LCEF September 2011 Missouri Newsletter

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September 2011 Dear Friends, Welcome to the September 2011 edition of LCEF on the Move. It is hard to believe that in just a few days we will remember the tragic events of September 11, 2001 when nearly 3,000 people lost their lives in the horrific attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and over the skies of Pennsylvania. It was one of those days that anyone who was alive at the time will always remember where they were when they heard the news and what they did in the hours and days that followed. The concept of remembering significant events is Biblical. On numerous occasions, God commanded His people to erect a monument or to commemorate the anniversary of an event with a special activity. It was just a few weeks ago that I celebrated my birthday. As I advance in years, I probably do not celebrate birthdays with the same level of excitement and anticipation that I did when I was a child or even as a teenager or young adult. However, one celebration that I try never to forego is that of my baptism, which happened a little more than three weeks after my birth. It is the most significant event in my life, far surpassing world events or even my wedding date or the birth of my children. It is the date that a Loving God reached down from Heaven to claim me by water and Word as His own child for now and for eternity. I do not remember the day, but God asks me to remember the significance of the day. He asks me to live each day as an anniversary of the day of my baptism – a constant remembrance of His love to me and to all in this world. As redeemed children of our Loving God, we are called not only to remember, but also to action. I pray that each of you will take opportunity to witness your faith in the God who called you to new life in baptism to a world that remains in the darkness of sin. I also pray that God will bless our churches as they proclaim the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ and welcome members of His family through baptism. As churches carry out their ministry, it is also great to know that entities like Lutheran Church Extension Fund exist to support and encourage our congregations in ministry. I thank each of you for your support of LCEF and assure you that we will continue to do all we can to support our Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and all its members and partners as well collectively seek to encourage people in their lives of witness, mercy, and in their relationships with others. In HIS Service, Dennis Klussman LCEF Vice President

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