WRGO November 2015 Magazine Issue

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November 2015

Volume 2 - Issue #11

The Real Celebration Expressions of Gratitude Praise to God

To Our Men and Women in the Military and Vets

Michael’s Dangerous Girls Association - Italy Calendar Initiative to Benefit 11 Year Old Leonardo

Michael Jackson “On The Wall”




Fan Videos

Humanitarian Projects


Valencia Dantzler Aka “Mother Diva”

Fan Art




Flowers for Michael


Legacy Projects



“Shout It Out”

Children’s Projects




Dispelling Myths

MJ Archives



Unchartered Waters

Forever In Our Hearts 2

REMOVING THE JUNK FROM THE COMMUNITY TRUNK ~In A World Filled With Hate - We must Emulate L.O.V.E.~ The purpose of this magazine is to provide the audience with specialized information from a unique community; dedicated to and built upon the Love and Light of Michael Jackson as well as some others who are making a difference. We bring you this material by way of groups and projects inspired by Michael Jackson, other artists and news sources.

This magazine will be dedicated to those projects with undertakings that build up the community; and actually possess the healing and light properties needed to help change a world filled with darkness and a community that has become divided because of different views. We wish to provide the Community Trunk with information about new and delightful support projects. There has been too much “Junk” in the old trunk and it is time we start anew by peeling away the old and rotted garbage and building a new community. Some old things we should keep because they are precious and should be preserved. We hope you will be a part of the solution and not the problem. There should be no room for old junk in a new trunk. The things of no value has been thrown away to make room for the new. We wish to be an avenue to the beautiful things and truth going forward by sharing those things in this magazine when possible. We want to appeal to the rooted fans as well as the innovative.

Editors All rights reserved © 2014 What’s REALLY Going ON? Magazine

“What’s REALLY Going ON” A magazine to promote MJ Global Events/Projects And Other World News

Time for your Light to Shine 3




Artist Sneak Peek December Issue: Zaluski Art


Street Art All Over The World - Part 2


Dave Jeffryes: In The Shadow of Michael Jackson


French Fan Remembers the Evening She Got On Stage With Michael Jackson


Open Door Skidrow Ministry: Geraldine Hughes


GoFundMe Projects: Family Loses Everything In Storm; Rico-Jay for a better life












Inside Content GLOBAL EVENTS 27 Michael’s Dream Foundation Geraldine Hughes: Open Door Skidrow Ministry 28 2015 FWMFA Butterfly Christmas Project 4LOVEproject: Mexican Christmas 29 Valencia Dantzler: Daley Plaza Holiday House Music/ EDM Lunch Workout Jam


Artist Spotlight: Ila Paliwalila




Unchartered Waters: Nicole & Scotty






Thelonius Monk Institute of Jazz Gala Honors Quincy Jones





































































WRGO Magazine Editorial THE PROBLEM WITH PERFECTIONIST I’ve always had a problem with the words perfect and perfectionist as it relates to the human race. I hear people say or read something about this person or that person being a “perfectionist”. I say to myself how can this be? There cannot be such a thing or such a person of this world is not able to reach such a high place. How did we get to this point? This is what I found on Wikipedia. Yes, I know a lot of you do not like Wikipedia but the definition make a lot of sense to me.

My point is this: I was a good nurse but not a perfect one or one without faults. I’m just pleased to report that I was the best nurse that I could possibly be. Perfectionists strain compulsively and unceasingly toward unobtainable goals, and measure their self-worth by productivity and accomplishment. [4] Pressuring oneself to achieve unrealistic goals inevitably sets the person up for disappointment. Perfectionists tend to be harsh critics of themselves when they fail to meet their standards. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfectionism_ (psychology

Perfectionism, in psychology, is a personality trait characterized by a person's striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high performance standards, accompanied by overly critical selfevaluations and concerns regarding others' evaluations.[1][2] It is best conceptualized as a multidimensional characteristic, as psychologists agree that there are many positive and negative aspects.[3] In its maladaptive form, perfectionism drives people to attempt to achieve an unattainable ideal, and their adaptive perfectionism can sometimes motivate them to reach their goals. In the end, they derive pleasure from doing so. When perfectionists do not reach their goals, they often fall into depression. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfectionism_ (psychology)

We all have something that causes us to be weak or inadequate. Paul suffered with a flaw that made him very unhappy which led him to ask God at least three times to remove it (Paul called this imperfection a thorn). This is the answer Paul received: "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV) So then we are only made to look perfect through the power of Christ Jesus and not by any means that we could think of or design. Our flaws are God’s way of keeping us dependent upon Him.

We can become masters at whatever it is we strive to obtain if we put forth the effort. However, becoming a master at something we had to practice to become does not mean we are perfectionist. I believe I was one of the best nurses in the world. Please understand what I just wrote. I said “the world” and I sincerely believe that. Nevertheless, it is only my belief and I know there has/had to be other nurses who were much better than myself. As good of a nurse as I believed myself to have been there had to be something I left undone or perhaps something I could have done differently to make my patients more comfortable; although, according to my patients, they all were very much satisfied with the care I provided.

We are perfectly “imperfect” more or less damaged goods. The word perfect should not be a part of the dictionary as it pertains to human beings in my opinion. http://www.alternet.org/personal-health/dark-sideperfectionism THE DARK SIDE OF PERFECTIONISM New report unmasks the dangers of perfectionist thinking. It can lead to depression and worse. The side effects of perfectionism are much more dark and sinister than folding your socks, color7

coding your closet and compulsively cleaning up your computer desktop. According to a new paper in the Review of General Psychology (a journal of the American Psychological Association), severe perfectionism can lead to crippling anxiety and depression, and can amplify the risk of suicide.

The problem with the word perfectionist is it does not exist except that which man has created in our own minds. In the words of Salvador Dali: “Have no fear of perfection you'll never reach it.” ― Salvador Dalí —




Psalms 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Myth BUSTED! Perfect People Don’t Exist I may have mentioned this before but it bears repeating that flaws, fallacies and unfavorable failures exist in all of us in some way, shape or form. In fact that’s really what makes us human.

EXPOSITION OF VERSE 5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity. He is thunderstruck at the discovery of his inbred sin, and proceeds to set it forth. This was not intended to justify himself, but it rather meant to complete the confession. It is as if he said, not only have I sinned this once, but I am in my very nature a sinner. The fountain of my life is polluted as well as its streams. My birth tendencies are out of the square of equity; I naturally lean to forbidden things. Mine is a constitutional disease, rendering my very person obnoxious to thy wrath. And in sin did my mother conceive me. He goes back to the earliest moment of his being, not to traduce his mother, but to acknowledge the deep tap roots of his sin. It is a wicked wresting of Scripture to deny that original sin and natural depravity are here taught.

My definition for a Perfectionist is someone who believes they are free from flaws. It is only the “Creator” who is perfect and the creature is flawed born in sin and shapen in iniquity. In fact we are taught to be evil. Though babies are born into a sinful world they are not born evil but are taught to be. The man who believes himself/herself to be perfect has created this in their own minds. Whatsoever a man thinketh so is he. In a real world and the reality of who we are perfection is something that is unobtainable. No matter what we do we can never be perfect. Therefore, we can never become perfectionist. The attempt to do so will only lead to despair. The most the man can do is the best they know how and with a clean heart. It is important for us to leave it at that. In an “imperfect” world how can anyone be called a “perfectionist”? To be perfect is to be free from all fault or defects. I do not believe we have anyone in this world who possess those characteristics.

Surely men who cavil at this doctrine have need to be taught of the Holy Spirit what be the first principles of the faith. David's mother was the Lord's handmaid, he was born in chaste wedlock, of a good father, and he was himself, "the man after God's own heart;" and yet his nature was as fallen as that of any other son of Adam, and there only needed the occasion for the manifesting of that sad fact. In our shaping we were put out of shape, and when we were conceived our nature conceived sin. Alas, for poor humanity! Those who will may cry it up, but he is most blessed who in his own soul has learned to lament his lost estate.

Most of us will ignore this and cling to the ideology that there are “Perfectionist”. Let me encourage you to reconsider that belief or way of thinking before it is too late. Those who cheer you on will not be there when you come to the full realization that you are NOT perfect. As it has been in the past and is still a known truth people will turn their backs on you once they come to the realization that you are powerless to give them what they hunger for.

None of us are perfect. We may seem supernaturally gifted in some areas, but are still lacking in others



FEATURED FAN ART/ARTIST Visual Artist /Traditional Art

Godaiking Studios Artist Godaiking is a sculptor/artist/painter who specializes in American Pop culture/movies/music figures.

MJ comparsion bust vs real MJ http://godaiking.deviantart.com/art/MJ-comparsion-bust-vsreal-MJ-513850363?q=gallery%3Agodaiking%

Visit Godaiking’s gallery here to see more of his incredible work. http:/godaiking.deviantart.com/gallery/ tures that famous MJ frown I love.

Godaiking’s creations are priceless. He even cap10

Life-size bust of Michael Jackson from 1983 sculpted by Godaiking Studios. Bust is made of resin and painted to match Michael’s skin tone from 1983. Added real hair for the eyebrows and mustache and wig hair styled 11


Zaluski Art Zaluski Art is a company formed by Kasia Zaluski a young creative artist. Kasia is an artist who specialises with pencil drawings but isn't limited to this medium.

More to come in December issue. 12

Michael Jackson “On The Wall� Street Art All Over The World

'THE KING' Michael is included in one of the musician featured panels on the shutters of 'Vinyl Bay 777' record store in Plainview, Long Island, New York. The artwork was completed by Andaluz the Artist.


Michael is included in this 'Wall of Legends' for YConnect by renowned Kenyan street artist 'Bankslave' a graffiti artist and member of Spray Uzi captured in Nairobi, Kenya.

Stencil work of Michael in iconic pose from Milan -Italy.

Iconic pose of Michael features this colourful artwork on a shop shutters in Bogotรก, Columbia 14

Indoor MJ public - A huge painting of Michael graces the lounge area of The Pearl Marrakesh Hotel & Spa, in Marrakesh, Morocco. The Pearl is located at Rue du Temple, Marrakesh, Morocco. The striking modern red circular building encased in metal fretwork is impressive. The hotel has 27 suites, 44 rooms all with balcony, four great restaurants, an immense spa, three pools and a stunning rooftop, accessed by a glass elevator, and provides spectacular views of the medina, Agdal Gardens and the Atlas Mountains. The opulent interior was designed by Jacques Garcia. Photo credit: http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk


Michael stencil on a concrete stanchion captured in Hamburg, Germany

Iconic stencil of Michael captured in Amsterdam (Netherland)

MJ 'Thriller' stencil by Pier.Akn captured in Yalboroo, Queensland, Wall for Michael in Bogota, Columbia Australia. Tribute to MJ won in a graffiti contest called "Energy of dreams - 2009" which took place in Obruchevskiy district Southwest, Moscow. 16

Edward Scissorhands gives Michael a hair cut in this fun artwork at a Fujinomiya hairdressing shop In Fujinomiya, Japan. Post credit ~ https:// www.facebook.co m/MichaelJackson-StreetArt592986770809998 / Photo credits https:// instagram.com/ p/1QYaGZBZjl/ ‌

Michael stencil captured in the village of Sham Tseng, Hong Kong. 17

Michael artwork located on a wall in Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia. 'Michael Jackson King of Pop Forever' is the message that accompanies this artwork captured on a wall at a park in Cronenburg, Strasbourg.

Michael is featured in the centre of this artwork captured on the Bird Road Art Walk in Miami, US. 18

Michael iconic pose. Artwork is featured on a floor level wall at a new multi level shopping and entertainment centre SEC Sky ‘Heaven’ located in Nizhny Movgorod, Russia.

