Charles could oversee the end of monarchy.
PM Shehbaz calls for ‘sustainable system’ to deal with climate change as 18 more die in floods
Queen Elizabeth II oversaw the end of empire.
www.miraclenews.comVolume 22- Issue 579- September 9, 2022 -Safar 12-26,1444 H, $1 THE Barring ‘1-2 exceptions’, all past military appoint. Bank of Canada hikes interest rate by 75 Iraq’s Supreme Court says it cannot .. A rich tribute paid to the Martyrs l $200K Donated Towards The Pakistan Flood Islamophobia in Canada Study Special Places Where One’s Du’a is Accepted Gorbachev’s love-hate relationship with Putin Why is Labour Day in September in Canada? 07 0609 09 0809 03 0609 BC, BiweeklyFirstCANADAMuslim&Bilingual I
Pakistan reported 18 floodrelated casualties on Wednes day as Prime Minister She hbaz Sharif called for a “sustainable system” to cope with the challenges of climate change, which is seen as the primary reason that triggered unprecedented rains and floods in Pakistan this monsoon season. Au thorities have been struggling to respond to the floods given their unprecedented magnitude. The government has said 33 million people — 15pc of its population — have been affected.A daily situa tion report by the National Disaster Management Authority showed on Wednesday that 18 more people had fallen victim to the deadly flood over the past 24 hours, taking the death toll since June 14 to 1,343.The Na tional Flood Response Coordination Centre (NFRCC) confirmed the tally in a separate statement, saying that 17 people were injured due to flash floods over the past 24 hours, taking the total number of injured reported so far to 12,720. The statement added Myles Sanderson taken into custody just hours after police release names of 10 people killed in attacks in Sas katchewan. Canadian police have taken the suspect in a deadly stab bing spree into custody, after a days-long search that worsened grief and fear in the remote com munities where 10 people were killed and more than a dozen oth ers injured on the weekend. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in the province of Saskatchewan said on Wednesday that Myles Sanderson was found near Rosth ern, a town about 130km (80 miles) from where the attacks took place. “There is no longer a risk to public safety relating to this investigation. The Saskatchewan RCMP would like to thank the public for their diligence in providing pertinent in formation about potential sightings of Myles Sanderson,” the force said in a brief Sandersonstatement.facesthree counts of first-degree murder, among other charges, in relation to the fatal at tacks that devastated the Indig enous community of James Smith Canada stabbing spree suspect taken into custody: Police in Canada Study” sessions held in Masjid As-Salaam Burnaby & in Sheraton, Vancouver. at Pg 9 & 11 at page 5
t was only three months ago that the United Kingdom celebrated Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Ju bilee. That reign came to an end Thurs day, as Buckingham Palace announced the queen’s death after spending 70 years on the throne.Elizabeth’s death will spark a multitude of feelings, of ten conflicting, not just in Britain but around the world. The monarch has been the only head of state that millions of her subjects in the British Isles and the Commonwealth have ever known. Her presence on their coins and bank notes and their televisions has been a constant through generations, an everdiminishing bit of continuity as the world has shifted away from the dark days of subjection and colonialism. The queen’s death will highlight two things: first, her power as a symbol for the British people; second, that the wheels of the state will continue turning without her. Charles now inherits a title and lands. He will grant his leave for new governments to form after the next election. But it will be done in the shadow of his Continue at page 5
Continue at page 5
Muslim Community Care Founda tion’s Enlightenment Program held its first Soccer Fest event for Children and Youth with Special Needs on August 27, 2022. The children had an amaz ing time, and their siblings joined the ac tivities too. Our talented volunteer coaches engaged the children in some skill building, game play, and most importantly, promoted having FUN! Food, treats, and refreshments we are also provided to the children and their families. Studies show that children benefit from par ticipation in sports. Additionally, research has found that while there are often signifi cant barriers to participation in sports for children with special needs, there are many ways to overcome these obstacles. Social interaction and making a connection with other children help overcome some of the Muslimchallenges.Community Care Foundation (MCCF) provides support and programs for individuals with disabilities. The Enlight enment Program’s professional staff are highly qualified and trained in supporting individuals with disabilities. They also pro vide support and resources for parents and family members: counselling; respite care; information services; and most importantly, Islamic community support.
2 Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,2022
The Enlightenment Program will be run ning a weekly group for children with spe cial needs. The basis of this group will be learning about Islam using developmentally appropriate strategies. We plan to teach the basics of Islam and etiquette using the local Mosques and Islamic centers. The Enlightenment Program aims to foster inclusion and awareness through education al workshops and seminars. Our community needs the knowledge and skills to provide Islamic inclusion to all our members.If you, or anyone you know, needs services or sup port, please email Muslim Community Care Foundation at
MCCF Enlightenment Program Soccer Fest event
Ask the Imam (Q&A)
Children remain a benefit even when a person has passed away. When they make du’a to Allah requesting pardon for their deceased parents, their du’a is accepted.
“Whoever treads a path seeking will make easy for him the path to by and others, and
The one whose children forget after death, is certainly a loser. Abu Hurairah narrated that Allah’s Messenger said, “When a person dies, all rewards from deeds are terminated except from three – a continuing charity, knowledge from which benefit is (still) gained, and a pious child who is making du’a for him.” (Muslim) Source:
Imam Muslim)” Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA Day DateIsl. Dt. Sunr Zawal Dhuhr Asar MaghribFajar Isha Sep 9-22, 2022, Safar 12-26,1444H Dhur Asar Shafi / Hanfi ThusThusMonSunSatFriTueWedFriSatSunMonTueWedFri262524232221201918171615141312
Ibn Majah
Question: 99833 Supervised by Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid Iam a young man working for some company, and I have rented an apartment. I found out that the woman who owns the apartment took a riba-based loan to buy it, and the rent is higher than the payments that she makes to the bank. Thus she pays to the bank the money that I give her, and keeps the rest as profit. I think it most likely that she bought the property in order to rent it out in this way. My ques tion is: is the rent I pay for it regarded as helping in sin, or is it halaal? Answer Praise be to Allah. Taking out riba-based loans is emphati cally prohibited, because of the stern warn ing that was given regarding riba, which applies equally to the one who consumes it, the one who pays it and the one who writes it down, as Muslim (1598) narrated that Jaabir said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba, the one who pays it, the one who writes it down and the two who witness it, and he said: “They are all the same.” So whoever takes out a riba-based loan, and buys a house or goods with it, may make use of it by living in the house or selling the goods and the like, but he must repent to Allah, may He be exalted. Hence there is no blame on you for renting from her, even if she borrowed money with the aim of selling it later for profit or having an income from renting it out, and the sin of that is on her, because she is the one who dealt with riba.
