McLaren Northern Michigan Foundation Fall 2020 Newsletter

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Our Mission: To receive and administer funds to support the mission of McLaren Northern Michigan and support programs that enhance the well-being of the community.

O F T H E F O U N D AT I O N FA LL 2020

Inside 2

Letter from Leadership

3-4 Your Gifts Save Lives 5

Committed to Quality Health Care


Welcome to Our New Providers

Lynda Bartosh, RPA, stands next to the new steriotactic biopsy table.

Letter from Leadership

How Your Gifts Help Your gifts to the McLaren Northern Michigan Foundation are making a difference in the ongoing fight against COVID-19, as well as in all our programs. Your generosity provides: • Personal Protective Equipment for staff • Medical technology • Medical equipment • Patient assistance • Facility upgrades • Pediatric rehabilitation programs • Preventative care and wellness initiatives • Hospice Programmatic care support • Hospice care The entire team at McLaren Northern appreciates your The entireMichigan team at McLaren support—as does every patient who Northern Michigan appreciates your relies on the hospital for their care. support—as does every patient who

Dear Friends, When we look back on 2020, what do we see? In the midst of global upheaval, we have seen the power of our community coming together to support one another. Our hospital is stronger today because of each of our donors—those of you who have given, often sacrificially, to make health care better for everyone who needs it in our region. In this issue, we thank you for your support of our Breast Health Funds, which has resulted in wonderful upgrades to the technology used to diagnose breast cancer. We thank you for your support of physician recruitment and retention, which has resulted in ongoing efforts to bring highly-qualified medical professionals to serve in our region. We also thank the Sutters, whose commitment to the hospital will affect our ability to provide state of the art equipment and technology for many years to come. And we look toward the future, and are grateful for those of you whose planning today will support generations tomorrow. All in all, when we look back on 2020 at the McLaren Northern Michigan Foundation, we see a strong group of supporters doing amazing things through philanthropy. This encourages us everyday, and we hope it encourages you as well. We’re grateful for you and for what you are doing for our patients. Thank you,

relies on the hospital for their care.

Julie Jarema

Elise Fisher

Chief Development Officer McLaren Northern Michigan Foundation

Board Chair McLaren Northern Michigan Foundation

Julie Jarema has been named the new Chief Development Officer at McLaren Northern Michigan. Julie joined the hospital in 1982 and moved to the Foundation in 1994. Prior to her role as Interim Chief Development Officer, Julie served as the Senior Director of Development, where she was primarily responsible for budgeting, board relations, staff management, and strategic development.

360 Connable Avenue Petoskey, MI 49770 231-487-3500 Friends of the Foundation Newsletter is a publication of the McLaren Northern Michigan Foundation and is produced three times a year for contributors to the Foundation. Find out more about our work by visiting

Julie and the board look forward to working together to ensure that philanthropy continues to drive the availability of exceptional care at McLaren Northern Michigan.

2020 2020McLAREN McLARENNORTHERN NORTHERNMICHIGAN MICHIGANFOUNDATION FOUNDATIONBOARD BOARDOFOFTRUSTEES TRUSTEES Elise EliseFisher, F. F, Chair Chair| |Robert Robert(Ham) (Ham)Schirmer, Schirmer, Vice Chair Chair || Matthew MatthewJ.J.Frentz, Frentz,CPA, CPA,Treasurer Treasurer| Miriam | Miriam Hollar, Hollar, Secretary Secretary | Kal | Kal Attie, Attie, MDMD Robbie Buhl | Todd President & CEO, McLaren Katie Coleman | Steven C. Cross | Arthur G. Hailand, | Ellen Hatch Robbie BuhlBurch, | Todd Burch, President & CEO,Northern McLarenMichigan Northern |Michigan | Steven C. Cross | Arthur G. Hailand, III |IIIEllen Hatch Patrick Patrick Leavy |Leavy Mark Melvin Saal | James Schroeder, | Darcie Sharapova, | Tracy Souder, CCC-SLP | Pamela L. Wyett | Rogan| L.Rogan Saal L. | James Schroeder, PhD |PhD Darcie Sharapova, MD MD | Tracy Souder, MA,MA, CCC-SLP | Pamela L. Wyett

