Work and Life Portofolio

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University Projects

Public Park Design Course

City Block Design Course Studio

Design Competition

Community Engagement


LabTanya is a design-based research lab, an initiative unit under AWD (Adhi WIswakarma Desantara) Architecture Studio. Established in order to gain broader perspectives to explore alternative possibilities within architectural practices (in term of approaches, and its final output) that are relevant to people’s everyday life. If it is true that architecture is a cultural work, not a mere a creation of physical construction, It is important for architecture to be more open, fluid, organic, and put distance from ‘final’. Furthermore, it should also be relevant to people’s life, as well as its potentials and challenges. Relevant architecture is the architecture that is adjacent to everyday life.

“Recurring and more complex, maybe those words describe our daily problems best. Probably they are signs that indicate irrelevancy in our life?” , that was the premise that is used in LabTanya’s current project, Bagaimana Jika? (“What If?”). Furthermore, there are some questions that arose from the premise. Such as, If there is any irrelevancy, why does it still linger around for such a long time? Is it because it was difficult to spot, that it was perceived to be something normal and normative? Is it because of the absent of other relevant alternatives? Moreover, does the irrelevancy exist because of our perception that everything we have are final and unchangeable? Are those things the ones that clouded our minds, in our search of relevant alternatives? Bagaimana Jika? aims to get a closer perspective into those unknown, tries to explore it through an imagination-based approach. The approach is not only used to explore and understand that strange new realm, but also to get rid of its absurdity, to clear the path in finding the relevant alternatives. Imagination does not only provide flexibility, but also free our minds from fear. It can be very personal, but at the same time can drive active participations. It can be both of creative and recreational activities. Further, this project also explores the possibilities to go beyond concepts and ideas, to make them to be more grounded, by turning them into real things in 1:1 scale. Realized Imagination, Imaginative Reality: Bagaimana Jika?.

not all human activities in a city demanding to formally spaced, massive, much less permanent forms.. this attempt is often perceived in general as the progress of a development, which on the other hand encourage physical development of the city, but also causes massive environmental damage the existing space in the city holds the potentiality of redefined further for accommodating public activities vibrant city with a diversity of spaces concatenated, can be encouraged through liquid, flexible, and also not permanent spatial programs and activities of its citizens.

BukaStudio is a monthly gathering and discussion events, held in Bintaro with various numbers of participants and speaker. The topic often relates on city, architecture, daily lives and design thinking, tackling issues and speaks about new ideas. The main speakers are selected from professionals in each topics, and the presentation are given to broaden the knowledge and viewpoints in particular issues. In the end, BukaStudio aimes to form a community of young and creative architects and thinker in Jakarta.

BukaStudio Architecture as Event

Architectural design practices often able to deliver on many valuable findings. But unfortunately these findings often lose their full potential when on ‘early’ stage architect already perceived the result will culminate in physical construction. Through the introduction and discussion of this topic: Architecture as Event, all expected participants and “What If?” researcher and activities can see the alternative ending of architectural design practice journey. An Event, may also be read as an ‘event’ -which is composed of complex-knitted material, not only would be an alternative, it will be the fundamental facts of the architectural work - if architecture wants to be accepted not as an artifact but as a cultural work (relevant for that) life.

BukaStudio Public Space

Awareness of the existence of the others, is common sense that supports living in the city. This common sense is then tested and at the same time being builds in physical form: public space. So, is it exaggerating if most of the increasingly complex problems in the life of our city today, originated from the weak construction of public space based on the common sense? Citing Marco Kusumawijaya in his book, ‘Kota Rumah Kita’: “city public space requires civicness that institutionalized in manners, on the basis of a clear moral and adhered together. It is very important to ensure no collapse of urban life, which essentially is the diversity in the proximity / density. Conversely, without a true public space, urban communities lose the opportunity for real interaction space, which is a blessing and a diversity in the nature of proximity / density “. Given the function and the important role, how and what are the strategies that can be done to present a public space that is ‘solid’, in the middle of the constraints, also able to identify and manage potential (cultural, social, economic, political, spatial arrangement) - which one still relevant and which are no longer relevant?

