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BC CANADA Bi-Weekly & Bilingual
$1 w w w w w w .m.m i ir r a a c c l l e e n e e w s s ..c c o o m m
Volume 16 Issue 414 - Shabaan 5 , 1437 AH / May 13, 2016
When it comes to discretionary income, millennials living in Vancouver fare far worse than their counterparts across the country. In fact, according to a new report by Vancity, a typical millennial couple — those between the ages of 25 and 34 — buying a home at an average price in Vancouver will have no discretionary income and will rack up debt of $2,745 per year after paying for essential expenses including taxes, health care, food, utilities, transit costs, clothing and housing. By comparison, Edmonton has the highest discretionary income in Canada for a typical millennial couple: $47,356. The report, No Funds City: Why Vancouver Millennials Have the Lowest Discretionary Income in Canada, found that Vancouver millennials have the least amount of discretionary income compared with their counterparts in nine other Canadian cities. Among other things, the report also concluded that in 2015, a typical Vancouver millennial household of two earned $72,291 — the second-lowest rate in Canada — while annual costs for an average home in Metro Vancouver in 2016 is $44,354, the highest in the country. As well, about 16 per cent of families who rent in Vancouver are overcrowded in their current housing arrangement, and the overall vacancy rate for rentals in Metro Vancouver is under one per cent. As for possible solutions, the report recommends creating incentives for developing afford- Continued on Pg 2
East Coasters for Fort McMurray gets help for fire victims. “People left home with nothing and they’re going back to nothing,” Red Cross getting most of Ottawa’s donations to help Fort McMurray fire victims See Details on Pg. 15 & 31
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Shabaan 5, 1437
May 13, 2016
A census is said to be one of the most important surveys and record keeping tools that Canada does have; it provides the most accurate and up to date information about the population. In addition to making policymakers aware about population issues, it is also an important tool for identifying forms of social, demographic or economic exclusions, such as inequalities relating to race, ethics and religion as well as disadvantaged people such as those with disabilities and poverty. Every five years there comes a national census to update statistical portrait of residents of Canada including the landed immigrants, refugee claimants, and those holding a work permit or study-permit. Purpose in nutshell: The Canadian census has a purpose for the well-being of its country and citizens; it’s enforced as a compulsory law without any excuses or exemptions. The census allows the government to budget for healthcare, shortage of labourers, higher education needs, technology development, and career markets for revenue and the well-being of all ages. The information produced by the census can be divided into a number of main fields; in each field questions are asked which provide a picture of the population in this field. The information collected makes it possible to received data on socio-economic characteristics of the population and households. Questioning on demographics makes it possible to learn about the age, gender, and the marital status.
sus_in_Canada. i In addition to providing a demographic and statistical data for use in planning public services including health care, education, and transportation, It does determine federal transfer payments,[1] and determine the number of Members of Parliament for each province and territory. One may complete a census questionnaire online by the deadline of May 10 or request paper copy of the form. Assured Confidentiality: The submitted information is subject to use by “Statistics Canada” in support of other surveys or analysis. There is a guarantee that no one outside of Statistics Canada is able to access the information that identifies individuals. The Statistics A ct ensures that the census information is kept confidential. Uniqueness: “The unique advantage of the census is that it represents the entire statistical universe, down to the smallest geographical units, of a country or region. Planners need this information for all kinds of development work, including: assessing demographic trends; analysing socio-economic conditions; designing evidence-based povertyreduction strategies; monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of policies; and tracking progress toward national and internationally agreed development goals.” Seriousness: After May 10 deadline, Statistics Canada may be coming after those who haven’t submitted their questionnaire; those who refuse may face a fine of up to $500 or up to three months in jail. These cases can make head-
lines, depending on the circumstances. news/2689125/procrastinatingon-the-2016-census-heres-whatmight-happen/ An accurate census can empower local communities by providing them with the necessary information to participate in local decision-making and ensuring they are represented.
Thought provoking: Pakistanis are deprived of enjoying Urdu in Canada because of the naivety of many Pakistanis; they keep ignoring the power of their “say” at the time of census. They continue to fail to realise what is good for them when it comes to declare what language they speak at home. The fact is most of the immigrants from Pakistan tend to mention Punjabi as their mother tongue despite the fact that their Punjabi is actually based on Urdu alphabets. An appropriate choice is Urdu for all Pakistanis. On the other hand Sikhs take advantage of our choosing of Punjabi as our mother tongue which is miles away from the reality. Caution: Remember! We speak Urdu at home, so do our children. Therefore, it must be recognised at par with other ethnic languages (mother tongues spoken in Canada). As most of the Pakistanis belonging to the province of the Punjab speak Punjabi, but that is in Urdu alphabets. Pakistanis need to be educated that post Indo Pak partition of 1947, Mr Jinnah declared Urdu as the national language to eliminate all ethnic friction. This made a little change in the way the
kids in i all households are raised in Pakistan. All are taught Urdu leading to the erosion of provincial languages and mother tongues. That is why, Urdu speaking is in fashion almost in all Canadian households of Pakistan origin. Almost four generations have adopted Urdu in Pakistan to make inter communication easier. Special advice to the Canadian residents of Pakistan origin: Wake up! Showing Punjabi as mother tongue deprives you of official recognition of your Urdu. Instead, this attitude of carelessly declaring Punjabi as your spoken language at home, ONLY benefits the East Indian Punjabi community. The fact is we the Pakistanis don’t have a clue about the ABC of Indian Punjabi, as Pakistani Punjabi is only written in Urdu alphabets. Since most of the Pakistani community speaks Urdu at home, it must be recognised as one of the most spoken language at home. Indian punjabi cannot be understood in the written form at all, while Urdu is well understood both verbally and in writing by each Pakistani. Thus, all Pakistanis must be mentioning Urdu while answering on the census form to derive the greatest advantage attached to it. Certainly, the importance of Urdu cannot be undermined as its popularity is high in Canada. SOURCES: in_Canada, .
Wa a n l a y s a l i l i n s a n i i l l a m a ’ s a ’ a a T h a t m a n c a n h a v e n o t h i n g b u t w h a t h e s t r i v e s f o r.
Arson Attempt At Al-Jamia Masjid Vancouver Daud Ismail (President) The B.C. Muslim Association
Attempted Arson at Vancouver Support for Mosque threatens Fort McMurray lives of children
religion, or gender.Children represent the future of our society and community. Violence against them will only continue the cycle of intolerance and hate that divides us as a people. By standing together in condemnation against violence, we can help break the cycle, and create communities of understanding, caring and compassion. The children attended prayers with their families, making the mosque populated while the attack ensued. The timing of the attack only raises concerns about intolerance and violence within our communities. At a time when communication and diplomacy are needed more than ever, acts such as this only exacerbate and inflate tensions between religious communities here in Canada. If we hope to create greater understanding between people, we must take steps to end the cycle of violence that fosters intolerance and hatred. “We call out to everyone to help end violence, especially when it threatens the lives of children. As a community, we should strive to create a space for children to live that is safe, tolerant, and compassionate. Acts of violence threaten us all, even when directed at specific groups,” advocates Suzanne Hayat, a director for the Amazing Tutors Children’s Foundation.
It is very disturbing to learn that an arson attempt was made on Al-Jamia Masjid in (Calgary) Islamic Supreme Council of By:Curtis Humes An arson attempt was recently made on Vancouver on the evening of April 28th Canada, Sayyidah 2016 during Magrib Salah time. It’s un- Fatemah Food Bank and Al Madinah Al-Jamia Mosque in Vancouver, leavthinkable why anyone would take such Calgary Islamic Assembly are collecting ing many questions. cowardly steps against peaceful people relief items such as diapers, undergarment With no motive determined, the issue of rewho just practice their faith, contribute to clothing, Socks, toothpaste and brushes, ligiously motivated violence cannot be deetc. for the evacuees of Fort McMurray nied as a potential factor. And while no one society and get on with their lives. This particular center is of special significant fire. All items must be new and must be in was hurt in the incident, one fact that often to the Muslims of British Columbia. It is the original packing. The relief items can be overlooked is the presence of children in a epicentre of the early Muslims presence in dropped off at the Green Dome Mosque, place of worship.As a foundation advocating for children everywhere, The Amazing B.C. dating back to 1960’s and earlier and 4616 – 80th Avenue, NE Calgary. the brainchild that led to the birth of The Imam Syed Soharwardy along with Tutors Children’s Foundation condemns B.C. Muslim Association. The first place several volunteers will be leaving Cal- violence against children regardless of the used by Muslim immigrants to socialize, gary on Friday to take the relief items form it takes. The children at the Mosque perform Friday obligatory prayers and to get and distribute to the victims of fire in attended with their families to pray and to know and connect with Muslims from all Fort McMurray. Moreover, Green Dome worship. A threat to their lives should raise over the world. Such an attack tantamount mosque welcomes the evacuees to stay at concerns for everyone about religiously to aggression against entire Muslim com- the mosque for the time they need shelter. motivated violence. These innocent lives We can accommodate five to six families must be protected, for within them are the munity of British Columbia. We stand united with Pakistan-Canada As- at the mosque.We stand together with the seeds of the world we want to build. If we sociation. We condemn this senseless act city of Fort McMurray and its residents. hope to create a society of tolerance, freeand appeal to authorities to apprehend the We pray for the victims and support them dom and compassion, then we must secure the safety of all children regardless of race, offender and bringg this matter to closure. at this time of sufferings. The followers of the Bible and the Quran are fully from the mouth of God”: Lucifer-Iblis said: ” aware of the treacherous tricks and tactics of evil anti- If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down--”: By: Gulshan Aalani GOD the Lucifer, the Dajjal-anti-Christ and Iblis one Jesus said to him, “You shall not put the Lord your Absolutely absurd behavior of American Politician of the Jinns who disobeyed Allah, and earned the title God to the test.”Be gone,iSatan!--‘You shall worship former House speaker John Boehner, using abusive of evil-Iblis, who is active in his threatening promise to the Lord your God and HIM only shall you serve”. language calling Sen.Ted Cruz ‘Lucifer’ and miserable GOD that he will misguide mankind against HIM. That According to the Holy Scripture, Satan is the principalson of a bitch”. (Tauba).Such name calling by a grown is evident in the concept of human gods and their cultic ity behind the powers of this corrupt world system, and up shows civilization goes over the brink, declining of practices in to Scriptural religions. the cultic man-made religions.When someone actively civilization, ethics and moral values. It is also evident in Lucifer’s effort to tempt and de- tries to influence and persuade you into doing someIn the current Presidential campaign many unethi- ceive Prophet Adam (AS) and his wife Hawa-Eve (RA) thing against GOD’S law then recognize it is Lucifer, cal discriminatory remarks are made by Mr. Donald by his friendly sweet talk against the order of Allah to Dajjal or Iblis, and learn to reject them. Trump, showing the rise of Islamophobia, racism and stay away from the forbidden Tree, and succeeded in One needs to study the Bible and the Quran that gives hatredof other minorities, but John Boehner has crossed convincing them in disobedience that led to their fall perfect introduction of such evil ones whose first aim the limit of good conduct of civilization by insulting from the Paradise-Garden of Eden.. is to stop innocent mankind following the true GOD the Mother of Cruz too.I do not recall Ted Cruz act- He also tried to tempt Messiah Jesus (AS), but failed and HIS commandments. The Satan hates those who ing the role of ‘Lucifer-Satan’. Lucifer never shows his miserably as Messiah had full knowledge of HIS Cre- believe in Creator and worshipsHIM only. true colors openly, never outspoken, or angry, but sweet ator-GOD, using ‘HIS Word’ who sent him on a mis- Rev. Dr. Meridith ( explains very talker, humble from surface, but secretly fights against sion to establish HIS law and HIS ways. (Mat. 4:1-4). well the Satan’s deceitful tactics, which he calls: “SaGOD by influencing and targeting the vulnerable peo- Tempter Lucifer says: “If you are the Son of God, com- tan’s counterfeit religion”, because some man made ple without ‘Faith’ in Creator-GOD. Lucifer is like a mand these stones to become loaves of bread.” Re- religions-cults led by human gods are possessed by Wolf in a coat a Sheep, using the fake deceitful ID of markable reply by Jesus (AS):, “It is written, Man shall Lucifer-Satan, and so are more influential on people, a shining star. not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes and have a strong grip misguiding them against GOD.