Special Places: Where One’s Du’a is Accepted
Renting from a landlord who bought the property with a riba-based loan (Mortgage)
knowledge, Allah
On many occasions, the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wassalam used to warn his compan ions from the du’a of an oppressed person as it will certainly be answered. An exam ple of this is the incident when Allah’s Mes senger sent Mu’adh bin Jabal to Yemen. He gave him many instructions among which he “Andsaid,beware of an oppressed person’s du’a for there is no shield between it and Allah.” (Bukhari)
fulfilling the conditions of Imam al Bukhari
February 24, 2022
A Father’s Du’a Against His Child
A Fasting Persons Du’a Abu Hurairah narrated that Allah’s Mes senger said, “Three (types) of du’as are not rejected: A fasting person’s till he breaks fast, a just rul er’s and an oppressed person’s.” (Tirmidhi)
Deceased Parents
Paradise.” (reported
In another collection by Tirmidhi, it has been reported that when a person invokes Allah when he is about to break his fast, his invocation is not rejected. A Pious Child’s Du’a for the
By: M. Baghazal , Inside the Ka’bah Usamah bin Zaid radhi allahu anh narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wassallam, when he entered the Ka’bah, made du’a to Allah at all its sides. (Muslim) In another hadith, Abdullah bin ‘Umar said, “I saw Allah’s Messenger entering the Ka’bah. He, Usamah bin Zaid, Bilal, and ‘Uthman bin Talha, and they (locked the door) on them selves. So when they opened it, I was the first to enter and I met Bilal and asked him, ‘Did Allah’s Messenger pray in it?’ He said, ‘Yes, he prayed between the two Yamani pil lars.’” (Bukhari & Muslim) However, it might be difficult for many of people to enter the Ka’bah. In such a situa tion, it is sufficient for a person to make du‘a inside the wall which is surrounding the Ka‘bah from one side as this is considered a part of the Ka‘bah. The evidence is in the hadith,“‘Aishah radhi allahu anha asked Al lah’s Messenger about the jidar (wall), ‘Is it part of the Ka’bah?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ She said, ‘Why did they not enter it into the Ka’bah?’ He said, ‘Your people lacked sufficient fund ing.’” (Bukhari & Muslim). At Safa & Marwah Jabir narrated in his lengthy hadith about the pilgrimage (Hajj) of the Messenger of Allah, “…Then he walked out from the door head ing towards As-Safa, and when he got closer to the Safa, he recited, ‘Verily, As-Safa and Al-Marwah are of the symbols of Allah.’ {Al-Baqarah. 158} and he said, ‘I begin with that which Allah began with,’ so he began with As-Safa and went up on it till he sighted the Ka’bah. He then faced the Qiblah and then proclaimed the oneness of Allah, made takbieer and said, ‘La ilaha Illallah wahdahu la shareeka lah. Lahul-Mulk wa lahul-hamd, wa-huwa ‘ala kulli shay-in qadeer. La ilaha il allahu wahdah, anjaza wa’dah, wa nasara ‘ab dah, wa hazamal ahzaaba wahdah.’ Then he made du’a between the two, repeating what he said three times. …and he did the same actions at Al-Marwah as he did at As-Safa.” Therefore,[Muslim] it is a sunnah to make du’a to Al lah at As-Safa and at Al-Marwah during ‘Umrah or Hajj, as these are counted among the places where du’a is accepted. At Arafah During the Hajj, and particularly on the day of ‘Arafah, one must try to make du’a to Al lah subhanahu wa ta a’la as much as he can, because a du’a made on this day is the best du‘a and it is more likely to be accepted as explained in the following hadith. ‘Amrubin-Shu’aib narrated from his father who, in turn, narrated from his father, “The Prophet sallallahu alayhe wassallam said, ‘The best du’a is the du’a (made) on the day of Arafah.’” (Tirmidhi) The People from Whom Du’a is Accepted Anyone who abides by the conditions of du’a, refrains from the reasons of its rejection, im plements its manners and seeks the times and places of acceptance will be among those whose du’a will be accepted. The Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wassallam have also shown us specific types of people whose du’a are especially accepted by Allah subhan ahu wa ta’ala. A Person’s Du’a for His Muslim Brother A Muslim must always try to remember his brothers during du’a because such a du’a is accepted Allah. Whatever we ask for our th brother, we will be granted likewise. Umm Ad-Dardaa narrated that the Prophet used to say, “A Muslim’s du’a for his brother in his ab sence is accepted. There is an angel (as signed) close to his head, whenever he sup plicates for his brother that which is good, the assigned angel says, Ameen, you will be granted similarly.” (Muslim)
Du’a of an Oppressed Person
Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,20223
When in anger, parents must avoid mak ing du’a against their children as it might be answered, and that they will regret the du’a later. A father’s du’a for or against his children is answered as was mentioned by the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wassallam in the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, “Three (types) of du’a are answered, with out doubt: an oppressed person’s du’a, a traveling person’s du’a and a father’s du’a for his son.” (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood) In another narration collected by Ahmad and Tirmidhi, the Prophet said, “…a fa ther’s du’a against his son.”
By: Mohmed Wahab By the grace of the Almighty, Darul Qur’an Institute hosted its 6th annual “Show ‘N’ Shine” family event on Au gust There28th.were hundreds in attendance enjoying the many different vehicles and enjoying the delicious food which included BBQ chicken, burgers, fries, dessert and ice cream. The kids got to enjoy the bouncy castle, face painting, train ride, table tennis, pool, bas ketball and cold treats! Officers from the RCMP & the Transit po lice were also present with information on gang violence and community programs. They had booths setup with gifts & freebies for the kids such as water bottles, key chains & wrist bands! The attendees included Muslims and nonmuslims, members of the local church, local scholars & politicians and many new faces. We prayed Dhuhr Salaah together and after wards learned about the importance of Salah and upcoming events. Shaykh Anees also gave a brief intro of our institute and what our students learn. The purpose of this event was to bring the com munity together and get them talking about their faith and Allah. By far, the biggest attraction was the dunk Ittank!was great to see our local scholars sacrifice themselves for a noble cause! All the proceeds from this event helps Darul Qur’an Institute of Islamic Studies.
Pakistan WON! End of live thread Source:
* Islamic Relief Canada * Penny Appeal Canada * SK Creations * Chaiiwala of London * Taqwa Halal Meats May Allah reward all the participants, spon sors, attendees and volunteers for making this a successful event! #show’n’shine, #carshow, #community Darul Qur’an Institute hosted its 6th annual “Show ‘n’ Shine”
Teenage Naseem Shah’s clutch sixes on back-to-back balls of the final over helped Pakistan defeat Afghanistan by one wick et in their Super Four match of the Asia Cup 2022 in Sharjah on Wednesday. Heading into the final over, Pakistan needed 11 runs with just a wicket in hand, thanks to an astonishing batting collapse. However, the 19-year-old Na seem, whose primary job is that of a pac er and who came in to bat at number 10
Why is labour Day in September in Canada?
Labour Day parade in Belleville, ON, 1913. Miracle’s Note: If we enjoy every Statutory Holiday then we should know about that.
As the event grew more popular nationwide, labour organizations pressured governments to declare the first Monday in September a statutory holiday (see National Holidays). Their impact was significant enough that the Royal Commission on the Relations of Labor and Capital in Canada (1886–89) recommended that the federal government establish a “labour day.” Before this, the day had official status in only a few municipali ties. Montreal, for example, declared it a civic holiday in 1889. In March and April 1894, more than 50 la bour organizations from Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Manitoba and British Co lumbia petitioned parliamentarians. These groups included several regional trade and labour councils, as well as local assemblies of the Knights of Labor. They based their lob bying movement on similar initiatives from American unions. In the House of Com mons, a bill sponsored by Prime Minister John Thompson prompted the debate about the holiday’s legal status in May 1894. The House passed an amended holiday law with out major discussion. It received royal assent on 23 July. The United States federal govern ment also recognized the holiday in 1894. The provinces had no choice but to adapt. For example, Quebec parliamentarians an nounced that the province’s courts would not sit on the first Monday in September of that year. It wasn’t until 1899 that the prov ince granted the holiday legal status, order ing school boards to delay the start of classes until after the first Monday in September.
Statutory Holiday
Participants were awarded trophies in the following categories: SUV, Top Classic, Top Custom Top Truck/Jeep-Hafidh, Top Motorcycle cruiser Top Motorcycle sport, Top JDM Top exotic, Table tennis Basketball 3-point challenge Hockey accuracy challenge Congrats to all the winners who went home with a trophy! This would not have been possible without the help of Allah the Almighty! would like to acknowledge the support of our sponsors:
Pak vs Afg: Naseem Shah comes up clutch, hits back-to-back 6s in final over to win seesaw thriller
Labour Day, the first Monday in Sep tember, has been a statutory holiday in Canada since 1894. It originated in the first workers’ rallies of the Victorian era. Historically, workers marked the day with various activities. These included parades, speeches, games, amateur competitions and picnics. The holiday promoted workingclass solidarity and belonging during a time of rapid industrialization. Since the Second World War, fewer and fewer people have participated in Labour Day activities. Never theless, it remains a statutory holiday. Many Canadians now devote the Labour Day holi day to leisure activity and family time. First Celebrations and American Influence Before the 1880s, people held sporadic fes tivities in connection with larger labour Somemovements.historians trace the origin of Labour Day to the Nine Hour Movement (1872). Labour organizations began to hold celebra tions more frequently following a labour convention in New York in September 1882. Spurred on by this initial success, the Amer ican Federation of Labor and the Knights of Labor actively promoted workers’ celebra tions on the first Monday in September in the United States. The Canadian chapters of these organizations did the same. Records show similar gatherings in Toronto (1882); Hamilton and Oshawa (1883); Mon treal (1886); St. Catharines (1887); Halifax (1888); Ottawa and Vancouver (1890); and London (1892).
Surrey Jameh Mashid did the Food Drive, on August 28 at its Parking lot
4 Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,2022 l OCA l/ I n FO / SPOR t S
when all seemed lose, turned the match on its head. As Fazalhaq Farooqi went searchingfor yorkers but only found full tosses, Na seem took full advantage and dispatched both over the boundary line for maxi mums, triggering a sequence of wild cel ebrations worthy of wining the entire Thetournament.youngster’s heroics were required after a batting collapse saw Pakistan go from 87-3 to 118-9, losing six wickets for just 31 runs. Among their many batting failures was their captain Babar Azam, who failed for the fourth straight match in Asia Cup. Shadab Khan was the top scorer for Pakistan with 36 off 26. Earlier, fast bowler Haris Rauf led an inspired Pakistan bowling attack that limited Af ghanistan to 129-6.