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Your Gifts Save Lives Thanks to your gifts, the hospital purchased new equipment in our Imaging Department that can help providers diagnose breast cancer earlier. As is the case with all cancers, the earlier breast cancer is detected, the greater the chances of survival. Your support ensures that northern Michigan residents receive the best, most technologically advanced diagnostic testing available. We are proud to share that funding from the Kim Monthei Cancer Fund, the Kathleen Jontz Breast Health Fund, and the Unrestricted Fund helped McLaren Northern Michigan to invest in equipment that will lead to earlier detection and treatment of breast cancer. McLaren Northern Michigan recently acquired 3D digital tomosynthesis mammography equipment and a stereotactic biopsy table. With 3D mammography, changes in breast tissue can be identified years before they are noticeable by a patient or a provider. The new equipment provides sharper images with greater clarity. The three-dimensional-capable stereotactic biopsy table allows medical providers to perform biopsies on very small areas that can only be detected on a three-dimensional mammogram. Your generosity allows women to access high-quality, state-of-theart services. Thank you for your support! Your gifts save lives.

Lynda Bartosh, RPA and Barb Elliott, Mammography Technician

Lynda Bartosh, Radiology Practitioner Assistant, can’t say enough positive about the new stereotactic biopsy table. “I love it!” She said. “It gives us many options with the biopsy process. We are able to take more images that are very clear, and in some cases, the biopsies can be less invasive.” The Breast Biopsy Solution is designed specifically for stereotactic breast biopsies, which use mammography to precisely identify and biopsy abnormalities within the breast. The Stereotactic system is compatible with 3D tomosynthesis technology and provides superior, 360-degree imagery for biopsies. Procedures take less time and are more accurate, improving patient experiences and helping to reduce post-operative healing time. Here are a few of the many advantages to the new biopsy unit.

Here are a few of the many advantages of 3D mammography: • Overall greater clarity and detail than traditional 2D mammograms • Appropriate for women of all breast densities • Capable of providing earlier detection • Improves breast cancer detection by 27-50% • Reduces need for patients to have repeat studies or additional imaging procedures

• Independent rotating biopsy arm gives the ability to switch direction and approach to the biopsy site without repositioning the patient or the need to acquire additional images, reducing patient exposure. • Ability to reach challenging lesions in patients with smaller breasts that otherwise may have needed a surgical excision. • Higher quality images with the ability to visualize subtle masses and faint calcifications. • Increased efficiency reducing the patient’s time in compression and time on the table. Call (866) 487-3100 to schedule your mammogram or visit for more information.

Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Committed toyourQuality Health medical equipment, comfort kits, and educational time to celebrate the ways gifts are helping our breast minorCare October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a great

Institute at McLaren Northern Michigan, as well as funded

materials. health patients. Many local businesses come together to support the Kathleen Jontz Breast Health Fund or to give a Take a look atin ourHonor Facebookof page for upcoming local McLaren Northern Michigan Dedicates North Entrance Marty and Lisa gift through the Kim Monthei Cancer Fund. fundraisers for these funds. McLaren Northern Michigan recently Marty said. “Lisa was on a helicopter Thank you to all of you who have participated in these Consider how you can help with a gift today to announced that it is dedicating and within 20 minutes to transport events and who have given to support local patients. the Unrestricted Fund. Return your gift in the naming north pavilion entrance ultrasounds, her toand McLaren that had Giftsitshave funded mammograms, MRIs. Flintenvelope provided or give online at in honor of Marty and Lisa Sutter for one of the leading interventional Additionally, funds raised have provided gas cards to NorthernMichiganFoundation. theiroffset generous support.cost of travel to the Karmanos neuroradiologists. the patients’ Cancer A fast, accurate diagnosis, along with a rapidly For the Sutters, nothing is more deployed action plan executed by the important than supporting the McLaren Northern Michigan team hospital. most certainly made a difference in our lives.” “Knowing that we would be spending


Many thanks to all of you who support local breast health patients!

a considerable part of our remaining lifetime in Harbor Springs, it was imperative that we felt we could be provided with dependable and stateof-the-art health care for our golden years,” Marty said.

With confidence in the hospital’s capability and expertise to diagnose and treat just about any health condition, the Sutters made a pledge in 2017 to support the campaign to build the new wing. In 2020, they elevated their support.

“We invested the time to get to know Todd and he is the perfect leader for the future of the hospital,” Marty said.

