2022 East Jordan Chamber of Commerce Visitor's Guide

Page 24

Nature Lovers' List "Nature is not something to conquer, but something to learn from or to merge with and be a part of to dance with, celebrate." WOO HOO! ~ Frederick Lenz


Little Traverse Conservancy The mission of the Little Traverse Conservancy is to protect the natural diversity and beauty of northern Michigan by preserving significant land and scenic areas, and fostering appreciation and understanding of the environment. Our service area includes Chippewa, Mackinac, Emmet, Cheboygan, and Charlevoix counties. Maps can be found on the website, at local Chamber of Commerce offices, or by mail (call the Conservancy at 231-347-0991 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday Friday). The Conservancy also offers a number of guided hikes and other activities throughout the year, so check the website: www.landtrust.org.

Our Newest Area Preserve:

Area Preserves: Other Area Preserves:

Nathan Beem Memorial Nature Preserve: 105 Acres with 1,880 feet of shoreline on the east side of Six Mile Lake.

Rogers/Dressel/Jordan River Preserve: From downtown East Jordan, travel northeast and then south on M-32 for 1.3 miles to Rogers Road. Turn right and the preserve is 1/2 mile down on the right. Raven Raven Ridge Ridge Nature Nature Preserve: Preserve: From From downtown downtown East East Jordan, Jordan, travel travel east east on C48 approximately on C48 approximately 3.5 3.5 miles miles to to Pearsall Pearsall Rd. Turn right, then immediately turn left Rd. Turn right, then immediately turn left onto onto Fuller Fuller Rd. Rd. Turn Turn right right in in about about 1.5 1.5 mi. mi. St. Clair Lake/Six Mile Lake Natural Area: From Ellsworth, take C48 east approximately two miles to South Arm Township Park and a small parking area on the right (south) side of the road. There is a rustic boat boat launch launch on on the the river. river.


:: 231-536-7351 ::

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