’ lawyers contended that the case booked against them was “baseless” and all the sections in the first information report (FIR) were bailable. The entire country witnessed that the rally was peaceful, they argued, adding that the case had only been registered to suppress their clients. The lawyers subsequently pleaded that the PTI leaders be granted bail.
Pakistan Defence Day – A Day Of Sacrifice, Bravery, And Resilience! Loud calls, the sound of firearms, and panic everywhere – it sounds extremely stressing, doesn’t it? This is exactly what we, as a na tion, witnessed the night of 6th September! In the dead of the night, an Indian troop attacked Pakistan’s half of Punjab, unan nounced; leaving our end of the army baf fled. Even though taken by surprise, heav ily unequipped, and unprepared, the armed forces of Pakistan fought back with zeal, and conviction, protecting our cities! 6th Sep tember, is known as the Pakistan Defence Day, where we remember and celebrate the sacrifices of our army men, and their suc cessful attempt at keeping our civil areas protected! There lies a lot of significance in the day, which we will talk about in this blog!
On Aug 13,The Surrey Delta Women’s Branch organized a Seniors Appre ciation event organised at Jamea Masjid. We appreciate the seniors in our lives and community as parents, grandpar ents, each other’s partners, and friends.
Subsequently, Additional Sessions Court Judge Faizan Haider Gilani granted them interim bail against surety bonds of Rs20,000 and instructed the PTI leaders to appear before the court on September 9. Last week, Imran had urged the public to take to the streets against Gill’s arrest and the revoking of the license of ARY News. Soon after, the police had imposed Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. However, despite the restrictions, a large number of resi dents had come out to attend the rally led by the PTI chief. The procession had started from Zero Point and reached F-9 Park, where Imran addressed his supporters.
Surrey/Delta womens branch presents Seniors Appreciation Program at S.J.Masjid
Fatima Zahra Helping Hand (FZHH) distributes Food to needy persons in town
On August 20, The Masjid Anwaar e Ma dina organized a very spiritual program in the remembrance of the great martyrs of Karbala and the great and high status of the grandson of the holy prophet (PBUH) Imam Hussein (R.A). The program started with the recitation of Quran by Hafiz Mo hammad Yusuf, then a few Nasheed’s were recited including Saiyad Hamza Dean, Sai yad Faraz, and Ali Ahmed in a group. M/C Saiyad Afroz described the Shuadha e Kar balah event of this evening and its purpose in English in detail. After that he invited Imam and Khateeb of Masjid Anwaar e Ma dina, Maulana Saiyad Imroz Dean Saify, He recited a few Suras and Hadiths and gave a brief Biyan in Urdu about the Ahell Bait. Af ter that main guest speaker from New York (USA), Hazrat Allama Mufti Sayed Aulade Rasul Qudsi delivered a dynamic speech on the topic of “Love with Hzt Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (R.A) by Prophet Mo hammad (S.A.W). He quoted a few hadiths in detail how our beloved Prophet loves the entire family (Ahell Bait) in his life. After his speech, Mr. Feroze Dean (Realtor) in formed the present community members about the current situation of Masjid An waar e Madina location status in the City of Surrey and the adjacent plot future devel opment, for this new project, Masjid needs Funds. Mufti Sayed Aulade Rasul Qudsi motivated the audience and was able to raise $100,500, Allhumdulilla one brother doubled this amount. At this initial fundrais ing, the total amount was $201,000 collected for its new Masjid project. In the end, Mufti Sayed said we should remember the Scari fies of Syedna Imam Hussain and his family and follow his lesson and teachings of his Grandfather Mohammad (SAW). After his speech, the program finished with Salaat o Salaam and Duaa and then delicious dinner has been served.
