Miracle 590-Feb 10, 2023

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www.miraclenews.com Volume 22- Issue 590- February 10, 2023 - Rajab 19,1444 H, $1 THE Bank of Canada releases details on interest rate LHC suspends de-notification order of 43 PTI How much Canadians have fallen behind Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia Interfaith gathering for the Remembrance of Sheikh Mishary Alafasy stops by in Surrey What The Quran says about Valentine’s Day 4 Ways TikTok Is Dangerous to Personal Pri. General Pervez Musharraf breathed his last 07 06 10 16 06 15 03 06 10 BC, CANADA First Muslim Biweekly & Bilingual
More details at Page 4 Alhamdulillah, the Miracle is BC’s first Muslim bilingual and biweekly newspaper, and is now completing its 22 years in publication. We have undoubtedly record numbers of regular local Writers and have continued publishing for the past 22 years despite personal and community challenges. To make this occasion memorable, a Special edition will be published on Friday,
24, 2023.
THE S Feb 2001- Feb 2023 MoredetailsatPage7 More details at Page 4 Beawareofdespicablevideos onTikTok Funeral held for Pakistan ex-president Pervaiz Musharraf Turkey-Syria earthquake news: Death toll tops 15,000

Guest Speaker: Imam Hamid Slimi

TH MAR 18 5:30PM




Charity begins in your community

2 Rajab 19,1444 February 10 ,2023

Syedna Aisha (r.a)reported: After the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was miraculously taken by night to the furthest mosque in Jerusalem, the people began to talk about it. Some of them renounced their faith and belief in him. They sought Abu Bakr and they said, “Have you heard that your friend imagined he was taken by night to the sacred house?” Abu Bakr said, “Did he say that?” They said yes. Abu Bakr said, “If he said it, he has spoken the truth.” They said, “Do you believe he went by night to the sacred house and returned before morning?” Abu Bakr said, “Yes. Verily, I believe what is even more astonishing than that. I believe he has received messages from heaven for everything he does.” For this reason, Abu Bakr was named the Truthful, al-Siddiq.

17. Surah Al Isra (The Night Journey), also known as Surah Bani Israil (The Children of Israel)

What The Quran says about Valentine’s Day?

The entire world is enthusiastic about Valentine’s Day, especially the youngsters. In the modern world, when people revere the valentine’s day like it’s a major festival, Muslim youngsters find themselves stuck in a dilemma of whether to celebrate it or not.

As a thumb rule, we Muslims are supposed to turn towards the Quran and Sunnah for any sort of guidance we need in our everyday lives – including this issue.

So what does the Quran and Sunnah say about Valentine’s Day?

Sura 17: [1] Glory be to Him, Who transported His Servant one night from the Masjid-iHaram to the distant Temple, whose surroundings We have blessed, so that we might show him some of Our Sings:1 the fact is that He alone is AllHearing and All-Seeing.


This Surah takes its name (Bani Israil) from v. 4. But this name is merely a distinctive appellation like the names of many other surahs and not a descriptive title, and does not mean that “Bani Isra’il” is the theme of this Sarah.

Period of Revelation

The very first verse indicates that this Surah was revealed on the occasion of Mi`raj (Ascension). According to the Traditions and books on the life of the Holy Prophet, this event happened one year before Hijrah. Thus, this Surah is one of those which were revealed in the last stage of Prophethood at Makkah.


The Holy Prophet had been propagating Tauhid for the previous twelve years and his opponents had been doing all they could to make his Mission a failure, but in spite of all their opposition, Islam had spread to every corner of Arabia and there was hardly any clan which had not been influenced by his invitation. In Makkah itself the true Believers had formed themselves into a small community and were ready and willing to face every danger to make Islam a success. Besides them, a very large number of the people of Aus and Khazraj (two influential clans of AlMadinah) had accepted Islam. Thus the time had come for the Holy Prophet to emigrate from Makkah to Al- Madinah and there gather together the scattered Muslims and establish a state based on the principles of Islam.

These were the conditions when Mi`raj took place and on his return the Holy Prophet brought down the Message contained in this Surah.

Theme and Topics

This Surah is a wonderful combination of warning, admonition and instruction, which have been blended together in a balanced proportion.

The disbelievers of Makkah had been admonished to take a lesson from the miserable end of the Israelites and other com-

munities and mend their ways within the period of respite given by Allah, which was about to expire. They should, therefore, accept the invitation that was being extended by Muhammad (Allah’s peace be upon him) and the Quran. Otherwise they shall be annihilated and replaced by other people. Incidentally, the Israelites, with whom Islam was going to come in direct contact in the near future at Al-Madinah have also been warned that they should learn a lesson from the chastisements that have already been inflicted on them. They were warned, “Take advantage of the Prophethood of Muhammad (Allah’s peace be upon him) because that is the last opportunity which is being given to you. If even now you behave as you have been behaving, you shall meet with a painful torment.”

As regards the education of mankind, it has been impressed that human success or failure, gain or loss, depends upon the right understanding of Tauhid, life-after- death and Prophethood. Accordingly, convincing arguments have been put forward to prove that the Quran is the Book of Allah and its teachings are true and genuine the doubts of the disbelievers about these basic realities have been removed and on suitable occasions they have been admonished and rebuked in regard to their ways of ignorance. In this connection, those fundamental principles of morality and civilization on which the Islamic System of life is meant to be established have been put forward. Thus this was a sort of the Manifesto of the intended Islamic state which had been proclaimed a year before its actual establishment. It has been explicitly stated that that was the sketch of the system on which Muhammad (Allah’s peace be upon him) intended to build human life first in his own country and then in the outside world.

Besides these, the Holy Prophet has been instructed to stick firmly to his stand without minding the opposition and difficulties which he was encountering and should never think of making a compromise with unbelief. The Muslims who sometimes showed signs of impatience, when they met with persecution, calumny, and crooked arguments, have also been instructed to face adverse circumstances with patience and fortitude and keep full control over their feelings and passions. Moreover, salat was prescribed in order to reform and purify their souls, as if to say, “This is the thing which will produce in you those high qualities of character which are essential for everyone who intends to struggle in the righteous way Incidentally, we learn from Traditions that Mi’raj was the first occasion on which the five daily Prayers were prescribed to be offered at fixed times.

Source: englishtafsir.com/Quran/17

The answer is PRACTICALLY NOTHING. Valentine’s Day is a Roman festival, which continued to be celebrated until after the Romans became Christian. This festival became connected with the St. Valentine who was sentenced to death on 14 February 270 CE. The non Muslims still celebrate this festival, during which immorality and evil are practised widely.

Can Muslims celebrate

Valentine’s Day?

The answer is a big big NO. Muslims are supposed to express love to their spouses irrespective of the calendar date. In fact, the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave us multiple examples of expressing love and kindness towards our spouse. He would drink from the same spot of the glass where his wife Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) drank from. In a famous instance he was publicly asked whom he loves the most to which he replied Aisha!

He would revere and respect his wives to an extent that even after Khadija’s death, he would stand out of respect for her friends and send them a portion of the sacrificial meat. He (peace be upon him) would treat his wives as partners, often joking with them

and maintaining playful relations with them. If we were to follow the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) example, we would be making our spouse feel appreciated and loved every day, instead of wanting to do that on 14th of February, a date which has no meaning and significance in the sight of Allah.

What you can do instead?

Surprise them with monthly gifts

Everyone likes surprises and everyone likes to be showered with gifts. Set aside a monthly budget and give them something thoughtful which shows your love.

Tell them you love them

Don’t feel shy in telling your spouse that you love them. Say it loud and clear. Say it repeatedly. Many times we think it’s obvious that you love them but what might be obvious for you might not be so obvious to them. Express it.

Find unique ways of expressing love

Take them for a date night out, cook their favorite meal, take them for a short trip or vacation, write a love letter – there are so many creative ways to express love. Maintain a positive and playful relationship with them Dispel their worries with light humour, play occasional games with them or joke around!

Source: quranmajeed.app

What is Valentine’s Day?

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Valentine’s Day, also called St. Valentine’s Day, holiday (February 14) when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts. Given their similarities, it has been suggested that the holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring,

Rajab 19,1444 February 10 ,2023 3
For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA Day Date Isl. Dt. Sunr Zawal Dhuhr Asar Maghrib Fajar Isha February 10-24, 2023 Rajab 19- Shaban 2,1444H Isl.Dt. Day Date Fajar Sunrise Dhur Asar Shafi / Hanfi Maghrib Isha
Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver
FAIT h Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thus Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thus Fri 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30* 1 2 To be Continued at Pg 10

Devastated by disaster

By the end of the day on Monday, the government of Turkiye had declared seven days of mourning. At that time, people were still being pulled from the rubble of not one but two major earthquakes — the first occurring at 4:17 a.m. local time — and measuring 7.8 and 7.5 in magnitude. Either one could be among the 20 worst earthquakes ever recorded. Even from afar, it is hard not to be shaken by the sheer scale of a catastrophe such as this one. Running search-and-rescue services in just one city is difficult enough; the effort required to do so in 10 cities seems nearly impossible. Add to that the fact that there was not one earthquake but two of them, and one cannot but be aghast. Moreover, aftershocks are certain to occur for days and weeks ahead.

When all is said and done, the death toll will likely be in the tens of thousands, not least because the earthquake happened at a time when most people were in their homes and asleep. The time for Fajr prayers in southern Turkiye is not until around 6 a.m. so there was some time to go before people awoke for them. CCTV camera footage which caught the event shows the earth shaking with terrific violence, buildings collapsing and enormous cracks appearing in the midst of roads.

