CMA president calls for ‘pan-national licensure’ to make licensing doctors easier. The new president of the Canadian Medical Associ ation (CMA) said Wednesday he fears the country’s fragile health-care system will deteriorate further without an injection of cash — and a plan to in crease the number of doctors and other health care Dr.professionals.AlikaLafontaine, an anesthesiologist in Grande Prairie, Alta., and the group’s first Indigenous presi dent, told CBC News that Canada’s health care is
B.C. - Metro Vancou
ver drivers are once again ex periencing pain at the pumps with gas prices soaring past $2 per litre
ManyWednesday.stationsacross the region are now sitting at 203.9 cents per litre. High gas prices have become an un fortunate reality of being a driver in the Lower Mainland. In fact, the
region appeared to have the high est prices in the country Wednes day morning, according to a heat map from Dwayne, a Surrey resident, decided to switch from a car to a motorcycle to try and save money. “Gas prices are so high these days that I figured that having a bike is probably the most econom ical way to get around and it’s a lot of fun at the same time,” he told CTV News Vancouver as he filled up his bike at a Chevron in Guildford. He says he can now drive to work all week for about $25.
Others filling up at the station have adjusted their spending habits too. “We’re tightening things up a bit,”
Continue at page 5
in “dire” straits, with quality care severely limited in some parts of the country. He pointed to recent emergency room closures in Ottawa, southwestern Ontario, Quebec and other locales and eye-popping ER wait times in major cities like Toronto and Mon treal as terrible precedents undermining the long standing Canadian promise of timely access to care for all who need it. “We’ve been saying for a while that we’re concerned about collapse. And in some places, collapse has already happened,” Lafontaine
UNITED NATIONS: UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has told Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif that he plans to hold a donors’ conference either in New York or somewhere in Europe to raise funds for Pakistan’s flood victims. The prime minister disclosed this while talking to media at a Pakistan-sponsored exhibition of pictures from the flood-affected areas at the UN headquarters in New York. The prime minister said that while the date of the proposed donors’ con ference had not yet been finalised, “it will be held soon”. On Aug 30, the United Nations and Pakistan ap pealed for $160 million in emergen cy funding for the flood victims but earlier this month, UN officials dis closed that so far they received only
one-fourth of that amount. Hina says Shehbaz had brief ‘interaction’ with Biden at a reception The donors’ conference would aug ment efforts to collect funds for the victims.The prime minister said he would convey the voice of the flood victims to the rest of the world when he addresses the 77th session of the UN General Assembly on Sept 23.
‘This is a crisis’: Head of medical association warns that the health-care system faces ‘collapse’Jinny Gordie Hogg, Surrey First Doug McCallum, Safe Surrey Coalition Brenda Locke, Surrey Connect Sukh Bilal Zubeen Sahib United Surrey Adil Imtiaz Popat Mayor, Vancouver at page
Prophet Muhammad (peace and bless ings be upon him) was both a proph et of Allah and a statesman. His leadership was most comprehensive and dynamic. He was the paragon of virtue and spirituality. He was a noble and compas sionate teacher, guide, and reformer. He was a family man. Indeed, he was also a political leader. As a political leader the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) unified the Arabian peninsula, established a great state whose capital was Madinah, defeated his enemies, and had most suc cessful military expeditions. However, his real political leadership was in the realm of morality and spirituality in which he con ducted himself perfectly in situations of weakness as well as strength. His way of dealing in Makkah and Madinah indicates his great political leadership. He was al ways willing to help others. Allah granted him the special gift to resolve conflicts and disputes. Even before he became the Prophet of Allah, he was able to resolve a major dispute between the people of Mak kah. It is reported that the people of Mak kah were repairing the walls of the Kabah. When the time came to place the Black Stone in its place in the southeast corner of the Kabah, each tribe wanted to have this honor. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked to be the judge and decide the matter fairly. He resolved this dispute with great wisdom in an amicable way. He spread his own cloak on the ground and placed the Stone upon it. He then asked representatives of each tribe to lift the cloak together. When the Black Stone reached the required height from the ground he went forward and set it in its place. He always wanted to make peace among people. At an early age it is reported that when some people of Makkah wanted to establish a committee to suppress vio lence in their society, he immediately joined them. This committee took a pledge
of virtue known as the Hilf al-Fudul. Later during his prophetic life he recalled this pledge and praised it highly and said, “Even now if I am called upon in the name of this pledge, I shall not refuse.” Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was a man of ideals but he was also a practical man. He preached the message to all and did not isolate himself from his so ciety. He used any of the good traditions and customs they had and benefited from them. Although his uncle, Abu Talib, did not accept his message of tawheed, he was willing to give him all his support and help in the Islamic work. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) appreciated his uncle’s help. After his uncle’s death he went to Ta’if to seek alliances with some other tribes there. He did not succeed, but it is important to note that he was trying to seek alliances for the cause of Islam. The Hijrah to Ethiopia is also an example of his political skill in seeking alliances with oth ers. When the persecution increased in Makkah and some of his followers found it difficult to live in that environment, he al lowed them to migrate to Ethiopia and seek the help of the Christian King there. In Ethiopia Muslims found peace and they re ciprocated the King’s hospitality with prayers and support for the King and his party. Muslims’ relations were so good with the monarch that he grew to love Is lam and before his death he became a Mus lim. Prophet Muhammad (peace and bless ings be upon him) was a skillful and courageous political leader. His enemies could not scare or intimidate him. He never succumbed to any temptations. The people of Makkah tried to turn him away from his message and mission by offering him a great deal of money or anything that he wanted for himself but with one condition that he would give up his mission. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) very firmly, yet politely, turned down all their offers. In Madinah he established a state where all people were equal, where
matters were decided through consultation, and where all people had to follow the same law. It was a state without any favor itism in favor of any family or group. Even a non-Muslim was not to be mistreated un der his rule. The story of Tu’mah ibn Abraq is an excellent example of justice and hu man rights for all people under his author ity. Tu’mah, who was a Muslim, stole someone’s armor in Madinah and then he blamed a Jew. Allah sent a special revela tion to warn people against such injustice (see Surat An-Nisaa’: 110-112). The Jew ish citizen of Madinah was declared inno cent and Tu’mah was found guilty. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) took great care of his people’s religious as well as economic needs. Not only did he preach, but he was also concerned about their economic well-being. He made trea ties and alliances with many tribes. He had great diplomatic skills. He taught the world diplomacy that was built on morality and honesty. He honored all his treaties and he defended his people. He was aware of the surrounding circumstances and made his people ready and alert. He never initiated a battle or a war, but when he was attacked he was firm and decisive. He always em phasized peace and harmonious relations. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was a man of great patience and resolution. There are many lessons for us to learn from his life. The most impor tant aspect of his leadership was that he was always honest and truthful. Even his enemies could not find any flaw in his hon esty and truthfulness. The most beautiful example of this we find in the conversation between Heraclius, the Emperor of Byzan tium, and Abu Sufyan who was a bitter en emy of the Prophet at that time. This con versation took place in the year 628 CE when Heraclius received a letter from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Heraclius was on a pilgrimage to Jerusa lem when he received this important letter. After receiving the message, the Emperor sent for his chief of police and told him to search the country for a man from the same tribe as the one who claimed to be a proph et. Abu Sufyan, a leader of the Quraysh, who was a bitter enemy of the Prophet at that time, happened to be trading in Gaza with some of his companions from Mak kah. The Emperor’s search party found them there and they were immediately tak en to Jerusalem. Heraclius called them into his court and he had all the senior Roman dignitaries around him. He called for his translator who translated Heraclius’ ques tions and said to them, “Who amongst you is closely related to the man who claims to be a prophet?” Abu Sufyan replied, “I am the nearest relative (amongst the group) to him.” Heraclius said, “Bring him (Abu Su fyan) close to me and make his compan ions stay behind him.” Abu Sufyan added, “Heraclius told his translator to tell my companions that he wanted to ask me some questions regarding that man (the Prophet) and that if I told a lie they (my compan ions) should contradict me.” Abu Sufyan added, “By Allah! Had I not been afraid of my companions labeling me a liar, I would not have spoken the truth about the Proph et.” The first question Heraclius asked me was, “What is the status of his family among you?” I replied, “He belongs to a good (noble) family amongst us.” Herac lius further asked, “Has anybody else amongst you ever claimed the same (that is, to be a prophet) before him?” I replied,
“No.” He said, “Was anybody amongst his ancestors a king?” I replied, “No.” Herac lius asked, “Do the nobles or the poor fol low him?” I replied, “It is the poor who follow him.” He said, “Are his followers increasing or decreasing (day by day)?” I replied, “They are increasing.” He then asked, “Does anybody amongst those who embrace his religion become displeased and renounce the religion afterwards?” I replied, “No.” Heraclius said, “Have you ever accused him of telling lies before his claim (to be a prophet)? I replied, “No.” Heraclius said, “Does he break his prom ises?” I replied, “No. We have a truce with him but we do not know what he will do.” I could not find the opportunity to say any thing against him except that. Heraclius asked, “Have you ever had a war with him?” I replied, “Yes.” Then he said, “What were the outcome of these battles?” I replied, “Sometimes he was victorious and sometimes we were.” Heraclius said, “What does he order you to do?” I said, “He tells us to worship Allah and Allah alone and not to worship anything along with Him, and to renounce all that our an cestors had said. He orders us to pray, to be chaste, and to keep good relations with our kith and kin.” After this conversation it is reported that Heraclius said: “I asked you about his family and your reply was that he belonged to a very noble family. In fact, all the Messengers come from noble families amongst their respective peoples. I ques tioned you whether anybody amongst you ever claimed such a thing, your reply was in the negative. If your reply had been in the affirmative, I would have thought that this man was following the previous man’s statement. Then I asked you whether any one from his ancestors was a king. Your reply was in the negative, and if it had been in the affirmative, I would have thought that this man wanted to take back his an cestral kingdom. I further asked whether he was ever accused of telling lies before he said what he is now saying, and your reply was in the negative. So I wondered how a person who does not tell a lie about others could ever tell a lie about Allah. I then asked you whether the rich people fol lowed him or the poor. You replied that it was the poor who followed him. And in fact all the Messengers are followed by the poor in the beginning. Then I asked you whether his followers were increasing or decreasing. You replied that they were in creasing, and in fact this is the way of true faith, till it is complete in all respects. I fur ther asked whether there was anybody, who, after embracing his religion, became displeased and discarded it. Your reply was in the negative, and in fact this is (the sign of) true faith when its light enters the hearts and mixes completely. I asked you whether he had ever betrayed. You replied in the negative and likewise Messengers never betray. Then I asked you what he ordered you to do. You replied that he ordered you to worship Allah and Allah alone and not to worship anything along with Him and for bade you to worship idols and ordered you to pray, to speak the truth, and to be chaste. If what you have said is true, he will very soon occupy the place underneath my feet and I knew it (from the scriptures) that he was going to appear, but I did not know that he would be from among you, and if I could reach him I would go immediately to meet him and if I were with him, I would certainly wash his feet.”