‘Absolutely Absurd!
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
The joint opposition has prepared a questionnaire for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to answer in parliament over revelations by Panama Papers regarding involvement of his children in offshore business. The questionnaire was prepared in a meeting of opposition parties chaired by senior PPP leader Aitzaz Ahsan in Parliament House. Members of Jamat-i-Islami, MQM, PTI, and PPP also attended. The questionnaire asks the prime minister to clarify:What are the names of the offshore companies owned by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif or his family?What is the total number of these companies, bank accounts and the worth of that property?What is the interest of prime minister and his family in Mayfair apartment; when it was purchased; where the funds came from for it and was the income tax filed?Have they declared their income particularly from offshore companies?Is this true that PM’s sons and daugh-
ter have shares in Ittefaq Sugar Mills and Chaudhry Sugar Mills? And have they filed tax returns against these?What was the property PM or his family purchased or sold during 1985 to 2016 and was the premier beneficiary of that?The terms of disclosure follow the PM’s announcement that he will attend Friday’s session of parliament to answer the opposition’s queries regarding the Panama Papers. Talking to media here Wednesday, Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) stalwart Aitzaz Ahsan said Prime Minister Nawaz should answer these questions of the joint opposition when he arrives in parliament. “We are apprising the premier about opposition’s questionnaire so that he may prepare for it,” he said. PTI leader Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Aitzaz Ahsan presented their questions for the prime minister. “The questions include explaining the Mayfair flats of Nawaz Sharif’s family. When were they bought? How much income tax was paid at the time of these flats’ purchase? What is the worth of assets abroad? And what is the bank balance of offshore companies?” Aitzaz said.“The PM has to answer these questions to satisfy the opposition and the people of Pakistan,” he added. The PPP leader further stated that the opposition’s questions are simple and straightforward. “There is no complexity in our questions. If we get our answers, we will be satisfied,” he said. Shah Mehmood Qureshi said the ToRs of opposition are same. “PM has said that he is ready to face accountability, so he should come to parliament,” he said. Formally withdrawing their demand for the prime minister’s resignation, opposition parties last week finally agreed on a draft of the terms of reference (ToRs) for the judicial commission to investigate the allegations thrown up by the Panama leaks. Source: Daily Times
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Senate Chairman Raza Rabbani on Wednesday termed the relationship between Pakistan and United States as imbalanced and expressed concern at US’ tilt towards India.”Bilateral relationship between US and Pakistan seems to be driven by giving priority to US national security interests in the region rather those of Pakistan”, Rabbani observed while chairing a Senate session.He added that he has great respect for the US Congress and congressmen, but as a parliamentarian he has serious concerns over bilateral ties between Islamabad and Washington. Referring to US’ tilt towards India in recent years, Rabbani stated that US has an agreement with India on civil nuclear cooperation, but refuses to offer Pakistan a similar deal, casting doubt on Pakistan’s utility for the US at a time when major combat operations have winded down in Afghanistan,“Chairman Foreign Affairs Committee of the Congress is reported to have said that one of the reasons for the blockage of assistance for F-16s is due to Indian concerns,” added the Senate chairman. “US has no respect for Pakistani courts and laws, as was witnessed in the Raymond Davis case, and which can now be seen in the case of Shakil Afridi.” Rabbani also expressed reservations that US did not hold court martial of its officers and men who according to their own inquiry are responsible for the bombing of a hospital
ISLAMABAD: A special court hearing treason charges against former president General Pervez Musharraf declared him an absconder in the ongoing treason case on Wednesday. The three-member bench of the special court, comprised of Justice Mazhar Alam Khan Minakhel, Justice Syeda Tahira Safdar and Justice Mohammad Yawar Ali, declared Musharraf an absconder his failure to appear before the court despite multiple summons. The court directed the prosecutor to publish advertisements in both Urdu and English newspapers declaring Musharraf an absconder, and place posters outside the court and Musharraf’s residences. The prosecutor was also ordered to submit record of all property owned by the accused before the next hearing on July 12. The court also ordered the Federal Investigation Agency
in Afghanistan, which killed women and children. Sartaj Aziz, advisor to the prime minister on foreign affairs, also supported the reservations of chairman Senate. Pakistan on Monday had raised the unresolved issue of F-16 sale to Pakistan and expressed concern with the visiting commander of US Central Command (Centcom) General Joseph Votel Secretary Defence Gen (r) Alam Khattak had reiterated Pakistan’s need for the F-16 jets, and impressed upon the visiting Centcom commander the jet’s utility in the war against terror. Pakistan had earlier reached an understanding with the US for buying eight F-16 planes. Under the deal, Pakistan was required to pay about $270m from its national funds. The US was supposed to provide the rest from its Foreign Military Financing (FMF) fund. Pakistan has conveyed to the US that it does not have the money to buy F-16 jets from its resources and has cautioned that if the stalemate over funding is not resolved it may consider buying some other fighter aircraft to meet its needs. Among the key reasons behind the Congressional hold are concerns that Pakistan has not taken enough action against the Haqqani network; jail sentence for Dr Shakeel Afridi — the physician who had cooperated with the US in tracking Osama bin Laden; and fears about Pakistani nuclear g programme. Source : Dawn
(FIA) to produce Musharraf before the court within 30 days During the previous hearing, the court had issued non-bailable warrants Musharraf’s arrest over his failure to appear before the court, despite repeated notices and the Director General FIA was ordered to execute the warrants. In Wednesday’s hearing, the court was told in a FIA report that Musharraf was served notices to appear at his residences in Islamabad and Karachi, but could not be produced before the court because he is abroad. Justice Mazhar Alam Khan Minakhel, head of the bench, said that the defence has nothing to say anymore as the accused did not appear before the court despite repeated notices. “Defence counsels should even be in the courtroom now,” Justice Minakhel remarked. Musharraf left the country on March 18, soon after the Supreme Court upheld the Sindh High Court directions to re-
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604-780-0776 101-14620 64th Av. Surrey move his name from the exit control list (ECL). Earlier, the court also ceased the surety bonds submitted by Musharraf’s guarantor, Rashid Qureshi, and ordered him to submit a sum of Rs2.5 million as security deposit to the Registrar of the special court. Source : Dawn
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
The economic fallout of the oil-production shutdowns in northern Alberta will likely be felt across the country, according to chief ATB Financial economist Todd Hirsch. “I think a lot of people outside of Alberta don’t always recognize the size and scope of Canada’s oil industry. When it is not operating, and when its players are being hit this severely, this is a national issue,” Hirsch told CTV’s Power Play. At least nine major oil companies, including Syncrude and Suncor, suspended operations after a massive wildfire broke out near Fort McMurray last week, leaving Alberta’s oil production down by more than a million barrels per day -- half of the province’s daily output and one third of Canada’s. On Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wouldn’t say what the impact would be on the federal treasury, or how much money the government has lost in oil royalties. But most analysts have already slashed Canada’s economic outlook for the rest of the year. “All the stoppage of production will register as a hit to the national GDP and I think that will underscore the importance of the oilsands to the Canadian economy,” Hirsch said. World oil prices rose briefly in anticipation of the losses caused by the Alberta wildfire, but stabilized when the blaze missed the heart of the oil patch. “At least there is no threat to physical energy infrastructure and the market seems to be responding,” said Joe McMonigle, senior analyst for the Potomac Research Group. Hirsch said the extent of the economic impact will depend on how soon oil companies can resume operations. “This
& I N T .