Michael is featured in this huge mural project located on Verkhneportovaya Street at the Fesco hall concert complex in Vladivostok, Russia. The mural titled 'Stars and Stargazers' features portraits of celebrities among a background of stars with 'Stargazers' peering at the 'stars' The work was carried out in 2011 and is still today on the wall. To see more of this wall 'stargazers' click the linksbelow, from photographer Irina Chisa. http://irinachisa.livejournal.com/254949.h tml Vladivostok is a city and the administrative center of Primorsky Krai, Russia, located at the head of the Golden Horn Bay, not far from Russia's borders with China and North Korea.


MJ tribute located in G. Vitebsk, at 30 Moskovsky prospect. [Moscow Avenue] Russia

MJ ‘Thriller’ by carpenter/artist Jeff Sonksen, one of 500 celebrity paintings on fences along the Seminole Wekiva County Trail in Longwood, Florida-US

Michael most popular songs along with great artwork for this large hand painted mural by signwriters David Acosta in Los Angeles, California, US. 20

"I know who I am, inside and outside and I know what I want to do. And I will always go with my dreams! A quote from Michael written on the bottom step of a stairway that also features a silhouette of Michael. The stairway leads from the Street to the 'Muse on LP Bar' in Sinsa-dong, Seoul, Korea.


Amazing artwork ~ "Au Revoir Michael" ~ This Beautiful 2010 artwork tribute to Michael from artist 'ARM' was painted at the Skate park at La Plague Blieue in Valenton, France.


Series of colourful Andy Warhol MJ paste up's captured in various locations in Chinatown, New York US by Balance1947

Worn but a great tribute wall covering the various eras of Michael captured recently in Ronda, in the Spanish province of Mรกlaga. 23

'Bad' Michael stencil captured on a concrete post/pot in Stuttgart, Germany 2015. Great Michael wall tribute captured in Madureira, Rio De Janeiro by Daniele Pontes

This now weathered artwork of was captured in Santa Marta, Brazil and features a scene from Michael's filming They Don't Care About Us' in the favella. 24

Paste up ~ Michael on the run in El Carmen in the city of Valencia, Spain.

Great artwork captured on the wall in Limeria, Brazil. The artwork was also featured on the back of a truck


Dave Jeffryes CREATOR OF



https://www.facebook.com/ events/674068816030880/

Friday, January 15, 2016 at 12:00am in PST Event created by Kerry Ward MDF has reached a milestone in support, Let your LIKE be counted as a supporting factor in building Michael's Dream of a Children's Hospital. Do not sit by the wayside and miss out on being a part of the brick foundation. Support! Donate! and get involved. 55,000 LIKES makes a lot of noise. We need your contributions to make this happen. Open Door Skidrow Ministry celebrated its 7th Year Anniversary on November 20th, 2015 under the pastoral direction of Minister Geraldine Hughes. The congregation enjoyed gospel music singers, praise dancers, gospel rappers, choir and other guest preachers. Ministry seeking tax-free donations via paypal at: Open Door Skidrow Ministries, Inc. https:// www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr? cmd=_flow&SESSION=f6TcA0wpMMEqToVZdiKsqc cnXcA2A7XRJYZnk2nv7snKc4JbcTql9YN2P8&dispat ch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d64ad11b bf4d2a5a1a0d303a50933f9b2

It goes without saying that when you support a missionary, you receive the blessings for the work that we do. I look forward to your support and love.

Facebook Community Page 27

Another cold season has come upon our Butterfly Girls and we have gotten our Butterfly Christmas Project underway! We're asking fans and AdLLaw/Cadeflaw members to send gloves, hats, scarves and socks to the children. We have about 400 students in our school, and we'd like to see each one of them get at least a set. If you are unable to go out and purchase things, but still would like to send something to the girls, Vanessa Little would be happy to do the shopping for you. If you decide to purchase your own gifts and send them to the school please take a snapshot of your items and post on the event page. FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE https://www.facebook.com/ events/631944373575528/

The FWMGA Butterfly Team 2015 Frankie Woods McCullough Academy for Girls - Gary, IN

You may send your Butterfly 2015 Christmas donations using the information/link on this page:

http://antidefamationlegacylawadvocates.org/donate-to-cadeflaw-projects/ OR this PayPal Link PayPal email address is: info@cadeflaw.com OR You can send your gifts here: Frankie Woods McCullough Academy for Girls, 3757 W.21st Avenue, Gary IN, 46404 c/o Mrs. Pearl Prince Thank You!

Six years ago a star shines over the children, enlighting the path for their dreams come true, helping to heal their wounds. Today we begin a new journey of love and solidarity, in order to make our butterflies fly and visit any little corner of the world; and inviting family, friends, neighbors to see their point of view and extend a helping hand. We have our confirmation: for the second year, our magic number: 29858 ♼

This year, the lottery is illustrated by Alberto Ortiz, 10 year old, from Mexico City. ♼







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In August of 1982, Interview’s executive editor, Bob Colacello, interviewed Michael Jackson, then 23, at the condominium in the San Fernando Valley that the singer was renting with his family while their house nearby was being redecorated. (Andy Warhol called from New York midway through their conversation.) Jackson, of course, was already famous for his work with his brothers in the Jackson Five, but his first adult solo album, Off the Wall (1979), released three years earlier, had made him a star in his own right. When this interview took place, he was at work on a storybook companion record for the Steven Spielberg film E.T.: The ExtraTerrestrial (1982)—hence the E.T. references—and was fielding an array of film-role offers. He was also finishing up recording Thriller (1982), which would go on to become the best-selling album of all time. The following is an excerpt from their interview as it originally appeared as the cover story of the October 1982 issue. BOB COLACELLO: Did you like performing as a child? Did you always love it? MICHAEL JACKSON: Always did. I always enjoyed the feeling of being onstage—the magic that comes. When I hit the stage it’s like all of a sudden a magic from somewhere just comes and the spirit just hits you and you just lose control of yourself. I came onstage at Quincy’s [Jones] concert at the Rose Bowl and I did not want to go onstage. I was ducking and hiding and hoping he wouldn’t see me hiding behind people when he called me on. Then I went up there and I just went crazy. I started climbingup the scaffold, the speakers, the light gear. The audience started getting into it and I started dancing and singing and that’s what happens. COLACELLO: How do you compare acting to performing on the stage? JACKSON: I love both. Acting is the cream of the crop. I love performing. It’s a phenomenal getaway. If you want to really let out everything you feel, that’s the time to do it. With acting, it’s like becoming another person. I think that’s neat, especially when you totally forget. If you totally forget, which I love to do, that’s when it’s magic. I love to create magic—to put something together that’s so unusual, so unexpected that it blows people’s heads off. Something ahead of the times. Five steps ahead of what people are thinking. So people see it and say, “Whoa I wasn’t expecting that.” I love surprising people with a present or a gift or a stage performance or anything. I love John Travolta, who came off that Kottershow. Nobody knew he could dance or do all those things. He is like— boom. Before he knew it, he was the next big Brando or something. COLACELLO: He hasn’t done much lately. JACKSON: I know. I think he’s choosing scripts and stuff. It’s always difficult for anyone trying to compete against their past achievements . . . COLACELLO: It seems that what really motivates you is your desire to entertain people, to please people. What about fame and money? Could you imagine not being famous or does being 31

JACKSON: No, I care about what I wear onstage. You

famous bother you?

know what I love, though? I don’t care about everyday

JACKSON: It never has bothered me except

clothes. I love putting on an outfit or a costume and just

sometimes when you want peace. Like you go to the

looking at myself in the mirror. Baggy pants or some real

theater and you say, “Nobody’s bothering me tonight, I’m

funky shoes and a hat and just feeling the character of it.

wearing my hat and glasses and I’m going to enjoy this

That’s fun to me.

film and that’s all there is to it.” You get in there and everybody’s watching and staring at you and at the climax

COLACELLO: You like to act a lot just in everyday

of the film somebody taps you on the shoulder for an


autograph. You just feel like you can’t get away .

JACKSON: I love it so much. It’s escape. It’s fun. It’s

COLACELLO: You’re very close to your parents. Do

just neat to become another thing, another person.

they live out here in L.A.?

Especially when you really believe in it and it’s not like you’re acting. I always hated the word acting—to say,I’m

JACKSON: Yes. My mother’s upstairs. My father’s at

an actor.” It should be more than that. It should be more

the office.

like a believer.

COLACELLO: What’s your typical day like?

COLACELLO: But isn’t that a little frightening when

JACKSON: Daydreaming most of the day. I get up

you believe it totally?

early and get ready for whatever I’ve got to do,

JACKSON: No, that’s what I really love about it. I just

songwriting or whatever it is. Planning the future and stuff.

like to really forget.

COLACELLO: Are you optimistic about the future?

COLACELLO: Why do you want to forget so much?

JACKSON: Yes. I always like to plan ahead of time

Do you think life is really hard?

and follow up . . .

JACKSON: No, maybe it’s because I just like jumping

COLACELLO: Do you care about fashion much?

in other people’s lives and exploring. Like Charlie Chaplin. I just love him to death. The little tramp, the whole gear


and everything, and his heart—everything he portrayed

knows—when in doubt, go for the heart . . .

on the screen was a truism. It was his whole life. He was

[Andy Warhol calls from New York.]

born in London, and his father died an alcoholic when he was six. He roamed the streets of England, begging,


poor, hungry. All this reflects on the screen and that’s


what I like to do, to bring all of those truths out . . .

WARHOL: Gosh, this is exciting. You know, every

COLACELLO: Do you sometimes feel as though you

time I use my Walkman I play your cassette on it . . . How

missed out on childhood because you’ve always been

have you been?

performing in the adult world?

JACKSON: I’ve been in the studio a lot, writing lyrics

JACKSON: Sometimes.

and working on songs and stuff.

COLACELLO: But you like people older than yourself,

WARHOL: I might go see an English rock group at the

experienced people.

Ritz tonight called Duran Duran. Do you know them?

JACKSON: I love experienced people. I love people


who are phenomenally talented. I love people who’ve

WARHOL: I went to see Blondie at the Meadowlands

worked so hard and been so courageous and are the

last week.

leaders in their fields. For me to meet somebody like that and learn from them and share words with them—to me

JACKSON: How was Blondie?

that’s magic. To work together. I’m crazy about Steven

WARHOL: She was great. She’s so terrific. Do you

Spielberg. Another inspiration for me, and I don’t know

know her?

where it came from, is children. If I’m down, I’ll take a

JACKSON: No, I never met her.

book with children’s pictures and look at it and it will just lift me up. Being around children is magic . . .

WARHOL: Well, when you come to New York I’ll introduce her. Going on tour is about the hardest thing to

COLACELLO: Are you interested in art?

do in the world.

JACKSON: I love to draw—pencil, ink pen—I love art.

JACKSON: Tour is something—the pacing. But being

When I go on tour and visit museums in Holland,

onstage is the most magic thing about it . . .

Germany or England—you know those huge paintings?— I’m just amazed. You don’t think a painter could do

WARHOL: Did you ever think you’d grow up to be a

something like that. I can look at a piece of sculpture or a


painting and totally lose myself in it. Standing there

JACKSON: I don’t ever remember not singing, so I

watching it and becoming part of the scene. It can draw

never dreamed of singing.

tears, it can touch you so much. See, that’s where I think the actor or performer should be—to touch that truth

WARHOL: Do you go out a lot or stay home?

inside of the person. Touch that reality so much that they

JACKSON: I stay home.

become a part of what you’re doing and you can take

WARHOL: Why do you stay home? There’s so much

them anywhere you want to. You’re happy, they’re happy.

fun out. When you come to New York we’ll take you out.

Whatever the human emotions, they’re right there with you. I love realism. I don’t like plastics. Deep down inside

JACKSON: The only time I want to go out is when I’m

we’re all the same. We all have the same emotions and

in New York.

that’s why a film like E.T. touches everybody. Who

WARHOL: Do you go to the movies?

doesn’t want to fly like Peter Pan? Who doesn’t want to fly with some magic creature from outer space and be

JACKSON: Oh, yes. We’re going to be working on

friends with him? Steven went straight to the heart. He

the E.T. album. I had a picture session with E.T. and it was so wonderful . . . He’s hugging me and everything. 33

WARHOL: I like Tron. It’s like playing the video games. Have you seen it? JACKSON: Yes. It didn’t move me. WARHOL: Well, thanks a lot. See you soon. JACKSON: I hope so . . .