The area of eastern Turkiye has been the site of human habitation since the earliest days of humankind. In the southern city of Gaziantep, Gaziantep castle began as an observation point as far back as the 15th or

News Cont from Pg 1

16th CE under the Anatolian people known as the Hittites. Fortified during the Roman Empire, it was expanded by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian around 527 AD. The castle, which looked down at the city from its position on a high promontory at the centre, was all but destroyed in Monday’s earthquake. According to reports, some of its bastions collapsed and chunks of it were flung into the road below. The iron railings around the court were also damaged and scattered on the pavement. Preserved as a historic site, the castle housed a museum in the recent past.

What criteria are being applied to the fast-proliferating high-rises all over Pakistan to make them earthquakeresistant?

The Anatolian region where the earthquake struck is particularly susceptible to earthquakes, because the Anatolian plate sits between three major tectonic plates — the African, Arabian and Eurasian. Earthquakes have been recorded here since antiquity. The recent earthquake and the aftershocks occurred along or in the vicinity of the East Anatolian Fault Zone with the Anatolian plate in some places moving past the Arabian plate by nearly three metres. This caused the earthquake to be violent and catastrophic.

Pakistan is no stranger to similar disasters, given that the Himalayas to its north are ‘young’ mountains with continuing seismic activity. Watching the horrific footage of build-

ings collapsing in Turkiye brought to mind the terrible collapse of Islamabad’s Margalla Towers in the earthquake that struck Pakistan in 2005. As late as October 2017, survivors of the collapse — which killed over 70 people — were complaining about how the 1,600-page report produced by the prime minister’s fact-finding commission had not been made public, which prevented responsibility for the disaster from being fixed. Iftikhar Chaudhry, a survivor, was reported as saying that the residential high-rise — among the capital’s first — was originally supposed to be five storeys high but that two storeys were added later. Meanwhile, the instructions of the chief justice of the Supreme Court at the time had been that buildings in the capital should be constructed with the capability of withstanding an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude. It can safely be assumed that post 2005, construction in the capital does not meet this requirement. Many innocent citizens were likely saved by the fact that there were not that many high-rises at the time. The greed and graft and lack of oversight in the corridors of power that has prevented the government report on the Margalla Towers incident from being made public, guarantees that the same carelessness has been at play even after the earthquake. The total death toll in Pakistan in 2005 was over 75,000 people with 100,000 injured. It is likely that the Turkish earthquake, given it is spread over such a large geographical area and that a good bit of it was densely

populated, will be greater than even this. Luckily, Turkiye seems to have a better emergency response system than Pakistan and much of it has already been put into motion. Aid from the international community — something Turkiye does not usually accept — is also being urgently deployed, particularly from countries like Japan and others that have expertise in rescue operations. Across the border in war-ravaged Syria, the lack of information signals that the situation is likely even worse than that in Turkiye.

Pakistanis should ask their government about the measures that have been put in place to protect them if such an earthquake strikes the country again. How many government and other public buildings are being constructed according to building codes that makes them earthquakeresistant? Even more crucially, what criteria are being applied to the fast-proliferating high-rises all over Pakistan? The situation in Turkiye is heart-shattering, the suffering unimaginable. Earthquakes cannot be prevented but the truth can be told and questions asked. In Pakistan, the time to do that is right now.

Courtesy By: Rafia Zakaria

The writer is an attorney teaching constitutional law and political philosophy. What do you think?

Laysa Lil Insana illa ma’ sa’aa That man can have nothing but what he strives for.

Turkey-Syria earthquake news: Death toll tops 15,000

The death toll from the Turkey-Syria earthquakes has risen to more than 15,000.

At least 12,391 people have died in Turkey, according to officials, while at least 2,992 have been killed in Syria. Hopes of finding survivors are quickly fading and residents of southeastern Turkey and northwestern Syria are criticising what they call slow search and rescue efforts.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan meanwhile conceded “shortcomings” in his government’s response as he visited some of the worst affected areas in southern Turkey.Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the especially hard-hit Hatay province, where more than 3,300 people died and entire neighbourhoods were destroyed. Residents there have criticized the government’s response, saying rescuers were slow to arrive. Erdogan, who faces a tough battle for reelection in May, acknowledged “shortcomings” in the response to Monday’s 7.8 magnitude quake but said the winter weather had been a factor. The earthquake destroyed the runway in Hatay’s airport, further disrupting the response. ”It is

News Cont from Pg 1

not possible to be prepared for such a disaster,” Erdogan said. “We will not leave any of our citizens uncared for.” He also hit back at critics, saying “dishonourable people” were spreading “lies and slander” about the government’s response. Turkish authorities say they are targeting disinformation, and an internet monitoring group said access to Twitter was restricted despite it being used by survivors to alert rescuers. Search teams from more than two dozen countries have joined tens of thousands of local emergency personnel in Syria and Turkiye. But the scale of destruction from the quake and its powerful aftershocks was so immense and spread over such a wide area -- including a region isolated by Syria’s ongoing civil war -- that many people were still awaiting help. Experts said the survival window for those trapped under the rubble or otherwise unable to obtain basic necessities was closing rapidly. At the same time, they said it was too soon to abandon hope. “The first 72 hours are considered to be critical,” said Steven Godby, a natural hazards expert at Nottingham Trent University in England. “The survival ratio on

average within 24 hours is 74%, after 72 hours it is 22% and by the fifth day it is 6%.” GAZIANTEP, TURKIYE - With hope of finding survivors fading, stretched rescue teams in Turkiye and Syria searched Wednesday for signs of life in the rubble of thousands of buildings toppled by the world’s deadliest earthquake in more than a decade. Source:dawn.com

‘Smell of death everywhere’

as Syrian rescuers plead for suppliescounts earthquake The Syrian Civil Defence group is calling for additional search and rescue equipment, describing the situation in rebel-held northwestern Syria as “tragic” and permeated with “the smell of death”.“The situation is tragic in every sense of the word. Unfortunately, hundreds of families are still under the rubble,” volunteer Asim AlYahya said, according to a tweet from the group, who are also known as the White Helmets. As rescue efforts cross the 72-hour mark, “there is a great shortage of search and rescue equipment,” he added.


Funeral held for Pakistan ex-president Musharraf

Pakistan’s divisive former military ruler Pervez Musharraf was buried on Tuesday in a muted funeral that was never officially announced. The country’s serving army chief, the prime minister and the president all stayed away from the event, with media blocked from covering it and local television not airing the service.

Musharraf, who became a key US ally during Washington’s “war on terror” after the September 11 attacks, died exiled in Dubai on Sunday aged 79, having suffered a long illness.

In Pakistan, where the military is supremely powerful, Musharraf remains a controversial figure who left many Pakistanis with a deep distaste for direct military rule.

Prayers were held at the grounds of a military

compound in Karachi in a funeral ceremony attended by around 10,000 people, mostly retired and serving military officers, an AFP reporter observed. “He was not given the honour that he deserved... the government has done nothing -- it should have arranged the funeral at the national stadium,” Rubina Mazhar, a herbal medicine doctor, told AFP after the prayers. Wajid Noor, a 71-year-old retired government official, said “thousands of people wanted to participate in the funeral but no details were provided”. The body was later transported to a nearby military graveyard where the coffin, draped in the national flag, was buried as hundreds of people watched surrounded by tight security. A junior army officer at the

site who asked not to be named said a gun salute was given to the former leader.

- Economic boom, democratic declineThe four-star general seized power in a 1999 bloodless coup and was acting simultaneously as Pakistan’s army chief, chief executive, and president when the 9/11 attacks on the United States took place. He became Washington’s chief regional ally during the invasion of neighbouring Afghanistan, a decision which put him in the crosshairs of Islamist militants, who made several attempts on his life. But it also brought a huge influx of foreign aid, which bolstered the economy and helped modernise Pakistan.

Source: sg.finance.yahoo.com

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Awkward moment or conscious message? Political experts weigh in on Danielle Smith-Justin Trudeau handshake

the prime minister Tuesday is another example of leaders from the western province hesitating before shaking Justin Trudeau’s hand, say political experts. Smith, in the nation’s capital for the First Ministers’ Meeting on health care, and Justin Trudeau exchanged brief remarks during a photo opportunity to discuss yet-to-be-tabled legislation addressing the energy transition to a lower carbon future.

The meeting began with Trudeau reaching for a handshake and Smith offering a somewhat hesitant palm.

The prime minister smiled, took her hand

and held it as Smith presented a clipped smile. “It was incredibly awkward,” said Keith Brownsey, an author and Mount Royal University political scientist. “When I grew up, if you didn’t shake someone’s hand who offered a hand and you didn’t shake it, you were being extremely rude,” he added. While Smith’s terse exchange may not have been planned, Richard Sutherland, a Mount Royal University political scientist, said it still sent a message of hesitancy.

“Keeping your distance politically means sometimes keeping your distance physically when actually confronted with the prime minister,” Sutherland said. “It does send the message that Smith is not altogether comfortable with this moment,”

he added. “Part of it may simply be recognizing that it is awkward [to meet] someone that you have been really running against politically for the last almost a year. “It is kind of an interesting moment when you are finally confronted with this person right there in front of you.”

In the fall, Smith’s first sitting as premier was dominated by the passage of the sovereignty act, legislation giving her government the ability to challenge what it determines to be federal overreach.

Last month, she vowed to “fight” Trudeau’s government over the “just transition” framework, which she believes is phasing out the province’s oil and gas sector.