BukaStudio Creative City

City often referred to as the peak of creativity and human civilization. The city is also considered as an important experiment of mankind in the context of diversity in density. Diversity and the density become a blessing that is ‘managed’ to push, grow and develop critical ideas that will make the city to keep sane and resilient. The problems that arise in urban living is not seen as an obstacle, but rather as an important driver of creativity. In this perspective then creative city becomes meaningful. The question then is: how the city is able to push the birth of critical ideas as a creative capital and also form a relation with its future (either success or the downfall)? Or further, how to look at creativity as a matter of instinct and also a fundamental part of a city, that it could avoid the effort to make it as just a commodity, which are vulnerable and not durable? How will the creative city able to be interpreted as critical community life, active and close participatory to the context of the problems of everyday life, and could it surpass the deficiencies and lack of physical infrastructure? In other words, to not just become a city filled with creative people (as profession / work background)?

BukaStudio Detail

In General, detail is defined as a small part of something, a part of a whole. A whole, composed of the fabric (portion) which is the small parts. The quality of these small parts and also the complexity or simplicity of the fabric of the establishment will determine the value of a whole. In the practice of design, detail is often understood as a determinant of quality. Value and appreciation arises not just from what is obvious and looks great. Values ​​ and a strong appreciation would often present at small and may be invisible or overlooked, the presece specify its vital role. However, detail is not just a result, it is also the reason behind the long process of designing. In the detail, there is a strong motive that can be read, the origin of the design process. It is the alpha and omega as well. Not surprisingly, Mies van der Rohe confidently said: “God is in the details”. Furthermore, when the work is believed to be the work of design culture, which is close to the everyday people (both potential and complexity of the problem), then how ‘detail’ become the key? Details are challenged to have a broad spectrum, as the ‘cause’: how it became a strong motif in favor of the potential and qualities hidden (or deliberately hidden?) in everyday society. In favor of things that are often considered small, invisible and unimportant, but saved the important qualities that will push a lot of good. Therefore, as a ‘result’: how it was then able to present as ‘water and fresh air’ in the middle of increasingly complex issues in everyday society. Through the ‘detail’, it is not enough and will not settle for just ‘swimming on the surface’, it is necessary to dive (with patience and mindfulness) to get much more basic, that is the essence. In the end, there is no ‘big’ matters, because it is a collection-circuit-tangle of ‘small’ matters.

BukaStudio Web Design

Personal Projects

The main idea was how to create bedroom with many function in small spaces available. I have a room with the size 3x4m and I wanted to insert a bed, small library, reading place, vinyl player stand and shelves. First idea was to combine the bed with library, and the bookshelf will hang above the bed. But then I discovered that it will be too inconvenient to arrange it that way as I will need to build tall stair to access the top shelves. In addition, there are risk that some book will be falling and hitting me would be quite worrysome. Therefore, I change the design by “floating� the bed, and divide the bookshelf area into two part; above and below. This way the bad can act as subtitue of the stair, and and the area under can be a reading space. It took me 2 weeks for the design process and 2 months for the construction phase. I did this project by myself except the bunk bed construction phase where I need help from other people to raise the upper bookshelf and the bed parts. The whole construction progress was documented and posted on vimeo. The construction video can be accessed at

Books and Publications

banjar.sungai.arsitektur Banjar.River.Architecture

Job Description : Sketch Artist, Contributor Publisher : IMA FTUI Year : 2010 ISBN : 978-979-22-5914-8

The book is produced as Ekskursi Banjar; Antara Dua Dunia research publications purpose. The Content of this book consists of a description of local culture that resides above the river. At the end, we tried to explain how is life on the water affects the shape and space in their homes.

Ragam Pesona Kalimantan Barat The Diverse Charms of West Kalimantan Job Description : Article Contributor Publisher : Yayasan Bumi Khatulistiwa Year : 2011 ISBN : 978-602-98805-0-2

This book made by the request of a local institution called Bumi Khatulistiwa. They want me and 3 other friends to explore West Kalimantan to learn about the cultures and make a book about what we learned. From the journey, we found out that there are three dominant cultures; the Dayak people, Melayu people, and Tionghoa people. This book is still in editing progress.

ALOR living celebration Job Description : Editor Publisher : IMA FTUI Year : 2011 ISBN : 978-602-98066-1-8

The book is produced as Ekskursi Alor; Living Celebration research publications purpose. The content of this book consists of an explanation of local culture, as well as details of the building and building processes. In keeping with the theme of Living Celebration, in the end of the book we discuss the relation between traditional architecture with their dance and ritual culture.

Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated. -Paul Rand


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