INthe midst of the worst ca tastrophe Pakistan has faced in living memory, uncertain ty looms about the future.
But with that comes an op portunity to rebuild lives and make the country resistant to the ravages of climate change.
The challenge is to plan for a future in which this threat to human security is mitigated and managed effectively.
Along with navigating a crisis that has aggravated the coun try’s economic predicament, the task ahead is to reverse the setback to human devel opment experienced by the country in recent years.
The latest Human Develop ment Report (2021-2022) points out that the past two years have had a devastating impact on countries across the world. For the first time, human development has declined in nine out of 10 countries.
The UNDP report describes features of the current fraught and unsettled environment that also prevail in Pakistan. “We live in a world of worry,” says the report. Reversals in human development have tak en place almost everywhere due to the Covid-19 pandemic, with more human suffering occurring in the wake of the Ukraine conflict. For two con secutive years, the global Hu man Development Index (HDI) value declined. A “cost-of-liv ing crisis” is afflicting nations, regional conflicts continue and record-breaking temperatures and storms reflect the extreme stress the planet is under.
The report, Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives, says this kind of “uncertainty complex” has never been witnessed in the past. It has three volatile and interacting elements: destabi lising planetary pressures of the Anthropocene, pursuit of sweeping societal transforma tions to ease those pressures, and intensifying polarisation. This is described as the new also underscores that even before the pandem ic, the world saw the erosion of democracy, increase in peo ple’s insecurity, as well as alien ation with their political sys tems. In a finding that will be familiar to people in Pakistan, the report warns of the peril of “new uncertainties” in in securities, demagoguery and polarisation evident in many countries. Trust is declining, hyperinformation is sowing division, political extremism is increasing, while paralysis has emerged as the paradox of our
Withage. devastating floods add ing to the cascading economic and political crisis in Pakistan, the country’s ranking on the global human development index may fall even further.
The report shows Pakistan has already dropped seven places to 161 out of 191 coun tries and now joins the world’s 32 low human development Incountries.2020,Pakistan’s ranking was 154 of 189 countries. Sri Lanka is ranked 73, Bangladesh 129 and India is at 132. HDI is a measure that evaluates longterm progress in three aspects of human development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge, and a reasonable standard of living. Pakistan’s low ranking is a reminder of the long way the country has to go in this regard.
Divisive politics during the on going climate calamity has de nuded the country of a unified UNDP’sresponse.Human Development Reports have always produced quality analysis and shone a light on how to address chal lenges in this critical area. But the latest report surpasses previous ones for its insight ful review of the state of play, rich discussion of a range of contemporary phenomena fuelling our age of uncertainty, and what to do about it. The
said. ”All of these things are not normal things for Canadians to experience so we are at a criti cal point right now. If you can’t access services, that literally does mean collapse.” Lafontaine’s comments came after the CMA released a new report Thursday warning that all provincial and territorial systems are grappling with similar problems — especially staffing. The problem is essentially one of human resources, he said, and there are not enough doctors and nurses avail
said Margaret from Surrey. Prices have stayed below the $2 mark since about mid-July That was after B.C.’s prices broke a record on June 6, reaching 236.9 a litre. “I think it’s a to tal gouge and I’m thinking of going completely electric,” said Kirk, who is also from Surrey.
report also contains thought ful essays by an array of ex perts on wide-ranging issues germane to human security and development.
The report considers the rise in polarisation within and across countries. Its discussion of the drivers and consequences of polarisation is especially in structive. Uncertainties of dif ferent kinds, human insecurity and an unsettled environment increase polarisation. Inequali ties and disruptive changes in in formation systems also sharpen polarisation. One consequence of the “confluence of height ened uncertainty with high ine quality” is the rise in support for authoritarian leaders.
Seen as an impediment to purposeful action to address challenges, intensifying politi cal and social polarisation has a paralysing effect and under mines the ability to act collec tively. Above all, it delays ac tion to curb human pressures on the planet.
So even when problems and solutions are clear, there is “a failure to act”. The report ar gues that “polarisation can take dangerous forms when different groups operate with entirely different sets of facts and, thus, realities, especially when those realities are bound up with group identities”. This is enabled by new digital tech Polarisationnologies.
at the elite lev el leads to polarised views among people, who then be come “more tolerant of un democratic behaviour”. What the report calls ‘hyperinforma tion’ is seen as “powering social division and polarisation”. There is much here that reso nates in Pakistan, where the interplay between political unpredictability, multiple deprivations and insecurities, economic hardship and ris ing inequalities have provided an enabling environment for heightened polarisation and for the growing influence of
able to staff existing facilities, let alone serve a growing population.
One of Lafontaine’s proposed solutions is to in troduce what he calls “pan-national licensure,” which would allow physicians to work across the country with fewer regulatory burdens.
This sort of portability would give doctors more flexibility to practise where they’re needed most. It could also make it easier for foreigntrained doctors to move about the country.
He’s getting fed up with the price at the pumps.“Gas prices are outrageous. Inflation is created by fuel prices, and we’re all going to suf fer. Except for the big oil companies. Of course, they’re going to be loving it,” he said. He’s now changing his spending habits.
populism. The populist nar rative that taps into declin ing public trust in institutions by portraying them as ‘elitist’ and unresponsive to people’s needs finds widespread trac tion in our society.
Digital and social media is fur ther reinforcing divisiveness and polarisation. Its disrup tive impact here, as elsewhere, comes from non-fact-based information and the fake news it so easily spreads. The crisis of national unity that political polarisation has created casts a long shadow over Pakistan’s future — and its ability to meet the complex challenges it has to negotiate.
Divisive politics during the on going climate calamity, which has also involved some parties stoking controversy over flood donations, has denuded the country of a coordinated and unified response.
To return to the report, the most important takeaway is its central argument that har nessing human development is the surest means to navigate uncertain times, as they open possibilities for transformative change. This is because at such moments, people see the need for change and also because of new opportunities offered by technological innovation and advances in science and medicine. Shocks, it suggests, creates openings for policy
calls for policies that focus on investment, in surance and innovation to help people negotiate uncer tainties, keeping in mind the ineluctable reality that people are the real wealth of a coun try. Wise counsel that needs to be acted on.
Courtesy By: Maleeha Lodhi Sept 19, 2022
The writer is a former ambassa dor to the US, UK & UN. What do you think?
Laysa Lil Insana illa ma’ sa’aa That man can have nothing but what he strives for.
He said the current system — in which each province has its own licensing system — is a barrier.Doctors on the frontlines are at a break ing point and have been for the better part of two-and-a-half years, he said.“We’re all trained to deal with acuity. We’re all trained to deal with critical situations. But what’s happening now goes far beyond anything we’ve experienced be fore,” Lafontaine said. Source:
“I use a GasBuddy app now. I drive as little as possible. Quite often I walk to get my grocer ies,” he said. Gas analysts predict prices could rise another five cents per litre Thursday.
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‘This is a crisis’: Head of medical association warns that the health-care system faces ‘collapse’
Gas prices soar beyond $2 per litre in Metro Vancouver
VANCOUVER -- A new poll suggests B.C.’s three largest cities are getting a passing grade from their residents on several key issues but some are not making the grade when it comes to dealing with homelessness and poverty. The poll, conducted by Research Co., looked at how Vancouver, Surrey and Burnaby are handling several municipal issues, including transportation, public safety, and protecting the environment. The research comes just over a year after the last municipal election that saw three new mayors elected to the province’s largest municipalities.
The poll suggests 57 per cent of Surrey residents are happy with the current admin istration’s approach to transportation. That marks an increase of 33 per cent over the approval rating of the previous government.
Residents were not asked specifically about the cities’ approach to ride-hailing, as Uber and Lyft had not yet been approved to oper ate when the poll was conducted.
The survey also suggests that Surrey resi dents are happier with the current council’s approach to promoting tourism, which rose from 39 per cent to 64 per cent, and enhanc ing quality of life, which rose from 36 per cent to 68 per cent. Those surveyed also gave the city high marks for its work on protect ing the environment, with 70 per cent of re spondents saying the city had done a good job on the issue.
“The lowest ranked issue across all three cit ies is dealing with homelessness and poverty (44 per cent). Satisfaction with this file rises to 52 per cent in Surrey, but is lower in Van
couver (42 per cent) and Burnaby (39 per cent),” said Mario Canseco, president of Research Co., in a news release.
More than half of Vancouver residents surveyed approved of the city’s approach to transportation, with 58 per cent saying the municipal government had done a good job on the issue. When it comes to the environ ment, 64 per cent of Vancouver residents were happy with the city’s handling of the issue.“There are some subtle differences be tween the three cities when it comes to pub lic safety,” said Canseco. “While 60 per cent of Burnaby residents endorse the perfor mance of their administration, the propor tion falls to 54 per cent in Vancouver and 52 per cent in Surrey.”