Canadian doctors spend 18.5 million hours on unnecessary paperwork, says new report

Canadian doctors spend 18.5 million hours per year on unnecessary administrative work — the equivalent of more than 55 million patient visits — a report published Monday

The spectacle of most Quebec politicians lining up to condemn Amira Elghawaby, Canada’s first special representative on combating Islamophobia, because of an op-ed she wrote in July 2019 with Bernie Farber makes these politicians look like bullies. If she showed “contempt towards Quebec” as Quebec Premier François Legault contends, then so did Farber, chair of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network and life-long advocate against hatred in all forms, and I do not believe that.

Elghawaby and Farber made points that should have left readers uncomfortable about Quebec’s Bill 21, so they seem to have achieved that objective. Elghawaby’s new job

by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business says. Dr. Leisha Hawker, president of Doctors Nova Scotia, which represents all licensed physicians in the province, said eliminating paperwork redundancies and shortening medical forms can improve patient care and reduce burnout experienced by doctors. “A lot of physicians are typically doing this work after hours, early in the morning before clinics open, on nonexistent lunch breaks, or after the sun goes down,” Hawker said in an interview. She said administrative work typically involves “navigating clumsy electronic medical records or filling out forms.” A physician spends more than 10 hours a week on medical paperwork, she said, much of which is required by the provincial government for programs like

isn’t about making people comfortable but about making people question their own biases. It sounds like she’s the right person for the job. By; Fred Maroun, Ottawa

Let’s really try to understand each other

Whether Amira Elghawaby stays or goes as Canada’s special representative on combating Islamophobia, we would all be well advised to better distinguish between the effects of a law and the intentions of its supporters. For those of us who feel targeted by Bill 21, it can be hard not to assume that its millions of proponents wish us harm or wish us gone. Some of them certainly do. But it’s

pharmacy care or disability support.

Hawker said that some medical forms are necessary, but many are longer and more detailed than they need to be.

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business report, titled “Patients before Paperwork,” recommends that provinces reduce red tape in medicine by 10 per cent.

The federation estimates that nationally, 10 per cent less paperwork would save time equivalent to 5.5 million patient visits.

Hawker said both doctors and patients would see the benefit.

“If we improve the efficiency of the forms by 10 or 20 per cent _ because of the sheer volume of time that forms take to be completed by physicians _ that would be a pretty dramatic improvement,” she said. In Nova Sco-

tia, she said, a 10 per cent reduction in time spent on paperwork would theoretically allow for about 150,000 more patient visits per year. “The things that bring physicians joy in medicine are actually talking to patients and helping improve their health and their lives. Anything that’s taking physicians away from direct patient care is contributing to burnout,” she said. Laura Jones, an executive vicepresident with the business federation and co-author of the report, said in an interview Monday that Nova Scotia is leading the way in Canada in reducing red tape in medicine. She said that as Canadians worry about strain on the health system, looking at reducing unnecessary administrative work efficiency is “too often overlooked.”...


more constructive to engage seriously with their ideas about secularism, gender and cultural vulnerability, all of which can be espoused by good people, even if we strongly disagree. At the same time, it’s not good enough for those who like Bill 21 — or those who enacted it — to simply say they aren’t driven by ill will. You’re supporting something that makes many of your fellow Quebecers feel hurt and unwelcome. If you really believe that religious minorities can flourish in a society with this law on the books, prove it. Don’t attack us when we express how we feel; support and defend our communities, and make genuine efforts to understand and ad- dress our concerns.

labour Market Outlook predicts bright future

Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills

B.C.’s latest Labour Market Outlook forecasts more than one million job openings in the next decade, showing job and career opportunities that people of all ages can use to map out their education, skills training and career paths. “Despite the global economic challenges we’re facing, there are significant job opportunities for people over the next decade as we keep building an economy that is inclusive, sustainable and doesn’t leave any British Columbians behind,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. “Our government is taking action with our Future Ready plan to break down barriers to ensure people have the skills and supports they need for these good-paying careers and employers can access the talent they need to grow.”

The Labour Market Outlook is a 10-year forecast that helps governments, organizations, post-secondary institutions and businesses direct resources to support the future workforce. It gives British Columbians up-to-date information so they can make informed decisions about their future career paths.

“The StrongerBC Economic Plan is ensuring our province is well positioned to fill these openings so we can help businesses grow as

we prepare British Columbians for the jobs of tomorrow,” said Brenda Bailey, Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation. “Our government will always be there to support people and businesses by making investments that develop a skilled workforce that allows people to build a good life in the communities they want to live in.”

British Columbians can expect a wide choice of well-paying, family-supporting job opportunities and possible career paths over the next 10 years. Employment in B.C. is expected to reach 3.1 million by 2032, up from the 2.7 million jobs in 2022. Employment will grow an average of 1.3% per year for the forecast period. Key growth areas will be in the technology and health care sectors.

“We’ve been through a lot together, but this outlook shows us that B.C.’s future is full of opportunity,” said Andrew Mercier, Minister of State for Workforce Development. “There is no shortage of good-paying careers available, especially in the trades. With 83,000 job openings in the next decade, there has never been a better time to get into the skilled trades and we’re working to expand access to the training people need.”

More than one million job openings (1,017,000) are expected between 2022 and

2032. Of these, 37% are due to a growing economy while 63% of the openings will be the result of retiring workers.

Since 2017, the Province has steadily expanded access to post-secondary training in several high-opportunity occupations, including the addition of:

602 new nursing seats, building on approximately 2,000 seats in nursing programs at public post-secondary institutions;

1,577 new early childhood educator seats (ECE), adding to approximately 1,800 seats in ECE programs at public post-secondary institutions;

2,900 tech-related spaces, set to produce approximately 1,000 additional tech graduates each year by 2023; and

27,000 apprenticeship and foundation train-

Source:. ottawacitizen.com

ing seats this year at public and non-public institutions. With a newly redesigned WorkBC.ca, British Columbians can more easily navigate the wealth of information available, providing career, labour market tools, resources and information about highopportunity occupations. The improved site connects WorkBC’s training and education opportunities in an easy-to-navigate format.

The Province is going to continue to expand investments to support access to post-secondary education, skills training and career resources as part of StrongerBC’s Future Ready plan. Future Ready is making education and training more accessible, affordable and relevant to help businesses grow and prepare British Columbians for the jobs of tomorrow.Source:. news.gov.bc.ca

5 Rajab 19,1444 February 10 ,2023 l OCA l N e WS/PO l ITICS
An “awkward” attempt at a handshake between Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and By Lyndsay Armstrong The Canadian Press
Amira elghawaby’s appointment isn’t supposed to make people comfortable

Bank of Canada releases details on interest rate decision for the first time

The Bank of Canada released a summary of its Governing Council meetings on Wednesday, providing the public and financial institutions with more insight into the central bank’s decision to raise its key interest rate on Jan. 25. The Governing Council, made up of six members including Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem and his deputies, met five times starting on Jan. 18, before their decision on Jan. 25 to raise the overnight rate by a quarter of a per cent to 4.5 per cent. Discussions at these meetings did look at the possibility of pausing the rate at 4.25 per cent. “The case for leaving the policy rate at 4.25 per cent was that developments with respect to both the economy and inflation were beginning to move in the right direction and that policy had been forceful and just needed more time to do its work,” reads the summary released on Wednesday.

Inflation ‘turning the corner’ after multiple rate increases: BoC governor Canadian dollar’s outlook for 2023 uncertain as interest rate hikes wane: experts Bank of Canada to publish summary of interest-rate deliberations for the first time Inflation in Canada: What was discussed at ministers’ meeting

Canadian economy grew slightly in November, expected to slow further

Read the Bank of Canada decision summary

Ultimately, the council’s consensus to raise the rate was due to a tight labour market and concern over stronger-than-expected economic growth in the third and fourth quarters of 2022. Despite this, there was also consensus to indicate a pause in the bank’s hikes to measure the full effect of its forceful tightening. Members of the council viewed the tight labour market as an indication the economy remains in excess demand, and project that rebalancing the labour market may take longer than usual as businesses continue to face labour shortages.

Source: ctvnews.ca

THE suicide bombing at the sprawling Malik Saad Shaheed Police Lines in Peshawar was among the deadliest to hit this city. Headquarters to capital city police and half a dozen other units including the frontier reserve police, the special security unit of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the counter terrorism department, the elite force, telecommunication, rapid response force and special combat unit, it is no ordinary facility. With a single entry and exit point, where guards ask all visitors for identification and search their vehicles, it is a mystery how a suicide bomber managed to sneak in, and that too with explosives. Investigators acknowledge it is not an easy case to solve. With more than 2,000 staff working for the many units, and two to three hundred visitors daily, profiling each individual alongside reviewing hours of CCTV footage from the lone camera outside the mosque’s front gate and the

compound, will be a time-consuming and painstaking task. Equally difficult is collecting forensic evidence from underneath the debris of the collapsed roof that caused the most damage and casualties.

Here are some of the questions investigators are trying to answer.

Who was the bomber?

A chapter of the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) from Mohmand, which accepted responsibility for the attack, described the bomber as 25-year-old Huzaifa — probably an organisational name given to an individual, like Ehsanullah Ehsan.

Police have so far recovered two heads from under the rubble, so mutilated that they could not be run through the Nadra database for positive identification. Efforts are now on to reconstruct the faces and produce identikits...Source: dawn.com

OTTAWA - Inflation has eroded purchasing power for many Canadians, but the experience with rapidly rising prices has been far from uniform. While the inflation rate shows how quickly prices are rising, other factors like income and consumption patterns can make it harder or easier for people to cope.