Joint family system is a com mon living arrangement in countries like Pakistan and India where all family members, regardless of age, live in the same house. While it is a tradi tional way of living, in this mod ern age, where everyone has the right to live their life freely, many argue that joint family system is a hindrance in the way of develop look at the history of the world, this family system has al ways been found in all the civi lizations of the world, whether the society was considered “un civilized” or developed. It was not specific to any religion or re gion. It was created as a need of the time and with the passage of time its unpopularity is increas ing due to the changing priori ties of life. A major aspect of this system is the lack of protection and privacy of private life. It is the natural de sire of man to have a place where he can live freely with his wife and children. In the joint family system, unless the household is set up in an autonomous inde pendent way, due to the close proximity of many people all the time, there is not a lot of privacy, which can cause a distance in the relationship for couples. Islam has not defined any par ticular family system, such as joint family system or separate family system. Man is born free by nature, and solitude is a desire regardless of immense busyness. He is not at all willing to lose his identity and to have his tastes, moods and personal problems neglected for the sake of others.
27 killed as Al Qaeda launches attack on Yemen separatists
All Rights Reserved Printed in Canada
5 Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,2022 EDI t ORIA l /C O nt. n EWS
Note: The Miracle requests to all read ers to respect any published Islamic material including Allah’s name and Prophet Muham mad (SAW) and quranic verses. Please recycle those pages and avoid throw them in the garbage.
Canada stabbing spree suspect taken into custody: Police
Joint family system in today’s society
Cree Nation and the nearby village of Weldon. The rampage on Sunday marked one of the deadliest incidents of violence in Canada’s his tory, and it has spurred anguish in the province of Saskatchewan and across the country. Sander son was taken into custody just hours after the names of the 10 people killed in the attacks were made public. They are: * Thomas Burns, 23, of James Smith Cree *NationCarol Burns, 46, of James Smith Cree Nation * Gregory Burns, 28, of James Smith Cree Nation * Gloria Lydia Burns, 61, of James Smith Cree Nation • Bonnie Burns, 48, of James Smith Cree Nation • Earl Burns, 66, of James Smith Cree Nation • Lana Head, 49, of James Smith Cree Nation • Christian Head, 54, of James Smith Cree Nation • Robert Sanderson, 49, of James Smith Cree Nation • Wesley Petterson, 78, of Weldon The RCMP said the names of the 18 people in jured in the attacks would not be released, but confirmed that a young teenager was among those hurt. The other injured people are adult men and women, police said. Sunday’s attacks in Saskatchewan, a province on the Canadian prairies, mark one of the deadli est incidents of violence in Canada’s history, and have spurred widespread grief and fear. Mark Arcand, whose sister Bonnie Burns and nephew Gregory Burns were killed in the attacks, said he didn’t want Bonnie to be remembered as a victim. His sister was devoted to her family and “made a difference in peoples’ lives”, Arcand said during a news conference on Wednesday. “She’s not a victim. She’s a hero,” he said. “She always put other people before her. That’s what we want people to remember. We want people to remember how she made you laugh, how she told stories at Christmas … at kids’ birthdays, at weddings, at celebrations.”....
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mother and with the knowledge that what acts he takes are all, in a sense, playacting. The crown and scepter will be costuming, allowing him to uphold the illusion that the monarchy still has a role to play in a modern constitutional republic. When Elizabeth was coronated, the U.K. held more than 70 overseas territories as part of its empire. India had been independent for just five years, the beginning of a trend that would con tinue for the next five decades. The British Em pire came apart at the seams, as country after country took control of its own destiny. After fiercely attempting to put down revolutions in Egypt, Kenya and other countries, Elizabeth’s ministers eventually were forced to follow in the footsteps of King George III and accede to their demands for independence.
Editorial Board : Mr.Shams Jillani, Mr Aslam Hayat, M.A.L. DesignGraphicMs.KhadijaNaumani,NadeemDesign:Teams
I mportant note: Letters to the editor and Articles do not reflect the opinion of the Miracle media group. We do not publish anonymous letters or the letters of the people who do not disclose their identity to ‘The Mira cle.’ A writer can use a pen name or request ‘The Miracle’ to withhold his / her identity. Please include your daytime telephone number for the confirmation of your letter. We regret the inconvenience.
News Cont from Pg 1 News Cont from Pg 1 News Cont from Pg 1 that rain/thundershowers were expected in parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Balstistan, as well as adjoining hills today, while the weather would likely remain hot an humid in other areas of the country. This morning, the NFRCC Deputy chairperson Ahsan Iqbal and the forum’s coordinator, Major General Zafar Iqbal, presided over a meeting of the forum to review the flood situation. The flood situation in Sindh and Balochistan — two of the worst-affected provinces — and rehabilitation activities were the focus of the discussion, a statement issued after the meeting said. The meeting was informed that digital map ping of affected areas would be carried out to prioritise the rehabilitation of communication infrastructure and population. Ahsan Iqbal further directed the relevant au thorities to complete the joint damage assess ment survey on “war footing” so that rehabili tation activities could be focused on, including the repair of communication infrastructure.
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It is important to consider and respect the common human values, but one’s own privacy should not be lost. If we look at it from an Islamic point of view, in the joint fam ily system, non-mahrams such as brother-in-law share the same household. If you are a woman living with your husband’s fam ily, most of men in the same household non-mahram and this is not a favored practice in Islam. Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave separate houses to all his wives. Hazrat Fa tima (RA) was the most beloved daughter of the Prophet (PBUH) and Ali (RA) who was very dear to the Prophet (PBUH) also gave her a separate house after their mar riage . If we look at the joint system in the present era, it is playing a less constructive and more destruc tive role in the society. Even in Canada, the joint family system is not successful and many times such situations arise that rela tionships become complicated, and couples sometimes even reach the point of divorce. In a usual household, both husband and wife are employed and el derly parents living at home can take care of their children which is often argued as the better op tion. However, if such a living arrangement strains the rela tionship between husbands and wives, it cannot be considered as successful. Of course, mar riages fail for many different rea sons, including betrayal of trust, sometimes even from the time of getting married when lies are used about education, work and family, physical or psychological illnesses and financial conditions are not told truthfully. However, unnecessary interference from the parents and relatives of both sides are also a common cause of creating rifts in their relation ships and the joint family system often provides an ideal setting for such things.
The balance of power can oscil late between the husband’s fam ily or the wife’s family dominat ing in such a way that only they are found intervening in every matter of the house which af fects only the husband and wife but also their children. Negative feelings may develop which may lead to mental health and other serious issues. Many a times divorce comes be cause the husband and wife do not fully understand each other. The key to the success of married life is trust, tolerance, and pa tience. It should also be kept in mind that no one is perfect and in the Holy Qur’an. Allah has said that men and women are protector/garment of each other. Just as clothes give us beauty and cover by hid ing the defects, husbands and wives should highlight the good in each other and not advertise each other’s flaws. They should avoid unnecessary competitions like income, education, appear ance, and family background. It should be remembered that each person has his own personality. After understanding each other, you can turn flaws into strengths. In bad family break-ups where children are involved, it often af fects them mentally. They may lose their confidence, interest in life, and even become the victim of drugs or gangs. We all should think about this issue together. The parents of the boy and the girl should save their lives from destruction by interfering in the matter of mar ried children. On the other hand, the children should not neglect their duties and care their par ents when they need them. The survival of the society is a strong family. If you want to strengthen yourself, your family, and the community, then everyone must work together to find a way where with tolerance, love and patience we can all live happily in our free environment and help others at difficult times. Be able to stand with each other in times of sorrow. In this case, neither the parents will be waiting for death alone, nor the children will be affected by distracted and stressed par ents, leading them to vices such as drugs and crime. This is a very critical and serious problem. Family is just as im portant as living independently. The condition of the free society of the western motherland is in front of you. Islam emphasizes moderation and that is the way to Let’ssalvation.allthink together how to create a community where the elderly is not helpless, and hus bands and wives are not suffer ing from depression unable to be effective parents. What do you think? Laysa Lil Insana illa ma’ sa’aa That man can have nothing but what he strives for. LocalsFaith Int.NewsPak/Can.Ediorial/OpinionNews/M.East Politics Health SportsYouthWomen Pakistan/ Urdu 3,4,9,11,56879416-24
Miracle Media is Member of : National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada PM Shehbaz calls for ‘sustainable system’ to deal with climate
The notification stated that in the first phase, five such cabinets dedicated to each coun try, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Turkey and China be pre pared to showcase the gifts received from re spective countries.These would also include the presents PM Shehbaz received during his official visit to UAE and Saudi Arabia.The gifts included a pair of wristwatches (A. LANGE & SOHNE Datograph Fly back — No 242655 and Rolex — model No 326259TBR Sr No 85C423E3), pair of cufflinks (Chopard), one pen (Chopard), a ring (Chopard) and a rosary (Chopard)...
