WRGO Magazine September 2015, Volume 2, Issue #9

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WRGO Magazine September 2015

MJ’s Legacy Association International

Volume 2 - Issue #9



El DeBarge Embraced His “Second Chance” WHILE LOVE EMBRACED HIM

~ In A World Filled With Hate - We Must Emulate L.O.V.E.~



Fan Videos

Humanitarian Projects


Valencia Dantzler Aka “Mother Diva”

Fan Art




Flowers for Michael


Legacy Projects



“Shout It Out”

Children’s Projects




Dispelling Myths

Life’s Parallel



Unchartered Waters

Forever In Our Hearts 2

REMOVING THE JUNK FROM THE COMMUNITY TRUNK ~In A World Filled With Hate - We must Emulate L.O.V.E.~ The purpose of this magazine is to provide the audience with specialized information from a unique community; dedicated to and built upon the Love and Light of Michael Jackson as well as some others who are making a difference. We bring you this material by way of groups and projects inspired by Michael Jackson, other artists and news sources.

This magazine will be dedicated to those projects with undertakings that build up the community; and actually possess the healing and light properties needed to help change a world filled with darkness and a community that has become divided because of different views. We wish to provide the Community Trunk with information about new and delightful support projects. There has been too much “Junk” in the old trunk and it is time we start anew by peeling away the old and rotted garbage and building a new community. Some old things we should keep because they are precious and should be preserved. We hope you will be a part of the solution and not the problem. There should be no room for old junk in a new trunk. The things of no value has been thrown away to make room for the new. We wish to be an avenue to the beautiful things and truth going forward by sharing those things in this magazine when possible. We want to appeal to the rooted fans as well as the innovative.

Editors All rights reserved © 2014 What’s REALLY Going ON? Magazine

“What’s REALLY Going ON” A magazine to promote MJ Global Events/Projects And Other World News

Time for your Light to Shine 3

WRGO Magazine Editorial The Matter of Rowan County Kentucky Clerk, Kim Davis Should the County Clerk Obey God Rather than the United States Supreme Court? http://qz.com/501500/kentucky-county-clerk-kimdavis-returns-to-work/

Acts 5: 29 reads like this: “We must obey God rather than human beings!” However, we must also remember to read the scriptures in context. We should not choose a verse and skip the text before and after. Still the Bible is clear about obeying God rather than man. God is the final judge of the human race and are we to ignore Him? Man has disobeyed God’s laws since the beginning of the human race so none of us have been obedient.

For certain by now many, if not everyone, has heard of “Kim Davis” the Clerk from Rowan County, Kentucky who was jailed; because she refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. As a County Clerk her responsibilities are posted on the Rowan County Clerk’s website and in her own words: http://rowancountyclerk.com/

However, I am of the opinion that when we learn better we do better. Kim Davis does not profess to have been obedient to God’s word all of her life but over the past few years she has learned and is still leaning to do so. I applaud her bravery for standing up for God.

As county clerk I am responsible for providing many services to the people of Rowan County. These duties include general categories of clerical duties of the fiscal court: issuing and registering, recording and keeping various legal records, registering and purging voter rolls, and conducting election duties and tax duties.

Though I applaud the County Clerk for obeying God and the scripture used to confirm her actions we must also refer to other scripture. What are we to do with Romans chapter 13 of the New Testament? This segment of the Bible refers to the Christian Obligation to Government Authority or Laws.

Issuing and registering marriage license is one of her responsibilities. Therefore, refusing to issue licenses comes against her required duties as clerk in that county. Yet, is she wrong for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples? Are her rights being violated by the United States Supreme Court? When Kim Davis was elected, by the people, this law did not exist so she did not know she would be forced, by law, to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples some years afterwards; things do change.

The Bible calls every person to be subject to the governing bodies of the earth. We are citizens of earth and heaven; and God’s Word as His final authority calls us to obey the laws of the land. If we are to believe God’s word then the County Clerk is going against the very word she claims to love. The Laws of the Land (Romans 13:1-14)

Kim Davis has made it clear that she is a Christian and as such she cannot and will not issue marriage licenses to people of the same sex. She will not sign any marriage licenses for same-sex couples, and her deputies are not authorized to issue them either. This is a chaotic situation. What does the Bible say about this? Should she disobey God and issue the license anyway? Those who do not believe in God or the Word of God would not hesitate to say she is wrong; and they have a right to their opinion, but so does she.

I have to add that this is ONLY a fan magazine Editorial and not an endorsement for same sex marriage. No judgement is being made for or against either side, but judgement does start at the house of faith and I am a person of faith. Therefore, I offer scripture as confirmation that Kim Davis, the County Clerk, is wrong for disobeying a government law. It is possible that she may be judged by the people of God for refusing to obey a law of the land. 1 Peter 4:17 King James Version (KJV) 17 “

For the time is come that judgment must


judgment." "Whether same-sex marriage is a good idea should be of no concern to us. Under the Constitution, judges have power to say what the law is, not what it should be."

begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at

us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” If the people of “Faith” are to believe God’s Word then I understand that we are to judge one another IF we are of the “Household of Faith”. Kim Davis is not wrong in her belief in the scripture. I completely understand why she made the choice to refuse issuing the license. However, we cannot have it both ways. If we are going to obey the scripture then we must obey the scripture in its entirety or we should leave it alone.

Roberts also said he would "begrudge none their celebration" following the ruling, but said the majority's approach was "deeply disheartening." All the dissenting judges indicated the decision amounted to overreach on the part of the judiciary, with suggestions that the ruling interrupted the democratic process through which the legality of gay marriage had been steadily extending across the U.S.

As I believe God’s Word I offer this unsolicited advice to the County Clerk: If the order passed down from the United States Supreme Court forces you to disobey God then step down from the position and trust God to meet your needs. If you continue to refuse to obey the law you will only cause more problems for yourself. It is understandable that standing up for what’s right is not always popular, but if we are to stand up for what’s right we must not be disorderly in doing so. Let God have the final word. Your shoulders are not big enough or strong enough to carry such a heavy burden.

"Stealing this issue from the people will for many cast a cloud over same-sex marriage, making a dramatic social change that much more difficult to accept," the chief justice said. According to Kentucky Revised Statutes Chapter 402.005, marriage is defined as: As used and recognized in the law of the Commonwealth, "marriage" refers only to the civil status, condition, or relation of one (1) man and one (1) woman united in law for life, for the discharge to each other and the community of the duties legally incumbent upon those whose association is founded on the distinction of sex.

Obey the laws of this land. Every government is to be acknowledged and obeyed by virtue of its existence, not because it meets our preferences.

The chapter also goes on to point out that Davis was right in following the law as to who is not permitted to receive a marriage license. 402.010 reads:

NOTE: This is not an Endorsement for same sex marriages or a recognition of different religions. This editorial is the opinion of one person with the posting of scriptures of which this particular editor believes.

Degree of relationship that will bar marriage. (1) No marriage shall be contracted between persons who are nearer of kin to each other by consanguinity, whether of the whole or half-blood, than second cousins. (2) Marriages prohibited by subsection (1) of this section are incestuous and void.

After writing the above opinion, which I still believe, I found more information that should be added to this editorial making sure that no stone was left unturned. http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2015/06/26/ supreme-court-affirms-constitutionality-of-gaymarriage U.S. Supreme Court Affirms Constitutionality of Gay Marriage

The chapter continues in 402.020 to prohibit other marriages, including those between members of the same sex, spouses who are married and seeking another marriage without divorce and polygamy.

In a dissenting opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts argued that the issue was not within the court's realm to decide.

Finally, it is noteworthy that 402.080 states, "No marriage shall be solemnized without a license therefor. The license shall be issued by the clerk of the county in which the female resides at the time, unless the female is eighteen (18) years of age or over or a

"This Court is not a legislature," Roberts wrote, calling the majority's decision "an act of will, not legal 5

widow, and the license is issued on her application in person or by writing signed by her, in which case it may be issued by any county clerk." Therefore, did Kim Davis violate the law and should she have been jailed? The answer is quite clear if we are to go by the 2013 Kentucky Revised Statutes CHAPTER 402 - MARRIAGE: Kim Davis upheld the law, and the judge's order was unlawful and, indeed, criminal and tyrannical as expressed by this author. ARTICLE Also, if there is no working definition of the term "Marriage", then it follows that there can be no issuance of a document called a "Marriage License." After all if "Marriage" has no legal meaning then any references to a "Marriage License" would be undefinable. KENTUCKY HAS NO DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE RIGHT NOW

OTHER LINKS FOR REFERENCES: http://blog.constitutioncenter.org/2015/09/constitution-check-did-the-kentucky-county-clerk-win-herreligious-exemption-after-all/ http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/09/judge-orders-kim-davis-jailed-but-his-order-was-against-the-law/ https://theamm.org/marriage-laws/kentucky/ http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/3333407/posts KENTUCKY HAS NO DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE RIGHT NOW Free Republic | 9/5/15 | P-Marlowe Posted on 9/5/2015, 11:06:21 AM by P-Marlowe http://marriage.laws.com/gay/state-laws/kentucky http://www.lexingtonkylawfirm.com/family-law/other/same-sex-marriage-kentucky/ http://www.foxnews.com/transcript/2015/09/08/attorney-for-kim-davis-speaks-out-huckabee-blastsjudicial-overreach-in-case/ https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxiv 14th Amendment http://wgnsradio.com/states-rights-vs-supreme-court-marriage-ruling-cms-28642 http://billygraham.org/story/franklin-graham-god-defines-marriage-not-the-supreme-court/ https://books.google.com/books? id=SpimQgtGfwMC&pg=PA156&lpg=PA156&dq=What+does+,+for+the+discharge+to+each+other+ and+the+community+of+the+duties+legally+incumbent+upon+those+whose+association+is+founde d+on+the+distinction+of+sex+mean?&source=bl&ots=dSjk84mmvF&sig=3x24jcGX-mWRkNtOTfUwtxAzJk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAWoVChMI7NLdjteDyAIVypANCh2lSQBU#v=onepage&q&f=tr ue














VISUAL/TRADITIONAL: LIZBETH KARINA GONZALEZ Artist Sneak Peek October Issue: Lillian Melker New Drawing: Katarina Hadanova In The Shadow of Michael Jackson: Dave Jeffryes


The View 9/11/2015: Ciara performs Heal The World’ (Video) Michael Jackson's Private Home Movies: Who Is Michael Jackson? "The Day I met Michael Jackson" 2001 New York City :) " Mj Jamiel


















































LunaJo67: Michael Jackson: What DID happen after June 25? The Saga of Arrogance & Desperation https://vindicatemjj.wordpress.com/The Need For A Judicial Venue to Establish and Declare Truth and Falsity



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Shipping Information/Submitting Articles

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09 ● 11 ● 2001



FEATURED FAN ART/ARTIST Visual Artist /Traditional Art

Lizbeth Karina Gonzalez





Lillian Melker


New drawing, Size 50 x 65 cm, Soft pastel.




Highlights from August Events


Brooklyn Loves Michael Jackson



On Saturday, Spike Lee celebrated both the unveiling of “Do The Right Thing Way” and the 57th birthday of Michael Jackson with a huge block party in the heart of Bed-Stuy. Some of Jackson’s hits such as “The Way You Make Me Feel” and “Thriller” blared through large

speakers while attendees danced for at least three hours. Then, after the unveiling of the street name, the speakers played Public Enemy’s “Fight the Power,” a song that was featured in Lee’s honored film. Mayor Bill de Blasio released a statement on the street’s


https://www.40acres.com/thank-you/ renaming: “Our city has a long and powerful history, brimming with dedicated New Yorkers who have fought to improve their communities in countless ways — from public service to community activism to the arts. It is essential that we commemorate those who have built up our past as we work to build a better future for our city. This legislation ensures that we remain connected to our history and to the important values embodied by these individuals.�



3rd Street Santa Monica Michael Jackson's Birthday Tribute 2015

"The Way You Make Me Fee - https://www.youtube.com/watch?