Books Michael Jackson: Before He Was King by Todd Gray Photographer Todd Gray worked with Michael Jackson for several years before Jackson requested that he become his personal photographer, a relationship that would encompass the singer's performances with the Jacksons through the release of his smash solo albums Off the Wall and Thriller. This collection of unseen, intimate, and joyful pictures of Michael taken over a span of 10 years reveal him at home, with his family and fans, in career-making live performances, and the on the "Beat It" video shoot. A young black man not much older than Jackson at the time they met, Gray brings unique insights to his time with the singer, contributing stories and context to the images, presenting a rare, intimate portrait of Jackson at a creative peak as he grew from a brilliantly talented young man into a pop icon.

Jean” and “Black and White” altered our national discussion of race and equality, and Jackson’s signature aesthetic, from the single white glove to the moonwalk, defined a generation. Despite years of scandal and controversy, Jackson’s ultimate legacy will always be his music.

MJ: The Genius of Michael Jackson

Hardcover – October 6, 2015 By: Steve Knopper The ultimate critical biography of the King of Pop: a panoramic, vivid, and incisive portrait of Michael Jackson that explores and celebrates his influence in music, dance, and popular culture, drawing on 400 interviews. From the moment in 1965 when he first stepped on stage with his brothers at a local talent show in Gary, Indiana, Michael Jackson was destined to become the undisputed King of Pop. In a career spanning four decades, Jackson became a global icon, selling over 400 million albums, earning thirteen Grammy awards, and spinning dance moves that captivated the world. Songs like “Billie

Rolling Stone contributing editor Steve Knopper delves deeply into Michael Jackson’s music and talent. From the artist’s early days with the Jackson 5, to his stratospheric success as a solo artist, to “Beat It” and Thriller,” “Bad” and “The Man in the Mirror,” to his volatile final years, his attempted comeback, and untimely death, Knopper explores the beguiling and often contradictory forces that fueled Michael Jackson’s genius. Drawing on an amazing 400 interviews—ranging from Jackson’s relatives, friends, and key record executives to celebrities like will.i.am and Weird Al Yankovic—this critical biography puts all the elements of his career into perspective, and celebrates his triumph in art and music. This is a rare and panoramic view into the genius and influence of an incomparable talent. AMAZON


A French fan remembers the evening when she got on stage with Michael Jackson. only 12 years old and my parents did not want to let me go alone...5 years later, you finally attend to a concert and I guess you did not expect to live what you have experienced The idea of going on stage with MJ never crossed my mind, it was unthinkable. Actually that was my first concert so it was already great to have had two places for the dates in Paris on 27 and 29 June 1997 ...

Have you ever dreamed of being one of those girls?

Celia, a young French woman of 28, had that chance when the King of Pop was in concert in Paris in 1997. She agreed to share his memories of this exceptional concerts at the Parc des Princes, and when she was chosen to join Michael Jackson during "You Are Not Alone". You can read her testimony here :Cèlia has been Michael Jackson fan since 17 years. In June 1997 in Paris, she realized one of her dream of her life: to be on stage next to her idol during the song "You Are Not Alone". She agreed to share with us the memory of that memorable moment...

How did you learn that he would give concerts in France? At that time, I followed all information about MJ, especially for his HIStory tour and particularly for the French venues! I listened to all music radio stations broadcasting the commercials on TV and of course on the magazines ... It was obvious to me that I could not miss such opportunity to see MJ on stage "live”!!! My parents had no problems to give me their approval because the school holidays had already started. I use to lived in Marne-la-Vallée, a small village close to Disneyland Paris, therefore easily reachable by transportation It required a specific organization because I went to the concert with friend fans as well , and one of them had an apartment in Paris, it was the perfect opportunity to be close to the Parc des Princes. We left on Thursday

Hello Celia, how did you discover Michael Jackson? I became a fan in 1992. At the time, my parents were just back from a trip to the USA, in Los Angeles and gifted me the audio cassette of the album Dangerous ... it was a huge “crash” for me and since then I haven’t stopped loving him ... In 1992, Michael Jackson was in a World Tour. Did you go to see him? Unfortunately I did not have the pleasure of going to see him performing during the Dangerous Tour. I was 35

afternoon in order to "camp out" in front of the Parc des Princes and be the first places for the show of Friday, June 27, 1997... Buying concert tickets for This Is It looked like a jungle for many fans! At that time, sales did not pass through the internet. It was quieter? Were you able to easily buy your tickets? Actually it was my uncle who purchases the ticket because he was working in Paris, and he quickly made on site before opening the VIRGIN MEGASTORE ticket place in the Champs-Elysées. For what I remember, he had taken a day in order to be on top). My two tickets concert places were in "the pit" and each entry ticket cost me 225 francs (NDW: about 35 Euros).

I remember that during the long night of waiting in front at the entrance gates, concerts sponsor, "MYSTERY," distribute cans of this drink, we were all very proud of this product. After a sleepless night, we stood up and an extremely long queue slowly was formed at the time all the fans arrived. What memories do you have of Michael?The beginning of the concert had been the longest moment of my life! Waiting MJ arriving on the scene in his rocket I felt the countdown would never end!!! Then it happened as I have always imagined and even better of my expectations ...!!!! The wait was very long, but it was worth it, if I had to do everything again, I would do the same! I shouted his name, happy that my long-awaited moment after all these years finally had arrived… In which moment did you realize you were going to join Michael Jackson on stage? How did they announce to you? I never been told I was going to join MJ on stage! Simply, I was at the 1st line in the pit and the security guard looked insistently on our side but I drown in the concert, admiring MJ and his performance of "Smooth Criminal" ...

How was before the concert? We arrived the night before. To my surprise, there were already about 12 fans, sitting on the sidewalks just outside the entrance of the “Parc des Princes”. The atmosphere was already crazy; we were all excited to see our idol on stage!!! We formed a small group and we spent the NIGHT, all together talking, singing, dancing ... No way to try to sleep! We were so happy to be there!!! We were like idiots, trying to look through the bars in hope we could see MJ and suddenly the stadium began to "growl". Actually there were the musicians rehearsing and we were even more excited! Rehearsals put us in the mood for the show.

then few notes of the beginning of "You Are Not Alone" sounded in the stadium, I turned my head and Anthony, the security guard, picked me up from the crowd ... The first few seconds I did not realize what was going on …


curtsied but there it was me who made the curtsy ... then in turn he knelt and took his

Do you think you were chosen randomly or for special reasons? I do not know the criteria used to choose who would have go up on stage with MJ and I think I will never know it, but deep down, I assume there was one. Ensuite, j’ai emprunté la passerelle et je me suis jetée dans les bras de MJ ! Je pense que je devais être dans un état second, il y a même des moments où j’ai des flash-back mais c’est tout, je ne me souviens plus de tout ce qui s’est déroulé car j’avais l’impression d’être dans une bulle avec lui et je n’entendais rien autour de nous… So thanks to Anthony, you are found on the other side of the fence...

hands in my hands ... Then I remember that we danced slow and I clutched him in my arms with all my soul!!! And I said "I love you" in his ear!!! Looking back, it made me smile, but that day, it was My chance to tell him what I thought before this frenzied crowd at Parc des Princes !!! I have some memories and some details that come back, like the smell of his skin, a fruity scent ... he had just finished "Smooth Criminal" and he was sweating a lot and my T-shirt wet with his sweat ... I also remember that on top of his shoes, there was a small silver buckle ... I also remember MJ greeted the audience with me at his side ... then his bodyguard Wayne picked me in his arms because I was unable to walk and go down the stairs of the stage ... There is not enough words to describe what I experienced that Sunday, June 29th, 1997 ...

When he "chosen" me, I had to run to the bridge to join the scene and MJ!!! But I couldn’t, I had the impression of going in slow motion!!! My legs were "marshmallow" and I what was happening!!! I just remember that I passed the bridge and I threw myself into MJ arms! I think I had to be in a daze, there are even times when I flashbacks but that's all, I do not remember everything that occurred to me as I had the like in a bubble with him and I heard nothing… I remember the public and lights of the stage, I always told myself that if I ever met MJ, I would have done something different to prove my respect and admiration for him. So, overcome with emotion, I collapsed before him, I knelt before him and I stretched out my hands to his. I think he was surprised because normally, when the girl go on stage, MJ does a little masquerade and dance with her and often

Many fans are wondering: what happened when you find yourself behind the scenes? 37

Once I found myself behind the scenes, MJ bodyguard who carried me asked if I was okay and he accompanied me to the site of the Red Cross present during the entire concert. They were very nice! Then lied down few moments, still wondering what happened ... I did not know where I was ... It was the Red Cross staff who took over and cared about me, they gave me a drink, and kept me there few minutes to make sure I was okay, then they asked me if I wanted to return to the pit. What a question! Yes of course!!! And I went back…

When you told your parents and friends what happened to you, how did they react? At the time, I was 16 and when I told the story to my parents and friends, of course nobody believed me ... Since everyone knew I was crazy for Michael Jackson, nobody would have thought, I would go to see him his concert and be chosen from thousands of girls in the crowd... 12 years later, what memories do you have of that evening?

How did the fans react around you at that time? My return over there was very impressive, the fans were all nice, they kept touching my hands, caressing my head and telling me, "You touched MJ" "You danced with him" "How was it " ... and I could not speak ... no words can and still cannot even today explain what I felt, it was like daze ... I continued watching the concert, my head in the stars…

This was a unique experience, never in my life I will feel again what I experienced during those few minutes of happiness with MJ on stage ... Still today, I get emotional when I tell my adventure and it will be forever recorded in my mind and in my heart ... It happens today, at 28 years old, when I tell my memory to "non-fans" they have the same reaction. They all say: "After 10 years, you still feel so much emotion in telling your story ..." Get out the handkerchiefs…

Did you obtaine some pictures of your passage on stage? I never received photos or videos of my time on stage that day, to my great regret ... Except by chance, because I had a friend who was a fan and she received at that time a German leaflet selling pictures of the HIStory Tour concerts by correspondence and in this pamphlet (which I still have), the company was selling a picture of a girl who was on stage with MJ. It was me ... So followed months she bought this famous photo and offered it to me for my birthday ... It's been 12 years since I search for other photos, even amateur, or a video of my time on stage with MJ.


And your memories of Michael on stage?