really could not happen at a worse time,” Hirsch said, adding that the province is already running a $10 billion deficit. Alberta Premier Rachel Notley is set to meet with industry leaders on Tuesday to discuss how to get oil production back on line. But not only will the oil industry bear the economic consequences of the devastating blaze. Hirsch said local business in Fort McMurray will also struggle to get back on their feet as the city rebuilds. “With every additional day of lost revenue, those businesses are going to see enormous challenges,” he said, citing a similar situation after severe flooding hit Calgary and parts of southern Alberta in 2013. Many businesses in the city may also have been damaged or destroyed in the fire and will have to bear the cost of rebuilding. And until damaged parts of the city are rebuilt, many Fort McMurray 90,000 residents will be out of work. The province announced Monday afternoon that the wildfire, which now covers about 1,600 square kilometres, has destroyed 2,400 buildings in Fort McMurray. That means about 90 per cent of the city is still intact. Crews are still working to put out hotspots and assess the damage caused by the wildfire. Last week, the Bank of Montreal estimated the disaster could cost insurers as much as much as $9 billion in payouts. Officials have yet to calculate the exact extent of the damage caused by the fire. But Hirsch the blaze will most likely affect require large payouts that will raise home insurance premiums from coast to coast. Source: CTV News
Israeli settlers living in the occupied West Bank may be granted further protections if a new proposal for an official dual legal system, set forth this week by Israel’s Justice Minister, Ayelet Shaked, comes to fruition. Israelis living in illegal West Bank settlements are already governed by a separate set of laws laid out by military decrees, legal rulings and legislative amendments. For every law passed by the Israeli Knesset, another set of paperwork must be put together by one of several governmental institutions to make the same Israeli law relevant in Israeli settlements. Shaked’s proposal, referred to as the Norms Bill, would ensure that laws passed in the Israeli legislature would immediately apply to illegal Israeli settlements, without applying to their Palestinian neighbours. “It is my goal to equalise conditions [between Israel proper and Israel’s settlements] within one year, either by a [military] decree or through legislation,” Shaked said earlier this week in a speech at the Legal Forum for Israel’s annual conference. Al Jazeera could not immediately reach Shaked for further comment. Critics have slammed the proposal, claiming it furthers a system that already threatens the future of a possible two-state solution. Aida Touma-Suleiman, a member of the Knesset’s Arab Joint List, called Shaked’s plan part of Israel’s “expansionist ideology” that is leading to the “crawling annexation of the occupied territories. “This adventurous policy will ultimately lead the two peoples to the verge of explosion, threatening many more lives of innocent Palestinian and Israeli civilians.” While Touma-Suleiman and others on the Joint List say they would vote against the proposed legislation, they fear it would be passed regardless. While Shaked says she wants the changes to be implemented within the next year, there is no scheduled timeline yet for discussion of the proposal. “I think, unfortunately, this legislation would pass, especially if it has the government’s support - but even if the government isn’t in support, there are members of the opposition who fully support the initiative, and that could be enough,” Touma-Suleiman said. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), an Israeli human rights group, has long documented problems resulting from the current, unofficial dual legal system. In a 145-page report released in 2014, the group broke down the dual system, explaining the effects on everything from criminal and traffic law to building and planning regulations, to freedom of expression. In one case highlighted by the ACRI, two residents of Hebron, where Israeli settlers and Palestinian residents live side-by-side, got into an altercation. The Israeli settler was detained, taken to a civil court hearing within 24 hours, and released on bail; the Palestinian, meanwhile, was held for four days, then brought before a
military court and jailed directly. ACRI has denounced Shaked’s new proposal, noting that institutionalising the two sets of laws for Israelis and Palestinians would result in furthering “systematic discrimination against the Palestinian population”. Ronit Sela, the group’s public outreach director for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, said the move would further legitimise illegal Israeli settlements and their expansion. “It’s a mess, and Shaked’s claim is that she wants to make the mess less messy … But Shaked is taking one more step on a path that has already been paved by other people,” Sela told Al Jazeera. “It’s a gradual path whereby in the West Bank there’s actually two rules of law, which was never intended, but happened gradually. And now Shaked is looking to institutionalise these two separate rules of law that should have never existed.” The proposal would be particularly troubling with regard to laws on building and planning, which are supposed to be different for Israeli settlements, where building is meant to be strictly regulated compared with inside Israel. Simon Reynolds, the legal advocacy coordinator for the BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, said the proposed legislation not only threatens any hope for a two-state solution, but is also in direct breach of international law. “Any automatic extension of Israel’s domestic legislation to its settler population merely reinforces Israel’s commitment to the implementation of a two-tier legal system inside the West Bank, and in doing so highlights a contempt for the rights of Palestinians and for international law generally,” Reynolds said. “Not only is such a clear separation of law along racial lines entirely compatible with the accepted legal definition of apartheid, but in exercising de facto sovereignty over occupied territory, Israel is acting in gross contravention of a key principle of the law governing military occupation: that the occupying power’s control of a territory is to be temporary in nature.”
Source: Al-Jazeera
Vancouver’s millennials . Cont from Page 1
At least 73 people have been killed and dozens of others injured after two passenger buses and a fuel tanker burst into flames following a head-on collision in eastern Afghanistan. Many of the dead, including children, were burned beyond recognition as a result of Sunday’s accident in Ghazni province, near the Afghan capital Kabul. Jawid Salangi, a spokesman for the governor of Ghazni, said the two buses, carrying about 125 passengers from Kabul to Kandahar, collided with the tanker, setting off a fire that quickly engulfed all three vehicles. Afghan army units went to the scene of the accident in Moqor district and managed to save some passengers, but many of the injured were in a critical condition, he said. Al Jazeera’s Qais Azimy, reporting from Kabul, said the drivers were most probably speeding to avoid attacks by the Taliban at the time of the accident. “There are Taliban checkpoints on that road,” he said. “It seems like the bus
drivers and the tanker driver were trying to cross the most hostile part of that road as fast as they could. “It looks like the bus driver was trying to avoid any Taliban checkpoints, and the tanker driver was trying not to be ambushed by the Taliban,” he said. “They were driving quite fast. That is what caused the accident.” In a separate development, six Taliban fighters were hanged at the Pule-Charkhi Prison in Kabul on Sunday. The executions came only days after the Kabul government vowed to punish people convicted of terror charges. Al Jazeera’s Azimy said the executions would send a strong message to the Taliban. “These executions show that the Afghan government is now opening a new chapter in the fight against the Taliban,” he said. “It’s the first time that we see a group of six Taliban members getting the death penalty. “It kills all the hope for a political settlement with Taliban.” Source: Al-Jazeera
able, family-friendly housing, and dramatically increasing support for rental housing. According to the report, a typical Vancouver millennial household of two earned $72,291 in 2015 and that after essential expenses including taxes, clothing, health care premiums, food, public transportation and utilities, about $41,609 was left over. Subtract ownership costs of more than $44,354 annually for a property at an average cost in Vancouver, and millennial families are racking up debt, the report said. The report looked only at the City of Vancouver and no other municipalities in the Metro Vancouver area, where home prices are typically cheaper. After Vancouver, Toronto had the next most expensive housing market at $33,405 annually along with the next lowest discretionary income at $3,379 annually for millennial couples who purchased property. However, the report found that by purchasing a townhouse at an average cost Vancouver millennial couples would have about $9,549 annually in discretionary income, while a condominium would leave them with $16,422 annually in discretionary income. By renting outside the city centre, Vancouver millennial couples would have about $27,940 annually in discretionary income for a typical one-bedroom unit, or $15,183 for a three-bedroom
unit. For average millennial families with one child in full-time paid care at an average cost of $14,580 annually, affordability is an even bigger challenge. In fact, the report said, an average millennial family that purchased property at the average Vancouver price in 2016 would go into debt by $17,325 per year just to cover basic expenses once child care costs for one child are introduced. If the same family purchased a three-bedroom condo in Vancouver at average cost in 2015, they would go into debt to the tune of $29,597. By renting a three-bedroom unit, Vancouver millennial families save on shelter costs but will still only maintain $771 a year for spending, saving, giving or paying down debt, the report added, while recommending that the government provide incentives to support rental housing. “Recent news reports point to a millennial exodus from Vancouver and relocation to more affordable places, like Victoria and Kelowna,” said the report. “Meanwhile, local entrepreneurs and millennials are adding to the dialogue by saying unaffordability is emptying Vancouver of one of its most valuable assets — young people from the city who want to stay invested in it.” Source: The Province
Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
/ Narrated: Abu Salamah “I asked Aishah about the fasting of the Prophet (saw). She said: ‘He used to fast until we thought he would always fast. And he used to not fast until we thought he would always not fast. I never saw him fast more in any month than in shaban. He used to fast all of shaban; he used to fast all of shaban except p a little.’” Sahih. Sunan Ibn Majah Chapter No: 9
By: Zaid Shakir Sha’ban is a month of good that introduces the great month of Ramadan. The Prophet, peace upon him, used to fast voluntarily during this month more so than in any other month. One of the motivations for that, as we will mention below, is that Sha’ban is the month during which the deeds performed by the servant ascend to God. What follows is a discussion around fasting during the month of Sha’ban. Usama b. Zayd relates: “The Prophet, peace and mercy of God upon him, used to fast so many days in succession that we said, ‘He will never break his fast.’ At other times he would go without fasting for so long until we said, ‘He will never again fast;’ except for two days, which he would fast even if they occurred during the times he was not fasting consecutive days. Furthermore, he would not fast in any month as many days as he fasted during Sha’ban. I said: ‘O Messenger of God! Sometimes you fast so much it is as if you will never break your fast, at other times you leave fasting for such a long stint it is as if you will never again fast [voluntarily]; except for two days that you always fast.’ He asked: ‘Which two days are those?’ I replied: ‘Monday and Thursday.’ The Prophet, peace upon him, said: ‘Those are two days in which the deeds are presented to the Lord of the Worlds. I love that my deeds are presented while I am fasting.’ I said: ‘I do not see you fasting in any month like you fast during Sha’ban.’ The Prophet, peace and mercy of God upon him, said: “That is a month occurring between Rajab and Ramadan that many people neglect. It is a month in which the deeds ascend to the Lord of the Worlds, be He Mighty and Majesty, and I love for my deeds to ascend while I am fasting.” Related by Imam Ahmad and Imam Al-Nasa’i The narrations conveying this meaning are numerous. Among the important points conveyed by the tradition narrated by Usama b. Zayd, may God be pleased with him, is that the Prophet, peace upon him, frequently fasted during Sha’ban, as is supported by a tradition mentioned by A’isha, may God be pleased with her. She said: “I did not see the Messenger of God fast any month in its entirety except Ramadan, and I did not see him fast as frequently in any other month as he did during Sha’ban.” Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim
Fasting During Sha’ban
Among the reasons for that, as mentioned in the initial tradition, is that Sha’ban is the month in which the deeds done throughout the year ascend to God. The Prophet, peace upon him, wished for his deeds to ascend while he was fasting. This should be sufficient motivation for all of us to fast some days of this month. Fasting purifies us of the physical dross that collects in our system and makes our spiritual faculties sharper. What could be a better state could we be in as our deeds are ascending to our Lord? However, there are other reasons to fast during this month, which we will present shortly. Another very important point that we can gain from these narrations is that The Prophet, peace upon him, did not fast perpetually, even though it would not have weakened him to do so. In this is an important lesson for us. We should balance between the days that we fast and the days that we refrain from fasting. Ibn Rajab mentions many reasons for this. Among them are the following: 1. For many people, excessive fasting leads to languidness that in turn makes it difficult for them to supplicate or invoke God or to undertake intense study. All four of the Sunni Imams mention that studying sacred knowledge is better than supererogatory prayers, and that supererogatory prayers are better than voluntary fasting. Hence, pursuing sacred knowledge is naturally better than voluntary fasting. 2. Just as fasting may make some people languid and hence affect their worship, it may weaken them and thereby compromise their ability to provide for their families or jeopardize their ability to fully satisfy their wives. This latter meaning is implied in the saying of the Prophet, peace upon him: “Surely your wife has a right over you.” 3. Similarly, a person’s body has a right over him, as indicated by the Prophet’s saying: “Indeed your body has a right over you. Be sure to give everyone so deserving
Names Of A l l a h (SWT) & Mohammad (PBUH) Last edition Al Names were Al
Bais name of Allah(swt) & -Abdallah Mohammad(saw) name.