MJ Day in Naples: a new great success The 3rd edition of MJ Day, the event sponsored by the Committee Magic Michael ever y year on August 29 for

Michael Jackson’s birthday, was held at the Overseas Exhibition of Naples, and was a great success thanks to the special participation of Mr. Lavelle Smith Jr, Michael's choreographer for over 20 years, and Fabio Morda’ official impersonator of the King of Pop in the US. It’s with incredible pleasure that we can say that WRGO Magazine was there and saw the fantastic day and evening show. Lavelle met the numerous fans arrived from all over Italy that


arrived in Naples to witness the extraordinary performances of different groups and dance schools being trained for the beautiful choreographies of wonderful songs; of Michael under the careful artistic direction of Aurora Pica. The group that won the first prize of € 500 was named “Dancing for Michael Jackson”, Taranto. Lavelle and Fabio held the afternoon workshop together with Aurora and other guests such as The Blue Gospel Singers, directed since 2004 by Maestro Mario Paduano, one of the best Gospel choirs often aired on Italian national TV channels. Other dancers were Fabio Modica and Tinna Hoffmann, already known to the general local public for their participation in "Dancing with the Stars" as well as impersonators.


In the afternoon,blogger and hardcore MJ fan Syl Mortilla presented his book, recently translated in Italian. You can listen to his speech posted together with an article where he express his italian experience in Naples on Syl Mortilla’s blog: http://sylmortilla.com/2015/09/02/fedora-fede/

The First Book of Michael by Syl Mortilla is available in paperback and on Kindle at http://amzn.to/1GycUw1 and for all other eBook devices at https:// www.smashwords.com/books/view/511371

For this occasion a great artwork from artist Alex Shot was completed at the Michael Jackson Day 2015 birthday celebrations in Naples. "Clearly on a day like this it is a must, as they celebrate his birthday: I was called by the

Committee Magic Michael; and since I grew up with the beautiful music of Michael and I met so many aspects I accepted with great pleasure to represent it starting from a graffiti representing him at a young age to get his magical feet that always enchant us with his steps. "

Alex Shot


A beautiful work of Art Balloon positioned at the entrance of the exhibition, while in the Citrus Garden was already inaugurated the statue in 2013.

A karaoke also taken place with the attendance of young and older fans. It was also possible to buy items, T-shirts, posters, books, CDs and gadgets in collaboration with Michael Jackson and Michaelmania Shop.


All the “commercial activities” had the purpose to fund the charity project chosen for this year which includes support for 500 children of the “Houses of the Sun” of Terre des Hommes in Namibia; a land always afflicted by diseases and pover ty, especially in shanty towns on the outskirts of large cities. The funds raised during the event will go towards the construction of the "Michael Children's Village". The Committee Magic Michael Jackson born in 2013 by a group of fans of Michael intends to pursue his main message of love and dedication to others.

Michael Jackson in Namibia, May 1998

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=1U__Pd3stFM


The evening of this fantastic day of celebration for Michael fans ended with a show of the various groups and the birthday party at the Teatro Mediterraneo with a huge “Happy Birthday Michael "cake.


Some portraits of various artists are auctioned online to support The “Terre des Hommes” project in Nabibia. Here is the link if anyone would like to purchase artwork: From Magicmichael Jackson http://www.ebay.it/itm/271986750694…




Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful day that you have given me. Being fans of Michael Jackson is a source of pride. The world has lost a treasure that man has not been able to protect. Thanks for the kind words, for having embraced, for gifts and for your affection. You are the best. Messages that are sending me are so many, I will do my best to answer all. Unfortunately my profile is full and I can not accept friend requests, so please keep following me and write me on my page, Fabio MordĂ Michael Jackson Impersonator. Soon there will be more news, I missed performing in Italy very much. Me and Lavelle wish you goodnight, today we relaxed by the sea talking about Michael. It was a great day.

Lavelle This was a beautiful moment in Naples, a statue in tribute to my eternal friend, Michael. Thank you all for introducing me to this. I enjoyed the moment a lot. with Michael Jackson.

I really love you, thanks for everything. Fabio MordĂ


Fabio MordĂ & Lavelle Smith Jr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQRP8amhqSU The Unbreakables - Medley Jackson 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1PSdB4EIxw

"The Dangerous" Cover Dance Michael Jackson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qrolkZuO3U

Dancing For Michael Jackson Taranto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLIINUI8tX4

Dancing for M.J. REMEMBER THE TIME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqiUJIrwpCU&feature=share

MIX DFMJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-X-gQT6Bow 32

Katherine Jackson “I Can’t Stop Loving You” Charity Weekend in Gary, IN

Vanessa Little pictured with & Paris

Congrats to #EdHollis the $5,000 winner of the #MichaelJackson dance contest for the #6thAnnual #MichaelJackson #icantstoploving #ICSLY #GARYINDIANA


Mrs. Jackson

Gertrud Broers & Friends Remember Michael’s Birthday in Germany


Celebration to Remember Michael’s birthday in Frankfurt am Main 35

Michael Jackson Birthday Celebration/Performance Friday, August 28 at 5:30pm - 10:00pm (PDT) 7351 Sunset Blvd Hollywood, CA A Birthday celebration in honor of the King of Pop Performer: Michael Jackson Legacy (Goward D. Horton II) Enjoyed a full show with singing and dancing MJ style. Cover charge was $10 cover for the place of which each $5 went to charity (Academy of Music for the Blind�) http://www.ouramb.org/ 36

My Charity is The Heart of Compassion Outreach. My mother is the founder and I am community outreach. I want to create cleaning units for the homeless, job creation, housing, positive community events, stop police brutality, gang violence, and domestic violence. https://www.facebook.com/gowardh

AMB is a non-profit school of music founded by Director David Pinto whose vision to provide a comprehensive music education to musically talented blind children has set a world wide example of excellence in music education. AMB has been serving talented blind students for over 11 years and is the only year-round music school in America solely dedicated to educating the blind and visually impaired. AMB was specifically created to address a glaring hole in music education: the absence of music instruction specifically tailored to the unique needs of the blind student. With thousands of excellent music schools dedicated to serving the sighted, the founding of AMB finally provided blind and visually impaired music students with the level of excellence that their sighted peers enjoy and take for granted. At AMB, students develop their unique musical talents under the supervision of degreed teachers trained in educating the visually impaired. With an education that fully develops their unique talents and social skills, students become prepared for integration into both other educational institutions, as well as the workplace. And even for those students who do not go on to a music vocation, the support they gain from AMB students, teachers, friends and families, as well as the skills that they gain musically, cognitively and socially, makes an enormous contribution to their quality of life. Please enjoy the following pages of information and entertainment. See, and hear, for yourself the joy and miracles that a music education for the blind provides.

http://www.ouramb.org/ 37


Dispelling Myths & Rumors A misunderstanding cleared up: instructions on how to fix misinformation 39

A MISUNDERSTANDING CLEARED UP: INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO FIX MISINFORMATION Kudos to Sonia Dal Ben, co-admin of the website Truth4MJ!! She was able to get an interview on June 25, 2015 with a national live radio station; having the opportunity to dispel, in simple words, the main points of the whole misunderstanding that the general public and even some fans have about MJ because of tabloids and junk media. She was at work, radio music in the background, when she heard the speaker mentioning Michael Jackson. It caught her attention because, sadly, the DJ was commenting on a tabloid news story about Robson's allegations. She decided to contact this radio station telling them the truth and therefore asking for a clarification.

once again but the results did not change much since Matteo came back from his vacation. After reading Sonia's emails, he visited Truth4MJ website and was really impressed by its professionalism and detailed knowledge of the facts. As an MJ's admirer, he was fascinated with this way of being educated about some things by a psychologist as is Sonia’s profession. So, when Matteo wrote back to Sonia he proposed to arrange an interview on June 25. You can read Matteo and Sonia conversation here below: Matteo: Today, June 25th is a date which sadly reminds s us that six years ago Michael Jackson died and we really want to talk about him during this dedicated special space. I want to thank and say hello to Sonia Del Ben, psychologist and psychotherapist, who’s on the phone with me, and she’s one of the administrators and collaborators of a website dedicated to explain the truth about Michael Jackson. Good morning! Sonia: Hello everyone!

At first they replied that the program host, Matteo, was on holiday and nobody was available to collect her claim. Sonia did not let go and emailed them

M: I would start immediately asking you why Michael Jackson? Why? S: 40

Well…I think that talking about Michael

Jackson from an artistic point of view is almost redundant and obvious because his prominnce is pretty much recognized by all, as the globally recognized greatest dancer, one of the greatest musical genius, such as still today’s many great musicians of the world compare his compositions to those of Mozart. We are talking of a person who wrote and did great things on an artistic level, also a prodigy child, because he was on stage since the age of 5 and died at 50, so he virtually spent his life on it. Ok…it was with all pros and cons that this implies. What I would like to emphasize more, in regard to my role on our blog, is that indeed, the public knows too little of him as a human being, and I think this is the part that’s most important and the most real of him.

closest friendships include figures such as Mandela and the Clintons. So I would say, he knew what he was doing.

M: Yes, there’s so much mystery about his character, Neverland ... all these reports coming… therefore …tell us something more.

S: ... oh yes… they ALL passed through that road

M: Oh yes Michael Jackson, who left us six years ago and there are a lot of legends of him, which have been passed over and over… many say: "but he’s really dead?" there is a clip where you see.... S: oh my... M: but on the other hand when you become a myth it always happens and it happened almost to everyone

S: Yes...like Elvis… M: …Curt Cobain and all those who died... ”nobody died”!

M: Hang on a minute…..I propose you to play a song and then get back soon, maybe dispelling some urban legends. S: Absolutely perfect! M: I might choose this song… because I chose a song at the beginning of his solo career, which I love very much and has a beautiful rhythm, I hope you also appreciate it "Don’t stop till get it enough”.

S: It is certain that he has been one of the greatest philanthropists of all time; he appears in the Guinness Book of Records, which is something that almost no one knows… as the pop artist who gave more millions to charities, he visited hospitals and orphanages throughout all his life, donating the entire proceeds, I’m not talking about a part of it, but the entire proceeds of his tours and not only to hospitals and orphanages but to anyone in need. Then his Neverland Ranch, which you were talking about before Matteo, accommodated sick children and adults of all ages, he use to pay medical expenses for those who could not afford it, he was nominated for the Nobel for peace in the ’90’s’ twice, also this has never be mentioned, and amongst his

S: Absolutely M: A classic that brings us back to the beginning of the ‘80s in this episode of “Bitrate Magazine” partly dedicated to Michael Jackson six years after his death , on the phone with us Sonia Dal Ben, one of the curators of the website Truth4mj.it, a site dedicated to explain Michael Jackson’s truth. It tells many interesting stories concerning the “king of the rock". Sonia you met him in person, for real... 41

I already briefly had met him previously. It was in Cannes, as usual while attending a concert, so he already knew me a bit, and he was very sure that we would have not jumped on him and there would be no hysteria, substantially…

S: Yes...

M: You had this honor….because ... well…it’s not something that happened to many people, what can you tell us of that meeting? When you got to know Michael Jackson?