The memories I have of MJ on stage are many, but the most striking is that, being positioned in 1st place during the two concerts at the Parc des Princes, I could realize that he really danced well! Indescribable, no faking as some would have said! MJ live, cannot be explained, you must see at least once in your life in order to understand it !!! Everything was perfect !!!!! But my best memory will remain my time on stage in his arms ... How did you learn his death? I learned of his death during my vacation ... I was in Marrakech from 24 June to 1 July 2009, and I heard the news watching an American channels in the hotel room. I thought it was a bad joke but when I turned on my laptop and I read text messages that my family and my friends had sent me ... "Our condolences to Michael ..." There, I understood that they were not joking ... If you could send him a message ... "Thank you for everything you have given me, over and over again! I will never forget the unique moment when I was up on stage with you ... it will remain etched in my heart forever! I simply love you‌ "

Interview conducted in July and August 2009 By http://www.elusiveshadow.com/ http://www.elusiveshadow.com/ temoignages/1970-une-fan-francaiseraconte-la-soiree-ou-elle-est-montee-sur -scene-avec-michael-jackson

Translation: simo60



Artist Spotlight

Ila Paliwalila classically trained Indian vocalist, songwriter and producer 40

Ila Paliwal, classically trained Indian vocalist, songwriter and producer based in New York Ila Paliwal is a classically trained Indian vocalist, based in New York and Greenwich CT USA. She was born in a literary family where music, art and literature were deeply ingrained. Her father Late Dr. Padma Singh Sharma Kamlesh was a nationally renowned poet and Hindi and Gujrati scholar, and her mother, Dr. Sushila Sharma Kamlesh, is an English and Sanskrit scholar. Ila started her vocal training with Late Pandit Sitaram Vyavhare of Gwalior Gharana at the age of 12. Over the years Ila has had a great fortune to learn from the Indian classical music stalwarts of Jaipur Gharana: Mrs. Padma Talwalkar, Mrs. Arati Ankalikar and Pandit Raghunandan Panshikar. Ila travels to India frequently to further her musical quest with her gurus. She has performed all over the world including India, USA, China, Switzerland and Dubai. She received her BA in English, Economics, Music and Fine Arts from Dayalbagh University, Agra and was awarded Director’s highest medal. She received MA in Fine Arts from Agra University. She also received her MA (Sangeet Praveen) with distinction in Hindustani classical vocal music from Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad. She received a BA in Mandarin (Chinese) from Language and Culture Institute, Beijing, China and worked as cross cultural consultant in Beijing China. In last 25 years, Ila has lived in six countries on four continents and during this time, she has chaired many cultural committees and served on international school boards. Ila supports several philanthropic organizations in the US and India. She works with local organizations to promote Indian classical music in the US and regularly hosts visiting artists. She currently lives with her husband, Dinesh Paliwal, in Greenwich, CT and New York City. Together, they have raised two accomplished children, who live and work in New York City.

https://www.facebook.com/ilapaliwalmusic/photos/pb.1545314492365001.2207520000.1446568198./1614295598800223/? type=3&theater

Website: http://ilapaliwal.com 41

Navaratna (a Sanskrit word for nine precious gems) is conceptualized and sung by me to showcase and salute the secular and festive spirit of India. It is executive produced by multi-Grammy and Academy Award winner A. R. Rahman. The music is produced by Ranjit Barot. I launched the album on February 27th, 2015 at the Carnegie Hall in New York at a sold out concert and in the presence of Mr A. R. Rahman himself along with many dignitaries from the music and media world. Navaratna was released worldwide on iTunes, Amazon and many other channels on March 5th, 2015 on another Indian festival day: Holi. I also launched a video for the Holi song on March 5th which has gone viral on Sony Music's Youtube channel with 130,000 views ! Within the first week of its release Navaratna was number one bestseller on Amazon.com in the Asian subcontinent. It's gaining ground in the U.S. and around the world as we speak and I am humbled by the love and outpouring of support I have received from the far corners of the world. My sincere hope is that Navaratna will continue to connect with people around the globe and will continue to inspire me to carry on my work in the world of music. Navaratna: Nine Musical Gems Each Celebrating an Indian Festival

Ila’s YouTube Channel

Hindustani Classical Vocalist Ila Paliwal Releases Debut Album ‘Navaratna,’ in Collaboration with A.R. Rahman http://www.india.com/entertainment/ hindustani-classical-vocalist-ila-paliwalreleases-debut-album-navaratna-in-

collaboration-with-a-r-rahman-299023/ 42

https://www.facebook.com/ilapaliwalmusic/photos/ pb.1545314492365001.2207520000.1446570011./1556969471199503/?type=3&theater http://www.thehindu.com/multimedia/ dynamic/02338/13fr-Lavina_3_jpg_2338676g.jpg

Ila Music Lin and Jirsa Photography — with Quincy Jones.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdKZjA8SM0&feature=youtu.be Quincy Jones on Ila Video Credit: Ila Paliwal

https://www.facebook.com/ilapaliwalmusic/photos/ pb.1545314492365001.2207520000.1446570011./1556968211199629/?type=3&theater 43

MUSIC: Is It Pay for Play in The Music Industry? In WRGO Magazine’s October issue we shared an article by Michael Simon about the basics of “Mechanical Licensing” as it pertains to songs.

the Billboard 200 chart, selling 21,000 copies in its first week. It remained on the chart for 12 weeks and produced two singles, "Second Chance" and "Lay with You". Upon its release, Second Chance received acclaim from music critics, who complimented its material and praised DeBarge's singing. It was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best R&B Album, set to be presented at the 54th Grammy Awards in 2012.[1]

This month I thought I’d share information on why music lovers may not be hearing their favorite artists songs on the radio. El DeBarge, one of my favorite artist, last album “Second Chance” was released in 2010, his first album after sixteen years. The songs on the album are simply beautiful. Read an Editorial Review for the Second Chance album:

This album is the “bomb” and certainly a “Must Have” for El DeBarge fans. So why have I only heard one song from the album on the radio ONLY ONE TIME? I finally heard “Lay With You - featuring Faith Evans” last month. I have even posted comments on the radio stations Facebook page and sent a tweet asking about the album to one of the radio station DJ’s. No one responded on the Facebook page nor to the tweet. Why not?

Deluxe two CD edition includes bonus disc containing three Christmas songs. 2010 release from the R&B veteran, his first in 16 years. Soulful, sleek and deeply romantic, Second Chance features the first single, "Lay With You" featuring Faith Evans. Second Chance tells El's story of redemption, which followed a period of personal turmoil for the immensely talented singer and songwriter. Co-executive produced by Ron Fair and Pete Farmer, Second Chance features collaborations with 50 Cent ("Format"), and Fabolous ("5 Seconds"). It also unites El DeBarge with some of music's most notable hitmakers, including co-writing and co-production by Babyface, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, Mike City, Michael Angelo, Mischke, and the Avila Brothers.

What’s the problem? There should be no problem. El DeBarge is a well loved Motown R&B/ Pop veteran recording artist. He has experienced some personal problems in the past but so have many other artist. I seriously doubt if those problems have anything to do with the radio stations playing or not playing his new music. What I do hear, every now and then, are a couple of songs from the group, DeBarge but none of El’s solo music.

From Wikipedia Second Chance is the fifth studio album by American R&B recording artist El DeBarge, released on November 30, 2010, by Geffen Records and Interscope Records. It is his first studio album in 16 years and the follow-up to Heart, Mind and Soul (1994). Production for the album took place at various recording studios and was handled by DeBarge and several other record producers, including Ron Fair, Mike City, Michael Angelo, and Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis. The






Why? Maybe the radio stations aren’t getting any pay to play his music. I’d like to share what Matthew Harrison had to say about this which sounds to be a major problem for him and maybe other artist in the music industry, even artist such as El DeBarge. I found this article on abcnews.go.com website. I could not find the date it was published but can you believe this

on 44

story has not been shared not once. Why?

"In those days, you could learn to love a record that had a $100 bill on it," says Del Coliano. "If it had a $200 bill on it, … the disc jockey says, 'So nice, I'll play it twice.' "

Matthew Harrison, who wants to get his music played on the radio, says he can't because of the radio industry's dirty little secret.

Since it's now illegal for radio stations to take money directly from record companies in exchange for airplay, they have found a loophole in the law by using middlemen. Record companies say they're being forced to pay independent promoters, so-called indies. The indies then pay the radio stations, buying access to get the songs heard. And it's all legal.

Harrison's CD, recorded for a small label, got good reviews from several local critics and on the Internet; but he and his producer, Jeff Robinson, have been unable to translate that success into play over the airwaves. "People think Matthew Harrison sends his CD to all these radio stations and they say, 'Yeah, this sounds good. I'm going to play it,' “says Harrison. “It doesn't work that way."

"You look at the radio and they got the same 30 records circulating. These 30 records are paid for, and the minute you stop hearing a record, that means that records not paid for anymore," says Chuck D, a rapper with Public Enemy. "It's a different type of payola."

The way it does work, they say, is that those with big bankrolls are the ones who get most stations just to listen to their music. "It seems like now, [for] corporate-owned radio stations, it's not about the music so much as what compensation they are getting for playing the records," says Robinson.

Getting the Party Started According to documents obtained by 20/20, Work Records, a now-defunct division of Sony Music, paid indies more than $400,000 in one year after Fiona Apple's song "Criminal" got nationwide airplay.

Industry critics call it pay for play, and they say it's happening throughout the music business. And the industry itself is apparently responding to the criticism. A coalition representing everyone from singers to record labels and consumers is expected to release a statement Friday acknowledging the problem, and asking the Federal Communications Commission to ban compensation in exchange for the playing of certain records.

The price tag for Jamiroquai's CD? More than a quarter-million dollars in fees paid to indies for weekly retainers and in bonuses for getting airplay, according to documents. Even for a monster hit that would seem to need no help getting played — like Pink's "Get This Party Started" — the record label still gets a hefty bill from indies, according to Hilary Rosen, president and CEO of the Recording Industry Association of America.

Read the "Joint Statement on Current Issues in Radio" here. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/ pdf/radioissuesstatement.pdf "The system is crooked," says Jerry Del Coliano, who publishes Inside Radio. "You pay for access to radio stations and it's basically legalized payola."

"There's this sort of implied fear that if you don't play the game with them, you're not going to be able to be at the table," she says. "Maybe the next time you've got a record you want the stations to consider, they won't."

"Payola" was outlawed in 1960, after a number of disc jockeys were charged with taking bribes from record companies to play their songs

Artists like Harrison and Robinson say that since 45

they don't have a seat at the table, radio stations aren't even considering playing their CD.

supposed to belong to the people. That's a damn shame."

"They're not even listening to it because we're not going through an independent radio promoter," says Robinson.

Record company representatives say they have no choice but to keep paying the ever-increasing price to get a song played.

'Purchasing a Relationship'

But critics say the industry is shooting itself in the foot, because it results in boring, sound-alike music that drives listeners away.

Several of the indies who have become major players in the radio business by buying access declined to speak with 20/20. Most radio stations wouldn't speak about it either.

"What does the next generation say? 'Radio sucks,' " says Del Coliano. "The younger listeners are saying, 'I don't need radio.' And they don't."

But the executives of Radio One, which owns 65 stations across the country, had no problem admitting that they're taking money — an amount reported to be millions of dollars a year — from indies.

But commercial radio remains the best musicians to get their songs heard. If waves are virtually closed to people deep pockets, it's next to impossible for sell their music.

"It's legal," says Mary Katherine Snead, Radio One's chief operating officer. "It's also another revenue stream. And so are we going to be the only major broadcasting group out there not taking advantage of that?"

way for the airwithout them to

"I can't even get played on the radio in Vegas, my hometown," says Harrison. This article was copied from the abcnews.go.com site. Unfortunately I have not been able to find proof that Radio One’s CEO, Alfred Liggins made the statement about the indies offering a valuable service by working as middlemen.

Radio One CEO Alfred Liggins says the Indies offer a valuable service by working as middlemen. "The phone rings too much. There's too many other people calling and you can't talk to everybody." He says the indie pays for the right to consult with stations' program directors about which songs are chosen to be played. But Liggins insists that the Indies do not dictate which records get on the air.

I do believe the days of the “indies” is NOT in the past but still exist today. I listen to the radio everyday and I pay close attention to the rotation of the music. Some artist songs get played more than others. I am happy to report that Majic 102.1 FM in Houston, Texas, and this includes ALL the DJ’s, play Michael Jackson’s music everyday without fail. This is a good thing but what about artist like El DeBarge. Is his music not being played because the label refuses to or can not pay the indie fees?

Driving Away Listeners? Whether or not a song gets played, and how long it stays on the radio, Liggins says, depends on how good it is. While an indie gives some artists an advantage, record companies don't necessarily have to go through one in order to get their songs played.