The mayors of all three cities have similar ap
proval ratings, with Vancouver Mayor Ken nedy Stewart sitting at 52 per cent, Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley at 51 per cent and Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum at 50 per cent. The results were gathered in an online survey conducted from Jan. 2 to 6 among 1,200 adults in Vancouver, Surrey and Burn aby. The margin of error is plus or minus 2.8 percentage points for each municipality, 19 times out of 20. Source:
people living and working in the project’s PCIbuildings.Developments will provide Compass Cards pre-loaded with $150 each to 250 res idents and workers in its King George Hub development, which is located – as the name suggests – steps away from King George SkyTrain TransLinkStation.willmonitor the ridership of study participants to “assess to what extent subsidized transit changed their travel pat terns,” the company said in a news release Thursday. “This data will help us to poten tially create future partnerships, build rid
ership, and expand sustainable transporta tion use.” TransLink said there is “a lack of data and studies” on the merits of develop ers providing subsidized transit for users of their Whilebuildings.transitsubsidies are currently an op tion for developers to meet sustainability requirements in some municipalities, the transit provider said this pilot study could strengthen the case for requiring developers to provide such subsidies in the future. Study participants will be surveyed on their transit use before and after the three-month pilot period, and TransLink will track their
That’s 8 for mayor, 56 candidates for council lor and 20 who want to be a school trustee.
All told, one more than in 2018
By: Tom ZytarukEighty-four candidates are seeking your vote in the Oct. 15 Surrey civic election.
That’s eight mayoral candidates, 56 candi dates for councillor and 20 who want to be a school trustee. Friday, Sept. 9 was the dead line to declare.There can only be one mayor, eight councillors and seven trustees.
Running for mayor are Amrit Birring, Sukh
Dhaliwal, Gordie Hogg, Brenda Locke, Doug McCallum, Kuldip Pelia, Jinny Sims and John Wolanski.
Of these, Pelia and Wolanski are Independ ent candidates. All told, 16 Independent candidates are seeking your vote.
Nine Independents are running for coun cillor – Ben Arcand, Bosco Misquitta, Kam Pawar, Kristofor Kinney, Steven Pettigrew, Manjeet Singh Sahota, Preet Sandhu, Rina Gill and Mingh Zheng – and five Independ ents are running for school trustee: Aida
Canonigo, Ernie Caranto, Jai Pratap Deo, Murali Krishnan and Sunny Mangat. Nine elector organizations are registered in Surrey: ParentsVoice BC, People’s Council Surrey, Safe Surrey Coalition, Surrey Con nect, Surrey First Education, Surrey First Electors Society, Surrey Forward, Team Sur rey Schools and United Surrey. All told, there is one more candidate this time out compared to the 83 who ran in the city’s 2018 civic election in which eight ran for mayor, 48 for a councillor seat and 27 for
transit use during the pilot, with their permission.“King George Hub is a complete and comprehensive transit-oriented com munity that provides an opportunity for PCI and TransLink to partner on a pilot program that could inform and inspire collaborations with government, real estate developers, and TransLink to encourage transit usage at future communities,” said Tim Grant, presi dent of PCI Developments, in the release. The pilot project will begin in October, TransLink said, adding that data will be shared with developers and municipalities once it is complete. Source:
school trustee.
The City of Surrey has posted a profile of each 2022 election candidate and slate election/candidates/list-of-candidates
Jinny’s involvement in politics has been a lifelong venture, fueled by her passion for education and her de sire to advocate for working people. Jinny and her family immigrated to England when she was young, and she completed her Bachelor of Edu cation at the University of Manches ter there before moving to Canada
By:Mike HowellStewart: ‘I really feel like I’ve got a job unfinished and COVID really put a dent in it’ Kennedy Stewart wants a second term as mayor of Vancouver. He’s been talking about this for al most four years.
Like many mayors before him, Stew
in 1975 to begin her teaching career. Jinny was elected as the president of the BC Teachers’ Federation in 2004. She was elected as the MP for Newton-North Delta in 2011 and as the MLA representing Surrey-Pano rama in 2017 and 2020. She served in Premier John Horgan’s cabinet as the Minister of Citizens’ Services.
Jinny has been a strong advocate for her constituents in both Ottawa and Surrey. Jinny has the proven experienced leadership needed to move Surrey forward. She is excited to make our city the best it can be for every resident. Surrey Forward opend its campaign office at 7288-137th St, Surrey on Sep 20th.
art’s reasoning is simple but predicta ble: he wants to finish what he started. Driving his ambition is the relation ships he formed with the provincial and federal governments that he says are strong and have led to him secur ing more than $1 billion in grants and loans for housing in Vancouver. “If I have a whole team [with me at city hall], rather than spending hours and hours in council and sorting out points of order, I think I can cement those re lationships even more and get even more investment here in the city,” he said from his office at city hall Sept. 8. Surrey’s safety plan aims to ‘impact lives, not play politics’
among other plans.
United Surrey’s public safety plan pitches four proposals “designed to impact lives, not play politics.”Led by mayoral candidate
Sukh Dhaliwal, the civic election slate’s four-point plan includes donation of land holdings to build a law-enforcement training facility in Surrey, “to address current hiring and recruitment bottlenecks.”
The slate also wants to introduce a three-tier system “that guarantees timely and appro priate citizen responses by better utilizing
a combination of law enforcement, mental health professionals and bylaw officers.” A third election promise involves creating a new “City Hall youth hub” designed to cen tralize services, collaboration, venues, fund ing and accountability for youth outreach and support, focused on gang education and prevention strategies. Dhaliwal also wants to hire 15 new firefighters annually for five years and construct a new firehall in the City Centre, to better address increased density and the ongoing opioid crisis. Public safety
solutions must be diversified to tackle the range of issues and concerns Surrey residents, Dhaliwal stated.
“Our platform offers real solutions to several of the major public safety issues our city is facing on a daily basis,” the mayoral candi date added. “Slogans and simplistic approaches are inadequate for Surrey’s rapid growth because residents deserve better than those using politics for personal gain.”
The company behind a Surrey mixed-use development is partnering with TransLink to study the effects of subsidizing transit forNew survey looks at how B.C.’s 3 largest cities tackle major issuesSukh Dhaliwal-led slate promises to build a law-enforcement training facility in Surrey, Jinny Sims, Candidate for Office of Mayor (Surrey Forward)
This past weekend, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was the subject of backlash after a video of him singing at a London, U.K., ho tel bar two days before Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral was circulated widely online. In the 15-second video recorded Saturday, Trudeau can be seen wearing a t-shirt and singing “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen, while ac claimed Quebec musician Gregory Charles played piano. Critics on social media and in newspaper columns argued that it was inap propriate and disrespectful during a time of mourning. And last month, a video of Finn ish Prime Minister Sanna Marin dancing at a party leaked online and sparked outrage among some Finns, who said the incident could damage the country’s reputation. But
experts say world leaders should be able to let loose and enjoy themselves every now and then -- within limits. Political marketing expert Clive Veroni says the outrage against Trudeau’s singing in London was “blown out of proportion.” “The prime minister was in London for a couple of days before the funer al … and had a free Saturday night and was standing around a piano and singing with some friends for a couple of hours,” he told over the phone on Wednesday morning. “I think at the most basic level, we can say that, yes, people who are leaders of governments also have private lives and they should be allowed to enjoy themselves in their time off.” Veroni said it was “even more surprising” to see the outrage when the Finn ish prime minister’s party videos were leaked. “This is a perfectly ordinary thing for some one to be doing at that age --- frankly, at any age,” he said. Lydia Miljan, a political science professor at the University of Windsor, says while world leaders like Trudeau are “certain ly allowed to have downtime,” they need to be mindful of context and the timing.
Rana Sana threatens governor’s rule in Pun jab and KP, warns of action if marchers at tempt to reach D-Chowk • ‘Army of lions led by a jackal will always lose’: Imran takes a dig at Nawaz-Shehbaz LAHOREconsultation/
ISLAMABAD: As Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan finally announced the launching of a fresh movement from Saturday to press the government to announce snap polls, the in terior minister threatened with the imposi tion of governor’s rule in the provinces sup porting the PTI’s long march on the capital and warned of “strong action” against the marchers attempting to reach D-Chowk. Moreover, in what appeared to be a pre-emp tive measure following the former premier’s recent ‘warning’ of calling a countrywide protest if the government didn’t announce snap polls in two weeks, the Islamabad Po lice had late on Tuesday beefed up security at the entry and exit points of the capital’s Red Zone, though the police claimed in a tweet the security had been bolstered as “some people” from Punjab were headed towards Islamabad to have their political
demands accepted. Addressing a thinly at tended lawyers convention, jointly hosted by Insaf Lawyers’ Forum and Punjab Bar Council outside the Supreme Court Lahore registry on Wednesday, Mr Khan appealed to the community to join his movement for ‘real freedom’ for the country. Talking about the country’s economic situation, he claimed the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) foresaw a Sri Lankalike turmoil for Pakistan. With the economy shrinking along with an increase in unem ployment and inflation skyrocketing, the country was moving towards social unrest, he believed. Source:
Ottawa, ON - The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, responded to new Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers from Statistics Canada and the Trudeau government’s proposed inflation bill today in Ottawa: “The cost of the Liberal govern ment is driving up the cost of living. The more Prime Minister Trudeau spends, the more things will cost. Today’s CPI numbers showing prices for food (+10.8%) rose at the fastest pace in 40 years prove life is getting
harder for Canadians trying to make ends meet. “After two years of warnings by the Conservatives, the Trudeau government still doesn’t have a plan to fix inflation. They’ve proposed legislation that prints more cash, borrows more money, and throws gasoline on the inflationary fire the Prime Minister created.“To stop inflation, a Conservative government would: Cap government spending with a Pay-AsYou-Go Law requiring the government find a dollar of savings for each new dollar of spending; Axe the carbon tax and payroll tax hikes to strengthen paycheques and lower energy prices; and Remove red tape and gatekeepers to allow businesses, farmers and workers to produce more affordable energy, food and “Creatinghousing.cashonly bids up prices. Creating what cash buys makes things more afforda ble. Canada’s economy must make more and cost less with paycheques and not debt.”
An Ottawa judge will not be ruling on an eviction notice for a Freedom Convoy-affili ated group in Ottawa until at least the end of September. The owner of St. Brigid’s Church on St. Patrick Street is asking an Ontario Su perior Court judge to evict The United Peo ple of Canada from the historic property. Patrick McDonald is seeking a court order to enforce the eviction of the group, say ing they failed to make $100,000 payments as part of a conditional sale of the church, owe $10,000 in rent and have broken herit age rules. A hearing was held on Sept. 2, but Justice Sally Gomery adjourned the matter until Monday after The United People of Canada argued they weren’t given sufficient notice of the hearing. TUPOC’s lawyer did not attend the original hearing. Gomery told the court Monday she would not have a decision until after Sept. 27, as she has another matter to rule on by then.