M: hahahah

S: First of all, I want to say that he was giving his heart and soul to his fans, he use to spend his afternoons, when he was in his hotel room, sending written messages of peace, reminding us to heal the world, that we are the world, that we are the children who should carry forward the message of peace so, really… he was sending out peace messages not only through his songs but even with these messages, throwing them from the windows and written on sheets or pillowcases. I think this was so nice, because no one else I ... I follow other artists because I’m a music lover, but no other artist has ever done this. The meeting happened because during his HIStory Tour I had the opportunity to attend some dates here in Europe, I saw three dates and pretty often it happened that when he would see people who were not too crazy or too freaked out, he was really very inclined to approach them. So…we made him this gift, a reproduction of a Japanese

S: …and he really was a gentle and humble person, he was thanking you for any little thing you would give him. He was a person…. M: a person at heart… S: with a huge heart

M: The question I ask myself is….but why, I mean…so many have cursed on Michael Jackson, it’s true, he was a public figure but there were reports, so many story news about him…there is an explanation for all this in your opinion? S: I think so, and the explanation is that he truly became the biggest black artist of all time and he was too black and too important in a country like US that unfortunately still lives racism as a problem. We can also see it, by the recent news stories, of the ultimately protests in the United States by part of black people against what is happening there, and let’s just say it’s shameful and mind-blowing. He was so important… and I just want to remind you that in '83’ when his record company suggested to MTV, which was a “white” television, to broadcast “Billie Jean”. They did not want to! Sony achieved it at the end because virtually they blackmailed MTV, saying: “if you do not broadcast him we will withdraw the rights to air any other videos of our artists!” With that, they succeeded! And, precisely, because he was too black and too important, media started to make a crack and tell anything and more in order to make a “scoop”.

sword with engraved above the lyrics of his song “Heal the world”, that I will say in Italian, so it’s easier to understand, it says: "Together We'll Turn Their Swords Into Plowshares” and we showed it to his bodyguard, who knew us a little bit, and he appreciated it very much. For this reason Michael decided to give us the opportunity to have a meeting. 42

M: Sonia, but Michael Jackson it is also famous for the fact that from black he turned into white……to put it plainly… and one of the things to dispel, I mean…here there is nothing to debunk because it’s objective enough to look at the pictures…I mean … why this research to change the skin color?

M: Another great classic of Michael Jackson passed away six years ago, on June 25th, 2009; we are here remembering him this afternoon at “Bitrade Magazine” together with Sonia Del Ben, psychologist and psychotherapist, who runs a website dedicated to the truth about Michael Jackson.

S: Well, there’s no research, as confirmed by hundreds of photos! It would be enough to give a try and search the internet to see it, because you can find it everywhere… from medical reports and finally, from the autopsy sadly. The result was that Michael Jackson suffered from a form of vitiligo. A vitiligo so severe, one of the most serious, where the white spots were more than the dark. I saw him in person and I've seen these spots.

M: Today I wanted to ask you and address an issue that is often mentioned, and which is also the reason why we have met: it was because I had once told during a “bitrade” programs news related to him and that shows which kind of information very often pass through Michael Jackson. In particular on the allegations relating to him. What do you have to say in this regard? S: well… okay…. The accusations of pedophilia are the most shameful lies about him, which mean that it turned out all a lie made in order to extort money from him. The first time, to make the story short, he was accused by a kid in ‘93’ and immediately a call wiretaps by FBI revealed that the father of the boy wanted to extort money and wanted Jackson to finance a movie project, but Jackson did not like it.

M: Yes S: It means that when he had to go public his makeup had to be perfect. In the beginning, when the spots were still few, he put a dark makeup to cover the clear spots, and then when the spots became much more evident, clearly and necessarily he had to do the opposite, using clear makeup to cover the darker still left. He never disavowed his race, he was very proud of being a black American and I say it again, his vitiligo was so well-known, that after his death (for those who want to get information) the Worldwide Association for Vitiligo has establish June 25th as the World Day of Vitiligo.

M: ok S: He said NO to him, and this guy for revenge launched the allegations of pedophilia at the time Jackson was on tour, he was on a world-tour and his record label made a lot of pressure on him to reach an agreement and avoid having him to stop the tour.

M: This is incredible! I did not know, so … see… something else that you find out! So… we talked a lot, then I would propose you to put another song and by the way, I want to remind that all this information can be found on the website of truth4mj.it. …and now I would listen… making a musical leap in the over time of the music career of Michael Jackson… this one is 'Beat It”.

M: Sometimes it is more convenient to pay… S: Clearly he was totally against an agreement but at the end, following too many pressures made by Sony, he relented and it was the biggest mistake he could have done, because he brought this stain with him ahead during his life and because then the media kept on saying that, if he paid it was because he was guilty… M: Sure S: …and actually happened, all were following this wave for this reason. It was easy at that point, and obviously, having paid once already, many thought this could fit again for another opportunity. So… clearly in 2003 the mother of a boy Mike… Michael Jackson sheltered at his home, who was


suffering of cancer and to whom he paid all medical treatment because this kid was particularly poor…

what he endured as innocent has few parallels with other people in history and I think that now that he’s dead and he can’t defend himself, deserve the truth.

M: Yes

M: All these news, documents and other insights are hosted on your site, but also many other sites have the same and looking for ... and it’s true that things can be discovered on the web. There is so often a tendency to talk about Michael Jackson listening only to the allegations without going to get to the bottom of this.

S: He decided to sue him for child abuse again. Fortunately there was another lawyer, a really good one, who told him “No, of course go on trial… because Michael wanted to…We go to trial and we prove that you are absolutely innocent. So on June 13, 2005, after 12 years of investigation held over him by FBI and all the possible government agencies, he was completely acquitted of all 14 charges against him, and it turned out that the child's mother had already a charged complaint for extortion towards other people and that the S. Barbara prosecutor's, who was in charge of his case and carried on for 12 years, had already been accused of misconduct and racism from other people in the area. So this mud machine was designed in such a way to smash him, but I say it again, he was totally acquitted because the case did not exist. So there’s nothing more false. However, because he was associated to these things absolutely outrageous, I believe that

S: Also because a scoop on the front page of good news does not work, we know it very well Matteo…already… M: There is also talk …., now I should really end this because we are really beyond any time, I already know they are going to kill me. S: Go head M: However I still have this question that I found on the site, which is divided on the truth about man, the truth about his life and the truth about his death, and this what I wanted to ask you in particular, because it say that Michael Jackson was killed!!??! S: Yes, his doctor was convicted of manslaughter, for which it is evident that he was killed, and he was killed because there were no one who was taking care of his health at the end. At the end he became a money-making machine, and although he was no more able to do extensive shows because he was just sick, with vitiligo, erythematosus lupus, neuropathic pain due to previous burns to the scalp as a result of the accident of 83… M: Yes

S: … in short, a whole series of things that I will not recount in details. M: Sure S: …because we do not have enough time. He couldn’t stand any longer tours, however there’s been no qualms...They have been thinking: make it or break it. If it breaks and it going bad we are gaining anyway; and in fact it’s what happened! Because in post-mortem he gained almost more or the same level as when he was alive. Which means there has been little scrupulous. 44

ourselves in the mirror and try hard to change what, in our small way, can do . Because we can change if we all want to, if we all try to respect the environment, be more honest in order to give the best of us in whatever could be our work, this change can be possible and this one to me is the most important of his messages and his legacy, beyond his artistic value, which is immense anyway.

M: …and this brings us back to six years ago on June 25th of 2009. However, after having talk about things a bit sad, I would give space to what remains, absolutely and without exceptions, that give us emotions…his music… S: Right! M: So Sonia I would like to close our conversation with a song. This time I let you choose. What is the song that most represent Michael Jackson for you?

M: Thank you very much to Sonia Del Ben S: Not at all, thank you very much to you

S: To me, his masterpiece of all time is “Man in the Mirror” because I feel it hides inside of itself his legacy, not only musically but also his own message, such “we have to heal the world”, “let’s make it a better place”, as he said in “Heal the world”… where we can all be united, there’s no difference if you are white or black. What’s important, is to ban prejudices… starting from ourselves, and what then says “Man in the Mirror” is to look at

M: I want to remember to find out more information on Michael Jackson on this site, that you, together with another person manage….there is a lot of information. We had the pleasure to have with us Sonia Dal Ben, psychologist and psychotherapist. Thank you very much. http://www.truth4mj.it/ S: Thank you so much M: See you soon


End of the interview https://soundcloud.com/ radioticino/bitrate-magazine-puntata-25-6

Botton line of the story….never ever give up Michael Jackson’s Universal Message of Peace and LOVE 45

BOOKS The Secret: The Story of Brilliant, Beautiful, Handicapped Michael Jackson Paperback – January 29, 2010 by Patricia Eddington (Author)

One day I met an extraordinary man. Two shocking words came over the television when he died and suddenly Michael Jackson was no longer bizarre. Of all the books written about Michael none told the real story of what was going on. This book removes the labels, the lies and mystery of Michael's life. This book will introduce you to the beautiful being that was the real Michael Jackson. This book will shock you and might make you cry. You will finally understand what Michael was really saying. It will surely open your eyes to the secret that kept Michael caged and in what he called "prison" all of his life.

The Michael Jackson Story Mass Market Paperback – December 1, 1983

by Nelson George (Author) Book written four years after his 10-million-copy hit album Thriller, Michael Jackson still had hearts throbbing and fans waiting for more hits and more inside details about his life. Book was updated and edition contains all-new recent photos, for that era, and an all-new cover. A few good reviews on Amazon. ALSO ON GOODREADS SITE



Artist Spotlight

El DeBarge 47

El DeBarge: Embraced His “Second Chance” WHILE LOVE EMBRACED HIM “Let The Redeemed of the Lord Say So” Veteran R&B Crooner, leader of the sibling music group DeBarge & Hunk El DeBarge is back with a new album, “Second Chance” and has tour dates scheduled.

According to El, his siblings and mother they suffered a lot at the hands of Mr. Robert DeBarge, Sr. For certain all of them are survivals because they love one another and Mama DeBarge is a soldier on the battle field for the Lord. No matter what the circumstance I believe she was always praying for her children. Bobby is the only child she lost to death but I believe even he was a good person and very talented. I may sound a bit bias but the Jackson and DeBarge families have always been favorites of mind. The DeBarge family remind me of a real family with real problems and they never tried to hide anything. They have truly been transparent; especially El and his sister Bunny.

El DeBarge from the multi-talented DeBarge family led a string of mid-1980s Motown hits that included I Like It, Time Will Reveal and Rhythm of the Night. He also had solo hits, including Who’s Johnny, Real Love and Love Always, and joined with Barry White, Al B. Sure and James Ingram on Quincy Jones’s classic ballad The Secret Garden. But the hits stopped coming when DeBarge’s drug use took hold of him.

El makes no excuses for his mistakes and was very anxious to interact with his fans after being gone for sixteen years. I love him even more for that. Such a humble and beautiful man, inside and out. He tried crack cocaine when he was twenty-five years old and became a slave to it for twenty-two years. We’ve all been and are still slaves to something. Only difference is we may not be as transparent as El DeBarge who spent 13 months in a California prison on drug charges before his release in January 2009. His incarceration helped him end a two-decade addiction to heroin and crack.

With a unique staying power and a strong desire to lean on the Lord he will do just fine and is more than worthy of a “Second Chance”. Second Chance tells El's story of redemption, which followed a period of personal turmoil. It also unites El DeBarge with some of music's most notable hit makers, including co-writing and co-production by Babyface, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, Mike City, Michael Angelo, Mischke, and the Avila Brothers.

“God saw fit to sit me down,” DeBarge says. “It was an answer to my prayers. I didn’t want to go to prison, and I don’t recommend it, but while I was there, I got my willpower back. And it put me back in touch with myself and my faith in God.” When EL was released from prison, Pete Farmer with his wife Pamela, a veteran music 48

executive became his management team and helped him get his life together and back into the studio. It was Farmer who persuaded Geffen Records chairman Ron Fair to take a chance on DeBarge who had a lot of confidence in El and his music. “They had put together an unbelievable group of songs, and I realized this was not an oldies-retread thing,” says Fair, who with Farmer is co-executive producer of Second Chance. “This guy’s new music is incredibly vital and powerful.”

on television for sixteen years or more and people can be very cruel. Thank God it went well. El DeBarge received what I would call a “Majestic Standing Ovation” from the audience. Their “Love Embraced” him. Just before he went onstage at the BET Awards show he was so nervous. You could see the fright in his eyes. El said he wanted people to forgive him, to love him and to embrace him. I hope he understands that everything he wanted was easy to obtain. People love El DeBarge and there is nothing to forgive. Suffering through an addiction of the sort he dealt with was punishment enough. We all have some burdens to bear and many continue to carry them. You don’t need our forgiveness El and we give you our “Love” freely. It’s a pleasure to embrace you, my brother.