I pray this isn’t the case, and if not why aren’t the DJ’s playing his songs as well as the songs of other artist. READ ABC NEWS ARTICLE HERE

But many artists disagree: "Who's going to give the grass-roots person a chance?" asks Chuck D. "They can't get on the airwaves, which is 46


Hey Fellow Travelers! Happy Saturday! Hope ya'll are having the best weekend and enjoying the wonderfully chilly weather! (It's sweater season, yass!) We had one of the best, most exciting shows ever Thursday night. Apparently a lot of folks heard that we were playing at this one particular venue that we usually frequent that night, and the place was PACKED. The best part of it all was that there was a group of absolutely adorable younger kids who'd heard we were going to be there, and one of their dads told me that they'd come just to see us. We were speechless. What an honor. The energy was AMAZING that night, and we just riffed away. We had SUCH a blast! We played some of our favorite new songs, and the one posted below, I'm absolutely obsessed with at the moment. There's this incredible artist, kind of new on the scene, her name is Elle King and she's other worldly. Her music is infectious and invigorating, and her album is #1 on my Christmas list. In many ways, her style reminds me of Lisa Presley's. Here is our rendition of her hit song, "Ex's & Oh's", my favorite song ever at the moment. The sass and attitude is so utterly perfect. And now I'm raving senselessly, lol! Anywho! We truly hope ya'll enjoy our rendition, let us know what you think! Love you guys tons and tons! ~Nicole & Scotty

Nicole & Scotty: Unchartered Waters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaP-ICeo2kg


Dispelling Myths & Rumors 6 Music Industry Myths A guest post by Johnny Dwinell of Daredevil Production Musicclout.com I was reading a Bob Lefsetz blog post called “Myths” the other day and it got me thinking (btw, you should subscribe and be reading Lefsetz too…Bob’s a little negative sometimes but there is good, ACCURATE information in there. It’s free, we can never have enough education).

Then it takes on a life of its own when corporate money comes in. Myth #3 If you make a “demo” of your music then “shop” it to the labels you might get a record deal.

Here are 6 additional myths I thought I would add to the mix with specific regards to the music industry Myth #1 Good music will find its own audience. This is categorically untrue.

THEN they will respond to you.

Step 1: make good music!

This procedure was once the normal protocol but that process died 15-20 years ago, seriously. Anybody telling you this is the way to go is out of touch by a decade or two.

Step 2: you have to expose that good music to TONS of people and

Of course there are VERY rare exceptions to the rule, but again, if you are basing your future on these exceptions you are betting your entire future on winning the lottery. I mean, it COULD happen, right?

In other words YOU have to find your audience.

Record labels don’t really develop talent like they used to because they can’t afford it anymore.

There is a flashpoint somewhere after a massive amount of people are exposed to good music and it takes on a life of its own.

EXAMPLE: In 1978 when Tom Petty released “Damn the Torpedoes” it cost $8.00, that’s the same as $27.14 today.

It doesn’t happen “magically” on the merits of the music alone, sorry

Multiply $27.14 times 500,000, then 1 million, then 10 million. Get it? You are going to have to figure out how to create real momentum on your own.

Myth #2 Your music video will possibly go viral on YouTube.

You are going to have to be at least a regional success with a profitable business model before you get your major label deal. FYI, by that time, you probably won’t need the majors anyway. LOL.

Again, 99.9999% of the time the viral videos are from artists (like Karmin [90 million views now] and Noah [21 million views]) that built up a solid foundation of subscribers through consistent WORK and content before their big video went viral.

Myth #4 Once You get a record deal life will be easier; you’ve made it, you’re finally getting paid. This is so wrong!

There are always exceptions to the rule, but if your business model is founded on the success of these very rare occurrences you’re naïve; you’re setting yourself up for needless disappointment.

With the current business model of every record label, once you are signed you now enter into a club where only 10% of the artists make money and succeed. The remaining 90% reside in the “artist protection program”; meaning they don’t make money and often can’t get out of their deal.

FYI, the algorithms change, ranking you higher on YouTube, when a large amount of people view a video within hours of it being posted. The better ranking can post you on the front page of YouTube thus creating a ton of organic traffic. 49

The work STARTS once you get your deal and by that time you better have your team-building, business savvy, and communication skill sets at a very high level or you will be forgotten and put aside; there are just too many people who know how to play the game better than you, that are waiting to take your place.

Do you have that kind of resolve about your music? Myth #6 Writing a hit song happens magically. Look sometimes this does happen but not until the writers understand and honor the fact that songwriting is a craft.

Myth #5 Artists like Taylor Swift and Trent Reznor made it because they were rich so if you had their money you would make it too. FALSE!

They KNOW how to toil over the lyrics, melodies, chord changes and work their butts off to do it right.

Yes, they were rich.

Once you get this concept and put in some serious time, the Gods just might throw a 5-minute hit song in your lap. Yes that song “wrote itself” but it takes a lifetime of work to make it that easy.

Taylor’s father invested GREATLY in her career and Trent is a descendant of the Reznor Air Conditioning Company.

Johnny Dwinell of Daredevil Production

Yes, money doesn’t hurt your chances but it isn’t everything. Consider this…there is no shortage of money.


If it were just about cash everyone with money who wanted to be a star would be one. It takes WAY more than just money; you have to be the right person in the right place at the right time. (that line is stolen from former Taylor Swift manager Rick Barker)

Created in 2011, Daredevil Productions is the joint vision of veteran Nashville Engineer/ Producer/Performer Kelly Schoenfeld and veteran Los Angeles Artist/Producer/ Businessman Johnny Dwinell. DDP is a full service music production team housed in Ragtop Recording studios on Nashville’s world famous Music Row. We offer a broad selection of music services including music production from song demos to major label records, artist development, song arrangements, music programming, song promotion, and artist guidance. Whether you are a platinum recording artist or if this is the first step on musical journey, Daredevil Productions can guide you all the way.

I can’t tell you how many times I have seen someone throw PANTLOADS of money at a career and nothing happens. I’ve seen parents spend over $100,000 on a record for their children with the best producers and nothing happened with it. I’ve seen a father spend $500k to get his daughter on a major tour with a country legend and nothing happened. I’ve seen an artist get an investor with $850K, blow the marketing money on a tour bus (yes, that’s right, a depreciating asset with no tour to use it on because no demand was created, so no revenue stream was produced) and then get an additional $1,000,000.00 and a major label deal…you’ve never heard of this artist…probably never will. I promise you that Trent Reznor and Taylor Swift have outworked all of you. Trent got a job at a recording studio in Cleveland in the mid-80’s to gain access to the recording equipment late at night where he created the first Nine Inch Nails record…when did he sleep? Taylor had TENS OF THOUSANDS of MySpace fans long before she ever recorded her first song for a record label. She constantly asked the fans what they wanted her to write about; THIS is how she found her audience and connected with them. Think about all work these artists did with little or no immediate return on the time invested. 50

VIDEOS Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson 'Say Say Say [2015 Remix]' Video Credit: PAUL McCARTNEY

Phil Collins | Finally... The First Farewell Tour Video Credit: OndaCC

Earth Wind & Fire: THE SPIRITUAL POWER OF BLACK MUSIC Video Credit: Powerful Black Stories. By Heru G. Duenas



My birthday wish for ALL of you is that you continue to love life and never stop dreaming. May beauty and happiness surround you, not only on your special day, but always. Happy Birthday.


Diane Jones

Ellie Hollingsworth

DeWayne NoLove Gore

Jay Will

Billy Johnson, Jr.

S. Walker Bryant

Deborah L. Kunesh

Youssef Reda

Gianna Gart Dimanico

Geraldine Hughes

Gloria Halton Scott

Keita Jordan-Sa'ad

Keith DeBlasio

William J. Wagener

Susanne Mjj

Kim Bailey

Jodi Gomes

Rossana Fiorito

Willie Goldsberry

Nancy Young

Candice Hong

Glenda Morgan

Stacy Fountain-Lee

Nora Moya

Stephanie Bernard

Stewart Woods

Shekinah Jones

Lisa Hyde-Boland

Zulya Aziz

Janet Martinez

Tobin Hunter

Monica Yakubu

Lisa-Marie Armitage

Lynton Guest

Brittany Mendoza

Candice Flannel

Heike Aden-Seeberg

Sophia Laniak

King Jordan

Austin Brown

Christina Esparza

Bessie Flannel

Joshua Paul Nugba

Kimberly Wright Artsupernova

Eshwar MJ

Michael Impersonetor Phoenix

Michael Bush

Mary Esther Deflanders

Linda Redmon 54

Happy Birthday

Austin Brown Sophia Laniak

Bessie Flannel





Thelonius Monk Institute of Jazz gala honors Quincy Jones whO SPANS STYLES ACROSS THE DECADES he seemed genuinely overwhelmed by the recognition for his humanitarian work, Jones, 82, turned exasperated as he what he views as a lack of

lamented appreciation

among young people for the foundations of

American music. Visiting his former high school in Seattle recently, he'd been dismayed to find that students were only dimly aware of icons like Louis Armstrong and John Coltrane, he said. His suggested remedy? The a U.S. minister of

appointment of

culture, something he

urged the audience to help him realize - or else risk the loss of still more understanding. Jones' passion was easy to admire in an artist at his level of achievement and comfort. http://lasentinel.net/wp-content/uploads/ sites/5/2015/11/HerbieHancockQuincyJones713x1024.jpg

(Indeed, at another point in his appealingly

Along with his thanks, Quincy Jones had

tists told him could extend his life by 30

words of warning when he accepted an


accolade from the Thelonious Monk

But his worries about young people may be

discursive acceptance speech, he discussed advancements in nanotechnology that scien-


tute of Jazz.

unfounded. At the Dolby the three singers vyproduc-

ing for the prestigious Monk Institute title -

er - whose six-decade career took him "from

each in his or her mid-20s - were remarkable

bebop to hip-hop," as his friend Herbie Han-

talents with clear knowledge of jazz history

cock put it - was onstage Sunday night at the

and provocative ideas about where the form

Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles as the guest of

can go.

honor at the institute's annual jazz competi-

This year's winner of the competition, which

tion and all-star tribute concert. And though

focuses on a different instrument each year,

The veteran musician, arranger and


was Jazzmeia Horn of Dallas, who earned a

That's why Seth MacFarlane was there, snap-

standing ovation with her assured perfor-

ping his fingers as he sang a peppy "Come Fly

mances of two standards: "Moanin'," rich with

with Me," and why George Benson turned up

gospel overtones, and "Detour Ahead," which

to growl his way through "Moody's Mood for

she did as a kind of ghostly incantation.

Love" with Austin as comic foil.

Selected by a panel of judges that included

The R&B singer Ledisi belted Jones' ballad

Patti Austin, Al Jarreau and Luciana Souza,

"Everything Must Change"; Hancock played

Horn will receive a $25,000

"Tell Me a Bedtime Story," the pianist's soul-

music scholar-

ship, a recording contract with the Concord

funk composition that Jones later covered.

Music Group and - as Concord's John Burk

Freddy Cole was a delight singing "Let the

speculated in his presentation of the prize -

Good Times Roll," which Jones famously ar-

perhaps the opportunity to work in the studio

ranged for "The Genius of Ray Charles." And

with Jones, who would almost certainly find

Wayne Shorter on saxophone brought a star-

cause to rethink his position.

tling intensity to an otherwise soupy take on

The second- and third-place singers were

Michael Jackson's "Human Nature" that also

nearly as impressive.

featured Jarreau, drummer Terri Lyne Carrington and singer Gretchen Parlato, a winner

Veronica Swift, from Charlottesville, Va.,

of the Monk Institute Competition in 2004.

brought the room to a hush with a haunting chamber-folk rendition of "This Bitter Earth,"

"Whoa," Hancock said after that song. "Wayne

made popular by Dinah Washington. And to

was ripping it, right?"

personalize "Life Begins When You're in

Sunday's show again evoked the memory of

Love," Vuyolwethu Sotashe appended a bit of

Jackson, Jones' highest-profile collaborator,

what he called a wedding song from his native

for the finale, an all-hands rendition of "We

South Africa.

Are the World," which the late pop superstar

Each promises to live up to the high creative

co-wrote. But if the performance itself was a

standard set by the competition's previous vo-

bit of a mess, you had to relish the irony of

cal winner, Cecile McLorin Salvant, who since

one image: 84-year-old Cole, obviously unfa-

2010 has been heralded as one of jazz's most

miliar with the tune, attempting to pass off his

thoughtful new stars.

microphone to Billy Dee Williams, who gamely took a stab at the chorus.