his right.” 4. [Finally], a person’s life might be long, as indicated by the Prophet’s saying to ‘Abdullah b. Amr b. al-‘As when the latter committed himself to fast every other day: “Perhaps you will live a long life.” This means whoever commits to an overly strenuous regimen of worship during his youth might not be able to maintain that regimen during his old age. If he tries his utmost to do so he might exhaust his body. On the other hand, if he abandons it he has left the best form of worship, that done most consistently. For this reason, the Prophet, peace upon him, mentioned: “Undertake religious practices you can bear. I swear by God, God does not become bored with you, rather you bring boredom upon yourself.” [1] The important issue here is to understand that Islam does not demand that we torture our selves, and it places no virtue in doing so. When a desert Arab who had accepted Islam returned after a year’s absence to see the Prophet, peace upon him, his entire appearance had changed to such an extent that the Prophet, peace upon him, did not recognize him. When he finally realized who he was, the man said to him: “I have not eaten during the daytime since I entered Islam!” The Prophet, peace upon him, asked him: “Who ordered you to torture yourself!?” Related by Abu Dawud Another point mentioned by many of the scholars in that regard is that by fasting sometimes and then going some days without fasting, we never reach a state where we totally lose our appetite for food and thereby lose the physical challenge of fasting. For this reason the Fast of David, where the worshipper fasts every other day, is considered more virtuous than the fast of the individual who fasts perpetually, as the latter eventually feels no longing to eat during the day of his fast–he might even become sick were he to eat. The tradition of Usama b. Zayd, may God
be pleased with him, mentions that people’s deeds are presented to God on Mondays and Thursdays, and the Prophet, peace upon him, loved to have his deeds presented while he was fasting. There are many narrations that affirm this reality. Ibn Majah relates a tradition from the narrations of Abu Hurayra, may God be pleased with him. In it he mentions the Prophet, peace upon him, saying: “God forgives every Muslim on Monday and Thursday, except those who have broken re- lations with each other. He says, ‘Leave them until they reconcile.’ ” Imam Muslim mentions a similar narration from Abu Hurayra, may God be pleased with him, in which he mentions that the Prophet, peace upon him, said: “The Gates of Heaven are flung open on Monday and Thursday and every servant who has not ascribed partners to God is forgiven, except a man who harbors enmity against his brother. He [God] says, ‘Leave these two until they makeup.’ ” A different version of this tradition mentions at the end of the narration: “…and people who despise each other are left harboring their spite.” These narrations emphasize the importance of maintaining good relations. There are other religiously significant actions where a reward is withheld from those who harbor enmity or have bad relations with their peers. Therefore, it is extremely important that we work to maintain good relations with each other, and avoid petty bickering. The opportunity to do much good for our souls is missed when we fail to maintain good relations with each other. The presentation of people’s deeds mentioned in these narrations is a specific one that occurs on these particular days. It does not contradict the general presentation that occurs on a daily basis, as related in the following tradition: “By night and by day the angels follow each other in visiting you. They gather [before God] at the time of the morning and evening prayers. God asks those who spent the night among you, and He knows best the answer, ‘In what state did you leave my servants?’ They say, ‘We came to them while they were praying, and we departed from them while they were praying.” Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim Source: New Islamic Directions
Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver May 13-27, 2016 Shabaan 5-19, 1437H
Islm. Fajar Sunr Dhuhr Isha ar Sunrise DhuhrZawal Asar (shaf i) AsarAsar (hanfi)Maghrib Magrib Isha Date Date FajDay 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times:Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA
Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
Miraj-un Nabi (saw)celebrations At Fiji Islamic Centre
On May 7, International Muslim Academy of Canada (IMAC) organized an event at Fiji Islamic Centre Surrey to remember the night of Miraj-un Nabi(saw). Mr. Aseem Akhtar Khan of IMAC was the MC for this event. Program started with Tilawat-e-Quran-Pak recited by Br. Abid Attari followed by beautiful Hamad o Naat Rasool Maqbool (saw) by Naseer Pirzada , Ms. Anisha Sumaiya , Br. Rehmat Khan, Mr. Muzamil Ahmed and at the end of speeches Mr. Abdul Rasool Salis recited beautiful Naat and Darood o Salam. After Hamd-o-Naat session, MC requested Guest speaker Allama Saiyad Mujtaba Shah(from UK), to deliver a speech on Isra wal- Miraj. He quoted many verses of Quran along with Hadiths and said that in order to understand what happened on that night with our beloved Prophet Mohammad (saw), we should carefully read the first verse of Surah Isra’a 17.1”Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from alMasjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al- Aqsa.”.. He explained Prophet Mohammad (saw) physical journey is in 3 Ayats of Quran and in 19 Ayats indicate this Miraj incident and also given many references of Journey from First journey to Prophet (saw) at the ended His Journey was in a small portion of that night. He said it is Ahel Sunnah wal Jamat’s strong belief that
Muhammad(saw) travelled from Masjid al-Haraam to Masjid Aqsa and then Masjid Aqsa to seventh sky and then La Makan physically. The Prophet presented “Tashahhud” to Allah (swt)and got Salat ( 5 Prayers) from Miraj. Today this Miraj un Nabi reminds everyone of us to pray 5 times a day. He also quoted few Hadiths about Hzt Moses (AS) conversation and presence at Masjid ul Aqsa. Afterwards, Maulana A.L.Naumani joined the event (he was invited another gathering in Richmond on that evening) and addressed the audience that hopefully you gained a vital knowledge by our guest Allama Mujtaba Shah. He said that he will deliver his speech on Miraj incident in Jameh Masjid Aulia Allah on May 14th and thanked all audience. At stage Pir Afzal Shah Naqashbandi from Bullay Shah Academy of Canada, IMAC Mr. Umran Ali, Mr. Abid Attari and Mr. Aseem Khan were present. Mr. Umran Ali special thanked Allama Saiyad Mujtaba Shah for his travel from UK to deliver the speech on Miraj un Nabi (saw) and also thanked all attendees at this event. At the end after Darrod o Salam, made Duaa Allama Saiyad Mujtaba for all Muslim Ummah.
AICP Annual celebration of Isra’ & Mi^raj-un-Nabi (PBUH)
By: Br Imad, AICP New Westminister Being one of the greatest miracles Allah ta^ala has granted our master Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, and blessed his nation with, it is but natural for Muslims to observe the miracle of Isra’ & Mi^raj. As part of the Islamic community, the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects proudly commemorated this great miracle with a wonderful celebration at Crystal at York Banquet Hall in Surrey, BC on Saturday, May 7. The program was well attended by a huge crowd from the Muslim community of Greater Vancouver. The event started with a moving recitation from the holy Qur’an (Tilawat-ulQur’an) followed by beautiful touching Islamic chants performed by the one of a kind AICP Chanting Group, thanking Allah, t^ala, praising the Prophet, peace be upon him, and the pious awliya’. The students of the AICP al-Hidayah School and TIES school drew a long round of applause from audience after a wonderful chant about Islam and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. With such a glorious occasion and in the presence of such a diverse crowd it was necessary for the speakers to emphasize on the purpose of this miracle. Imam of Masjid Ahulus-Sunnah wal Jama^ah –New Westminster- made clear that Allah granted His Messenger this great miracle of Isra’ and Mi^raj to honor him sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam by showing him the wonders of the upper world as stated clearly in The Glorious Qur’an in Surat al-Isra’, Verse 1 that means “ To show him of our wonders”. The belief of the Muslims is that Allah exists without a place; therefore, the ascension of the Prophet to the heavens never meant that Allah is there. Allah created places so He does not need any (subhanahu wa ta^ala).