The title track on Second Chance speaks to his redemption, while a second single, Joyful, reflects his “being joyful about life again, dealing with the everyday struggles with a sober mind.” As a way to reintroduce El back to his fans and music industry peers on January 31, 2011 Centric TV premiered “Inside: El Debarge”; a Reality show as cameras followed El around giving us a special view of his movements on the road to his comeback. The Reality show allowed us a glimpse into the private life with his management team; his visit with Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis; a get-together with Monica, mother of two of his children: a beautiful Father’s day outing with his gorgeous oldest daughter, Adris; a couple of studio sessions where he’s working on the new album “Second Chance”; a photo shoot for the cover of his new album in Malibu, CA.; a visit with his brother Chico; a video shoot downtown LA for the Second Chance song; the day before the BET Awards he meet up with his band for rehearsal and Queen Latifah shows up to give her support. She mentions to El that this is the first year anniversary Of Michael Jackson’s passing. El responds by saying that he wanted to do the best he could, even for Michael.

I love what Black Eyed Peas Hip Hop Artist will.i.am had to say to El: There is no second chance, it’s when you come back. That’s heavy. He also said that his generation was inspired by people like El and Michael Jackson and his opinion was that the music industry was much healthier back then. Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis considered it an honor to work with royalty such as El DeBarge. El said it was great being able to collaborate with Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. It seem to build his confidence even moreso. James Samuel "Jimmy Jam" Harris III and Terry Steven Lewis are considered to be one of the best R&B songwriting and record production teams in the world, in my opinion and I’m sure other enthusiasts of R&B think so. I would also add “Babyface” Edmonds to that same group. It was amazing and touching to see the compassion Pamela Farmer had for El and her concern that his comeback be everything they hoped and prayed for it to be. With tears in her eyes she talks to her husband about how important it was for them to accomplish what they attempted to do and that El send a message to everybody that one can come back from substance abuse and he can have a second chance. I was moved to tears myself.

El, along with his manager and daughter, also attended a meeting with Ron Fair, Chairman of Interscope Records. It was decided at the meeting with Ron Fair that El would, as a surprise, open up the BET 2010 Awards show which made him and his manager very nervous. I was nervous for him. This was going to be an enormous undertaking. He had not performed “Live” 49

DeBarge says he has talked with his siblings about a reunion album, but nothing’s mapped out. He is proud that niece Kristinia DeBarge (James’ 20-year-old daughter) carried on the family business with her debut album, Exposed, last year. Two older brothers, Tommy and the late Bobby, led the ’70s Motown band Switch, and younger brother Chico also has a solo career. More important, the family’s support has helped him in his recovery. “Maintaining my sobriety is really not a problem because I didn’t want to be on drugs anyway,” he says. “I picked up a crack pipe when I was 25 years old because I wanted to try it, and it took me 22 years to un-try it. But it’s a wrap now. I lost all that time with a pipe in my mouth. Now it’s a mike to my mouth.” Some information taken from this SOURCE

El and Mama DeBarge Lay With Me (featuring Faith Evans) https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr2ItWYzbSw

In November of 2010 the “Second Chance” album was released and El was set to tour with headlining act KEM and opener Ledisi in February of 2011. Unfortunately El, voluntarily felt the need to check himself back into a rehabilitation facility to seek treatment for an assumed relapse. I hope people did not see that as a bad thing. I’m proud of El for realizing that he needed more help before getting too deep in the waters. SOURCE

Second Chance https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=CBhw5FUBHY8 http://www.bandsintown.com/event/10161735-el-debarge-cedar -park-cedar-park-center-2015? artist=El+DeBarge&came_from=174 Tour Dates "INSIDE: EL DEBARGE" A Centric Premiere (Reality Show) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uio_PijSJI&list=RDUio_PijSJ-I#t=1

I pray El DeBarge will continue to stay strong and I’m so grateful for his family, fans and friends for believing in him and especially his oldest daughter, 31 year old Adris. Adris has nothing but good things to say about her dad. She is grateful that he wasn’t around when she was younger while he was on drugs. I’m not sure whether he is still under the Geffen Interscope label or whether he is still being managed by Pete and Pam Farmer. I do know that he has past and future events noted on the bandsintown.com and the songkick sites. Be sure to visit the links below to two of his hit songs on the new album and follow him on twitter and is blog.

http://www.mtv.com/artists/el-debarge/ http://blackdoctor.org/444511/el-debarge-drug-addiction/2/ http://alwaysalist.com/music/eldebarge-comeback/ El DeBarge: Staging Another Comeback November 3, 2014 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Chance_(album)

http://www.eurweb.com/2011/02/el-debarge-off-tour-and-backto-rehab/ http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/music_blog/2010/12/eldebarge-gets-a-second-chance-after-drug-problemsreleases-first-album-in-16-years.html

Let’s hope El is in the studio working on a followup album to “Second Chance”. Good luck El as you continue to be embraced and loved by family, fans and friends. You are not alone.

https://www.facebook.com/ElDeBargeTeamEl El DeBarge - Second Chance (Making of) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA75Pf5_6Vs

El’s Blog http://www.kolaent.com/

El Debarge Says 50 Cent and Babyface Saved Him

Twitter https://twitter.com/ElDeBarge

from Relapse 50


VIDEOS "The Day I met Michael Jackson" 2001 New York City :) " Mj Jamiel"

Michael Jackson's Private Home Movies Full Who Is Michael Jackson? The View 9/11/2015: Ciara performs ‘Heal The World’ (Video)


"The Day I met Michael Jackson" 2001 New York City :) " Mj Jamiel" Video Credit: Jamiel Pridgen

Michael Jackson's Private Home Movies Full Who Is Michael Jackson? Video Credit: robbi greenwald

The View 9/11/2015: Ciara performs ‘Heal The World’ (Video) Video Credit: The Big Screen Published on Sep 11, 2015 Ciara’s touching performance of Michael Jackson’s Heal the World in 9/11 Tribute on The View. VIEW VIDEO HERE 53



Karen Moriarty

Gabymichaelj Jackson

Sandra Grant Woodard

MariaAmelia Melquiades de Sousa

Mike Polk

Dani Marca Moonwalker Smile Gloveceleberty

James AnythingforSalinas Carson

Joe Knox

Dougvone Jackson

Given Masheka Kathy M Juliano

Karen Eliz Gray

Anne Denton

Dayana Jackson

Elaine Newton

Gloria Andersond Choice

Liss Silverwing

Robert Robinson

Sandra Souza

Joyce Randon White

Berry Verkuil

Tracy Knox

Rodney Bonner, Sr.

Michael BĂŠdĂŠ

Merlyn Jannett Amaya

Kenneth Williams

Debbie Orlich

Zeeshan Baloch Shani Irina Hizgilov

John L. Knox 56

Beau Cregan

Melodie Ross Jackson

Fannie Packer

Акмаль Хаджаев

Loretta A. Bosarge

Azja Pryor

Shane Jackson

Ines Parrain

Ada Tarchetti

Linde Janina

Linda Whitcomb

Clifton Bush

Lavora Brooks

Don An Desiree Johnson

Michelle Menard

Cheryl Lee Charles

Christiane Rousseau

Gertrud Broers

Lydia Giménez-Llort

Carine Carine Boreham

Nickie Shimar

Ute Wilhelm

Diana Panagotacos

Corrine Turk

Jackie Willis

Marielena Armagnac

Mercedes A. Terzol

Zachary Ford

Isaac Akers

Carol Hodges 57

Lewis Gray

Maria Lise Jørgensen

Mercedes Bristol

Yvonne Holland

Rosa Casiero

Kimberly Mybaby Cales

Carol Crabtree

Greg Smith

Yana Mandeville

Rositsa S Vassileva

Nicole Sullivan

Marlon David Jackson, Jr. Alecxandra Nichole Sy Marcelo

Rebeca MVargas Alina Petra Berger Isabelle Stegner-Petitjean

Yvonne Lucas Christine Deruby II Tonysha Emerson 58

Bruce Swedien Greg Phillinganes


Joining Siedah Garrett Patti Austin Music and QuincyJones on-stage to present the Pensado Award to legendary engineer Bruce Swedien. What a classy event!

Bruce Swedien receives the Pensado Award The Pensado Awards was created by the producers of the acclaimed online video series Pensado's Place. The awards were founded as a means of acknowledging talented music producers, engineers, mixers and their work, are a grand opportunity for the best pros, amateurs, brands and press to come together as one community to celebrate the uncelebrated. The 2015 award show took place outdoors under the stars in the middle of the Sony Pictures Studios lot in Culver City, CA on Sunday, August 30th. The ceremony hosted a crowd of over 800 recording industry figures, with the live ceremony highlighted by presentations from the likes of Quincy Jones, Barbra Streisand and Pensado Giant Award-winner, Bruce Swedien. The night was lead by co-hosts Randy Jackson, Chris Lord-Alge, Young Guru, Sylvia Massy and Justin Meldal-Johnsen. Keeping the beat was Pensado Orchestra leader, iconic Beastie Boys DJ, Mix Master Mike along with a 12-piece string section.

Watch the 2015 Pensado Awards Here 60

Greg Phillinganes, winner of the award for Outstanding Music Direction for "Stevie Wonder: Songs in the Key of Life, an All-Star Grammy Salute," poses in the press room at the Creative Arts Emmy Awards, Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP) SOURCE

Musical director Greg Phillinganes at the taping of "Stevie Wonder: Songs In The Key Of Life — An All-Star GRAMMY Salute" Photo: Kevin Winter/WireImage.com

GRAMMY-nominated musician Greg Phillinganes won a 2015 Creative Arts Emmy Award for Outstanding Music Direction for his role as musical director for the television special "Stevie Wonder: Songs In The Key Of Life — An All-Star GRAMMY Salute." Creative Arts Emmy winners were announced on Sept. 12 at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.

The two-hour primetime GRAMMY special, which aired live on CBS on Feb. 16, 2015, paid tribute to 25-time GRAMMY winner Stevie Wonder with performances by Beyoncé, Gary Clark Jr., Lady Gaga, John Legend, Janelle Monáe, Ed Sheeran, and Usher, among others. Two-time GRAMMY winner LL Cool J hosted the special. "Stevie Wonder: Songs In The Key Of Life — An All-Star GRAMMY Salute" was produced by AEG Ehrlich Ventures. Ken Ehrlich was executive producer, Rac Clark was co-executive producer, Leon Knoles was director, and David Wild and Ehrlich were the writers. SOURCE 61


http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/25900000/July-year-1996-South-Africa-michael-jackson-25939344-600-404.jpg 62

Little MJ Fans Grow Up

Este fantástico panel del IV Concurso Internacional pro-Debra, presenta 33 dibujos realizados por 27 participantes. Los dibujos se han ordenado por edades. Arriba: niños (naranja, 30 meses y 6 años, respectivamente; rojo: 8 años; verde: 10 años; azul 11-12 años) Abajo: adultos. Para VOTAR el DIBUJO más POPULAR, indica los números de los 10 dibujos que más te han gustado. Las votaciones que indiquen menos de 10 dibujos favoritos quedarán descalificadas. Fecha límite para votar: 10 de Septiembre, 23:59h hora de centro Europa. 63

This fabulous pannel of the IV International Painting Contest pro-Debra, presents 33 drawings by 27 participants. They have been ordered by age. Up:children (orange, 30 months old and 6 years old, respectively; red: 8 years old, green:10 years old, blue:11-12 years old) Bottom: adults. To VOTE the MOST POPULAR PAINTING, indicate the number of your favourite 10 paintings. The votes that indicate less than 10 favourite painting will not be accepted. Deadline: September 10th, 23:59h central Europe time.



