SKALDA// a playful intervention.

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A ‘377 photo- booklet, ordered chronologically, documenting stages from conceptual to final phases.

Mirco Azzopardi


Shoutout to SACES for giving us the opportunity to physically ing Mattea & Samuel Ciantar for their initiative, help & suppo

This booklet is in no way portraying a personal project, or individual talent. ‘SKALDA’ was nothing short of a team effort. This booklet was only compiled by one of the projects leaders, due to a ‘inner’ need to compile the long process from conceptual to final stages.


y build in Valletta, as well as all other entities involved, includort throughout the construction process, documented below. Marsamxett Coast// Valletta

WHAT, WHY ? SKALDA aims to enhance a site that was already sufficient. This interven

ntion gives users the additional comfort that the area previously lacked. Better accessibility to the


*’DAY’s listed throughout the booklet do not represent dated events tha stones/ phases in the workshop process, and may not have occurred c

sea through steps and a platform allures local and foreign visitors to enjoy and appreciate one o


at happened after each other, in a dated manner, but rather mileconsecutively after each other.

of Malta’s greatest characteristics, its coast. A seating area and storage shelving provide further


Encouraging people to fully appreciate the site, as we unleash its full potential. The structure suit


ts the needs of all its users, ranging from fishermen, to tourists to local families, through its ad-

-adaptable and playful design. A design that does not overshadow, but rather, complement the su

urrounding rock in which it is contoured. Despite being hidden in its surroundings, concealed


the main road above, its presence is marked by additional stone steps at the coastal border that


t attract passers by to discover what lays ahead. SKALDA goes beyond an additional structure to


the coast. It encapsulates a journey to the waters of Marsamxett harbour, a sustainable preserva


ation of the coast and a social space for its users. SKALDA aims to enhance a site that was al-

ready sufficient. This intervention gives users the additional comfort that the area previously lack

ked. Better accessibility to the sea through steps and a platform allures local and foreign visitors

-ready sufficient. This intervention gives users the additional comfort that the area previously lac

cked. Better accessibility to the sea through steps and a platform allures local and foreign visitors


to enjoy and appreciate one of Malta’s greatest characteristics, its coast. A seating area and stor


rage shelving provide further comfort and usability, encouraging people to fully appreciate the

DAY +6- 9/11/20

site, as we unleash its full potential. The structure suits the needs of all its users, ranging from fis

shermen, to tourists to local families, through its adaptable and playful design. A design that

DAY +7- 10/11/20

does not overshadow, but rather, complement the surrounding rock in which it is contoured. Des

spite being hidden in its surroundings, concealed from the main road above, its presence is

marked by additional stone steps at the coastal border that attract passers by to discover what la

ays ahead. SKALDA goes beyond an additional structure to the coast. It encapsulates a journey

DAY +8- 11/11/20

to the waters of Marsamxett harbour, a sustainable preservation of the coast and a social space

e for its user. the main road above, its presence is marked by additional stone steps at the coasta

the main road above, its presence is marked by additional stone steps at the coastal border that

t attract passers by to discover what lays ahead. SKALDA goes beyond an additional structure to

o the coast. It encapsulates a journey to the waters of Marsamxett harbour, a sustainable preserv

vation of the coast and a social space for its users.

site, as we unleash its full potential. The structure suits the needs of all its users, ranging from fis

shermen, to tourists to local families, through its adaptable and playful design. A design that

does not overshadow, but rather, complement the surrounding rock in which it is contoured. Desp

pite being hidden in its surroundings, concealed from the main road above, its presence is


marked by additional stone steps at the coastal border that attract passers by to discover what la


ays ahead. SKALDA goes beyond an additional structure to the coast. It encapsulates a journey

to the waters of Marsamxett harbour, a sustainable preservation of the coast and a social space

for its user.

I knew we achieved what we wanted when we had people using (sitting, talking, resting, storing, leaning, jumping, running...)/ Socializing around/ on the installation while we were STILL constructing it...




... what came in the coming weeks reassured my thoughts, & was thrilled in seeing it amalgamate & accepted in ‘becoming part of’ the community.

L-ewwel proġett bl-isem ta’ “Skalda” kien jinvolvi l-bini ta’ struttura li se tagħti aċċess lill-pubbliku sabiex ikun jista’ jinżel jew jersaq lejn il-baħar ħdejn il-Forti Sant’Iermu. L-istruttura li wkoll tikkumplimenta l-ambjent tal-madwar inkluż il-ġebel, għandha l-għan sabiex lill-pubbliku twasslu f’vjaġġ lejn il-kosta ta’ Marsamxett u tagħti lill-pubbliku spazju li qabel ma’ kellux.

Ftit jiem qabel ma bdew il-lezzjonijiet fl-Università ta’ Malta, l-istudenti tal-arkitettura qattgħu tlett ijiem sħaħ jibnu strutturi sabiex isebbħu u jsaħħu l-aċċessibilità ħdejn il-kosta fil-Belt Valletta.







This booklet only documents the first few weeks of ‘SKALDA’ left alone to integrate in the space. If visiting or viewing activity on SKALDA, please take photos & send on instagram to @mircroaming. This is the only way to measure ‘SKALDA’s’ success.

Mirco Azzopardi


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