LAWYER ARGUES GROUP HAD ‘VERBAL AGREEMENT’ WITH OWNER Lawyer Saron Gebresellassi, representing the United People of Canada, argued the group had a verbal agreement with Mc Donald and that he wanted to back out of
the deal because of media reports about the goings on at the property. McDonald denied there was a verbal agreement with TUPOC during cross-examination. Gomery noted a lack of filed evidence about the alleged ver bal agreement. Speaking to CTV News Ot tawa outside the courthouse, McDonald’s lawyer, Gordon Douglas, praised Gomery. “I think Justice Gomery did an excellent job in staying on top of the facts, moving things along, asking pointed questions, especially during arguments,” he said. “Obviously, my client is looking forward to a decision.”
ISLAMABAD: Apparently responding to the interior minister’s warning to Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) followers against marching towards D-Chowk, party chief Im ran Khan categorically stated on Thursday he will enter the capital with “full prepara tions” this time around and that the minister will not find a place to hide if he resorts to violence against peaceful marchers. Mr Khan also administered oath to a staggering over 5,000 newly inducted party office-bearers and directed them to prepare for his next plan of action. “We were not fully ready on May 25 when Rana Sanaullah used massive teargas shelling against PTI women and chil dren because we intended to hold a peace
ful long march on the federal capital,” he claimed, vowing once again to give the final call for a countrywide protest after fully pre paring the party’s ‘tigers’ for a decisive bat tle to liberate the country from the “corrupt” rulers once and for all. Speaking at the oath ceremony of office-bearers of various PTI organisations at Jinnah Convention Centre, Mr Khan recalled how his government had allowed Maulana Fazul Rehman and Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari to hold their rallies without placing any obstacles in their way or filing cases against them, adding the “corrupt jun ta” used teargas and shelling against peaceful PTI marchers. However, he said now Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Interior Min ister Rana Sanaullah should worry because this time he would come fully prepared.
“We have a protest on Saturday, I will hold a rally in Rahim Yar Khan and there will be historic protests across the country,” he added. The protest would be a litmus test for them after which he would decide when to give the final call, he added...
DADU: Twelve more flood victims died of gastroenteritis and malaria within a day in different areas of Dadu and KandhkotKashmore districts on Monday.The two diseases have so far proved to be the ma jor cause behind most of the deaths among internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in squalid conditions at relief camps and flooded localities.
Sources said that two flood victims identi fied as Akbar Solangi and Imtiaz Qambrani died of gastroenteritis and malaria at Sita village near Mehar town.
Three-year-old Misri Khoso died at a tent city for IDPs in Shafi Mohammad Colony and 10-year-old Rahim Chandio died at a camp near the bypass in Mehar town.
A local artist Shah Rukh Khan and a busi nessman Atta Mohammad Chandio died of gastroenteritis and malaria in Mehar and two women Amanat Jamali and Budhi Ja mali died of malaria in Bukhar Jamali vil lage near Wahi Pandhi town. The sources said that the death toll from the two diseas es in K.N. Shah and its adjoining area had reached eight over the past five days and in Mehar taluka the number of deaths had risen to 20 over the past 30 days.
The teams had treated a total of 135,000 pa tients over the last 19 days, he said.
The district administration officials said that a total of 80 people including 39 children died in the district during heavy rains and floods from diseases and inundation.
Dadu deputy commissioner said in his re port submitted to the Sindh government that the people had died in an outbreak of diseases and collapse of houses. A total of 75,670 houses including 27,788 cemented structures collapsed and crops standing on 97,330 acres were washed away in the heavy rain and subsequent flood, said the report.
Source: Dadu DHO Dr Ahmed Ali Samejo said that six teams of the health department and PPHI were working in Mehar and 16 other parts of the district.After Trudeau video backlash, do world leaders have the right to sing or party?
A climate activist who glued himself to the door of a Royal Bank of Canada branch in April has been banned from possessing ad hesive outside his home as part of his condi tional discharge for the crime.
A Nanaimo provincial court decision issued in early August and posted online more re cently imposes the unusual condition on Victor Lawrence Brice, a member of the pro test group Save Old Growth.
Brice pleaded guilty to two charges, one related to the RBC branch protest and the other stemming from a protest on a provin cial highway on Jan. 27, according to judge William Jackson’s reasons.
“The protest at the highway is not particu larly unusual,” Jackson said in his decision.
“It was a peaceful protest blocking the traf fic. I am not sure if the protestors gluing themselves to the door at the bank is unique or not. It is certainly something I have not heard of, but it would certainly be an effec tive way of protest or at least causing dis ruption at the bank.” The Crown asked for a suspended sentence and 12 months of probation for the offences, arguing that the element of vandalism involved in the glu ing incident – as well as the presence of two similar offences – warranted a harsher pun ishment. The defence asked for a conditional
discharge, though with the same basic terms as those proposed by the Crown.
Jackson opted for a conditional discharge, noting that the court had received eight let ters of reference speaking to Brice’s “highly productive and model citizenship” prior to his arrests. “The basis for Mr. Brice’s actions were a very obviously sincere concern for the immediate and long-term effects of cli mate change and frustration with the lack of political movement despite his attempts to motivate politicians,” Jackson said. The judge sentenced Brice to 12 months of probation with several other conditions in addition to the ban on possessing glue.
Brice must also “keep the peace and be of good behaviour,” complete 40 hours of com munity service and report regularly to his probation officer. He is prohibited from im peding traffic on any public roadway and must not visit the RBC branch at 110 – 2000 Island Highway North in Nanaimo.
using a tenant’s bathroom was a joke, and ac knowledged some aren’t finding it funny.
A Vancouver council candidate is clarifying something he said in a YouTube video while giving advice on a landlord-tenant dispute. Non Partisan Association (NPA) candidate Morning Lee said a comment he made about
Authorities have identified a shooting victim who was found unconscious inside a run ning vehicle in Surrey, B.C., this week as a 27-year-old man from Edmonton.
First responders discovered Richard Ofos uhene in the driver’s seat of the vehicle after responding to reports of someone passed out near 127 Street and 88 Avenue on Tues day Ofosuhenemorning.died at the scene, despite ef forts to save his life. On Wednesday, the
Lee, who is also a business investor and con sultant, said the video was for landlords dealing with problems with tenants, and used an exam ple based on a situation where Lee was provid ing advice to a property owner. “I want to fight for people if they don’t know their rights, if they don’t know how to fight for their rights,” he said. “I just want people to know it doesn’t matter if you’re a tenant or you’re a landlord, fight for your own right.” The Mandarin-lan guage video, which was posted last fall, dealt with a scenario where a tenant was not cooper
ating with showing a property for sale. At one point in the video, Lee suggests using the toilet in the tenant’s place after being al lowed inside. On Monday, he said while he cannot recall the exact wording, the comment was intended as a joke. “It’s a joke about the bathroom, take a sh*t or something,” he said. “But obviously right now, some people think it’s not funny, and they got offended. I’m sorry about Councilthat.”candidate Peter Meiszner with ABC Vancouver called the comment distasteful. “I totally understand people make jokes. I make jokes,” he said. “But I think the topic and just
what’s going on in Vancouver, with affordabil ity, with housing, it’s incredibly inappropriate.” Lee said he posted a video in English on the same topic. The 32-minute long video, titled “BAD Tenants - How to handle problem ten ants, my stories and experiences” also refers to using the tenant’s bathroom.
“I also told my team member you must go in side. You cannot just open the door and take a peek,” Lee said in the video. “Also I told them, and you must go to use the bathroom, and you know, why we do that, the reason we do that is we want to tell the tenant we have the right to do that.” Source:
Integrated Homicide Investigation Team re vealed Ofosuhene was the victim of an early morning shooting, and asked any potential witnesses to come forward.” Mr. Ofosuhene was known to police and had ties to drug trafficking in Alberta,” IHIT said in a news release. “Investigators believe this is an iso lated incident which does not appear to be connected to the Lower Mainland gang con flict. A motive has yet to be confirmed.” Authorities are hoping to speak with anyone
Airport say the move is long overdue. The change will also stop random testing and make completing an ArriveCan form optional.
“Yeah, I think it’s time. People are kind of ad justed going back to normal,” a traveller flying out of YVR Tuesday told CTV News Vancou ver. “You know, you need to eventually return to normal,” said another traveller. Those in the province’s tourism industry say the changes could mark a significant step in its long road to recovery. “If in fact it’s the case, it’s welcome news,” said Walt Judas, CEO of the Tourism Association of BC. “It is something we’ve been calling for, for several months.”
who was in the 8800 block of 127 Street be tween 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, includ ing drivers with dashboard cameras.
Investigators could be seen in the area Tuesday afternoon near a black Honda with a green “N” decal on the back. The vehicle’s licence plate was covered with police tape. Anyone with information on the incident can call the IHIT information line at 1-877551-4448.
Judas says the ArriveCan app became a major hurdle for the industry. “ArriveCan was one of the barriers for international visitation,” he said. One traveller said she intends to travel more often once the ArriveCan app is no longer mandatory. “I’m kind of thrilled because I want to do quick little day trips through the U.S. and the ArriveCan is just, I don’t want to bother,” she told CTV News Vancouver.
Federal officials remained tight lipped on spe cifics Tuesday, but hinted at the positive results of lifting restrictions.
“I’m interested in making sure that the border is as unsticky as possible,” said Tourism Minis
ter Randy Boissonnault. “I want to see the free flow of goods so we can boost the tourism sec tor, get them back to work and doing what they need to do. That said, I’ve said since I became tourism minister, safety first.”
The federal government rolled back restric tions in June, allowing unvaccinated Canadi ans to board planes and trains for domestic and international travel.
It’s unclear what exactly the latest changes will be, but it’s expected an announcement will be made in the days ahead.
OTTAWA - British Columbia is lead ing the country as the province with the highest rate of unaffordable homes.