Child Prodigies to the Rescue 2+2=4, 4+4=8...the square root of pi is 1.772453851? They do surgery at age seven, go to college at nine, and graduate from medical school at 21. Take a look at how these six kid geniuses are changing the world—shortly after they enter into it. Photo: Getty Images

Elise Tan Roberts Elise Tan Roberts isn't your average kid. At just two years old, Elise had an estimated I.Q. of 156 and was the youngest child to ever become a member of Mensa, the international society for geniuses. According to the Daily Mail, Elise was little more than five months old when she called her father “Dada” for the first time. Three months later, she was walking. Before her first birthday, she could recognize her written name, and by 16 months, she could count to ten. Her specialty? This little genius likes to recite the names of the world's capital cities. Photo: ABC News/Youtube

Akrit Jaswal Akrit Jaswal is from a remote village at the foothills of the Himalayas. When he was five years old, he was reading Shakespeare. At age six, Akrit was teaching English and math, and when he was seven, he performed surgery on a young burn victim. Akrit was India's youngest university student and is hailed as one of the smartest people in India—a country of more than a billion people. Photo: Fire Cracker Films/Youtube 65

Jake Barnett At age two, Jake Barnett was diagnosed with autism. He was put in special education classes, but it quickly became apparent that Jake was more advanced than his classmates. In fact, he was a math genius. His IQ is 170—higher than Albert Einstein's. At nine, he built mathematical model that reportedly expanded upon Einstein's theory of relativity. At 12 years old, Jake enrolled in Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis as a full-time college student and soon after landed a paid research position in the field of condensed matter physics. You can watch Jake's inspiring TEDxTeen talk here. Photo: CBS News/Youtube

Sho Yano You think four is too young for your child to begin kindergarten? Try sending your kid to college at nine! Sho Yano, who embarked on his college career at nine years old and attended medical school at age 12, is about to become the youngest person to earn an M.D. at the University of Chicago. Yano has received a Ph.D. in molecular genetics and cell biology and will soon graduate from the university's Pritzker School of Medicine. Published June 03, 2012 Associated Press

Cleopatra Stratan In 2006, a three-year-old girl from Moldova, Cleopatra Stratan, performed a two-hour long, 28song, live concert in Bucharest, Romania, becoming the youngest person ever to perform live for that length of time in front of an audience. She is also the youngest artist to ever hit #1—in any country. Hear her hit song, "Ghita," here.


Marco Calasan Marco Calasan of Macedonia is the youngest Microsoft systems engineer in the world. According to CNN, the 11-year-old has four Microsoft certificates and wrote an informative 312-page book on Microsoft's Windows 7. Not only is he a computer genius, but he also has a knack for foreign languages. Photo: CNN/ Youtube

Published on June 05, 2012 by Cassie Goldring 66



The International Child Art Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded in 1997. Head office is in Washington, D.C. They enhance academic performance and instill global citizenship by nurturing children's creativity and developing their empathy, which are key attributes of 21st century learners and leaders. The World Children's Festival they host on every 4 years and is the world's largest international children's celebration. Inspired by E. Paul Torrance's longitudinal and cross-cultural studies of the "4th Grade Slump", Dr. Ashfaq Ishaq created the ICAF to help children overcome this slump. The ICAF became the first national arts organization for American children and the first international arts organization for the world's children. Since 1999 the ICAF has produced the World Children's Festival every four years on The National Mall in Washington, D.C. to honor the Arts Olympiad winners at an event of children's co-learning and co-creation. [1]


The ICAF's flagship program is the Arts Olympiad. This art and sport program for children ages 8 to 12 is the most prestigious and largest in the world. The Arts Olympiad winners represent their cities at the World Children's Festival at the National Mall in Washington, DC. The deadline for the 5th Arts Olympiad is May 15, 2014. The [5]

next World Children's Festival will be held in June 2015.

The Peace Through Art Programs tap into the creativity of children so they can visualize with the importance of peace and co-existence. Their goal is to reduce the transmission of trauma and hatred from the current generation to the future one. The program develops empathy through art and imparts leadership skills so children can co-create a peaceful future for their communities. The program also aims to repair trust in humanity of children living in conflict zones.


The Healing Arts Programs was started in response to the Asian tsunami of December 2004. The organization wanted to transfer the knowledge and experience gained from the treatment of the child survivors of the 9/11 attacks to help the tsunami child survivors. The Tsunami Healing Arts Program was extended to the US. Gulf Coast as Katrina Healing Arts Program after Hurricane Katrina.The ICAF partnered with theWorld Bank Arts Program in 2005 on its "Destruction, Reconstruction and Prevention" program to broaden the understanding of natural disaster.

The ICAF mission is to enhance academic performance and imbue global citizenship by nurturing children’s creativity and developing their empathy-key attributes of 21st century learners and leaders. Accomplishments  Engaged approximately 5 million children in 80 countries to produce original art.  Hosted the first national children’s art festival in U.S. history  Developed the Artist-Athlete Ideal of the creative mind and healthy body, which guides children to address the obesity and creativity risks they might face  Pioneered STEAMS Education, which integrates Art and Sport with the STEM disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics for children's holistic development  Produced the World Children's Festival on The National Mall in Washington, D.C., every four years since 1999 as the Olympics of children's imaginations  Instituted the World Children's Award for children to select and honor creative leaders  Gained recognition as the world leader in children’s art exhibitions and children's panels at conferences 70

Programs Training teachers and provide them with structured lesson plans to: (a) cultivate children's healthy living habits, imagination and creative critical thinking with the Arts Olympiad, the largest and most prestigious art program for children aged 8 to 12; (b) reduce violence in conflict zones by restoring young people's trust in humanity with Peace through Art programs; and (c) remediate suffering following major natural disasters by restoring the affected community's faith in nature with Healing Art programs.

Funding Some of the world's most creative companies (Adidas, Brother, Disney, Faber-Castell, Hilton, LEGO, Madewell, WACOM, tbgWorldwide, and Yahoo!) have sponsored the ICAF exhibitions, World Children's Festival or ChildArt magazine. We rely on the support of creative and empathic individuals to sustain and grow our programs, which are free-of-charge for all children, school districts, ministries of education, and arts councils and organizations.


Michael Jackson supported The International Child Art Foundation with his single “What more can I give”. Here read the story: The edited version of the single, What More Can I Give?, featuring a host of other artists, is released via the official Music for Giving website as a $2 download to support charity projects. The charities that received donations when "What More Can I Give" was donated were "Oneness", "Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation" and "The International Child Art Foundation". It was due to certain legal delays and misunderstandings that the charity anthem, (also previously devoted to the Kosovo victims and intended to be performed with late Luciano Pavarotti in 1999), was redirected – via Internet pay - to providing financial aid to the September 11, 2001 victims in New York. Michael Jackson premiered the short film for his latest charity single titled, What More Can I Give? at Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The short film was first premiered to a small Clear Channel audience. Clear Channel is a collection of media and entertainment companies. Michael thanked the disc jockeys, producers, and radio in general and stated that he did not think that they get enough credit. He went on to say that they help artists get their music out and he wouldn’t be here without their support. During the video premiere, Michael sat on the floor and watched with the audience. He invited the children in the audience to sit with him. Immediately following, Michael went next door where the short film premiered again for a larger audience of radio stations. Again, he sat on the floor for the premiere. He thanked everyone and was extremely personable. Michael said that he feels his music is channeled from God; he sings it, but it’s the radio that gets it out. He expressed his appreciation again for the continued support of his work. Following the premiere of the short film Michael went back to the ‘Art of Music’ store and did another signing. Some fans were able to get in and get tee shirts, and other memorabilia signed. He also made sure to greet the fans that were standing outside of the store.

In regards to this charity single, Michael simply stated, "Let’s make this happen!" 72

In the evening, Michael Jackson premieres the short film for What More Can I Give in the conference area at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. At the Radio Music Awards, Michael accepts the first ever Humanitarian Award from Beyonce. Beyonce Knowles introduced Michael, taking the stage with a smile she began, "I am honored to be here tonight to introduce a music Icon. As a little girl, groovin' to his music, I like millions around the world, tried to mimic his unique and thrilling singing and dancing. He's still doing it! But today what I am trying to mimic is his passion for helping others. It is an example for all of us. He believes we can really change the world and he's doing it. He still remains the biggest selling recording artist in the history of music. *begin applause and screams* The king of pop! Ladies and gentlemen please welcome artist and humanitarian, MICHAEL JACKSON!"*you rock my world plays in the background* Michael enters wearing a black satin shirt & velvet pants with two belts, One silver and the other one silver and sparkly with matching sparkly shin guards and boots. *the crowd is standing, yelling, clapping* Michael embraces Beyonce and moves center stage. Smiling the entire time. *cut to enthusiastic crowd, applauding vigorously* Michael bows graciously and laughs.

On accepting the Award, he draws focus to What More Can I Give, the sequel of the 1985 highgrossing charitable single, "We Are The World", and remembers the 2001 terrorist attacks in New York which, apart from their tragic aftermath, also "brought us together and finally brought this project together"; afterwards, Michael Jackson presents a short film showcasing the highlights of the charitable song’s recording.


"We Are The World"was a project we did to help feed people around the Globe, who were starving and at risk. As you know, it was a huge success "We Are The World". This time, the time is come for the sequel to "We Are The World", to express our feelings, inspires, hope and lift those who need it most. It has been two years - a very long time – but with over one hundred people participating and donating their perecords, this project together finally has arrived. It couldn’t have happened without you all. The incredible talented artists who participated in creating this song that I just wrote. Two years ago, we survived a terrorist attack that forever changed not only our country, but the entire world. We will never forget that that terrible tragedy brought us together and finally brought this project together. Producing this song was a miracle in itself. Here is a video showing some of the highlights of the moving collaboration, and tonight, you will experience it here first. Thank you to Radio Music Awards for giving us this opportunity to bring it to the world. I hope, once again, we can set aut on a mission to lead the world in a path of harmony, by asking ourselves every day: "What More Can I give?"[the footage of the song recordings are displayed]; Jackson is given the Humanitarian Award by singer Beyonce, for which he adds a brief "thank you" speech." Source: mjjtime.blogspot

Michael Jackson speech "What More Can I Give" Radio Music Award's 2003. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=jDbfmzFT5Oc


Creativity, Diversity and Unity—WCF 2015 Visit the website: https://www.icaf.org/



Michael Jackson Story and Cartoon Quilts hung on fence at 2300 Jackson Street in Gary, IN by fan in August of 2015


Ellie Hollingsworth giving “OneWhiteRoseforMichael� 2015 donation to Mrs. Pearl Prince, Principal of Frankie Woods McCullough Academy for Girls in Gary, IN

The student that won the bike Ellie Hollingsworth donated to the school. She won for not missing any days of summer school and wanted to meet Ellie! 78

Staff Member at FWMGA With book of Whitney Houston given to the school as a gift from Vanessa Little

Sheryl Wilder and family at Neverland Gate

Gertrud Broer New Artwork of Michael Gordon




More photos of Gertrud Broers artwork sent to Mrs. Jackson from Germany Many thanks to Vanessa Little & Michael Gordon for making sure Mrs. Jackson received the gifts. 81

Michael Gordon, Jeremy Horn and Keith Jackson at the Genesis Center in Gary , IN. August 2015


William Wagener and Michael Gordon at event in Gary, IN - August 2015

MJ Tribute Belt - 2015 Just Can’t Stop Loving You Charity Event 2nd and 3rd Generation of Jacksons in Gary, IN for the 2015 Just Can’t Stop Loving You Charity Event


Willie The Entertainer in Gary, IN for 2015 Event Pictured with Mrs. Jackson & his brother. Willie wearing white hat.

Willie the Entertainer pictured with his brother and Randy & Jermaine Jackson

sons. Photo taken at the Genesis Center in Gary, IN.