Here’s a look at how high inflation is right now, who’s feeling the pinch, and when Canadians can expect inflation to come down.


After reaching 8.1 per cent in the summer, Canada’s annual inflation rate has slowed noticeably in recent months. In December, the annual inflation rate was 6.3 per cent. Although that’s still much higher than the Bank of Canada’s two per cent target, recent monthly trends suggest inflation is heading closer to the target. But even as inflation slows, food prices in particular have been a pain point for many Canadians. In December, grocery prices were 11 per cent higher than they were a year ago.




Wages are rising but have not kept up with the rate of inflation. In December, average hourly wages were up 5.1 per cent compared with a year ago. Brendon Bernard, a senior economist with hiring website Indeed, says Canadians on average have seen their real wages (amount earned after factoring in inflation) fall by about one per cent during that time period. But some have seen their wages go up more than others, making it easier for those who have received a raise to cope with the rising cost of living. Workers can’t always negotiate their pay to reflect the rise in the cost of living. Unionized workers, for example, negotiate contracts on fixed schedules.

“It will take potentially quite a bit of time for the current spike in inflation to be compensated for with increased wages for individuals,” Tombe said.


Though most Canadians have probably experienced sticker shock at the grocery store or elsewhere, not everyone is equally strained.. Source: ctvnews.ca

lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’oon.

“We belong to Allah, and to Him is our return.”

The Miracle Media expresses its condolences to the family of

1: Mr. Naseer Pirzada’s oldest sister Naseem Bukhari who retured to Allah SWT on Feburay 6, 2023 in Lahore Pakistan.

2.Khalida Gillani widow of professer Mumtaz Gillani who passed away on Feburay 2, 2023 in Vancouver BC. May Allah (SWT) grant their souls in the highest place in Jannah and give their family the strength and patience to bear this loss. Ameen.

President Arif Alvi on Wednesday urged the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to “immediately announce” the date for polls in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab and put an end to “dangerous speculative propaganda” on both the provincial assembly and general elections. The Punjab and KP assemblies were dissolved on Jan 18 and Jan 14, respectively, after former prime minister Imran Khan had announced that his governments in the two provinces would dissolve their assemblies to pave the way for fresh elections. In a letter addressed to Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar Sultan Raja today, a copy of which is available with Dawn.com, Alvi said that the election of an assembly is to be held within 90 days of the dissolution as provided by Article 224(2) of the Constitution. He highlighted that the conduct and holding of elections was the primary and essential duty of the ECP as per PART VIII of the Constitution, particularly Article 218 (3) which assigned the duty

to the ECP to ensure the holding of fair and free elections. The president conveyed that it was ultimately the commission, which if it failed to discharge its functions and duties, was to be held responsible and answerable for the violation of the Constitution of the country. Alvi stressed that he was under the oath “to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution” being the head of the state...


43 PTI lawmakers

tified 123 MNAs (including reserved seats), following the acceptance of resignations by the speaker. During the hearing today, PTI lawyer Ali Zafar contended that PTI MNAs had withdrawn their resignation before the NA speaker had accepted them.

The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Wednesday suspended National Assembly Speaker Raja Pervaiz Ashraf’s acceptance of the resignations of 43 PTI lawmakers and put byelections in 43 constituencies on hold. The court order was pronounced by Justice Shahid Karim on a petition filed by PTI’s Riaz Fatyana and 42 other MNAs against the NA speaker’s acceptance of their resignations and the Election Commission of Pakistan’s de-notification orders. The ECP had de-no-

“Once the resignations are retracted, the speaker has no power to accept them […] this shows that the acceptance of the resignations is against the law and based on malice,” he argued. Zafar further said that the NA speaker’s order was contrary to the rules set by the Supreme Court, claiming that Ashraf had only accepted the resignation to take “political revenge”.

“He never called PTI MNAs and asked them their stance,” he pointed out and requested the court to declare the speaker’s order null and void. Subsequently, the court suspended Ashraf’s decision and the ECP’s de-notification order. Justice Karim also issued notices to the federal government and the electoral body and instructed them to submit their responses on the matter at the next hearing.

Source: dawn.com

Rajab 19,1444 February 10 ,2023 6
President Alvi asks eCP to ‘immediately announce’ election date for KP, Punjab
Peshawar attack — key questions that need to be answered
LHC suspends de-notification order of
how much Canadians have fallen behind amid high inflation and who’s hurting the most

Many Canadians are experiencing strains caused by the increased cost of living and inflation. Claiming tax credits can help offset the financial burden by putting extra money back in your pocket. Every dollar you can save on taxes is an extra dollar that can be used to cover your bills and pay for vital expenses. Below, I’ll share some of the top credits and deductions that you may be able to claim on your income tax return to help you save money. Top government tax credits and deductions for this tax season.

Some tax credits are offered by default and are automatically applied based on the information you provide in your tax returns. A good example of this is the GST/HST tax credit, which is automatically applied based on your household income. However, you must manually apply for other tax credits (such as the Canada Child Benefit or home office tax credit) when filing your returns.

1. The caregiver tax credit

If you’re caring for a spouse or family member suffering from a mental or physical impairment, you may be able to claim certain expenses with the Canada caregiver credit. This credit must be claimed manually, and to be eligible, you must be able to prove that you’re a caregiver for:

Either your or your spouse’s child or grandchild

Either your or your spouse’s parents, grandparents, siblings, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew The dependent must also have lived in Canada for the year you claimed the credit. Depending on the dependent in question, you could claim between $2,350 and $7,525.

2. Home office tax credit (even if you’re an employee)

Working from home is more common than ever, but it also comes with expenses, such as:

• Increased power usage

• Increased internet data usage

• Creating a dedicated office space in your home

Many of these additional expenses can be claimed as a tax credit. You can even claim certain office supplies. Here’s a full list of what you can claim.

3. Moving expenses tax deduction

Moving to another province or city can come with a host of expenses, such as:

• Moving truck rental

• Fuel

• Renting storage units

• Paying movers

Both employees and self-employed workers can qualify for this tax credit. There are a few stipulations to apply for this credit, but the majority of moving expenses can be deducted from your income tax return. Note that this isn’t a tax credit that you have to apply for but a tax expense deduction you can use to reduce your income when filing your taxes.

4. Capital loss tax deduction

The stock markets performed poorly in 2022, and many Canadians lost money on their investments. The good news is that you can claim these losses against your other capital gains for the year. Although the capital loss tax credit can’t be used to deduct your income tax liability directly, it can reduce your capital gains tax liability.

If you’ve reduced your capital gains tax liability to $0, you can save the unused capital loss tax credit and apply it to future years (or up to three years prior).

To apply a capital loss to a previous year: You need to file an amendment to your tax return for the year in which you incurred the capital loss.

You can only apply the capital loss to a year

300 -3665 Kingsway,Vancouver BC V5R 5W2 email:hr.ridgemont@gmail.com

JoB VaC anCY

Ridgemont Lending Group Ltd. is looking for an Investment manager-Financial Brokerage (one vacancy) in the Lower mainland.

Full time, 40 hours/ week to start immediately

employment conditions: Day 10:00 am to 6:30 pm

Salary: $51.50 / hour

Languages: English

education: Minimum Bachelor’s degree

experience: 2 years to less than 3 years

Work setting: Urban area

personal suitability: Accurate, Client focus, Efficient interpersonal skills, Excellent oral communication, Excellent written communication, Flexibility, Initiative, Judgement, Organized, Team player, Values and ethics area of specialization:Residential real estate, Commercial real estate, Industrial real estate, Property management services

Screening questions: Are you currently legally able to work in Canada

Duties include, not limited to:

• Plan and control budget and expenditures,

• Establish and implement policies and procedures,

• Hire, train, direct and motivate staff,

• Assign, co-ordinate and review projects and programs,

• Plan and direct market research studies,

• Oversee the preparation of reports,

• Advise senior management,

• Manage contracts,

• Oversee the collection and analysis of data and information,

• Address customers’ complaints or concerns,

• Plan and direct advertising and marketing campaigns,

• Plan, direct and monitor activities of sales department,

• Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate daily operations

Supervision: 3-4 people

Work conditions and physical capabilities: Fast-paced environment, Work under pressure, Tight deadlines, Attention to detail, Large caseload, Large workload

Benefits: Free Parking Available

Location: 300-3665,Kingsway, Vancouver,BC,V5R 5W2

How to apply: By e-mail: hr.ridgemont @gmail.com with Cover Letter

in which you had capital gains. The capital loss will reduce the amount of capital gains you had in that year, potentially resulting in a lower tax liability.

To apply a capital loss to a future year: You don’t need to take any action in the year you incur the capital loss. You can use the capital loss to offset capital gains in future years until the capital loss is fully used up. You must claim the capital loss in the year you want to use it to offset capital gains. For example, if you sold an asset such as a stock in 2022 and had a capital loss of $10,000, and you also sold a property and had a capital gain of $4,000, you can apply $4,000 of the capital loss to reduce the capital gain to $0. Then you can use the remaining $6,000 capital loss and apply it to prior or future years’ capital gains.

5. GST/HST tax credit

The GST/HST sales tax credit is automatically paid to eligible Canadians on a quarterly basis (every three months). Eligibility for this credit is based on your income reported the previous tax year and is reassessed on an annual basis.