As good as they were, of course, these up-andcomers weren't the primary lure for deeppocketed audience members, some of whom

Maybe that culture minister can help out with old-timers too. Source

paid upward of $1,000 to attend Sunday's


benefit for the Monk Institute's jazz-education

Los Angeles Times

http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/entertainment/ music-news-reviews/article45320349.html

programs. 58




The young entrepreneur's mentor is Shark Tank investor Daymond John.

By Moriba Cummings www.bet.com Source Young entrepreneur Moziah Bridges appeared on the hit ABC investment television series Shark Tank last September and now, thanks largely to his investor and mentor Daymond John, his bow tie business has skyrocketed. In a feature piece on Entrepreneur.com, it is highlighted that Mo's Bows has now shown at New York City's Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.

mined to make something of this early formed passion, he asked her to teach him how to sew, and eventually developed the talent of creating bow ties. He sold them online to several stores in the South. By the time he taped his Shark Tank segment during the show's fifth season in 2013, he had sold 2,000 bow ties and brought in $55,000 in revenue. Both Bridges and his mother appeared on the show together pitching the company and seeking $50,000 in exchange for 20 percent equity in the company.

John flew the then 12-year-old to the Big Apple for the event and introduced him to power players in the fashion and business industries. After he accompanied the young mogul on a morning taping of CNBC'sSquawk Box, he received a call from Karen Katz, CEO and president of the Neiman Marcus Group who showed interest in Bridges's work.

John, who is the founder and CEO of FUBU, said that he was inspired by Bridges's story after seeing him there with his mother, who raised him as a single parent. He related to this on a personal level as he had a similar upbringing.

"I've never been in Neiman Marcus with any of my brands, and it takes the 12-year-old child to get to Neiman Marcus to call me!" he said. "So that's the student teaching the teacher, you know?"

Their mentor/mentee relationship seems to be flourishing well. Bridges tells Business Insider that his business saavy has significantly improved with the help of John's input. He said that John advised him to continue to turn down investments as he steadily builds his company and brand.

A year later, Moziah Bridges is riding high on his successful business venture with the help of his mother Tramica Morris. He has since sold $200,000 worth of his handmade bow ties and various other men's fashion accessories and has seven employees, including his mother and grandmother.

In an even greater feat, the young boss revealed that John also inspired him to take his brand partnerships and licensing deals to the next level. Mo's Bows just secured its first one late last year with Cole Haan. To date, it has also solidified its deal with Neiman Marcus.

Though he is, technically, his mom's boss, she still wears the pants in the grander scheme of things: "Mo is the CEO of the company, but I'm the CEO of Mo," she said.

Mo's Bows can be purchased at Neiman Marcus's online shop and in a limited brick-and-mortar release. They can also be purchased at the company's official website www.mosbowsmemphis.com.

The teenager had the initial idea for Mo's Bows when he was just nine after his grandmother, a retired seamstress, stressed to him the importance of "dressing sharp." Deter60

From the world wars of Europe to the jungles of the Far East, from the deserts of the Middle East to the African continent, and even here in our own hemisphere, our veterans have made the world a better place and America the great country we are today. ~John Hoeven~ Thank You To Our Men and Women in the Military and Vets.

Taverious Lee U.S. Navy

Artis L. Knox Willie J. Lewis

United States Army

U.S. Navy

Vernon Price, U.S. Coast Guard

Douglas Anderson U.S. Navy

Mack Connor, Jr. U. S. Army

Brittany Knox U.S. Army Reserve





Founded in November 2008 by Evangelist Geraldine Hughes and Minister Marvin Mosley

Open Door Skidrow Ministry is a sidewalk church that ministers God's love three days a week in the heart of Skidrow, and provide a hot homecooked meal, clothes, blankets, shoes, sleeping bags, coats & hygiene (when available). We are purchasing our first House of Hope for the Homeless to get men and women off skidrow that are no longer struggling with their addictions and need to get out of a negative environment. Asking churches for a donation of $10,000; groups for a donation of $1,000 and individuals for a donation of $100. Please send your donation to: Open Door Skidrow Ministry, 38713 Tierra Subida Ave #200, Palmdale, CA 93551. Open Door Skidrow Ministry, a sidewalk church without walls in the heart of Skidrow, is fundraising for its first Homeless House of Hope. Help us help the homeless come off of Skidrow. If you cannot come and minister, please send your financial donation. This is the apple of God's heart and your offering/donation will be blessed for the work that we are doing. Open Door Skidrow Ministry's 7th Year Anniversary



Meaning of Thanksgiving ences as well as a time of healing. In sharing our victories as well as our struggles, we find Strength and hope.  To teach the young – In stories retold, each generation brings purpose and significance to the richness of their heritage. Faded pictures, senti mental knick-knacks, even the prayer of Thanksgiving before the meal all form a Thanks giving family legacy.  To prepare the heart – In gratitude, we humbly reflect upon all the gifts (family, friends, health) that saturate our lives. By “giving-thanks” we choose to extend ourselves and give to others less fortunate. Out of the abundance of our hearts, we are able to offer our resources to help others.

Meaning of Thanksgiving - The Real Celebration For many of us, the meaning of Thanksgiving usually includes feasting, four-day weekends, football games, floats, family reunions, or a forerunner to Christmas festivities. The “first Thanksgiving,” however, was neither a feast nor a holiday, but a simple gathering. Following the Mayflower’s arrival at Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620, the Pilgrims suffered the lost of 46 of their original 102 colonists. With the help of 91 Indians, the remaining Pilgrims survived the bitter winter and yielded a bountiful harvest in 1621. In celebration, a traditional English harvest festival, lasting three days brought the Pilgrims and natives to unite in a “thanksgiving” observance. This “thanksgiving” meal would not be celebrated again until June of 1676. On June 29 the community of Charlestown, Massachusetts proclaimed a day of thanksgiving for their good fortune. Ironically, this celebration excluded the Indians, as the colonists’ recognized their recent victory over the “heathen natives.” One hundred years later, in October of 1777, all 13 colonies participated in a onetime “thanksgiving” celebration which commemorated the patriotic victory over the British at Saratoga. It would take a span of over 150 more years to establish Thanksgiving as we celebrate it George Washington proclaimed it a National holiday in 1789, Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November in 1863, and Congress sanctioned it as a legal holiday in 1941.

Meaning of Thanksgiving ­ Praise to God In the Bible, the meaning of thanksgiving reflected adoration, sacrifice, praise, or an offering. Thanksgiving was a grateful language to God as an act of worship. Rarely, if ever, was thanksgiving extended to any person or thing, except God. “These things I remember as I pour out my soul; how I used to go with the multitude, leading the procession to the house of God, with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng” (Psalm 42:4). Long before the colonists celebrated their successes, Nehemiah assembled two great choirs to give thanks for God’s faithfulness in rebuilding the wall. “ . . . The Levites were sought out from where they lived and were brought to Jerusalem to celebrate joyfully and dedication with songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals, harps, and lyres” (Nehemiah 12:27).

Meaning of Thanksgiving ­ Expressions of Gratitude

The meaning of Thanksgiving has undergone numerous transitions -- an expression of gratitude for survival, a council’s recognition of its flourishing community, submission of the local natives, the defeat over the British, resulting in a collection of our nation’s traditions and values. Over the centuries, families added their customs to the Thanksgiving celebration, preserving that which they held most precious.  To gather in unity – It is refreshing and invigorating when people come together, in celebration of a common purpose. It is a reconciliation of differ

The true meaning of Thanksgiving focuses upon relationship. Thanksgiving is a relationship between God and man. Upon their arrival at New Plymouth, the Pilgrims composed The Mayflower Compact, which honored God. Thanksgiving begins with acknowledging God as faithful, earnestly giving Him thanks, in advance, for His abundant blessings. “. . . In everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6). Thanksgiving is an attitude of the heart that reinforces an intimate relationship with God. 65

GoFundMe Projects Family Loses Everything in Storm https://www.gofundme.com/7e7vcne4 Created October 31, 2015

Marcus Torres

My name is Marcus Torres. I live in Bartonsville, Pa. On 10/30/15 my mother and brother and his family lost their home and all their possessions due to severe flash flooding and storms in Austin, TX. I'm trying to raise money to help them start over with the basic things they need. Things like clothing, food, even a place to stay until their situation is straightened out. Any donation would be greatly appreciated.

Rico-Jay for a better life Created October 28, 2015

Reinette de Boer


Rico -Jay has a dolicho-megacolon and ileostomy. Despite the ileostomy the complaints of intermittent abdominal pain in combination with swollen abdomen persisted as well as that he's always tired and gets high fever from nothing. He would love to be helped by Children's Hospital Boston , because the doctors in Holland think he's too complicated inside. Rico is the 30th patient in 20 years, with an ileostomy has been due to a dolichocolon which is still in his body. He also has the metabolic disease Alpha - 1 antitrypsin deficiency which makes getting fatter despite his diet. Rico -Jay just wants to be a normal child of his age and may finally get rid of his abdominal pain and prefers to get rid of his ileostomy. Rico Jay asks every day if there is enough money for Boston , every time as he ended up in the hospital, no one is doing anything to help him because they simply do not know. He is too young to have the life of a sick old man despite being the clown of the family. Rico-Jay and his family ( 2 brothers & 1 sister) don't have the money to pay the first estimate and there will be needed more for final treatment so please, make a difference and give Rico-Jay a better life! He, and his family, will be a lifelong grateful for your donation! Look at his Facebook 'Rico-Jay's dagboek' or the foundation site Stichting Rico-Jay To America Rico-Jay tells about his disease and why he wants to go to Boston (*Eng.subtitles) in the YouTubefilm his sister made. Please visit ; 66


Mike Tyson and Godaiking

Michael Jackson and Snoopy at Knott's Berry Farm, April 1984 There are no known copyright restrictions on this image. All future uses of this photo should include the courtesy line, "Photo courtesy Orange County Archives." Photo from the Knott's Berry Farm Collection. https://www.flickr.com/photos/ ocarchives/5487470482/

Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson and Nile Rodgers


Michael and the Cascio Family

Link to photo

Janet, Michael, La Toya, Paul McCartney, Lionel Richie, Quincy Jones and Katherine Jackson

Kamp-Lintfort, Kloster Kamp in Germany Photo Credit: Carschten

Janet Jackson makes rare appearance and looks great.

Eddie Murphy, Michael Jackson, Iman and director John Singleton on the set of MJ's "Remember the Time" music video

Image Credit: theurbandaily.com




Original photo found on wayblackwhen.tumbler.com

LaToya, Michael and Joan Collins http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/11700000/Rare-MJ-michael-jackson-11765822-1254-967.jpg









YOU WERE THERE Call for Love ~Diana Foley~ 76

Call for Love November 22, 2015 - You Were There Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour. (I Tim. 5:17) I had an awesome English Lit professor. As one of my first courses upon returning to college, the material was very intimidating to me. But this professor made me love Shakespeare. We went through “Henry IV part 1” line by line, but it was not until recently that I was able to actually see that play performed. Afterwards, I tracked down that professor... and told him how he had changed my life by teaching me to love Shakespeare.

Few things mean more to me, than receiving a message from a student, saying that they really enjoyed and benefitted from my class, that I had somehow made their life different. When Michael sang “You were there” for Sammy Davis, Jr., he was not only honoring Sammy. He was role modeling for all of us that we must honor those who came before us and who fought the fights so that we don’t have to. He was showing us that it is important to thank those who paved the way for us, so that the path we travel is smooth and with fewer roadblocks than it was before. The best teachers don’t want us to be as good as them, they want us to be even better, and they work hard to make that happen; to bring out the very best in us; and to make us be the very best we can be. Sammy lived only a few months after this performance, a sad reminder to all of us to say Thank You while we still can. So today I say “Thank You” to all of the wonderful teachers, both professional and otherwise, who have helped to make me who I am.