Photo Source 84

Willie the Entertainer pictured with Paris & TJ Jackson

Taj Jackson and Willie the Entertainer 2015 “I Can’t Stop Loving You” Charity Event - Genesis Center Gary, IN

3T pictured with Willie and his brother at Genesis Center in Gary, IN. 2015


Michael Gordon holding up special artwork from Germany sent to Mrs. Jackson created by Gertrud Broers

Zandz Ward, Jermaine Jackson, Wendy Duran, Tito Jackson, Laura Sherwood, Marlon Jackson, Kim Bailey and another Special and Super Sweet fan who just happen to be there. Photo taken in White Plains, NY 86


Remembering Michael’s 57th Birthday



Birthday Flowers from Poland

Birthday Flowers from Scotland




Beautiful flower card from the Hong Kong fans. 92


LIFT ME UP SLOWLY II Call for Love - August 23, 2015 ~Diana Foley~ 93

He has… lifted up the humble. (Luke 1:52 NIV)

As a brand new bride in a new house, I was eager to get things in order. While my husband was at work, I decided to hang the drapes in the remaining bedroom. There was, however, nothing to stand on but a rocking chair. It worked fine, and I managed to get up and brace myself against the wall with one foot on the window ledge as I carefully put the drapes on their rod. Coming down, however, the chair rocked and thus gave way with me and I landed on the floor on my hip. With no serious injuries noted, I went on about the day. The next morning, we were both in the bathroom in our underwear in front of the mirror, when my husband suddenly asked me, “Honey, what happened to you yesterday?” “Why?” I asked innocently. He ever so gently turned my body towards the mirror to show me the dinner-plate-sized purple bruise on my hip. It was time to confess that I had, once again, been climbing on something not intended to be climbed upon. Within a few days, a three-step-stool appeared, with firm instructions to USE IT PLEASE. It sits today as I write this, across the room near my closet, an unassuming and humble symbol of love, showing its years of use in paint splatters and scars. Whenever I need it, it lifts me up. One of the first physics principles we learn as children, is “What goes up, must come down.” Gravity is unforgiving, and not to distrusted. Most of our lives, we spend in the “down” position, until someone comes along and helps us up. Recall again the video. Michael is not the one doing the lifting, but the one being lifted. He’s telling us, it’s okay to let others lift you. It’s okay not to always be the strong one, the one doing and caring for others. Sometimes it’s okay to be on the receiving end. We can’t get up, or stay up, on our own. Coming down is the easy part; being lifted up requires the presence, and assistance, of others whom we trust and who care about us. Even if they just provide a step-stool.

~Diana Foley~




There are two kinds of dreams. There are dreams that we have while asleep and dreams that we have while we are awake. What is the connection between the two types? Both kinds of dreams are about the yearnings that are held deep inside us. Some of these desires are so secret that we dare not share them even with our closest friends. Those of us that dare to put our dreams down on paper are showing the courage and faith that they will come true. I sleep in the clouds, dream in the sky, Close your eyes and spread your wings. Make a wish and dream good dreams. I'll keep dreaming as life passes me by, I think my dreams keep me sane, I dream of happiness, a life without pain, some people say I'm stuck in this place, and I'll never go anywhere, but in my dreams I've already been there, I know someday I'll have to wake up, but I feel the real world is more like a nightmare, I'm safe in my closed eye wonderland, this poem goes to all the dreamers that understand, no matter what they say...

Guarded Love On the wings of an angel of such beauty the heaven sings in rejoice of the love an angel brings keep us and hold us in this amazing love of such an angel from above.......TammyJ

keep your dreams but don't dream your life away, So close your eyes and spread your wings. Make a good wish and LIVE your dreams! GOOD WISH BECOMES DREAMS THEY ALL BE COME TRUE JUST BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!


CARTOONS Rock N' Roll Comics #36 Michael Jackson released by Revolutionary on October 1, 1991 Jay Allen Sanford is a author, cartoonist, editor and publisher that worked to Revolutionary Comics, Carnal Comics and Pacific Comics.











Michael Jackson and the “Academics” Assault of His Art and Legacy 105

Michael Jackson and the “academics” assault of his art and legacy: genuine interest or a mere excuse to jump on a fruitful band wagon? During the last few months I saw many useless blog entries begging to stop diatribes between some fans factions to protect academic works on MJ and authors writing positive articles about him… What? That’s a joke? Please say it again??? What do they mean by academic? One should know that any essay, in order to be seriously considered academic, must be informative and totally objective. For an artist dead only 6 years ago, there are still no premises that a work of this kind can be carried out. History teaches us that such impartiality and understanding on any subject need at least 50 years. Without going into many details and trying to focus on our specific community latest issues, there are some primary keys that help to understand what an academic work is. Academic essays should read as though the author hasn't let emotion influence the writing. Writers accomplish this level of objectivity by supporting all aspects of their arguments with evidence that can be checked and verified. By working in this way, writers present ideas that -- despite ultimately being subjective -- appear logical and viable, and that readers can reasonably accept as truths. The key to backing up an argument successfully and objectively is to use the three appeals: logos, pathos and ethos. Logos denotes using logic and reason. It involves facts, such as

statistics, definitions, quotes from experts and other scholarly sources to reinforce the validity of your claims. Pathos is an appeal to the emotions, particularly to the morals of the reader. While pathos has the potential to slip into subjectivity, you can invoke pathos to acknowledge generally accepted moral values. Ethos is primarily a strategy that bolsters your credibility. It is grounded in establishing your ethics as an objective researcher. One way in which you can use ethos to reinforce objectivity -- and your argument -- is to acknowledge the validity of opposing viewpoints to your claim, but then show how the evidence supports your idea as a better option. Considering alternative viewpoints is a hallmark of critical thinking, which keeps the tone objective. On the premise that the above mentioned statement it is fundamental for any academic serious essay we can agree that today the world does not have all the information about Michael Jackson which could result in proper academical essays. However a cultural body on Michael Jackson’s works already exists. There are beautiful and informative biographies, which confirm the strong interests and inspiration Michael Jackson’s character always vibrates in literature and art. All written by REAL journalists and writers all over the world since the ’80 from 106

Manoeuvre (1988) to C. Marks a quite titanic book (2001), which weighs 3 to 4 kilos, very large formats, a thick fabric cover with a hologram and a recorded message by Michael, when pressing the inside of the book . It was published in 10,000 exemplaries.  

Hardcover Publisher: X-Medien AG (1st Edition 2001); 784

  

edition (2001) Language: German ISBN-10: 3980652416 ISBN-13: 9783980652414

Product Dimensions: 13.1 x 9.5 x 1.4 inches

Since his sudden death, worldwide journalists and authors wrote books and opinions. On October 2009, the Center for Race & Gender hosted a national symposium, "Michael Jackson: Critical Reflection on a Life & A Phenomenon." UC Berkeley professors Tamara Roberts (Department of Music) and Brandi Wilkins Catanese (African American Studies & Department of Theater, Dance, & Performance Studies) were invited to edit a special issue of the Journal on Popular Music Studies (vol 23, issue 1) focusing on Michael Jackson's extensive and transformative cultural production. In 2010 a bibliographic guide to academic literature compiled by two Texas Tech University librarians shows that Michael Jackson’s influence stretched beyond pop culture into the often “dusty halls of academia”. Their list of scholarly papers and peer-reviewed articles, culled from more than 100 databases for a special issue of The Journal of Pan African Studies, found the King of Pop referenced in psychology, medical, chemistry, mass communications and even engineering journals. Yet “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’: MJ in the Scholarly Literature: A Selected Bibliographic Guide” merely

scratched the surface of scholarly content related to Jackson, noted Texas Tech Associate Librarians Susan Hidalgo and Rob Weiner. They called the breadth of Jackson’s influence truly astounding. “I was surprised by a lot of what I read – I just thought I knew Michael Jackson” said Hidalgo. Hidalgo and Weiner said they avoided works they deemed sensationalist, saying such literature would defeat the purpose of honest investigation. Instead, they focused on peer-reviewed or scholarly works with unique Jackson content that might shed light on the way people view larger-thanlife celebrities – including one of the most sensational and contentious figures ever to grace the cover of a tabloid. For instance, researchers used Jackson to critique the media’s handling of criminal cases. A 911 call made by Jackson prompted an article in Fire Engineering journal, while a British Medical Journal piece written after Jackson’s death discussed ethical issues that arise when a patient is more powerful than the attending physician.

One chemistry professor argued that reframing popular songs such as “Billie Jean” could help students understand difficult chemistry concepts. “I knew that Jackson permeated pop


culture, but academics can be kind of snooty about what they choose to study,” Weiner said. “The fact that someone would take a Michael Jackson song and co-opt it as a means to convey chemistry concepts just shows the pervasiveness of Jackson’s influence. To read a copy of the article, visit http://www.jpanafrican.com/docs/ vol3no7/3.7MJ-Wanna-3.pdf. To see the latest issue of The Journal of Pan African Studies, visit http:// www.jpanafrican.com/vol3no7.htm Another beautiful essay is “The Roots and Routes of Michael Jackson's Global Identity” by Sylvia J. Martin - Culture And Society May 2012, Volume 49, Issue 3, pp 284-290 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007% 2Fs12115-012-9550-z Above just the main examples but we have many other researches in other countries.

you to judge and publish yours or other people works? Where are your names in the academicals lists I just mentioned above for example? The fact that most claim to be teachers or formed Uni professors do not qualify you a writer, a journalist neither an academicals! Reading the (short) biographies of these people that for reasons unknown turned from regular fans to “bloggers and researches”, the first thing that catch your attention is how proudly they emphasize their college education, their website and their monthly masterpiece collections of gossip! Those people, in particular some American bloggers, tend to duly circumscribe and avoid talking about the work done by foreign fans and authors, as if the rest of the world does not exist. In fact the rest of the world exists and it’s reading YOU. I’m afraid having to point out, the general feeling about the American University. To confirm this feeling I will introduce an American statistic about how college students in US think they are more special than EVER. Psychologist Jean Twenge and her colleagues compiled data’s (a survey filled over the last 47 years) and found that over the last four decades there's been a dramatic rise in the number of students who describe themselves as being 'above average' in the areas of academic ability, drive to achieve, mathematical ability, and selfconfidence.

So, coming back to the point, what do these bloggers mean for academic? Their blogs? Vogel, DB Anderson, M. Bush (LOL) O’ Malley? Really??? As fans I’m extremely offended at this “ode” to the pseudo literate post 09 you guys call “academicals”. I’m just flabbergasted reading a request of “calls for papers” by some auto proclaimed “academicals” bloggers! Why encourage such adventures? Do you realize the potential damage in all of this? Let professionals do the job, And about you guys…what qualify 108

But in appraising the traits that are considered less invidualistic co-operativeness, understanding others, and spirituality - the numbers either stayed at slightly decreased over the same period. Researchers also found a disconnect between the student's opinions of themselves and actual ability. While students are much more likely to call themselves gifted in writing abilities, objective test scores actually show that their writing abilities are far less than those of their 1960s counterparts. A 2006 study found that students suffer from 'ambition inflation' as their increased ambitions accompany increasingly unrealistic expectations. This generation believes they are entitled to things they haven't worked for. The greatest generation(s), in my opinion, is that of the 40's, 50’s, 60’s and 70's. No freshman, in their right mind, should think their generation is the best. I wonder if US high schools still have the perception that how many students enter college is what's important in judging the success of the school in their job of teaching, rather than how many students graduate. There's a huge difference and disconnect between the two. I don't know if the US is still last in sciences and math in the world comparisons of high-school level students, or if they've risen, but many here hold the opinion that US public school propagandize students but do not teach them anything. History classes are a joke!

