Education Scotland - Bypassing National 5 Mathematics / English "Curriculum for Excellence has the flexibility to meet the needs of all learners in their local circumstances, enabling each to achieve their very best. For example, some schools may take the opportunity to offer National Courses over two years which might involve bypassing qualifications at a given level"
Edinburgh University's response to the new qualifications "We recognise that some students, particularly the most able learners, may progress directly to Higher in some, or all, of their subjects without sitting any National 5 examinations. Our selection criteria and procedures ensure that if you follow this route, you will not be disadvantaged.."
Glasgow University's response to the new qualifications National 4 and 5 Qualifications The University of Glasgow has not, in recent years, referred to Standard Grades or Intermediate 2 results, when assessing an applicant’s candidacy for entering a specific course. This will remain the case with the introduction of the National 4 and 5 Qualifications. Applicants may study a subject at Higher Level, even though no qualification is held at National 4 or National 5 Level.
TRACKING AND MONITORING The teaching staff are committed to keeping you informed of progress and have agreed to include a short comment in each of the four tracking reports during S4 and S5. SLT will monitor the progress of the students involved with the PTCs of English and Mathematics