Invitation to Understanding Islam Life in the Grave The Prophet (pbuh) was reported to have said: "The grave is either one of the gardens of Paradise or one of the pits of Hell." [Tirmizi] In Islam, death is the end of this life and there is no returning to this life in any form. Life does not end at death. Belief in life after death is a basic principle of Islam. The Noble Qur'an says, "Then Allah causes him to die and assigns to him a grave; then when Allah Wills, raise him to life again." [80:21-22] Everyone will be raised from the 'grave' on the Day of Judgment [ioo:9], regardless of whether he or she was buried or not. The body that was destroyed in a flood or fire will be in the earth at its place of death. Life in the grave is a state of transition and waiting. It is also known as barzakh which means 'a barrier between two things'. Barzakh is 'a barrier' between the worlds the dead had just left and their Resurrection on the Day of Judgment. [23:100] The passing of the dead to the world of grave coincides with the beginning of their awakening to The Truth. The Noble Qur'an says, "And the agony of death comes with the Truth. That is what [the disbelievers and evildoers] used to flee from!" [so: 19] ISLAMIC OUTREACH-ABIM 3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tehî?4256 9822 Fax: î?42574500
Razumjeti Islam ŽIVOT U GROBU Izviješteno je da je Poslanik (s.a.w.s.) rekao: "Grob je ili jedan od rajskih vrtova ili jedan od ponora pakla." [Tirmizi] U Islamu, smrt je kraj ovog života i nema povratka u ovaj život u bilo kojem obliku. Život ne završava smrću. Vjera u život poslije smrti osnovna je postavka Islama. Plemeniti Kur'an kaže, "Tada Allah učini da umre i određuje mu grob; tada kad Allah hoće, uzdigne ga opet u život." [80:21-22] Svi će biti dignuti iz 'groba' na Sudnji Dan [100:9], bez obzira je li on ili ona bio(la) sahranjen(a) ili nije. Tijelo koje je bilo uništeno u poplavi ili vatri nalazit će se u zemlji na mjestu njegove smrti. Život u grobu je stanje prijelaza i čekanja. Također je poznato kao barzakh što znači 'granica između dvije stvari'. Barzakh je 'granica' između svjetova koje su mrtvi upravo napustili i njihovog uskrsnuća na Sudnji Dan. [23:100] Prelaskom mrtvih u svijet groba počinje njihovo buđenje u Istinu. Plemeniti Kur'an kaže, "I agonija smrti dolazi sa Istinom. To je ono čemu su [nevjernici i zločinitelji] htjeli izbjeći" [50: 19] ISLAMIC OUTREACH-ABIM 3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Teh+603-4256 9822 Fax: +603-42574500
Their greed for material things and physical pleasures (that obstructed them from knowing The Truth) are removed at death. Thus the first request of the disbelievers and evildoers at death is to be returned to their former life. "0 Lord, send me back so that I may do good deeds in the world that I have left behind." [23:99-100] This request will not be granted. There will be no more opportunity to do good deeds and the door of repentance for their bad deeds is permanently closed before death. The souls of the righteous ones experience a gentle, quick and satisfied exit. Their souls will be taken to the heavens. Their names will be recorded in the Register of Paradise [Illiyun] before they are returned to their graves. [83:18] The disbelievers and the evildoers will realize at death about the Punishment in the Fire that awaits them. They will struggle to prevent the removal of their souls from their bodies. They will be in great pain as their blood vessels and nerves are ripped apart when their souls are forcibly removed. The Prophet (pbuh) was reported to have said that if human beings could hear their cries at death, they would faint. Their names will be recorded in the Register of Hell [Sijjeen]. [83:7-8] The Prophet (pbuh) was reported to have said: "If one does not find salvation in the grave, then what follows is very hard upon him."