There is nothing to dismay at behavior of what “some” fans call “anti-Estate” fans. These people speak out their mind from an artistic point of view, because they do not understand too many controversies and mysteries in how Michael Jackson’s legacy is managed and so badly marketed. Well…they are in business to make money, after all — and the way they’ve released some of Michael’s posthumous material is, in my view, underhanded and badly worked out and moreover, it’s sure that money’s the real deal to ensure the legacy preservation of in the long run? This minority to me is just brilliant, they have the gut to talk REAL since 6 years, and I saw with my very eyes how certain factions of fans have been trashing and verbally abusing them for too long and now…because they are “calling their papers out “showing the dirt that has taken root inside the community, debunking silly beliefs, dubious knowledge’s on MJ’s work, and most of all uncivil and abusive behaviors there’s a general cry out? Well…"what goes around comes around" Nobody criticize books or fans opening blogs after 2009 but the way they have jumped on MJ band wagon, at the point that many activist and forum admin pre 09 have almost disappeared because they were fed up to being bashed by these new arrivals. Too many rules, assumptions, fan fictions, lies, misinformation, for what? Surely not for the truth! Even if expressing positive views, all those blogs and books result not enough meticulous to be considered an academicals work. Few are just good books. Period. A REAL author should not stick on the same ground unless he has something really new to add and it seems not to be the case because I do not see their names in any magazine, or regular column in national newspapers unless many copy/paste around the community groups in the social networks. To me


they sound like just amateur writers , which is not a bad thing (I’m also the same) if you stay humble and do not pretend to be something you're not. Let’s even mention some journalists who just launched themselves into writing a couple of articles and then get into the community and they are treated as the rescuer of MJ’s legacy. The reality is that most of the authors lately jumped into the community are not fans but people who avidly rummage into the fanbase works and written essays; to get the information they need to publish their own works to be linked in some way to Michael Jackson’s legacy using qualified, honest and FREE fan’s works and researche without even recognized credits for the info’s collected! Real Academics may not be celebrities, but their careful research is improving public policy and their job it’s usually free, no need to buy books to read it! At the light of the above, forget that the material now on the web and few books post 09 can be considered reliable, valid and informative sources for those who will carry out in 50/70 years historical researches and studies on Michael Jackson’s cultural impact and legacy, and if something will ever be considered it would be a footnote source, due to incompleteness and inaccuracy of the informations together with absence of objectivity. However this is a problem that it will NOT affect Michael Jackson’s legacy as an intelligent Youtuber user and blogger said on twitter a few day ago:

Proverbs 18:16New King James Version (NKJV) 16

A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men.

Or "enlarges him" (y); brings him out of prison, or, or out of straits and difficulties with which he, has, been pressed; or it makes way for him to a judge, and for a favourable hearing of his cause; or it enlarges his acquaintance, and gains him respect among men; (Even in death the room made for him is still there for the benefit of his relatives and off spring. He will be remembered fondly by many, regardless) 110

MJ’s Legacy Association International 111

4, 5 years ago, on 25th June 2009, the memorial for Michael Jackson in Munich was built in front of the Hotel "Bayerischer Hof", Promenadeplatz, at the Orlando-Di-Lasso-Monument. Whenever Michael Jackson was in Munich, he stayed at this beautiful hotel. As you may already know, we are the "Memorial fairies". Almost every day we are at the memorial and take care for the memorial. We bring candles, fresh flowers, decorative plastic foils, pictures, letters, decorative figures; we are watering flowers, we laugh, cry, we answer the questions of visitors and tourists, we organize fan–meetings and events to celebrate Michael's birthday, we are collecting signatures for a permanent memorial for Michael in Munich etc.

For a long time we have the wish to make this more efficient and to collaborate with other fans to achieve our aim even better. So on 11th march 2011 we founded an association to support and preserve the legacy of Michael Jackson. The association is called: "MJ's LEGACY Association International e.V." ® - "The Michael Jackson Memorial Munich - Help The Children Initiative" ©. As the name suggests, we would like to act worldwide not only in our hometown Munich, where our beloved Memorial is situated, so that the person and artist Michael Jackson won't be forgotten. We have several ideas, for example the continuation of the intensive care of the memorial, efforts to get an official memorial for Michael Jackson in Munich, organizing numerous fan-events and ventures and initiatives together with other Michael Jackson fans and club-members in other cities in Germany, but also abroad, as well as visits to other MJ-memorials, statues and monuments, etc. Everything that has something to do with Michael Jackson. Moreover we would also like to cooperate with other fan clubs, fan groups, associations and initiatives. One of our biggest wishes is to help children in need and to get a permanent, official memorial for Michael in Munich next to the existing memorial. We have been fighting for almost four years and we are collecting signatures via petition (since 2009), which we have already submitted to the mayor Ude. Unfortunately, the city hasn't allowed it yet. But the persistent and increasingly permanent care of the temporary memorial since the last years demonstrated, that we are seriously behind it and that we won't give up. Our perseverance, dedication and love ... were rewarded with an unprecedented "toleration" of the memorial from all sides of the city. The memorial is loved worldwide and has now achieved a cult status. There are many tourist guides at the memorial and as the memorial is located in the heart of Munich, directly opposite the main entrance of the hotel "Bayerischer Hof" it is visited daily by thousands of tourists, passersby and even celebrities. Michael's memorial in Munich is a place of love, laughter, tears and togetherness, where we can commemorate our angel. It's a place where like-minded people meet and share their emotions and their experiences. It gives comfort and strength and it is connecting people of all races and nations. We are all very, very grateful. Our hearts are all connected with it and it is very important to all of us. Most of you live too far away to support the "fairies" personally. But nevertheless there are possibilities to help us: you all can help us by becoming a member of our association MJ's LEGACY® or by donating an amount of your choice. Let us work together to continue our dream! Let us continue to show the world our endless love for this unique, wonderful human being Michael Jackson.


He has enriched all our lives and now it is time to give him something back. He has deserved it so much!

Join us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ MJsLEGACYAssociationInternational

Additionally we would like to do something to carry on Michael's message and to make the world a better place. We want to support various charity projects, and organize events with auctions, and various other actions. The proceeds will go to children and underprivileged people around the world. We also know that it requires quite a lot of trust and confidence, but we can assure you that everything will go right here and that everything is legal. We are an association that is officially registered at the tax office in Munich. Many of you already know some of us personally. If you want to donate, just send your donation via our verified PayPal account to: mjs-legacy@gmx.de

Nena Snezana Akhtar 1. Vorstandsvorsitzende

Or send your donation to our verified bank account: MJ´s LEGACY Stadtsparkasse München BLZ 70150000 account number 1002012613 IBAN: DE69 7015 0000 1002 0126 13 BIC: SSKMDEMM Together we are strong, even 5 € can make a difference! If you want to become a member of the association, send your registration and application to our e -mail address: mjs-legacy@gmx.de

Lisa Schmidt Stellvertretende Vorsitzende

Manuela Janson Kassenwart, MJ Artworks

We reserve the right to publish the lists of donations and members. If someone wants to stay anonymous, please let us know or note in Bank/ PayPal Notification–field. Thank you so much for your love and support! MJ's LEGACY Association International e.V. ® The Michael Jackson Memorial Munich - Help The Children Initiative © Nena Snezana Akhtar, Lisa Schmidt & Team Annett Böttcher Protokollführung, MJ


Mila Bulj Denkmalpflege

Special Tributes

7th Birthday Tribute Ad In Memory of Michael Jackson’s Birthday by fans L. A. Times 114

7th Birthday Tribute Ad In Memory of Michael Jacksons Birthday by fans L. A. Times

Many Thanks To Jody La Benon


Psalm 34:18

(ESV)‌‌.The Lord is near to the

brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Moses Malone


Remembering Moses Malone Three-time NBA MVP Three-time NBA MVP and Pro Basketball Hall of Famer Moses Malone died Sunday, September 13th in Norfolk, Virginia, at the age of 60. "We are stunned and deeply saddened by the passing of Hall of Famer Moses Malone, an NBA legend gone far too soon," NBA commissioner Adam Silver said in a statement. "Known to his legions of fans as the 'Chairman of the Boards,' Moses competed with intensity every time he stepped on the court. "... He was among the most dominant centers ever to play the game and one of the best players in the history of the NBA and the ABA. Even more than his prodigious talent, we will miss his friendship, his generosity, his exuberant personality, and the extraordinary work ethic he brought to the game throughout his 21-year pro career. Our thoughts are with Moses' family and friends during this difficult time." Malone, named one of the NBA's 50 greatest players, was the Finals MVP in 1983, as he led the Philadelphia 76ers to the title. "Moses holds a special place in our hearts and will forever be remembered as a genuine icon and pillar of the most storied era in the history of Philadelphia 76ers basketball," the 76ers said in a statement Sunday, September 13th. The 6-foot-10 center averaged a double-double -- 20.6 points per game and 12.2 rebounds -- while playing for eight teams over 20 NBA seasons and led the league in rebounding six times -- including five straight seasons from 1980-85. His 16,212 rebounds still rank fifth on the NBA's all-time list, while his 27,409 career points rank eighth. The 12-time All-Star also holds NBA records for offensive rebounds in a career (6,731), season (587) and game (21). Moses Malone Jr. told Fox 26 Houston that his father was his "best friend." "He taught us so much about life. He came from nothing," Malone Jr. said. "He taught us how to work hard and respect people, love your family and always do the right thing. He's a good person. He was always there to help people. He cared about people who had less than him." Malone was the first player to go pro right out of high school, signing with the Utah Stars of the American Basketball Association in 1974. He played the following season for the Spirits of St. Louis before moving to the Buffalo Braves after the ABA-NBA merger in 1976. He also played for the Rockets, 76ers (twice), Milwaukee Bucks, Washington Bullets, Atlanta Hawks and the San Antonio Spurs, with whom he finished his career during the 1994-95 season. His No. 24 was retired by the Rockets, with whom he won the MVP in 1979 and 1982. READ ARTICLE HERE CREDIT: ESPN Staff Writer Calvin Watkins and The Associated Press contributed to this report.



Syl Mortilla

Fedora Fede: An Article on the Fans at MJ Day Naples It was with some naivety that I agreed to speak at

to holiday there in 2006.

MJ Day Naples. I often exist in a dreamlike state,

(Still, as was standard procedure in Michael’s life,

so this, along with the detachment from reality in-

his presence in the area powered up the rumour

herent in Facebook communication, meant that I

mill, with this particular story concerning Michael’s

had more-or-less sleepwalked into the arrange-

intention to set the contemporaneous Pope’s pray-

ment. The rude awakening began as the plane ap-

ers to music.)

proached Rome. Flying over the Vatican as it

My nerves returned during the drive from Sorrento

throbbed in the glow of a superlative sunset,

to the venue in Naples. The very thought that I

awestruck at its splendour, it suddenly dawned on

would be imminently taking to the same stage


Siedah Garrett had graced last year. The woman

What on Earth am I doing?

who wrote Man In The Mirror! La Velle Smith Jr

I’m a writer, not an orator. The last time I attempt-

would be there. The man who was a stalwart of

ed public speaking I ended up with knees that

Michael’s touring entourage! I felt nauseous with

knocked audibly, as my blushing face shone with


profuse perspiration.

But then something truly magical happened.

I looked like an erubescent jellyfish. If jellyfish had

At the precise second the car pulled up outside


the venue, the radio began to play You Are Not

I was brought up a Catholic. So I started to pray.

Alone. The coincidence was extraordinary. It made

It was a nervous drive from Rome to Sorrento,

me realise that I was there to do a job. That I had

where I was staying. Anxiety exacerbated by what

a responsibility to fulfil.

can only be described as the Italian’s shoulder-

As I walked in, the speakers emanated Keep The

shrug attitude to road safety. My own shoulders, on

Faith. Another sign. Another shot of courage.

the other hand, had never been so tense.

The atmosphere was incredible. Fedoras and faith.

Fortunately, such is the sublime beauty of the

A sun-baked celebration of Michael. People from all

place, upon arriving in Sorrento it’s impossible to

over Italy and from all walks of life milled around,

feel anything other than a deep sense of peace. My

absorbing the absolute contentment of it all. It

accommodation had a view of the Gulf of Naples –

made me feel so proud to be there. It made me

its coast a spectacular palette of human-inspired

feel like I had come home.

iridescence, a sight only surpassed by the natural

It was some hours before I was due to make my

majesty of the watchful and dominant Vesuvius.

speech. Hours filled with joy at watching the per-

It wasn’t difficult to understand why Michael opted

formers – young children and teenagers every-


where enrapt in their showcasing of Michael moves.

been blessed with has been a huge surprise, with it

The dancing competition demonstrated so much tal-

having grown out of a very simple love I have –

ent. But more than this, it was resplendent in hope.

writing about my hero, Michael Jackson.

