Title: The 10 Commandments Learning Objectives: 1. To be able to explain the purpose of the 10 Commandments 2. To consider how following these 10 Commandments might influence someone’s life
Common Assessment Feedback 1. Read through all of my comments. 2. Complete the Question/Action for Homework: Progress. You must take this home and get it signed by a 3. Write out an spellings four times parent/guardian. 4. Choose a target for your CA and write it on the front of your booklet
Survival in the desert You are travelling in a group of 100 people across the desert, you have been travelling for three months. You have plenty of food and water and shelter. Consider: Would it be important for everyone to get on? What would be some of the problems you might meet? What rules might you need to make? What might it be like with no rules? On each table come up with five rules that everyone on the journey must follow.
• The Hebrews (Abraham’s descendants) were walking through the desert looking for the Promised Land. • There were thousands of people so there had to be rules. • God gave the Hebrews the Ten Commandments, because they were starting to misbehave. • The commandments gave the people a code for living together in peace. • Jewish and Christian people still obey these commandments today. • Most of the worlds laws are based around these commandments.
The 10 Commandments 1. Read through each of the 10 Commandments. 2. Cut out the boxes 3. Put them into the order of the most important to the least important. Be ready to explain why your opinion. Ext. What other categories could you split the Commandments into?
1. Do not worship any other gods.
2. Don’t make any images or sculptures and worship them.
3. Do not misuse God’s name.
4. Don’t work on the Sabbath (or make others work for you). (The Sabbath is Saturday for Jewish people and Sunday for Christians)
5. Children – respect your parents.
6. Do not murder.
7. Do not commit adultery (sleep with someone who is not your husband / wife).
8. Do not steal.
9. Don’t lie.
10. Don’t be jealous of your neighbours possessions
In your books… 1. Glue in the 10 Commandments in the order of most to least important. 2. Write; I think … is the most important because… I think … is the least important because… 3. Which do you think are the easiest to keep? Why? 4. Which do you think are the hardest to keep? Why?
Demonstrate “‘Do not murder’ is the most important of the 10 Commandments.’ Do you agree?
‘Do not murder’ is the most important of the 10 Commandments.
Have we been successful? 1. To be able to explain the purpose of the 10 Commandments 2. To consider how following these 10 Commandments might influence someone’s life
Homework Create a piece of artwork to represent the 10 Commandments. It could be a collage, a painting, a drawing or a model. (Or something else, surprise me!) The best will receives postcards. Due.