Shaykh Kamal raised the subject of the sanctity and the significance of the Aqsa mosque and its place in the hearts of the Muslims. Especially that it is suffering under a cruelty of an occupier who has no regard to any boundary nor to any sacredness. He drew attention to lessons deduced from the story of Pharaoh’s daughter comber. Lessons of bravery, courage and fearlessness of standing up to cruelty, oppression and unjust practices. His prominence accentuated the need of solidarity, cooperation, cohesion, synergy and adherence to the Islam and the fulfilment of its rules, stressing that our strength as Muslims is in our unity under the banner of this religion and the fulfilment of its rules. Our weakness is in our disintegration and distancing ourselves from this religion; asking Allah to unite us and mend our differences. On this great occasion, the AICP asks Allah to grant Muslims peace and tranquility, unity and adherence to the rules of the religion. We ask Allah to bestow on us the bounty of entering Paradise without torture and being with Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam..
Response to Miracle April 29th Edition article about Journey of Miraj. It is not like what some claim that Allah got closer to Muhammad until there was between them as much as the distance between the eyebrows above the eyes. This is blasphemy without doubt, because those people are attributing the distance to the Creator. The belief of the Muslims is that Allah exists without a place. Muslims should be warned about some books of some misled people, one of them is the book that is attributed falsely to Ibn ^Abbas, named “Kitab al-Mi^raj” which means: The book of Mi^raj. So the purpose of Mi^raj is to honor the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam by showing him the wonders of the upper world and to raise his rank. The Throne is the largest creation of Allah in size. Allah ta^ala the Creator of everything does not need it, He exists without a place because, He created the places so He does not need them. Imam ^Aliyy may Allah raise his rank said: “Allah created the ^Arsh as an indication for His Power, and He did not take it as a place for Himself.”
Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
Sadiq Khan has a simple, striking message for Londoners: He’ll be a mayor for people of all faiths and none.Khan celebrated his landslide election victory Saturday in a multi-denominational ceremony at an Anglican cathedral accompanied by London’s police chief, Christian and Jewish leaders, and stars of stage and screen. They gave Khan a standing ovation as he pledged to be an approachable Everyman for his city of 8.2 million — including more than a million residents who, like him, happen to be Muslim. “I’m determined to lead the most transparent, engaged and accessible administration London has ever seen, and to represent every single community and every single part of our city as a mayor for Londoners,” said Khan, the son of Pakistaniborn immigrants who became a civil rights lawyer and, in 2005, London’s first Muslim member of Parliament.“So I wanted to do the signing-in ceremony here, in the very heart of our city, surrounded by Londoners of all backgrounds,” he said in Southwark Cathedral, just a few miles (kilometres) north of the state housing project where he grew up in the London district of Tooting. Khan’s Labour Party candidacy to lead London triumphed in the face of a Conservative campaign seeking to tar him as sympathetic to Islamic extrem-
ists. Supporters said Khan’s own message — that a victory for him would show the world how tolerant and open Britain was — carried far more power. “To have a Muslim mayor seems preferable to me to any alternative regardless of the politics,” said actor Sir Ian McKellen, who greeted Khan at the cathedral gates. “I hope it’s an image that will go round the world as representing a new sort of England that’s at peace with itself regardless of race and so on. That’s the beauty of it.” Leading Muslim activists in the Conservative Party expressed shame and anger over their own candidate Zac Goldsmith’s attacks on Khan, saying they had recklessly stoked racism and intolerance. The final round of ballot confirming confirmed early Saturday that Khan received 57 per cent of votes, Goldsmith 43 per cent. Many criticized Goldsmith’s final published appeal in a right-wing Sunday newspaper warning that London stood “on the brink of a catastrophe” if it elected Khan. The article claimed that Khan and Labour considered terrorists their friends and would handicap police efforts to prevent another attack on London, 11 years after 52 Londoners died in suicide blasts on three subway trains and a bus committed by British-born Muslims. Goldsmith’s appeal was accompanied by a pic-
Labour’s Sadiq Khan elected London Mayor
ture of the bomb-ravaged bus. Mohammed Amin, chairman of the Conservative Muslim Forum, said he had been disgusted by the Goldsmith campaign tactics. “We were meant to understand that Khan kept bad company with extremist Muslims and could not be trusted with the safety of London. On top of that, leaflets were targeted specifically at London Hindus and Sikhs ... seeking to divide Londoners along religious and ethnic lines,” Amin wrote on a Conservative blog. He said the Conservative campaign sought to frighten non-Muslim voters “about Khan, the alleged Muslim extremist.” Amin said he voted for Goldsmith because he opposes Labour policies, but could not stomach campaigning actively for him — and instead took pride in see-
ing Londoners vote so strongly for a fellow Muslim of Pakistani background. Leading Conservatives defended their campaign tactics, even as they expressed surprise at losing a post locked down for the past eight years by the eccentrically popular Conservative, Boris Johnson. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, who previously accused Khan of sharing a platform with a London imam sympathetic to the Islamic State extremist group, repeated those since-discredited claims Saturday and insisted such charges represented “the rough and tumble of politics.” He also declined, when pressed several times on the matter, to withdraw his campaign claim that London’s security would be jeopardized by Khan.”Stuff gets said during elections,” Fallon said
Congratulation s to all Muslim and Pakistani Community in abroad. Sadiq Khan has been elected the new Mayor of London boosting Labour after it slumped in Scotland’s elections. Mr Khan is the city’s first Muslim mayor, after beating Tory Zac Goldsmith by 1, 310,143 votes to 994, 614.
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
at Bullay Shah Academy of Canada On April 30,E-Miraj-Un-Nabi (S.A.W) program took place at Bullay Shah Academy of Canada in Surrey. The program started with the recitation of Quran. Mr. Raheel Aslam did the MC, He invited local Naat Khawns to recite heart touching Hamd o Naat s and Nasheeds included Mohsin Raza, Amir Khan, Perwez Iqbal, Malik Afzal, Naseer Pirzada, Hafiz Ashfaq, Saleem Khan and Ch Ijaz. President of Bullay Shah Academy Pir Afzal Ahmed delivered a stunning bayan in Urdu and English, He derived Quraan: Sura Bani Israel “Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose
precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things).” he focused on the Spirtual and Physical journey of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and love with Allah and his messenger Mohammad(pbuh). He said that all Muslims try to understand the respect of Mohammad(pbuh) and should be true followers by practicing.Pir Afzal said unfortunately today our actions are not as per the teachings of Quran and Sunnah. We should praise Allah and His messenger Prophet Mohammad (saw) all the time and become a practice Muslim and pray regularly 5 times. After Darood o Salam at the end he made Duaa for all Muslim ummah..
On May 5, Dawat-e-Islami Vancouver organized an event at its Faizan-e-Madina Centre in Surrey to celebrate the night of Miraj-un Nabi(saw) especially on the night of Rajab 27. Muhammad Salman Attari did the recitation of Quran, after recitation few beautiful Naats e Rasoole Maqbool were presented by Ahmad Ashfaq Attari, Abid Saleem Atarri, Muhammad Salman and Muhammad Farooq Patail. Br. Aabid Attari,delivered a speech on Isra wal- Miraj. and read few verses of Sura Isra and quoted few other verses of Quran along with Hadiths. He said that Allah(swt) took his beloved Messenger in a short
period of night from Mecca to Masjid e Aqsa and then Sidratul Muntha and then explain Prophet journey in step by step. After that he delivered a very short but dynamic speech and said that for the first part of his journey from Mecca to Masjid al Aqsa, Prophet(saw) knew a lot of details as people who would not believe his physical journey. Our beloved Prophet Mohammad (SAW) got Salat ( 5 Prayers) from Miraj. Today this Miraj un Nabi reminds everyone of us to pray 5 times a day. After Iftar and Magrub Prayer Muhammad Amin did Zikar, Darood o Salam and at the end Duaa made by Hafiz Muhammad Ashfaq.
at Faizan-e-Madina Centre Surrey
@ Masjid Anwar e Madina in Surrey Al Ghosia Foundation organized an event at Masjid Anwar e Madina Surrey to remember Miraj-un Nabi (SAW).Guest speaker Allama Saiyad Mujtaba Shah(from UK was invited from UK, who is a well known Islamic scholar in Ahelsunnat wal Jamat).After the recitation of the Holy Quran and few Naats e Rasool Maqbool (saw), MC spoke about Miraj Un Nabi (saw) topic and expressed his views for few minutes. Syed Imroze Dean delivered a brief dynamic speech in Urdu language with the references of Quran and Sunna. MC invited special guest speaker Allama Saiyad Mujtaba at podium with the permission of Imam and Khateeb of Masjid Anwar e Madina Syed Imroz Dean. Syed Shah delivered a detailed speech on the topic Isra Wa Al- Miraj. with references. His lecture was very focused on this topic, and he
delivered his spiritual speech in his dynamic way in Urdu with the references of Quran and Sunnah. He said it is Miracle for our beloved prophet Mohammad (saw) and gift of Allah to him(saw).He recited many Quran Verses with the reference of many authentic Haidths of Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmazi and others. He said in Surat Al-’Isrā’ (The Night Journey) -His focus on “Buraq” speedy journey from Masjid Al Haram to Masjid ul Aqsa.“After the Prophet performed the Evening Prayer (^Isha’), Jibril came to him with a white animal, slightly larger than a donkey yet smaller than a mule. This animal was the buraq,--one of the animals of Paradise. Jibril held the buraq by his ear and told the Prophet to mount it. When the buraq was mounted, the Prophet set forth. The buraq is a very fast animal; the length of the buraq’s stride is the farthest distance it’s eye can see. The Prophet and Jibril arrived to a land with palm
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trees. Jibril told the Prophet to dismount and pray, so the Prophet dismounted the buraq and prayed two rak^as. Jibril asked him, “Do you know where you prayed?” and the Prophet answered, “Allah knows best.” Jibril told him, “This is Yathrib; this is Taybah. “.” (These are two names for the city of al-Madinah.) Before the Prophet emigrated to al-Madinah, it was called Taybah and Yathrib. It earned the name al-Madinah after the Prophet emigrated to it. The buraq continued with the Prophet and Jibril until they reached another place. Again Jibril told the Prophet to get down and pray. The Prophet dismounted there and prayed two rak^as. Jibril informed the Prophet of the name of that place; it was Tur Sina’. Reference At the end of Darood o Salam the Duaa were made for all Muslim Ummah with all the guests and delicious food was served.
