The Miscellany News
Volume CXLVI | Issue 12
January 31, 2013
Since 1866 |
Vassar College Poughkeepsie, NY
Chan’s, Zorona closed indefinitely Sudden resignations strain VSA Council Vice President for Academics and Vice President for Student Life to be filled by appointment Carrie Plover
Guest RepoRteR
O Jiajing Sun/The Miscellany News
n Sunday, Jan. 27, Vassar Student Association (VSA) President Jason Rubin announced via email that the VSA Council would appoint successors to fill the currently vacant positions of Vice President for Academics and Vice President for Student Life. Matt Harvey ’13 and Michael Moore ’14 both stepped down from their positions for personal reasons; however, their resignations were separate occurrences. Moore is currently on a leave of absence from the College. Vice President for Operations Deb Steinberg and the Board of Elections had recommended
Local restaurants closed several weeks ago after a devastating fire which is still under investigation. See FIRE on page 4.
that both the Student Life and Academics positions be filled by appointment rather than through special election. The VSA Council confirmed this decision through a vote on Sunday. The position of Vice President for Student Life is officially described as the “primary liaison to the Dean of the College division. The VP for Student Life deals with all of the non-academic aspects of the Vassar experience, including Residential Life, Campus Dining, Security, and the Campus Life offices. Due to the close relationship between this position and the Dean of the College division, the VP for Student Life represents the student voice on a See VSA on page 4
Students Daily Show comedian ‘wintern’ Mo Rocca to visit VC over break Emma Daniels RepoRteR
Juan Bautista Dominguez Guest RepoRteR
Mo Rocca’s presentation this Tuesday will be in the form of an interview, and will explore the sometimes fuzzy boundary between “fake” and “real” news.
Women’s basketball seeks to clinch third consecutive Liberty League championship Christian Ladu Guest RepoRteR
W courtesy of Vassar Athletics
hen it comes to preparing for the inevitable leap from Vassar into the job market stress and anticipation combine resulting in emotions ranging from nervous excitement to sheer terror. Some write cover letters and update resumes with gusto and eagerness while others recoil and shudder at the thought of having to pay rent and meet real-world deadlines, where extensions are rarely awarded. Very much aware of all of these concerns, the Vassar College Career Development Office (CDO) works to make the transition as smooth as possible. The CDO’s Winter Break Shadowing Program, provided an opportunity for students to dip their toes into the workforce under the wing of an alumnus. Some hoped to stumble across an unexpected passion, while some simply crossed their fingers that the career path they have been working towards is one they truly want to pursue. The office’s Post-Baccalaureate Fellow, Matt Wheeler ’12 wrote in an emailed statement, “The goal of the Winter Break Shadowing Program was to offer students meaningful career and networking experiences over the winter break.” He explained that because winter break is not the optimal time See WINTERNSHIPS on page 8
hen asked about the difference between his roles as a Daily Show contributor and a CBS correspondent, humorist and political satirist Mo Rocca said in an online interview: “I get paid now and I may get insurance.” This year’s Krieger Memorial Lecture: “Fake News vs. Real News: Just How Fine is the Line?” will address this distinction, amongst others, between Rocca’s jobs. Given Rocca’s reputation for his off the cuff, con-
courtesy of Thom Kaine
versationalist attitude, he will be giving his lecture in the format of a live interview with Louise Dufresne ’13 on Tuesday, February 5th at 8:00 pm on the second floor of the Students’ Building. The Krieger Memorial Lecture is given annually in memory of Alex Krieger ’95, who was killed in an automobile accident during the spring of his freshman year. Candidates are primarily public figures that somehow embody Krieger’s interest in witty American writing, and past lecSee MO ROCCA on page 15
Women’s basketball has won its third Liberty League championship in a row, putting the record at 7-3. The team is gunning for playoff contention.
hile most of the student body has enjoyed a wonderful month away from Vassar whether relaxing at home, hitting the slopes, or pursuing internships, the women’s basketball team has been grinding away in their relentless pursuit of a third straight Liberty League championship. Since starting up again with the December 29 game against Widener College, the team has gone 7-3 (14-4 on the season) and is squarely in playoff contention. Key to the team’s success this year is the sheer energy that the team puts into its play. Though the exact schemes may switch defensively
from matchup to matchup, the activity levels and pressure that the Vassar women apply to their opponents keeps them out of their comfort zones, forcing bad shots and turnovers. Once possession is gained there is no let up in pace, as Coach Brown encourages her players to attack in transition, and fleet guards sophomore Nyah Berg and freshman Caitlin Drakeley often find success going the full length of the court after a long rebound. This policy of constant attack both defensively and offensively is made possible by the impressive depth of the Vassar team, stated senior forward Natalie Allen. “The biggest See WOMEN’S B-BALL on page 18
Miscellany News spring interest meeting this Friday, February 2 at 5pm in the Faculty Parlor. Free pizza! Inside this issue
Highs and lows: juniors share their tales from abroad
Staff Editorial: our thoughts on Obama’s second inaugural
“Fill it with dirt,” and other strategies to avoid the fiscal cliff