6. Canada child benefit (CCB)

The CCB is a monthly payment issued by the CRA to parents or guardians of children under 18 years old to help with the costs of raising children. The amount you’ll receive depends on your reported income, your living situation, and the number of dependent children you’re caring for.

The federal CCB payment may also be combined with provincial child tax credits as well, which can increase the amount you’re eligible to receive. This benefit must be applied for manually through birth registration, your CRA My Account, or by mail. Can you transfer tax credits to your spouse or partner?

Bonus tip here: if you’ve already used tax credits to reduce your income tax liability to $0, then you might be able to transfer a certain amount of your unused tax credits to your spouse or common-law partner to help them reduce their taxes. This can be done using the “Schedule 2 - Transfer of Amounts from Your Spouse or Common-Law Partner” form. It’s important to note that not all tax credits can be split, and some restrictions apply. Government credits often go unclaimed Canadians can file their income tax returns by paper or online using NETFILE-certified tax software. Some of these programs may help by suggesting tax credits that you may be eligible for, which can be very helpful. The reality is that many tax credits go unclaimed, and over $1.4 billion worth of Canadian tax refunds still remained uncashed as of August 2022. If you’re unsure which tax credits you may be eligible for, it may be a good idea to consider hiring an accountant to help you file. While your accountant may charge money upfront, the amount that they could help you save may be far more. Christopher Liew is a CFA Charterholder and former financial advisor. He writes personal finance tips for thousands of daily Canadian readers on his Wealth Awesome website.

Source: ctvnews.ca

JoB VaC anCY

Ridgemont Lending Group Ltd. is looking for a Business Development manager-damage insurance (one vacancy) in the Lower mainland.

Full time, 40 hours/ week to start immediately

employment conditions: Day 10:00 am to 6:30 pm

Salary: $51.50 / hour

Languages: English education: Minimum Bachelor’s degree experience: 2 years to less than 3 years

Work setting: Urban area personal suitability: Accurate, Client focus, Efficient interpersonal skills, Excellent oral communication, Excellent written communication, Flexibility, Initiative, Judgement, Organized, Team player, Values and ethics area of specialization:Residential real estate, Commercial real estate, Industrial real estate, Property management services

Screening questions: Are you currently legally able to work in Canada

Duties include, not limited to:

• Plan and control budget and expenditures,

• Establish and implement policies and procedures,

• Hire, train, direct and motivate staff,

• Assign, co-ordinate and review projects and programs,

• Plan and direct market research studies,

• Oversee the preparation of reports,

• Advise senior management,

• Manage contracts,

• Oversee the collection and analysis of data and information,

• Address customers’ complaints or concerns,

• Plan and direct advertising and marketing campaigns,

• Plan, direct and monitor activities of sales department,

• Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate daily operations

Supervision: 3-4 people

Work conditions and physical capabilities: Fast-paced environment, Work under pressure, Tight deadlines, Attention to detail, Large caseload, Large workload

Benefits: Free Parking Available Location:

Rajab 19,1444 February 10 ,2023 7 B u SIN e SS
300-3665,Kingsway, Vancouver,BC,V5R
e-mail: hr.ridgemont @gmail.com
-3665 Kingsway,Vancouver BC V5R 5W2 email:hr.ridgemont@gmail.com
How to apply: By
with Cover
Before you do your taxes, take note of these tax credits and deductions you may not have known about

how to Cope with loneliness?

he great irony is that as we become increasingly “connected”—on social media, video calling, and messaging— but we simultaneously feel increasingly lonely. And even though we may use technology to feel more connected, it may be exactly what’s leading us to feel lonely. Read below on how to cope with the feeling.

1. Practice self-kindness.

In difficult moments, it’s essential to practice self-kindness. Blaming ourselves when we feel lonely is not helpful. So limit your hurtful self-talk, take care of yourself, and just generally give yourself a break. Perhaps a walk in nature or a day at the spa may be helpful for getting yourself into a self-kindness mood.

2. Capitalize on the present moment.

When you feel good about something, share it with others right away, and I don’t mean “share” by posting on your social media. You could share by calling or texting a friend. Or share with the people you work with. Keep in mind that the positive things that you can share don’t have to be big. You could simply have woken up on the right side of the bed and think, “Hey, I’m feeling great today.” By sharing these moments, you create small moments of savoring and connection with others that can help you overcome loneliness.

3. Connect in real life. Connecting in real life may not be as easy as it once was. We often default to using our smartphones—it’s easier, and now it’s culturally accepted. But we can decrease our loneliness if we build stronger in-person connections. We do this by looking people in the eyes, listening, being mindful, and choosing not be distracted by our phones or other technologies.

4. Rethink how you spend your spare time When we feel lonely, sometimes we just want to retreat into a corner and hide. Other times, our endless to-do list may leave us too exhausted to go out and be social. But opting to stay alone every night with our phones, watching Netflix, or playing on Facebook can really get us stuck in loneliness. We’ve created a life for ourselves that deprives of us of meaningful social connection, and the only way to get out of it is to start living differently.

If we instead use our loneliness to motivate us to reach out to people, then we can strengthen our relationships. By opting to cope with our loneliness by seeking out social support, we create more social moments with the people in our lives who matter to us, which usually reduces our loneliness.

5. Do more things with people.

Engaging in face-to-face social interactions tends to improve our mood and reduce depression. Activities that involve other people—such as attending religious services or engaging in sports—are also likely to have positive effects on our mental health. So find ways to be around people more.

6. Talk to strangers.

A growing body of research suggests that even seemingly trivial interactions with strangers—like chatting with a barista or cashier—may be able to keep loneliness at bay by helping us feel more socially connected. So reach out to other human beings to say hello, ask them how they are, or chat about whatever’s on your mind. These small acts can make a big difference and help you reduce feelings of loneliness.

7. Be active online.

Instead of passively surfing the net or your social media, if you want to go online, opt instead to do something that involves the

Tactive participation of other people. For example, you could play games with others, chat about something you care about, give advice on a forum, or have a video call with a friend. The more you interact with others while online, the more connected you are likely to feel.

8. Share for real online.

Somewhere along the way, the word “sharing” got co-opted on social media to describe what is really just “humble bragging.” We post about cool things we did, nice meals we ate, or a fun party we went to—all things that we didn’t actually share with the people who are viewing our posts. Instead of posting about things you did, reclaim the word “share” for what it really means—to give a small or large portion of what is yours to someone else. You could share advice, words of support, or even empathy, all from your smartphone. As a result, your connections are likely to be more kind and supportive.

9. Stop focusing so much on you.

It’s almost inevitable in our modern technology-crazed world that we start to believe we don’t have enough. Bob got a new car. Sherri got a new house. Sonja got a new job. We also see false or unrealistic images—models Photoshopped to have perfect waists and abs—and we feel envious. As a result, we become increasingly focused on how we are not measuring up.

Instead of focusing on what you can get, shift your focus to what you can give. You could sell T-shirts online to raise money for a good cause. You could ask friends to donate to a charity for your birthday. By giving to others, you take the focus off yourself and do good at the same time, helping you to feel more connected and less lonely.

10. Stop your negative thought cycles. We might repeatedly think about what we could have done differently to prevent ourselves from feeling so alone. We ruminate on the events or people or causes, because we mistakenly believe that thinking about our loneliness over and over again will help us solve it. Unfortunately, it does us no good to get caught up in our thoughts instead of taking the actions we need to feel better.

To put an end to these negative thought cycles, we need to take action—do something different that stops these thoughts and changes our experience of the world. For example, if I’m feeling lonely, I’ll go to the gym or schedule lunches with friends for the next few days. And it helps.

11. Generate a sense of awe.

Awe (like when we witness the birth of new baby, or a majestic mountain) makes time seem like it’s standing still and helps us be more open to connecting. Something about feeling small in the context of a big world appears to help us see ourselves as part of a whole, which may help us feel less alone. So expose yourself to something that creates awe—like landscapes, new experiences, or new foods.

12. Spend money on experiences.

If we’re spending all our money on things, we won’t have the cash to spend money on experiences with others. And it turns out that spending money on experiences is way better for our mental health. So get creative and think about what you want to do with others. For example, I might go on a canoeing trip, go wine tasting, plan a beach party, or host an arts & crafts night. What group activities might make you feel less lonely?

13. Pay attention to the things that matter.

How do we expect to improve our loneliness when we don’t know what causes it? It’s hard. So it’s helpful to start paying attention to the present moment. What are the experiences that make you feel lonely?

And what are the experiences that make you feel connected or like you belong? Identifying these moments can help you reduce loneliness, because you can limit your engagement in activities that make you feel lonely and increase your engagement in activities that make you feel connected.

14. Create a vision board.

I keep a vision board tacked up by my desk to remind me of my goals. A big chunk of my vision board is about connecting— building community, networking, spending time with family, and the like. Sometimes I have a hard time sticking to it, but having the vision board reminds me to. Once you discover the things that make you feel less lonely and more connected, it can be helpful to create a board or list or plan for what you’ll do—something to keep near you so you remember what you need to do to combat loneliness.

15. Tend to your network. Sometimes we can end up feeling alone even though we are connected to lots of people. So it can be helpful to reach out to these people and schedule times to catch up. Aim to schedule at least one social hour per week—a coffee date, lunch, or happy hour. Who knows, maybe an old friendship can be reignited.

16. Join an online group of like-minded people. You can now find people online with just about any interest — for example, politics, cooking, or sports. Joining one of these mission-oriented groups can be a way

to feel more connected to others, even when you don’t have access to face-to-face interactions. You might get to know some new people or make lifelong friends. You can even try out a few groups to see which ones fit you best and decrease your loneliness the most.

