June 2013 LCEF on the Move

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June 2013

On the Move

Dear Friends, Welcome to the June issue of On the Move. It is hard to believe that we are already nearing the midpoint of the year. Schools have either finished for summer break or will be doing so very soon. Thoughts are turning to vacations and other summer activities. I pray your time will be blessed. June also marks a very important month for Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF). It is during this month that we celebrate another year of God’s blessings on LCEF as an organization and all that it does in support of congregations, Rostered Church Workers, and other ministries of the LCMS. This year, LCEF is celebrating its 35th anniversary and we offer our pledge to continue our service as a servant partner offering loans to congregations, schools, Recognized Service Organizations, and Rostered Church Workers, as well as a variety of Ministry Support resources for use by ministries throughout the church. Speaking of Rostered Church Workers, please join me in praying for all those who are completing their studies at our seminaries and universities and will be entering their ministries as pastors, teachers, Directors of Christian Education, and other professional positions. Many of these servants of the Word will be relocating to the community they will be serving and will use an LCEF loan to purchase a home in the area. I could share story after story from workers throughout the LCMS who would never have had the opportunity to purchase a home without the help of LCEF. Your investment in LCEF provides funds for loans not only to new pastors and teachers, but for all who serve our congregations and schools in a rostered position. The third Sunday in June (this year June 16) is traditionally recognized as Father’s Day. I want to take an opportunity to commend all fathers who diligently seek to provide for their families and provide guidance and leadership (especially spiritual leadership) in their family units. I pray that God will give each of us who serve as fathers a special measure of wisdom, discernment, patience, and love as we do all we can to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those entrusted to us as family members, Thanks again for your past, present, and future support of LCEF. In HIS Service, Dennis Klussman LCEF Vice President

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