~ Diana Foley ~ Michael Jackson - You Were There Uploaded on Jul 14, 2006 by worstfilms Michael Jackson performed this song only once. The occasion was the Sammy Davis Jr. 60th Anniversary TV Special. The song was written especially for the broadcast. Videotaped at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. Air Date: February 4, 1990.




Two Birds 79

Trish Mackenzi

Michael the “Thinker”

MJ CARTOONS By Cynthia Jourdain

Michael Jackson Cartoons Trish Mackenzi Fulaleo 80




It’s now official: I have serious doubts on too many bloggers at this point and for the first time I’m not addressing it to a particular fan-faction! The mania and lack of discernment hovers anywhere and at too many levels. Bloggers related to MJ matters do write anymore threads to show the 'truth' of how wonderful Michael Jackson soul was, there ‘s a methodical research of the “best ”topic, one that makes you have more audience and receive "like" and thanks. Congratulations MJFAM! MEDIA taught you well! The Michael Jackson Estate committed incommensurable failures, regarding the fans and the correct legacy preservation. This is no news and we still have to deal and be vocal on these subjects. But give audience to Robson supporters, in order have a good occasion to talk against Branca & Co, mean we really touched the bottom of the stupidity. Congratulation! After six years these auto-proclaimed bloggers “MJ legacy” specialists, choose to promote a bunch of morons (politely called haters) that put online a series of t-shirts to support their foolish purpose. This is a minor and substantially an invisible event and stir up other fans souls, evidencing it its silly itself. If added to the fact that in this case the Estate cannot have a word on it, it’s becoming an incitement to ignorance and harmful disinformation. Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe the issue is, YES disgusting and openly defaming, but also a “déjà vu”? Just for the way these products were conceived? You do not have to be a genius or a patent lawyer to look at them and notice that are NOT legally prosecutable! The T-shirts are not directly related to MJ. There is not his image on it, either a sentence of one of his songs or name ...nothing... "The legacy of MJ" it’s not a registered trademark… They were just very clever to just use “MJ” instead of the full name. .

Michael's death. In part, the letter from John Branca and John McClain asks Channel 5 to show good taste and common decency by canceling Tuesday’s planned airing of Autopsy: Michael Jackson’s Last Hours. The letter also states: "Despite Channel 5’s cynical and disingenuous promotions claiming Autopsy 'separates fact from fiction,' it

.. Do you remember what happened with the autopsy documentary? “Message from The Estate of Michael Jackson: Although it is not possible for the Estate to bring legal action to stop the broadcast of the program about the autopsy performed on Michael, the Executors want Michael's fans to know that letters have been sent to the broadcaster and station owner expressing the Estate's disgust at those who heartlessly work to profit from the most banal, salacious details of 82

is nothing more than another sleazy tabloid program exploiting Michael’s tragic and untimely death....Separating 'fact from fiction,' the Michael Jackson his friends and family knew was a loving father, a global entertainment icon and humanitarian devoted to making the world better. His children do not deserve to see their father’s death callously exploited out of greed because a new TV series desperately wants to attract viewers." The Executors share the fans hope that Channel 5 show the good judgment to cancel the broadcast of this distasteful program.”

And why they could not bring legal action and stop the program?

Because the Estate control the rights on Michael original music, image and intellectual property, and in making the documentary the producers did not made any infringement of the above items. No MJ music, image and or Intellectual Properties. The documentary grounded on what surfaced during the trial, through the media articles, through testimonies of the well known “sources that do not want to be mention”. Michael is a public figure and these are opinions and innuendos...dirty and defamatory but still not legally prosecutable. Sadly there is not copyright infringement for gossip and US has no law protecting the dead to be defamed, so there is no legal ground for the Estate to stop these kinds of actions. In fact, as I expected, the fans who wrote to the Estate and reported the issue, received the following answer: “Several people have brought this shirt to the Estate's attention. While we agree with you that it is abhorrent and distasteful, general initials are not protectable by trademark. Only specific fonts and designs of the 83

initials can be protected, and the people behind this t-shirt are not using the fonts or designs that Michael used. Unfortunately, there is nothing that the Estate can do. Respectfully, Alicia MJOnline The Official Online Team of the Michael Jackson Estate” The Estate spends a lot of money and efforts in order to protect Michael Jackson’s intellectual property. One of the last was related to a Chinese enterprise which broke the law when it registered the "Michael Jackson" trademark in China.

methodologies which could be employed to develop an acceptable overall estimate.” This $200 billion figure does not include counterfeit and pirated products that are produced and consumed domestically, nor does it include the significant volume of pirated digital products distributed via the Internet. The OECD draft report also explains that the scope of products being counterfeited and pirated is expanding, making a shift from luxury goods to common products. Given the notoriously low quality of counterfeit products there is a growing health and safety risk associated with substandard counterfeit products.

As you can read in the article that even if Triumph International, Inc., which is the wholly-owned merchandise licensing company of the Estate and relevant official holder of the trademark, their claim was rejected in first instance due to different regulations in China. And we are talking about a Chinese company which produced and sold several products including cleansing foam using Michael images and likeness in their promotions.

This fact should give you a clear idea of how copyright law is not an opinion but a very complicated matter to be managed worldwide. Companies in order to protect their brands need representative legal firms in each country to deal with an infringements. The regulations are articulates and different not only country by country but even by county and town and we do not have a worldwide trademark registration. So if your product has a registered trademark in US, do not prevent that someone in France go and register the same trademark to their local copyright office. Once you become aware that someone is using your property, you have the right to sue him.

The IACC claims: Counterfeiting costs U.S. businesses $200 billion to $250 billion annually. Counterfeit merchandise is directly responsible for the loss of more than 750,000 American jobs. Since 1982, the global trade in illegitimate goods has increased from $5.5 billion to approximately $600 billion annually. Approximately 5%-7% of the world trade is in counterfeit goods.

Generally American businesses counterfeiting costs are estimated $200 billion a year as per the economic indicator of the New York Time.

U.S. companies suffer $9 billion in trade losses due to international copyright piracy.

As explained by the Organization for Economic CoOperation and Development in a draft report: “The overall degree to which products are being counterfeited and pirated is unknown and there do not appear to be any

I do understand very well the community feeling because I feel the same: the T-shirts are advertised on sites and blogs accusing Michael of being a child molester but still


Counterfeiting poses a threat to global health and safety.

its defamation and in US there are not laws that allow suing people defaming the dead. If there was a law like the one Cadeflaw try to propose I do believe the Estate would have apply to it and these T-shirts would not even touch the market.

avoiding to waste time & energy in something that is not possible to achieve. Honestly I'm really tired to lose my time in lost causes and also tired to see bloggers stir up bad mood & misery between fans. Many people ignore how legal stuffs work and feed them with these kinds of posts, highlighting disgusting and offensive initiatives that cannot be stopped; it's a sort of misleading the whole situation. In my opinion the only real force we have as fans, is concerning the quality of MJ legacy products. All the rest are speculations, as well as the media do. Sending around posts with no legal basis does not help the community.

But it seem that there’s something fans do not get, maybe it’s just more easy to put a “like” and a short post to agree with it, to think your conscience is clear…too much effort to read what Cadeflaw is about and put a signature on the

I really hope, just for a change, to see fans ignoring this issue and totally avoid the copy/paste/ share ritual. Fans should go back to be fans and criticize the Estate for the low quality of their products or the bad choices’ on licensing MJ music for ex. (Bad as soundtrack of the angry bird for ex)

petition. Writing posts as “The Estate’s fully aware of this and they do NOTHING to stop it.” Or “Because if they are able to deionized MJ, the MJ image is less valuable and so they can pay less tax” it does not help anybody and it’s a shame as it’s evidencing the lack of IQ. I do understand that seeing MJ tainted all around and slandered hurt but being and acting ignorant will not clear Michael's name. Thus, any opinions about “the issue of intellectual property” and any generalizations about this supposed category are almost surely foolish. If you think all those laws are one issue, you will tend to choose your opinions from a selection of sweeping overgeneralizations, none of which is any good.

However I think that after this, nothing's going to surprise me anymore in the MJ world.

MJ’s legacy is going very well because MJ himself cared during all his life and fans love contribute to celebrate him; but anyone who thinks that we are the savior of his legacy is a delusional l i v i n g outside from that of objective reality. After six years we should be use to duly separate what is our feeling and opinion, from what actually can be done, 85

Michael’s Dangerous Girls Association - Italy Calendar Initiative to Benefit 11 year old Leonardo 86

Another calendar that speaks of MJ as humanitarian is the initiative of the Michael Dangerous Girl Association to help Leonardo, 11 years old, fighting since April 9, 2015 a brave battle against a disease known as with Ewing's sarcoma. Ewing's sarcoma is a cancerous (malignant) tumor that usually begins growing in a bone. It occurs primarily in children and young adults, often appearing during the teen years.Although Ewing's sarcoma can develop in any bone, it usually affects the long bones, such as the thighbone (femur), shinbone (tibia), and upper arm bone (humerus). The bones of the pelvis are also often affected. Occasionally, the tumor begins in the muscles and soft tissues (this is called extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma).Ewing's sarcoma can spread (metastasize) to other


parts of the body, such as the lungs, bone marrow, and other soft tissues. When compared with other cancers, malignant bone tumors like Ewing's sarcoma are rare. Of these rare tumors, Ewing's sarcoma is the second most common in children and young adults. According to data on children younger than 15 years old, approximately 1.7 children out of a million develop the disease. Recently, doctors have defined the disease to include four types of cancer, referred to as the Ewing's Family of Tumor (EFT). This includes the Ewing's sarcoma of bone, the Ewing's sarcoma of soft tissue, primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) which may occur in both bone and soft tissue, and Askin's tumor, a PNET that occurs in the bones of the chest. The treatments are long and painful for the young patients and families, which often have to leave their jobs to take care of their children, as has happened to the parents of little Leo.

Every child should have the right to be happy, carefree and spend their free time playing and for this reason we wish a fully recovery to Leo and come back soon and happy with his friends to play and have fun.

There have been several initiatives to help this family and The Michael Dangerous girls as association, together with you, wish to bring solidarity. 88

The calendar shows us a Rock version of Michael. It contains Michael Jackson collaborations with some musicians who have made music history, combining their magical talents to the magic of the music . "ROCKING WITH MICHAEL" is the 2016 calendar that the association Michael's Dangerous Girls will bring into our homes spreading so much energy and determination. Actually it would be like if the calendar pictures were as notes of a unifying melody, uniting all of us to pursue a single purpose: give to those that are the less fortunate! Even if not able to sing like him the Michael Dangerous girls are very aware of his soul, all toward solidarity and they act as HIM!


