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MITA Cares approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reflects the way that the Agency is taking to ensure that its employees are and remain good corporate citizens. Social responsibility encompasses everything we do that has an impact on society around us, reflects our values and behaviour as an organisation. MITA Cares regularly organise events and encourages employees and their families to participate, and where possible volunteer in their organisation. Through these programmes we proactively improve our community and promote a culture of responsibility.

Apart from supporting MITA employees, who are at times undergoing personal difficulties, MITA Cares continued to engage with NGOs and entities such as ALS, Puttinu, Caritas, Aġenzija Appoġġ, and the MCCFF. This support comes through ICT hardware donations, financial contributions, food donations, logistical support and employees voluntary work. MITA also supports the National Blood Transfusion Service campaign through blood donations including blood drives.

This year, MITA Cares embarked on an ambitious project to upgrade the WIFI infrastructure at id-Dar tal-Providenza. The project will see that all grounds at id-Dar tal-Providenza will be WIFI enabled. This will be accessible by the Administration staff, the residents, and their visitors.

07.1 Visit by His Excellency Dr. George Vella - President of Malta

In July, MITA welcomed His Excellency the President of Malta, Dr. George Vella at the MITA Data Centre, Sta. Venera. The President was briefed by the Executive Chairman Tony Sultana about MITA’s role in supporting Government’s ICT programme. H.E was also given a presentation by MITA Cares about the Agency’s commitment towards Corporate Social Responsibility.

The President visited the Data Centre facilities including, the Service Call Centre, the Security Operations Centre and the Network Operations Centre, were H.E. met the employees and was briefed about the role of each function.

Towards the end of the visit H.E. Dr. George Vella addressed MITA employees, commending their valuable role in supporting the public sector operations, using ICT as a backbone of Government’s operations. This comes through the dedicated support provided by MITA employees who guarantee ICT operational services and security.

H.E. also thanked MITA employees for their valuable contributions and highlighted that MITA can serve as a model for other public and private sector organisations.


World Environment Day Clean-up Event

07.3 MITA Supporting l-Istrina and Puttinu Cares

Similar to previous years, MITA Cares collaborated with the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation during l-Istrina 2019 fundraising charity event, as well as with Puttinu Cares Foundation during their Marathon fundraising event. MITA personnel voluntary mans the pledging lines during both events and together with l-Istrina logistics partner coordinates the collection of pledges from across the islands throughout the Istrina event.

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