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Alternative Public-Private Partnership Models?
It was recognised in 2001 that MITTS Ltd requires additional capacity in order to ensure that the far ranging and challenging programme of works of the Public Service can be fully accomplished. In this regard, MITTS Ltd created mechanisms whereby it could partner with the Private ICT Sector. The outsourcing mechanisms launched in 2001 proved to be benefi cial to both MITTS Ltd and its clients, where the collaboration of the Private ICT Sector proved to be successful in most cases. Involvement of the local private sector ranged from desktop support to LAN installations, whilst the development of certain business applications were also done in partnership with the Private Sector.
As part of MITTS Ltd strategy of focusing on Government’s sensitive and core areas, and allowing MITTS Ltd to focus its people on its business core activities, it is envisaged that the Private ICT Sector will continue to be involved by MITTS Ltd in order to allow it to complement its internal resource capacity. In fact, MITTS Ltd is viewing the Private ICT sector as being an extension of Government’s ICT resource capacity, and in so doing MITTS Ltd is actually embracing an alternative model of Public-Private Partnership.
What is, however, a formal Public-Private Partnership is the management of the Swatar Training Centre (STC), where MITTS Ltd, the Offi ce of the Prime Minister and Nucleus Ltd have in 2002 achieved positive results. The STC was appointed as a CISCO Networking Academy and a Microsoft Regional Academy. The latter two enriched the STC international certifi cation portfolio that already included UK’s NCC Certifi cation.
MITTS Ltd has a dedicated support team sited in Gozo which in essence caters for all IT requirements of Malta’s sister Island. The Gozo team is a clear demonstration that through teamwork, innovation is stimulated where the team was the fi rst to roll out remote support using System Management Server (SMS) and where even the most diffi cult of situations can be tackled with success.
The secret of the team’s success can be summed up as being based on self-initiative, team effort and team spirit. “…The team fi rmly believes that it is essential to provide the client with the best of service within the shortest time possible – and above
all communicate with the individual ensuring that the particular problem has been solved”. “…The team is innovative by reviewing past work performance and thinking of better ways to deliver more”. “…The team believes in delivering to the client in every way to ensure that the end result would be – another satisfi ed client”. Team members (left to right) Christopher Attard, Noel Zammit, Alan Cini, Charles Said - Technical Team Leader - and Charles Muscat.
The Gozo Support Team
Priscilla Bugeja Project Leader
“MITTS Ltd provided me with challenges and opportunities that have enabled me to pursue my career expectations on an equal level with all other employees”.
Priscilla will be celebrating her 9 th year anniversary with MITTS Ltd in 2003. She joined MITTS Ltd as a Systems Analyst following the completion of a BSc in Computer Studies and Maths. Priscilla’s career development is remarkable, and believes that MITTS Ltd values people and facilitates individual growth without any discrimination. “I see no reason why a female candidate should be discouraged from successfully participating in ITrelated employment. MITTS Ltd offers excellent opportunities for males and females alike, including exposure to the latest technology, continued professional development, family friendly work policies, and above all a place to be a team player in the largest IT company in Malta”.