B.C.’s unaffordability rate at 25.5 per cent, with Ontario next at 24.2 per cent. Canada’s homeownership rate fell over all to 66.5 per cent in 2021 from its peak at 69 per cent in 2011. StatCan says B.C. posted the third-largest homeownership decline from 2011 to 2021, to 66.8 per cent from 70 per cent, while Prince Ed ward Island saw the sharpest drop. B.C.
is also leading Canada in the number of renter households, with Kelowna show ing an increase in renters of more than 54 per cent. It also shows that improvements in household incomes across Canada are reducing core housing need, but almost 1.5 million Canadians still live in condi tions defined as unsuitable, inadequate or unaffordable.
Surveillance video has surfaced of a police cruiser crashing into a man in Vancou ver’s Downtown Eastside this week, reveal ing the victim had been standing still for at least 10 seconds leading up to the collision. The disturbing video shows the pedestrian hunched over and motionless in the mid dle of East Hastings Street early Tuesday morning when the police vehicle violently
knocks him off his feet. The pedestrian was seriously injured, and remained in hospital as of Wednesday afternoon. “It’s horrific,” said Vince Tao, a community organizer with the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users.
“The speed at which the police officers just rammed the man is shocking.” That stretch of Hastings has a reduced speed limit of 30 km/h, something the City of Vancouver
implemented after commissioning a study through VANDU on how to ensure pedes trian safety in the area.I t’s unclear how fast the cruiser was going prior to the collision. The Vancouver Police Department did not answer when asked by CTV News if the of ficer behind the wheel was heading to an ac tive crime scene...
The Canadian government plans to drop the COVID-19 vaccination requirement at the border, CTV News has learned, and some trav ellers passing through Vancouver International‘It’s time’: Vancouver travellers welcome expected changes to rules at borders, airports
Thousands of members of the armed forces from the UK and abroad have taken part in the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II - one of the grandest ceremonial events in living memory. A procession involving the military, the Royal Family and those who have dedicated their lives to service of the Queen, gave the late monarch a final farewell full of pomp and pageantry ahead of her burial in Windsor. Military personnel from the UK and the Commonwealth marched through London while others lined the route, providing guards of honour or undertaking other ceremonial duties.
The Queen, who was head of the armed forces and served as their commander-in-chief, had a close personal relationship with the military
and they accompanied her on processions throughout the day. The first, and shortest, of the processions on Monday carried her coffin to Westminster Abbey for the funeral service. The second took her from the Abbey to Wel lington Arch, where the coffin was transferred to the State Hearse for the road journey to Windsor. In Windsor, her coffin joined a third procession to St George’s Chapel in the castle’s grounds. But the main focus was the journey through central London. The cortege, led by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, was made up of seven groups, each with its own band. Mem bers of the armed services from the UK and the Commonwealth, the police and the NHS were also involved. Source:
Middle East leaders at UNGA express con cerns about Ukraine war, Israel’s occupation of Palestine and Iran’s nuclear deal.
Leaders from the Middle East gathered at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) commonly expressed concern about the Rus sian war on Ukraine and its consequences on global inflation, gas prices, and food – in ad dition to the fissures it opened among major powers in a way not seen since the Cold War. The loss of important grain and fertiliser ex ports from Ukraine and Russia has triggered a food crisis, especially in developing countries, and inflation and a rising cost of living in many others. Some of the Middle Eastern issues ad dressed these issues, but each also spoke of lo cal or regional crises that have affected their countries in particular.
Jordan King Abdullah II of Jordan said the pandemic,
exacerbated by the crisis in Ukraine, has dis rupted global supply chains and increased hunger. Many well-off countries experienc ing empty food shelves for the first time “are discovering a truth that people in developing countries have known for a long time – for countries to thrive, affordable food must get to every family’s table,” he said. “On a global level, this demands collective measures to en sure fair access to affordable food, and speed the movement of staples to countries in need,” Abdullah said..Source:
President Vladimir Putin’s call Wednesday to mobilize Russian troops to fight in the battlefields of Ukraine is raising the stakes at home, where the government message has been that life continues as normal de spite the “special military operation” next door. The partial mobilization shatters that narrative, as 300,000 young men are being called up to serve in Ukraine. It’s the first such mobilization in Rus sia since the Second World War. “I was shocked by this,” said Georgiy, a Moscowbased student who received a draft notice on Sept 19.
CBC spoke with him Wednesday morn ing and has agreed to disclose only his first name because he could face punishment for speaking out. The 23-year-old served in the military four years ago when he was con scripted, but recently received a draft notice asking him to report to his local military of fice because he was being called up to per form a technical role. President Vladimir Putin’s call Wednesday to mobilize Russian troops to fight in the battlefields of Ukraine is raising the stakes at home, where the gov ernment message has been that life contin ues as normal despite the “special military
operation” next door. The partial mobilization shatters that narra tive, as 300,000 young men are being called up to serve in Ukraine. It’s the first such mo bilization in Russia since the Second World War. “I was shocked by this,” said Georgiy, a Moscow-based student who received a draft notice on Sept 19. CBC spoke with him Wednesday morning and has agreed to disclose only his first name because he could face punishment for speaking out. The 23-year-old served in the military four years ago when he was conscripted, but re cently received a draft notice asking him to report to his local military office because he was being called up to perform a technical role..Source:
of international issues, including the global need to combat climate change and food in security.Here’s a look at five key takeaways from Biden’s speech: Says Russia seeks to ‘extinguish’ Ukraine’s right to exist
Biden kicked off his remarks by condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine as an unjus tified act of aggression.
The two main websites of the Iranian gov ernment and several media websites have been targeted by hackers claiming to be from Anonymous. Tehran, Iran – Several Iranian government and state-affiliated me dia websites are down after a Twitter account linked to the “Anonymous” hacker collective claimed to have launched cyberattacks on them, aimed at supporting protests follow ing the death of Mahsa Amini.
The 22-year-old woman from the northwest ern province of Kurdistan died in Tehran on Friday after suffering from a stroke and several heart attacks while in the custody of Iran’s so-called morality police for her “im proper” hijab, according to authorities and state media. Iranian authorities have denied any allegations of mistreatment or beatings of Amini and said she had pre-existing con ditions that contributed to her death, but her family has rejected the claims.
United Nations General Assembly, according to a statement from Lapid’s office. Israel-Tur key relations, long frosty amid feuding over the Palestinian cause, have warmed in recent months, with energy emerging as a potential key area of cooperation. The two countries officially restored full diplomatic relations in August, including an exchange of ambas sadors. As well as discussing energy, Lapid thanked Erdogan for the countries’ intelli gence sharing and noted Israel’s demand for the return of four of its citizens – two of them soldiers – missing in the blockaded Gaza Strip since a 2014 war, Lapid’s office said on Tues day.NATO-member Turkey has been hosting members of Hamas, a Palestinian movement that administers the Gaza Strip. That relation ship has often been a sticking point in bids to rebuild ties between Israel and Turkey.
A video released early on Wednesday showed footage of protests in several Iranian cities that have erupted since Amini’s death.
“This was the last straw,” the altered voice on the video, which claimed to be from Anonymous, said of Amini’s death. “The Ira nian people are not alone”. It appears the two main websites of the Iranian government were the main target of the attacks.
One is the “smart services” website of the government, where a host of online services is offered, and another is aimed at publishing government news and interviews with offi cials.
In wide-reaching UN address, US president slams Russia and says Washington not seek ing ‘cold war’ with Beijing. Joe Biden has ac cused Russia of aiming to end Ukraine’s right to exist as a nation, telling the United Na tions General Assembly (UNGA) that Wash ington wants the conflict to end on “just terms”. In his second address to the UNGA as president of the United States, Biden on Wednesday stressed that Russia violated the UN Charter when it invaded its neighbour earlier this year. He also touched on a variety
“This war is about extinguishing Ukraine’s right to exist as a state, plain and simple, and [Ukrainians’] right to exist as a people,” Biden said. “Wherever you are, wherever you live, whatever you believe, that should make your blood run cold.” Biden also dismissed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claim that Russia was threatened by Ukraine’s push to join NATO.
“The United States wants this war to end on just terms, on terms we’re all signed up for –that you cannot seize a nation’s territory by force,” he said. Source:
Announcement sparks concern that fight to contain sky-high US inflation could tip the economy into a recession. Intensifying its fight
against chronically high inflation, the United States Federal Reserve has raised its key in terest rate by a substantial three-quarters of a point for a third straight time, an aggressive pace that is heightening the risk of an even tual recession. The Fed’s move on Wednesday boosted its benchmark short-term rate, which affects many consumer and business loans, to a range of 3 percent to 3.25 percent, the high est level since early 2008. The policymakers also signalled that, by early 2023, they expect to have further raised rates much higher than they had projected in June.
Israeli PM Lapid’s office says the two leaders discussed an array of issues, including energy and intelligence sharing. The leaders of Israel and Turkey have held face-to-face talks for the first time since 2008, as ties between the two countries continue to warm. Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Turk ish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a meeting on Tuesday on the sidelines of the‘Anonymous’ hacks Iran state websites after Mahsa Amini’s death
What issues did Middle East leaders raise in UNGA address?
Putin’s call to mobilize more troops to fight in Ukraine heightens tensions at home
Queen’s funeral: Full guide to the gun carriage and the main procession
• Parents who struggle with mental ill ness may be unsure whether to share that information with their children.
• How parents talk about mental health could impact their child’s understand ing for years to come.
• Certain strategies could be beneficial for those parents who choose to talk about their mental health.
• We all face daily decisions about what we want to share and keep private from family members, friends, or acquaint ances. We decide when to share infor mation about our plans for the day, fi nances, health, work, or stressful events, down to whether we liked the movie we just saw.
Communication scholar Sandra
Petronio developed communication privacy management theory to help us understand the issues and choices sur rounding what information we will share with others (and not). The theory helps us understand the personal information we be lieve we own and how we decide when we want other people to become co-owners of our private information. The theory also helps us consider what information we be lieve other people should share with us (and not) (Petronio et al., 2022).
Often we do not give private information much thought until we experience others treating private information differently than we wish. For example, I was not aware of how much more my own family expected information to remain private. I often heard “information about the family stays in the family.” Also, we rarely expressed what we were thinking and feeling to each other. I thought every family treated information about the family the same way we did. My family’s privacy rules became clearer to me as I started spending time with other fami lies. I learned that other families had differ ent expectations for sharing private infor mation. I was surprised by what they would talk about around the dinner table and what they would share with outsiders.