Marty grew up on the Great Lakes. After building one of the most Aditionally, the Sutters have been highly regarded investment firms impressed with the hospital’s response focusing exclusively in health care “All of us who spend to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike and the life sciences in Texas, he other types of health challenges, Thanksto to return the Birchwood Farms Golf & Country Club’s Take a Swing has raised more than $43,000 yearned to Michigan. With enough time hereFletch’s will of Petoskey Marty said the fast response and at Cancer event, more for the Kathleen Jontz Breast Health Fund in the boating in his DNA, hethan and$108,000 his wife,has been raised since 2007 to aggressive of the hospital inevitably need medical support cancer at McLaren past few years. Thank you topreparedness Mary Foster (pictured Lisa, returned topatients Michigan where Northern Michigan. is an example of care and guidance they ultimately established Harbor above) and the whole team for your support! care, and the hospital that unequivocally benefits full-time Springs as “home” in 1999. Three residents and resorters alike. years later, they made their first gift is critical to the health to the McLaren Northern Michigan The Sutters emphasize that McLaren Foundation. of our community,” Northern Michigan is the most

Protect What’s Important to You

important entity to support in our Little did they know, a medical Marty said. Having an estate plan in place that • “What to Take to Yourcommunity. First Estate Planning emergency while sailing in includes August a health care power of attorney is important. This document identifies a person who Meeting” provides a list of items to consider of 2015 would forever connect “All of us who spend enough time here can make on your behalf if you are unable to speak for prior to meeting with an estate planning themdecisions to McLaren Northern will inevitably need medical care, and “The first and foremost reason yourself. Equally important is ensuring that your estate plan is up professional. Michigan. After being rushed to the the hospital is critical to the health we increased our giving has been Emergency it was wishes confirmed to date and reflectsRoom, your current and priorities. community,” Marty said. • The “Personal Record of of our Financial the time-tested leadership of that Lisa had not only suffered a A good practice is to update your estate plan everythe fewMcLaren years and Information” will help you collect and Northern Michigan “Additionally, the hospital is the series of mini-strokes, she also had following major life milestones. organize information about your assets. Foundation Board. In particular, largest employer in the area and those a complete blockage of her basilar Fisher has beenYou unwavering in these documents National Estate Weekdelivering is October 19 – 25,Elise 2020. This is can access employees at provide a very meaningful artery, thePlanning main artery her support and leadership of the a great time to review yourtoestate plan, or, if you don’t have one, engine to drive the local economy. The oxygen-rich blood the brain. Foundation,” Marty said. The Sutters hospital depends on charitable support to or by calling 231-487-3500. a good time to get started. Working with professional advisors, “At that time, there were fewer are also thrilled that the hospital was be the outstanding institution that it is, so we have prepared two documents to help you through the estate than 20 trained interventional able to attract president and CEO, please support it and do so generously! It planning process: neuroradiologists in the country,” Todd Burch. may save your life one day!”

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Committed to Quality Health Committed Care to Quality Health C

McLaren Northern Michigan Dedicates North McLaren Entrance Northern in HonorMichigan of MartyDedicates and Lisa Sutter. North Entra McLaren Northern Michigan recently announced that it is dedicating and naming its north pavilion entrance in honor of Marty and Lisa Sutter for their generous support. For the Sutters, nothing is more important than supporting the hospital. “Knowing that we would be spending a considerable part of our remaining lifetime in Harbor Springs, it was imperative that we felt we could be provided with dependable and stateof-the-art health care for our golden years,” Marty said. Marty grew up on the Great Lakes. After building one of the most highly regarded investment firms focusing exclusively in health care and the life sciences in Texas, he yearned to return to Michigan. With boating in his DNA, he and his wife, Lisa, returned to Michigan where they ultimately established Harbor Springs as “home” in 1999. Three years later, they made their first gift to the McLaren Northern Michigan Foundation. Little did they know, a medical emergency while sailing in August of 2015 would forever connect them to McLaren Northern Michigan. After being rushed to the Emergency Room, it was confirmed that Lisa had not only suffered a series of mini-strokes, she also had a complete blockage of her basilar artery, the main artery delivering oxygen-rich blood to the brain. “At that time, there were fewer than 20 trained interventional neuroradiologists in the country,”


Marty said. “Lisa McLaren was on a Northern helicopterMichigan recently that it is dedicating and within 20 minutesannounced to transport naming her to McLaren Flint that its hadnorth pavilion entrance honor of Marty and Lisa Sutter for one of the leadingininterventional generous support. neuroradiologists.their A fast, accurate diagnosis, along with a rapidly For the Sutters,bynothing deployed action plan executed the is more important than supporting the McLaren Northern Michigan team hospital. most certainly made a difference in our lives.” “Knowing that we would be spending

Marty said. “Lisa was on a within 20 minutes to trans her to McLaren Flint that h one of the leading interven neuroradiologists. A fast, a diagnosis, along with a rap deployed action plan execu McLaren Northern Michiga most certainly made a diffe our lives.”