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
By Lien Yeung, CBC News A mosque in Vancouver has been the target of an attempted arson attack. Representatives from the Al Jamia Masjid mosque at 655 W. Eighth Ave. said a man tried to light up cardboard boxes in the courtyard of the building Thursday night. In an email to CBC News, Vancouver Police confirmed a patron of the mosque put out the fire that burnt the corner of a box. “There was no damage to the building or the hedge in the courtyard,” said Const. Randy Fincham. By RADUL RADOVANOVIC Associated Press People gather on the main square, during the inauguration ceremony of the Ferhat-Pasha mosque, in Banja Luka. BANJA LUKA, BOSNIA—Over 10,000 people turned out Saturday for the re-opening of a mosque in Bosnia that was blown up by Christian Orthodox Serbs during the 1992-1995 war and that became a symbol of the effort to destroy Bosnia’s centuries-long multi-religious fabric. The Ferhat Pasha mosque — also called Ferhadija — was a masterpiece of 16thcentury Ottoman architecture and one of the 16 mosques in Banja Luka — or one of the 534 throughout the country — that were destroyed or damaged by Bosnian Serbs in order to erase any traces of those they were expelling or killing. Their aim was to make that part of Bosnia apart of neighbouring Serbia. The so-called “ethnic cleansing” project, also targeting Roman Catholic Croats and other non-Serbs, included expelling people from their homes, looting their property, killing some and putting others in concentration camps. The destruction of their heritage was an es-
Still, mosque trustee Haroon Khan said the incident has shaken patrons. “This is a place of worship, it’s a place of peace ... and to have an incident like this is very painful for us.” Khan said the incident happened around 9 p.m. PT following evening prayers when congregation members were leaving the building. “We’re very grateful that we dodged a bullet in that if people were not here, the building could’ve very easily caught on fire.” Khan said a member of the mosque approached who he thought was a “suspicious” individual at the side of the building.After a brief encounter, he said the suspect took off. “Moments later, the flames erupted from the boxes that were on the side. The fire was very quickly put down, thankfully,” he said.The Al Jamia Masjid mosque on West Eighth Avenue in Vancouver had cardboard boxes sitting in the courtyard that were lit on fire. (CBC) Vancouver police say the suspect has not been identified and the investigation is ongoing.
sential part of the plan, aimed also at discouraging survivors from returning. In 1995, after over 100,000 people were killed, a peace agreement divided the country in two halves — one for the Serbs, where Banja Luka ended up, and the other shared by Croats and Muslim Bosniaks. The agreement guaranteed refugees the right to return to their prewar homes and reconstruction of the Ferhadija mosque was to encourage the plan. But an attempt in 2001 to lay a foundation stone was disrupted by a Serb nationalist mob. One Muslim visitor was killed and dozens were injured. NATO forces had to evacuate foreign ambassadors from the ceremony by helicopters. Activists located fragments of the mosque that were not thrown into the river or the garbage dump, separated them and used computers to place the over 3,500 fragments where they belong. Reconstruction took 15 years. On Saturday — the 23rd anniversary of the Ferhadija destruction — Bosnian Serb authorities deployed over 1,000 policemen to secure the event, attended by outgoing Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Bosnian leaders, foreign ambassadors and representa-
Jo ’s D i s c o u n t
tives of the Roman Catholic, Serb Orthodox Churches and the Jewish Community. The event symbolized a further push to restore Bosnia’s multifaith and multi-ethnic fabric. Turkey and other international donors as well as Serbs donated funds for the reconstruction. During the war, Serbs often referred to Muslims as “Turks,” explaining their actions as revenge for hundreds of years of Ottoman occupation. At the ceremony in Banja Luka, Davutoglu said: “We were here once, we are here now and we will always stay here.”
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Jakob Finci, leader of Bosnia’s Jewish Community, said in his speech that rarely a Jew speaks at the opening of a mosque but in Bosnia it was possible. He as well as Catholic bishop Franjo Komarica and Serb Orthodox priest Jefrem welcomed the opening of the mosque and the people who will pray in it. “Our differences are not a historical mistake,” said Husein Kavazovic, the leader of Bosnia’s Islamic Community. “They are God’s gift, and any violence against those differences is an act against God’s will.”
Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
The fire: How you can help, and receive help? The Canadian Red Cross will electronically transfer $50-million of the $67-million raised so far to more than 80,000 evacuees. “This is the most important cash transfer we’ve done in our history and the fastest one,” said Red Cross CEO and president Conrad Sauvé at a joint press conference with Alberta Premier Rachel Notley on Wednesday. The Red Cross funds will be transferred within the next 24 and 48 hours. That timeline would mean evacuees receiving financial assistance no later than Friday. Each adult will get $600 and each dependent will receive $300 from the Red Cross. The Alberta government has its own financial assistance program: adults will get $1,250 and each dependent will receive $500. The Alberta government says that, as of 2 p.m. (Mountain Time) on Wednesday,
Fort McMurray evacuees in Calgary, Edmonton, and Lac La Biche can start picking up pre-loaded debit cards with emergency assistance for temporary housing and immediate needs. Pick up locations and other details can be found at the Alberta government web site. A Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he will visit Fort McMurray on Friday. Displaced Fort McMurray residents are getting more resources to help ease their predicament. The Canadian government says it will work to speed up employment insurance claims and Canada Post has announced a mail forwarding program free of charge for Fort McMurray and area residents. Here’s Marina Strauss’s report on how retailers, pharmacists and others are offering services for those in need. In neighbouring Saskatchewan, emergency officials expressed “cautious relief” that the fire didn’t move into the province’s northwest from Alberta, as had been predicted. Winds have shifted northward in the fire area. As of Tuesday, the flames were more than 50 kilometres from any Saskatchewan community. By Tuesday, the Alberta government said the fire had grown – as expected – to about 229,000 hectares after two separate fires joined together. While the fire was still out control, there were encouraging signs.
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Cooler temperatures, higher moisture in the air and lighter winds were helping efforts to suppress the fire in an area that was twice the size of Calgary, explained Barry Shellian, information officer with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. The fire was also moving away from Fort McMurray in a southeast direction and unlikely to be a threat. “That’s a very fortunate thing, it’s mainly wildland in that area now, so it’s past our communities,” said Mr. Shellian. Late Tuesday night, Fort McMurray fire chief Darby Allen described the firefighting efforts in a Twitter video: “Just want to let you know, we think we got this thing beat in [Fort] McMurray. So we’re looking pretty good.” Officials in Saskatchewan have been anxiously monitoring fires in northern Alberta. By Monday, those fires had moved within 30 kilometres of the Saskatchewan boundary. But on Tuesday morning, officials said the situation was stable. “We have not seen the predicted movement of the large fires in Alberta towards Saskatchewan. They are stable there in terms of their movement, which is a relief for us in the northwest part of the province,” said Duane McKay, the province’s commissioner of emergency management.A fire ban in the northwest forest of Saskatchewan is in place until there is significant rainfall. For details and a map, visit the province’s web site. Many On May 8 and 9 Ms. Zanbka Malik municipalities have also put in place fire bans.In Alberta, there is a province-wide and Ms. Ayesha KhanCollected donaban on open fires, including campfires tions for Fort McMurray Fire Relief. and the use of charcoal briquettes. 1 00% of the proceeds will go Source: to Red Cross through HCI.
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
In Canada, a census is taken every five years. The next census will be held in May 2016 and will provide a statistical portrait of the country and its people. In Canada, it is mandatory for all residents to participate in the census. This includes Canadian citizens, landed immigrants, refugee claimants, and people who hold a work or study permit. How is the census taken? Each household will receive instructions about the census in early May 2016. At that time, you can decide if your household will complete a census questionnaire online or on paper. What happens to the information that i provide? The information that you provide will be kept confidential, in accordance with the Statistics Act. Your information may be used by Statistics Canada in support of our other surveys, or for analysis. No one outside of Statistics Canada can have access to information that identifies individuals. Who must complete a questionnaire? In Canada, it is mandatory for all residents to complete the census questionnaire. Information on whom to include in the questionnaire can be found on the census website and on the questionnaire itself, in the section “Whom to include in Step B”. If you think there might be person(s) in your household who should not complete a census questionnaire, call the Census Help Line at 1-855-700-2016, starting May 2, 2016. How are my responses used? Your responses to the census are added to the
Journalists and curious citizens are busily combing through a searchable database of names linked to the Panama Papers leak of offshore accounts. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) opened the database to the public on Monday afternoon, following the initial release of some 11.5 million documents last month, all linked to Panamanian
L O C A L responses of everyone else who lives in Canada, to compile statistics that help communities plan services such as day care centres, schools, health care, language classes, police, fire protection and residences for senior citizens. Why should I participate in the census? You, your family and your community benefit from the census. When you participate in the census, it means better information for your community. There is also a law in Canada that says you must complete the questions asked in the census questionnaire. This law, theStatistics Act, also ensures that your census information is kept confidential. We depend on you! Completing the census is both a civic responsibility and a legal requirement for all people living in Canada. When you complete your census questionnaire, you continue a tradition that goes back 350 years—from a few pioneer villages in 1666, to today’s large and prosperous country. What if I need help? Starting May 2, 2016, you can call the Census Help Line (CHL) at 1-855-700-2016, Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., or Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., if: you need help completing your questionnaire or want information about the census someone in your household would prefer to complete a separate questionnaire you need more than one questionnaire for your household you want a new census questionnaire, or a questionnaire in French you want a copy of the questions in a language other than English or French. The CHL is a free service and is available in many languages.
Make sure your National Language is more important to recognise your community in Census.