17. Volunteer remotely or in real life. For some of us, it’s hard to find people to spend time with, let alone connect with. So we have to find new people. One way to do this is by volunteering for a cause, either remotely or in your town. Just be sure you’re working with others. Working on an important problem with others can help you decrease loneliness.

18. Be nice to yourself.

It’s important to practice self-compassion when you fail at things. Remember, everyone fails, and there is no need to be a bully to yourself, feel guilty, or put yourself down. That kind of attitude won’t help you decrease loneliness, now or in the future. Instead, try talking to yourself in a way that is supportive, kind, and caring—and you’ll be more likely to acknowledge mistakes you may have made in trying to decrease loneliness, and hopefully do better next time. Email: asmashums@gmail.com

Rajab 19,1444 February 10 ,2023 8 WOM e N/y O u T h
The Burial Plot Prices at other cemetery(s) range from $6,500.00 to $25,000.00 “Islamic Burial Society (IBS) is a registered not for profit organization (S00076911) For enquiries, please contact: Website: Islamicburial.ca Email: islamicburialbc@gmail.com Prices are subject to change without notice. Islamic Burial Society Price $5,000.00 Per Plot EVERY SOUL WILl TASTE DEATH Sura 29 Verse 57 Don’t miss out on the limited quantity Burial Plots For Sale A limited number of Burial plots are available for sale on a first come first serve basis at Vedder View Gardens Cemetery in Chilliwack Mohammed Janief: 604 612 0850 Feroz Dean: 604 454 4242 Feroz Khan: 604 704 2777 Aarif Khan: 604 715 3705

Turkey earthquake: Trudeau vows Ottawa will match donations to Red Cross

The federal government will match donations Canadians make to the Red Cross — up to $10 million — as relief efforts continue in Turkey and Syria following two devastating earthquakes. The death toll has topped 11,000 after the 7.8 magnitude quake and its powerful aftershocks reduced buildings to rubble. Rescuers have scrambled to pull people from the wreckage, but as more time passes, calls for help have begun to grow silent. Walking into a caucus meeting in Ottawa on Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the images emerging from the region “horrific.”

“A lot of Canadians have their origins or

family members in that region — I think particularly of all the Syrian refugees who’ve come to Canada over the past years to build a life who must be so worried about loved ones and families back home,” he said. “We’re going to be there to help.”

Canada announced on Tuesday that it was sending $10 million in direct aid to the region, money Trudeau said is “flowing already” to partners in the region. But, he noted on Wednesday, “Canadians want to be helpful as well.” “We’re announcing (we are) matching funds through the Red Cross up to $10 million so people can be generous and know that that help will be there,”

Trudeau said. You can make a donation online at donate.redcross.ca.

Canada’s “moral support” in the wake of the disaster has been appreciated, according to Kerim Uras, the Turkish ambassador to Canada, who spoke with Global News on Tuesday after the initial $10 million in support was announced. “The support is really very heartwarming,” he said. “But we do need more help and the cold is working against us. Search teams from more than two dozen countries have joined tens of thousands of local emergency personnel, and aid pledges have poured in from around the world. But the scale of destruction from the 7.8

magnitude quake and its powerful aftershocks was so immense — and spread so wide, including in areas isolated by Syria’s ongoing civil war — that many are still waiting for help.Source: ctvnews.ca

‘Put politics aside’, facilitate northwest Syria aid access: uN

A leading United Nations official has called for the facilitation of aid access to rebel-held areas in Syria’s northwest, warning that relief stocks will soon be depleted.

Rebel-held areas near Turkey’s border cannot receive aid from government-held parts of Syria without Damascus’s authorisation. “Put politics aside and let us do our humanitarian work,” the UN’s resident Syria coordinator El-Mostafa Benlamlih said, warning, “We can’t afford to wait and negotiate. By the time we negotiate, it’s done, it’s finished.”

WHO sending medics and supplies to earthquake zone

The World Health Organisation is flying medical personnel and supplies to Turkey and Syria after Monday’s devastating earthquakes. It will send a high-level delegation to coordinate its response as well as three flights with medical supplies, one of which is already on its way to Istanbul, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a media briefing.“The health needs are tremendous,” said Dr Iman Shankiti, the WHO representative for Syria.

Turkey-Syria quakeupdates: No aid in NW Syria yet, say rescuers

The live blog is now closed, thank you for joining us. These were the updates on the Turkey-Syria earthquakes on Wednesday, February 8: The death toll from the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on Monday has risen to more than 12,000.

At least 9,057 people have died in Turkey, the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday. At least 2,992 have been killed in Syria.

Erdogan travelled to some of the most af-

fected areas. On Tuesday, he announced a three-month state of emergency across 10 provinces, while aid agencies grapple with the complicated logistics of sending emergency assistance to war-hit Syria. The group leading efforts to rescue people buried under rubble in rebel-held areas of Syria, the Syrian Civil Defence, says it has not received any aid so far. More than 12,000 Turkish search-and-rescue personnel are working in the affected areas, along with 9,000 troops. More than 70 countries have offered rescue teams and other aid.

Quake death toll in northwest Syria crosses 1,730

The death toll in northwest Syria has risen to at least 1,730, the Syrian Civil Defence said in a post on Twitter, adding that more than 2,850 others were injured. The number is likely to rise significantly due to the presence of hundreds of families under the rubble of destroyed buildings,” said the rescue group, also known as the White Helmets.

“Our teams continue rescue operations amid difficult circumstances,” it added.

After fleeing war in Gaza, an entire Palestinian family dies in quakes in Turkey

Twelve years ago, Abdel-Karim Abu Jalhoum fled war and poverty in the Gaza Strip for safety in Turkey. On Monday, the earthquakes that devastated parts of Turkey and Syria killed him and his entire family. The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Abu Jalhoum; his wife, Fatima; and their four children were among 70 Palestinians who had been found dead.“My brother went to Turkey to seek a better life away from wars and blockades here in Gaza,” said Abu Jalhoum’s brother Ramzy, 43, as relatives and neighbours trickled into the family’s house in the town of Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip to pay their respects. “We lost the family. An entire family was wiped off the civil registration record,” he said.Source:aljazzera.com

Rajab 19,1444 February 10 ,2023 9
N AT u RA l De SASTR e S

l OCA l/SOCIA l ISS ue S

Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia at Vancouver City hall.

Onthe Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia, we join Vancouver’s Muslim community to honour the victims of the 2017 Quebec City mosque terrorist attack. Six years ago today, shortly after evening prayers, Ibrahima Barry, Mamadou Tanou Barry, Khaled Belkacemi, Aboubaker Thabti , Abdelkrim Hassane and Azzedine Soufiane were killed at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City, while several other worshipers were seriously injured. We grieve with their families and loved ones. Vancouver City Hall where The Mayor of Vancouver Ken Sim read a proclamation for the Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia presented in the Council Chamber at City Hall Fol-

lowed by remarks by Christine Boyle, City Councillor. The entire city Council was present. Other similar programs took place at City Councils in Burnaby and New Westminster as well as all over the nation Those wearing religious symbols, particularly women in hijab and men in turban, continue to fight for their right to peaceful

self-expression in public spaces including at some workplaces. Islamophobia is also often closely intertwined with white supremacy as an ideology, and its eradication is bound up with the creation of an anti-racist, equitable world. As we mark this day, we stand against hate with the Muslim community.

Interfaith gathering for the Remembrance of the 2017 Quebec Mosque Shooting

We were honoured by the presence of so many joining us at an interfaith gathering for the Remembrance of the 2017 Quebec Mosque Shooting and Day of Action against Islamophobia that took place at BC’s historic First Mosque Al Jamia Masjid Vancouver on Jan 29th, where we held an Interfaith observance and prayers for the martyrs of the Quebec Mosque Attack .The evening was elegantly and professionally moderated by our very own


You’ve probably heard lots of bad stuff about the popular social media app, so why is TikTok dangerous for your privacy?

TikTok has been at the forefront of countless rumors of privacy violations and security issues. It was banned in India, and by the US Army and Navy with accusations of national security threats.

But what about using it as an individual? Is TikTok dangerous for people who value privacy and security? Here are a few reasons why TikTok is bad.

Why Is TikTok Dangerous?

So, what is TikTok? It is a free app and social media platform that allows users to share short videos ranging anywhere from 15 to 60 seconds. Similar to most proprietary social media networks, TikTok collects user data and information.

Sure, it’s easy to accept some level of violation when using free services. However, TikTok is often accused of taking things too far, posing serious security and privacy risks to its users. That led both private companies and US government departments to ban their employees from installing and using the app on their work devices.

And Amazon was one of the first companies

ersonal Privacy and Securityto issue the ban to workers, although they soon retracted their decision. But the financial services company, Wells Fargo, didn’t.

What Are the Dangers of TikTok?

Two questions remain: What are the dangers of TikTok for the average user, and why is TikTok (potentially) bad?

1. Tik Tok Collects a Lot of Data

Let’s dig in and find out. This might not bother you very much unless you’re a privacy enthusiast. Yet TikTok’s pursuit of data collection doesn’t stop at gathering your preferences by tracking what type of content you like and share on the app. In its privacy policy, TikTok states that it collects “information you provide in the context of composing, sending, or receiving messages.” Focusing on the use of the word “composing,” TikTok doesn’t just collate data and messages you share using the app, but content you created or wrote but didn’t share. TikTok also takes advantage of every access permission you give it, collecting information about your phone’s model, screen resolution, current OS, phone number, email address, location, and even contact list. What is TikTok but a data collection platform?