Bank of Canada hikes interest rate by 75 basis points, anticipates another increase
PTI chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan on Wednesday claimed that a conspiracy was being hatched to topple the PTI government in Punjab, alleging that his ministers in the province were being threat ened to accept bribes by “Mr X and Mr Y”. Addressing a rally in Chishtian, he said that PTI’s Punjab lawmakers were being offered bribes worth millions of rupees. “And Mr X and Mr Y are threatening them to accept these bribes.” Imran implied that the Pun jab government would be toppled via a notrust vote and subsequently showed a series of past statements by PML-N leaders where they could could be heard saying that the es tablishment played a “third party” role in the no-confidence movement against him ear lier this year. “So if the no-confidence vote succeeds in Punjab, then according to them [the PML-N], it will be done by the estab lishment,” he said. Elaborating on his claim further, the PTI chief stated that the “con spiracy was being hatched” to bring PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif back to the country. However, Imran said that he was unfazed by Nawaz’s return. “I am waiting for you to come back. And when you do, it is my promise that the nation will welcome you in a way which has never been seen before in the country.”
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has decided against retaining any foreign gifts and ordered all the presents he received during his foreign visits to be permanently displayed at the PM House, it emerged on Wednesday.
Babysitter shot after toddler discovered loaded handgun: Winnipeg police Conspiracy being hatched to topple PtI govt in Punjab, claims Imran
“The premier does not wish to retain any of the gift items presented to him during his visits to Saudi Arabia and UAE dated April 28 to April 30, 2022,” according to a notification issued by the Cabinet Division.“The prime minister de sires that as a policy, all precious gifts should be taken on charge by Toshakhana and conse quently be permanently displayed at the PM House. The gifts would be displayed in secure display cabinets, equipped with alarm systems, under the responsibility of the Toshakhana.”
OTTAWA - The Bank of Canada raised its overnight rate by 75 basis points, moving its policy rate to 3.25 per cent from 2.5 per cent. Since March, the bank has increased its policy rate by 300 basis points -- the fastest pace since the mid-1990s -- in an attempt to bring inflation back to its mandated two per cent target.The bank attributes the war in Ukraine, ongoing COVID-19 lockdowns in China and volatile commodity prices as the main drivers of elevated global inflation. Statistics Canada reported inflation was at 7.6 per cent in July, down from its peak of 8.1 per cent in June. The drop was mainly due to a decrease in gas prices; however, other price measures for food and services remained high. However, the bank said Can ada’s core measure of inflation continue to rise, which prompts a greater risk that rising prices may become entrenched. The bank anticipates further increases to the policy rate will be needed to bring inflation lower to that two per cent target. ”They have set the stage for further rate hikes,” says Kevin Page, president and CEO of the Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy at the Uni versity of Ottawa. “They have to probably get their policy rate to 4 per cent.” Speaking to reporters in Vancouver, where the federal cabinet ministers have gathered for a retreat, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minis ter Chrystia Freeland said the government will “continue to take a balanced and careful approach as we have done all of this year.”
SASKATOON - A woman killed in a stab bing rampage in Saskatchewan over the Labour Day weekend was remembered Wednesday as a caring matriarch and a hero who died while trying to protect her children. Bonnie Burns, 48, is among the 10 people killed in a series of stabbings on the James Smith Cree Nation northeast of Sas katoon and the nearby village of Weldon. Police say one of the suspects was also been found dead. At an emotional news confer ence, her brother Mark Arcand’s voice wa vered as he said the family feels broken and hurt. ”Right outside of her home, she was killed by senseless acts. She was protect ing her son. She was protecting three little boys,” Arcand said. “How can somebody do this to women and children? Words can’t express the pain that we’re Burns’sfeeling.”28-year-old son Gregory was also killed in the attack, as was a woman who lived nearby and came to help. Another son, a teenager, was stabbed in the neck and survived, Arcand said. Some younger children inside the home witnessed the at tack and had to walk by the victims after ward, he added. “I think they had to pass by their mom, and that innocent lady, and their brother laying outside, and they were taken away to family within the community.” RCMP have said 18 other people were in jured in the attacks. As of Tuesday, 10 re mained in hospital, including three in critical condition. Police continue to search for 32-year-old Myles Sanderson, who is wanted on charges of first-degree murder, attempted murder and break and enter. RCMP surrounded a home Tuesday in the First Nation community after a reported sighting of Sanderson. But they did not find him. His brother Damien Sanderson, who was also named as a suspect in the killings, was found dead Monday in a grassy area not far from one of the crime scenes. Police said they believe he did not kill himself and are investigating whether Myles Sanderson was involved in the death... Source:
Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,20226
Defence Minister Khawaja Asif on Wednes day said that “barring one or two exceptions”, all prior appointments in the military forces were on merit. Addressing a press confer ence in Islamabad with Finance Minister Miftah Ismail, he said the recommendations for the heads of the three military divisions — army, navy and airforce — were sent to the prime minister who made the decision after consultation with others. On PTI chief Imran Khan’s comments at his Faisalabad rally on Sunday, regarding the appointment of the upcoming army chief which gener ated controversy, Asif said the former prime minister had given a “new meaning” to his comments in Tuesday’s Peshawar rally.“This is done as part of a well-considered strategy that first you attack and make institutions controversial and see the reaction and then say ‘I talked about merit’.” In Faisalabad, Im ran had said PPP leader Asif Ali Zardari and PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif were mak ing all-out efforts to bring their “favourite” army chief after the retirement of the in cumbent chief in November this year. The new army chief should be chosen on merit, he had said, adding that Zardari and Nawaz were “traitors” and should not be trusted with the fate of the country. Subsequently, in a bid to clarify his remarks about the ap pointment of the army chief, Imran claimed a day ago that his rivals were “distorting” his statements to pit him against the mili tary and the judiciary. “My criticism of the Pakistan Army is constructive in nature,” the former prime minister told the charged crowd in Peshawar. “What did I say wrong,” Imran Khan had asked. “I only asked for the appointment of the army chief on the basis of merit,” he had said, adding that merit-based appointments were manda tory to strengthen any institution.Asif ad dressed the PTI chief’s comments and said the situation was such for the PTI that even Imran’s confidantes remained mum, made excuses or avoided the question when they were asked for their opinion on their leader’s comments.“The president also disassociated himself from what Imran Khan said.”
PM Shehbaz decides against retaining foreign gifts, orders display at PM house
Victim of Saskatchewan stabbings described as ‘hero and true matriarch’
A 20-year-old Winnipeg woman was arrested and is facing charges of possession of a loaded prohibited or restricted firearm, storing a fire arm or restricted weapon contrary to regula tions, and carrying a concealed weapon, pro hibited device or ammunition... Source:
n A t &I nt . n EWS
Barring ‘1-2 exceptions’, all past military appointments on merit: Khawaja Asif
Winnipeg police say a teenaged babysitter was hospitalized after a toddler discovered a loaded handgun and started running around with it. Police say on Saturday morning, the teenaged girl was babysitting the toddler while an adult was asleep in the apartment suite in the Seven Oaks neighbourhood.The toddler found an unsecured and loaded handgun and started running around the suite with it. Police say the babysitter quickly took the gun away from the child, but while she was trying to get it, the gun accidentally went off and she was shot in the upper body.The teenaged girl, who police say was known to the adult but was not a family member, was taken to hospital in stable con dition. Police did not have an update on her condition as of Wednesday. Const. Dani Mc Kinnon, a public information officer with the Winnipeg Police Service, said there are many issues with the incident—one being the hand gun in the incident requires special permis sions and regulations to own, and that it was not stored properly.