With confidence ainconsiderable the hospital’spart of our remaining With confidence in the hos lifetime in Harbor Springs, it was capability and expertise to diagnose capability and expertise to imperative that we felt we could be and treat just about any health and treat just about any he provided with dependable and statecondition, the Sutters made a pledge condition, the Sutters mad of-the-art healthtocare for our golden in 2017 to support the campaign in 2017 to support “We invested the time to get to know the cam years,” Marty said. build the new wing. In 2020, they theleader new wing. Todd and he is thebuild perfect for In 202 elevated their support. elevated their support. Marty grew up on the Great Lakes. the future of the hospital,” Marty said.

After building one of the most Aditionally, highly regarded investment firms the Sutters have been impressed exclusively in health carewith the hospital’s response “All of usfocusing who spend “AllUnlike of us who s to the pandemic. and the life sciences in Texas, COVID-19 he other types of health challenges, yearned to return With enough time here will to Michigan. enough time her Marty said the boating in his DNA, he and his wife, fast response and aggressive of the hospital inevitably Lisa, needreturned medical inevitably need m to Michigan where preparedness is an example of care and guidance they ultimately established Harbor care, andSprings the hospital care, and the ho thatThree unequivocally benefits full-time as “home” in 1999. residents and resorters alike. years they made their first gift is critical to thelater, health is critical to the h to the McLaren NorthernThe Michigan Sutters emphasize that McLaren Foundation. of our community,” our commun Northern Michigan is theof most

important entity to support in Marty our Little did they know, a medical Marty said. said

emergency while sailing community. in August of 2015 would forever connect “All of us who spend enough time here them to McLaren Northern will inevitably need“The medical care, and “The first and foremost reason and foremost rea Michigan. After being rushed to theis critical tofirst the hospital the health we increased ourEmergency giving has been we increased our giving ha Room, it wasofconfirmed our community,” Marty said. the time-tested leadership of not only suffered a the time-tested leadership that Lisa had the McLaren Northern Michigan the McLaren “Additionally, is the Northern Mic series of mini-strokes, she also had the hospital Foundation Board.a In particular, largest employer inFoundation the area andBoard. those In partic complete blockage of her basilar Elise Fisher has been unwavering in Elise Fisher has employees provide a very meaningfulbeen unwa artery, the main artery delivering her support and leadership of the and leadership localsupport economy. The oxygen-rich blood to theengine drive theher Foundation,” Marty said. The Sutters Foundation,” Marty hospital depends on charitable support tosaid. T “At the thathospital time, there are also thrilled that waswere fewer also thrilled be the outstandingare institution that it that is, sothe ho than 20and trained able to attract president CEO,interventional able to attract president an please support it and do so generously! It neuroradiologists in the country,” Todd Burch. Toddday!” Burch. may save your life one | 231-487-3500 5 | 231-487-3500


Welcome Committed to Our to Quality New Providers Health Care Recruiting McLaren Northern and retaining Michigan well-qualified Dedicates medical North Entrance professionals in Honor is anof important Marty and priority Lisa Sutter. for McLaren Northern Michigan for many of our donors who have supported this initiative McLaren Northern Michigan recentlyand Marty said. “Lisa was on a helicopter inannounced the past.that Over the nextand few months, we will be welcoming numerous new providers to our it is dedicating within 20 minutes to transport naming its north pavilionto entrance her to McLaren that had forward to joining our community. area who are eager serve our patients andFlint who look in honor of Marty and Lisa Sutter for one of the leading interventional We would like to introduce you to three of our newest providers. their generous support.