[Ibn Majah and Tirmizi] "I have never seen a sight more horrifying than the grave." [Tirmizi] Life in the grave begins with questioning by two Angels, Munkar and Nakir (pbut). The dead will be questioned about their Lord, religion. Messenger, direction of prayer and brothers and sisters (ummah). The righteous ones will answer with ease. They will be rewarded with spacious graves. Their good deeds will become personified and be pleasant company for them in their graves, They will enjoy their Paradise life in the grave itself. They will beg to Allah to bring the Day of Judgment soon so that they can enter and dwell in Paradise permanently. The disbelievers and the evildoers will not be able to answer the questions asked by the two Angels. They will be hit so hard with an iron hammer that everything near them (except jinn and human beings) will hear their screams. [Bukhari & Muslim] They will be put in dark and narrow graves. Their bodies will be so tightly pressed that one side of their ribs will crash into the other. They will be in great pain. With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan)
Njihova pohlepa za materijalnim stvarima i fizičkim užicima (koji su ih sprečavali da saznaju Istinu) smrću se uklanjaju. Zato je prva molba nevjernika i zločinitelja kad umru da budu vraćeni svojem prošlom životu. "O Gospodaru, pošalji me natrag tako da mogu činiti dobra djela na svijetu koji sam napustio." [23:99-100] Ovom zahtjevu neće biti udovoljeno. Neće više biti prilike da se čine dobra djela i vrata pokajanja za njihova loša djela trajno su se zatvorila prije smrti. Duše kreposnih iskuse blag, brz i zadovoljan izlazak. Njihove će duše biti uzete na nebo. Njihova će imena biti zapisana u Popisu Raja [Illiyun] prije nego budu vraćeni svojim grobovima. [83:18] Nevjernici i zločinitelji će kad umru saznati o kazni u vatri koja ih očekuje. Oni će se boriti da spriječe izlazak njihovih duša iz njihovih tijela. Oni će biti u velikim bolovima kad njihove krvne žile i živci budu iskidani dok im duše budu silom uklanjane. Poslanik (s.a.w.s.) je rekao da kad bi ljudi mogli čuti njihove krikove u smrti, onesvijestili bi se. Njihova će imena biti zapisana u Popisu Pakla [Sijjeen]. [83:7-8] Poslanik (s.a.w.s.) je rekao: "Ako netko ne nađe spas u grobu, tada je ono što mu slijedi veoma teško." [Ibn Majah and Tirmizi]
"Nikad nisam vidio užasnijeg mjesta nego što je grob." [Tirmizi] Život u grobu počinje ispitivanjem dvaju Anđela, Munkar i Nakir (pbut). Umrli će biti pitan o njegovom Gospodaru religiji, Poslaniku, kome se moli i braći i sestrama (ummah). Pravedni će lako odgovoriti. Oni će biti nagrađeni posebnim grobovima. Njihova će se dobra djela uosobiti i bit će im ugodno društvo u njihovim grobovima. Oni će uživati Rajski život već u samom grobu. Oni će moliti Allaha da brzo bude Sudnji dan tako da oni mogu ući i stalno biti u Raju. Nevjernici i zločinitelji neće moći odgovoriti na pitanja koja im postave dva Anđela. Oni će tako jako biti udarani željeznim čekićem da će sve u njihovoj blizini (izuzevši džina i ljudi) čuti njihove vriskove. [Bukhari & Muslim] Oni će biti stavljeni u tamne i tijesne grobove. Tijela će im biti tako tijesno stisnuta da će im se rebra sudarati. Oni će biti u velikim bolovima. With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan)
The Prophet (pbuh) narrated the agony of one whose mouth was torn right up to the back of his head. [Bukhari] The punishment in the grave is a continuous torment. The Qur'an mentions as an example the evil Pharaohs. They will be brought to the Fire "morning and evening" [40:46] before they are thrown into Hell on Judgment Day for more severe punishment. The disbelievers and evildoers will beg to Allah not to establish the Day of Judgment so that they can be spared the permanent Punishment in the Hell-fire. Allah The Almighty says that the Day of Judgment is "sure to come when every soul will be given what it has earned and there shall be no injustice." [3:25] Let us seek Allah's forgiveness and Mercy before death overtakes us. Allah The Most Merciful says: "0 Believers! Turn to Allah in true, sincere repentance." [66:8]. May Allah The Most Merciful spare us from the Punishment of the Grave. Ameen. The dead do not become ghosts! Neither do they 'possess' the bodies of the living nor haunt houses and buildings. Spirit mediums and clairvoyants work with deviated jinn (spirit beings) to fool people into believing that they contacted and spoke to the dead! Our best defenses against these deviated jinn are complete trust in Allah as The Best Protector and supplication {du'a). Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D
Poslanik (s.a.w.s.) je pričao o agoniji onoga čija su usta bila razderana sve do njegovog potiljka. [Bukhari] Kazna u grobu je trajno mučenje. Kur'an kao primjer navodi zle faraone. Oni će biti stavljani u vatru "ujutro i navečer" [40:46] prije nego budu bačeni u Pakao na Sudnji Dan na još veće kažnjavanje. Nevjernici i zločinci će moliti Allaha da ne bude Sudnjeg Dana kako bi mogli biti pošteđeni trajnog kažnjavanja u vatri Pakla. Allah Svemoćni kaže da će Sudnji Dan "sigurno doći kad će svakoj duši biti dano što je zavrijedila i da neće biti nepravde." [3:25] Potražimo oproštaj i milost od Allaha prije nego nas stigne smrt. Allah Najmilostiviji kaže: "O vjernici! Obratite se Allahu , u pravom iskrenom pokajanju." [66:8]. Neka nas Allah Najmilostiviji poštedi od Grobne Kazne. Ameen. Mrtvi ne postaju duhovima! Oni ne 'zauzimaju' tijela živih niti obilaze kuće i građevine. Spiritualni mediji i vidoviti surađuju sa džinovima (duhovnim bićima) koji su skrenuli sa Pravog Puta da zaluđuju ljude vjerom da su oni kontaktirali i razgovarali sa mrtvima! Naša najbolja obrana od ovih skrenulih džinova je potpuno vjerovanje da je Allah naš najbolji Zaštitnik, i molitva{du'a).
Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D