“This is a challenging global environment economically, we are still dealing with the aftershocks of the COVID recession, we now have Putin’s invasion of Ukraine caus ing huge challenges for the global economy, principally Europe, but that has an impact on all of us, and Canada is not immune to these challenges,” she said, adding that Can ada still has “really strong economic funda mentals.”.. Source:
But, the PTI chief contended, “while the na tion is reeling from floods and there is an economic crisis, you are playing these politi cal gimmicks”. “Don’t you have any care for the country and its people? You are destroy ing everything.” Imran also criticised the sus pension of YouTube service across Pakistan during his Peshawar rally yesterday, saying that the government was cracking down on journalists supporting PTI and channels showing his speeches out of fear. “They are scared and want to disqualify me,” he said, adding that it was why “fake cases” were being registered against him. “But now that all of their techniques are failing, they are trying to turn the institutions — army and judiciary against me... Source:
Jagmeet Singh: Canadian families need help instead of excuses from the liberal government
Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,20227 PO l I t ICS / C IVIC El EC
Over the more than 20 years after Putin came to power, the ex-Soviet leader em braced, then rejected, then embraced again the man who — much like Gorbachev in the 1980s — came to embody Russia in the eyes of the West. A grudging respect seemed to have developed in the end, with Gorbachev saying ahead of Putin’s 2018 re-election for a fourth term: “Today he is a leader who deservedly enjoys people’s support.” After the chaos of the 1990s and the rule of his nemesis Boris Yeltsin, Gorbachev expressed hope for the former KGB agent who was first elected Russia’s president in 2000. Putin, he said at the time, was “intelligent, serious, re served and well-organised. I like people of this kind.” For Gorbachev, Putin represented a chance for stability and economic growth, while continuing the transition to democra cy he had set in place. Even in 2006, as activ ists expressed increasing concern about the tough treatment of civil society under Putin, Gorbachev was able to declare that “those who fear Putin’s authoritarian tendencies are wrong.” But as the years went by and hopes of democratic development in Russia evapo rated, Gorbachev turned to veiled criticism and then to strongly worded attacks. Fraudtainted 2011 parliamentary elections hard ened his attitude against the president, as well as Putin’s decision to stand for an un precedented third term in office. Gorbachev backed a protest movement that followed the elections and in 2013 made a stinging attack on Russia under Putin. “Politics is more and more turning into an imitation of democra cy. All power is in the hands of the authori ties and the president,” Gorbachev said at the time...Source:
HALIFAX – The Leader of Canada’s NDP Jagmeet Singh was in Halifax this morning for the NDP caucus retreat, reiterating the need to help Canadian families struggling with the high cost of living and the rise of inflation. The Liberal government has stood by for months, failing to provide any help to everyday people, while food prices, gas and housing costs have soared and big box stores make massive profits. That needs to change. “This summer, I’ve been travelling across the country and people are worried. Peo ple are telling me that they feel like they’ve done everything right, but they’re still fall ing behind,” said Singh. “I’ve been there too. I know what it feels like. That’s why I de cided to go into politics, to make life better for people. The Liberal government has re fused to do anything to help and Canadians are having to turn to their credit cards. And with the interest rate increasing yet again to day, people are going to be more in debt. It doesn’t have to be this way. People deserve better and that’s what New Democrats are fighting to deliver.”
Voters can also vote in advance on October 5, 8, 9 and 12 Surrey, BC – Surrey’s municipal election will be taking place on Saturday, October 15, 2022, from 8:00am to 8:00pm at 52 voting locations. The City of Surrey will also be of fering advance voting opportunities, avail able to all eligible voters on October 5, 8, 9, and 12 at the following six locations: • Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre, 13458 107A Avenue
• Guildford Recreation Centre, 15105 105 Avenue • Fleetwood Community Centre, 15996 84 Avenue • Princess Margaret Secondary School, 12870 72 Avenue • Cloverdale Recreation Centre, 6188 176 Street • Semiahmoo Secondary School, 1785 148 Street Voters are reminded to bring their voter card and one piece of identification or two pieces of acceptable identi fication to register and vote.
Voters are reminded that any package mailed late and that doesn’t arrive before 8 p.m. on Oct. 15, election day, will not be counted. Packages can be re turned in person until that time. In Surrey, voters can request a ballot package between Sept. 12 and Oct. 12. The city say sit will start mailing them out on Sept. 26. After Oct. 5, the only way to receive one will be to pick it up in Likeperson.inVancouver, any ballot that doesn’t reach election offi cials by 8 p.m. on Oct. 15 won’t be Ballotscounted.can be returned in person to city hall between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, or at drop boxes at city hall sev en days a week after hours. Nu merous other Metro Vancouver municipalities are also offering vote by mail, each with specific deadlines and details for in-per son ballot return.
Source: Vancouverites can vote by mail in October’s municipal elections?
MOSCOW: Mikhail Gorbachev, who died on Tuesday, struggled to make up his mind about Vladimir Putin.
While a capped hike softens the blow, the Vancouver Tenants Union said members would have preferred to see a resumption of the rent freeze enacted earlier in the COV ID-19 pandemic, cautioning that renters are “more squeezed than ever” due to the rising costs of groceries, gas and other necessities.
Tenants’ advocates have also pushed for the province to adopt vacancy control, a system that ties rent to the unit, rather than the renter, preventing huge jumps between ten ancies. Finance Minister Selina Robinson, who joined Horgan at the announcement, said the issue of vacancy control came up “a fair bit” during the province’s Rental Hous ing Task Force, but provided no indication of whether the government might adopt such a policy. “The housing minister is look ing at what else we might need to do in order to help the 1.5 million British Columbians who are renters. No decisions have been made,” Robinson said. B.C.’s rental market has increasingly attract ed real estate investment trusts, who see rental buildings as reliable profit-generators, even though the government decreased the amount of annual rent increases by two per cent in 2018, and has made considerable ef forts to crack down on renovictions.
The announcement that B.C. is capping next year’s annual allowable rent increase at two per cent was welcome news to many rent ers – but the province is still facing criticism from advocates for landlords and tenants alike.Premier John Horgan confirmed the 2023 rent increase Wednesday while unveil ing a number of measures intended to ease the financial burden on British Columbians facing what he called “unprecedented” infla tionary pressures. Rent hikes in the prov ince are normally tied to inflation, matched with the rate of the Consumer Price Index from the previous summer – a formula that left many tenants anxious they could face a painful increase next year. “During this extraordinary time, an infla tionary increase in rents would be debili tating for 1.5 million British Columbians,” Horgan said. “We’re not prepared for that. We’re going to continue to work with the landlords of B.C. to find other ways to en gage with them, to assist with costs, but this year’s rent increase will be limited to two per cent.”
Right now, many countries are announcing inflation relief packages to help put money back in people’s pockets and make sure that the very rich profiteering from the crisis pay what they owe. But here in Canada, Justin Trudeau and his Liberal team have not done anything to help people. They are too busy explaining that inflation is not their fault and finding excuses instead of showing lead ership and coming up with solutions to have Canadian workers’ and their families’ backs. “Working people didn’t cause inflation but they are the ones paying the price,” said Sin gh. “Justin Trudeau didn’t look for excuses when it was time to help big oil corpora tions—he was ready to move mountains. The Liberals and Conservatives continue to show that they don’t fight for you and your family. They’re siding with rich CEOs by re fusing to propose to do anything about cor porate greed driving high grocery and gas prices. For months, New Democrats have been calling for the government to help people by doubling the GST tax credit, in creasing the Canada Child Benefit by $500, providing $500 in rent support through the Canada Housing Benefit and getting fami lies the help they need to take their children to the dentist.”
New for 2022, the City is pleased to offer accessible voting options. Eligible vot ers can vote by mail or vote by appointment on advance voting dates at select locations. All voting lo cations are also wheelchair accessible.
“We previously had a rent freeze for two years and the sky didn’t fall. Landlords car ried on with their record profits,” the group told CTV News in a statement.
For the first time, all eligible voters in many Metro Vancou ver municipalities, including Surrey and Vancouver, will be able to cast their ballot by mail in the upcoming civic election.
How Metro
For a faster voting experience, voters are en couraged to view the new voting locations interactive map showing current wait times at all locations. For more information, visit Contact: Susan Jung Communications Specialist
City of Surrey invites all eligible voters to vote in the 2022 Municipal election on October 15
The shift in policy comes after provincial and federal elections were successfully conducted us ing vote-by-mail amid the COV ID-19 Previously,pandemic.voters had gener ally only been allowed to vote by mail if they had a disability or illness that could affect their ability to make it to the polls, or would be out of town on elec tion day. In Vancouver, vot ers can now begin requesting vote-by-mail packages. Voters must apply for their package by Thursday, Sept. 29 at 5 p.m. if they want it mailed to them, or Tuesday Oct. 11 at 5 p.m. if they can pick it up from the Vancou ver Election Office at 305 W. 8 Ave. or a designated community centre drop box.