By: Farina Hussain
By: Skindar Hayat Vancouver/Burnaby/Surrey/CoquitlamHonoring Shaykh Nurjan’s Teachings by Rescuing & Distributing 4,000+ lbs of Excess Costco Foods on the Weekend to Food Banks, Seniors’ Home & Addiction Recovery Homes. alHamdulillah! Thank you to all those who donated and supported for a goodcause. Fatima Zahra Helping Hand FZHH works to provide relief and strengthen communi ties in calamities. With our generous con tributions, and integrated approach to detail our development schemes and programs transcend and transform families, children and global communities. We believe pro viding support and guidance will influence and transform the future of our vulner able brothers and sisters around us. With our standard projects being; Fresh Water, Orphan Support, Qurban Support, Mawlid and Educational Activities, Sadaqah and Zakat. Please continue to show your love by volun teering & supporting these FZHH programs Financially.
PCCA Celebrates Pakistan’s Diamond Jubilee at Hol land Park, Surrey
14th August 2022, in Vancouver Main land started with a graceful event under the sunshine at Holland Park, Surrey, to celebrate Pakistan’s 75th Independence Day organized by Pakistani Canadian Cul tural Association of BC #PCCA in partner ship with the city of Surrey. The credit for event’s success goes to the PCCA Youth volunteers, significant attendance by Cana dians of Pakistani and subcontinent origin, Politicians, Community Leaders, Honorable representatives from all 3 levels of govern ments including MP’s, MLA’s, City of Sur rey Mayor and his team, Mayoral and City Councillors candidates and their teams for next city of Surrey civic elections and, the honorable Consul General of Pakistan to Western Canada also graced the event with his presence.
Yad e Shuhada-e-Karbala organized at Masjid Anwar e Madina
As an appreciation of our seniors, Sr,Quamrul Mohammed, our fundraising director, gave out gift bags donated by Sr Fainuma Azad from Derna Dental to each senior. After the program a delicious lunch was served by Sr, Sadrul and her team. The program ended with a Dua by Br Hassan Mallam. I would like to thank Br, Shafique Mohammed, Fe Munoz-Job, and Br, Asad Gondal for taking the time to speak to our elders. I would also like to thank the sisters of the Surrey Delta Branch for helping in the preparation of the event. May Allah SWT give us Barka and Tawfeeq to continue serv ing our community.
History & Significance of 6th September Pakistan Defence Day
In the early 1960s India started to attack Kashmir, in an attempt to win it over, de spite all the UN resolutions. The Pakistan army decided to support the locals fighting for their lives in Kashmir. In order to divert Pak army’s attention from the ongoing war, the rivals, Indian army at tacked various parts of Pakistani Punjab, such as Lahore, Sialkot and Kasur, on the 6th September in the dead of the night. Despite not having the upper edge in weap onry or manpower, our soldiers bravely de fended our country till the 23rd of Septem ber, when the countries agreed upon a truce. In these 17 days, the rivals were not success ful in getting any piece of our land. The nation observes 6th September as the Pakistan Defence Day with great fervour and enthusiasm to pay homage to our armed forces. Source: /
By: Khushal Khan, Defence Day is celebrated on the 6th of Sep tember every year in Pakistan. It was on this day in 1965, that India launched her forces and attacked Pakistan across the interna tional border without a warning or a decla ration of war. This is the day when we pay tribute to the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives in defending their homeland from the Pakistanenemy.and India, both countries fought that war for the issue of Kashmir but this issue remained unsolved. A lot of people lost their lives from both countries and a lot of weapons were used. At last on the 6th of September, this war was ended with the support of the UN. The day of 6th September starts with special prayers for the peace and prosperity of Pakistan. The President and Prime Minister give an address. Pakistani Army displays the latest missiles, tanks, guns, army aviation helicop ters, and armament being used by Engineers, Electrical and Mechanical Corps, Army Air Defense, Signals, Army Service Corps and Army Medical Corps live in various places. These shows are also displayed on differ ent Tv channels. National songs and special documents about 6th September 1965, and the martyred people of 6th September are displayed on the TV. In the end, I would like to say that We should all pray for the safety and solidarity of Pakistan. Source:
6 September, Defence Day
PtI leaders granted interim bails in Section 144 violation case
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