2022 East Jordan Chamber of Commerce Visitor's Guide

Page 55

Houses of Worship

"Celebrate the the small small things things and and our our lives lives become become "Celebrate bigger than than ever. ever."" ~ ~ unknown unknown bigger FIRST PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHURCH FIRST Location: 207 207 Williams Williams Street Street Location: Mailing Address: Address: P.O. P.O. Box Box 341 341 Mailing Phone: 231-536-2941 231-536-2941 Phone: Service Time: Time: Sunday Sunday 9:30 9:30 a.m. a.m. Service Email: ejfirstpres@gmail.com ejfirstpres@gmail.com Email: Website: www.ejpresbyterian.com www.ejpresbyterian.com Website:

EAST JORDAN JORDAN COMMUNITY COMMUNITY CHURCH CHURCH EAST Location: 301 Nicholls St Location: 301 Nicholls St Phone: 231-536-2299; 231-536-2299; Fax: Fax: 231-535-2321 231-535-2321 Phone: Email: pastorjasonrichey@hotmail.com pastorjasonrichey@hotmail.com Email: EAST JORDAN JORDAN UNITED UNITED METHODIST METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH EAST Location: 201 201 Fourth Fourth Street Street Location: Mailing Address: Address: P.O. P.O. Box Box 878 878 Mailing Phone: 231-536-2161 Phone: 231-536-2161 Parsonage: 231-536-7596 231-536-7596 Parsonage: Service Time: Sunday 9:00 9:00 a.m. a.m. Service Time: Sunday Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. (after Children’s Children’s Moments) Moments) (after Pastor: Karen Karen Harriman Harriman Pastor: Email: eastjordanumc@gmail.com eastjordanumc@gmail.com Email: ELLSWORTH WESLEYAN WESLEYAN CHURCH CHURCH ELLSWORTH Location: 6339 6339 Elm Elm St., St., P.O. P.O. Box Box 218 218 Location: Ellsworth, MI 49729 Ellsworth, MI 49729 Phone: 231-588-7455 231-588-7455 Phone: Website: www.ellsworthwesleyan.org www.ellsworthwesleyan.org Website: Email: ewchurchoffice@gmail.com ewchurchoffice@gmail.com Email: Pastor: Chris Chris Wallace Wallace Pastor: Student Ministries Ministries Pastor: Pastor: Scott Scott Hayes Hayes Student Service Times: Times: Sundays Sundays 8:45 8:45 & & 11:00 11:00 a.m. a.m. Service Life Groups: 10:00 a.m. Life Groups: 10:00 a.m. Encounter Youth: Youth: 4:00 4:00 -- 6:00 6:00 p.m. p.m. Encounter EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN LUTHERAN CHURCH CHURCH EVANGELICAL Location: 07855 07855 Rogers Rogers Road Road Location: Mailing Address: Address: P.O. P.O. Box Box 497 497 Mailing Phone: 231-536-5050 231-536-5050 Phone: Sunday School: School: Sunday Sunday 9:15 9:15 a.m. a.m. Adults Adults Sunday Service Time: Sunday 10:30 a.m. Service Time: Sunday 10:30 a.m. Email: evanejor@gmail.com evanejor@gmail.com Email:

HARVEST BARN BARN WORD WORD OF OF LIFE LIFE CHURCH CHURCH HARVEST Location: 210 210 S. S. Lake Lake Location: Mailing Address: Address: P.O. P.O. Box Box 1084 1084 Mailing Phone: 231-536-2870 Phone: 231-536-2870 Service Time: Time: Sunday Sunday 10:00 10:00 a.m. a.m. & & Service Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Pastor: Kimon Kimon Criner Criner Pastor: Email: harvestbarnchurch@gmail.com harvestbarnchurch@gmail.com Email: Website: www.HarvestBarnChurch.com www.HarvestBarnChurch.com Website: JORDAN VALLEY VALLEY BAPTIST BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH JORDAN Location: 909 909 Water Water Street Street Location: Phone: 231-350-8301 231-350-8301 Phone: Sunday School: School: Sunday Sunday 9:45 9:45 a.m. a.m. Sunday Service Time: Time: Sunday Sunday 11:00 11:00 a.m. a.m. & & 6:00 6:00 p.m. p.m. Service & Wednesday Wednesday 7:00 7:00 p.m. p.m. & Pastor: Silas Silas Doctor Doctor Pastor: Email: updoc@charter.net Email: updoc@charter.net Website: www.jordanvalleybaptistchurch.com www.jordanvalleybaptistchurch.com Website: LIGHTHOUSE MISSIONARY MISSIONARY CHURCH CHURCH LIGHTHOUSE (See ad ad on on p. p. 54) 54) (See Location: 7824 7824 Rogers Rogers Road Road Location: Phone: 231-536-2128 231-536-2128 Phone: Sunday School: School: Sunday Sunday 9:00 9:00 a.m. a.m. Sunday Service Time: Time: Sunday Sunday 10:00 10:00 a.m. a.m. Service Pastor: Bart Bart Adams Adams Pastor: Email: ejlighthouseMC@gmail.com ejlighthouseMC@gmail.com Email: Website: www.lighthousemc.org www.lighthousemc.org Website: ST. JOSEPH JOSEPH CATHOLIC CATHOLIC CHURCH CHURCH ST. Location: 207 Nicholls Street Location: 207 Nicholls Street Mailing Address: Address: P.O. P.O. Box Box 379 379 Mailing Phone: 231-536-2934 Phone: 231-536-2934 Mass Times: Times: 5:00 5:00 pm pm Sat.; Sat.; 9:30 9:30 am am Sun. Sun. Mass Pastor: Fr. Matthew Furgiuele Pastor: Fr. Matthew Furgiuele Email: stjosephej@gmail.com stjosephej@gmail.com Email:

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Articles inside

Celebrate Our Schools

pages 66-69

Hellos, Goodbyes & Congrats (#22

pages 63-64

Big Happenings in EJ (#19 & #20

page 59

Member Directory

pages 38-49

Jordan Valley District Library

page 57

Parks & Beaches (#17

pages 50-51

Clubs & Organizations (#18

pages 52-54

Celebrate Our Communities

page 58

Houses of Worship

pages 55-56

Nature Lovers' List (#13 & #14

pages 24-25

Festivals & Events (#1 & #2

pages 6-9

Unique Places to Visit (#9

pages 18-20

Music & Art (#3 & #4

pages 10-12

Farms & Orchards (#7

page 15

Unique AND New (#10

page 21

Lakes & Rivers (#11 & #12

pages 22-23

Raven Hill Discovery Center (#8

pages 16-17

Mary’s Welcome

page 3
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