Gorbachev’s love-hate relationship with Putin landlords ‘very disappointed’ by B.C.’s capped rent hike, tenant group wants full freeze
Source: .NDP Media Centre:
The latest United Nations report calls on Sri Lanka to end its human rights violations as the country faces its worst economic crisis yet. Sri Lanka must immediately reverse its “drift towards militarisation”, the United Nations has said in a human rights report, calling on the new government to engage in dialogue “to advance human rights and rec onciliation”. The South Asian island nation has suffered acute food and fuel shortages, lengthy blackouts and spiralling inflation this year after running out of foreign cur rency to import essentials amid its worst economic crisis to date. The crisis sparked months of protests against the government over economic mismanagement, culminat ing in a huge crowd storming the residence of former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who then fled for the Maldives, Singapore and Thailand before returning to Sri Lanka last Presidentweekend.Ranil Wickremesinghe has been criticised for launching a crackdown on peaceful protesters since he succeeded Raja paksa in July.“The new government should immediately reverse the drift towards mili tarisation, end the reliance on draconian security laws and crackdowns on peaceful protest,” the UN Office of the High Com missioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said in its latest report on Tuesday, referring to the new government which took over af ter Gotabaya Rajapaksa was forced to step down as president in July in the wake of mass “Fundamentalprotests. changes will be required to address the current challenges and to avoid repetition of the human rights violations of the past,” said the OHCHR report.
The Turkish president told reporters on Wednesday, during a visit to Belgrade, that he understood Putin’s decision to cut off natural gas supplies to Germany via the Nord Stream pipeline. “I can say very clearly that I do not find the attitude of the West, no need to mention names, to be correct, be cause it is a policy based on provocations,” Erdogan said at a news conference with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic. “As long as you try to wage such a war of prov ocations, you will not be able to get the needed result.” Erdogan has tried to use his open rela tions with Moscow and Kyiv to arrange direct talks between Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Turkey, a mission that has ultimately failed. “As Turkey, we have always maintained a pol icy of balance between Ukraine and Russia. From now on, we will continue to follow that balanced policy,” he said. Erdogan is expected to meet Putin at a region al summit in Uzbekistan next week. Chinese President Xi Jinping will also attend.
Turkey has not joined the Western sanctions regime against Russia and recently signed a new economic cooperation agreement with Moscow.....Source:
Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,20228 Int & MIDD l E EAS t nEWS Observers say the court’s deci sion is a rebuke and a message to parliament to clean up its own Iraq’s‘mess’.top court on Wednes day rejected a petition to dis solve the parliament, a key demand by powerful Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr and his political bloc that has boy cotted the legislature, saying it was beyond its legal authority. Al-Sadr’s bloc emerged as the biggest party in the October elections, winning 73 out of 329 seats. But it has been unable to form a government, leading to a months-long political crisis that resulted in deadly violence last month.The Federal Court said in a statement that par liament must dissolve itself if it is deemed to have not performed its duties, which in clude acting in the people’s interest. Iraq’s parliament is a powerful body that chooses a president and prime minister and must ap prove all laws. “One way of interpreting it is that it is an ac tual rebuke to the parliament … the federal court has said it is not down to us,” said Al Jazeera correspondent Imran Khan, report ing from Baghdad. “It is a rebuke of the way parliament has behaved… [It is] a very strongly worded statement, it’s effectively saying to parliament: ‘This is your mess, you sort it out, we don’t have the powers to be able to do this’. “It’s put it back firmly back into the parliament’s hands, that’s going to cause another crisis…They’re also saying that the parliament is not acting in the peo ple’s Nearlyinterest.”11months of paralysis have left the country without a new government, prime minister or president, with serious differ ences among Shia factions in parliament. Al-Sadr had previously pulled out of gen eral elections in July, before being dragged in again by his opponents. After Sadrists emerged as the largest political bloc, the rival Iran-backed Coordination Framework chal lenged the results and prevented him from forming a government of his choice with Kurdish and Sunni allies. Unable to form a government of his liking, al-Sadr, who is vo cal against Iranian influence in Iraq, offered the Coordination Framework some govern ment seats – an offer they refused. Al-Sadr reacted by pulling his bloc from parliament, as his supporters staged protests and sit-ins in Baghdad’s Green Zone. Source:
An FBI raid, seized documents, and a courtordered ‘special master’ review: Here’s what it all means. Washington, DC – A US judge’s decision to temporarily halt the government’s review of documents seized from Donald Trump’s home until they are vetted by an objective third party has sparked bewilderment among legal experts. Judge Aileen Cannon on Monday or dered the appointment of a so-called “special master” to assess the docu ments, collected by the FBI at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago estate last month, for content that falls un der attorney-client or executive privi lege.While many legal experts argue the ruling is unwarranted, they say it will only slow the Justice Department’s probe into Trump’s possible mishan dling of classified materials – not stop it. Here, Al Jazeera looks at where things stand in the investigation and what the recent ruling means for the case: Source:
In an article co-authored by lawmaker Mykhailo Zabrodskyi and published on state news agency Ukrinform on Wednes day, Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, the Ukrainian army’s commander-in-chief, said the attacks had been carried out by missiles or rockets, with out elaborating.‘Provocations’: Erdogan de cries Western policy towards Russia end of list Ukraine has until now only hinted at its involvement in the Crimea blasts, with one senior official anonymously telling the news agency Reuters that the airbase explo sions were the work of Ukrainian saboteurs on the ground.Writing about Ukraine’s re sponse to what the op-ed said was Moscow’s strategy of “distancing” the war from Russian citizens, Zaluzhnyi and Zaborodskyi wrote of “the successful efforts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to physically transfer hostilities to … Crimea... Source:
Ukrainian army commander-in-chief says at tacks on Russian airbases last month were car ried out by missiles or rockets.
Rising tensions Putin has warned that contracts could be dis carded in the event of price caps. “We will not supply anything at all if it con tradicts our interests,” Putin said on Wednes day at an economic forum in Vladivostok. “We will not supply gas, oil, coal, heating oil – we will not supply anything,” Putin stated. Europe usually imports about 40 percent of its gas and 30 percent of its oil from Russia. Despite the warnings, the EU is planning to press ahead with a price cap on Russian gas and also a ceiling on the price paid for elec tricity from generators that do not run on “Wegas. will propose a price cap on Russian gas … We must cut Russia’s revenues which Putin uses to finance this atrocious war in Ukraine,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told reporters. EU energy ministers are due to hold an emer gency meeting on Friday. The Netherlands, which has consistently opposed a gas price cap, would support one that targets Russian gas, a source with knowledge of the matter told the Reuters news agency on Wednesday. However, a Czech minister said earlier it should be taken off the agenda for Friday’s meeting. The Czechs are helping to guide discussions as holders of the EU’s rotating presidency. Curtailing production and spending billions On Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volody myr Zelenskyy thanked the EU for confirm ing five billion euros ($4.97bn) in macrofinancial aid... Source:
Erdogan has maintained ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin, while trying to maintain neutrality in the conflict.
As the Ukraine war rages, Turkey’s president accuses Western nations of provoking Russia. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Western nations of provoking Russia, as he hailed Ankara’s policy of “bal ance” regarding Russia’s war in Ukraine.
‘Provocations’: Erdogan decries Western policy towards Russia Ukraine military chief claims responsibility for Crimea attacks trump investigation: Where do things stand and what happens next? Sri lanka must ‘reverse the drift towards militarisation’: Un EU plans to cap Russian gas price as Putin issues warning
As well as mediating, Turkey supplies Ukraine with weapons and combat drones.
Ukraine’s top military chief has claimed re sponsibility for a series of attacks on Rus sian airbases on the occupied peninsula of Crimea, including one that caused devasta tion at the Saky military facility last month.
The European Union has proposed a price cap on Russian gas just as Russia’s President Vladimir Putin warned that such a move would cause Moscow to cut off all energy supplies. Europe is in the middle of an esca lating standoff with Russia that could drive up already-soaring European gas prices fur ther in advance of the cold months ahead. Brussels accuses Moscow of weaponising en ergy supplies in retaliation for Western sanc tions imposed on Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine. Russia continues to insist that the sanctions are causing the supply problems, which it puts down to pipeline faults. On Friday, Russia’s Gazprom fully suspended gas supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipe line to Germany after it said it found an en gine oil leak during maintenance work.
Iraq’s Supreme Court says it cannot dissolve parliament
$200K Donated towards the Pakistan Flood Relief. 100K to Bcma And 100K to One Village In Sindh through his Employee ,,
We all know someone that remembers eve ry birthday and sends cards for every holi day. It’s not magic and they don’t use mem orization. Trying to remember things will not help you to stay organized. You should try writing things down.
