UX Portfolio

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Mitchell Leigh

2018 1

Hey, I’m Mitch... I’m a well rounded UX designer, passionate about connecting the dots between business needs, innovation and world class design. Devoted to exceeding client expectations. I enjoy working collaboratively and individually in a dynamic, data-driven, creative environment. I posses excellent interpersonal communication skills and have experience working directly with clients and senior colleagues.

“Creativity is allowing Yourself to make mistakes Design is knowing which ones to keep.”

Why UX Design? 01

Problem Solving


Responsive Design

I work...

Using agile values and principles

I enjoy..


Information Architecture


Video Photography

Soul/ Jazz



Football Basketball


Sand Pit A product system that provides companies with a platform to harness their ideas.





Personal ios app project, allowing users to enter into a daily raffle by watching a series of advertisements.

Product system that helps users living with Parkinson’s disease.





Sand Pit Project Overview. • Final year design project that provides companies with a platform to harness their ideas, ultimately aimed at stimulating innovation. • Ideas produced by employees are represented physically by pebble devices, stored within a central hub. Information is shared via the Sand Pit application across multiple platforms, allowing employees to contribute to each others work.

Project Outcomes. • Designed and delivered an Integrated product system for employees. Achieved through use of MVP testing, rapid iteration and insight led design development. Tested concepts with users and with insight led development.


User Research



Journey Mapping

Agile Delivery

Responsive Design


Problem. The problem being addressed is the neglect of innovative ideas within creative companies. Busy schedules and miss-communication often means brilliant ideas can easily be left unexplored. In the bigger picture, businesses success could be hindered as they surrender potential competitive advantages.

Large companies such as Google and Facebook can make use of large budgets to maximise innovation. In contrast to small companies who do not have the funds. Therefore efficiently utilizing the skills of their workforce is necessary.

Solution. There is an opportunity to help small companies utilize their own resources to maintain their competitive advantage. A central hub within the creative workspace, where ideas can be shared and developed by employees. The project aims to ensure valuable ideas are not lost, but instead innovated upon. In addition, the system will prompt employees to have more idea sparking interactions.



Research Insights.

‘People work best when they decide, where and how they work’

‘How can we experience information in a richer way?’

‘Workers now shift rapidly between Individual focused tasks and collaboration with others.’

‘Modern workspaces need to provide a palette of place to employees.’



Concept development & form exploration. A visual summary of concepts explored and selected to be taken forward for development.



First Proposal.

Developments. First blue foam model was found to be too narrow and compact. Render demonstrates some initial developments of a wider base and larger interface.

Interface indicates when pebbles with no ideas or data are being read.

Interface shows idea title, brief, image and any other necessary info when pebble with fresh idea is placed to be read

When hub is dormant and somebody walks past, it could show a simple screen such as this to engage them in interaction..



Second Proposal.

Developments. Cardboard modeling helped to identify and improve key interaction points. In addition refining a more natural and flowing aesthetic



Summary of Proposals.




Second iteration helped to identify the key form factors. However lacked appropriate aesthetics and interaction points.

Third iteration allowed for a more natural look, however still appeared to rigid for the function it served.


Fourth and final iteration used surface modeling CAD techniques to allow for a flowing and soft aesthetic.


Scenario. 1


A graphic display allows users to browse ideas stored on pebbles and decide which one they want to contribute to.

User visits Sand Pit hub when they want to share their own content or view content created By their colleagues.

When brought into proximity with users Computer, the Sand Pit application will launch and take them to the location of content.


User can take an illuminated pebble to contribute to colleagues work or take a pebble with no light to share their own work.




Users can then contribute to existing work or share their own.



Blue tooth enabled pebbles physically represent the location of work on the Sand Pit application

Multi-platform application allows users to view content on pebbles. Notifications and graphics allow employees to see when new content is added and iterations of development.

Visual display allows users to browse content contained on pebble devices.



Content. Graphics represent the category of the content. The size and colour of the graphic represent the amount of times that concept has been previously iterated.

Graphical logo displayed on the pebble helps users identify what category it represents and also the amount of times that idea has been contributed to.

When a pebble is positioned onto the reader, the graphic that is allocated to that pebble increases in size and is centralised on the display.



Final Product.





Project Overview. • Personal project modeled on Raffler app. Where users watch a series of three advertisements per day, they are then be entered into a lottery and have the opportunity to win a prize. • Used a variety of prototyping and testing techniques to arrive at high fidelity user interface.

Project Outcomes. • Designed, tested and iterated interfaces. • Use of rapid prototyping with wire framing. • FInal screen flow and user interface designed using Adobe XD.

User Research



Journey Mapping

Interactive Prototyping


Persona One.


Name: Jacob Monti Age: 21 Favourite apps: Instagram, Youtube, Facebook and Resident Advisor Devices: Iphone 6, Macbook Pro Income: ÂŁ24,000 P/a




1) Checks phone over 30 times per day.

1) frustrated with himself for procrastinating.

1) Reduce time procrastinating

2) Enjoys regularly interacting with friends

2) Feels guilty about procrastinating too much.

2)Focus more on interacting with friends.

3) Enjoys keeping up to date with trends.

3) Struggles to keep up to date with trends and friends regularly.

3) Focus on keeping up with industry trends.



Using POP app to turn sketched wire frames into a low-fidelity user experience.

User Journey. Stages


Playing Raffle

Post Raffle

App Feature

Home, Raffle info, Prize info.