What is Valentine’s Day?

attributed with replacing it with St.


included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I forbid the celebration of Lupercalia and is sometimes

Valentine’s Day, but the true origin of the holiday is vague at best. Valentine’s Day did not come to be celebrated as a day of romance until about the 14th century.

Raza Mirani and began with remarks by Haroon Khan. A multitude of speakers were in attendance including addresses by MLA’s George Heyman and George Chow, a talk by Constable Shiraaz Hanif who spoke on safety and engagement, and a Very Special Presentation and Reading of the City of Vancouver Proclamation by our dear friend and Deputy Mayor of Vancouver: Sarah Kirby-Yung. Our Muslim Community was represented by engaging speakers beginning with our own Ihsan Malik, of Pakistan Canada Association. An electric and emphatic speech by Muslim Association of Canada President: Fouad Abassi Kind words by Armaan Kassam of Ismaili Council of BC, Imam Ibrahim Al Haj, Shaikh Lakhani and Imam Fazil along with spoken word poetry by our Sister who spoke with compassion and bravery. Representatives of our interfaith community including. Our old friend and interfaith ally Rabbi Philip Bregman, Speaking verses of the Quran and Bible: Catholic Bishop Joel Dooley, Fiery passion by teacher and activist, the inimitable Annie Ohana, G. Saini of the Sikh community, and words and wisdom by our friend and compatriot Udo Erasmus. Our Keynote Speaker for the Sunday Anniversary event was the MP for VancouverGranville Taleeb Noormohamed who spoke eloquently about the tragic Anniversary, the past, present and future of where we are headed as a community and how we can move forward as a diverse, dynamic and compassionate nation. We concluded with a beautiful prayer service and Dua conducted by Maulana Ahmed Sarfraz, Imam of Al Jamia Masjid Vancouver. By: Haroon Khan, PCA

2. TikTok’s Littered With Security Vulnerabilities

Over the past few years, security researchers found multiple security vulnerabilities within the app. And since TikTok has access to a lot of personal information, it became the favorite route for many hackers. One way hackers take advantage of TikTok is by sending users a text message that allows them to access their accounts.

3. Who Else Uses Data From TikTok?

TikTok is a video—and sometimes audio— sharing platform. That means, even if TikTok and ByteDance aren’t pulling user data, others can.

Miracle’s Readers Awareness:

Nowadays in our community, some ill-intentioned people are uploading despicable videos on Tik Tok where they upload screenshots with despicable comments included in voice-overs.


Long-Term Repercussions of TikTok Be Careful What You Share on TikTok

When it comes to privacy and security, TikTok is transparent with what data it collects. Still, when using an app or service, remember that privacy policies and security regulations could change at any moment, leaving your data exposed and your device vulnerable. You should avoid over-trusting and over-sharing with apps that don’t value security and privacy from the get-go.

Source: makeuseof.com Apr 15, 2022

Although there were several Christian martyrs named Valentine, the day may have taken its name from a priest who was martyred about 270 CE by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus. According to legend, the priest signed a letter “from your Valentine” to his jailer’s daughter, whom he had befriended and, by some accounts, healed from blindness. Other accounts hold that it was St.

Unfortunately, their friends proudly share these clips on social media. Such actions show the toxicity and immaturity of those creating and distibuting the content and lead to a waste of time for others who make effort to shut the negativity down.

Unfortuantely, these culprits are addicted to creating such content and uploading it on Tik Tok or other social media. Members of the Canadian Muslim Media Club(CMMC) have been vigilant and have been exposing them through their platform. We also advise the community to keep on eyes such people, who are causing damage to the community. Thanks for your cooperation.

Rajab 19,1444 February 10 ,2023 10
Valentine of Terni, a bishop, for whom the holiday was named, though it is possible the two saints were actually one person. Another common legend states that St. Valentine defied the emperor’s orders and secretly married couples to spare the husbands from war. It is for this reason that his feast day is associated with love. Source: Cont from Pg 3
4 Ways TikTok Is Dangerous to Personal Privacy and Security
Rajab 19,1444 February 10 ,2023 11
12 Rajab 19,1444 February 10 ,2023 Sold Properties In 2022 604 -518 - 3782 adeeb.shums@century21.ca (Realtor) (Realtor) 604 - 839 - 7863 ayyazrealtor@gmail.com PREC A2Z Team Adeeb Shums Ayyaz Shums $1265,000 $760,000 $999,000 $500,000 $1,860,000 $480,000 $530,000 $1,375,000 $1,200,000 $950,000 $725,000 $975,000 $999,000 3368 Princeton Avenue Coquitlam BC V53E 0G2 208-3043 270 Street Langley BC V4W3M2 102-6438 195A Street Cloverdale BC V3S 0W3 42-20155 84 Avenue Langley BC V2Y 2B8 B322 8218 207A Street Langley BC V2Y 0Y1 12313 Fulton Street Maple Ridge BC V2X 6L4 1105 620 Seventh Ave New Westminster, BC V3M 5T6 #39 7947 209th Street Langley BC V2Y 2C8 269 27358 32 Ave Langley, BC V4W 3M5 2706 689 Abbott Street Vancouver West V6B 0J2 164-1386 Lincoln Drive PortCoquitlamBC V3B 7G6 R2697852 $1,601,000 14492 60 Avenue, Surrey BC V3S 1R3 R2639808 R2700560 pRe SoLD R2630916 R2735616 R2709026 R2707840 R2737054 R2713027 R2739180 R2705968 $1,425,000 24760 Kimola Drive Maple Ridge BC V2W 0A6 R2695209 R2701806 R2728351 R2701806 R2726373 $1,300,000 5345 Lutz Road Avenue, Surdis Promontory, BC V3S 1R3 R2654492 205-2485 Atkins Ave, Port Coquitlam BC V3C 1Z1 269-27358 32 Avenue Langley BC V4W3M5 395 Chesterlea Avenue Nanaimo BC V9R 4B2 R2650506 $1,125,000 $995,000 9012 Darwin Street Chilliwack BC V2P6W8 45649 Storey Avenue Sardis BC V2R4E6 R2659948 R2659806 $950,000 $576,000 10-7875 122 Street Surrey BC V3W0Y8 109-7505 138 Street Surrey BC V3W0W6 R2665662 R2663934 $1601,000 14492 60 Avenue, Surrey BC V3S 1R3 802-689 Abbott Street Vancouver West, BC V6B 0J2 15 19478 65 Avenue Cloverdale BC V4N5X5 SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD $501,000 $555,000 $590,000 217 Irwin Street Nanaimo BC V9R4X4 13356 236 Street Maple Ridge BC V4R 0E4 27880 Whistler Drive Abbotsford BC V4X2S1 896465 R2735616 R919197 R2639808 $905,000 $555,000 SoLD SoLD $638,000 106-9009 Cornerstone Mews Burnaby BC V5A 0B9 R2701806 $575,000 $705,000 $610,000 3-9989 240A Street Maple Ridge BC V2W 1Z9 1105-9188 University Crescent Burnaby BC V5A 0A5 204-22318 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge BC V2X2T4 R2643510 R2622264 R2617618 SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD $630,000 325 W 22nd Street Maple Ridge BC V2W 1Z9 313-3085 Primrose Lane Coquitlam BC V3B 7S3 32-10090 137A Street Surrey BC V3T 5M6 5981 142 Street Surrey BC V3X 1C5 private Sale $1700,000 $1950,000 $561,000 R2641561 R2637347 SoLD SoLD SoLD R2635245 SoLD $515,000
13 Rajab 19,1444 February 10 ,2023 $760,000 $460,000 $785,000 $850,000 $640,000 302-161 E 1st Avenue Vancouver BC V6A 0G1 41-6945 185 Street Cloverdale BC V4N 6N4 102-2750 Fairlane Street Abbotsford BC V2T 5B8 7-13636 81A Ave Surrey BC V3W IH9 1104-18505 Laurensen Place Cloverdale BC V4N 6R7 R2704292 R2726999 R2724349 SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD Sold Properties In 2022 604 -518 - 3782 adeeb.shums@century21.ca (Realtor) (Realtor) 604 - 839 - 7863 ayyazrealtor@gmail.com PREC A2Z Team Adeeb Shums $1,125,000 $950,000 $576,000 $595,000 $995,000 1,911,111 $994,500 10-7875 122 Street Surrey BC V3W 0Y8 9012 Darwin Street Chilliwack BC V2P 6W8 109-7505 138 Street Surrey BC V3W 0W6 1106 7088 18th Avenue Surrey BC V3N 0A2 12127 Cherrywood Drive Maple Ridge BC V2X 9K5 12276 74 Avenue Surrey BC V3W 5S3 45649 Storey Avenue Sardis BC V2R4E6 44849Cumberland Ave Sardis BC V2R 3H7 27045 108 Avenue Maple Ridge BC V2W1V9 R26259804 R2665662 R2659948 R2687827 R2663934 R2681202 $1601,000 $1,300,000 $1,300,000 205-2485 Atkins Ave, Port Coquitlam BC V3C 1Z1 14492 60 Avenue, Surrey BC V3S 1R3 5345 Lutz Road Avenue, Surdis Promontory, BC V3S 1R3 12276 74 Avenue Surrey BC V3W 5S3 R2639808 R2654492 R2685580 R2691812 $515,000 R2650506 $3,861,000 $2,499,000 $739,000 $2,161,000 $1,300,000 $1,911,111 $1,300,000 $1,240,000 1855 Palmerston Avenue West Vancouver BC V7V 2V3 5345 Lutz Road Avenue, Surdis Promontory, BC V3S 1R3 27045 108 Avenue Maple Ridge BC V2W 1V9 565 St Giles Road West Vancouver BC V7S 1L7 58-14555 68 Ave Surrey BC V3S 2A8 14076 Antrim Road Surrey BC V3R5H7 R2675226 R2654492 R2687827 R2703243 p vt Sale R2729939 R2718299 R2685580 R2695925 R2687657 SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD SoLD Ayyaz Shums
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Rajab 19,1444