If you missed online, then get ready to receive the mail, phone call or Govt. Census representative at your door. law firm Mossack Fonseca. The Canadian members of the journalistic consortium estimate there are some 625 Canadians named in the documents. Here is the latest news on the Panama Papers leaks. Check back here for updates.
The Panama Papers’ most productive Canadian?
The CBC reports it has identified the Canadian individual who used Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca more than any other to set up offshore corporations — Fred Sharp, a former Vancouver lawyer whose company reportedly set up 1,167 “offshore entities” for his clients. The documents reportedly show that Sharp’s overseas company, Bond and Co., made efforts to hide the true identity of its clients including ordering Mossack Fonseca to destroy invoices, and to minimize documentation flowing home to Canada. Sharp was barred from practicing law in B.C.
in 1995 after he admitted to professional misconduct for “knowingly taking instructions” from a director disqualified “because of a criminal record for fraud,” the CBC reports. But the Panama Papers show Sharp’s relationship with that client, who had dozens of fraud convictions, didn’t end there. Mossack Fonseca documents show the RCMP came sniffing around a company Sharp had set up for the client, alleging that the company was used “to perpetrate a $2.1 million fraud” against a brokerage firm in the Isle of Man. ‘Dozens of Americans tied to fraud and financial misconduct’ Investigative journalists mining the leaked data trove known as the Panama Papers say that the law firm had ties to dozens of Americans accused of financial misconduct. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists reported Monday that the activities of Panamanian firm Mossack Fonseca included setting up offshore companies for
people who had brushes with the law. Setting up an offshore company is not illegal. But they can be used to hide money from authorities. The ICIJ said one “longtime customer’’ of the firm was a U.S. financier later sentence to 17 years in prison for fraud. It said the firm set up an offshore company used by six Americans accused of running a Ponzi scheme that cost middle-class Indonesians millions. Mossack Fonseca has said it obeyed rules on vetting customers. — The Associated Press
Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
Western Union and Dubai Islamic Bank proudly introduce “REDIRECT TO ACCOUNT,” a great new way for receivers to redirect a Western Union® Money Transfer to a bank account at 20 participating banks in Pakistan. RECEIVERS IN PAKISTAN CAN NOW CALL DUBAI ISLAMIC BANK TOLL FREE AT
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
4. Liver
Miracle’s Human Bodyparts Series It is a vital organ and existence of a human without liver is next to impossible. Thought technology has created some short term substitutes of liver, but for long term, research is still in process. Liver has many functions: • Detoxification of food • Protein synthesis • Hormone production • Decomposition of red blood cells Liver entertains many bio-chemical reactions that are important for function of a body and that why it always better not to drink too much alcohol.
Diseases related to liver are: • Pale stools occur when a brown pigment, is absent from the stool. • Dark urine • Jaundice • Swelling of the abdomen, ankles and feet • Excessive fatigue occurs from a generalized loss of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. • Bruising and easy bleeding are other features of liver disease. The liver makes substances which help prevent bleeding. When liver damage occurs, these substances are no longer present and severe bleeding can occur. Continued in next edition
Herbal and Traditional Medicine Products and Consulting President/partner SURREY, BC – Once again Fraser Valley real estate saw record-breaking numbers with April sales reaching higher than any previous April historically. Last month, the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board processed 2,969 sales on its Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®), an increase of 47.8 per cent compared to April 2015. The previous record for sales processed in an April was set in 1991 at 2,513. However, sales did drop 1.2 per cent compared to the all-time Board record set in March 2016 at 3,006 sales processed. Charles Wiebe, President of the Board, said of this month’s market data, “Fierce demand continues to put a strain on both inventory levels and buyers looking to purchase within the Valley.” “There’s no ‘one thing’ that can take credit for the unprecedented pace of this market. With low interest rates, a strong provincial economy, and much of the Fraser Valley remaining quite affordable, there are many
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factors that continue to drive the level of demand we’re seeing.” The Board received 3,942 new listings in April, an increase of 22.5 per cent compared to April of last year, and a 2.8 per cent decrease from March 2016. The total active inventory for April was 5,697, down 32 per cent from last year’s 8,384 active listings. Wiebe added, “While it may seem daunting,
I must emphasize that it is still very possible to enter this market. However, working with a REALTOR® is essential for both home buyers and sellers; a professional will help you navigate what you need andd what’s out there. Whether it’s a buyerr or a home that you’re looking for, we’ll help you find it.” Across Fraser Valley, the average numberr of days to sell a single family detached home in April 2016 was 17 days, compared
to 38 days in April 2015. The MLS® HPI benchmark price of a Fraser Valley y single g family detached home in April was $776,500, an increase of 30 per cent compared to A April 2015 when it was $59 $595,500. In April, the benchmark price ppric of townhouses was $35 $353,300, an increase of 17.6 17. per cent compared to $300,400 in April 2015. The $30 bben benchmark price of apartments men also increased yearover-year by 15 per cent, goove ing from $191,200 in April 2015 to $219,900 iin April 2016.
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
Pakistan’s new coach Mickey Arthur has said he will not compromise on discipline, fitness and fielding standards during his time with the side. Arthur was appointed Pakistan’s coach last week, filling the position vacated by Waqar Younis in April. The assignment with Pakistan is Arthur’s third with an international side, after South Africa and Australia. While he had considerable success with South Africa, his tenure with Australia was marked by an uneasy relationship with players that culminated in the infamous homeworkgate episode on the tour of India in 2013, when four players were axed for ignoring team orders. Arthur, who is expected to take over by the end of the month, stressed that discipline would bring better results for Pakistan. “I will be tough on discipline and that’s the way we
SPORTS can get better and better results,” he said. “I want everybody to start playing for the team and I don’t want any selfish players around. “Our bowling is good, but we need to lift our batting massively. I will also be tough on fielding and fitness, and need players who can play long term, and these issues are nonnegotiable. I also want players who aren’t prepared to be bullied.” Discipline and fitness have been problem areas for Pakistan, who have slipped down the ICC rankings in limited-overs cricket. Earlier this month, Ahmed Shehzad and Umar Akmal were left out of the training camp for the England tour on disciplinary grounds. Waqar’s report following Pakistan’s early exit from the World T20 had also highlighted concerns around Shehzad and Akmal’s attitudes, and the former coach had suggested the pair should be
made to re-earn their place in the national squad with performances in domestic cricket. Ranked No. 9 in ODIs after the ICC’s annual update, Pakistan have won only three bilateral series in the format since December 2013, of which two were against Zimbabwe. They were quarter-finalists in the 2015 World Cup but suffered early exits in the 2016 World T20 and the Asia Cup in February this year. They are currently ranked No. 7 in T20Is. Pakistan will travel to England and Ireland in July and September, where they are scheduled to play four Tests, five ODIs and one T20I against England, and two one-day matches against Ireland. Arthur admitted the conditions would challenge the Pakistan players. “For Pakistan players, those conditions are trying, but I want the team to be up for the challenge. Without
undergo stringent new checks on their suitability to stage soccer’s showpiece event. The governing body pledged to beef up the rules after the tainted dual votes in 2010 for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups set off years of scandals that culminated in Sepp Blatter being forced out of the presidency. FIFA is yet to settle on the format for the 2026 tournament or which countries will be eligible to be hosts. FIFA’s ruling council decided Tuesday that by October there should be a decision on whether FIFA President Gianni Infantino can honour an election manifesto pledge and expand the World Cup from 32 The 2026 World Cup hosts will be decided in to 40 teams. With Africa, South America, a FIFA vote in 2020 after bidding countries Europe and Asia hosting the World Cups be-
fore 2026, it had been widely accepted that it should be North America’s turn for the first time since 1994. A joint bid between the United States, Canada and Mexico has been mooted. A FIFA statement said there would also be a review on whether to allow joint bids and the “eligibility of confederations.” Bidders are set to be subject to human rights regulations that FIFA plans to codify during a bidding consultation process that will last until next May. FIFA’s newfound commitment to human rights follows criticism about working conditions in 2022 World Cup host Qatar. The consultation phase will also firm up rules that will see bidders excluded if they do not meet “technical requirements,”
Saaz Institute of Indian Music along with our sponsor, sand all collaborating artists, musicians, volunteers & supportive community partners are very excited to be included amongst the many activities taking place in honor of Asian heritage during the month of May. As a new community organization in BC, we are a group of prolific cultural leaders with a common value for the advancement of India’s culture. This presents the local communities with an ex-
a doubt we will go to win ... If the players show improvement, then I know I am doing my job.” Source: Cricinfo
FIFA said. There was criticism that FIFA’s executive committee disregarded a report that highlighted the dangers posed by the summer heat in Qatar by voting for the Gulf nation in 2010. FIFA expects to complete the strategy and consultation phase by next May before a bid preparation phase between June 2017 and December 2018. Bids will be evaluated between January 2019 and February 2020 and the vote — originally planned for 2017 before FIFA was beset by corruption scandals — will be staged in May 2020. Unlike past votes, the entire FIFA membership, which is currently 209 nations, will decide the hosts at a congress. Source: CBC News
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After the great success of two locations in, Surrey over the past 4 years, Mr. Mian Saeed opened Kabob Palace Restaurant at Unit # 216-12837-76 Ave Street Surrey on April April 29. Qari Maulana Zafar Abid made Dua’a for the restaurant success.with community members. The Miracle would like to congratulate Mr.Mian Saeed and his family members and wish them prosperity
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
By:Shabnam Khan – Family Counsellor Women are traditionally trained to place other’s needs first...... What could possibly be wrong with doing good? We want to please others, and we please ourselves when we feel to do so, that’s maybe! When we do both the same time, there’s twice the bonus. We’ve done it for as long as we can remember. The concept is based on the following logic: If I can make other people happy, then they will like me. If they like me, I must be good enough. If I’m good enough, they’ll keep me around, I’ll be safe and secure, and that’s all I need to be happy. The happier I can make others, the happier and therefore the safer I will be. The only problem is, it doesn’t work that way. Till which extend are you prepared to please everyone? Make no mistake. There’s nothing wrong with pleasing others - unless, of course, it becomes all-encompassing. True giving is a part of making any relationship work, but it’s not the only part - particularly if you’re doing all the giving and they’re doing all the taking. That is not a balanced relationship! This malady starts with an ernest attempt to make someone else happy, but it can quickly become a pattern of behavior with a far-reaching consequences. You may not like the end result later on and that might be too late.