The closing deal for this donation was initi ated by the BCMA Vice President Planning and Development Br Mohammed Arfan Ma lik, who is a close associate with Mr Kalhar. More than one third of Pakistan is underwa ter, according to satellite images from the European Space Agency (ESA), as deadly floodwaters threaten to create secondary disasters.Food is in short supply after water covered millions of acres of crops and wiped out hundreds of thousands of livestock. More than 1,100 people have died from the floods since mid-June, nearly 400 of them children, while millions have been displaced, according to Pakistan’s National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).
More than 33 million people have been af fected, or about 15% of the population. More than 800 health facilities have been damaged in the country, of which 180 are completely damaged, leaving millions of people lacking access to health care and medical treatment, as reported in many af fected districts, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
By: Anwer Qadir, Masjid As Salaam, Bby The Senate of Canada – Standing Sen ate Committee on Human Right is conducting a study ‘Islamophobia in Canada”. As part of this study and pro cess to consult with Muslim community and Muslim leadership across Canada, the Senate committee selected 4 Mosque across Canada. Masjid Al-Salaam & Education Centre, Burnaby is one of those selected mosques for Senate Committee’s visits and direct par ticipation in this study. On September 6th, the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights visited Masjid Al-Salaam & Education center. The delega tion include: Senator Salma Ataullahjan, Committee Chair Senator David M. Arnot Senator Bev Busson Senator Mobina S. B. Jaffer Along with Committee Secretary Sebastian Payet and officials. Anwer Qadir – Secretary Board, Masjid Al-Salaam, welcomed the Senate Committee on behalf of Masjid Al-Salaam, BC Muslim Association, and the Muslim community across BC. Imam Yahya Momla started the program with recitation of Holy Quran, which is fol lowed by a tour of Masjid’s facility. Senator Ataullahjan – Chair, mentioned that the committee is studying, the role of Islam ophobia with respect to physical violence, online hate and discrimination against Mus lims. The study will also examine the sources of Islamophobia, its impact on individuals (including mental health, intersectional and intergenerational impacts), and possible so lutions and government responses. The audience shared with the committee, the Muslim community situation in BC due to Islamophobia, online hate, discrimination due to faith and gender-based islamophobia. Our homeland Canada is known across globe as place which thrive due to its diver sity, tolerance and inclusivity. However, we are witnessing things that if not address re sult in collapse of such harmonious society.
A rich tribute paid to the Martyrs of the Karbala in Bullay Shah Academy
Organized people don’t waste time. They recognize that keeping things organized goes hand-in-hand with staying produc tive. They make and keep schedules for the day and week. They make deadlines and set goals. And most importantly, they and stick to Similarly,them! by living a cluttered lifestyle, you will not have the time or space to make your deadlines or achieve your goals. As an experiment, look at your bucket list or make one. Write down the things you want to achieve this year or in your life. Then write down what you need to do to achieve them.
has mentioned in the Holy Quran that He has purified the Ahl-e-Bayt with extensive purification. Thus, the easiest way to become a pious Muslim and gain purity of thought and action is through nurturing the love of Ahl-e-Bayt in one’s heart and emulating their example. Just as Allah purified them, they, too, purify anyone who comes to their door with faith in his heart. In a moving and stirring conclusion, he reminded the partici pants that Allah does not reject any suppli cation made by any true lover of Ahl-e-Bayt
3. Keep Only What You Need More stuff means more clutter. People who live organized lives only keep what they need and what they really really want. Hav ing fewer things also means that you enjoy those things more and feel better about us ing everything you own, rather than letting half of what you own collect dust. Have you ever felt like you don’t have the space to keep all the stuff you own? Instead of renting a storage unit or buying a larger home, get rid of some things. As an experiment, write down the number of things you think you actually need. Then, write a list of all the things that you own. If the number of things you actually own ex ceeds your ideal need list, then it’s time to organize.
“Islamophobia in Canada Study” sessions held in Masjid As-Salaam Burnaby & in Sheraton, Vancouver.
l OCA l/hIS t ORY/SPOR t S
how to stay Organized and improve your lifestyle ?
From Quebec Mosque shooting in 2017 where 6 people were martyred, 19 children become orphan, to London, Ontario where a family was killed on sidewalk because of their faith. Not far from here (Burnaby), a Mosque was experienced attempted arson.
Pictures on Pg 11
in their Holy name and requested everyone to make dua for the whole ummah. The program ended, as it had begun, with salutations on Holy Prophet PBUH and His Ahl-e-Bayt. Pir Sahib made a special dua for the flood victims in Pakistan. Those wish ing to see the program may do so on www. The next monthly gathering will be on September 24, 2022, at 6 PM. The organizing committee welcomes everyone to attend these spiritual events
2. Make Schedules and Deadlines
Really organized people are not born organized, they have to culti vate healthy hab its, which then help them to stay organized. So even if you think you are a very disor ganized person, you can learn to be organ ized. From planning things, jotting things down, to ditching the unnecessary and organizing things that matter, you will be come an organized person as long as you’re willing to learn and practice. Organizing your life is the foundation of success in every area of your life. You can easily stay on top of things and avoid stress by staying organized. Organiz ing your life is a skill that is developed over time through practice. Focus on one thing at a time and take baby steps as you learn how to get your life organized to avoid be ing overwhelmed and giving up too soon. Here are the essential habits on how to or ganize your life: 1. Write Things Down
Islamophobia is one of the most misunder stood subject and wider society and govern ment is not aware of its true impact on Mus lim community. The audience thanked the Committee for studying this core issue and emphasized the importance of understanding the root cause and making tangible recommendations along with action plan.
ful salutations to Imam Hussain A.S. and the Household of the Holy Prophet (Ahl-eBayt). Their laudations were widely appreci ated by the many attendants of the program. The program was attended by people of multiple religio-ethnic backgrounds, united in their respect for Imam Hussain A.S. and indebted to His message. In his masterful and transcendent keynote speech, Pir Afzal Ahmed Naqshbandi noted that the love of Ahl-e-Bayt is the key to suc cess in this world and the next. Allah SWT
Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,20229
4. Work Hard Put in a little effort. Actually, put in a lot of effort when necessary. Once you have delegated responsibilities and made a schedule, then you can organ ize what you have to do and when you can do it. Staying organized is not all a breeze. It requires that you work hard with the recog nition that when you work harder, you can enjoy your clutter-free home life later. Work harder when you feel like giving up today. What’s more important is to remember what you work for is meaningful to you. And this is how you can stay motivated and happy every day!
The President of BCMA Br Asad Gondal ac knowledged the presence of Mr Kalhar and said “ I am very thankful to KTL owner Mr Kalhar for his generous donation towards the much needy people of Pakistan” He also acknowledged the Radio Medi awave of Surrey BC, for collecting $40K on Thursday via Radiothon. Surrey Mayor Mr Doug McCallum was also present during the pre-cheque presentation together with the city councillors Doug Elford and John Gibieau. Mr Gondal also acknowledged others effort within the community, likes of Br Afzal Ma lik, Br Abdul Raouf from Hot Pan Pizza, Br Rahat Rao, Br Amin Khan, Dr Mohsin, Sa jid Hameed, Ikram Wahla of Lahori Restur ant and Br Sunny Awes for helping to raise the funds. President Asad Gondal extend his heartfelt gratitude to entire Surrey delta board of management, CMMC. Mr Gondal encouraged others to continue do nating towards the worst devastation in the his tory of Pakistan and the much needed funds.
Pictures on Pg 11 By: Tuaha Younas Bullay Shah Academy and Anjuman Khudam-e-Suffia, in keeping with the grand traditions of Auliyah Allah paid rich tribute to the Martyrs of the Karbala in a multi faith program held on August 27, 2022. The program began with a beautiful recitation of the Holy Quran by young brother Asad. Qari Anwar Shehzad Naqshbandi, and Br. Muzammil were among the prominent Naat Khawans, who prese nested respect
By: Asad Gondal, President BCMA
Conclusion These are some of the best ways to organ ize your life. Do you remember how you organized your life as a child? Nothing has to change. All you have to do is replace the bad habits that you formed over the years with good ones. Learn from these organi zational tips, make them your habits one by one. Slowly you’ll become a lot more organ ized and productive!
Life is short, make sure you’re doing what matters to you most.
A cheque for the amount of $100K was pre sented to the British Columbia Muslim As sociation (BCMA), by Kalhar Transport Ltd ( KTL) of Richmond BC, towards the Pa kistan flood relief fund at the Surrey/Delta Jamea Mosque this afternoon. Presenting the cheque on behalf of KTL was the owner and the CEO of the company Mr Tanjit Kalhar and MrSatish.
