1 minute read
from Mirvari Magazine
by ASB Fitness is important for people to introduce to their lives. For some people even though it may seem like a side hobby, fitness is actually much more than just a physical activity.
Fitness is important for everyone. Children, adolescents, and adults of all ages need regular physical activity. Physical activity promotes good health, but besides that, it improves mental health, reduces stress, and increases self-confidence.
The world is a busy place. When one chooses to do a sport, they choose to focus on moving at the pace they want to, rather than the pace the world dictates, which gives the person a time out from the world. Another way fitness impacts one’s mental health is that it is a great mood booster. For instance, in swimming rhythmic breathing, total immersion at the moment, and a connection of mind and body- the perfect mindfulness ingredients, and they all come included in every swim session making you feel better and relaxed from all the busyness of the outside world.
Stress is one of the common feelings most people experience. In other words, stress is all over the world. Some people stress about school, some stress about life, and some stress about what to eat for dinner, etc. Stress comes in many forms and produces many symptoms. Mental symptoms range from worry, insomnia, anger, and hostility, or sensations of dread, foreboding, and even panic.
But exercise and other physical activity produce endorphins-chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers. Endorphins are the only “feel-good” chemicals released through exercising. The body will also produce serotonin, norepinephrine, BDNF, and dopamine, the reward chemical. All of which have huge positive benefits for the mind. The combination of these five chemicals will boost one’s mood, and help to relieve both anxiety and depression.
Lastly, fitness is a great source of selfconfidence. Exercise is all about setting goals and achieving a series of goals. As a person achieves things it promotes a sense of accomplishment by helping one to meet small, successful goals, and as people meet their goals they get more successful at it and it builds self-confidence. In conclusion, fitness should be included in everyone’s life. It shouldn’t be kept away.