February 10 ,2023

First Annual death anniversary & Quran Khawani for Maulana A.l.Naumani held in Fiji Centre, Surrey

On January 28, Fiji Islamic Society of Canada(FISC), the management committee arranged an event at Fiji Islamic Centre to remember Maulana Naumani at the occasion of his first death anniversary. After Quran Khawani, President Aseem Akhtar Khan summarized

his emotional feelings describing the time he spent with Maulana Naumani for more than 25 years. Hafiz and Qari Moiz Khan recited the Holy Quran, then Br, Saad And Abdul Rasool Salis presented beautiful Naats. Friends of Maulana Naumani, Br, Iqbal Cheema and Naseer Pirzada

were invited at the head table at the Quran Khawani .Mr. A.Khan introduced the guest speaker imam SheikhSadique Pathan(from Alberta). Shaykh Sadique expressed his meetings with Maulana Naumani in detail and made Duaa at the end.

World renowned Qari, Sheikh Mishary Alafasy stops by in Surrey during a historical tour of Canada

On January 27, Penny Appeal Canada, a renowned charitable organization, in collaboration with the BC Muslim association, arranged a beautiful evening with renowned Qari Shk. Mishary Alafasy at Bell Performing Arts Centre, Surrey. The event was sold out as over 1000+ Muslims gathered to listen to Sheikh Mishary recite Quran and Nasheeds in his beautiful God gifted voice. The

event was MCed by Br. Fawad Kalsi who expressed his excitement and gratefulness for being able to witness this historic event. The event featured nasheeds by nasheed artist Siedd and speeches by the CEO of Penny Appeal Canada Talha Ahmed and BCMA Executive Fadi Kanafani. At the event, the organization also raised funds for their “Cold Days, Warm Hearts” for those in need during the winter season.

A grand opening of a very uniquely styled Restaurant “ PINDI DhABA” at Surrey Central

On Jan 20, Miracle Media paid the heartiest congratulations to Brother Qasim Mehmood for the grand opening of a very uniquely styled Restaurant “ PIN-

DI DHABA “ at Surrey Central. Many community members enjoyed the unique take on street food and their tasty Tea which reminds of the traditional Tea of Pakistan’s roadside

restaurants (Dhaba).

May Almighty Allah give barakah in his business (Ameen)

Vancouver Canada expresses solidarity with the people of Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir

On February 5, Kashmir Day, A Ptotest held infront of Indian Visa office at Scott raod Surrey. The people of Vancouver Canada expresses solidarity with the people of Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmeir, and condemns the continued brutal use of force by the Indian Occupied Forces- demanding the restoration of the autonomous status of kashmir , and an end to the continuous killing of the kashmiri youth under the grab of search operations, and an early release of Yasin

Malik who has been the right spokesperson of the Kashmiries. The Forum also demands the free and impartial right to plebiscite be granted to kashmiris as promised as agreed to b all stakes holders in the UN Resolutions over seven decades ago. At the end of protest te Memorandom of Protest has been posted at Indian Visa office Surrey. Mr. Amin Khan and many community members expressed their feelings and shown solidarity with the Kashmiries.


Rajab 19,1444

Pakistan high Commission Canada marks Kashmir Solidarity Day

Kashmir Solidarity Day is on February 5, and this day is observed by the people in Pakistan and Kashmir who have been fighting for their freedom for more than 75 years. This day is also celebrated in honor of the Kashmiris who have lost their lives and Properties in the fight for freedom.

Press Realse:

Pakistan High Commission Canada along with the Pakistan Consulates in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal arranged a series of events comprising pictorial exhibitions, demonstrations, and roadshows to mark the Kashmir Solidarity Day.

The main event was held at the Pakistan High Commission in Ottawa where High Commissioner Zaheer Janjua addressed a gathering of Pakistani and Kashmiri diaspora on the significance of Kashmir Solidarity Day. He pointed out that the Jammu and Kashmir was one of the oldest, internationally recognized disputes on the agenda of the UN Security Council. He said there were 11 UN resolutions on this issue, but India had consistently blocked all efforts for holding a free, fair and impartial plebiscite in IIOJK as enshrined in the UN resolutions.

The High Commissioner also highlighted the woes and suffering of the Kashmiris following the illegal and unilateral Indian actions of 5th August 2019. He said that India’s ruling BJP was implementing the

Hindutva agenda of RSS in Kashmir by assaulting the Kashmiri culture and identity. He said the Kashmiris were being disempowered, disenfranchised and being turned into a minority in their own land through new state and federal laws, domicile rules, delimitations of constituencies, grant of domicile status to nonKashmiri Hindus, seizure of Jammu & Kashmir Waqf Board and forcible singing of Hindu hymns at schools. Zaheer Janjua maintained that the BJP government of India had demonstrated that its Hindutva- inspired political tendencies and actions not only threaten Kashmir’s political identity and historical legacy, but also pose a danger to regional peace and a global order based on international norms of choice and freedom. “We believe that durable peace, security and development in the region hinges on peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute ... it is imperative that the Kashmiris exercise their right to self-determination through a free and impartial plebiscite under the auspices of the United Nations,” he s aid, adding Pakistan would

continue to extend all possible support to our Kashmiri brothers and sisters towards a just and peaceful settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolutions. Later, a pictorial exhibition was arranged at the High Commission to bring out the range of various atrocities and reign of terror unleashed by the Indian forces against the defenceless Kashmiris, particularly after the revocation of special status of IIOJK in August 2019. The recently released BBC documentary on Earlier in the day, office-bearers and members of Kashmir Committee Ottawa arranged a protest demonstration in front of the Canadian Parliament. Braving the freezing temperature touching minus 30 during the day in Ottawa, the protestors raised placards and chanted slogans calling for an end to Indian brutalities in the occupied Kashmir, and calling on the government and the people of Canada to support the just demand of the Kashmiris for their

inalienable right to self-determination. Meanwhile, Consulate General of Pakistan Toronto arranged a pictorial exhibition as well as a wellattended webinar to highlight Indian oppression in IIOJK. A truck exhibiting different themes of Kashmir Solidarity Day through giant electronic screens installed on all sides of the trailer also drove through the city. Similarly, in Vancouver a pictorial exhibition and two separate webinars were arranged by the Consulate General of Pakistan. Local ethnic television and radio channels, including Toronto 360 TV, Canada One TV and eawaz, also ran dedicated programmes and documentaries highlighting the human rights abuses in IIOJK. Sent: PHC Ottawa

General Pervez Musharraf breathed his last

imposed exile for several years in Dubai before taking his eternal flight. The National assembly and the Senate in Pakistan remained split over offering prayers for the departed soul of Pervez Musharraf. Like the Bhuttos- Zulfiqar and Benazeer, General Musharraf will also be remembered as a controversial figure in Pakistani politics. His actions of going to war in Afghanistan were met with serious criticism in later days. He was also criticized for his actions against Nawab Bugti and Lal mosque of Islamabad. His biggest blunder that he himself admitted was issuance of the National Reconciliation Order (NRO). The NRO, a presidential ordinance issued by Musharraf in October, 2007 granted amnesty for leaving the country to politicians, political workers and bureaucrats accused on charges of cor-

Pakistani former President Pervez Musharraf died on Sunday, 5 th February following a prolonged illness. His body was flown to Karachi where he was buried with full military honors under strict security measures. According to reports attendance at the funeral was estimated around 5000 people.

They were mostly serving and retired military officers; politicians, and civil officers of higher ranks. Musharraf remained in self-

ruption, money laundering and murder during 1986 -1999 (a time period between two Martial Laws of Gen. Zia and Gen. Musharraf). Nawaz Shareef and Asif Ali Zardari mainly benefited from this ordinance. Was he hated or loved more, will always remain a question in the pages of history.

Regardless of friends and foes, none can deny him to be a bold and fearless statesman who logically faced the international press maintaining an eye ball to eye ball contact with the reporters. Despite his extremely anti India statements, the Indian Press always offered him respect due to his upright and bold stance on issues. He was also

praised for the same reason by media outlets like BBC and CNN.

There were anti Musharraf rallies taken out and slogans against him were raised outside the building in downtown Vancouver where he was invited to lecture in January, 2011. In my personal experience of a few brief meetings with him, I found him to be an intelligent and a bold man with candid ideas.

It was an honor for me to conduct his press conference during his visit to Vancouver in 2011.

Incidentally, his death coincides with the first death anniversary of Mr. Liaquat Ali Bajwa who was a renowned leader of our Pakistani community in Vancouver. Mr. Bajwa was a diehard supporter of Musharraf and was instrumental in arranging the visit of the General to the Pakistani community of Vancouver. It was because of the initiative of Mr. Bajwa that several meetings of the Pakistani community members were arranged withPresident Musharraf. We pray for good of both the departed souls.

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