Accepting the cheque this afternoon on behalf of the Pakistan flood relief was the President of the BCMA Br Asad Gondal, together with the Branch Chairman Br Mo hammed Janif, and other notables likes of Br Basharat Ali Sidhu- Board Member of BCMA Trustee’s.
Asad Gondal, President BCMA, Tazul Al – Chairperson Women Board, Masjid Al-Salaam, Tariq Tayyab – BCMA Media, Yousef Siraj, Sharina Khan and Yasin Taqi also shared their views, challenges, experi ences and suggestions to address this grave situation. Member of RCMP Burnaby De tachment also attended this session. The Committee Chair and Senators expressed thanks for the hospitality, program management, openness, and mate rial discussed during the session; and stated that the member of public can also submit their experiences and suggestion through their website Sheraton,fromTownhallTheen/committees/ridr/44-1
Pictures on Pg 11
Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,202210
Dhaliwal from Unite Surrey organized an event for introducing Muslim background
Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,202211 “Islamophobia in Canada Study” sessions held in Masjid As-Salaam Burnaby & in Sheraton, Vancouver.
Mr. Sukh
Mr. Sukh Dhaliwal from
Unite Sur rey organized an event for introduc ing Muslim background consul can didate Zubeen Sahib. Many Muslim leaders from major Associations were present. Sukh Dhaliwal in troduced his team and acknowl edged that it is the time and need for Muslim candidates to come up and participate to serve the communi ties and city of Surrey. Coverage by:Canadian Muslim Media Club $200K Donated towards the Pakistan Flood Relief. 100K to Bcma And 100K to One Village In Sindh through his Employee A rich tribute paid to the Martyrs of the Karbala in Bullay Shah Academy Report on Pg 9 event: Sheraton, Vancouver l OCA l Report on Pg 9 event: Report on Pg 9 event:
12 Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,2022 SOLD PROERTIES IN 2022 604 -518 - 3782 (Realtor)(Realtor) 604 - 839 - 7863 PRECA2Z Team Adeeb Shums Ayyaz Shums $1265,000 $760,000$905,000$1,860,000$530,000 $1,375,000$1,425,000$638,000$950,000$1601,000 $1,300,000 $975,000$999,000 $630,000 3368 Princeton Avenue Coquitlam BC V53E 0G2 102-6438 195A Street Cloverdale BC V3S 0W3 106-9009 Cornerstone Mews Burnaby BC V5A 0B9 325 W 22nd Street Maple Ridge BC V2W 1Z9 205-2485 Atkins Ave, Port Coquitlam BC V3C 1Z1 14492 60 Avenue, Surrey BC V3S 1R3 5345 Lutz Road Avenue, Surdis Promontory, BC V3S 1R3 42-20155 84 Avenue Langley BC V2Y 2B8 B322 8218 207A Street Langley BC V2Y 0Y1 #39 7947 209th Street Langley BC V2Y 2C8 24760 Kimola Drive Maple Ridge BC V2W 0A6 313-3085 Primrose Lane Coquitlam BC V3B 7S3 2706 689 Abbott Street Vancouver West V6B 164-13860J2Lincoln Drive PortCoquitlamBC V3B 7G6 32-10090 137A Street Surrey BC V3T 5M6 5981 142 Street Surrey BC V3X 1C5 r2697852 r2639808 r2700560 pre SoLD r2630916 r2709026r2713027r2705968 pr2701806rivateSaler2695209r2701806r2701806r2654492 $515,000 r2650506$1,125,000 $995,000 9012 Darwin Street Chilliwack BC V2P6W8 45649 Storey Avenue Sardis BC V2R4E6 r26259804 $950,000r2659948 10-7875 122 Street Surrey BC V3W0Y8 109-7505 138 Street Surrey BC V3W0W6 r2665662 r2663934 $1601,000 14492 60 Avenue, Surrey BC V3S 1R3 802-689 Abbott Street Vancouver West, BC V6B 0J2 $575,000$1700,000$705,000 $1950,000$610,000 $561,000 3-9989 240A Street Maple Ridge BC V2W 1Z9 1105-9188 University Crescent Burnaby BC V5A 0A5 204-22318 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge BC V2X2T4 r2622264 rr26415612643510 r2617618SoLDSoLDSoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SSoLDoLDSoLDSoLDSoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLDr2635245 r2637347SoLD SoLD SoLD SSSoLDoLDoLDSoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD $501,000 217 Irwin Street Nanaimo BC V9R4X4 13356 236 Street Maple Ridge BC V4R 0E4 896465 r2639808
this is the place for you. 2 bed 3 bath Corner Unit is a rarity especially with the main floor 2 piece bathroom. Open Concept Kitchen with built in microwave and laminate flooring through-out. Ample light in the good size living & Dining area that leads out to fenced in patio area. No need to go thru the garage with this unit. Master bedroom has ample room with it’s own ensuite with double sinks. Second bedroom is spacious. Double tandem garage with plenty of room for 2 Vehicles.
This 2018 built 3 level townhouse features a spacious living space with Double Garage Side By Side Parking plus Two More parking outside. 3 Bedrooms and 2 Washrooms on Top level, with a 4th bed room and full sized bathroom on the lower level. Easy access to Fraser HWY, Groceries, Parks and Schools.
13 Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,2022 NEW LISTINGS 604 -518 - 3782 (Realtor)(Realtor) 604 - 839 - 7863 PRECA2Z Team Adeeb Shums Ayyaz Shums $799,000$749,000$919,000 203-7837 120A Street Surrey BC V3W 0W9 58 14555 68 Avenue Surrey BC V3S 2A8 1104 18505 Laurensen Place Cloverdale BC V4N 6R7 r2715151 r2704292 r2703856
Nicely updated & move in ready! Beautiful 2 level, 4 bedroom/2 bath townhome featuring many upgrades including kitchen with new Samsung appli ances. Almost 1700 SF of living space, this townhouse is ideal for a growing family and can be your “New Happy Place”! private backyard with your own patio. Park ing for 2 cars, 1 in garage & 1 open parking spot. Centrally located, walking distance to ALL amenities. Freshly paint ed, updated stairs, new laminate on main floor & new bath room tiles. Bright cozy space with lots of windows, vaulted ceilings and skylight. Main floor features Master bedroom with majestic staircase leading upstairs to 2nd master bed room or convert it into an office space. Be sure to check this townhouse out - it will be one of your wisest moves!!!
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14 Safar 12,1444 September 9 ,2022 SOLD PROERTIES IN 2022 604 -518 - 3782 (Realtor)(Realtor) 604 - 839 - 7863 PRECA2Z Team Adeeb Shums $1,125,000$950,000 $576,000 $595,000 $995,000 1,911,111$994,500 10-7875 122 Street Surrey BC V3W 0Y8 9012 Darwin Street Chilliwack BC V2P 6W8 109-7505 138 Street Surrey BC V3W 0W6 1106 7088 18th Avenue Surrey BC V3N 0A2 12127 Cherrywood Drive Maple Ridge BC V2X 9K5 12276 74 Avenue Surrey BC V3W 5S3 45649 Storey Avenue Sardis BC V2R4E6 44849Cumberland Ave Sardis BC V2R 3H7 27045 108 Avenue Maple Ridge BC V2W1V9 rr262598042665662 r2659948 r2687827 r2663934 r2681202 $1601,000 $1,300,000 $1,300,000 205-2485 Atkins Ave, Port Coquitlam BC V3C 1Z1 14492 60 Avenue, Surrey BC V3S 1R3 5345 Lutz Road Avenue, Surdis Promontory, BC V3S 1R3 12276 74 Avenue Surrey BC V3W 5S3 r2639808 r2654492 r2685580 r2691812 $515,000 r2650506$3,861,000$2,499,000 $2,161,000 $1,300,000 $1,911,111 $1,240,000$1,300,0001855 Palmerston Avenue West Vancouver BC V7V 2V3 5345 Lutz Road Avenue, Surdis Promontory, BC V3S 1R3 27045 108 Avenue Maple Ridge BC V2W 1V9 565 St Giles Road West Vancouver BC V7S 1L7 14076 Antrim Road Surrey BC V3R5H7 r2675226 r2654492 r2687827 r2703243 r2685580 r2695925 r2687657SSoLDoLDSoLDSoLD SSoLDoLDSoLDSoLD SSoLDoLDSoLDSoLD SoLD SSSoLDoLDSoLDSoLDoLD
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