Revealing and Concealing Informa tion about Mental Health Communication researcher Shawn Starcher, a faculty member in Communication Stud ies at Muskingum University in Ohio, and I are writing this blog featuring his research on communication about mental health. Shawn studies how people decide when it is best to reveal or conceal information about their mental health.
Shawn’s research is very relevant to profes sionals working with families as well as fam ily members themselves concerning com municating about mental health. Talking about mental health is an ongoing challenge in any relationship, among friends, in fami lies, in the workplace, in church, or within a issues are often misunder stood and stigmatized. For the person ex periencing mental health challenges, talk ing about it can be risky for them or affect their relationships in negative ways. There are also risks for receivers of information about another person’s mental health. For instance, what should the other person do or say when they sense that people are expe riencing mental health challenges? Are they supposed to ask questions or wait to be told what is happening? What are they supposed to do or say once they have become co-own ers of this private information?
The main focus of Shawn’s research concerns how parents who grapple with mental illness may face challenges in talking with their
children about their mental health struggles.
Parents tend to match the levels of openness of their own family of origin, even when that may not always be the healthiest route to take in adulthood (Starcher & Child, 2022).
Parents should consider what they believe will be most helpful for them and their fam ily concerning talking about their own men tal health issues with their children.
Parents should understand that how they talk about mental health may impact how future generations will view mental illness and communicate about this issue (FloodGrady, et al., 2021). Children may be more likely to share their own depression-related information with parents if the parent and child have already openly discussed the top ic (Starcher, 2019).
Parents are often conflicted about sharing mental illness struggles with their children.
In his research, Shawn found four parental motivations for disclosure about their own mental illness, including perceiving it is their duty to inform/educate others and as a sense of catharsis to reduce stress (Starcher, 2019).
Parents may choose not to disclose mental issues to their children if they believe they are protecting their children (or them selves), especially from information about parental depression. Not only may parents worry about sharing information that may make them feel vulnerable, but a parent may also worry about children seeing them in a negative light.
Parents often have competing motivations for revealing and concealing information about mental health. Parents may hope to find some relief when talking about their own mental health or they may feel a sense of duty to inform or educate their children.
At the same time, parents may worry about protecting their children from worry or anxiety. These competing parental concerns give us some insight into the goals and con cerns that parents juggle when considering depression-related disclosure with their children. Helping parents get clarity on their own motivations to talk about depression and choose the right amount of openness may help them to have a more healthy dia logue with children about mental healthrelated issues and other important topics.
Factors for Parents to Consider Before Disclosing Mental Health Recognize that children want to understand what is happening with their parents and family. Children are often more aware of struggles that parents may be experiencing than parents realize.
Consider children’s age and maturity when determining how open to be. What do par ents believe the children need to know? What are children able to understand and handle? It may be good to share little pieces of information initially to see how children process and react to that information. Keep messages short and simple. Start with less complex and straightforward informa tion. Use terminology children can under stand without getting too complicated. See what questions and concerns children may have. Sharing about mental illness will likely involve ongoing discussion as children ma ture or when the situation for the parent Helpchanges.children
manage their emotions and fears. The fact that parents are having men tal and/or physical health challenges can be scary for children. Parents should be ready to help children handle this information without overburdening them. This may in clude getting professional help for children or the family. Parents should also be clear about what the children can do to be helpful. Be clear about confidentiality. Parents need to understand their own expectations
regarding confidentiality. It is important to give children guidance on what, if anything, is OK for them to say to others. Some par ents may allow or encourage openness while others may insist that children check with them before discussing information about the parent or family.
Consider how children’s experiences and expectations for talking about mental health may impact how they will think and feel about mental and physical health across their lifespan.
These same tips will help you think about considerations regarding any important dis closure you are considering in your close rela tionships. Source:
As the news of Queen Elizabeth II’s death goes around, many are taking the opportu nity to reflect on her legacy. But Canadians around the country wonder how the change in our nation’s sovereignty affects citizens. First and foremost, because of the new change in power, the King of Canada is now Charles III who is the previous Queen’s son. His succession requires no formal action by the Canadian government, members of the Legislative Assembly, Senate, and Parlia ment do not have to take an oath to the new ly appointed King. However, officers of the crown, who are essentially legal advisors to the royal government, will have to take a new oath to King Charles III. Furthermore, immigrants becoming new residents will now be taking their oath to the King instead of the Queen, and the language of the oath promptly changed in accordance with the update. In terms of public display of mourn ing, Canada will not be going into a 12-day period like the United King dom is but flags will be at half-mast and
black may be draped over any portraits of the Queen to signify respect for her pass ing. Most are concerned about the name and images of the Queen that are promi nent throughout our money and legal and government documents. Anything with the Queen’s symbol will not be invalidated, but slowly, the image and name of the King will slowly start to be seen throughout our daily lives. This not only includes legal docu ments and money, but also stamps, citizen ship documents, and oaths of allegiance. Nonetheless, the change will come slowly to our country and Canadians can be assured that any change will be minimal seeing that our relation to themonarchy is purely formal and drenched in tradition.
Full time, 40 hours/ week to start immediately employment conditions: Day, evening, Weekend working hours from 11:00 am to 7:30pm
Salary: $17.00 / hour
• Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods
• Prepare dishes for customers with food allergies or intolerances
• Plan daily menus, determine size of food portions to be served.
• estimate raw material requirements, costs, and monitor order of supplies.
• Inspect kitchen / cart and food service areas daily.
• Order kitchen’s equipment as and when required under the directions of the Director of Company.
• Maintain kitchen inventory and records of food supplies.
• Clean kitchen and work areas daily and manage kitchen opera tions completely under the usage of best sanitary requirements. employment requirements
• Secondary (high) school graduation Certificate
• 2 years to less than 3 years’ work experience, preferably under similar setting.
Other Benefits: Free Parking Available Cuisine Specialties: East Indian Additional Skills Required: Client focus, Dependability, Flexibility, Organized, Reliability, Team player
Location: 13208 80 Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3W 3B3
How to apply: By e-mail:
last night the fun draising dinner for the construc tion of Jamia Masjid Aulia Allah, Surrey, British Columbia at the Taj Park Convention Centre was a huge success. Alhamdulillah, $550, 000 were raised in donations and Qardh-e-Hasanah. May Al lah bless and reward everyone who donat ed or gave Qardh-e-Hasanah. JazakAllah
On behalf of the Islamic Association of Western Canada and Jamia Masjid Aulia Allah, Surrey, BC, I am grateful to Hazrat
Allama Hafiz Abdul Wahab sahib for the very inspiring speech. My sincere thanks to Brother Mohtaram ASAD Gondal Sa hib, President BCMA for his great fund raising. Masha Allah, our guest of honour, AlHajj Qari Syed FASIHUDDIN Sohar wardy mesmerized the audience with his beautiful voice and recitation of Naat o Manqabat. Alhamdulillah,JazakAllahonceagain, the program proved that the entire Muslim commu nity is united to complete the construc
determining the individuals who then make decisions and govern on their behalf follow ing general voting day.
tion of the Jamia Masjid Aulia Allah and gave generous donations. May Allah bless brother Ateeq Khan who is the project manager, the entire management team, and all the volunteers, donors, sponsors, and supporters for making this fundrais ing event very successful JazakAllah. My special thanks to CMMC, KCCA, brothers Naveed Waraich, Tarik KIANI, Sajid Ha meed, Tariq Khan, Abdul Qayyum Khan, Abdul Rauf Khan, Aseem Akhter Khan, Rao Rahat, Akhter Tanoli, TALIB Hus
sain, Abdul Rasool Salis and several other volunteers for their time and donations. JazakAllah.I am so proud of the man agement committee members and their exemplary commitment and sacrifice for this House of Allah. May Allah bless brother Muhammad Arjumand Tahir, Haroon Raza, Syed Asif Iqbal, Tariq Bhur gary, Haider Ali Khan, Dr. Niaz Khan, Ghulam Mohiyyudin, Usman Tahir Khan, Rashid Masood Kahlon, Sajid Hameed. Pictures at Pg 13
General local elections in B.C. are held every four years on the third Saturday in October.
The next general local elections will be held on October 15, 2022.
General local elections (and by-elections) are the most direct way for the public to influence their local government, school district or other local governance body by
General local elections include elections for municipal councils, regional district elector al areas, boards of education, specified parks boards, local community commissions and the Islands Trust.
During the election process, candidates gen erally outline their platforms and objectives if they were to be elected. By choosing the candidates with the ideals and qualities that are most acceptable to the electors, citizens can directly influence the nature of the com munity where they reside or own property.
On October 15 2022, Vote for Richmond’s Future! Re-elect Malcolm Brodie as your Mayor! Your vote counts! Busi ness Wire Fine Choice Foods, a market-leading producer of quality Asian-inspired foods, an nounced the opening of its second manufacturing facility, also located in Richmond, with are cent in-person celebration.
Richmond is a thriving hub for com merce, and nature-rich with beautiful views of waterways and mountains. I have had the pleasure of living and working here since 1974. I have been an airline pilot for 38 years, and for the past 8 years I have also been a Realtor and Property Manager for Century 21. Committed to community ser vice, I have volunteered at various commu nity organizations, including the Richmond
Food Bank and homeless shelters around B.C. Over the years I have seen Richmond grow, exponentially. Now, we need to make sure that growth is feasible, suitable and re sponsible. As your Councillor, I will advo cate for measured growth, fiscal manage ment, affordable housing, increased green space, low property taxes, and sustainable and environmental efficiencies. I will also donate 50% of my net salary as
Rahim Othman, a long-time resident of Richmond and active community member, submitted his application to run for City Council in the City of Richmond earlier in September. He is running with the Richmond Community Coalition (RCCA) slate which, the incumbent Chak Au leads. Chak has been a Councillor since 2011 and has been a school trustee before that. Chak has a strong track record in the city council, and Rahim is happy to work with him in this Rahimelection.has been active in the community since he moved to Richmond more than 17
Councillor to a new foundation called “We Care for Richmond”. This money will be do nated on behalf of Richmond residents for grants to families and individuals who need it the most. I look forward to your support on October 15th. Vote for Change, Vote for AdilAwan!Awan, Independent Candidate for Richmond City www.voteawan.caCouncil
years ago and, since then, has volunteered with several organizations over many years, including the Richmond Civic Engagement Network (RCEN), the BCMA, Richmond Football Club and many others. He is a tech nology engineer and project/program man ager with experience in both the private and public sectors.