Hope for Michael’s legacy.

It was a privilege to be able to put names to faces. I

One contestant stood out. A young boy named Sam-

made so many friends in Naples. I’m so excited to

uel Mastrilli. Prior to Samuel’s arrival on stage, there

return one day.

were murmurings amongst the crowd as to how

But next time, I’m not driving. I need my shoulders

good he was. It was reminiscent of the introduction

when I dance.

to the Smooth Criminal short film when a dancer


says, “Watch him!” before Michael throws the coin. Billie Jean started to play. And the boy began to sing. The spectators were gobsmacked at the sheer brilliance of it. All I could think was how much Michael would have appreciated such immense talent in the tribute. My turn to speak came after a beautiful rendition of Will You Be There performed by a local choir. Completely contrary to the fears I had harboured, I suddenly didn’t feel anxious at all. The crowd was so friendly, and I felt comfortable in what I wanted to say. The translator of The First Book of Michael had been instrumental in creating the opportunity for me, and I had had the pleasure of her company since I’d arrived. She then translated for me on stage. She is a wonderful, wonderful woman. As I spoke, I sensed that my words were altering the mood of the crowd. The ambience of sheer joy that had preceded my speech was now tinged with an air of the sombre. I almost felt guilty. People had

Syl Mortilla Speech MJ Day Naples 2015 Video Credit: Syl Mortilla

gathered to celebrate Michael’s life, after all. But the day is also one of reflection. A chance to think about what Michael’s existence meant for the planet; to appreciate the poignancy of it; the pregnancy of its potential. The reaction afterwards was heartwarming and humbling, if somewhat surreal. Members of the crowd approached me for autographs and selfies, some tearful as they told how my words spoke for them. But as I said in the speech, the support I’ve


ADVOCACY VINDICATION DISPELLING MYTHS & RUMORS Adllaw/Cadeflaw Initiative Petitioning the U.S. Senate to author a bill that would make it unlawful to defame a person who is deceased.

What’s So Special About The AdLLaw Initiative and Petition?

Dispelling Myths & Rumors LunaJo67 Michael Jackson: What DID happen after June 25? Pt 5 "More Neverland business"


https://vindicatemjj.wordpress.com/ 121

We are petitioning the U.S. Congress to author a bill that would make it unlawful to defame a person who is deceased. Slander and libel are not protected under the First Amendment while a person is living. The same protection should be extended to a person after they are deceased. The loved ones of someone who has passed on should not have to live with the continued defamatory stories and false accusations that can so easily be paraded as fact.

Petition 122

WRGO MAGAZINE WATCHMAN The Power of Words Weeks ago, I mentioned a conversation I’d had with the publisher of WRGO Magazine about complaints directed at the column. The Watchman articles sounded like I was against Michael. The Watchman articles sounded like tabloid fodder. I was floored. How could someone mistake my respect and admiration and desire to get to the bottom of the truth - whatever the truth might have morphed into by now? Regardless of their intention, the complainer’s words cut me to the core. But while those words stung, they started me thinking about how an innocent comment can ruin a person’s day, year or even their life. With the same vigor that we’re able to speak life over someone, we can also kill their spirit. The killing of a spirit is more than just hurt feelings. When careless words are spoken, we can kill self-esteem or worse, their will to live. We cringe when we hear insults levied toward ourselves, but think about what celebrities endure. Fame and fortune did not pluck them from the human race and render them immune to hurtful, hateful words. Michael Jackson spoke candidly about comments he had heard about himself during his late teens/early twenties: “He used to be so cute,” “His nose is big”, “He’s so black.” These comments might have been tossed into the air like feathers, but they landed like bricks. Years later, those poison seeds bore fruit as we witnessed the King of Pop working obsessively to cling to childhood, shrink his nose and lighten his skin. I wonder how many other celebrities’ spirits were murdered long before their physical bodies left the Earth? An entourage can only insulate a person so much. Who’s to say that evil comments about Bobbi Christina Brown’s appearance, Amy Winehouse’s struggles with addiction, or Elvis’ fall from pop stardom didn’t contribute to their fatal downward spirals? Once the spirit is killed, there is very little that can bring it back. Like a broken vase, once it is cracked, you can glue it back together and even paint over it, but it will never be truly whole. I read something recently that said, “When you hurt someone, it isn’t up to you to decide that you didn’t.” When we don’t exercise dominion over our tongues, we can say things that will scar someone for life. Let’s take care not to be spiritual executioners, leaving a trail of broken hearts and hurt feelings behind us. I challenge all of us to examine what we are saying to and about each other. Perhaps popular pastor Joel Osteen said it best, “If you can’t be positive, at least be quiet.” ~ The Watchman ~


CONTACT US can contact us at the following: Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/whatreallygoingon Group email address: whatreallygoingon@yahoogroups.com Facebook Community Page Here

MJ Brookins—https://www.facebook.com/MJsDC Simonetta Delfi —https://www.facebook.com/simonetta.delfi



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If you have a story, photos you’ve created, an advocacy or vindication project, a human interest story, children’s project, legacy project, special video, a book, artwork or you may be a support group; we will be delighted to promote you or your group in this new fan based magazine. Our goal is to support the Michael Jackson fan community by sharing your journey with Michael before and after June 25, 2009. We are very interested in your creations and reading about your journey with Michael. Your story may be that prescription that encourages beginners to move forward with the gift that they have been holding onto out of trepidation to share. What you have to offer is important to us. We consider no person or project to be mediocre. You are important to us. If you wish for anonymity, we will honor that request. Many of the fans have been bullied and aren’t comfortable sharing for fear of being ridiculed. We’re happy to report that the community has more Love than Hate. Let us promote you or your project in “What’s REALLY Going ON” magazine.

Time for your Light to Shine It’s all for L.O.V.E. Send Submissions to: whatsreallygoingonmagazine@yahoo.com


WRGO MAGAZINE DISCLAIMERS Disclaimers: This is a Not for profit magazine and was created to share, with the world, the beautiful people and projects inspired by Michael Jackson. This magazine can be read online or a hard copy issue may be purchased via the online hosting website owners. The cost of printing, perfect binding and shipping cost will be determined by the price list of the host magazine owner(s). Many of the photos and graphic images are not the property of “What’s REALLY Going ON” magazine and were obtained from different sites on the web. We claim only ownership of the name, logo and wherever content is not credited to another source. The Jackson family or the Michael Jackson Estate Managers are engaged in or have anything to do with this magazine. This is solely a fan magazine. The content in the magazine is the opinion of the blogger or person(s) submitting and is not intended to “malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.” Our “intention” is to do no harm. To not injure others, defame, or libel. What is written in this magazine is not to be taken as fact nor absolute. Where information is taken from another site a “link” will be provided redirecting the reader to that site. It is not our “intent” to violate any copyright that belong to someone else. If we have knowledge of the origin of information or if it is copyright protected that information will be provided. Again, This magazine was created to support the Michael Jackson Community endeavors and to share with the community and the world the gift he had and still have for connecting people, globally. Disclaimer of Endorsement The inclusion in this Magazine of advertising, logos or Web site links, or reference to any products, process, service, trade name, trademark, or manufacturer, is not an endorsement by "What's Really Going On?" Magazine of any such advertisers, links, entities, products, services, names or marks. External links are made available to assist the Internet user in his or her search. WRGO has not screened individual links or organizations that appear in this magazine or that may be electronically linked to the magazine. WGRO strongly urges all users of this site to conduct their own investigation of any individual, organization, product or service appearing in the magazine or that is electronically linked to the magazine. WGRO neither endorses links nor approves of links external to this magazine. WGRO has no control over and takes no responsibility for any such link's operation or content.



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Michael Jackson: Innocent 28 February 2005

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By: D. Francis #1 in Books Biographies & Memoirs ( J ) Jackson, Michael Amazon USA 28, 29 May, 23 June + 2, 7 July 2013 (also an International Bestseller on Amazon) Hailed as the criminal trial of the century. Two years of speculation in the media. Wall to wall media coverage from 2003 to 2005, 2000+ accredited journalists, yet the defense case was invisible. The public were bombarded with salacious prosecution focused media commentary.

CONTACT INFORMATION Email: liss.silverwing@gmail.com http://lisssilverwing.tictail.com/products https://www.facebook.com/pendantparadise

On 13 June 2005 Michael Jackson was acquitted of 10 felony charges and 4 misdemeanors. Those disgruntled in the media, labelled the acquittal celebrity justice. If you want to find out the truth, start reading this book. This is a unique book looking at the trial testimony. It provides an indepth look at the trial from the first day. It offers the reader an insight into the case that was not provided by the media coverage in 2005. This mini series shines a light on the defence case, and the trial testimony.

28 February 2005 was the first trial day.

Michael Jackson Innocent WordPress










The Dancer (U Got the music in U) [feat. L-Marie] By: Rob Ra


U.S.A. 128

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ATTRIBUTIONS http://www.rgbstock.com/bigphoto/onp8FeG/Satin+Background+5 Shiny colourful satin background. xymonau (Dez Pain) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeBarge http://blackdoctor.org/444511/el-debarge-drug-addiction/2/ http://freedesignfile.com/upload/2012/10/autumn_backgrounds2-5.jpg http://freedesignfile.com/upload/2012/10/autumn_backgrounds2-5.jpg https://localtvwghp.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/untitled-133.jpg?w=770 Moses Malone https://twitter.com/HoustonRockets/status/643072390004518913/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/13645531/three-nba-mvp-moses-malone-dies-age-60 https://www.facebook.com/mjstoryquilt/info?tab=page_info https://www.facebook.com/events/1218955028130187/ MJ Birthday Ad Facebook Event https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/3c/62/94/3c629454c5cb733dcc2aa8b69e250a63.gif http://sylmortilla.com/2015/09/02/fedora-fede/


http://pensadoawards.com/ http://news.yahoo.com/photos/greg-phillinganes-winner-award-outstanding-music-direction-stevie-photo-024033607.html http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Jackson-Story-Nelson-George/dp/0440155924/ref=zg_bs_917214_18 http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Brilliant-Beautiful-Handicapped-Michael/dp/1450555519/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1442957125&sr=16&keywords=The+Secret+Michael+Jackson https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6636494-the-michael-jackson-story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuWcKlE8ONM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvqE4DPeIb0 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/tvshowbiz/video-1213273/Ciara-performs-Michael-Jacksons-Heal-World-9-11-Tribute.html? ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 http://www.ouramb.org/

https://www.facebook.com/gowardh http://mjjtime.blogspot.com/


uploads/2013/04/PIC-sunlight-shining.jpg http://www.parents-space.com/shine-your-light-in-the-world-especially-on-the-darkest-days/ http://www.truth4mj.it/ http://www.radioticino.com/


Artist Spotlight Photo: Copyright Sergey Gavrilichev http://www.123rf.com/profile_gavrilichev

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1175141/Meet-Elise-girl-IQ-higher-Carol-Vorderman.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESE6-UAF6pw http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Little-Geniuses-on-The-Oprah-Show#ixzz1wr44EFnB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_eAkdtYay4 The Seven Year Old Surgeon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR36jrx_L44 Jake: Math prodigy proud of his autism http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/06/03/21-year-old-prodigy-becomes-youngest-person-to-get-md-from-university-chicago/# http://www.123rf.com/photo_18830779_chocolate-background-with-golden-swirls.html Copyright Ghenadie Pascari




Shine your light in the world–especially on the darkest days

In times of darkness and tragedy it is more important than ever to shine our light and make the world a brighter place. It may feel like we don’t have the capacity to create great waves of change, but every little good deed we do has the potential to influence one person, who could influence another, and so on. The light of even the smallest ember can be seen in the dark. It starts with you and me. Today. If we shine our light, each one of us coming together in good, we can keep the light bright and we can expel the darkness. Making a difference, one person, one deed, one gesture at a time. SOURCE

"As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." ~ Nelson Mandela 132

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