December 2012
Dear Parent/Carer
Parental Update
Another year is almost over but school life is still proceeding at a pace with Christmas events, prelims and packing for the new school. As in the past this is a good opportunity to give you some news of past events and achievements and give you notice of future events.
Earlier this week I was concerned that a student had brought tablets into school. The tablets eventually turned out to be harmless. However I would ask that you reinforce with your son/daughter the need to take care and on no account should any young person ever take something from another student or adult that they are unsure of. At all times be safe.
Arrangements for the Last Day of this Term This school term runs until Friday 21 December 2012 and will finish at 12.15 pm that day. As in previous years three Carol Services will be held in the Assembly Hall during the morning. School lunches will be served after the third service at 11.30 am approximately and the buses will be available at 12.15 pm. Arrangements for the Start of Next Term The new term will start for students on Monday 7 January 2013 at the normal time of 8.30 am for registration. Fifth and Sixth Year Prelim Examinations The senior prelim examinations will begin on Monday 14 January 2013 and are due to finish on Friday 25 January 2013. Inspection HMI were in school on the week beginning Monday 5 November 2012 inspecting the Education and Community Learning. The reports are due to be published at the start of the year. All parents/carers will receive a copy of the report through the post. The school, Authority and parents/carers will then be able to study the report and take forward any recommendations. Achievements Over 300 students were presented with certificates at Achievement Assemblies this term. The achievements were for a wide range of activities and contribution of good work.
Sports Centre During the Christmas and New Year holiday period the Sports Centre facilities will be closed on Tuesday 24 – Thursday 27 December 2012 and Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 January 2013. Reduced opening hours will be in operation on Monday 24, Friday 28 and Monday 31 December 2012. The Sports Centre will be open as normal on Thursday 3 January 2013. Charities Wear it Pink The school managed to turn ‘pink’ in October and raised £2,000 for Breast Cancer Research. Children in Need A non-uniform day meant students raised £1,000 for Children in Need.
Movember Congratulations to those involved in Movember and who raised £225 by growing moustaches.
With victories over Newbattle and Balerno, the U16 team won the Edinburgh and Midlothian Bowl.
Proud to be a Scot!
They now have a fixture in the National Bowl competition against Buckhaven.
The culmination of our ‘Proud to be a Scot’ week was a Ceilidh. This was a crosscurricular event for all 270 S2 students. We had pipes and drums to start and finish the event and the Games Hall was resplendent in Saltires and tartan. We hope this will become an annual event on our busy calendar.