RCCA has a robust platform that focuses on strengthening the local economy by keeping municipal taxes low, implementing Con sumption Vouchers, and supporting Rentto-Own housing initiatives to alleviate the housing crisis. The platform also focuses on
a greener environment and enhancing the safety and harmony of society.
Rahim and the RCCA slate believe in com munity engagement. When elected, they will work with stakeholders to address and find solutions to issues and concerns in the city.
Rahim and the RCC team will be your repre sentative and advocate on City Council and School Board. Your help is needed to make that happen. If you need more information or if you can help in any way, feel free to reach out at Rahim.Othman@RichmondCoalition. com or visit
Pierre Poilievre has won the race to lead Canada’s Conservatives party and he has announced his sights are set on Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who he says is running a “tired and out-of touch” government. Poilievre wants his main focus to be on Canadians who are struggling with cost of living. Not only did he mention it in his victory speech but also many occasions before, that he was born to a teenage mother and later adopted into a modest home in Cal gary. He understands the situation of work ing and middle class Canadians and has
made himself a relatable political figure. Not only does this increase Poilievre’s likability as a politician, but it also sets him perfectly as Trudeau’s opposition who was born while his father was Prime Minister. Addition ally, he has differentiated himself from other Conservatives who have stepped foot into the limelight. Poilievre is pro- immigration, married to a Venezuelan immigrant, and calls himself pro-choice as well. It seems that he is setting up the Conservative Party to be a place for working-class voters and hopes to push the direction of the Canadian government to replicate the structure that’s taken root in the US and UK.
Since the beginning of his career, which started at an early 25, Poilievre has been advocating for the same values of a small government, fiscal prudence (which is es sentially being sustainable with government funds), and individual freedom claiming to be in fierce competition with Justin Trudeau. He even went as far as to say that “Trudeau
doesn’t understand how the cost of living truly affects Canadian citizens and that if he did, he would commit to no new tax in creases on workers and seniors.” Then, went further and promised to reform the nation’s tax system with cuts to income and payroll taxes as well as scrapping the Liberals’ price on carbon. By calling out the Prime Minister on such a public platform, Poilievre truly is issuing a challenge to the Liberal Party. His intention to attract the dissatisfied is defi nitely making a difference in Trudeau’s sup porters especially when Poilievre supported the “Freedom Convoy” in opposition to government-issued vaccine mandates.
Although his populist tactic of juxtaposing “the people” and “the elite” has proven suc cessful in winning him his leadership of the Conservative Party, we have yet to see how it will work in a general election.
Overall, Poilievre’s attempt at steering the Conservative Party in a different direction is already impressing many, his first accom
plishment being his win to lead the party. Regardless, experts are convinced Trudeau has a real opponent in Poilievre and every one is looking forward to the coming show downs between the two politicians. The real question is, can Poilievre’s change in direction redeem the Conservative Party in the eyes of the public after the countless scan dals and controversies that have circled them. This story of redemption could go two ways, but the flip of the coin is up to Poilievre.
this is the place for you. 2 bed 3 bath Corner Unit is a rarity especially with the main floor 2 piece bathroom. Open Concept Kitchen with built in microwave and laminate flooring through-out. Ample light in the good size living & Dining area that leads out to fenced in patio area. No need to go thru the garage with this unit. Master bedroom has ample room with it’s own ensuite with double sinks. Second bedroom is spacious. Double tandem garage with plenty of room for 2 Vehicles.
“Clayton Walk” by Anthem in popular Clayton Heights! This 2018 built 3 level townhouse features a spacious living space with Double Garage Side By Side Parking plus Two More parking outside. 3 Bedrooms and 2 Washrooms on Top level, with a 4th bed room and full sized bathroom on the lower level. Easy access to Fraser HWY, Groceries, Parks and Schools.
Thank You. On, Sep 18th $160k raised for Pakistan Flood Medical Relief at Grand Taj Banquet Hall Sur rey. It was truly Amazing to host the legendary Artist Nouman Ijaz on stage and meeting generous people of Vancouver, BC. Jeremy McLellan Comedy was a great way to celebrate the success with laughter. Many Con gratulations to Pervaiz Ahmed, Muneeb Hassan, Wafa Malik and our entire team of volunteers. Special thanks to all the donors and supporters. God Bless You all.
As Pakistan has been impacted by devastat ing flooding, I will be on the ground I’m meeting with affected communities, humanitarian partners and officials to see how Canada can best support those in Pakistan whose lives have been upended by this tragic climate disaster.Owing to dire needs in this Asif Sherazi in Sukkur Harjit Sajjan Minister for International
throughout winter. While the idea of being social may fill you with dread, speaking to friends and family is proven to lift your spir its and make you feel less isolated. In fact, staying social is scientifically proven to re duce feelings of loneliness and boost well-
dark skies and cold leave many of us struggling to stay upbeat during winter. Discover five ways to boost your mood and lift your spirits during those harsh months. Sponsored content
When winter sets in, many of us look for ward to the holiday season and seeing loved ones. However, others dread the cold weather, dark nights, and the time of year in general. If you resonate with the latter, your mood can be affected by the season. To help you think and feel more positive during this time, here are five tips that will help to lift your mood during winter.
When you’re not feeling yourself during the winter months, you may want to hide away from the world and stay inside alone. How ever, this won’t do your mood and well-be ing any favours. So, if you have loved ones nearby, try and make an effort to see them
BY: MIWAKO CHANGThe start of school has returned, along with the day-to-day challenges of navigating as signments, education, friends, and more. Youth On Track Services (YNOT Services) is an organization committed to supporting youth within the community. They support youth in their day to day educational, social, financial, and mental challenges, and reduce the impacts of familial and environmentbased YNOTcircumstances.playsacritical part of the community and is supported by various governmental and community organizations including Toronto Police and Fire Service, Province of Ontario, The City of Toronto, Kindred Foundation, Black Business Initiatives, and Tropicana Community Services.
YNOT utilizes preventative and collabora tive approaches in their counselling servic es, mental health support, new immigrant
if you can’t face seeing anyone in person, a quick phone call or Zoom/Skype chat can make all the difference to how you feel. And you never know: your loved one may be feeling down also, so you may help to lift their spirits, too!
During the chilly winter, you may prefer to snuggle on the couch and use the season as an excuse to put your feet up. However, if you’re feeling down and not like your nor mal self, staying inside will likely do you more harm than good.
Instead, doing some exercise can be a great mood booster. This is because physical ac tivity releases endorphins in the brain which can make you feel happier and healthier.
Whatever exercise you like doing, taking 30 minutes out of your day to do some can spark real results.
If you’re the type of person who sees the win ter as an opportunity to indulge in comfort food, try and do so in moderation. This is
because too much junk food isn’t going to do your mood (or health) any good. Simple measures like eating more good mood foods including fruits and veg can give you more energy and lift your spirits. No one is saying you have to give up the comfort foods you know and love altogether. Instead, be proac tive in eating well-balanced meals, and make treats an occasional thing only. “Staying so cial is scientifically proven to reduce feelings of loneliness and boost well-being. And your loved one may be feeling down also, so you may help to lift their spirits, too!”
If you haven’t already heard of it, kombucha tea is a fermented drink that’s made up of tea, sugar, bacteria and yeast. Some scien tific evidence suggests that kombucha tea can make you feel better, since the beverage contains probiotics, which can also promote a healthier immune system.
So, if you’re not feeling yourself over the win ter months, trying kombucha tea may be the answer. As you learn the basics of kombu cha, you will find it may have other surpris ing benefits too. These include improving di gestion, strengthening your immune system and reducing blood pressure. Don’t just take our word for it; instead, pour yourself a cup and you may soon reap all the benefits and lift your spirits at the same time.
If things are getting too much throughout winter and your mood is spiraling out of control, you may need some time away from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. Something as simple as meditating can do wonders for your mood. Regular medi tation is scientifically-proven to reduce your stress levels, so practise regularly and you will start to feel more relaxed, calmer, and hopefully happier.
Rather than dreading winter and everything that comes with it, there are lots of minor changes you can make that can boost your mindset and mood during the colder months. Try some of suggestions and hopefully you will be feeling brighter and happier.
Source: On Track
school system navigation support, parenting workshops, youth after school homework support, and youth mentorship. These re sources are provided through YNOT’s Em power Children for a Greater Tomorrow (ECGT) program, open to youth between 5 and 25 years old.
YNOT’s Restorative Justice program sup ports youth 12 to 23 years old who, at the time of their offence, had a criminal back ground in Canada. The program supports youth through programming and conflict management in their two-phase process.t Supported by the Government of Canada, the Heritage Capacity Building Project is a series of workshops to educate youth on understanding and responding to racism, as well as increasing self-confidence through the development of financial literacy. Youth aged 14 to 24 years old are welcome to at tend.
The YNOT Ten Step Mentorship program equips mentees from the ages of 6 to 17 years of age with key life skills such as determi nation, creativity and leadership, in an area of focus. These include role model mentor ship, business, entrepreneurship, academic, and leadership. In addition to their regular programming, YNOT offers summer pro gramming and seminars and workshops on
a variety of topics including goal setting, career planning, substance abuse, anger management, and crime prevention. Supported by the community, YNOT plays a key role in the development and betterment of our youth and provides valuable support for tomorrow’s leaders.
