The Patter ~~~~ Pilot Club Of Ocala ~~~~ May 2013 Edition PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE
2012 - 2013 Club Officers President - Cindy Williams President Elect - Crystal Bratcher Recording Secretary - Nancy Bierema
Dear Pilots, I hope everyone enjoyed our last meeting as much as I did. It is inspiring to see and listen to our Anchors speak so enthusiastically
Corresponding Secretary - Carole Vitale
about what they have accomplished in the past year. We are so
Treasurer - Bonnie Palmieri
very fortunate to be a part of the Florida District; we have over
2011-2013 Director - Helen Helvenston
1500 Anchors, 3 Scholarship Houses and over 30 Pilot Clubs.
2012-2104 Director - Lisa Anderson 2012-2013 Director - Bonnie Palmieri
2012 - 2013 Special Appointees Membership -
Thank you Pilots for bringing your great ideas to the Plan of Works meeting last Saturday. If all the ideas are passed, we are going to have a very busy and fun year ahead of us. For those that don't already know, I have some exciting news; our
Projects - Helen Helvenston
club will be receiving 5 new members effective July 1st. The
Fundraising - Carole Vitale
Sumter County Pilot Club had to make the heartbreaking decision
Anchor - Missy Ridgway Chaplain - Susan Graggs Parliamentarian - DJ Ferguson PIF Representative - Carole Vitale
to turn in their Charter, due to reduction of members, mainly because of health reasons. The silver lining is, that our club will be the recipient of 5 very sweet and dedicated Pilots; one of which was a Past Florida District Governor. Let's give them a warm welcome!
Patter Editor - Missy Ridgway
Hope to see you all at the next meeting. Cindy Williams President
Gov. Rene' Naughtons' Focus
Altogether, we make a GREAT Team!!!
The Tic tockers Team Members are the cooks for the event!! Just a reminder in case you don’t remember what team you were on, if your name is in the list, then you need to bring something to eat with you! Carol Carpenter, Sue Havel, Lisa Anderson, Susan Gragg, Missy Ridgway, Connie VanRyzin, Linda Sanders, Carole Vitale, Joan Hulsey and Lee Sanders
1:30-5:30pm at the Paddock Branch Post Office - Help sort food for Interfaith! Wear comfortable clothes, tennis shoes and come ready to work your abs by bending all afternoon!
June is our Annual Changing of the Officers on the Board‌.so members of the Old Board will be meeting with members of the New Board in June. The meeting will be on Thursday, June 13th at 5:30pm in the meeting room at the public Library.
This is a very special evening for our Pilot Club and our New Officers We will be having a Pot Luck Dinner starting at 6:30pm so be there a little before so we can get everything set up and ready before that time. Members are to bring something to go with Ham and the dessert will be provided too so only bring side dishes!!
The 2013-2014 Board will meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month beginning in July at Highlands Baptist Church - Crystal will be providing more detials.
Crystal is planning to have a few special guests with her that evening and is hoping to see all the Club Members as well.
Pilot Club of Ocala ~ Pilot International Headquarters Florida Anchor District ~ Anchor Clubs International St John Anchor Club ~ Belleview High Anchor Club Search under key words: Anchor & Pilot to find Clubs all over the World
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In April several of the Ocala Anchors from Trinity Catholic, North Marion, Bellview High and St John Lutheran came and reported on the successes of their past year and plans for the new year…WOW they are busy working hard to change our community one project at a time and an inspiration to us all.....if only we had their energy!!!
As you know by now, our very own Nancy Bierema is the 2013-2014 FL District Governor Elect. She will be installed as the 2014-2015 Governor at the April 2014 FL District Convention in Jacksonville. Our goal as a club is to have as many members present for this Ceremony as possible. Precious will be collecting your loose change or bills each month to help with this expense.
We will resume this project at our May Business Meeting!
Ocala's FINAL Honor Flight will be on Thursday, May 23rd, so be at the Ocala Airport that evening to welcome home our WWII Veterans as they return!
May Birthdays
June Birthdays
Crystal Bratcher - 14th DJ Ferguson - 20th
Lee Sanders - 36 years DJ Ferguson - 43 years
June Birthdays
June Anniversaries
Gaye Cheshire - 6th
none this month