August 2022 Leisure Times

Page 24

Pre-Separation Briefing


Wednesday, Aug. 3 8:30–11 a.m. Monday, Aug. 15 1–3:30 p.m.


Required for all military personnel retiring/ separating. Must be completed after Initial Individualized counseling, prior to attending TAP class and NLT 365 days prior to date of separation/retirement. Ensures separating/retiring military members are informed of entitlements/ benefits they may be eligible for to assist them and family members with the transition to civilian life. Spouses/significant others are welcome and encouraged to attend on a space-available basis.

TSP 101

Thursday, Aug. 4 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. • • • • •

How to participate Matching and vesting Fund choices How your money grows in TSP Fulfills the MyVector Military Financial Touchpoint training requirement for retirement and vesting in TSP

Education Two-Day Track

Thursday, Aug. 4–Friday, Aug. 5 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

Two-day workshop facilitated by the Base Education Office. Service members pursuing a college education receive guidance to prepare for the college application process. Topics include identifying educational goals, education funding, and researching and comparing educational institutions. Upon completion, members will be ready to apply to the university or college of their choice. Please contact the Transition program manager register. to regi

Three-Day Transition Workshop


Remote Tour Brief

Mondays | Aug. 8 & 29 10–11 a.m. | 1–2 p.m. | 2:30–3:30 p.m.

Brief only required for military members, with dependents, who are projected to PCS to a remote location and in which dependents WILL NOT join the military member. *Complete NLT 60 days from departure date. Spouse attendance highly recommended.

My Spouse is Deploying. What Now? Thursday, Aug. 25 8:30 am–Noon Community Commons | Bldg. 1006, Bay 2

Highlight key areas of personal/family preparation for military spouses to work through the unique challenges of a deployment or extended TDY of 180+ days.

ファミ リー 24 | August 2022

Monday, Aug. 22– Wednesday, Aug. 24 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Required for all military personnel retiring/separating. Members can participate as early as 36 months before retirement/separation (after completing steps 1 & 2 prerequisites) and NLT 90 days prior to retirement/separation. The workshop consists of one day of training by DoD (Military Occupation Code Crosswalk & Finances and Managing your Transition), one day of VA benefits and services briefings, and a one-day Department of Labor Employment workshop. Spouses/significant others are welcome and encouraged to attend on a space-available basis.

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