On behalf of Islamic Relief Canada, we would like to thank RED FM and its listeners for their generous contribution of $226,000, after dollar to dol lar matching from the Federal Government of Canada to our organization during the September 9th Radiothon, setup by the Pa kistani Canadian Cultural Association of BC (PCCA) for the 2022 Pakistan floods. Your donations have supported our emergency response and recovery efforts in Pakistan in
cluding shelter, food, drinking water and hygiene items. Islamic Relief has been on the ground in Pa kistan for the past 30 years. Over the years, Islamic Relief Pakistan has responded to natural disasters like floods, droughts, and earthquakes in Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. From climate adaptation to sus tainable livelihood solutions and women’s empowerment to water challenges, Islamic Relief is addressing the most press ing needs. Additionally, we currently run programs in urban areas like Rawalpindi,
where we are enabling children living on the street to go to school and are pioneering mi crofinancing for widowed women and lowincome families. Most recently, respond ing to the pandemic, Islamic Relief worked with national and provincial governments to provide health institutions with lifesaving equipment. The commitment of our donors, including RED FM and its listeners, has helped us continue to provide emergency relief and deliver immediate aid to those in need. Through our recovery projects as well as our ongoing efforts to uplift the lives of those afflicted, your support continues to
reach millions in need and will be assisting more than 500,000 individuals directly im pacted by the floods in the following weeks. We will continue to work closely with the communities here at home to support those in need in around the world for long term inter ventions in addition to emergency responses.
For more information about Islamic Relief Canada and what we do, feel free to visit our website at Once again, thank you to RED FM and the PCCA for their continuous support of our mission. With your support, we can change even more lives and help rebuild Pakistan.
Pictures at Pg 20
10th marked The Muslim Community Care Foundation’s first health and wellness fair. Organized by mental health professionals, the fair hosted several speakers from the Muslim commu nity to address topics such as maternal men tal health, navigating the healthcare system, physical fitness and the positive effects on mental health, and myths and misconcep
tions of mental health in Islam. The event hosted a number of vendors and attendees were able to mingle and speak with presenters as well as other MCCF pro fessionals. The large hall of the Fleetwood community centre was filled with people willing to listen to professionals in the Mus lim community to help better understand health and mental wellness. Food and re freshments were provided.
Attendees met with vendors such as Nisa homes, Deans Pharmacy, Abacus Behaviour Consulting, Blossoming Corner, Dr. Imane Squalle, ND and many more. Unfortunately, mental health happens to be a highly taboo topic amongst many com munities. For years people have suffered in silence however, events like this help brings awareness and encouragement to those seeking help. The MCCF mental health team
hopes to make the health and wellness fair a more frequent event and accessible to all who wish to join.
Muslim Community Care is always seeking donations. It is through generous donations that MCCF can provide mental health sup port to people in the community who are in need. Please donate at
By: Sharina KhanWITH the political environment in Pakistan fraught with uncer tainty, the benign press state ment from London has done little to ease the pressures gradually building up in Is lamabad. Nothing new or of substance has been shared with the public since the prime minister met his older brother, PML-N ‘su preme leader’ Nawaz Sharif, for what was reportedly a ‘family only’ discussion.
If the reports are accurate, even the PML-N federal ministers present in the city were not invited.
We do know that important business was discussed, particularly the fate of the Pun jab government — where the Sharifs seem to once again want to instal their scion, Hamza Shehbaz, as chief minister — and the timing of the next general elections — which, they decided, will be held according to the official
schedule. However, instead of offering any insight into what is going on in their minds, or providing assurances that matters are un der control, the Sharif brothers left even old questions unanswered.
For example, if the government is indeed intent on limping to the next general elec tions, to be held in the latter part of next year according to the official schedule, what is its strategy? How does it plan to steady the listing economy in the months it has when the man who should be leading that task has been tied down by his own party? Is he to be replaced, and by whom? If not, will he be al lowed to do his job without worrying about fulminations from the Nawaz camp? Every day that passes in stasis inflicts further dam age on the economy.
Likewise, how does bringing Hamza She hbaz back as Punjab chief minister help the instability? Will it not cause further chaos?
What is it apart from another attempt by the PML-N to wrest back lost clout in the con
stituencies that have tradi tionally brought it to power? Most importantly, how do the government and the PML-N plan to counter the resurgent Imran Khan, who has made it clear that he is not going to rest unless he is shown a path back to power? Will they, as some have threatened, un leash Interior Minister Rana Sanuallah to keep the PTI in check? How will they deal with the blowback if the par ty pushes back and the lawenforcement agencies once again go overboard in their response? It is clear that the Sharifs want to hold their cards very close to their chest. Such is the distrust prevalent in the party — split into camps as it is — that even the prime minis ter’s cabinet is being kept in the dark. This is hardly assuring.
It is alarming that the government, while seeming intent on completing its tenure, has no clear plans for the future to share. With its own silence exacerbating the evaporation of faith in the government, the PML-N is taking a strange path indeed.
and a passage should be created for political stability by organising early elections, lo cal media reported.This comes after the PTI chief held a meeting with the members of the Punjab cabinet in which they ex changed political and administrative mat ters of the province, ARY News reported.
During the meeting, former Chief Minister Usman Buzdar, Punjab Assembly Speaker Sibtain Khan and other participants of the parliamentary party took stock of the pre vailing political scene with particular ref erence to the province, devastation caused
by floods, relief and rehabilitation of flood victims besides other matters.The meeting also witnessed a discussion on the need to further strengthen the coordination among the coalition partners in addition to greater interaction and cooperation among the rul ing party members in the province.Besides, the PTI chief also congratulated provincial cabinet members for grabbing an outstand ing victory in the Punjab by-polls.He said that PTI’s victory in the Punjab by-polls ex hibited the nation’s confidence. Khan asked the Punjab cabinet and parliamentary party
a significant surge in support, we fear many more chil dren will lose their lives, Ms Birukila said. “Even after three weeks, large parts of flood-af fected areas are still submerged under water. Many of the roads and bridges have either been
In a related development, the Asian De velopment Bank announced on Tuesday it would provide a significant package of relief and rehabilitation to Pakistan following dev astating floods that hit the country.
The ADB director-general for Central and West Asia, Yevgeniy Zhukov, said in a state ment that short- and medium-term projects would be launched to repair damaged roads and irrigation infrastructure besides ensur ing financial stability of the agriculture sec tor to boost up food security in the country.
to firmly stand with the nation with the narrative of real independence, ARY News reported.”Nation is with us and we have to go ahead for elections soon. The early elec tion is not the requirement of the PTI but inevitable for the betterment of the country,” he added.Presidents and general secretaries of important districts of PTI, including Ba hawalpur, Faisalabad and Jhelum, held im portant meetings with Imran during which organisational matters and other important issues were discussed in detail.
The United Nations’ chil dren’s fund (Unicef) has regretted that its funding appeal of $39 million for Pa kistan’s flood-hit children is still less than a third funded and that needs of the children will only continue to grow.
“The world needs to come together and help the children in Pakistan. Together we can save lives by delivering life-saving health, nutrition and education services to every child in Pakistan who needs it the most,” it said. Unicef Pakistan chief field officer in Ba lochistan, Gerida Birukila, told newsmen in Geneva on Tuesday that next week marked a month since catastrophic floods uprooted more than 3.4 million children from their homes in Pakistan.
“The rains and floods have already claimed the lives of more than 550 children. Without
washed away or damaged. Thousands of families in 81 calamity-hit districts are still cut-off and desperately need support. Fami lies have no food, clean water or medicines.
“Lack of food means a lot of the mothers are now anaemic and malnourished and have very low-weight babies,” she said.
“Unicef has been on the ground since day one supporting the government’s flood re sponse. Immediately following the floods, we dispatched $1 million in prepositioned supplies, with an additional $3million of supplies delivered and being dispatched to the worst affected districts. We have set up 71 mobile health camps, and have set up temporary learning centres to help children cope with trauma,” Ms Birukila said.
“We are also processing counter-cyclical support to Pakistan to help the poor and vulnerable, especially women and children, the impacts of food prices and other ex ternal shocks,” Mr Zhukov said. “The scale and impact of the floods is shocking and the ADB stands with the people of Pakistan in these difficult times,” he said. Under the long-term plan, the ADB would prioritise projects supporting post-flood reconstruc tion and strengthening climate and disaster resilience, the ADB senior official said.
The ADB will work closely with the govern ment and other international agencies to help rebuild the lives and livelihood of the more than 33 million people marooned by the disaster, the bank said.
UNHCR terms situation dire
Meanwhile, The United Nations High Com missioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said while the situation remained dire in flood-hit ar eas of the country, authorities and humani tarian agencies were racing against time to reach the affected population – with close to 8m people now displaced. “Some 7.6 million people have been displaced by the floods, ac cording to the latest estimates, with nearly 600,000 living in relief sites. Many parts of the country, especially in the southern Sindh province, remain under water. Officials warn that it may take up to six months for flood waters to recede in the hardest-hit areas, as fears rise over threats of waterborne diseases and the safety of millions of people, espe cially women and children.
In a related development, the World Food Programme (WFP) on Tuesday said that floods were likely to exacerbate food insecu rity and malnutrition for millions of people in Pakistan Source:
The fervent crowd was back on its feet. There was a deafen ing roar at the sold-out National Sta dium. Babar Azam roared too. The Pakistan skipper had asked his batters to step up in the second Twenty20 International against England. He led from the front with his vicecaptain Mohammad Rizwan on Thursday night. This was an emphatic answer to the critics who were questioning the Pakistan openers’ scoring rate. Babar announced his return to form with a century and Rizwan cracked yet another half-century as they chased down an imposing target of 200 with
consummate ease to level the seven-match series with five more matches to come.
Pakistan became the first team to chase down a target of 200 without losing a wicket as Babar and Rizwan set the record for the highest partnership for the opening wicket and it was a timely boost for the side after they were outplayed in the opening game — England’s first in the country in 17 years. ore importantly, with the series being a warm-up for next month’s T20 World Cup, Babar being back among the runs with his second century in the shortest format of the game was a big positive.
The 27-year-old jumped with joy and punched the air after completing his century with a push to short cover and then looked skywards. It was relief at last after he strug gled with the bat during the Asia Cup where Pakistan lost to Sri Lanka in the final earlier this month. At that point, Pakistan were 21 runs away from victory with three overs to go and Babar, who finished with an unbeat en 56-ball 110 featuring 11 fours and five sixes, fittingly sealed victory for his side with a four on the third ball of the final over. It was Rizwan, whose 88 off 51 featured five fours and four sixes, who set the tone for the
victory; being the aggressor early on as Ba bar took his time to settle. Once he got go ing, there was no stopping Babar. PakistanTehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan on Sunday said that a revolu tion is knocking at Pakistan’s doorstep