October 2011 Dear Friends, Welcome to the October issue of LCEF on the Move. I continue to be amazed at how it appears that the happiness of so many Americans is tied to the performance of the economy. Every snippet of financial information is dissected and then categorized as positive or negative (sometimes both) and then we wait to see how the markets will further digest this data. As Christians, we know that the only true source of happiness is our loving God who reached out in love to a world that rejected Him and provided a solution to the real problem in our lives – sin. Once one considers that our Savior, Jesus Christ, dealt with the ultimate problem in our lives and restored us to be what God wants us to be – His adopted sons and daughters, everything else pales in comparison. Furthermore, our loving God has promised to provide us with everything we need for this life – so our worries about a roller-coaster economy really bear no fruit. Lutheran Church Extension Fund continues to do all it can to support the ministries of congregations and other entities within the LCMS. We have loan dollars available for those who need to build or expand. We have a range of services designed to help congregations better serve their community and be more effective in ministry. We have a record of financial strength that is the envy of financial institutions while maintaining as a priority the support of mission and ministry. There is no way that LCEF can do what it does without the support of our faithful investors. So, once again, I thank you for your support of LCEF. Your investments do really make a difference and, with God’s blessing, will continue to do so in the future. Thanks again for your past, present, and future support of LCEF. In HIS Service, Dennis Klussman LCEF Vice President