Now the truth is, this mostly affects women! Women have evolved to be relationship driven, and they seek out social situations as opportunities to relate to others. In ancient days, almost every task required communication, coordination and cooperation. In other words, a network of relationships supported every task. Evolution has virtually assured that women on the other will be caregivers. The better women were at these skills, the more value and status they realized within their families and their social circle. Nowadays women are playing various roles in the Society and instead of playing a Pleaser Role, do something even small that you are confident and proud of! Happy Women Know That If You Want To Take Care Of Others, You Must First- Or Simultaneously- Take Care Of Yourself......... For more information:
By Nafisa Siddiqui Today is Mother’s Day most of us are blessed to have mother’s unconditional love .Our prophet Hazrat Mohammad PBUH was an orphan .His father passed away before he was born and his mother died when he was a child. Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) was deprived of his mother’s love as a child but he soon found a second mother “Fatima bint Asad”.Fatima Bint Asad was the grand daughter of Hazrat Hashim leader of Quraysh and keeper of Kaba.Her fathers name was Asad ibn Hashim.The Hashmi family was well known for its moral virtues and humanistic characteristics among Arab tribes. She got married to Hazrat AbuTalib who is the uncle of Prophet Mohammad PBUH.She was very intelligent and humble in nature. She was blessed with four sons, Talib, Aqeel, Jaffer and Ali (A.S).And two daughters UmmeHani and Jumana. Her life was preoccupied and busy with her children but when her husband Abu Talib (A.S) consulted her to take responsibility of his orphan nephew Hazrat Muhammad PBUH she agreed .Our prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) was their adopted son. Fatima was an amazing loving and caring mother her heart was filled with motherly love towards her own children and for our prophet. She gave him the love and affection of a mother. She looked after the Prophet (S.A.W) in his infancy, boyhood and youth. She made sure that the Prophet (S.A.W) has the best of everything. She dressed and fed him well she always thought that he was a blessed child and his presence seemed to have blessed their family. If her husband Hazrat AbuTalib protected Muhammad (S.A.W) from his enemies outside, she provided him love, comfort and security at home. It was in her home that he found emotional security and the emotional closeness. Muhammad (S.A.W) and his love affection and respect for her grew with him. After he married and had children of his he named one of his daughter Fatimah. Fatima’s home was the real cradle of Islam. Mu-
hammad (PBUH) the prophet of Islam HazratAli, the forth caliph, Jafer Tayyar who was a famous General, who led the forces of Islam in the battle of Mu’tah and was martyred in the same battle all broad up in her home. Hazrat Mohammad had a great respect and love for her when she walked into Prophet Mohammad’s room he would stand up to greet her and address her as ‘mother’. Fatima bint Asad was also one of the first people to convert to Islam after the Mohammed PBU declared himself a prophet. She endured the three-year economic and social boycott in Mecca and migrated to Medina with the other Muslims. She was not only a motherly figure to the Prophet(PBUH) she was also mother in law of his daughter Fatima and the mother of the fourth Caliph in Islam Ali ، one of the greatest Generals Hazrat Ali (A.S)She had many great roles. According to Anas ibn Malik, when Fatima bint Asad passed away, the Prophet (PBUH) sat beside her and said, “My dear mother, may Allah keep you under His Protection. Many times you went hungry in order to feed me well. You fed me and clothed me on delicacies that you denied yourself. Allah will surely be happy with these actions of yours. And your intentions were surely meant to win the goodwill and pleasure of Allah and success in the Hereafter.” The Prophet (S.A.W) used his shirt to cover her and lowered her into her grave himself. Allah is the greatest he said he wept and addressed the grave to be kind to her body. She was an example of faith an struggle in the way of God ,she was an influential and competent mother who played vital role in family and in society ,and a guardian for Holy Prophet.
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Shabaan 5, 1437 May 13, 2016
‘ Ma a -k i Ma m t a a -Mo t h e r ’s l o v e ’. any one else; and continued the Divine Message of CreatorGOD: “Paradise is under the feet of your Mother, respect her and don’t even say a single word of disrespect to her”. This proves any kind of disrespect to her is considered a sin. The Divine order also proves there is no equal to the Super Mother, and that is the reason we celebrate Mother’s day every day of the Year, show gratefulness and pray for the parents as commanded by Allah: Quran: 17 23, 24:-”Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but HIM and ye be kind to parents--say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor”: “ And out of kindness lower to them the wing of humility and say:“My Lord! Bestow on them Thy Mercy, as they cherished me in childhood”. William Golding describes a Superwoman: “I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men, they are far superior--” “Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater: if you give her a house she will give you a home: give her grocery she will give you a meal: if you give her sperm she will give you a baby: if you give her a smile she will give you her heart: She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her, so if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit”: “That is why we love our wives. Everything is given back in extra value and size”. (so hilarious and true).
By: Gulshan Alanai The Most precious title ‘Maa-Mother’ is so auspicious that needs million words to describe its superiority. Mother has the treasure of pure love and care. Her unlimited Mamtaa for her children is limitless.Her ability of tolerance is so vast that she could tolerate anything. No matter what kind of troublesome children she has, her heart will never reject her babies. No matter how grown up they are but always remains her babies. When a child falls and gets hurt, she gets pain in the stomach. She definitely has the 6th sense when it comes to her children and knows through her instinct the children’s problems, safety and what is happening to them, as her heart follows them, just as the protection of the Angels around us all. We have seen the Mothers all around the world living in extreme poverty, with little food that she doesn’t eat it but first feeds her children and she could go hungry for days. In any circumstances her children comes first. SubhanAllah, that’s how she is created by Allah. Her unconditional love and remarkable sacrifices for her children are so unique that she gets the title of a Super Mother, who is also divinely praised and given her higher position’Darjo’. The Universal Messenger Muhammad (SAWS) suggested utmost respect for the ‘Mother’, 3 times more respect than
“ My Mo t h e r My Fi r s t Te a c h e r ” By: Sikandar Hayat My mother is my first teacher, first friend, and my role model. She has always been there for me, guiding me every step of the way. When I was in school, she always stayed up with me till very late until I finished my homework. Any success in my life is because of her guidance and prayers. I feel the most happy and satisfied when I get to see her and get the sweetest hug from her. She is always praying to Allah for my success in both of the worlds. May Allah bless and be pleased with her. Ameen.
Ho w m y m o t h e r r a i s e d m e ?
By: Huma Shoaib My Mother, the most precious living person in my life. A very humble, softt spoken and helpful person. She is a professor of medical microbiology, a poet, an author, a singer . Apart from her professional career, she also maintained balance in her life, as a mother, wife , daughter/ daughter in law and all other relationships.I don’tt remember my mother giving me lectures about life. Instead, she lead the life that she wanted us to live.
She taught through her actions rather than her words. She has always been very particular about following her religion. Giving charity, helping people, expecting rewards only from Allah. She always encouraged me and my sisters to support and respect our husbands and anyone that is related to him.The most important lesson that she gave us is that education is an ongoing process. It should continue throughout our lives. p Can’t thank my Allah enough for giving me such a graceful mother who made me a strong person. May she always stay happy and healthy. Ameen
By: Asma Shams Mother, next to God is the person one is connected even before birth. We get our genes, food and some personality from the womb. Mother’s lap is the safest, secure and most comfortable place for a child.Mother is a Walkie-talkie school for a child. She teaches about life practically in a most simple way with words and actions round the clock. When we see mother taking care of everyone putting family’s needs and comfort first, we learn selflessness and unconditional love. ‘Multitasking’ is the first requirement of any job. Who is the best person to teach that, If not moms. She finishes all her work on schedule with any emergencies popping up any time. As the child grows she also grows as a mother. He deepest, strongest and unbreakable love for her children teaches her and trains her whatever she needs to learn to be a mother. Heaven lies under the feet of the mother All religion rightly believe so, as from her pre-pregnancy till her last breath she remains mother first then anything else. A piece of vessel represents the vessel The outer personality may look different but children specially daughters do inherit qualities of mother a lot
Make or break Mother can make or break a home. A mother can make her children acquire the biggest and the finest degrees in education irrespective of being educated or not. The way she deals with her children and the family forms inner infra-structure of children. When she encourages her family on any failure or drawback it makes them brave and determined to face the failure in life. An evening in memory lane As the years pass by, time comes when roles are reversed. In her old age, she needs motherly care. This is the time we need to think of giving her life time achievement award time to time by looking after her emotional, physical and financial needs. This is her time to collect her profit on her long time investment of being mother and her time for family and children, to always remember her hard work. Yesterday we were children today we are parents and tomorrow we will be like children in our old age. The cycle of life goes on and the centre piece of this cycle is mother. Let us Let us all decide to be in touch with mother wherever we are whether we are with her or away, make her feel loved and cared and important.
Lo v e Y o u Mo m !
By: Nafisa Siddiqui I have been blessed with the best mother in the world. She is intelligent, persistant, loving, caring and she is a survivor. She graduated as one of top students in her class, she is a debater, business woman, poet, writer and a caregiver. She is selfless when it comes to her family always puts our needs before hers. She taught us to always keep our heads held high no matter what.
‘ My Mo m
i s s o Ki n d ”
By: Zoya My grandmother, my Ammi is kind, persevering, and the most selfless person I know. She is just like every beautiful flower and plant in her garden, every small fragile flower like her unwavering kindness, every delicately curved thorn like her toughness, every broad leaf like how much love she has in her heart, and every root like how she keeps our family strong together. Even though so many things have happened in her long life, she keeps on going and strives for happiness, like every plant and flower who survives every winter and comes back more and more beautiful every spring. She is the one white rose in the red rosebush, she is different, beautiful, and she always thinks about her family before herself., with love
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