For the Sutters, nothing is more Stephen J. important than supporting the Mattichak, MD hospital. Interventional “Knowing that weCardiologist, would be spending Michigan Heart & a considerable part of our remaining lifetime in HarborVascular Springs,Specialists it was imperative that we felt we could be Dr. Mattichak attended Wayne State provided with dependable and stateSchool of Medicine for his medical of-the-art health care for our golden degree and completed his Internal years,” Marty said. Medicine internship and residency at Emory University Medicine Marty grew up School on the of Great Lakes. in After Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Mattichak building one of the most completed two fellowships at William highly regarded investment firms Beaumont Hospital including an focusing exclusively in healthAdult care Clinical Cardiology and Interventional and the life sciences in Texas, he Cardiology. yearned to return to Michigan. With boating in his DNA, he and his wife, With 15 years of cardiovascular Lisa, returned to Michigan where experience, Dr. Mattichak is looking they ultimately established Harbor forward to practicing cardiac care in Springs as “home” in 1999. Three Northern Michigan. “McLaren provides years later, they made their first gift an excellent health care system for the to the McLaren Northern Michigan state of Michigan. McLaren Northern Foundation. Michigan has a well-known reputation forLittle excellence in cardiology,” he said. did they know, a medical “I emergency am excited to add my focused and while sailing in August patient-directed practice style to of 2015 would forever connectthe group. a true passion for quality themI have to McLaren Northern care, cardiology procedures, and rural Michigan. After being rushed to the outreach care.”Room, it was confirmed Emergency that Lisa had not only suffered a For more information on cardiology series of mini-strokes, she also had services, or to make an appointment a complete blockage of her basilar with Dr. Mattichak, please call artery, the main artery delivering 231-487-2490. oxygen-rich blood to the brain. “At that time, there were fewer than 20 trained interventional neuroradiologists in the country,”

neuroradiologists. A fast, accurate diagnosis, along with a rapidly deployed action plan Kyleexecuted by the McLaren Northern Michigan team Robertson, DO most certainly made a difference in Gastroenterologist, our lives.” McLaren Northern Michigan Digestive With confidence in the hospital’s Health capability and expertise to diagnose and treat justreceived about any health Dr. Robertson a bachelor’s condition, the Sutters made a pledge degree in biology from the University in 2017 to support the campaign to of Michigan before attending medical build the new wing.State In 2020, they school at Michigan University elevated their support. College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed his Internal Medicine residency at St. John MacombOakland Hospital in Warren and “All of us who spend completed his gastroenterology fellowship at McLaren enough timeGreater here will Lansing. “I have always been drawn to science, particularly human biology inevitably need medical and medicine,” said Dr. Robertson.

care, and the hospital

Early into medical training Dr. is critical the health Robertson knew heto wanted to specialize in gastroenterology. “I enjoy of our community,” being able to spend time with patients both in the clinic and hospital Marty said. setting,” he expressed. “The most rewarding part of being a health care provider is getting an authentic and heartfelt “The you firstfrom and foremost thank a patient reason or family we increased our giving beenthan member. There’s no betterhas feeling the time-tested leadership of knowing you are doing everything you the McLaren Northern Michigan can to care for someone.” Foundation Board. In particular, Elise Fisher has been unwavering in her support and leadership of the Foundation,” Marty said. The Sutters are also thrilled that the hospital was able to attract president and CEO, Todd Burch.

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Cale Sebald, DO Gastroenterologist, McLaren Northern Michigan Digestive Health Dr. Sebald received his Bachelor of Science degree from University of Michigan before medical “We invested thegoing time totoget to know school at Lake Erie College of Todd and he is the perfect leader for Osteopathic Medicine. HeMarty completed the future of the hospital,” said. his internal medicine residency at Aditionally, theinSutters have been Mercy Health Muskegon and impressed with the hospital’s response completed his gastroenterology to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike fellowship at St. Johns Health System typesHospital. of health challenges, –other Oakland Marty said the fast response and Aaggressive Michiganpreparedness native, Dr. Sebald of thespent hospital many summers and holidays in the is an example of care and guidance Petoskey area. “I have always loved that unequivocally benefits full-time the area and people, which led residents and resorters alike. me to McLaren Northern Michigan. I was The Sutterswith emphasize thatofMcLaren impressed the sense community Northern Michigan is the most and teamwork displayed by the staff. important entity to support in our the There is singular focus to provide community. best medical care possible and I knew that was something I wanted to be a “All of us who spend enough time here part of,” said Dr. Sebald. will inevitably need medical care, and themore hospital is critical to For information onthe health of our community,”services Marty said. gastroenterology or to make an appointment with Dr. Robertson or “Additionally, the hospital is the Dr. Sebald, please call largest employer in the area and those 231-487-2391. employees provide a very meaningful engine to drive the local economy. The hospital depends on charitable support to be the outstanding institution that it is, so please support it and do so generously! It may save your life one day!” | 231-487-3500


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