Watching ads, Liking/ disliking ads.

Tickets left, Time until raffle.


Reading info, pressing play.

Watching ads and liking them.

Looking how many tickets entered.


How to navigate app, getting to start position.

Whether or not he likes ad shown.

Whether or not he has a winning ticket.


Slight confusion of location and potential journey through app.

Engaged and excited.

Anticipating results of raffle.


Competitive Analysis.



HQ is a trivia quiz app that hosts a live game every day at 3pm and 9pm. They draw large audiences with daily cash prizes. The live feature and cash incentive is what draws large player numbers.


Raffler is an app that enters users into a daily raffle once they have watched advertisements. The app is free to download and generates capital from advertisers paying for exposure on their platform.



Users are shown how much money is up for grabs and how long left they have until the raffle deadline.


Users are then shown three adverts in succession.

After each advert they select whether or not they enjoyed the advert.

Users are then entered into the raffle with a chance to win a cash prize.



Users are shown how many tickets they have entered into this weeks raffle and last weeks.

Users are shown how much money is up for grabs and how long left they have until the raffle deadline.



TRIAD. UI. Thirty second advert is then played using the entire display.

Users are given a preview of the advertisers brand before viewing.

User is informed how long until the daily raffle takes place.

Users then select whether or not they liked the advert.

Interactive Prototype: https://xd.adobe.com/view/c74cf7ab0f00-4710-6cb9-f6cfb2e6fb94b17d/?hints=off




Project Overview. • Develop a system that helps users living with an incurable disease. • The system should be easily integrated within the users home and add value to the quality of their lives.

Project Outcomes. • Researched, designed and tested a product system aimed at helping Parkinson’s sufferers to get over the negative effects of symptoms.

01 User Research

Responsive Design



Journey Mapping

Agile Delivery


Research. Problem Many Parkinson’s patients have to stop working/ making due to their symptoms.

127,000 people suffer from Parkinson’s disease in the uk. Thats one in every five hundred people.


80+ 75+ Parkinson’s typically affects people aged




Parkinsons patients need to remain active throughout the day in order to reduce the symptoms of their condition.


Males and females, aged fifty years and above, They have varying degrees of physical impairments. They struggle with understanding their condition. They Involve themselves in Dancing, yoga classes etc. They are consciously active in an attempt to counteract their symptoms. The user has had to stop working due to their symptoms, but remains determined to return to their creative ways independantly. users are..

STAGE Parkinsons



1 User begins a creative process, such as painting. Symptoms of Parkinson’s are not present.


Stakeholders Stakeholders include doctors and nurses within the healthcare sector and the Parkinsons UK foundation. These people provide medical advice to the user in an effort to make their life easier. Family and friends are also important for the users, if their condition is poor then they can help provide contact with the outside world.

Primary research was conducted within a Parkinson’s patient’s home, to identify the problems faced day to day and how the patient deals with these problems. An interview with a physiotherapist was conducted to gain insights into the correct way to treat people with Parkinsons and the movements used to benefit thier condition. A telephone interview was conducted with a Parkinsons dance class teacher to gain insight into the structure of the class, movements performed and social benefits of moving with Parkinson’s.



...” When the body gets warm, the symptoms drastically improve”... Techniques such as ‘Cueing’, counting or using a rhythm can be used to ease walking. Parkinsons.org.uk/

Every Parkinson patient has a different experience with their condition. Experiencing the symptoms at similar times each day.

...” Then it began to make a pattern, it would come in the early morning and then return in the evening.” ” I had worked out the windows of time during the day which I could be active.”...

Parkinsons sufferers look to remain independant for as long as possible whilst they manage their symptoms and their condition progresses

...”I used to get so frustrated with myself when I didnt have control over my body.” ...”I used to give myself all these tasks to do after supper, but it never happened.”

Parkinsons patients can prevent a freeze from coming on by distracting the pain receptors.This is called ‘Gait control theory’ Techniques include pinching , flicking and tapping.

Nuerological gates at the spinal cord level determine whether the pain signals should reach the brain or not. Brainblogger.com/2014-gait-control-



2 Tremors quickly begin to set in, preventing the user from painting effectively.


Research activities

During the initial phase of the project secondary research into articles, websites and blogs was conducted. As a result background information into the topic area was gained, insights also provided a clear direction to focus on when conducting primary research.

...” You’ve got to keep moving”...


Parkinsons is a progressive motor nueron disease with no known cure.

User context



User feels frustrated with their physical condition and questions their future in painting.



“I know of a patient who keeps an elastic band on their wrist and begins to flick it when they feel a freeze coming on”...



To help Parkinson’s patients manage their symptoms in a more efficient manor to improve their wellbeing. utilising insights by encouraging patients to be more active by using cueing techniques with a focus on moving more confidently. helping them to feel more independent in making a return to their field of work, ultimately improving the users wellbeing and independence.

To create a product that Enables Parkinsons patients to better understand their cycle of symptoms. Encouraging more confident movement and allowing the user to make progress independantly in order to make a return to their workplace.



E-ink display provides information on the duration, severity and total number of freezes user has. As well as total time the wearable has been worn

Cue-ing methods

Data display

Rubber allows users to easily pull band onto their wrist

Vivi-touch technology

Positioning the band onto the hub allows wireless charge and data sync


Vivi touch sensors on users skin allow cues to be felt discretely.


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