Anything beautiful life gives us is a huge gift, life itself is a gift to be defended and first of all (especially when thinking of the ones who suffer) children life. This is the reason why all the proceeds of the calendar, will go the little Leonardo and his family. Link di riferimento: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1498976200392985/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/151335894995522/ http://michaeldanggirls.wix.com/michaeldanggirls

Rockng the night with Michael, and event supporting Leonardo andhis family will be held in Roma at Locanda ATLANTIDE on December 7, The proceeds of the evening after expenses, will be donated to the family of Leonardo Di Ceglie, a 11 year old boy suffering from a rare form of bone cancer known as Ewing's sarcoma. 90

Special Tributes

Michael Jackson - People Of The World


Michael Jackson - People Of The World June 25th 2015 Tribute

Video Credit: Al Vent 92

Psalm 34:18

(ESV)…….The Lord is near to the

brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

DaVea L. Smith'

Susanne Mjj 93


I stopped by Susanne Mjj’s page on November 8th to wish her a happy birthday. Her birthday was actually on Saturday, November 7th. I was saddened to find a couple of posts informing us that she had passed away sometimes in late 2014. It saddens me even moreso that many of us did not know she had passed (there are not many posts offering condolences). Perhaps it would have been a comfort to her family to know that she was loved in the MJ Community. I offer my heartfelt condolence and apologies for not giving this sad occasion the attention it so rightfully deserved. Thank you “TeeCee” for dedicating this video in memory of Susanne. May she rest in God’s eternal peace. TeeCee popping in Spain

One of her other MJ friends, Suparna Goswami, left this post on Susanne’s Facebook page on January 7th of this year. Dear MJ family, I have been advised by Susanne Mjj's daughter that Susanne is no more. Hurt that I am by this sad and sudden news, I offer my heart felt condolences to her family. Will miss you dear Susanne Mjj. May God bless your soul. With Love. R.I.P

DaVea L. Smith' Photo of DaVea L. Smith, 3, was killed Tuesday in Gary. (Courtes of Diana Hobbs)

Three year old DaVea L. Smith' from Gary, IN was killed after running into traffic on Tuesday, November 3rd. DaVea was a student at the Bethune Early Childhood Development Center in Gary. A memorial sits on the north side of Gary's 5th Avenue where 3-year-old DaVea Smith was struck and killed after she darted into traffic Tuesday. (Carole Carlson / Post-Tribune

WRGO magazine offer our condolences to the family of little DaVea. We know that she will be missed but will forever remain in their hearts. Article can be read in it’s entirety here.




AllForLove Blog DEATH OF ARNOLD KLEIN LEAVES YET ANOTHER GAPING HOLE IN THE MJ SAGA http://www.allforloveblog.com/?p=10211

Michael and the Truth Next Generation Jacksons/Browns Part 4 http://michaelandthetruth.blogspot.com/2015/11/next-generationjacksonsbrowns-part-4.html

Michael Jackson Beat About The Blogger http://www.michaeljacksonbeat.blogspot.com/p/about-me.html



Petitioning the U.S. Senate to author a bill that would make it unlawful to defame a person who is deceased. Slander and libel are not protected under the First Amendment while a person is living. The same protection should be extended to a person after they are deceased. The loved ones of someone who has passed on should not have to live with the continued defamatory stories and false accusations that can so easily be paraded as fact.


Dispelling Myths & Rumors Charles Thomson Conjuring a Chorus of Boos; The Truth About Michael Jackson's UK Comeback


https://vindicatemj.wordpress.com/ 98

WRGO MAGAZINE WATCHMAN Untimely or Perfectly Timed I’m writing two days before Halloween, which means you can’t swing a black cat without hearing or seeing the Thriller video. My favorite spooky Michael Jackson video is Ghost. It’s my favorite video for so many reasons, many of which we talked about in Watchman column “Dancing with the Past.” While watching it again last week, I had a revelation: Michael Jackson knew he was going to die, knew he would die soon and he wanted us to know that he knew. This brings up the big pink elephant question among superfans: was Michael Jackson’s death untimely or perfectly timed? Ask one hundred people and you’ll likely get a hundred theories about what happened that fateful day in June. Some believe he was murdered by the Powers That Be in the music industry. Some believe it was the medical ineptitude of Dr. Conrad Murray. Others say Michael Jackson himself administered the fatal dose of Propofol. In the “Ghost” video, the leader of the lynch mob (played by Michael Jackson) pressures the creepy, castle-dwelling Michael Jackson to leave their “nice” neighborhood. Michael Jackson asks the rest of the indecisive mob, “Do you want to see me go?” Subjugating himself to the will of the people, Michael Jackson bangs his head against the floor until his head cracks open. With every bang, a little more of his face falls off until he shatters completely, eventually turning to dust and blowing away. As life imitates art, he did leave us, but not before putting on the greatest show on Earth. I believe that, in the end, Michael Jackson had grown tired. Despite seeming to be a man clinging to eternal childhood, he was a 50 year old divorced father of three saddled with mounting debts and a crippling addiction. Although appearing to exist in a Peter Pan world of tree houses and mannequin companions, he was no fool. Music had moved on and Michael Jackson was fast becoming a relic. As for the signs, they were there; we just chose to ignore them. For crying out loud, the Blood on the Dance Floor album had a song called “Morphine” on it. In hindsight, “Morphine” was neither a perfectly crafted pop song nor a socially conscious anthem. That song was like superficial cuts on the wrist of a teenage girl-a cry for help. I also think that sadness masked anger. He bowed out gracefully, but not before showing us a bit of ourselves. There was much conversation and questions about the change in his appearance and whether he actually fathered his children, but didn’t those things keep his name on everybody's lips? In fact, one point in the video, the mob leader turned into a grotesque monster and Michael Jackson literally held the mirror up to him and asked “Who’s the freak now?” Michael Jackson was never meant to live forever and we might never know if his life was deliberately shortened. What we do know is that we were given fifty good years and countless hours of incredible music. That, my friends, isn’t untimely. It’s timeless.

~The Watchman~




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If you have a story, photos you’ve created, an advocacy or vindication project, a human interest story, children’s project, legacy project, special video, a book, artwork or you may be a support group; we will be delighted to promote you or your group in this new fan based magazine. Our goal is to support the Michael Jackson fan community by sharing your journey with Michael before and after June 25, 2009. We are very interested in your creations and reading about your journey with Michael. Your story may be that prescription that encourages beginners to move forward with the gift that they have been holding onto out of trepidation to share. What you have to offer is important to us. We consider no person or project to be mediocre. You are important to us. If you wish for anonymity, we will honor that request. Many of the fans have been bullied and aren’t comfortable sharing for fear of being ridiculed. We’re happy to report that the community has more Love than Hate. Let us promote you or your project in “What’s REALLY Going ON” magazine.

Time for your Light to Shine It’s all for L.O.V.E. Send Submissions to: whatsreallygoingonmagazine@yahoo.com


WRGO MAGAZINE DISCLAIMERS Disclaimers: This is a Not for profit magazine and was created to share, with the world, the beautiful people and projects inspired by Michael Jackson. This magazine can be read online or a hard copy issue may be purchased via the online hosting website owners. The cost of printing, perfect binding and shipping cost will be determined by the price list of the host magazine owner(s). Many of the photos and graphic images are not the property of “What’s REALLY Going ON” magazine and were obtained from different sites on the web. We claim only ownership of the name, logo and wherever content is not credited to another source. The Jackson family or the Michael Jackson Estate Managers are engaged in or have anything to do with this magazine. This is solely a fan magazine. The content in the magazine is the opinion of the blogger or person(s) submitting and is not intended to “malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.” Our “intention” is to do no harm. To not injure others, defame, or libel. What is written in this magazine is not to be taken as fact nor absolute. Where information is taken from another site a “link” will be provided redirecting the reader to that site. It is not our “intent” to violate any copyright that belong to someone else. If we have knowledge of the origin of information or if it is copyright protected that information will be provided. Again, This magazine was created to support the Michael Jackson Community endeavors and to share with the community and the world the gift he had and still have for connecting people, globally. Disclaimer of Endorsement The inclusion in this Magazine of advertising, logos or Web site links, or reference to any products, process, service, trade name, trademark, or manufacturer, is not an endorsement by "What's Really Going On?" Magazine of any such advertisers, links, entities, products, services, names or marks. External links are made available to assist the Internet user in his or her search. WRGO has not screened individual links or organizations that appear in this magazine or that may be electronically linked to the magazine. WGRO strongly urges all users of this site to conduct their own investigation of any individual, organization, product or service appearing in the magazine or that is electronically linked to the magazine. WGRO neither endorses links nor approves of links external to this magazine. WGRO has no control over and takes no responsibility for any such link's operation or content.



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Michael Jackson: Innocent 28 February 2005

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By: D. Francis #1 in Books Biographies & Memoirs ( J ) Jackson, Michael Amazon USA 28, 29 May, 23 June + 2, 7 July 2013 (also an International Bestseller on Amazon) Hailed as the criminal trial of the century. Two years of speculation in the media. Wall to wall media coverage from 2003 to 2005, 2000+ accredited journalists, yet the defense case was invisible. The public were bombarded with salacious prosecution focused media commentary.

CONTACT INFORMATION Email: liss.silverwing@gmail.com http://lisssilverwing.tictail.com/products https://www.facebook.com/pendantparadise

On 13 June 2005 Michael Jackson was acquitted of 10 felony charges and 4 misdemeanors. Those disgruntled in the media, labelled the acquittal celebrity justice. If you want to find out the truth, start reading this book. This is a unique book looking at the trial testimony. It provides an indepth look at the trial from the first day. It offers the reader an insight into the case that was not provided by the media coverage in 2005. This mini series shines a light on the defence case, and the trial testimony.

28 February 2005 was the first trial day.

Michael Jackson Innocent WordPress










The Dancer (U Got the music in U) [feat. L-Marie] By: Rob Ra


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ATTRIBUTIONS Front & Back Cover Background: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dZj3o3XQhvs/TpLC89IUrsI/AAAAAAAAAY8/WKYP_fk8rxs/s1600/ thanksgiving-wallpaper-2.jpg Birthday Quote: http://www.wishesquotes.com/birthday/birthday-wishes Godaiking’s Gallery: http://godaiking.deviantart.com/gallery/ Carschten


Rare photo of Janet Jackson: http://latestnewslink.com/2014/11/janet-jackson-makes-rare-public-appearance-in-dubai/ Michael and Cascio Family: http://files.truemichaeljackson.webnode.cz/200000234-c5154c60fc/cascio-family.jpg

Open Door Skidrow Ministry: https://www.facebook.com/Open-Door-Skidrow-Ministrys-7th-Year-Anniversary-1073997785958561/?fref=ts Ministry PayPal Site: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=f6TcA0wpMMEqToVZdiKsqccnXcA2A7XJYZnk2nv7snKc4JbcTql9YN2P8&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d64ad11bbf4d2a5a1a0d303a50933f9b2 Photo of newspaper stack: http://www.epmg360.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/14716stack_of_newspapers_320.png Michael Jackson: Before He Was King: http://www.amazon.com/Michael-Jackson-Before-Was-King/dp/0811875067 MJ: The Genius of Michael Jackson: http://www.amazon.com/MJ-The-Genius-Michael-Jackson/dp/1476730377 French Fans Remembers Her Time Onstage With Michael Jackson: http://www.elusiveshadow.com/temoignages/1970-une-fanfrancaise-raconte-la-soiree-ou-elle-est-montee-sur-scene-avec-michael-jackson Ila Paliwar’s Background Photo: https://www.facebook.com/ilapaliwalmusic/photos/ a.1545317402364710.1073741827.1545314492365001/1556966271199823/?type=3&theater Matthew Harrison’s: http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=123898&page=1 Alfred Liggins, III http://www.blackentrepreneurprofile.com/profile-full/article/alfred-c-liggins-iii/ Radio One: http://home.radio-one.com/about-us/who-we-are/ Trent Reznor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trent_Reznor Accomplishment/Quincy Jones: http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/entertainment/music-news-reviews/article45320349.html Moziah Bridges: http://mosbowsmemphis.com/ DaVea L. Smith: http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/post-tribune/news/ct-ptb-toddler-killed-in-gary-st-1105-20151104story.html Meaning of Thanksgiving: http://www.allabouthistory.org/meaning-of-thanksgiving.htm (Copyright © 2002 - 2015 AllAboutHistory.org, All Rights Reserved. )

Rico Jay to America: https://www.facebook.com/ricojaytoamerica/timeline Charlie Thomson Blogspot: http://charlesthomsonjournalist.blogspot.com/ Poetry from Archangelmichael site: https://archangelmichael777.wordpress.com/2015/01/12/sweet-bird-my-soul-michael-jacksonancient-egyptian-love-ode-poem-official-twinflame-soul-teachings-and-information/ DALEY PLAZA HOLIDAY HOUSE MUSIC /EDM LUNCH WORKOUT JAM : https://www.facebook.com/events/417573548447156/ 105

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. ~Tom Krause~ 106

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